4 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1915. CITY OF C0RVALL1S AND S. P. OFFICIALS GETTING TOGETHER Manager Campbell Explains That Company Is Ready to Do the Right Thing, . STATION SITE IS SECURED Explained That Cars Will Bs Mas In Manner J aired by Corvallia, Or., Aug. 26 General Manager D. W. Campbell -of the South ern Pacific Railway company, and the local city council have reached a ten tative basis for the franchise sought by the company to run It's electric car on certain public streets. "The "Southern Pacific company la ready to do whattver la proper when- ever the city council and ' property owners signify what they want dona," said Mr. Campbell concerning one feature of the negotiations. He was informed by Mayor Porter tthat before the paving that had been ordered by the council on Van Buren street could be done, the company would have to remove its rails and tear up the old track on that street, and also that the trackage of the company on First street would" have, to be removed and put in the middle of the street. Air Campbell agreed to this, and in- j strucred the company's district engt-1 filial Your savings by buying FRIDAY SPECIALS at "THE OWL" each week is an item to be noted. Many thrifty people figure on paying their gas and electric bills each month by buying all their drug store needs here. It will pay YOU to buy all your drugs ON FRIDAY. Eutrrymol Shaving Cream Friday only. Posla.m Ointment Friday only Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly Friday only . . Bathasweet Friday only 13c 29c . 16c 16c Reynal oFace Powder IS Made from pure extra fine sifted rice flour. Delight fully ' perfumed. Flesh, white, brunette. Odors, violet, do Parme and Feau Mi D. Eapange QQ Special tJUKs Blanco Shoe Whitener 1 Q, Friday only AO I, Sloan's Liniment 1 (for man or beast) . . IUC Canthrox Hair O Q Shampoo, Owl price.. lwt Pape's Diapepsin, QO Owl price 041 Baker Poison Oak -i Remedy' A reliable remedy for poison oak, poison ivy and poisoning from all vegeta ble growth. Soothing, healing and highly -J Tl g Special JL I relieving- Ira Thalett's Chocolate Laxative Pompeiian Massage Cream Kosm'eo Face Cream at Stuart's Calcium Wafers 17c 59c 34c 32c Magic Insect Powder Kills water bugs, roaches, flies, fleas and lice. Used with a powder gun. "tfj Special 25c size. . . X I C Ml Ely's Cream Balm at Pond's Extract (for sprains) . . . Liquid Veneer at .32c . . 33c ...33c Extract of Cascara - - Useful in habitual consti pation. Made from aged cascara. Owl cascara does not gripe. Regular -f ( 2Sc bottle, special IJC 1S2 Hoover Headache Powders , 16c Mars. 2000 Home A-1333 Business Hours Week Days 8s.n. toll p.m. Sunday 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. ' 6 p. m. to 1 0 p. m. m IS near, Mr. Lull, to do both things as soon as possible. Property owners on Jackson street present at " the session questioned Mr. Campbell on the policy of the company If granted the franchise as recom mended by the committee. Mr. Campbell explained that only passenger, cars would be operated over the line on Jackson, and that stops would be made at the points where turns will occur, allowing passengers to board and leave the cars at places jmost convenient to their nonces. He suggested that this feature ba Incorporated in -the franchise. The Jackson street property owners have asked that some, other street be named in the franchise, and it may be that Harrison: will, be substituted. Grounds for -the passenger station have been secured by option on Sixth street, between Madison and Monroe. German Is Caught Photographing Fort JJ. S. Secret Berries Men Blase Pictures of American Defenses