THE :gon daily journal, Portland, Tuesday, july cd. rn mJ GOVERNOR III FAVOR OF LEIIDIIIG SCHOOL FUIID TO TUiMALO SETTLERS Five Thousand Dollars Asked to Complete the : Crater Creek Diversion. 1 CONFER IN STAR SESSION Xay ui OleaTt, ta otk.Btmtrs of tke Boara, fit Hot Tt See 8miu torsos news. ' . ; Salem, Or.. July 20. With reporter ' barred by order of Governor "Withy combe, the executive, took up consld - eratlon of the application of Tsmito project settlers. for a loan of $5000 to complete tha' Crater creek diversion with Secretary of Btate Olcot. and . state TreasMrer Key jresterday efter nooa .. - -.--.-. Ogvernor ''WHhycombe Is In favor . of lendln school fund money to the settlers, but Kay and Olcott have not fully satisfied tRemaelvea that they satt do eo. If any auch loan la made they will insist that It ehall t a t irst . mortgage on. the property It was said after the meeting: that no plan other than a loan of the school fund -was brought up at the meeting. : , While It waa prtginally planned to pet the Crater creek water on the .Tumaialfrrojectjaa soon as possible, it .'is understood that -the need is consid ered more urg-entr since leaks made it ' Impossible tO' use-the reservoir of the pro J bcV,; As .Withycombe. Kay ..and 'Olcott are members of the. desert, land . board, handling; the project, and ttea obers of the state land board, handling the school fund, they .have an. interest In the loan problem from two stand , .points. , -' jr Investigation of Companies. Salem, Or., July 20 Insurance Com missioner Wells, who Is also receiver of the defunct Horticultural Tire Ke- Uef of Oregon, Oregon Merchants Mu tual Fire : Assurance association and Pacif lo Home i Mutual Fire company, announced last evening- that he would ask Circuit Judge Kelly to Investigate the cause which brought about the failure of the .companies and. if pos sible, place the responsibility. ' Wells has received ' hundreds of let ters demanding that the -easponslhillty .for the insolvency of the, companies be . placed where it belongs. In this connection some of the J tailing attor neys -of Balem tare claiming that the : directors who permitted agents to-Insure property which other Insuranoe companies had refused to accept and ' , which constituted veritable fire traps, - are liable for the amount of losses sus tained as a result of poor business . methods, - Weils has on hand about $7000, while the Indebtedness of the companies to- tals $ 4o,000. - . - Quite a number. of 'those reassessed up to the standard rates , will contest the right of the receiver to make the assessments m the courts. ' ' Commissioner Wells has received an Invitation to attend a meeting July 23, in the Electric t building, Portland, of those having unpaid fire losses who win discuss Ways and means of secur ' ing payment; but. he cannot Attend, he 'said. B. C. Woods of Adams, Or., who crit icised Wells as receiver and the Ma rlon county circuit court. has?orward ed a letter of apology, ' . Fire Wardens at Work. Salem, Or., July 20. State fire war dens, :, working under the direction ; of State forester Elliott, have, as a result of trail work dffne during the last few weeks, made It possible for tha ranch era of God's valley, a considerable set tlement in northwestern Tillamook county to reach a railroad station by traveling three miles Instead .of IS. The new trail runs to Hector, on the Pacific Hallway & ; Navigation Co.'s line. . In Benton county a telephone line Is0 being built under the direction of the elate forester, from the summit of Mary's peak to the cabin at the , water intake, a distance of three miles, ana the lookout man who will have an unobstructed view of the timbered 4ortion of Benton county and pert of Lincoln county, can cmickly notify the fir wardens of those counties, as the . teiepnon