r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1915. - PONDEXTER PINS FAITH IN PROGRESSIVE FORCES OF COUNTRY Washington- Senator Says He Wifl Seek Election of Pro . gressive Republicans, CONFERS WITH "TEDDY" Prominent G. A. E. Prairie, with : traction engine and clover huller, the engineer. Herman T V. .. . . M - - ' uciuuiiui, uau iiBivn isuifOi, sums . ' w. ST ' YT i TT of the searing- of the engine avti -MflTI VlSltS H PTA way, causing- the engineer te lose) IVlaLL T lOitQ IIOIO control jot , the ' engine, which toppiea arjxBe of Waging Campaign Agralnst ;" en Reactionaries is stated f ' at Spokane. ; : Spokane, Aur. ISCP. N. S.) Sen tor Miles Poi&dexter, after a trip over the western part of the state during which be conferred with Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt at Seattle, ' today Je lared tola belief that the Republican 'party, if united, Is overwhelmingly progressive and asserted that he would edhere to his purpose to bring together froe Progreeslve forces in an effort to Sdefeat the reactionary element in the Republican ranks. --The division of the Progressives between the Republican and Progres sive organizations," said Senator Poin dexter, "has left the reactionary ele iaent of the- Republican party in con trol in this state." . J Senator Poinflexter declared he fcrould direct his political activities to ward an attempt to bring ahout the domination of Progressive Republicans -throughout the country. -f Huller Is Injured. V Molalla, Or., Aug. 12 While de Oending the 'Johnson hill On Dickey over ! a seven foot embanament, car rying the huller with it. Bernhardt escaped with a few braises' and' a sprained ankle, - i i . Society to. Publish J. B. Adams1. Poems Former Residents of Colorado WotUd Spread. Works of Popular Writer . Who Is How Sere. The Colorado Society of Oregon is going, into the publishing business. It ,wiU Issue a volume of the poems of James Barton Adams, Colorado's poet, who is now living In retire ment at Vancouver. This was decided by resolution at the annual picnic of the society at the Oaks last night, at which Mr. Adams was the guest of honor. Although Mr. Adams' poems, as clipped from newspapers, are In scrap books up and down the land, a vol ume of hi verses has never been printed, Justice and Mrs. jr. Oottschalk Are Guests of Their, So and Daughter-in-law. Justice and Mrs. J. Gottschalk. of Buffalo and Lancaster, N. TV are In Portland at the home of their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. - and Mrs. A, B. Gottschalk, of 91 East Ninth J Dr HU1 wai&& wlth the car for day. They registered at the Port land, , and then went on a seeing Portland automobile trip with Dr: J. W. Hill, president of Hill Mill, tary academy and cousin of Con gressman Hill, But before thai automobile trip Miss JElsle got In touch with Miss Virginia Arnold, Mn - charge . Of ' the Oregon bureau oft , the Congressional Union for Woman? i Suffrage. And they went j out "for1 Just a minute" to see some other down town suffrage enthusiast. And that's why ! Congressman Hill street north. They came by way' of Glacier Na tional park and were delayed IS hours at Erie, Pa., i by eloudbursts. Justice Gottschalk Is ; an uncle of Drs- Amelia M. and Frederick 3. Zlegler, and Mrs. I E. Sauvaln, of this city. He brings with him the