THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU, PORTLAND THURSDAY, AUGUST 12. 1915. 13 - FIVE DEPUTY GAME II 'ME, DISCHARGED Question of Having the State ' Game Farm Is.Discussed ; Fish and Game Exhibit, Casern, Or.. Aug. 12. The state fish and : same commission appointed five deputy gam wardens and discharged three at yesterday's star chamber ses sion, held In Governor Withycombe's private office. The ' resignation of John F. Adams, Curry county, was accepted, and the commissions of RUey Hammersley, Jaekson county; F. B. Harrington, Douglas county, and W. C. E. Prultt, limatilla county, were ordered re voked. 1 ' , i Following new deputy gtame wardens Were named: .Waited Thompson, Uma tilla county; W. W. Brown, Columbia sounty; Cal T. Wright, Curry county; John Walden, Union county. Frank Ervin, Multnomah county, was em ployed temporarily. Streams Ordered Closed. -Following the. reading- of petition the following Polk county stream were ordered closed: Mill , creek and Its tributaries. La Creole river and its tributaries, LueRiamute river and its tributaries and Salt creek. It wag. announced that it was pro posed to establish a fish and game ex hibit of the sport resources of the state .In Portland if the expense . of such, ah undertaking would not be too great. The commission already has a splendid ' collection of pheasants and other stuffed birds and it is proposed. If the exhibit is placed, to include specimens of all wild life of the state in It. ' Photographs end valuable data .will be Included, If the plan Is carried out,, and the commission hopes to In terest the Portland Chamber of Com merce In assuming part of the expense Involved. rish and Game Exhibit. The desirability of the state having ownership of its own game farm was discussed and the commission has In vited definite propositions from other communities besides the owners of the present farm at Corvallis. , At the request - of ' the 'state fair board It was ordered that, if practi cable, a fish and game exhibit be ar ranged for the' state fair. Reporters were barred all day and, following the meeting. Secretary Q. P. Putnam gave out such information re garding the proceedings as the com mission considered advisable to make public. Deputy Sealers Appointed. - Salem, Or., Aug. 12. Deputy Sealer of Weights and Measures Buchtel has appointed the following as deputy sealer of -weights and measures for their respective Institutions, in ac cordance with recommendations of the state board of control, and the ap pointees will check the receipts and disbursements of supplies, as provided in a law passed by the 1916 legislature, and serve without extra compensation: E. A. Thatcher, Oregon state hos pital: J. McGIynn, penitentiary: T. W. Phinney, institution for feeble minded; C. L. Knapp, Oregon boys' training school: C. W. Roberts, tuberculosis hospital; E. T. Moores, school for the blind; E. S. Tillinghast, school for the deaf; Ethel C. Bowers, industrial school for girls; tieorge P. Whipple, eastern Oregon hospital; Stephen Un derbill, soldiers' home. Science and Woman Fight for Remains Mrs- Mary Early Wants Corpse of Suicide to Settle Board Bill Ros ; - pltal Officials Oppose Her. Philadelphia, Aug. 12. An interest ing fight for the possession of the re mains of William Gutmrller is on here between Mrs. Mary Early and the Hahnemann hospital authorities. The medical men are anxious to hold the body because it is valuable to science, . owing to the fact that Gutmiller's heart was on the right side and his other organs were- transposed. . Mrs. Early, who says Qutmlller owed her money for" board, insists that he ' told her she might sell 'bis