THC OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY, JULY ici: J 3Y1UI TO-ARHIVt JULY . 30 AND WILL GIVE ONE-LECTURE Ex-Secretarv of State to Make -Stops' at Medford, Crater Lake, and Albany; TVllliiM Jennings erryan,-: the Great J Commoner, wUl be In Portland, Fri ; day, July 30, according to definite word ' received by MUton A. Muler collector 1 of Internal revenue and an eld personal . friend of Mr, Bryan's. The ex-secretary will make ': two stops in Oregon before reaching Port' : land, Thursday at Medford, where, be - will be shown Crater Lake 'by the ; Medford Commercial club, and ; Friday afternoon at Albany, where he will ' lecture- under the auspices of the Al- bany Chautauqua at 1 o ciock.- - : Albany people are arrangta excur sions with special tram service zrom : gs,ien. Corvallis. Eugene, Lebanon and ' Brownsville , and - Intermediate uolnts for the lectura A tremendous - crowd Is expected. ' Mr. Bryan will leave Albany at 3:05 ' o'clock and reach Portland at 8 o'clock over the Oregon JSlectric He will be entertained during his stay In the city :' at the Portland hotel- Friday evening he Will lecture on the subject of ''Fundamentals" at the I lleiJig theatre, speaking under the aus- pices of the Paclflo Coast Rescue and i Protective society: - '' ' "I am sure Portland will give Mr. Bryan a most cordial reception," said Milton A. Miller, this - morning. "Mr. '. Bryan has often remarked to me how ' pleased be was by the warm welcomes Portland has given ,blm. on previous vUltB." 1 : Charles S;; Moore ; , funeral Is Held fix-State .Treasurer's Body Xiaid to - ' Xest; Triends Xay ast Bespeets to . the Departed. ' . 1 : Funeral services for the late Charles ' S. Moore, ex-state treasurer and a ".prominent ettiien of Klamath county, " were held this morning from the real ' dence of Mrs. J. N. Teal. 179 St, Clair, street. Dr. A, A, Morrison of Trinity church delivered the funeral sermon. . A ehoif composed of Mrs. Jane Burns Albert. Mrs. Delphlne Marx,. A, Q. Tin- delph and W. H. -Boyer eang "Lead Kindly Light" and "Abide With Me.". The following y were t pallbearers: Alexander Martin of Klamath Falls, , former United States Senator Charles ; W. Fulton of Portland, K, R. Reames of Klamath Faltsy ex-Governor T. T. Oeer of Portland, former Secretary of - State F, X., Dunbar of Astoria, and-K. P. McCornack of Salem. - , , , ; .' Interment-was made in Oregon Cits ; under auspices of the Masons. J Ed- ward Holman, funeral director, 'had charge. - - . .-. - i William. D. Ewing. i Veteran Mason, Dies '3- : ' " 1,11 ..' . ''. "' : "'' V .William -Day -Ewing. a veteran : Mason and pioneer of Oregon, who died .tJuly la la this city, was native of Ohio and was bom in ISti. -He, came to Oregon in 1868 and settled in ack ; son county, afterwards rehovln to Forest Grove. Mr. Ewing was one of t ' the oldest Masons In Oregon, having been a .member since 1867. He was a .veteran of the Rogue River Indian - war of J15S-0. Mr. Ewlag is survived by his widow, Mrs. Una Swing and four children, Willis, Marian, Mary :, C, and Martha Ewing. , He was buried under the auspices of Oregon Lodge. No. 101, A. V and A. M, of this city, from the parlors of Chambers & Co., KllUngsworth and OfX -? onttly 21. and Interment made In Rose City cemetery. Dorman Funeral Takes Place Today The funeral services of the late John -Hamilton Dorman, who died on Thurs day, July, Si, at his home 7014 Flfty . first avenue southeast, were held this afternoon at th parlors Of P. L. Lerch. East Eleventh and .Clay streets. : Mr. Dorman was a member of Palestine Lodge. No. 141, of Arista, and the Modern Woodmen of America of Lents. The services were conducted under the auspices of these organisations. , Mr. .Dorman was born in New York city 47 "years ago, and has been In the real estate business at Fir land station for the past It years.' He is survived by a widow and - two children. Interment was made in Mt. Scott