12 THE OREGON SUNDAY ; JOURNAL, PORTLAND, "SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 22, 1915. SITUATION 3IALE - f ConVtoaed) - -y AMBITIOUS yonng jautn wiahea posi- tlon with mfg. ciimpany where the : ervicea of lin expi t machinist are required. Experienced in dies, models and novelty mfg. K. Brdlck, Sell. 11 6. YOUNG man learning comic art and illustrating, wants' position; any proposition considered: samples and reference. Z-625, Journal. YOUNG man would like to open up pool room or cigar' stand each morn ing; small wages. Phone Main 7954. ' ttom No. 1. ; ' SINGLE "elderly Am erican, wishes any ' kind of light employment; trust worthy, intelligent. hsndy, presentable in appearance. N-305, journal. POSITION wanted by ''man 33 years ence, lumber work preferred, Z-620, RELIABLE man, married,' wants poet tion as laundry driver or some de livery; can give security. G-462, Jour nal. ' - - : Skilled Carpenters Ftimiche or sfiort notic. Mar. 766. ALL. AROUND painter wit,h family wants work, day or contract; reason able. Tabor 285S. STBNOGRAPHElC "sfyeWrs' experience In city, neat and accurate, accus tomed to Handling large amount of work; dictaphone operator; A-l ref erence. K-655, Journal. WIDOW'with two sons, 15 and 4, wants place as housekeeper in apart 3 ment house or home. Bett references. - K-870, Journal. . WOMAN with girl 11, boy 1 years, - wants situation as housekeeper; good 'cook and A-l housekeeper; small wages. " Ref. Phone Marshall 4882 WANTED Position as housekeeper in . a rooming or apartment house. Best -' reference and experience. Will buy ' if suited. D-286. Journal. RELIABLE - woman wants work in hotel or rooming house. Write Row land hotel, room 416. AN intelligent refined woman would like position as housekeeper or com panlon to elderly lady. C-320, Journal.. HIGH school -student wants position to work for her room and board. M- 106, Journal WOMAN wants day work, washing, cleaning anything. 20 cents an hour. Phone Monday East 2835. PLAIN family work, cleaning by hour. Main 7439. WOMAN, unincumbered, wants light housekeeping. East 2991. WANTED Work by day or hour, liable references. Tabor 632. Re- WANTED Day work of any kind by "Mrs. Alice Hurley. Woodlawn 2462. BUNDLE work taken home; laundry by day. 28c hour. Phone East 5982. DRESSMAKING 40 MILADY'S WARDROBE ARTIST. To the Ladles of Portland All kinds party dresses, tailored HUits, in fact your complete wardrobe cared for by the month" or by the piece. (Fine dainty repairing). One trial will convince you of her skilful work. Tabor 3865. DRESSMAKING, experienced fitter, and designer, evening gowns sp' dality, alterations, remodeling; will . ,-opy any sketches; formerly with White House. San Francisco. B-2310. ?1 K. Burnside. . - uRESSM A KING, tailoring, remodeling, at sewing parlor, 427 Fliedner bldg. '-rices reasonable. Marshall 1B3S. 14 YEARS' experience designing; work quickly and neatly done; no patterns rM"l vT . Q Jri UdJ(. CclSM lOOi WANTEIV-Famlly sewing. 20c hour. Main innis asK tor dressmaKer. NURSES 60 PRACTICAL nurse wishes maternity work or day work. Marshall 4649. MATERNITY nurse disgmployed, rea. sonable. Main 5904. TRAINED nurse wants case at once; 12 years experience. Main 3878. BURNISHED ROOMS 9 STOP AT Newly furnished, redecorated, strict ly modern high class accommodations, .in the heart of city's activities. Rooms vith private bath. $1.00 day-up; with iut, 75c up. Special rates by week or month. Make your next stop at The Alder. You will be delighted. A 11th and Stark sts., is clean, -nodern. centrally located with hot and old water, steam heat, elevator phone in each room, private bath, 3 ' public ath8 on each floor, large ground floor bby, all outside rooms. Per week, 53 up: per month. $12 up. Quiet and omelike. K-2974 ' Main 1883 OP. PANTAGES. Special rates to the theatrical pro fession. Prop. -Billy Broad. House keeping rooms complete. . COR. THIRD AND MAIN STS. . Thoroughly modern and clean, and conducted as a first-class hotel, under the personal supervision of the own ers; special rates by the week or ir.onth to desirable parties. 1 ELEVENTH ST. BETWEEN MORRISON AND YAMHILL DESIRABLE DOWNTOWN LOCATION RESPECTABLE AND STRICTLY MODERN. RATES, ?1 PER DAY. $4 PER WK. WITH PRIVATE BATH $1.53 PER DAY. $5.50 PER WEEK. i KOOM register listing several nundred In all parts of the cUy at .Y. M. C. - A; also those in the association fire proof building, with shower baths, swimming poc. gymnasium, library, reading rooms, at $1.50 to $2.75 per week double, with individual beds, or ,$$.60 to $4.50 per week single. iFURNISHED rooms, permanent or ! transient, housekeeping, right in j shopping district, airy, light, exeel- : ) lent service, moderate prices. The i Palmer House, 850 Alder st., corner 'Park and Alder sts. '? CHESTERBTTRY Hotel and Apartments. T")1 lit n i,mniri in t'rmnntiiTi i20th at and Kearney. Mar. 784, A-4458. , HOTEL BRISTOL, 12th and Stark The best rooms in the city for the rrice asked. Rooms with private bath 3.5ft week up; without. $2.00 up. All : i modern. Business district. . THE ALBION HOTEL ! . 212 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.i5 week up; steam heat, 'ho nd co'd water, free bath. Phone ; Madras Hotel fSSSZ rooms, $2.50 up. By day 50c, 75c. $1; cor. 12th and Washington sts. . " SAVOY HOTEL '- f Strictly modern, transient house, 50c up. i.o Din. J?yfurnishei A R RHT7 zSc day up. 28tt Wash, st. ADdU I Ill.EO wk.up. TtOOMS and apartments to modern . kntAl c A ... t- . j , r- - . , i - t". TOIL- lElffi ;i 41-60 WEEK. up; clean, warm, modern ; fur, rooms, central. The King. 309 Jef. ? i .. . FURNISHED ROOMS 70 I parvATB f amtlt. -. ' JNICELY - furnished rooms, modern. convenient, central; very reasonable. .? 404 -Clay; near 10th. FURNISHED BOOMS FBITATll 7AKTX.T. - j (Co&tlnned) . J COZY front room with private family, nice ; yard and flowers, delightful r location, 1 9 per month with street car- fare Included. We don't need the room ana you will be better off away rrom the noise and heat. 843 East Salmon St.. corner East 27th; NIf!R nntaiHo rnnm frtr 2 vniinc nen? Running water steam heat, electric ugnts, titf per montn. xvzt'z aeimoni St.. corner East 34th. i hath' I and private telephone $15 per month to risrht narttfR. Relmont St.. corner 34tn st ROOM in private family, suitable for teacher or lady employed. AH-modern conveniences; walking distance. 