first Car. negie hero medal, which was. awarded to his son Arthur, in 1904, the year the fund was established. The Justice has a serial of his Civil precious half hour the congress man and his daughter allowed them selves but a few hours In Portland while Miss Arnold and Miss Hill took an extension of time. ; rTes. I'm for suffrage, all right." said Congressman Hill, in this inter val, aut I'm not! very enthusiastic this morning." Miss Joy Webster, national treas urer of the Congressional Union who was at headquarters, says that the two other Hill girls are. equally as court from Issuing w paying to the Himes Engineering & Construction Co. any warrant or warrant in payment of services rendered by the Himes company to the county in con nection with the platting and surveying of county roads. Judge Galloway of Salem issued a : tem porary restraining order, in the ab aence- of Judge H.- Hi Belt. 1 teat the latter will hear the case, August 18. 'Snakes Can Catch Fish. , II u aura. Wash., Aug. 12, This was demonstrated Tuesday on the ranch of E. Z. Osborne, two miles northwest of here. A small spring' creek runs through the pasture on the. Osborne ranch, forming a pool large enough for. fish to play in. Here a large water snake was seen to seise a ralnbpw trout by the head and make for the tall grass. Osborne killed the snake and threw the ; live, fish , back Into the FAVORITE -Boathouse South aid of Korrlaoa Brldso. Boeedy launches, row eoata, eaaoaa for htra, at all pool. - The fish was about 12 inches iniYJ"; !0 " j000' bo P0 iMvt. I Alt descriptions of water craft bought and teugin. I sols en commission. . ., GENERAL MRMATIOK FOR THE TOURIST AND PLEASURE SEEKER Recreation, Health, Fishing Resorts Rail, River and Stage Routes Condensed information regarding leading outing places and principal side trips and stags lines. The northwest, with, its great natural aeenio and climatio attractions affords unusual advantages to seekers of health or recreation,- information regarding resorts ox aid trips can be obtained from The Journal Travel Bureau, Phones A 6051, Main 7173 or from Tourist Agency and Travel Bateau. Marshall 1879. - V 735 BEACH RESORTS. BEACH RESORTS. War RemrnTscecel'now S in enthusiastic as Miss Elsie fo suf Western New York Post.-and will I ag.; I ' writ of his trln for the Buffalo. And Miss Arnold hunted up a copy papers of the union's official publication, Thai itinerary calls for a 90 days' with an article by Congressman Hill. Journey, returning via the California fairs and the south Justice Gottschalk is a prominent G. A. R. man and and represented The volume is Intended not only a j the state of New York at the' Get- something that wiU "fill a long felt want." but that will be a memorial to the well beloved author. Mr. Adams spoke briefly last night, as did Mark Woodruff, Shad Krants, Joe Hunn, Professor Garvin and Others. ' Will Visit San Francisco. Albany, Or., Aug. 12. Fifteen people of Sweet Home will leave there the end of the month In an automobile truck for San Francisco to visit the exposition. The truck will be equipped with camping outfits arid members of the party will sleep by the roadside and get their own meals 'en route. Those who will head the party are M. V. Coulter, Palmer Story, Frank Ma- lone. Levi Ellis and George Ellis. tysburg