The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 11, 1915, Page 35, Image 35

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    -a:: c:;jco:i zuuday jour.:;AL. ic?,tla::d, cuhday ::c::i;i::g, julyii. 1:1:
-' (l&ind DA.T OrM915."
' , -At Home.. .
Tfie Yamhill stmt public market was ottr
rialty jakr-n over by tb cli. - -.
City ordtDancu regulating cessorshtp ef mo
tion picture bouses ta being - drafted . becanse
of.refnssl of local managers- to eliminate al
kcd objectionable act. .. -
J' '; V " NAbi. ' " '
, New York Kto thoitssiwi nollcemea were
aell In reserve here In readiness to deal with
l'n km Square deraoastratkm promised by it
airbists In memury oX four fellow radicate
killed by explwfcm of a bomb beltered to bave
leen made to eaaasstuate John D. Rockefeller.
Walter Brock, American, won rh rmmd trip
Lumluit-l'arM aeroplane race, making. Uistsaee
lu 7- Imurs 3 mlnutr end S seconds. t
- Mexico t:lty Sixty -one 'branebea of the Sra
ttuaal Bank of Mexico are about to close in
. that wmntry .and condttlous are tetHe ln,tbe
capital. - -
gulm-y. Mssa. -The battleeblp Nevada, ex.
reeding; in tunnage, . armament nnd displace
ment any-American, warulpieeit iier slstev
sl ip.; the Oklahoma, aa launched bere- .
Iuu-eal- For the - recent culllslon In the
' tit; Uwrriitx belwet-n - the--Ituer 'Impress .of
Irelutid end the eolller Htwrstad. - in which
li Mi lire were lost, royal -t-onimUsIun placed
uxist of bjarae on the Htorstad.. .. w:,
- - Cominj. Events.
Nebraaksna- will meet Snnrtay. July 11. at
Gladstone Park, for barket dinner.
Kam olde Jiutinea. sis a luucBeun; at Ed
rd bolel. July 12.. at unoo. - '
.... iornter resldenta of Albany -w ill bold fourth
animal picnic at Laurelburat i'ark Tuesday aft
erifvu and evening. July 13 ' '
, "Illinois society roeeta at This Oaks, Tuesday
' Bight,- July 13, for supper. ; .-"
". Liberty .ttelt.wiu aicive hers July 1ft at
R. ft N. employes' picnic , at Bonne
v)l) July 17. -..
'urcgon Holloera ; aasot-tstiou cSmO-net-tlng
. it Ktt Thirty-ninth and Mason street, Broad
Way Hue July li-2ti.,
Annual cpnveutlon of Oregon Betall Jewelers
Association will meet at Chamber of Commerce
eunventlou ball, August a. . , '
. Municipal Band Concert. -
" The Bf uulctpal ; Park band . will ' play at
Washington park . this : afternoon at 3 o'clock.
. The program, follow: - . t , ..
March on Melody in K. .......... .Rubinstein
Overture,- "Tnnhauer' . . . . . . .v. : .. . Wsgner
Piccolo duet, '.The Two Nightingales. De Mare
Messrs. MerrlelolH and Knight.
: Walts, ."Unrequited Love" ............ .Llncke
lirsnd opera, "Attlla". ..Verdi
Kcrenade from "he Millions D'Arleqain"
; . .... , Driego
t'tmracterlstlc -'"Mexican Kiasea'J , ,. . . . Koberts
"Kainennol Ostrow" Rubinstein
Hf lection. "8ongs - of - Scotland" . . . . . , Uampe
Huale. "The &tar-8pangled Bannet.'.
Moudsy, July 12, South ParkWay. 8 p. m.
j Tuesday. July 13, Terwllllger Park. 8 p. m.
Wednesday, July 4. Uolladay Park, 8 p. m.
r 1 hnrsday, July 15. Forestry building, $ P. m.
Frldsy, July 18. Columbia Park, 8 p. m.
Concerts postponed u account of rain, ex
eept at Waabiugtoa ..nd South Parkway, will
be given after August S3.
! Cliautanqua Schedule.
: Salem, July 6-11. " '
Lebauoo. July r
Cladstooe. July IS. . . . '
Albany. July 7-13. , -. :
: Corvallia, July 8-14.
v Ashland. Julr 9-16.
