THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURIIAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 5, 1915. "S3 NEWPORT Continued From" Preceding . Page ling-ton, S. D., and Emma Rusk -of Tacortia are tnton; tba out of state visitors- at iie beach. They are,: reg istered at tha Saunders. " . Sarah Vlnesard of Boise, Idaho, la tin out of state bearh visitor. ' , H. iletinJngBur and wire, with fj. Beauban arid wife of Oregon City,, are spending thelr vacation at Nye .Beach. J. O. Russell, wife and son jElmo, of Wasco, are spending a week at the beach resorts. - George W, odd of Portland ." is spending his vacation at. Nye Beach. Jane Eyre of Seattle la spending a week at our beach resorts. - ; ' .. - C, J. Mohoney of Florence, an attor ney of the coast town, is a-Newport Visitor. - - t . Barnes ilarr. B.'O. Matheu. Thomas Wood and G. V. Wilson are Halem beach visitors registered at the Saun ders. J. IL. Wilson, a Corvalis attorney, Is pending his vacation at Nye Beach. . H. JDenaham and wife of CorvalH" are spending a week at beach resorts, oth north and south of Newport, v . Charles L. Jennings and Mrs. K. M. Ttnnings. of Portland are 'here for a -eek. W. J.'. Henrichs and. wife of Geneva, Or., came' In, this week.: . Miss Ruth Beebe of . Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Av M. Bee be of Portland are pending a week at Nye Beach. Ruth , Rondeau of Corvallls la a btach visi tor tnis weevc. Mrs. William Reese of Portland and Mrs'. F. Condon , of . Portland are here. Hersle Torbet. of Albany spent the week end at Nye, Beach. J Mrs. Dr. Melntyre of Portland is mown here on business connected with her lands up at Oystervlile, as well as for pleasure, .: 'Mrs. Eugene , Fuller Mrs. Eugenia Fuller and Richard Fuller of New York city and ' Miss Alice Brown of West field, Mass., are. among the out of town jguests this week. ' ' A. N. ilolman of Portland and Mm. , 35. -W.-. Tucker and son of Boise, Idaho, are beach visitors this week, J, K. McNaughton of San Francisco t here for a few days. Other -beach arrivals are: Maude JvObertson, Phil Bergin of Dallas, Chas. A. Burden and wife, Hugh B. Rankin, H. M. Johnston, D. A.. Paine and wife, JD. Xi. Klster, Donald Goodrich, A. F. Ropp of Eugene. F. E. Roper, H. B. Doushey, G. Mt Kchuneman, R. M. Dav Jefon. IL 13. Smelts, Miss Sarah Cul errwall, F. VVV Gerttula and wife, M. G. F. Jlpwland and wife, Ml3 S; Wllk. ins.Mr. JF. A. Ferkert. Von Armitage, W. 8. Parker, C. W. McKewea and fam ily, L. G. Stlckney, J. J. Davis, 11. E. Farkhurst, U A. Balnr E. W. Zlrledr Ii C. ; Nero and Hit E. - Chapman of Por t land; Tinkham Gilbert. VW H. Lerchen, R. H, Brit tan, A. . G. Berner, W. N. Stola and family, F. O. Jones of Salem; Mrs. Oebem Lod of Whitly, Canada; Mrs. 11: J. Matlock and Miss ;Blanch "Wood, of Canyon 1 City: H. V. Link, R. At. Fowle, Neltle,linkj Elaa Frazler and Vie iFrasriers of . Atrlie - Henry C, Gil bert, Georg W, Pea vy, Fred M. Miller, F. O. . Jones of Corvallls; Mrs. E. W. ilarquarat and friend of - Elmfiurst, IthT Mrs. F, H. Rees, Alice Rees of Newberg. The arrival at - Pacific View, the tent city on South Beach are? Thomas Marrow of Portland who Is building a cottage: Mr. Seiver, wife and daugh ter of Portland, who are over for the summer; Mr. Gordon, Mr. Cox and Wil liam Tanna and son of "Portland. ? ' ' MIhs Louis Gold of Portland and her sister, Miss Mary Gold of Asbury Park. N J., are guests at" the Mlnthorn resi dence. :. . , " " ; Mr. and Mrs. H, H..-Saxton and daughter have returned to their home in Salem. - v Mrs. K. IC Cohran of JIarrisburg and Mrs.. C. Burnett of Eugene are at the tent city for the season. v Mrs. Richard T.Ely and family-of Walla- Walla are at their Agate Beach icottage for the season. Mr, and Mrs. William EIU3 and Mrs. H. B.' Hill of Portland are occupying a cottage for two weeks... : Mrs.' G. L. Flint and daughter. Miss Clara "Brown, Miss Iiaura. Giles, of Roseburg are located at Nye Beach for th season. Harold Woodcock and family, of Cor vallls are located in their summer cot .tape at Arcadia for a few weeks. Neil NewhousG afd daughter 'are over from Corvallls to .'spend a few weeks. Marshall Miller is a recent arrival from Corvallls. ; - Ecola'Or., July 24. At the MacKay log cabin a merry dance was held last Saturday night. .The affair.-which was givenrto the younger set, was the pret tiest held on the beach for some time. Among those ; present jwere Mr. and Mrs. Wl M. Banks, Misses Ella Rum lin,?Roggets, Mr. and Mrs. Veasey the "Misses Haael and Ethyl Trouton, Mary and Ellxabeth Wassell, Dora and Nell Tucker, Ruth Bentley. Elane White. Huth Daktn, and Messrs. Walter White, C. Brakeman, Byron and Harold Gumm, Vernon Ritchie, : Arthur . Lowell, Duke Barnes.'.:;:. ...' ;.. .- . ;- Wednesday .night witnessed what wg the gayest bonfire on the beach. A merry . party of young people gath ered aJarge pile of logs and sent up a blaze that illuminated the sky all about the summer home of Captain Orrin ; Kellogg. Popcorn was popped, marshmallows were roasted and home made candy was eaten. r Songs : and stories held the crowd together until a late hour. Those present were, Mrs. MacKay, Nell G. Tucker, Jean Burrell, Bertha Robertson,. R, Tucker. - Mrs. Robinson. :Dorothy Robertson. ' Ruth Dakin, Mrs. 