THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, 1915. INAtl OF NORTHWEST WILL : BE BUYERS' WEEK AIM Dealers Realize That Inter ests of Portland and. Theirs Are Inseparable, FUN AND WORK TO MIX Xy Will Be Spent With Manufac turers but All Cares Thrown Aside at rrig-ht. The correct synonym for Buyers' $yeek should be ' team work." prescription for getting together and When the great Influx of up-state. ,. down-state and neighboring-state mer- . chants beirins to arrive in Portland to- j morrow morning it means another step j toward combining the northwest for j the northwest, and particularly In the I With tho i1 i-a n lairf-s of transDorta- tlon by rail and water enjoyed by mer- chants , in the basins of the Columbia and Willamette rivers, when they buy lllCir B L W H O til A t HI 'I ' I, v . i V .uv.w. w are rapidly coming to a realization that ' the interests of Portland are insepar ably combined with those of eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, Montana, Idaho and the series of great valleys between the Columbia and the Cali fornia, line. Portland Behind DTiapznt. And while the first purpose of Buy Wcnk l tr afford the interior mer chant opportunity to become familiar with the grea.t stocks of merchandise handled by the jobbers and manufac turers of Portland, the event is this year staged under the direction of Portland's Chamber of Commerce with the object of giving visiting merchants intimate knowledge of the fact that the "Portland hog" has long since been cut up and disappeared, and that the Chamber of Commerce this week and all weeks of the future, stands solidly behind trie industrial development 01 the great trade territory of which Portland is the logical center. Headquarter to Open Early. During the week Portland merchants will make every effort to become fa- , miliar with the conditions of agricul ture In -every section of the northwest. They expect visiting, nierenants to give up this information so that the Cham- - . ber of Commerce may later be advised . of the practical things to be done. It j is hoped to make such a success of i i. Buyers" Week that every repetition of J that event In the future will have the j 3 unanimous support of merchants, the press and the consumer throughout the entire district. Tomorrow morning the headquarters at the Chamber of Commerce will bag open along about daylight, and as mer-' chants and their families arrive a force of clerks will be waiting to properly ; register them and supply the creden- ( tlals, whicli are a necessity in order to-' :-aiir iia!tnf-fX All rtf th rmirtrms n t. ir- - - - - - , - - - itentions planned for the weelt , Evenings Devoted to Pun. .'' Visitors will spend the day with beir wholesalers and manufacturing 'irienus, anu aioug aoout s o ciock in Jthe evening they will be expected to assemble at the blue room of the Chance to Inspect Goods Main Benefit To Country Dealer Hr "Oroville, Wash., Aug. 7. M. E. Smead, Buyers' Week secretary: $if- "In my estimation the great i(h est benefit to retail merchants )($ from Buyers' Week is the 4t opportunity to personally in . lkt srect stock of goods. This brings him into direct con ifc tact with the wholesale $ dealer, giving both the ad Vantage of the personal element & in business. The meeting in convention gives retail mer chants an enlarged view of ad- Mf- vertlsing in his business, and the benefit of the exchange of ideas with other retail mer chants. "H. W. BRAGG." The above telegram Is one of many expressions of similar nature that have befn received Jfr from out-of-town 'merchants, who look forward to the bene- C- fits of Buyers' Week, which will be observed in Pdrtlan3 from August 9 to 14. Hun dreds of merchants, from the twns and cities in Oregon, jjf Washington, Idaho and Mon- -Jfr tana are expected to be here. ' ; ; 1 ! ' ; Cigar Dealers . Let your headquarters during BUYERS' WEEK be at the home of the APEX LA ELOTA SAM SLOAN and EL SIDELO CIGARS - MENMEWIS Distributors . corner rront and Uavis SOLID COMB ON ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM FOR BUYERS' WEEK Monday ETeninr, Ang-oat 9. 8:00 p. ra. Informal reception at Portland Chamber of Commerce to visiting buyers and their families. Participating Jobbers and manufac turers, or representatives and their ladies, are urged to bo present. Tuesday, Aug-ust 10. 8:00 p. m. Smoker at Portland Chamber of Commerce to visiting mer chants, tnen only. Participating Jobbers and manufacturers invited. 8:10 p. m. Theatre parties U visiting ladies. Wednesday, August 11. 12:00 m. Luncheon, Portland Ad club. Hotel Multnomah. K. A. Spen cer, chairman of the "day. Two minute competitive talks by visiting mer chants boosting home'-communitles. Address, "Price Cutting," by C. C. Chapman. Selections by Ad Club quartet. 7:30 p. m. sharp Empress theatre, Broadway and Stark. 