14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, " PORTLAND, TUESDAY,. JUNE . 9, 1915. ; .A ILELP WANTED MISC: 4 Contlimd j .CAN give powitlon about Jul y 15, sev- erfti unmarried young men witn some pales ability, positively not over 24. Manufacturer will start young men, moderate salary, board, railroad fare paid, veiling food product to house wives, unusual opportunity ior - aa . vancement. SalesmanshlD taurht while working. Must furnish record previous employers and exact age. 'atrDanxs company, 214 Front St.. ban rTancisco. m. c. a. auxumobilk iscaooi' . , SPECIAL EHQRT COURSE. . " REDUCED RATES TO SEPT. I " Unusual opportunity; full associa tion membership no Oct-l, Call at . eoucationai orrice: y. m. -v. a. oiag. WJ5 have several openings for estab lishment of independent mall order business. 'Energy, good habits sad sound judgment more Important than : capital. "Spare time at first. Particu lars free. Opportunities , Excbanee. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6.60 p. Taylor, the Tailor. 289 4 Burnslde. HKW?WANTED -FEMALE 3 .WANTED A good reliable girl for general housework. Foreigner pre ferred. Marshall 4416. VVANTKC Iieruonstrators, residential workr 2, $4 made day: city and road :wnr. 60a t;miimnii finer. WANTED Woman to do . general - housework. Call before 12 rat E. 8584. "VANTKD, a chamber maid, at Yamhill. -- HELP WANTED T.IALE AND MEN and women to larc the barber ' trade, wages paid while 'learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. Tbe only chain of schools In the world. Bend for-free catalogue. Moler Barber College. II. 48 N. 2d at. . Oregon Barber college will teach you '- the trade in 8 weeks;' scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tui tion reduced this term. 23S Madison. WANTED AGENTS a CANVASSERS wanted, S3 to 5 per day easily made. Call at room 517 Northwestern Bank bldjr. at 10 o'clock. SITUATIONS MALE . EXPERIENCED .credit man now em- - ployed in charge of several thousand counts wants position with better fu ture . with good, strong, reliable con cern. - Licensed attorney used to fe eponslbliity. Best of references. X 668. Journal. ; WAN TED By experienced , window ' cleaner, house cleaning, lawn mow ing, cleaning or building lawns; or any kind of honest work. Will work for $3 per day. Have family and must have work. Good city references. R. Edmonds. Main 8187. PAINTING, kalsoming rooms, $1.60 up. Papernanging, whitewashing; reason able. Main 2529. - - Skilled Carpenters Furnished on short notice. Mar. 765. WANTED Excavating and team work. Phone East 4804. C-1477. XJrKT auto and teas engineer wish es employment. ti-so t. journal. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants job. - Has good references. E-842, Journal. PAINTING, kalsomining; must have work. Sell wood 1399. SITUATIONS FEMALE WANTED By capable middle aged - woman, position as companion or practical nurse in adult family. Home wanted more than compensation. Mar shall 3241. COLLEGE woman wants position in . small family going to summer re sort. Will care . for children and do light housework." V-923, Journal. Stenographer, some exDerience. high school education, desires posi tion, siu wee or less to start. Tel phone Main 11 30. (STENOGRAPHER 24 years old, 4 -years' experience, wants position by July 5; references. RX-319. Journal. WANTED MoTe days of housework by reliable woman; lst-elass refer ences Kiven. rnone lapor a(, EXPERIENCED lady 44 years old wishes position as housekeeper. V- AAtt r i --- - WANTED Work by the day or hour. Call for Mrs. Davis, phone Marshall 4463. ' HOUSEKEEPING position desired by capable young woman. Call Wood lawn 2183. EXPERIENCED laundress or chamber work (colored). Main 3816. Call all week. Rii.bh'liJC'i'ABLE woman with two children wants housekeeping, $10 month: country preferred. 