tiiz: onzco.i daily jouknaij- fouti-and, .wediizcday, july k. izis. BRINGING UP FATHER By Gcorco McLIcnr Co-t-rlsM. WIS. tnte-satteeat Neva Sat-rlea . OHtHCV PITCHER TO DEPART ARE tDO IKHOW THE, HETTT fiOTlCEO THAT VOU ARE MOT THouHTro srr DOWN AND "WR.5AV0TTl .LTf THAT 6UTti n WHILE rM ' TALrun .: - FROM BEAVER-TEAM OHEOFl HAYE THE HONOR or : win . ro it THEM US TM! ON THE HEAD CHAT WITH TOO WOULD Keefe and Evans to Be Given OANCE One More Week to Show . Something. -' - -: y " MAY. TRADE OUTFIELDER? ; Wfil McCredie and White Cook VV '.: Swept Savla to 8 &ft at Eom WlM til Team tMTN . ' foN.L- pardon . , : . : : V ; irf fflO t MltVb SMITH Hl-bTHl f r 1 vnltr " RATHER L I U DSJe -' ( VlSM t W02. ' r . J& j 2 ' "V: I wurW L.i1- TpLr 1 I I v-- ' N sas i ir (Iff " 1 With the announcement from Cleve- ; land . last . nirbt that Infielder Ham mODd, im beat Bill Rodgers out of - Job with' the Napa.' bad been turned rover to Portland, biff shekeup' la iramhient In the Beaver ranks. Ham. - mond la a second baseman, who can - play rattling- good, g-ame at short, r and who baa been playing- off and on for the- Cleveland Americans this sprinc .. : v: 5 . Next Sunday nlg-ht Bobby Keefe or Rub. Evan will be unconditionally ra .'leased by the , Beavers, wltti the sign pointing- now to Keefe. t - Two outfielder are pretty much un certain of their Jobs, and tfiey are not Billy Bpeas and Dave Hillyard. It 1 .,2- underatood that another- Coast league club -wants to ' trade Portland out, of v one of the ; two outfielders on shaky ground. -m The club must be Vernon, for i' the reason that It was stated in the south the other day that Manager White wanted to trade Walter Carlisle and Johnny Kan a for Rube tlardner. t However,' Gardner Is hitting the ball .'; hard and against the short right field fence at San Francisco, so : that the ; .'Oakland dub has turned down a swap. Carlisle or Kane for Doane or Lobar T would be a fairly even trade, but If McCredie took on or the Qther, taking Into consideration that' a trade waa Coffered Portland, it wofald mora likely -be Carlisle, who is the left banded hit jrter of the' two Tigers. If he traded for Kane be would have three right banded hitters in the outfield. Carlisle, too, ls one of the best lead off men In the i league and a corking- good base run 'ner. There must have : been some ! .. trouble between Manager White and j Carlisle, or the Tigers would 'not be j trying to trade-him. ; j fc. Bobby Davis will ba left at home -hen the Beavers leave for Salt Lake -next Sunday night. ; There is no use : J in packing around extra expense on tthe road. Judge -McCredie said this' morning. If Bobby's leg gets better i he will report, when the club strikes California, .-.-. Manager McCredie haa been Informed - Jthat Hammond will Join the club in ; Salt Lake next Tuesday. He . is a -corking good fielder, Judging from his record with the Springfield club of iths Eastern association, ; 'Hammond played 126 games at sec lond base, every game that hi club played. He was at bat 488 times, mad 6 runs and 127 hits, of which 21 were i doubles, 6 triples and 6 home runs. He l stole .41 bases -and 17 sacrifice hits. His average was .281. Hammond led the second sackers of J tne league with .an average of .959, which is pretty high. He had 197 put- - outs, S67 assists and 28 errors. i Manager McCredie says he has been reported to be as fast as the pro -verbial bullet, and