e"rV- v . T XUm . Jit DAILY BRIEF INFORMATION , , (305th PAX Pp - - A3ICSE3IENTS PAWTAGKS Broadway at Alder. Teodevill, 2:30, 7:30 and 9:10. EMPRESS IJruadw.y st ? Stark. Vaudeville, Sj, 7:0 n4 :13 we: aysv Coutinuous (torn t:M fcunda.. - . ... LYmc lourts it Stark, VSnesvill. Cotv- tinuotis, 1 to U p. n. J O&fHEUU Broadway at Xamb-UL Idotioa pictures. 11 a. m. to il p. m. KATiONAE Park and Wt Park at Stark. Uouon pietasws, -12 u. u 11 m. MAJKSXIC Washington at Park. Motto pio- tures, 11 a. n. to 11 P- - ; COLUMBIA Sixth, between Washington and Stark. Motion picture. 11 a. n. to 11 p. m, PEOPLE Wast Park at Stark. MotJra pic- tares, 11 a. to. to 11 p. m. . STAB Wssblsgto at Park.. . Motion pic tures. 11 a. ta. to 11 p. m. OAKS AMUSEMENT PABK Band concert and free entertainment, Att mrs. transfer St 1st and Aloer. . ART siXSEXM Fifth and TayUw. Hours. to 6 we-ek dar. 2 to 8 ttnoiiars- Tree after. noons o Tawdar. Thursday, rrtOax. festMC. tf and .Sunday, - - v - Coming Erenti. s Iodise 'society pieule. at Peninsula Park July 4. srternooo. and venlug. - h arwara'; utruio , su4 tieiU a7 at C reeks nj July SM. , ' - - . - Oregon Holiness assoclatiou caaip-cnestiug ' at East TatrtrelBi)i and Mssoa treat. Broad war Ma,. July l-29. Annual convention of Oregon Retail Jewel- Aseoclatioa will meet at Chamber of Cows-ere convention kail, August 8. - a'ineteentu aonaal Mention of Americas Oa tsnloJe associatlea. flrat weak la August : . - Municipal Bant) Concerts, . ' -' The Municipal Park pan 4 will play at Washington Park buwUy at t 'iocsv The program follows: PART I. 1, March tt Cortege, from ''LaBsiae Pe . caba" Gounod 1. Overture. "Festival" .t ........... uwa . Three pieces by Tschaiaowslty 1 (Chant carta Paroles, . -. v . (CUaneoo. Trlete. (Chanson liuiuoreake. 4. Baritone solo, Aria from Brnanl.,,, Verdi Kageue Cloffl. , - i. Humorous paraphrase sod variations en the wall knows llieh moat ''lb Wtarlii' o - - th Creeo" , .Doug-las ' - (Synopsin) Is this plana the well known - air. "Xka Weario,' e' the ttreen," la uaad aa tbe haais for a cumber of variations la wblcb pot a to reed and praaa Jcar.ru- - ' eaeots era aoceesafuHr smpluj e The them I followed by a paraphrase which :- In turn Ktes piaoe te a sol for horn ..." and - claricet Ia tbe loor (. Thia la 'sneeeeded by a solo for baaaooa after --. which tb mdr is treated aa "Boot - . "Pence,'' csjit aa so Interlude on the obo and Uia as chorale, Tbe piccolo follows . with a ar1atioo which is- taken up fay tb baaeea and eoaeinded by tho eorpots. A abort SBdaat parapbraae leads to tb 'concluding meret&ent in wUeb the air is --, - . treatod as a popalar march a-U-tioow. ' r - PA HT II. C THwphal paarch frost "Colwabns" Belt - .V......rrederlck W. Goodrich '. T. Prelocoe from Pagllscci" ... .Leoncavalio C Oraad aelecUoa from opera "Mefiatofele" Bolt Final "Star-Spana; led Baoner" . -W. &, UvKU&OX, Condpctor. Sunday, July 25, Waahlngton Park. Mooday, Jsfy SO, .Sooth Parkway, 8 P. as. I'nesdar, iWT XI, Kenllworth Park. 8 p . - Wedneadajr' July 28, Holladay Park, 8 p. to. Tboraday, Jul 89, Mt. labor Park, 8 p. w. Friday. July 60. Columbia Park, 8 p. ta. :. Coseorta poatpnid a aeoouat of rain, ex cept at WaabUctoav Jd feoath Parkway, wfU he (ieea after August SA Fort Information Supplied. InfartpstloA regarding this port mar be ob tained from tbs Portlend Chamber of Cpo sere, C FUU street. Taiepbon Maia Sfte or A-U0v . - v , Fire ( ana Police. : Fire 4suartmnt-Unin TT0O, A-132S. ' Police aepartnjent Main T1S1, A-o7Sl. - Ore bob lismane society, - 674 BeUaoat St. Pbottea Eaet 14i. A-2015. ' Today's Forecast. Portland and. vicinity Fair tonight and So. day; : northerly winda, . - Oregon and Washington Fair tonight and Sandsy; winda mostly northerly. Idaho Pro oably fair tonight and Sandsy. Weather Conditions. - The barometer eontinqee - relatively - high O'er British Colnmbla and relatieely low erer California sad Ariaona. Xhr la a. moderate depression oTer Kaaaaa. bbowera sad thun deratorms ' bare , occurred in the southern Rocky naenntaln. and' east Gnlt atatea, tbe stiaaoart and npper hliaalaalppt valley a -and C'anadiaa northwest, changes in temperature Sln.ee yesterday have been nulmportaaU . : Condltlone are favorable for fair weather tat thia diatrtet tonight and Sunday. EDWARD A. BEAIA : - - District Forecaster. Obserratlons. o " 4 STATlOItS St F. Ij S $2 a Sf & f Baker, 'Or. . 5i 2 W 62 10 0 Boston, hlaaa.... 4 . 0 70 60 4 0 Chicago, I U..,.. 70 4 83 70 J0 teaer, Oolo,.... a -- 2 bo $ 12 .01 bea Uoinea. Ia. or) -f- U eo 3 '4 .60 podge, Kan..,.. 72 8 62 tw - 8 .10 Duluth, Minn... 63 6 68 -48 18 v.08 Oalreston, Texts To 2 84 7(5 8 0 llaere, ifoat... 60 -r 3 78 CS 4. .20 JackaonnUe. Flaf 76 -f S S3 78 10 .20 Kanssa City, Mo. 682 4 68 12 1.16 KnosvtUa, Tenn. 64 2 82 62 1 4 0 Los Angeles, Cal- 66 ' 0 66 66 4 alarabfield. Or.. M O 62 G2 4 0 New Orleans, La 78 4- 3 88 T4 4 0 New York, N.X. 68 , T4 62 4 .0 N. Head, Wash, 64 'O 66 62 14 O N. Yakima. Wn. 624 60 62 8 0 Portlaad, Or...., 63, 0 87 68 Bed Bluff. Cal. 78 O 106 7S -4 O Bacramaoto, Ca4. 