226 12th. WANTED Position as a companion to elderly or sick lady; references. R-321, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE J AND FEMALE 23 MAN and wife want position in pic- ture theatre; lady descriptive pian ist, man expert operator and electric ian: temperate, dependable; best cre dentlals. Z-431, Journal. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESb'MAKING at home, or by the .day, work guaranteed. Phone Mar. shall 2459.' . ,J. DRESSMAKING or plain-gewing. Mar- -pnq.il oioo. abk iur Apt, i. .. PLAIN sewing. East 2240. NURSES 60 1 NURSE of long experience wishes po ! sition. No objection to Invalid gen- tleman. Marshall 4335. MA1ERN1TY nurse disengaged. Main " 2143. FURNISHED ROOMS a c 10th st. at Oak, now opened. Good, quiet place right down town. Strictly modern, fireproof building with large, , comfortable lobby. All outside rooms. Ilrst class permanent patronage so licited. Rooms 3 week up. With pri vate bath, f 5 week up. See our rooms before deciding to locate. We also so licit first class transient trade. HOTEL" BUCKINGHAM, ti62ft Wasfe ' ington st new fireproof brick, all outside, rooms, running hot and cold water, private or public baths, quiet and home like. 810 month nn - ' : . . . 1. Hotel :Arminius . Rooms single and en suite, modern; day,. 6oe up; week $2.60 up; special uj muutii. xv-a jaurnson st. biNGLE rooms, outside, light, airy, 'free bath, walking distance to all downtown business places. Rent $1.25 to $2 week. Call 393 E. Burnsidei cor. Grand ave. - -"JCOUNG men may consult without , charge register of furnished rooms at Y. M. C. A., listing several hundred in aH parts of the city, also uiose ia nig APBJvmnvn puuuiny, WANTED Room mate to reduce rooming expense. Flreprcof build. Ing. shower baths, individual beds. Call or address Y. M. C. A. business office. , THE ALBION HOTEL. 212 8d and Salmon. . ' I Rooms $1.76 week up; steam heat. not una com water. Tree patn. pnone. Madras Hotel ; If- rooms. $3.50 tip. By day 50c. 75a, lj cor. 12th and Washington sts. PLENTY nice rooms, clean beds; re . duced to- half price by the month. canniae st. Nicely furnished A D DHTTSc day up. 318 Wah. st. r rVDDLM I 1.60 wk. up .ROOMS and apartments in modern ho tel. $8.60 week and up. 455 Alder. Mod. equlpm't, HPI 1 CV 60c day up. B90U Morrison WUiLL I 12.50 wk. ud J2.&0 wk. up. $1.50 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur, rooms, central. The King. 309 Jef. ROOMS nicely furnished at 381 Yara falll street.' Come and see. n Stop at Newiy re furnished Pa p 6 red 4th and Alder and reno vatedenlarged lobby all ' modri n conveniences.. Rooms, with - prlvaM bath, SI per day up; without, 1 6c U9. Because the rates are low oon't thins tne service is poor, bpeclai rates oy week or month. Several rooms with wall beds, making tiietn practically suites. FURNISHED KOOMS ; 70 PMTATB 7A XE.Y. BfcA t'f 1 1- ULLV iuritliilied ruom, 3 windows. With electric grille for cooking; every modern convenience; $3 per week. 123 N. 23d. Nit-j3ii-.it lurntsned large attic room. modern -conveniences, . reasonable. 404 fMflV lAth LARUE, airy; front room, phone and . I. . V. ......... . 1 . . E 1 1 V, bet, Ankeny grid Ash. - . LARGE, front room, walking distance, very cheap. 390 Jackson st cor, W. Park. Main 6250. s iWO large, airy II. K. rooms; one is a front room with bay window, 334 4th. - -. - - -y-t - FLEASANT front spom, good board and use of piano, reasonaoie. 361 30th. ' '' -' - NEAT, clean attic room, light, phone ana natn, ti.as a ween. ii mn. LAKUb, nicely furnished bedroom, cheap. 428 Mill st. Phone Main 4 582. CLEAN, well furnished rooms in quiet modern home, i.oy- up. ass tjaimon, UNFURNISHED ROOMS lO TWO new rooms, gas, water, S5 mo. 1884 Market, near Front. ROOMS ANIX BOARD 15 P.AKKVIEVV HOTEL. 36 Alontsomery et. at West Parley Family hotel; all modern conveniences; rates for regular and transient guests. THE VERANDA. Room arid board, 34. oO a week and up. Use of music and pool room; also shower baths. 