The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 29, 1915, Page 15, Image 15

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Bailey Gatzert and Georgiana
' Carry Large Loads Upon
, Daily Trips.
Basseie stay oo oa Daylight nil
Steamer Stniit Queen X Beady
to Take Vp the Rnn.
Expectations Of the operators of
steamboats are being realised,
.Preparations for the. handling of the
banner tourist travel looked for to
come - this way pound for the San
Francisco fair have been going on for
nearly a year, and the realisation Is
JUSt now started.
; . For the -past week the crowds hare
been growing steadily till this morn
ing the steamers Bailey Gatzert and
Georgiana. the fastest of the excur
sion steamers, took out the best crowds
of the season. ;
The Georgians carried over 100 pas
sangers on her round trip to Astoria.
She had': a part in the Christian En
deavor excursion last night and car
ried a capacity load on that trip, while
the steamers Undine and lone also
had full cargoes,
: The Ballsy Oatzert had 200 passeh
gefs, also her largest week day list of
"the Season. She too has entered Into
the excursion business heavily and
wilt go i out on . numerous moonlight
parties within the next 20 days. The
Journal Carriers', association Is to en
tertain aboard her, next Monday eve
ning. While other excursion on Mon
days are booked ahead also.
The steamer T. J. Potter on the
North Beach run has been filled to
capacity each night since she entered
the service last week. The beach trav
el Is better than In several years and
Superintendent E. K. Budd of the O-W.
R. & N. Company water lines is now
planning on transferring the steamer
Hassalo onto the daylight beach' run
till such time as the Steamer Harvest
Queen can be put in service. The re
pairs to the Queen are progressing
nicely and she will likely be out by
July 10.
Merionethshire Is Doe on Sound
Shortly; Hudson Maru July 12.
The first Royal Mail Steam" Packet
line steamer to come to the North Pa
cific einc. the British steamer Glen
gyle was Id at the time of the Seattle
strike several months ago, the steamer
Merionethshire, - will leave Yokohama
Jnly 17 for this coast, according to
advices received this morning by Frank
WaterhouBe & Co.'s Portland office.
- 'If has beert reported here that the
Merionethshire Wlll-rwnaln In the
North Pacific carlngr f o"rvhe growing
business to Vladivostok, which the
tVaterhouse interests have been foster
ing. The Japanese Steamer Hudson
Marti, another of the Waterhouse char
tered steamers, is to be at "Seattle
about July 13. having sailed from Muf.
roran June 24. She is supposed to
have a large consignment of uags for
Portland delivery, and may come here
to discharge. Her cargo alsovcontainj
Ban Francisca destined materia!.
Jay J. Morrow to Be Engineer of
Maintenance at Panama.
- lieutenant-Colonel Jay J. Morrow,
builder of the Celllo canal, is to step
into one of the biggest engineering jobs
In the United States service, that of
engineer of maintenance of the Panama
Word reached Colonel Morrow yes
terday that the rumored transfefrotn
the war college at Washington, D. C,
to the canal zona would be authorised.
Lieutenant-Colonel Ooethals, governor
of the zone, is to be relieved of his
duties there and allowed to return to
the United Stated, lie has been at the
Canal almost constantly f Or more than
IB years. Lieutenant-Colonel Chester
Harding, now engineer of maintenance,
will be put In his place.
The change is to take effect August
15, according to the latest advices.
Springbank Taken, by Strauss; Mon-
- tanan Sales for New York.
' San Francisco, June id. 3. Peterson
has replaced T. J. Macgenn as master
of tha steamer Breakwater.
The Norwegian bark Sprlngbank has
been Chartered to carry wheat from the
North Pacific to the United Kingdom
at - 88 shillings (November-December)
by Strauss & Co.
: Th American Hawaiian freighter
Mon tanan sailed this morning for New
York and Boston with her holds filled
With California dried and canned fruits
and general merchandise.
According to a radio message from
tha steamship Siberia, from the orient.
the steamer will reach quarantine to
Marine Superintendent of G. N. P.
; S. S. Co. Resigns; .Wiley Slated.
captain i u itey aaraiuw loaay
that ha has resigned as marine super
intertdent . of tha Great Northern Pa
cific ' Steamship E company, operating
the passenger steamers Northern Pa
cific and Great Northern. He said his
resignation would take eff ect July 1
j" Aeked as to the truth of rumors
that he was to rejoin the Great North
ern Steamship company at Seattle.
which operates the Minnesota, he said
he had formulated no plans. He was
ID charge of this ship before ne was
appointed as - operating chief of the
U. W. V. ts. co.-
C. WY Wiley, a marine man of 9m t.
; tie, , is said to be slated . for Lacey's
Jab in Portland. He has been manager
of the Pacific-Alaska Steamship com
pany and is said to have had A Wide
experience In maritime matters on this
Many of the pilots ara attending the
lunenu ot wapiam cnerman v. Short,
held at Holman's parlors at i o'clock
this afternoon. , Captain Sborfs death
was a great shock tc bis brother pilots,
all of whom believed that it Would be
only a short time before he Was back
to work with them.
P. D. Parr, general manager of the
juooge bteamsnip company, was a
Portland visitor tndnv hn.mj
Seattle to San Francisco. He believes
that business prospects are good.
E. R. Budd, auperintendent of the
w-w. . & w. company water lines,
leaves " for the beach On- the steamer
m -r . . . . .....
at ucLttue company, steve-
doreft, returned from a business trip
to Puget. sound yesterday.
t . . a. . . i .......