remains to pay his debts.. He died Wedneday in the Hahnemann hospital from the e'ffect of poison taken with Bulcldal intent. . Dr. C. V. Clemmer. superintendent of the hospital, showed .Mrs. Early the law covering such cases, and insists ;i that, according to it, he is in lawful possession of the corpse. The woman appealed to the coroner, -who informed ' her that if She did get the body she would ave to bury it. Then he added J-that the 1 disposition of the remains J was up to the state anatomical board. I' As a last resort. Mrs. Early has ap- pealed to the German consul, in an effort to learn if Qutmlller left any property In Germany. She said Gut miller told her he -had turned down ; many handsome' offers from medical men, who wanted him with them for Clinical purposes. Arrested on Return From Honeymoon -Albany, Or., Aug. 12. Just after his return from a honeymoon and in less than three days after his mar 'rlage to Miss Dolly G. Garrett Of , Halsey, George L. Cox, also of Hal ' sey, was arrested on a charge of 1 seduction on- complaint of W. J. .Cary, father of Pearl Cary, also of Halsey. The arrest was made last night it Halsey by Constable CatMn. The warrant was issued Monday night but Cox could not be located. It has developed that he; his bride and Frank ; Garrett, brother of the bride, drove to Albany Monday night, ar riving after midnight.. The marriage took place Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock in County judge McKnighru office.: ' ' - WILL FIGHT EXTRADITION i Salem, Aug. 12. D. H. Daley, wanted Ms San Francisco rfc & charge of giving a worthless check for $450 : In payment for a racing automobile. : has retained counsel and will resist the efforts of the California author- Ities to extradite him. His , hearing - before Governor Withycombe is set Sot Saturday. The California' agent arrived today with a requisition from Governor, Johnson. Daley contends that he had more than $450 in the bank at the time ; he gave the check but that the party to whom - it was made- payable held it two ; weeks and in the meantime the funds .had been drawn" out. WARDENS APPOINTED Indian Says Land Not Fit for Snake XJttle Bison, Full Blooded Sioux, De clares Government Doean't ' Treat Sed icon tight; Wot Enough Tood. 8an Francisco, Aug. 12. (tr. P.) ,"A rattlesnake would starve to death on the land on which 'the-government expects the Indian population to make a - living." declared Little Bison, a full blooded Sioux Indian of Fort Bid well. CaL, who Is here -today to at tend the congress .on Indian progress. "Most "of the Indians on the reser vations eat about once a week, and that Is when the rations are dis tributed," said Bison. "The red man Isn't lazy. He simply prefers to use his head Instead of his hands. When allowed to take the initiative the Indian ' mentally Is the white man's equal." . "The Indians originated ragtime. They didn't start on the Barbary coast. declared R, E. Barrington, an Indian bandmaster, who is a delegate. "The Texas Tommy and the Bunny Hug are merely poor Imitations of In dian dances," said Barrington. "The red men played and danced some of these dances before Columbus dlscov ered America," . Immigration Will Be Slow After War Secretary of Commerce and tabor , "Wilson Believes There "Will Be Wo Hotlceable Influx for Several Tears. Ran Diesro. Cal.. Aug. 17. (P. N. S.) That the tide of immigration will not set toward the Pacific coast until about seven years after the close of the war In Europe was pre dicted by Secretary William B. Wil son of the department of commerce and labor, who arrived in San Diego today. He said the reason for his belief was purely psychological