554 E. Madison. THE HA2.EL cor. 3d and Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms rd board. $5 up; steam heat, hot baths: free phone. , CASA ROSA, 300 JEFFERSON. BOARD AND ROOM. $25 UP. Room and board, young women $4 wh. up: "Anna Lewis" Hall, f.10 Flanders. FIRST ctass ; board and rooJi, best conklne. is ud. MS Collet 't. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY. 72 WANTED 2 or 3 children who need good home and mother's care. Pri vate family, i Swings, sandpile, play house, tents. Quiet-neighborhood. Ref erences. Tabor 4728. , BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, 3 windows, every convenience, board if desired, no other boarders, 2 In fam ily. 123 N. 23d. , - - ROOMS with or without board, suit able for 2 persons; reasonable. 781 Pettygrove. Marshall 5896. . FIRST class board and room, summer rates, right in town. 350 Salmon st. Phone Marshall 3323. OUTSIDE room. Well furnished. Good board. 243 2nd. 1 - WILL aare for 2 children 4 to 5 years old: desirable home. Phone E. 404. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly f urnisned, steam heat, running hot and coid water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison Bts.; $12 and up. ::1 Columbia sU. corner 6th st. TWO room housekeeping suites, newly papered, runntag water, fcee-. lights, laundry, bath; telephone, downtown lo cation, $S and $10 month or by week. Telephone B-2737. ' it to $2.5t week, lurstuui 11. ic rooms; gas, free heat, laundry, bath. Phone East O039; 203 Stanton, U car. S LUTES and single H. K. rooms. (UO week up. Also modern rooms. ..Mer cedes 20th and Morrison. ROVCREST, 173 12th. Convenient suites ana single li. iv. rooms. Use of piano. COMFORTABLE room, all conven iences. J2 week. 180 17th. Camoriage bids., turnished H. K rooms, central, cheap. 1654 3d. cor. Mor n. STRICTLY modern H. K rooms, $8 month ud. 535 Couch. Ideal Ants". UiiflrtA-N lit) lei. 1st and Aider. , Fur- rnrieq n. fx . rm.. enrap. i.at WK. tip. 1. 2, Jrras. C.am Anic Phone, $1 wk. free bath, UCIII rLllCii up. 401 1st SINGLE 1L K. apt., walking distance, $8 per month. 17 17th. near Yamhill. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 PEIVATE FAMILY. NICE clean H. K. rooms, en suite or single: water in rooms: electrin Jights, bath, phone. 313 14th St.. west siue. TWO nice front housekeeping rooms. All modern conveniences. 407 Colum bia st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms $2 per week; 2 basement rooms, $2 per weeK. zi tttn st.. cor. Alain, WELL furnished H. K. rooms, at very reasonable rates; 5 minute walk to postoffice. 223 W. Park st. 361 TAYLOR. Suites and single H. K rooms. Free lleht. Dhone. bath- laun dry. THREE housekeeping rooms with gar age, heat, light, gas. Phone - Tabor 190. - THREE large convenient housekeeping rooms, $15, or two $12; 15 minutes: walk to postoifice. 614 4th st. . FURNISHED and housekeeping rooms, very cheap. 291 Morrison, cor. 5th. H. iC rooms, reasonable, 324 Jackson St., near th. 16th bL car. Bath, light, phone. SPECIAL inducements to good cash renters, 1, 2 or 3-room. suites. Main 4589. ; ; , . NICELY furnished parlor and upstairs II- K. for men, $2.26 and $2.50. 400 2d-st. LARGE front room, bath, large shady yard, $2.25 wk. Nice room. $1.50. East 6174. ' NICE, close in housekeeping: rooms, irom a up. z may St. SUITE of housekeeping rooms with porch and bath. Sellwood 1943. FURNISHED back parlor t with gas plate, walking distance. "Main 2181. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. $8 to $12. 71 E. 11th st. Nv : B-8075. 193 No. 17th.. II. K. and sleeping rooms $1 up; walking dictance. Mar. 5389. -s FOR RENT HOUSES 12 $9 UPPER or lower part 7 room house. 508 E. Clay. Adult. EasJ 963. '3i - . , - . ' MODERN 6 room cottage partly f ur nished. clean, - good k location. : Mar shall 20. ' -:. MODERN 6 room house, 333 E. 1st U north. . Inquire Oscar T. Olsen. 