695 Main St. -. LARGE, nicely furnished rooms, fur nace heat, phone, plenty hot. water, reasonable. 12 E, 11 th, between Ank- eny and Ash 1 OR 2 freshly tinted and decorated, ail new furniture, bath and rr.;e phone. "Walking distance. Everything neat and clean. Phone East 7100. NICELY furnished room. One of city's finest homes. References required. 374 Park. NEATLY furnished room, bjsass bed, hair mattress, furnace heat, elec tricity, $2.50. 123 N. 23rd. I NICE furnished room, porches, lawn. ana nowers: rent v montn. aia ISth. Mar. 897. MODERN front room, free phone, bath, $12. 194 Lownsdale. LARGE front room, suitable for two, close to Y. M. C. A. 211 6th et. FURNISHED room at moderate price. 390 Salmon. Phone Main 668 ROOMS AND BOARD 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL. 386 Montgomery st. at West Park. Family hotel; a ft modern conveniences; rates for regular ,anq transient guests. , CASA ROSA, 30 JEFFERSON. BOARD AND ROOM. $25 UP. ROOMS AND BOARD FBIVAVS T ADULT. WALNUT PARK! modern Jiouse, good room, suitable for 2; piano, phono graph; nice home for employed people; price reasonable. 1099 Garfield ave. Woodlawn 2025. . WANTED Several children that need good home, private family, near school; healthy surroundings. Tabor 4 l ZB. LARGE, well furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen, reasonable rates, home cooking. 489 Jefferson, near 14th Phone Marshall 2909. ELEGANTLY furnished light and airy room, modern conveniences with home comforts and home cooking. Close in. 468 Market. Marshall 381. WAtiTED A baby to board, mother's care. Phone Woodlawn , 3897. Ad dress 1061 East 7th at,. N. BOARD and room for 2 in small pri vate family, $20 per month. 472 Broadway, west side. A COMFORTABLE home, room and board, reasonable, piano. 325 Broad way. Main 3901. WANTED, In refined home, child to care for, not under 1 year; charges reasonable. 1028 E. 25th st. N., city. A COMFORTABLE home. Nob Hill, room With Drivate bath: board if de- slred; piano, modern. 734 Hoyt st. NICE front room, suitable for one or two, with excellent board, at 461 Rodney ave. Tel. E. 5895 or C-2012 KIND woman wants children to care for, good yard to play in, good fam ily. Tabor 1010. NEWLY furnished rooms, $2; with board, $5. 427 E. Burnside st. ROOM and board for two gentlemen. 54 North 16th. cor. Davis. LARGE room with bath and will board, $20. Sellwood 1792. CHILDREN to board, mother's care. 1176 E. Belmont st. Tabor 6391. ROOM and board, o32 10 th su 6979. Main WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 39 TWO high school erirls wish nlaces to work for room and board while attending school, near each other if possible. Write Miss Bertha Sam beecht, Terrebonne, Or. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold weter, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. 391 Columbia St., corner 5th st. CLOSE in 16? W. Park, between Yam hill and Morrison. Completely fur nished housekeeping rooms, $2 per wk. Lights and cooking gas furnished. SUITES' and single H. K. rooms, $1.60 week up. Also modern rooms. Mer cedes. 20th and Morrison. $1 TO $2.50 week, furnished IL IC roomJL gas, free heat, laundry, batn. Phone East 6039. 203 Stanton. U CarT NICELY furnished 2 and 4 room house- keeping suites at 24 4 H Killingsworth ave, ; low rent. Woodlawn 1907. COMPLETELY furnished housekeep- ing rooms, $2 week up; walking; dis-. Fresh airy rms Gem Apts.JpVoim Free light. FURNISHED suitesf $1.50 up. 10th st. 33 N. NICEST, cleanest H. K. rooms in the 1-n.y ipr tne money. 4aa Main. FURNISHED H. K. rooms and flat! Call Marshall 4464. VURNISHEI) housekeeping rooms. 109 N. 18th. Heat, bath, laundry. 175 12 V4TH. Modern H, IC rooms. Piano. CAMBRIDGE bldg., fur. H. K. rooms, central, cheap. 165 3d. cor. Mor'iu HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 PKIVATE FAMILY. $12.50 month, three neatly furnished hOUSekepniriB rnnmn In nr!,..,. o . . A.a.LO lOiU- i1 CJUS! n?h,t bath- Phone, water. 95 B 30th, cor: Wash. NICELY - - uvuocaccimiij room and KltchpnttA hnf onH nnl fnmi.h I porches, flowers, $14 month. 249 13th st. Marshall 897. TWO or ' 3 houstkeeping rooms for a young couple, either furnished or not, on Lnion avenue, near Going. Rent vciy icaauiaum, vjaii wooalawn 2291. BEAUTIFUL rooms. hoiiipkpnfn sleeping, prefer teachers or musical people; every possible convenience. Vlctr. 3214, NEAT rooms, fully furnished for housekeeping, very reasonable 201 13th st. Phone Marshall 1002 WELL furnished transient and house keeping rooms, low rates, good loca tion. 331 Glisan st. 3 OR 4 h. k. rooms, large, light and airy.. Ground floor, low rent 714 Everett st cor. 22nd. NICE, quiet, clean furnished and house, keeping rooms for rent, chjap. 569 riMraerg bi. rnone iiafshal 2 OR 3 furnished or unfurnished-housekeeping rooms, walking distance. 348 College st. bet. Broadway and Park'. NICE housekeeping. rooms, also sleep ing rooms; nice suite of - basement rooms. 389 Tayior. TWO 2 room housekeeping suites, gas, electric lights, bath.free phone; $8 and $10. 231 and 233 E. 6th $5 LIGHT, pleasant basement, H. K. room. 594 Everett. Two blocks of Washington. ' : , THREE cozy connecting H. K. rooms, gas range, sink, bath, phone, rea- sonable for couple. 184 N. 17th st. FURNISHED rooms with or without board, close to business center. 474 lamnm. cor, ntn, TWO front H. K-, second floor. $16. free phone, bath. 194 Lownsdale. 361 TAYLOB, close in housekeeping rooms. , NICELY furnished housekeeping suite 149 13th, near Morrison. IRVINGTON, 3 furnished H. K. rooms, gas and electricity. Call East 4 808 TWO rooms, $2.50 week; light, heat ana water. Montgomery, LIGHT housekeeping rooms, $6 a month. 655 6th st. HOUSEKEEPING KOOMS:'73 PBZTASB f Continued) SPLENDID, large front rooms, suit- j able for small family." or bachelor t apartments. 3 blocus to t'. u.. ji.ou. i $3 and $4 per week, rates by month. Z39 sth at, opp. courtnouse. h9iitf ull v -. fur I nished: sleeping porch, sink, fcot water in. rooms, eas rantre. electricity. j furnace heat, laundry, silverware, lin- reuueeu. i i. cm "-. 1 NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, all on trroLind floor, close to carline. every ' thing modern, free light, phone and 1 water, very reasonable. jji o. iu. VVO elegant , housekeeping rooms. everything lurnisneu,- $3 per ween; upper rooms, $1 up. 164 N." 16th st. Marsnau 3S11. - FOUR nlcelv furnished modern house' - keeping rooms. Lawn and flowers Adults. 