THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY, AUGUST 7. 1815- E. E IS SET T Two Ministerial Delegates to Be Elected Here for the . General Conference, The Twenty-fourth session of the - Puget Sound Annual conference of the African Methodist Episcopal church' will, meet in the "New Chapel" of Bethel church, Larrabee and McMillan streets, with Kev. j. Logan Craw, pas tor, beginning Wednesday, August 11, and continuing throiugh fc"uniiay, Au gust 15. Rev. H. Ii, Parks, L. D., Is the presiding bishop and will arrive from Chicago by way of other Inter mediate points Tuesday preceding the opening of the conference, Wednesday morning at 3 o'clock. At this meeting wtll be delegates from Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oreson to the number of about 100 including visitors. The first day conference will convene at ! r o'clock a. m.,. "at which time the annua! sermon will be preached 'jy tile Rbv. VV. H. Prince, D. IX, of Groat -Falls, Mont., followed by the adniin Iftration of the Lord's supper. Thereafter the organization of the conference will be effected and reports of thri vear's work reviewed. Public Heceptlon Planned. A public reception will take place at- night. Kev. Craw, the local pastor, has bo arranged affairs that dinner and aupper meals will be served daily dur ing the session so that the public may attend the three sessions each day without any inconvenience. Thursday night the Rev. D. A. Gra ham of Spokane. Wash., will preach the missionary sermon. The Kev. ii. .SI. Mickens of Seattle. Wash., will preach the educational sermon Friday night, while Friday aft ernoon will be "Ladies' Day" when the Missionary societies will report on work done and under management of the Portland Mite Missionary society present the missionary cantata en titled "The World for Christ." Will Elect Two Delegates. Two ministerial delegates are to be elected at this meeting to attend the general conference which will meet in Philadelphia, Pa., May, 191t. The ses sion Sunday will, be given over entire ly to religious worship closing the conference Sunday night with the pas tors receiving thfir appointments for another year. The presiding bishop, H, B. Parks, . D., has charge of the Fifth Episco pal district of the A. M. L. church, which is composed of seven confer ences embracing the states of Missouri. Kansas, Colorado, Arizona, New Mex ico, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Ore gon and California. The bishop will preach at the 11 o'clock services Sun day. The conference is open to the public daily. Famous Orator Will Occupy Pulpit Here Dr. J. D. Corby, ever alert to secure the best for Portland, has kept in touch with the many noted visitors to our city, and has secured the famous orator, Rev. Dr. .Marlon D,'. Shutter- Of Minneapolis, as the preacher for the .... T'niun.tmtiut ,-iV, , i -,- 1 Rrfmiln' JV and KastTjT-wenty-foiurth streets, for tomorrow morning u!t 10:45. Dr. Shutter will speak on "The Uni versalist Church and the World's Great Hopes." Minnesota people know the doctor from his long pastorate at the Church of the Redeemer and his lead ership in civic affairs. As a lec turer and preacher his fame extends far beyond the bounds of the state. CLASSIFIED FRIDAY NOON IS LIMIT Notices for the classified church i directory, and other matter for the , Saturday church columns of The j , Journal, must be in the editorial , rooms of The Journal by noon Fri day in order to insure trablicatlon. ! "Cbnrches, ' care City Editor, The Aaaress ail man communications, Journal. Pr3itrterin. Kirst 12th nnd Alder Rev. John H. Boyd, milliliter, loiio i-mi 7 :3. C. E., 6:30. t'ourtt Kiit h uI 'Jlfetis Rev. Heurr Hanson, pustur. 1'reacLin;.-. lo:30 and 7:30. 8. S. 12. KenlixvKtb Knot "4tli mid Gladstone Rpt. Leslie Kirk Itlctmrrisun. pastor. S. S. 9:45. Hervlce 11. Evening services omitted during AiiKUSt. Mixpah E. 19th aud Divlflou Re. Harrr I.teds, paxtor. 11. S. S.. 0:45. C. F... -Murning. "A Devoted Life and Its Explana tion. '' Calvary 11th and Clay sts. Rer. O. S. Baum, ,10::X) ami 7:4.". S. Sv, 12. Morning. rvod Cheer" : Evening, "The Men. What Ifeey Are Like." Anabt-1 Ui-v. Alfred '.. Taxis, 11 aud 1:45. S. S., 0:45. C. K., C:43.- Hope Moutuvlllii. 7Mt and Ererett it--fcey. S. W. Keemiin. 11 and 7::;0. S. 8., 10. Morning. "Equipment fir ServU-e." In the evening tht church vvilfe join in uuion serv ices at Xknit.yrilla nhooli Forbes K. Harr u. Pratt, 11 and 8. 8. 8.. 10. V. E.. 6 3d. Arbor Ltxige Re. George R. Crotnlej, 11 Dd 7:45. S. S-, 10. Central East 13tb and Fine ets. KT. L. K. Grimes, pastor; 10:30 and 7:45. S. S.. 12 C. E., 6:15. Mt. Tabor East 35th and Belmont Re. William Graham Moore.i 11 and 7:30. S. S., .0:45. C. E., 6:45. 'intermediate C. E., 4 p. m. Picduiont leelaud and Jarrett at. Rer. A I Hutcbls.n. pastor. C. E.. 7. 8. S.. 0:45. Services.,' 11 a. m. land 8 p. m. Morning erlce will be conducted by Pastor .1. V. , Milligan. No evening service during August. . Dnity W. Lee Gray, minitter. 11 and 8. , 8. 8.. 10. Vernon 19th and W.cgant streets H. N. Mount, pastor. 11 and a. S. S.. !i:4o. C. E., 6:SO. Junior C. E., 4 p.; m. : Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and 7:45. S. S.. 12. ; V. IV S. C. E.. 4 p. m. Rose City Park Uev. J. M. Skinner. .-Prwtcblng, 11 and 7:30. C. E.. 6;3J. S. 8:45-. Junior C. E.. 3:30. Millard Avenue Rev. W. H. A mo, n and I:. S. S.. 10. Y. P. e. C. E.. 6:30. Spokane Averrae E, 16th aid Spokane J. K. Youel. pastor. 11. &. S.. 9:45. Marshall Street Uev. A. J. tUuna. pnftor. 11 and 7:45. S. S.. 10. No evening services. Trinity, corner VI ginls -ami Nebraska ata-- Visit OUR CHURCH 'AND SUNDAY . SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BOOKS, BIBLES, TESTA MENTS, MAPS BUTTONS. CARDS. CERTIFICATES. Etc. THIRD AND ALDER STS. AFRICAN CHURCH CONFERENC OR PREEN MONTH Monthly -Workers Hold Conference The monthly workers' conference of the Millard Avenue Presbyterian church school was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Butters, 4938 Seventy-second street S. K., Monday evening. The meeting was called to order by Secretary Roy Steams, 'who asked Mr. M. K. Williams to act as president pro tenl in the absence of Ellton Shaw, who with his family is spending a week at Manhaftan beach. Mr. Butters led in prayer, after which the minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The next conference will be held at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Williams, 55n Sixty-ninth street S. E. Reports were made by standing committees, also report of special committee on plans for Rally day, which was accepted. After close of business session, light refreshments were served by th? hostess, assisted by Ruth Jean Mur ray and Claudine Moore. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Butters, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Lope, Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. H. D. Murray, Ruth Jean Murray, Mrs. Swanson, Miss Queenle Swanson, Mrs, James Moore, Claudlne Moore, Miss Grace Spaulding. DR. MYERS OF CHICAGO WILL OCCUPY PULPIT AT WHITE TEMPLE Prominent Speaker to Preach During the Absence of Dr, Hinson, Men of international reputation- will occupy the pulpit of the White Temple during the month of August, while Dr. Hinson Is away on his vacation, al though one could hardly call it a vaca tion, as he is speaking twice each day i,t the Bible Institute in Los Angejes, for the first, eight days in August, and then goes to Vancouver, B. C, for a number of sermons. Dr. Johnstone Myers, of Chicago, I who has done such a wonderful work in a downtown church, ministering to the poor and needy, the working man and the foreigner, the hungry and the unemployed: whose church employs 12 People, besides very many volunteer workers, to carry on their activities, will fill the pulpit tomorrow. In the molning Dr. Myers will take for his subject, "How We Know God. " and Norman A. Hoose will sing "There Is a Green Hill Far Away," by Gounod. In the evening the subject of Dr. Myers' sermon will be "The Harbor," and Mr. Hoose will sing for the offer tory "The Way of Peace," by Lloyd. Mr. Kantner Is Called by Pilgrim Rev. W. C. Kantner, D. D.. recently pastor of University ' Park Congrega tional church, has been called by unanimous vote to the pastorate of Pilgrim Congregational church of this city. He will conduct the services at Pilgrim church tomorow. Glenada Building Church. Church people of Glenada, Or., have after much effort succeeded in raising funds enough .to begin work on Ihe new Evangelical church. The building will be rushed to completion. A 10: was secured and graded several months ago. DIRECTORY L'ev. K. Beniiui), mtor, Jl nnd 7:cO. S. S 50. Y. P. S. C. E., 6:SO. Chinese 1-151, m t. 7:45. H. S., 6:45. Baptist. First White Teuiplt. W. B. Hinson. pastor. Bible school. U:5o. Services. 11 and 7:30. S. S., S(:5o a. m. B. Y. 1'. L'., 6:30. Preaching by Ur. Johuston Myers. East Side East Dth and Ankeny Rev. Y. O Shank, pastor. Services 11 and 7:45. S. S., 9:45. B. Y. P. C. 6:30. Highland. Eaot 6ib aud Alberta Rev. Chas. V. Mleir. B. Y. P. U-. 6:30. Junior B. Y. P. L. 6:30. Calvary East 8tu ind Grant ReT. Walter Duff, pustor. 11 and 7:30. S. S., 10. Ser mons by Dr. Hayes. Arleta Kev. VV. T. S. Spriggs. S. S., 9:45. B. Y. 1. L ., 6:45. ServJces, 11 and 7:45. Preaching by Rev. E. A. Wood?. University park Services .11 and 8; S. S. 10. B. Y. P. L ., 6:30. Sellwood Rev. 1. H. Hayes. 11 and 7:30. S. S., lo. B. Y. P. V.. 6:30. Mt. Calvary Pine street and Grand ave. Her.. A. M. Machack. Services 11 and 8. 3. ., 9 a. m. . 0 Third Knott and Vancouver avenue Rev. W. J. Beavan. Preaching 11 and 7:50. B. Y. P. L., 6:30. S. S., :45. Grace Montavllia Kev. H. T. Cash, 11 and 7:30. Y. P., 6:30. S. S.. 9:45. St. Johns (German) S. S., 9:45. 11 and 7:30. B. Y. P. L'.. 7. St. Johns E. P. Burden, pastor. S. S., 10. St-rvieea, 11 and S. Chinese Mission S. S., 7. J. C. Malone, su perintendent. Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson. S. R.. 10. Serv ices. 11 and 7:30. Morning, "Workers With God." Evening "Fear Not." SecouJ German Uev. Frederick Buerrman, 11 aud 7:30. S. S., 0:45. B. V. P. U-. 6:45. Tabernacle 42d st. and 45th ave. S. E., Rev. J. nark Tlbbetts. pastor. Preaching by Mrs. K. F. Jameson of Lebanon, Or. Swedish 15th and Hovt ats.. 10:45 and T:3U. S. S.. 10. B. Y. P. U.. 6:30. Glencoe East 45th and Main sts. Rev. A. B. Walts. S. s., y:45 a. m. Services 11 and 8:K. B. Y. P. 1 .. 6:30. Morning. "There's Something in a Name"; Evening, "God Speaks Agaiu." Mount Olivet Rev. W. A. Magrott. pastor. 11 and 8 p. in. S. S.. 12:30. Italian Mission Etv. Francesco Saonelia. pastor. Pastor's circle. 8. Preaching, 10:30. Short sermon for Englinb speaking people also at 7:30. First German Fourth and Mill Rev. J. Kran. Services, 11 .-.nd 7:30. S- S.. 9:45. Goodwill MSsUod 15th and Boise Miss A. M. Nelson, superintendent. North Portland Mission SS0 Nicolal street. Services Friday, 8 p. m. Ketiooiik. First 12tb and Taylor st.. Rev. Frank L, Loveland. D. D., minister, ij. S.. 12:15. E. L.. 6:15. Morning, 'Some limitations of Life " Evening. "An American Preacher's View of the War." Trinity East lOtb ind S!iema:i. Rev. A B Calder 11 and 8:00. S. S.. 10. E. 7. Morning, "Tbe Second Commandment " : Eve ning, addresses by Miss Alice Sunstedt and Hubert Scott. Swedish Borthwlck and Beech. F. J Berg pastor. 11 and 7:30. S. E.- 10. E. L. 1 Epworth 26th and Savier Rev. C. O. Mc. Culloch. 11 and 7:45. S. S.. 9:45. E. L., 6:30 Morning sermon by Dr. George H. Hopkins; Evening address by R. P. Huttou of the Anti. Saloon league. First Norwegian Danlat Corner IStn and Hoyt. Rev. O. T. Field. 11 and 8. Woodlawo East loth and Highland Rev Louis Thomas, pastor. S. S., 10. E. L.. 7 Preaching 11 and 7:45. teuteuary M. E. Church East 9th and East Pine streets T. W, Laue. pastor, s. S.. 9:45 Morning worship 11. E. L., 6:3o. Services. . :4o. Morning. ' The Lord's Tenth How to Pay It ; Evening addrfefg by Walter Lind berg on Lis conversion. Sellwood Rev. Ale-Jtider P. MaelPan 11 and 7:30 J. K.. 2:30. 6:30. SllED.Tslde E. 35th ana YamhUl Rev. R Wrner Smith D. 11 aid 7:45 p. m. & 8.' 