THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, JULY, 14, 1C15. WntvSOGietyi ' f RS. J. B.- MONTGOMERY hM l I arrived in Portland after be IV jj extended . travel east , ana south and la no stoppta it tht home o her daughter. Mrs. Walter ? F. Burrell. Mm. Burrell Is visiting her cousin and Mr. Bernard PeUr. wife of the British consul, ' at Seattle for a few days. ' - Mrs. Montgomery toa been away from Portland since the middle:, of December, when she went to New Torlt to Join her daughters, Mrs. Ru fus T. Zog-baum and Miss Montgom- ery. ' In February she sailed for Pan ama' In company -; with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wood, of New York. Returning to New Orleans they 'visited the southern states and came to California, enjoying 1803 miles" motoring through the south. - They visited the Grand Canyon Los - An gelas, gin Diego end returned north to San Francisco, where they , passed - much time in viewing the exposition. Mrs. ; Montgomery will probably re main In Portland for the summen Hen daughter. Mrs. Zogbaura. "ta pass ing' the summer at Newport. B, X. at "DeBlols Cottage." Her husband. Lieutenant Zogbaum. was assigned early In June -, to command of the government . transport Caesar, - which left for the Mediterranean with sup plies for the two . American naval vessels which are stationed there, and Is now In the Mediterranean war one. ." Cakes. Streaming In. , ' For;-the French .Red Cross benefit, which ' is to be ' a cake sale at Gear hart Park July 17. cakes are literally streaming : to. Confections of the rarest and best are promised ; by the society, women of Portland and J- the women, who are i summering - at the ' beach, r Gay "posters have - been- done by i a group of society ; girls, includ ' ing Miss 8hanna Cummlng, Miss Mar- ' Jorie Hoffman and Miss Lesley Smith. to K advertise . the sale at Gearhart. The summer visitors at the beaches -- near about there are keenly Interested in the event, which will be held at the cottage of Mrs. David T. Honey man. Cakes and cookies will be sold . there 'during, the afternoon and tea ' .-will be served. " ; All-who are interested in contrib- : utlng to the cause of the French , Red . Cross and wish to donate cakes or give orders for them, are Invited to ' communicate with Mrs. X Andre ; Fouilhoux. In Portland, or Mrs. Honey man at the beach. . . . . . Sirs. Schofield and Daughter Here From Washington, D. C." ' Mrs. Richard M. Schofield, wife of Colonel Schofield. of the quartermas ter's corps at Washington, ; arrived in the city last Thursday accompanied by her daughter. Miss Margaret Scho field, and plans o pass the summer here" with her mother, Mrs. - Sam JX Bmith. and her sisters. Mrs. Ned Ayre and Miss Laura Smith. The Smiths hav given up their house on ; West over . Terrace and will be' located t Mrs.' Jamea Zan's residence on Petty grove street until their new home at Twenty-fifth and Pettygrove Is com pleted. " Mrs. Zan and her children have left for Gearhart Park for the summer. , w; . Much entertaining will doubtless be done for Mrs.- Schofield during her stay here. .Miss Schofield Is passing a few days with Mrs. Thomas Emery (Masy Campbell). ' sr, - Bliss - Mary Ashe Miller, Portland 'Visitor. . .. Miss .Mary - Ashe Miller, of San r Francisco, who made many friends ; ' In x Portland when she was here a : year ago. managing -the Marshall Dar : . rach recital, has been a Portland visit or for the past few . days and will leave today for Tacoma. She is do , ing advance work for tha Chicago , - Little Theatre company, whose artis- ic performances of "The Trojan Wo ,. men of : Euripides," , at the Festival " Hall at San Francisco, recently cre ated a sensation In thet society set - of that city, under whose patronage .the production was given. The play ers will appear here July 19 and 20, at- the HeUig. Miss Miller expects s, to return to Chicago with them. '- . '' ' -V :' "V,--, iIiaiirelhnrst County Fair.