The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 15, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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. Lrp: Eau 3ranclsco Chronicle of
Tuesday. July 13,' printed 1 the
I following notes ot especial'In
V teres regarding- Portland vis
itors In the Bay City;
' DlaUnrulsned visitor to the expo
sition still -claim a large part of tb
attention of society,' and every week
brine It quota of men and women
whose presence la the Incentive for
octal cayetles. Mrs. Edgar B. Piper,
of Portland, who arrived last week
to be a ruest at the Oregon building,
was entertained theryeterday after
noon , at 'an elaborate- luncheon over
which Mra, John F. Xogtfh preaided.
lira. Piper is the mother of Mia Con
stance piper, who dellghtadc. a large
audience Sunday evening at the Jnu.
steal which she save m the Oregon
building. ,. Green and fold wer the
colors chosen for the decorations of
the table, a charming effect, baring
been produced ? through a clever ar
rangement of yellow ; tlnlas and maid
enhair ferns.: Anions; -those who were
asked to meet , Mrs. Piper 5wr Mes
dames William Bailey Lamar, Elea
nor i Martin,' Thomas Halley, : Elon
Brown, Arthur McLean, ' Norman E.
Mack. William Baxter, Abigail Scott
Duniway and Charles A. Gray,
The Franclsca club was the setting
for a prettily appointed luncheon Sat
urday afternoon. - The ; young hostess
was Mis Genevieve Halley, f Port
land, i who presided' over a flower
laden table arranged for 19. Pink
, roses ornamented the table, and the
following ' guests were invited: Mea
dames Bert Calvin, - Thomas Halley.
and the : Misses Prtscilla Ellicott,
Dorothy Hlllier. Anita McLean.
, Helene Baiter, Marlon Stovel, Harriet
. Mack and Norma Mack. -. . ..
Carpenter-Smith Wedding. . ;
Mlas - Esther Marie' Smith ' became
the wife of Frank E, Carpenter at 8
o'clock - last Saturday,' July J, at
- Rev. - Pratt's residence. Th bridt
wore a traveling suit of tan silk pop
lin with a black and pink combina
tion ploture hat . and corsage -bouquet
of pink rose bud. The bride Is well
known among the ipuaioal circles,
being possessed, of a beautiful so
prano voice. She is the daughter of
Fred w. Smith, a well known violin
ist, formerly of . this city, now In San
' Clego. Cal.
Surprise Party,
Al- pleasant surprise party was
given la honor of Miss Susie Michael
Tuesday evening- at her Alnsworth
avenue home. Over a score of the
younger set " spent th evening , in
dancing, games and - musto. Dainty
refreshments were served at late
hour. i
Chapter C to Picnic. .
Chapter C, of the P. E. O. Sister
hood, will picnic at r "Wilbridge, on
the Unnton road, Sunday, leaving - by
jitney, bus. Stark. ' between Second
-and Third -streets, at 10:15. All mem
bers of the chapter and- families, are
invited to join In the day's outing.
,V. . ' "
Norwood-McLaughlin Wedding.
Married, at 709 East Salmon street,
July 8, 1915. by Rev. C. E. Cllne.
John Norwood and Miss Mabel Mc
Laughlin, both of Vale, Or. ,
WhltevOgden Nuptials. - . v
On ' Monday,- July 18. Miss Avis
Ethel Ogden and H- Raymond White
iwere united in marriage. Dr. 'Frank
L. Loveland performed the ceremony.
TNtr. and Mrs. White-will make their
home In Salem. Or. -
A il y.L-j ;: . vr
Society Notes. t .
Mrs. A. G. West and daughter. Miss
Garnett West, left today to pass, a
few months at Victoria, Island.
Mr. Anna D. Dunham, of Cleve
land, Ohio, i 1 s visiting her daughter,
Miss Morglana Dunham, at her home,
Eastwood Farm, ' on the Base Line
road. Mrs, Dunham Is - a , grand
daughter of former Governor Bouck.
v. of -. New York.
Mr. and ' Mrs. . Marcus Cohn and
family are - occupying their cottage
for the summer at Seaside. .
Miss Bessie Walsh, of Mllwaukle,
Or., left for Seaside, Or., Saturday.