reunion. Congressman i Hill Admits Being 'Stiff oglc and Daughters Said to Have Convinced ' Bepresentative From Connecticut's Fourth District. Congressman Ebeneser J. Hill, of the Fourth Connecticut district, is a Republican. He has three daughters who are suffragists. He held Out up to a year ago. Now he's a "suff" too. Congressman Hill, with his daugh ter Elsie, was lh Portland yester- 'Confesslons Tf a "Convert.' "Of course." -said Miss Webster, "the logic of our argument appealed to hlno, but we believe the three daughters had something to do with It." t?' - v - 4- To Entertain Elks. Cottage Grove, Or., Aug, 12. The committee Is making arrangements to entertain between 600 and 1000 mem bers of the Elks upon the occasion of the annual high Jinks here next Sun day. There will te( a big- barbecue. games, etc. Restraining Order Issued. Dallas, Or., Aug. .12. As a:part of the campaign for a, recall of the county Judge and commissioners of Polk coun ty, suit was" filed in the circuit court here yesterday to enjoin County Clerk A. B. Robinson, County Treasurer . F. J. Holman and members-of the county WW W "'" ' ' saWfiar,-,,, ' : ' ' m BO 13 Do not hesitate. Visit the "Owl" this Friday. Friday has conie to be regular saving day at the "Owl" for shoppers. When the "Owl" calls a price SPECIAL, it is special. A reduction from our regular prices. . People have come to know that. You'll find many "Real Specials" at "The Owl" every Friday. f The following list illustrates a few of the exceptional savings.. Read this list. The chances are that you will find many items that you use daily. 33c . 32c Glyco Thymoline, 6 -ex. Mentholatum, 4-oz. ........... s. s. s,, large Nes tie's Food, 50c size . . . .... $1.09 .......34c Carter Hair Coloring: fives splendid results; con suit our saleslady regarding; this excellent hair coloring. Special price, 50c bottle no 39c T3 .Syrup Figs at , . . -Plant Juice . at ..... Cacteria at Liquid Veneer, 25c size . . . . . . .. . . 33c 67c assjp-l :.22c .17c Liquid Veneer, 50c size . . ., , . OOC Bartlett Water ...19c ...16c ...12c n wa 33 Sythnia Water at Colorite at Zymole Troches at EBONY BACK NAIL BUFTERS, regular 2Se, at ..... HOUSEHOLD WAX PAPER, tor wrapping sandwiches and picnic lunches. Regular 10c 17c 'APER, .-.4 for 25c OQrt FOR DOLLAR HAIR Os7C BRUSHES the fin st dollar brushes sold in all America. Amalax l ... Enos Fruit Salts at ..... i ; Saline Laxative, 2-oz. Cuticura Ointment at . . . 19c ...72 c ...19c ...37c Hobson' Ecie- 00 ' ma Ointment 4 oz. .3jC Traak's Ointment gg : JOHNSON'S SHAVING CREAM Lathers freely and quickly and doss not dry on the -j J ' fe Regular 20c. . . . 4C Mars. 2000 Home A-1333 T Buainets Hour Waalc Days .- Sana. to II p.m. - Sunday . 5 a. Cn. to 1 p. m. 6 p m. to-10 p. m. I70 FOR YOUR CHOICE UL OF ANY DOLLAR BATH CAP. A fine assortment. Hood's Sartaparilla at Succua Alterans . at Peruna at -Marshall's Cubeb Cigarettes ..69c $1.29 ..67c .17c . $1.43 67c ...34c Eckman's Alterative . D.'D". D $1.00 size . . D. D. D., 50c size . . . . , ROCHELLE SALTS, a mild, cooling, saline laxative; pleasant to take. 7 r Regular 10c, 2-oz it Amolin Deodorant, An antiseptic powder for cor recting the odor of perspiration. Reg. 25c ARMOUR'S GRAPE JUICE Regular 25c, X7C 17c 6c ...6c 69c 37c ..16c EXTRA TUBING for your Fountain Syringe.. 