The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 20, 1915, Page 15, Image 15

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River Steamers Have Banne
..Day of Season Today; 'Ai
Carriers Out Loaded;
each, Steamers Carry 6O0, VTUli Soils
':-.:; ITpps u Lowir Klver Sotti
v ". Divide Horde of CUrbtseeraj. -
: A -v. - ".' ' '' ' '
' The river steamers today enjoyed
- their treat week day since the season
opened two i months ago. Practically
every steamer leaving ? the wharves
this morning , carried excellent loads
of passengers, 1000 in all being car
ried. .,
- The steamer Bailey Gatzert had on
board nearly 400 passengers when she
pulled away from Alder street dock
at 7 o'clock. She has had several days
on which 200 or more have made the
round trip to The Dalles, but the big
' party she carried away this morning
wa the hifirh water mark lor the sea
son. Drake C. O'Reilly; president" of
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navi-
feratton company, -was ajTeatly pleased
with the showing of the Mg steamer.
: and expects that the continuance of
warm weather wilt result in more big
crowds taking to the water, v.
r- -Over J 00 passengers were . on the
steamer Georgiana When she left for
Astoria this morning. Captain I P.
Hosf orcf said thajt business was bet
ter on all the steamers of the Harklns
lines and that-ireight as well a-pa
sengsrs was moving freely.
' Twin Cities loaded, . .
The steamer I Twin Cities left for
Kennewick and way points this morn
1 lnr with a capacity load of freight and
nearly 60 passengers. Her decks were
almost awash, so neavny. was sne
loaded, the freleht consisting- or gen
eral cargo of all kinds, including three
automobiles for ' Lewlaton ' delivery,
transferred s at ' Kennewlclt to the
'. steamer Inland Empire.
Another trip that has been proving
popular is the night ride to The
Uaiies on tne steamer buiii i "
inmtnn. tvith a- return down the Co
inmhu tiv duvlleht. , Th State had
4$ round trip excursionists on board
when she sailed, last night, ene un
defwent federal Inspection yesterday,
v oreffon city ri JPopula.
The Oregon City ' Transportation
company steamer Qrahamona carried
big loads on ail her Suhday excursions
to the falls at Oregon City also. ; "
- On the steamer. Hassalo .when she
left for the beaches this morning-were
over 300 vacationists seeking the eooi
nreezes of the Pacific." . The steamer
T. J. Potter on her night run to Meg-
lef last night also had a bis list of
people, ". - , -
t : - ' '
Well . Known Alaska Packet
, . leached And Burned.
Seattle, Wash-. July 20. U, P.)
The- steam , freighter Jaertna or tne
Pacific Alaska, 'ateamsnip' company,
trA hDrtf. in T.ihhV.' McNeill &
.Llbby carfying cannery supplies to
Korthern Alaska ports, went aground
early today on Harvester Island, at
th. antntiKi tn TTvalr - tutv. K.odiak -.
Taianrt. aor-nrdiner tn measrer reports re
ceived here- today and later wm de
stroyed by fire, am crew escaped.
-.r" Nothing further Is known, as the
- captain has not yet communicated par
ticulars to the Seattle office of the
The Bertha, formerly a passenger
steamer, wa one of tne oldest ves
With the Portland she' carried' the
vanguard of those' who stampeded
north in rut -aays : oi tne iuonem
rush. ' ' j ; ;- -; '
The Bertha was built in Alameda,
"Cal.,- in- 1899. She was of 752 tons
register, 183 feet in length. 32 foot
beam and 22 root araugnu .
Santa Cecilia, Intended for - West
Coast Trin. is oraerea juack.
W. R. Grace St Co. have ordered
"the-steamer Santa Cecilia back, in here
to pick up a big cargo of New York
freight rapidly . being assembled here.
It bad been intended to send the big
freighter to tne west uoasi , wuo
Wheat,' flour and lumber, . there, to
pick up nitrate 105 xsew iurn, uu. iu
: itui iloTTianrI tar- k freighter here re
sulted '-. in the cancelling of these or
ders last mgni. - -
Km -rtawlt the aantA Cecilia will
"carry tha best New York ,cargo that
has ever neen -taaen irom . nere. cm
will have close to 860 tons of canned
av, 9 ft ft ft tnna at Wtipnt. aa
much lumber as can be handled -and
over 500 tons 01 general cargo, one
will take about 20uo tons of .freight
The steamer loaded - 46,667 . bushels
of wheat for th west uoaat wnue
here which Will now have to be re
shipped at- either, this port or Ban
Francisco. - ' . .
. ,.. . .. v 1 a
Multnomah and Vosemite Reach
TVav City 23 Minutes Apart.
San Frahcisoo. Cak. July '40, James
Bow en has replaced H. A. Smith as
master of the steamer jr. . Jjoop.
The schooner Zampa has been char
tered to carry clumber from Orays
Harbor to Sydney, at 82s 6d,byA. F.
Thane & Co. - " -'
On - her way . to sea this - morning,
bound for the orient, the steamer Ta
maha was stopped by-federal authofl
.ties for having only one wireless operator.-
The vessel is prohibited from
sailing until another operator- is se
cured. - . . ' ' - -s -
he steam schooners Tosemite and
Multnomah -made port within Just 24
minutes of each other yesterday, after
a brisk run down the coast from As
torla. . : " . -
The lumber steamer Necanlcum, from
Elmbarrassing Hairs Can
s - Be Quickly Removed
- (Beauty Culture) .'...
- Hairs Can be easily banished from
the skin by this quiek, painless meth
od: Mix into a stiff paste some pow
dered delatone and water, spread on
hatry surface and in 2 or 3 minutes
rub off, wash the skin and it
free from hair or blemish. Excepting
in very stubborn growths, one appn
cation is sufficient, ; To avoid disap
pointment, buy the delatone In an orlg.
inal package. - (Adv )
) l). . v -
"How do I: tell my twins apart t
Sure I sticks me finger In" Dinnla
mouthy an If ee bits ; I know It's
Moike." - i 1 " -
San Pedro for the Columbia river, put
Into port unexpectedly yesterday. First
Assistant Engineer J. JSrlckson, Of
the - Hammond ' steamer, had been
stricken with a form of paralysis..