- At the "new Laurelhurst club house, . 1126 East Ankeny street, a county fair will be given by the members Friday ' evening,, July 18. The grounds will be Illuminated by the Portland, Rall- way. Light A Power company, mak t, lngr a cheerful scene and "thrilling" concessions are promised by way of entertainment. t Everybody is - ln- : vlted and admission to ' the grounds r will be free. The club members In s -elude many prominent matrons and .men who are managing the evevnt. Miss Thomas to' Entertain.; v Miss Marguerite Thomas will entertain- for her house guests, Mrs. Gerald Thomas and Miss Anna Bever ' ldge. of Fresno, Cal., who with Mrs. .Thomas little son. George Lewis Thomas, are passing, the summer here. 3 with, an' Informal tea Saturday after si noon from 3 until 8 o'clock, at her home, 575 East Morrison street. KX,. : L:.-:" , ..; ; - New . Arrival. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zeller Doro ? thy Frick) are recelwing 'messages ' of congratulation on the arrival of I a baby : boy Monday morning. July r 12. He . will , be named Jacob Irwin - Zetler. : ' Birthday Dinner. : . ; . 1 ' Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Buten f schoen were hosts at an Informal din ner - Sunday f at ' their- home. 60 Wil ' liamg .avenue, the occasion being In ; honor : of jjtheir ' birthdays. Covers j.were -laid for Mr. and. Mrs. J. B. Buetenschoen, " Mr.- and Mrs. F. W, !, Hoefs, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bueten schoen. Mrs. Peter Becker" Jr, the Misses Laura and. Erna Hoefs. Ber ; tha Miller. Edith and- Rose Buten- schoen. Evelyn : Seeker. MUdred Buetenschoen, Marie Buetenschoen and Ernest Butenschoen. William Kel ' mas. Chester and Lawrence Buten , schoen. E. M. Butenschoen and the - host and hostess. ; - . ,s - . , t: Club Women at Chantanqua. . Saturday will be Federated Club day- at the .. Chautauqua assembly. - All ' members of Federated clubs are - Invited" to attend, taking a 1 basket i lunch. There will be Informal re ports and speaking and -singing will be led by members - of the Monday " Musical club. , , f - . j Society Notes. J Mrs. Ralph J. Hurlburt XKatherine I Whitmer) and Miss - Kate Brasel, are passing a few weeks. at the Whitmer cottage at Seaside. . - t . Neil .Malarkey and his guest. BJch- ard. FarreUy, of, New-York, are vislt- - t Mrs. Albert A. Losll (Miss Bertha returned from her yridding trip friend at 726 Corbett street. ing at Wood: Long Beach -with -"Lambert Mrs. J. Coulsen Hare, ' who la enjoying- an extended trip . through southern ' California, Is now visiting friends at Ocean Beach. s Grand Exalted v Euler Is Coming J. B. ZTlch olson, of Boston, Saad of XOksv and Party Tina la Tata ' City J. B, Nicholson. of Boston. ' rand exalted ruler of the ESkaTis scheduled to reach Portland with, his party In a special train -from Los Angeles Friday, July 23, at 1:30 p.-m. In his party will be a number of ladles and promi nent members, including ' Charles . s A. White, of Chicago, - grand . treasurer; Fred C. Robinson, of Dubuque, lows, grand secretary; Ed Leach, of New York, past grand exalted T ruler.- ' - They will be met at the depot by tha special reception committee consisting of Henry E. Reed, H, T. Griffin, A. E. Jenkins, Sig Wertheimer, F. W. Wagner,- M. E. Spauldlng, John . Falconer and Emll Waldman. ' r - v ; . ,' The Elks' band will be drawn up at the depot entrance to welcome the par ty. A special meeting of the lodge will be called for that night, and It is' ex pected to surpass any previous meeting In attendance and enthusiasm. , . - Honorable J. B Nicholson has a host of friends In Portland, many of whom be made as grand esquire in. charge of the big EilC-parade in 1912 The party will be shown over tha