that men who fought and suffered through the war would prefer to remain in the land which they lost or won, de pending upon the result of the con flict- ' The western coast would re ceive the immigrants first, and a de termined effort to establish them will be made. He is the guest of the exposition today and of the Demo crats at a banquet tonight. He will leave for the east at midnight to night. Two Men Hurt in Harvest Accident Pendleton, Or., Aug. 12. Two har vest accidents In this county were reported yesterday. Walter Burrows, working on the James Wyrlck farm, and John Shafer, working on the R. F Klrkpatrick farm, were the vic tims. Burrows5 caught his pants leg in the sprocket of a revolving wheel and before the gasoline engine run ning the separator could be stopped, the set screw, had ground away flesh and a part of the Bhin bone. The accident will Incapacitate him for months and will probably leave him a cripple. Shafer caught his foot between the drive wheel and the sep arator and had it badly mangled. Both were brought to the local hospital. Arson Charge Made. Klamath Falls, Or., Aug. 12. A. E. Lawrence, a farmer of Dodd Hollow, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Low, charged with arson, and placed under 11000 bonds by Justice of the Peace Gowen. C. E. Riley of this city and F. Klabzuba of Merrill went on his bends. The charge is the result of the burn ing of a barn belonging to Dorsey Johnson. It was over the burning of this barn that William Todd and Law rence had trouble in which Lawrence was shot in the arm by Todd. Todd was exonerated. A - Tg you can f I i GRAFONOLA without paying $200. This GRAFONOLA Q A little down, then $6.00 per month. . Dealers wanted where we are not represented.. r. Colombia lo 429-431 Washington Street Wholesale. LANE PAYS A VISIT TO SILETZ INDIANS, JEEfi HIS FRIENDS. ' - u : Oregon Soloji Also at Agate Beach and Sees Surf Boat Drill at Nye Creek. Newport, Or., Aug. 12. Senator Har ry Lane is spending a very busy week here and every minute of his time is taken up with ;cight seeing and . busi ness. J Sunday was epent at the Slleta In dian agency where the senator met all of bis Indian freinds, and became,-familiar with their needs. Monday morning he with his wife and little daughter went to Waldport and Tach ats, met all the people of Waldport and returned here Tuesday morning when he took a trip to Agate beach as the guest of 6. G. Irvin, our state sen ator. - Senator Lane and family are en Joying the delightful weather to the full and will probably, make a trip to Siletz bay. before going back to Port land. It Is recalled that Senator Lane's uncle, Joe Lane, was the first white man to cross out over the Taqulna bay bar and in 1849, making the trip in an open Indian canoe and with an Indian at the paddle. The present still weath er permits e$nall boats and canoes making the trip out over the bar and some are landing at Nye Beach where they sell fish that has been caught out at sea. The Coast Guard crew gave a cap size drill off Nye creek today that was witnessed by many people among them being the senator and his family. New Evidence in Fight for Estate . i l-ir Mrs. STellle Oreenbaum's Story Aids JCrs. Xku1s Thompson's Claim That She Is Daughter of J. M. Keith. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 12.