63 3 S6 62 6 0 St. Louis, Mo.. 70 8 62 68 16 .0 Salt Lake, Ctah.l TO O 90 TO 4 O B. Francisco, Cat 83 2 64 S3 0 FeitUe, Waah... 6 0 7 64 Sitka. AiaakaM 68 4 .... 64 .... O Spokane, Wash.. 62 -j- 63 62 4 O Tacoma. Wah..l 66 3 78 64 4 0 Tatoosh I.,Vn.. 64 0 64 62 18 0 Valden. Alaaka. .'68 3 .... 42 .... O Waliiwalla,WB. 68 4-4 6 66 6 0 Waahiaa-ton, D.C. 66 2 80 60 0 Winnipeg, - Man. 60 8 68 42 0 6 Yellowaton Park 44 I 6 78 f 42 4 0 AfteiDOon report of preceding day. What Can Be Seen Around Portland Council Crear (110O feet) View nneqoalled. Ceiuwhia and WUlamett rivers, Tnaiaua sal. ; lay. WUlaaoette valler Cascade sad Coast . range, five snow-capped mountain north to eaat on elea days), lit. Rainier, 14,408t Mc BU Helens. PeI; Mt. Adams, 12.8W7 1 , Ut, Hood. U.225f Mt. Jelferaem 10,622. WashlugtoB Park, at head of Waahlngto street. Flower, shroh and tree. Chlldres'e aaodel playgrenada. - Noteworthy plees of culptsra; "Com In r of the White Man." by Uerman Atkin MeNelU. ' preaoated hp heirs of D. P. Thompeon: "oacajawaa" Indiaa girl, g aid of Lewis and Clarke by Alice Cooper, tieeentod by Saeajawea Statu association and ienry AUman. le minutes' walk. -Sunken rose gareena in foninaaia Park. oa tamiu mor thaa.700 vartetlas t rosea, Uacieay, left , untouched In wild natural beauty. ! tree, just ta wood. "Where bolls th Oregon." :.. . . . Forestry buUuins Lewis aV Oar expoaltlon grounds, w. Uonra 8 a. aa. to S p. am. " Built of apecimen saionioth Oregon fir saga. Contains l.ooa.ux feet lumber. AttraeUv view from aviug'g and WUlaat txe tjeighM and Wee Lover Terrace. Terwllllger boolerard. eoatfe, of dty, ahovo Willamette, on west etde. Skyline, - wet Iron) Counejl Crest. - Bead around sonr between Council Crest aadl WU la mette rivr offers tin views. - Columbia and Willamette Encircle Penin sula district and St. Johns, afrorUlnw zcUeat views f city, industries and barhc. . Poblie lnstttnttone City halt ad Historical cshihtu Fifth and Madison. County building, froorth and Salmon. Art mnaeum. Fifth near Yamhill. - Central library. Tenth and Yamhill, Cnatoj house, atfoadway aad iMvta. . - . ' Typical home sections Portland Height. Nob Hill, IrviDsjtoo. Mt, Taboe. Harbor featnree West side publie dock, toot . Seventeenth street. . feast Side public dock, foot -of East Stark. Public motor boat land leg, foot of Stark a treat !auncbee call her for river tours, boat booses near Morrison end Uawthors bridgea.) Shipping. Modwr bridges -Broadway. tUUroad. Hawthora. Worthy ef notice Skldmor foontatn. First and Ankeay. br Olio L. Warren, presented by gtsve Kkld.-nocw. Thompson loontain. Pla- . as block. Fourth nd Salmon. Modern high sad crsde school. , school gardens and rose . hedges. Chinatown on .Norm Fourth and Second-treta. " Colotnb! rive hirbway AtEerte,a mow Wonderful scenic read for vehicles. Along i one ste many waterfalla. tin rorre. of the CttluojUig, . oneosta gorge, hhepperd'a deil, mountains, tnelnctin Bood. Grade doe sot! exceea o pr eatu a, lafonnatloa aa to "whet to rn Port land's environisetrt from Hotels Portland. Ira-, periat. Oresrsn, Multnomah and from Too Joor, sal's Tourist Trsvel bureau. Phones A-u61. Msin 7173; or from Tourist Agency and Trsvaf butesu. Marshall 1879. . For lntormatioo reerardlng recreation or health rwsort see page 2 Toesday'a and Thar, day's Journal and section 4 f th Snndsy JoarssL. f TOWN TOPICS ttfhUnf Jm GhArrdv---Partlclpatln5 in fight In Fenlnaula park last eight, Kpy SteTen. June VaJenUn and Al fred Burgard were arretted by Patrol en ielber and Elliott, and 'thia mom lug turned over to tbe juvenll court autboritii; It 1 bUved toat th rigrht Is th outcom of th near riot which occurred in LJncoln park Thuraw Cay nisht. Alex Halxr and V wis Spady, who ar believed to hav par. ticipatod In the flsrht Thursday nirht. were arreoted at ICast Ninth and 81 lclyou street last night or a warrant chargrlng tham with dlorderly conduct! Will Try XS0TU Kaa-Chargd with xftiblting- a plctur. which had not been approved by th local board of censors under- ; the new censorship ordlnanc,, GMrrt jBarrtvproprji. ir-sr: Burnaid streets, i to b tried in mu nicipal : court thia afternoon. Th charge , wr . brought by Mr. E. B. Colwell, ecrtary of th board. Th picture ar tboe purporting; to show tb robber! t of th Oeorg Sontaa and Chris Evana fang of California robbars, ; ICrs. jraratl Stlnhllb.Jrir. Kan. nl A. Stelnhilber. who died at her bom near Oswego, Or., yesterday, was the wife of Theodore SUinbilber, and was born In Oregon H years ago. Sho leaves her husband and av brother, A. W.Bunn," of s Bearer ton,;! 