760 E. Davis. : ' FOR RENT HOUSES 12 ONLY Sla per month rent for a fine 8 room house; refinisbed; just like new: hard wood floors; Datnroom, shades, screens and all ready to move into; splendid looking two story house; corner E. 61st and Oregon streets. Get the key across the street in tne second house. HOUSES. FLATS AND STORES J, J. Oeder Real Estate and Rentals, Grand avenue at East Ankeny. 5 ROOM cottage, 229 Gaines, $7. 6 room house, 736 E. Salmon, $12.50, I room nouse, 4a wawinorne, 7 room house, 718 E. Morrison, $17. 7 room house, 300 Hancock, $20. ,8 room house, 620 E. Morrison, $20. F. W. Torgler. 106 Sherlock bldg. 4 ROOM house, woodhouse, cellar; lot 100x100, 6 months for $30; $15 in advance and the privilege of keeping the place 6 months more at $10 per month: strawberries and fruit. Slst st. and 66th ave. S. E., Lents. T. J, Parsons. One Month's Rent Free For my 6 room house, 388 Failing street, near Union avenue, $1200. Own er on premises between 3 and 4 today. East a475 TWO acres 6 room brick house on Buckley avenue, north of Gilbert station. 1 mile from Lents Junction, near school and high school. Inquire Johnstone, owner. Car at First and Alder. MODERN, new, 5 rooms, bath room and basement, gas and wood range in; electric lights, shades and large porch. S15 month. water, carnage phone included. 735 Rodney, corner Fremont. Williams or Union ave. car. FOR RENT Mv modern home. rooms, 4 built-in bookcases, 4 win dow seats, buffet, fireplace, furnace gas water heater, wood range, linoleum on Kitcnen ana nam. w. Lu. xsasn, laa E. 50th st. Phone D 1081. HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSES FLATS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY J. C. CORBIN, LEWIS BLDG. E ROOM bungalow, modern, 20 min utes out, splendidly furnished; to re sponsible people will rent for lo per month, arr & ueaaeii, sis tx. oi . bldg. NICE half acre with plenty of fruit. good 6 room house. S733 79th. Rent ! $9. x. -. smitn, jui liermiger mag. Main 43 (. 938 E. CARUTHERS Near 30th-St.; modern 5 rooms, clean, practically new. tireplace, ia. House open. PHONE MAIN 2970. George A. Ross. 301 Gerlinger bldg. 9 ROOM, West side, $30; 3 suites can be rented separately; 3 gas ranges, 2 toilets, 2 baths. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, or com. . 3 ROOM cottaee. newlv DSDered, near Jefferson nign. wooasnea ana yaro. Call rear 158 Sximner. $8.50 per mo., including water. S5 MONTH. 2 rooms. 714 E. 78th N, $12 mo., 4 rooms, modern, 716 B. 74th St.. N. Rose City car. Phone Tabor 5533. CLEAN 8 room house, fine view, laun dry accommodation. Near Terwilll- ger boulevard. 284 Hamilton ave.. 4 minute ear service. Columbia 265. FOR RENT 7 room house, modern, in good condition, good location, near streetcar line, scnooi ana cnurcnes. east aids. Phone Main bb4o. UPPER bungalow, 8 . rooms, den, sleeping porch, attic, yard, phone. water, etc., private entrance, z Deas, 867 E. Wash., cor. 28th FOR RENT. Strictly modern 6 room house, all conveniences, sightly loca tion, clean, first class condition; cent reasonable. Phone sellwood ioib. 8 ROOM house, large yard, 11 bearing fruit trees, roses, a beautiful home, 1 block from street car." 446 Liberty et. Take Woodlawn car. East 1826. MODERN 7 room house, sleeping porch, fireless cooker. Inquire 647 Weidler st. FOR RENT Attractive 6 room house, corner E. 33 rd and Kelley. Call owner, East 3478. FIVE room house, close in, beautiful yard; near school and car lines. 365 Sacramento. C-1160. ON ACCOUNT leaving city, modern S room home. Bargain to right par ties. Inquire 939 E. Salmon st. MODERN 6 room bungalow, walking distance from S. P. shops, 773 East 27th st. Phone Sellwood 175. FOR RENT 6 room cottage, fine range and electric light, $10 per month. 546 E. 14th 3t. MT. TABOR Nice, clean 6 room bun galow $12. Tabor 1811. W. H. Saw- tell. FOUR room house, block to car, 3 large lots, $5.60 per month, includ ing wjuer;Phonesejtwooai06 7 ROOM house. 50x100 lot. on Grand ave. north, $17.50 per month. For In formation call Marshall 5725. TO RENT New modern 6 room house on corner Vancouver avenue and Ma son st. Phone Woodlawn 204. $5.00 3 rooms, sleeping porch, fruit trees, chicken houses, near car. Fraser, East 640?. MODERN 6 room house, 333 East 1st St., North. Inquire Oscar T. Olsen. Broadway 4080. FOR RENT 7 room modern house, 60x100 lot. $10 month. 796 E. 7th st. N Woodlawn 27. TWO 8 room modern houses for rent in desirable location. Applv to Dr. A. Tilzer. 1120 Selling bldg. Main 2474. CLOSE IN. west side, 6 room modern house near Lincoln high school. 393 11th. Call from 2 to 5. $16. MODERN 6 roomed house in Sun nyside; good condition; key at 948 E. Taylor, ENTIRE lower floor. 4 light airy rooms, bath and pantry, reasonable to good tenants; close in. 92 1ST. 16th. $12.50 NICE remodeled 5 room cot tage, large yard, painted in and out side. 1686 E. Taylor. NEW 6 room modern house and one acre. $10 per mo., close to Gilbert station. Call 668 Williams ave. $7 month, 6 room cottage; west side; walking distance. Inquire 328 Mor rison at. MODERN 6 room house, adjoining new Franklin school, Mt. Scott car. $12.50. Tabor 6826. $15 FOR this house, walking distance, yard, block from school, stares and library. &60 .E. Morrison. Tabor 5532 $20 NICE, clean, modern house, yard. ! walking distance. East 2409. 3 ROOM house for rent, $5 month. Call 1176 Clinton. LAURELHURST bungalow also new one' Rose City Park. Tabor 3555. $10.50 6 room cottage, water free. 95 , K. 10th, cor. E. .Wash. East 342. MODERN, clean 7 room house. 327 Woodward ave. Sellwood 765. MODERN 6 room house, yard. 362 14th St., near Portland academy. - GOOD 7 rjom house, walking distance. $12 per month. Phone Tabor 4103. $166 room modern house, 729 East Yamhill st. Key at 738. MODERN . 5 room cottage, large gar den. 569 Hoyt. Phone Main 8261. $25 8 room modern house, flowers and large yard; 609 B Couch, B-3068. , v - ' X FOR RENTHOUSES J '. (Continued) " - 12 HOUSES. . rooms, 4139 49th ave. S, E. W-W car to Howe station. -. - $12. oO 6 rooms, modern, 997 Commer cial st-, corner - Blandena, near Jef ferson high achool. . t $15 6 room bungalow, ,1448 Garfield ave., near Dekum; Woodlawn car. $157 rooms, large yard, 429 E. Burn side St., near E. 7th.' '! $17.50 7 rooms. 789 BVAsh st, near E. 24th. $185 rooms. 