'BegUn' and Mrs, Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Dakin, Mrs. Jessie-i Todd Brakeman,. Mr. and Mrs, F. IL Agnew and Son, Mr. and Mra. W, C Clark, Jennie Clark. Floyd Clark, Orrin Kellogg. J. D. Wassell. J. P. . Bartow. Mr.i and Mrs. A. JR. Stringer ;Jr., B. Therdian, Mary Wassel, Hazel Trouton, Elizabeth Wassel, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Js .Warner, C, H. Brakeman, Jack Beach; Sara Jewell, Miss Ralston, Her-bert-.llughea, Mark Jaleson. Bobby Davis. Mr. and Mrs.' Chester O. JCel logg and Vernon Richey. - Mrs. Max Smith, who la spending the week end ln Portland, will .return to the beach In the. near future. f . H. E. Alger is located near the Mac Kay cottage. - - Mrs. Sj-E. Gumm and family have opened their cottage for the season. . Tile Cannon Beach hotel has had as guests: May Mull. Felix Gentle, W. E. Roberts and wife, Janet Roberts, C. V. Rose, Mrs. C. V. Ros, David Mirn. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bail, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hurlburt, Mrs. A. W. Whit mer, Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Leigh ton, Mrs. D. A. De Groff, Glen De-Groff, Aaron Whitraer; Mts. L. Penfield,'- Charles Penfield. Mrs. Charles C"Albri5ht, Mr. Fred Day. Mrs. Norris, Mrs. ' Eddy. Portland; Mrs. B. F. Brown, Edward C. Brown, of Caldwell; . W. H.- Ross, Ecola: E, E, Lavalleur. Salem; EL C. Morris,. Lebanon; Mr, and Mrs. David Clay Jr- and Lucille Clay, of Seattle. . Registered at the Hotel Warren are: Mr. i and Mrs. Joe MoGee.'Mrs.. J. E. Kelly, Mr a, -Frank C, Baker, Dorothy .' CANNON BEACH : ; n- --- ; Sheckner. C O. Lauritzen. E. J. Dear ing, E. Stevens and family.- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grenfell. W- T. DeMartlnl, C. J.; Strode, Mr, and Mrs. .M. L. Boss, Vincent Cook and wife, Mrs. F. P. Ken dall. Mrs, W.. H, Neal, John Willing. Mr., and Mrs. A. W. Whitman,. Mr arid Mra. F. W. Carpenter, A, J. Whit man, Roy A. Vogel. Emily M. Rupert. Frances Soden, Nel lis Hamlin, of Port land; Mrsr M. Schmidt, Seattle; Mil dred Ringstead, George Rolstan. As toria; lienrtetta Becke, Louise Kerr, Aurora; Al Dawseh. Gladstone Dawsea, VVarrenton; Reber'ta Barrett, Seaside; Lucile F.- H.- Clay, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. David M. Clay Jr. Seattle; Mrs. A. -W Whitmer, Mra. O. A. ' DeGroff. G. A. DeGroff, Arisen Whitmer, Port land; Albert Gregg,? Neeanlcum, Or.; Frank Woodfleld, Into Page, Mr. and Mrs. A- W, Norblad, J. C. Clinton, Mrs. Charles Kirkland,-Astoria; Mrs. Clark Cornahan, Mrs.. iNickols,: : Warrenton; Will M. Peterson and family,' Pendle ton ; S. . M, j Gallagher and wife, - Mr, and Mrs. Charles! B, Brown, Miss Mar garet Taylor, Miss Helen Taylor, Mlsa Tessle Mack, Miss Gladys Mack, F. L. Parker, Astoria; Mrs. Jessie Estham, Cambridge. Mass.: Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Cox. Hartford City, Ind.; Vera V. Tem ple, Roy. Temple, Ralph Temple,. Pen dleton. ; ; i s . . Norrie, Parks and family have moved into a cottage for the season.. Mr. and Mrs. i George Merrett and Mrs. E, Evans, of Portland; Douglass Phillips. Jewell;; Master Evans Rol ling. . of Portland;. Arminda L. Fix, Walla Walla; Mary Dixon, Waitsbttrg. Wash-, and Fatima Baldwin, Salem, are hotel guests here. ' V. T. DeMartlnl and " Charles J. Strode are spending a quiet fortnight at the Warren .before returning to their duties at County Clerk- Coffey'a of fice. The . boys have spent, their time hunting "big game", and fishing up the along the shore and at EUc Qreek. .-- Miss Grace IC 'Viereck' has been spending a delightful week at the summer cottage of Mra John Tucker. "Mrs. John Tucker gave a bonfire te the younger set on the beach on Fri day night. 4 " -, . ' ' : Mr. and Mrs. Frank Agnew are lo cated at the cottage of John Urfer. ' Mrs. Shieber has opened her cottage at-Brooklyn camp. Mr. and Mrs. , Paul Brinkman have mbved into their cottage. ; After four days in Portland, Mrs. S. F. White hasiretumed to her sum mer. home at Brooklyn camp. ; The F. G, Urfers cottage has been rented for the season by Mr. Hodges of Portland. 1 i ; - Mr. and i Mrs. I Frank-Stephens and family will spend the entire year at their summer home. The Norway bungalowwill be occu pied for the summerby Mr. and MrsH red u&y and Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Al bright of Portland. : Duke Barnes arrived at Cannon Beach last Wednesday. - ' Mrs. Jeah" and Lucile Gumm of Portland "arrived last Saturday and will spend ; ttie remainder of the sea son with their mother. -- After a short i'stay at Idle-hour," Charles Interbiteen returned to Port land last Saturday. Mrs.