THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1815. 10 BRITISH STEAMSHIP : BECKENHAM IS HERE FOR CARGO 0 F GRAIN - Vessel Is Expected to Be . , . Ready to Load Wheat by . Next Wednesday, . 'FRENCH BARK IS LOADED TUnoh Buk Xt Pillar Is Also Being ' LodA at MttM7 Sock) Nivtjo ' Bna Monday Sight. Swelling the grain tonnage In rfort ' tha British itcamer Beckenham, Cap tain Gow, reached the river at 8 o'clock 'this morning. .17 days from Cristobal, to. load wheat for M. H. Houaer. Although she reached the Columbia i today announcement of her charter to ' Mr. Houser was made but two weeks ago. The Beckenham left Philadelphia ''". July 31, Norfolk August 3 and Colon r .August 13. She will berth at Irving dock und it : is expected she will be ready to load .. wheat for the west coast by Wednes- day. The British bark Klllarney. also , under charter to M. II. Houser, is dis- . charging her ballast at Linnton. The French bark Noeml, laden with grain for Sydney for Balfour, Guthrie . A Co., was pulled into the stream by r the gteamer Bhaver this morning, but no tltne haa been set for her depar " tur. Of the other grain ships In port the French bark Duplelx Is discharging -.ballast at the dock of the North x'a Ciflc Lumber tompany and the French I, bark Le PJlier Is being loaded at Mer- I sey dock Bringing GOO tons of New York freight, the eteafner, Navajo. under Charter to W. It. Grace & Co., left San ;.. Francisco for Portland at 3 o'olock this morning. She is due to reach the local harbor Monday night. Another steamer arrived for Mr. ; Houser early this afternoon in the Nor wegian steamer Ktrinda, 21 days from Nagasaki. The Strinda will go on the Oregon drydock for cleaning and scrap-'i'.-ing after reaching the local harbor. She l' J taken to load wheat for the United - Kingdom at 92 shillings sixpence. "PASSEXGERH VIEW REGATTA Beaver to Be in Astoria During Marine Sports. Passengers on the Big Three" liner Beaver, which left down shortly after t o'clock this morning- for San Fran Cisco, were rejoicing that they were to see part of the Astoria regatta dur ing the steamer's layover of an hour or so at that port. . The Heaver carried 320 passengers and 2300 tons of freight. Among her passengers were F. T. Hyskell, Port land advertising man; Aaron Harris, assistant secretary of the Elks; Mrs. H. T. Groves, wife of the, superintend ent of dredges for the Port of Port land commission; her daughter-in-law, Mrs. D. Ro Groves, and the latter's parents, JiOond Mrs. Dwyer of Al bany; Mrs. F. E. Brown, a sister of William Burke of the Postal Tele graph company; Miss M. Dunn, Mrs. M. A. Elckler and Carl I'rehn, engineer of the Portland harbor patrol. Somewhat delayed in coming up the Coast, tho steamer Rose City- will reach Ainsworth dock about S o'clock tonight. She brings 2oo passengers and a light cargo. t TO HE SKXT FOR NITRATES Eureka to Make Extra Voyage Down the West Coast. In order to spread the time between the sailings of the steamem Kureka and Tampico, of the Orecon-Callfornia Shipping company, the Eureka will lie gent to the west coast for nitrates 'after disrhargina; her cargo here, ac-, cording to an ennounr-pinerit by Man- i ager 11. M. Wllllama this morning. I Tho fltpfimpr T.imnlcn M:iiloi frnm ! rk,n,t..iv,i n'.o . roimim.u x-oriiana oy way or me latmma canal yesterday afternoon at 4:35 o'clock, loaded to her Plimsoll line. She will ..t bring 600 tona of New York and Phila delphia freight to Portland. It Is expected that the Kureka will . reach Philadelphia Tuesday, ami ahe will depart from that port for this coast about September 10. The Tampico will (llscharse her cargo at municipal dock No. 1 end will - proceed to Wauna to load lumher for Sudden & Christensen after dlscharg- lltg. It is expected she will reach I Portland by October 2. ALL ALONG THK WATKRFROXT ' "Bar buoy No. 5, Tearock Rpit. ha J been reported! missing to ftohert War . ; rack, inspector for this liKlithouse dl ,', trict. It will be replaced as soon a , 1 .possible. Mr. Warrack was hack at s his desk this morning after a week's ' vacation at the beach. . Mra. C. E. Shaver, niece of Captain J. W. Shaver of the Shaver Trans v portatlon company, was a passenser on the steamer Beaver for yau Kriui- Cisco this morning. ' . The McCormick steamer Kiamath was) shifted to Rainier to load lumber ' last ni(fht. James S. Folhemus, assistant en . glneer In the United states engineer office for the first Oregon district, re- turned this morning from a vacation spent at "Newport, s After discharging her cargo of 400 i; tons of Rsphaltum, 100 tons of canned ; goods and merchandise at Couch street dock, the McCormick steamer Multno mah will load 600,000 feet of mining timbers and 400,000 feet of Oregon - - pine for San Pedro. The Klamath of ' the same fleet will take 1,000.000 feet to San re3ro. leaving tomorrow with .' good passenger list. x . : The salmon ship Berlin, Captain Lo- rentxen, has entered at the customs '., house with 40,117 cases of salmon in i one pound cans, valued at $220,643.60, and 2646 cases containing half pound cans, valued at $10,848.60. The Berlin . reached' port early yesterday morning afld was brought inside by the Port of Portland tug Oneonta. -The St. -' Nicholas, operated by the Columhia River Packers' association of Astoria, : was picked up outside at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, leaving one mora Columbia river salmon ship, the Reuce, ' to be heard from. Change in Masters. - Serf Francisco, Sept 4. Captair Fred M. Johhson has replaced Haxry O. Clark aa master of the steamer Cleone, Plan New Government Tng. - Plana hava been authorised for a pev -government tug for use by the 1 second Oregon engineering district. It is tha Intention of tha government to use the proposed vessel for general work and to retire the tug Arago from service as she is old and not powerful enough for the work required. The George H. Mondell will supplant the Arago when the new tug is built. Lumber Carriers , Taken. San Francisco, Sept. 4. The follow ing charters are reported: Bark Albert, to carry lumber from the Columbia