12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, JULY - 14, 1S15. ! 'i BUSINESS OPPOnTtXITIES 20 (Continued) OP.l.i:.HOCSE, florist store, acre land with room, modern house, all together. Rent for all, 40. Ele - gant stock of plants, f lowers. Account . of Klcknesa -will sacrifice. 1360. Termw. t UonTJll Hal " octrtes'ba tion, run line rgrjeries, looacco., riKars. Receipt $20 per day. $ nice- Jy rwrnisnea rooms, toilet ana dbiil lient ' for- all lit.') ner month. ' Price $550. Terms. . This' buy will stand the strictest investigation. . .: .: 8AFETI FIRST. ' Before buying or listing consult the Elmore Co. hey guarantee you ana protect you In anything you buy or sell. . ' ' ' - - We have' several Rood buys in room ing houses that - are making good KLMOKE CO., 724 Chamber Commerce. $2100 buy.s corner lot, 2 story build ing, store room and three rooms down stairs, seven - rooms : upstairs; $1200 worth of stock and fixture. Owner actually has $5000 In. this property. This Is a real sacrifice. Fred W. Ger man ".. l 4 Chamber of Com. - Cigan Store. Best transient street In city, A-l boot black stand. Fixtures cost $900, lots stock. All for $450; terma -I v . . PETfiKB, 1& IM, bin SI. i.pf.VM1!.1 t,- ' i . W.'.i- fdV,VUV UUO I1B, Jl-Clav . . fcruws- n'a ii9 i-incr nv0P tin .10 A nor -rear. Included in this business Is real es- i -tate worth over $60,000. Address fori interview F-693 Journal. ..- , - ;; - '., , . 1 , sr BUSINESS ; OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 WANT to rent .dwelling at a live aU year beach resort for hot lunch and box ball alleys; must, be reasonable. R-tiM. Journal. MOSEY TO 5XJAN - ItEAfi ESTATE LOANS on improve i city property or for buiioing purposes; afivance made sr. builriiner Drotrresses: liberal ruiav fnent privileges: no commission. J. , -J iPHomb. 242 Rtsrk t. Main 44?0 PRIVATE "FUNCS ON HAND. S16.000 at 7 81&00 at 7 . , 6.000 at 7 1000 at 8 4,000 at 7. , 800 at 8 -i M'KEXZIK fe CO., 615 Gerllnger Bldg. Mortgage i Loans r. L. WHITE. 701 Petlln bldg. BUILDING loans on city and subur ban property;, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 318 Fall Intr hid sr.- Main 8407. -- liONKV to loan in auwuou of to $503J on city property. A. U. Bell. ?ei Gerllneer btdg. CAtiH ( tnurtgyKee, nuies, cun- tracts; mortgage loans; f; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewts Co.. 3 twis hll Wi lA loan -you money to build home if you own lot, 7 per cent. F-62, Journal. - duv.JMv du morisages, city auii term property, fire insure nna. McKcmU Co.. Orlineer bide . M end Alder idOKTGAUlu t icitii a: uurreut , rt. ? : Heal estate securityi Apply room 203 Block Exj.hanee. 3ii ard rsmhill. -, 4 1.000 OK i-Eta. fAiiKiNU'JOiN, nn 4th st. Hoard ot '1h1 ht.isr. MOH'irAGE LOANS, and 7. Louis Salomon fc Co.. 80O Oak St.. near 6th MO.Ef. loivan l' vv.-i. omiL & Co.. Slh Kt-wldlng Mdg. . 6ou to tniiiiif MlVAite jth.t -vj 81. Journar. - W0, 6u. ouO. S00. $1200, flaw. KreU W Urmsn C. 14 'ham. of Com MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 IMMEDIATE LOA.XNS . ON . DIAMONDS AND . JEWELKI AT EASTERN RATES. W have one of the finest retail V Jewelry stores in the sity. A loan de 2 paituieni 1 conducted in connection with same, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. - Absolutely no signs designating loan business dis played ia front of our store. All mer chandise pledged is neld for a period of tweiv -months, whether or aot In terest is paid when , due. We are ii censed and have- been established Since 1899. No connection with: any othr loan cstaotlsbment in this city. A.' St , M. DI5LO V AGE. JEW ELERS. 824 Washlnyton st. SALARY ' LOAMa SAJUiltX tUAAS. Being salary loan brokers exclusive ly, we ure enabled to assure sattafac Uon and Kive (he quickest possible service. .-, . , Business strictly conf idsntlsJ. REM EMBER,' - . We are licensed, and therefore RELIABLE. STATE SECURITY CO-- - 809 FifTling bldg. , . Loans at Legal Hates .We loan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock, stoiaao lec'tipta. plain notes, on luinuuru, or anything of value. ; . . You can get it today. Portland Loan Co., Licensed ; Licensed by State. 311 Uekuin Bid.. Third and Washington. ' - . MONEV- AT N CE. .' LEGAL RATE OF INTEREST -- Diamonds. Jewelry. Musical Inst. . V? All Pledges -Held One Year. . . Separate Dept. for Ladies - ELRY COMPANY (Licensed). 320 Lumber Ex. bid., 2d and Stark sts. . LOANS WANTED 3Q ' F I RST. . mortgages on, new . homes, pay 7 per cent. The Oregon Home Build ers. 1330 N. W. Batik bldg. WANT $800 ?from private party 6 months. 10: will senir. iby first mortgage farm land.V L-771. Journal WANT $2000. 3 years, 8: good se- curity. Call Main 7838. FINANCIAL 51 AVANTED ON: A-l SECURITY. .at vb- value Jua.000 - ; , : . 4.1.00 at 8'o Value 14.000 , r 1,600 at : Value 4.800 1,604 , at 8 Value 4.000 ' M'KENZIE & CO.. 615 Gerllnger Bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers Interest ia contracts, purchased. Oregon and Washington. ,tt E. Noble, Lumbermen bldg. HELP VANTED--5IALK 1 MAN for light work in small apart ment house 'for,, room and board: emio i vr yuu jos ouisiae. - Main J.356. A-l solicitor for cleaning and pressing r P. Jensey ft., St. Johns, Or. bALIfirfMEN wanted, out: it free, cash weekly. Address Capital City Nurs err Co.. Salm. Or. HELP WANTED MISC. 49 Y, M. A. , AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL sfeciaL short course. N . REDUCED IlATES TO SEPT 1 Unusual opportuniiv; full as'socla Vpn, membership to Oct. 1. Call at educational office. Y" M C. A. bids- GOVERNMENT .positions are easy to get. - My -free booklet, - Y-368. tells fcow..-i Write today -NOW. Eari Hop kins. -Washlnsrton. D. C ' fSfc WANTED GO VEKNMENT Jobs B-iS monjy? Portland examinaUons Sept. 15. -Franklin InsUtute. Dept. a V.- Rochester." N. -Y. fT". " WANTED Names of men wanting to T-v'c,railwy m.a11 -clerksi $76 , month. rCA.-fti4.r Journal., -- -.v.1'.". . .. ' .; COOK- headquarters California Wine Depot. 881 YamhllL Near 6th. . UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6.69 ITi-Z?7-01"- he Tailor. 289H Burnside. JHELP WANTED FES1ALE f5 WANTED- Girl or middle aged woman , for general housework . In family of 2. -.Will pay $15 per mo. Tabor 3388. WA N TED Reliable woman for houee work,. small tamily, country. - Main 4 4 15.' . . 