8ha and her husband had -lived near Oswego for the last II yer. ( f Funeral services will k be held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock from tb tabliahment of J. .P Flniey & Son, Fifth and Montgomery streets, and interment will b made in Riverview cemetery. ' "- PakotaBa to yoaicv Former South Dakotan tssidenu ' will bold a picnic and reunion at th Peninsular park Saturday, July 1, afternoon and ov nlnir. ; Entartalnmenri planned in tb way of sthlettq sports both before and after the picnic supper, to b held at I. Tbe day - will - b closed with a com- mnnifv sine. : ITlih nn. sill h.4.. . basket for th plcnic. The coffee wHll o prepared on t& grounds. All who have ever lived, in south Dakota are invited to come and hav a food time- To Xnvestigwt Oty. AfYatrawAt a meeting- ; of the Eaai Sid Business Men's dub Thursday nlsbt, a special committee was appointed to investigate the eeonoraio ' conditions of th city government for ther Information z of the club. The commit t was mad parmanant, and 1 compoacd of U M. JJppr, A. U . Dupay and. M, 'B. Me FauL Tb duty of this committee will be to investigate the financial condi tion of the city and make a report te the members of th club. 91JDQ Sunday trip to Cascade Loom en the Bailey , Gatxsrt. Leav 9 e. rn. Returns : p, m. round trip to The ' Dalles on the famous Columbia river steamer "Bailey Gatxerf leaves daily except Sunday-and Mon day) 1 a. m. Returns 9:46 p. m. Steam er "Dalles City" to Tbe Dalles. Sundsy, Tuesday and Thursday. Leaves 8:30 a. m. Returns 8:30 p. m. next day. Alder st. dock. Maia 314, A-8113. (Adv.) . , SUa C. SCallog-ar DlsawDella C. Kel-Jog.-who died, last night at hi home, 12(1 East Yamhill, was a native of Oregon. 41 years f age, and a florist and gardener; by occupation. - Ha has irved in Portland for the last 27 years, and la survived by a widow' Th body is at the establishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Funeral arrangements wllj be announced later. Kiss Bpno to Oo SsCentral library l losing with regret . Mies Iillian Spencer, who has been order clerk for a number of years -and is now leaving Portland to live. In Js'ew Tork city, Tn position has been filled with Miss Mabel Cooper, graduate ' of the University of Oregon and of New Tork public library school.. - Xebrew School Bxcnrslon. The Port land Free Hebrew school .has arranged a steamer excursion to Cedar Island Sunday, July 25, for the benefit of the children of that school. Tbe program consists of swimming and games. The steamer will leav Portland at tb foot of Taylor street at 9:0 a. m. - : . - ' H , i -' -..I"? VS,C) ;f UTaiama ' Swimming Party.- Ma- xama swimming party, will leave Fifth and "Washington on Vancouver car Sunday at 1:16 p. m. It will ride to Bridaeton, then walk two and one half miles up th Columbia to a broad sand beach. . One can return any time, or can bring lunch and stay for evening campflre and coffee. ; ; Xf Ton Want to Sear a splendid ser mon, well delivered, com to Calvary Frbytrian church, at Eleventh and Clay streets to bear Rev. Oliver S. Baum, one of tbe ablest preachers in Portland. . . - - - (Adv.) Taylor-Stret M. - 33. ' Church. The locked-out member of this church will bold ; their usual open-air service at 10:15 a. m. on Sunday at the corner of Third and Taylor streets- Dr. Oeorg P. Pratt will b tb spakr. (Adv.) - Sir. Twin Cities for upper Columbia and Snak river; points. Leaves Taylor street clock 7 a. m. Sunday, July 25. 8tr. State of Washington . for Tbe Dalles, daily except Sunday. 11 pi m. Telephone Main 13. : -' ' (Adv.) -; Socialist to Spas-Mary U Geff s, a Socialist, will speak at Arion ball. Second and Oak streets, Sunday night on th Subjeot, "Th World Crisis and ! : Steamar Js Barktas for Camas. Washougal and way - landings, daily, except Sunday, v leaves Washington trt dock at 3 p. m. (Adv.) Sunday ,; Xliccanioaai. To Cascade Locks on stamer "Bailey Gatsert." $1 round trip. Leaves Alder street dock 9 a. m. Arrives back f:4 p. m. Phone Main 914. A-5112. .- (Adv.) . Oregon City Boat-Sunday excur sions. Leave Taylor street dock 9 a. m., 12:30 and 3:39 p. m. Stops at all way landings. Round trip 40c Phone Main 40. , s , (Adv.) "Why X th Soul Immortal? The unanswerable ; question. Illustrated lecture. Central library, Sunday, - g p. m.. by Frederick M. Stoller. .... (Adv.) " - Seligbtfmlly Cool summer dances at Cotillion ball every ;.. Wednesday , and Saturday avening; under management of Prof essor Kingler. - (Adv.) - Foyslclan and Spdallst waatd to occupy suite with dentists in 4S9 Mor gan bldg. -Dr, Hedlund. (Adv.) , .. Salding, th Jwler Moved to 2d and Alder, W. corner. Main IS 93. Ad : ELKS' GiUKD LODGE ; I IS ENTERTAINED BY PORTLAfID fiiEf.iBERS Grand Exalted Ruler- NichoN . son and Other Officials . Enjoy 18 Hour Stay, . GIVEN AUTOMOBILE RIDE rarad. Banqa and Bopttom ' Ax aratra of th strtaljamat - r Wliica ITpaold SapntatlOB. ft Whn : th srand Officers of all tb XTlks aacended - the ateoa of tb ' O-W. B, U K. train thl mornin aftsr mht yMt in pomand. tby smiled. They had spent the most en joyable 1 hours her of their wool trip across th continent and had just as happy a time, while it lasted, as they bad at the Xos Angeles conven tion.'