Bosebnrgr July 10-1S. . "
siugeue, July 12-17. , t -' v
' Port Information Supplied.
tiifnrmnHcn resardlne thin Mrt air be b
ta1ne,l from the Portland Chamber of Cona
merce. 3 Kit tb aureet- Telephone Mala 8M
c A-120S. i r r .
"Fire and Police. "
Fire department Main T700. A-1323.
Police department Main 7181. A-SJM. .
nmt,m Huniano tioctetr. S74 .Belmont at,
Pbouca Eaat Ha. A-251&. .
What Can Be Seen Around Portland
Council Cresr (110O feet) View nniianallM.
Columbia aud Willamette rivers. Tualatin al
ley. i Willamette T alley, i- Caacade and Coast
ranges, five siow-capoed mountalna (north to
east oir clear days), alt. Kainler, 14.408; Mt.
St. Helena. 9Hli Mt. Adams. 12,au7- Mt
: Ki. ,, tv.KO.
!' XV'aahlnffon ' Par k. : st ' bead ' bf: TVashlneton
Street. Klowers. hrubs and tree. - Cbildren'e
ioel playtrrounda. . - Noteworthy pleeea - of
sculpture: "Cominar of the White Man." bv
ticrajan airio prvdriiiBo ur Aetrs
guide of Lewis and Clarke by- Alice Cooper.
pi rwntcd by Kacajeu'ea Statue ansoclatloa and
- llna-tf Jklltnan .Ten tntniitM' wllr. .
. SBDkeii ruM icaruena in renmaiiia Park, eon
ValHtiia more than 00 varietiea of roeea.
; liarltar. let t untouched, in wlM n.h.t
beaifiy. Biir treea. just, the wooda - "Whn
,Inl the Oregon, v
i. t ormtiy buiiaiue Lewie A nark expnaltlon
kmsiimIs. ,,wet4. -. Hours l a. m. to D n. m
Pnii of stieclmea mammoth Oregon (If toga
.oijiin-:-t.MMv tet lumber. - .
- . . - v ...... r,ui. m no IT lllfll i
;tt HetgMta andiWeetover Terraeea
r.,,7 .. m city, anove
: V 'Pa metis.-on wert Jde. -
. MiT'tne. weet from cotineU Crest. Boad
These were the words
you, all Jcnow). He
- We re Tearing '
, Ou( at 266 .
Morrison - Street
- But the " -Goods
Are Still
is what the man realized. The prices are low-
MERCHANDISE HIGH,' and here are a' few. of
the . startling bargains offered : - J Sterling Silver
Salt" and Pepper Shakers are $1.00, a set of six -
WW w-w w w
At our:-new store (note as
you pass by) , the carpenters,
the decorators, the . archi
tects ' and all are '
A;' things hum in-their
SJ -u ,.beautiful store ready,
" soon. ; ' ' , .
.V- ,i ... .
- i v v . e aa . a-
-4 : ;
-v f"t; .-;r:;iThii
Vjy.. . ,y , vi - nis
around sour between- Council Crest sad Wil
lamette rtver offers fine views.
Columbia and V illsmette Encircle Pen In
sola district and St. Johns, aftoruing axcaiirat
views of city. . Uduetrlee and harbor.. -
r Public Inatltatlona City haB and Histories!
exhibit. Fifth and Madison. Coanty bnildlBC.
Poartb and Salmoa. - Art museum. Fifth near
Ysmtll). Central library, Tenth and Yamhill.
Custom boose. Broadway and JOavU. - ,
Typlrsl bmne aectiwa Portland Heights,
Koh HIIL Irviagton. ML. Tabor. ' i
Harbor features West side puMIe dock, foot
Seventeenth street.' Esst Side public dock,
foot of East Stark.; Public motor boat land-,
ing. foot of Stark street (launches call her
for rtrr toura. - Boat boosee near Morrlaoa and
IlswthorM bridgee.t Sblnvmg. Modem-bridge
Broadway, Railroad. H author oat. . ;..,:.
' : .. .: i ' .- - . ' f
Worthy f eotlee Skldmoes feoaUin.- rtrst
and Aakeny. by Oils U. Warrea. presented
by ?tevo Skldinoee; Tbompaoa fonntala. Pla
ts block, roarth and Salmon. Modern high
aad grade school. achool , gardens -and rose
bedgea. China Iowa ) CertS Jr'uurth. and aaew
end streets. , .