" Purser Advances.
J. W. Van Horn, for many rears a
pursef on the p-W, c N. Co. boats,
has secured a shore position. He wll
Decome agent for the O-W. R. & H. Co.
at Ah "atreet; dock, July 1, telle vlHg
r-a Miner, who has been, in that berth
for a number of years. Van Horn Is
one of the best known purser on the
river, is navmgr been in Astoria and
Ilwaco beats for the past 15 years.
; Canal Slide Rumored,
Washington-. Jim t
Neither the war nor navy department
iiaa oeen aaviaea toaay or tne reported
slide of the west side of the Galllard
CUt section of the Panama final nnrth
of Contractor's Hill, i It was reported
tnat the slide had closed the channel to
snips having a draft of more than 26
feet. .
Oleum. American steamer. Captain Curtis,
bulk oil from Sua Fraacisco. Standard Oil Co.
tjO'on, American steamer. Captain Vega, In
iivta oio i rsucico, m. u. uooaer.
. " ' Departures' June t9.
YAAMtnlfA ItnariM, m,M Tt.
. ... , .11 .m r f t IBIB ,,uu
en, in ballaat (or Oray Uarbor. McOormlck
Lumber Co. -.. . -- .
. Multnotuati. America it Meamer, Captain
cluco, McCormlea Lumber C.
Marina Almanac.
. Weather at Itiver'a Mouth.
nutta one 29. Condition at the
mouth ot a rlr at 9 e. m., moderate; arlnd
uariuwem, ju muea; weatber, Oenae log.
. Sua ana Tide Jiwt to.
Sua rlaec 4:23 a. m. Sua seta 8:05 p. a
Tides at Aitorla.
lllab Water, i rw war
9:34 a. m.. 9 feet. 8:30 a. m.. i.o feet.
3:39 p. to., 7.8 feet. 83 J. ai.. 2. feet.
Steamships so Arrive.
Nm - rreis Date
breakwater ...... ..Ceo Bay,... June 29
Mortmru raciric .. n. r. .... t ...... .Jus 30
Beaf S. P. and Way..Joly 1
r. A. Kilbora r...B. V., O. B. B..5nly 1
Ueo. W, Utter.., ,,-fi. jp. and way...Julr 4
koM CUT S. V, ...... ..Jaly e
Santa, Clara ........ 8. E. C. B. .Jtine 29
uraat ffortnera ; . o. r Jnlf 3
Bear ............... S P and war Jnlv II
Ljtoaaoke . 8. D. and way,. Jul 11
; Steamers Due to Depart.
Santa Clara .....j. 8. F., . O. B..Jtane SO
kouwh ........... o. u. ana wa.-JUDe ini
Breakwater ........Coo Bay,. .June SO
Nortueru facuie ...a. r , July
Bear .............. .8. f, and Way.. July
ureat Korthem.,t.. S. T. ........... .Jaly 3
Wfllamette...,, S. it Jaly .8
r. n iviiDarn .....a. r ........July 4
Kortfilsnd ..I,. A. : ......July 5
seaer B. V. and way, ..Jaly 6
Olilo. ......... .....H, l. Jaly 8
ie. w, Eiaer .....b. v. ana war...JulT
Wapasia , S. O. ...July 0
Beee City ... 8 V. ..July li
Steamara learina Portland for Sun rr,noin
mir conneer wm ine ateamera Tale and Har-
rara tmmnmgr son rraneiaoo, aionaay, WedDea
jay, Friday and Saturday for Los Aocales and vieso. ,
Vessels in Port.
Name , '
Bear. Ar tr ..V....'
W. II. MwfejB, Anl. bcB.. ...
Roanoke.r Am. afr -. ".,
Breakwater, Am. str. ......... ,
Araloa, Am. tr..
...A tea worth
St. Joan
. . . . 'olnmbia
. . . AHiaworth
...... Bainier
noum, Am. str..,..,,.
Oleum, Am. at?
Dally River Readings.
si 4
fa 2s
U i f .5
23 10.0
lO ....
SO ....
It 1.1
u I a.i
, . ..
10. W
T 'mat Ilia ..
Euena ....
Albany . . . .
saipcn .....
Portland . .
2,0. 0
( ) Falllog.
lilver Forecast.
The Willamette Mef at Pdrtlaad will fall
aiowiy ror tne next two or three daa.
At Neighboring Ports,,
Aatorla, June 2. Sailed at S a. n. Steamer
W. F. HerMft. for Montererf at 7 m. m
Steamer Yowemlte for Gray a Harbor. Arrived
at ui:a a. a. steamer Olettm from Baa ra-
UrO( Tia saa Franclaeo.
Deal, Jan. 27- Pawed Korwegiat abip Cor.-
tea, irom roruana I or yueensiown.
Cardiff, Jan. 2.-rArrived Iftialan bark Ha
Tila, from Portland.
Aatoria. Juae 28. Sailed at 2:30 p. m.
Steamer Great Northern, for San Francisco.
Arrived at 2 and left np at 3:1 a. m.
Steamer Colon, from San Francisco.
Eureka, June 28. Sailed at 1 p, to. Steamer
Santa Clara from San Francisco for Portland
Tia Enreka and Cooa Bar
Steamer Geo. W. Elder from Portland for
San TJIeco via way porta.
New York, Jane 38. Saileo Steamer IowaA
for Portland via war porta.