555.' Overton st, cor. 17th. -. $186 rooms, modern, 671 E. Everett. near E. 18th; Rose City Park car. $30 10 rooms, 144 N. 18th st., near Hoyt; suitable for housekeeping apts. $30 11 rooms, 109 K. 9th at. $35 9 rooms, 769 Hoyt st.; near 23d. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. t Main 8699, A-2653 HOUSES FOR RENT. 6 rooms, 405 llth st, $22.50. 8 rooms, 135 14th St.. $30. 6 rooms. 248 Nartilla St., $15. 9 rooms, 374 .14th st., $35. 6 rooms. 652 Upshur St.. $18. 7 rooms. 689 E. Broadway, $30. 8 rooms, 20 E. llth N.' $25. 7 rooms. 304 E. 1st N.. $20. 7 rooms. 557 Madison st.. $20.00. FLATS FOR RENT. 6- rooms, 662 E. Salmon St., $20. 7 rooms, 205 Union ave. N-, $15. 6 rooms, 241 Grant St., $16. 6 rooms, 224 E. 1st N.. $18. 5 rooms, 472 Hancock st- $18.50. 5 rooms, 474 Hancock st- $21. 6 rooms, 644 E. 7th N.. $22.50. 6 rooms. 425 6th St., $18. PARRISH, WATKIN's & CO.; 106 2d St.. MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RF.NTAt, AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Tenth Floor. Temoorarr Annex. Complete and reliable list of va cant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows in the city; make use of this service When you desire; tms does not obligate vou in any manner to this-store. Yoj will find us willing and ready at all Umes to nelD you in locating. Uewcoir.ers in Portland will find this bervlce especially, valuabl-i. Real estate men and owners of private property are invited to list, their un occupied apartments, flats and houses at .oxeier s trim iree renin dutcsu. MODERN, up to date 4 room bunga lows, with built In beds, buffets bookcases, window seats and coolers. sell lighting gas ranges, water heat ers. linoleum in kitchens and bath rooms, fine lawns, walks, i clotheslines and poles; if you want something fine. see these on sumner St., near L. 14th Owners. Blanchard & Clemson, 702-3 Selling bldg. 2 FAMILIES JOIN $25 rents 549 6th; 8 rooms, yard, 2 toilets, 2 sinks, gas, water connections, basement to attic; also cottage. 1043 E. Alder. 5 rooms. $10; electricity, gas; keys 911 Selling tldg. Main 3392. Drake. Also 4 H. K rooms, furnished lower flat, 412 Vancouver, fiz. MODERN six room nouse. Reason able to good ' tenants. 1026 Wood ward ave- Phone Owner C-1060. FURNJTUIVE FOR SAXE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 ADS of urniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods olasai- ficatlon when house is not for rent. 5 ROOM modern cottaee. close in. west side: must sell at once: make me offer. Phone Main 4154. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 NICELY furnished 8 room house with sleeping porch, near Ladd addition; hot and cold water, .gas arid electricity. Bath and toilet up stalre and down; furnace," sanitary wash tubs. Price reasonable. C-325, Journal COMPLETELY furnished 7 room bun galow, firedace. furnace, rnniro piano, gas, electricity, lawn, garden. i. wo cirs. 33. IrJ. 1 in St.. POSITIVELY best, cheapest furnished o room cottage in city; ice, piano. 1113 E. Washington, near Laurelhurat Park. FREE! 2 months' rent of nice 6 room bunealOW. furnlRhfirl. 1 vnn mr furniture only $100. Big bargain for quick sale. 1024 Borthwick st CaiU u;od to x or atter I p. m. $10 S room house, 10 mln. walk to business center. Near KhattncV nd Lincoln high schools. Good neighbor- nocc oua Harrison. Main 902. , FURNISHED 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms. modern, close in. east side. cornr. walking distance Broadwav bridsre: $30. Woodlawn 4032. NICELY furnished 6 room house, $12 month. University Park. 602 Couch bldg. COMPLETELY furnished modern 7 room house on Hawthorne ave. Ta bor 4679. $12 6 ROOM furnished house, one block from Sit. Scott car and st-or. 7109 53d ave. S. E. 6 ROOM bungalow, neatly furnished, near Laurelhurst Park. $20. Mar shall 2241. FOR RENT Furnished 4 room house, with bath and earaee. 398 Roselawn ave. fnone woodlawn I74y FOR RJENT Nicely furnished 5 room nome in lrvington. 335 month. 685 E. llth St. North. 6 ROOM furnished house, cheap rent. eiY .foweii st near 16th. Brooklyn car. $11 Modern 3 room house, walking distance, yard. . 297 Hajicor'ir Kt Wdln, 1430. SUNNYSIDE 6 room - house, strictly modern, near car line. 888 E. Wash- lngton st. LAURELHURST HOUSE. Furnished or unfurnished. Phone Tabor 4975 or Columbia 411. 5 ROOMS, bath; beautifully situated; gas, electricity, low rent to rieht tenant. Rivera station. Phone A-5196. ALL or part of furnished house on Portland Hts. Main 7974. Main 4390. Three sleeping porches, FURNISHED 4 room, new house. Key 7S mast ooucn st. .WELL furnished 9 room house, $300. Neal Brown. 209 Panama bldg. MODERN furnished 4 room bungalow. iruit. water paia. a jk. 8 7tn st 4, 6 AND 6 room modern, walking ; n , A COM T - . uiDtaiiuc ggt raiiLuuver ttve- TWO room cottage, neatly furnished. 143 Atlantic et. FOR RENT Modern furnished 7 room nouse at tts rj. Morrison & 13th at FIVE room bungalow, 1033 Arnold St., near 34th. Main 8633. FOR RENT Neatly furnished cottage. 1008 E. 28th N. Phone-East 622. 5 ROOM cottage. Tel. Woodlawn 460. 6 ROOMS and bath, view. 455 13th st. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROSENFELD (brlek), 14th St, E. Stark, Modern 3 ana 4 r.. furnished orlin- fur. Private phones, reasonable rates. DOWN town, modern apta, $15 month up. tnciuaing neat, light etc. Royal Annex. 850 Morrison. PORTNOMAH 3 rooms, unfur.. 2 rms. fur.: hard- wood firs., walking dlst. 200-E. 13th. $4 WEEK; furnished 2 room apts,, in- cludine private Dhone. bath, cooklnsr gas and light Harrison Court 394 6th. PENINSULA APTS., concrete bldg... a and 3 rooms, hot and cold water. baths, st. heat, phone 512 y.p. C-1170. TMitiii; room apartments, au outside roorua. private bath. -Paeifie pht ne, $15 up. Tabor 6065. B-J035. . THE ORMONDE Front 4 and 5 rms. 65 Flanders. Nob Mill. Main 8251. AMERICAN and Marlboroun mod. , 6, a rm. apt. Mar, satii, m. '.6, A-2S7S. MEREDITH 3 & 4 rm. apts., reason able. 712 Washington. opp.22d.M- 7134 PAGE APTS. Excellent outside apts. Rates very reasonab1 ' ; East 3566. BUCK HARTFORD. 107 N., 21st. mod. 3, 4 rms. fur.; unfur. apts. Res, rent. KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay 3 and 4 room unTurntsnea: reternces. 