- Jklax Smith '" and Mrs. George Spring and v Helen Smith are located at the cottage of Mrs. Smith's" mother, Mrs. -James-: Lugg, where they will spend the season. Mort Alger has built a new summer home, at which ; he will , spend the Bummer. ..... r ELMORE PARK 63- Rockaway, Of., July 24. The hot weather in Portland durinsr the oast week, sent- the, summer visitors rush- ing to tnis resort in great numbers. All in all,, this la the best week of the present - season so far as arrivals are concerned. i " ..., . U- Registered at; the Elmore hotel this week were the following; Margaret Naive, D.. D. Moreland, O. Hecklrnger and wife. Charles A. Boyce, F. A. Shafer, M. McDonald, Miss Caroline DeRenner, H. E. Hartline, Dan Gage, Elizabeth AV.. Walker. ;Nettie JCruse, Mildred Kruse, Matilda Martens, Mrs. Jessie M. Shea. Carrie Goodbum. Mrs. W. H. Van Horn, Mary Caleen, W H. Goodburn, J. Albert Dennis and wife. L. F. Gordon. ;R. W.Grosbeck and wife, of Portland; . George N. Sallls bury, wife and three children. Aurora, Or.; Miss Hanna. Amoth, . Anna- Bor genson, H. R. Suter. F. A. .Voertman. Dr. Lukenbill and wife, of Indianap olis; George F.; Chapfe. of Tillamook. Dr. O. C. Luckenbill and wife of Indianapolis are visiting at the Roose velt cottage for a week. Dr. Lucken bill is a Shrinen who attended the con vention at Seattle, . ; - Mrs. B. W.i Jones and ton of Sheri dan, accompanied by Miss Myra Mont gomery, have leased the . Taf t cottage for a short stay on the beach. : Mrs. Jennie Luck of Pendleton and the Misses Lulu and Sybil Hager of Heppner are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. McMurdo at the Wilson cottage. Mrs. T. J. Mahoney and children of Heppner ace at; the Evergreen for the season. . '? '-- - Mrs, J. O. Hager is ' visiting her sister, Mrs. C.-XJ. Patterson of Hepp ner, Earl V. McCreary and family of Portland are here foij. a brief stay. - .Miss Louise Brace of the Jeffer son high school Portland.' is stopping at Elmore Parle for! a week. . Mr, and Mrs. Ben Riesland -and fam ily, of Portland, ? have arrived, at El more: Park for the- season, t i The Misses Elva. Olive and Ever ald Head ; have left for their , home in Orenco, Or. r . Senator' and Mrs. W; -D." Wood and son James have opened their cottage for the season, e g. ..w - Rockaway, Or., July 34. The crowds which,, have arrived here .during the past week have been making merry, bathing in the surf,. and rollicking on the beach. ' Others have taken to the fresh and salt water fishing, which is so convenient to, the resorts here. v ; Durlngthe week the Boosters' club met 'and organised to agitate the com pletion of the roads through this beach. After - this week automobiles will be able to get past on the road which runs along the ' ocean . for sev eral miles, T. C Trappe and ' W. Taggerall of Portland passed through here from Manhattan, hiking to the Trask river. ; C, K. Andrews and family of Hepp- ner are quartered in one of the I. M. Miller, cottages U Ocean ' View for a two. weeks' -stay."' :.:;.- v v ,, - Airs. M. .E; Ambler and daughter of 'Portland are spending the month here in ine uiieresi 01 miaa Amuiers neaitn. . Alfred . Stein? and family , and Miss Meyer of Sherwood are spending a month here. ' r . R H. Graue and family of Sher wood arrived this week and will epend a couple' of weeks ' in a camp on the Schrantz grounds. Chief Stevens and - family and : Cap tain : Smith 'of the Portland fire de partment left for- home after spend ing a couple Of weeks at Sea view. . Charles - Knowlton . and family -xtt Salem ' are spending their vacation in the ,Krebs cottage. - " " - . -. . Mrs. . W. A. i Chesley and -daughter, Charlotte, of PortlantC are temporarily j . : .ROCKAWAY located in a camp at Seavlew, The Chesleys are building a summer home at Beala addition to Lake Lytle.( ; Eva B. Schloth was a week end vis itor at Mt Tabor camp. ' " E. Mitchell f Bay City spent SuiK day with his family here.' Editor Smith of the Bay City Ex-, a miner, and his mother,. Mrs.. W. W. Smith, of Wallace. Idaho, spent Sun day at Camp Comber. - Mrs. C Underhin has returned to Portland after spending three or four days -at '-the -Krebbs cottages. N. Norton and family of "Portland General Information for the Tourist BEACH RESORTS! HOTEL MOORE Hotel Moore overlooking the ocean offers to the tourist and tfaveler pleas ures seldom If ever combined at any one rssort. Surf bathing. Hot Salt Wa ter Baths. Natatorium for Indoor swimming. Capoelnr on the Neeanlcum river. Good auto roads. - ' '!'"r.' A.U automobiles leave from Sotel Btoers for -Elk Creek sad Caaaoa Seaek Scoocxak. HOTEL KOORE; Daa J. Iloonv Prop. mHngrujnoT The SHEIBURNE All modern improvements. One o the largest hotels on North Beach. We raise our own poultry. Reasonable rates. Special rates by the week for families. Phone inlioteL Buy tickets to Shelburne Station. Train stop right at door. Address Seaview, Wash. T. J. HOARE. Prop. BREAKERS HOTEL ' Billlardi, pool, bow! to, twuua,' golf, freak aad salt water fUhiss, soatlag,' . ... riding- -&d antes. -We hav our ova livary atabla and aatoar & aulas ot , : unbroken Jwach for uto ruu. On tablo is anppliaS from an m dairy, . . - rag atabla sardaaa aad pouitry yard. Poatoffioa, lone dutaaoa pbona aad ' -telafrmph itatioa U tna total. O-W. BU U TS. atatioa a tka ,STeada., Write for terms and reservations to THE BSSAXXS1 EOTZX,. Breakers. Wash. - - L6cksley?,;Hall. Hotel SEASIDE. This hotel is directly overlooking the blue Pacific and distant Tillamook . Head. " Suites ot rooms with ; fireplace and . private bath. American and . European plan. . .