4 ' . . . AN1 ED -Experienced operators used to cap makers' machines. Apply .Brown'a Cap Works. Phoenix bids. HELP WANTED FE31ALE 3; Contisned)' i JOJRBE, practical, for . hospital and j r private .work. State age, height, , weight. - complexion, experience and other details. Give phone number and address. Y-662. Journal. : - AUJ wishing experiencetypewriting ftnd office work wanted In private office,,, ReDlvtne. state. , aare. name. j (,hon. number uil rftal1: m na.Ia.rv to begin. 2-485, Journal. V i1AN to keep .house for widower,. 4 small girls; steady work for right woman; small mountain torn. - C. .K. weicn, UKian. or, LADIES : of refinement to retail the exclusive Franco-American , hygieme toilet requisites.. Experience" unneces sary. 188 14th St. ; . f WET nurse wanted; care, for infant a t her own home, t, Tabor 6 7 9. Z 1 2 8 K. Glisan St. .. . ; WANTED -Experienced Operators and hand sewers for caps. Jacobs. 88 Va 3d st. ' t -- v HELP WAKTEl 3IALE AND -FEMALE 29 MEN and women - to larc the barber 1 trade, wages paid wnile learning; tuition reduced position secured. The only chain of schools in the world. omb mmn viuiugug, j )ir pwii I College. H. 4 N. 2d at. : s I OREGON Barber cblleae wants onen . and women to learn -the barber trade In 8 weeks; 4 positions seeured; paid while learning. Fpecial summer course tuition reduced. - 23 Madison st. - SITUATIONS MAI4S BY strong and steady young- man, 28, has experience as shipping clerk and general business and can supply ref erenoes. L-770. Journal. PLUMBER, steamfitter, with tools. j wants position as janitor, in apart ment house married, good, character, references. ' :V- 2 4 journal. EXPERIENCED farmer, age 32, mar ried, no children, wants .. cure of ranch-or one to work n shares. M. H. Brown, 635 Couch st. A-2034. ' ' BLACKSMITH First class and sober; would like work in country towiv T. V. Dowling, 860 Sandy road, Port land, Or. '-- YOUNG man, willing worker, would like steady work la city cr will work by the hour. Main 1526. . Skilled Carpenters : Furnished on short notice. Mar. 76. WANTED Position s by man of 25, r hardware experience but willing to take anything at once. L-772, Journal. FIRST class buttertnaker open for en gagement; married; can leave eity. L-763, JoumaL - . : . CARPENTER wants work; contract or day; Job work. 40c hour; Sellw'd 2241. SITUATIONS FEMAIiE LADY would care for- f ew -. rooms or small rooming house In exchange for housekeeping rooms; - no children. Main 284. Koom 7. PINNERS, weddings, parties; plan, prepare, serve; ; will furhlah . Silver, china. Sell wood 1696.' y : WANTED, position as H. K, in apart ment or rooming house, had experi ence. iCall Main 1883f Room 44.-, -WOMAN wants -work by. hour or day. Alain . ' -- i ' . EXPERIENCED woman wants , day work. Call after 6 o'clock. Wdlit 2138 PLAIN - light housework, experienced elderly lady: Main 7439. ; LADY. wishes baby or young: child to care for. Columbia 577. . ' EXPERIENCED woman wants, day work, 25c hour. East 6904. LADY want's work by day. Tabor 632. DKESSMAKINQ 40 DRESSMAKING by day or at home; work guaranteed. Phone Mranl. 2459. NURSES (JO HAVE comfortable place where old - people can feel at nome; . nice yard. 65 . 28th st. East 1776. EXPERIENCED, reliable nurse wants work by day, week or permanent. Main 7923. FURNISHED- ROOMS 10th at. at Oak, - now opened.- Good, quiet place right down town. Strictly modern, fireproof .building with large, comfortable lOObv. All outside rooms. f First class permanent patronage so licited. Rooms $3 week up.WUh pri vate bath. $5 week up. See our rooms before deciding to locate. We also so licit first class transient trade, s 1 ROOM register listing several hundred in all parts of the city at Y. M. C A.; also those la the association' fire proof building, with shower , baths, swimming pool, gymnasium, library, reading rooms, at $1.6 v to $2.76 per week double, with individual beds, or $2.60 to 84.60 per week single. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 652 Wash ington st, new fireproof brick, all outside rooms, running hot and cold water, private-or public baths, quiet and home like, 31 month up. THE ALfiiON HOTEL, 212 Jd a,nd Salmon, r ..:, Rooms 81.(5 week ud: steam hjit hot and cold water, free bath, ohone. Madras Hotel M rooms, 2.&o up. ijy aay &0c. J&c, $11 cor. 12th and Washington sts.' Nicely furnished A D RnTT 26c day up. 228 Wash, st. rVDDVJ 1 i-6Q wfc. up ROOMS and apartments in modern ho tel. 62.50 week and up. x 4fS Alder. $1.60 WEEK up; clean, warm, modern fur, rooms, central. The King, 309 Jef. FURNISHED ROOMS PSTVATS i TAXX3UT. NEATLY furnished t room, electricity, hot water, modern conveniences, se lect Nob Hill district. $2.60 week. 123 N. 23d. - - - ... - .CLEAN, ; ATTRACTIVE ROOMS; yuitiT AND- HOMELIKE. $1.60 UP. 388 SALMON. SEE . Liberty Bell parade; nice front rooms; large, windows. 239 .6th St., otpotjite- courthouse. -; --'-r, ROOMS AND BOARD 15 PARKVIEW' HOTEL, S86 Montgomery St. at West Park, Family hotels all modern conveniences; rates for regular snrt transient ruests. ... THE HAZEL, cer, 3d and Montgomery. Fine, furnished rooms r.sd ooard. 35 cp: steam heat, hot baths; free phone. THE VERANDA, rooms and board 84.50 week and tip. Use of music and pool rm; also shower baths. 654 E.Madison." Room and board, young women 44 wa nn "1 tin. T u.. 11 r.tr. h 1RST - class - board and roo jo, best cooking. 8ft ut. S4fi College t. ROOMS AND BOARD - 73 PBTTATB rAMTCY. MARRIED woman would take small child or Infant to room and board. Best references. Call 370 - 1st st. jwarsnaii rtoom 1. YOUNG woman, with own home, east side, wishes 2 elderly . people for board and room at -.$20 per month. K-839, Journal. ' , HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS THE HY LAND 480 Morrison, 1 room ;Sn Idtehenette, $12 ; , 2 room apts, 812 up. Strictly mode rn. - RO YCREST 1 7 5 -! s 1 2 th. t convenient suites ad iii-lv'H.;IC ; rooms, use of piano. - - ; . r, , . , FRONT suite, attractively furnished, private porch, ; gas range, only 316 month; this la a bargain. 116 N. 23d. S LUTES and single IL K. rooms, $l.i5 week up. Also modern rooms, Mer cegs. 20th snd Morrison. k - 1, 2, 2 rms. Gem Apts. phone. $1 wk. -: ... UP. 401 lSt Wree bath. Cambridge bide:., furnished H. K rooms, central, cheap. 165 3d. cor. Mor'n. ROOMS and housekeeping rooms. 240 , Park, cor. Main. ' OILMAN hotel. , let and Alder. Fur. nished rH. C rms.. cheap. $1.50 wk. up. 8 ONE roou with icitchenette, com pie te ' ly furnished. steam heat, running hot and cold -water,- phone in every room;- 7 blocks lrom 5th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. 