THE OREGOII DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAIID. I.IONDAY, JULY 3, 101! SUSMD T ARE FATAL; LOCAL MAN IS HELD At H, Adams of McMinnvilfe - Passes Away; Gangrene Had Set In, . - THE ASSAILANT IS IN JAIL A. S. Adams JKad Been na4 hy Xee rt Hera In Boon With ; XCrs. 5 asonut Bestiar Administered, . Word wu received by the police yes terday from McMinnviUe that A- H. Adams, a rancher, died from injuries : received during a fight with Robert F. Moran here July 1L . Gangrene -la said to have set In in Adams' -wound, causing- his death. . , - Adams was found by Moran with Mrs. Moran In the Moran home near the First street bridge In South Port land. Moran asserted that their rela tions were improper. Adams asserted that he was only discussing with Mrs. Moran the possibility of -Mrs. MoraR accepting a position a housekeeper : Xer him. . ; . Woran administered it severe beating to,, Adams and the latter was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital and later to his horn at MeMinnvllle, Detectives Ticnenor and Howell ar rested Moran and . he was fined 126 end sent to Jail for 30 days. r lie Is in the city jail now awcitlng the action ,of Sheriff WV E. Henderson of Yamhill county, who is Adams' brother-in-law. Crane Club Enjoys , - Day at Bonneville reature of Bay Xs Baseball- Crams - Xtong Program of JTovelty Sporting Xvents Xs B eld. "Over 708 were present at the third annual picnic of the Crane club at Bonneville . yesterday. A feature of the day was a baseball game between the Gilbert White Sox and the Crane Company, which was won by the latter to a. . ' The athletio program was as fol lows ; - . . 100 yard dash, free for all, won by . E Murphy. . 60 yard dash, for ladles, won by Miss Osburn. : 75 yard dash, boys -16 and under, won by F. B. DeLong. Fat man's race, 225 pounds and over, won by F, B. .DeLong. "Cigarette" race.-won by Qaynor.'." " three legged race, won by'Helman and telger. I ... .Needle rave, won by MJss Amme Vones. : SO 'yard dash for girls IS And under. Won by Miss Sheagren. V 'Master plumbers" race. 7S yard dash, won by J. P. . Outran first, . Kay Gra ham second.-' .- - ' Journeyman plumbers' 75 yard, dash, C M. Itachold first. Watkins second. : 1 Master steamfitters Wyard dash, "f. P. Curran first." JRay Graham second. i Journeymen steamfitters' 75 yard race. W. M. Whltcomb first, E. Rudy second. . v ' Dancing was in order during the afternoon. Vagrants Laugh at ; V Him, Says Officer City Bat Bepatatloa of- Beinr Xsyt" V Xt Is Zeo?are4; '2To BockpUe In Op I era ties Kow. . -.-" . ! -r . How iwould : yos like jto be an of ficer, supposed to carry a certain amount Of dignity and 'authority and then have' every vagrant and hobo in the country laurrh fct you? . - That is exactly what is happening In this city every day, say Portland policemen. During the past week 4 men have been sent in for vagrancy. - ..' ' In that time there have been four convictions. Two men have been fined $10, one $15, and a fourth sentenced to Jatl for 60 days. , -, This, mornirux's lineup . held al leged vagrants, yesterday's 68. "I've had men whom I was arrest ing laugh at m repeatedly in the past nix months.' said an officer this mom .jng. "The city is known all over the country. It is the easiest place lnthe United States and every hobo Knows it Ho does every petty thief, sneak and dip. : "Beyond a Jail, sentence by; which they have to languish la one of the fin est institutions of its kind on 'the coast there is nothing for them to fear here. - There is no rockpile, .'As long as these conditions exist petty crime will flourish. All the pa trolmen in the country couldn't stop It." . ' Greeted-Wise Up . : On Scenic Beauties Hotel Clerks ' and Beilroad - Ticket Ageats Make a Trip ont the Coltun ;.' "bi Hlghwsy. . t . " . The "greeters" are now equipped with full Information as to the scenio advantages of the Columbia river high way for the benefit of tourists who come to Portland. i yesterday 40 "hotel clerks and rail way ticket agents were taken over the highway by a committer headed by C . IV Horn, representing the Chamber of . Commerce. Through -7 the courtesy .of Horace D. Jones Jr., of the American Auto Touring company, seven automo biles were furnished the rgreeters-'fpr the trip. They left at 7 o'clock and returned at 11:45. . . The stages of construction along th highway and features be jpoin ie.1 out to t travelers were noted. A stop was made at Shepherd's DelL On the return , trip luncheon was Served, at" Chanticler, where brief ad dresses were given ;by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, the rail road men and M. J. Slatky of the Nor ton ia for the hotel men. The return trip was made via Gresham. . T ' U. S. Provides Amusement. - ' Seward, Alaska, Jnly 26. (TJ. P.