The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 11, 1915, Page 30, Image 30

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:epehing of Channel to-25
Feet Will Admit Big Carriers.-
r ,
trrey f Terminal i Facilities . ul
; drain socks Are Suggestions . for
: Immediate Attention.
: -"-!' ... . - '. '..
'Within JO days, .Vancouver. Wash.,
iU be a seaport, said George McCoy,
! resident of the Vancouver port coin
ission yesterday.
"There will be a 25-foot channel con,
'-ctng Vancouver with the h!p chan
r 1 to the sea," said the port commli'
turn chairman. - S. ' '
; "The accomplishment will be due In
rt to the work of the dredge Oregon
nlch. ho been placed at work at a
t lnt ' below. that railroad bridge and
: low the Jetties constructed by our
v m mission. ' - .
-But the Jetties are to be ' credited
oth the deepening of a considerable
i rtlon of th channel to the desired
"This - is the more . remarkable be
i use the jetties have only beea In ef
ot about three months.
"5VUb the; 2S-foot channel wewill
Vive a good teglnnlng toward an ade
1 Jate port and terminal plan. - -i
rt Terminal Survey . Planned.
"e hope to secure an engineer who.
; will tnake, a terminal-and traffic our-
veyV wponiwhifih we may base 'plans
1 which will be a feature of the Decem
ber electtou held by the port, district. '
.."In my opinion Vancouver's oppor
j t unity for ; the development of trade
j and the ' increase of traffic la unex-
colled." t - -. ' ' -
The two Jetties constructed by the
Vancouver port commission cost 15,
GUQ, Vxhe cost of operating the dredge,
1 paid for by the commission. Ther
is a range of about. 3000 feet which
nuat be deepened by dredging in order
t complete the channel commenced by
the Jetties.
"While the Vancouver port commis
sion hat been proceeding with channel
work' the Vancouver city council and
city attorney in cooperation. s with a
committee appointed hy the-local com
tnereial club, have been making terms
by which control j of the ; public
levee win be recovered for the public.
The Northern Pacific railroad has al
ready, offered to turn over its two 50.
year leases to the city, except for a
irnaU portion . occupied by a railroad
, Would Build 'Grain Socks.
"After the - city recovers control of
the ' levee," suggested Mr. McCoy, "1
think it should be turned over to the
Tort commission to be used in the de
; velopment of a terminal plan. It 1
also my opinion that docks for grain
and heavy commodities should be con
structed below the railroad bridge." .
Two Carriers jon Way for Lumber;
! Merionethshire Due Soon. -
; Vancouver; B. G, July 10. (I. N. S.)
'The Chilean' bark Australia, former
ly known as the Eliza Linn, is now on
passage from Valparaiso to the North
Pacific and it is , reported that she I
destined to ;come' to the Royal Roads
tor orders., -This would indicate that
the ' Vessel. Is to load lumber on the
British Columbia side for the return
trip to the west coast, but confirma
tion of this Is lacking. . . r
; ; Shippings men here are shortly
pecting the arrival here of the Russian
' ship Andymlon, which is now 60 day a
out from Adelaide for the Royal Roads.
' fehe is under charter to Heatly & Co.
. to load a cargo of lumber at Hastings
miila for the United Kingdom!. ' Ac
cording to advices received this morn
ing, early next month the Royal Mail
5 liner Merionethshire will dock at this
port from the orient. . She is expected
i about - August ; 5. It is not known
I whether she is making a voyage from
i Hull and London or whether she waa
; placed on berth in the"rlnt.rt'rt
I - ;t Zy-'-f?'-?:--
j Well Known Steamer Has Traveled
i: .Far in Past Nine Months. -.
? The wanderings of the steamer Cam
1 ! Into since she left the -;Portiand-San
j Ktancisco run to carry a cargo for the
j ? telgiRn, relief commission, will. be. of
I Interest "to many Portlandera. ? A jks
j ' tal received ' yesterday by, Frank" Bol-
K a me. nac and Rig. .
Aiuulree. Br., hjt . ; ..... ... , . . . ,
Audre Theodore, Vr. ab. ...... .......
Bell, Nor bk. v..........
litreugere. . ...... . ........ . . .k . .. . 1ST 3
Catlernroe, - Er. tr 2S00
t.ornil Bart; Pr. bk ................. . 19JW
JHilbardau Castle. Br. bkl,... . l!MO
loulis; K Pr. .bk., .,. .i ..h ....'., ' 939
Kirri-ka. Am. air. ...... 1.9
t aUtWOBI, BUM. DC . . . . I .. .
. . : . ., . 1... i C - . kb.
..... . -
t'rerten,- Nor.- hk. .,..V.-.!"...i.Vli j'.
Ualgate, Mt. ao..v-.i-
j r.exiua. Nor. all...'!....
- Hiawatha. Kor. ah......................
. laerlyva,.-jBr.!'.bki .v-.i -....
' InTeroeaa-ahlre. Br. bk .., '. ... . .
: Jules Uommea. .Fr, sb.,
I Kiilamey. Br,, bk.
i: lJUlgaaie,- di. au, .........
; l.iuutteld. Br. bk.,. .......
Le feller. r. bk.,.
S KuemL Pr. M.-V
Nordsee, or.; so. .........
j ohvtbank. Nor, bk. ........
Pierre - Aatouiue, - h'r. . like.. .
Keue. Ft. bk ........ . . ... .. .
- Siureraln. Nor. bk.....ti..
, BTitbtod. SwedltU bk..
'l'ridunla. Not. bk -
Verdun. Br. tr
WiiMtiujbe Park. Br. ah
. JTawry. Nor. bk,
Miscellaneous to.
Name, Flag and Rig.
Iiavid Evans. Br. sch. ...........
t.eorice liawlej. Am. tr W-C. i..
: Hukkal iiaru, i Jap. aU . . . , . .
)1B Tuft, Aid. bkti. . .y ri . , , .'
Panama Canal Service!