91 Columbia st. corney 6th st.' -v-.:- - - -J $1 to $.6 week, t urn Hum) LI. K. Mjma. , 1i... l.nniln!' , Irs. Phone East 03: ' 203-Stanton. Xj car. li- K. at reasonable rats; 1 block irom school, children Allowed. 410 Jt ferson. j HOUSEKEEPING ItOOMS FBXTATS PAMH.T. 73 SPLENDID large front rooms,: cult able for small .family or bachelor apartments; 3 blocks to P. O., i, $i, and $4 per week; rates by month. 22 Sth st opp. courthouse. -" - - y - TWO front rooms, beautifully fur nished, housekeeping, sink, running water in rooms, electricity, gas range, laundry, ' large Torch, yard, : sleeping porcn ir aeairea. xza ct. sao. LiGiiT. airy, furnished housekeeping basement room, clothes closet, bath, electricity, gas plate, for bachelor. 123 N. 23d. .......... 261 TAYLOR Suites and single H. K. rooms; free light, phone, bath, laun- dry.- ... f. - ; ONE ' and two room housekeeping - suites, nicely furnished, hot and cold water,' clean and close In. 293 10th. TWO nicely' furnished housekeeping rooms; hot - and, cold water. 584 Everett, cor. lth. Main 3306. SS JKER month, 4 furnished h. k. rma., gas, plated range, 62$ Broadway Drive. Main 4628. H. K. AND fur. rooms, 1 private en trance; suitable for , bachelor or working girl. 335 6th. cor. Market. FRONT room and kitchenette, 2 large . H. K, rooms. Walking distance, 344 4th. ' - TWO extraordinary fine front rooms, with - all modern conveniences'; for housekeeping. 291 Morrison, cor. 6tft. TWf-fc nism Alan a n.. wlr 47, ... jilsbed complete. Gas,electrlc lights mm waur ace, qui juiswasippi ve l'RONT suite housekeeping rooms; run. ning water, large closet, gas range. 571 N;;17th St. '- - 7 THREE H. K. rooms in private family. 294 Eugene st. -Phone East 2516. - FRONT housekeeping rooms, - free lights. Phone East 4786. 47 E. Sth N. H. K. ROOMS, $1.50 a week; . single 1 and 2 - rooms, , $1.60 up; basement 91.Z&; central. iai lownsaaie. FOB KENT HOUSES 12 9 ROOM modern dwelling. 631 E. 42d N. ; large bedrooms, 2 toilets . nd baths; lease very reasonable to r sponsble family. Call M. 1242. Ta. 1038. A - NEW modern ' bungalow- for rent, with few pieces of .; furniture for sale. If wanted. Inquire at Freytag's store, Gladstone. - WILL rent my J 4 500 strictly modern 8 room house, 1 blk. from car, Laur- einurst. only 826 per month.- Tabor mar. .- wererences .requireq. SIX room - modern house, fireplace, china closet, newly tinted.- 1 block from St. Johns car, rent $14. 1117 woncora si. wooaitwn zot4. BIX room modern iiouse in Rose City Park, Vs block from car; also 6 room k itiioM modern nouse. lath and Aiarsnaii st.. r or rent reasonable, ap jsiw esi -iarwnati st. Aiatn or A-Z4 74, TO reliable tenant. Laurelhurst bung alowt block to car. ' Tabor 3556. - SIX room cottage, modern. 723 Mult nomah st. East 3233. - $9 6 ROOMS, clean, gas, bath,-walk - lng distance. Phone East 2245. $3.50, 2 rooms, chicken park, acre, water paid; phone Wood lawn 209. $10 Nice, clean 5 room house. Alberta earline. Woodlawn- 1361. FIVE room bungalow, 3 rooms house keeping, with garage! Tabor 190. FURNITUIvE FOR SALE ' HOUSES FOR RENT 32 ADS of furniture for sale are -published In the Household Goods classic flcatioii when bouse ' Is not for rsnt- FURNISHED HOUSES 36 $14 MONTH 4 ' room cottage fur nished for housekeeping, 460 Flint St.. near Russell and Williams a,ve. East 6671. No children. ; . FURNISHED- 6 room cottage; also pri vate lower flat. 3 rooms. , Sell wood 2. 614 E. 21st St.. ' -7 . IRV1NGTON Part . ot a furnished bouse to rent permanently; 5 rooms downstairs; aauua; sa&. Kast 4384. MODERN 4, 6 and 6 room cottages, nn uisnea. man ztcn ano. uiaostone st; $17 to $20. East 3225. - - COMPLETELY furnished 6 room house, neat and clean. 426 Halsey MODERN 6 room house nicely fur nished, near Broadway bridge. - 249 FURNISHED 6 room bungalow, All modern Improvements. Kas through out, wash trays; cheap. Sell wood 1026. COMPLETELY- furnished 2 room- cot. tage, with piano and sewing ma chine. -1076 K. 15th N. COZY : 7 - room bungalow nicely -, f ur-ntshed.'- $16.50. Woodlawn v 2796. ; - FURNISHED cottage, electricity, good location. Main 7911. 414 College. ELECTRIC, gas, , bath, phone, piano ire3. zoz rage 4t. o car. 6. ROOM furnished house on Portland Heights. Ideal spot. Main 6809. - - APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE IR13 APTS.t Sd and Mill tst. JULIETTE APTS. 2d and ' Montgom ery. Modern 2. 3 and -4 room apts, furnished or unfurnished, f 17 month up. ivo cnarw tor cooKinir gas. lUli COUl', cor. Ei. 3 in and iayior ets has been remodeled with private baths, new furniture and carpets. 3 ana s rooms; iigm ana pnone tree. MONTGOMERY Apts.. cor.- ad-Montgomery. Strictly mod-, all outside fur. 2 rm. apts., elect.-ele best service, close in. 618 to 825. Free lights. M. 946. THE Alu'rt Ajfs, cor. King ana-Wash new man'g.; 3 and 4 rooms, fur. and unfur. apts., reasonable rent. Pacific RitOADWAY CENTRAL BLOCK . Rooms and apartments,. modern, new. Up-to-date-f urn. elaborately. 3 blks. e. Bdwy. bridge.- Summer rates. E. 8663. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway, south. 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very rea sonable rent: best of service. M. '2506. i -' 108 16TH ST. Marshall 2316 Nice 6 room turn, and unfurn. apts.; aIK antl 4oom . turn, -apartments. ROSENFELD (brick). 14th & E. Stark. Modern H and -4 r. furnished or un fur. Private phones, reasonable rates. OA MAR APTS., 704 Lovejoy A mod ern brick building, 2 and 3 i room fnr. apts., $18 to $30.' Marshall 2917. RENT BARGAINS. " 4 rmsi. unfur,; a rms. furj hardwood firs.', ref. Portnomah, '200 E. 13th. TWO,, i room furnished, apartments, rent - reasonable, no children, v Call Z4 mt ztngt. m. PENINSUI. APTS, concrete ldg.. 3 and a rooms, liot and - -cold water, baths, st. heat, phone. 31S-UP.- C-1170. T " w ." I WiNSToN. - 2 and 9 rlfem, Vprivale Datn, modern dtick ; special rates ia end up: 14th and Market.- Main 1739. DOWN town, modern aptav $16 month up, including heat, light. : etc.- Royal Annex, abofr Morrison. AMERICAN and Marlborough mod. 4, 6, 6 rm. apt. Mar. 3360, M. 7516, A-267S. THE ORMONDE Front 4 and 6 rooms. 656 Flanders. Nob Hill.- Main 8251. MEREDITH 8 r& 4 rm. apts., reason able. 712 Washington. opp.22d. M.7134 PAGE APXS. Excellent outside apts, Rates very reasonable.'