river to Sydney at 90 shillings, by J. W, Vance & Co.; the schooner C. A. Thayer, to carry lum ber from Grays Harbor to Newcastle, by American Trading company. General Sibert I Coming. Brigadier General William L. filbert, commanding the Pacific coast artillery district, will reach Portland Tuesday to visit the fortifications of the Co lumbia. He will be taken to Fort Can by on the government tug George H. Mendell by Colonel Potter and Major Jewett, corps of engineers. NEWS OF THE PORT Arrival Septambar 4. Strlndn. Norwegian strainer. Captain bovdal, from Naicaaaki to loud grain, M. II. Houser. Fto. Lit, American Maimer. Captain Ran kin, paa'eneera and freight frnnj Ran Pedro and Ran KTaucliico. M. V. A P. 8. S. Co. ile kenrmm. Iirltlun steamer. Captain Gow, from balboa to load grain, M. H. H'umer. Kt. Nlrholaa, American alilp. Captain Fry, a I Dion from Nufbagak. Culumbta Hirer Pack era ainoilatlon. Departure! September 4. Northern Pacific. American wteaoier. Cap Kin Hunter, pa--ng-ra and freight for San Kralicloco, G. N. 1'. 8. S. Co. W. K. Herrin. American steamer. Captain Kngalla, In water ballast for 8a n Francisco. Associated Oil company. Oroya Harbor. American "teamer. Captain Johnson, lumber for Kan Pedro, Loop Lumber conipanjf. Deafer, American ateanter, Captain Mason, peaaetigera and freight for San Francisco and Sau Pedro. 8. F. ft I'. H. H. Co. Marine Almanac. Weather at River's Mouth. North Head, Spt. 4 Condition at the mouth of the river at H a. ni. : y.irt cloudy ; wind north. IS mllex; sea rough. Bun and Tides September 5. But rises, 3:37 a. til. Sun Beta. 6:42 p. m. Tides at Astoria. High water. Low water. 10:40 a. m.. II. 4 feet. 4:2s a. tu.. OH foot 10:utt p. m., 7.9 feet. 4:2tl p. ui.. a. 7 feet. Daily Kiver Headings. e STATIONS Si ii e I.wlatoa liuatllla Albany .. Salem ... Portland 24 I 0 27,1 1 O.rt i i i. a in I 4.:t I) 0.1 0 0 o.i 0.00 U.IIO 0.00 O.IIO O.OO River Forecast. The Willamette river at Portland will re main nearly stationary for the next few day. Steamships to Arrive. PASSENGERS AND FBEIGUT Name Roanoke Great Northern.. Kreakwater Hear Santa Clara F. A. Ktltiiirn. . . . From Date .8. P. and way... Sept. 5 S. F Sept. & . Coos Bay Sept. fl. . F Sept. I) .8. F. and way... Sept. D . 8. ., C. B. at E. . Sept. 11 .8. D. a ltd wav ..Sent 1-2 Geo. W. Elder Northern lieuver Pacific. . . 8. F Sept. 13 . s. 1'. and way... Sept. 14 . 8. P. and way . . .Sept. 19 ttoee City. j Steamers Due to Depart. PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. Name Klamath Multnomah Great Northern. . . ltoauoke Northern Pacific. Santa Clara r Date S. IJ Sept. 3 " i'pt. S- ' Sen. 8. D. and way.. Sept. F Sept. 6 7 H U u a Iloe city. . 0. r ,, D,., u. J3...webt. P. and L. A. . . Sent. Ureakweter (k hay Sent n K. A. Kllburn C. B. and S. F...Sept. 12 Bear S. i". unil way.. .Sept. 14 (Jeo. V. Elder 8. 1). and way.. Sept 1f iievtr S. p. and way... Sept. lfl Steauiem leaving Portland for San Kraucl-co only connei t nltb the Ktemners Yaie and Har vard leaving San 1 ranclaco Monday, Wednes day, Friday and Saturday for Los Angelea and Mill Diego. Vessels in Port. Name tiolden State, Am l.e filler, Fr. bk Berth Knappton I Meraey Stream Linnton N. P. Lbr. -Goble Municipal No. 1 Astui la VMorla seh Noeiul, Fr. bk Klllnrne. Br. bk Duplelx, Fr. bk Akutan. Atn. str Ievl (i. Burgess, Am. bk AlhHiiy, I . 8. rrulKer Si nth Dakota. U. S. orulser. Klamath. Am. str MultnotuHh. Am. Mr W. s. porter. Atn. tr liatuler C'KK'L I.lhntoti ..Munlclpnl No. 1 Bound no stor!a Bound uu Berlin. Am. nhip l!oe cut. Am. str. . . . St. Mchdlne. Am. .-hip. Hcckeiiloim. I',r. Ktr..., At NolKhhoring Ports. I Astoria, dr.. Si t. 4 . -Sn ilor) t for Snn I'prlrfi Sl.unor YVa;ain s . m . via San rannn.'o; at 0 11? ni. --stpatnm- V. A. Kilhiirn fnr San Krau, isr.i. via way iK.r! ArilTed at and left un 11 1 a. m. British steitner Ke kvnliim', fnun H illK.a. Arrived at 12 4j p. 111. -StHsnier IChm-, fity. Iron, San Pedro via San Kranclsco. Taln.mli. Spj.i. 4 -Passed at P:30 a m SclMM.iiA- Mahrl llalr. ' fioui Sydney for Se attle. Astoria. Sept. 8. Sailed at 11 s. m.steam er Alias, for San Krimiisi-i). Arrived at 1 -lO y. m. -Steamer Northern Parifie from San rrauolm-o. Sailed at 1 p. in. Steamer W K. Herrln. for Snn Kranclseo; a' a -.W n 111 -Slsainer Grays Harbor, fur San Pedro' -rhed nl 8 p. 111. -Ship St. Nicholas' from MiahagftR. f.nrekn. Snt . " Siili-d Steumer Santa i i.tru. Horn I'oriland Mini t 1 r r:indsi'ii. 00s liny, for San ; S"iii:p Seif. :i Sailed -Steamer Ohioan. - iii'jj, (iiiuuii in, .ew I i.)ra. Tut way ports. I i", Krinrlsrn, ( :il . Sent Ar me., Miiern an sisnn r Nnshazah Brl i"l li..y. P1.1 n. in.: Great N.rther.,. As toria. .1 p. in.: f-entralia. Kui-eka. 4 1.", p n- Miiri..i,.. Kureka. 4 :'.'o ,.. m.: Si. Heleni' larmiia. , p. in.; French Urk Jtnartiakl. New-fai-tle, 11 :ui p. n,.: fleone. Mnttole Kil'u p.m. Salleil -American atcamers Ialsv' Tort land. 10 .. a. in.; Bear. San IVdro 11 20 a. 111.: SHiilimw. Portland. 11:20 p. m.- Mont erey, In low tnc NaTis-ntor. t'nreks 'l 30 n jn.; Admiral Schley. Seattle. 3::tt n m : M.vernor sHn l'edr.,. 4:2o p. i : San .faclnt.'.: y," '1',r'H,r- 4.2o ,. ni.; Dai.Mv fatnuni l orllnnd. ., p. , . : Krklne M. Phelps. INivt San I uls. 111 ion of luE Se, Borer. 5 p. m Hrllish ateamer nnnialon. Lonrlon. B:30 p m Ameriesr, sieamer Homer. Hueneme. 5:f0 p" 111.: JohHn I'ocl.en. Portland. IS p ni No.vo. lort BrKK. with bark J. M . (iffit'h Pedro. Id "Ni p ,u. Wan Frsncleco. Sept. 4 -ArrlYed-Britivh. steamer Pi in. " Alhcrt Miuii,,, ,i.ii.,i,, . An,..rl, i n atencrr Kvlrhak. Nakne'k. 2 a. m.i I j :HilrM. .Xlt.ion. :t a. ni.: Willamette San! JiT'eV JJ:.L.s"r.r,.!:.r."'. v"-. R ! ........ ... . i,L,no p a. ru.: Co one E. I.. Kruke. tmvluc hurto nr.. port Wells, n - llriuiau i( k. Port Hrjlfff I. a .... T- , pals, (.rays Harhor. K a. m. : Harvard. San I euro. 9 a. ru.; osemite. tjravs Harbor s. in.; Norwood. Shu Pedro, 10 a n, City of Topekn Kureka. 11 a. m. Sailed American strainer Navalo. Portland. 