at Portress Monroe. Washington, Aug. 26. (V. P.) While Gustavo Klopsch, a young Ger man, was locked up here today charged with having taken photographs of American defenses, the chief worry of secret, service men and agents of the department of Justice was whether they had seined all the data Klopsch gathered on visits to Fortress Monroe and the military reservation at Cape Henry. Photographs taken from him are said to have included views of guns at fortifcations at Fortress Monroe. The young German also had plf-turea taken at Cape Henry, where new de fenses are being planned to guard Chesapeake bay. Klopsch is held in (5000 bail, and will be sent to Norfolk for trial. Klopsch Is employed at the Carnegie institution here as an instrument mak- He declared a sentry at Fortress Menroo gave him permission to take pictures there. Murine Eye Water at Gude's Pepto Mangan at Mother's Friend at Antiphlogistine at 32c 77c 77c 32c Witch Hazel . The ideal hot weather lo tion. Cooling and refresh ing. It will relieve all chafing and irritations of the skin. Pints, special 19c I J .f Walnutta Hair Stain at Munyon Witch Hazel Soap 2 for Fitch's Hair Grower at Doan's Regulets at 29c 15c 72c 17c Cream Tartar. Useful when the blood is overheated, relieves hives and rash of the skin. Absolutely pure. 6-ox., special . . 17c I r I Carbona for Cleaning Red Cross Kidney Plasters Hays' Hair Health at Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet . 17c 14c 32c 32c Phosphate of Soda A mild saline purgative, cooling and refreshing. An effective liver stimu lant. Pleasant to 1 O take. Lb., special JLtUVs - . Waiiams' Pink Pills QQq Miles' Anti-Pain Pills at 20c Bicarbonate of Sode . Commonly known as Bak ing Soda. It will relieve heartburn and sour stom ach. As a lotion it re lieves hives or any irrita tion of the skin due to - overheated condition of th blood. Pound, special 7c Antikamnia Tablet at . . 17c t "Satisfaction in TWENTY-ONE STORES CzL&p. WASHINGTON AT BROADWAY, PORTLAND, TILLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR IS OPEN AND EXHIBITS ARE GREAT Fair Board During Summer Acquired Land and Build ings Now Used. Tillamook, Or., Aug. 28. Tillamook County fair opened Tuesday with a larger and finer assortment of ex hibits than ever before. Several new buildings were erected during the summer by the tsflr board, and addi tional land was acquired. The fair board now has buildings for general exhibits, special structure for school displays, a poultry house and stock quarters. While much Interest Is being shown in the displays of fruit and vege tables, the greatest attraction to the farmer Is the stock exhibit. More than 100 head of cattle have been en tered for prizes and many high grade dairy animals are being shown. Jerseys, Guernseys and Holstelns pre dominate. Considerable rivalry ex ists between Jersey and Holstein breeders, and It Is in evidence about the stock pavilion. The percentage of full blooded animals on exhibition this year exceeds greatly that of former years. All bulls entered are registered and many full breed cows are shewn. For the first time in this county butter fat records of entries are available. Judging cattle is under way. Granges have been active in securing vegetable and grain dis plays. In the poultry house most Wizard Oil for Rheumatism . . 32c 33c 16 c 16c Regulin Laxative Vegetable Calocide Compound (for tired feet) Woodbury's Face Powder Sal for Sapo-nol Tooth Powder A fragrant, antiseptic den tifrice. Cleanses, whitens and polishes the teeth. Hardens the gums. " n Special Friday only XUl I Lane's Family Tea at Menthol Inhaler (for cold in the head) 16c 6c Nile Blossom Perfume; flQf Regular SI ox., special Oal Glyco Thymoline, CQ large bottle DOC Todco Complexion Cream" A vanishing, greaseless peroxide cream for beauti fying and whitening the skin. Regular 25c, " rT special 1 1 v Booth Hyomei complete . . . . 