9.:5o . ni. E. L.. 6:30. ' CKBtral ancuuver are. and Fargo Re. C. PRESBYTERIAN GAIN IS THE GREATEST JN HISTORY OF CHURCH Additional Members 54,961 in Last Fiscal Year; More Ministers Ordained.. , Presbyterian church growth last year broke all records in all directions. Reports tabulated for the church year,, ehow a membership of 1,513,046, an Increase of 54,961 last year. This is the greatest increase ever made by this church in a single year by other than consolidation, and it fol lows a year when 110,000 persons were examined by elders with a view to membership. This -last figure is larger by 25,000 than ever applied for Pres byterian membership since there was a Presbyterian church in America. Ttfore Ministers Added. Some years ago there was an un usual rise in Presbyterian figures through union of the Cumberland branch, but last year's figures for the year and for all years broke even"the record of the Cumberland year. The number of ministers is largest, and so is the number of Sunday school pupils. Within the last 10 years the Presby terian church has added 500,300 to its membership, and 350.000 to its Sunday schoql rolls. More new ministers were ordained last year than in any other year in its history, and the number of its ministers 9670 is the largest since the church was formed. Finances Keep Apac-e. Finances keep apace with numbers in the same church. The total gifts of the 1,513,000 Presbyterians now reach $27,784,000, a gain of $10,000,000 in the last 10 years. In lines of spe cific effort last year's receipts break the records in several directions. Home missions fell just a little under $2. 000,000, and foreign went to $1,812,000, both of them high water figures save the foreign in 1911, when a single be quest sent receipts to almost $2,500, U00. The educational, the church erec tion and freedman funds also broke all records. . Eight of the months covered by these reports were those covered also by the European war period. Social Partakes Nature of Farewell On Thursday evening in the First Congregational church, was held the monthly church-at-home service and social. The meeting was conducted by Rev. A. Binkhorst, who is soon to leave Portland to assume his .duties as pastor of the First Congregational church of Tucson, Arizona. Follow ing brief devotional services, an in formal social which partook of the nature of a farewell to Mr. Bink horst. occurred. Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Baker furnished special music, and light refreshments were served later in the evening. Rev. Geo. Darsie To Occupy Pulpit Rev. George Darsie. pastor of the Kiist Christian church. Park and Co lumbia streets, who lias returned from attending the annual convention of the Christian churches, which has just been" held at Los Angeles, will occupy his pulpit both morning and evening Sunday. He will have charge of the Men's Bible class of the Christian church at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday morn ing at 9:45 o'clock. I OF SERVICES C. Ki-rlck. Services 11 and 8. S. S., 9:45. St. Johns Hayes and Iavttt sts. W. K. Ingalls. Services 11 and 7:30. &. S., 9:5o. E. L., 0:30. Moctavilla Rev. W. H. Hampton, 11 and 7:30. S. S., 9:45. E. L., 8:15. J. L... 3 Class ii.eeliiig 12:15. Uobe City Park Sandy blvd. and E. 5Sth sts. Rev. William W. Yonngson, pastor. 11 aud 7. S. S.. 9:45. Morning, address by Miss Kate L. Ogborn, missionary to China; evening, community sing. Japanese Mission Kev. Ellsen Ribara. 9:30 and s:30. S. S.. 3:30. Laurelwood Rev. J. E. Willing. 63d at.. S. E.. and loster Road. S. S.. 9:45. E. L.. 6:30. Chinese Mission 11 nnd 7:30. Clinton Kelly Memorial John Parsons, pas tor. S. S. 9:45. Servjiea 11 and 7:30. E. L. 6:45. Sermon by Rev. VV. H. Selleck. German Rodney ave. and Stanton st. F. A Schumann. S. S. 9:45. Services 11 and 8. Ep vorth league, 7:15. Mount Tabor 61st aid East Stark. Rev. H. Olin Eldridge, pastor. Pleaching 11 and 8 S. S-. 9:45. E. L., 7:X. Morning,' "Applied t'lrrist-iuiiity" ; Evening. "The Regeneration of Mexico." African Zion Rev. W. W. Howard. 2SS Williams ave. S. S., 1. E. L., 7. Preaching 11 aud S. Vancouver Ave. Norwegian-Danish Corner SUidniore Rev. Abr Verelde, pastor. Servleea lo:45 and 8. S. S., 9:45. Lents Rev. W. Boyd Moore, 11 and 8. 8. S.. 10. E. U, 7:30 p. m. Bethel Rev. J. L. Craw, pastoi, 11 and 7:45. S. S.. 1:15. C. K.. 7. University Park Lombard and Flske streets Uev. C. L. Hamilton. 11 and 7:3. S. S., lO. E. L., 6:30. Morning. "The Light Bearing Church"; Evening, "The Church Inspector." fatten Kev. u. Bt. s'reese, pastor, 11 and 7:45. S. S.. 10. E. L., 6:45. Woodstock Eaut 44th and 00th ave. S. E. Frank James, pastor, 11 and 7:30. S. S 10. E. L. . 6:30. Class, 12:15 p. m. Lincoln East 52d and Lincoln M. O. Reed, pastor. S. S.. 11. Service, 7:30. Westmoreland Rev. J. West Thompson S. B. 10. Sermon. T:30. First German A. F. Cramer, pastor, 11 and 8 S. S.. 10. E. L., 7:30. Brentwood Rev. J. W'est Thompson, 8. S 10. Services, 11. Christian. First Park and Columbia sts. Bev. Geo. F. Darsie, pastor. 11 nd 7:45. S. S-. 8:45. C. E., 6:45. Montavllia East 76th and Hoyt Rer J. C. Ghormley, 11 .and 7:30. S. S 10. C. JE., 6:3a Junior C E.. 3:30. Woodlawn 7th and Liberty sts. Rev. W. J. Mellinget. 11 and 7:30. 3. S.. 8:45. C. K.. 6:30. - Sellwood Cor. 19th and Nehalem Rev. D. E. Norcross, pastor, 11 and 8. S. 3.. 10. C E., 7. Gladstone Rev. Roy L. Dunn, pastor, 11 sod 8 S. S., 10. C. fc.. 7. Rodney Avenue Corner Rodney and Knott O. P. Burris, pastor. 11 and 8. 8. S.. 10. C. E., 7. St. Johns Rev, Herbert F. Jones, pastor, 11 ana 8. S. S., 10, C. E.. 7. Kern Park Uev. n. Tlbbs Maxey. pastor. 11 and 7:30. S. S.. 9:45. C. E.. 6:30. Vernon Church ot Christ E. loth and Wy f ant J. A. Melton. 11 and 7:30. S. S.. 10. C. E.. 6:30. Bethel E. 82d and Thompson. S. 8.. 1 :30. tntral East Salmon and Twentieth streets Jlev. A. L. Crim Bibl school. 10. C. E., 7. Services, 11 and 8. United Brethren. First East loth and Morrison Kev. J. D. Nlsewouder. pastor, preaching 11 with com munion, aud 8. S. S.. To. Evening: "Recre ation and Amusement." Allien. arna and Alberta Rer. C. C. Bell. 11 and 8. S. S.. 10. C. E., 7. Guy Woodwurtu MeiuwiaL Vancouver. Wast. Uev. J. Lincoln Ellis, pastor, 11 and 8. S. C. 10. Y. P. S. C B.. 7. - Third 67th st. S. .E, and 32d . Eer. J. B. Parsoca. pastor. 