. Ran Francisco, Jane 20. Arrived Steamer
Rainier, Port lxidiow, 1 a. m. ; Tellowsloae,
too isay, z a. u. ; ceiuo, ean rearo, a a.
m. Newtrara. Redondo, 8 a. m. ; Norwood,
tJray Harbor. T a. m.; Datey, Aatoria,
barn, Enreka. 7 a. m.; Sana Yak, Redoado, 8
a. m.: Jumna ateamer- eiuaent. xacoma, s a.
m. ; steamers Whlteabora. Gresnwoof S a.
ta.; Pbsaala, Gone Bay. a. a.; Cleone, Wee
nie ttock. a a. m. saueo ateamer Montanan,
New York, 8 a. m.
Seattle. June 29. Arrived Steamers City of
rueuia. Ban rrancisco, i:o a. m. I werrernor,
San Diejo, 1:30 a. p.: V. 8. A.,T Dix,
Puget sound, tiavy yard, 8 a. m. Sailed Steam
era Admiral Farragut, Tacoma. 4 a. m.j Jap
aaaae steamer Awa Mara, Hongkong. iv:99 a
va.i Prince Geora-e. Prince Euperu 9:80 a. m
Seattle, Jane 28. Arrived Steamers Morn-
tag Star, Brltifli Colombia ports, 1:40 p. m.
Fulton, Brltisa Colambia ports, 5:43 p. ni.
Sailed Steamer Washtenaw, Port Satt Luis,
1 rSft T m ,
Seward. Jtme 28. Sailed Steamer Admiral
Evans, southbound. .
Valdez. June 2S Sailed Steamers Alame-
Am unthlviniiil. 7 .30 sf.
. Janeau, Jam 28. Sailed Steamers Jeffer
son and Alki, southbound, M a. m. ) Norlbwast
ern, westbouad, 8 p. Si.
Ketchikan, - Jtine 28. Sailed Staamer Spo-
kan. aftnthhonud. S o. ra --
Vancoaver. June fcS. A rrlvea Brttiak steanv-
ar Wyandotte, San Francisco. -
Nanalmo. Joa i.-t-Sailed Steamer If, I.
Scott, iowins bars Acapalco. Saa FrattciSco.
Port Townsend, Jaae 2.-P9ed in Steam
er Amur, towing barge Henry YiUard, 9 s. aa.
San Fraactseo, June 28. Arrived American
steamers ATJua, Aior-, iojaj a. m. Darae
Fnllerton. Port Saa Lais iff tow of tug rfe-
dre, 12:40 p. ra.; Whlttler, Port Saa Luis, t:d
p. to.; Columbia, Tacoma, B:20 p. m.f Breok
lyn, Bandoa. T.a, M.j Was Saa Pedro.-9:40
D. n. : Coftcresa Saa F
tic. Satt Diego, 9 :50 p. nr. Adeline Sane, Ijoct
Hay, mldnigat. Balled Steamers Colonel E. Iu
Drake wjm narge va in tow, Seattle, i:sv p.
m.; Wapams, Saa Pedro, 8:10 p. ta..; Carlos,
ri'.. O.IK a A. . V .1 2-n TIIa. .lif
A,WU, W " y. .U. , A UU V1CU . . A .
. m.; British steamer Waltemata. Sydney
p. id.; steamer Prasideat, Safi Diego, 4:40
p. ia.f Elisabethv Bandoa, p. m.; Paaa-
dens, Albion, 6:40 p. m.
Balboa, jaae as. Anrtvea ana sailed steats
e-s s. y . Luetenoaen, can rraacwca lor new
York. Arrived Steamer Kroonlasd, aa Fran.
Cisco for fkew-iork.
Cristobal. .June , 28. Arrived American
steamer Ventara. London for - Saa Francisco
British, steacier Highbary, Norfolk, for Saa
IMego; Br. str. Kentra, London for Saa Fran
Vtgo; rvenira, uanaon. tor can jrraaeiaeo';
American staamer' williara OBrtenj fkUadel
nhia for Pncet sound. Sailed Amorlcan steam
er J. Is Luekeabaca, New York for Saa Iran
':. II tnJu Commits Suicide.'
An -unidentified Hindoo committed
suicide near the Cliff Inn dairy on the
Linnton road some time this morning.
The body !was seen lying in the grass
near ' the roadstdev by :. C. C. "Wilf er,
driver of a Union Oil coinnanv truck.
Who was passing by. Beside the body
was found an empty bottle, the label
of Which showed that it had contained
arsenic. Life had been extinct about
an hour. The man was about 30 years
eld. i No money or anything else to
identify tn corpse was xouna. ueputy
Coroner- Smitn - took , the body to the
i public morguau:
c; i:- -. a " " - :" j; $1 ? ;
Eleven-Yea M31d ' Youngster
Leaves Home Saying He Is
Going to San Francisco, ;
Charles Hay garth.
Charles Haygarth, 11 years old, liv-1
lng with his parents at 311 East Fifty
seventh street, decided yesterday that
na would go to van Francisco and Keep
the blatter a secret. The only person
he took into his confidence was his
little brother. He eald he was going
to leave last night, and that If he old
hot get home by 7 o'clock, he would be
on his way. -
He has two uncles in southern Cali
fornia, and both of them have lots of
horses which, the boy rods On his last
visit there, and he expects to : have
some more fun with them. He has
been carrvine Tiewcffarera.c nrA Via col
lected ail of the money that ha could,
to taae along and buy himself a lunch.