-.' rv; 4 v?;-. i- j - Portland Elks started out even be fore the convention to show the grand exalted - ruler that they know how to entertain. And James R. Nicholson was convinced. H really knew be fore, having been here in 1918 When tbe big convention was held here. Tbe party came In yesterday after noon on the Shasta Urnlted, Headed by James R Nicholson himself, the delegation ' ws - symbolical of ; aclat. Hundreds of Elks - and their friends swarmed under- tb train shed When tbe cars came in and the band set up a brazen welcome. After the r first glad words of greeting, the visitors war established In automobiles : for th uptown parade, which, was -nrly a mil Ions. In tb official party were: Grsnd Secretary Fred C , Robinson; . , Grand Treasurer Charles A. Whit, I-! and Orand Chaplain Rev. John M. Dysart. The officers of tbe local Jodge ar ranged a dinner at the Imperial hotel last night, followed by ' a - big rcp- J? numbr or woman wr in - the party, including wive of officers and personal secre taries. SCORES HELD IN - : VESSEL'S hold,; CRY FOR HELP Continued Front' Pag One) ashore during the early period of res- The dead were taken to the steamer Theodore- Roosevelt - nearby. The steamer was turned into an impro vised morgue where tbe bo dies were laid out in rows on the deck. , t , , Various causes for the disaster were given. Captain Pedergon said be he Jleved an "air chute" bad broken, let ting in tons of water. William Plana. ondon, on of the passenger and a nephew of one of the Lusltanja, vic tim. blamd - those reponslbl ? for navigation of tbe boat, H aaid watr ballast wa not to have been taken on until the boat reached the open lake and when passengers crowded about the Tall, it listed and then turned cons, pletely over on Its side without a moment's warning. : . ; - .-. The Sastlaad sank in 29 feet of wa ter. . . . - - ----- its upper side sticks out aeversJ fet. - --j vv-f -i JJ ,;,-'- . "... Seen Are Trrtbls..-. Terrible cn -were enacted only a few feet from shore, as the hundreds struggled for life, Men endeavored to bold ths heads of their wives! abov water only to be dragged down by other terror-stricken victims. ! Chil dren were torn from their parents and carried down In the swirling undertow as -th steamer sunk.-: Many men and women jumped, only to be crushed as the side of the steamer bore down upon them. - - ' i The wild paia which prevailed re tarded the work of ; rescue, j Every, available pulmotor in Chieago . was' rushod to the scene.' but many died after being- taken from the water and earried , to 'the dock. rFlreboats and private oraft of every description hur ried toward th Eastland, and i volun teer rescuers worked alongside police in an effort to save a many as po. sible. ; : - . ' i:-e-i$i.".Z. Edward Schaak, a commission mer chant, witnessed the disaster. He Im mediately commandeered a largs row-. oat ana put out toward th steamer, whioh went down in the middle of th river. Schaak rscud F. w. Wlllard. a pasgnger, and the two "then joined in siding others. They drew many im prisoned on th lower decks through portholes and rowed. them ashore.. Peter Horwich. a musician, elung to bis violin when he wag thrown over board, but lost i it as he struck th water. .A few minutes later he saw a woman struggling- in the water. 6h was hanging to bis violin, the instru ment and case aiding her la keeping afloat, " Horwich swam to her and managed to get her ashore. . , ; Caspar' jLalind, his wif end - two young children ware separated 1 when the boat turned over. Wbil swimming about in search of hi family. Iallnd picked ; up bis little daughter and swam ashore within a foot of where bis wife landed a few minutes before. Lallnd's son is missing. XTffeet Xlke That of rroo.uois. . Tb disaster came as suddenly and with as an appalling effect as did the Iroquois fir in Chicago. Th ef fect on th city was much th same. Department stores suspended all de liveries- and rushed all their, automo- K! , I. I . . the dead and dying; front the water front. Private automobile were also offered to the officials to aid in the work. . - , " - . ; . ; - ; ; The Western Electric company ! had chartered tb Eastland and five other boats for th Michigan City excursion. The flv were Immediately cancelled and passengers . came pouring trxfnx thm. . s ir; - ; "Vj , Yj..: Many ware relatives of victims ; of the. Eastland disaster. . The scatter ing of the crowds made identification of the dead difficult., ' . Three hugh - dredges were set to work during the morning in an effort to stand the Eastland up on edge. Six divers Were also working in the water about th atoaraer. . Jn" an effort to prevent bodies from being swept' down th river, pumping stations began taking water from the lak into the drainage canal, reversing th current sufficiently tb make th water in the river stagnant, fimployes of com mission stores and - business j men In th neighborhood turned out in force to aid in tb work of rescuev .; '.' . . t Anna Ooldniclt, one of the women rescued, saved herself by floating away on two chairs when the Eastland went down. She was taken off the chair by men in a rescue boat, - - "Th