7 RfinMS 1 hlnnl. U..' clean, lawn, fenced, rent reasonable, Tabor 1513. MODERN bungalow, linoleum, gas and woodstove in kitchen, $17; water aauij-nu riarnson. ' xaDor 115 room- cottage : gas range; walk- in oisianoa 4j iiast loth. Jfhone East 842. - MODERN, 6 rooms, newly, painted and NEW modern 4 room tile cottage. 4.5th $10 -o room cottage, corner E. 2ith ana Oregon. W'oodlawn 129. $14 NEW room bungalow. Fulton car line. Call Woodlawn 2023. MODERN, 7 rooms, newly tinted, . 315 Wnndwuril ova . SSaIIwawI FURNISHED ROOMS r Continued) 12 (Continued MEIER A FRANK'S FREE RENTAL. AND INrUKUA'llUK uur.Juvot Tenth Floor. Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list of va- . .. flat. Bnfptmnli! and a.Jfc ..VUco. . .u y.. bungalows in the city; make use or tnis - Bervice - wnen you u". does not obligate you In any manner to this store., Yoj will find us willing and ready at all times to help you in locating. I.'ew coir era in PortUnd will find this bervice especially valuable. Real estate, men and owners of private ,AnAw v ,Mr4.A . A 1 iI . th.if 1171 occupied apartments, 'flats and houses at Meier & Frank's free rental bureau. 7 KIKUI : hniiHn wil'h or without Mr age, large attic, cemented basement with laundry tub and stove; furnace with water coll. wood and gas ranges; iirepiace, z- toilets; corner tot. xvusi 2th and Main. FIVE room bungalow with large attic, bath, i gas, electric ' lights. 176 E. 75th st. N 1 block from Montavllla carllne. - . ' . : LOWER part of house of 5 nice rooms, on & big lots, good lawn, plenty of flowers, roses and fruit, $10 per month. Phone Woodlawn 2513. 327 Fremont. THREE room house and lot 60x100, tr ImnNrvtmrnli 1497 Omaha. Tel Woodlawn 2379. rtooin. : Jtiouern nuuse,; 19th and Marshall st.. for rent reasonable. at- ply ;'81 ; Marwhall st. Main or A-2474. MODERN 7 room house $15. 931 Woodward ave. - Phone Sellwood 1551. ' ' " - OR RENT 8 room house, suitable for 2 i ami lies, on car line. $16. Phone East 42S7. ' . . - $14 NEWLY remodeled -5 1 room cot tage. 2 lots, fruit trees. . 1C86 E. Taylor. - . - - - 5 ROOM house, $9; 4 room, JS. Good lo- caiion. inquire 6pU K.erpy. - b'OR RENT Modern 6 room bungalow; good, location, $12. Woodlawn 659. FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 HOUSES FOR RENT ; FURNITURE for sale; house for rent. rtest location; : several steaay room ers. 412 Main st. Call afternoons; terms given. . ' ADS of furniture for sale are pub- usnea m tne iioueenoia Goods classi fication when house Is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 ATTRACTIVE 3 room house and sleeping- tent, completely furinshed. sewlnff machine, eas ranee, lawn, erar- den, garage, $12.50. Inquire Cannon's grocery, end or wooastock line. LADY employed, will rent modern none, furnished comnlete. for room and board: piano. 2 adults. Call Sun day alter 2; evenings after 6:30. 321H Holladay. U. or I.-J. car. 8 ROOM house, actual rent $30. or will rent for $20 if taken before Wednes day; piano, trees, hammocks, walkine distance: East 6016. FIVEroom clean homelike furnished cottage, reasonable, to permanent nant. 366 Knott st. NICELY furnished home for small rent during summer, with garage. Tahor 967. FURNISHED modern 6 room house. 334 Tillamook between Williams and Union ave. $45 PER month, furnlsbed modern 8 room house, Irvington. choice loca tion. Phone East 8872. FIVE rooms, nicely furnished, on first floor; also other rooms; nice location ana walking distance. 493 Montgomery, FURNISHED cottages and housekeep ing rooms. Phone B-1283, or write A. H. Russell. Rockaway. Or. A MODERN 6 room furnished house In Vernon. Phone Woodlawn 3065. 4, 5 and 6 room modern cottages, com. FOR JtENT Furnished 5 rooms, prl vate house. East 114. East 11th. FURNISHED 7 room house with gar- age, rent $18. 