64c Peterman's Discovery (for. bugs) 16c Welch's Grape Juice, " r7 pints J-slbs Paso Ointment for 34c A. B. S. & C. Pills A gentle vegetable laxa tive, chocolate coated. 100 tablets in each bottle. Regularly 25c at all Owl stores. Special !...17c Friday . . . 10c size Green Soap for Camelline Liquid Powder 6c 32c Burton's Scalp Tonic IIP. A hair tome and dressing, excellent for dandruff. Rubbed daily into the scalp with the tips of th fin gers will promote the growth of the hair. QQ; 1 Reg. 50c, special. . OOC J Lusterite Cuticle Ice . . . . . . . 17c Every Transaction" ON THE PACIFIC COAST of the better known breeds of chick ens are shown. As usual the creameries are exhib iting much cheese and a cheese scor ing contest will be held.- Censors Permit Film To Be? Shown Here "Birth of a Ration" to Be reatwe at the Esillg, Portraying Recon struction xay Following- Civil War, The board of moving picture cen sors unanimously decided last night that "The Birth of a Nation" may be shown In Portland. It will be shown at the Heilig. Protest against showing the film, which is founded on Thomas Dixon's "The Clansman," was made both by the G. A. R- and by representative colored people of Portland. Their position was that the por trayal of the terrible reconstruction days in the south following the Civil war might renew race hatred and pre judice and open old sores. The board of censors asked for three minor eliminations, but in general took the position that the play is his torically faithful; that while it shows horrors of war and conditions follow ing war, it has not departed from the facts nor over-portrayed the dread experienced by every southern woman. "I can readily understand that edu cated colored people feel ashamed of the members of their race that had to do some with of the terrible deeds following the war, but. they can feel, no more shame for these than we do for the white perverts that Incited them to crime," said Mrs. Colwell, chairman of the board of censors. Riot Quelled by Deputy Sheriffs As result of a riot in a road camp near Multnomah station yesterday, a raid on the camp was made by deputy Imperial Nail Enamel ...13c ...33c Hepatica m Jayne'a Tonic Vermifuge, manufacturer's 50c 00 ... o-u . 16c S1Z Bromo Seltzer at Rubber Complexion Brush 1 ' Fits the hand like a glove. Equipped with many little fin rubber bristles, which assist in cleansing and massaging the skin. Reg ularly 25c, Friday ml m Allen's Foot Ease at Rosaline Complexion Tint Fellow's Syrup of Hypophosphite 14c 14c 69c Compound Licorice Powder m An old-time remedy for constipation. Especia 1 1 y desirable for children. Pleasant to take and al ways effective. The 8-oz. package. Regularly 25c, only 17c ESI Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap Babcock's CorylopsU Talcum Milk of Magnesia at 6c 14c 32c Precipitate Chalk. ...v The highest grade' of English chalk. Used ex tensively in the household for cleansing and polishing silver and all highly fin ished metal surfaces. Special Friday only OC 3-in-l Oil 25c size Steero Bouillon Cubes , 16c 24c witcn nazel ireamMs Contains full strength witch hazeL Soothing and cooling, slightly astringent. Fine for after shaving or for sunburn. - Special JLfC - in Maltine with Cod Liver Oil 69c mi NEW MAIL OR DER CATALOG SENT ON RE. QUEST. Mail Order cue tomers receive out cut prices just as though they were in the store. Send us your films. "Better de