9:00 p. m. shan? Pantages theatre, Broadway and Alder. Portland jobbers and manufacturers and representatives are urged to accompany party. Seats will be reserved. , , Thursday, August 12. 12:80 p. m. Luncheon to visiting merchants aitd families by Log Cabin Baking company, Vancouver avenue and Fremont street. Take auto mobiles at 12 m. at headquarters. Commercial Club building. One repre sentative of each local participating firm is invited t'o be present. 7:30 p." m. Oaks jollification. Take cars at First and Alder streets promptly at 7:30 p. m. Participating jobbers and manufacturers and rep resentatives urged to accompany. 7:45 p. m. 11:30 p. rn. Oaks concessions and dance at pavilion. Prlday, Aufust 13. 6:30 p. m. Informal banquet to registered buyers and ladles. Address of welcome by C. C. Colt, toastmaster. "Shipping Bill." W. D. Wheelwright. "The Lumber Industry of the Pacific Coast and Its Direct Bearing on the State of Oregon," George M. Cornwall; "Some of Our Problems and Some of Our Needs," Edward Cooklngham. Response by visiting mer chants. . Local participants must make reservations on or before Thursday noon, August 12. Saturday, Angnst 14. 12:00 p. nr. Automobile ride about city and adjacent points of interest. Cars leave headquarters at Commercial Club building, 2 p. m. Participating merchants are urged to have cars present and accompany so as to give Information about points visited. NOTE Visiting buyers and guests will register at headquarters. Com mercial Club building, and be provided with identification badge and coupon ticket good for all entertainment and courtesies. If buyers pre sent themselves without having first registered, merchants are requested to urge their immediate registration. Chamber of Commerce "for the purpose of getting acquainted with each other and those Portlanders who will flock around the building. The reception is to be Informal. The only rule of con duct laid down by the committee is that "everybody shall speak to every person present, help the other fellow have a good time and keep it up ail the week." A women's reception committee, with Mrs. C. C. Chapman as general chair man for the week, will be appointed by the Chamber of Commerce and will be asked to assume the duty of escorting visitors of the fair sex to all enter tainments. The reception committee plans to begin its week by calling at the hotels of the out-of-town guests and making their acquaintance person ally. A plan will be arranged whereby the ladies from out of town will be as sembled at various times, meet the re ception committee and attend . the events in a body. Swiss Oppose German Airmen. London, Aug. 7. -The Swiss govern ment has protested tQ Germany against recent violations of that country's neu trality by German airmen, according to a dispatch from Berne. ATTENTION Mr. Visiting Merchant! Do you want the best in shoes, honestly, substan tially and, reliably made, the best in quality the market affords for the price? We make them. You owe it to yourself while in Portland to visit us. We will convince yo,u. Our famous makes "Barker Brand," "Master Made" and "Safety First'' (for men), "Sincerity" (for women), and "Golden Day" (school) meet and beat competition. We mean it ! Furthermore, we want, while you are in Portland, an opportunity to meet you personally and get ac quainted. Don't forget to call on us. You will be cordially welcomed. Fithian - Barker Shoe Co. 29-31 NORTH FIFTH STREET Dry Goods, Notions and Furnishing Goods f " Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Apparel MANUFACTURERS OF i-V MT. HOOD Brand SHIRTS and OVERALLS To Visiting Merchants: V Badges Will Flutter Freely During Week Bayers' Week Committees In Charge of Entertainment Features; Visitors Will Bean Distinguishing Marks. With, a separate and distinct badge for every committee that will have ' charge of entertainment features or other services to be performed in con nection with Buyers' Week, and a spe cial badge for all the visiting mer chants, fluttering badges will be seen everywhere during the next seven days, when enterprising merchants will be here from all over the north Meet. These badges will be useful as well as ornamental. The badge of tasty design, which is to be supplied the I visiting merchants, will serve as an i introduction to the wholesalers and i retailers of Portland. Its wearers j will be shown every courtesy that in genious Portlanders can think of. Whenever the wearer of a visitor's badge is discovered it will be perfect ly good form to step up to him and IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS ir OMITS We invite you to make our store your headquarters. Have , your mail stenographers will be at your service to suggest a glass of ice cream soda or a nut sundae. ' And it will be perfectly proper for a visitor