Kimc. Flaa and Ele. '
tlverado. Am. atr, A. P. ............... ...r
.dtaon Lltbt, Am. atr.. W.-C .............. ;
IlawaiiaA, Am,, atr., A.-n. ......
li anololau. Ab. sir A.-Ii. ...... ......
luwau. Am. atr., A.-U. ............. ...,..
Montanan. Aw. tr.. A.-U. ...................
tinneaouut, Jkm. srra-ta,
r.Han A.-n. atr A.-O ......
. e-e.a
l-anta Clara. Am. tr A. P..
Sunt Cecelia. Am. atr.. A. aV P.
f C tieieos, am. sir.. Tiixjrmjc.ii. ........
ampieo. A-tn. . atr... CW ,
Waiter X Noyea, Am. atr, W.X.u.. ........
- . . - wct Coast, Service,..,.,, ,.t,.,
Kame,. Flaf.- Fa- sad- tine. -.rt" rt- i i:-- From -' . 'galled. ''
vuaco, oor. ctr.. orace.. , ...,...
liuireTnirara . . ri. aiunuc rtnric une,' oneo Dy w. Hn unM' a,' Yvi : a rr
American-Hawaiian Steamship Co. ? tirace. W. K. Grace A Ci; Jt It"! P &l
neam Packet Une, Frank Waterbonse Co.. agents; Johnson llneVW B."Grs?e it Co
,":nfi:?r?t,i?;P.aeJ,, BAh.l.p,:' StVPC, arnts; MeCo?mlcThrs. lis
. k., ,u.v .luuuc. . , v v"i-nOTc buuim a.i w .-v West Coast Navlga
t.oa 1.0. f.
(J "a , - -". , ' ' ' " , - - -, ' . - ' fl
H , , ( ' ' " I, x - t - 1 fl
. " ' 4 ' ' '' 4.y :, , . , , -- - , I ti
' ' , s ' ' ' ' ''II
i .S ,.',--!. 'tripzzt iff ' -4s
' , -s. 'TtTT - :r, s, . -t
?V r A ' , 1 j , v
. ' - ' ? - r - - ' , V ' fc ' , r 4
C !. ' ii
TopBritish steamer
llottom Officers of
lam from Captain K. A. Ahlin "dated
Balboa, May 26, stated that ti: Carat
no .was on her. way? to; Callao to pick
up a cariro of nitrates 'tut the Atlantic
coast. After leaving I New York on
her , way to Belgium, the Hamino loat
her rudder and nad to- put-back into
Halifax to go IA drydock. She reached
the -old world safely, after .considera
ble delay, however, and is now evident
ly to be employed in the -nitrate trade.
PeruTian Loads Lumber---43tmniis-.
sion's Steamer Completes Cruise.
-The Peruvian bark Mario arrived
this morning from Callao and proceed
ed to Seattle, where she will dock tor
cleaning, and will load lember at Port
Angeles,, under charter. to W. R. Grace
& Co. . -
The steamer Siskiyou will clear to
night for Balboa with a cargo of lum
ber loaded at Tacoma.' . .
Completing a cruise of some weekt
in - Alaska, waters; ,' the. United States
flab , ' commission .- steamer ' 'Albatross,
with several experts from the bureeni
of fisheries,- arrived : this evening, pro
ceeding to Seattle. The-Albatross. has
been making an ' Investigation of the
banks in the North Pacific. - ! - ,
The ' steamer 'William Chatham ar
rived this evening from Newport News,
via San Francisco, .' to which port she
brought a ctrgo of coal. ;The Chatham
will load on the- sound for the west
coast, and from there will take nitrates
to the Atlantic ;,::. . , i wj; i t: ;
Injuries - Only ' Slight-Lifesaving
i - f Crews- Save -r-Vessel.?--" rt
Astoria. Or., July-10.-r.Th gas launch
Beaver, was floated off the Jetty sands
shortly before i: high water. about 10
oclock-last-night; nd -was brought to
this cttx,i where. 'she .was "beached. , at J
the Astorlairon works; ; An examina
tion showed, the only damage sustained
was tfte opening of -a few-seams and
the ; tea.ring 'xft!v&:BtTtt, of .copperloft
the bottom.- The will be caulked
today; and the .launch. .will.; proceed to
Fronv ic
Kotterdam . .
alled. 1" " Memo
-.MaylS, 4 , 'iT?
f-Vf i Sd.jBreet Jttne-lsrVt
. ... Pd. Canal '-June 10. ' "
Ae.'- ipwkh :ilft '12
'Vv" Ar. Colon "r June, .34 j
Yoktiiichi ..
I ?!";-.; .
l'hiladelphla.. Port Natal . . . Ju n ' 2
Bahia Blanca-Jaou 10
San Franciaco Oa. 'Paget sooa."liJ
P.rtiiiiiVi.V..'.. ' Ar.! Honolnln Mar' II
'"" 'rt- ' ' '-X!-??Y'i r"rt' earjw afire. -12S2 ..Sd. La Plats. May
222T QueenBtowft.. .l.,., Ar.i Portigberd May l
1113. Cape Town ; Bd. Astoria MaxcU-
1 Meuourne '.Vi Jly Arrived JolyT;.
loST Adelaide .-. t v v . .v. ; SO. Bueno' Airea i
- - - .- - - : . - Mar 12. -. f. "
2H7- Fremantlet-; ?v.V . , I At. . Hubert June 21. -
192 Montevideo .i i . , '
1V5 Montevideo . .Jane .. 9 ' t ' " '. : -
1S Bahia Blanc ,if; May T. '
2fe Alkoa Bay ...Jane 21 , -
2034 callao ...Jane - .
1?SH s. J . . .-rr. - Arrived ' June-St. - -13ir
Santoa .Sane 21 ' . .
Rotterdam . ..-....;, Off Walmeri Jnn IO
Beltaat .-. ,s ...- Arrived. June 1. -
Bloaro Ar. okm. jaae.JS.
.Liverpool ...June 10 s ; ... . , .
Cape Town - , J..
Port Nolloth ... . - - -
Nf w ' X5rlt v Arrived Joa. jo.