veloping arid print ing." OR. 1 sheriffs. The raiders arrested Fred McDaniels, James Kerns. William Ab bott and Mrs. Celia McDanfe'ls, and they will probably be charged with disorderly conduct. Mrs. F. Gniski is said to have been struck on the head with a frying-pan by Mrs. McDonald. The pan is said to have contained ' hot lard. The woman was brought to the emerarency hospital. The fracas is said New Suits for School AH Have 2 Pairs of Pants Yoli'H want that boy of yours to start his school days in just such sturdy new Norfolk Suits, with two pairs of pants, as these at $4.85, made of cassimeres, worsteds, cheviots, homespuns, etc., in tans, browns, grays, special at The Suits at $6.50 are in Norfolk styles, with two pairs of pants. All materials selected for strength and stylish looks. PA Really unusual values. Specially priced at ejjQeOU Boys' Iron-Clad Stockings, made to resist the hardest wear. Priced special, the pair, at 20c Free A Handsome GUS Successors to Steinbach & Co. j GENERAL INFORMATION FOR THE TOURIST AND PLEASURE SEEKER ISjl Recreation, Health, Fishing Resorts Rail, River and Stage Routes '1 SSfK JV JZyf ZrZ& Condensed information regarding leading outing places and principal side trips and stage lines. The northwest, &s4 ilVr with its great natural acenlo and climatic attractions affords unusual advantage to seekers of health or reore- TJTJV t 'i av ation. Information regarding resorts or side trips ean be obtained from The Journal Travel Bureau, Phones A- I foal 60S1, Main 7173 or from Tourist Agency and Travel Bukeau, Marshall 1979. BEACH RESORTS. HOTEL MOORE Hotel Moore overlooking the ocean offers to the tourist and traveler pleas ures seldom if ever combined at any one resort. Surf bathing. Hot bait wa ter Baths. Natatorium for indoor swimming. Canoeing on the Necanlcum river. Good auto roads. ,. All automobiles leave from Botel Moore for Elk Creek and Cannon Beaon IfoSSS m HOTEL MOORE, Dan J. Moore. Prop. ?5?"t'S!'i.. Sea Crest Cottages EIGHT ON THE BEACH Completely tuT nirhed t. S and 4 room cotta-ea Eaeb oot tsss baa a splendid view of taa so, city wcter, electrio lisata and good sidewalks, close to stores and natatorium. Before deciding- whure to spend your summer vacation write for ratss aadX other inXormatiou to CHRIS AEM8, Newport. Or. Tarr-inr-iii. - i' S Bar View Hotel AND FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING TENTS Under New Kanag-ement HOTEL RATES II PER DAT AND TJP Furnished Housekeeping Tents. $1.00 per Day. Operated by W. A. Wise, 810-211 Failing bldg., Portland, and Bar View, Tillamook Coueiy, Oregon. Phones: A-8028 and Main 8089. MOUNTAIN RESORTS Rhododendron Tavern On Mount Hood Auto Stage Road. 47 miles from Portland. Ideal mountain resort, $3 day. Weekly $12.60, $16. Special rates for families. Saddle horses, laws tennis, croquet. Good fish ing, hunting. Phc-te, olfftrio light. Daily anto stage. Phone Main 6966 or East 88'i. Emil Franzetti, Prop., Rowe, Or. Hotel De Government Camp Located on the Couth Side ef Mt. Hood beautiful view of the mountain and ether peaks. Guides for climbing, unsurpassed fish ing and hunting. Rales $3 per day, $15 per week, and up. Fox ft .ridemore, Props., Rowe. Or Information, reservations and daily stage 169 8d st. Main 6956 or East 136. Welch's Hotel PIONEER MT. HOOD MOUNTAIN RESORT. Pure ice cold mountain water, airy and oom f trtable bungalows, good cuisine, hosting, fish ing, horse baok riding. Rates $3 tey. $10 week. W. E. WELCH. Step. Welch's Postof floe. Or. SAFETY AT AXX TIMES MT. HOOD AUTO LINE LEAVES DAILY, calls and delivers to any part of oity, day or night, to Mount Hood resorts. Round trip, S6; (government Camp $7.60. PHONES MAIS 831 or A-838L ANDERSON BROS. Rose Vista Inn Formerly "IS Vila House" Now running under new management. Chicken dinners at all hours, $1.00. Special mens served on phone order. All light refreshments. No liquors. Mr. and Mr. C. E. Gholson, Proprietors. Phone Tabor S and Gresham 22S. Just 12 miles from center of Portland. FAVORITE South aids of Morrison Bridge. Speedy launches, row boats, canoes for airs, at all times. Canoe and motor boat space for rant. All deecriptlona of water craft bought and sold oa commission. 