5 feet of finest mafoon O A tubing U C Pierce's G. M. Disc fiQ &t is seiaseesss r J Pierce's Favor its Prescription ....... Wine Cardui at . . . . D. & R. Cold Cream Regular 20c Kenton. Envelopes, Regular 10c pkg. of 25. Saniflush at .... SPIRITS OF CAMPHOR Made of pure grain alcohol and high-grade camphor "lrT gum. Regular 25c . . . . Xl C 69c, 69c! 15c 7c 17c Community Lawn A splendid box of Linen Paper, each sheet steel-die engraved with the words "Portland.' Boa . contains 24 sheets and 24 envelopes. Sells regularly " rj for 25c ...... . . JL s x Energine at 2-m-l Shoe Polish...... Shinola Polish Regular 10c, at . Dthine Freckle Lotion at ... . . Wyeth Sage and Sulphur, 4-oz.. , Wyeth Sage and f7f Sulphur, 8-oz. . ....... I Otf, Palm Qlive Soap 7 at , . . ....... it Hinds' H. & JL Cream, Fitch's -Hair Tonic 67c Owl Skin Cream -r- One of the finest 'creams sold in America, 50c jar ........ 39c BathasWeet at 4711 Bath Salt, 4-oz. , Eversweet it Owl Toilet Pumice 15 Regular Pears' Scented Soap ....... Stein's Grease Paints at Diamond Dyes at Putnam Dry Cleaner, 25c sis . 3-in-l Oil, 25c size . Brown's Wonder Cream, Regular 25c jar. . . Rajah Cleaning Fluid I for removing grease spots, J paint and oU. I Regular 25c . ... 15c 85c 15c . . 7c 13c 17c 5c 17c 17c 15c 19c Lesley Dental Cream A rich, smooth, pleasantly flavored tooth paste. " f Regular 15c lUv J. & J. Pocket Dental Floss Jap Tooth Silk at . . . 1- oz. Jamaica Ginger at 2- oz. Pure Glycerine at Pocket Dental , fj . 7c ....7c ...7c Bicarbonate of Soda, 16 oz. . . . . ; 2-oz. Castor Oil at . ... . . ............ 6-oz. Insect Powder at .4.4 2-oz. Senna Leaves at ....... Boric Acid Powder, 16-oz. ...... ( 18c : 7c 18c Owl Bay Rumz- Healing ' and soothing. the max himself. m m m For the man who shaves 1A. Reg. 25c. . Xi7i All 25c Hand Brushes at ..18c ream' 1 Kent's Vermin" Destroyer Regular 25c bottle, "J( GLOVER'S DOG SOAP Consider your dog these hot days help keep the i r animals clean; 20c cake -LOO De Miracle Cream, 50c jar . .; . . . . J. & J. CORN PLASTER r Regular 10c . . . . . . .'. OC DIOXOGEN (Liquid Antiseptic) Regular 20c, at . Witch Hazel, 4-oz. . .... . . . . 33c 14c 7c Witch Hazel, QQr quart only OOO Saponol Tooth Powder, H rj Regular 25c tin . .... . . ll C Rose Water, 2 ounces of f7 finest imported . . .. . . . . v Hospital Cotton. Pound of a very superior grade f ."tjQn cotton. Long fiber ... iOL Rose Cold Cream, Regular 254 Parke -Davis Hydrogen ?eiTde: 29c Denatured Alcohol for alcohol stoves. Pints. Liquid Arvon at . 4711 GLYCERINE Soap .............. NON SPI at CALOCIDE (a foot remedy) . . . . . Owl Liquid Shampoo.' Regular 25c 12c 70c 12c 32c 15c 17c 0 3 Owl Corn Paint I Easy to apply and quickly re J lieves the pain. - f Regular 25c XVC Satisfaction in Every Transaction1' TWENTY-ONE STORES ON THE PACIFIC COAST WaASHINGTON AT BROADWAY, PORTLAND, OR, NEW" MAIL OR. DER . CATALOG SENT ON RE QUEST. i lfca3' Ordear ' cus tomers receive our tut prices just as though they were in the store. ' Send us ; your films. "Better de veloping and print. ing.f IS .a- OriTCI 1 f sfgrT 17 Beaslde. Clatsop Beaen. Oregon, rill I tl. lVl.VJfvJXVE orslaaaa nearest and most pop "' 4mm4mm w ' ' ulax ocean resort. Hotel Moore overlooking the ocean of fers to the tourist and traveler pleas ures seldom If ever combined at any one resort. Surf bathing. Hot Salt Wa ter Baths. Natatorium for Indoor swimming. Canoeing on .the Necanlcum river. Good auto roads. All automobUee leave from Eotel Moo re for ink Creek ana Cannon Beach ochah. HOTEL MOORE, Daa J. Moore, Prop. P5SS25S. '-'lUli-U Tl tl Bar View Hotel AND FTJHNTSHED HOUtSEXEZFXKff TESTS Under New Xaaasaineat HOTEL BATES $1 EEX SAY A3TO XT- Fimilahed Houaekeasiaa- Tanta. 