to take any merchant out of Ms store to return the compliment at any hour of the day. The badge, of the visiting merchants will have right of way this week. i When the- Buyers'! Week badge is worn by a woman visitor, it implies a different procedure, if the Portlander is not acquainted with her, but it gives assurance of chivalrous protection. In many ways that willi become apparent to Portland merchants, they will see that the wives and daughters of mer chants, from the interior will be given a pleasant impression of the city that is endeavoring to build on good will and cooperation as much as it is on Its advantages of location, rail and water rates, and the tremendous lines of merchandise carried here. Buyers Will Get ' A Big Reception Chamber of Commerce Will Entertain Visiting Merchants; lecture Will Be a Feature. Entertainment features for Buyers' Week will get away ;to a flying start on Monday night, when the Chamber of Commerce gives its big reception for visiting merchants and their families at the Commercial Club building. Aside from the fact that special effort will be made to begin the business of th week by making every visitor ac quainted witl each other, and as many members of the Chamber of Com merce as can be crowded into the big reception room, a delightful lecture will be given by Miss Fannie Harley. ' Old Mexico" will be the title, a sub ject which the lady is competent to handle, because of a long stay. In the country of continuous wars. The lec ture will be profusely illustrated with stereopticon pictures, and will deal with Mexico from the time of its most ancient civilization to date, the habits nd manner- of life of its people 'and its history and traditions. Miss . Harley was in Mexico during some of the fighting, and is able to speak of the condition that war has forced upon the people. Just at this time, when intervention on the part of the United States seems to be in the air. and may become a reality, this lecture will undoubtedly attract much attention. While Mexico lies so close to the 1-nited States, it is undoubtedly true that the average American citizen knows next to nothing of the country. It, is known in a general way that it is- a country of vastmlneral wealth, that its hills graze the finest of cat tle when the warring factions do not slaughter the animals, that its fields produce splendid crops, and that some Americans have grown wealthy from concessions for various purposes. National demand for Oregon City Woolen Mills products from Bos ton ? to Sah Diego, from Dallas to Duluth. Better Quality has done it nothing else! The re sult of 51 years of "know ing how." Visit our great mills Out-of-town merchants, don't miss this treat. As you see the many stages of manufac ture from raw wool to the finished, tailored garment -you'll not wonder why Oregon City was awarded the highest decree of merit Grand Prize and 3 gold medals at Pan amaiPacific Exposition, San Francisco. Take Oregon City' Electric Cars at SECOND AND ALDER STREET DEPOT Competent Guides to Take You Over the Mill Oregon City Woolen Mills OREGON CITY, U. S. A. Portland Salesroom, Sherlock Building attend to your correspondence, : Dealer Points Out The Advantages of Buyers' Week'Plan Further Indorsement of Buyers' Week in Portland is given in the following tele- try am -which is tvDlcal of other 4. telegrams and letters received: "Klamath Falls. Or.. Aug. 7. M- By Smead, secretary Buy- ers' Week Buyers' Week as conducted in Portland is of vast interest to retaU dealers in all lines of merchandise. In tio .frttt nine.' no dealer. Dar- ticnlarlv in the smaller towns -J ! and trading points, can keep abreast of the times unless ne occasionally visits the " larger & cities and looks through the -3(f stores and stocks of goods car- rled and the arrangement .of same. Second, he should meet the wholesalers personally and particularly those with whom rirtea most of his business. The meeting with his fellow dealers from all sections of the trade territory and exchange jfc- of ideas I consider worth the expense of the trip. The Job- 4 bers can not all come to see 4 you but you can all well af- & ford to go at least once a year to see them. "GEO. T. BALDWIN." - Rose Garden Chief To Arrive August 23 Robert Pyle of West Grove. Pa., vice president of the American Rose soci ety, who has charge of the creating of the national rose gardens at Arlington, opposite the city of Washington, will be in Portland during the week begin- nln Aniniat ! TTa will be CCOmi)- nled by E. G. Hill of Richmond. Ind recognized as one of the leading rose culturtutS or the united states, ana creator of the famous Richmond rose, says A message received by J. A. Cur rv -or1K lr n own Portland rose cultur- lst During their stay they will visit Father Schoener, the plant wizard of Brooks, or. With the internal affairs of the unfor tunate country in their present de plorable condition, and with the pos sibility of the United States taking a hand In the game, it Is believed that the lecture will prove a popular fea ture of the week. 1 Miss Harley dresses in a costume of her own invention, abandoning skirts for a garment that resembles addressed, in our care. trousers. She has been asked to wear Monday night.