She will be rone a week or 10 days.
Mrs. Edgar M- Burns and family
have left for victoria and vancou
veiy B. C where they , will spend
the summer months.
: The Mlsse Esther and Emma
Hauge have left for San Francisco
to pass six weeks viewing the fair.
-. .. .
' "Mrs. Ted Hoi den, of Boise,' Idaho,
who has been visiting in, Portland.
' left this - morning T for three weeks
visit at Long Beach, Wash., ' with
her mother-in-law, Mrsv H. W. Hoi
. f den. - : - .
Plerka and Xetter Carriers Band
Will Serenade, .
pionio at Boanemie.
i Th Clerks' and Letter Carriers' band
will parade in the city tomorrownight
to serenade the. public as an advertise
ment to - the big excursion and picnic
to b given at Bonneville on Sunday
next. Arrangements have; been made
to stop over: at Multnomah Falls for
IS minutes on the way to Bonneville
to permit the excursionists to view the
falla The baseball game is to be a
lively na, the two team being a re-
suit or a series ox testout games. be-
The Northwestern College of Law
FOSTZtlTD. OBSGOH, -successors,
to the Portland Depart-
meat ef Law of the Univer
sity of OTegon.
Three year course leading to degree
of bachelor of laws and preparing
for examination for v admission to
the Oregon bar. .Faculty comprise
leadinsr members of bench and bar.
All branches f the law taught,
with. most court and public speak-
BE 20, 191S.
For catalogue giving entrance re
3ulrement and full Information ad
ress Carlton E. Spenoer, Secretary.
714 Courthouse, Portland, Oregon.
St Mary's Acadeayf and ? College
LXQS COtTRS-cCT Cammrc;i, Doraastie Set
- enos and EAocutioa Dep't. KUEIC Pius,
Voice, Violin, Violincelio, But, Harmony.
Aa X Water Color. Oil Painting, China. Paintl
ins. D-tirnins. iiistorr of Art. Resident and
f ar Ai3drM Kutw iuuur, tt.
I - , r -'J
f yyl ; :- -M S s 4 y. -v
i 4 'T-y ' V- W- 1
'"ir "
"J j vV xv?;-: - " ': ' ' - 4
' - , 1 . ' i i'- - r ' ' " '4
v ''
- .-:.'iWK -y.-.-fi.-f ! ? " , , . , ,
" V . -l ' ; - . - - ' !
Mls Alice Wilhelm has retarned home from "Welleslej college . for
' the summer months. She enjoyed n extended trip, coming
- west by tvay of the San Francisco exnoelUoiu ? She was exten
lively entertained while south, a she Is a former 311119 college!
girl. . She will pass the rammer with her mother, Air. Hilda
tween th Clerks and Carriers for th
last two months., ' . ..
. . e " s ...
Woodman WU1 Kave Outing',
Webfoot Camp, Woodmen of I the
World, will give a river excursion on
next Sunday. The steamer Undine will
take the party to Multnomah Falls,
th acnlc ' delight-- ef th Columbia
river. There will be music and
.. .. - , 4 r
Koose Go to Xstacada.
The Portland Ioyal Order of Moo
have made arrangements for their
Plcnlo at Estacada on August 21 where
Misdhi-GMss Used
i at
Our stock of high-class usefl piano is larger and more represen
tative just now than for months past. The cause is the great demand .
for Mason & Hamlin Grand Pianos and the wenderjful Angelus player
pianos, the Solo Apollo players, and the Carola Inner players. Nearly
every one of these instruments sold brings in exchange a splendid
value in a standard, well-known used piano. . Every one has been put
throurh our shop and is in first-class' conditiori. ' , .
i, - - . . !- r i ' v i
i 'y Price, Quality and Terms Will Quickly Sell TKem
, t ' ' ' - ' ' ! .
: Every description of piano is here; almost every standard make.
There are Hardmans, I'dwigs, Chickering & Sons Conover, J. & C
Fischer, Packard, Weber and many others, in both grand and upright.