Multnomah Out in Two Days; Snr
. veyors to Measure Channel. ;
The suction dredgers of the United
States engineering corps will be ' at
work in the Columbia river within a
week according to . an announcement
by.R. E. Hlckaont Junior engineer, tMe
morning. The Multnomah v will be
ready within a day or 4wo while the
-Wahkiakum will be able to go to work
Within the week.' :
A party of surveyor's left for Slaugh
ters yesterday 4 to survey that bar and
after reporting by mail will make each
of the bads places In the Columbia
where . they will ; report on the extent
of the shoaling during the freshet sea
son. From preliminary' .reports ; - re
ceived it is not believed that the shoal
ing has .been very general L this year
and that the river will be in excellent
condition ..for 'he big shlpa expected
Lowther Range Rams- Steamer
Polish Prince Near Queenstown.
Queenstown, 1 July 20. (L - N.:- S.)
The British steamship Lowther 'Range
today rammed and sank the British
steamship Polish .Prince. A member
of the crew 'of the Polish Prince was
drowned, ;
The Lowther : Rane-e sailed from
Portland November 28 with a full
cargo of wheat and oats . for London.
She delivered i these January 15 and
was last reported at JPort Said April
17i. She was under charter to Kerr,
uinora & Co. on her trip here. ' -
With a . full : list ' of passengers and
lumber the t steamer Klamath 'sailed
from St. Helens for Honolulu via San
Francisco early this afternoon. 'She
will touch at the Bay City to discharge
20 passengers ; and take on as many
more for Honolulu the balance of her
first class accommodations for Hono
lulu . having been sold here.
Advices ; received t by Mitsui Co.
from the orient are that the Japanese
steamer Hokkal Maru with a full cargo
for this port and San .Francisco left
the orient July 11. She is expected
about August' 1. ;-
All first class accommodations on
the steamer Beaver which sails to
morrow have been reserved while the
steerage is also drawlhg a number Of
travelers this trip. She sails at
a. m. from AInsworth dock for San
with lumber for San Francisco, the
steamers Thomas L,. wand and A. M.
Simpson are t-.. Fail this afternoon,
while the steamer -Tamalpais will set
fsil tomorrow, -; "
Roy L Pease, formerly pilot on the
steamer Ocklahama, is at the home of
ms ' f atheri ' Captain A. L. . Pease Sr.
recovering from the effects of an oper
ation performed recently. : .
.Captain Ed Watts, formerly on the
steamers Vulcan and Oamecock, is at
the Good Bamaritan hospital suffering
from a broken knee cap, sustained last
Saturday. ;
Arrival. Julr 20..
Cetanta. American steamer. Can tain Mantv.
balk oil, from Port Ban Luis, TJnkm oil Oa.
IVvnaldsen, treigit, from Sam Fmncisco, Anew
Una.-- r : .
Ueonrt W. -Elder. -Amerlctir ateamer. Cnn-
lam jesaen, passenjters ana ireipnt, rrom Ban
liiito and wit norta. North Pacific 8S. Cxk
Kanta Monica,. ; American ateamer Captain
Fanlerij. - hallaat. ' tmea Ujiu rraricMa-to. Lttv.
utbsick luUiuoer ie.
Departure, .July SO.
Thonig L. Wand. American steamer. . Tan.
tulo Nygran. lumber forBan Fraaclaco, Mc-
A. M. Sioiixioli. American ntmT. Cm ota in
Paniaen, lumber tot San iTraaclBce. Dent A
busmen. f . -
Klamath. American ateamer. Cants In Xabn.
aen, lumber and paasengera tat Uooolula. via
San Francisco. McCormick Lnubrr Co.
Northern Pacitlc, American ateamef, Cap-
laia tionier. pnnaencera. ana ireigbi lor HmO
raoclsco, O. N. P. 63. Co. . , .
Marine Almanac '
' Waafhe at Xtvefa Ktli.
North Head. Wash.. Jol 2U.-Cocdlt1nn of
-the month of tba river at 8 a. ' m., smooth:
wua nor in. o uiues: weatner, eiear .
Bus and Tides, Ivly SI. ' .
Ban risee, 4:41 a. to. ' Son seta, f:S8 p. ttu
' TMea at Altona. : -HIcB
Water. Law w.t-r
i:25 a. m., 6.6 feet. 2:14 a. m., t)4 foot.
7:55 a. au, .T feet. I 1:00 p. nu, . feet.
Dally TUtet Readings.- '
' Jt.
t m
Sucene ..................
MlsonTille ii.....
-f-Hi-linf. railing.
River Forecast. -
The Willamette rirer at Portland win m.
main nearly stationary during the aext two or
thre laa. .
Steamships to Arrive.
:: Fnom rttm
Rose Citr. ....I..,. ,8. p. aad r...M. oi
(irett SoTthtni... P. Jnly 21
P. A. Kilbiirn....,..S. P, C . E. .July 23
Northern Pacific... S. F. .......... ..July 2
Romoke. ............. D. and way... .July S
lar....... P. nd way.... July 2
Santa Clara. ........ s. F. ........... .Julr 80
S0n-in-LaW OH Other Handf
:v Alleges ; MotheMii-Law v Is
Crazy. ' - v ' ; r
Medford. Or, July 20. Alleging that
her n-ln-law, Tom Hampton, is
really Charles B. Hadley, alleged
slayer of Nora Fuller in 102, Mrs. L
M. - Walah of Medford has asked the
Los Angeles and San Francisco police
to Investigate. , ; i
Local police' after Questioning Mrs.
Walsh' today decided there was little
evidence to substantiate her charge.
Hampton, now living near' Eagle Point,
did not seem much disturbed when In
formed of the charge brought by bia
-That'e nothing new." he said, -Mrs.
Walsb accuses me of some crime every
flay, J try to be charitable and call
her cray." , 1 .
Mrs. Walsh produced several bush
els of letters from Hampton which she
considered incriminating, -called atten
tion to the fact that Hampton came
here under an assumed name In 1912,
and that he answers in general descrip
tions of Hadley. ,
The polico are still Investigating but
are inclined to dismiss the entire mat
ter as merely a X amll y feud.'