- Uncle Sara, is a .liberal employed. If you were to ask the opinion of the employes of the Alaskan railroad. Word was received here today that the comp troller of- the currency has ruled Jhat raoney may be taken - from the general appropriation to provide ; for pool ta bles, phonographs and moving-; picture sho-ws for the amusement of railroad workers. - : INJUR! ES FIGH JAMES J.: KENNEDY DIES AT OCEAN PARK I James J. Kennedy, Ocean Park, Wash.. July 28. James J. Kennedy, a deputy county assessor of Multnomah county, .died " ut his summer cottage here last night firi heart failure. Mr. Kennedy was taken sick while in bathing yesterday morn ing and went tosbed. and before Dr. Druweli arrived71 Mr. Kennedy was dead. , Mr. Kennedy's widow and two ' sons are here. y: :. . " j.vy James J. Kennedy was a member of Company JE, Second Oregon regiment, enlisting May 12, J8S8, under Captain Robert E. Davis. He was born in Pennsylvania, in 1S7C and spent most of his life in Oregon. He was ap pointed two years ago a deputy In the of flea of the - county assessor. Mr.' Kennedy : was - Quartermaster of - the Spanish American war veterans. Scout Young Camp. No. 2, and took . much interest in. the work. Mr." Kennedy; and his family left for Ocean Park July 17. Mr.-Kennedy had not been feeling well ifor soma time previously. Mrs.' Kennedy and the two little boys will return to Port land tonight, and until they arrive no arangements will be made for the funeral. t r- . 100 Year Sleep for Old Mount Lassen Government Expert, After j,ong In vestigation, Believes Troublesome Peak ITow in for Xurag, Qnist Bleep. Redding. Cal., July 2. U. P.) Mount Lassen Is dozing, and probably la going back to leep for another hun dred years. Professor- J. t 3. Dlller, government expert, who has Just completed an ex haustive investigation of thevolcano s activities, voiced the opinion todav that the mountain is quietly dying and that it passed the zenith of its ac tivity in tb violent eruption of May 22.- :H-z -.v.A;r , j- f .,.:5 . . There have ,been only, two small eruptions in. the last 30 days. Some gases and moke have come Jrom the crater, but even to casual observers it seems apparent the volcano is losing Its force. .-:: .: . . Report Recommends tJ. S; Minister Quit ' T" -.' '" c -'! ;- . " ' " . 'r"- . ; .5. ; j;- Jswin 11 11 .1 1 11 ii 1 ii . . ..( James Bnlllvaa, Xepresentativs a Saa ' to J)omiBg, However, Quits Before Ssnatov Phelan Tiles XUs rindings. Washington, :, July 26. (U. P.)- The report of United States Senator Pbelan of California, who Investigated the al leged questionable conduct of James Sullivan, United States' minister to Santo Domingo, was filed here today. 1 1 recommended that the resignation 01 juuiiscer uiiivan do asKea ror. ir it is not tendered. It - Is urged that Sullivan be recalled. 1 Minister Sullivan resigned from of fice last week.: Tillamook Koneer ; Succumbs to Heart Bayocean, Or July 26. CoTnelius Desmond, pioneer , resident of Tllla-t roook county, was seised by a heart attack yesterday Just as he was go ing to enter the water at the natator lum at this place, , and before friends could prevent he had fallen . into the water. .H was dead 'when taken out a few seconds later. ' The pulmotor was used and a physi cian, who was nearby, tried to restore blood circulation but to no avail. Mr. Desmond was 72 years old. He had suffered ; from heart attacks a number of yeara. He lived at Netarts for 19 years, moving: to Tillamook a few years ago. , He Is survived by a son, Two Are Hurt in Oregon Coal Mine Marshfleld. ' Or., July 26. Antonio Bobbio and John Burnetto were quite badly burned at the Beaver Hill coal mine yesterday, ; They ; went ' Into a chute where $ gas had accumulated, carrying unprotected lights which fired the gas resulting In their Injury. CHARGES UNREASONABLE Washington, July 26. (I. N. S.) The Interstate Commerce Commission today declared not Justified the pro posals of railroads operating into 2ew York from the west and north to in ci ease lighterage and storage charges and make charges for other services heretofore free at New Tork. 1 r CARGO IS ORDERED SOLD Aberdeen, Wash., July 26. Govern ment officials have ordered the - sale on August :ii i of the cargo of arms and ammunition of the schooner Annie Larsen, recently seised and held here ' i Halfway Wants" Water. , , Salem. Or.J July 26. The; city "of. Halfway today jftoolt steps to secure a water supply by filing an. application with the state engineer to appropriate the waters of ; M akin son spring. The system will lnetude ahout two and on half tniles r'pipe to the spring and a small reservoir and the total cost is estimated at $20,000. ROAD AROUND BASE 'OF MIT HOOD TO BE . t Forestry Department Plans to Send Out .Two Grews Next - Week to Estimate Cost. HIGH STANDARD HIGHWAY Thoroughfare Around Sase of asonn ta4n to Be of Same Orade as That " Along1 Columbia. , - The proposed road which the United States forestry service is to build around the base of-Mt. Hoqd, connect ing the Hood Kiver valley and the Bar. low road, is beginning to take form. It Is pianned by the ; forestry depart ment to place two crews in the field next week to make the survey of the route and estimate of cost of construc tion. It wiU.take about three months to make the survey. Th road will be annroxlmateTv 2ft krniles in length. Starting from Mt. I Mood Lodjre. the road wilt :lonn th eastern, elds of the mountain, coming into the Barlow road a few miles east of Government Camp, r . T . , It 1 thought that grade not to ex ceed 4 per cent ean be obtained. in its construction it Is the aim to