Colnmbta river 'highway America-' most
wonderful scenic road for vehicles. Alone ax
one see many waterfall a. the gorge of the
Columbia. Oaeonta -gorge.-. Shepherd's dVIU
uosatalns, Includmar Hood. : Grade dose wot
exceed & per eentuta. .
Information es to "what to eee -It Port
laud's environment from Hotels Portland, ln
perlal. Oregon, Klultnomaband from The Joar
Bal' a Tourist Travel bureau. Phones A-60il,
Main 7173: or from Tourist Agency and Travel
Bnreau. Marahall 1970.
Fen" Information regarding recreation or
hesltb resorts see pge i Taesdcy'a sad Thors
oay's Journal . aad i section 4 of, the Suouay
Journal. , i - t ... - . . ...... .,
- Ztaotorer Will Sonorad Aa 'a
farewell to JB. Roaetttbal. who i
leaving on a. lecture, tour Jn tha. in
terest f the Christian Peaxe aagocia
tlon. of which he li th founder, hi a
friends are planning; m,- mass meeting,
at which Mr. - Rosenthal will deliver
his lecture, "Out of Hell." . Mr. Rosen
thal la tha author. of a play. In Hell
and Out," and a volume of : essays,
"Justice, the Science of- Happiness."
Mr. Rosenthara friends will meet, Mon
day, July 12, at 4 p. m., at tha-small
parlor f theT, M. C. -A, to plan for
this mass meeting. - ,
Illlxiols Society aiaatlnar The IUi
nois society will hold a picnic at , the
Oaks parte Tuesday evening, July 13,
191b. Members are to assemble at tha
park at p. m., bringing their tanchea
and basket dinner will then be held,
after which the; evening will be spent
In- game and various pastimes, f All
visiting Illlnolsana are cordially .In
vited. James H. McMenamin Is presi
dent and Mabel; O.v Xivesay, fSfccretary.
f- Attorney , WiU - Bpssfc Charles i E.
Cochran, assistant general attorney
of the O-W. R. ? & N. company, will
speak at noon today before the Men's
Current - Events club, Westminster
Presbyterian churcn. Kast Seventeenth
north 'and Schuyler streets; His , sub
ject will be "Proposed . Systems for
Western Water : Powers, Their Conser
vation", and DdVelopmenf : -
Wi Will leaks you t mit to order
aet low as $2S, -with good linings and
trimmings, for-910 down and the bal
ance;' $5 a month. You never feel pay
ing for it this' way. Try "it: once.
Unique Tailoring .company.- men's and
ladies tailors. 309 Stark, between filfth
and sixth. ; - -. . (Adv.)
W. O. W. Esouraloa to Multnomah
falls,- the beauty spot of. the Columbia
river highway. Sunday July 18, steam
er Undine leaves foot of Washington
street 9 a. m. Alt Invited. r -h. (Adv.)
, i-
r. , Iiovaland' Win .Speak ! . at 1 the
First M. E.' church Sunday evening at
8 o'clock, i The vtopic is "The Mind 'Of
the Celt, or. The Frenzy of Democracy.'"
Miss Loveland will sing. " (Adv.) "
Sunday Zzearslons. To Cascade
Locks' on' steamer ' Bailey ' Gatgert. I t
round trip. . Leaves Alder 'street dock
9 a. m. Arrives, back 5:45 -p. m. Phone
Main 911, A-51U. . . (Adv.),
" Man's Suits Seduced. Just - a few
light suit left.! Out they go at $7.60.
Every suit -worth 915. ; VJimmy Dunn,
SI 5-3 8-17 . Oregonlan Bldg.; Elevator
to "3d floor. v : ' . , v (Adv.)
Positively liast Week Jteoelver's Sale
Shanghai Bazaar, 450 Wash. i-t,, bet
12th and 13th'.v Every article to be dis
posed of by Saturday. , (Adv.)
eterans Are InvitecL The veterans
of Illinois are asked Ty L. R. Rollall,
president of the organization; to "meat
of Mr. -t- (he is anian
also:said:i surely iike
the way yoii folks are doing',
things'. If all salesf were con-:
ducted "like .this- one, it
would-be a fgreat? thing. for ;
the people and V-a great s
thing for. the; merchant,
too." FACTS, FACTS :
w -k w w www w w
NO TE r '-Etergitiing In
'This Establishment on Sale
vr - vs- aV
for us
- -
; . 5'- .