.--U'7j--, . :l :;'-'vi mi in i '. ,.-i . : ... .i .'
, Ban Francisco, July 20. Charles B.
Hadley is the alleged slayer of Nora
Fuller, whoa mutilated body waa
found January H, 1802, after she had
been missing for several weeks.
.8. P.. and way... Jaly ti
.8. D. and wjr..Aag. 1
Geo. W. Elder.;..
Steamers Due to Depart. .
' PASMNtigaa AND tllHUGU '
Name - Kor , rate
!S!;tA.Cto,"'--S- I ' B- c- B...Joly 21
Bearer .. ,.,.. ,.s. P. and way.... July 21
P!?' Mi JF.1' B D - way... July -ill
? a ","S"3 BJ- ........July 22
Ks city. ....... ...8. .July 2
uvanoke ........... B. D. . and way... July 28
f"i,i:,r',i- and way. .July 81
atMBva tearing Portland for Baa Fraeciaco
only Cubnect with the ateamers Vale and Har
vard leaylng Sau FrsrK-ieco Monday, Wednea
day. trlday and Jsaturday for Lo Aueelea and
lian itivgu. . .
Vessels in Port.1 '
AmuWe Br. bk.i . . , . . . , ..... , . . . XlnntoS
?JSf e5f. Aml ttTiL Ainaworlh
John Eba, Am. Wu. Dry dot k
KiiMaiue. Br. bk. ...,:.;"::::!iriam
Maraton; Am. ach.... A W. Xbr.
S1 i Aa- at? Ainawortb
$2???' .L Pr:..Ala- Columbia
Catania, Am. itr... .Uinnloo
twiay Ptttnam, Attuj atr . . 4 .Bound Sp
Banta Monica, Am. atr ......... f .. . Weatport
At Ifeighboriiig lorts.,
.Af411". "July 20. Arrlred at B and left up
fx.iQ A .-r-Bteame Cataaia from Port Ban
iMim, Sailed at T a. nu teamer San Ja
cinto, for Kasi Pednw Arrfvaa t a . . .
Steamer Daisy Bntnam from San FraneXaco.
wuiy -saiiea atop, m. Xur
Hercules, towing raft, for San Diego. Left up
S p- "P- Steamer Geo. W. Elder from
. .P4,8 - tft 10 P. m. teer Ban
ta -Monica. Sailed at 7 p. m. Steamer Sbe
abone, for Saa Pedro. , . -
- viuebec, July 1. Arrired Baxtentlue John
C. Merer from fnlnmhl. Hr. .
Palmoath, July 1 a . Arr tred a n lah bark
Denmark from Portland. :
t SJ Francisco, July 20. Arrlreil Steamers
Nenalem. .Columbia river, : 6 a. ' m.; - Arctic,
"ort l!rgg, 8 a. m. F. S. Loop, Eagle Har
bor, a. in. ; Captain A. P. Lucas, towing
l5f .v8 -Seattle, ,10 a. m. Sailed Buamer
Whlttler, Port BaA J,oU, 10 a. m. ,
Vtatoria, July Paned BriUsti ateamar
z-Kypiiau irausporr, trtlano and Coujox for
Australia! Rosaian ateamer Azov. Vancouver
for Saa Ftanctoeo. - " 3 .
.yaneooTer, July 20. ArrlTed-St earner rjma
tills, Seattle. ------ . , : - .
Port lownaend, .July 20.-Paaed la Steamer
Bee. Seattle, a a. m. .. ,
Port Ludlow, July 19. Arrived Schooner
Alios- Cooke. Hnrtnluln thM .Tun. ui -
. Port --Wells, July. 18. Sailed BteamerYfei
sxKunao, towing Barge i, saa Fraaclaco.
Tacoma,' July 20. Arrived steamer Admiral
'"oti oeaiue. Bailed tsteamara Morning
Star and C. a. L. H. T Hesthor. suttio
Seattle, July 20. (P. N. a) Arrived
oiraKr r uiion, a. t;. porta, :ao a. in. ;
Uornlag Star, Tacoma. 8 a. m. Sailed Steam,
erg. Oleam, Port Ean Luia, 9:40 a. m.; Admiral
arragur a scorn a, a. m. ( t'riuc itupkrt,
Priaee Bopert, 0:30 a. in. , . "
Seattle. , July 10. Arrived Steamers Gov
ernor.. San Diem. 11 1 -S n m . Simm r.i.i.
New fork via Portland, 9:90 p. m. ;, Japanese
ateamer Kelsbia Mitu. Kobe, p. m.; steam.
nm uuipnin, o. n. aiaKa,-7:za p. m.i Ad
miral Farragnt, San JTrancbsco, 3:30 p. m.f Ite
doniio, S. . Alaska, 1:B0 p. m. ; Oleum, . Port
San Lnia5 II :30 -a. ' m.; Norwegian steamer
Bala California, Dupont. via Tacoma, ft pau
Baiied Steamers Amur- Britannia Beach, B.
C, midnight; Bedondo, Tacoma, 7 p. m.;
Mariposa. Tacoma. 1 d. m.: barce Lonislanau
Tacoma, tow tng Arctic, noon; IT. 8. cable-
snip uurnsiae, j.aeoma, o p. m.; U. S. U. kU
T. Heatbsr, . 11 a. m. - .
Skaa-wav. JIuW ia.-ArrtvA-fltBainr Rnn.
kane, Seslfle, 9:40 a, Bt. Sailed-KSteamers Spo.
kane, aoutbbound, - fl:20 p. m. Nor tb western.
westMund. 11:15 a. ai.
WraneelL July 18 -Sailed t earner Jeffee.
on, northbound, noon. -1 t .
avetcbuan, - July is. sailed Steamer Ad
miral Watson, northbound. 8:43 a. m. SsilMl
-Victoria, southbound, 11 p. m. . last nittttt.