; ' The prices are the lowest at which pianos of such value can pos
sibly be sold. Terms may be arranged to suit your convenience.' -
"j ' " ' - ' " f f '"" -
j , It's a goocl time to buy and to save money in buying It is an
unusual onDortunitv because of the creat assortment of rood pianos
and the genuineness
guaranteed satisfaction.' : , ,"'
Other Stores:
by th round trip ticket will be T5
cents, but 35 cents of this will be re
deemable In trade at the booth or in
th dancing pavilion,
' . e '' i '
-'- ' seasons Pass Xeaolutxens.
The Masonic grand lodge, in Great
Britain has passed a. resolution : re
questing Turkish Austrian ' and Ger
man members to refrain from visiting
all lodges and official Mtaonia gather
ings during th continuance of . the
war, --
t . - 'j :.
VrevermiLth. em Vacation. ?
S3. M. Freyermuth; relief steward Of
of the proposition. Back of
urn r-TTra
urn II f I II
V Ti-Jt
. Victor-Vlctrplas and AH the Records
-Morrison Street at i Broadway ; .", . ... j
San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, San Jose, Fresno, Los
Angeles, San Diego and -other Coast cities. - - i
the Loyal Order of Moose and governor I
of the Junior Order of Moose, has gone
co cian maemo isr a Tuaiutn. f jror
more than a year his duties have been
to visit the sick .members and to. look
after the Junior Moose. He is prob
ably known to more members of the
Moose than any other officer' in the
lodge,: and is noted for hi vurbanlty
and unfailing: kindliness, combined
with a firmness In the line of duty.
- J - f ': ';. v ;
r Open Meeting ASLnounced. ''
i Eureka. Council, Knights 'and Ladles
of Security, will hold an. open meeting
next Monday night, July . 19, and all
members and friends are Invited. There
will be musical numbers, literary pro
gram, cards and dancing. '
Class Win Be Initiated. ' -
Klrkpatrick T Council, " Knights ; and
Ladies of Security, will initiate a class
of 10 or 12 new members tomorrow
night at Moose hall.
Real Mystery Is ,
' Up to the Mmute
Mirtery done right up. ta the min
ute with Japan and, Russia the secret
combatants and America, the scene of
activities, is; Tn f Clue' th tLasky
production at ihe Peoples with Blanch
Sweet the featured member of the cast.
Th story is -woven about-two Russian
brother, one of whom has a map per
taining' to Japan. 1 The brotber are
gvests in a home where they are - not
welcome by the brother of the sister
whom one of the foreigners Is trying
to marry. The older Russian also de?
sijres the- sweetheart of the American
brother and, with complications of that
sort there is added a Japanese valet
who Is in the secret service of Japan.
There Is mostly something doing all of
the time up to the climax, which 1
reached by the laboratory-method.. The
exterior settings are very pretty and
th interiors are sufficient for the de
mands placed ' upon ithera ; One ofi, the
most interesting - characters In - the
story J th Japanese who is portrayed
by a clever actor of that' nationality.
Miss Sweet gives her usual perform
ance and the remainder, f the cast-is
very well selected. Paths Weekly com
pletes the bill for th remainder of the
vieek, ; ;:;! : ; ' . . 'c :-
Colonel Jackson, Inspector O. N.
GM Returns From California. ,
Has Visited QeaThart Cantp.
kt Colonel James Jackson, a v United
States army., retired. "- and ' Inspector
general of the Oregon national guard,
has returned from a trip to California,
where he went with his daughter to
the BartonHot Springs in Lake county,
California, and also1 to San Francisco.
Colonel Jackson was also at the camp
f the O, N. Q. at oearhart. .
BJotaa Company at rort Stevens.
Sergeant IC K, Gandee, United States
t Artillery corps, wno na neen
msirucung mo v. A. i. oi m j. jn. vjr.
for the past two years, now rejoins, hla
Company, the Ninety-third, . at : Fort
Stevens. He has been presented by
h Oregon C. A, C. Of eight companies
Ivlth a cut t glass water set, oreamer
d sugar bowl. - J;i -,; ,.
' - Wvu-Mn WIkmaA
1 On Sunday, Eighth company. Coast
Artillery corps, o. N, G under Captain
Frank Wright, will ' go tp the Claeka
mas range for record target praetle.
Regular drills will be resumed- next
Wednesday night.