11.00 oar Dav. Operatad by W. A. WUa, Sl-tl3 FaUiaa bid.. Portlimd. and Bar Viaw, Xillamoek Coaatr, l reoii. fbonea: A-2038 ana jsaia suss. THE HACKNEY COTTAGE With Is How OPES FOB. THE 8EAS0H all mod era bnprovemaats. writs or wire. 31 For rates VIEW. WASH. Windemuth OH THE WT1LAMETTE OPEN RIVER AND TASK BATHZHO. Taka fast launch foot of iSalaioa street erary half hour, commencing 1:I0 P. M., far 6 oants, or Brooklra car to Woodward are. I free launches oonnsotiag. Xttaohsoa and refresh. meats. Crown Point Chalet oemmodationa. Maple Dancing Floor, Ante Vns from Portland, Far reaerrationa phone Mra. K. E. Henderson, Crown Point Chaiet. The moat beantifoi new on tne coiumbia river. Sea Crest Cottages EIGHT OK THE : BEACH Completely txir Biahed 8, 8 and 4 room eottagee. Each cot tage has a splendid view - of the. ocean, city water,' electria lishts and rood sidewalks, elosa to stores and natatorium. Before decid ing where to spend your summer vacation write for rates and other information to CHRIS ARMS. Kewoort. Or. North Beach Inn Overlooking Ocean Snrf Bathing. Room and Beard 2 to $3.50 day. Weekly $10 to f.12. aooms 7So day op. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPIHO APTS. AND TEHTS (S BEDS) So TO SS WEEKLY, KORTH BEACH IX N. LONG BEACH. WASH. All trains stop at grounds of hotel. Buy ticket to aewton station. ' . MOUNTAIN RESORTS MOUNTAIN RESORTS WHITE HOTEL XLAhUTH TAXI.S, OBEOOR Justly famous for its servics and appointments. A restful Ousts of .eomfprt'Hknd pleasure for the tourist an route from California to Oreaon. An Ideal place for a days stop-over on your way to Crater Lake. Make this your home while enjoying your vacation with rod or gun. Flshlns In the Klamath or Link river Is a royal sport. Deer arid water fowl abound in Klamath county. Large, airy, well-furnished rooms, well pre. pared and well-served meals, a home-like atmosphere and courteous at tention will make your stay with us a pleasant one. WHITE PELIOAir OASAOB Just across from the Hotel, is the White Pelican Oarage, a brick and fireproof building. One of the best-equipped garages to give good service to the automobile owner between Sacramento and Portland. Largs stook of tires and accessories. Auto Stage to Crater Lake. For rates, renerva.. tions or further information, address A . THE WHITE PEXXCAir HOTEL or ' Wamath Palls THE WHITE PELIOABT OABAflE, , OmOb ' Colonial Hotel CLATSOP BEACH . SEASIDE, OR. BATES REASONABLE Completely remodeled. Good location, ens block from beaoh. Excellent dining room. Free sua meets au trains. F. B. LINDSLEY, Prop. CANNON BEACH THE SCESIO BEACH OF OREQOBT THE WARREN OVERLOOKING THE OCEAV Fine fishing, hunting, turf -bathing and horse back riding. Sea Foods a Specialty. Write for ratea. M. g. Warren. Proprietor. The Shelburne BHELBTTRSB 8TATX0S H0B.TH BEACH Alt modern ImnrOTemeats. One mt the lanraat hotels on North Beach. We raise our own poul try. Reasonable rates. Special ' rates by the week for families. Phone is hotel. Buy uoketa to Shelburne station. Trains stop right at door. Address Seariew. Wash. T. J. HO ARE, Prop. KILL CITY AuTO STAGE Lv. Ore. Ele. De pot, Salem, 4:40 p. m. daily for Turner, Aums Tille, Sublimity, Stayton, Itehama. Lyons, Mill wnn b. jr. train as aumi- City; connecting with S, P Tille. 