- - , . ' Much attention given to the dining-room; sea food a specialty. Tourists t solicited. ' ' . ! ... i v s L. A. CARLYLE. Proprietor. : f " - Automobile Bus Meets All Trains f BAYOCEAN To seekers of "a change," health and rest from the heat and turmoil of business Bayocean offers an opportunity to enjoy life to the full measure. " . ' The "Bayoceatr Annex" is -a splendid hotel, furnishing first-class service at reasonable cost. Table is excellent Rates 2.50 to f3.50 per day, t5.oa per week. Special rates to families. . BAYOCEAN is Oregon's finest beach resort paved streets, moun tain watec. sewers, fine ocean-and bay swimming,-, boating, fishing, scenic trips, tennis, dancing, etc., etc. . (The "Nat." Is the finest on the Coast. Only surf-making device In America. Warm sen water. Kor information - -. . . - . - " Mra. W. E. Hutchinson, Mgr., Bayocean, Oregon' T. B, POTTER REALTY CO, 720 Corbett BIif., Portland. . NEWPQRTfflS Spend your summer vacation at Newport.; If you enjoy surf bathing, trout fishing, deep sea fishing: if you are in search of health or. pleasure; if yoq enjoy hunting for agates or long jaunts to rugged and picturesque places such as Seal Rocks, Otter Rocks and the Devil's Punch Bowl you will make no mistake in coming to Newport. Good hotels excellent boarding places, rooms, tents or furnished cottages. A home town where the moral at mosphere is clean and wholesome, ; Good stores and reasonable prices. For further information write to any of the following progressive citizens of Newport or ask any S. P. ticker agent. Korrit Wryant, Proa, o'ommaroial Club) Furd Prop, i Bank; House t Frad Sawaoa 1 C. Smith, x-eai Estate! Xa L. C. t Na Newport NaTipation Co,j L. C. Hoc katt Laos Tkemaa. lApidist; E. E. Baiaina-ar, Prop. - 1m Co. ; jr. W, JCally, Prop. Xally'a Hotel; A. O. CANNON- BEACH THE SCENIC BEACH OF OSO0H THE WARREN - -. v OVEBtOoklSO THE OCEAN Ftae fish tei;, hunt iar, lurf-bathina and horaa back riding , Ba . Foods a Speolalty. Writs , for ra tea.' It. 8. Warran, ; Proprietor, s-. Colonial Hotel CZ.ATS0P BEACH - SXASIDS. OX. SATES SEASOWABIiE Corapletolr remodaied. Oood - iooation, - aaa block from beach. Excellent dm ins roam. Era but, meets all trains. V. D. LIKDSLET. Prop. ' HOTEL M EARS CEMENT BUILDING r Broadway at ' Tth St. ' Two minutea from beacb and depot. Eloctrio lighten, rooms F-ng-le or en snita. ; KATES $1.00 DAY AND UP '. j J Staiide, Oregon. . " jTOHH ME ASS, Prep,' Hotel Sunset BBACH CEVTEB 8TATI0B ; Ideal spot, modem family hotel, country and eaabora combined; ocean in full view;- larg yard for children; eroqoet sronnd, beat ouuina and table aervlce, f Uhins, surf bathinf, elao trio lirhta. P. O. JLons Beach. ,Wiii, K&S. SEDMAN. Prep.. THE HACKNEY COTTAGE Is Now . -, OPEN FOB THE SEaVSOS ;i With all modern improTement. ' For rates write or wire. SEAVIEW, WASH. ; IHE DRIFTWOOD ' MSB. V. 1TUTFF -" I OPEN ALL TEAS " "r- The Only House of Its Kind la the World Hut and Cold Salt Water Batiia la Connection. . TABLB BOARD A 8PECIALTX LONG BEACH. WASH. ; North. Beach Inn Overlooking . Ocean Surf - Bathing. Boom and Beard S2 to S2.60 day. Weekly $10 , to $12. Booma . 78e .day op.. - . ' .. rtTHNISHED HOUSEKEEPING APT8. AND TENTS (S BEDS) SS TO 6 WEEKLY. NOB.TH BEACH INN. LONO BEACH. WASH. All trams atop at grounds of hotel. Buy ticket t Newton Station. - - T Sylvan Park Inn : 'j- Cannon Beach Beautiful ocean view Pacifio 'phone tin ex celled home cooking Sea foods a specialty. Mouataia spring water oa premises. Aito bns meeU all trains. $18.60 dot week. Make ariy reearrationa. btrs.. B.. H. Taber. Kgr. - Eoola P. O. t . - . X.OBTDOBT AVTO STAGS Leaves Oottag-a Grove daily eaoept Sunday 7:1s a. m. for Louden. Calapooya Springs and Black Butte. - Special attention to eampers tor Calapooya Springs. I". A. Clow, ' Cottaf-a G-rtrve, Oregon. " . : CBEEK TEANSPEB CO. Save your baggage checks . till yea get te Newport. W give you prompt service and fair treatment. Hacks to lighthouse. Otter Bocks, Eeal Bocks and other points. IBA XULXILI A 0X, Newport, Oregon, are located tor the season in one of the Krebbs cottages The Mis sea Nellie Johnson. ' Lets, Newton, Iva Connet and Fay Norton, who are quartered In Swastika, made the trip to the cave at Bay ocean on Wednesday. H. G. Nolan, wife and daughter of Salem- are staying at theKrebe camp for -their vacation.- . . . The' Misses Emma and Anna Bertu. Ieit and Paul Meier are visiting at the ' Billetere cottage. , Mra.