conneet with the Corvallis line at the Intake. There has been no fir loss reoortea to Elliott so far ; this season, and. the men in .he V field have been busily engaged in making trails and doing . other work which will be of , great . value In heading off losses. Seveaty-flv per cent of the wardens authorised by the Weeks law nav been named . nt . the .balance will be ap- poiata witnin tpe next few days. ".';"''VV:S' -f-'x'. aeeMtaeBxe4veMlea "- W "v"' Galloway : Preparing Speech , Salem, Or.. July 0. -State Tax Com missioner oalloway is preparing an ad TODAY AND TOMOkROW ONLY YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE SEA By Jade London 1 NOTE:YOU WILL I NATIONAL VERY COOL, AS IT IS KEPT J , THAT WAY WITH REAL ICE. ; , DAY AFTER The Houce of r '7-i rT((o)ilA 1 Park, Vest Park, dress for the ninth annual conference! of the National Tax association, to bej held In San Francisco August Oalloway will discuss "Meaning of the 1914 Elections as . to Constitutional Amendments." A feature of -considerable interest wilt be the report of the committee on federal Income tax. 'An other important report will be that of the committee on increase of publio ex penditures. Road Men -on Outing. -. Hood River, Or.,3 "July SO. S. Ben son and County Koadmaster John B. Teon of Portland arrived in Hood River yesterday with their families to spend a week's outing. The party arrived in Hood .River about noon and when- they passed etie summit of Storm Cliff over 60 automobiles had passed over the road that day. Over 150 auto mobiles from Portland "were in Hood River Sunday, touring the valley and fishing. v To . Close Unnton. Office Salem. Or.. July . 80. The - Pacifio Telephone A .. Telegraph company has petitioned the state public service com-, mission to permit the closing of the publio office at Unnton. rendered nec essary no longer because Llnnton is a part of Portland ' From Cnrbank Trust Fund. - Salem, Or July -J 10. Secretary f State Oloott last evening forwarded, to the Boys' and Girls Aid society of Oregon,; Portland, a draft for 1792.23, one-half the annual interest on the A. ft. Burbank trust fund. The other half will go to the Baby Hone, Portland. Few - Violation ( of Labor Xews. Salem fir., July 20. Labor Commis sioner O. P. Hof f has returned from a trip to Benton, Lincoln, Polk, Yamhill, Tillamook , and" Washington counties and found 'that there were but few vio lations of labor laws.' , .. ; , WOULD ARREST IDLE RICH "Cleveland Ohio, July SO. (0. P. "Soes ' of the idle rich Should be classed as vagrants and If social work ers are willing-I will arrest them as such." , declared ! Safety ;v Director Benesch today. -. .'i - - - - Whes wrlti or efust ea adverrleers, please mention The JooreeL '- (Adv.) - Popular Singers at Columbia - ' i - - ?' . v ' V.N , Eighteen months Is a long time for three singers to remain in on the atre and entertain Its patrons, but that Is th record breaking record to the credit of the All-Star , trio that opened at th Columbia Sunday, . The trio's members are: ' Oscar Lee. Dow Brink and Ted Ullmark. Mr. Lee - and Mr. Ulimark nave been heard in Portland before.' The trio has been singing at the Alhambra one of Seattle's leading motion - picture theatres controlled by Jensen & Von Herberg, and when the firm took over the management of the local; .Columbia en of th first new 7 REELS WOLF- ALWAYS FIND THE I TOMORROW , : . the Lost Court Hear Washington OF. MADE BY PORTLAND ArtHtJr A. Allen -Performs the Spectacular Feat Alone as " Mazamas Lpok On. ' : BASEBALL GAME PLAYED Mountain' VXkmr Also Xlad Time to ' - 2evot to Charch Services -n Bundaxr. . . ' , By F. H. BIcNeiL. 