TT A : Tu? rT1 K7 KD
Stort? Closes at 6 P. M. Saturdays,' During July and August
oiore? mioses ai o it. m. aaiuraayi, uuruig iuiy ana ugusc . ' , ,t - . ' viz
II 1 t
Helen Buckley; of
Helen .Buckley of 343 Fargo ? street i
won! the first prize (a tennis racket)
in the flag drill :in 'the Peninsula Park
at the Oaks with the Hlinols society
on Tuesday- night' and enjoy 'supper
and associations- i i : - : .
Steamer Jesse Karxlns for Camas.
Washougal and" "way landings, . daily,
except Sunday. Leaves " Washington
street dock at 2 P. m. 'v 4 (Adv.) -.
. . i - . ., , - . . - . . - ' .-
f 18, Ssoom. SXouse suitable for 2
parties, good copdltlon, walking di -tance;
860 East Morrison - St- Tabor
5532. " ' - (Adv.)
. One fttali rrassed. Xaek Week. $L5
a month. - Unique Tailoring Co.. 309
fitarkv Main. 614. A-4314. . i-(Adv) -
XAAles Turkish Baths, a place of re
finement. in Hotel Multnomah, . after
noons." ' 4 - (Adv.) ;
r Toadies' Turkish Baths, a place of re
f lnement, ' in iHotel Multnomah, after
noons. ' j. (Adv.) -
Beldiaa,- the jeweler, has moved - to
383 B. Morrison street. East 3301. -'
i " - - - Ady.) E",
'tk,:-:.:.',: rui::(,
, CalL Shrine cards. -Ivy Press,
383 Stark street. Both phones.- (Adv;)
Br. Xlttie Plunamer Crray has re
turned. - t Adv.) '
s X. X. To. cpUctan. aournal bids. AaV
-: Card of TkaxUts. ; i -
For the many acts of kindness-and
loving sympathy tendered me during
my recent sad bereavement,: ind tha
manv beautiful floral offerings, I de--sire
'to extend, my sincere thank. - Mrs.
A. M. Butler.. , -r ' -. ACy. ;
It is - figured "out that 'there -ts one
death every-50 seconds from some pre
ventable cause, .o ' - rV '
Ramekins, reg.
Sets $9.00, $ 1 .00 Souvenin
' Lemon Plates arc 50c, a5 lot'
of .Walches that, sold to
$10 are now $5 for your
choice, .Sterling. Silver.;,Hat
PinST:that 'Sold to fS2: ?rp
goirig at 25c, DIAMONDS
REDUCED 10 TO ;50: The. carpenters
are already tearingaway the balcony; rfie'rail-
,i lings, etc.; at our .'present- location,7- but ' THE "
" ' " ' w w w w w'w w w
e7' 1 ' - - I tiid.i -
Between Third and Fourth -
- i
v - t.
X -s
343 Fargo street.
celebration Monday. She Is 11 years
oia ana 18 very proua pi. tier' vreiury,
and also that she was' photographed
wltJi Governor .Wlthy com be. .
Twohy Bi;os. Take ;
Over Railway, Stock
Xobert' Twohy Annotuices That Work
.on California Oregon Coast Use
' Will Proceed. . v
- Twohy Bros, have " formally ' taken
over i the'-stock of . the California &
Oregon Coast railway, which they -will
complete from - Grants Pass - to Cres
cent: City, -Cal'r Robert Twohy an
, nounced yesterday that . the - same - In
corporation . would prevail under the
old name. - The lonly difference -.will
be i that a new set -of ? directors and
officers will be chosen,, this formality
to take, place some time this week. -
R. A. Letter and Phil Metschan Jr.,
of Portland, have retired as directors
of i the Grants : Pass Mine. -Dr. J.? F.