Columbia high way. The special train will bear them toward the cities of western Washing ton on the morning of the J 4 th, being scheduled to start at 8:30. Guarding Frank . : st Violence Bepert ' That Xoh XOaas to ryach Slater of Tonne Girl Stirs, Officers, and BCUltla Kald la Beadlness. ' AtlantaC Ga, July? 14. (U. p.) "Only another scare," was the com ment "of authorities today upon i re Ports received last night that , a mob was en rout ... to . tho Mniedgevllle prison farm to lynch ; Leo ; M. Frank. Nevertheless Governor Harris held three companies of militia under arms at Macon over night, ready - for in stant service. Roads leading to - the Mllledgevllle farm were guarded, and Warden Smith had extra armed men on duty about the prison, s x-'- Speclal guards were still maintained today, but there was no indication that a raid was Imminent. Reports " have been , persistently circulated that an attempt might - bV made to take Frank from the prison farm ever since his death sentence was - commuted by former 'Governor Slaton.; ' ; When "writing or 'calling on advertisers,-you will confer a favor by men tioning The Journal .-: (Adv.) ' 11 - w" "r'X'"?i'' ill 111 . , B&mm, r:fs? ' ' .Bili - Hill ' 111 ' S90i0A- 1 1- '"111 4 ;"'ir-c I - , V v ill ;-iv , , ar. " , iiUiiiuiuuiUiiiUiiiUiluMuuuMliuu HAVE YOUR VACATION PICTURES! - Developed arid Printed by , 1 s . .;. ' -..Men Who Know How :: Our Experts Can Be of Great Help 1 to the Amateur Kodaker , Mail Us Your Films TheyllBe Developed, Printed and i s - Returned the Same Day. Pull Line Eastman Kodaks SliehUy Used Ones at . V - . " , - ' " ' . Bargain Prices, j i . Columbian Optical Go. 14S Sixth St Floyd Brower. Mgr. Bet. Alder and Morrison iintinniimT?,Tmmt,tnnit,f,,mn,,iitmfn,m,wm,,tntnmin,nm,,,n,n,iiiii,riiitewinii,,M i BY NONA LAWLER ? v -Phot by . BoshnelL Koestcr) Jane bride who has f and is now at home to her C " ! American Women I First to See Tribe 1 Mrs. O. C MacSougaU and Bister Tislt . Head Kwatinr Savages ta Interior of Xioxoa. and Witness Vatrrs Battle. San Francisco, July 14. (P. S S.) Like a t chapter; of a penny thriller Is th tale of ad ventures ln the Philip pines ' and South Pacific - countries brought' back by Mrs. C-C MacDou gall r and . her sister. ; Miss Lollta Chi pola, who arrived from . the orient on the liner China.' : - - ; ' ; t ' ' ' The sisters claim' to : be tha' first white women ever visiting- the head, hunting ' tribes, of interior Luzon. ( Ac cepting the invitation of D. "MacDou gall. a brother, to come to his plan t&tion in interior Luzon, they traveled for six days in native dugouts up the CagayasT river and then 30 miles on horseback to the village of Caligaigan, presided over by Xhlef Bents of the Kallngas tribe, t H - c - "While " we wers there,-; Mrs. Mac Dougall , said, ' . "the : tree-dwelling dwarfs, : the Negritl. attacked Chief Benta's people and a fierce battle took place. Neither side had firearms, but arrows flew, thick and fast in the vil lage before the enemy was finally put to night." i ' .Being the first white women tha na tives had ever seen, the latter aU but worshiped at their feet. ' Traveling in the sons In which the dreaded German raider Emden was operating at the time was another exciting-experience narrated. f - . . " Armored i Cars Reach Coast in Army Test Xlas la Procession Arrive in elseo v From ' JToztawestera Mflltary and xraval Academy la Wisconsin. . Ban Francisco, July 14. (P. N.j S.) Nine armored - cars, driven here ; from Lak Geneva, Wis as part, of an army test, . arrived today and proceeded In grim procession to the marine camp at the exposition. ; Vi ' train, which is under charge of 25 students of the Northwectern Mili tary and Naval . academy at f Lake f Geneva, Wis, headed by Colonel ; R. F. l Davidson,; will remain here until Sun- j day, when .the . trip will be continued to San Diego. ; From ' San Dieeo. the car ; will h ahinoeil - tut . - r!n1nnl Davidson delivered to Mayor - Rolph a ! letter rrom, tne mayor or Milwaukee. SPEAKER ; STARTS NORTH Los Angeles, CaL. July 14-(U. P.) t Speaker -Champ Clark., left for Sanf r nncso iw7, w uero am will arrive at 7:40 tonight. His brief, stop here was ; crowded with events, S Including a motor 3 trip t to ' the beaches 'and a banauet. The sneaker, said - ha vnnM go to Pontlac, , lll-t from & San Pran- i cisco, as he has a speaking date there July 24. - --:iv ..