11 and 7:30. g. S.. 10. C. . E., 6:30. Fourth 69th at. and 62d ave. S. E. J. E. WHAT CHURCH MEMBERS AND CLERGY ARE DOING Kt. xr. Wilson Will Kaetnre. Rev. W. Aubrey Wilsojj will lecture at the New Mission hall, East Forty firet and Division streets, Sunday at 3 p. m. Dr. Green on Vacation. Dr. Perry J. Green left this week for a few weeks' vacation. In hla absence Rev. Charles S. Spencer wtll speak before the Temple of Truth, Sunday at 8 p. m., on "The New Heav ens and the New Earth Indicating the Evolutionary Progress of Human Con sciousness." This will be. Dr. Spen cer's first slermon after being or dained a minister of the New Thought Temple' of Truth. Solos by F. C. Streyffeler and Andrew C. Coughey will be rendered. Will Occupy Pulpit Again. Rev. J. Allen Leas of the St. James English Lutheran church has returned from the meeting of synod at San Jose, Cal., and will occupy is pulpit next Sunday morning. Rev, and Mrs. Leas visited the- exposition at San Francisco and also visited at Berkeley, where Rev. Leas preacbed in the St. Michael's church last STunday morning-. Pacific Synod a Success. The Woman's Missionary society of the Pacific Syod of the English Luth eran church was held at San Jose, July 21 to 24. The meeting was moat Interesting and according to reports from the field, a most active year has been brought to a close. Much credit is due the president, Mrs. F. H. Page ler, who was re-elected. Mrs. Pro fessor Frederick of Seattle was elected secretary. Wo Meeting in Augmat. During the present month there will be no Young People's Union service at Calvary Baptist church. Moonlight Excursion. The Young Peoples' Christian En deavor society of the First German Congregational church, the Rev. F. A. Willman, pastor, will hold its fourth annual moonlight excursion on the Co lumbia river, Saturday evening, Aug- Dr. Shutter May Deliver Address Rev. Dr. Marion D. Shutter, of Min neapolis, is spending a few days in Portland with his wife and 'son, visit ing friends and looking over our city and consulting with the officials of the First Universalis! church, with a view of church extension work in Oregon. Dr. Shutter is the president of the Unlversalist general convention, and U$e pastor of the Church' of the Re deemer, or Minneapolis. ttxa great church in that city ' maintains Unity House, a fine social settlement, assists in the support of a hospital and is ac tive in many philanthropic endeavors. Dr. Shutter was chairman of the vice commission in that city, whose report is -a model and has resulted In great Improvement for the young folks of that city. Mrs. Shutter ha been a leader in Unlversalist mission work among the women, and is a charming woman, very popular in society. It is hoped that Dr. Shutter will preach Sunday morning in the "Unlver salist church at Broadway and East Twenty-fourth street, if his other en gagements permit. COMMUNITY SING TONIGHT A community sins will take the place of the regular evening .services tomorrow night at . Rose City Park Methodist church. The sing will be held out of doors and will be con ducted by Dr. J. W. McDougall, dis trict superintendent of the Methodist church. FOR THE WEEK IN CHURCHES OF PORTLAND AND Conner, pastor. Sermons, 11 and 7:45. S S-. 10. C. E.. 6:45. United Presbyterian. First Eaft 37tb and Hawthorne; Frank De Witt Findley. Preaciiing. 11 a. m. sad 8 y. m. S. S.. 10. C. E., 7 p. m. Church' of the Strangers Wasco st. and Grand ave. Rev. S. Earl DuBois, pastor. I Services, 10:30 and 8. nentou J. 3. cile, lu:lo and 8. S. S., lO. Congregational. First Par and Madison rev. Lather R. Dyott. V. D. S. S., 9:50. Preaching, 11 and 7:45. First German East 7th and Stanton Rev. E. O. Willman. Llnderhurst Uev. D. B. Grav. 11 and T-4jl ! S. S.. 10. C. E.. 0:30. j Atkinson Memorial East 29th and Everett Rev. F. W. Gorman. S. S.. 9:45. Senior Endeavor, 6:30. Pilgrim MUsourf and Shaver ata Prof. W. M. Proctor, acting pastor. 11. S. S., 9:45. C. E. 6:30. Morning sermon by Rev. W. C. Kantner, "Paul's Conception of Life's Obli gation." No evening service. University Park Havch street near Lombard Rev. F. J. Mejer. D. D., pastor. 11 and 8. S. S.. 10. Y. P. S. C. E., 7. St. Johns Daniel T. Thomas, pastor. S. 3.. 10 a. m. Preaching. 11 a. m.; C. E., 6r30. Laurelwood 45th avenue and 65tn street. Rev. C. S. Johnson, 11 and 8. C E.. 7. Morn ing, "Ashes;" Evening, "War and Peace." Ardenwuld Daniel T. Ftomas. pastor, s. S., 10:45. C. E., 7. Preaching, 8. Highland East 6th aud Prescott Rev. E. S. Bollinger, preaching. 11 and 7:45. S- S., 10. Y. P. S. C. E., 6:45. Waverly Heights East 33d and "Woodward. Rev. A. C. Moses, minister. Preaching. 11 and 7:45. S. S.. 9:45; Y. P. S., 7:30. Morning. "Who Is on the Lord's Side;" Evening, "What la the Size of Your God'" Sunnyslde East 32d and Taylor Rev. J. J Staub, 11 and 7:45. S.i S., 10. Junior C. E., 3:30. C. E., 6:80. Morning, "The Preemi nence of Christ"; Evening "The Fisherman's Secret of Successful Bait." Zlon (German) East uth and tremont. Rev. J. a. Hopp, 10:30 and 1:30. C. E., 6:30. United rvsJitrelicsJ. Fourth Rev. J. E. Conner, pastor. 11 and 7:30 8. S., 10. C. E. 6:30 K Radical Jessup st. Ei. A. S. Henderson, pastor. 11 and 7:30. S. S.. 10, C. E.. 7. Manor Circuit Servleea Manor. 11- a. m. Cherry Grove. 3 p. rr. Brusu prairie, 7:80. First East 16tb and Poplar Her. C. C. Po ling. 11 and 7:30. K. L. C. E., 7. &t, Johns A. P. Lay ton. pastor. 11 and 7:30. S. S.. 10. K. L. C. E.. 7. Wichita Kev. H .1. Farnham, pastor. 11 and 7:o. S. S.. 10,-C. E.. 7. Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay Rev. S. L. Lovell. pastor. 11 and 7:30. 8. S 10. K. L. C. E.. 7. X.ntheraa. Immanuel 19th and Irving sts Rer. J. Elcnard Olson, 11 aud 8. S. S., 9:45. Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Williams avenue and Graham J. A. blmbach. lo and J:3o. S. S., 9:15. Bethany Danish Union avenue N. and Mor ris street M. C. Jeusen-Eiigholm. pastor; services 11 and 8. S. S., 10. -Y. P. meeting, 8. United .Norwegian Pitman Larsen. pastor, 11 and 7:45. S. S., 0:43, Norwegian Synod Sat Grant corner 10th Rev. George Hendrlksen, 11 und 8. S. 8.. 10. St. Paul's German East 12th and Clin to A S. Kranse. pastor. 10:30. ermoa in Ger man; quarterly meeting, 11:45. S. S., 9: SO. English services at 8 j. m. German Evangelical Lutheran Zion (Mis curl Synod) Salmon and Chapman sts. -Rev. H H. Koppelmanu Services 10:15 a. m. and 7:45 p. in. 8. 