6:16 d. m.. ar. Hill Ci Hill City daily 6:80 a. m., ar. ttooa risaing aioag route. m. Lv. 30 a. m. MOUNTAIN RESORTS ; . s OS THE BLUFFS OF THE C0LU3CBXA" An Ideal place for your summer's ret ,24 hours from Portland; in the Cascades magnif icent scenery excellent table. Send for illus trated booklet. C. W. J. Beckers, White Sal mon, wain. r t o i ri a AH IDEAL LAOLALiaA HovBXAur MOUNTAIN RESORTS Mt. Hood Resorts SfOXTNT HOOD ATTO SERVICE CO. Leaves aeier jt rana store, sua St. antrasea, daily 9.15 a. m. For particulars and reservstioas Meier ft Frank Snorting (roods Sept., phoae ae coramodetion desk. . Sight shone Tabor 4284. CRATER LAKE THE SAPPHIRE SEA ON THEXREST OF THE CASCADES . Crater Lake is the one wonderful jewel in the matchless collection of nature'a gems. Coma to Crater Lake Lodge and spend 10 days visit ing Wizard Island, the Phantom Ship, the Pinnacles, the Garden of the Gods, Union Peak, Anna Creek Canyon. Com and match your wits against, those of the S and 10-pound Rainbow trout in the mysterious sea of silence. The magic charm and witchery of Crater Lake will live in your memory. Crater Lake Lodge is on the rim of the crater, 2000 feet above the lake. All rooms are view rooms. Ratea $3.00 to $4.00 a day. Why not coma now? For reservations or 'further information, address Alfred L. Park hurst, Crater Lake, Oregon. TROLLEY TRIPS FOR TOURISTS ES T AC AD A p ARK 34 miles from Portland. Splendid sSenio resort. First class hotel at grounds. Rates a day, SHU BUB PARK A natural park 80 miles (rem Portland, fine place for fishing, camp ing, picnics, excursions and amateur photog. raptor. SPECIAL SUNDAY EXCURSION BATES to either of these narks 7 bo round trip. Trains leave First and Alder. CANFKAH PARK Cool, comfortable cutlns spot, 10 miles from Portland, overlooking the ' beautiful and picturesque Willamette Falls. Cara leave jc irat and trip- e oeuta. Round RESORT. you can have a eniet and restful the side of the famous Oascadia Mineral eat You. can hunt, fish, slay tennis, en- Deral hatha, You oaa rent Here Ins by BnrinKS. ioy hot or cold mini a tent or a- cottage or hoard at the .hotel. receive your mau oauy ana save aa loeaj vacation at a minimum axnaaee. For fall i in formation address OEO. H, GEISLXDORFER, Cascadia. Or. , WILHOIT SPRINGS In the foothills of the Cascada mountains. tl miles from Portland. An ideal resort for health and recreation. Excellent hotel and fine camping grounds. Tents and 1 cottages ' for rent. Pur specialty is 'our Saturday night and Sunday noon chicken 'dinner. Run out for your week end holiday. For full information write r shea F. W. MoLE&AMY WilAeit. Or., or ask any S. P. agent. -4 ShiphprriV Ho Springs THE PLACE FOB TOO A rsaort for health and recreation. Beautiful walks through the woods, saddle horses, fish- flim Willi BW American and ing. swimming pool. aoitt, tonn'o cou Dowung auey. sues grounds. m u a ing, Kuropean plan. Bummer enttagee