this, would seem to -be so, Judging from the bases stolen -;and the runs scored. , . i c B.V.D. Makes Ours "The Land of The Free." HTn Loose Fitting: B.V. D., you feel free all over every i 1 muscle . and . sinew has abundant room to stretch -there isn' t a pinch anywhere- from indoor - sports, like shooting pool, . to outdoor sports, Firmly .insist upon seeing the B.V. D. Red Woven Label, and firmly refuse to take any Athletic Underwear, with out it. Then you'll get properly cut, correctly made, long-service underwear. On eyery B.V.D. Undereannent is tewed This Rid Woven LaM i B-V.a Cles4 Crete Vuto Urn (ru. U. s. A. 4-KMI7 a-ti-14) L00 aaas-4rtr4tbaeatt, ' 74? B.V. D. Company,; New York V ; FLEISCHNER, uu.csaic vtsiriuuiQrs , 13. V.D. UNDERWEAR . TENNIS SINGLES' NAEEOWmG AT THE ; EXPOSITION Williams Beats. Murray in Three Deuce Sets Play Doubles. San Francisco.; July ; 14.- (U. P.)- With the singles tournament narrow ing dowa close : to the final rounds, the stars were pitted 'against each other toddy in the Panama-Pacific ten nls championshio matches. Interest centered, in the doubles matches be tween McLoughWn and Bundy versus Smith and Klein, Curtis ; nd Bohfls versus" Murray and Gardner and - Dr. M. H. Long versus J. R. Strachan and McLouchli versus Willis Davis inthe Singles. vf : i ... Only one eastern tennis star re mains In the competition for the sin gles i championship. K Norris Wil liams, national champion, defeated Xdndley Murray in three deuce sets, with the scores of 8-6 7-V -7. Here are the results of the fourtb day's play In, the tournament: : - Men's singles,. second round: John Strachah! defeated Dean Ma th ey, -4, 6-3; R. .N. Williams defeated R. I Murray,. 8-6,' 7-9, -7; C. J. Griffin defeated George M. Church, -!, 6-1. Men's doubles, first round: x Pottrell and Dawson 'defeated Rob erts and Johns, 6-3, 4-6, 6-4; A. and M. Rosenberg defeated M. Griffin and Blbo, 6-1, 6-3; Johnson and Strachan defeated Banches and D. P. Hardy, 6-1, 6-1 '.Ambrose- and Bass , defeated Wei burn and Parr, 6-4, 6-8; Church and Mat hey defeated C J. Griffin and Sam Hardx, 6-4, 6-4. ' Women's singles, first round: Mrs. H. A. Neimeyer defeated Mrs. P. Day, 6-l 6-0. Second round: t .. . . . Marjorie Thorn defeated Elizabeth Beall, 6rl, 6-0. , f like playing golf, " a-4 Kaas Lmmw Draw-rt. SOc (-4 -) . tee MAYER & CO A. MIERICAN LEAGUE GAMES At Detroit First game: R. H. XL New Tork .v ............. i. ..x.3 - 6-.$ Detroit 3 3 1 Batteries- Warbop, - Donovan - and Nunamaker ; Coveleski and Baker. Second game t ' R.H.13L New Torlc ................. ,.10 16 2 Detroit v . .......... .i.... ( 8 - 3 Batteries - Cole, Shawkey and Sweeney; Dubuo, Dauss, "Steen and Baker, Stanaga. - . . , .i -w - At Cleveland: First game R. H. E Boston .i.,.... ...... 7 7 i 0 Cleveland .'. 3 "8 S Batteries Ruth and Thomas; Walk r and O'Neill. . -. Second game- R, H. K. Boston . . .v. 6 6 r 2 Cleveland 6 10 i 3 Batteries Mays, Leonard and Cady, Carrlgan; Mitchell, Jones and O'Neill. At St. LCula First game R. H. E. Washington Z 10 i 0 St Louis. . . ....... .4. ....... 2 7 ! 1 Battarles - Boehling and ;Henry; James, Raymond, Leverenz . and Sev eroid. - - , Second game , ' ; B H.B. Washington ... ... 0 - 4 f 3 St Louis . . i 4 i 0 Batteries Johnson and Williams; Weilman and Agnew. '" ; i At Chicago - R.H.E. Philadelphia . ..........0 h I 3 Chicago . . ................ .7 1.0 Batteries Corwell. Knowlsen and Lapp, McAvoy, . Henry; : Scott and Schalk. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES At Boston: First game R. H. E Pittsburg 5 i 1 Boston . .... .....,J. ......... 1 a I 3 Batteries Kant) ehen- and Gibson; Second game -.:-- Pittsburg , i Boston i . Batteries Harmon and Davis. Hughes and Oowdy. R.H.E. 6 8 6 7 10 ! 2 Schang; At Philadelphia , R. H. E. St. Louis . . ................ 0 31 1 Philadelphia . . . .. 3 14 1 0 Batteries Oriner, Nlehaus and Sny der; Roche, Alexander and Killf r. At Brooklyn ' B.H.E. Cincinnati , . 0 Brooklyn l 6 3 Batteries Schneider and Wingo; Pfeffer and Miller. : At New Tork ; Chicago ... New Tork . . ............ Batteries Humphreys Marquard and Dooin. " R.H.E .....8 9 2 4 7 f 2 and Archer; NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE Seattle, Wash.. July 14. Seattle beat Aberdeen, v 4 to 0, yesterday because of Pat Eastley's ef f ectlvs pitching and timely bitting. - The score: 1 R. H, E- Aberdeen .... .............. 0 7 1 Seattle ..... v.. 4 10 0 Batteries Harkness and Vance; Eastley and Cadman. ; Vancouver, B. July 11. Al Bon ner of. the Victorians won his ninth straight game yesterday by defeating the locals, 6 -to 4, in a 10 Inning bat tle. 'The score: ' . , R.H.B. Victoria . 6 H O Vancouver ...... y . i, . . . . . 4 13 Batteries Bonner and Hoffman; Smith and Cheek. Brottetn, - , Taooma, Wash., July " 14 Spokane walloped .the locals yesterday. 10 to 0. Noyes held the Tigers to five hits and, had perfect support The score: -R.H.E. Spokane .............. ..10 . 0 .0 Tacoma .... . . . . ..rlQ E 2 Batteries Noyes and Brennegan; Peet House and Stevens. ' . ;. FEDERAL 'LEAGUE . GAMES At Baltimore -s S, K. B B. Brooklyn . ...... ,,.. 8 1 BalUmore . ; .. I 18 2 Batteries Finneran, Beaton, Wlltae and Land; Bender and Owens. ; At Pittsburg . R. JEi H Kansas City ... .............. 1 S O Pittsburg . . 0 41 Batteries Cullop and Brown; Allen, Hearn and Berry. . . - - j :; .At Buffalo Newark-Buffalo postponed on account ot rain. . game ANGELS FAIL TO ARRIVE The Los Angeles club failed to ar. rive in Los Angeles for a gam yes: terday with Vernon and the twlubs will play it off, next Monday, 1 1 I m American AssoeisXion Resalta : : . Indianapolis 2, 8t Paul 7. Milwaukee B. Columbus 3, -: Louisville 3, Minneapolis 4. . 5 ' - s Other games- postponed., rain. Western Legn Cesnlta. -; I Wichita 0, TJmaha 4. " ' I Lincoln 1. Des Moines 2, . - ' Bloux ; City 4, Topeka 3. -, Other games postponed. " . ; . . When writing or calling on adver tisers, you will confer a favor by mn uoning The Journal. (AdvJ BREAKS WORLD'S CONSECUTIVE BATTING RECORD 1 1 11- if 1. 'V f " ' i 7t-' v I Jack - Ness, field captain of the Oakland Pacific Coast league . team games by getting two hits in, yesterday's game against- Salt Lake. "ess' hits were mflde off Pitcher" Claude . Williams, his nsnal - jinx.; - ' . , - v . . Kain Stops Locals -I With 2 Runs to Good ; Rain, and ?. plenty " of it, put the crusher on . yesterday's game 'between the San Tranclsco Seals and the Beav ers after two and one-half innings of play. ? Jup Pluvlus work robbed Port land of a possible victory, as Mc Credle's players . were leading, 2 to 0, and Irve Hlgginbotham,, was pitching at his best. . , fjf - - F Portland's two runs were scored In the second - frame, just before tbe downpour started. - - William Stump, after Bates had skied out, connected with one of Lefty -Brown's straight ons for. a double' to left center. Dave Hillyard put the : ball on the runway on ' the right ' field fence 'and), Stumpf counted. Under tbe new ground rules Hillyard was en titled to but two sacks. Fred Cartscb. put Hillyard on third with a single and the bir centerfielder scored on Leber's hot drive to Jones. Jones made a great stop of the ball, but he was unable to .