Park cemetery. Sightseers, at the State Prison Must Pay Two-Bit Fee Salem. Or., July 23. A new" rule Is In effect now at the Oregon penitentiary which re- Quires the payment of 25 cents admission from all visitors who. go there merely for sightseeing purposes and not on business or to see a friend within the walls. .; The amount thus derived will : be devoted to the amusement w fund of the institution. ; : ' It was explained at the 4t prison today that there are .. similar regulations at the pris- ons Of Idaho, : Montana aod l many other western states. ' State Treasurer - Kay said. that he first heard of the rule m of charging admission today, and that he is 'very much op m posed to it- : He insists that no admission should be charged Mt to any of the state Institutions, as they belong to the people. He-said .the charge had been ordered without any authority' from.the state board of oontroL m jail for r,:E Aim'AY, I ..... - . - SAYS HOOPER, WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE NOW Admits Breaking Parole, But . Denies Series of Hold-Ups Credited to Him. " FLOOD OF TOURISTS PASSING; THROUGH THIS CITY EACH DAY Every Available Pullman . Is ; Full and Reservations Are Made for Day's Ahead. . Tourist travel through Portland on account of the California expositions and the "See America First" move ment Is now at its crest. Railroad and steamship officials estimate that thou sands , of. i peoplo . are now passing through Portland every day m both di rections. Host of these are tarrying from a few hours . to ; several - days. Every available Pullman car Is being made f ull. e of and reservation are being made for days ahead. A. party 'of teachers In charge of Mrs. .It M. Cuthbert of Toronto wlU arrive In a special train from San Fran clsco tomorrow morning and leave at 10 p. m. over the- Northern Pacific. On Monday a special train party from New York, composed "of tourists as-, sembled through the Gillespie, Kings port A Beard agrency, will arrive over the Northern 'Pacific and 4e&v at J p. m. over he Southern Pacific. About 125 people are in the group. ' ' Tuesday morning a special tralnload of druggists under the auepicas of the American' Druggists' syndicate will ar rive from Ban Francisco at 7;S0., Two dfnlng icars and eight sleeping oars are In the train, r: On xhe same morning J. L. Shock's party of Pittsbure- tour ists will, arrive from : the south and spend the day.- ij - ? On Wednesday a party of SO mem bers of ' th geographical sodlety -of Columbia university will arrive for s study pf the Oregon mountains., KW. Xawrle; head of the state bureau of mines, will be chairman of the recep tion committee, and escort the visitor over the Columbia river highway. After a day her the party will start south In the .evening - .- . H. C DeGroats was In charge of a party of eastern school teachers which I arrived, this morning from the south. ; in addition, every regular train la loaded with Individual travelers, and the Great Northern Pacific steamship company and Ban : Francisco & Port land Steamship company's boats are carrying, capacity loads between the Columbia river and.. San Francisco. Grants Pass, Or., July J. Joha Aus tin Hooper, parole breaker from Call xornia, suspected of having held up the Southern Pacific depot at this place, the bank at Rogue PJver, a. mer chant at Hornbrook, and of having "pulled" : various other robberies dur lng the past few months, is now lodged in the. Josephine county jail, having hJti hrnurhl nor ' Imav frnm",.Th !J f Dalles by Sheriff Smith. . Hooper is Jaunty and debonalre, and while denying all the charges against him except that of having broken his parole, says that he Is the "fall guy,' and that It Is Immaterial whether he Is convicted upon these other charges or hot that It is prison for him the rest oi his days anyway. Man Is Identified. Sheriff Howard of Treka and Gordon Jacobs or Horn brook were . here to greet