- A. S. Miller and two daughters, Mrs. E, Johnson of Portland and Mra. BEACH RESORTS. Clatsott Beach. Oves-ea. a mearest tat most pop- - - BiK ofu won, . Shelburaa Station NORTH BEACH RIGHT ON THE BEACH OREGON HOTEIi SKS 1 Clobj Fnrdy ic Hoaaltoa's Vatateriumt W. D. wkaelar, , Dnarriat;H. H. Crowd ia Tranafer Co. ; -Waatera Stata : Yaquina Elaotrio Co, : Captain O. F .Jaoobaoa, Kaaaawr dry Co.; Elmer Patrick Karoaatila Ct, A, L. Cabin anaaemant Parlor t Paal Xaaal Bakarr Schwartz, Karohaat, Sea Crest Cottages BIGHT ON TBX BEAOH Completely far aiahed t. S aad 4 room oettagea Eaoh oot-tag-o baa a splendid view of -the aoeaa, oity weter, eloctrio light and good aidowalka, close to stores . sad nataiorium. Before dacid-in- wkare to spend year sasamer vaoatUa wiita for rates and : other inform atioa te CHRIS ABHS. Newport. Or. Agate Beach I WOTHINO BETTER AS BESOBT. AGATE BEACH INN , NOW OPEN Writ Kr. K. George for rate er reserva tions. And Agate Beach Lead Co. far etaer information at Acate Beach. Or. - Hotel Saunders v" T0BKEBLT HO TEX 0SBUB.B" : v Vadar new management enlarged aad ren ovated. Everything- new, clean and comfort able ; 85 rooms; rata reasonable. Oa block from, Nye Creek Ooaaa Beach. For reservations aad rate address CHABXE8 SAUNDEB8, Newport, Or, ........ ... .... , . .. . ..' - ATTTO AND STAGE LXVX F&OK U Newport to Ocean View VIA WAXSP0ET Lea-ro Newport at 6:80 a, m. daily. Spooial attention given te fishermen wfio want te flak on the Tahat aad. ether , atraams; also to hnatins' parties and ploaaaro oxcuraiena. EXE DOTY, Newport, Or. . M THAT DELIGHTFUL BEACH EOXX The "ELMORE" AT ELKO BE PARK Offers large, comfortable rooms amidst homelike surrounding at $1.00 per 'day. (for I or -2 person, grand iew of the ocean from It . broad verandah end sun porches. Excellent dining; aervice, a la carte, in connection. Write or phone for - reserva tion to THE "ELMORE," Bock way, Oregon. Grove Tent City "BytheSeashorif' . Sleeping a n d house keep in.; tents for rent at reasonable prices. . "Driving- horses on ground. Good 'fiahlnjr nearby: Restaurant and. dancing floor In connection. Buy ticket to . Wheeler, , transfer - to Nehalem. I .will toeet you with stage. Write for accommodations to William Gorman. Nehalem, Or. - BANGS AUTO STAGE CO. 4 -Stag leaves Engene daily : 15 a. m. for Deerhom. - Lea burg, Nunrod, KcZensi Inn. Blue Kivsr. JteJCcnri Bridge aad Foley aad Belknap Spring. Oood fiahinef aad kuntiag. Bases Xivary Co.. Eugoaa, Or. 5; -. FAVORITE South Bid of Korrison St. Bridge. SPEEDY LAUNCHES TO BTTiTDT BATHS And TBANSFEH TO WIKEEHUTH lOo A TB.IP. Launches, Boat and Caaoea for hire All de scriptions of water craft for aala at all time. L. Wolcraft of Honolulu, and Mr. Mil ler's -two grandchildren, are spending a week or two in one of. the Krebs cottages.- . Miss Ella ' H. Norton, "Is visiting friends here., Ed. M. Bales, wife and son Leon ard and Miss Constance Hoskins - of Tillamook, are located in Kilcare camp In Seaview-addition. - Mrs. and Miss O'Brien of Oawego are spending - two - weeks at Camp Comfy. . s E. A. Bohren and family came down from Portland the first of the week. and Pleasure Seeker aiikiiiiiiliii fwn BEACH RESORTS 7- r Bar-View Hotel AND- FTXENISHZD HOTrSEKEEPTNO TEXTS Vadar. New Management -HOTEL BATES II PE DAY AND UP raniaaod Hcraaekaoplng Tant. 11.00 por Day. Oparatad by W. A. Wise, 1B-1 Failuu bid.. Pertkwul. and Bar View. Tillamook County, Orogna. hone: A-S08 aad Main SPSS. Come to Barview VILLA CAMP - Cottar furnished complete fee honaekeep las. L. y. TOLLS A SONS. Prop. Your TaVcavtion will be more complete 11 you take .along an Enslgnette ' Vest rocket Camera, . BtU . THE J. K. OILt. CO., Booksellers, Stationers and Complete Office Outfitters. -a Third and Alder Sts.: MOUNTAIN RESORTS 0 FI SH ING PXSCH'UTEa AH9 aCXJCXXTAT Xiew, Wssk-Iad Tares aad Oea ' wosleat Train service " Anglers are meetlne; ' with sue. cess .atA Klickitat Falls, above - Lyle, and In the Deschutes. ,, Take North "Bank and Oregron Trunk trains Saturday or Sunday, - , ; retumirig Monday ' nisbt. - Round Trips Portland to Tus can. In Deschutes Canyon, $5.90. Shearer, SB.75. South Junction, $7.30. Frieda. $8.65. Klickitat, ; ' ,. . .... $3.0. . ? . Tickets and inf 6rmatlon at Vorta 'Bank Ticket . Office, Bth aad Stark Bts. Station, iota aad sjoya. TROLLEY TRIPS FOR TOURISTS E8TACADA PAJtK 8 miles from Portland. . Splaadid aeanie resort. . First elaaa hotel at .. groana. Bate $8 a day. -,- . - - BULL XUN PABX A natural park SO miles . from Portland. Fine place for tuning, camp. - tag, picnioa. aaeuraiona and amateur photog raphy. ,- - - SPECIAL SUNDAY E3CCUBSI0N BATES ' to . either of these narks 76o round trip. Trains leave First aad Alder. . CAWFatAH PABX Cool, oomfortabU ntlng pot, IS mile frees Portland, overlooking the eeaotiful aad pictureeaue WUlamotte Falls. Car loav airat aad Aider. Bound trip 40 cent. WILLAMETTE FALLS Tak Oregon City ear ' at Pint aad Alder. Bound trip 40 oaata. -VANCOUVER. BA&BACXS Take Vaaooaver ear. Ban nnd aad Waakiastoa. Bound trip SO nt. . ' . . . CABY'S HOT SPBLNOS A troop of tha hot. - teat earativ springs ia the world, at tha foe thills of the Caeondee. - For information ell Marshall S0M er Marshall 6100. XTSHTNO ST RE MS Upper Clackamas river, Boarins Creek, Eei Creek aad X!p Creek. Tak caia at Firat and Alder, oa Estaoada. : . Caaaaar Una, Low rouad trip rates aad early , apeoial traina oa Sunday. SANDY BXVEB AND PULL BJN BTVEB Take traina at First aad Aider, Ball Bus line. Low round trip Mta aad early Sunday train. -. -. .