- - When in Portland During "Buyers' Week 99 August 9 to 14 Don't Fail to See the New Fall Line of . ' - "Famous 1 Doernbecher Furniture"! completely displayed at our showrooms at East 28th and Sandy road. -. PHONE EAST; 900 and the auto will call, and bring you to our factory. DoernbecherMfg.Co. w E ARE the largest manufacturers and keep the largest supply of Trunks, Suti" eases and Traveling Bags in the Northwest. Can fill your orders prompt I y. Auto Trunks and special work of all kinds. Multnomah Trunk & Bag Co. 82 E. Water St., Cor. East Stark, Portland, Or. WELCOME, BUYERS Colonial Steel Ranges Perfect Steel Ranges Opal Steel Ranges Opal Heaters Park Oak R eater Carboa Heaters llissioa Combination Heaters The Portland Stove Works JOKK KOHTitt, Prop. Manufacturers of AI.X. KHrSB OP SIOTBS. RAROES, PRTTXT AHD HOP DRYERS AHD STOVE REPAIRS Phone aSals 7819 626 HOOD ST.. FOBTLaXD. OR. Visiting Merchants We extend, you a cordial invita tion to visit us- during "Buyers Week." We want you to make our store your headquarters. We want an opportunity to show you our SHOES. We can prove to you that we can save you money. Place your orders with us. Our prices are lower and we give a better dis count than any Wholesale Shoe firm in the city. Seeing is believing. KRAUSSE BROS. 32-84 Fifth St. N. Wholesale Snoes. Buyers! Attention! MILLER, SIMINGTON, CALHOUN CO. Importers and Jobbers Notions, Fancy Goods and Specialties .Broadway 263 Fifth and Couch Streets, Portland, Oregon "The House of Personal Serrlce" The J. K. Gill Co. BOOZSELLSBS-STATIOSrEM ooKPun: oppxCE otnrprrTERS Office Desks and Chlr riling Deriree and Sectional Boofccatos Architects' and Engineer' Supplies. Third and Alder Sts., Portland, Or. Canning Machinery- Pumps, Oasollne Engines and Con crete Machinery HENNINGER & AYES MFG. CO. 47 1st Bt, Bet. Ash and Pin WELCOME! Closset & Devers t Teas. Coffees, Spices. Extracts, Baking Powder, Etc. 1-3-5-7-9-11 W. rront, Portland,' Or. Seattle, Wash. G BURLAP, TWINE Noon Bag Co. 34 BT. Plrst St. Broadway H Knight Packing Co. Pickles, Vinegar, Etc. East Rlnth and East AUr 7 Phones East 68, B-1868 ' Sole Leather. Pure Eastern oak tannage, tanned by loner-time process by ourselves. Jumbos, strips, bend and bacjts.,? Ths Qratton ft Knight VUg. Co., '. 61 Plrst, Portland, Or. m tip lis I 111 mm ill r 'f ;ft-4liM (guar TIP j'- "i.A-;; B layers' Tools. Cutlery Sporting Goods Saddlery Heavy Hardware All Out-bf-Town ants are invitecf to inspect our line of Automobiles. Cole Reo Chevrelet during; ; BUTTERS' WEEK, AWO. S-14, . , Also line of slirhtlr vsed oars to select from. NortHwest Auto Co. Tl .W.' TOOXJ5S y PrssidMt. Broadway, at Couch St. 'In the heart of Portland's' newer business zone, a Drug Emporium Ten Selling Floors. F"i t y years of active, progressing 'work in' our vocation. To you, our guest, ...... -. ... v:: . we extend a cor dial welcome and courteous atten- 1 1. 1 1. 1 V 1 tion. Clarke, Woodward Drug Co. Wood-Lark Building ALDER AT WEST PARK 4 W We extend to members of Buyers' Week a special invitation to make headquarters at our store. Dictate your correspondence to the Dictaphone Free Stenographic Service to All Members Free Daily Concert on the New 1916 Model Graf onola Columbia Graphophoiie Co. 429-431 Washington St. WHOLESALE RETAIL BUYERS, Make Our Establishment Your Headquarters Builders' Hardware Electric and Auto Supplies Paints STOVES, RANGES AND HOUSEFURNISH INGS . MILL AND MINE SUPPLIES Marshall Wells Hardware Co. AT VF'S Corner Fifth and Pine Streets Res. Mgr. 1 AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES ' Of Every Description MA8TKR CARBURETORS. BUN tKN OA.RAGT5 GREASE OTJNS, SPLITDORF-APELCO FORD BTAKTEK8. flPLTTlORK,' HKMT, EISEMANK ANX OTHER MAGNETOS. AIR COMPRESSORS. OAS. OT.INE STORAGE SYSTEMS, A PEIXX AND HKNDilTX GENER ATORS. STEWART 5.00 HAND HORNS AND A COMPLETE LINE OF FORD ACCESSORIES. . OTT1CIXX, DISTRIBUTORS DIAMOSTO TXRSS ARCHER AND WIGGINS OAK STREET, O ORITUR SXXTR The Geo. Lawrence Co. 80 - 8S FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OR. Cordially invites the in spection of their stock of Harness, Saddles, Sad dlery Hardware, Shoe Findings and Shoe Store Supplies by the visiting merchants during Buyers' Week. w. Telephone Main 809, A-3313 PORTLAND FURNITURE KFG.'CO. Manufacturers Conches, Ioqekm, Upholstered rnrnitare. Mattresses and Pillows 1349-1339 MACADAM ROAD Take Fulton far at 21 and Morrison