8 AND 4 room furnished apts $10 up. Cincinnati Court 401 10th. LUXOR APTS.. 324 13th at; 2, 3 and i APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ' : (Contlnqed) V : 1 Comfo.il Accessible Reasonable Rent! ' All these features, and many more, are Included in these apartments.: Rent where, you . get the most for your money. . THE BELLE COURT. -. Trinity Place, near Washington. THE HANOVER. King St aid WAsh., near 22d, ' THE BERYL, 695 Lovejoy St., near 21st ' 2, 3 and 4 room apartments, with all the modern, up-to-date conveniences. Look at these buildings today. Better your living conditions. Call at buildings, or phone THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. (MANAGERS) Main $869 269 Wash. St. A-1777 BRAND NEW. ' TOIffi Mia-APTl. Cor. 18th and Couch' Sts. Nob Hill district 1 block from Wash ington St.. -.Just completed and ready for occupancy Sept 1. A modern 5 story fireproof brick building of call and refinement desirably located, con sisting of 53 2, 3 and 4 room outside unfurnished apartments, with large, light rooms, well ventilated, ample closet space, hardwood floors, ' tile bathrooms, shower baths, electric ranges, Hoosier kitchpn cabinet, bal conies, nrivate ohones. latest lighting fixtures and conveniences to be had in no other apartment in tne city. a ne building Is equipped with an automatic elevator with safety appliances, vacu um cleaning service, a large laundry room with steam dryers and excellent heating system. For reservations ap ply on premises. Take any car west on Washington street References re quired. pRIj:;ES MODeWtE. . THE ORLANtio, 22 N. 20th st, cor. Wash, st and 20th., 2 and 3 room furnished apartments; rates $15 and $35, by the month only; 6 and 8 minutes' walk to center of city; every modern convenience.private phone, bath, elevator, all outside rooms, clean and comfortable; respectable pa tronage only. We positively will not rent to unmarried people who are not employed. Marshall 184. Lucretia Court Lucretia st, bet. Wash, and Ever ett sts. Most beautifully located high class apts., 2-3-4-6 rooms. All modern conveniences first class service. . Prices .reasonable. References required. Man ager Mar. 1513. EAST SIDE. DEL RAY APTS., 308 Stanton at., between Union and Williams aves.; nice, clean S room apts., with bath.; every apt. an outside one; furnished and unfurnished; rates reasonable. Apply pt. B. Tel. East 3611. THE LUZERNE APTS., 1 3d and Hall, open under new management; 2 room furnished apts.. modern in every re spect; private phone in each apt; newly tinted and varnished through out; rates very reasonable. Call and look them over. Marshall 4637. THE ALTAMONT, 6 th and College. Clean, cozy. 8 and 4 room furnished apartments, rent reasonable. Also bachelor a apartments. Heat water, phone and janitor serv ice. included. Melcliffe Court East llth and Morrison, opp. east side public library, walking distance; 2 and 3 rooms, modern in every way; rates reasonable. BALBOA APARTMENTS, 429 Harrison, near 12th st Extra large 2 room furnished apts.. one unfurnished, modern, reasonable rent; good service. Marshall 2900. References. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. ' References. ELEGANTLY furnished 3 room apt, witn piano; ail modern conveniences, walking: distance. Price ereatly re duced to right party. References. 3S8 lltn st. THE Lusene apts., 3rd and Halls, mod ern brick, a rooms furnished; under new management;- newly tinted and varnished; prices very reasonable; call and look them over. Mar. 4637. FOR RENT Fine unfurnished 2 room apartments, strictly modern, all built in conveniences. Rent $17 to $20 per mo. Corner of Mill and Chapman, west side. HANTHORNE APARTMENTS. 251 12th st. Unfurnished apart ments, modern in everr respect, close in, first class service, each apartment has a private balcony. JULIETTE APTS.. 2i and Montgom ery. Pvt. bath. tel.. heat, hot ater; free gas for cooking; at end of 12 months 1 month's rent free. $12 up. THE 'CODY. cor. H. 7th and Taylor sts.. has been remodeled with private baths, new furniture and carpets, a ana 3 rooms; ugnt ana pnone iree. MONTGOMERY Apts.. cor. 3d-Mont- Komery. strictly moa.. ail outsioo zur. 2 rm. apts- elect ele.. best service. close in. $18 to $25. Free light. M. 9466 DIKL APTS.. 790 E. Ankeny. Com pieteiy lurnisnea, mouern a room apts.. lights, clean, pleasant; ?zu mo. $20 FURNISHED APARTMENT. 4 swell larera rooms, beat, phone water, all outside rooms; 715 Wayne, 2 3d and wasn. Aauits. main m. cAom hsar hath rnsinfll frftH liirnta and water: private bath, etc Phone Tabof 1697. MODERN 6 room apartment, all out side rooms, larsre front and back porch. Nob mil district pnone uaain 8251. : THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway S 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very reasonable Tent: best or service., main zooo. THE DRICKSTON APTS.. 448, llth, strictly mod. 2-3 rm. furM unf urn... day, wk., mo., wanting ais, nr. Park. Mai. 66. - $12 THREE cool outside rooms, com pletely lurnisnea, close to car, gooa neighborhood. J34 E." 33rd st Tabor 702. Adults. 3 BIG rooms, corner; just like living a home; furnished or unfurnished; per fect place. 816 Albina ave. Mississip- pl car, NICE, light, outside H. K- rooms, free phone, light and bath, $10. Taylor Grand apartment house, 192 Grand, cor. E. Taylor. IRVINGTON, 403 and 409 E. 16th st, N., cor. Hancock St., 5 rooms and sleep ing porch; lawn and flowers; conven ient and comfortable; Janitor ' aervlce. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 5 room turn, and anfurn. apts ; also 3 and 4 room turn, apartments. THE IRIS APTS. 3d and Mill sts, . Modern 2, 3 and 4 room apts, 'fur nished or unfurnished, $17 month up. No charge for- cooking gas. THE MORTON, Kinjr and Washington . Purnishea ana unturnisned apts., by the day, week ur month. Pacific and Home phones. FURNISHED rooms, $1 up. Unfur nished rooms, cheap H. K. rooms. 147 13th, near Alder st. ' . WINSTON, 3 and 3 rooms, prlvats bath, modern brick; special rates $1S and up: 14th and Market Main 1739 THE WOODMANSEE Fnrniahed . apartments, $10 to $20. and Glisan. Private bath. Cor, 18th THE CLARKETON New. modern, in cluding heat, hot water. phone, jani tor service. E. 5721: 800 E. Ankeny. 4 room apts.; also single rooms. FOR RENT FliATS 13 FLAT, 4 Toomm, bath, sleeping poFCh, gas range, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, linoleum on kitchen and bath. 268 E. 30th ,at . Tabor 2236. 13 T CCotlBned i $157 ROOM flat 307 E. llth-t will divide, 1 'block from Hawthorne av. wanting distance, pood car service, ' ; ciean ana very reasonably priced. 