build on the same high standard as the Columbia river highway into which it will link. . - . . . r r ... Hibernian Picnic Is a Big Success Hundreds la Atteadaaoe and Iay Is Spent laying Oames; Panoy Tolk Baadsg' One of reatores. The thirty-seventh ; annual picnic of the Ancient Order of Hibernians was held yesterday at Crystal Lake Park. The morning was passed in races and games. In which many took part. With, this sort of entertainment came the dancing of the "Irish Jig and reel." which was won by Henry Grey, who received a gold medal. Other events" were fancy folk dancing and tug ; of wars. Prizes were given for all the contests. -y : ; ' 1' r-'. -- There was a ' hot dinner, served : at noon in good old picnic style. Addi tional crowds came in the 'afternoon, filling the pavilion with dancers. ' Darkness did , not close - the picnlo the crowds remaining till , past mid night. The members of the committee who contribnted to make the picnic a success are John Kennedy,-president of the Ancient Order of Hibernians; Frank. Mellon, chairman of .the , com mittee ; JX W. Lane, K. H. "Xeery," John McGowan. E. J. Murnane. M. J. Mur nane, Joseph Riley, Daniel Smith, I W. 0Rourke, J. I Led widge. . Robert Day. Edward Curtain Mrs. E. H. Deery, Mrs. James ; Foley, Mrs. 'Kate Conoway. Mrs. W. A. Evera. Miss Mary Lawler, Miss Kate Gaffney, Miss Anna Dunn, president of the Ladies' Auxil iary of the Ancient Order of Hiber nians, Miss C. MacManon, John Fra ney, Sylvester Malone, Mrs. T. O'Han-lon,- John Ohallorru The attendance exceeded that of any two former, pic nlcs. f - ; Vancouver Is After Aviation Location Commercial Club Would Have Qovem- men Invest Money TJpon SaXUtary Seservatlon. Why should the government spend $100,000 to purchase an aviation site when at the military reservation, Van couver, Wash., is plenty of govern ment . owned land and unusual, advan tages for aviation station? v. . The Vancouver Commercial club will seek an answer to this question , from the military officials ;' who. are here looking over possible sites for an avia tion station, and also from the war de partment. It is pointed out that saving in pur chase of land will leave more with which to build the plant, insuring at this stage greater distribution ; for wages and materials. It is also pointed out that an avia tion station built upon land already owned by the government will be more permanent and consequently of greater general advantage both - to Portland and Vancouver. " A committee appoint ed j by President Connaway of Van couver Commercial club will wait on the military officials this afternoon. College Widow Is .. A Realistic Film Seal Fire and Smoke and Seal root ball Game Qive Aadienee Genuine Thrills at Yesterdays Treformanee. ' George : Ade's 5ollege Widow," ; in moving, pictures, with one 6t the most realistic fires ever filmed, opened at the Orpheum yesterday. College life is shown in all Its ridicu lous phases, from the recruiting of. the football team to the adventure with the village constable. -. , The fire Is a real fire." A two-and-a-half story hotel burns, and the college boys and girls, banqueting on s the second floor, escape any. way but by the stairs, which are choked with flames. ; -t ... v - r The amusing plot of the comedy is, well worked out in the film with Jane, the college widow, finally engaged to Billy Bolton, the star half back, whose frat pin she had been wearing. Ethel i Clayton and Georse , Souhs Spencer, both Lubin r stars, play the college widow and the half back. ' The football game Is no less ; real than the fire, for it is an actual strug gle between two strong teams com posed of college players. - ' , Baseball Likened ' -" To Game , of Life "In the game of baseball, the ma jority get only part way home. Some are stranded at first, some perish at second, and some die, at third." salt! Kev. R.: Elmer Smith, pastor of Sun nyside Methodist church, is his sermon last night.- He took his text from Isaiah, 22:18, "H will turn and toss thee like a ball," and hie subject was -PJay BalL" - He applied theMiiiosphy of ;the r-atksnal game to thgrame of life, and drew out the analogy from "strike one" to the last decision of the Great Umpire. Earnestness, watchful ness and loyalty were some : of the qualities of the. good ball player that he said are needed In life. ' . sura 110, Altitude of Places On Scenic Highway Will Be Measured Incidental to the opening of . the Columbia river highway it has developed that there Is no" definite knowledge of the height .- of the various falls and com- mandingr points along- the route. - The height of Multnomah Falls. for instance. Is variously estl- 1ft mated from 00 to S00 "feet.