The boy, is 4 feet. 10 Inches tall.
of a fair complexion, has light hair,
and has a piece broken out of one of
his upper front teeth. He left home
od his new "Zenith" bicycle, wearing
dark trousers, a gray and black diag
onal striped coa, a tan felt hat, black
button shoes, and a newspaper bag
With his lunch over his shoulder.
"If anyone sees him, I wish they
would please Stop him, and notify the
Sheriff's Office," said his father this
morning, "and we'll do the rest,"
f Continued rroffl PlKe One.)
could be - consumed by the Mam o ok
Campfire Girls In the brief space of 10
days. -
The Campfire girls have an outing
every summer". Last summer they
want to New Era and found them
selves marooned on an island for 24,
nours : witn only a Jew crackers for
food. But true woods women as they
were, they grumbled not. TTiey smiled
ahd commented upon toe hardships
tb&fathefs and mothers of Old Oregon
had to ; endure when there were no
electrie irons and no collapsible cots.
Travel oa Aaio Track.
This year they won't have to depend
On the precarious schedules of river
Steamboats to get home. A big auto
mobile truck, donated for the day by'
the Muts, carried kit and baggage as
well as 13 Of tha liveliest and Jollies t
siris that ever started on a ioy-lattnt.
Mlsa Helen Gillespie is guardian of
tha campfire. She expects to nave a
much fun on. this outing as any of her
Charges. Long before 8 o'clock this
morning, the party was ready. Most
of tho girls live in Sellwood and Miss
Gillespie lives at East Sixteenth and
Alder. All the eouiphienf was mus
tered at her homo and it was 'loaded
on the truck there. .The rest of the
party gathered at Twelfth: and Divi
sion, because that was about half Way
between. . . ; ; .
LMiss Gillespie went o.uit to fiull Run
several days ago and made arrange
ments for a camping spot. Right in
the heart Of the woods, close to icy
water, with the hills and gorges ahd
glens within easy reach, she found an
ideal place for the outing. , v -Girls
Earned Money.
Now here is a secret: All these
girls earned every penny of the, money
the trip is costing them. ? They gave
plays, they sold fanrf work, "they
Stayed kway from picture show a and
saved the dime. Not one called upon
father or- mother to help defray a
nickel of the expense. - U-j,-
"That is part of the' value of the
training we are trying to give these
New, Positive Treatment
To Remove Hair or Fuz2
i (Beauty Notea)
W()mn are fast learning the value
Of the use of delatone for removing
hair or fuzz from face, neck or arti,
A paste is made With some powdered
delatone and water and spread on the
hairy snirface.1 Itt S or J minutes it
is rubbed off, the skin v washed and
every bit of hair has disappeared. " No
failure will result If y6u are Careful
to buy genuine . delatone.- Adv. . ; i
A Truo Tonic j
I Is one that ( assists Kature.'
( Regular and natural action of
( the stomach, liver; kidneys and
! bowels will keep you well arid
- fit,2mdthisacti(misprornbtedb7
tlw larwest &is as Aay sTeaidms i. d Wrli
r. jtli sw sbsrs. la hsaaa. 18Z .
fy ' ' " ' ! '""V ' '
. - -'.,,,-...t .:-(
k ' " - ' ' ' - . , jj
r 1 - - ,i
I' J
5- t ' ' v -I
I 4 - t ?
if - i Z'w)
-sjiaW'-o r m '
fcsstBCBMj BMBMBBaswaSBBBiBBBBaBasastsSfe?"
girl.- said Miaa Gillespie, Wa want!
to em to be self reliant. Every girl
will have to do Her share of tha cook
ing, dish, washing and camp cleaning.
We will ' have a . regular schedule
posted on a tree, so no one may plead
ignorance that It la bar turn. All tne
girl will fallow these duties to the
letter. X know them." - -
No one knows what would happen' If
If Skookum were not along. Now,
SkookUm . , isn't Uch a big dog and
doubtless it would fare poorly if a
wild cougar should engage it in com
bat, but it barked eight times this
morning while th excitement of get
ting started was at its height, 'mat
bark would be enough, to warn away
any skulking person who had designs
upon tha botes of "grub."'
"Ifs and hea Mors -tfs."
' .And Who . knows what would happen
if the fish pole had been left behind
Food : is tha primal' yearning 5f man.
If the canned beans and tinned soup
should fail, the ; pola would aava the
Darty from starvation. And how could
history be preserved if it were not for
the kodaks? And bow could tha -spirit
of the artistic be maintained without
tha seductive walling of th mandolin
as tha dusk gathers in the woods and
tha dishes are washed and it isn't bed
time yet? , .
And then there is the "Memoirs of
Bismarck' to fall - back upon if life
geta too frivolous. The memoirs are
expected to teach tha girls mora of
that sif-relianoe that builds empire.
"The Making of a Business Woman"
is another solace. This work tells of
another phase Of courage.
And theft, because' there won't be a
man within aver o many miles, there
are five volumes of summer fiction ta
tho party. Think of that! On may
sit under a tred in tha lazy afternoon
and read about tho lovely hero Per
cival Van : Rensselaer and his exquis
ite meinoas or love-making-. Bo the
spirit of feminism will hot ba allowed
to destroy th native spirit of human
ism, even if Mere Man is barred.
,. 1 ; V; BkirtS to a Vassa,,
Miss Gillespie required each girl to
taxe along- nr Dioorners. When tha
fastnesses of the forest ara reached.