1 (Staff Correspondence.). r--. . Camp Bronaugh, Mount Shasta,"July 19. In a spectacular climb, watched at practically- every stage by those ta the camp below, Arthur A. Allen of Portland climbed Mount Shasta alone Sunday. Allen's climb. was a remarkable dis play of strength and endurance. He left Portland t .Saturday -c morning, reached .Sisson early Sunday - and started at - once for i Camp Bronaugh, arriving at ,a. m. Sating breakfast, he left for the summit at 8:15 a. m. All morning and afternoon observ ers In the camp watched him labor, up ward through the steeply cast soft snow of the huge trough just belbw 'rThumb rock." . - , ' ' - . pilmbs Koek SidgeS. The'snow getting too soft for travel, late in the afternoon he climbed by way of the loose rock rtdgea bounding the trough, and succeeded in reaching the summit at 4:4t. After registering, he returned to the trough and slid the entire way down the mountain, reach ing camp at 0 o'clock. After resting over night, Allen, left for San t Fran cisco Monday, afternoon, - ; . ' Sunday - was an important day . In the camp here. The Masamas found time in their actlvtiies to hold church features it planned was presenting ltaj patrons witn tne trio. ; If the cordiality of their reception may bs taken as the gauge their Port land atay will equal that la Seattle. Their work is varied with solo and harmony singing, and a' considerable number of ; comedy songs,, with inci dental action. .Two numbers, one high class ;and the other popular did not prove'enough. for the audience demand ed and got two additional encores; The Ail-Star trio will make two changes of program a week, one Sunday and the other 'Thursday. : - - : . - DARiiiG cli;,;3 r1T. SHASTA A A COOL PLACE ON A; WARM DAY! Tho Air" in the Orpheum Is Scientifically t Cooled TODAY AND TOMORROW ContinuouBl 1 'A. M. to 11 P. M. Any .Scat 1 Oc . -- . '- -' . " - --''". . George Ade Sjarlding Comedy ' -:- ' .WITH'. , : FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN : i - u ' ': " and. - ' ' .r- ; , : RUTH STONEHOUSE n. . (TTo IT o " A Faciriatins - V V v services and at 10:30 a. xn4 Dr." P.f I f delivered an eloquent sermon on- uni versal Brotherhood.- A. ; Boyd Wil liams, Mrs. Effle A. Skelton and ethers oontrihuted to the services.. - Ball Oame Played. . Dr. Campbell also played second base for the Convicts in an i eactting baee ball game Saturday afternoon. HI side won the game hy a score of SI to 2s. and "Prof.." u he is known here. drove m seven run. Dr. Campbell, is one ox the most enthusiaauo t auc mas, and th good time he has been having has proven contagious to the 40 others in camp. ' Dr. Carl Barck led a party of IS persons to the top of Shastlna, the Oin der con just north of Mount Shasta, 12,433 feet high. Sunday. - These climber left at 4 a. m. and did hot reach th summit until I p. m. Th friii w cnnaldered harder than. the ascent of , Shasta, , - Those Making. Trip Hemed. Those going were: Dr. Barck. R. J. Davidson, Arthur Cook, , J. W. Marsh, Anne DilUnger, Pauline Zabelle. Mabel Phillips, Elizabeth A.' Mesdas, Susann Keliett; Mr. Laurie -praseur,' F. C Hoiman, A. C. Franck and C A. Zuerne. On account of tha i illness - of .hi daughter. Miss Edna, Dr. Carl Barck was- forced to leave 1 camp .Monday morning ' Without - making ah', ascent of ' Shasta.. - Mis Mary Klem, also of St. Louis, who y accompanied the Barck's, will remaih her - th rest of the week.'