-. . Even the United States govern- ' , meat maps give no data, - Tq obtain the necessary lnforma- 1k Uon the .county; officials will send out a surveying party to- morrow In charge of Engineer . F. P. Kurts to make trlangula-' tlons of all the leading places of Interest to ascertain their exact' height. .The work, will require 1ft several days. " Coast Zephrs Rout . Heat Intruder Weather Man Blames. Eastern Oregon . Xietting Dynamio Borer Get Oufe of ,i Its BaUlwlok. Va big head of dynamics, which usu ally grazes around up In eastern Ore gon, got loose last week and came down to Portland and caused the brief hot spell. Father Beals, who runs the weather of the Pacific northwest, says so but when - he is asked which particular weather herder is to blame, he dodges the question and talks about meteoro logical somethings that are hard to pronounce and Impossible to ; under stand and ends up by saying that it would tfdie a week to explain why we are having nice, cool, spring weather nowadays Instead of sweltering. The upshot Is that the "het up" east ern Oregon ; outfit that created the trouble . baa been kicked ont of the Willamette valley and put back la its own corral and by a superhuman ef fort kindly; Father Beals has restored to her rightful place -the gentle sepbyr from the Pacific. - , - ; -- The splendid weather, such as pre vailed yesterday and today, . results from the cool winds from off the Pa cific ocean. . The exceptional heat, such1 as occurred last week, obtains when the barometric pressure here in the valley causes the hot air from eastern Oregon o be sucked in. - T's condition, Mr. Beals says, is of rare occurrence and though, possible at any time, is unlikely again this year. The maximum temperature : yesterday was 73 degrees and tomorrow the weather bureau expects a maximum of about 75. The temperatures today are some what lower than yesterday. Forest Fire Takes I Farm Buildings Xappy Kill Place Hear Grants Pass Suffers lM-TUmM Beached City Xdznits Before Blase Was Controlled. Grants Pass. Or., July 26. -A forest fire Sunday afternoon; at o'clock, burned the farm home and buildings upon the Happy Hill farm, owned by Cyril .Wise, formerly of Kansas City The buildings included a residence lately completed, two large barns and chicken - houses with contents entail ing a. loss of about 85900.-" A tenant house and a barn on the farm of Charlea, Wise, a brother of Cyril, were also burped,' a was a small house on the country club orchard tracts, oct cupled by . George MatheTsepni -. . Itres burned up to the limits of the city of Grants Pass Sunday evening, and many fire fighters were out pro tecting the property of residents. The blaze is under control today and no further damage Is .expected. . s ' . Three Fires Reported. Salem. Or.. July 26. Three flres. one-of them s mile In extent, were re ported burning; on state and privately owned land in township 89. sections IS and 1. with a heavy "northwest wind, today in a telegram from For est Ranger W." J. Jones to State For ester Elliott. Says That Gfeesefc Hurt Her Appetite Salem, Or July -26. Twer flocks of privately owned geese have taken pos session of a small tract of land down by the Corvallis & Eastern depot and roundhouse in Yaquina, the only flat land in that City and right on the main thoroughfare where everyone has to walk, according to a complaint filed with the. public service commission to day by Mrs. C. M. Ferry; who avers that: after a trip across the goose patch her appetite was gone, and that she was physically and mentally upset. ' The commission will take steps to I have the geese kept off the flat, as suggested in her complaint. The tract J is owned- ty the Corvallis & Eastern, Straight Tour Round Trip : Chicago to NewYork Circle Tour .Wide choice of routes inIud- lng dou rau a $342 mg both rail and water Round Trip ' Latt typ9 of modern lectric-tJghteJ efee train y' , ' CxemOmni dining em ervce . -: ' The ImUcatate Special twm horn futr schedule Leaves CKIcase I04S -b " Arrives Washingloa, ft 43 t,ms Nt Totk. 4-15 d a Modera 'coachae. Drawlng-reoni and compartmant sleeping cara aod obeervatlea sleeping cara - The New York Limited La-ra Chicaso SMS p. sa Modern cosehea; drawing- room sleepiag ears Cbicafo to Plttabnrg. Washington and New Tork, and observe tioa ears Pittsburg t New York. , . The Wahinto-Nair York Ejrsraaa Leaves Chleage 8 a. as.' DrawingHroeni . sleepiag cars to Pittsburg, Washington and New York. Coaches te Washington.. 1 Nht Eifaaaa Laaaa Chiease 9t30 Bw av Drawina-room sleeping care to Pitta- , - . barg. Wheeling. Washington and Naw York. Coacbaa to Wheeling andWasa- lagtan. . .,::..' ., . - ' All trains laara Orand Cantral Station. Fifth Ava. a& Karriaon St, Chlcasa. Xt, L. XEX.YTXXE, TraTellTic; Faaienrar Agat. SOS HhcklT Bauding. Seattle, Wash. . H. C. 71CULELX. Paciiio Coast Agant, San Fraacisoo. Cal. 1 n ' nrnTTrrTa lUa-iLii-iiliii 'Oar pasengr LDGATIOilS INSPECTED TODAY FOR AVIATION "SCHOOL FOR ARftlY sMSMawsaatpassl . . '.' -M!' Federal Commission Taken Over Seven Different Dis tricts by Local Chamber. GUESTS AT A LUNCHEON Informal Sinner Win Be Tendered the , Two Commissioners This Bvening-. Piloted by a Chamber of Commerce committee, composed ef Seuator Harry Lane, Captain J. E.: Speier, George D. Lee and Keeler, the. two members of the war department's commission on selection of an aviation school site this morning inspected seven pieces of land near Portland, upon which the chamber has secured options. The commission is composed of Colonel Samuel Reber of the array signal corps and Captain. P- Ci Marshall of the quartermaster's departments The instructions of these army offi cers are to . look into the available sites along the Pacific coast; and re port their findings to the war depart ment, with their-recommendations. . The ) chamber entertained the offi cers at luncheon at noon, -and will tender an Informal - dinner tonight. The afternoon will be spent in looking over those sites that were not reached this morning. ; .