9:15 a.' m. Immanuel German Sellwood H. C. Eb Ung. lO:80. S. 8., 8:30.i St, Johns Peninsular and Kirkpatrick Rer. ft. O. Salsman. 10:45 and 7:30. S. S-. 9:30. St. James" English Wect Park anl Jefferson streets ReT. J. A. Leas, pastor, r n s. S.,10. i ust 7. The' steamer Joseph Kellogg has been chartered and will leave the foot of Washington street at 8 p. m. The committee in charge ha a pro gram prepared and will serve a va riety of refreshments. Wo Evening- Services. Piedmont Presbyterian church will not hold Sunday evening services dur ing; this month. Tomorrow morning Rev. J. V". Milligan will speak. Special Services Announced, Special services will, be conducted in the Salvation Army, hall, at 207 Sal mon street, by Adjutant Frank Genge of fe"pokane, this evening and all day on Sunday. On Sunday evening a memorial service for the late Staff Captalji Gale will be held. To Addxesa Young People. Rev. C. Howard Davis, pastor of the Hirst Church of the Naaarene, East Seventh and Couch streets, will preach especially to young people Sunday night and the morning subject will be "What Is Bible Holiness?" Hew Pastor at Corrallla. Rev. C. C. Curtis, the new pastor of the Christian church in Corvallis, and Mrs. Curtis have arrived from Dallas and Mr. Curtis has taken up his new Tvork. Evening Services Discontinued. During August evening services have been discontinued in the Method ist, Baptist, Presbyterian .and Chris tian churches at Baker. - Union Services in Albany. Protestant churches in Albany since the Chautauqua meeting have been holding union services. The arrange ment will continue until after the last Sunday this month. Adventist Christian Services. Mrs. C. F. L. Smith will preach to morrow morning on "The Tabernacle of Moses," at the Adventlst Christian church, (not Seventh Day). The ser mon will be illustrated. Chancel of Trinity Will Be Enriched Through a gift received by the rec tor and vestry of Trinity church. New York, the chancel of the historic church at the head of Wall street will, dur ing the summer, be considerably en riched and beautified. The gift now received is to provide richly carved canopied clergy stall and choir stalls, communion rail and organ screens, and also new marble filing for the floor of the chancel, in con formity with the plan as a whole. The organ will also be reconstructed and enlarged. The designs have been completed and work twill be begun shortly under the direction of Thomas Nash. It is ex-, pected that it will be completed early in the autumn. Former Actor Will Speak at Centenary Tomorrow night at Centenary church, Walter Lindberg will" give the story of his conversion to Chris tianity, in conjunction with a sacred concert. His theme will be "From the Stage to the Pulpit." About five years ago Mr. Lindberg became a Christian, and at once leaving the stage began to devote himself and his voice to Christian work. Thls will be a service of unique character and will appeal both to the emotion, understanding - and will. Li t her league. 7. Morning services conducted by Kev. Frank I. Paul. No evening service. Grace English (Missouri Synod; Albina ave. Hud Mason Rev. C. Luecke, pastor. 10:30 and 7:30. S. S., 9:15. United Norwegian Portsmouth H. O. Hen drickson, pastor, li. S. S-, 10, 3. Lunde'a hall, Vernon. Mission Montavllia, Hamilton's chapel, cor ner E. Gllsan and E. 80th W. F. Luts. pas tor. S. S.. 9:30. German service at 10:15. Swedish Augustana Rev. H. E. Sanstedt. 10:43 and 7:45. S. S., 9:30. Episcopal. Trinity church Kev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. 8. 11 and 8. S. 8.. 9:45. Good Fellow ship society, parish house. 19tU and Davis sts., 7 to 7 :55 p. m. St. Mark's 21st and Marshall Kev. J. E. H. Simpscn. rector. Summer schedule, 7:30, Holy Eucharist. S. S., U:45. Matins, 10:15. Holy Eucharist and sermon. 11; daily encbarist at 7:3o a. m. So evening services during July or August. Pro-Catbeural of St. Stephen the Martyr Rev. H M. Ramsay, 7:4s, II and 7:45.' S. S.. 10 Special service ror colored people, d. St. David's S. S., 9:45. Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a. m. ; morning prayer and sermon, 11. St. Mathew's Kev. .W. A. M. Breck, vicar. 5 S., 10. Service and sermon, 11. St. John's Miiwaukle Rev. John D. Rice, 5. S., 2. E veiling prayer and sermon,. 3. Services, 4. St. Andrew's Portsmouth Rev. .F. If. Baum, vicar. In cbarfre, 11. Prayer and ser mon, 11 and 7:30. S. S.. 0:45. Communion, 7:39 a. m., third Sunday each month. Grace Memorial Kev. George B. Van Wa ters and Kev. Oswald W. Taylor. Holy com munion, 8 a. m. Except first Sunday In March, S. S. 10 a. m. Servicea. 11. Good Shepherd Rev. Jonn Dawson, 11 and 7UJO. S. S., 10.. St. Micbael'a and All Angels' East 43d and Broadway Kev. X. r. Bowen, vicar. S. 8., 10. Holy communion first Sunday, 11; third Sunday. 7:30. Church of Our Sa'lour 60th ave. and 41st at S. E. Kev. E. H. Clark, vicar. Services 8 t.nd 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Bishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Sa maritan hospital Chaplain. Frederick K. How ard. Holy communiou 7 a. m. Prayer and set mon. 7 :20. St. John's ohnrch Sellwood Rev. John D. Bice, 11- Evening prayer, 7:30. St. Paul's Woodmere Kev. Oswald W. Taylor. Holy communKu, first Sunday U' month, 8 a. m. Services, 4 p. 10. Easter ser mon, Sunday school, lo a. m. Portsmouth Hereford at., near Lombard st. Rev. F. M. bvum, vicar. S. S., 10. Serv-1 ices 11 and 7:3t. Holy communion on sec ond' fourth and fifth Sundays of month at 7:30- on first at 11. Holidays by appointment. Pat ton, Michigan and Alberta George V. Hopkins, pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. S. 10. Friends' Church. Sunnysld'! East 35th aud Main sts. Homer Cox pustor. 11 and 7:30. S. 8.. 9 45. C. E.. 6 30 Morning, preaching by Frederick Kludas. Evening, preaching by George L, Garr. Lenta South Main street. lev. John Riley.' pastor, 11 and 7:3U. iiibl- school, 9:45. C '""'west Piedmont Friends Rev. T. 3. Coburn, 11 snd 7 :30. Bible school, 10. 8. 8 10. C. E., 6:15. Catholic Holy Cross University Park Rev. T. K. Murphy C. 8. C. Low mass and Instruction, g , m." Sermon. lo:30. Sermon and benedic- li0Ascension?'-1"MontaTilla Mass at 8. High mass with sermon. 