8 a. m u"-r,Laa Mai-shfield, Or.. Sept. 3. Arrived Steamer Hardy, .1 p. m.. Ban Francisco. Seattle. Wash.. Sept. 4. Arrived American ,rk, B'. n'nt" fli"n i'WKl'ing, thenco Anu- hI'.'S- "vviiV' "J;1" ' ": Barkefi tine S. t.. Wilder. hoKclmiS. tow tuu J M roliunu. 8:So a. in.: motor barge Wakena' b' t. ixrta. l.'.'O a. m.: Krltish steamer ' Prince Kupsrt. Prince Rupert. B. c.. Tia ports ui. Sailed -Auiericau gteainer (Viucress San tranclsco. 4:20 a. m.: Oorge XV. Fmwick Dupait. 4:4.1 a. m. : Krltlh steamer Prince Rupert. Prince Kuoert. B. c.. via ports. 9:aO. Seattle Sept. :i Arrived American steamer Northland. Sun Krsiiclsco, 9:45 p. m.; Alaskan New York. ls Sun Fruwfsoo, 1 :.t) p : PonBreiw. l acoma. 11 p. m. : ailln St. Kr'ancK fom Nnahafsk. Aucust 15. la tnw tae Prosper st noon: I . S. L. H. T. Mansanita. from crulss. 4:30 p. in. Sailed American steamer Jefferson. M. K. Alaska. II p. m.; Oh loan New jois. vis nsn i mnrinco. noon; Admiral Dewey. , " www. o i. ui. . aanaiiese steamer Hawaii Msni. Tacouis. 12 p. m. Kewara. Alaska. Sept. 3. Sailed Americas steamer AlHanc. southbound. 1 a. m. Vanewrer. B C. Sept. 4 Arrived Amer ican steamer Wsslitsnn, I'ort San Louis, t a. tn. Port Anreles. sept. 3. Sailed Americas steamer Hornet. San Frsneisco. Port Townsend. Sept. 4. Arrived American birkentinc Amiiuo, Melbourne, tbenre Julr 8. t 8 s. m. ; seuonoer Maid or Orleans, from Berlna sea. g:S0 a. m.: schooner Charles H. Wilson. Berlns; s. durlnr nljrht. Taeoma. s,Bt. 4. Arrived Hritlsh stesmsr Mscliaun. Vancouver, B. C, 9:30 a. m. Wher. writing or calling pleaae mentloa Tlx Journal. advertiser, Adt.) GREATEST NEED IS PREPAREDNESS FOR , LANE DECLARES Senator Speaking Before Jackson Club Says United States Helpless, LARGE ARMY IS OPPOSED Oregon Lawmaker Believes Mora Boys Should Be Trained In TJse of Arms Thaa at Present, However, Senator Harry Lane, in an informal talk before the Jackson club last night declared there was the greatest need for this nation to add to Its prepara tion for national defense, both In the way of increasing our naval forces and adding to the number of men who are trained for war. 'TV'S would be helpless If the con queror in the European war chose to attack us," he declared. "Wa could not even fepel the attack Of a little nation that was equipped with any kind of a fighting force. They could land on our ehores and exact tribute, or do anything else they wanted to." He said something must be done to strengthen the nation's defenses, and while he did not favor a large standing army he did facor having more of the young men of the country trained in the use of arms so they would be ready if a call should ever come for their services. He spoke of the possibilities of the European war, through the slaughter of so many of the strongest men in the white race, Ih reducing the military power of the white people with a cor responding increase in the military power of the Asiatic races, Frederick V. Holman made a talk on some of the reasons why he la a Democrat, dwelling upon the principle of the Democratic party in upholding, state's rights. He also spoke in favor of national defense. Mrs. Millie Ft. Trumbull, secretary of the child labor commission, spoke on child labor conditions. Der. Esther Pohl-Lovepoy presided. County Teachers' Institute Closed Discussions and Inspirational Talks Prore Highly Beneficial to Ttaot In Attendance. The Multnomah County Teachers' In stitute closed yesterday afternoon with a session In which teachers and echool officers discussed intimately their common problems. The idea of the dis cussions was to arrive more nearly at complete cooperation between teach ers and school officers. The three Elliotts, singers and harpists, were encored repeatedly. County Superin tendent Armstrong said that he felt that the institute was one of the best, from a standpoint of interest shown, that has ever been held in the county, the talks being of an inspirational nature and calculated to show the teachers how to bring the rural s-chools closer to the actual needs of the people. Hop Pickers Wanted. Albany, Or., Sept. 4. Although many laborers in this section complain that they are out qf work, local newspapers today printed an advertisement read ing, "Wanted More hop pickers." The yard is run by A. F. Luther In Benton county, less than two miles north of this city. Fifty cents a box is paid. Hind-Rolph Steamer Launched. San Jrancisco, Sept. 4. The 10,000 ton freight steamer built at the Union Iron works for Hlnd-P.olph & Co., will be launched today. The vessel will be christened the Annette Rolph. WAR SHORT STORIES TELL DELAYED NEWS Resume of the Events of Friday for Quick Digestion Eastern. Washington The first American sub marine base will be located at New London, Conn., and probably will be in operation soon. Kew York A perfect score of 12 hits in 12 shots at a moving target 12 feet square and between 5000 and 7000 yards distance was made with mortarg at Kort Totten. ZTeaw Tork The Standard Oil com pany of New Jersey has adopted an eight hour working schedule and it affects 25.000 workers. Denver C. V. Elliott, ex-adjutant of West Virginia, now a secret agent of the United Mine Workers, is being sought as a witness against certain militia officers in connection with the bloody coal strike. Missoula, Mont. Krnest B. Clark, assistant forest ranger, was mistaken for a bear and shot y a hunter. Denver, Colo. In a formal opinion transmitted to Governor ;eoi ge A. Carlson. Attorney General Fred Far rar held that the military court of in quiry, now in session, is authorized to imprison witnesses, civil or military, who refuse to answer questions. Charges against General John Chase and other officers of the Colorado na tional guard are being investigated. European War. jrrw Tork Not less than 1000 Chris tians were killed and about 4009 oth ers died of disease in Urumiah during five1 months of Turkish occupation, ac cording to a letter forwarded by a missionary to the Presbyterian board of foreign missions. Paris Under a hallucination that he was a deserter, Lieutenant Poncet of the French army committed suicide. Washington More than 500 Ameri can boys under 18 years have been discharged