THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, "PORTLAND, THURSDAY - AUGUST 5, 1915. STRIP OF LAND IN JOHNS HAS NEVER ST. BEEN HOMESTEADED . i i Z?: Parcel Is Mile and Eighth Long and About 150 Feet Wide, DISCUSS VALUE TO PUBLfC Dock Commission Msmosrs Consider AenaixeO. Property; ControTry Over rill ConU Vp Affaln. ' Along the St. Johns waterfront is a , atrip of public land tbat baa never been homesteaded. It Is a mile and an eighth long and 100 to 150 feet wide. The fact and the possible value of the property for public purposes came before a special meeting of the dock - commission this morning. ffha city attorney was asked to as certain .the city's rights. Copy of communications forwarded by A. A. Muck to the general land office was submitted. Mucjc applied to the government to make necessary meas urements preliminary to securing title. Some improvements made by Muck are on the property. Xnrcfcaae Is Suggested. 1 Chairman Mulkey said the property might be bought by the 'city at a nominal price of $10,000. Commission er Kellaher insisted that it should be obtained at little or no cost if possible. A. new phase in the controversy be tween Ihe dock and port commissions over the filling by .the letter of low lands at the O-W. R. & N. boneyard, I was Introduced In a letter from the railroad company. This letter denied the right of the dock commission t6 ' exercise any control whatever, over the i property or the filling of It. v pill Objected To. The dock commission objected to the fill chiefly on the ground that if the . boneyard property should be acquired for public purposes the city would have to pay for land it had made. Chairman .Mulkey also suggested that narrowing . the. channel with artificial deposits of , earth may increase flood hazard. ' Subject to approval as to regularity by the city attorney, contract for ad ditional dredging of the slip in con- ' neetion with the west side public dock was awarded to the Pacific Bridge com pany at -a price of 63 cents a cubic yard. 1e estimate Is that 2500 cubic yards must be moved. At the close of the meeting the mem bers of the commission visited and Inspected the prison ship, Success, which is moored at the foot of Yamhill street. Printed Story That King George Caught Jerusalem newspaper Also Announced That Csar and President of Trance Jexked TTp toy Zeppelin Crew. London, Aug. ' 5. (U. P.) London people don't believe all they read in the newspapers of Jerusalem, copies of which were received today. King George, one paper reported, was captured early in the war by a Zeppelin crew which dropped a' power ful magnet . overboard in one oft the nightly flights over London and pulled his majesty aboard white faced with terror. In the same week this paper stated the czar of Russia and President Poincaire. of France were plucked from earth and made prisoners.- Another paper reported German guns shelling London from Antwerp.. War Order Causes Rnsh. San Bernardino, Cal., Aug. 6. (P. N. S.) Rush construction work was ii full force today at the Atola tungsten mines in me desert near here as a re sult of huge rush orders Just con tracted for with the allies. So urgent were the order that facilities to In crease the output of tungsten many fold were found necessary. I U. S. S: ALBANY, WITH O.N;M ABOARD, SEES A; BRITISH CROW Vessel, Probably Rainbow, Going Like Sin Through Straits of De Fuca. MEN ARE IN GOOD SHAPE Small Visaing- Boats, Without Idghts, Have Harrow Escape Be cause of Tog. i Port Angeles, Wash., Aug. 5. After a night replete with thrills, the U. S. S. Albany, with members of the Ore gon Naval militia aboard, arrived here at 18:30 o'clock this morning. A dense fog was the feature during the night, and excitement was created aboard ship at 8 o'clock this morning when a British cruiser, believed to have been the Rainbow, hove into view through the fog. She was - hugging the coast of Vancouver island, making rapid progress through, the Straits of Juan de Fuca. : ; c Salutes Ax Sxohanged. A salute of 21 guns was fired by the Albany, and the Union Jack; was hoist ed above the Stars 'and Stripes. The British craft returned the salute and an American flag was unfurled from the mast. . , About 3 o'clock this morning, several small fishing " boats; anchored off the Swift Sure lightship were nearly run down by the Albany. The cruiser missed one of the boats by" about 100 feet. The fishing boats were without lights. To clear them it was necessary to go full speed astern .for - several hundred yards, and (he boats cleared. Men 'in Good Condition. The Albany left San Francisco Mon day