Reddy of Grants Pass is another who
ih back- In- private life after the rigors
of ' lpoking; after f the" 10-mile pbrtlon
pf - the line constructed by the munici
pal corn mission-of -Grants Pass. -
, Judge- John .rTwohy heajd.,, of ,the
company,- ,is- at Spokane, v but is .ex
pected back In itane - to' participate - in
the reorganisation. - ;
- - Paris.- July 10.-KIng TalmaWa : IV.
whose reign- overt"" 650 subjects in rthe
Island - of Rimatara : of y the Tubual
group ln;,the ; Pacific ocean,; and King
Tourharil V,.who holds sway overt 760
grower ''t sugar ' cane, yams- and co
coanut trees in - Rurutu of - the same
group,, have sent a declaration of their
loyalty to the French government,
under the 'protection of which,- they
add, they are' happy, to dwell, r ;
$12.50, $13 Liquor
'AND At 131
' 133 SIXTH :
w,w . w w- , --
must 'attend this great
sale 'of ' Jewelry. J It is ybun y
greatest opportunity to buy - "
the best :vatches,T the best IV
Diamonds" the best. Silver &
ui c , chui niuu.. tju ' a -
come. -tomorrov..; . ?
Oav ' Trjrlar Omt aUpaalaur rrroearsa, - ra
ther Schoaaw Makss Plaoorsry Tnat
ICaw rartbe-r . Devalop' Xsdastry.
Experiments .intended, to hasten, the
ripening of the plum crop in this state
have resulted la) the production or
new. and as yet unnamed. Oregon plum
by Father Schoener of Brooks.
The plant is finer in texture - ana
flavor than Its parent,' ripens a month
earlier, and will apparently' taka an
important place among ' the fruits of
Oregon..'- - ". ' - - - '--. .
..Specimens 6f the ripened fruit have
been ent by Father Schoener to J. A,
Currey of ' Portland, together, with a
letter, tn which he says: 1
- fit. is a cross between the Columbia
plum and- the -Japanese Red, and it. is
bearing- in, the "third year, showing .a
very early maturity. , The fruit.ia not
only exceptionally beautiful, but-: also
very fine In flavor. It bloomed "late
and was saved trouble on account of
a late frost. It Is very harCy, as the
Columbia belongs tora hardy -variety,
but I regard It as an Improvement over
the Colombia, t which is very; coarse,
and ripens in August .and 'September,
whereas this plum ripens tn July.
Congressman Sinnott' Asks
Metropolis to Keep? Project
Ever in Mind, '
Congressman. "t N. - J. Slnnott passed
through Portland yesterday on his way
home to The Dalles - from " Klamath
Falls, where he .delivered the Fourth
of July address. He brought with him
an appeal from the people of Klamath
county to the people of Portland to
cooperate-, in bringing . the north and
the south of the state Into closer touch
physically, commercially and so
cially. f ' , " ; - ,
v "Klamath county Is tired of trans
acting its business In San -Francisco,
said Mr. Slnnott-- The -people live in
Oregon ; and - yet they . are nearer ; San
Francisco .than Portland.' , Everyone
who. visits' Klamath by rail roust first
go outside the state to "Weed, CaL. and
then return north over the mountain
railway. ' .':'- .-v,.-. -
.'Portland has promised to help Kla
math county- come . closer to Portland
through . the construction of. anexten.
slon to the Oregon Trunk "or Deschutes
railway, from' Bend- .Where It now
takes a. full 24 hours to reach Klamath
Falls from : Portland,- by th Central
Oregon route It : wonld not : take half
that long. The people are chafing.
They want to belong to Ore go nv tn. fact
as well as in name., But .when they are
obliged to look upon San Francisco-as
their trade and financial center, Ore-
gon is an association in name only. '
"Klamath, county has room for many
thousands of people. ' The government
projects now under way-Will iccommo-j
data ' 2000 - more families. Besides, k
marry fruitful ;valleya are to be.i found "
there which are yielding richly under s
dry farming methods and others that
need no irrigation. Aiany avatiame
lands could - easily be put under water
with proper -state or federal develop
ment. - 1 f
. "And so the people want ' to keep
alive the long cherished project of ex
tending the Deschutes line to Klamath.
Had E. H. Harriman lived, they believe
the work would - long : ago have been
done, because Mr. Harriman looked far
enough. Into the. future to' see in .Kla
math county a garden. That he estab
lished on the share of Klamath ; lake
his own summer home, "Pelican Lodge,
shows "t his ; confidence in- the , region
about It.-- ' : ----- ' - -..
"Klamath county people are agitat
ing the railroad at their end of the' line :
and they have asked me to agitata it at
the Portland end.--:. The: results - would J
be ; mutually benef lclaL . . Klamath ;
would' be financed and inspired from
Portland, and Portland would reach a";
rich and' constantly 'growing trade' terr-
rltory that belongs here but; which 'Is .
now San Francisco's.',' ' ... . j
- Mr. Slnnott went home last night to
prepare tor anotner - trip inio omer
parts of the state that he has not vis
ited since his return, from Washington.