Saa rranclrtco, . Cal., Jnly 19. Arrived
Steamers Xosemite, Astoria. 11:20 a. m. ; Mu!t-
Ecman, Aioria, noon; necantcnm, nan redro,
12:30 p. m. Waay, Saa Pedro, 2:10 p. m. :
Whittlefi Port Saa Luis, 2:10 p. m.t Orace
Dollar. Tobolobampo, 6:S0 0. m.: Brltirh steam
er. Crown of Seville. Liverpool, 7:30 p. m.;
Congreaa, San Pedro. 8 p. m.; Hyades. Hik, 10
F. m. -' Sailed Steamers Tallae, Vancouver,
uly 17, and Port , Bragg, ' Msiatlan, Jnly 18,
not. previously . reported. - Sailed July. 19
Steamers City of Topeka, Eurekaf noon; Rose
City. : Portland, 1 p. m. t- bark Kraklne Mi
Pbelps. irt tow of tuf Sea Bover, ; Port San
Lois, 2:20 p. mi ; steamere Speedwell, Bandon.
2:30 p. m. Yosemite, Ban Padre, 8 0 p. at.!
Mcltnomab, Ban Pedro, 3:50 p. m.; Harvard.
B... D..Un 4-1.1 m ri.n.ln fc.. w .
4:80 m.t J. A,; Moffett. Prlnee Rupert, ,8
m.; aoizanetn, nanaon, 0:30 p. m.; Aro
line, Saa Pedro, 7:20 p. m.; J. B. . Stetson,
Portland. T?8U p. ra. ; bergs rallafton, la tow
of tug JTearlesa. Port Sau Lata, 7:40 to.- .;
steamer Northland. - rVrtland, 11:20 p. - m.
. Balboa, July 17. -Arrived British steamer
Studenti Bah Franeisco, and Norwegian steamer
Binola, Knik Ihlet. Arrived Jnly 1 American
steamer Edgar U. .Vance, Portland for Valpa
raiso, j. . .
. Cristobal, July I.' Arrived and tailed
Steamer Georgian, Hilo, for New "York.
Cristobal. Julr 19. Arrived A m1eii
atoamet Lewis K. . Tburlow, New York for
Ban Frsaclscov. Sailed Swedish M. B. . Safe
arauciscv, eiocauoiia ior oao a ranciseo. ' - -
Florence, Or.. July 19. Gas schooners Be
lief and Restless arrlvsdroBi Coue Bay San.
day night, ..... . , -
Instant Rcncf For
Achlntf, Bornlng
fend ftweary Feet;
Corns, Callouses
Bunions, use two
spoonfuls el Cai
cide In foot berrJi.
Packaae 35c at
any drug store.
t V , r v r, i
BsBBBBBaiBBBiBssaasa M'
(Continued From Page - One.) '
I Syracuse -society of the Eons of Ameri
can Revolution, and a past vie presl
dent general of the., national " society
I and a member of Its present execu
tive committee. He is alao a member
jot the .Sona of the Colonial Wars and
,"" " Photo by Moffatt.
Newell B. Wood worth. -
of the St. Nicholas society, of New
York. - ' ......... '.
Removal of United States Commis
sioner of Education Clakton from of
fice for alleged utterances derogatory
to the flag-"e.nd protest, against ruf thar
printing of publication's of the Ameri
can School Peace league under his
authority at national expense, Is the
substance of a resolution adopted this
morning; by the Sons of the American
Revolution. The - resolution, , -srhlcri
was passed unanimouslyr calls on -Its
executive committee to present , the
matter" to- President Wilson."
E.' M. Wentworth of Xes Moines.
author of the resolution, read it as a
report of the - reeolutlOns committee
i and prolonged " appiauset- greeted eaca
i paragraph -as itwas read, y- 'rn - : i
( The other members ' of the resoln
tions Committee are Hon. Morrison B.
Beardsley - of - Connecticut, ex-Vlce-presldent
general, chairman, and Lieu
tenant colonel -jm. w. wooa, u. a. Ah
retirea, of soise, vice-presiaeni ten'
eraL , , - -
Sutjeot Causes Tireworks.
: Anti-Claxtonism produced fireworks
at the opening- session of the congrress
yesterday mornins; when President
General Thurston ana Governor withy.
combe referred to him without men
tioning his name and 'Wentworth mad
the shoo fit. tit waa the motion of
Christopher "W."" Horr, of Seattle, re
t erred to the resolutions committee
yesterday whion brouffht forth, the
resolution. -
The following paragraph from Clak-
ton's speech at Boston at the second
annual meeting of the American School
Peace league, as reported in the Bos
ton Transcript of July , 8, 1910, called
forth the denunciation of tha congress
"After -'all,-: the .people of the world care
Very little what Clagr they live under.
A flag. means nothing. - It Is not a
reality. They can live under one com
bination of colors as well as another."
The text of the resolution this morn
ing follows:
Vekt of resolution. . t
"Whereas, The United States com
missioner of education. Philander P.
Claxton, Is reported to have expressed
sentiments derogatory to the -American
flag and to have criticised its defend
ers in an address delivered before the
American fiohooKJPeace league at Bos
ton; and
. "Whereas. His attention havinar been
repeatedly called tq. the matter, he ap
pears to regard-It as of little Import
ance and has never, 'so far aa we can
learn, denied the accuracy of the re
port aHhe expression Of his Opinion
nor repudiated' its sentiments; and
"Whereas. The Sons of the American
Revolution takes : particular pride in
the work of the builders of the re
public and holds in highest honor the
defenders of the flag that symbolizes
the united states of America; and
VWhereas, Jfo man is worthy of the
privileges of American citizenship who
Insults th flag or . belittles . its de
fenders! i-----;..-'ii:r::i : -v. -v. - " - .
'"AexttOTal Zs 'Asked, H .- .
- "Be it resolved, - that the executive
Committee be Instructed to present the
matter to the president of the United
States with rirtn belief that his high
patriotism and devotion to doty will
permit no mart holding ' such senti
ments to remain at the head of -one of
the most Important bureaus Of our
government. - i , ,
. "Resolved, That we protest against
any further printing or. reprinting of
the- publications of the American
School Peace league -under the au
thority of Commissioner Claxton at the
expense of the nation.