Alaoa .Bay . iJ.- ,.Ar. June 8. - ;
Dakar : ...... Ar. Sierra Lm, ;
Arrive in Portland.
Kobe -. . . . '.
Ner York.
.Jnset 1i Pd. canal July.
At Slanila May ijlv r
.rciTC June iV.-eT i.
Vw OfV.8
New York... .Jm,e 12
BoMon i Na. JnneH
New. York. ..........
ew -T,or ' ...MayM
New Xork.....July -g
' Boston
New Y'ork j...ilaau
New York
J.., t ....June 15
Heme. S :T
Sd.. L. A. Jun 30.
Sd. S.
F; July .-'
fed.' li. - A.' Ji
rmy t.
Bd. Cristobal Jnly 6.
SO. L. A.- Jaly 1,
At I,. A.-Joty2. ; . "
At Balboa July 1."
Sd. S, P. Jane 23. '
rnuaaeipbla .
Memo. "
Valparaiso ;Sd
Astoris June 19s.
Egyptian Transport , at .North Bank- dock. " ; V '
the visiting freighter. with insert of Captain J. W. Paine.
Portland for a general overhauling.
. The Beaver, under. command of Cap
tain Olson, her. owner. r. was' en route
from the Sluslaw river, and in coming,
in late Thursday night ran onto; the
sands .close ; to the apot where the
launch Kake met her doom a couple of
years ago. The Point Adams and Cape
Disappointment - coast guard crews
went, to the rescue and placed a 20s
pound . anchor, with which the launch
was wedged into deep water last night.
- The pilot schooner Joseph Pulitzer
came inside last evening, and, after
taking on water and supplies, left this
af ternon for her station off the meuth
of the river. Pilot Hansen is on board
hervs - ' -v :-:,.. -ti:
Minnesota Damage Being Handled
'i ; at Seattle by i Williamson.
Seattle. July; 10.i(Ii N.
Williamson . of San Francisco, one Of
the marine adjusters, -estimates that
the 'adjustment .of the losses due to
the damage sustained by the cargo and
tha hull of. the Great Northern -liner
Minnesota when -she , ran on the ; rocks
at" the- entrance to the Inland Bea of
Japan, will rank as the. greatest Job
of the kind In the history of Seattle
shipping. It .will-probably take a year
to adjust the cargo interests and. the
bulL The Minnesota, shifted this morn
ing from the GreatvNorthern. pier in
Smith ' cove to the i port's Bell street
wharf,- in the- central" waterfront; to
finish -discharging.. ;
rt rtt -XZ-.-fi- i-r-M.- rtMrtt
: Captain Rlchard I?ickson f hii'-'-'resumed
This ; duties as '.master - of the
8 teamer. Roanoke after a vacation. Cap
tain jC.. J?.'-Graham ;to.ok bis j?lace dar
ing hia .ahsenc.sM-. '.v;s;i, :'i;(,:',i: . ;
G. H.: Carter of San. ; Francisco, ? mb
manager of . W.r R. 3race & Co., is .In
Portland for a, vlsit.of several day s , :
jVThe rBig.iThreeV steamer Rose City
'American,? Imrkvi John ;
Not. in f recent years has f a 'sailing
ship : aroused" the interest - being dis
played .in ,the-American- bark. John
Ena,' now unloading; oriental cargo at
Albera dock. .,- With ; her graceful stern
almost in the ' shadow of Broadway
bridge, admiring throngs have lined
the south rail of the structure-every
minute or tne - aajr since her-? arrival
early-Friday morning. .
Freeh from a passage of 30 days
from Kobe, . Japan, the John Ena ts
dischargingr the firat general rargo
brought 'direct from the orient to Port
V '-'.-''rt - , , - . - . . ;
'f- . .v. ..; Xv. . . - - ' ,'" . .s. . . .. ..-x-.
I - SK : - -N w ' rt st.-- ??
rt -ww'iiiS-ii:?- -iS' ; - 'Z ' - -iTS 1
v, lj N. "T""" . .. y. :y . ...;. sZLt
' Ji I I ; "- wv- w ;
... '' '.,.,, pi. ,. -mmf ... ....;,,. ym -'.
' nsnBMBMBBsassnnnSseBBeaSBes
will leave Alnsworth dock! at. 9 o'clock
this morning . for . San Francisco . and
Ban Pedro with a large passenger list.
The Bear is incoming today from Cal
Ifornia;, . . .;'rt 'i,-r'
The , North Pacific steamer Banta
Clara reached port last night and will
sail again tonight at 6 o'clock for Coos
Bay, Eureka and San Francisco. c
I The gas schooner Ahwaneda left
down last night with .60 tons of gen
eral freight for Newport..
' Bringing -" passengers and freight
from Qalifornia. porta the North . Pa
cific steamer Roanoke is due in today.
- The liner .Northern Pacific sailed
from Flav.el yesterday afternoon with
a large passenger list. Her sister ship
is due today from the Golden Gate.
Finishing' loading her - cargo last
night before the time limit set by local
authorities the American steamer
Cacique, Captain Anderson, left down
the river for San Francisco, where she
will take on hay and canned goods for
Australia.: She took 000 tons, of
wheat here. .C.trt-;". Vvrt; - -
! filled, with Portland people going; to
the beaches over Sunday the steamers
T. Jrt Potter and Hassalo of the O-W.
B.' & N. fleet went down the river last
night. - .; - . j .' ...
- The American-Hawaiian steamer Ha
waiian with about? 800 tons of New
York freight "will arrive today,
r" i ' Yale : Has Engine Trouble. '
Word was received "- last night by
. J Frank Bollam,. Portland agent . for the
Pacific Navigation company, -that the
sailings Of the steamerj Tale ..from
San Francisco for Los Angeles, sched
uled for Monday, July 12 j and Friday;
July . If, have- been cancelled because
"Of- alight engine '. trouhlej v Ther Hax
' vard, ; however, will, leave i the . Golden
Gate on J her '-regular h schedule. .San
Francisco Elka going-to k- convention
at' Los Angeles . bad -' made many .re
servations - on . the . Yale. !-;'- -. rt;-
na at 'Albers dockj discharging ' cargo from the orient.
land tn years.