-.--5;;. . ..',. r Senator Lane waa enthusiastic In regard to- the location of the aviation school at Portland. Congressman C H McArthur, although he was not no tified, of the visit of the army men until too late to join the party, ex pressed himself as eager to have the school somewhere on the ' Columbia river. The army men have Inspected sites adjacent - to San Diego, Los ' Angeles and San' Francisco. , Their northern trip is to see if all kinds of flying, conditions cannot be found in one site. The chamber's , committeemen ex plained to the officers the strategic advantage of a location convenient to the army post and to the forts at the entrance of the Columbia. Senator George E. Chamberlain, who is at Hot Lake, could not reach Port land in time to Join the army men, but had thought . he could reach bereby Wednesday. It is probable they will go to Seattle tonight or tomorrow to look, over the offerings adjacent to Puget sound.' . - Alleged Kidnaper , Claims He Is Sane Xt. M.S,eaa, .Who Abducted XErnest . Bmpey, May Be Charged With As sault with Deadly Weapon, Blackfoot, Idaho, July P.) The most severe charge that may be lodged against Leonldas M. Dean, who abducted Ernest Einpey, a rancher, and held him a week for S 6000 ransom, but who slipped ' the chains that bound him and escaped Friday, , may be as sault -with a deadly weapon and false imprisonment.. v - -y Through a peculiarity In the Idaho laws a person most be taken from one county to another before the crime of kidnaping is committed. Dean did not take his captive outside of Bingham county. r Dean,. who appears to" be well edu cated and writes good English, was brought here from Idaho Falls last Saturday and lodged in Jail- The au thorities are Inclined to believe that he is insane, though in a signed confes sion he maintains that he is la posses sion of all his mental faculties. ' Ray Cook Leases Deep Gravel Mine Ray Cook, eon of Vincent Coolc and nephew of the late Henry B. Ankeny. both ' citlsens of Portland and former operators of the famous Sterling mine in Jackson county,' has taken a long lease on the Deep Gravel mine at Waldo and will operate drifting mines, hydraulic and Hendy- tubular evelator the coming season on : an extensive scale.- Mr. Cook is now moving from Hornbrook, CaU to the mine. Theft Is Charged. CbargedNrlth the stealing of 145, a $100 stick pin and a watch and chain from Edward W. Gordon at the Everett hoteL Goldle - Genardl was arrested yesterday by " Detectives Hyde and Vaughn. Her j alleged . accomplice, Boydren Kulp, clerk of the hotel, is in Jail awaiting trial. The detectives this morning recovered Gordon's watch from where the girl had sold It. but she denies all knowledge of the -stick pin. - Save money improved service stopovers : everywhere Correspondingly low fare round trips to Boston, also Jersey Coast Resorts choice , of routes long return limits -tickets on sale June 1st to September30th. Every American should see the most beautiful of all moving pictures from the trains of .the Baltimore ft Ohiothe scenic route of Bastern : America. ' . t arm oar gunt" . OH Boys Hurl a Rock Into Church During Religious Services - Services at - the Woodlawn Christian church were - inter- ' rupted last night when a heavy rock hurled by ono of a crowd of boys outside bounded down the middle aisle almost to the pulpit. Members of the congre- Ht Hi : ration seated near the rear of ' the building hurried out and se- ' cured the names of several of - the youngsters. The matter H will be turned over to the Ju- - venile court. , Teachers' Institute ; qall Is Sent Out County Bnperutendent ' . 7 Armstrong' Getting' Beady for Annual Meeting on September 1, S and 3. County Superintendent of Schools Armstrong has issued a call for the annual county teachers Institute to be held at the Central library Septem ber V 2 and 3- Mr. Armstrong has Invited the offi cers of the various districts to meet the teachers on the last day of the session. . This he believes will Initiate a "get together spirit" which wiU be of mutual benefit. According to the law, the chairman of the school board shall be paid 8 3 to defray his ' expenses, for ' the - day. Mr.. Armstrong1 has -- recommended dis tricts to also allow; 82 each to the other members of the board as well as the clerk, believing; it - will be money well spent: :;-v;": y y-a '"v:y -yiv The county - superintendent Is plan ning to Inaugurate this fall a cam paign for the extension of the school gardens to every, publlo school in the county In order to - give every student a practical training In gardening. Gasoline Explosion . Damages. Place When employes of Gieblsch A Jop lin went into the basement of an old storehouse at East' Thirty-first and Sandy boulevard Sunday morning car rying a lighted oil lamp, fumes from leaking gasoline exploded and nearly wrecked the place. The fire, which fol lowed, did damage