morning. On the trip up few were seasick. David Haxen. a newspaper man, suffered from Indigestion. Dr. Ben L. Norden has a toothache. Most of the time has been spent! in gun drills. ii . The men are in good condition and expect to make high scores In target practice. Sub-calibre practice will be the order today, and will be followed by practice with five inch guns to- morrow. ; t The Albany will leave Sunday morn ing for Astoria. It Is expected that the ship will arrive there Monday morning and ' mrrtveV to Portland late Monday afternoon. ; Man's Threats Lead To Investigation Authorities Seek mends of T. K. Juergens, Who Threatened Xti-rss of President Wilson and fcoosevelt. San -Antonio, Texas, Aug. 5, (T N. "B.) Investigation of the past life of F. H. Juergens, arrested here on a charge of threatening the lives of President Wilson and former Presi dent Roosevelt, was started here today by federal authorities. Juergens also threatened the destruction of the capi tol building at Washington. The object of the investigation Is to learn tha. identity of Juergens'; friends. A letter found in his posses sion said the writer was a member of an alliance of 150- men who would not rest until America stopped the hlp ment of euros to the allies. Juergens la held in default of 2000 bail. Mrs. Bingham Dies. i Salem, Or., Aug. 5. Mrs. Maria Kent 'ner Bingham, aged 84 years, mother of Attorney George C. Bingham of Salem and of Mrs. Emma Van Atta of Port land, a resident of Oregon since 1873. died here last night. Until a few years' ago she resided In Tarn hill county, near McMmnville. She' was born In Wad dlngton, N. and married William H. Bingham at Sparta. Wis., in 1855. The funeral will be held.Friday morning at McUlnnvlUe. . '' : ' . Bees Chase Workmen. J . Hammond. Ind., Aug. 6. (X. ' N. S.) A a warm of bees drove out the icing gang in the'Indiana Harbor Belt yards today, and thePaclfl Fruit .Express to New York was held up. The bees a Giant Denies He Is Bank Robber , : T "Ton Got Me Wrong-," Says C. O. Car rie, Arrested for Holding Up Bank ,. In Oklahoma; , Offers Ho right. Los Angeles. CaL. Aug. 6. P. N. S. '"Partners, you got me wrong. I have not had much schooling, but I'm not a crook. I've got a couple of medals to show I can rope and tie a steer with the best of 'em, but I never robbed a bank." As he rolled a cigarette with one hand and emphasized his remarks with the other, C. C. Currle, alias "Big . Boy," held in jail here following his arrest "at Sierra Madre, today denied having taken part in an Oklahoma bank robbery. An officer today was en route here from Oklahoma for Currie. Telegraphic advices stated he was wanted at New Kirk, Okla., in connection with the robbery .ot a bank there. Currie told the officers he would return to Okla homa peacefully, and declined the services of an attorney. Currie, who is six feet four Inches tall, brawny and weighing pOO pounds, said he came here to find . work in a motion picture camp. ! I i I $ a ' 1000 Hoppickers Needed by Growers Growers need 1000 more hop pickers and have commissioned the free em ployment bureau of the government to supply them. Notices are now being sent out by R. P. Bonham, inspector In charge of the immigration servlco and also of the employment bureau, for this help. Application should be made to him at the Railway Exchange build- I ing. , Accused of Robbing May Irwin. New York, Aug. 5. (I. N. 6.) Charged with stealing a pocketbook containing $149 from May Irwin, the comedienne, Walter C. Keller, an actor. 24 -years old, is lodged in a cell at po lice headquarters. Police Draw Guns " To Bring Fleeing Men to a Halt Arrested after a spectacular 3 chase through the north end last night, George Brown, Fred ' Warner, Frank. Dunn and & George Williams were found to 4(t have In their possession large -J quantities of jewels and fr watcnes, some of which were jjt 3 "identified by. the owners this J morning as having been stolen, I Brown and Warner were i ; , playing pool at Eriokson's. When Sergeant Van Ovem and ft I Patrolman B. B. Hunt entered the place, the men dropped their cues and fled In opposite 4t directions. They were stopped, several blocks -away, when the f - policemen In pursuit drew their guns. - 0 J"? Dunn had also been In the ; v place, but he fled and tern- I - porarily escaped from the po- S liee. He met Williams on the ; .street nearby, and the two hur- 1 rled to a room In a hotel at i Sixth and Gllsan streets. The police had been watch- 3 ing this place, however, and - Motoreycle Patrolman Crane m i was in the room, and arrested 0 f the pair as they entered. The I suitcase containing the jewelry -was found .In the room.' 3 -" The rooms of Peter Oottsack- . m ? er and O, H. Mercer in the Ad-" i. rian apartments -- were ; robbed - 4 j -.Tuesday night. Jewelry, stolen -" : -was found amowgr the rem in 0 the suitcase this morning.. - 0 .. ', J-.