Matting, Manchurian
malse,- sunflower- seeds -and other -com
moditiesof 'Japan are-being taken "out
of her-holds at Albrs dock,- and later
she wlU shift to Municipal dock No. 1
to upload 18.1,108 feet; of oak consigned
to the Emerson Hardwood company.
- Cleancut and trim -as at whistle she
Is - a sight . to . please v the . eyo witli
chickens running loose over-her decks
and a cow in a little - stable chewing
a cud as complacently as If on land. -
in tne jonn tna s crew are 10 young
Japanese, graduates, of the nautical.'
Half Dozen Languages. Are
' Spoken ;on Vessel Now in
Port Loading.
Arrives Here Under Charter to Carry
Tall Cargo of About 350,000 3nah- - -Is
of Wheal to Australia.
Here to - load wheat for -Australia,
the British steamer; Egyptian,. Trans
port." is attracting, more . than, passing
Interest because " numbered v in her
crew as firemen and coal passers are
10- African Arabs from aomaiuana
The Portland waterfront Knows
Hindus, ' Chinese, Japanese, . Kanakas.
Mexicans and " all of the - European
races . as sailors, but : rare Indeed are
A rah a.- 1 ,
: Tha lads with the Egyptian Trans
port are all young, dark of akin, slight
of build but wiry in maice-up. inw
have a superstitious dread of a .cam
era that even the most cajoling, pno-
toaranher. cannot overcome. . . - .-.-
Also '.numbered in.' the xransporvs
crew of 33 are Greeks, Russians, Fins,
Belgians - and Norwegians. The; of
ficers are all English. ; :
"'rt Practically ZTew Vessel.
Practically a new vessel, . the : big
cargo- carrier left Cardiff some 18
trfonths ago for Bombay, j From the
Indian" seaport ehertwent to Marseilles
and . thence to Norfolk, a., carrying
a , load or , coal zor - tne American navy
iron Norfolk to San. Dieao. She came
from California to Portland, in ballast.
making, an exceptionally - fast run in
reaching the river last Monday.
The Egyptian Transport is 385 feet
long ', between perpendicular, - has a
beam of 63 feet and a depth of 29.6
feet.. Her registered tonnage numbers
2923 and her total dead weight- with
cargo .and full bunkers is , 8100 tons.
She is a sister shin of the New Zea
land .Transport and the DerWent River,
both of -which were visitors to Port
land harbor not long ago. . Built solely
for -the carrying: trade with no 'tween
decks,, ahe la .one of the great fleet
of Holder brothers, London, who op
erate a score of ."Transports, a dozen
of more ."Rives,, 11 "Grangers" (all
refriegrator steamers in - the beef
trade) and the well known steamer La
Most of the Holder boats ply be
tween the River Plate and Punta Are
nas, and London. ' - - -
Captain Falne In Command.
Commanding the Egyptian Trans
port is Captain J. "W. Paine with ,A.
G. Meade Phillips as his chief officer,
and G. S. E. Evans as second officer.
James - Harvey is chief engineer suc
ceeding last week J. Russell, who re
signed, to go back to London.
The ? Egyptian Transport is now
loading at North Bank dock and will
take about 50,000 bushels of wheat to
the Antipodes when she aails.
' Tea , is ' served, every afternoon at
3:0. ' - . , -
Eureka Marine Notes. -.'Eureka,
July 10. After undergoing
a thorough overhauling at San Fran
cisco, the association tug -Relief re
turned today, crossing in over the bar
at 4:30 o'clock this morning.
"With a full cargo of, redwood, the
steam schooner - Katherine sailed for
San Francisco at noon today. ' - :
. The steam schooner Coronado, which
is ; taking the place "of the Centralia
wh'ile the latter is on the drydopk, and
which was due. here today from. Ban
Francisco, had not arrived t up . to 6
o'clock tonight. It is not believed she
will cross in before .daylight tomor
row, as there Is a stiff wind blowing
outside.;,-'--':. -i.,i'wr. -V. ,,rt'--
- '-; ' ' ' , - '
' ! Seattle lias Big Year.
- Seattle. . July 10.--Figures 'Of this
customs district completed for the fis
cal year ending June 30 and made pub
lic today by Collector Harper, show a
phenomenal Increase both in imports
and export trade. . . - rt'
The Imports for Seattle in 1915 were
$49,982,817 against $28,668,159 for 1914.
The exporta-for the year were $27,305,
964 as against $21,142,937 for. 114.
f S Montara ; Goes " to Atlantic. ?- '
: Seattle; Wash., July 10. The Pa
cific ' Coast company's freighter Hon-
school at - Oshima, . who have - sianod
aboard to get lessons in practical sea
manship on. a full rigged four masted
windjammer. . ?. .-.-..-i.
'In addition 'to her crew the John
Ena -brought two passengers from
Japan Captain P C. Fuller, for 23
years' a ..pilot on the Inland Sea of
Japan,- Who- has. come to the" United
States to make his home after 40 years
in. the Flowery kingdom, . and Miss
NorthwooJ, a nurse, who has seen
service at the front in Europe. -
ine John-Kna will load arain for
Australia for. Balfour, .Guthrie & Co,
tara. was chartered this morning for
operation between New :Tork and the
West ladies and South America by At
lantic coast interests for a term of one
year. Since April the , Montara- has
been operated in the Atlantic eoaat
wise trade under trip to trip charters.
The closing of the long term charter
today means that the yessel -will not
return to Seattle before the middle pf
next summer, at the earliest.- - , t
AUianeoVOtsl.NewCharter.. -i
' Seattle, Wash-, Jul r 10. Homeward
bound on her first Voyage in the Seat-tle'-Kuskokwim
' , route the steam
schooner Alliance, "-operated by. the
Alaska Commercial ' company, . sailed
from Bethel, Kuskokwim river, last
Monday, according, to. advices received
M. 1 rl Sj. SkA Saa a n A mta
Mlinnawui rr1jrht - Th A111&11CA will
be taken er uer charter by the
Independent Steamship company upon
her arrival here. -
Arrivals July 10..