-.- '.,!,. ..,'. JOHNSON CBEEH Tak train at Pint aad Al der, fat ff at EttoI, Boll, Lenta Junction. " T'i"" Oraahsm, . Hogaa at FOB ADDITIONAL INF0XMATI0N call Ticket Agent, First aad Alder.. Marshall floe or A-olit Portland Ry, Lt & Pi Co. "EeliabU Sorviea." - Boaidence, The "Warren, Cannon Zeaca. Stead SOT Broadway Phone 41. - MOR1US C. MARTIN iUTO FOB HIKE Daily Tripe - te Elk Creek - - SEASIDE aad 'until' seaea obeoon City; oonneeting with B, P. train at Aama. villa, p. m., ar. Kill City T:40 p. m. Lv. Mill City daily 6:0 a. m., ar. Salem 8:30 a, m. Oood fishing along root. PRAIRIE-BURNS STAGE COMPANY - Oparatine the ealr daily Hall aervioa, oar- Sinjr passengers, paga-ag. and expreaa to in, la the Great Inland Empire of Central Orogoa.via Oaayoa City and oha Day, Far te.aO. Baggag allowano 80 pounds. F. M. EIGHT. Manager. Prairie City, Or. TROUT LAKE AT THE FOOT OP HT. ADAMS The Ma peeUod heaatio ar waiting to natch their wits against your. - Easy walking distano of the fames lava cave and ice eaves, HeaaV quarter for moaataia elimaera for the aeceut of Mt. Adama. High-elan amusement hall near hotel. Hotel ratea, $9.00 a jreek. address GULXB- HOTEL. Gsler. Waah. Windemuth OH THE WTTiT. A MTTTE OPEN BTVEB AND TANK BATHXNO. Take faat launch foot of Salmon street every half hour, commencing 1:40 P. M., fare i cant; or Breoklya car t . Voodward av.s fro launch aa ooanotin(f, Laaoheoa aad. refresh, menta, . . Mrs. Bohren and the children will camp here for the summer and Mr Bohren. will spend the week ends with his --family,. -. --.:--. --; Charles Abbott, who Is. in charge of the government work on the jetties near here, was severely Injured, Mon day when a chain on the hoisting ma chinery broke .and struck him on the head. --" W. H. Beard, wife and , sons Lois and Harold and daugMer MargerettS are also located there. G. C. Combs and family' of. Hllls boro are settled in a tent at the Recreation. Health, Fwhing Resort Rail, River and Stage Route z OondaaMd lafozmatioci regaxdiag laadiay en ting plaoes and prtaoipal s4e trips sad stags Uses, The aortawen, with itB great aatnral seezwle ui e 11 ma tie attraction affords turns el adTSAtages to seekers of health or racre attoa. Xagormatiem recaxdlskC resorts or aide trips cm be" obtained from The Journal Travel Bureau, rhoaes A eoai, acaia tvm or from -Tourist Affeasy tat TraTl Bmeaa, ICarshaU XSTs. - MOUNTAIN RESORTS CRATER LAKE Crater Lake ia the one wonderful jewel la the metchleae collection of nature's cema. Corns to Crater Lake Lodge and spend 10 day a visiting- Wizard Island, the Phantom Ship, the Pinnacles, the Garden of the Gode, Union Peak, Anna Creek Canyon. ' Come and match your wita against thoae of the 5 and 10-pound Rainbow -trout in the myaterioua aa of silence. The magic charm and witchery of Crater Lake will live in your memory. Crater Lake' Lodge ia on the rim of the crater, 2000 feet above the lake. All roome are view rooms. Rstes $3.00 to $4.00 a. day. , Why not come new? - , - For reeervatione or further information, addreaa Alfred L. Park-, hurat, Crstef Lake, Oregon. , Foley. H Hot. 'Springo, - Oregon's pioneer pleasure and liealth resort In the heart of the Cascades and the famous McKenzie river district, near the foot of the, snow-covered Three Sisters. Shady, restful and health restoring. Splendid fishing ; in fhe McKenzie and nearby streams. Steam baths, tub baths and swimming pooL Flow of Hot Springs 172,800 gallons a day. Temperature 188 degrees. Helpful in cases of -rheumatism, dyspepsia and kidney trouble. Fifty-eight miles east of Eugene. Auto stage leaves Eugene daily at 6:15 a. m. Hotel, tents, cottages and camping ground. Why not come to Foley Springs and have one REAL vacation. For further information address . ' MRS. ELLA K. HAFLENGER, Foley Springs Poatof Hce, Oregon : TOURING MOTORISTS 4RE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT The Beautiful Aiito Camp Grounds in Lithia - , Park, Ashland. Oregon. - ; Finest camping place on Pacific Coaat. Everything for your com fort and convenience private) camp sites with plenty .of room for your tent and car; dining tables in lovely-grove, apringa of pure cold water, kitchen. with gas stoves and lockers and all neceaaary sanitary arrsnge menta. Free, to viaiting motoriata Everybody welcome. Glad to see you. " Add to the pleasure of your vacation by stopping st ASHLAND, ORE. THE CARLSBAD OF AMERICA Have YOU Seen Crater Lake? If you have not, why not come this summer while weather and atmospheric conditions are ideaL The trip to Crater Lake is one you will always be glad you have taken. It is indescribably beautifuL See America but see the scenic wonders of your own state first. , Fare by auto to Crater Lake and return, $18. For reservations or further information address COURT, HALL, Medford, Oregon. Roseburg-MarshHeld Auto Stage Line. Dailr ' stag-e to Marahfield. Ooqnille aad Bandon, via X!oea Bar