963. - - - y i st.. MODERN 4 room flat 450 Dixon St., near east approach Broadway bridge. Newly renovated, walking distance. Very reasonable rent. . ' y 469 6th. lower flat 5 rooms; key at 641 6th or phone Sellwood 1551. B 2032. ' , -" ' -. - MODERN 4 room flats, clean, water, garbage, large yard, $9.50. Keys at 467 Failing or call Tabor 2896. MODERN 6 room flat, gas range, waiter heater, linoleum. ? 2J5 16th, corner Salmon. ' , LOWER flat of 5 large, clean rooms, easy walking, distance, - 609 Colum bia st. FIVE room lower modern, near Broad way and Steel bridges. 251 Halsev 6 ROOM modern newly tinted upper flat 362 Park; phoneTabor 4175. TWO modern flats, -16th and Everett, very reasonable.' , NICE 2 &. 4 r. flats furnished or un- furnis'd. 244 Klllingsw'h. Wd. 1907. FURNISHED FLiATti SO MODERN 5 room flat, neatly fur - nished, newly painted and tinted. 2944 Margin, root or tiaisey ironung on river, omy iv minutes waiK to Union depot $20, including water. East 3612. $20 5 room furnished flat, walking distance. J, J-,. Oeder.. Grand ave. at E. Ankeny. FURNISHED flats, 2 nice flats, 382 Vancouver ave, $18 and $15. near In. S rooms, 226 Cook, near Gantenbein, $12. UP to date 3, 4, 5 room flats, fur nished or unfurnisned. sleeping porches; walking distance, rates. East 3737. $17 FIVE rooms, furnished except dishes and bedding. ' Inquire 146 E. 47th 8t near Belmont. CLEAN 3 room modern furnished flat. bath and pantry, $11," including water and phone. 729 Williams ave. 4 ROOM furnished flat, lower floor, $14; 3 rooms, $10; yard; good neigh bprhood; walking distance. 44 E. 7th. SWELL 4 room furnished flat, built-in furniture and sleeping porch. 553 Ladxj ave. East 1718. COM. Futk H. K., bungalow, lawns, sleepingv porch, bath, water, !ight, $18. Marshall 2941. 4 ROOM furnished flat. Phone and water included. Sellwood 157 8. ' NEW, modern 4 room flat, piano, base- ment. 105 Fremont st. 3 ROOM lower flat cheap, furnished or unfurnished. 604 E. 22d S. 4 ROOM furnished flat, cheapest rent In town. Woodlawn 4001. ' FIVE room flat furnished. East ISSx. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK CORNER STORE, on Killingsworth ave., near car barns; floor space 60x86; will divide to suit tenant; if you intend changing your lo cation or entering into mercantile busi ness, see this fine, modern, up to date corner with steam heat and over 100 feet of plate glass, centrally located. Blanchard & Clemson. 702-3 Selling bdg STORE for rent, right at the end of splendid place for candy, cigars and ice cream in connection with a drug store; ahoivoa nr. i rn.inti.ra air.nr in PHnna tne canine; ju. zstn ana tiaasey sts.; owner, C. L. Boss, during the' day at Marshall 4022 or A-5083; evenings pnone tast 728. NEARLY new, 1442 Mllwaukie . St., modern flat, above. $25. Main 27, Monday. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To exchange painting, paperhanging and tinting for rent, of 7 room house. Phone Woodlawn 3033, 7 to 9 p. m. YOUNG couple, no children. want rent or lease five to seven room unfurnished house, west aide, Sept. 1. D-28 2. Journal. WANTED To rent a barn or some va cant building for storing automo biles. K-957, Journal. SUMMER RESORTS 56 HEIGHTS Terrace and, 16th at Just above Portland Academy, 4 room tent house, sleeping porch, fine view, 4 or 6 adults, hot and cold shower baths, also 2 room apt, 453 Hall st, near fihattuck school. Main 5464. SLEEPING rooms, housekeeping rooms, housekeeping tents and tent ground, finest in Seaside. Apply Fan nie Austin, seasiae, or, CANNON BEACH cottage for Septem ber. Apply Mrs. IL A. Cole, Ecola P. O.. Oregon. . STEWART APTS.. Gearhart Or., open. Single rooms or apartments by day, HOUSEKEEPING apts., furnished, wood, water, light Ocean Crest Rockawav .Beach. ONE room furnished cottage with sleeping tent, 2 beds, $5 week. Phone Sell. 1877. TWO beach lots for sale cheap. Water st. . 392 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS S3 FINE Mallard lako for rent; 36 miles from Portland; 776 Quimby gt city. HORSES VEHICLES. ETC. 18 BARGAIN. One aurrey. runabout, one furniture or express wagon; these are in first class condition and bargains. Inquire 692 Williams ave. Phone East 1088 or C-1088. ilOO LB. HORSE, 8 years old. harness and buggy, works single or double; sell or trade for good fresh cow. 619 E. John st, St- Johns. Phone Co lumbia 665. BUY your implements, vehicles, wire fencing and general farm supplies where you get the most for your dollar. Some second hand, goods. P. E. ES BEN SHADE, 214 Front at TEAM weighing 2400, harness and wagon with wood rack on, $130. Horse harness and spring wagon, $36. Woodstock car to 52d st., 5 blocks no rt h to 5 4 th ave., first nouse. mo am - ...i.hi M .T : harness, sound and true, sincle or rlonhie. gentle for any obi nerunn nr ' boy to handle, $165. Phone Woodlawn 636. BAY horse, 8 years old, weight 1100 lbs., good worker and drives single or double. Price $65. Woodlawn 3493. 170 Killingsworth. - FOR SALE Classy saddle mare, with saddle and bridle. Weight 1000 lbs. 7 years old. A bargain. Main 84.0 L Mr. M yera. . A- Ffc , WWUM - . - . MH. . . l, I auitaoie tor lamuy uriving or qeuy- j ery; can be seen at G. L. Davenport'a FOR SALE Fine 1250 lb. horse, works single or double, good driver. 1864 E. Taylor at Take Mt Tabor-Alta- mead car. sret off 74th. - - FOR SALE A good delivery horae. wt 1100 lba.. age 7 years. Wood- lawn 796. FOR SALE First class driving team. double harness, rubber urea covered bu ggy. Woodlawn z or Aiam 1390 cheapf; leaving city. isei i- Asn, near 60th. ' ' ' - - . WILL feed and pasture one horae for the use of him at one nour a aay, light work. ' wooaiawn zauo. DEAD borates and animals hauled away r re- - vaii wwvu&-vu w&mauu Rendering Co- FOR SALE cheap Horae, harness. wagon. 1653 Virginia st FOR SALE Good horae. 1100 lbs,;$2E. 194 E. Z2a St. J. DEAD norees and- cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. - FINE a pan 7-year-old horses for sale, weight 3000. Zitti ana jvnoit pis- RUBBER tired buggy with top to ex- cnange ror mcycie. can war. zl,- MILK wagon for aale cheap. Tabor 147. FOR RENT- FliATS HORSES VEHICLES. ETC. 18 - (Continued) MULES, team bay mare mules, 2600 i, oenmauaer. 