-(TJ. p.) Evidence said to substantiate partly the assertion of Mrs. Sarah L. Tedford that Mrs. Louise Thompson, her sister-in-law, is the -daughter of the late John M. Keith, and an heir to his- fortune, was presented to counsel for the estate today. Mrs. Nellie Greenbaum of San Francisco- said that in 1S97 as she was about to leave for Alaska, Keith asked her to make an effort to get in touch with a Mrs, Louisa Thompsons, who, he believed, was in the north. Keith made no mention, said Mrs. Greenbaum, whether' Mrs. Thompson was his daughter. John L. McNab, attorney for the heirs of Keith, insists he has proof that Keith never was in Alaska. Arrest; Follows : Death of Girl O. W. Campbell , Paces duurffa at Walla Walla in Ethel MaoDonald Case. : Walla" Walla, Wash., Aug. 12. Charged With first degree murder, C. W.. Campbell was arrested yester day in connection with the death of ' Ethel Mae Donald who died from j strychnine! at her father's home on Snake riveV June SO. j The girl, who was but a few ! months past 15 years of age, would ; have become a mother had she lived and this fact . is thought to have j been connected with her death. Campbell, who is married and who : has children, had been - working on the Mac Donald ranch for some time. : obtain a full-size CABINET - 191$ model Leader Graphophone Co. Retail. m3 This Man Surely Needs a Secretary Pendleton. Or Aug. 12. Swamped i with correspondence since the news J went out that he had ; recovered his I J-J w Qeiitoinre Bears the Signature of And Contains no Poisonous Drugs. i f Sow only in one size bottle; never in bulk, or otherwise; to protect the babies. , The Centaur Company, H earing the Voice MXtmlf NewYork vfap When visiting the Exposition1. at sn FranHsro. vqu mav hear for . vnnrlf the THE AND WANT AD RATES la effect October 1. 1914. ALL PREVIOUS BATES JAKCKLLEO CBABGED ADVEBTiaEitE.NTS , Dally or SaoOar. ltt eeata Mf word per Insertion. . iimv fa toe aU elaaalticatlona. ez- eeptlnB "For Bent In Private Kmilj." "Koom Sid Board la Prorata I ramlly." ''Sltaattoo Wanted" and "Wanted to Bent" ada. wWcs re li eenta per word j per Inaertios. no ad enareea ror e CASH ADVERTISEMENTS u acnta per wo. J tar aQ claaalflcatlona. axcepOoa "ror Bent la rnrate jrainuy. "Hoom ?nd Board In Prllrate ai4.f J;8ltX ttot. Wanted" and "Wanted to Bent" ada. wticb an l eenU per word. Conaecutm InaertloBi of eaab wanta ada: 8 inaerttona lor nm pnn ei T InMrtSoaa for th uric of . srEirrixa Notices. 41 WEHFOOT CAMP NO. 6,1 Woodmen of th "World, meets every W. temple, 123 Elev enth j street. All mem bers I requested to be nreaent. Visitors vel GEO. KOSSMAN. C. C., A. I BARBUR, Clerk. come. OREOON Commandery, K. T. Regular conclave this 'Thursday) evening at .7:30. Your attendance will be ap preciated, j. Parlors open from and after 1:SQ p. m. ' , C. T. WIE6AND, Recorder. sight after years of blindness, Carl Guiott of this city is In need of a private , secretary. Prom far and near letters are coming, some from friends extending congratulations, eome from strangers who are ' curious to know just hew it happened, some from I mental scientists who are Interested In bis statements tnat nis stgnt w i - : .-r T he. Warning". 8 "' A Yl r i at Arm r v ; conversation and music over the Transcontinental Telephone Line. See the motion pictures illustrating the Progress of Telephony an intensely interesting story. Demonstrations daily (except Sunday) 11:00 A. M., 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30 P. M. PALACE OF LIBERAL ARTS Panama Pacific International Exposition Admission Free PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COMPANY MEETIXQ NOTICES. 41 (Oontlftned) OUL REAZKB GROTTO, No. 65, M. O. V. P. K. R. CAllea meeting Fri day eveninf, Aug. 13. Masonic Temple, a o'clock. Class of B0 to be received. Petitions received and other buelnesa of lmjortanc. Vlaitlng Prophets es pecially welcome. GEO. E. IOOINS. Sec"y. ALBERT PIKE LODGE, NO. 182. A. F. & A. 11. 