10:30. Sunday school at 9. benediction :). - Holy Redeemer Rev. Joseph A. Cnapatcn. Low mass. 6 and 8. i iigb and sermon, 10:O. Benediction. 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams ave. and Stanton st. Rer. W. A. Daly. Low mass 6, 8, . High mass and sermon, 10:30. Ves pers and benediction, 7:30. St. IjthUus' 322M 43d S. E. Rev. r. Dli vni R. J Low muss 6. 8. 9. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers, ' instruction and bene diction. 7:3a . . St. Lawrence m ana sHrama. jmt. . v. ; PLAN IS ON FOOT TO UNIFY THE METHODIST CHURCH AMERICA Consolidation Would Include Present Northern, Southern and Colored Divisions. A movement is on foot to create the American Methodist church. If successful, as now seems prob able, it will mean a body of 6,000,000 actual members, possibly 8.000,000, or a Methodist population of 18,000,000 to 20,000,000, or the largest religious body in America. While there Is opposition in some quarters, especially in the north, de tails are being Ironed out, it is said, and the plan is more than likely to go through. Split Was Over Slavery. American Methodism was split over slavery, the break coming as early as 1844, at a general conference held in New York city. Now the unique plan is proposed, and already approved by Methodists South, of creating one Methodist ' church that has four parts to it. Each of the parts wifl have its distinct board of bishops, and its own quadrennial conference. Then over all will be a supreme body, composed of delegates from the four general ones. The plan is not a merger of Method ism, but the reorganization of all and the creation of a wholly new American Methodist church. The four bodies proposed are the white Methodists of the- south, the col ored . Methodists of t he south, the Methodists of the east and the .Meth odists of the west. Would Divide Northern Body. Opposition has come from sorrte quarters over what looks like a di vision of the great northern body of Methodists as at present constituted, but it is said to be the growing opin ion that east and west involve such distances if not differences that for mere matters of administration bish ops and a general conference for each will save time and expense, and lead to closer supervision and larger growth. The question of general boards, so far as determined, favor one of each kind for all American Methodism. Presence of Eastern Pastor Significant One of the prominent men in the Presbyterian ministry will occupy Westminster Presbyterian pulpit to morrow morning when Dr. George A. Liggett- of Springfield, N. J., preaches. Whether this is significant or not, It is interesting to note that Dr. Henry Marcotte, the pastor of the church, still has under consideration an offer of an important office in the national educational branch of the church and is, it is stated, holding the Westmin ster pastorate only for the present. Dr. Liggett will remain in Portland for the next fortnight and will be heard from the First Presbyterian pul pit on Sunday, August 15. Los Angeles Pastor To Supply Pulpit if' "God's Providence in the Affairs of Men," will be the topic of a sermon to morrow by Rev. J. Horace Mallows, of Los Angeles, at the Rose City Park Presbyterian church at 11 o'clock. Mr. Mallows will occupy the pulpit of the local church during the next four Sun days. No evening services are being held during August. Hughes. Low mass. 6, S. 9. High mass and teiuiou. 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:30. St. Agatha's 604 Miller ave. Kev. John Cummisky. Low mass. 8. High mass, sermou, 10:30. Sermon and benediction, 7:30 p. m. St. Francis' E. 12th and E. Pine Rev. J. H. Black. Low mass. 8 and 9:30. Mass, sermon and benediction. 10:30. St. Patrick's 19th and Savler ReT. E. P. Murphy. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 3:30. Sacred licart Miiwaukle Rev. George Ro ute, O. 8. B. Low inass, 8. High uiasa and sermon,- 10:30. Vespers and benediction. 7;30. Holy Rosary Clackamas snd E. 3d NV Very Bev. 11. II. Kelly Low mass 6. 7, 8 and 9. High masa and sermon, 11. Vespers and benediction. 7:30. St. Stephen's 1236 E. Taylor ReT. W. A. Waitt. Low mass, 8:30. High mass and ser mon, 10:30. St. Joseph's (German) 43 15th st. n. Kt. Rer. James Kauw, V. G. Low mass. 8. High rrass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers sod benedic tion, 3:30. St. Andrew's E. 9tb N. near Alberta Rev. Thomas Klarnan. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10. Vespers, Instruction and benedic tion, 7:30. St. Mary s Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D. Low mass 6. 8. and 8. High mass and sermon, 11. Vespers, Instruction and benediction, 7 :43. Bt- Stanislaus' (Polish) Rev. Fl. Matus sewski. Low mass, 8:30. High mass snd ser mon., 10:30. St. John the Baotist Miiwaukle Father 3. M. O'Neill. Maases, 8 and 10:30 a. m. 8. S.. 9 a. m. Service, 7:30 p. m. St. Charles Alberta between Glenn are. and E. 33d st. Low mass, 8 a. m. High mass. , 10:50 a. m. Rosary and benediction, 7:30 p m. Bt. Peter's Gilbert and Mohr streets, Lents Father P. J. Beutgen; mass. Sundays, 8 and 10:30 a. m. St. Clare's Capitol Hill Father Caplstram, O. F. M., pastor. Children's mass 7:30. High mass 9:15. . X. E. Church South. Union ave. and Multnomah W. J. Fen ton, pastor. 8. S., 10. Services 11 and 8. E. L 7. Evangelical Association. Carson Heights G. F. Liening Jr., pastor. 11:30 and 7. S. S., 10:30. First English East bth snd Market sts. Rev. E. p. Hornscbuca. psstor. Services 11 and ; S. S-. 10. Y. P. A.. 7. First German Evangelical loth and Clay sts. O. F. Lelnlng, nstor. 8. 8. 9:80. Preach ing, 10:45 and 8. Y. P. A., 7. Christian Bctenoa. First Church of Christ. Scientist Everett between lath and 10th sts. Services 11 and 8 S S- :30 and 11. Lesson sermon. "Spirit." ScGHQ East 6 th amd floilaUajr Services. It and 8. S. 3., 9:45 and 1L Lesson seruton. "Spirit." . Xhiro East 12th and Salmon sts. Services, 11 and 8: 8. 8.. 11 and 12:15. Lesson sermon. "Spirit." M fc'ourch Vancouver ave. and Emerson St. Services 11. S. S-. :4d and 11. Lesson ser mon. "Spirit." rifta Myrtle Park hall Services. 11 a. m. S. S.. 9:30. Lesson sermon. "Spirit." Oak Orore Methodist IjHsccpal. First M. E. church Cbeauey E. Curtis, pas tor 11 and 8. 