Saata Clara. . Amerlcam steamer. Captain
Lcfatedt. passenKers and freight - from San
Francisco via Eureka and Coos Bay, N. P. 8.
8. Co. ; ;. . . - '
Colonel K. I Drake, American steamer, Cap
tain Badger, balk oil from Port Saa Lais,
Standard Oil company. . .
- Tampicor. Ameru-au steamer,-from Kome to
load lumber; Croaett-Western - lAimber . com
pany. -
. Departures July 10.
Henry T. Scott. American steamer. Captain
Paulsen, lumber sad flour for the west coast
of South America; Sadden at Cbrlttianaen.
Necanicnm, American steamer. Captain Pe4
teraon, lumber for Saa Pedro; Hammond Lum
ber company. ,
Shasta, , American steamer. Captain Lans
kllde. lumber for San Pedro; Dant k. Raaaeli.
. -,'.:. , . : .-.-.!--
' . Slarine Almanac. A .
' Weatkar- at Sivar's Month. :.
North Head. Jalr 10 Condition of the
bar it t p. in.; Bur smooth; wind west, i 8
Kiles. , . -v v
Boa. aad Tide July 1.
Saa rlssc, 4:3a a. m.; son sets, 8:01 p. m.
Tides at Astoria.
Hich water : . 1 tow water
0:17 a. m....8.T feet 7:34 a. m.,,.0.T feet
la p. m,...e.V reet7:xa p. m.....e reet
: v Dally River Readings. :
D ma tills ...
Eugene ; ...
Albany ....
Salem .....
Portland . .
h 4 af .
. 15
I 77
Kialug. ( ) FaUlug.
'.-: "-River Forecast.
The W ills met te river at Portland will rise
slightly Sunday and Monday and tall slightly
Steamships to Arrire.
Kama ', From Date
Bear-. ...... -... 8 P and way.... July It
Roanoke... ......... .8. D. and way.. July 11
Great Northern. , ... 8. F. .. .July 11
Breakwater.. ..... i. Cooa Bay..,.,... .July 1
F. A. Kllbarn . ...... S. F.. C B. B.,July 13
Northern Pacific... S. P.. ....... ....July li
Eeaver. ...... .......8. P. and way. ..July 19
Geo. W. Elder...... S. P. and way. ..July 18
Santa Clara... . ....,S. F. ......i....Jaly 20
Base City. ......... ,8. P. and. way. ..July 21
Steamers Dae to Depart.
Name --- - - . - - For s . - --" Date
Santa Clara. ,4..... 8. F, B. C B...Jnly 11
Rose City...........S. F. ........... July 11
Great Northern S. F. ............July IS
Multnomah... ....... 8. D. ............July 14
Celilo.. ............. 8. D. ............Jnly 14
Yosemlte. . ; . ... ,, 8. D. . ,.,.. July 14
F. A. Kllbura......S. F. ............July 14
Boanoke ........... S. D. and war. .July . 14
Northern Pacific. ...8. F. ............July 15
Breakwater... ...... Coos Bay ...... .July 15
Bear. .............. .8. p. - ana way. .July 1
Klamath.. ......... -HoDoluln Jnly IS
Beaver..!. ......... .8. P, and way ...July 21
Geo. W. Elder, ;.. S. D. and way,.. Jnly 21
Steamers leaving Portland for. Ban Francisco
only connect with tbe steamers Tale and Harvard-leaving
San Francisco Monday, Wednes
day, Friday sad Saturday for Los Angeles aad
Saa Diego. -
Vessels in Port. " -
........ Linnton
.Port. Lbr. Co.
...North Bank
Bsnkoka Mara, Jap. str..;...
Daisy. Am. str...
Egyptian Transport, Br. atr.
tuimawe, ur.
bk... ................. Unntoa
Nebalera. Am. str......... ...St. Helena
Rose City, Am. str... ........ ......Alnsworth
Scgihaw, ' Am. str Astoria
W. H. Manrton, Am. Bcn.....v. .EL So W. Vbr.
John Ena, Am. k... ................ ..Albers
rt ' - iy Weather Conditions.
- The barometer is relatively low ever tbe
Rocky mountain and plain states, and rela
tively high along the north Pacific coast and
over the Atlantic states. Showers snd thun
derstorms have - occurred, la portions of - the
Mississippi valley, Missouri valley and east
gulf states. - The temperature have rises ia
northern California, western Oregon, western
Washington, Nevsda, Utah aad southern Idaho.
The conditions are favorable for fair weather
in this - district Sunday, except In southern
Idaho, where it Will be unsettled and possibly
showery.- , : .--.: '.--.- J -.-...j
py::-'2 -v rtV, '-Forecast.' : ' Xt
Portland and vicinity Sunday fair; ' north
westerly winds.- ,
Orepon snd Wsshlngton Sunday lair; north
westerly winds.
. Idaho Sunday fair; north unsettled; ; prob
ably showers south portion. , - - -r-:
EDWARD A. BEALS, District forecaster.
United States;; Weather Bnlletln.
Observstions taken at 6 p. m.; Paeifie time,
Jnly 3, 1915, ' -- - - - - - - - - - -
a ;
m O :
Baker , j.J 68 .0 -8 .N W Clear. -
Boise f SO .O 8 NW Cloudy.
Boston ...... 84 .O IO SW Cloudy.
Calgary ..... 62 .0 18 N" Clear. 5
Chicago ' ... .. 80 .OS 4 8S Cloudy. . - .-
Colfax 7 .0 O 0 Clear.
Denver ...... 88' .O -8 .V Clear.
Dee Moines... 82 .96 4 Wi (Clear.
Duluth 60 .0 12 NE (Cloudy.
Eureka--' ..... .'.".; .... .... '-, - 1 :.'?.-
-Galveston ... 88 .0 14 V Clear.