- . MRS. JCAMPBaUS ART IS FINELY SHOWN IN: STRONG PINERO PLAY "Second i Mrs. (TanquerayVjls ; Well Done by English Play ers at Heilig Theatre., 1-: k i .1 i - - By, Rex tunpnian.. Against social barriers as Inexorable as cliffs, that front the sea, Paula, "The Second Mrs. JTanqueray.T is beaten and killed like 'a bird by the storm. .-..",).. , Mrs. Patrick, Campbell, in the title role of Pinero's great play at the Hei lig last night, revealed . her transcen dent powers as an actress of tragedy. With the utmost sympathy for the character she is portraying, Mrs. Campbell exercises the finest restraint at times when perhaps an artist less honest would forget .the part "just. a little. But restraint ' Is not the word for Mrs. Campbell's fineness. She does not ' restrain, herself. " Rather, she works with that high surety which belongs to the artist who has passed beyond doubt and fear. : ; Shadings as delicate as those of a cloud whose grayness is varied by the light that sifts through these ar hers. ' :-; -J,rU : " j ' v. ,;--; J ; i Contrasts as sharp as the blaze of lightning against the. midnight these are hers as well. - - v-v I Teachers of tbei science of psychol- iogy could go to school to Mrs. Camp- ' k.n 1 1 .... . .. . . v, xwi in uei- - rsuu sne reveals the mind's . most I secret : and. sudden processes, -and how in It a heaven or, a hell may be contained. ; ' i i The story of the play is that of the marriage of - Aubrey YTanoueray. a j widower with Paula, a woman with t an Immediate past.- He decides to ; marry when his daughter.' 19, decides Itc become a nun. The daughter changes her mind and returns to live with him and her stepmother, who is let alone j by society as though unclean. ?The tgirL sensing what) her stepmother-has I beenr cannot care for her, although ; Paula tries to win her affection. Mr. and Mrs. Tanqueray find that they 'cannot either live for themselves alone Sr. without the friendship of other p so le. They are wretched. A neighbor condescends to call and then takes the daughter on a trip to Paris. The daughter falls In love with, and Is be loved by, a young captain, who turns out to be an old flame of the step- motner. From this discovery the play moves - ranidlv tot its culmination In fthe suicide of Paula. - A". ; Mrs. Campbell's supporting company. every one of them, are worthy to ap pear with her, and their work blends with hers into the perfect picture that Pinero painted when he wrote the play. " u -: - Mr. Herbert as Aubrey Tanqueray, it would seem, approaches perfection. Perhaps another might play the part differently and as .well, but surely not better. . . i Doris Bateman, as Ellean. the daugh ter, achieves distinction In a difficult role. She is delightful. .Edgar Kent, as Cayley Drummle, the good friend of the Tanquerays, makes friends for the part and for himself with his strong... sincere rendition. Sir George Orreyed. r a gentleman "souse. Is very well done by George Frederick, and Lady Orreyed. his vul gar consort, is ' equally - well done by Gwladys Morris. ( . : Madeleine Meredith as Mrs. Cortel you Is to be remembered for the clear cut character she creates, and 3. W. Austin as Captain Ardale fills a minor though Important part very cleverly. .Theref is nothing obtrusive In the production. AH Is well balanced and complete. i'y.