from the British army upon request frdm the state department. They enlisted In Canada by misrepre senting their ages. Home The pope atill bases his hope of peace in the United States and Wil son. V Pacific Coast. Loa ogele Gratefulness for hos pital care at many times and places in tha United States, Frank Dygert, 0 years old of Springfield, N. Y.. died and left property here "for all the people." San Francisco Ex-President Taft last night lighted the exposition mort gage and as soon as the paper burned the matter of debt waa history only. Tha ashes were carried into the skies by Aviator Nlles and scattered to the winds. Saa Francis 00 Major General Ar- Site for Perfumery Factory Is Offered Realty Board at aUetlaff Yesterday Heart Offer of Portland Han; Hon orary Mem'berihips to Be Extended. At a meeting of the Realty board held in the Chamber of Commerce dining room yesterday the question of fur nishing new industries with free fac tory sites came up for discussion. In this connection was announced by C. Lewis Mead that he was prepared to offer free east or west side sites to any responsible concern that would establish a plant for the manufacture of perfume from the famous Portland rose. It was suggested that the Realty board and Chamber of Commerce com municate this offer to manufacturers in toth Germany and France. Another feature of the meeting was the desire for closer relationship be tween the board and property owners and it was decided to extend honorary membership to 8. Benson and other lead ing citizens. BANDITS WRECK TRAIN, KILLING 200 TROOPS NEAR MEXICO CAPITAL Dynamite Destroys Train Just Ahead of One Carry ing 45 American Refugees Washington, Sept. 4. (I. N. S.) Mexican bandits wrecked a Carranzlsta troop train 10 miles east of Mexico City, killing 200 soldiers, according to a dispatch received at the state de partment from American Agent Silli rnan. Forty-five American refugees were aboard a train just behind that dyna mited by the bandits. The Americans arrived at Vera Cruz safely. Capture Bandits. Washington. Sept. 4. (I. N. S.) The capture of three Mexican bandits in the vieintly of San Benito by Cor poral Sword and five men from Troop A of the Twelfth cavalry was reported in a dispatch received here today from General Funston. One of the bandits was killed while trying to escape. The others were brought to Brownsville. Wanted "Dead or Alive." Brownsville, Texas, Sept. 4. (U. P.) Orders that they be taken "dead or alive" hang over the Mexican bandits who kidnapped and murdered two Americans near here Wednesday. The Mexicans surrounded in the brush near Fresno yesterday and thought to be the entire band of murderers proved to be only a small detachment. Search for the main body was resumed today by civilians and United States troopers. The first excitement caused by the murder of the Americans, Donaldson and Smith, has died out, but citizens along the border are systematically preparing to resist further invasion of American territory. Four Mexicans are reported to have been killed within the last 24 hours in skirmishes with deputies and troops. No casualties resulted yesterday from an attack on an American aeroplane by bandits on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, but there was a sharp ex change of shots when soldiers returned the fire directed against the American aircraft. More than 100 shots were fired at Lieutenants Morrow and Jones, who were in the aeroplane, but they landed safely on American soil uninjured. Shlni-o Maru Leaves Loaded. San Francisco, Sept. 4. Writh her holds Jammed to capacity with freight and with one of the largest lists of passengers that ever left this port for the orient, the Toyo Kisen Kaisha steamer Shlnyo Maru leaves here to day. Afternoon and Night Paragraphed by Journal Readers. thur Murray, commander of the west ern division of the army, communi cated with Mayor Rolph asking that the city take steps to extend the Union street municipal carline through the Presidio to Fort Winfield Scott as soon as possible. San Francisco Officers were elected by the International New Thought Al liance here as follows: James A. Ed gerton, Washington, D. t, president; Grace Wilson. San Francisco, secrtr tary; James S. Baird, Los Angeles, treasurer, and R. C. Douglas, Boston, auditor. Palo Alto, Cal. Stark-naked fresh men dashing past the Ka.ppa Kappa Uanima and Alpha Phi soroiity houses in the gray ciawn while co-eds watched was a result of the annual poster day rush yesterday between 30o Stanford students of the two lower classes, which today was said to have caused the university authorities to forbid the rush in the future. General. Chicago Inhabitants of Curacao Island in the Dutch Indies face starva tion through failure of the crops for four successive years. WaaMnyton Secretary ilcAdoo has appointed a committe of treasury of ficials to make recommendations that will make the department more effi cient and place it on an economical basis. Washington President Wilson and Secretary Daniels will confer next week on defense .problems. Washington The Forestry service has allotted 35 per cent of the forest reserve receipts for the past fiscal years to the various states. Under this allotment $49,675 goes to Oregon for schools and roads, $37,445 to Wash ington and $75,Sil for, Idaho. Paciflc Northwest. Fuyallup Third annual' booster trip for western Washington Ifalr will be held September :2. and 200 automobiles are expected to make the trip to Seat tle. Bosaborg By a vote of 210 to 190 the directors of the school districts of Douglas county decided to continue tbe present system of school super vision. Toppenisb The paid attendance at the Round-Up opening yesterday wus the largest in the history of the in stitution. afarsb field There is a rumor locally that the Souther Pacific company will establish its yards at North Bend, and that the, company is negotiating for part of the Simpson Lumber company holdings for a site. Ol7pia Governor LisUr is due home from a thj-ee-weka' trip m Cal 1 fornia and the east. l H. ECCLES PLANT AT BAKER DESTROYED; LUMBER YARD SAVED