- field it to Schmidt in . time, bitting ' Hillyard in the-back,..: ; - . - ' At this point of the same. Acting Manager Roy- Corhan pulled - Brown out . of the. game and .put in Skeeter Fanning. ' Higg forced Lobeit at sec ond and then Fanning walked Doane, filling' the bases. Derrick ended the frame by ; grounding out. i In the third. Higg whiffed Corhan. . HOTEL- ... GAN FRANCISCO , scaviec, esaroir, uacicctt.ee cut. amc. ncasonftstc sti. cioii ve ?4 f V 4- V ' ' j 6 'iS '-t " ! irri Fanning and Schaller. The only bit he allowed , was Heilman's single la the first Inning. - - ' , ' Centralis Has Golf .Meet. C ' Centralla, July 14-Tb first turney of the newly organised Centralia. Ooif club-closed Monday. Will Ely turned in tbe lowest card for the men's prise and Mrs. M. W. Daubney the lowest for the women. . BASEBALL Every Day this Week JBeostio& 3ark. Oor. Tangba and - Twenty-Xourtli Bts. SANRIATICISGO 3V' PORTLAND Oames Jaegla Weekdays at 3 p. to., sjuadays SSTO p. xa. . - Reserved boSI seats for sal at Rich's Cigar- Stand, Sixth and .. .. . Washington Sts, 3 I I Former Harvard . Man Swims Bay i- : - - ; ' T; : , s.. 47 ' SeatUe, July 14.--P. K. S.) Ao coniplisbing what on man ha given his Ill's in attempting and many others have tred only to bo defeated by the chilling water, ; H, E. Ho ran, formorly an ; instructor in the physical culture department of Harvard university, to day is given credit for being the first man to swim Elliott bay. Horaq cov ered the distance of four miles in one hour and fifty-f jvo i minutes, and emerged from the . water showing no signs of physical exhaustion, ' .Arthur Cavill, of . the famous Aus tralian family of swimmers and former instructor of the Multnomah Amateur Atbletiovclub, lost his life in February of 1913 in attempting ,the , same feat. Cavill was a former; world champion. . . .- , " t: - -i -; Tom Cqwler Gets His Chance at Gunboat New Tork. July, 14.' (I. K S.) That match -that Jimmy Johnston said would set the fistic world upside down has been clinched. Tom Cowler and Gunboat Smith are the entertainers. They will meet at the St. Nicholas rink on July 28. Jim Corbett hasn't picked a soft one for his big athlete. He'll have to be all there to beat the hard hitting sailor. y " ' " STANDING OF THE TEAMS . . ..- PaeifUl Coast Zsii. . . , - . i Won., Ixwt. Pet. San Francisco ................. B2 45 .s Loa Miselea ............. .... 64 : 60 .619 Salt Lake 49 ' .405 Tortlaad '.. . .45 . 4T 1 .4RS OakUnd ..,.49 S .4SO Vernoa. ..............43 ' 62 .480 - - WmiaBml. T mm Ptlladalphla 39 S3 .642 Chicago 40 ' 84 ' .541 St. Lottls ...v.. 41 39 .6.12 Brookl-B .................. . .39 V 85 f ? .621 Plttabnr ,.SS 8T ,.6tT New York ....S3 ..471 ClcclDoatl ..........a.....r..3a - 87 - .464 Boa ton ........ ...v. ..38 43 ; .434 Amarie-Ji Imtm. ' CMcaget .......51 S3 ' .644 Boston ....49 : 28 .822 Datroit ..........'.......48 81 ' .60S Naw York ........... 42 88 JS25 WaahlBSea ..80 89 ,.4M St. Ixmls 29 47 .3X2 Philadelphia 28 , 47 ,378 Cleveland ...27 ; - 47 . 