8tated communication this Friday evening at 7:80 o'clock. Special entertainment and cards. Vis itors welcom. By order of W. M. E. R. IV IK, Sec SUNNYSDDK LODGE, No. 13, A. F. eV A. M.- Stated communication to night. 1 84th and Yamhill at. Work Bt A. Visitors welcome. By 6rder of W. M. ' -C M- LANCK, Secy. Wtal Statistics lUarriagcs.Birtbs. BcatksL, MARRIAGE LICENSES a, H. Heavener. iei woolsey and Gertrude - Hay .afarake, ..Portland bovl. terti. - r. . , Clyde Vf. . Hoyle. 1124 Rasaalo street, legal, and Myrtle Evelyn : Sterrett. 1124 Haaaaio street, legal. . recovered, through auto-suggestion, and some from afflicted persons seek ing helpful suggestions. . on r Vacation. Albany. Or.. Aug. 18. The Albany Elks log&e is on its annual vacation No mor Vrteetlngs win be held until we nrgt wnnway in Bepwmoer, ----K r-- Mways Prest s B1AHRIAGK IJCENSES -umr, COonttnued) iidi". naeraon. 5 PoweU etreet, 29, ?,u'i?'" 3Kofee. BUckatone hotel is. Albln Beawick, Aatoria. Or., 22, and Ul- llan Palo, Hotel Hoyt, 1. W. 6. Smith & Co. lifg'caf Third floor Morgan bldg. Ci WEDDING rings sold ty weight 8JT J N. Solomon, Jeweler, 331 Mor- rlson. opp. Portland hotel. DRESS suits for rent, aU sixes .Unique Tailorlns Co.. 339 Stark at. BIRTHS . HUtiGEE To Mr. end Alra. CfarMt Uuer, 4M Market street, Angoat 3; a daaghter. JONES To Mr. and Mrs. J. Carl loom, 163S Front atreet, July 24; a dangbter. M'NAMARA To Mr. and Mrs. WllUaa T. Mc Kamara, 750 aat Twaaty-sevsatk SUeet. July 28: a eon. , rABCJSLL To Mr. is! lln. Par. cell. 883 Vancouver , avcirae, Jaly 23: a doticbter. ' WUINN To Mr. and Mrs. WDliam Qniaa, lag Btantoa street, July 22; a Boo. TEN N ANT To Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ten- nant, 29S Eugene atreet,.. July 20; a aoo. BKYJTOLIXg Te Mr, and Mrs. George O. Beyaolda, 4004 Eaat Slxty-foartb street, evntheaat. Aosnst a aoa. . . KMMEKSON To Mr. .and Mrs. Jobn Cmmer aon, l4t Corbett atreet. Angoat 2: a won. HtBBAKD To Me. aad Mrs. Roaaell J." Hub. bard, 105. Hor til Twentieth Street, Ascot t 6; a son. v . BAETZ To Mr. an4 Mra. Clifford ' T." Raets, 631 Irfiingrton street, Aarnst ; a daosbter. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 7. CLARK In, tola city, Aucuat 10. Ada Mmltff Clark, area W yeare; beloved wire or uar old J. Clark, of Lyte,. Waah.. and inotbei of GeoeTleve Attxasta and Mry Eltnor Clark. Smith. -of aoo Eaat Thlrty-aeveutn treet ana Dtorea iau(rnter or fwra. .ami arm. u. n. Smith.- of 809 Eat ThlrtyHieventb atreet, ai'. aiater of AUa. -A. aV Ilardlii. lira. Jamea Uecd, Mrt. Walter Curl and Fred G. Smith, Serricca wUl be held Friday Au(uat 13. at 10:30 a. tn., at Portland cremator In m.. Friend respectfully i&Tited . to attend. - Kemalna ' may be viewed at tbe parlors of Miller rtraoer, vnM tt a. m.; Friday. Klickitat and Waeco papera pleaae eopy. " . - - BOYD Tbe funeral aervlcea of tbe late An- drew Gray Boyd will be beld front tbe real. dence of bla dansbter at 1119 Ogdea afreet tomorrow, rnaay. Ananat 13, ti P- m. Interment at Invited. " City cemetery. Frienda GENXiiY Tbe funeral aervlcea of tba late Jobn W. Gentry wlU be beld at P. I- Lercb undertaking- parlora, Eaat Eleventh and Clay atreets, Friday, , Ansoat 18, at 2:30 p. in. Friend Invited Hi. fiALDSON Alvlna , Haraldaon, St. Vln- ceat'a. Aumat 7. 19 yeara; meninritM. GaKD.NKB-Uenry J. fJBKner. 1610 Fowler avenue. Auarnat 8. 66 year, cancer of liver. 8ELLWOOD Belle J. ftellwood. ellwood gen- eral troepHal. Aaguat 8, eg yeara; carosuc lnteratitial nephritis. , ' I'LAn Margaret f latt, ui ruij-iuia nrwci. Auruat I. lo yeara; caroiae tauure wane Datniua-. MARTIN & FORBES CO- florists. 