Skirt will be passe. Attired lh the
garb of the woodsman, tha Atria than
may hop logs and wade streams "and
cumo trees without paril, , ; ;
In the party arer' Velma Thomtisnh.
Alefia Jacobsott, Estella Hodge, Esther
ttoiaen, icuzaDetn Kebstock, Alta Dan
iels. Ferol Miller. Gladys Malvln. Marl.
Stuart, Althea Agee, Erma Lace, Dor-
omy .uuiora and atertio Fuller.
The truck was so oiled no -witli ariria
and tents and aatchels and camp equip
ment that it looked like the conveyance
of a comic opera' troupe; It will re
turn empty tonight and call for the
gins wnen tne outing days are over.
Out of Jail a Month,
H. Fuller m again
Released only a month er'ifti-
servlng a sentence of one year in jail
for larceny, Harry Fuller, aged 19
years, has just been arrested aeain hv
City Detective Howell, and has con
fessed to the robtfefy of three rooms.
Fuller was found trying, to seli goods
no uau sioien at a second nana store
vy iuo ueweuve, ana taicen in cus
tody. Information he furnished tha
uiui-cr eiiaoiea me reeovery or most
or tne articles he had taken.
Vacation Schools
Have 2218 Pupils
Exclusive of the manual training
shops and the sewing centers, 2218
pupils were enrolled yesterday in the
Portland vacation schools. This is
somewhat less ; than the enrollment
last year. ' The enrollment , yesterday,
which was the opening1 day, was as fol
lows: Elementary: schools, 1249; school
of trades for girls, 205; School of
trade for boys, 103; Lincoln high
school, 194.
No fires.
No fires.
. Loop Excursions
Portland to McMinnville
And Return
- Saturday, Sunday and Monday leave' Union Depot
at 1:00 P. M.; 4th and Yamhifl 1:09 P. M. A most
delightful way to spend the day.
Rowinjjr race between the Portland Rowing Club
and the Oregon Yacht Club. Other interesting
contests. Prize.
Week -
Round-trip tickets between Portland and all points
in the Willamette Valley on sale Saturday, good for
return, until Monday.
;. Night Special to Forest Grove
Special train will leave Portland, Saturday, July 3d,
and Monday, July 5th, at 9:30 P. M., stopping -at all
intermediate -points going and returning, -
' Electric Train to McMinnville'
Via Ne vvberg, Monday Night, July 5th
On Monday, July 5th, Train 2t6. 329, leaving Port
land at 11:30 P. M., will run through to McMinn
ville, via Newberg, arriving McMinnville about 1:30
A. M. ( .
Call at City Ticket Office, 80 Sixth Street
Cholly I say. What do you think
you're looking att .
Tuff aniv Well. I'm a bloke If I Just
wasn't goin' to ask you that maself?
Befftuno World Happenings
Koropean War. -Reinforcements-
for the Fifty-sev
enth French Canadian regiment have
reached England from Montreal.
Zeppelin hangars at Friedrichshafen
were shelled by French airmen June 1.
Queen Victoria of Sweden la quoted
aa having declared thkt her sympathies
ar with Germany in the present war.
There is less corn, fodder, beete and
potatoes tinder cultivation In France
today than at the same time last year.
Fat men, those who Weigh 230
pounds, who heretofore have been, ex
empt Mom military duty . in France,
may be called to fill positions In the
army. . -
V The Panama canal has been closed
temporarily to ships of more than z
foot draft due to another slide north
west of Contractors Hill.
The war department has p'aid $B0,
060 for 19,060 acres of land at Toby
hanna. Pa, for field artillery practice
grounds. .
George McHenry. a waiter of Wash
ington, D. G. is under arrest at Pitts
burg in connection with an attempt
on the life of Franklin Schneider, a
wealthy candy manufacturer..
Receivers for the Chicago, Reck-Island
Ac Pacific Railway company have
been authorised to - issue $2,600,000,
five per cent receivers certificates to
meet bend interest, .
The Georgia legislature has passed
resolutions calling on the president, to
practice reprisals if England does not
cease interfering with American, ship
ping...; .'--.- ,'- v
S Today's Happenings tVXth the Hollders, Architects, Ckjtltrtetort ad
li . . Realty : BiNei;-;:V
School Will Be Enlarged.
Plana will be completed in a few
days for the four; room addition to tho
Alblna Homestead school, fand bids
will be asked shortly afterwards. The
building will be of frame construction,
and will go up at Beech street and
Mallory avenue. F. A. Naramdre, su
perintendent of school properties, la
drawing the designs.
Will Build on Fire Acre Tract,
A five acre tract has been purchase
southeast of Ore!? ham by M. Russell,
who plans to erect a modern residence
en it eoo ft.
-v Real Estate Transfers,
lit. Hood Bf. Drt. ftt, to Carrie I.
erased, I. 11, B. 3, Talbot $
Lira la J. Tysoti et aft xTlltlaai Iao,
Xi. 11, B. 100, turelhurrt.........
Cbaa. Q. Sfyefs to El lea O. Welst, por
- tkt B. 7, North PortlaBd.
Portland toiie tU Cemetery Co. ti
Jenlile ft, JasmaftS, JU 214, B. 10,
Lone Bir eemetery ................
Mattie A. SymODu and boa band to P. -
Harrowlf , 1. to, B. . CrMton . '.
t. y. Boatod and wife to Beaver Bill .