7 if to have resulted from over-indulgence In llqwor. During the melee five re volver shots were fired without effect. Other arrests may yet be made. Steals Man's Toupe. San Francisco, Aug. 26. (U. P.) The meanest burglar on record entered a room here where Bay Hilde sat sleep blues and mixtures. Priced $4.85 Boys' Bell Blouses, in light and dark patterns, all sizes. Specially priced for At this sale now at. "IUC Pocket Knife Free With Each Suit. KUHN, President Morrison At Fourth BEACH RESORTS. Seaside. Clatsop Beaon. Oregon. Portland's nearest and most pop ular ocean resort. The Shelburne EHEXBUBNE STATION NORTH BEACH Alt modern improvements.. One of the largest hotels on North Beach, We raise ottr own poul try. Reasonable rates. Special rates by the week for families. Phone in hotel. Buy tiokets to 8helburne station. Trains stop right at door. Address Seaview. Wash.. T. t. HOARE. Prop. CANNON BEACH THE SCENIC BEACH OF OREGON THE WARREN OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN Fin fishing, hunting, turf-bathing and horse back riding. Sea foods a Specialty. Writ for rates. M. S. Warren. Proprietor. THE HAGKNEY COTTAGE Is Now OPEN FOR THE SEASON With all modern improTements. For rata write or wire. 3hAVIEW. WASH. MILL CIIX ADIO STAGE Lt. Ore. Eleo. Do pot, Salem, 4:40 p. m. daily for Turner, Awns ville. Sublimity, Startoa, liehama. Lyons. Mill City; connecting; with S. P. train st Aums rille, 6:16 p. m ar. Mill City 7:40 p. m. Lv. Mill City daily 6:30 a. m., ar. Salem 9:30 a. m. ttood fishing along route. MOUNTAIN RESORTS RELIANCE MT. HOOD Auto Stages Dally to Mt. Hood resorts. $ a. m. Round trip $5, Government Camp, $7.50, Specie! rates to week-end and climbing parties. In formation, reservations and tickets at ROUT LEDGE SEED tc FLORAL CO., 169 Sd it. Main eb56. A-3811. or Irvingtoa Garage, East 185. CASCADIA h Hers you can have a aulet and restful out ing by the side of the famous Caaoadia Mineral Spring's. You can hunt. fish, play tennis, ea ley hot or cold mineral baths. You ean rent a tent or a cottage or board at the hotel, receive your mail daily and have so ideal vacation at a minimum expense, for full in formation address GEO. M. GEISEND0R7EJL Cascsdia. Or. WILHOIT SPRINGS Za the foothills of the Cascade mountains, $7 miles from Portland. An ideal reeort for health and recreaBoa. Excellent hotel and fine camping grounds. Tents and cottages for rent. Our specialty is our Saturday night sad Sunday noon chicken dinner. Run out for your week end holiday. For full Information write er phoaa P. W. Mnl.FRKN. Wuhoit. Or., ar ask any S. P. agent. NORTH BEACH On the Pacific Mount Hood Lodge Cloud Cap Inn Famous Mt. Hood Resorts Columbia River and Columbia Highway Scenic and Outing Trips One Day or Longer. Wallowa Lake Park in the Powder River section of the Blue Mountains. Through Sleeper to YELLOWSTONE PARK For particulars, call or phone the CITY TICKET (mm?) OFFICE Third and Wash. flnft4ro9 A Phonesi Broadway i ffttf 4500, A-6 121. H'4" ing in a chair,' -took SI la change and left Hllde'a head bare. Hilda misses his toupe more than the $6. Rolph Autos