847 Wash. Main 269. -A-li6S. Flowers for all occasions artlatlcally arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrleon C Main or a-iu&. fins iwwwi and floral deaigns. No branch stores. FUNERAL DIRECTORS A splendid residence unaertakiag ea- taoilsQnaent, wxin pnraie urjw. J. P. FIN LEY & SON. Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading funeral turector, yao wraat Ealmon. Lady assistant. Phones, A 1611, Main 607. F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder at.. Eaat 62. B-2S36. - Dunning & Mcf nteeSodareur every detail. Broadway and Pins st Broadway 430. A-465. Lady asalataat. Walter C, Kenworthy 1532-1534 E. 18th. Sell. 71, B-1122. Ch3.mb6rS CO. ana SSrloy.' Wood lawn 3306, C-1138. Lady embalmer. MILLER 6c ThACY, independent fu neral directors, trices tow as S3U, 40, wv. tt ..u. mm mu. ui. tan, J.m I poll. A. R. feller Co. 6 a Williams ava. East 1033, C-10VS. Lady attendant. Day and night service. A. D. KEN WORTHY ' CO. CaTS promptly answered 1 all parts of city, a. o. u. x. Ditg., lents. xaoor n, O lCIA CO Under taming c Main 4 lei A-282L Cor. 7d and Clay BREEZK & Snook, B-1263. T. 1368. 1024 Belmont, at S4tn. Lady attendant. f? T Rvrnek Williams and Knott. ill I . wj I 1 1 w Bast 1116, C-1148. Momitinn E th and tillaan. Fu- I IUI I 111 IUI I neral aervlcea. Tabor 4818. ' P. L. LERCH, leading east side under. laner. u. utn &uav. r-l 888. K. 711. PRlrON RESIDENCE UNI. fU C.niV-'OUlM M. 8183. A-S23S.' 448 Mor. MONUMENTS MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. Finest marble and granite from our Oregon quarry; 287 Hawthorne ava BCHANEN-BLAIH CO PORTLAND MARBLK WKH . m-Ui 4th St.. opp. city hall. M. 8684 A-1613 Philip Neu A Sons. - . - 3E BLAE5ING6ftANlT 26T-3KoaTCOa, WAD BUSINESS PROPERTY 60 18TH AND LOVEJOY STS. TOxlOO lot, improved with new bldg., cost 35600; rented for 350, 35000 cash and balance of 5(000 at 8 per cent; ueme bargain, isn't It? OTIS C. BECK. 301-302 Railway Exch. Bldg.' FOR SALE KOl'SKH 1 f6 ROOM new modern bungalow, corner. duxiuo, aazuu; szua caan, Daiance 315 per month. 8 room plastered house, nice lawn and fruit, 31500; 3600 cash, balance to suit. R. 311- OATEWOOD & CO., 18554) 4th. Corner Morrison. PRETTIEST little buna-alow in Ala meda district must be sacrificed at ridiculously lqw price;, as low a sum as 150 down, rest like rent. Street im provements all paid; corner lot. No. 'Ml Fresco tt. " Broadway (B) car. Woodlawn 3816. V-892, Journal. ffXVE you a lot? Why not stop paying rent to the other fellow. Materials and labor are 16 cheaper now than at any other time. We will- finance, plan and conatruct home for you -on rental terms. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. 5 ROOM modern bungalow. E. 28th N Full cement basement, all kinds of flowers, some fruit, east fronVS blocks from end of Broadway car. Price 12400. Also 8 room modern bouse. . Owner. Woodlawn 25X3. . ' " NO'mONEY REQUIRED. 4 room modern bungalow in Rose City, worth -32500. My price 31700. Take anything of value up to 6500 as first payment. A-688. Journal. BEAUTIFUL 4 room bungalow, fine view, excellent value at 3300. $100 cash, $10 per month. M. E. Lee, 60S Corbett bldg. . - . UUNOALoW PLANS, $6. '' WHY NOT OWN YOUR BUNGA LOW? PAT UB LIKE RENT. H. A. WILLIAMS. 60, M'KAT RT.tV, ROSE City Park, room shack, near 68th; beautiful lot; 8475; easy terms. W. J. Dunlap Jr.. 1441 Sandy. Tabor 4477. f - ' MODERN -6 ROOM BUNOALUW. " 1183 Tibbets. : hear E. 39th, a snap at 51600 on erms. zii mm. ex. Bldg. $100 cash and $25 per month buys fine new bungalow In restricted district. Tabor 8565. ABSTRACTS made or examined. W. R. Haisnp. reiiaoie service. 