39th and V sts n Mvan va v a.sj iu4- jmcw car Darns VftnoiiuVfir vvr jers. Any spot or place you put them .Phone 899-R " y000" vvasi ; drive like pair horses, and- will do j 1 ' ,. , , , more work on less feed: set regular mule butt chain harness, new; ail at low price $240, or will trade for mares. Also two teams of smaller mules, 2200 lbs.; fine fat young mules that Wef will sell for $165 a nair. - If vou want mules come and look these over and say what you can. oo. vontractors 'ornce, 44 lloyt st. . . , : Mares, team of dark chestnut sorrel mares, 2800" lbs., are half sisters, both 8 years. bid and no older: have long flowing manes arm tails: best of feet and legs, and will pull four tons any spot or place you put them; gentle for any lady or boy to feed, drive or handle; have no tricks or vices in or out of stable. Set heavy sewed trace harness, like new, at low price of $265. Team, Boston chunks, 5 and 6 years old. are fine, handsome team that will pull true and work 6 days a week and always keep fat; set heavy- harness, like new, at low price of $240. Team bay mares. 2500 lbs., are eood. ! honest farm or brood mares; safe for any one to handle; will plow single or uouoie; not lame or sore; set gooa harness, at one price, $150. Black team. ieavy drafters, 8000 lb6., have good heavy bone and will wear for ever; true pullers; shod, grain fed. ready for heavy hauling now; set heavy harness, all goes for one price. Bays, horse and mare, full sister and brother, 2400 lbs., fat and hand some; 5 and 6 years old and no older: work single or double and ride; set of good harness, at low price of $190. Browns, team big, hard working horse and mare, have been pulling gravel and are not fat but In fair working order; set heavy harness and the gravel wagon, all at one low price, $150. See this bargain. , Single horses and mares' Brown mare, 1400 lbs., good worker, true to pull, fine brood mare, $90. One bay horse, 1350 lbs., good worker, $80 One bay mare, 1200 lbs., only $50. One buckskin mare, 1160 lbs., rides or drives, $35. Bay Worse, fat and ready for work, $45. Also some farm wag ons and harness at low prices. Call 129 N. llth st HORSES AND MARES BOUGHT AND SOLD ON THEIR MERITS. We are loaMng for some good farm chunks, blocky builtheavy bone, sound and true', good to work single or dou ble, good workers and true pullers, free of blemishes, and also several head of good farm mares ranging in weight from 1000 lbs. to 1600 lbs. We also have several good - marea and horses that will make good work horses. Come in and look therri over and bring us what you have for sale. FRAZIER & M'LEAN, Cor. 5th and Taylor sts. Portland's Oldest and Most Reliable . 'Horse Dealers. ' Wanted for Cash, Farm wagon complete, 3 M or 3 Inch; must be in first class condition. i-au rates Kealty Co., 249 4th Bt. PAIR bay work horses, weight 3850, ' servlceably sound, gentle, absolutely . true pullers any where under any con- , ditions. Light wagon and double har- i and 1 "ess 1.60- Come, look at these horses.' j pjj s vamo iui iu money. nuiaaii TWO strong horses weighing 2800 lbs., a 'new wagon and harness, $276 for all. 75 W. Skldmore st lilVESTOCK 33 (AUCTION SALE The undersigned will rlTr ?an sell at public auction about a mile fU .ranor 630, station or Ryan Place, on Taylor Ferry : sen cneap. ftinrsna-n i7. a. m.. the following property: 11 cows. some fresh and some to freshen soon, .1 Holstein bull, 2 years old, 1 horse 9 years old, double set work harness, food condition, set single harness, 1 ussy harness, 1 3-lnch farm wagon, nearly new, 1 small farm wagon, 1 buggy, 1 plow, milk cooler, milk tank and milk buckets. 1 steam boiler, gas oline engine,- pump and water tank, some household goods and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. Lunch at noon. Terms: Sums of $10 and un der, cash; over $10, 3 months' time, 8 per cent, bankable note. Nick Acher man, owner. J. C. KuratH, auctioneer. COME and see us about dairy cowa before buying. Lot 1 consists of 14 young Holstein cowa and registered bull, part cash, balance time notes. Lot 2 23 head Holstein cows 3 to 4 years old, all milking, will drop calves now to December. Lot 3 -12 Durhim cows all milking, will freshen this winter. Lot 4 41 head Holstein heif ers 4 months to 15 months old. Lot 6 consists of 62 head registered Jersey cows which: can be bought at price of grade cowa. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co., 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. FOR RENT 200 acre choice dairy ranch; rent $700 per year; big build ings' for 100 cows. For sale 60 choice large, mostly fresh cows; 4 fine horsea, malt wagon, milk cans and cooler, etc. Solid rock road; caf4h for milk at the barn. 4 yearling heifers: piggy sows and shoats; lots of hay; 100 acres best corn In Oregon; on 3 other choice dairy farms. H. Grebe, Tlgard- vllle, Or. fa 10 COWS, fresh and to be fresh soon. Jerseys and Guernseys, giving 4 to 5 gallons and very rich milkers. Take Woodstock car to 59th and walk 3 blocks west. cor. 8th at and 59th ave. Phone Sellwood 2071. 30 HEAD young Holstein grades, fresh or coming rresn; also zo neaa young v . . v. . . , .. - " ' " , Loll VI r. -ncinyji', .... ... " - - horses. E. H. Morgan, yamnm, tr ??',Ja.iaX-t", SLIGHTLY used tires, largest .lock y1 Portland, $3 to $16. irin repair I " J 7Z ng. Tire Supply Co.. 267 Madison. FOR SALE rt cow dairy. M-V car to J , ni 7i T mfhSi 5 nans irood tne Baae Line'road. 1 mile east lo J'pMT.Lf Twhpr 1166. FOR SALE, cheap, 6 fresh cows. 4 to 6 gal. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd-. atation, go 8 blocks north THREE freah cows, large Jeraey and Durham, 4 and S gallons per day. Will trade for beef. 1480 Macadam at ruiton car to iaano. FOR SALE 2 J tne lamily cows,, one Jersey, one Durham, must sell at once. Vancouver car to stairora at. . .. - . corner house. WANTED Two best fresh mil':h rows that $100 cash will buy, J. L. Rob inson, 50-r Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 3- cowa, give good rich milk, bargain for dairy farm. Call 70 5 Montana avenue. . FOR SALE Flne young Jersey ow and calf. -Woodlawn 29, today, or Main 1390. , , GOOD family cow ; party going away; ilk. S-91 E. Waah chea. Rich m eor. 80th. FOR SALEJ 5 good, cows, 3 fresh soon; tuberculin tested. One mile south Llnneman. E. A. Baker. FINE, fresh Jersey family cow, young gain. 613 f.. jonn -t. ot. jomm. $100. aome terms. Main 2H2ff. sftMK anlendid youmr country cows Jersey and Guernsey; fresh and springers. 