. Delegates hot previously puplishedi
and their -Portland addresses, are as
follows: - ' j. '
Henry M. Houghtorl, SeatUe, Hotel
Portland; Thomas M. Earl, Ban Fran
cisco, Hotel Arthur J. McDonald
Stewart, District of Columbia, lotel
Portland; Lieutenant Colonel C E.
Dentler, District- of Columbia, 154
East Tamhili street; r John Ef finger,
Honolulu, 109 Korth Nineteenth street;
Frankli n . 8. Harding, Welaer, Idaho i
Fran Slgel Appleman. Albany. Or. ; C,
A,"' Kenyon, Indianapolis, - Hotel Port
land; Chancellor L. Jenks, Evanston,
Hotel- Portland ; . D. E. Felt, Chicago.
Hotel Portland; Ferdinand E. Reed,
Chicago,, Royal, Court; Rev. Richard
L.ighbrn McCready, Louisville, Hotel
Portlandrt " George. N. Osborne, B?ack
Lake, Idaho, Hotel Portland t Arthur
E. Johnson, Minneapolis. Benson ho
tel; Charles F. Reed, Brookline, Mats;
Hotel JPerkins;nEarle Sf P. Bodurtha,
Agawam, Mass., 692 Williams avenue;
W. O. Dustin,-Elmore, Minn. Hotel
Portland; Lieutenant Governor- Wil
i -- i
v.: ' K :
" . !
l J
liam Wallace McDowell, Butte, Ben.
son hotel; Howard Andrew Starret,
Detroit, Hotel Portland! W. M. Finck,
Detroit, Hotel .. Portland; ; Henry i N.
Ord, Jndependence, Or Hotel Port
land; George A i'Loveland, Lincoln,
Neb, Hotel Portland; p. W. .Wake
field. I 5 Fourth street; Wallace Mc
Camant, Northwest Bank building; An
drew J. BneU, Toledo, Hotel Portland;
William A, Stritmater, Newcastle,
Penn, . Hotel Portland; Wilber H.
ToungY Austin, Texas, Hotel Imperial;
Chaunoey P. Overfield. Salt Lake City,
Hotel Portland; William y L, Adams,
Hoquiam, Hotel Portland; Dr. Samuel
Judd Holmes, Seattle, Hotel Portland;
Judge Overton Gentry Ellis, Olympla,
Hotel Portland; William Par knur at
Winans, Walia Walla, Hotel Portland;
Philip Moore Winans. Walla Walla,
Hotel Portland; Orison J. C. Dutton,
Seattle, Hotel Portland; George A.
Virtue. Seattle,? Hotel Portland, and
Christopher W. Horr, Seattle, Camp
bell hotel, i
' f v Visiting' Members Jneluded,
Visiting members ' of - .out of town
chapters, not previously published, are
as follows: .-
Edward M. Brown. -St. Paul; Daniel
3. Cooper, The Dalles; Rev. Frank H
Cof X : Cof f ron, .Buffalo;, - George D:
Dryer, Spokane; -James W. HalL- Wins
low, Wash.; George A. Lovejoy, - Spo
kane; Guy W. Smelser, Seattle; G K,
Tllton, Seattle; Dr. K, D. Woodruff,
Salt Lake City; H. Lv. Woodruff. Salt
Lake, pity, and Jospn I Atkins, .Dis
trict ot Columbia, - .
Worses, Visitors tat Attendance.
Women vlsltOrs, and their Portland
adcLreasea, -- not . previously published,
are ' as '- follows) . i- ;-..-: :v
. Mrs. ' Or W, Horr, Washington. Camp
bell hoteli -Miss Kathryai Murphy.
Washington,' . Campbell - hotel;, Mrs.
Charles F. Read, Brookline. Mass., Ho
tel Portland; Miss Edith B. .Reed,
Brookline, Maee., Hotel Portland; 'Mrs.
C! P.. Overfield. Utah, Hotel Portland;
Mrs. R.- L. Overfield, Jtah, Hotel port
land; Miss P. L. Overfield, .UUh, Ho
tel - Portland: , Mrs. E. - M. Brown. - sr.
Paul.' . 408 Hall .Street; MriS George
Smelser, Seattle, 1206 Cleveland evje
nue; Mrs. -H, I iWoodruff, Salt Lake
City. Hotel Portland: Mrs. c. A. JS-en
yon, Indiana, Hotel Portland; Mrs. W.
A. Dustin, Minnesota, Jtiotet peruana
Mrs," Orison J. C Dutton, Washington,
Hotel Portland; Mrs, Oeorge A; Virtue,
Washington, Hotel Portland Miss
Eloise B. .Virtue, Washington, - Hotel
Portland; Miss Margaret Geary, Wash
ington, Hotel -s- imperial; Mrs. z. . m.
Felt,: Illinois. Hotel Portland; Mrs.
Mary W. Dryery Waahington, 4tl East
Ankeny Street; Mrs. John Ef finger and
Misfe v Dorothy Ef finger, 109 -North
Nineteenth street; Mrs. A. E. Johnson,
Minnesota. Benson hotel: Mrs. C is.
Dentler and Miss Dentler, District of
Columbia. 1544 ; -East v xamniii street
Mrs. G. A. Loveland, Nebraska, Hotel
lfOrtland; Mrs. W. W, McDowell, Mon.
tana. Benson hotel: Mrs. lieorge jl.
Lovejoy, - Washington. 728 Plttock
block: Mrs. Franlt s. Haroi&g, jaano
Mrs.: -W. F. Lang, . Pennsylvania, Hotel
Multnomah; ana Mrs. w. . -winans.
Washington, Hotel portiano. .
r. P. Clajcton Sxplains.
. BeUingham. Wash., July 20. (U. P.)