1032 C. of C NEW, modern home, Ladd addition. East 2725. . FOR SALE I-OTS lfl $300 TO $450 -NEAR SANDY BLVD. II UUVV.'V 11 1' You should buy one: none less than location - wili surprise you; best of soil. Price inciuaes water and sidewalks. Se them. Anson Hickman. 269 stark. Evenings, phone-Tabor 6533. WE CAN supply you choice lot In any - gooa awinct ui vity lower man otn era. Will also finance and build home for you. Pay like rent The Oregon Home Builders. 1330 N. W. Bank bids. TliVV1. tmn 60 ft lot in N. Vmn.iv.. B. C; will,seU or trade for automo bile. Apply Alma Hotel, R. 203. Main 1773. ::- EQUI1W in aSZOOlot for less than half price. 11- E. 88d t. s- SUBV HB.1N ACREAGE 21 ACRE suburban home at 30th ar Diviaisn sts nicely improved; 6 acr fruit.-berries: city mater. ..will aell at or part. Kaste Bros., 318 Hnry.bldg 7 t Buy an Acreage Homo. Have city conveniences, aocti ' an mountalrf water piped into your bouae, electric liRtita. etc., and country benefits; rich soli, fine community, 30 min utes out by Big Rd Jteel Trains, Low prices, easy-, pay ments. Any sised tract. Let ua show you. i . The Shaw-Fear Co. . 101 4h st. J Gibson Half Acres ; Good aoll. city water, cloee to ear line, easy terms: will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marahall 1385. of Sellwood 473. John H. Qibaon. owner. INVESTIGATE? this before you buys 15 acres near Orenco. best black loam soil, all cultivated, 1226 per acre: will .divide and give easy terms if desired. Bee Mr. Handy, owner, 20 Stock Exchange Bids, Marshall 206. - CHICKEN'. FRUIT. OARDETN Ranches near Portland, 2, 6, 10 acre traots, beat aoll; good roads, near electric, 8 tit to $200 per acre, , eaay terms. McFar land. 809 Yeon Bldr.. Portland, ANT part of eight acre tract at 'Cedar- crort; ror price and terms aee owner. John W. Alexander, 1137 Northweatern Bank bidg. Phone Main 1821. CHOICE acre near car and echool. on paved road, very reaaonable. A-687, Journal. " . FOR SALE) or rent, 1 acre, with room bouae barn and chicken house. 824 and Division. By owner. J, Chrlstensen. FOR SALE FARMS 1 FOR RKNT, 1240 acre farm, fully equipped with horses, harness, farm machinery, wagons, buggies, cows, chickens, tools, etc.: 1000 acres ready fdr fall seeding. Has pumping plant. Should bring in Income of 32000 com ing year. 11500 cash required. Write owner, C 6ole, Condon, Oregon. ' y FOR BALEUBy owner. '160' acres of land, 100 acres alder bottom land. IS acres In cultivation, with Improve' merits. 7-10 miles from McCleary on the Olympio highway. 325 an acre. Aaaress box o, Mcuieary, wain. 160 ACRE3 splendid land, fine road, school, spring, 80 acres plowed ready for fall seeding; a gift at 11800; ,609 FINES stock ranch completely equipped. In central Oregon, for sale for cash at a bargain, J. L. Robinson, 606 Cor. bett Bldg. FOR KJEIt5P FARMS 14 I AM offering away under value one of the best farms in Gilliam Co.. 1240 acres; 1000 acres ready for fall seeding; good bldgs., pumping plant, spring water, . fully equipped; with stock and machinery. Next years' crop should nearly pay for this place. Price 822 per acre; will take about 84000 in clear property; about 64000 cash, balance easy terms, with owner. Claude (JOie, Ajonoon, urwjim. FOR LEASE Five acres in Terwllli ger tract; house, barn, orchard, three acres, clear, crop, etc.; will lease for term of years. Take Fourth street car to Bertha; ask for Rogers; no children, P. O. box. Hillsdale. : FARMS WANTED RENT OR RUY t 89 ABOUT 20 acres wanted to lease by reliable party; must be clear and within 20 miles of Portland. X-666, Journal, WANTED Ranch; must be a bargain. Oive full particulars first letter; no agents. K-645, Journal. - - ' - TIMBER 28 TIMBER, 820 acres, 10,000.000 feet yel low fir, at a bargain: location and full particulars by addressing 1103 E. lth st. N., Portland. Or. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 TWO OOOD PLACES. . - 20 acres, 14 under cult., more easily cleared, a 2 story 7 room plastered house, with fireplace, and spring water piped to house, lawn, etc; good little barn and necAsary outbuildings. 2V acres in assorted orchard, with soma English walnuts and small fruits, dandy trout stream, on main Co. road, ml. from little town and K ml. from boat landing on river and R. L station, and 10 miles by auto from Vancouver. .. R.- F. P. mail and telephone in house., with stock in line, cream route and In thickly setlled locality. Ideal chicken ranch. Nice team of young mares, hack, wagon, harness, and all farm machinery, 4 dos. chickens, hay and crops and a fine cow and calf. Price $5600; $1500 cash, balance to suit, or clear city home, for equity of 84000. 41 acres, located 7 miles from Van couver, on Salmon creek,- 2 under cult., a fine new houne. of 8 rooms,. with spring water, fireplace, .aceta len gas plant, etc; good outbuildings, 7 a. tile drained and excellent truck land; 3 -acres timber, balance slashed; good team, wagon,- harness, hack, and all fartp implements and crops; good cow and calf, doxen hogs, chickens, etc All rural advantages, 1 mile from good store, miles of hard surface road to place. Price $8000: $2000 cash, mtg, of $2600, and,, will take a ood clear home) for balanee of equity or tako a second- mtge. on land. THOMPSON 4s SWAN,-. ih and Main ate., Vancouver, Wash. It II aim mam r m.. w 1000 ATTRAC'riVKV REAL ESTATE TI Tk A t KTU e -y SAMPLES: ' Beautifully Imporved 10 acres at Or. land, Cal. Alfalfa, olives, almonds," oranges, grapes, etc.; neat buildings; price $3500; want small acreage sear Portland. , , . frw . AftiiA ViavViT ' IrrinfAv4 trmct near Aurora; A-l set bid?., fruit, $3000; want partial or unimproved 20 MONEYrMAKJNGr OARAOE-TKADE, owner wanis v hm iivii- nently located concrete garage on 100X lyO ground; big income, what busineas has a better outlook? Do not delay; this Is going soon. Price only 116,000, clear. Will take larrn or city property to 9jCDDEMANN COMPANY. ' ' 318 Chamber of Commerce. 10U acres, 14 miles irom city limits of Vancouver, fine soil, for house and lot in Portland. 820- acrea fine wheat land, central Kansas. Will trads for timber here. Price $$000, , clear. Chance. 14Z so st. IN San Joaquin valtey, Tulare Co., Cal norma,, lbv acres, a neavy raiain producing vineyard, 2 Ideal homes, for Oregon stock ranch equipped, to $60,- 009. U. W , UQien, l-nnupa, vai. TO EXCHANGE a nice 7 room house in E. Portland on St. Johns carllne for a chicken ranch. What- have you2 J. n. Knlgnt. vvasnougai, waen. FOR SALE 6 room cottage; will ex change for auto or truck; must be nearly new or vacant! lots or acreaf a. aiarsnan ;ia. IMPROVED suburban acre, exchange for house and lot, lots or acreage; will assume up to $1000. 602 Couch bldg. . IF you have any good property to trade we will match you. Ayres & Smithy 601 Northwest bldg. Main 7i.6. WILL trade equity of $2000 in C room modern bungalow for acreage or lot. Sellwood $84. -IF you want to buy, aell or exchange - your resilience irtv ,i , .r.i r tneww, see R. W. Cary, 828 Electrlo bldg. MODERN 7 rodm house and lot, vabie $3600, for Improved ranch; my cquUy Z000. owner. a joumat. n"M"tn first rnorlaaK and lot to iy clear modern apartment house, J -4 71, Journal. S00 EQUITY In room house for. equal equity In vacant lot or acreage. t-760 Pike ave, B. V,. - - ACREAGE IF YOU have good property and want to exchange it, see Bell Real Estatw To., 318 Railway Kxchange. (Continued on Heat Page)