Co., L,. 11 to 14. 19 to 24. B. 16, E.
St. Johns i...f.
Beaver Hill Co. t first TtnSt 8a v.
End fares
, For Further Particulars, Literature, Etc
' John M. Scott, General
-The Pitt Panther.
She Charlie-almost choked to death
He How- Was that?
She A clove caught In his throat.
He Sort of took bis breath away,
Beodred From S o'clock Ttr4ay
General. , "
v Four million dollars ' in tells have
been collected for use. of the Panama
canal from its opening In May. last
year; up to June 6.
King Constantino of Greece Is con
valescent rtom his recent operation
and will be transferred to the Chateau
of the. Decile. .
Pacific Coast.
In resigning as head of the depart
ment of geology and mining, Dr. Johh
C. Branner let it be known that he
will continue as the president of Stan
ford university.
W. J. Bryan will address a mass
meeting at San Francisco, July 4, ar
ranged by the American Independence
- Mrs. Catherine Wixson and James
Marvin were sentenced -to life impris
onment at Sacramento for oo-mpliclty
in the murder of a junk dealer.
The American Academy Of Medicine
meeting at San Francisco Selected De
troit as the 191 S meeting place. -
The Sandy Woman's club has held
Its last meeting for the year.
United States Senator Jones of
Washington was given smoker by
the North Yakima commercial club as
an appreclatlonn of his work.
Fire on Bell Mountain, hear Corval
lia, was stopped before it reached the
timber. - -'
A small black bear waa killed on the
beach near Seaside.
Miss Anna Castleberry of Clintort,
Okla., and Miss Grace Glllett Of St.
Paul- nave been selected as instructors
of domestic) science at the Oregon Ag
ricultural college.
back of St. JobaK. L. il to 14, IS to
. 24, B. 16. ast St. Johns. v. ........
Tb Indep&ridsnt Land Co. to Clarac
P. Catbeyi U 0, 4, B. 11, Zonltb
ad. to Gresham .....................
0. W, Moore and wife i fcavid It.
Kraokbsum-t et at V. 14,. B. 4, Mld
. way Annex ad. (assignee to May
K Dove) 4
T. M. Hurlbeft. aheriff, to H'flry Bran
I debbora; et al. L.. 8, B. 10, Uooola
Park annex ........................
Frances E. Clayson to Clareiice W. Boot
L. 11, B. Town of Sellwood. .
lob ft Ftttfsoa and Wife t Ina .
fry. S. 88 3-3 feet N. 73 1-S feet
L. 1, 2, B. 8, Arcadia ..............
Frsak W'olyns and wife to Conloa D.
McCOMby et al, ti. 6, Fefta ad....,
Sllsabetb Allen to Tbsodor rrataa,
U I, B. 28, Bast CrestoB. ......... .
J, W. Boti cutter and wtfa to George llal-
lory. acre la Hfltn Fare D, L, 0.,
in Sec. 15, T. 1 8?. B. & B..,.,..,
Same to satne, y, aer ht Hagh Farf
Homestes elalm la Bee, M. T, 1
Als'meda Land Co." to 'iZ 'faori, "iZ" ll",
B. 13, Alaateda Park,.. ...,
V. 1 Wood and wife to Volaey M.
Bay, V. to, B, 8, lwbdl.
W. E. Carter and wlfa to William K.
Wall. L. 2. 8. 4. 6, B. 1. Bristol..
Yoha Xlglle and wife to Amos Bnra;. part
U 4. B. 2, Willamette SI vd. seres
Jobn B. Peorce and wife to Gardner
Co., and. lnt U 11. B. 44,
Alameda Park ad
. 10
esitioms for Jualy
Celebrate at the Beach '
'Tickets to Garibaldi Beach Resorts on ale July, 3,
4, 5, good for return until July 6th. with correspond
ing low fares to other Tillamook County Outing
Resorts. -
Regular Season Fare, $4.00, on Sale Daily .
' . In addition to regular daily service. .
Seashore Special Trains
Leave Portland at 1:40 P. M. Saturday, July 3d, and
Sunday, July 4th, and will return Sunday, July 4th,
and Monday, July th. .
Newport WUl Celebrate
Monday, July 5th
With Field Sports, Aquatic Events, Baseball, U. S.
Life-Saying Drills, etc. , . f
3cial Round-Trip Fare From Portland $4.00
Tickets will be sold July 3, 4 and 5, and will be good
for return until. July 6th. ' , -
Regular Season Fare. $625, on Sale Daily
Through Sleeper Service
July 3d. and 4th
From Portland on No. 15 at 1:30 A. M Saturday,
. July 3d, and Sunday, July 4th. (Open at Portland
Union Depot 9:30 P. M., Friday land Saturday
nights.) - J '
Returning .
Sleeper will leave Newport at 6:00 P. M., Sunday '
and Monday evenings, arriving In Portland Monday
and Tuesday mornings at 720 o'clock. '
CornerOak, Union Depot, East Morrison Depot
Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
Marie "I pity poor - Mrs.'" Blugett"
Edith "What xorr-
Marie "Her husband always blewa
up her bridge parties."
Howard B. Anonnd wife to W. B.
" Bnndy. t. 1, B "E," Snbarbaa
. Home Club tract ...................
larg-aret Jamas Bvhn ta'Taomaa r".
Tnbbs, L. 13. B. 9, StinaysKla ad....