men were mora f rantio : than th women." saia Miss Goldnlck. "I PORTLAND ELKS ENTERTAIN GRAND EXALTED 1 1 ' - - . ' - - ' --'-. y a I Left to right W. JT. McDonaJd, exalted ruler Pottland lodge; Her. John White, grand txfsnrerii ;Fred C Boblnsoii , grand secretary j K.K. R, Nicholson, grand exalted riiler f Insrt--Near view of g saw men fighting- and tearing lifebelts. Chairs and even clothing from women. Little Jim Crawley.,; th-Eastland's candy boy, held up two .women in the water until he became unconscious. Both women drowned. . - - "I tried so bard to save them, were th .boys first words tn re vived y a pulmotor. - " - Ros Geettlng, a salesman and one of the passengers, declared th panto prevailing on the boat as It went down was all but indescribable. Women car rying babies were beaten and trampled down by men in .- th wild rush for safety. Th screaming of tbe wonten cry ing of children and shouts of men was frightfuV: said Geetttng. : "Many wo man bad thair ; clothing torn irom them in. the Jam of th wild rush be fore they could even" reach th rail or a portbol to jump. Thr wr tarrlbl scenes about tb. stanchions and uprights.- Man and woman; fought to get bald ef thes supports. At least a score mora would - hav ben saved. If they bad-heeded the calls of Captain Pederson and bis Officers t remain quiet" .. ' " . . " Theodor Soderstrom was' ; rescued unconscious. When revived -h said b held hla wife up in th water seem ingly for hours, but she was torn from his grasp when other women grabbed him in their wild struggles for life, Mrs. Soderstrom was drowned. .. Btasmsr Showa Urt, Th passengers were crowdd v on th outer rail from 10 to 80 deep in some places, said Soderstrom, telling of the disaster. I noticed that the steamer began to careen slightly, but I was not uneasy. Just before the Eastland pulled out from ; the- dock, several' persons who had been waving to people on sbor suddenly cam over the outr rail. Th eteamr Instantly lurched drunklyy righted ' and - then again pitched to tb side. . ' , Screaming with fear, everyone tried to reach the aid of tbe steamer next to the dock. . A -dozen men and several women jumped . overboard. X think they were crushed beneath th steam er without a chane to swim to th beach. After tb boat . got partly ovr, it seemed to drop on its side Uk stone." . . - ' . Girl TeHs of Escape, - t Chicago. July 34. (L N. S.) Th following story of th disaster wag told by axles ; nertn tswanae, a sur vivor: X was on the top deck with two eirls when . X . felt' tb ship going. . A great mass of people behind, slid to ward us, literally shoved us into, the water and then, fell on top of us. X was- pushed down, down Into the wa ter until my fac seemed to touch mud. "After an age X -felt myself again at th top of th water. I caught hold of . a rope and dragged mylf ashore. My companions, I think, were drowned, , J. " .' ; Official , Inquiry Ordered. . -- Washington. July 24 (I, N. S.) An Immediate inquiry Into the Eastland disaster in the Chicago river was or dered today by Assistant Secretary of Commerce Sweet - . D. N. Hoover Jr assistant aupervlalaa; inspector gen. erat may go to Chicago to . assist in th Investigation. Crop Prospect Good, Junction City, Or., . July 24. The canning demonstration being: conducted In a car on th Southern Pacific- Ore gan Agricultural canning special Is being well attended. - - - t e FaU Wheat harvest Is well under way. Hay for boms us is all in and th balinsr will be completed next wk. Then the threshers begin to hum.. It is thought by - some ' of - the farmers that by the-- time the fall grain Is threshed the spring; grain will be ready; giving no cause for an Jnjer misslon. . . -, - - - '- ' Crop prospects are much batter than last year. - PORTLAND FIRE RECORD - - Friday. . . 6:31 p.. rn. Automobile at Alblna 9 venue and Church streets, caused by lighted cigar, little damag. (:3i p. m. Hous at '484 East Clay etreet cuse4 by burning flue, little damage. ; 10:87 p. wn. Hou se at 3 7 " Penn street gasoline explosion, f 500 damsge. COMMERCE COURSES V1LL BE ADDED TO THE REED COLLEGE Professor Hastings of Har vard to Have Chargei of Work in Industries, ; Professor H. P, llastings. Professor Hudson .Bridge 'Hastings will . arrive in Portland about August I from Harvard- university, where h has been at work for the pastv year. H will bgin at once preparing for the opening of the new ' courses in commerce and Industries at Reed col lege. - The courses ar ; planned pri marily for . students who' want, a thor ough preparation :. for commercial ca reers In . the northwest The plans have been " In - the process of prepara tion - for several year Professor Hastings will Offer next year th advanced courses In account ing; and commercial methods and will follow this up by courses in banking, publie finance and corporation finance. - Professor Hastings has had . an extraordinary range of preparation for this work. He is a graduate of th Massachusetts . - Institute of ' Teen nology and fas had practical engineer. ins; experience with th state railway commission of - Maine and with tbe Boston Transit' commission. ,y-S..3a; Prefers Horthwast, ;--;' H was consulting engineer for the city of Augusta, Maine. . Aftor thre years of teaching as a member of the faculty of : Bowdoln ; college' b went into business in Chicago with Joseph T. Ryeraon eV Son. H 1 now at work with th Harvard Graduat School of Business Administration. .f . - - - . 