- Arthur M. Churchill of Portland left the Mazama camp Tues day, " Dorr Viele of Buffalo. N. Y., ar rived in the Maxama camp Sunday to make the ascent Tuesday. . Mr. Viele saw the notice of the Maaama outing in th Oregon building at the exposi tion, and decided to attempt a limb. , BRYAN IS COMING NORTH Tacoma, Wash., July ; IS. (P. 1ST. S- W. - J. Bryan, former secretary of state, - will visit Taooma this month and make an address in the Stadium, accordlni to word received today by n W HOTEL 1 E3 CORNELIUS 1 1 ran KOtTSBop wxirCOMB .Hi Park and Alder 5treet - - Portland. Or. - n In th theatre and shopping E district, one .block from any oarllne. Rates SI per day s end up. -With bath. ti.SO per f day and up. Take our Brown E5 Auto Bua -T , 3 ; c. yt. ecnmxixf. pres. l n. . T-LtPTCXXM, aaaaag. . U 1 1 AMUSEMENTS -fl Mela 1. A-ll . LAST TIME TOXIGHT, 6:15 CHICAGO LITTLE THEATRE CO. : World's Oretet Peec PUy . ; " mm TROJAN WOMAN . TXiXOVS GREEK DBAMA - " FUst Acted 419 B. C, ft atbees ' ' Pfleee Moor, 11 row, Sl.tOt 7 tows, f 1. BalconT, B row. TSe. la reef SOc - Only slay that aee bee presented la Sesnvi HalV-et Sen Frneic rahv . HATOiHC ClUlY 30 . . . ' - Return of Portlend'e rsvorlte - KISS ITHii BATH . - . end her Metropolitan Company of 18, Ittdodtog bet tiiaoM Bttf Doll ia the Sparkling Hu- ic1 R&voainY Kir ' - -T-i; S OTHEH SUQ-XUtS ACTS QMS AUDITORIUM S0USA XffBZT BVSrOAT A2TS BXOBT2XAT ' Beet lei aowe at Bhermea, Clay tt Co.. 6th sad Berriaoa Btreeta. lleaerteil seat SI, iacladiar ad misewB, if beusht at Sberman-Olay. Vmal sdnuseioa te park and big free show. S c OAIiS Portland'i Oreat Amoemn Perk. Big free ' Show, in d! Odin Oaka' BewailaaS and "Oollafe Days." new- aeaioel eooa edy aad 80 pretty Ctrl'. Saoeiar, ftaatiag, Bwinuaing aad Paxk Attraotioa. . " Essanay Photoplay Charles - Drury of the Pierce county democratic committee. Mr. Bryan will be here either July 29 or SO. -and wlU spend th afternoon and evening in the city.' , Arrangements Tor his entertainment! are being mad by the committee. Canning Oar; on ; v- SeconrlWeek's Work Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lis, July SO. Demonstrations of can ning fruits, vegetables and meats were begun for f th second week'a work at Aumesvllle, by O. A. C representatives in the : special cars provided by the Southern Pacific - Railway company. The work wiil continue all this week, towns to be visited as follows: ' Co burg, ;Y Tuesday; ' Brownsville and Springfield Wednesday ; Eugene, .; Tan gent and Junction City, Thursday. and Junction City, Harrlsburg and Halsey, FHday; . .t . . . ;; - - During the first -week demonstra tions there were more than 1600 per sons on hand . to witness the work. Sine many of these were leaders of their respective localities and " will earry the information to many, trior it is expected that the special service will go far toward making popular can ning operations r for : saving surplus farm products and also for adding an other; znoney-ln industry to those al ready' existing in the Willamette val ley. v i'ivi"!;:';--- ::;--;: : ; BEACH RESORTS. j BEACH RESORTS. HOTEL; MQORi Hotel Moor overlooking the" ooean of fers to th toojj trd-tr5X1Sl.i?1wat tires seldom if ever combined at any one resort.-Surf bathing. Hot Bait Wa ter Bathe. Natatorlum for indoor swl mining. Canoeing on th jWeoanieura river. Good auto roads. '"'" -:"'--i ": :!- ; - all automobiles leave rrom SCetel 8o re fo Bl Creek ana Cannom Bsaon ' ssii'j : - ; ssKawe ttiAAt.A k - sr - ' a tfHILfiB HOuBI ' The SHELBURNE All modern Irnprovementa. -Ong ot tha largest hotels on North Beach. We raise our own poultry, Reasonable ratesVSpeclal fates by the week for famUies.- Ione in hoteL Buy tickeU to , Shelburiiev Stadon. Train stop right at doof. Addfets Seaview. Wash. . T. J.'HOARS. Prop. BR1MRERS HOTEES Stniarts, pt-Wwllas, trl, flf, freeh eae W wtw .flaWoe, fcr. - neine eaoT aatoe. W have er ews Uvery etatle.aad aateer 4 aUlee of uebrokea beaofe for aate rana. Oat table ia supplied from our ewa dairy. , v jreceteble serdeae and poultry yaraa. Pestoffioe. Ions ; diataaoe aone sad Wet-rap statiea ia the betel. IVV. S a a. itatiea o the gr evade. , Write for terms and reservations ta , - - - - - TSEB BBBASQBBsl KO TBS Breaker. Wash - CANNON BEACH tX 1031X0 BBACft OX O&XOOST i THE W ARREN I ATienxooKZkO IHJS OCfiAB W seU "aa Wesareats fo nut. M. . warrea. rroprletse. beree Write Colonial Hotel cratso BBAoa: . bsahidx. oa. , - BAIZS BSABOXABLE CotaeletelV remodeled. Oooe . leeatiea, ' ene block Ireea eeaek, XaoaUeat aiaBtg reem. rree be meeui traina. . . S. S Autiabss m. HOTEL i1 EARS CSHS2TX BTOJ)rjra;,rea4wsy at ft Two laisntes from Veaes sad deboV Ceetrle Uchted room -as-le or ea suite. ; BATsa f 1.00 pax a0 ur gcasUe Oiecoa,' " JtOlTJf SCfcAB. . give -, ' Hotel Suncet i BEACH CEBTSB BTAXIOB . - "a. - e .a".JUM A. aiVe kAal MunvVW St It 4 Meaaere eombiaedi ooa ia ruU larvj Sd Ufte servioe. is 2 trio liehta. 