Helena ...... 63 .0 16 W Pt. Cloudy.
Jacksonville SO 1.4-t 8 S s Cloudy.
Kansas City.. 90 .0 8 SW Clesr. , rt
Ixm - Angeles. , 76 .0 10 SW Clesr. : ,
Marsh field ... 70 .O 8 NW Clear. '
Medford ..... 82 ,,0 10 NW IPt. Cloudy
Minneapolis .. 74 .02 6 NE IBaiB. : .
Montreal .... 80 .0 12 W Clear.
New Orleans.. 84 .O 4 SB Pt- Cloudy.
New sVork.... 78 -O 18 S Pt, Cloudy.
North , Head.. 64 .02 S W Clear.
North Yakima 70 .0 4 NW Clear.
Pendleton , 70 .0 12 W (Clear, i '
Phoenix ...... 102 .O 4 NE (Clear.
Pocatelle .... 84, .0 ' 5 3W (Cloudy.
Portland 74 .O ' 8 N . Cleaa ,
Roseburg .... 78. .O 6 .VE Clear.
Sacramento .. 02 .O ' 8 SW (Clear.
St. Loois,,.. 88 .O 8 IB , Pt, Cloudy.
Slt, Iake..;.. 88 .0 4 S (Clear. .
San Francisco 70 .O 20 HW Clesr. -
Seattle ...... TO .0 6 W Clear. :
Spokane ..... 72 .O 12 W Clear.
Tacoma, ..... 7 .0 ,t NW Clear.
Tatooah M'd. 62 .0 4 SW Clear. ' .
Walla Walla. 78 -O 8 W Clear.
Waehlngton , 861 .O 4 S (Cloudy.
Winnipeg..,....' 72 .80 14 1SB ICloudy. "
Yellows t. Pk. 64 .0 12 JS . (Cloudy. i
, "Missing. '
Local Records.
Portland, Or.. July 10. Maximum temper,
ature. 74 degrees; minimum temperature, 64
degrees. River reading. 8 a. m., 7.7 feet.
Change in - last 24 -ours, 0.1 foot.- ' Total
rainfall (5 p. m. to B p. m.). aone. Total
rainfall sine September 1. 1B14, 30.94 laches.
Normal rainfall - since September -1. 44.19
inches. Deficiency of rainfall since Septem
ber 1, 1014. 13.25 Inches. Total sunshine. 15
hoars 32 minutes. Possible sunshine. IS
boars 82 minutes. Bsrometer (reduced to sea
level), 8 p. m.. 28.87 inches.- - .
At -Neighboring Ports.
Astoria. Or. July 'lO. -Arrived At Knapptoa
dnrlug the Bight steamer Daisy Gsosby, from
Aberdeen. Arrived at 1;30 and left t'p at 2:14
Steamer Santa Claa. .from San - Francisco,
via Coos Bay snd Eureka. Sailed at 2:10 p.
m Steamer Northern Pacific, for Saa Frsn
eisco. Arrived at 1:30 v. m. -Steamer Col. E.
L. Drake, from gau Francisco. 1 ,: i;.
t Pjrt. Townsesd. Warn., Jnlv 10. Sailed
12:15 .a. m.. steamer Oleum, Port San Luis:
12:30 s m., ateamer Dolphin... Kfcagway:
11:30. a - Governor; 6 a. . m. Ariaonian,
Ilonolsia; 10 a. m., British steamer Aqullo,
a-ttie. , s
TatouAh, Waoh.,' July 10 (I. N. . Noon
Steamer , ArUuoin, S3 .. miles ' oathwet ot
riMttery. 1
Aberdeen. Waah. Jnly 10. S.I
Sailed laisy eadaby. last night; J. B.'8tet
on. noon. . -.'
8an lero, Cal., Jul.r lO. Arrtred-4 a.
Tn.. Sboahone. Portland: S V, n., XJ. S. cmUwr
New OrUana, Maaatlaa; 8:30 p. m., Yale.
Sailed 5 a. in., tanker Kanawha, Norfolk; 4
p. m.. U. 3., ChatUoooga. Guajaiaa; a p. m.,
Sliotshone. , --; -,-:'-:. .
IJeattle, rtiWata.iV ioly 1. Sailed Tank
ateamer Olenm. . 2 a.- tn.. . Tor Ban i.nla;
a tea me r Fnltoa, towlnc bars.. 1 a. nu. Van
eoover; Prince Hapert. 9 :30 a. Prince
KuperU Arrtted British steamer Titan, fl
a. ra., Taooma; .. at earner Prtnee Rupert.. 6 a.
m.. Prince Bupert; ; Peravlaa. bark Mario, 3
p. m., Callao. '
. Wraagell., JuJ.r 1. Sailed Steamer Alame
da, 9 a. m., Kksgwar and Cook Inlet.
Sitka. July - 10. Sailed Steamer Jefferaen,
8 a. m.,' Seattle. ,
Los Angeles Harbor,- CeL, July 10. . N;
R- ArriTM Rteatnri
uakme. Kureka, a
j -io.. X 'rX
i M m.- President. Seattle. p. m. Sailed
ISteamers San Jacinto, Columbia river, 1 p.
I m.; forts, imb rrDcieo, a p. m.j yi, mo
Diea-o. :3 a.
A. M. Simpson, Coos Bay,
Grsrs. Harbor. 6 d. m.:
9 p. m.; .Tahoe,
LAkme. Enreka. S n. m. Svea. Pnaet aonnd.
& p. m. : President. San ltego, 12 midnight.