'v;. He has been urged to .remain aa a mifflbtr of th faculty at Harvard and baa been offered tb position as di rector of the Harvard bureau of busl ness research. His -chief interests, however, are ; with Portland and the northwest - - It Is th object of tbe coll eg 'to de velop the courses : in economics, com mercial organization and Industrial re sources in clos connection with the actual business conditions of the northwest - A largs number of the mills, department stores, banks, rail as -aSBW-BBSBBafBSBHSgSBSBB9l RULER? NICHOLSON Dysart, grand chaplainj Charles Knbli, of Portland lodge; James - road offices and wholesale bouses hav agreed to cooperate in this new work so that the advanced students at Reed college may us thes establishments for purposes of study. The whole city will be the laboratory of th department- -- :': - ; -i-y------ '.;-' - President Foster and Prof essor Hast ings are both-members of ths New Chamber of Commerce and ar using every effort to organise the instruc tion and research work of the college J ber of Commerce organization and. at the same time, contribute aid to the work of the chamber.. President Fos ter is a member of the executive com- mitt of : th civio bureau of th Chamber of Commerce and Professor Hastings is planning, in conjunction with various departments, a number of important studies - In industrial sta UsUcs. - ComnUtt Zs Orgs nut d. A committee of . the board of trus tee of Reed college has been organ ized in connection with the new courses in- commerce - and Industries. -The members of the committee are: A, H. AverilL C C. Colt, Edward Cooking ham, J. C. English, A. L. Mills, Ben Selling and Guy W. Talbot - Studants planning- to take advanced work in this field will talc the funda mental courses In economics, sociol ogy, and labor problems under Dr. Wil liam F. Ogburn and the course in gov ernment under Robert Leigh. They will also i . take courses in English, other: modern ' languages and such courses in the . sciences as are es pecially Important for the lines of business they plan to pursue, Several Automobile Accidents Reported Hons of Xdishaps Srions) ' XVinrataa ;. Knooksd From portable Towari An otbsr Kan Struck and misd. . Although several automobile acci dents occurred yesterday no one was seriously hurt As with th robberies, holdups and thievery generally.' the number of accidents . la ; Increasing dkily. - . J. A. Baraar, a lineman for the Ore gon Electric, was badly bruised when knocked from a portable tower by a jitney driven by B. Simon, SOS North Twenty-third - street . which struck the tower. Simon was trying to pre vent a collision with another automo bile when he hit th tower. Jack Campbell of the Ohio hotel wag badly bruised when struck by an au tomobile at First and Madison streets last night Homer Paffenbargatv 813 Woodard avenue, was driver of : the car. . - - An automobile, said to b owned by A. E. Beard, i 688 Northrup street was wrecked when it struck an Oregon City car at Second and Main streets early- last - night Two men - were la the rnoehin . but they scapd with slight bTuises. ,4 , - Divorces Granted Two Women. J Circuit - Judge ; Gatens yesterday granted divorces on grounds of cruel ty to Elizabeth Bowman from -Richard': W. Bowman, and . to Hildur A. Col from Herbert C. Cole. AFTER DEATH LECTURE SERIES ' . BT ' . I, Rev. Samuel Worcester - . Treated in the light of e Swedenborgs - Psyoblo - Philosophy SUNDAY MORNINGS Knights of Pythias Hall Cor. 11th and Vider Sta 1 . (Entranc on Alder) i . July 25,atn A.M. . Topic of Sixth Lectur "Marriage Am it is in Hearten" - ALL CORDIALLY WELCOME. , POLICE SEEF.l UNABLE TO STAY CRir.'E WAVE PREVALENT III CITY Beyond Arrest of Boys for Petty' Thefts Little Has : Been Accomplished. ROBBERIES IN DAYLIGHT XHttovt on 3portd Was xtrday Aftsraooa, WThsa Sons in Xrvlng toa Was Xstsxeft, mmmmmm I- - 3cat Bttrglarus. m m m m m m m m ; - July 18 Home of . Graham Glass, SIS Vista avenue, ' en- i tered by thief, who fled with a safety raaor when surprised ; I by a servant girl; " ;- .m - July 13 Horn of A. r: Myers, HIT Macrum street, m robbed of dishes and few doles- Jars - in cash. '.-. --' . July 13 Home of J. Jensen, 168 Tenth street, robbed of 96S. -July U -Horn of F. A. Hit-- kemper, i- 825 Overton, entered r . by burglars' who secured sev t ral piecs of jwelry, Sr -vJuiy 21 Grocery store of J. 1st A. Cobb, 763 Hood trt, robbd . h - of large Quantity of food and ; 1 tobacco, ;.-n..:-;:';? July .21 Grocery store of J, A. Tweedish, 190 Porter street,; till robbed and groceries stolen. - July 23 Home of Mrs. J. Vardlssun. 