9. O, Um Beees Weam, ale tEDKAB, Prep, - .-., j- THE HACKNEY : COTTAGE .' rj U New .-, . ' awmt to nrx BBaVBOB mu ii nutM "rmnrevemeate. For . rates T writ or wire, 3AVISW WABK. , fHE DRIFTWOOD " TABLE BOiKD A SPKCIALTT ZOVa BXACH. WASJt. , North Beach Inn aoom 75o day a rtTSKISHED HOTTSBKEEPnr .APTfl v T BkTKACtfMlI0BO BKACH, WASH. AU tUrtoB at sreaaas el koteL Buy tieket t Bewtoa BtaUes, H' ,-- , .. Windemuth ' l - " t OB THI wnXAatTT oris axvEK abb tin baxbib. ik iut launca too oi i Ai i ZT hour, oonuaeaians :M F fare oentt, orTBrooklyn cai to Woodward eve. free meat. -: -: -j.- - -,f--.. r- nil cmr Atrro stage or, dee. je. pot, Salem, : p. m. daily for Turner, Aume. fuie. Sublimity, Staytoa, MebaiSa. Lyone. Jiul Citys -eoaneebn wita i . mum- vili, :U P. m.. ar. BU11 City T:fl e m. lv. Hiu City Oauy U xn-, mmtmm wimm mt an Good fiaaiac aions roate. : For additional, resort advertisements refer to the classified pars- . International Union Secretary Guest J. C. Orr of rssmens Xateraational tmion Pays Brief Tisit to Members ' of 2orUaad XeJU - - ' " ' , - On ' his way to th - convention -, in Los Angeles of the international Typo graphical union, J- C Orr, secretary treasurer of the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants union, was a Portland visitor" yesterday. He spent the day visiting with local members. Th union of which Mr.-Orr is one of the leaders, is one of th strongest in the United States. ; It owns - at RdgersvUle, Tenn, a traot of .1000 acres, on which. Is "huilt a home for th superannuated and Injured, a hos pital for tubercular patients and, a school for the' technical training of the trade. An outlay of $760,000 is repre sented. , It takes 75 people to run the headquarters and buildinga. , Tv "X have been all through th north west now. and have yet to find any but. pleasant conditions ' among - our men said Mr. Orr yesterday. "The men are busy, and as a result happy. The newspapers of j the northwest and th Job printing firms also as a rule Inhabit new buildings, with modern conveniences for their men and for that reason I believe conditions among onr men here are better than in many of .the eastern communities where competition has : forced many of the Recreation, Health, Fishing Resorte Rail. River and Stage Routes ' Oonfleased information regarding leading outing places and priaolpal aids trips ana stage lines. The northwest, with its great natural soenlo ana oil ma tie attractions affords unusual advantages to seekers of health or recre--ation. Information regarding resorts or side trips can be obtained from Th Journal Travel Bureau, Phones A S051, Main Tl73i from Tourist Ageney and Travel BuKeau, Marshall 1 879. , , Shelburns SUtion NORTH BEACH i - - i -i - - - RIGHT ON. THE BEACH 5 t Bar View Hotel ABO, rOBBISBXB KOffsgCHEPlBft tyfv -j : tTaaer Bow BUaasemeat - -WOTUX XATXS St KS BAT ABB tTB FnraiabeS Seesekeeeav TsftU,' 1.0O, J Operated by W. A. WUe. Si 0-21 railii bld., PortUiad. aad Bar Vi.w, TUiameelTOoaaty, Oresoa. raeaee: a-suh urn - BIOKT OK TUB BaACHOoalleily v'rar write for raue ess . ethet UiormaUoa U CH&IB aaju. see poi u v. Agate Beach Pi nra TEX AB BS0&X AGATE BEACH INN . NOW OPEN Write Btrs. X tteeree foe rates of mirtt tlona. And Agate Beach bead O. fo etket iaformatio At.Asate. Beaoa, Or. The Nortonia Uleventli Street at Washington Tisit the Roof Garden t a wonderful view, of th . . ," - ety. - Try our Iining - Boom ana enjoy the -"dlf-ferent home cooking at , most reasonable .;- prices. MOUNTAIN RESORTS The- E3f RUE 0B tbb Bttrrn tt- THE COttrktBIa. the eaara.ias' sew reaort,. amnf the Cos. eade. coaductee aiens unes won mmm ,e sea - sad womea or - reiiaee leetea. i murnlfiaant BKUiiitaia .aoeaerv. ZaeeHea table. Cluatrated Booklet Free, C W. sveeaers, w an. mwwi , .n. .''"