Used Auto Bargain
That those with ; cash to Durchase
automobiles may get almost any kind
of a machine, and at any price 'they
desire to pay. can eaeuy oe seen oy a
glance at the classified columns "of
todav's Journal. One barrain that la
bound to attract considerable com
ment, is offering lor sale of an elec
tric coupe at the very low price of
600, that formerly sold for S3180,
Due to the 1916 announcement of
lower prices on practically every line
tit nleasure car. those deslrlne to dis-
rPoae of their used i machine have to
accept whatever is orrerea. aqt.
each instrument is
it.... . i
.Phot By Te Baroey StndiA.
V , - Bert Yoomans. , -
Judge - Robert O. Morrow; past su
preme representative, Ixyal Order of
Moose, ; and Bert E. Toumana,, state
deputy ; supram ..dictator will leave
f or-Sao DtegO on the wteamr Great
Northern today to attend theupreme
lodge of th L; O. O. M. convening
tberev en" Monday, ' July J9. Judge Mor
row, has attended th supreme lodges
To Dedicate Barn s
; ; With Ceremonies
. Invitation hav been issued to' Gov
ernor r Withy combe, and a hundred
others to be present at th dedication
on' Friday,' July 18, of a large and
costly dairy and stock barn which has
just been completed on 8auvie Island
by P. A, Frakes, one of th oldest pio
neers of that section. A special steamer
will leave the- dock at Front and Alder
at I o'clock. A lunoh will be served
and there will also be a dance. It is
expected that between 600 and 100 will
be present" The; barn If the largest
on the island and the roost modern
stock bam in the country. ? s vr
Ask to See Onr NewO VJVL Special" Cnsf om
Portland Agents for the Celebrated Frantz
With All Cash Purchases
made on ENTIRE SEC
OND FIX) ORAtio with
All Cash Purchases Made
in Oar Model Bakery. 4th
ploor. -
- Pcpl 2nd Floor ,
Here's good news for every woman who
has a'coat to buy! We have grouped
several of the season's best selling lines
which have sold down to only
of a color or size, and announce an -ex-
'. . I t i -I... iU .....
tremeiy low price iu uusc 1 vin vuc v
si mire : TKte-A atvlea. Smart flare A
models and many : especially designed
for , outing: and touring: wear. Ma
terials used are principally gabardines,
serges, ; tweeds, velours, ; golfine ana -broadcloth.
Splendid assortment of col- ,
orsnavy, tan, sand, green, rose, orange, '
etc. also many in all-black and in the
popular -checks and stripes. Coats in
this lot selling earlier in the season up ?
to $35.0a While they last.-fl1 rj 4Q 1
your choice at VAI e0
Sale ol Women's Bathing Suits
Rcgnlar S750 -. Grades lor
Itcgolar S20.00 Grades at g!5.0Q .
Dept. Second Floor Special lines of Women's Fancy Bathing
Suits in the Clearance at substantial reductions. - Styled with full
Pare skirts, high waistlines and yoke, bolero , ettects and otner
novelty cuts. Made from satins, , silk taffeta and I silk poplins.
Trimmings of Jancy plaids, buttons, etc
to cjioose frorn.
$7.50- Bathing Suits, fiC Q
Clearance Sale Price VWUO
$9.00 Bathing Suits, rjf?
aearance Sale Price f O
$12.50 Bathing Suits, QO Q Q
Clearance Sale Price
:Wastn (EcodIs Keiraimaiiiitts
XBeafainice Vz Pirgce .
Aisle of Cottons, lsr Floor 1500 WASH GOODS REMNANTS
in the Clearance Sale Friday at just' y regular; prices by the yard
-Batistes, Voiles .Lawn, Madras and various other weaves in great
variety of panern and, colorings for Waists and Summer i pftfno
Dresses. Your choice of this -entire lotv cow at just Z vw
s ?
, Robert O. Jlorrow.
at Detroit, Cincinnati and Milwaukee,
and now attends , San Diego as the
chairman of th judiciary committee.
Bert E. Toumajjs, as , representing the
state, has attended the supreme ses
sions at Detroit nd Milwaukee, and
has occupied his position four years.