809 East Fifty- -thlril strt, s. a - :. July 22 Horn of IX. Carlson, . 1133 Kaat Twenty-fourth street, 'July 32-Burglars picked the lock on safo in office of Ton seth FloraJ,: company, 883 Washington street - Got ISO. July 23 Horn of Mark Scblussal, 485 East Forty ninth street daylight robbery whil family absent avral pieces of jewelry taken. : - July 33 Home of Mrs. Fred Sechtem, Sf Floral avenue, men left without - taking valuables. July S3 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Honeyman held up in home at 249 Cornell road by two men, who obtained a watch and two - rings. Mr. Honeyman capture s m 4 m ' on robber, after chalng hint four mil and , firing four shots, July 29 Burglars nter bou . at Siskiyou and East Eighth street, north, and . cape after sensational chase by PoUe. .... 0 Portland pollc ar making n vain search for burglars, highwaymen and bad men. ' The detective hav so far mad lit tle v progress In catching those who have ; been robbing ; bouses, blowing sues auu notuiusT up peaeitnaoa tf yond the arrest of a few boys now and then for - petty robberies, little has been accomplished toward stopping the wave of crime which has ben sweep. inm evr Portland- for more than a month. Tbs pollc hav one burglar In jail for attempting to rob th bom of Walter B. Honeyman, 249 Cornell road, early yesterday morning; trut he was caught through th . efforts of Mr. Honeyman and Patrolman Hilton, and not by tb work of tbe detectives. -- Chass Burglars Svrai Blocks. Tbe latest ' attempt at burglary oc curred late yesterday afternoon, when two unidentified men were een in a bouse at 858 East Eighth stret for merly occupied by' Patrolman Barze. Patrolmen : Coulter and Shaf er chased the men for 10 blocks, but the burglars eluded them by jumping onto a street Car. - ,WK.S;-'"; "'. :-; i ' ;.V;- 5 ;; -l-r '-Th Chase after these men caused considerable xcitement in the Irving ton district, as the two patrolmen flrd two shots at them. The police com plain that residents hampered them by getting in the :. way of the revolver fire and refusing to help in tbe eha Wonua Saw jkTan First. -A party-of women at th bora of Mrs. M. L. Plps, 846 East Eighth street north, first saw th two stran gers acting suspiciously, and tele phoned th police. When tbe two pa trolmen arrived they saw th two men running ast on East Seventh street They Immediately grave chase. Twice th police shot but their bullets went wild. They wer afraid. f shooting women and children, who got into thefr way. or they-would hava shot oftener. - Th burglars eluded th pollc at Union avenue, and later - ths pollc learned that two . men bad escaped on a moving street car. " Little was taken from - tbe bouse. No trae ha yt been found of the two burglars. Th polio bllev now that It will be only a question of a short tim "THB MOO SSXrEZBP." Com and bear a fre publfo dis course on this subject tomorrow. Sun day. 2Sth Inst, 8 p. m., by A. A. Terex t W. O. W. hall 'East 8 th and Alder streets. The Scriptures tell us much, about good shepherds ' and their proper watchcare over tbe ebeep and alo about FAI.S3 8HEFBXKDS WOLVES and HTRTjljIMOB and how wo should Vewar of such. - Mr. Yrx promise a eritleal x a mi nation of -scrlptnr testimony rel ativ to these matters and cordially invites all truth hungry to attend. Th lecture is entirely free. vacaiich cit iti:r:i in , : When going away for t' i ea your vacation, ilave li. i low you st the regular rat ci . . a w..a r la to. fo..owij , supply yes at to. rfuir s.'.jr ..--. A,t Seaeh, Or. Oiga ioi. Iiarview, OrH. Karuii r--n' ;i. bay City, Or. sire. J. C. i.- . . ey Ocean, Or. i.dwin K. A Canaua i -ach, Eoeis, Or. I., v-. i Caraon, V 'a ah Carl B, SmiUt a- i t herd's E prior. Columbia, fcean. Or. N. Edn Oaribaldi, Or D. C, tUia. Cearasrt, Or PhDtp Sauiuns. Long Beach. Wssh Lswreuce I (All points en ieaoh.) Ifaasattaa Bes.cn. Or. Kra. O. Z. I ton, Manaanlta Beach, Or O. B. ITunn. Kaaa-Xsli-Wia Beach Tohl a Ana Kswpert, -Or. O, V. f homarr. Ooeaa Vara, U'ssh. Ati.ton it.rris. Rockaway Bosch, Or. Warren I. Lew ea the beach.) loavlsw, U ,h. Lawrenea E!aeca ( points a beach). Tillaraook. Or J. S. Xemar. WUhoit Spriaga, Or. 1. W. Kcl before th second burglar who r-:. ; tb Honeyman home is capturel. Za jail is Elmer Itay. alias I Brown, who we caught within fcal hour after , tbe pair left Mr. II. man's house, and th pollc l av good description of his partner. Ray, who is said to b a Port: boy, living with his mother tin i awt aid, identified K. C. FmiLh, a' J., Williams, as th man who (r: H said that - he bad met En.lta Seattl. and th two of them later in Portland and planned the robbery. Bay Telia Who Partner I. Smith's picture was picked cut i Ray i from the Photograph ia t ros-iies arsllrv. I4s ! 1.1.1,1 in 1 served tim in Seattle on a robi" charge. He is 30 years old, 144 pounds. 