in Sewer. San Francisco, Aug. 26. (TJ. .P.) Mayor James Rolph Jr., . was "put under the sod" today. He was taken for an automobile spin through a new 4000 feet long new storm sewer. Boys S. & H. Stamps Given MOUNTAIN RESORTS CRATER LAKE Crater Lake is the one wonderful jewel in the matchless collection of nature's gems. Come to Crater Lake Lodge and spend 10 days visit ing Wizard Island, the Phantom Ship, the Pinnacles, the Cardan of the Gods, Union Peak, Anna Creek Canyon. Come and match your wits against those of the 5 and 10-pound Rainbow trout in the mysterious ea of silence. The magic charm and witchery of CraPer Lake will live in your memory. Crater Lake Lodge is on the rim of the crater, 2000 feet above the lake. All rooms are view rooms. Rates $3.00 to $4.00 a dsy. Why not come now? For reservations or further information, address Alfred L. : Park hurst, Crater Lake, Oregon. WHITE PELICAN HOTEL KLAHATH Justly famous for ita service and appointments. A restful oasts of comfort and pleasure for the tourist en route from California to OreKon. An ideal place for a day's stop-over on your way to Crater lake Make this your home while enjoying your vacation with rod or-pun FlMhlne: in the Klamath or Link river is a royal sport. Deer ami water fowl abound in Klamath county. Large, aity, well-furnished rooms, well pre pared and well-served meals, a home-like atmosphere and courteous at tention will make your May with us a pleasant one. WHITE FZX.ICAN OARAGE Just across from the Hotel Is the White Pelican Garage, a hrlck and fireproof building. One of the best-equipped garages to glvs good service to the automobile owner between Sacramento and Portland. Largs stock ol in nnu acBui ico. .nuiu oiafso tions or further information, address THE WHITE PEUOAir HOTEL or THE WHITE PELICAN OAHAOE, TROUT LAKE AT THE TOOT 0T MT. ADAMS. Tha bis speckled beauties are waitiac to matoh thair wits acainst jours. Zasr waiklag distaaoa mt tha famous lava caves and ice eaves. Head qoartera for mountain climbers for the aeoeut ef Mt. Adams. Kisb-class amusement hali near botel. Hotel rates. (9.00 a wees. Address OULEB HOTEL. Guler. Wash. Seashore and Mountain Re sorts on North Bank Road SUNDAY PIClfIC EXCTTKBIOHB Bound trips. Cape Horn, 11.25; Cascades, $1.60; Carson. fl.eO; Waits Salmon, 2.30. CLATSOP BEACH Paoif io Ocean. 4 boars from Portland. Take ilorta Bank trains, 10th and Hoyt, to Oearbart er Seaside. Surf and natatorium bathing, it miles ef ooesn strand. S week-end trips. SHIPHEBD'8 HOT SPRING S At Carson, Wash.. 8' hours from Portland. Mineral waters 117 $2.20 week-end round trip. GOVERNMENT MINEKAX SP&1NOS At Car son, Wash. Mountain resort, 18 miles n Wind river. Aute meets trains, $iji0 reuad trip, - JEWETT'S FAEM -White Salmoa, Wash., 2Vi hours from Portland. Individual oottag-es and beautiful (rounds, as- week-end round IKE EYRIE" White Salmoa, Wash. Cot tsees and board. Write C. W. t, Beckers, Wmte Salmon, Wash. S week-end trip. MT. ADAMS AND ICE CAVES Take North Bank trains to White Salmon; aute stae te DESCHOTEb' B.IVEB; FISHTNO BEBORTS Reduced week-end fares. Train leaves SiOO p. m. ; returns 8:10 a. m. MCKENZIE RIVER RESORTS Take Oregea Electrio Eugene. Phone Broadwar P20. A-867I. riTIH AND SIARK. TROLLEY TRIPS . FOR TOURISTS ESTACADA PARZ 34 alies from Portland. Splendid scenio retort, first class hotel at . O - so . w IIVHJHM. J " JBULL AUN PARi A natural park SO mOes Xrom jTQThimnn m mm w ing, pioaibe, exsuraioss and amateur phtg rapor, SPECIAL SUNDAY EXCURSION BATES to eitaer ox inssv wru iw iwiw i"in, leave lint and Aider. OANEMAH PARS Cool, comfortable eating spot. Id miles from Portland, overlooking the beautiful and picturevqua Willamette tails. Cars leave -list aad Alder. Bomb 8 trio 40 ocuta. WIUAaim PALES Take Oregea City ear at first aaa Aiaer.. arass trip ae ceata, YANCOUVaJi NAJtRACitS Xake Vaaoouvei ar, tteeoue aae Wauungteo. Monad trip as CARY'S HOT SPRINGS A group ef the aeU . . .. . . i w rtr iti v 1 m . l A A feothilis of the Caaoeeea. Ear in forma ties rjanUKt eiREAjsUS Upper Clackamas river. Xake oars at Pint and Aider, am Fstsoake. Caaadexe Uae. Low round trip rates aa4 early - .. . 