P. P, Claxton, U. S. commissioner Of
education, here on e lecture tour, to
day issued a statement explaining his
flag speech in Boston two years ago.
which came under criticism at. Port
land yesterday, at the annual, meeting
of the Sons of the American Revolu
tion, ; He said: .-S-UU
. "I never said a derogatory word of
the flag to my life, What X said was
this: . The time lias oome When men
do not rsvere the flag alone for its
material or combination of colors but
for what it symbolises.'
i "If It stands tor liberty, equality
of DPortunity. 7 progress, prosperity,
and real protection, it is loved and
revered. '-If - It stands for .oppression
and denial of freedom and lack of op-
nortunitv. then It is not revered no
matter ..what ' the material ; or colof..,
.' sis sa-ftaSsS -asssssaaassiiBS. i ' JW -v J
raehalis Loses Deck Load.
PavmnnA-; WsaK- flalv S0.-i-.tTJ. P.V
Tha -Btsbavnsiriio -nViAhnlln - Is Oat At
sea today, bouna ior an srancisco,
after narrow escape yesieroay
t..nnin whIU tiiaatttv Ansm thai fi vir.
She- listed so heavily to port that the
railing or tne upper aecK was-wimin
a foot of the water. Six thousand
feet of lumber - went 'overboard , and
M.f tinneed Into the DOrtholes and
enarineroom. ' After this relief she
righted and went her way. .
Northland Brings Flour.
Like carrying coal to Newcastle Is
the action of the Dodge Steamship
company Hi bringing too tons of flour
from California here On the -steamer
Northland. The flour is . from the
Sperry mills and Is to fill out a de
pleted stock f their products- here.
The Northland is . also bringing 200
tons of California grown and refined
beet Sugar, 200 tons of asphalt and 100
tons i of general cargo. She sailed
from San Francisco last sight. .-
' .' Lampooo.
First Mate Why did the captain
Jump overboard during the mutiny T
- Second Petty Officer He told me
he was tired of the whip's company.-
When .You Wash Your
Hair Don't Ute Soap
contain too much alkali, which is very
injurious, . as - it aneg toe scalp, and
makes the hair brittle. V
Tlis hai. Rln trt (i im Itimt i.t.
mulaified cocoanut oil, for this is pure
and entirely- greaseless. It's very
Pran itti Tkaa.fa artsria tr .n-4t.i.
-w.-w . " - . " - U. II J
else all to pieces. - Yon can get this at
an ririJfl torft Anrl t fii hunoia tl
last the whole family for' months.
RIMnTV MOlatAtt ihs hat, with
and -t-ilh it in. about a. Mamnhfit- l
all that 18 required. It makes an
abundance of rich, ;.- creamy lather,
cleanses' thoroughly, and rinses - out
easily.-: - The hair - dries quickly and
evenly, - and Is- s&ft, fresh looking,
briarht. fluff t. warr and mm tn h.,.
die. Besides, it loosens and takes out
every parxicie ot oust, airs and dan
druff, (Adv.)
-- ... .
Xlestune of World Happenings Cecadred From e'CSoeSc Tosterday
Afternoon. UatU H oX3bck This jUormlns.
. Survey' for the new dam at the In
take .on Beaver creek" was completed
by engineers and city water depart
ment officials of La Grande and the
dam is expected to solve the problem
of water shortage. i, '
i: An tone -LampC glllnetter, and his
boat puller, pleaded guilty to fishing
too close to 'Cape Disappointment and
were fined '150 and Costs at Astoria.
Grain crops In the vtcintiy of Gaston
are looking- very promising,- the crop
showing 0 per cent' gain over average
- Trail from God's valley, in the
northwestern part of Tillamook county,
has been opened by fire wardens under
direction of State Forester Elliott.
; Ten cars of box ahooks were snipped
from Klamath Falls Xreight yards by
the Ewanna Box factory, each car be
ing valued at 500. m - . '
Paclflc Coast.
Washington board of control ' lias
approved plans for a $60,060 adminis
tration building at the state school for
girls at Grand Mound, Wash,
To determine rights of rival fishing
boats on Pu get sound the Lars John
son case will be taken by the Ameri
can Tugboat company to the United
States supreme court. ,
The bodies of Miss Annie Anderson
and .Victor L, Barclay. . who were
drowned la Lake Washington, were
recovered. ' ' ,
-Presence of poison was found in the
stomach- of John XCincesky, who died
in Convulsions at Elk, Waah oy City
Chemist Maider of Spokane.
'PaClfiO Ara rlllh nt Han Wranntann
has launched a campaign to secure for
the coast part of the fll.000,000 to be
used In equipping aeroplane stations.
Kansas day was - celebrated at the
fair In San Francisco hy a large num
ber of Kansans, . headed by Governor
Capper. . -- - - .
The election of E. J. Hennlng of Ban
Diego, supreme dictator, waa celebrat
ed , by more than ooo Moose. . --
' ' Eastern,
Because their demands for an in
crease ot 11 per cent In wages were
...--I. -, m. .. , aa.- IS
Todays Happenings VnOx tho BnlMers, Architects, Ckintractors mad
- Single Story llesidence.
A permit has . been. Issued to F. B.
Turner for the erection of a $3000 sin
gle story residence St 1231 East Burn
Side street, Laurelhurst.
. . . ' . .
Wareliouse Bids Submitted. -'.
Some halt dosen Portland contrac
tors submitted bids tor the erection of
a proposed warehouse to be built at
Hood River by the Fruit Growers' ex
change. The structure is to cost about
$10,000. It is expected awards will be
made In a fewydays. - s -
Building rermlts. ' -
0. 7.- Baker, reoair 1U storr framis 'Swell
ing. East Blxty-eiebth. betweea boaver and
siiaaraiii vbuur, smiDv; touvi
Foster tt Kleiner, repair two story brick
ordinary a tores - ami wareuoose, Flftn, between
Everett end Flanders; builder, T. CBeicnle:
$110.- . -
Oeofge Leslie, erect one utory frame dwell
tng. Baldwin, between Albiua .and Kerb;
buiwer, day work; $1500.
Hryako Urotbers. erect one story- frame
frarage,- Ross. ' between ' Russell and Pass;
luilder, same: 40.
lwis U. Haysany, erect one story frame
Swelling, Junior, between Seventeenth and
aUgUteentbt builder, sain I $1000.
A.i Wyman, erect ene ataxy frame dwelllnjr.