Q. Vf.- ClasgMt and wire to Ceo. E.
Mereer, L. 30, 2T, B. S3. Kenton ad..
OlMe McCatcbeon to Kta Condray , 40
xS2 feet Lu 30, B. IB. Tremont Park
Mtta Veltoa. and busband to Aim a
Mueller, U So, 21, ltora place; also
uod. i-10ta int. in looxlfto radii in
fiec T T. X 8.i B.
I. I. Walk ley and, wife to J;Kablic
L. tn. B. , Arleta Para No. 4.......
Metta veitea and husband to See. ftav.
Tr. Co., nod. 1-10 Iftt, la fol: M.e
Scree,' (8e. 9, T, 1, , B. I
v ski. n. i. n. ii l 2. B. 6. . 7.
8, 8. 8, L. 1, 3. 5, . 8. IM; 1" J.
? i 5
B. ?;
at, Q V, f Oi . V( Us , w
L t. 8. B. ft: U 1. 2. B. SI! k 1, 1
6. a, B. 22; V. 1. 6, 8, B. 23;
f. 2T: 1. 1, 2, B. Silt-, i. 6.
. i. B. 85; L. 8, B. 86; B. 43; U
8. B. 4; B. M; L. 2. 8. 4, . e,
T. 8. B.s 85: B. : N. Vt . I-.
118. 117. 118. 122, 183, 124, PurUsnd
City Uomeatead ........... -WeUesley
Land Co. to Mill Schttiidll
L 18, 10. B 21. Montclair... ...
8. P. Osbura and wife to Uliaabeth Ko-
anfac, N. l-6ta U 2, S. 1-6U L. 3.
Itaburn Park tract
Minnie Hansen to faanla C. Beebe. L.
9, 14, B. 6d, BeUwood
The Fred A. Jacob Oo. to Fred A.
Jacob et at, 1. 8, B. IS. Syndicate
Ad. . rsr t ,4. .... ,...
fred A, Jacob at al to the Fred A.
.Jacob Co., L, 17, B. 11. Syndicate
ad. ....................
AUtneda Lead Co. to Alameda Tnrst
fo., U 14, 18, W, B. 1, Ataiaoda
Peaoock" ' to Xiii ' IS Blmone' L.
27, 28. B. al, BarkoUy.. t..
Balkling Permits.
School district. No. 1, repdlr tbrea story
brick, ordinary school East Btsrk betwsen
Tbirteeata and roortntb; builder, tame;
$100. . -.-,: m
letlarxa w-tnstln. repair three atory frame
dwelling? Fourth, between Coach and DkvIb;
tmllder, 0. O. Kodgefsj $75.
Axel Anderson, erect on atory frame dwelling-.
Hood, btttweea Caroline and Iowa; bolld
r, samel $1200. - . . . ,
Oscar rilsoa. erect on atory frara dwelllnt,
feast FlfUetu, between orant and Lincoln:
frnilder, J. l. ollham: 81600. -S -
Beaver iBveatBient Co..- reoalr 8 atory brick
ordinary hotel, WashluKtoa. between .Seven
tceath and Eiabteeath; ',. bnllder, J. . Tf .
Busiioo: f0. . " v '
Mrs. F. T. Chapman, repair two atorx frame
dwellias. BltsSbetB, between Slxteeatb and
KlcUtreutb builder. Sara Jones: $176. -
Relerson Machinery, CO.. , erect one ttory
frame open shed. Kelly, between Flower and
Sweeney; bnilder, samei $i0. ,
H. P. Hansen, erect one story frame wood
shed, Oulld, between Beed and NiColal: bnlld-
l v.
r", najnea, repair iw y
tf bakery. Bast Seventh, between liavla
Glnary bakery
tnd Everetti builder, day work: sae.
M. Hnidar. repair one story frame dwenuig.
eaat Twetity-aUtb. between Gladstone snd
Coraj balwer, samei $a00.
O. A. Klnorea. repair
hoase. East Twelfth aw
i...ltn. s n Mairee, ft
O. A. Kindred, reoalr two story apsrtmant
s-eiitu anq . xi
tlliamook streeU;
C. Mejrert 8100.
y.' --: .uu
Mr. HBssetr. repair vwo smi uww 1-"
ment. Thirteeiith. between Mlll4nd Mont
gomery) tmllder. Cam DuPuy; $4000. . f L
Charlotte J. Seaton. repair 1H tory frame
dwelling. East yorty-slath, between. Handy
add Tborrtpsoo; builder, F, O. Seaton ; $1R0.
F. vfolyns. eroct ona suyfratn shack.
Hawthorne, between Seventy-eighth and KmU
tletk: bnllder. same: $175. .
Maud Hatson. repair on gtory frame dwell
hi5r Kt between fclht-ntfitft aud
Ninetieth: builder. Charles Kennedy, $uot.
Mr, t. 3. Johnston, erect one story frame
arK. East ThlrUath. between CSrathers and
ilvialoa: builder, same; $50. -----r?
L. Dati. erect ne torf ordlniry ware
tkmae, Bait Forty-first, between Clackamas
and Halsey; bnllder. same: $100.
Artlcle of Incorporation.
Bornite Paint Mfg. Co. Capital stock $10..
000; louls - P. Broe, Frank S. Grant and
K. A. ImUy. incorporator.
8, B. T5: L 4. W. I T, L. 8, B
75;fl. ft ft. eS, St! Sf, fr, OT, 9.
m, L. 2, 2. 4. e. , 1. 8, b. l;
'n 'ial- n. uA ioa. lto. in. lis.