Andy Weinberger, uprme representa
tive this year from Portland lodge N,o.
291, has already-gone to Calif ornla. .
Wash Tubs Did Not
Appeal4 to Boys
" : ,
Hood v BJver, Or, : July 15. John
TramblU. '.Harry Oilman ' and Wal
lace Crew, aged 1 1, -1 1 - and '13, re
spectively, wer arrested In Hood
River by Chief of Folio J. K. Carson
for begging, on r th streets. When
locked in , Jail - the! boy oonf eased to
having run " away from "the detention
home in Portland. . Trambltl . aid
We ditched th nurse Sunday when
she took all of urn boy to the park.
They mak u wash blanket on Mon
day and a this is a job for women
we did not care to stay over to get
Into the wash tubs; W will apologize
to the nurse, when we get back, as a
tiDMs, WdHFlliisii I liMj
; Reliable Merchandise 'Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone AJ 231
Is the Time to Supply Summer Needs
SScS Coatls
one or two.
Excellent range of sizes
$14.50 Bath'gVSuits.'Of A QQ
Clearance Price;.'. i tp iUeOO
$170 Bath's? Suits, C"l Q f O
Clearance Price... tJJXOiO
$20.00 Bath'g Suits, CI K Oil
Qearance Price... vitJeUU
' fellow ought not : to ditch a woman
that way. -
Oeorge "Wilson, am older , boy who
also escaped with th trio, wast not
captured, Th lads were taken back
to Portland. .
Dallas Organizes .
- For .Chautauqua
': Dallas Or July II. DalUua Is as
ured a Chautauqua for next year. At
th conclusion of th closing program
of this year's assembly,' last Saturday
evening, a Chautauqua association was
formed, with 40 charter members. This
association will hereafter be the guar
antors of the Chautauqua ih this city,
relieving th Commercial , club of that
responsibility. Already more than 500
of the required Q0 season tickets, have
been pledged' for next year. -'
Th officers! of the association exe:
V, S. - Grant, president; Mrs. Ella J.
Metsger, vice president; Mr. XL A.
Woods, secretary; Eugene Hayter,
treasurer. . .
More Governors to:
Pay City a Visit
. More ' governors are making their
way westward to participate in cere
monies at theFanaia-Faclflo exposi
tion. Beside Governor WaUh of Mas
sachusetts, who will arrive today, ad
vice :; wer received that 1 Governor
Dunn of Illinois would arrive with a
party of 39, on July 21, coming from
Seattle at 6:45 p. m. and leaving for
the south at 8:15. t
Former Governor Eberhart of Minne
sota Is expected here Monday with a
party. He will tarry idnger, leaving
for San Francisco th following day.
- Th Chamber of Commerce Is get
ting In touch with the state societies
that would be Interested In entertain
ing th chief executives of these
states. '
School Teachers to
1 Pas's the Day Here
Ji party of 60 school teachers from
Cleveland, Ohio, will arrive her from
San Francisco tomorrow morning to
spend the day in Portland before re
suming th journey homeward from
th San Francisco fair. They are trav
eling in two standard Pull man a, It la
probable .that the local teachers' or
ganizations and Chamber of Commerce
will show them the usual courtesies.
Wedding at 8alem? -
. Salem Or, July lS.JChe wedding
of Miss Xnes Mae Denlson and John
H. Buttle of ; Portland took place at
the residence of th bride's parents,
2J0 North Liberty, street, last evening.
- Made Corseta Moderately Priced S1.SQ to C 2
Premier Electric Cleaners New Price C27.C3
Sale off Mess : CBottiMinifi
, Suits Selllno Dere-to- nA Off
tore Up to S20e00s Now O5
Men's Store, Main Floor Our Annual Mid-Summer Clearance of
Men's and Young Men's Clothing starts tomorrow morning with an
initial offering of 111 high-grade Suits.- For your convenience we
print below a list of the sixes and number of suits ; in each size.
Quantity. If If 2ftl
THE ASSORTMENT is made up of various lines taken from our
regular stock. High-grade garments, every one of them, with best
of workmanship,- linings, etc. Some in the smart black-and-white
checks others in fancy cheviots and homespuns in attractive pat
terns and ctolorings. Several well-known makes are represented in
the collection. If your size is on th liat. this sale afford an
extraordinary saving. Suits selling formerly up to $20. (CI QC
- Afl 10c .