--:"- '-; -t-'- It is to he regretted that The Sec ond Mrs. Tanqueray" is not re peated, f "Pygmalion" will 'complete the week. ; - . .. ..j-,. ' -:; , - Jews Flee, Fearing Starvation. New York, July 14. a.' K. S.) Nearly 1.000,000 j Jewish men. women and children have been driven from their homes In fear of death or starva tion in the European war sones, the American Jewish relief committee so. nouneed today in its latest bulletin. ' ' "The expulsion of Jews in-the Rus sian provinces during the last month has been appalling." the bulletin says. Round Trip io Tillamook Seashore Resorts To Garibaldi Beach i mg low fares . to $3.00 Week-End Fare . i Good going Saturday or Sunday - j For Return Sunday or Monday .... ! . ' . . -.. . . Two Fine Trains Daily Tillamook Passenger Leaves Portland. . j."... 7:45 A. M. "Seashore Special" Leaves Portland .....".IMO P. M. i Parlor . Observation . Car, Serving ' ' ...,.. Buffet Lunch on "Seashore Special" Fisliing on the "Salmonloerry tfo .otf n j j T. tpo.uu iouna inp ' Tickets on Sale Saturday and Sunday - Good for Return Monday ; Full " Information, Tickets, Parlor Car Seats. literature, etx. at City Ticket Office, -80 Sixth Street, Corner Oak; . Union vJ)epot or , East Morrison Depot - SOUTHERN PACIFIC I John M. Scott,' General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.". Charities Fund Will: Soon - Beach The $4000 Mark Contributions to the mainte nance fund of the Associated Charities have been made as follows: Previously reported ... $345.10 Baseball game receipts. ; 618.00 Three - little - brothers. Hood River, Or. ..i.. V 2 80 P. S. Brumby . . ...... . 25.00 B. L. F. . .--,.-..... 1-00 A. B. Lev . . 6.00 George H. Street . . . , .00 -Friend . . ........... .00 - Total . '. .. . ... i ...... $3 804.60 Contributions may be sent to V.-i R.. Manning, secretary. 411 Commercial block, or to R. a Howard, - treasurer. Associated Charities. Ladd & Til ton bank. Return, practically complete from the Saturday baseball game and the sale of ticket, to B&uie ana i" mw 01 .";. itv by the Associated Charities rTveM a fund of SS1I to be nd ainntdha summer relief turned into the summer relief Dt fund of the organisation and brings the total fund up to 13804.60. ... . . 4 Oregon Blue Book ' Being Distributed Work Most Comprehensive urrsy of , the Ktad Ever Issued ' la the StatX. The 1916-19 1 edition f the ' Oregon Blue Book, issued - by Secretary of State Ben W. Oleott. is now being distributed to those who desire copies. It is the most complete publication of It. kind ever issued in the state.. Last year ' hundreds of copies were asked for by school teachers in all parts of the state, to be used as a text book in studying state affairs. They de clared it supplied a, need that had long been felt . in the schools.-' The present edition of the book cov ers every official activity in the state. It gives facts . relating - to the func tions of practically every foreign, fed eral and - state ' department operating in the state. It gives much valuable information relating to taxation, po litical registration and the vote cast at the later -general state elections. It gives a -compiled summary of the vote upon initiative and referendum meas ures sine -the adoption of these pop ular instruments of government. It gives a historical sketch of Oregon, and the state constitution. It gives a list of all "the newspapers published In Oregon, and the names of all the United States senators ana represen- tatives In congress and elective state officers from the time" of the organ isation, of the provisional government. L Secretary Oleott announces that the book will be ' supplied promptly ana without charge to any citlxen of Ore gon upon application to his office. 