Sees:Rate Relief ;
( .In ah -Open.. River
Railroad ' Official BeUavea semoval ,
cf Kaplds Means . XSatension , of -
Trade. - j : , " I
What the railroads think of the open r
Columbia river and Its prospective
effect upon railroad rates is suggested
in a comment which has been received
by s a member- or . tne transportation
committee of the Chamber of . Com
merce from one of the most promineot
traffic officials in the- United ; States.
Referring - to the recent - decision
the Spokane rate case he says: , .
"While I have not -read the commis
sion's order.-1 am familiar in a general
way with It-and believe alter the long
struggle of 25 years with the Spokane
late -case, that- it comes as near being
a. settlement as both, sides oould rea--
sonably hope for. I believe that with
low , rates -throiigh the canal . and a
complete open .river . ta Lewiston,. as t
will occur some. time, -or when a. clean
up -of ' Riparia rapida - is made . that -
Pacific, coast - cities will be able tw
hold the!rown. so. far as freight, rates -may
-be a factor. , -" ti
Samuel Untermyer ; 1
: En Route to City
"Trast Bunting" Attorney Scheduled to
Arrive Sere In "Private Car Tomor
row WUlTlcit navel. ..','
4 Samuel Untermyer, New York ftrust .
busting" attorney, will reach Portland
sometime tomorrow afternoon in . pri
vate car on hit way-to "San FTani-lsco, !
He made the -trip' across the continent
through Canada, - and will .use oe .of ,
the- Hill steamers from Flavel - ip the;
exposition city. - - - -, ,
, r President Ti d Tillman of the North
Bank - system Is '-a- personal. f rieiid- of
Mr. Urttermyer, and he has arratiged to
have-the car- sent down, to FlaveL. - It i
later' wilt be sent on to San Francisco,
in readiness for the 'party when it has
finished its visit to the fair. : -. . - : . i
1 31 r. u Untermyeri - is - accompanied - by
members of .his -family and -several
friends.. 10 persons being in the rarty ,
altogether.' -' - r
Work room or samole room in Jour
nal Bldg.. new . to elevator; floods of
0aylie;ht:.a?jovt 120 so. ft. Suitable
or; tailor shoo or similarinstitution.
.- ait t. Journal office. - . - ( Adv.)
MayorWill Introduce Inter
. national. . President, - Latter
WilliDo the.Rests - V-'
Frank Mulholland. '
He wants all ' Rotariana to call him
Frank.". - 1
Though ; it is the 'signature he uses .
on all his .cheeksylnB'-nia'' a prejudice
against the name "Mulholland," I ' I
The surname will be used, then, only
by the small , number who do not read
this announcement "that - International
President - Frank Mulholland . of - the
world's -Rotary clubs will be honor
guest- of - the .Portland .Rotary club i
next Thursday. - : 1 1
The noon : luncheon . will - be held in ,
the Benson- hotel, where he and Mrs.
-Frank", win be guests.- Mayor Albes
will perform the introductory cere-
Birrsst Show,
City 10 Acts,
la This
, v and . ' .
s - Se'Airo loo' - -
- Continuous performance : IX a.
nt. to 11 p. m. Complete ebenge
of sets and plotnres every Bamday
sad Wednesday. -
Portland? Great
. Amusement Park
,1 .-vi---r -;-.'.
new FREEShov;
'"-" " , - ' ji , ".
"Girl From Panama'
20 clever people 4i
V; , : Daily
Performances, - 2:30 and 830
Admission, to Park,, 10 Cents
Cars :FromiFirt
and Alder S tree t o
P v
L-rv -
j- - :..;;!xHEr.r-'' j''
monies, and -"Frank' will make the
speech. . ! . .- ' ' t -
There are soma folks who do not
know ths Rotary Ideal ? . " s .
These, think . Rotariana are business
men bound . by compact ' to trade with
each other and with -each other only.