road, leaving Koeebarsr :80 e. ra. THE MOST SCENIC STAGE KOUTE IN S0UTHESH 0HEO0M. For rate and reaervation address Karley . Xm Johnson, BoMlmrs, Oregon. , MARBLE HALLS OF OREGON -17 mixes sotmt or ORAWTS PASS. WATUB.E'8 8CEJTIC MASTERPIECE Rivalliag the Mammoth cave ef Kentucky. Ante stage te cave camp leave- Orant Pas daily. Free services ef government snide at the - cave. For further information address Frank M. South. Grants Pas. Oresoa. HOTEL MEDFORD MEDP0B.D, 0HEG0H. ' . -y Ante' parties en rente to the exposition are cordially invited to stay ever a day er two in Medford. Make this, the leading; hotel in southern Oregon, year headquarter while see ing Cratoe Cake and the other beanty Spots of southern Oreg-on. Toa will enjoy year stay. Wire or write, . siskins reservations, - Emil Mokr, Proprietor. HOTEL UMPQUA . B.08EBTOG, OKEGOX. - - THE'xfOVSE OT ICOMTOHT Every modern convenience. Make this your baadauarters for your fish inf -and hunting trips. ON THE PA XFIO KIOHWAY Plan your ant trip te atop here over night. Special attention given to tourist. Stop her ea rent t Kyrtl Point, Ccquill and Marahfield. W. J. Weaves, Proprietor, -. ......... ...... Prospect Park Midway between Medford' aad Crater' lake. Splendid fishing oa the Botrue river. I min ntes' walk to Beautiful Mill Creek Pall. Hotel. Cottage, Tent en Camp Ground a. Meals unexcelled. All modem eoavenieaoee. Keatfal aad home-like plae. Bate reasonable. Addres 7ame E. Grieve, Prospeot, Or. Roseblirg - Msrrtle P6int Auto Stage. " SATE. BPEEBT AaTD COMPOBTABXK TH.IP The only through auto line from Beee Burg'to all Coo Bay point. leaves Bos. bnrg daily at 7 a. at. Time V Myrtle Point only soar. ' lor reservationa sddrsss Kohi kagaa Banks, Boaeburg, Or. -. CAS CADI A xovjngur Ear you eaa have a eulet and reetf'ul eat ing by the side ef the famous Caaeadia Mineral Spring. Toa eaa hunt, i iah. play tennis, en joy hot or cold mineral hatha. Tea can rent tent or a eottage at board at th hotel, receive year snail daily and have an ideal vacation at a minimum expense. Per full In formation addres GEO. M. GEISEXDOBPEB, &eecadia. Or. Automobile Owners and , Tourists, Attention! ' While ia Madford ea rout te Crater Zak. the Klamath ooontry or th Exposition, seour your see, oil, and aervice of Bon there Ore gon's iarreat.and most responsible automobile supply house. -Gasoline at ooss. C. E. Gates, Main street and Pacific Highway. Medford.Or. Larch Lloiintain Trail I take you to th base f EABCH KOTfX. TAIJf TBAtC' Ton can't afford te pass thl trip. ' Bast aervice, mouataia air aad BEAUTI FUL SCE2TESY. rare 75c Epecial rates te parties. Z. V. Long, Bridal Veil, Or, . north end of the beach for the bal ance of the season. B A. Barber of Hlllsboro la quar tered in his building for the summer. Miss Anna' Steele 'of Lincoln high school, of Portland." Is spending two weeks with her mother. ' - Dan Gage of Portland hiked from Cannon Beach to Rockaway last Fri day and remained for a few days with friends. Mrs. Fred Zllley and . children of Portland are visiting at the - Imbrle cottage for the summer. ,; Otto Collings and three children. MOUNTAIN RESORTS THE SAPPHIRE SEA ON THE CREST OF - THE CASCADES awl WILHOIT SPRINGS In the foothill of the Caaoade mountains. Wl mil from Portland. Aa ideal resort for health aad recreation. Excellent hotel and fine eampiag grounds. Teats and oottagee (or raat. Our specialty I our Saturday aiaht aad Sunday noon chicken dinner. JLua out to your week end holiday. Por full information writ er phone P, W. MclT.Rf.M, Wllaoit. Or.. o aak any S. P. agent. Jewetfs Farm Home at Whit Salmon ea the Columbia river I. aew ready U. rooeive guests. It homelike atmos. faar. splaadid cuisine, aad the beauty ef its natural surroundings make of It aa Ideal resort te spend a few restful day er weeks. Por farther information er reaervation eddrem lEVsU JEWETT, WHITE SAUCOM. WASU. Calapooya Springs - 0a eoeat fork ef Willamette, near Cottage Grove. Oood hotel aad oamp grounds. Daily mail, hunting aad fishing. Steam end hot water hatha. Calapooya water ha no equal for th cure ef rheumatism, kidney aad stom ach trouble. Hotel rate (10 t (It per week, including baths. Address C. E.t VlXKISSOS. Ixmdon. Or. ' IthelEYREE "0JT TBX JtWTI OP THE ' COLUMBIA" Aa ideal plaoe for year summer's . rest a4 hour from Portland ; la the Cascades atagnif ioent sooner r exoellen t table. Send for 111ns trated booklet. 0. W, . Becksrs, Whit Sal. mon, Waah. Seashore and Mountain Re BortM on North Bank Road StriTDAT PICYIC EXCTTaSIOirs Sound trips. Cap Horn. 1.5; Cascades, 1.607Caroa. 11.80; Whit Salmon, $8.M, , . CLATSOP BEACH Pacifio Ooeaa, 4 hoars . from Portland. Take Worth Bank traina, 10th and Hoyt, te Oearhart er Seas ids. Surf . and aatatoriam bathing, - 86 mil of ooean strand. 