8. 8., 10. E. L. 7, Oswego, preaching at 7:15; 8. 8. lO s. m. Missions. Swedish Mission Kev. B. 3. Tboren. 11 and ft s. 8.. 10- V. V.. 8:30. Elim chapel Rev.i . Tboren. 11. 8. 8., 10. - Bethel Free Church Ivy and Williams Bev. J. A. Stavney. 11 and 8. S. S.. 10. Seventh Cay Adrsntists. Note Regular services of this" denomination art- held s Saturday. Central. E. 11th and Everett Elder Miltoa H. st. Johns, pastor, 11 a. m. 8. 6., la V. P. S.. Friday evening, 7:30. . MoBUvUla. East 0U and. Everett J. f IV Tacoma Pastor to Supply Pulpit Rev. Frank Dyer, D. D., pastor of the Ftrst Congregational church Of Tacoma, Wash., will supply the pul pit of the First Congregational church of this city tomorrow, Dr. Dyott beirg absent on his vacation. Before entering upon his pastor ate at Tacoma, Dr. Dyer was for several years secretary of the Na tional -Brotherhood of Congregational churches, with headquarters at Chi cago, and since coming to the Pacifio coast he has been doing an excep tional work among men. He is an attractive and forceful speaker. A. Musgrove Roberts will sing in the morning, "By the Waters of Babylon," and in' the evening, "Some Blessed Day" (Nevin). New President of College Arrives Brother George, F. S. C, thenewly elected president of the Christian Brothers Business college of Portland, is in the city having come by steamer from San Francisco. He-was accom panied by the other members of the faculty, all but two of whom are new members. Brother George succeeds Brother V. Andrew, who has been elected as master of discipline at St. Mary's College at Oakland, Cal. The other new members of the faculty here are Brother Charles, who succeeds Brother Sebastian; Brother Clement, who succeeds Brother Placidus, and Brother Daniel, who succeeds Brother Peter. The' holdover members are Brothers Fabian and Alvan. Series of Subjects Are Announced The following subjects will be pre sented by Rev. William Parsons, D. D., at the Central Presbyterian church. Thirteenth and East Pine streets, at the evening services during the month of August: "Jehovah of the Old Tes tament is the Jesus of the New," "Jesus' Claims as to His Own Diety." "The Teachings of the Apostles as to the Diety of Jesus," "The Picture of Jesus in the Book of Revelations' "The Deity of Jesus In the Light of Reason." Eastern Minister To Preach Sunday Dr. George Armstrong Liggett will occupy the pulpit of Westminster Pres byterian church tomorrow, both morn ing and evening. Dr. Liggett is pastor of- the Pre-Revolutionary Presbyterian church of Springfield, N. J., and for merly pastor for 12 years of the Rich mond Hill .church, of New York City. He is spending his vacation on the coast and attending the exposition at San Francisco, also visiting friends In Fortland: A great treat .is in store for his listeners at Westminster church. Friends Meetings Arouse Interest The Friends meeting being; con ducted in the gospel tent. East Thirty fifth and Main streets, are increasing in interest and attendance. Rev. Cox, the Friends pastor, and Rev. Wells, the general superintend ent of the church in Oregon, are in charge. Three services will be held on the Sabbath day, 11. a. m., 3 p. m., and 7:45 p. m. The meetings, will con tinue through the coming "week with both afternoon and evening meetings.1 The public is invited. Eeatty, alder. Sabbath school. -0 a. m. Preaching, 11. bents Marion ave. and Bliimauer D. C. Chltwood, elder- Sabbath school, lo. Preaca lng. 11. Sunday. 7:30. Mount Tabor East 60th and Belmont Rev. C J. Cummlngs, pastoi. Services; Sabbath school lo. Preaching 11. Albina (Gorman) Skidmore snd Mallory Henry Block, elder, G. F. Ruacb. local eider. Sabbath, school. 10. Preaching 11:30 and 6. preaching Sunday evening at 8. St. Johns Central ave. sud Charleston St. Elder E. D. Hurlburt. Sabtatb school, 10. Preaching 11. . Missionary society 3 p. m. Scandinavian church, 62d and Syth ave., 8. E Elder O. E. Satidnes, psstor. (L 8., 10. Preaching, il. Sunday service, 7:30. Free Method 1st. First church Cor.1 East 9th and Mill sts. Rev. E. L. Horrington, pastor, 11 sud 7:30. Central church 56th and East Flanders Rev. L. R. Blackman. Services 11 and 8. S. S. K) a. m. Y. P. M. 7. Unitarian. Church of Our Father Broadway and Yam hill Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. D., minister emer itus; Kev. W. G. Eliot Jr., minister. Preach ing at 11. S. 8., 9:3J. Adult claaa, 12 m. X. P. ., 6:30. Morning, "Fire." Evening serv ices intermitted. Evangelical Synod. German Evangelical Friends church Tacoma ave and East 15tu Uev. Elias Hergert, pas tor, 10:45: and 7:30. 8. 8., 0:30. 0. JC., 8:30. St. Paul Evangelical church (47 Failing St. Kv. J. Hurgert, pastor, 11 and 7;3V. k. P. .06:3 Zbsformed. First German 12th and Clay sts. Q. Hef ner, pastor. Preaching 10:45: S. 8., 9:30. Evening service aud 1. P. 8., 7:3o. becoud OoiuuiDia blvd. aud aud St. -A. E. Wyss, 11 and 8. 8. 8., 9:30. Y. P. 7. Third Fifth ave., Lents Rev. U. 8chsld knecut, pastor. 11. C. S., 10. t . , Unlversalist. Church of the Good Tidings Broadway and East 24th Kev. J. D. Corby. 8. 8.. 12 noon. Preaching. 10.45. Visiting ministers will as sist the pastor. Alameda cast 25 to and Prescott Rev. 3. Jj. Corby, pastor. 8. 8., 8 p. m. Preaching by pastor, 3:30. Jewish. Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Mala sts. Ketorm ritual Frldsy night at 8. Satur day mwruiug at 10:30. Religious school at 9:30 Sunday morning. B'-bbl Jonah U. Wise conducts au service r.nd Bible classes. I - Chris tadalph sens. West Portland 621 East Washington. 10:30 a. m. 1 Mt. Tsbor E. 60th and Belmont. 11 and 1M. . Services for the Deaf. United Presbyterian Kev. ta. Earl Dubois. 10:30 and 8. C. E.. .7. I a . Christian and Missionary Alliance.' Gospel vTabernacle East 9th and Clay Joha E. Fee, pastor, 8. 8., 10. Preaching, 11 Uev. C. 11. Cbrtsman, district stiperlntenuent. Kaw Church Society. Swedenboraian K. ot P. haU. 11th and Al der Kev. Samuel Worcester. 8. 6., 10:15 a. na, Services 11 a. m. Subject. "The Final A bods or Evii.'s , SpirituaL Chcrcb of the Sool 20aV4 d st.