San Frsneisco, Cal July 10. Arrived
American steamer rFancis Hanlfy, Hito. 12K5
a. m.; City of Topeka. Enreka, 8:10 a. m. ;
tieo. W, . K3der, Portland, via Astoria. S a.
m. 1 Brunswick,. Fort Brag g, 6:23 a. m.; Ad
miral 8th ley, Seattle. 6:50 a. m.; Arctic, Saa
Dlejro, 7:30 . m.; V. S. 6. Nero. Saa Diego,
10:15 a. m.: San Gabriel. Pan Pedro. 5:10 d.
m.; barye Fuller tou, L Port San tia, in tow of
tug Fearless; Qneeni ssa rearo, s:is p. m.;
Hardy, Coos Bay - ports, 8 :1I6 p. .mf W. F.
lierrln, - Astoria, 10:23 a, m.; Harvard, San
Pedro, 10:44 a. m.; Aroline. Saa Pedro, 11:26
a. m.: San Pedro. Ban. Pedro. 11:30 a. m.:
schooner Honoipa, Bsna, 10:48 s. m.: Solano,
Corinto. via tlaaatlan. 11 a. m.; C. 8. S, Se-
Suoia, from a cruise, 1:86 p tn. BaileA
rays iHsrbor.' Qrsys Harbor, 12:00 a. m. ;
U. S.-S. Sequoia, lor 1 cruise, T :80 a. m. :
Finland, New York.l vta San Pedro. -10:25 a.
m.; Great Northern. Astoria, If :55 , s. m.;
Beaver, San Pedro, 11:33 a. m.; F. A. Kll
burn, Portland, via porta. 11:40 a. HJ.: schoon
er Muriel, Mahnkona. 12 noon: Arctic, New.
port, 12 noon; vangnara. aureus. i:x p. ra.;
rt Now the opportunity 1 yours to save $185 to $1186.80 without the need of psytng Irtter
es. when buying on time. If you want a new pis no. or a esed, as good as new piano; It yoo
wsnt a piano or player-piano you will enjoy living with, thatvjou can pass to the genera tloa
after joo then yoa want tbs kind of tpiaoo lu tills sale, , .
You do not : care,
sales come to an end. because, sad to re
late, many aales are made np of filno and
IQlitter" Pianos chaaD. ahowv. badly jmsds
with ear double credit
receipt for $10 sends
Iplanoa, pat together, to
no- sucn piaDtm nere. ne rexnee 10 n iuauj
floor fpace. We wish we could give yon val
ues like these right along, but we can't and
stay , la the piano business, .
one of these pianos to
your Bone, balance 86
monuuy, upwaras.
Think of BuyingThis
For $248:50 $10
I . ' "'
I u , fH
Stelaway ft Sons. .Mahogany . .. . rt .aempire Model ........... fsoo
- JTo Interest means saving of 191.11 Total saving U you buy tuw'mlt l'n .
Chicksrlng fc Son mahogany ........ Bungalow Model -i0 .JBZlO
No in tersst. means . savina- of (78.C1. a Total saving If you buy aow, 8.f.
Bteger ft sons. .Mahogany . ... . . . .
AO interest means - saying ex
WeUlngton. . oak . . ..i.l. .. . .
.. . intsrMt means saving of IM.88.
XoCimmoa . ... . .Bbony, .i.'.. ......
... o interest means saving 01
W!mma. w
w yj .... ...... tmiwm www ........
M9' lnisresi -msaiis-ssvms. o .
Beet Sons. . . . .Mahogany . . .... . Bheraton Model . .
- Vo Utereat bmus saliag'ef 75.S. Total saving U jrom bajr wrw, 2.60 i
Thompson. .... . . . Mahogany ,. ...... Irge Model . ... jf(
- Mo latersst means saving or
Singer.... ....... Jdabog any Plyr.
rtT No tntsrest means savins ef 898.8ft.
Seeker ft Boas. . ..Walnut. . ..... ,...iarge Model .......oo to00
- Mil- inters t means aaviag or,
KlmbaU. .... -, . . . .Oak. .. . .. . . ...
rtrt No interest means saving of 1115,00.
Bteger ft Boas. . -Oak. ..... . . . . ....
Ke iatirsst moans aaviag of TT.J,
Thompson. ...... . 4ak. .
- So interest moans aaviag ef 50,M.
way ft sons. .Ebony .......... . . ,
No totsrest awaas saving of 163.00.i
Singer. ... . . . : . ...Mahogany Carved, l-arge. Massive . . . . .. aBU
TT JTs interest means saving of 97JtU TotaT saving it you buy, aow.
Xyster rt.........Watomt . ....... ....Z.arre Model ivi 2i
VBe taUrest msaas saving ef 8.6. . Total saving If you buy aow, .4. n .
Davis ft Sons. . . . mahogany ... .... Shore ton ii624 5
No Interest means saving si eoe.wa.
Antopiano .... . ... Mahogany . . i . , . . .
interest moan. MvlsgTef 115.00.
Xmelsei -.v....... JSahogany . . . . i. .
Ho Interest means saving of 57.g7.
WQllsms Bros... ..Walnut ....... .
'NoTiawrsst means saving of 160.88.
Bradbnry Rosewood -.......
Bradford . . . . . . . Oak . ....... .j..
"lilrintsrest means saving of 157.27.
Vallav asm. ..... .Mahogany ........
No interest means saving of 850.88.
Bstey ..........iWainti ....v......yartor urgan ..
la taraat means laavmar ex S1S.VD.
xarnoxz . . .. - - -. . i J -i
Ho latereax means savuig f..i .i. m- " mnrr.
Weber . t , .,.- Jtosewoed ........ .Baby Grand .... . .. . . ., gsso KSDO
Bo interest meaaa saving of 123.00, Totaf saving if yoa buy J--
Antomatio-Electrlo -.... . .'. . . . ... . . . .Flayer - JPiano .......... .ejso RSOO
We intsrsst BMans saving ef f 115.00. Total savina- if you buy now, 1675.007
Bcrrrwood Orcbsstrion ....... rintes. Drams, Bto 1T,5. .,8750
Bo iutsrsit means saving ef 10.l. Total saving if you bay aow. $U8.ia.
Chase Bros. . . . . - .tJprlgiit. . .Plain Case, , . . ... ..... .Wb1) f 1 OO
"V- mtersrt moans ssvUg of 850.88. Total saving If you buy now of 310.&.