- COLUMBIA The COMFORTABLE THEATRE n An Exceptionally Powerful Drama Without Doubt One of the Greatest Bosworth Features Made THEATRE Balance of Week . . ,r The Season's Greatest Sensation Midiiit at Maxim' Featuring an All-Star Cast- , Fatty Arbuckle in- The Funniest of All Keystone Comedies ' atty '& Tm-T5rpeTangle A - From Start to Finish! . 7 wm. m n TTTTT TTTiT Ti It ,' - L V-ill f ft fl I 1 . I ' 71 UJ IR t ? I t i L sion ih A $?f:;::t f As II- Fiht Seen, and V V , A ' !A jJL II ' the Other m A TLZTj 3 ll . si IB 1 Situation, in ThU, WisJ ' ti . A I ? W' II JtS I 1 I I tr i 13 m .. A. MISART SWOEtTH-; f COMING CHARLIE CHAPLIN In His Latest Comedy, "The Bank'' swarmed about the oranses in the re frigerator cars and savernl men jwere badly stung. The been were not' dis lodged, v- - ' AMUSEMENTS OWING TO THE INSISTENT DEMAN0, WE HAVE ARRANGED TO HOLD giuieirife sock Seven Sisters ONE DAY MORE mJf li. we wisn io crapnaucauy state state that this is absolutely the last day. PEOPLES THEATRE J plays the lead in this beautiful heart -interest play of lights and shadows- of human passions and emotions. SCARLET SIN is the story of an erring wife and a great hearted husband in it there is a never-ending succes sion of scenes that will reach Ibe very depths of your being. Melody and Mirth ALL STAR TRIO W Ncw Songs -and Sketches He USUAL ADDED ATTRACTIONS Children 3c Loge Seats 25c D SIXTH AT WASHINGTON -?. IdDc J" THis5io,ooapmzE IS YOURS FOR AN IDEA! A Soqtiel Is wantd for Th Dia mond From th Sky." S10rOOO will hm pafd.ffor th most aceoptoblo man oociipt off ono thousand word or laaa. Full dacatla at thaatroa. . ts fl A atstuitaa4 rnantie noval that Is fcraahssa: II reeortf. Beaotifut phtrrapliy1 mucmw Wonderful Roiaantie Levt Story off American Life. Cast Headed by Lsttie Pickf ord MS . jt . irVI&S IfOninUiTgS ttoaal kmnI GMt SSOOMHl to araoaca. Ses This Interesting Photoplay at These Theatres: (A miw chapter unU b thown every every Monday " Addrsss. TOTTB, .973 WUUmstto St....... nr, Or. .Sossbruv, Of. viaia ....... AsHUrno. O. Every Tueaday IdMl Tbsatra .... .Wl Tknnua St. . .... .. . . .orBd, O. B 975 WUlMMtt St. Irtt. Or. Star BC4X0td. Or. s Every Wednesday Xdssl Tbsatrs ....801 Tinnnin St. . . .Frtlad, Oj. ttvoU Thtr......81T Wlllim At Jortliiad. Ofc mrmtrvmm UtmrnXT .......................... OT. ' . Grand TT 7.Ofgon City. St MltorA.Ox m Orpbeum Baksr, Ox. Cosey ....... .Woodsar Or. Every Thuraday nmB Vbemtrm i.....M Wffllmi Aw. ....... JPoytUftfl. Or. VDmIii Tkatr mwlit, Or. Orpbauzn . .Bakar, Or. Comer . ... . Wooatourn Or. 8i?oy .....Csatral olat. Or. B ....... CfrU aor. Cr. Sea-rlsw Tliaatra.. ....... .....SsaTlaw,' TTtSB. . .' Every Friday ..SsTy ....Tsisat, Or, Every Sunday , v . OotanUa Thsatra St. Xslsssv Ox . . rauoa ......xeMnrr. or., Vlnimr .... . . a . . . Ablaa' Ox. . Varna. Bsa .... Palaea . . . iv... P. . HmV TVm. fflma V Anhhrlnr'tit - Kutaal TOm Crportioa. Soft 0k bV, fartlul. Onfoa. THE VITAL QUESTION WHAT WOULD YOU DO The Woman You Married Was Faithless? The Bosom Friend You Trusted Was False ? The Child You Adored v Was Not Your Own? These Are Answered in the Powerful Drama The Faithle Wife or ... Dr. Rameau 5 -BIG STARS 5 f:;'x:. r pl... JMSmWl fc' ' - X I ' .S ; r Frederick Perry ' f t W: j i Dof Bernard George Alison Its im. - 'Sfi-: Jean Southern 6 Stuart Holmes I 1 I! - 'Ji i .1 This Great Cast and Won derful Production the S TA1 BEAT BALE TODAY HEILIG Broidwtr at Tutor Mais 1 and A.-1I22 7 Snr- Neitt Sundav SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE- WED. i BAT. am nitiian uanua.i Vv( FftMDti the Stupendous' Musical Rro 'DANCING AROUND With tb Booor of ib Blue AL JOLSON J it V1 JOG COMPANY 100 ' Ere. floor. 15 raws. fl. 8 rows at St. CO. Bal.. .60. 11, 75!, 50c, CU 60c. Bofk Mf. Floor. 11 row. 11.60. 7 at II. al..'l. 75a, 60c. CaU 50c. mTiNEi:auiy 2,30 THE SHADOW ofsl anil Bis Metropolltaa Company. Aurmantvd Orobeatra, under perftoa X dlrMtlon of Mia Marvarat Whitney. a OTKIH BIO-XIlaE ACIB . Bosm, Tu-at BMW il ajoonr bU ftaaarTad V rko&a XAia 4S38. A-23. cc OAKS Portlaad'a Groat Ainuaamaot Park. B V, fraa abow, tnolndlna- new mimical comenjr- (f and U pretty fir it. Iancinr, Eaatmr, : C J t . T 1- . . . . 1 swlmmiar and Park Attract oni, Ci. dr 15 imitt4 fre, Aami-sion to parte ' 10 Einrft ovr I irt ad Aivii tts. '