13 week-end trips. IHIPHEBD'S HOT S P & I O S At Carson, , Wash., 8i4 hour from . Portland. Mineral water 117 T. 12. B0 week-end round trie. OOVEBKMEST MIVEBAL SPBIirGS At Car son, Wash. Mountain resort. Id mil up . Wind rivers Auto meet trains. , U0 rouad trip. '-- JEWETT'S P ABM White Salmon, Waah.. B hour from Portland. ' Individual cottages and beautiful ground. , d week-end round "THE ITBIE" White Salmoa, Wash. -.Cottage and beard. Write O. W. I. Beckers, -' White Salmon, Waah. tt week-end trip. MT. ADAMS AID ICE CAVES Take Vorth Bank train to. Whit Salmons auto stag to Trout Lake. DESCHUTES RITES. TIBHIWO BESOBTS Bedaeed week-end fares. Iraia leavea S:00 p. m. : return :10 a, m. M KEKZ1E BIVEB BK80KTS Tak Oregon EUotrie B'y." to Eugeae. - . Phone Broadway Z0, A-SS71. f FIPTH A3iD STABS. The Nortonia . , .... . SlsTsatb Street WssUartos . v ' ' .: ; : ': ... .' . .." . ' Visit the Reef Garden - a - wonderful view of the . city. Try our Dining v Room and enjoy the "dif fcrenC home cooklngr at moat- reasonable . prices. A. s. noaux, Owner sad Msasf er Elizabeth. Catherine and rierie. at Camp- Scadding for the fn(.n Collings ""i, manager of the S House in Portland. . Mrs. L. W. Getchell Is ape- ' month as 'the guest of the cc... family at Camp Scadding. V Mr., and Mrs. A. W. Willshire t family have returned to rortlan.l e : a short vacation at Seavlew. Mr. ; Mrs. E. A. Henntnger and family h returned in'the party. Miss C, L. Gustafson and ?-ll . M. Gustafson returned to Port; (Concluded on Page 7. This S' f MOUNTAIN RES0?T: WHY NOT VIolT E "Above the Clouds on Mt. Hood Commanding the most glorious 'scenery f any Mountain Resort in the Pacific Northwest Tot Tloket aad Baaarvatlena, Ad dress Borsey B. Bmltn. llaaer ' TRAVEL BUREAU IIS Third St.. Portland, Oregon. . . .. Marahali 18T8 Welch's Gfc; FlONEEa. MT. HOOD KOUKTAnf RT'Z ', Fnr lc eo!d mountain water, etrv and -.- fcrtable luai!o, rood cuisine, huntinit, ft .- in-, aera baek lidin. Raxes $3 -ay. fiQ wc- -. . w, z. wriXCK. irrop.. Ich' Postoftice. Or. Rhododendron Tavc: : Oa Mount Hood Ante Stag- Kjtd. 47 rub from Portland. Ideal moaataia resort, 53 e Weekly fll.SO, fit. Staaial ratal for fsmu Saddle noraaa, laws IsanU, oroqust. Oood f- ins. hunting-. Pbcte, eln-tri liiot. DaUr u a stae. Phone Main S ar ast It, i-.iu. Pransatti. Prop.. Bew. Or. Hotel De Government C:::; located . ea the- Couth tide f Mt. Hood haaatlTul . view ef the mountain and othfr ptaka, Onida for olimbinr. nnsurpaased f liif aad hunting, Kaus (3 per day.-i i wiek and up. toa ft rldnmore, Props., , Or. Information, reservations and aaily su 169 Bd St. Main 96e ot East 136. RELIANCE MT. HOOD Auto Storjcz pallp te Mt. Hood resorts. I a. m. o trip $&. Oovetnment Camp. $7.50. Er. rate t week-end aad climbing partiea. formatioa, reservations and tickets t f OU . -tIDOE SEES A ILOKAL CO.. lb i.J it. Main 666, A-3oll, er Irvinctoa Oarage, .u 185. SWASTIKA AUTO BEBVICE Stage to Mt. Hood, Resorts Paaaenger oalled for and delivered at tr homea. Sapid, aaf and ecurteou trrvioe. I..,.., reaervationa In advance. Tabor S798. SUNDAY SPECIAL leave Journsl bldg. at S a. m, Beturning leaves at S p, m. IaTZTT at all tikes MT. HOOD AUTO LINE LEA YES DAILY calls and d si Ivors to any part ef city, day r night, to Mount Hood resorts. Bound trip, $ ,; Government Camp $7.80, PH0KES MAIV Ul er A-S331, " ABDEBBOlf BROS. ',i i t i ,1 . Log La Barrc A aw mountain rasort, SO miles from Port land) mile from Esteeada, Oood auto road. Excellent accommodations. Chioken dinn-.a. Pishing end hunting. All snow peeks In v. Aa ideal place for aa outing with all har comforts. Beaaonabl rats. HAB&Y A, LA BABBE, Prop., Estaoada, Or. Crown P6in:;; Ghalet HOW OPEB diloken dinners week end so emmodationa. Maple Danoing Floor, a-ito Y from Portland. Por reservations phop l..t. i ., E. Henderson, Crown Point Chalet. Th n o. t beautiful view sa th Columbia river. . FOR MtHoodResortc MOUBT HOOT AUTO SEBTICE CO L Meier ti Frank store, oib st. entrance, d t:lt a. m. Por narticuiars and reservatmi. Maier St Prank Snorting -Goods Dept., phone - cemmedatioa desk, kigbt phone Tabor 4. . Shipherd's UMb - THE PLACE P0U T0U A reaort for health and reeraatioa. Beau'' t walk through the woods, saddl horses, fin ing, swimming pool, Quoits, teani court, c- a ust grounds, bowling allay. American . kuropeaa plan. Summer ewttagea aad rtn ,. int. Addres i. 1 Saiobera, Carson. V,.j. RIVER STEAMERS Preight aad Peaeena-ar STEAMEAI TO THE DALLES aad Way Landing "DAILEY GATZERT" Leave Portland daily at T A. 11. xcrt f day and Monday. Suadsy axeurslous te t cade Lock leave S A. ai. Retar 6 .44 p. i "DALLES CITY" leave Portland Sunday. Tueaday, TborsrJ at S:80 A. M. , Sunday Caaoade Lk aonraloa......,...f 1 gar i Tee DaUee and return ...... i ALDEB STBEZT DOCK. PQBTLASD Pbone Mala tie, A-tll3 STEAMER GEORGIAN. Leaves dally except Honda y tot ASTOxiA amt wat avAzrcirca. Leaving foot ef Washington U ' a. m returning v. m. Oregon Cily TBIPS P0B 8UBDAT, S7tb Leave Portland skx a. m.; 8:S3 p. t Leave Oregon City 10:30 a. in.; 6:C) p. i So 12:SO trip from. Portland. DALLES-COLUMBIA L! Steamer State of Vei!i!.- Leave Taylor st. cV.wk 11 p. ra. cH!'?. -Sundays, for The Iall and wf ; Beturntitg. leave The iaiVs 12 o-jfi i eept Moudsy. Kreisbt ai: I r--r i $1.00. fcerih COe. tppcr U. ,.;,. , river steamer to twnt'a u4 -y i i'hoo Mala blS.