Will Rebuild at Once; Loss Is Between $50,000 and $60,000; Mo Insurance. WIND WAS JUST RIGHT rire Were started In Otber XTearby Tards, Bat Prompt Worn Is Effective. Baker, Or., Sept. 4 Fire destroyed the entire plant of the W. H. Eccles Lumber company early this morning. Loss Is -estimated at from $50,000 to 160,000. with no insurance. The lumber yards were threatened for a time, but the wind held in the right direction. The loss would have 'been tripled had the yards burned. beveral small fires broke out in the yards of the Baker White Pine Lum ber company several hundred yards away, but prompt action saved them. Planing mill, shipping sheds, dry kiln box factory and every other building except the office was burned. The plant win be rebuilt at once. Over 100 employes, possibly woods crews also, will be thrown out of work for months. Army-Navy Orders San Francisco, Sept. 4. (P. N. S.) Army orders : Following orders reokd: Directing Lln tenaut W. Kronen ton. 27tli infsntry, to sail tr Manila on trauajxirt scheduled to lesrs this port October 5; instead sails on transport Buford; effecting Major Robert Sims, quar urmaeter corjrs. under date of July JXi, snd granting him leave of absence, revoked. Army notes: Dr. Arthur H. Reinetrln of this rity ap pointed to medical reserve corps; Mentensnt Walter O. Boswell. 21 at Infantry. Vancouver Barracks. Wash., who has been in Georgia on sick leave, reached here and met his wife and two children, who were In tbe fife thit de stroyed General Pershing's home at Presidio a week ago; Mrs. Boswell escaped from tbe burning building by jumping from a second story window into tbe arms of a soldier, spraining her back; both her children were uninjured; Lieutenant Colonel Maury Nichols, 14th infantry, who has been tn ill health for some time. ..gain ordered before retiring board. Navy orders: Commander J. R. Bsdy. navy yard, Paget sound, to three months sick leave; Lieutenant Commsnder W. B. Wells, commsnd Celtic, to navy yard, Puget sound; Lieutenant C. 8. McWburter. New Orleani to Albany; Lieu tenant W. H. Lasslng. New Tork to Rhode Island: Lieutenant 1. B. Hodges. Navy yard. Washington to Mew York; Lieutenant C. M. Yates, command F-2, to waft orders; Lieuten ant H. W. Boynton, Albsuy to New Orleans; Lieutenant W. L. Llnd, Cheyenne, to wait orders; Lieutensut J. O. Hoffman, receiving ship New York io Kentucky; Lieutenant H. W. Hogford, Kaleigh to Naval academy; Lien tenant H. J. Abbott, St. Ionls to Rslelsh; Lieutenant C. t. Jersey. Kentucky to NsvalJ acaaemy; r.nsigu William ieisou. Vermont tu Neptune; Paymaster V. K. Perkins, Utah, to await orders; Lieutenant L. L. Ltudley, com mand Barry, to await orders; Lieutenant K. K. Lewis, Barutoga, to swslt orders; Lieu tenant 8. M. La Bounty, command CalUo. to commsnd Barry; Ensign H. B. Crsll, Paulos, to Saratoga; KnslEn Whitley Perkins. Monsd anock, to Oalveston; The Glacier will leave Mare Island yard September 15 for tbe west eosst of Mexico; upon arrlvsl of the four K class of submarines at Honolulu, the K boats and the V boats assigned to that station will be formed into the first submarine squadron, torpedo flotilla, Pacific fleet; tbe fan Diego, now at Mnre Island yard, ordered to Ssn Diego 10 relieve the Colorado as flagship of the Pacific fleet. Upon being relieved the Colorado will be assigned to tbe Pacific re serve fleet. NEW TODAY FOR SALE BBOAOWAT ADDITION New 7- room house and lot, 979 Tillamook s treet, opposite h ernwood school. Hard wood floors, sleeping porch, furnace. Marked down to $1000, but worth more. Only J 1 0 u 0 cash required. See owner. 701 Board of Trade Bidg. MEETING NOTICES 4 1 SL'SXYSIPE lodee. No. 1B3. A. K. and A. M. members notice All members of this lodge and their families, especially invited to attend the "Grotto Picnic" at Metzerer's Park. Or. Klec. Ry., Monday, Sept. 6th. Sports, prizes;, "Kangaroo Court." Get your tickets at Jeffer son st. sta-, or Acacia club. Good on all trains. Order of W. M. E. M. LANCE. Sec Vital Statistics marnages.Birtbs. Deaths. l SI N ESS ( A 111 )S W Smith Ki n Wedding and ' 1 ' " ' Ylsi'.i isi'.ing Cards Third floor Morgan bidg. WEDDING rings sold by weight. N. Solomon, Jeweler, 331 Mor. rlson, opp. Portland hotel. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co., 303 Stark st. MAItKIAGE LICENSES HIKTHS ASHLEY To Mr. and Mn. A. B. Aaliley, Maupin, Or., Augut 9; a ana. I.AkK To Mr. anO Mrs. Melvhi H. l.alje. KKi Bast Tenth atreet. Dtrth, Atifrnat 4; a ti. ZIN8KR To Mr. and Mr, lleury . Zinaer. 8J1 t'linton tr.t. Auitat ST."; a danahit-r. CHALKER To Mr. snd Mr. Mark E. 4bslk- er. 5107 East Flftj -niiitli strept. viutlieat. August 27; a son. Bt.'SUBY To Mr. and Mr. Oc.rfte T. Bush by, 592 East Muiu ktreet, Au-uat 28; a on. BLOCK To Mr. anrl Mra. Henrv Bkk. 573 Falling street. Auguxt 81; a jon. ADAMS To Mr. anil Sirs. C. Adams, 1111 Sherman atreet. Auguat -4; a mn. SOLOMON To Mr. .:mi M'ra. D.nilrl H. ol ciuon, louO Kaar Thirty-fifth atreet, oorth, Aiiguat 25: a daughter. 8W ANSON To ilr. and Mra. Carl D. an 8u, SIM Kerby atreet, Aug;uit 27: a ton. GOUVORKA To Mr. and Mrs. John Oor vorka, 713 Michigan avenue, Auguat 28, a son. MclH)XNELL To Mr. anil Mra J. J. Mc Donnell, 572o forty -sixth avenue aoutb epsi. AiipiiHt rt. a mn, DEATHS AXD HXjIIIALS 75 BAN KIN The funeral service of the lata Iledda Rankin will be beld Monday. Si tember (5. at 2:30 o'clock p. m.. at tbe resi dence eitabliftbmeM of J. P. Floler k Hon, Montgomery st Fifth, friend invited. later ment at filvervlew cemetery. RNAVAX Edward F. Donuvan. Portland surgical boapital. Aogust 31. 1 month, ia- nitron. DRAYU Alsnn T. Draa. 1SH2 Eat Davia street. Auguat St. 78 rear, acute Ileocolltla. HAVK1.S Alvin H. IJaoklua. Wlllamett river, Auguat 30, 17 jeara, accidental drown- ins. BNG8TROMK Anna H. Engotrome. 8X8 Borthwick street, Anjrtut j, 40 year, car cinema of breaat. NAT Keank Nau, Good Samaritan, August 30. 52 yearn, uraemia. KIODON Orlando c. Blgdnn. p 11 wood bo pital, August 31. 8 years, teat sppecdl- dtti. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists. 347 Wash. Main 269. A-12C9. Flowers for ail occasions artistically arranged. CLARK EEROS florists. 