.The international president of Ro
tary .Will explains- the . Rotary Ideal,
which 4s sometimes -phrased, "lie pro
fits most who serves best," and each
Rotarlan has. been invited to bring a
guest from - outside- the club member
ship. '
Oru Thursday noon at the Haielwood,
Mrs. MulhQjland-will be t guest of the
Rotary - Roses the-' wives of Rotar
lans. . 4
; "Frank is a lawyer and live In To
ledo, Ohio," explained President; Fred
Spoert of the Portland Rotary club
yesterday, v He - possesses wonderful
personality and IS one of the most ef
fective speakers in this country., lie
Is so full of energy that he Is called
In - Rotary the 'Human Dynamo.' -'He
has visited nearly all. the Rotary clubs
of this country during his administra
Hon, which ends with the International
convention at San Francisco. ; ,
: "Ws leave for the - San Francisco
convention -all the 'northwest clubs
by the steamer' Great' Northern next
Saturday morning." ...
Mr. Mulholland's entertainment-will
not end with the luncheon. He will be
taken out .over , the ? Columbia River
highway -ayd a. visit will be paid to
marvelously. cold- '"Rotary Spring'' 'on
the route of the-hlghway, after which
there will be a dinner and more enter
tainment at Chanticleer J nn.' ,
The Urgest flag of the United States
was' recently-presented to - the city of
St. Louis, It Is .150 reet by- 78 feer,
and weighs 400 pounds.
Moru, Wed - Thur Friw Sat.
Special ' Price Matinee Wed. ,
G. . Bernard " Shaw's Romance
Evenings Floor, 11 rows $2, 7 rows $1.50. Balcony, $1, 76 60c. nallerv
60C. Special-Price Matinees Wednesday and Saturday 'Floor, 11 row
J1.50, 7 rows $1. Balcony $l, 7Bc, 50c. Oallerv . fiOc. Address lottern, '
make-checks and money orders payable to W. T. Pangle. Int-lone n-lf-addressed
stamped envelope to help Insure safe return.
' BBSBBBBBBBBBw - "i'l , -
Playing Exclusively
-Week Beginning Monday Matinee, July 1 2
-t . ' The Canton Beauty, - ' -
Jue Qnong.Tai
. ,Rose Jewel). "
The Onlv. Chinese -Prima Donna,
; anda Portland Girl. f
-: Direct' from ' Eastern Successes.- ;
: The Famous Entertainer' will in"
trodure his African Harp.
; Haye cS Addis
,.The Daughters of Fun. -
NoteToday - Only, First Sunday Evening " Performance, 6:30
Boxes and Ttrst mow Baleosy Beats
iMl ID) YD)
iiyjj i r ijss iu,
.17 "m i: .' -'T ti "7""'
(l. t) (n it Cr 1 f
i t a ) ) i if
Fly for Tent and
Food Needed by
v v. .Two Famili:
Contributions to the mainte
nance fund of . the Associated
Charities have been made as
follows: , 4 .
Previously reported ...$3164.4!
1. Davis . . l.!0
J, D. M. .' 3,nn
K. Brandt . 3.00
Contributions may be sent to
V...R Manning, secretary. 411
Commercial block, or to H. S.
Howard, treasurer " Associated
Charities.. Ladd & Tllton batik.
An appeal is being made by
the Charities for a fly for a
tent, which Is needed badly by
a man who is 111.
An appeal Is also being .made
for a family In which the moth
er is quite HI and the father is
out of work. : Assistance with
food la needed.
Cairania General Killed.
El Paso, Texas. July 10. (U.
General Trlana was killed and his Cur
ranxlsta army routed In a battle fout
at Penuelas. "according , to wmmm
sent to the border by General Villa t
day. The Vllllstas are declared to hit ?
penetrated as far south as Irapuato.
cutting -the Carranslsta communl'-a-tions,
- .
PHONES: MAIN 1. A-1122
ajewiaaj ' ay
Tuesday Night
Special Price.
,v Matinee Saturday
A.-W. Pinero's Masterpiece
The Second
Mrs. Tan qucroy
-7 v-
' ,
Unequaled Vaudeville) Broadway at Alder
-''v.-''- r-Ji 'fx'--.'.:--.'.''-' : . . . (.',. . . ;-,;- -
Big-Time "Acts at Topular Prices
' Ths Inimitable Comedian,
and his Jungle Girls in the
" Cyclonic Munical Comedy.
r Charles King, VirglrJa
Thcrntca G Co.
il La Tosk
The Talkative Juggler.
erred by rhoita M. 4638. A-2233
i i n
S l.i.. .
1 1
it s