Hooper on his arrival, and Ja cobs at once Identified the prisoner as the man who had held him up a few weeks ago and robbed him of $600 la gold dust and nuggets. Hooper, - however, claims he can prove an alibi that -will Clear him of this crime. - Hooper admits ' having lived In this vicinity " for much of the time since breaking his parole, and he Is recalled by many business men. While here - he was known as Boy Curtis and during January lived la a cabin on Green, creek where he posed as a geological student. . Was Ball Player, Toe. " His last visit to Grants Pass Was at the time of the Twohy . railroad cele bration on June 22, just after . the Hornbrook holdup. Hooper says that from here he went 'to Snaniko,-where he played baseball on the Fourth with the Shaniko team, being known there as Ed Smith. , Neither one of the men who were in the depot here at the time of the hold up has yet : attempted to : Identify Hooper. ; , Portland Flour Is . Basis of Libel Mast of Steamship Cuiio, xt Is JU ieged, Refused to Aooept &00 To&a . of Tlour Offered for Shipment. Taooma, Wash July 83 (P. N. S.) The steamship Culso, tinder charter to W. R. Grace A Co., was -libelled this afternoon t the, request of the Port land) Flour . Mills company, the com plaint being that the vessel's : master has refused to. aocept 200 tons of flour j xor shipment to Valparaiso. The complaint states that the flour has been refused in an effort to In jure the Portland Flour Mills com pany's, trad In -South American , :. .- Frencb ' Sobxnarina Xost. . Berlin, by wireless to Sayvllle. July 22. (X. N. S.) The loss of the French submarine joule, missing since April 23, was reported in a dispatch received here today from Geneva by the Over seas News agency. 175,000 Chinese Perish in Floods ICore Than 60 Tillages Swept Away lm Sontheasterm Chlnca; ' Otfceff ' Thotu sands Xeff to Starve.' ' Pekln, July 22-(I. K S.Latest reports from - the flood districts In southeastern China that mors tha.n 170.009 persons perished. - Heavy rains are falling and the rivers in the Kwan gsi and Kwangtung provinces are over their banks again. - Mora than SO village have ,been swept away:- . ' t' Thousands are starvm THERESA STRIKES A MINE Men Are Held for. .An Investigation Vagrancy Charge Placed Against Three Who May Snow Something . of Street Car Sold. trps. . . - Suspected of being Involved In the robbery of an Oregon " City car at Canemah. July 15. the robbery, of Mount Tabor car. July 5, ana the rob bery of a Woodstock car at the same date, Jim Lonsa, Jim Rasseil and John Barone were arrested In a rooming house at First and. Salmon streets by Detectives Snw and Coleman last night. - The men are changed with vagrancy and will be heard in -police court tfus aiternoon. In the case of the three robberies th robbers were described as Italians. The men were arrested following in formation given by the landlady of the rooming house that the three- men stayed In their rooms during: the day and left at night not to return until eariy morning. -.:?.. Heads Cracked in; - Free-for-All Fight Patrolman. Snstalaa Xajuy la Quelling' nghti warrant for Arrest At Xs- . ansa. - .'- , A result of ft free-forail fight' be tween. Patrolman Monisch and a' gang of Albina toughs, last night in Lincoln park. Union avenue and- Beech street, three boys are in the Detention Home. and about a doen are nurslna cracked" heads. -r-. Victor. Brown. 1 years old. 265 Rus sell street, is suffering from bruises and is : believed to have sustained a broken rib and Patrolman Monlachr re ceived several soalp abrasions a did A. Bradford, director of Columbia, park playground. The row followed a basket ball crams between delegation from Columbia and Lincoln parks. V' Young Brown was be ing; beaten up by- a gang of toughs when Monisch arrived. .He started to the ' tjoy .rescue when some one hit him on theihead with a stone and later with ar stick of slabwood. A general fight followed la which several of the toughs received taps on the head, - XAter with the assistance of Patrol man Freiberg. Patrolman Monisch' a rested W. M. Yeager, 18 years old, 792 Cast Twelfth Street. Fred Belbler. 