Main Floor SLIGHT LY
SOILED and Mussed Neck
wear Collars, Vestees arid Sets
in attractive styles. Grades
selling up to 35c Clear- 1 flp
anca Sale, Price
S2.50 Hat Drapea
; Atgl.35 ;
Mala Floor-Women's Novelty
Hat Drapes, including the popu
lar "San Pan" and ribbon
trimmed styles in filet and fancy
meshes. Colors black, brown,
navy, : purple, taupe and white.
Worth up to $ZS0, CI QK
Clearance Sale Price vXeOeJ
35c Handtierch
ISpeclal ISe
Mala Floor- Women's : Pure
Irish linen Handkerchief! ia
white and colors, with dainty
handUmbrpIdered corn- " Qa
ers; 25c and 3Sc : grades X? W
HAIR , RI BBQNS, 4i - inch
heavy quality taffeta in white,
pink, black, light- blue, etc. 5- -inch
s self-colored Fancy Rib
bons ; 25c Ribbons, spe- " Q
cial at, the yard.
St. John3 Sohool
Question Consider:
Problem of Text Books' Arises f,
the Steoent Verges With 1c
Superintendent " Alderman cf t"
Portland schools and, Superintend
Boyd of the St. Johns schools hell
conference yesterday afternoon to con
sider some of the questions that ha
arisen in connection with adcSlnj t:
St. Johns schools to th Portland C
trlct, .
- Th 8t. John district had free tc s-,
books while the Portland district 3 -rot
have, and St. John has been us. . -the
text books adopted by the tta:
text book commission, while the I'ort
land district adopts its own text bo.
I Superintendent Alderman says, ho -
ever, the most of the text booKs rr;
scribed for the state are being use i l
Portland so .there will not have to i
a great chang in the books for the
Johns schools.
Under the law th permanent teacT -era
In the St, Johns schools will go
the list ef permanent teachers v ' '
the teachers tenure in office lav
which applies to the Portland district
Institute Committee Named.
Salem. Or July 14 Follow 1
have been appointed by State Kur -lntendent
Churchill as a committee t -arrange
the schedule of teacher 1
stltute throughout th state: Cou"
Superintendents E. J. Moore, I '
Hamilton, W. M. Smith. J. C. Sturs...
and A. E. Ivanhoe.
"Both, ArtKur! I'U Gci I
Suit for 519.50 end
: "I was Just - starting to tell yc
about it, Arthur. Beatrtc wa fc
for luooh today, and you lust ou- s
to see the nifty little suit she wvr
She struck a wonderful bargain 1
the big Credit Store called CH1LRP.T'
and ah got m all excited about 1;,
tOO, '. :
Tm so glad- about It. Arth
Really, Beatrice could have knoc.
me over when she whispered ti
prlc of her Suit 419.80., Why. x
$16" Suit waan't any prettier."
Now CHERHra handle a" full 11
of men's suits as well a women's
on easy payment system,. (Adv.)
SODA Focntaln
In Dascrnent
Ice Cream and Cool Re
freshing Drinks of all
kinds served in - style.
Meet ; your friends here
tomorrow and enjoy one
of our special 25c Lunches.
Served from 11:30 to 2:30
daily. Prompt service.
and SAVE!
isl727l6ll3l 71 1
05.00 Pncr.
Shoe Dept. Main Floor Worn
en's Low Shoes in a monster
Clearance tomorrowl - Smart
"Colonials," "Military" snd
"Peggy" styles also flat
heeled effects, with leather
bows. Patent leather, soft
mat kid and dull calf in black.
All sizes. Some styled with
cloth tops. Shoes Q"l ff
worth up to $4, pair vJ-eaU
Canvas Pnppc
Main Floor Special showing
Women's Whit Canvas Shot
with rubber-soles.
"Cinderella" Ankle-Strap Mod
el, now at, the pair.. .i.l.C3
"Beacher" Laced Oxford, verv
smart, now at, the pair
"Kooler" Plain Tailored V.ow
Pump, now at, the pair C-. J