Ash, ' betwaea Thlrty-nlnta and Forty -second;
builder, 'Saroef. $3400. f " - -
Thomas Papworta,' repair three story brick
ordinary warenonae. Front, between Oakland
Fine; tmilder. John Bingham; $00.
V. B. Turner, -erect one story tram gar
age, Kast Fifty-eighth, between Stall ton and
SlskljroB: boildes, aame; $10O. .
r B. Turner. , erect one story frame gar
ate, East Burnslde, between Forty-first and
Forty-second; builder, same; $100. .
. r Bi 'Turner, erect ene story frame awen
mg, Kast . Burnslde. between forty-first aad
Forty-second t builder,, same; $3000.
Kate Tegan Estate, repair one story frame
dwelling. Macadam, : between Hamilton and
Seymour; builder, h C. Maloue; $75.
. Frank B. Hilton, erect 1H t story fram
SwelUnK, East . riftr-elntn, betweea Halsey
and Broadway; builder, Ed. Olsen: $1000.
V. Brandenburg-, repair, one story frame
v.iti. , b .t- Ktfith. hetwi n Miun and
Skldmore: bnllder, Mr. Johnson: $100.
J. B. Leach, erect One story frame gar
age, . East Forty-sixth, between Brasee "and
Thompson; builder, Take Down Manufacturing
company; eoo. - - . :
- H,rr Poreaman. sweet . ooa story frame
Swelling. East Fofty-eecoad. between Cora
and Cypress; builder, same: $1000.
Niagara Fallo
' -sssassaasBsasaaaaasaaaBSSSMBaaaaaaasBBvassSBsaa
is Nature's greatest wonder and no American
should fail to see rt. Stopovers are p-mjftd on all
Low Fare Tour .Tickets
Ne7 ;Yorli and Bbstbh
AhdMauOtherltemriInU '
, Including Thousand Islands, St Lavnence Rirer, Arllrofl
dack and White Mountain, New England, Canadian
Resorts, Atlantic Seashore and Jersey Coas points .
TickeU' on S&I DaHy U Septtinhtt 30th
Stop-over privueite also at all- fot3-estfn points enrorite and optioa
pf water tnpe betweea Jetroit and Eufiato on LaAe Erie aad
r v. . w ,vi,uVwjtiwmHiuiiacwniAJra.i
Michigan Central "The
Aa tWpasse. View ef tas
Five Trains OTite" !?!ftf??
excelled service. Comfortable touris sieepinftcara daily via Niagara .
Falls to Boaton and intermediate points provide eminently saUbXaO
tory accommodatioa to paseengenr studying economy in travel.
, , Apply to yotrr local agent for tickets, and sieeptns;
, ear reservations, of for complete information and - -suggest
ions as to desirable tnps,call en or addxeea -.
Portlsjid Offioe, 109 Hard Street
W. C Schnmt. Ceaawal Acaaat Psaseaaer D
not granted, government employes at
the Standard, Oil plant at Bayonoe, N.
J struck.
Max . Palenska, cashier of the Du
vers National bank of Chicago ur
rendered and admitted having em-
hessled jaear 110,000." '
: Both the Kansas and Missouri riv
ers were falling, and it is believed
heavy rains of the past few days will
not cause any further damage. v
Trees will be used to warn travel
ers on the Lincoln highway of ap
proaches to bridges and . railroad
crossings In Nebraaka.
'Death - has been - ordered
placed ever Ramon - Villalobs, who,
with four ether Mexicans.- is con.
demned to." hang for the murder of
four - white persons, says Phoenix,
Aria., report. .
Coal miners who have heen on
strike tn Kentucky are said to have
accepted . terms offered them, nod the
strike has ended. 1
" ' European fcaur.
Athens report says' Turkish inhabi
tants of Aisall city of 25,000, on Gulf
of Adfamytt, have been ordered to
evacuate. . -
Belgians between the ages Of le and
40 are forbidden to leave the oountry
to serve In army capacity for, any
country at war with Germany, i ,
The Kaiser -sent a telegram to his
sister saying that he has paralysed the
Russians for six months, and he is
about to deliver heavy blow , in. west
ern Europe. - ' -
Miss Jane Addams of Chicago will
tomorrow discuss peace outlook With
President Wilson. . The president has
been informed from other eource that
there is little hope of peace now
, Belgian steamship Tureanla outran
a German, submarine While oft Tar
mouth, f England, says George New
port of 'Miami, Fla, who was a pas
senger on the vesseL "
Divorce SulU , Filed.
Divorce : suits filed yesterday were
Robert' L. Broderlck against Blanche
Broderick, desertion. J. M. Newell
sgainst Mrs. M. JU Newell, desertion.
. Real Estate Transfers.
WilHsm Neubauer and wife to Mabel U
Smith, L. 7, s, 8,10. li, 12, B. 18;
' L. 7, 8, , B. 19, Town ef rairvlew;
,: also beg. at BW.- corner Cedar and
7th sta., aFlrview $10
Frank. K. Ctesler to Rata. B. Oelser, N.
..B."'0." i?ort!Bnd 1
T. It. Beverly to W. J. Mohr. S4.6
- acres la ISre Et T 1N R. 1 W. . . , 1 10
Mstilda S. Oberg- to U. K qulgkrle, L '
.0, B. 27, Beaumont - 10
Geo. Good and wife to Cora P. Its.
man et al, I 1..B. 2, Alton Park..'. $2S
OtvlUe Olsea and wife to Thomas H..
Smith, Lu fl. U. 17, pertsmouth 1
B. M. Lombard and wife to Ella M.. :
Kiebolson L. 8. B. 1, Hancock St. ad. , - t00
Rank 8. Sean aad wifa to T. A Suth-,
-erland, U 16, B. 2, Division 8L ad.' , 10
Xaana Tobanses and autband to Mrs. - -Mary
K. Bauer, L. 10, it. 19, Tabor-
side. .... .. 1: " ..:..... i ,. . 2,000
Cherry Park bevel. Co. to T. H. Stev- , .
- ena et al KB.. W, Sec. S5,.
t. l n- a. s a. . .1 15.000
Amanda Jenkins to Virgrinia Pointer, L.