1 AM ft .1 W . SANDY RiVSJl AND VULL RJN RITIR line. Lew round trip xatea end early Ssaaay JOHNSON CREEK Taks trc!s at Pint sad Aj. dor, get off ei Enrol, Bell, Lents Junction, Srcamoxe. smiiwnmm, wpgae er POR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION call Ticket Sea w, Portland Ry. Lt & P. Co. i Plrst at the Penama-Psoif ie Exposition. Fint in th. opinion of us bars la Washington. K Tour Dealers. CUUBOH MPO. CO Kennewiok, Wash, For that "faffed out" "tired out" feeling that comet over you this time of year, there ia nothing ao good Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey to bring back the feeling and reality of perfect iienlth. Makes rich red blood, quiets the nerves and cor rects the Jaded appetite by stimu lating the stomach to healthy -action. Keeps the system in such' good condition that H la almost Impossible for summer complaints to obtain a foothold. At moat druggists, grocers "and dealers, $1.00. SPECIAL NOTICE "If for some reason your lo cal trade cannot supply you send your order and remittance to The Duffy Malt Whisksy Co., 171-173 Minna St Ban Francisco. , Calif. They will have your order taken care of promptly at' the following' prices: 1 Bottle Express Paid S1.1B 8 Bottles Express Paid... 8.10 4 Bottles Express Paid... 4.0O Remit by Express Order, Post Office Order or Certified Check. If cash is sent have your letter regis tered." I MOUNTAIN RESORTS THE SAPPHIRE SEA ON THE CREST OF THE CASCADES FALLS. OREGO lu wmiri ijiiitu, jp ur rates, reserva. I Klamath Palis, ursg-un. Crown Point! Chalet yrcn vnicaen dinners, week and as. V r j rrT.ugn DDOSS Sin. JS. E. Henderson. Crows Point Chalet. The mast w. ,,,w uu vim vonirow, rim. Shipherd's jjo springs THE PLACE POR YOU f"rt health and recreation. Besstlfal ''"!" vae weoos, saaaie horses, fish 'inmjD P1,; tennis court, ere European plan. Summer oottagee and camp, ing. Addresa Z. L. Shiubera, Carson. .Waak. Windemuth ON THE WILLAMETTE ; OPEN RIVER AND TANK BATHING. Take fait laiifiitk .. A. . r " evw ara SIMVH IKff. BoUX Ii our. MinjnnoiiiK l.AQ P. M . . or Brooklyn car to Voodward trmi esHbeep tWlsVibUI, eVlUsOOwWa rOXlMaV IABsJ Ve RIVER STEAMERS Prelght aad Passeaget STEAMERS XO I HE DALLE and Way Landings -BAILEY GAT2ERT Leaves Portland dally at T A. M. sseept Sea. day and Moudsy. Sunday excurekxis te Cse. eue knocks leave A. ai. iutera m:t p. sv "DALLES CITY" ifslso a!'-?4 ttUd4"' tvr. Tbursda, Sunday Casoade Lacks axcarsioa. 2.. at ne fare te Xae Sallee cad retuxa .....JlM T.nr, STREET DOCX, PORTLAND Pboae Male 014. A-SU2 STEAMER GEORGIANA Leaves daily except Monday ASTORIA AND WAY LANDINGS Leavf foot of Washington St. 7 a. m.. returning 9 p. m. Oregon City Boat TRIPS POR SUNDAY, S7tk Leave Portland 9.-00 s. to.; 8:30 p. su Leave Oregon C3ty 10:30 a. m.; SO p. ta. No lSOjitrlp from Portland. DALLES-COLUMBIA LINE Steamer State of Washington? Leaves Taylor st. dock 11 p. m. dsily, ereeptj Sunders, for The Dalles and wsv laadinra iteturning. leaves The L'uiles 12 nooa dally x4 eept aiouday. ' krelgbt and pafaeagcro. fsref fiAw, wui uwc uyvmr veuumnia sae nase nver ihibwi ie umwutvom see way leauiaas Fnone Mala eMW - ' ms Ee