- -East 8566. - KKELEK APTBH 14th and -Clay 9 Ml 4 room onfurniettd; references. HALSEY APTS., 2 - and 3 room; all - mod.- conveniences. 300 Wms. E. 32 73. THE LUZERNE 2 room fur. apts . mdtn brick. $20 m. uj. Mar. 4a37. LUXOR APTS., 324 13th sL; 2, 3 and 4 room apts.; also single rooms. - - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS r v Continued) i APAKT3IENTS 43 FUKNISIIED AND UNFUKNISIIED fCoptlnuedl ' : The i Glenn- Corner of Hawthorne ave. and Glenn, between 32d and SSd sts. Here Is your chance. We have a vacancy one of our best apts.. furnished or unfurnished. Phone Tabor 6100. or Tabor 2017, or B 2332. - - 2., i t LUCILE COURT. . . . 1 228 North 20th &t. Newly tinted, thoroughly renovated, strictly modern, high class 3 and 4 room apartments; furnished and ttnfur nished: large, shady yard With swings and hammocks; - children welcome. PRICES VERY REASONABLE. , J i - - - Marshall 2032. D1EL APTS, Z4tU and E. -Ankeny, 10 minutes' ride, surrounded by -large f targe ry and open - arassy-spaces, lightr j airy and quiet: 3 room apts.. under-new man-J a&ement: clean, larere outside rooms. well and completely fur hot and cold water, i steam heat, phone, light,-Janl-torj $20 mo., near car barns.'East 1808. I12.0i 115.00 318.00 3 r. fur. apts; modern brick, bldg. Private phone, private 1 bath. Janitor The EARLTON, S83 Russell, cor Union i Phones. Afain 37S2. C-25S9. VILLA ST. CLARA, , : tttb and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apt. I Walking distance. References. . THE DR1CKSTON. ' 4 48 11th. Modern, new brick biar.. high elevation, cool, "breezy; 2 and 3 rooms, fur. and unfur., $20 to $30. Best service. Marshall 66. p J -J THE LAURETTE 3 room furnished ' apts.; private bath, phone. 229.11th. ; : VOIl KENT FLATS 13 ITVEoom mod e rn"7flat ' 3 63 Park phone Tabor 4175. t FURNISHED FLATS 50 FURNISHED 3- room s flat, stricUy modern, steam heat, free phone ana water,! finely furnished, only. 10 min utes' walk from 6th and Washington, very reasonable, i 62 E. 6th st, N., cor ner Davis. Phone East; 1150. ( 3 ROOMS and bath, well furnished, . new; modern, reasonable rent, Wood lawn 167 SWELL furnished ; 4 room .flat, yard. porches. 109 E. 30th. Taoor 18IL FOUR room furnished flat, water and phone free. Wdln. 4001. , ' J I STORES AND OFFICES 11 RR1CK warehouse - in Boath Portland for rent, trackage, light and . airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal publishing Co.. Broadway and YamhllL SUMMER RESORTS 56 - , PACIFIC ' VIEW I BEACH Cottages and . tent-houses Iter rent, completely furnished, from $3.60 to $7 per week, with free wood, fine beach; good fishing and : hunting, plenty clams, agates. Make your re servation now, at 614 Stock Exchange bldg.; 3rd and Yamhill sts. - FURNISHED bungalow ; at Newport, s bath, fireplace,, piano, new, reason able. Telephone Main; J715 after 10 a. m. ana a p. m. HOUSEKEEPING apts. iur: rrlshed. wood, water, light. Ocean Crest. rcocicaway Jtseaen FURNISHED cottages and housekeep ing rooms. Phone B-1288, or write A.(; H. ' Russell. Rogkaway. Or. SUNSHINE. VILLA, (Long Reach. Wash:; cottages, rooms, tents.. Mrs. E.: Emett Cobb. 1 - SEASIDE Furnished - i room, house. - near beach. Rent reasonable. -,: Tel. East 6799. SEASIDE modern . turnished cottage, bcean view, low rentj Main 1068. AT SEASIDE 2 furnished cottages in north end of beach. Mam 178 a. SEASIDE cottage for rent. Main 4191 HORSES VEHICLES, ETC. 18 MARES- TEAM ! BA Y MARES, 2300 .pounds; are good, pal of true work ing mares, suitable for Any ranch work; set good used harness, all t-t $110. TEAM, black and bav e-eld- lngs, 3000 lbs., are dead-down . pullers and fat. , ready for work of- any kind; not lame nor sore, ana - will make a poor man a living; set iheavy harness, all at one price of $226. MARES TEAM", . 2400 lbs., mares, dapple erray and bay, are fat and hand some and work single or double, and ride; set good harness, and at $165. ' IcTHEAP CAMPING TEAM, bay mare and horse,, are fat. grain-fed and not lame nor sore; true toi pull, and will ride; set good used light-harness; all at low price of $125. Qood ?arm wag on's $15. ', -' -J :;,;;.."-.:- :.- - 1 -- - - 1 - " ' - - - j CITY sore mares and; horses at ybur One bay horse, 1100 lbs., fat, true to worn, jii). une Day mare, b years oia, 1050 lbs., fat and good worker, at $36. One 1400 lb. horse, good, honest, true fiuller. ready-for work not sore nor ame, at $63. One team well - bred mares" that will breed: and are fat, handsome pair of mares, work single or double, and ride, atl low price for both $190. Call and I see - them ' at UNION TRANSFER CO.. at 11th, , and Hoyt sts. i - ' -: p. - 1 - -, ' SPAN of dark bays, mare and geld i ing, full brother ana sister, 4 and 5 years - old, weighing 2700 lbs., very blocky built, heavy -bone and closely mated; $250. i Blue roan mare and steel grray geld ing, 6 and 6 years old, (weighing 2600 lbs., sound and true; $290. Also 30 head Of other horses, weigh In. from 1009 to 1500 lbs., at different prices, at MODEL STABLES, 6th and Davis YOUNG, low, -i blockyj heavy-boned I draft team, 4 and. 6 years old.. Now. this team will do your work and al ways be worth more than you paid for tnem.r xne oest ox reet ana legs, and long, flowing manes and tails; a team that will attract attention in any city street; set good heavy harness; all at low price of $250. Call and try them at 129 North 11th st. i - . . HAD TO GIVE CP OUB HOMESTEAD Must sen our team or Day horses, weight about 2200. aeei 8. are sound and gentle to work any- place s well matched, extra .good walkers and very stylish; are just as advertised;- trial given; come at once, as I must sell; price 8125. Mrs. ixasn i Dumford, apt. 4. Union ave. and E. Clay. jOOD ranch team for sale cheap; dou ble i harness and ' farm wagon; also 1300 lb. mare, good worker. 1967 E. ?tark st. 1 - 1 t - - DEAD horses and animals hauled away I free. Call Woodlawn 20.. Portland Rendering Co. ! - - I . : WAGONS for sale. Lumber wagons. wouu wttswus, , lunatuiB van, " arays. -872. 'Journal.1 - - - - i -' -.--.t. GOOD driving mare, buggy and i har i ness almost your own nrlca. losa rj. i amnm st. $350 EXPRESS wagon, 2 ton capacity, i tec. A, jni,i. v : . C. UWMU.Q willing, V, JTmm ... .Hit .1,1 m nn -. . v" GKOD bay horse, -weight 1100, good zatn. y wooaatocK car TEAM Weight. 2600, best of -workers, i cheap. 