. & B. 2tt, Tremont Place. . , 10
O. J. Oammlnga- and wife to D. Cham
bers, K. 60 .feet I 4, B. 'U," Ta-:
"or Heights 10
Peart Eden Bvea and busband to Frank ' '
J. Baven, L. e, 7, S, Hurel ed..,. " 10
Thoaaas O, Peck , and Wire to Hesekiaa. '
Look et aL W. to L. , B. 2, Faxoa '
Park .. .7! ,. .7 i $28
Portland Trust aV Bavins; Bank to O.
C. roahsoa, L. 17, 18, B, 22, Weat
Pertlaad aPrk ..,........... 10
Parkrose Aaa'n. to Frank J. Kramer -
et aL- LCD. B. B 14, Parkrose 16
Edith I. Burn and husband to. lt L. : . ..
, Archibald. L. 8 , lO. 11, 12, B. 11,
Sub. of I. - 22, Olenhavca Fark.. 10
J. U. Dnffy to Elton Watklna, L, 21, B. .
.f,.Kenwood Park. ................ .. 10
T. M; Uurlburt, sheriff, to Laorelhurat
Co., L. 1, B. TO, Leurelhurst. ...... S,01$
X. at. Hurlburt, sheriff, to Mrs. E. A.
Leonard, b. T,.S, B. 2,- Mt. Tabor
viiia rc$
Hlxhly J. Kickum to E. V. D. PauL U. .
1, B. 22, City View Park.... i
W, J. Tucker aad wife t Fred CuUatte, i
L. 14. B. 19. Alameda Park.,.. ' 730
jC. M. CUaton and wife - to uth C
Whitney et al. U. 10. B. 2. Pacific -
PUce 1
Oeo. B. Barr and wife to May W.
. SeldeL i acres ttt See. 28, T. 1 N.,
B. 2. E., -and. Interest In 14x220
feet, beg. at point la K. bdry. line
It. 2, B. 2 Spring water Acreage,....,
J. R. Cox to Marlon L Brown. L B.
B. 14, Katharine ad....,,...........' 1$
J. O. Elrod and wife to W. J. Davis, -
' s-
Niagara Falls tioutd "
Fafia frssi ike Traia Es tests ;
U T, B. 2. Irvi .lals
Mand O, Tan fVatrs nmi hnibs . l
W..J. Davis, Li. la, B. 6. (.r.js
0. A. AbtKnt to J. J. Simnsun, L. :
40, 47, . 20, Gwno lits
JC. P. Brilii t al W Katkerj-n
r.srblo, U 10. B. SI, AiMm.-ou iu
art. - t
J. F, FwirH to Raak ot iveutoa. U .
SW, H. 20, Kenton
Jc V. Martra to William ('vne
r.. i- u. i, w. a-s l.. h. .
tmjtn'a jftuk. and Art. to t V...
Today's Beauty III:
To. whiten and beautify the c
plexion permtnently we have i
no fetter preparation than a lot',
made fcy dissolving four ounces -sparmax
In one-half pint hot v;.
then adding two teaspoonfuls gy .
Inc. ' This removes any pimj !
shiny, rnaddy or sallow appears
and will make anyone's skin el.
smooth and velvety. It does i
show or rub off like powder; in 1
It seems a part of the sklnj ar.i
removing tan and freckles is i
- It . Is necessary to shampoo ru :
frequently In the warmer weather 1
cause of excessive dust and tha i
that Jth head perspires more and '
".smlly more exposed to the weath:
The easest-to-use and quickest-dr;
log shampoo that ws can recomnu
to our readers can b prepared v r
cheaply by dissolving teaspoonful
canthrox, obtained from your dn
gist, in a cup . of hot - water. . T:
rubbsd into the scalp creates s tLk
lather, soothing and cooling In i
ction, ind very beneficial to
andhair.. After rinsing the sea!"
fresh and clean; and the ' hair tl.:
quickly and evenly and takes o
bright luster and soft fluffiness t
makes If seem very heavy. (Ai.
How Thin People
Can Put On Ft;:
A New Discovery.
Thin men suTl v6meri that 1 '
hearty, fllrtngr dinner you ate 3
bight. What became of all the i
pru4uclnar nourishment it contain
You haven't gained in weight
ounce, , Tliat food passed from i
body like uunurned coal through s
open grate. The material was i -but
your food doesn't work ami u
and the plain truth Is you harUly .
enough nourishment from your i
to pay for the cost or cooklnar. Ti, ' i
true of thin folks the world over. .
nutritive org-ans, your function of i
similatlon, are adly out of soar fc
need reconatructlon."
Cut out the foollhh fooda and fn"
sawdust diets. Omit the flesh rr
rub-ona. Cut out every thin - but
meals you are eat ins; now and eat v .
every one of those a elnsle t-;tr"i)l t
let. In two weeae note the uU.-ri,
Kive to elarht mooa olid ioun i4 .
healthy, "atay there' fat ahould l t
net result, tfargel charra your wc
atairnant blood with millions of tn
new red blood corpuscieai rlve t
Diooa the earryms power io tif-iivf
every ounce of fat-maklrisr materini
gour food to every part of your bo.:
argol, too, miaia with your food t
prepare it for the blood in eaHiiv i.
eimilated form. Thin people gain r
the way from 1 to25 pounds a
while taking Sargol. and the new 1
taya put, Bargol tablets are a c
tlfic comblnatioa of nix of the I .
fleeh-produclnjf elements known i
chemirtry. They oome 40 tablets t- ;
paokase, are pleaaant harmless and . -expensive.
All drutraieta In I'ortU
and vicinity eell them eubject to
absolute guarantee of Weisht ir.rr, .
or money back. (Adv.
. Posit ivo Relic. I
. v . - . .
from the t sufTeringf caused by t : -ordered
conditions of the cr-: 3
tt ingestion and liminat.u.i
from indiffeatlon tvnd bilioucr.r
jslways secured by the t;
certain . and geotla ' fcction t .
SU eTsaywatsra,
Is Waa, 15a :
'.If r
rt 1 I -
m u v.
'-mV111'1 -
'M r-V li1 :;.; -i
11 l
, v ,r.; - hi
(('. - :. . jr