estimated at 8250, covered partially by-insurance. i '. According to the police, . the build ing wae-not properly equipped-for car ing : for .inflammables,-: and? within a day or two would have been reacted by the fire marshal's department, who is making a thorough investigation of that section. Oregon Holiness Campmeeting Ends The eleventh annual encampment of the Oregon Holiness association came to a close last night at the grounds at Fast Thirty-third and Mason streets. Yesterday, which was the biggest day of the 10, services began at 8 a. -m., lasting all day. ; Breakfast and a meet ing at the tabernacle were held in the morning. Large meetings were 1 held through . the afternoon,- the final serv, ices were conducted in the evening. A number of evangelists, and ministers took part, including: the Rev. Charles Stalker, Rev. C W. Ruth of Indianapo lis, Rev. Stella Crook, Dr. Alexander Beers of Seattle and Miss Edith White sides of Portland, the newly; elected president, Austrian Prince Escapes Injury. Lenox, Mass., July 26. N. S.) While driving his automobile in the town of Cheshire, Prince Alfred Su-hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst, attache of the Austro-Hungariany embassy, had a narrow escape ' from death when his machine left the roadway and went down an embankment. . , A strong- wire fence broke the fall of the automobile and saved the prince from injury. Bandon, Celebration Filmed. ' ' Marshfleld, Or yy July y 26 Seven hundred people from Coos Bay went to Bandon yesterday to attend Elks celebration there. Several thousand persons from Coos and Curry county points were entertained by Bandon people. Moving pictures were taken of the celebration. . ; Manx Hear Sunday. ' White Salmon, Wash., July 26. Residents of White Salmon , . and the whole west end of Klickitat county turned out this morning to hear "Billy" Sunday . preach at the Wood man HiltT i--: - ;M':r FUNERALS Besntifnl edalt phish or broadcloth caaket, mbalmlnK, ronpo bex. hears, twa llmvoaluea sad sorricce for....... Mora reasonable, fa ce mis for 420. r $00. Hlsaer prlceJ faner. la la proportion. - Wt ataka oat ova eukaU. ' ImAT -aasistast.-:' Prlvata faaera! ebasel. MILLER & TRACEY mzz.BLsvit.a-i rtnrXAL diuctoss : WaabiMtoo and El!a 8ta. Main 2091. A-7HS5. WANT AD RATES " la effect October 1-1014. - ALL PBKVIOCS BATES CANCELLED CHAEGED ADVEETlSEJdKNTS Daily or Studs?. . .-' J 14 cents per word per inner Hon, - This charge is far all ciasaificatioaa, es eepusg "tor Bent Is Private Kamil," "Boon and Board la Private ranul?," a'81tnatka Wanted" and "Wanted to lieot" ada, which are 144 cents -per word per tosertioa. 0 : Wo ad ekarsed for leas tbsn 19 cents. CASH ADVETIoUEKTe - , 1 cents per word for aQ elaasifleatioos'. eseapting "tor Beat in Private ramiJr." "Boom and Board In Private famllr," "Sitna. tkn. Wasted" and -Wanted to iieot" ada. which are 1 W cats per word, Cfuosecnuva insertion t t-ash want adsi . J insertions for the prire of S. .'it iwertlons for -tba prlt-e of S. MEETIXO JiOTlCES. 41 . vv, ftnu u uAn ,-, cunoiave Ot , .a Washington Commandery, .vJA No., 15,. Tuesday evening, V J : 7;3i). Work, Red Cross. Visit & . : ln sir knights . courteously invited 'to attend. j ROBERT MARTTK, Recorder. ' A. F. & A. Al. Stated communication tomorrow i T (Tuesday evening at S. ' vleitora : welcome. Order . AU tUU V. iJlViV. secretary, BlUCKLA VKHS UKiON You are re quested to meet at yoar hall Tues day, July 27th, at 1:30. to attend fu neral of our late brother. W. W. liayea. Ey order of president. . awav w. DUSIXESS CARDS W. G.Smith &. Co,vuSs?4na Third floor Morgan bldg. WKDDINQ rings sold ty wetieht. (Zj N. Solomon. Jeweler. 831 Mor- rison, pp. Portland hotel. suits for rent, all sixes . O'nltjua Tailoring Co.. 33 Stark st. - Vital Statistics DEATHS AXTt FUXERAIiS 75 11ARTLEX At tls home on Cbrls street. In Berkeley ttidltloo, Jones O. ilnrtky. ared S3 years. 5 aioaUia 24 .days. The faneral services will be bald tomorrow (Tuesday, July 27, at 2 o'clock p. in., at tbs naw rei deuce funeral parlors of Walter C. Kenwortby. 16.J2 and 1534 East Thirteenth street, BeO-wood.- Tbe rt-mains will be at the above-mentioned resldrace until the hour of the service. Interment alUwaukie oamatary. rrienda in- vjteo. CRAVEN la tliia city J air 2-t. litis, at IOCS Kaat Ninth street. NortU. David U. Craven, a Re year. 7 mootbe 2 days. Beioved hus band of Lucinda Craven, and father of Kverett Craven, of Council. Idaho, Vera and Konaid Craven, ef this city, Bewalna at R. T. lly rue's faneral partora, Williams avenue and Knott street, funeral annoanceamt 'later. Baiata tor.) papera pleae copy. UASla this city, July 24. Watson W. Uayeay ared bi yeara, beloved huxband of Mrs. Aitnea fisyes and father or Luc lie. Marts and liUiian Have, funeral Will take place Taesday. July 27, It S p. m., from tbe par lors of UiUer A Tracy. , Intarmaat Bivervlcw cemetery. UE.LZ.Elb Jaly S3, at 4J BuU atrset, Benjamla Uelser, seed 14 years, belovad son tit Mr. and Klrm. J. iL Helaer. Kuurral serv ices will ta beld from A. U. Zeller Co.'s par lors, 694 Williams avenue, tomorrow , 1 1 ues oay, Jaly 27. at 3 p. m. t'rlanda isvltsd. Interment Rose City eemetery. MeBKKEN In