602 E. 33rd st. N. - TWO fine, fresh young Guernsey cowa. Inquire Fleming, Capital Hill. 6c. Oregon Klectrfc. FOR SALE. 2 fresh cowa; large Red Pole; large "blooded Jeraey. Monday, 87th and Pine eta. i FOR tfALET" two V young A-l cowa. fresh thia month. One mile weat of Mt. Zlon. C Erdman. FOR SALE 6 fresh cowa. 871 Tacoma ave., Sellwood. . y TWO fresh, large cows, big milkera. T. 1694 Division at.; 20 FRESH cowa wanted. Bruce. Union BtocKyards. Phono woodlawn 2400. JERSEY-DURHAM cow, 6 yeara old, $65; 1016 N. Leonard St., fet. Johns. SEVERAL choice fresh cowa (tea ted), . $66 up. 2120 K. Gllaan. FRESH cow for aale. SZ 82nd atn near - Kanvtll atation. Box 277. . - LIVESTOCK' (Continued) TWO JrBV fnw .nmtno- K In days, big milkers, years old. Pri POULTRY AND PIGEONS 8 MALTESE and Oarneaux; show or utility birds: 4 won out of 49 shown las yar. Peanut hearts.- So lb any quantity, best squa fattener. Double nurabe oanus, seamless ' band made to order. . ' ROFIIS RKll HiBM.' . . ----- " DVA-VUU IIUCB A VI ?' J,8t anrt second does, . Oregoil . T'i"1 junior, Tirst and rut senior bucks, Seattle, fall and winte Hlrh class cockerels weighing aroun-' J 'os- take them now at 2.D0:an en;,"!, uuaul counts OREGON Hatctcvatt rr Phone Tabor4883. Box- 279. Portland's FOR SALE One first prise Embdeil SOe-. 7. Also youni Zc A .!'.? ?c' hla- Morning r un HALt; Chickens, Whlt Leg horns young stock and poultry net ana also fruit, prunes and apple! """" auur ood. ztis r" th t.. r I GENUINE Pekin -ducks. 50o and 76c Belgian nare .rabbits, 36c and 50H Mrs. A. Schon. 4030 13d st., S. E. Tabo FANCY Black Minorca hens, laying I 85c each; blue ribbon Black and Buf I Leghorn male, trade for hens or cash! aua rJ. 4tn St.. Anabel station. FOR SALE 5 thoroughbred Rock pull lets; will lay soon, l young rooatetl o laying nens, B.0t. 1031 J. Ca I rupners. iticnmonq car to 84th. 19 BROWN Leghorn lavinir hens. fu months old White Leghorn pullets! ouu cani, iia vara st.. i b ( )R MAT .T-- 1ft I T TJ a i j . . Wyandottes. 4 mo. old, rmlleta. 630: WHITE Plymouth i Rock hens for salel oneap; also St. Andrewaburg slngerel ''"u st., w. n;. c-eu wood 281. ojv nmvrr mx. i. aice a 1"Brtacar. rr.u nopper for 200 pigeons and 15H cheap. can Tabor 630. TWO thoroughbred Silver Camnln. cockerels. $1.50 each. 655 E. 4Stll St.. IN. M-1B37. FINE laying hens. 65c. Half grow tiuuneno, ion. jos Jii. 7tn St.. rJ. EIGHTEEN S C. R. I. Red hens, 75 each. 4228 74th st. A FEW tiixl-h n,nu up. nu rjfll 2tn St., Ptl 15 chickens for sale; 20 pullets. Cheap! a. jiuui lua. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 4fl ; Cocker Spaniel Puds A beautiful litter of red Cocki oiuiiiiejs out or xseuie HI, 1B9014 A K. C. Also a flnn Ktto nf hl.lr era at stud. The black cocker "Mackil et. nso. a. cocKer spaniel makes an excellent bird doc-, a falthfiiJ watch dog and companion, or a play -I mate for your boy or girl. IL G Makelim, Box 1137. Portland, Or. FOR SALE Bear, cougar, cat doei 9 months old, . Alrdsle. hi. hound I bred from a hunting strain. Thes pups are Teady to go Into the moun tains this fall to go to work. F. Hew ltt. 1138 j. Morrison. AIREDALE STUD A winner bv Cbl Illuminator, fee $10; puppies chearl Main 4522, or kennels. McKenna avel d Lombard st, St. Johns carline. PEDIGREED English Bull ouoa. fe males; best breeding stock on thrl coast, laa jessup at. pnone wood l lawn 3701 till 4 p. m. THOROUGHBRED Ent'Iish Bull doir 18. months' old; goodwatch; fond oil children; $5. 1290 Atlantic at. CLASSY litter of pedigreed Boston ter riers out or beat stock obtainable,! and a half couth of either Multnomah , TRADE Airdala for Persian kitten, ool roaa, on ssaturaay. Aug. 1915, at lu.FOR SALE Angora kittens cheap 1200 Knott at. Tabor 4482. BELGIAN hares for sale cheap, old! and young. 723 E. 48rd at.. N. FINE Canary singers for sale. Malrl 8547. PEDIGREED Boston Bull Terrier pup pies for eale; call Mam t4t. FOR SALE, good hunting dog (polnt er). Woodlawn 1406. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORI ICS 411 IF YOTJ want your auto painted orl brass trimmings nlOf-tplated, askl for estimates. Main 943, A-6282, Port-I land Plating & Auto Painting Co., 22dl and Thurman. BOSli Magneto, D. V.. o. 4, guaran teed good as new, $25. Pacific Tire & Supply Co, 825-27 Burnside. 1913 5 pass. OVERLAND; electricl lights; good tires, fine condition. This Is a bargain, can iur. uempniu, nhone Broadway 57. PEERLESS. 6 cyU 1 pass., late model. I electric self-starter and Hunts; ex-1 ceptlonal bargain; terms. Broadway I 6868. . NEW and used Ford automobilvs aold on easy terms. Beoj. E. Boone 4k Co.. Ford agents, 614 Alder at Main 8946. SKVEN Dass. GARFORD, good rorl etage work; will consider trade ip o $400. Whiit have you7 Call Mr. Hemphill, Brofrlway 887. Written guar-1 antes wuni every spring. 26 N. 15th at iai- (Vir.r. electric liirhts and starter; 2 spare tiree; car la, fully equipped and in tine running uiu. Call Air, tiempnill, x-rtmuw.y om. nnA -ait th. e-rano-. hall Cnanicai CU IU. IKI., -. Tr, 1250. 31 N. 19th at. CHALMERS "30," 5-pass.. all brand new. oversize tires. Bargain. Broad- AUTOMOBILE repainted for $10 and1 UP. JvlrSl Class wormuu"iy. ... fall Columbia 142. krveK oass Win ton, value $17601 ini. t2Eo trade for clear lot or acre- age.' 3la Lewsbjdg. SACRIFICE Hupmoblie 191; will aell very reasonable; a kuvu mm terma' 1271 E, Yamhill. Tabor E354. CfTALMEftS 30," Xoredoor touring car. Kood.conaiuon. caan. pnone East 5')59. " ; , ' - sTTonTpo pe-hartford truck. Driven only about 1600 mllea; bar gain; terms- Broadway 6868. condition, $376. Call Mr. IlemphUL Broadway 887. - "-- iioiiSR BOATS J.i L. Gllham. build er. foot of Spokane ave. Sellwood S14. B.2476. - . FOR SALE 5 pass. Ford, 1914; model. Phon Woodlawn 611. PIERCE-ARROW, 1912. 6 -paaaenget, $1250 spot cash, c-321, journal and gentle, tnbercniin tstea;a ar-T;TW0 passenger runabout auto car. f.TrJH-r DELIVERY." Brand tiew 1915 car. Broalway,S48. ;l 2 TON auto truck for aala or trade. Jrtiimal 1916 Federal, IVt ton truck for aale. H S-807, Journal WILL aell mv 1914 Dayton; looka like! new, 827 Keuy at. HIGHEST prlcea paid for old rubbar. j roetala J:Leve. 186 Coltimbla. M. tl j BRIGGS magneto for Michigan cars at a, baraain. Main 6934. . CHALMERS 30, 5 paaa., model K; bar gain; terms. Broaqway ajoa. ; FOR RENT, apace for 1 or 2 autoa 4 Inquire 8 Ifarrlson at TODAY ONLY Roadster In good ahape, 331B. I7wg l-Mviaion at 1914 FORD for aale; A-l condition. I Bargain. D-268, Journal. FOR SALE: Portable . garage cheap, Lanreihurat. Tabor 3168.- 'I (Ooatlaoed on 2lax rage)