2S7 Morrison St. Alain or A-1505. Fine nowers and floral cesiens. No branch stores. DEATHS A5D FCAERJXS 73 (CSStlMsO MAHN Id tLta city. September . Frits W. Malisi mi mm. faAhm of Mrs. ijrnu Stuckle. of !H Orert street. Th fnneral srroHi will be beM Mrmtr. 9ntsniber . i o rux-m p. m.. st the rrmuence itaius- tfe"t of J. P. FHiler Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Frieeds ifliited. FTJTERAL DIRECTORS A splendid residence undertaking es tablishment with private driveway. J. P. FINLKV & SON. Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading funeral director, 220 3d St., corner Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A 1611, Main 60,'. Dunning & McEnteeodrTSn erery detail. Broadway and Pine at. Braailsay 430. A-455H. Lad assistant. F, S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, East Alder St., Kast 52, 414 Walter C. Kenworthy 1532-1534 E. 13th. Sell. 71. B-1122. Chambers Co, Ih ave, Wood- Uwn 33UIS, C-1133. LaJy embalmer. ailLLLtt & TRACY, independent fu neral directors. Prices low as $L'o, $tu, $60. Wash and Klia. M. 261. A-7ssb. A R 7pllarfn vuumma Ai Iti -Cliai KjV, iiaat loss, C-1UK8. Lady attendant. Uay and night service. A. C" KEN WORTHY ft CO. Calls promptly answered in all parts of city. 1. O. O. F. bidg.. Lents. Taoor 527. C V r M PQ Undertaking Co. Alain 3d and Clay. Hctmlltnn t91 SOth and Uiiaan. 'u dl I III lull neral services. Tabor 4313. HKKKZK & SNOOK, B-12S2, T. 126. 1028 Belmont, at 34th. L,ady auenuanl. P. L. LfcTHCH, leading east side under taker. K. llth & Clay. M-1888, K. 7 SI. R, T, Bryne ,?,. and Kr.olt-C-K43. ERICSON RESIDENCE UNI. PLS. 6133, A-2235. 445 Mor. MOXL'MEXTS MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. Finest marble and sranlte from our Oregon quarry: 287 Hawthorne ave. SCHANEN-BLAIR CO PORTLAND MAKBLE WKS 264-2S6 4th et., opp. city hall. M. 8564, A-Hlli. Philip Neu A Bona. .AE3ING GRANITLCU 26T-SWCgTCOP. MADISON. I FOR SALE -HO USES 01 "jnTo TERMS J2150 NEW PIEDMONT BUNGALOW in 1324 GRAND AVE, Modern 5 rooms, bath, attic, base ment, fireplace, oak floore, Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcases, panel din ing room, grand electric fixture, beet plumbing, everything up to date. Must sell; terms. OWNER, 1324 GRAND AVE. N. WoodUwn -or Vancouver tars 1 block. Phone Hellwbod 75. $1050 75x100 FOOT LOT 4 room bungalow, nicely finished. Dutch kitchen, built-in ironing board and cooling closet. House piped for gas. Easy terma. Take Rose City Park car to 7 2d aid Sandy road. SEE AUSTIN, GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. Here's a Real Snap New 8 room 2 etory house with large attics, at 1141 Taggart st.. Richmond addition; full basement, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, everything built in. front and back porchfs, two toilets and line bath room, shades and linoleum; for price and terms phone Tabor 8 4 49. HOME FOR THE OLD FUlKoj $1200. 7 room house, lot 32x105, with alley. 100 feet from junction point o two street car lines in Montavilla; unques tionably future business property. Look this- up. $50 down, $10 monthly. Fred W. Jerman Co., 732 Cham. Com. i5o CASH, $10 monthly, buys two lots and modern 6 room bungalow with built-in conveniences, fruit and shrub bery. 64 1R 2d st. S. E., two blocks south of Ml. Scott carline at Gray s Crossing. $2000 $1525 Rose City Park. sth si., 4 rovm bungalow, hardwood floor, fire place, electric fixtures, full plumbing. good range, lull basement. Easy terms. Owner. Tabor 2626. 7 ROOM, modern house, furnace, fire- I pl"oe. walking distance; fine loca- ticn, central, east eide. $300o; terms, i Bv owner, I"'--!. Journal. Ho. I IT Y in niy Portland Heights bun galow at very low figure tor cash. Marshall 55S7. S ACRE, small house, barn, fence,!. 4C fare. T00, $100 cash. Withiow S.- Orr, 4 1 1 Henry bl1g. RIJXGaLOW PLANS. J6 H A WILLIAMS. S0 M-KAY BE IX FOR 8 A Lie LOTS 13 CLIENT raid vlWf Ctth for 6 nl' e lots. Will discount UO'in. Must have $250 cash. Hard lurk. Somt one will prolit. R, W. Cary. 2 h.lectr.c PullUlng. WILL sell two lots at sacrifice. lo - cated near Keed college. Must have some cash. Call 607 jfpalding oidg. liAKU.UN In tmihiiii? relhurst: must he estate. Main old tor th to ,n tny $Suo equity Wood lawn 3g2H. MAKE me an offer in lot: must sell. ALKLiUE TWENTY acres ail in cultivation, on river. room house and barn, truu, $2400; 'half cash. 2 acres, 6 room house, bain, chicken outfit, 800; cash. 18 acres, all m cultivation, on river, tifiiin- half cash. V R. M. GATEWOOD V CO . 160 '4 4 tli st- at Morrison. Gibson Half Acres Oood soil. clty water, close to car line .any terms; will build to suit iiurcha-ier Pnone Marshall 1S85, oi' M.iiwod 47. John H. (iioson. owner. V POLLAKS ran 400 acres, Tillamook Co., cioe to Wiison river, anU tb viUaije of Wll- son; cour jlOUo casn, wuihi jwm vi e it is a snap. Fred W. tier ma a 32 Chamber of Commerce. Co CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN Ranches near r ortiaiiu, o. n i".".uu, uc eoil good roads, near electebi. $ij to 1200 oer acre, easy mrnia. alcii'ar lane, T . 1.1 i L.. . 1 r. rl 3 (i y 1 e"ii "i"b i To AC'KbS, SV4 miles from misinesa center uf Portland, on carlir.e. large running spring, good soil, some tim ber Price JoOt'O, T600 cash payment- Principals oniy. i-, Jimm FOR SALE by owner. Vi acre in Park Rose, cleared and level, on hard sur- fa cejad1ijatwzs 10 ACRES on east sioe, near electric line, on county roaa. tint location. Very cheap at t000. B-59. Jourtial. ACREAGE at city Umiu cent fare; easv parments. K. W. Cats, kti Ele trie bidg. 21 acra subursan ham at utt i4 Division sts- nicely improved, ti acrea fruit, berrtes; city water. Weil sll alt f or part. Kaste Bros.. ls Henry b big. FOR flALB FARMS IT! 40 acres for sale. Z0 in cultivation. , tm lance pasture and some Umtr; crwek running through place, Su fruit trees ot different varieties; 5 room 1iop, trfleptoone, new barn 2a6u, gran ary and other outbuildings, team, now harness i cows, brood aow un.i piR, :t chic-kens. 1 r?ani