4 Suburb of Detroit. Shows Big Growth Automobile ' Factories . Cause Tillage Population to Increase Over 600 Far ; Cent la . Five Tears. angton,, July 1 special een- 1 sus or the ' village or uamirarocK, Mlchu , made at local request and- - ex pense, shows the population ef "that village-on June 26. 1915. to have "been 21,520. The increase since '1910. when j the population was S559, has been 604 j per cent. The present population com- j prises 21,24 whites and 278 negroes. The census was taken by local - enu merators ' under tha supervision of an official of - the bureau, of census, Eu gene K. Hartley. i -,t-f ,v Hamtramck is a suburb of Detroit, lying Just to , the northeast of that city. Its remarkable growth is due in great measure to the presence of large automobile factories, within and near its borders. : , ';-,-: ;:. George Pitts Buried." . La Grande, Or., i July 14 George Pitts, bachelor, aged 45, who com mitted suicide some tlmo Monday or Sunday- night, was buried Tuesday. Though he 'ha no-relatives, so far as learned, he had ' many - friends,-; and many escorted the remains to the cem etery. - Pitts shof himself with a shotgun. - points. Correspond- other Beach' resorts. 1BREEZY VAUDEVILLE AT Ef.lPRESS STARTS : : CRITIC LlfiiERiCKING Dorothy Herman, With New Tune, Is Hit of Show,1 Other . Numbers Good. rr ' By Rex Lampmaa. -That lnvlv : rirl- TVimtliv Ttirmtn th hlt th show,-we determine. ZC aMrJZa7 Vt ' .3um? awinZ f .fowt there's other good '? .t"2frmin , , e .! "V?,T frm Bp5ln bld LSf'J -5552? La.; nd Jhetr; Week T v,'tht ttufh 4. retain, v" . : 1 aZL f1' . r" ' ,Thr couple young fellows who "fi- thin. They have volume enough to tin over a bluff, or stop a fast freight on the wing. . ;-.?' ,-w. ; Three, girls and three boys In a skit, talking, singing and kissing a bit, show those dear college days have the crasi-et,way- -'Us enough to give father a fit. f : Lonxo Cox cuts out pictures from J " net, n cuis many a caper. Shadow, thrown on a screen if you know what we mean whatever It is, he can shape 'er. This limerick lilting Is easy. What, you say that tha whole thing'ls wheezy? Well. the show 1. all right. At the Empress last night, we saw the whola thing, and it's breezy. " : ; " ' ' k. . .... ! Thrifty People Every where Save 2&C Green Trading Sthmps Investigate This Greatest ol All Prollt-Sharlng Plans Do It Noiv h- ! - -,,y.-.. ,. - , ... - lA) y Reliable "S "' ' . - .. I , . Padfk Phone mnhall 4S0O Home Phone A-G231 ' . - ; - 1 Sacrlllce Prices Best Kind, New Donble Service Models AH Slz es from 36 op r to 44 Dept. 2d Floor -"BEST KIND" Dresses are made of standard Amoskeag ginghams in various plain . colors, also in . shepherd' checks of blue, pink,, tan and gray, and have adjustable waistbands .with Double Service: fronts (see illustration). Each garment is unusually -well made!, with nevrf c6nvertible' 'collar"; which can be worn high or low collars and ' cuffs trimmed with contrasting material edged with rick-rack come open like many so-called "Double Service" Dresses and are easily adjusted to any waist measure. Ask to see these CI 1Q while in the store. Special offering for this: sale at )XeX7 Great! MM-Seaisoim : ( )( j'S 95.00 G4.00 03.00 Trimmed HATS TRIMMED HATS, S2 G7.50Y Trimmed S56.00 r 03.50 S4.00J HATS TRIMMED HATS, 03 QIO.OO O 9.00 O 7.50 G 6.50 Trimmed HATS Choice of every other. Stunner Trimaed Dat in Onr Store for Strange Woman -: ; Acts Mtenously Xesldents of Barton, Clackamas Oena ty. Suspect That Wanderer la Woods y la Maritally TJnbalancsd. -- Residents in the vicinity of Barton, Clackamas .county, have, been mysti fied and somewhat worried by the ap pearance and actions' . of " a strange woman, who called at . the home o Mrs. Fred. Turner last' Friday. She is described as a fine looking woman, with long; beautiful black hair hang ing down her back, and wearing a thin brown . skirt, light waist with a torn grey veil. -for .a .sash, an old whit knit shawl and a red silk rag over her head. - At the Turner home she Inquired the way to Baker's ridge. She was seen later near the Tackerman home, and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delias on the Damascus road. After ' leaving there she met Mrs. N. A. Brayman and her guests, the Misses Zong and Ges ner of Portland, who were on a picnlo stroll through the woods. In an ex cited' manner she asked to tell their fortunes. It is suspected her mind is unbalanced. . Bryan Seeks Peace; Shown Sham Battle Hermosa Beach, Cal., July .14.