787 E. 28th. Woodstork mr GOOD jteam and - harness, $115, half v i . fccf ma. bj xtooney ave. LIVESTOCK 35 FRESH Jersey cow and calf for sale, - cheap. :4009 ,76th St. S. E. M,L Scott car to Flrland. -r - - Z FRESH cows, one big Durham gives - f Kiuuraj jier nay, wiin-rin. neller can py Blue, eiy tn, jenatt. St.-Johns. DAHIY and 6 cows paying $125 per month, and nay for winter. c 194 E. CHOICE fresh -cow, . wonderful pro-; ducer; ; calf 5 days IdLv 2120 i East Glisan st. h -.".i--... -- - - . WANTED For cash: i The best cow Hint fig ur lens will . Duy,, t;j 1. Stringer, phone Sell. 283. - - . 10 choice cows, fresh and coming f resn soon; Cheap. 771 Tenlno ave. HOLSTEIN cow with 10 day old calf. 787 E. 28th st- Woodstock car. , 85 FOR - SALE Jersev Hotstein cow. 8 75J 1 Durham, 6 years old. $70. , Vancouver- car to V Columbia ,m " cot vvf m g . e l v u FOIV SALE JerseV-Holsteln, 6 years ivq.. go west to first Iiouse. se e gai. w. A. Le, oiocju mivi in vi arroi station, urwnam sr. WANTED, cows coming fresh,-or fat cows; veal calves. Phone Columbia 383. POULTRY AND PIGEONS S7 FOR SALE, 10 thoroughbred black tail Jap bantams, 9 bens and rooster, cheap, Tel Woodlawn 1217.- TEN 1 Silver s Hamburg! for ealo rea sonable if taken at once., Woodlawn 1217:-- y ;' . - WHITE Rook Cock,- & hens, also some - u young . stock' from prize winners. cheap. E, 8. Struble. 1415-Kelly. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 CANARIES", f iae BlngesV "young", and old. Main 8547; AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 WE have the following cars' left from our. sacrifice sale which you . can buy from $100, to $500 less tnan any other place in Portland. ' , . ', j-J-- -"i"', , 1913 Chalmers, 4 passenger coupe. - 1913 Chalmers,. 6 cylinder. 7 passen ger. ' -- 113: Chalmers, 5 passenger. -" 1913 ' Stearns Knight. 6 cylinder, 6 passenger. . - .. -.1910 Winton, 7 passenger. : i 1912 -Wlnton, T passenger. -1914 Winton. 6 passenger. . - . . .1911 Pierce Arrow, 7 passenger. ., .- . 23d and Washington-, Sts.. Used Auto Snap N . j LIBERAL TERMS' GIVEN - J914 Mitchell, 6-cyL; ;5 or , T pass, nearly new, big sacrifice. 1912 Mitchell, 6 - pass.. . 6-cyL, just overhauled.- 1911 Marlon roadster, 3 pass., 30 h. P $300-. 1912 Michigan, 6 pass.. 30 h. p.. $400. 1911 Buick delivery. 4-cyL 20, h. p., only $250. Several others to select from. : . Mitchell,' Lewis & Staver Co. -- East 1st and East Morrison: -East 2177 ' B-1818 ' : A FewtBa'rgains - i CHALMERS "3 6, 1 electric starter and iignts. urns is a snap at z. 1914 CADILLAC! 1913 CADILLAC! ' BARGAIN PRICES ON .LATE MODELS. CADILLAC, 1910 model. The car you never worry about- Fine condi tion, $375. Alt3 other makes on hand. ' ; t and Washington sts. ' ; Covey Motor Car Co. ' USED CARS , EASY TERMS. $150 will handle 1910 CHALMERS. ' . $200 - will - handle 1913 -, STUDE BAKER roadster. - - $600 will handle 2 ton REO truck. Several other, models to select from. Northwest Airto Company - Broadway at Couch st. , ' ' -Broadway 887 A-4959. ' PORTABLE GARAGES , ,$30 UP., HOUSES , $125 UP. TAKE 1 DOWN ' 548 Water st.. nr. Harrison. Main 1167. FO?,I2 r.acr Psch magneto, etc, 850. - 1915 81200 OVERLAID. 900. 1914 $1200 OVERLAND! $600. 1912r2VERJLANr 1 electric; starter, etc.. $500. . . . , . ALWAYS THE BEST BARGAINS AT J. W. Leavitt & Co. -: - USED CAR DEPARTMENT : 627 WASHINGTON ST. ; tSFGAN ..$750 1912 HUP . . 600 1913 NATIONAL .... . . I! ! 1000 1910 RAMBLER ... I"!!!!!! 300 6-ton RELIANCE Truck . .? 2000 Dulmage-Manley Auto Co. 46-48 N. 20th-St. Buick; Buick f Buick Buick 1914 Buick 25, 5 pas a, electrlc'llghts and starter. This car is prarcUcally new. Original cost $1150. . Price $650 Francis Motor, Car. Ex. E. 1199. " ' East 13th and Hawthorne $600 will buy my $3150 5 passene" 1913, Ohio Eleclrlc; this caTlS fully equipped with new battertes and la in first class condition; this Is an nn equaled opportunity to buy a high grade electric cheap. B-fi 80, Journal, nal. - pr-". . ... .. . OREGON VULCANIZING CO. 560 Washington - st., at 18th. Marshall 878. TiFRT TTRV. KPD A tdtt " TIRES iTrade new tires for old ones. - Large stock, prices $300 to $706. - OREQOW MOTOR . CAR CO - Studebaker bldg.. . Corner Chapman and Alder. Written auar- . ui.ee with every spring. 26 N. 15th st 1914 FORD body, 5 pass., $50.' 1913 Overland body, .6 pass., with , new top. side curtains and gas tank. $50 BOYER GARAGE, 505 Burnside. NEW and used Ford automobiles sold on easy ; terma Benj. ;E.. Boone is Co.. Ford ; agents, 814 Alder st, ' Main 8966.--- :'-" ' t . 40 H. P. Pope Hartford, good delivery body and top; will sacrifice for $226 or trane tor iignter car. Kenwood 890. SLIGHTLY , used tires, largest stock in Portland, (3 to $15.- Fine repair lng, The Supply Co., 207 Madison. FOR SALE Ten passenger auto body - electric lights, - cheap for cash..-vl Ij. lpgri, con oirr, luents. Jr, E8XPERT . auto . repairing, reasonable cimrijca. j. j. .miintr, XS rt. Stn SC. HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 6198 1 FORD roadster, one 6 pass. Stoddard- Dayton, a bargain. 493 Alder. 5 PASS.' Regal, good for '7 pass. Jit ney. $225. Call at 833 E. 37th- st. N. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7S WANTED The best light 6 passenger car that 8150 -will buy: condition no qpject. jan t39 Alder St. WANT to buy Hupmobile or some other good make car; must be cheap for cash- 493 Alder. - - , ? WILL pay cash for a light roadster; : Hup or Ford preferred. L-767, Jour nal. . . ' WILL- pay cash- for. Xk ton truck. Phone Main 8992. - - MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 55 Motorcycle Bargains . "V - . wms. . SO IWn V OWV41U-iiaiIi motorcycles we are offering the fol lowing attractive ' prices : y i UAiTUN, equipped. 8189. DAYTON, equipped. 3150. J J S P. two-speed DAYTON. 3225. 1912 Twin INDIAN, equipped. 3125. mSEXCELSIOR, equipped. $125. - LIVESTOCK - Comtlnned mm mm Dayton Cycle Co,, 210 Bdwy SIOTORCYCLES BICYCLES S3 f Continned) ' ' . SNAP Late - model Reading Stand- must sell this week, $65. , Ta.bor 66$ 149 E. S2d St. ' :--' v':- - " :i '- 1914 . MODEL, twin, .equipped, terms. 361. East Alornson. - - - ;-f" LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 FOR SALE 16x4 U ft. launch. 3 h. p. engine, fully equipped. $85; new 26x 6 foot launch, 7 h.- p., - Gray motor, $125; 4 cylinder, 4 cycle. 20 n. P. mo tor, $200, terms; S cylinder, 4 cycle, 60 h. p., high speed motor, $300, terms; motorboat "Hattle." and house, - $600: 22x27. Columbia ? propellor. $5: 22x36 Michigan speed propellor. $5:2 cycle. 