this city. Jbly 25. WiHUoi McBreen, e 63 years. Deoessed was a member of Portland came No. 107, Woodmen o'. the World. Binslns in ear of tbe Krksoa Keflideace Undertaking Co., 12th and Mtrri sort sta.. Announcement of faneral later. FALCONER In this city, July S3, at her lata residence. C4ty Park, head of Madison street, Charlotte A. falconer, wire or John Falconer. The remains are at tba residence, establishment of J. P., Pintey ob. ilont- fTPmery at Fifth BABiiABi July 23. at ihe rexldeuce, 40 13th - at., Vincent juaxbare, agsa o- years. uew"a father of Mrs. at. N. Mayo, Mrs. T. E. looley, T. C. M&rarsret. Nicholas and Peter Barbsra. Notice or lunerai inter. JONES In this lty, . July 2i, Adelaid k Jones, at tbe home of hr danghter, Mrs. Helen B. Banshart, of flflt Spokaua a vs. Pa- serai mHirv wtw. MARTIN & FORBES CO florists. J4T Wash. Main 29, A-129. Flowers for all occasions artlstlllyrrangeA CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison st. Main or A-1&05. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch storea FUNERAL f DIRECTORS .33 , .-.trAi,. A splendid residence unaertaking as tabllshment, with private driveway. J. P. FIN LEY Ht SON. - ; Montgomery at Fifth. ' MR, EDWARD HOLMA N, the. leading funeral director. 220 3d st. corner Salmon. Lady assistant-- Phones A- 1511. ,Mata--H.. yV F, S." Dunning, inc. East Side Foneral Directors.- 414 East Alder t East 52, JB-262S., Dunning & .McEnteeM5k ri every detail. "Broadway and Pine St. Broadway 430, A-4 658. Lady. asiataot. Chambers Go. niirby" wooov lawn 3308, C-11S3. Lady embalmer. ' Walter C. Kenworthy 1B32-1634 E. lth. Sellwood 71. B-1122. MILLER & TRACY, independent fa neral directors. Prices low a f 20, $4L 360. Wash, and Ella. M. 26ttlf -A-TagST A. D. KENWORTHY & CO. ' Calls promptly answered In all parts of city. L O. O. b hiog., Lents. Tabov 6267, tti (It 4-CllCI ,UUt East 1088, C-1088. Lady attendant. Pay and night serviee. RT Purno f. Williams and Knotc I DJT I IIO East ill. C-194S. Momiltnn ast 0th and oliaan. Fu naililllUll noral services. Tabor 431J. P. L. LERCU, leading east side under taker. E. 11th & Clay. B-IUDX, E. 781. CD I POO M RESIDENCE UNL PLrf. CnlUOUn M. 61S3, A-2235. 44S Mor. iQipu) CO Undertaking Co, Main 413 OrI- t.OA-2321. Cor. 8d and Clay BREEZE & Hnook, H-1252, T. U68 102S Belmont, at 34th. Lady attendant. MOKUJUEXTS MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. 1 Finest marble and granite from our Oregon ouarry; -287 'Hawthorne ava - " feCHA NEN-BLA I R CO. II ,267-30 ST COO. MADISON. PORTLAND MARBLE WKfcl.. 264-263 4inst., opp-city nan, m. 54 a-isis FOR SALE 5 HOUSES til HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS 11200. 7 room house, lot 2xl06, with alley, 100 feet lrom junction ' point of two street car lines in Montavllla, Unques tionably future business property. Look this up. $50 down. 910 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 14 Chum. Com. SOME BARGAIN' Almost new modern G room bunga low, lararai attic Mrntot bunninl a sidewalk, roses, berry - bushes, room I Tor garage. ll3 Tlbbetts, 3 streets south of K. 89th and Clinton. " $1600 on terms. inquire yztl' 1Umlwr Kx. Bid;?. AN Ideal borne, 2 inln, from town, modern bungalow, full basement, fireplace, furnace, large porches, flow ers, fruit trees, lawn, -alee chlckn park, 24 lots (cheap) ; price $3o0. terms, 1640 Fowler ave. Phone Coium bla 479. Frank M. Ward, owner. - B&LOW ACTUAL COST. .$12(0. And almost any terms, huvs 4 room modern bungalow: large porch, shade trees,, flowers, - mountain and - river view, west side, 1 block' Corbett - st. carnney a trpienrnd My, ;n h,n 6th. I860 $100 DOWN. 10 a month buys a oeaunxui iiiue room Dungaiow, west side, city water, beautiful view of the city and valley L LV Lee, 805 Corbctt bldg. - BUNGALOW PLANS, $5 WHT NOT OWN YOUR BUNGA- LOWT PAT vh like rent. h. a. Williams. eo m kay bldg. A SMALL cottage at barxam from owners, on easy terms; lot 40x100; sidewalks, nice neighbors.' 14 blocks from car, 8900; ih a g"nt?. ggil. 55. NICE 4 room bungalow, 2 blocks from y Mississippi avenue carline. $2000, $1100 l RUTS a frood cheap , home on paved street, clos in on car line. mow tne owner. warBnai io. FOR SALE 6 room-bunsralow. mod ern. - trees, ' sidewalk; terms,. Call or write 8707 72nd at-8, K. FOR'SALJEi $ room house, partly fur- nished; 2 lota Owner; terma 6315 62d St, 8. E. - ' FOR BALK --room -modern house and i - 2 lots, frtiit, berries, flowers; cheap, lrirg. Ownr, $33 K. 8?th st. W-W car J ROOM house, but.fcalow (tvle. eheap. Hawthorne car. 13L'6 K Madison st. ron b.l.z: not Cort'Tie,-l ) 5 ROOM house. A block frota 1 eular school, on paved etrf-et e i line, plunibinf? and electric I. entail lot. JlOya. Terms. lJhons . FOR SAI.n IX5TS LARUE, beautiful, view tract, v side, city water, 16 n inu! ride. 6c lare. for 3350: 10 C . a month. M. T). Ipf. Cnrhett 1 $16t)0 lot at cash price lor aui first or eecond mortgaga Mar. c: or Tahor 649. ACREAGE .Buy an Acreage Hem 3 Have city conveniences, much. as mountain water piped lnta your house, electric lights, etc., and country benefits; riou soil, fine -community. SO min utes out by Blar Red fctel Trains. Low i prices, eiisv pay ments. Any sized tract. Let us show you. The Shaw-Fear Co, 103 4a at. 400 acres. Tlllamock county, clo to Wilson river and the villace c Wilson; $1000 cash, balance ! yen Of course, it is a snap. Fred W. o roan Co.. 914 -Cham, of Com ; Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to c - line, easy terms; will build to au purchaser. Phone Marshnil 15S5, or gellwoofl 47ft. John H. t'buon. own LN VLtlTiUATL' this before you bu v 7 15 acres near Orenco, beet bls.'