- (TJ. P.) Healthily sunburned, William jr. Bryan was on the sands early today for his usual dip and promenade. His program included . a trip to : Long Beach, wher.e he planned, to speak in the municipal auditorium. : Just after addressing -Hermosa cltlsens on "The Causeless War,- he ' viewed a sham battle- staged for his especial benefit by movie actors at Universal City. Merchandts Reliable SSSSIBSBSSSSSSSBSSBS on Wanted Summer Merchandise House Dresses i braid. y ."B. .K." Dresses will not 4 m mm TELEPHONE BOXES DOVilTOVN : SEE K . ROBBED OF CflllTEil Police Suspect an Organize 1 .Gang of Thieves Is Making the Raids. An organised gsng of telephone to thieves is believed to be at work It Portland as a result of the discover that telephone boxes In ,a number cf Portland's hotels and department stores have been broken Into ; robbed within the past few days. De tectives Golts and Abbot are no v working on the case and believe t!. t they know the identity f the robbers. According to the report made to t , police-the boxes of telephones In V. . Perkins hotel. Portland hotel. Meier -Frank department store. Olds, Wort man -King atore and) the Oreec t Electric depot were robbed since Saturday...!- It is. believed that a number of other places have been robbed o which no report has been made to tt Police. J: . I, , ..- - All of , the telephone ' boxes robb 1 are located in booths where they may be broken without being seen by any one outside. - , , ) j Might Hare Known It. " Glencoe," 111., July H. tf. P.) Town fathers erected a mirror at ' a oangerous road crossing. Now they are arraia they must jremove It he- ' mf"rts St. lr noses. cause so many women before it to powder their Methods Doable Stamp Li Tomorrow with all Cash Purchases made in the Bakery Dept. Fourth Floor O W K Special0 Cpsloci-llade Corsets THESE - Splendid j Corsets embody . the latest ideas in the art of corset mak ing. AH the beauty of line, per fection of fit, and smartness usually found in corsets! of bet ter grades are combined in Our "OWK SPECIAL" at la much lower price. Special Showing on Second Floor. j 20c to 35c Wash Goods Main - Floor Several thou sand yards beautiful Wash Goods in the Clearance at less than half regular price. Batistes,, mulls, crepes, lace stripe, - nainsooks, poplins, voiles, dimities, lawns; etc, in great variety of pattefns and colors; Regular 20c afad O 25c: fabrics, special, yard Women'sKnIf Underwear Specials . . Center Circle, 1st Floor 25c Cotton and Lisle "I Ov Vests, plain or fancy, at J-a w 65c Union . Suits, tight AQr or . lace knee, cow at 75c Lisle Union Suit?, outsize, special : now at 1.00 Lisle-Union Suits, rJQ full line of sizes, now at wl 25c Silk Xisle. Hose 2 -I Q pairs for 35c a pair for J-wv 35c SUk Boot Hose, in Of? black, white and colors CoffeevBay S9 Grocery Dept. fcourtti Floor No de'liveries except with .other purchases made in the! Grocery Department. .' 40c OWK COFFEE on sale Thursday at, the lb. w 50c Ceylon, English Breakfast or Uncolored Japan Tea. QOo Thursday special at. lb. Oe 4s SPECIAL ATTENTION given to Grocery and Provision Or ders for beach or camp. It will pay ' you to get our prices. BISHIIS1 I II '8 UlUlUliyUlUlllllilllllulliililiuilUMiMlUUUIIttllUUIIUMllllullHlllUllUmiilllul hi saaa M S4M S4 St 44 1 1 1 ( 4141