- "isxox or iki BAcmcr - 29 is 11m' ef ,flMt ooeas ' beatbt tnere feea a do iatereetinf asd attrtetlve beecb- townaj meaf fully equipped botels and deUglitral reaort loilsea. affordiac bealtbfni and plot recreattoa. ' STtrRDAr-MOirDAY FAaX. fS.Ot B1X-M0KIHS' TICKET. 4.(W nY-KlIE C&jtJS0XAIIOS, le.0 . lafersutiea Tieket. te. . . ' O-W. R. 6r N. . City Ticket Of flee WASHUfOTOW AT TftTSD " . Broadway 600. Ai.ti.) taeVkat a plOilid vi.w of the citf water, eleetri ligbU end gee- eideyalk. eloee to atoree aad. aaUteriam, Before Aeoidt smaller printing firms into old and cheap buildinrs- , - "I have visited a chain of -cities from my home to this coast, and find, too, that the men have the belief that better times are in store for th whole country, and thai business , is really picking up." - Pftysicians'Wm V , ,Meet at Tacoma '' Taooma, July SO. (P. N. 1 8.) Washington" physicians to the number of 250 are expected in Tacoma tomor row to attend l the annual convention of. the Washington State Medical so ciety, which will hold sessions here for . three' days. - Elaborate arrange ments for the entertainment of the visiting physicians and their families have been made and an excellent pro gram of papers and discussion for the convention arranged. Friday the ' entire assemblage will go to the Camp of th Clouds ; In Rainier National park, where the busi ness of electing officers will be com bined with pleasure. - Tent; Cities Growing. Th tent cities of the Oregon coast and mountain resorts are - the out. f rowth of the ; growing popularity of hese places of amusement and rest. A tent for the season fan be secured at low cost In the '"Summer Resort" column of The Journal's classified seo tion. Look for this and other offers that invite InveetlKatlon. ' - (Adv.) . MOUNTAIN RESORTS Log La Barre A sew mtiaataiireeert.' Sg'maea from Port laad; ttiles from Eiueada. Oooe aute road. Exoelleat eeoommoeatioae. - Chicken dianere. ruhiac a ad huatinf . - Alt eeew reeks la view. Aa ideal plaee tot as oatiar with -all home eomforts.' Seasonable ratee, BAEk? , A. JJk. BAA&S, Prop., Xataeada, Or. , , ett's at Wklte-aalao o the Oohuabla river m w ready reeelve gueeta. Ste koiaeUke atmoa pkare, splendid euiaine, aad the besaty of its nataral aurrstuidisfe stake of It aa Meal reaort to speed a few restful deya Of week. For further Information or reservation eddreat JEJIHi-i JSWIIX, WKITX SALXOH. WASH. Calapdoya Springs Ob eoaet fork of WlUafBotte, n Oottare Oreve. Oood aotel aad cams rireaadSt 811? m(i t.nriiu .nit i.hinir bua aad hot water batka. Oeiepeoya water, he So equal for the our ef rkeuinetism. kidney aad tom- aoh treabiee. iiewi ratoa ie to ilrv, laoUdiag batka Addreee 0. B. ,WttIU31S0, ILotldOll 0111- i-T", I -. .rir ir-n ' " it'll r i iii Point Chalet VOW OFEJC-Chlckea dlOneri. week end 0MttedtionS. Jfaple Danoinf Floor, Aute bus from Portland. Tor reservation phone Mrs. M. X, Bndenoa, Crown Point Chalet, Tb moat beaetifal view ea th Columbia river. - scApiAtea Xere yea ea save eoiet aad reatfnt HW laa- by tke aide of the faaioos Oaacadie Mineral Borings. Toa baa boat, fish, play tennis, ea- Joy tot or eels mineral baths. Xoa a tent ' tent or a eettaf e or beard at tke hotel, receive year mail dally and have as ,idel vaeatin at a minimnm exoense. . For full formetioa eddreae b0. 