.i loam aoli, all culUvatd, I2i per cr will divide and aive easy terms i; desired. See Air. Handy, owner, jij., atock Exchange Bldir. Marohnil So:, FOR BALE. ,Ai acres, 17 improved, running wntf-r, BOpo cords first class wood, would . aider part trade, clog in, would en' . i ftce for cash. Inquire 3O0& Lurrut . . Cor, Halsgy. bNAP 1 acre, 5 room house, aU i garden and fruit, Jut outside en limits, -10o fare; owner leavintt. sacrifice for $1600. Terms. Call ei CHICKi:N, FRUIT. UARDKN Ran." near.i'oriiana, 3, bk 10 acre tracts, L. sou: good roads, near electric, $" t $200 per acre, easy pterins. Mciar land, 809 Yeon Rldy.. Portlfin 1 o0 ACRES, o miles west of Portia i, i lays good, no rock, lt acres clen-1 rest easy clfared, It miles to licavc ton; worth $200 acrer quick sale t. ecrrv .. 0-4l. Journal. 60 AClIffd. $15 per acre ; 4 iMlTTti' Bull Run station on Mt Hood R. R on improved road. Davis, 601 Journal Main 6743. 1'OR sale tiu&puoose; 6 acres tiiOO; 1 acres, $300; terms; bent soil; tl; tfered. J. R. Pharn. 43ft Pittook Mn.'- rSUr Kn-l?i ACTtEACHa 7 . 21 ACRE suburban home at Both Division sts nicely improved; 4 i fruit, berries; city water. Will sl f. a or part. Kaste Broa., 61 g Henry I I FOR SALE KARA IS IT FOR BALK OR EXCHANUE . My $3000 equity in H42 acre ranr'y y mile southwest of Dillard, Or., is acres fine bottom, J60 cultivation, I horse, 3 mares, 2 colts, 1 cow ond t,tr. 4 sows wiUi pigs, chickens. Fine co.i lio dog, wagon, harness, mowing n.i Chlne, rake, lots of tools, hay, prrn -.. rlne water, good orchard, plaie tnutu fenced, good house, gralnery, barn, om buildings; will trade for house and in Portland or smalt farm near poit lanti, anuwer - quick. big sacrifice. Here only few days. ..S. L.! . DlUard. Or. FOR BALE Farms and mail tr of land of all sires; 200 acres, u-i in English .walnuts, and other f.-.. trees ; good soil, rood t prl n g, water, about 2 miles from electric line, c rock road. A. good barKaiti. J'rlo $1 . per acre. Terms on balf. Lots of oth--largains of all kinds. It.D. "Walk--, dealer in rtal estate. Gaston, Or. R. i I. No. 2. ALUOBT HOMKTH1NO X'Oit . " 1 NOTHING Assume $1100 mortgafre and give m $1700 and take SO acres of flno lar. i in Douglas county. Can plow 7i cri now. Good roads, close to good town. Close to school; nice creek. .Write or So me et 154 woolwv ct. S20 ACRE fir timber 4 miles sou Dillard eta., several log bulVKr. runnlnir water, fin for pawtaiu -stock raisin, for $4500. Will tr; part- for -Portland property. Mr v. C. Davis. R. U, No. 1. Box e, l... hurt. Or. WELL improved 34 or Co a re lTT ciops, stock and lmplemht3. r.. i buildings, rock road, abundance fru f and water. 1', rnilea Hlllsboro. I.I i ioira. it. mihhuoto, Or. HAVE a KO cow duiry raitoh. i07 t fully equipped. Price Hunt. er some trado. $01 Lumber Ktciian 2nd and Ktark. 34 AREH sood land, 2 mlle.s to ton.-, cheap. J. Gi Van Doozer, Wlnlocrt. Wh, iio ACRE farm, well improved, uii , stock, 5 miles of Oregon City. Trt Cla. Itinorp, Jcnnlnira lyidire, fireni FOIt KKXT KAI1.MS 1 IMPROVED 'ft aero tract on eie. tr : car, cheap, by owner. Main A-43l. FARSI3 WAXTED RKXT OK IIUY WANTED mock ranch for cah, fr owner only. Glv location, . r ; tion and lowest pric In first itt. Tmift be a barraln. WX-W, Jnnrr FRUIT LANDS FPU SALIi 4" WANTEH to sell 40 ares nnlmti ov-i frftit land at Underwood, Wsti., acres tall timber, very cheap. L-77V. Journal. HOMKHTiLiDS WANTED. a homestead reiirii'jui intnt with foras improvements; v. ii pay cash. B-822. Journal. SCHAKGrltKATj KSTATK 'Z I FINE lot, walking distance, 1'orti.u i -Heights. Kquity reaxonable for c unincumbered property, or will ac. I automobile in ftrat c!aa condition a:, I balance cawh, C-a04, Journal. fcOMJO very choice stock ihikjIms d - eastern .Ore iron to exchanir for r'.t property. J, L. Robinson, fco5 Cor : trlflST. EXC HA N O K diamond - worth t Mm cash for 10 or 12 rcim, j,, furnished rooming houae; cionti i wftAT have you clear of debt to t r lor $24i0 equity in a modem 7 rri houwe and 40x125 lot in Montav.. Y-6 .HQ,- Journal. TIMBtil claims, trade for h lots, acreage, mortgages, corar-' and equities. Dog'gces it Co., ivj l, linger Rldqr. KQVlTUr' sood 6 room house, 3 li, from ear, for clear lots or acr.. a'-o clpar lot. Kat t6. KXCHANGK -Modern liome on i 100 corner lor improved farxn t Owners only. D-47. Journsl. 75 ACR improved farm, near Aroiel, tor i'ortland property. Alisky t.Mg. TRADK for Hood River eltiitr -: ranch, good acr-Ag-e. half hour Portland. C-292, Journal, WANTKD- 1 or, more acres, , in exchange for 6 room hou r 8 lotH. si W. Prsr ptt st. FOR KALE or trade i rom i and loU Call Last 5114. De l VvlLL trade my ctuity in t low for lots. Owners only. j LARGK and mll farmi, tra r-r'tr-rf v. Wcl -. '