16 year old, 216. Beech street and William IAisner, it year old, union avenue and Beech street. All were taken to the Detention Home. Warrants are to be sworn out today 'for the arret of Others in the fight. Berlin, July - 23. (t 'N. S.) By Wireless to Sayvllle The sinking of tHo British steamship Theresa, re ported to have struck a mine off the Suez canal, was announced in a dis patch received here today byithe Over sea News Agenoy. ' ' ; W. N. .G. at Target Practice m Camp Port Townsend, ; Wash., July 22. Sub-caliber practice for batteries Of the third fire command and artillery instruction for batteries of, the second fire command constituted the work for today at the W7 N. G. encampment. Tonight Fifth company of Snohom ish, commanded by Captain Weblev M, Hestal will be instructed until guard duues. Caliber, drill and artillery In spection wiu . comprise the program until Tnesday, when Instruction In powder -blending, bore stgrhtlnr -' and clinometer .tests will be held In prep ; ,Rttla Gets Divorce. ! Vancouver, Wash., July 22. A dl vorce was granted yesterday to Frank J. Bttl fitom Georgia B. Bettls. who. it was alleged, deserted and abandoned him, and custody of two minor -children was given to the plaintiff. . They were married at leukoma, Gkla November 21 1898. - - - ' - Information Concerning Sousa Engagement at The Oaks Sunday and Monday . The entire Auditorium at The Oaks' will be enclosed and reserved exclusively for the SOUSA engagement - Sunday, and Monday. Reserved seats in the . Auditorium, one. dollar." - . Admission to The Oaki 10" cents will be the same-, as usual and .the free programme.. of. Jhe Qaks; will be presented on the grandstand: ' , , if Oaks' Auditorium seats are reserved; In ad vance atrSherman, Qay & Co., they include admis sion to the .-park . j ' 1 : , - ' , , JOHN F. CORDRAY. , 1 'i ! ik J"fc, TLj W I Sunday Dinners ' 10 jfgEry V chef.:.Deliciou$, tempting, : lj .: 1 rw&r r- " and served in a delightful 1 j .environment ;...- ; ..- I . r Table d'Hote, 5:30 to , 8; $1 , I j fr The Orchestra Plays on the Balcony I Is. . . .w uunng -umner l Club Luncheons 1 Afternoon Teis ' - g Jt "-,-., Grill Service a 12 Carte to lAML j A jiirC The Portland Hotel1 J , NOR T: H EACH B3 "PRIDE OF THE PACIFIC" CALLS YOU FOR V OVER SUNDAY ROUND TRIP ONLY Via , ' ' , - " ' Oregon-Waxhinton Railroad & Navigation C04 (Union actflo System.) Teave BATTTBSAT (from Ash-Street. Book) Steamer "HASSALO" ...... .... 1 P.M. Steamer "HARVEST QUEEN ... 8 P.M. " Steamer T. J. POTTER" ...... V 10 P. M. ' Return Sunday night. Leave Long Beach 7:56 P. M., Megler 9 P.M.; ar rive Portland. S o'clock. Monday tnorn- in.. ' ' Man Who-Was Hurt While Spotting T a Oar, Sues Company ' Alleffine aeclisenc on part J of - the Soutnern Fcirio 00m- ': paoy Walter issincer . has :. " filed suit la the federal dis- triot court against that oorpor- atlon for $50,350 for Injuries said to have beea receiv&d in spotting- a car at ,Tamhill sta- tioa -while la the employ of the company as a bralceman. Brie : : A Master are hi attorney. m Portland Woman Swallows Poison ". ... 1 . ., ? - Can Francisco' tuly 23. L N. S.) -Mystery surrounds the poisoning- of a woman claimn g;. to be Mrs. V. Green of Portland. Or, who was taken to the Central Emergency hospital from the Stratford ' hotel, where she- and her husband were living. . Her condition was not serious, and after; an antidote was administered, she vac allowed to leave the hospital. At the hospital She gave the name or Mrs. Green, and ex plained that she had taken poisonous tablets by mistake for headache medi cine. .. - . . v, - Information concerning the oase.waa refused at . the hotel, and Inquiries made soon, after th woman