and hubs- AOOreas JU. a. baisaera. vaxsoa. wsaa. TROUT LAKE AT THE FOOT OF MT. ADAMS. auii beautiaa are waitinff to m Easy walking distance or The W to match their speealed beauties are waiting wita aarainat vouis. Easr wa the famous lava caves and ice save. Head quarters for mountain climbers for the aacent of Xt. Adams. - H.ign-ciass amusement aau near hotel. Hotel ratea, S9.00 a week. Addreas OUtER HOTEL. Guler. Wash. Seashore and Mouniain Re sorts on North Bank Road STXJTDAY PZCB1C EXCITKSIOirS Round trips. vp a-vTut vaacaaes, ai.ou; varson, ll.su ; White Salmon, ss.so. CLATSOP BEACS . Pacifls Ocean, 4 hours irom xoruanu. iui - norm tuaut wains, 10th and Hoyt, te 6earhart or Seaside, Surf and natatorium Bathing, SS miles of oaeaa . strand. S3 week-end tnns. SHIPHERD'S HOT SPRING S At Carsoa. Wash.. 84 hours from Portland. Mineral waters' 117 F. . 13.80 weak-end round trip. GOVERNHEST MINERAL SPRINGS At Car : son. Wash. Mountain resort. 10 miles no i Wind river. Auto meets trains. (2 JO round t trip, JEWETT'8 FARM White Balmon, Wash., H ; hoars from Portlaad. Individual oottares i and beautiful ground. $3 week-end round "THE EYRIK" -White Salmon, Wash. Cot-' ' tagea and hoard. Write C. W. 3. Beckers, 1 White Salmon,- Wash. S3 week-nd trio. MT. ADAMS AMD ICE CAVESTnke North Bank trains to White Salmon; auto stage to Trout Lake. DESCHUTES RIVER FISHING RESORTS Reduced week-end fares. Train leaves 6:00 t. m. : returns 8:10 a, m. M'KENZIE RIVER RESORTS Take Oregon 1 El ec trio R'y. 'to - Eugene. Phone Broadway 830. A-687L FIFTH AND STARK. Jewett's Farm Home St Whit Salmon en the Columbia river im ready fc, receive guests. Its homelike atmos fib era, splendid ouiaine, and the beauty of ts natural surreandings make of It aa ideal resort to spend a few restful days or weeks. For further information or reservations address JENl!l JEWEI1. WHITE SALMON. WASH. WILLAMETTE FALLS Take Oregon City oat at First and Alder. Round, trio 40 oeata. TAMOODVEB. BARRACKS Taka V-Ba . ear, peoona aiw waaniBpTton. aouna trip SK CARY'S EOT SPRINGS A group of the hot test Curative springs in tae world, at the foothills f the Cascades. For iniormatioa call Marshall 3054 or Marshall 6100. FISHINw STREAMS Upper Clackamss river. Roaring Creek, Xegle Creek, and Denp Creek. Take cars at First and Alder, ea Estaoada Caxadero line. Low round trip rates and early special trains on Sunday. SANDY RIVER AND BULL RJH RTVXR xaaa sraias ax xirn ana Aiaar, null Bus Una. Law round trip ratea and early Sunday rain, '.'" t ioHNBON CREEK Taks train at First and Al- der, get ell as jlttoi, aii, jueats Junction. Sy earn ore, i.mnfimana. ureaaaaa, oogaa Of Haley. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION call Tioket Agent, First and Alder. Marshall 4100 or 6131. Portlanfj Ry. Lt & P. Co. "Bailable Senrioe." WHY NOT VISIT "Above the Clouds on Mt. Hood" Commanding the most glorious scenery of any Mountain Resort in the Pacific Northwest. Tor Tickets and Reservations, Ad dress Oorsey B. Bmltn, Maiager TRAVEL. BUREAU 116 Third St., Portland, Orefon. Marshall 1979 Rhododendron Tavern On Mount Hood Anta Stage Road, 47 miles from Portland. Ideal mountain resort, $9 day. Weekly llr.SQ, fla. Bpeoial rates for families. Saddle horses, lawa tennis, croquet, Good fish, ing. hunting. Phoaa. olentrto light, Daily