3 h. p. Palmer engine, $10. H. Pater sob,, Portland -Rowing Club. , t IN order to close estate, will sell 60 H. ..P. gasoline merchandise .boat. Marshall 1 3321r Call Geeslin. 1036 Chamber Or Commerce. 18 foot. 6 - horse. 2 cylinder Vim and boathouse fully equipped. KTo reason awe . oner reiused. - Rays uasoune 8snop, Motor Boatclub. EvINRUDB rowfjoat and cauoe mo- . tors: rowboats, canoes. motai boats. Evinrud"? Motor Co., Morrison and Front. FOR SALE 4 cylinder, 4 cycle, 40 pas. senger launch and boathouse. Phone Columbia 606. ' -- 8 H. P. 23 rt. launch for sale: no rea sonable offer refused. W-943. Jour nal. " ' ..-..... -; PIANOS, ORGANS AND 34 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ' . . .THE SECURITY STORAGE CO. V Will close nut to first caller. , . . $275 McCammon piano, $35 cash. $30a Marshsll & Wendell, $30 cash. $350 Wellington, oak. $115 cash. -$600 Decker & Sons, walnut. $126 cash. $850 Auto-Player piano, $290 cash. $750 Kimball baby grand. $345 cash.' 109 Fourth st.. Couch bldg. $5 CASH, with double credit for $10. ' sends a neW $350 piano to your home at $266. $7.50 monthly without, interest charged elsewhere, r mn.ke total saving Ipt $145.29 "to you. Schwan Piano Co., ill 4th St., near Washington. " Music published; printed, arranged, pop - ularized. Send mamiscriDts: Echo Ma sic Pub. Co., Peoples Bk. bldg., Seattle. STEINWAY. piano, first class shape, only $65, don't miss it, 594 4th, at. CQ n,. Qt... ICC . . - EDISON phonograph In good condition, 32.50. Ill 4th Ht , , $40 1ISC talking machine with & dou ble disc records. $11.50. Ill 4th st.. WANTED Piano, any condition tor cash. L-769, Journal. - - $150 - Grafonola and records, almost - new, cheap for cash. Phone East 718. $1 MONTHLY stores your piano. Se- curity Storage Co., 109 4th. Malft 6323. WANTED Square piano. Ill 4th st. HOUSEOLir GOODS tor SALE 65 IXR SALE -Furniture or any : part thereof, of - 10 room modern ; house, now full -of roomers, paying all ex- penses. s-ii9. Journal, FOR SALE Refrigerator, sewing ma - chine, sideboard and furniture, Tabor .WA - t r, n r igj. jcj. curnaiae pt. CASH. -. CASH. CASH. Paid for good - used furniture, carpets and stoves. Call Gevurts. Marshall 687. CALL Bell Auction Co, and get good price- for your furniture. Mar. 4788. TYPEWRITER GILL'S REBUILT TTVEWEITEKS. - Underwoods, , Remingtons. L. C Smith. Oliver, Smith-Premier, Royal, etc, 315 and up; terma - Agents ' for the 'Corona" folding; typewriter. Type writer desks, ..tables and chairs. The j. it. jiil jo fid ana Aider sts. WK save you from 60 to 76 ver cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for cur Illustrated foldsr; retail depart men. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER :o.. 821 Washington st " TYPEWRITERS for- rent. 8 months - for 35 and up;-8 months'-rental ap plied on purchase price. Reminxtoa Typewriter Co.. 88- Broadway. KEV, rebuiitv 2d ! hand, rentals, cut rates. P. O. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 SEWINQ machine,-. En . porium sells for less: no t-sents employed, , all makes of new and second hand . machines. Sold on terms." i Machines ruar- an teed and rented, $2 per mon'.h. 1C0 3d, near Taylor. Main 9431. A-3828. 1 Electric ' Motors V Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electrio -Works, 418 Burnside, ccr. -10th. Main or A-5674. 16 8UGHTLY. used sewing machines: Singer, New Home, White, Standard and other makes, at greatly reduced prices; $5 up. t Rents, 82 per tnonth. B. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave. East 2369, B-3307. xsear tieimoni. MUSICAL. .INSTKUMKNTS," "Type- . . " n .17a..I,a1J f Ztwn separate " classif ications. All adver. I n. a n . a. f - K a u a ffnAil. aramlbtlahltil under their respective classif ications. IjOOK mem over. ; BILLIARDS -. New and second hand carom and pocket billiard .tablesi bowling - alleys and accessories, - easy payments. ' Tables for residences. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender ; Co . 46-48 6th st. pnone wain ; - - . FOR horses and venicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads., under' these - respective headings. The . Journal leads all other mediums In tnese classifications. !r FOR RENT OR SALJei AT THE PORTLAND TENT AND AWNING - CO., 18 N. FRONT 1ST. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches V. n m . a .a c.n.rat. .l.flaifi.BllAn. A large listing; can be found . under .1 . . Jl. . t. jftv. term ' FOR SALE Platform scales, capa clty : 300 lbs.; good as new; 87.60. reie"TJ. . ui tiaiiu J.ywmB BILLIARD and pool tables for sale or : rent, lowest prices- , easy- terms. W. J. Quigley. 203 8d. nr.-Taylor. M. 6399. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; a. In rt.,,nn tl .7S riillnn - Papt. land Paint Co.. 330 r ront. Mar. loo. NATIONAL, cash . register for sale cneap, - Appiy nuuuuui jjiw vji tnti re. and East Burnside. Phone E. 7j5. ave, CIRCULAR Letters, Mimeographs and supplies. . W. E. Finzer- & Co., H StarK GOOD wood range. 810, 7806 63d ave. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. StarK-DaviB jo.. aia a. Main . WE buy and sell : used .machinery. . Northwest lead & Machy. Co. FOR SALE 3000 cords fir wood L p. FERTILIZER for s&le. C-1876. SWAP COLUMN, - 2& BOLAXO BEACH lot for runabout or good Grange, coffee urn,; etc. H-826, JoumaL . - -.-' ': - :- - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 'WK WaT .iii. uyolis." - rockers, dressers, tables, couches, chairs, Davenport. We; pay the price. Try us. fiqnnwew rurn.- ciicimiigg. - caai paw. Wt- A. COVELLV wants second hand furniture, openiwr new store: win ay the best price. 193 First, nr. Tay or. pnone wiirainn fmi. WANTED The people o' Portland te - know I pay highest; cash price for household arooda Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. t?eater. 143 Russell et.4 117. A MTFn.S,vrnl ti.A , filing fthl, nets; must we guvu bum Kueay. - rr An . . . 1 " i ... i . so, gnurnsi. J.. MEYEK. the -tailor, pays highest nrice for 2d ' hand" elotbins shoes. We call promptly. M. 7573. 22 Madiaoru OtVL. FURN. CO. pays oest pricea ioc furniture. 231 1st. Main 4627. " 'SECOND hand clothing and everything. Highest prices. Aiam zuo. s5 1st. WAXfEtv 2d;hand bicycle. ; TeL B- 2U4. , 21 FOILOWINO articles were found on the cars of the - Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., and owners thereof may claim same at the 1st and1 Alder St. station, Broadway 6100, A-6131: ..July 12 1 lawn-mower, 6 umbrellas, 1 hat, 1 mall pouch, 1 pr. crutches, i packages, -1 tablet, 3 prs. gloves, 2 purses. 