1 8 feet thk Inches t. with fair complexion, brown hair a orown eyes, si nas a aeciaea ca.ft bis lft y. Mr. Honeyman has several ct.pt u: to hi oredit He caught a man Aider street about sin years ago, T the man bad snatched a woman' r , About four years ago he captursa t men who. were trying to break i his bom on Hoyt street and a j later captured a burglar at SeaaiJa. Man Zs Arrested Again. Jack !' car, who was released last Mr following tbe conviction of I'rj Wbbr, a 19-year-old boy, en 1 charge of stealing an automobile t Smith, charged with a aimlllar en It is charged that Mulcare is a 1 ber of a gang of boys who upecla'. in stealing automobile tires and ( cessories. ' A Minneapolis mosto professor 1 earned the kaiser's iron cross by r' lng a piano on a motor truck st t front guaranteed raYcri:: ' If yes have seed for the services ef a liable grocer leek ever this Hit er.1 tCo t eaa moat eenvealsaUy looats4 ta your s erasodi , BAKzuroir'i okoosav, sisia 1700. 155 V. 17th yr.nv.nt tirooery. 1(40 Sandy Bled . , .Ml... . wruwfa 1,1, W til A,T1.. . Base A cota. oel union Ave.b.. ii-lQoi. i.. . V. BT6S, 471 sCUwsuhie, Seliwoo4 t. 1. KXlTiUuL. BS0S., 0 sluwauhie.. Sell wood ' K. W, MAXiHSOM, 71t Jfowell at.. t. , U. J, OatIi.l. 1020 XUviatoa aU, 1 STjyr'B OK0CIESY, &1 (jirnu Ave., lee t , W. H. GERHt 1 r EJJ, 1040 E. Harrioo, i I, F. 14cslAH0iiiVl2o4 Eivimon, iabur . staa. M. o. siiuaur, sea juivi.ion. t-,i. . W, Kau?lt.iaui Clinton, JJ-z j !, 'i . '. rBXHCKiLAKW OavU, 10 w etiweoa es. . y.' m. utir -m r.RR. to., era i.omi.ir - Columbia 440. O. . 1Q4.D It CO., 819 Lombard. Clml: f VtUOK G&OO. CO.. 801 H. Jetaey. Lu Or., Columbia HI. ALEX" g. SCAX.1S, 801 . yeaaeadea, I Johns, Or.. Columbia 210. eunwooo oaovtair, c tw'tui i Cor, Waabbura, WoeAiawa lib, IC'US BCilMUil, 87. X. Couch, last f?Jl. BMOS. OiUCtAtX Cu., 4 C Ave., B-lfu. aat 447, X. J, iPESCER.mi Uelmoat,D-l7 Tab, f 11, It. Silsar.X, a6 2. Atorrisuu, B-l)v0, 00. T. WluB, oO . Alder, b l7kJ, I. A. tiilO, 14os Sandy blvd., C-lto4. 2bur i R. A, WAtLIS Co., SOU j, felisaii, 2 - n. ; 00. ki.il. a, sl t. sad M., 'i.br i. . CKAS. .IU1e8, 114 ., kttth iV,, u-iCj, . OQXXAcKJUi BB03.. lh4Xrasd Ave,, i-. XAt 470. 0OXX6ACKES BROS.. 31 T. 12th. B-l . I. L. GUi.lS, eu JUkum, Wood.awn la. O. L. MoJflKji:, 80 Kuiuij wortn. Woiwn.l" WtiCH QJH.0C, CO., lea . 17th., h., Fellwood 867. . Ave., B-3030. seUweod 80. j, w. caxoWtu., x- 13th it El:: Sell wood ML . Will It Kur Usui),, S7 aw III IX.. JSoi, Eaa 80. n, juiir&. ,0, vmsiuis, s-1011, rf-.u laii-iJMAK HCXXOa-lXK.Iioo i 1.: H. W. WOLbli"rl,a, 4 in sk, .. . JL, B. WATIS, II Cvrnett St. J' . , 37 A. TWAAUIS, 160 Sorter at.. .1 -, C. Z. OTT a bOH, 4i4 nth A-473, J . u T. 8. O'tiL. 8I Hood at. A-4..J, i, , , sBlvO litaiAj(, 7o ti....i vi e. . . Wood lawn 8V. 2. B. AtUBAUUt 379 Ceveuta ZU A-: Kaia Sit. GLOKtii. POWUS, 461 Jefferaoa. K(a ' A. X. KAHLitE, H Jetlersnn, 1. ,a J , BJOKKl-Ul a, Sa-OOw, Sil Tbuu.a.a , slaraiiaiit 1SI. IViiS.m st nucii. isos Hswuerne are, TS ' S. U. COOfiiit, 87 Wh, A-..a. hiai , IMOtA A KAVU4, 4tU Ave. . labor 644. 0, V. SHOCK, l't94 Belmorx, X4-2"14. 7s ; JOS. HAliAUilAi'i oji i. Biark. i-i-, ... Sti-CKWIXH a bCaAUDX, s4 Oi A. B-1987, East 1117. , BlLMOiiT bAOCAAr, 1189 BeUaoat X-l : Xshor 4. SXWHAS f oiJEOCt, 8310. tsat 4o7. XAXH.8 BAXstOirS, 1014 BsUasnt S i: labor ill- E. O. GBOcntT, 96 WCliams At... T. i H, F, WHlaA. 71 WUheme . C-i '. OKI) a, bWAJfslAJt, Wtuoa Ave, 126. Wood .awn 43. t. H. MlSSia, U8 colon are. J?. C-; Vvooaiawa 0. "WALhiaoei, 111 William At. CI WaoSiawn I608. chas. tKoooE. io8 r. 10th jr. wi. i XTV. TtnOslAi!, 7 Alb.rva.. Wo,'i..,.n POO sax rua, a-. sis a. c- 1 t. K. KOatOAt, s Union are. i,. (... Esst lo&. WICK'S OUOCTET CO., 1123 TJnloa Av. Weodlawa laO. 0. t, DVHELL. 181 TVnrmaa. t XXW 10iS G.10C..4 J Jr.orri.n. U 1 p. O. KilCHAJX. le si. s4 Ew Xaia 114. . BHUcAlvta. A VOUHAXHtlt, 15t3 E. f D-llii, Tabor tls4. JdOM 1 A VILI.A JCAUKXT A CEOCaT, 1 E. Ollsaa St.. labor 74. ALBXaXA CASH aRuUST, W illi -Wcxxl. WS 6t. valS. -atarsbaU ttZ. JENgEAT'S OsvOCEltK. 441 SCarrlaoa. A-I Main eais. WALXEJt 8 OH0CXBT f SSZT, iZi V thorns, B-loii. It 4 ?7. BUIhQAXOW GaOCXAlf. ,4 Z. 41st st : 1444. Tabor 44 i. A. 8. JTlCixOI-. 41st ft Barmond. F '"-";- ' A. E. CAbii, 204 I fl(r Kostl. 'j aoor . CaXHAlS SBOS. 141 faibhs at. J..u t . . Q. O. JiJaoii'!til, aus vorbvit t . lfiiiS. Main S-8i, A. L. WOQH Z. 1271 Ta-adam Road. T's'n V. C. 8laS Co.. 8 i4 at. 1 i . 10H24 L A C E 5f , ii4 17th it. A- . . 1 W. C. Bi-LLOwB, 810 H. le 1 -t, ; , , rOHTLAkD .1GH18 GB0 Uii, i si. ana Sprtne; at. A-S724. .ia kiZi. CBAS. HW1I, t8 Crsad av. r AASt . f. A. DAVIS. 44 rand are. Inllwenl f r, A. CPABL. 115 E. C.,'i s.. j. 1 . U, UaArivt, i mvissOB, fco.iweui . W. K. WAI.KI.rf., 6 E. iu St., fe,- . ' t. J. MITCH i.t, ! f inton, f-. - ' G. H. ZEI-LJ A. 71S t nton, B, J, THAi'iiOil, 727 Kutjium st. r . . DAT tiCa., iyli 0 .si, iocs ave , 0. H0ITMAB, 7104 33t eve. g. i:., '. M7. KALVOTt DATTt, 409 Jeffersn . 7 s 1 t. F. ECKEKI, 45ta st at4 t..a - . . . fMIIwood 4"S. BUOHEt I5S03.. 1231 Ilo'irtto ' i. -Bnllwaol 671. ecit;.Aiii K-)een f.ctzz i 1 rsf-!