separator, wagoiv, hack, buggy, mower and other imple ments, H crop goes wltfc piace; mile to school. H 10 Malino and electric railroad, church and store. Price $6000, J400U down, balance on tunc. Address tl T. Schuifcauawr. rout 1. box 3, Mnlino, Or. 92 ACRES, 82 cultivated, modern Im- nroements lla-hta. Main, etc.; com nii.i v .miiinv 17 miles, from Por land; stock and improementa wortl 17m: n-ri. iiit.onsi cash and terms. LOOK. 2 acres with new 4 room cot tage. Vj mile from station near Better ton. 150; cash and terms; price $126. STROUD ft CO- Beaverton- Or. . H. h,t small farms, flv e i mues irom ciiy iim, o. e.., ,"-, road; good improvements; extra good bungalow; good young orchard, oma terms. F-hone Main 9216. A. J. JWoui t,m. S9 Washington. lo5 .li;lo, si acres tillanle, aii fenced and in cultivation; Wasco Co., Or., good wheat land .or good hog ranch; close to school and wood. Trice a00, purt tcrnisWF.Maglll, VVamlc. or. 610 ACrtKS. 1 miles from Vancouver. t miles from Cainax. $ 50 acra, one third down, balance terms; no trade. 12 V 1M St. 4 ACKKr I mile from town, 7 acres denied: fair bulldiiiK. J1500, terma. 18.' Ainsworth. Wood lawn 1242. ! j rTTTTy 1 FOli RENT FA1W1S4 K(,R RKXT 1240 acre farm equipped With horses, harnesses, farm machinery, wagons, buggies, cows chickens, tools, etc.. 1000 acres ready for fall seeaing; ns pumping plain. Should bring in income ot $2(1, (hio coming year; $1500 ranh required. Wrltf owner. C. Cole. Condon, ur. FAKMS WANTED KENT Oil 111 V 38 KAUM WANTED. On shares by experienced farmer, 2 00 or 4(hi acre grain and hay farm with equipment. Addreea GKOKGE ANASTAS, R. 1, Box 18, Hillwdale, Or. WANTED Tillamook ranch. have dairy hi id milk; rout in city clearing good. H-n!4, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 In HOMESTEAD 1 year old. produces hay $55 per acre; have 7 left. Water, wood, soil, climate, level. Box 1 4, Lal'iiie. Or. EXt HANtiE -llEAL ESTATE 21 REMARKABLE 83 acres, SO Culti vated: jjoocl orr-hard. fair buildingi". 1R miles Horn Portland on Tualatin river. J12,(mmi; exchange for residence and casli to $76oo. - Ask us about a going; Crook county mock farm completely equipped, to ex change for valley farm to $40,000. HTROI D CO.. Beaerton, Or. EXCHANGE $12,000 In Portland bouses and lots for farm of 100 acres or more, not to exceed 115,000; must have "5 acres In cultivation and well stocKed; describe as to location, stock, distance to railroad. Raymond Barton, 1250 E. 39th st. . E., Portland. Or. f'UH SALE OR TRADE A fust clan grocery and feed etore in a payroll town in Washington. If you want .1 first class business don't pass this up. Address owner, 447 oth at. Main 6561. Call for Barton. WILL exchange clear lot, aOxiuO. 80 minutes from postuffice. half block from car line, on paved street; PM $R50 sU years ago, for small late model car. No Junk. Owners only. M-11S, journal. TWO modern 6 room hoiisjiri4n Port land to trade for busineSaftitnd busi ness property, middle or eastern Ore gon or Washington. H. Tallmau, Lents, ( 'regon. Salem WILL trad for Portland or hnm 1 I U. m rra. with modern new lmiigalow at Ashland, value 13500. Might pay some cash or asuume Owner, r, 4 5 f. St.. fnJem, 80 ACHES, good farm improvement, Clackamas county. $2500; part trade; cash, terms. Snap. I sell and ex change the enrth or any business. R. W. Cary, 82S Electric blag. IN Sa.n Joaquin valley. Tuiare Co.. Cal , 150 acres, a neavy raisin prouncinn ; vinavard. 2 ideal- homes, ror Oregon 1 stock ranch equipped, to $60,000. B. V . Bolen. Dlnuba. Cal. 2 j ACRES of choice land in cultivation ' near city limits, on curlinc, liKht at station. Price $1,ohO; vlll trade for modern reKldem-e up t- $i:;."o, terma for remainder. Y-7iiK. .lonrnnl ROOM house. I"t tMixlmi, fruit trees - . . ..I jr.- and barn, east s'o". cn of $1800. Will II" ,r " Call "'I Pekum bidg. property iv vim hnv- rood oroberty and want to exchange it. see Hell Heal Estate Co.. S1H Railway Exchange. BCTLTjEKS. Will exchange double house for erection of residence, or f iiinimxnla land Call Tabor 6130. 1., i"ui."s n..:ir ( anbv. lintirovea no JW ..... ...... M" 5 or Hf'l: pi H f. 4.i.i'Hi, tu e'jiiMats iui rnoni bungalow, mjj v.. iviu .v. 1" i l;l near Vancouver ior dii or :':;,lc Mm shall 2f.5. . M'Kl It KA L KHTATB 31 f jot or lots fHcIng east in wainut, I i'aik, piedmont or Irvlngton. In ex-1 1 ciuingc' for "'-y & room cottage, value j JM'Hi. iivi" location anu price mai , lit 1 er. X-i 1 4, J urnal. KOO.MINti HOLSK8 5:1 iT,7iMi:r liin-ii" win bai v f ne li.rai 011. rent 112.60: good In - come; $17;. for all; buy from owner. '1'pmiiS. Murshall 5SP. Ti-ROOMS Cash and terms; clear, low rent, all Tor U00. Wltbrow & O11-, 411 lleniy hid:. jpAViNO bole) in west side on easy term, or exchange for city propert. j r-,vner. K-i i. Journal. BI SINKSS OPPOItTI'M'I'lKH 20 ! WE Lave a $JI2 contract which we i Lari p,,t vou in a position to secure. payable 26o a month, if you have 00 in cash mor-ey to make as initial pay ment on new truck Call in person and wt r.'Vv? motor f'. mui iNT GEULlNuEU MOTOR CAR COlll'ANl, East Side. 363 East Oregon, cor Third. ruR SALE 10 Cioxton Keeton tax i'hI.ii cnmolete. bodies tuat nalntaid. beautifully finished in genuine leather; all cars in fine running or der: very cheap; terms to parties with 1 good security. Address UX-4.4, Jour . l 1 .....I ON account 01 ioor iiwaiiii must go to othr climate, must sell ray grocery store at t bargain tor cash In Irvlngton at E, 2th snd Halsey. Low rent. Call and see me. OROCERY. tnrotce 126O0; salea ti.OO per iiit:;in. mi -ri.j,iiBuw4, iciiriajr from business; no agents. J-.U, Jour- ral. j FOR SALK Cleaning and pressing es- tablisiiment, good location, reason- nble price. or Jitney . trade. JI-63S. Journal. MAN with money for good manufac turing lusineHi. product in rood de mand big profits. Hee Mr. Bliss. 451 Wash, st. COUNTRY sawmill, 2 miles out, J2000, worth J4000; money maker. 