2. lunch boxes. 1 spade, 3 bas kets, 8 Joints of stovepipe, 1 pkg.'iry goods, 1 eyeglass case, -1 can- of var nish, 1 suitcase, 1 saw and overalls, i. oaa gioves, j. ring, i leatner case. LOST Music roll during month ol Juno, name on inside, La. Velle Delta. Return . 1107 : Alblna ave. . Liberal re- , f - ,. .., . ... ... ..... . i LOST Lady' - handbag,- glassee and LOST Young Airedale, dog; has col lar. Finder please return 728-Tilla- mwn. or teiepnone faat rtewarq 4LOST Llewellyn setter, "female, 7 I months old. Call Wirfe,' Main 386T. PERSONAL; 23 LOUISE NETZEL. trained nurse and masseuse, gives- treatment for rheu matism, .lumbago, neuralgia, etc., tub baths, massage and electric blankets. Lady assistant, 266 11th at. Mar. 6033; FEBVET& HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe ma,kers; finest, stock human hair goods; hairdressing, manicuring, face and : scalp treatment, . combings maof to orqer. 14T uroaoway, 1.1. 540, MRS. 1 STEVENS.- 21 year a Portland's has her book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale. Removed to 876 Ta Mor st. SPIRITUALISM Medium, Rev. Vir ginia Rowe. Readings, healings dally; circles Tuesday and Friday eve nings 8 o'clock. 231 6tht phone A-7 116. LESSONS in pnrenolagy : and card readings, j 236 ; 6th stl Phone Main 7648.-' .-' -,f MANICURING Ladles and aentle men; 10 to 6 O clock. Room 6, 8534 Yamhill. DR. G. V, KKTCHUM Women't mala dies and acute -diseases - of men. Wssh. hid.. 4th A Wash. Rm, 41. Ml 488 HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty T i . r s . . . l . .. . . ma . nut g. uenuni.- warpnau img. MRS. HAMOT, medium and healer. 170 2d st ; cor. Yamhill. Apt 8, 4th floor. , Marshall 2497. - SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, clr- cles, Tues. 3 p. m.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. in. Readings dally. 603 6th- at. Mar. 8960. I GUARANTEE to cure poison oak in - three days. 1151 East 29th St. N. Woodlawn 1045. - ' - bUPEKFLUOUS hair, moles, warts. , etc destroyed forever; cure guaran teed. Mile. De Long. ,604 Swetland bid. DR. KATHERINE ORLOFF. chiropodist.- 860H Morrison. Loyal Annex, room 314. GENTLEMEN Manicure, shampoo. t face massage, 35c, - 707 Rothchlld bldg., 287 Washington. . HAKTNESS. leading feather workers, wholesale, retail. Cor. Park. YwmhllL I ouer 1 Consultation free. Main tM,f j wi 4993. 708 Selling bldg. BALM of Figs, - remedy tor diseases of "women. 604 Davis at. Main 2398 CHIROPRACTIC doctor.' Painless ad .lustTnenta: 31 treatments 31 6. 181 4th. USE iassett's Native Herbs for rheu matism: 60 tablets 25c. All druggists. Professional and ABSTRACTS' ZELLKR ABSTHACX CO, prompt service, 409 Ablngton Bldsr. J. A. and C. W. Zeller. 8X.. UULKNS ABSTRACT CO. of Columbia Co. , Portland Office 19 4 fa St. ACCORDION PUSATIKO ACCOKDION, kNIKB ANT BOX PLBATINU. PICOTINO. HEIISTITCHINO. , BRAIDING, EMBBOIDfikINQ, BASTE K NOVELTX MFO. CO.. 85 5th RT- NEAR OAK. K. STEPHEN HeuiaUtehins. accordion, side and sunburst c lea tins: buttons covered, roods ponged. Scalloping. 883 Alder: M-Q373. ATTORNEYS L. D. MAHOKfi 401-8-8 Panama bldg. Phone Mais 1888. BI.AWK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS HOLMAN. Inc., 1W !i& at. blank - book manufacturera; agents for Jones Im proved Loose Leaf Led sera, see tbe sew a reka Loaf.- A-8183. Main 183. ; BRASS oKD MACnOTE WORKS HARPER'S Brass Works. Braes castings and machine works. "tQfi 6th st. Bdway a342. - CARPErfTER SHOPS Moore A Sandstrora. Main 7S3. 334Ve Tsrlor. CARPET CLEAKIHg- JOXCK BKOS. Electric Cloanlps Works, car pets cleaned and laid,, refitting- our special ty. East 44Q. B-1W13. I 204 K. ffltb at. N. carpet WEAVnra- lioKlUWKSl K.rG. (JO., rugs from old ear pets, rss rags,- carpeft cleaning; 1SS. E. ata, Work railed for. Bast 8S80. B-12SO. CHIROPRACTIC PHTSICIAJTS DU. McMAUON. 121 44 h st. Chronlo diseases requiring extended tfanw. 31 treatmente tl- LU. POULSON. specialist la paralysis, nerroua, cbronle diseases. 850 Plttock blk. B'war -..y CIRCTJLATIMO LIBRARIES Metaobyalcai clrcolaflna-. Broa'way and Main - COAL AMP WOOP""" " NEER & FARR and inside biock'si an wood. 4 foot or sawed to erder. Tetepnooe rrt A I Main.4&. A-4547. SOS Water St. UUrtL per wood. Central Fvl Co. We deliver small or ders. Ms1b"16)6, A-1I06. rU0 1 K. J. KVEUTS. MAIN 767. UncirCOal foot , of curry street, WKKCKA6K wood, sawed store lenctna, beay and light, mixed. 2.0. East 4H7l. , DERMATOLOGIST BUPERFLOUS faair and moles remored. Fee tural deformities perfected. Hoi. J. 8. Oonrtrlght. 451 Morrison st. Phone Main C042. " ELECTRIO MOTORS AND DYNAMOS WE bny, Mil. rent end exchanse new and 2d band motors; repair work a specialty. WEST KRN ELECTRIC WKS.. 21f Sth at. Mar. SB. ELECTRO PHYSICIAN DE. CORISMiE OHNSTONH Nerroua muA rbenmatlc diseases; elect ro-majrnetlo aaas- setre. 715. Deknm. - EVER Y THIN O ELECTRICAL - ETCBBH' Ele--trlcal Co.'. cor, nth and Pine sts. EYE. EAR. KOBE. THROAT, LTJNQS Specialist. Moderate prices. Glasses fitted. Dr. F. K. Caseday. BIT Deknm bldg.. 8d and Wash EDUCATION AL DANCINO HEATH'S school. Lessons, dally. All dances gtiarantced. Allsky bldjr , 8d sad Morrison sts.-' (3ome today. Main t01s. WHIN you answer tLe Want Ada mention ' Tbe JournaL . ...... - :,.,-..: a lManul'acturcrs- DRY POOPS WHOLES ALB Fleischner, Mayer & Co. FARM XEKEKTS AND TEHTCXES II. M. WA1K A CO., a22-a2S Hawthorne a. LEAP PfPg. WOOL.' MACHHrgRT vi NORTHWEST . LEAD A MACHINERY CO, 8fJ-311 Front. : Main Met LEATHERS AND mTDLVSai CHAS. L. MA8TICK A CO, 74 Front. Leather of erery deecrlptloo; findings. I.OST AND FOUND. INFORMATION COUPON ' - If you went the name of a reliable or mercnanoise, or lniormauoa reiraroing resorts, noteis. railroads, steam snip lines, eo. maaxtm vresoa rfeurnai Aoiormauoa Aiuresuv - -Information desired: ' :: .. , . Name.,....,. ....w... r w wn. e e 2 A FIGHT on U'l prices. Why ray 1 te 11 a far ,Ukiv wuvn ecu m your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold-filled frame as law as $1,507 X W. Goodman. 20 Morrison st. Main 2124. Mall orders promptly -filled. Write for particular-. NOTICES. 