'M ' yadaral lafTia. - ' St. Louis 44 .80 - jms Kasaas City ............M...45 82 .6K4 Cklcace ........ .43 82 . .678 Pittdbur ....40 84 . .Ml New York ..40 3 .'.829 Broekl-a .....................84 44 -.436 Buffalo ............ .j.... ....82 47 .406 Baltlnore .......23 47 , .378 ..... amarlaaa Aiaseiatioa. St. Paol 44 85 - .55T Indianaoolis ....45 89 - .B." ClaTeUnd v.... .....39 89 i620 Kacaat City ,.4l . 41 - , .600 Leolavllle ....................3 40 .404 Milwaakee ...30 . 40 .494 Mlnn-anolla ............. ..89 40 .404 Oolvmbua .30 49 .. .880 Waatsm Ia-ia. Des Molnee ....49 " 20 -.9.18 Denver ......... ............40 81 . .698 IJnMln .. ......33 S . Omaha ..39 87 .613 Toeaka ......................39 . 89 08 Sionx CltT ..81 40 .437 St. Joaeph JO ' 42 .417 WlcUta 2T 44 .380 . Horthwatars ZMctte. RttAkana ......64 81 : Tteoma ......................48 . 89 .552 VaneouTer ..........41 44 : ..sa Victoria .........39 -,44 t 470 Aberteea fj , i?2 Beattla - ,.8 60 .419 "JACK; 'BUSINESS! DOESliT APPRECIATE YOUR BEING SO WAL you doii't mm C01T CLOTHES!" Taara ago,' perhaps, it was easier to make a success by wearing a baggy suit six months or so to put a little extra, money in the bank. But that sort of thing doesn't go now- because If s so EAST TO HAVE STYLISH CLOTHES these days. ; . "Not that Industry isn't just as pay ing as rt ever was; but. don't yoa see. Jack, a fellow can't put over anything worth while in business with his looks pulling . against, bintu N "Run up to CHERRTS CREDIT CLOTHING! STORE. They CAN FIT ANYONE, so it will be only a matter of -minutes for 'you : to choose- suit that will stand up and 'do you proud,' no matter where you wear it. "THE PRICE WILL. BE A CHEER FUL SURPRISE so moderate and WEEKLY OR MONTHLY -t INSTALL MENTS - will settle up. your bill after you pay CHERRY'S a small 'good faith' sum. Watch prospect 'chirk up - then! You'll understand how wearing the right clothes PAYS: Cherry's place is at 222391 Wash ington street. In the Plttoek block. Adv. LOWED UF INIT THAT Coast .Golfers .Will Play at Cleveland Cleveland, phio. July 14. U. P.) The best players In the middle and far west will start in the western amateur golf championship to be held oa the May field club course here, beginning next Monday. ; The entry'; list. Just closed, shows': 15 S golfers, including Chick? Evans, Warren K. Wood, Ken r.eth , Edwards and Mason Phelps of Chicago, and H. K. B. Davis, Jack Ne ville, EL S. Armstrong and Robin Hayne of the Pacific coast. H ESS' HOMER WINS GAME San Franclsco CaL, July -14. -A home run, in the tenth Inning by Jack Ness gave the Oaks a 2 to 1-victory over Salt JLake yesterday. : Ness was the first man up in the inning. : Be sides winning the game, Ness estab lished a world's record for consecu tive batting. The Oakland ' captain has hit safely in the last 41 games. The scorer - SALT LAKB AB. B. BT. PO. PWnn, rf. ............ 4 O ,0 1 K. o 4 1 0 o a 1 0 4 Orr. sa. 8 O 2 : 3 oedeon, ZD. ............ 6 Byan, 1. 4 Zacber, cf. ............ 4 Ten nan t, lb. ...... 4 Hallioaa, 8b. S Hannah, c. . 4 C. Williams, p. .......... 4 O o 1 o o o 0 1 z 0 1 0 o 1 : Total ....85 1 T 27 1 -. OAKLAND AB. R. H. PO. A. E. MeAToy. . 400 8 4 Mlddleton, cf. ,...4 1 2 3 O Johnaton. If. t. S Neaa, lb. 4 OartSoer, rf. ..... ...... . 8 Elliott e. ............ 8 Lttachl, 8b. ........... 8 Goeat, aa. ... ..... .... 8 Praiett, p.. -3 O 0 8 O . I, Ml O O 8 O O "4 O 11 0 ' 1 , 0' - 1 ' 1 3 O 8 : 7 3 ' 0 Total ..t.'