1 sell and exchange the earth or any busi ness R. W. Cary. S2 Kleftric bidg. 1000 Business Cards 75c Ryder pt. Co., H W. por. 3d at Morrison. FOR HALE- ,'heap good paying tail oring establishment, fins location. t - 486. Journsl. , ti OR whole interest well equt picture thow. a-4;. journal business opitinTuxrriKS so U ' Vy'HJ.. ,., , FOR SALK Lln of novelties, good sella rw, exrrHent cprmrtwnrty fa right party. Call Tabor 3500, orY-9iT, i JournsJ. MOVKY TO LOAS 21 KK.VL KWTATK LOANS o improved city property or ft? R'ii,Wl"' iuipoHwi; adavnc inaj as building tirui ensn ; !ii,rl reuav. rnent prlvileses; no comiiusaion. jTl IUpor.asnbj, Hi Strk t. Mala 44:ti. Mortgage Loans r. I.. WHITK, Selling HMg. 701 nuiuui.u ioan on , Hy nd auhurba-n property; uiuy ad varus J as worst Kirif ""A; iYi,t5' HtH k- 315 PallUg "Kl Mata 3487. CASH paid tor 11101 UiiKu. notsa. oun li ,r. Ct? 'Irtgage loans; reasonable '" I . k: H Lewis A Co.. 3 Lewis 1,1,1s" K'o.111,0 v,u liiuilisaKes. my H11. ,a,. property, fir. Lauraiu-e. M. Ketul JOUJNKY to loan In UltS Of I1D0 tO W'ty. A. H. vu on city t MOKTOAUt loan., Inv. & Sloi tgHv,. and Yamhill. I mi '4 to 1. Oiegun . Sunk liach.. Jd 1 HAVE 950u to leini 01, 1 1 r 1-1 mort gages, 6 10 a v.. all or part, O 4. Journal, ll' YOU OWN A L T BUILD. COME l.N CURTIS, 27H OAK AMI A.S 1 ST. w 1 h u ni n r f. I , is. MONET loaned, easy- tenns, small or larga amounts. U. Kvuns. 2u Oer linger bidg. MOH lUAtlfc I.OA.Ntv and Haiomnn CO., 00 Oak st.. near ih. monk y to loan a to vvTiiT I ot'a'iinig mug. iiwu. ji.ui;, lletio. t tvd W. Uerman C o.. ;i Chamber of Com. "P. 1 and no commission. n jlelay. Ward, 40; Raiding hldg, 1 iv.mio uk 0 4th at. Hoard ot 1 lids LiUg. louu up to boi,o to loan on city or larm urooerty. labor i'oiO MONEY to LOAN CHATTELN, SAUVKIES I7 IMMEDIATE t a a N N ON DIAMOND AND JEWELRY A T EASTERN HATES. We have uhu o the finest retail Jewelry atorea in the city. A loun da. partment la conducted in connection With B.une, maklns bualliesa S'l'lUCT LV CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loan bualm-as dis played In trout of our afore. All mi , cliumilMe pledged Is held for a period i of 12 months, whether or not interest Is paid when due. We ate licensed and hate be-n established siDee ig9. rwu connection with anv otner loan 1 establishment In tlila city. A. M. DFLOVAUE. JEWELERS. 24 Washing ton st 'SALARY LOANS -SALARY LOANS Being salary loan brokers exclusive ly, we are enabled to assure aatisfac--lion and give the uuickekt possible : service. t Business itrlctly confidential. REMEMBER, We are licensed and therefore RELIABLE. STATE FKC'CRITY. Fnillng bid. Loars at Legal Rates We loan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock, storage receipts, plain notea, on furniture, in anything of value. You cun (ret It today. Portland Loan Co,, Licensed 1 Licensed by State. 311 DEKl'M BUILDING. Third and Washington. MONEY' AT ANflf. LEGAL RATE OP INTBRfM Diamonds, Jewelry, Musical Inst. All Pledges Held Ono Year. Separate I iej,t for Lsrlt"-", elpy Company Ltcrs-i , SiO Lumber Kit bidg.. id sfirl Wtnrk sts. IOA MS WANTED lit) SOI'TH Portland, 1S(io, per trrit; 1 1 room modern two family dw4ltn:. ! Street Improvements ell paid. Owwr'i value value atiiMMi. rrea w. uerraan Co.. 7?2 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To borrow $lS50 on B room house. East ft 7 1 nei FINANCIAL 01 FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers' Interest In contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. 11. E. Noble, Lumbermen bidg HKLl' VAXTE1 - MALI-; t LOGGERS for McCloud, Cal.; loader, knotters. chasers, rigging mn, lots of others; ship lonlnht. married man for nilllyard work, 'i up. 100 hop plckers. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT I'O.. ZiO-222-224 Couch St. 1 Uivifu Hut'-lier conipetent to han- tile small cash business, eastern man preferred; must ba tamperate and nt and give references and salary expect- ed. X-H21, Journal. SALEKM'kN WANTED If you cun sell goods, we need you. Cash weekly. Outfit free. Address M, Cap- Ital rity Nursery Co., Halem, Or. 130Y livtnu vicinity 24th and Prnacott to milk and care for cow. Phoney Woodlawn 237s. WANTED Expel inced muri to wire J story house for electric light. H. Yost, 381 Fremont t.t. , ipLoYMEN'l' (iepartuieiit . Wc. Ker ice free to im-ni lrs. IJEU WANTED M1B;. 4 M. C. A. Ai; TOAIOLJ Lt h(.lOi;J. Day and night clasaes. tixpert ii.iln lna; in rppaiiins;, driving and nuohina wnrk u.'l(tini? film lulhv L r. oriu press, etc. time unlimited. Be- iC. !" - '" . ' - i met liodi ! $To TO $35 per month, extra moi.ev to any employed person without inter fering with regular work. N slllna. no ranvoislng. Positively no Invest ment.. I'nemployed need riot ipply. Address The. Mllvrr Mirror Co., lap.. 1 W. MsdlHon yt.. Chifsgolll. . MEN WANT EU Oovernment jobs' $!oi month. Portland examinations 81 1R. Kranslin Institute, Dept. ti: K. Kochester, N. Y. THE Pacific Coast Chemical t'r, lo live, pushing aullcitoiN. n want TI '.IT 1 ladies. Apply room 834 Moitji WANTELi, names of men, lTor over, wishing government jobs..tfi month. HX-K0. Journal. 1 COOK beadquartei Cal 1 fornia "Winl Depot, 21 Tamhil!. tiwr t t U. UNCALLED for tailor made suits 1 00 up. Taylor the tailor. t'nu Burnside HELP VATfcl FEMALE 2 j -py be)lt hrlfc , fuU, corset work is now. If vou neea to mans money you will find no more pleasant or profitable employment. Nu Bona stand. ' 'h- top. Apply Nu Bon Perb'r Washington st WAN ! . Lady to sell pianos, pal - manp.jit position io riKin pai ty. Ap. j,i tn:!i .vt i.a n.gion st., r. 1 ji:!i ,Vc Lana f'lunu Co.. 433 Wasn- ith. rr . i'cui.'wfci ,.tf,nrtrv , i i ti, 1 (m f-mio y rvsn t X'o-jCouvh st. a NTEi -Expennce4 girl -fof tafi'or ; hp l0A S. 14th at. H ELI' WAXTKll MALE A.M FEMALE aft ilKN and women to learn the turner j trade, wages paid While luniinit: , t'lHIon reduced, positions aecuied Tbe i only chain of schools In ihr world. . end for free cslalogue. Moler Barber i College. H, 4 N, 3d St. - OREGON Uarbr College wants men and women to-lt-aru the hrler trade ; In weks; poelttons secured; pa!4 while leamln. . rttecfal inmmtt couraav. j tuition reduced. HoPFTCSmoT- Z33 Maoison si. I iiurrivrif.HS wanten, unri, syw ppedjramp ground, gool hops. Call Tabor