2C OUIEaD0.rl&, ceaoedte. oa - -- - , WILHOIT SPRINGS -la the foothills f the Coade avbufltatas, gf miles from Bertlahd. Aa ideal reaort fet health aad teereatiea. Axeellest hotel end fine eaaipint Tnaa , .Teat and eettasee for rent. Our apeeieity b our Saturday aisht aad Sunday aeon ehiohea dinner . Sua eat for yea week end holiday. For foil information write or phoM F, W. koXXaaJf, Wilkeit, Or si ask ay S. F. fwt - . ' . ; Beaideac. Tke Warren, Cannon Beads . Stand , SOf Broedwey Fkoa I. 1 MORRIS rO. BlARTUf iUTO FOB iJIBJS DeQy Trip to Blk Creek . SXAStDB aad Can sea JSeaok OBSOOV ESTACADA Natural SCENIC PARK H BOtZS f&OK BOBIXABB, Xseeneet trf. Bw rrouaAs, eaeurstoa resort and tithing. First class hotel at srennea. Bate ft e day, BOli BUM PARK A nturfark 10 mUe from Foraakdt Fia place for rukina, camp. iafi pieaice esouraleas aad amatear bketeg IeSi1l smfBAT EXCVaMI0B, B AT8 ' it either ef these .parks 1e round trip. Xratas la.. First and Alder. ' " . . - CABEMAU FAHg Oeel. eonfottable tln, soot, td tnilee front , Portland, overleokins ti treaetUoi. and plotureeoe , Viliametto yell. Ca leer susf aad Alder, aound trim) 40 CfSltXsp vStAMIlXki FAIXS-Taki ipHm CHtr eat stFirst ted Alder. BoaaA trip ie eeats, AMOOUVia SAkAACKS lako Vaaoeem fieoond aad; WasAinstos, kouad trip SO CAUSES HOT SFBI1TOB--A ireup ef the hot. teat urve prlfte in the world, at the foothill of the Cascades, for lnformatioa 5U MarehaU S054 or Marshall HM. rjbKlBO faXKEAjaB -Upper CLaokam ta river, Soariat Creek, fcel Creek and Senp Creek.' Take oar a first and Aider, on liatacada Ceaadere line, low reead trip rate aaA aariy Zaeoial trains ea Sunday, SAB BIVB A BULL BJ BTrEB CEake -traina et First end Aider, Bull Ban . Cae. Lew round trip fates and early Saaeay 4-OMBBO CBEEB-Tak rM at First sag Al der, so off at Errol SeU, Lent J naottea. Sycamore, tlanhrseen. Oreakaia, U,u N rCvaAi'omOBAt , F0B1UT10 caU Ticket Aset, First sad Aldat. atarehaU ilM st . A-m. , Portland Ky. Lt. &. P. Co. - nUUabls Servioe.' Seashoi and hloxxnZain Re sorts on North Dank Road ItnrSAT FIClfTO EX CVkllOBB Hound tripe. Cape Horn. Caeada, fi.69( Carson, - l.0j Whit Salmon, . CXAXSOF biACk Faoif iO Ooeaa, d hears f rem Fertlaad. Take Berth Bank train. lta and Koyt, to Caarhart or Seaaide, burf and natatoriua . bathins, it Alias ef Ocean ''trend. weeknd trips. KH1PaJuBS KOI lS IB OS -At Canes. Week., f ' nears ireat jrortiano. - miser! t.n lif I, (2.20 wnekna rotuul trie. wOVAJTMBT KIA'EAAX SPatafpS At Ca Soa, waaa. asouniain noon. o muos Wind rive. Ante aseets train. - tZ0 round trio. i JTEwErri FAHJf white Balmoil, Wash., boun from frertlaAd. . Individual eottaaee and eeettUiui, srounaa. o wooa-na rouna 'TkS: BTklE" WWt." Bklmoa, Wash. Co taaee and board. Writ C W. i, Booker. waite fcalraen, Weak. . S3 week-end trip, j tx. ADAMS AID ICS CAVi.5 TJt. Horth BiLoaiES ' BITEK FISHtkO BWOBTS Beduced week-end fere. Traia leave :00 . m.; return 8:10 a. ra. M'KEiiilE K1VEB BESOBTft Take Oregea JUaotrio B'y. to Eusene. fnone Ft4t 0, A-dfJa. Fliiii A bXA&jt. Infection Gone, Leo Frank Gets Better Attending Physicians Bspon Tempera- Tore seoeaing and General Conditlc of Tictlm of Attabk Improved Today. w Milledgeville, Oa., July 20.U-(l. N. o. io conaiuon or uo U. Frari".: suffering from a knife wound in the neck inflicted tz. William Creen. a fal low lif, term convict at the Georgia prison farm here, showed improvement today. His ; temperature was receding Physicians say Frank's chances for re covery wer better. . "Frank's condition.' said Warden Smith .today, "is more satisfactory than at any time since he was at tacked. There was not a sign of any Infection today. He spent a restful night and was much refreshed this morning. The sign of Infeotlon hus entirely disappeared. y ' Turks Sink Allies Boats. Constantinople. July 80. (X. N. 8.) A number of boats belonging to th allies' fleet wer sunltehy the Turkish fire during Wednesday's fighting, ac cording to the official statement of the Turkish war office today. . Vio lent fighting iB progressing near Avl Bumu, varied by night attacks near Sedd-Ul-Bahr. - The Turks are main taining a constant fire against the allies' camp hear Sedd-Ul-Bahr. but no statement. of the damag Inflicted is made.