auts stage. Phone Main 6840 or East S3. SmU Fraasetti. Prop., Rove, Or." RIVER STEAMERS Hotel De Government Camp Located on the South Side of Mt. Hood- beautiful view of the mountain and other prake. Guides far climbing, unsurpassed fish, ing and hunting. Bates 3 per day, $lSper week and up. sex a inaemore, rropa., itows, Or. Information, reservations and daily stags 169 M at, Mala 68b or aas Ua. RELIANCE MT. HOOD Auto Stages Dailv to Mt. Hood resorts. a. m. trln 16. Government Cams. 17.40. : 6 nee rates to. week-end- and climbing parties, in Round iai formation, reservations and tickets at B0' LEDGE SEED FLORAL CO., 169 Sd at. Main tlt56. A-8S11, or Zrvington Garaga, Bast lib. SAFETY AX ALL TIMES MT. HOOD AUTO LINE LEAVES DAILY calls and delivers te any part of dtv. dav of night, to Mount Hood resorts. B-ound trip, 5; vovsrament camp" .ou. , PHONES MAIN Ml or A-tSSL, " ANDXRBOaT BROS. . Welch's Ho tel PIONEER MT. HOOD MOTJNTAIS BES0RT. Pure ice sold' mountain water, airy sad com fortable bungalows, seed eaislaa. haatias. flsb Ing, horse back Tiding. Bates (3 Aay, (10 week. I W. E, WELCH, Prop. Welch's Postoffioe. Or. Freight sad Passenger STEAMERS TO THE DALIES and Way Landings "BAILEY GATZERT" Leaves Portland daily at T A. M. exoept Sua day and Monday. Sunday excursions to Cse eaue Locks leave 9 A. M. Beiurs ;4ft s. av "DALLES CITY" Lesvee Portland Sunday. Xueaday, Tb Brads at 8:ao A. M. " Suaday Casoade Locks axoBrsloa.... ...... fl.e. lare te The Dallas end return... ,.ILI0 ALDER STREET S0CX. P0BTLABS Phone al.lo Bis. A-olls STEAMER GEORGIANA Leaves daily except Monday ' ASTORIA AND WAY LANDINGS Leav!r foot of Washington St. 7 returning , 0 p. m. a. m. DALLES-COLUMBIA LINE Steamer State of Washington Leaves Taylor at. dock 11 p. in, dally, except Sundays, for The Dalles and wsy landlufs, Retnrninc. leaves The Dalles 12 boos dailv t cept Monday, Freight and passengers. Fsrs $1.00. Jterth BOo. Cpper Columbia and Soaks rive steamers to Mmuoi ana way leanings, raose at am oio. - Oregon City Boat TSIPS FOR BUNDAT, 7th. Leave Portland 9:00 a. m.; "8:80 p. m. leave Oregon City 10:30 a. m.; S:80 p. m. No 12:30 trip from Portland. j i 1 - ..--U.....J J ': OffllfCT 1 iai i ran isii m IF! Trust Prices Cut inflalf Painless Parker Dentistry 50 LESS Than TRUST DENTISTS Charge . 1 "vk 07XBT BAT AXTD BTZOXtT Bigger Office, Bigger Business. Better Methods, Better Sys tem, More Patients, More Hygienic Than Any Trust Dentist in Oregon We examine your teeth (not your pocketbook) free of charge Part of every dollar yon give a Trust Dentist goes to Jielp keep up the Trust in Oregon. Can you afford to pay $2 for $1 worth of old-style den tistry just to heljf the dental combine crush competition? FAMLESS PAMCE Sixth And Washington Sts., Portland, Or. , - . - LosAnfieles. San Dieco. San FranciscoOakland. Bakersfield. Brooklyn. N.Y. Succeeding Steamer HASSALO Leaves Ash-Street Dock Daily, Except Sunday, 8 :30 A. M. Saturday 1 P. M. for NORTH MACH Returns From Megler 3:30 P. M. Daily, fexcept Saturday; r; Sunday 9 P. M. One)-day Round-Trip Ticket, good for steamer ride.....$ 2 Saturday-Monday fare . .$ 3" Season Ticket . . . .$ 4 5-Ride Commutation .,,$15 To sny North Beach point arid , . return. , CITY TICKET OFFICE Washington at Third St. Broadway 4500, A-6121 n SMi ,, aSWa :..m . fl!;:B.