Davia Tfc BoT . .......... . . . . .na-r Piano. Metal Tnb'g SW 430O
7""tate5eot, means saving of JTT.40. Total-saving If yoa buy now, i7.40.
Talking Machine Specials
X.arge Graphophon. Very Powerful Motor..... Jf
Sapphire Point Pbonograph i. . . .............. .f J
Blse Talking Machine.'.. ....... . . ..... J ....... . ....... ..... .3r
Xte Model Permanent Point Phonograph .................. .f 83
Small Graphophone. Clear Tone, .......................... . 10 .
Nearly Bew. Slso Talking Machine................... .9 40
Bise Talking Machine. Pine Condition.......... f 49
tete Hornless Cabinet Biso Machine. ...................... .flog
Bappbire Point ' Phonograph.. . . v. . . . .................. i .... IS
Blso Talking Machine. Good Condition.... ... S
Blse Talking Machine. Good Condition.,:. . . . . . , . . . 33
Terms fl Cash: BOe Weekly and Upward. Every Machine Onaranteed la
, ' Plrst-Class Condition.. Prices Include a Beleotion of Beeoxds.
yisrr otm sixxxjro xachzbb bbcobo ezcsaboz DryASTrsirr
Privilege "of Exchange Within One Tear for Any Bow Plane or Talking IT.
. - ... chine Yon May Select, We Aliqwlag mil Amonnt Paid to Bate.
FZXBT-CZfclSS TTJKIWO tmtTOHTS, S2; GBA1TBS. $330, Phone Mala C:2
Open Evenings ' O
Bnrln Bale af hViin
ExoeptingSatardays. . UlvUW Clil
Wholesale and BetaQ ' "IBS STOBB
Manufacturers'. Coast BUtrfbntors.
Prentiwi. Ftireka, 32:23 P. tn.: r-ra, f --
attle, 12:45 p. m.'. J. A. Moffett. tnr, 1:4
p, m.; hiberla, lloneknng, via llonoXUu, S:lo
p. m. Nortbfork, tnreka, 8:25 p. nt.; Peru,
Ballma. via ports, 3:13 p. tn. ; Hritia steam
er Booral. Melbourne, 8:30 p. la.; U 8. .
Hector, Newjxwt News, via Saa -Dleiro, t:bS
p. in.; Adeline Bjnitn, Coos Bay tvrts, 4:
p. lu.; ktarvara. Ban Peuro and ban Diego,
4:10 p. Bi.; Argyll, aian Pedro. 8:15 p. m.
Trtrti Coos Bay 'Notes.;';
? Marshfleld". Or., July ,10.- -It is ex
pected that the steamer Carlos will be
chartered by the Smith company to
take the place of the Ninn Smith if
the latter is chartered for an offshore
trip. . '
J. "J.v Meaner and G." Z. TVeldln are
here from the Portland office inspect
lng boats, on the bay. ,
, - m 1 1 1
Bay City Ship Millions. ,
; San Francisco, Cal., July 10. (TJ,
P.)-Customs business In San Fran
cisco, both Import and export, gained
during the. fiscal year ended June 81,
1915, according to figures made public
today ' by . the auditing : department of
the United States customs service.
, Exports amounted to 79,781,J 66 as
against $62,535,C4S for the preceding
yearJ Imports for the year totaled
$76,068,028 as against $66,894,289 dur
ing the preceding year. ; ,
. The .customs receipts Of the port
for the year totalled $4,688.411. 77.'
. J .j.,,.- ; ,, m ,1 1 1 1. y ' ' f:'
. ' ' Tainpico Arrives. 1 ." ;
To take the first full load of lum
ber for the Atlantic coast -of the year
198-16, ; the American steamer ' Tam
pico reached the river yesterday from "
Nome, Alaska. ' Bhe la under charter
to the Crossett-Western Lumber com
pany , and comes here . after several
trips to Alaskan waters ' from Ban
Francisco and Puget sound.'
perhaps. - , wta . soma
$ 1 2.SO
with our double orsdit
receipt for $86 asnds
ens of the plsysr-pl-snea
to your horns,' bal.
aaos $S monthly and up
wards. . .
sell cheap. There are
Classy $400Piano
Cash $6 Monthly
. TT 1 Sals
4 , 'a til XiJ auaxa jrvoa&ssaix,.- Prios. Pries,
Sheraton Model ..... . i ??- tJP,sw
owu saving u i wy
..KUely Carved... . . . . . ... .1350 J13&
Total savia gif you buy sew. M.
4 .?" 7.1 ,
xoisi saving. u yra "7
4Tt1A Mnal IS30
w-w i - - - -- -- - - ,.. . .
v u ' . -
xow. nrai " I "'J ""'alcn joe
.001 - Model .. . .. . . ... 1fj J45
Total savina- if yea buy now. 10.16.
xoiai saving . yra 7 w'.r."'"icr
.Baby Grand t -.. 7,
ToUf saving if you buy aow-.M W.
.targe Jdodel .P00
Totaf sarin, if buy
arr (,d '- til' is83
Total aving if yea buya, Kn-
jrtnor ra ,........? ouuu
Total saving if w tw M, I74I.00,
iiw viis v-w
88-Hote Mnsle . . . fjeo
Tjrtal ajvins if yoa buy -J"6'0
ain Model .... .f375 26u
Total saving if yon buy sow, 8178.177
jbarge Model . . ...... ...a350 JBIOO
Total saving if you buy aow. W10.00
Mode .. .... . , , . . . , o
targe Model . .......... .378
Totaf saving if yoa buy tm, 7.7Tl
x,arge acooei ef?" .jexoo
Total saving lr yoa any , sow,
an ....... $133 I JO
if you buy sow, 111.057
xotai saving II
ZzV-V" IT -' ' iJ.L-.ZZ, im o"
k .?;.
n 4i.Hi
n ;t.r.
m a.5t
-44 8.00
l' Oar Warrant is ;
wliMM lfl ' Bactal ty
A 1UUU VU. fi2.c;3.c-j
Ill Pourth Street, near TTi -.'--'.