left the hospital brought th answer that Mrs, Green no longer . was staying at the hostelry. Mania Leg Out Off By a Wood Saw . Attempting to kick a pleoe of wood out of bis way. O. B. Skinner, SO years 0I6V m, wood sawyer of 1149 ast Twenty-seventh street yesterday afternoon oaught, his right leg in the wood w and th leg was . cut . off between the knee and ankle.. ii.;--o:'..i-v The accident occurred shortly before 6 o'clock attSast T"orty-second and Holman - street while Skinner was sawing wood Into stove lengths. A piece of the wood was In his way and la kicking out his leg caught on the saw. Ekinner was removed to the Good Samaritan hospital by the Ambulance Service company, Vanconver Majriago XJctose. . .Vancouver. "Wash July $. Mar riage licenses nave-been issued at the office of the county auditor to th fol lowing persons: " Edwin I Buchanan and Miss Candace Robinson, both of Independence, or. Henry W. Smith And Mrs. Mary Seifrtdge, both of New York City; T.'B.' Dynes and Mr. Mary J. Clonlnger, both of Portland. J IJ '''ggsgggeggBgsflegaggeggaaaB :1 - AMUSEMENTS A HI .11 S ' " ' m THEATRE Today s aricl Tbmwow pans ' , c . . . t erous Paths Featurinf Th Popular Broadway Star ViolaDana OTHER FEATURES COMING SUNDAY ' "Prohibition,, ' 'Th Sensation of lh Soa f Balloon Ascension Asm Vasacxtxts Ttmr Sy rot. Frank MUler. . New Balloon Made Especially for - . - This Ascension. ' - ' BXmSAT A COMGIL CREST Itoal Orovna. - Uring yor bas ket and spend th day. Admission - free. Excellent ear service. - f I I III ' I t 11 Mi COLL...iA-liiZ COOLI.5T HOUi IN TOvN COLUA. l ievevyk$y pleased 1 : 1MB :r- " ---: Li . ; - Murdoch Macquarrie Adele Farrlncton and All -Star Cast - - , , - ' - A Fight for a Millionaire's Will Inter r . estingly Told in ThU Strong Film Play ft - - r- Hear Them Sing "APipo Dream" , y Chinese bngs and Sketches-Real Sinking and ActingA I 1 l VV J A A Happy Pair ' y " Leaves a : Pleasant Feeling f9 "Op I T ening Ni2ht,, ense Little Drama A Big Show for life: Children 5c T7 A Dig Show for. Sixth and Washington Loge Scats 25c !ucnro.n..A 1 1 l I I I I I 7 1 I II u V i ( SLJiL LJ ' T ' 1 Park, VVttt Path, Near Washington V J TODAY AND SATURDAY ONLY LAST TIME TO SEE ONE OF THE BEST PICTURES EVER SHOWN TO. THE PORTLAND PEOPLE Indorsed by the Best Critics in the Motion Picture Industry In Five Reels v Featuring ioc VIOLADANA ALSO ONE REEL COMEDY 11 A. M. to 1 1 P. Me 8 Broadway'sLaN est Favorite Coming Sunday HYPOCRITES river trip: a full day at 1 resort. - where cool - sea breeaes blow. Tickets, information. etc.. upon application at OW. K & N. CITY TICKET OFFICE nleAKant a dellghtrut Washiartoa. at Third Street " Broadway 45O0 A121 ffaTte reservations at City Ticket Office before 6:3a T. M. after that hour, at Aahstreet dock. 1 IIATIJIIE CA1IY ZZ0 ;- turn oi t-omaaa ' rarorlt " KISS EIHEL SATIS ad tier Uetropolitaa Ompawy ot IS, fnrludlp ber ajnona Baby iMlls la tbe Sparkiias Mu. aical Melange . .... - . t OTHUl BIO-IUCE ACT THE -,OAKS rortlaad't 0t Amueemeat Yark, Bis t rae 6how inolndlns Oaka' Hawaii an "CoUc Sara." saw ssuaioaj oosa iy aad 80 pretty girla. Saaotae-, SkaUnr. Bwunmins aae Paxk AttnMUosa, Admxa aioa to park XOo. , . OAKS AUDITORIUM ,1- S SUNDAY AJBTS MO SO AX .' Saat fcU bow an at Shennaa, Clay A Co., 6tk and Korriaom u. &Mrved teat $1. iaclsdinc; sdmia t iaa W park It bought at finArmaaiay. Usual aamiaaios ts park-aad ia- frae now. aaditii mm exdera an aiaka to. miftaaca payable te leiiu r. CanLray, Do. 'You, Know? ---'-. :. - - ' , - ' ' that ther&st prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled in-the. present war and other: great developments in the earth? Little Men, But - A Big. M eco acre mx o. XEayward, Large Chorus-Choir Illustrated Sacred Songi - to-the-Minute Sermon-Lectures -Up- II. 11. i-i. ffota. TENT TABERNACLE Thirteenth and Morrison TONIGHT and Every Night. Son Service 7:45 1 i 1. ii.fl.!."1 ' .".I1!".".. M ' i ' il