....;. .....80 $' 80 , Ne oats when winnlns ran scored. ' . . gceSIBI INNINGS Salt Lake ............ .0 O010O000 O t HIU 0 02310030 07 Oakland ......1 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 12 Bits 1 OH01010 1 Home ran Neas. Tnree base hit Mlddleton. Two bate hit Praiett, Utscbl. Sacrifice bit Orr, Baaea oa balla Praiett 8. Struck otit By C. Wllllaroa t. Praiett 6. Sacrtflca f ly Jobeatmi. -Dmilila play Williams to Tannest to Ballinan. Stolen saaeSblnn, Runa r-pon-ibU for O. WUIiama 2, frulatt. Left on baaea Salt Laka 8 Oakland 2, Time 144. Untplfaa Toman ana Phyla. ( VHE OLD SOLDIER. SHOWS YOUyH WON A VICTORY WHIN YOU HAVE. .THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW if xrrtrj si 'm "TtrHAT'S the good of a tobacco that tT makes you take a big wad and grind and grind on it. The Real 9 Tobacco CJiew gives you real tobacco satisfaction and comfort. There's the reason why. men are glad to ct it, and why they count it a pleasure to tell its merit to their friends who chew. j - A little chew of pure, rich, mellow tobacco seasoned and sweetened , just enoughcuts out so much of thy tUihdin and spittine;. i TUB RCAJ. TOBACCO W-B CUT tstONO The taste of pure, rich tobseoo does Dot need to he covered up. j Ars. (sautess of licorice and eweeteaiaj makes you spit too much. j One small chew takes the place of two fcij ' . chews of the old kind. - r ' . . j Notice bow tic salt triads v - ont t-ic rlcii toSacco taste. 9 9 TTEYlIAN-ERuTOIl COI-PAIIT, ZO Unioa SqWe.HewYc:!: C j l(PUT FROM CEAUER C1SEND 10t5TA?,!?3TOU Far-Western Track Selected by P. N. A. ":; According to an announcement made yesterday by,T. Morris Dunnej seoreta, ry pf the Pacific Northwest association. the P. N. A. will be represented in the Far-Western track .and field champion ship meet to be held in San Francisco July 30 and 81 by the following ath letes: Paul Clyde, distance runner; Sam Stenstrom, sprinter; Sam Bellah, ' vaulter and Javelin , throwerl Waiter Muirhead, hurdler and Jumper; Walter Hammell, hurdler; Chester Fee, vault er and javelin thrower; Ouy Hobgood. distance runner; B. Cole, discus thrower, -and Dlok Grant, sprinter. ' Carl Johnson, the. wonderful broad Jumper . of the Spokane high school, may not make the trip as nothing ha bfeen heard from 'the officials of the Spokane Athletic club. It is believed that the Spokane club wants; to hold Johnson over so that he can; partici pate In the meet scheduled with the Irish-American Athletic club. SUBURBAN HANDICAP ON - New York, July 14. (U. P. -Eleven thoroughbreds will start in the subur ban handicap this afternoon on the Belmont track. One of the largest crowds in the history of the! event is expected to attend. I 0 1 o 0 o o 0 0 0 A L1GIITWEIGIIT .DEE? n POLNTJID I OLLArR. aw Seta- CIsatt, FaabeJr a Co. ba Maker of Arrarr Chlrts THE JUDGE THAT HE IS UP'TO-CATC j. l COULD DO A BlcT I CAMPAIGN ON THAT, V BEUEVf ME CMCW IS NOW CUT TWO WAYS!! 1 J i u sratto. KCTKUT n tKCjrr ssisra WOO c I Talte lest than one-quarter the old size chew It will be mors satisfying than a mouthful of ordinary tobacco." Just take a nibble of it until you find I the strength chew that suits you, then see how easily and, I evenly the real tobacco taste come, how it aattiset. ' bow much less you have to spit, how few chews you. take to ba tobacco satisfied. That's why it is 71 Real Toiacct Cktw. That's why It eotta less in the end. '