L. ritrk. Vice -irerfiipi.t
the lllliiols Xntralf i:nttrtai.
Among the many railrOftd officials
Who have been visiting Portland Cur
ing the last few Mays Is v.L. Turk,
vice president of the Illinois Central.
He formerly Was high in the Vnlo-.i
Pacific operating department and n4?
such is well known in Portland. H
la accompanied by Mrs. . S'a rk. rj"
two were entertained yeuterduy by i5r.
and Mrs. 3. P. O'Brien and spent mueh
of the day In feeing the eights of th
city and the scenic, boulevards. -
- Rockvllle, R. I., clalins to have th
largest known percentage of old per
somi among its, inhabitants.
xriae-Tentha of AH Stomach Trouble
, Said to Be Z)B to Aoldlty.
A Physician's Advice Oh Caua aiid C
a: i
A famous phyaiilan wheme suiH-pf-rul
researches into the cause and -ui
of storaui h and Intestinal ist-ases Iks(
earned for him anr International rr put j
tion, said in tha course of a reH-nt 1 .:
ture that nearly all InteutlriBl troubles,
as well mh many diseawi of tiie vital
orgahs, were directly traceable to a ri--ramred
condition oc the stomach v In. a
In turn was due "nine times out of t i
to excesfclve acidity, commoiilv lerrnei
sour stomach or heaitbum. Which in t
only irritated and inflamed the delicate
llnine of the stomar-hi but also fet t
gastritis and stomach ulcer. It in ii.
lereetinK to note that he condemn! tf ".
use of patent medicines as well aft rf
medical treatment for the stoinacH, f fat
ing that he ami his colled jrUM have su
tured remarkable result bv the use tt
ordinary bisurated masnelai Wlitcli. t v
neutralizing the acidity of the food, ra
moves the source of he trouble, li
contends that It I as TooliBh to fre it
the stomach Itself as it would he for
a man who Mopped ofi. k tack to ri
liniaient on the root without first re
moving the tack. itemove the t i
and the Toot will heal itself neutral
ize the acid and the stoinaih triit K
Will ditapter. lirltatlng nsdi-lnM
and medical treatment ale Usc-lewx, t
ionar as the -content nf ths atomtn U
u'remain aeid; remove thj avidity. nr4
mere will be no need lor mean-trie-the,
Inflamed lining of t'te stoimi'. U
Will then heal itself. SUffefr froi-i
acidity, our ttomarh or hen ( tin if i
should fet a email bettleof Msurat-J
niagnesia from their drufftflKt, an I
take a teaspoonful i a quwrter of "a
glass of hot or oo)l watf after meals,
repeating In fifteen minutes. If neces
sary, thia being; the ioer which the
doctor has found must efficacious in
all cases. Adv.
A Message To Thin
Weak Scryny Foil
Am Sasy Way te Oain 10 ta $t IV. of
olid, EeaJthy, t rmnnt riesu.
Thin, nervous, undeveloped mn a n't
Women everywhere are heard to vny,
"1 can't understand why 1 do hot e L
fat; I eat plenty of good, timirinlitn
food." The reason is Jut tMs: Y i
cannot ajet fat. lid tnattef Iiow mu.i
you eat, unions your difstlva organ
asaiBlmlat the fat-tnikliiK elementi vt
your food instead of panning them out
thrpuirh the body as waate.
wliat Is needed ii a meantt of antl"
ursrine the aftairhiUthre functi6ris of
the stomach ahd lnlewtinpa to ahnorh
the oil and fata fend hanI tliern ov r
to the blood, whkr they may renfh li.
atarved. ehrunkeh, fna-xlown Hskup-
and build them up, The thin pt'h
body la like a dry spongs caj?, r anl
hunarry for the fatty material f(
which it li being deprived by ilie fail
ure Of the alimentaty canal td ttzk
them from the food. The fyei wev t
overcome thi sinful waste Of flfhh
building elements ahd to stop the leak
acre of fata is to lisf fciireol, thu
recently discovered reeneratire fore
that is recommended so highly l v
physician here and ahroad. Take i
little Hargol tablet with every nun I
and notice how uuickly your ciithn
fill out and rolls of firm, healthy
flesh are deposited over rotir imdv,
coveMnir each bony angle and projpet
ln point. AH good druKKlsts have
Karnol, or can get it from their whole
saler, and will refund vour tnonry If
you are not satisfied with the gain In
weight it produces as stated on thi
guarantee in ach packaKe. It is In
expensive, easy to take and highly ef
ficient. T--
Cautions While SarKol has pro
duced remarkable results in overctti
lna; nervoua dyspeiuiia and nepers 1
stomach troubles. It should not ln
taken unless you are willlnr to Bflln
ten pounds or more, for It Is a wonder
ful flesh-builder, Adv.
7 RoMe
To Your Home
Back East
Rock Island Line:
Trip Mafec
Daily to Septccbcr 30:!;
Return Limit Oct. 31, 'IS
Tickets Oood on
Golden State Ii!cd
Reeky Llcuntab ltd
Three Nights to Chicac
Thru Tourist Car Denver
. . to St. Louis.
Oeaerone Fortione pa Oar DLn!J
Tickets, Reservations, Etc.
-General Agent Passenger Dept.
til Third Street, Portland, C".
Phones Main 334, Home A-2 6 : :