- - MOUNTAIN RESORTS sticli KOHTEB KT. H00B aJOtrBTAnr BES0BT. f"". eoi mountain wtur, airy aad com-fortable-bunralowa, taod euiaine, kuntln. fub. i"0!?"- rtdln' Bates $3ay. 10 week. W. B. WELCH. Frop.. Walch's Fostoffioe, Or. Rhododendron Tavern Oa Mount Voj 1.1. tt... m ,, Vlr u, tnenbUla resort, fj day. "T" .eu fie. special re tea for famUies. addle hones, laws tennis, eroquet. Oood flaiw tag. huntin. Fhoae, oleotrio lifht. Daily auto tage. Phone Mala IB6S or .Beat ISO. Eu, FransetU, Frop., Bow. Or, , Hotel De Govenimsiit Xzrzy located ea the South' tide of MU Eood eenutuu view ef Ue ssountaln and cthn laf.and huntins. Betas (3 par day, 1S pr week and p. Fes ridemore, Frops." Bewe, fi Information, rosorvations and oaily etaae ioS Id it. Mala 1S64 or East 186. RELIANCE ML HOOD Auto Stages Et11'. 11804 reeoru, a. m. Esund .i---forB?"t-cm', Ka .i rates to Wekod and elimblne; parties. In. lcli,oai,""r'm-tion and ticK.te at KOXi i IEME SEED a ELOBAL CO., lt9 kd'st. Maia ebfte. A-3111. or lrvlntoa Oarace, East sVeBQe . , FOR Mts Hood Resorts KOtJBT AUTO BEKV1CE CO. La.y-s Meier S) Frank atoro. Oih et. ontranoo, ei.r lor artieulars end reMrvetioae Mii.r a Freak SoOrtics; Goods Dept.. phone .4 commodatioa desk. Bicht shoos Tabor 4a, WA8TUCA AVTO 6EBVICB iStaco to Mt. Hood Resorts VdSaan a dra - A a 1 . M i. . . aawwuavif eveaatesea SOT IIU a 0 LI ffff rQ m T Tet'F wwm v vsltii in SU4 vausfji Aspgr O 4 09. SUBDAT SPECIAL leavse Journal hide, at d a. en. Beturains- loevee at p. m. .."rli'. i BAFETT AT ALL TIKES ' MT; HOOD AUTO LINE LXATZS DAILT e1! d deUvert t any part ef elty. daf or airht, to Mount Hoed resorts. Bound Via. tit weverameat Camp T.. " ' FK0BES MA tJf 111 or A-tSSL ABDZBSOB 8B0S. TROUT LAKE AT THE FOOT OF ltT. ASAKS. Th t' peekled beauties are 'waitinc to mstrh tha.r wits asainet yeurt, Baay waiUne, of tne fajaoua lare oavee end ice eaves. Hod euartets fer mountain alimbar fet the aac.Lt ef Mt. -Adams. Bifk-elass amusement h.l ear hotel. Hotel rates, I9.U0 a Week. Addx.M OULEB MOTEL. Crnier. Weak. r : the place roa rov A resort for health and recreation. Be"f ul walk throuck the weeds, saddle horses, f,.. las. wimmiaf pool, euoits, tennt court, cnx Ieet grousda, bewlinr alley. Atnerioan et.4 uropsan pian. Summer outtaree end nmp. ins. Address . L, khioWe Ueraoa, Wea. BANGS AUTO STAG 12 CO. State leave Eufene dally t it 'a, to. fo Deerhora, Leaburf, Himrod, MeSensIo I.w,, Blue Biver, MohUnile Brldae aad Soinj I Belkaas Sprtas;a. Oood fiaiiins ead kiott. .4, Sense Xlvary Wo.. Euaoaa, Or. RIVER STEAP.1ERS - i Freisht aad Faaaena;er - STSAMZaS T0 TBI DALLES , ' , -and Way Laadincs . "BAILEY GAT2EHT" Lesve Portia ad daily at 7 A. M. etcOft f day end Monday. Sunday etcurtooe )o , eede Lock lee re S A. hi. Betura :& p. i ''DALLES CITY" Ive Portlsad Suaday, Tuesuay Tlart at s:ao a. at. r Sunday Ceeeade Lock exettrsloa. ......... f t.f 1 ' fare i la ieiee aad return ...,.i.cj ALSEB STREET DOCK. FOSTLAB9 Fltcoe Main ble. A41U STrlSlR GEORGIAN I-eava aaur exaept llondar fcr 5 A8TOX1A AXTO W AT XAJfTJir C Leavlnal foot ef XVahtn-toa CL. 7 :! ';' m.. returnln o. m. DALLES-COLUMBIA LIi; I Steamer State of .Vathinl: Leave Taylor t. drx-h ii p. ra. ii:j SnudayS, for "TbS lal!es acd w T i. f lieiuriilijf, ! Tbe L'bHcs 12 . . hlouJar, triut an 1 $1.00. Berth SOc. Lir ix,'., r yi , . river s-nier t Lewuton aui , fhvne kiain ttio. Shipherd fi-