1M IN TUB Circuit Court of tb jjtat of Oregon. - " r Multnomah coonty. Nellie D, uie. Plaintiff, t. Clara Bice and the unknown heirs ot John Blue, deceased, and alio ail oiher persona or par Ilea unkuown claiming any right, title, estate, lies or Interest In the real estate described ia to euaiplulat herein. ! tendanta. To the above named derandanta, Clara Bice and the aoknown liclrs of John Hire, dmiMd, and alco all other (tersoUt or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or In terest in the real estate destrlued lu the ooui s plaint herein: i In th name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon In tbe abova an titled suit on ur bfor thrf" lkth day if August. 1W15, end If you fall to answer, fr aut thereof, plaintiff will apply to tbe court tot the relief demanded Is bvr complaint, to. For a decree of this court remoYlng the cloud on her title to iota 0, 11, la and 13, in block 48, iu Inrlngton Park, MultuoniHU couotr. Ore gon, caused by the appearance lu tba chain of title to said property of the- usuie of Jobu nice, and decreeing that you. the said defeutl. ants, and each of you, be fweer barred of all interest or apparent Interest In said property, ad that plaintiff be decreed ' to be the ul owner thereof.- I This sutninona Is published In The Orgoa Dally Journal by ordvr ot the -Hon. Henry E, McGinn,-Judge of the above entitled court, of date. June J, 1815. ! johnson 4 stout; Attorneys for riainttft, lulu tnsoiber ot Com- merce. Portland. Or.- SJlALED pruiiosaU .11 be received at tbe office of the undersigned, 401 rourUiousn, tin. til 4 p. in., Ihursday, July 13, lBlo, fur sasem bly rail ckalra for norr Couch school. Bids will be opened in room 304 courthouse1 at same time. Deposit of 2 la required for plans and specifications which may be obtained at the office of K. A. Narsoitiva bunt, of fropertte. BOJ courthouse. . Certified check for 10 per cent of amount ot proposal, payable to K. 11. Thomas, ehool clerk, must accompany each proooaul. Itoard of directors reserTes tbe right to reject any and all proposals. It. II. THoMAK, UBTea jniy 12, una. Hi-h'Md lurk. bKALEu prouosais will bj received at tht office of the undersigned, 4U1 ooiirthouMi-, until. 4 p. m., Thursday, July 13,11915, for general work of addition to Alblna Homestead school. Bids will be ycnid In iroom iiu4 courthouse at same time. Deposit of 810 la required for plana and apeclflcatluns, which nay be obtained ut the office of K.j-A. Nra more, Suut. of Properties, 803 courthouse. -Certified check for 10 per ceift of amount of proposal, payable to B. 11. Thomas, srbnol clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of directors retervea tbe right to reject any end alt proposals. B. H. THOMAS, Dated July 13, 1915. - School Clerk. nine L-.U ruilbj lV-n"knca " The University of Oregon will receive bids until l-.yo p. m July 24, 181"., on chairs and window shades. Hlght reserved to Reject any or all bids, Specifications- furnished -on appli cation. L. II. JOHNSON, Secretary. .ugene, ur. PBOP08ALS for barges, U. S. euk'lueer uf flee. Second District. Portlsnd. Or. Healud proposals wiu lx received here uutll II a. tu.. July 15, 181j, and tin-11 opened,! for cod- stiucting two- wooden fuel bargesJ further uiTormstion on anpiuatKm, SCHOOL bouds fur sale. 12 floo bonds at d . Good security. . Address U. T. l)oui;herty. vicva, paaer. ur. I WILL not be resoonslble for any debla tiicurreu oy my iie. (Signed.) H, T. HAYWABD. Business Directory I V EDUCATIONAL KPSIO SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS bltSNOit COUitUCClM, latvly Willi llHuiuxr! - stHs, JUelbs, Bond, etc.. grnnd iopern com. pauies. Stoglng. Ipssous. tirund opera repetfulra a specialty . Htnrtlo 400 i:ilers bldpj IS, 1 fcHr.l.HOU, rk.Hu teuvht-r. pupil frrvua. 30T Fleldner bldg. A-4tm. MnrliHll H!2. - " POPgLAR MVBIC bAGTllklU oft pUnki guaranteed liesluiM-ia lit IA til...... Zl..-1.... !. j ... " - " " . . ..w.m.v p. j in,.. riF, u.uimi.i., on. Free haok let. IWll Kllers blrtg. INSURANCE I'AClrlC blAJLt-S rlttli IMSUUA.SCai CO.. only Oregon fire Insurance otitnusne, PACKAGE DELIVERY LIlillT package deileiy. Packsges tnno sc up. ' James Howe. O-ltwT. Woodlawn I 27t. . MATTRESSES aiuisAiVi UAlluLbi I d., oia I lu.tu.- n made new wltb our Uy(len1c process. 34 Rttssell. comer Union. Ksst 1i4. i 1 ' NATUROPATHIC PgYSIcUWg t'S 1. aral sla, nervous aud cbioii. le dlaesaea. 6C4-ft Oregonlsn hidrf. M. xi2. PAUITINQ. PAPLI HANOINO AND JINTINO bU'lUUlbSii. at lil.lU.lJ, best work iu pmIulIuk. . papertnir. M. 187a, A-2r.'3. 121" 1:1 tb -St. PAVING COMPANIES 1 T.UU UAKllbiU ADt-tlAbi 1'AVlA. tu, fori land office '224 Sherlock bldf. HgBBER STAMPS ANO SEALS ALbO stunclu, truue- cbucks. lr. aiau. PAClsIC COAJi'f STAMP WOKKS 231 Wsshliiglon Ht. Main Tlo, jA-ariq SAFETY RAZOR H0NINO AtTOMATlC KKKS ElXjli CO.. 4tb. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES tit.tlfri.h.- Vy Al.KS.it 'lbl.U.IIAI'11 hCiiwoi. 4tb hT tEAli MOURISON SPECIAL HATKS TO THOhE ENKOM.1N0 LJCr'OKE JULY lSTH PHONE fAI.H 6(H) OR A-lf8 , SHEET METAL WORKS Ukil'AlRlNO tin and gisral roofs. Tco!TLZa KlO 1st St. Pbone sis In 1424. SHOE REPAIR IN 0 I MODEL it EPA I R SHOP Repair. . ing while you wait; popular prtoea. 100 oth.opp. Melr A t rauk.. BTOVE REPAIRIN9 REPAIRS for stores and ransoa; Kreucb aud portable hotel ranges, lleaters re Hoed. Nor. elty store works, 2W) B. 6tli st. Tel. K. 2110. TRAN8TER AKD STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co Established 1A70 I Transfer and forwsrdlus agents. - ;:. l eiorage. rree UTacUge I Office and btorage 474 UlUaa St. ltth and OIIbsii. Main B9 A-lim. ALWAYS "PICK THE BkvU IIQUfcl.TioLlJ GOODS SPECIALISTS Ktorage.l Packing, Shipping and Morlng. Horse or lata Vans. special ireignt rates to all points. & O. ; PICK TRANSFER A STORACB CO. 2d and Pine -fits. Brosdwsr C(f6i A-19M. BAG6AGB TKANSiER StKVItiS CO., UA riKS Bl, H1I9 IVI, A-l"rt. . WIT T. WSWXI I.A.J.'. . J tt-t-. . . i J . nufliiAA WiLvrAfftll CO. 2d St., ueae Salmon. I i WATCH REPAIRING 1 "' .'j . - . II. v it iBk ALE A VUiLLKLMlEli. or)na ... UAJ pert watch repairing. J6B ao., bet. Morrison ana limmu. -rVliolcsalers er" PAINT. OIL AND OLAM BASMCb8EN A CO., "Uich Standnrd" pai.c. ' N. Eor. 2d bihI Tsrlor, M. 1771. -A-"!' PIPE--WOOD PIPE 4 PORTLAND WOOD P1PB CO, si tory s-. t flee r 24th and York sts. Mtn JU-... PLTJMBTNO PIPE S TEAM STrPPtlT. M. L, KLINE FRONT STREET ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Qo. business house deallns In any line v . j PERSONAL, 'Cofi tinned) P. t t a y! b S n n r i s c t.