--Rsv. 1. H. Lucas, psstor. Conference, 11 a. m. Me dium meettnr 3 p. to. Evening social and musical entertainment. , . Christian SpiiituaL Christian Spiritualist 124 Fonrth at., $. Lectere and messages, lecture, 8 p. m. I. Taylor, Tbe Chemistrr of Life." . First Christian Spiritualists. Odd Fellows ball. East 6tb and Alder streets Communion s&esragesv 3 p.. so... by Ida ; 8toller, p. ni.. WOMAN PLEADS FOR REMOVAL OF LOCK FROM CHURCH DOOR Impressive Sermon Delivered in Front of Historic Taylor Street M, E, Edifice. A new element. ; that of" women, was introduced here last Sunday morn ing into the public force of the Metho dists who worship on every Sabbath day on the spot , where their fathers worshipped before them, at the cor ner of ThlrcTand Taylor streets, The speakers at the open air service 'were Mrs. Mattle M. Sleeth, president of the Multnomah W. C T. U and Mrs. Mary Mallet, president of the Oregon state organization. Mrs. Sleeth, a Methodist, but not - of the congrega tion, said, in opening, that she waa glad now that she was not an or dained minister of her church, so as to be prohibited from delivering: her message. She spoke In part a follows, tak ing as Jer text Acts XXII. 28. Greater Claim Asserted. , "'And Paul said, 'But I am born i ret. , i .. "A Roman citizen and Rome then ruled the world. "But how much greater lsur claim to freedom, who were born under the Stars and Stripes, witli a con stitutional guarantee of ( life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' "Our fathers' , sacrificed that we might enioy. the , blessings, that we might worship God according to the. dictates of , our own consciences, with none to molest or make us afraid "I hold In my .hand an old. old book,, written by John Wesley for the use of the Methodists in the. American colonies. it was first owned by my great grandfather, who belonged to one of . the first 'Socl- L He went out uniJe" George vashington, and his naked feet left bloody footprints upon the anow of Valley Forge. I Paople'a Church. "The freedom that he fought for Is a precious thing. But equally precious is the freedom of the church that TnV.n ' 1 . j 1 wu,,., rj-ury luunoeu. wot only are we free citizens of the common wealth of America, but free citizens of the. commonwealth of heaven 'Whom the Son ef Man makes free shall be free indeed.' - "The act of dedication laid this church upon God's altar. It belongs unto, him and his seal is affited to It. "There Is a day coming when she shall have to give an account of her stewardship, 1 "This old "church Is the peoples' church. And its doors should be onto wide in helpfulness to the bodies and souls of men. The heart of human ity Is aching for sympathy and long ing for rest." T" j 1 ' ; . roraana Ministers Successful Farmers ' " '- V Jr Rev. W. T. Jordan, .rnrm.riu ..ii.i. ftf fontpal D.nll.i 1 . . - ' nve years past. lias been raising fruit was in Portland this week with 18 boxes of Bartle'tt are the first product in marketable vu.uwie io oe produced by Mr. Jordan. Mr; Jordan, whose farm is at CoKini bla. Wash., is - the second Portlan-1 pastor to make a success of farming and fruit raising on the north bank of the Columbia river. Dr. Henry v Rb minger, former pastor of the First Con gregational church of Eat Portland Hater Hassalo Street Congregational) has u fine ranch near White Hunon ' SUBURBS 8to"er!m,8rt,'tt ' pul." by. Frederick ' Satlonallttsi - , haU?' ".d a110011 PnWJo llbrsry latter Day Baints. Chorch ot Jesus Christ of Latter Dae "sin la (Mormonl-baper East and Mad'iu 8 8. 10 -preaching. 11:45 and 7:30. Montavllia tout Mormon) 6. g.. u.a a-P. rices, il and 7:30. Jlsw Thought. Temple of Truth, Eilera bulMlrg Perry J seph Green, teacher. , Evening lecture at 8. i?HKe-FhJ,r," ?L ?,Pnr n VA New Heaven and a New Earth.". Associated Bible Students (I. B. S. A. W. O. W. MulU East bth and Alder sts i f- .discourse by Flnlay McKercber, "Tbe Klugdoui ; 4:1j p. m praise and testimony meeting; 8 1 p. ju., pubU.- lecture by It. o. Hldley, The Outme of the Prereot Great War Clearly Foretold la , the -Bible." . 4' ' 1 Adreat Christian (Jfot Ssvsnti Day), turwiiau oeooua street, between flail und Liucolu. Preaching services Id 311 7:30. Sunday school 12:00 M. Prayer meet lug rbuisdayevenlnfc-. Uiyal Workers' uiaet- 8alvatlon Army. Corpa No. 4. 207 Salmon at. Conselrs t Urn service Jl. . 8 S.. 1:30. Praise service, 3 u. tn. Soldiers' council 6 p. m. "Salvation' a' P- m. . . Corps No. 1243 sa st. Adj. and Mrs. Whitney In charge, 11. 3.13 and . 8. 1:30. 1. P, 8., 6. 1 Swedish Corps 430 Burnslde 11, 4:30 and 8 Scandiuavlau 243 sh at. a r, m u ' John OvaeL ' Vasarenea, v : . . - : First Pentecostal Church of the Kssarens B. 7th and Davis, tie, c. Howard DavU. pastor S. 8 9:45. X, V, 8., : p" m. . - SSSSBBSBBSSB Xaformed trssbytarlaa. First church Mlunesota aud Alnswortb V- fraaer.- Berrices. n mDi 7:iK,. Miscellaneoua. Portland Babat Assembly 616 Eilers bide Services. 8 p. in. Divine Truth Center Relllng-Ulracb bids-. Bee. J. M. Mluard, pastor, 11. " Dm Christiaa Yoga Center 318-20 Ablngton bbig Kev. Coro Hammond, instructor. Evening sstv lces 8. Meditation msetlug Wsdnesday eveulua -8 o'clock. . Chorea -of the Brethren (Dunkards) Rtv. GeorgeA. Carl, 11 sn4 7:30. V. S 10. o. The Church of God 361 Failing st. Pas tor, tier. D. F, Kamin. German services, 10.-45 a, m. 6. 8';30. Lngli.b services, 2:30 and 7:30. 8. 8., 1:80. Y. P. U.. 6:30. ' Church ef Christ Lents freacbtcg. 11 and 7:30. Bible class. 10. Y. W. C. A. Broadway and Taylor Vesper service, 4:30 p. m. Mrs. 3. E. Fee. mission, sry , will speak. Plsgah Mission Lents Full gospel Sondsy. 10:8o aud 2:30. Tuts is y aud Friday at 7:3b. Lents cbnrcb John Kiley, 11 and 7:45. 8. ., IO. C. 6:46; The Irving ton Center of Troth 715 Thomp son - St., cur. East 21st Services, il, Mrs. -Florence ' Crswfofd. - . Commons Mlnalon 23 N. Front st. Myra Smith and I-iss Esther Ellis, Supts 8. Scandinavian Evangelical Mission Chorch 737 Alberta erT ices, 1 aud 7:45. S. 10. TC. Pt IS. Kunday. 6:30.- Prayer meat ice Thurs day. . M. Oiseo. pastor. Toeosophlcal Society 720 . Morgan bldg. S'. C, A. Rixth and .Taylor ts. R, g. Randall, religious work director Meeting for U.en at S:15. y ' Church of God. Seventh Day, 30a East Wi sh ir g ton street Meeting Snndsy evening. 8 p. ' m.. ' Wednesday at 8 p. m., and Saturday. and p.- m.