940 Kerty. FOR RENT All or part of home in utureinurst. u-1782. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE IRIS APTS. 3d and. Mill St. JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgom ery. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room apts furnished or unfurnished. $17 month up. No charge for cooking gas. BUCK Hartforda07 N. 21st st, 3 room furnished or unfurnished; balcony a and sleeping porch, summer rates; also ground floor apt., $15; elevator. warning instance. MONTGOMERY Apts.. cor. 3d-Mont-gomery. Strictly mod., all outside fur. 2 rm. aDts.. elect, ele.. best service. close In. $18 to $25. Free lights. M. 946S. THE MORTON,, cor. King and Wash., . new man'g.; 3 and 4 rooms, fur. and unfur. apts.. reasonable rent. ' Pacific phone in apts. Main 1082. A-5749. BROADWAY .CENTRAL BLOCK Rooms and apartments, modern, new. up-to-date furn. elaborately. 3 blks. e. HMwv. ftnage. summer rates. E. 6663. LARGE 2 room, furnished, apartment; private bath. nice, auiet home for quiet people; gas, stove, sink, pantry. xta.au. 4i r.aat em St., r. - THE SHEFFIELD C70 Broadway. south. 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged. easy walking distance, at very rea Bonahle rent: best of service. M. 2506. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. TCI n ft t-nnrtl fwm u n t nn f M -n r rta aiso a anu ruwn i urn, apartments. FURNISHED 3 room apt., including gas, tatn. private entrance. 15 mm. walk downtown. $5 . per week. 409 College st. ; AMER1CAN-MARLBO ROUGH. Highest class apts. in tbe city. 4. 5 and- 6 rooms, walking distance, reason able. Mar. 3360. Main 7516. A-2676. The Parkhurst 3 and 4 room furnished 'ants. 20th and North run. JEFFERSONIAN APARTMENTS. 16th and Jefferson, two and three room furnished c apartments. . Walkine oistance. 9iz ano fie THE W4SSRI.I. 4" Trv desirable imf urnlsheil nirt. ments. all outside rooms, good Toca- tion, moaerate rent, x-'none iiiast 3Z53. EVELYN apartments. 267 N. 21st St., 3 rpoin iurnisnj apartment with ptayer v piano, only $27.50. Marshall ROSENFELD (brick), 14tb & E. Stark. Aioaern-a ana 4 r zurmsnea or un- rur. private p nones, reasonable rate. 3 ROOM apartments, all ogtside rooms, private bath. Pacific phone, : $17 up. Tabor 6065. B-l 03 5. z: TyO room apis., newiy, furnished; modftn. Sawyer Apt.. 82 N. 10th et. Phone A-2238. - j . . WHSfciTUit. Z and a rooms, private bath rnnHftrn Hrinlr iriMial mi. -tie and up; 14th and Market. Main 1789. PENINSULA APTS., concrete bldg.. 2 and S rooms, hot and cold water, baths, st. heat, phone, $12 up. C-1170. FURNlSHExJ 2 room, ttparartnientij, "-modern, quiet, walking distance. $la up. 665 Everett. -. DOWN town, modern apts., $15 month up, including neat, light, etc. Royal Annex. 350 Morrison. s - ALBERMARL.E Apts.. modern, neatly . furnished apts.- Summer. rates. East 4193. 383 William ave.. near Broadway. DRICKSTON 448 11th st.; modern i". room fur. apts.; $20 to $30; walking distance; excellent' service. Mar. 67.- 3 ROOM modern furnished apartraent. izi miiwauKie st. j Hetiwooa b5. Ardmay Terrace,, 3 95 12th st. Large i nwui iur. aim, .nrt jonn vnn. mgr. LUXOR APTS. 324 13th, neatly fur nisnro ., cny, wwk or mnntn. - MEREDITH 3 & 4 rm. apts.. reason aoie.: 712 Washington. opp.22d. M.7184 PAGE APTS. Excellent outside apt. - Rates, very reasonable. Eat 3666. KEELKK APTS., 14th and Clay ani 4 mom unTurniecq ; rererencew. GRAY Gables, . 2 rooms, .everything luiiuoncu gno,- ip m. -gg lVlfl THE LUZERNE 2 room fur. apts.. mdrn brick. $20 m. us- Mar. 48. THE ORMONDE Front 4 and 5 rooms. : 656 Flanders. Nob Hill, Main 8251. ' FOR RENT HOUSES 1 - APARTMENTS ' 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ". . ; (Continued) - - : J;J .Wellesley Court EAST- 15TH AND BELMONT STS. Furnlsbed and unfurnished.- : ? Mgr. East 2469. ReferenoeaT - . -Melcliffe Court. East 1 1th and Morrison, opp. east side-.publlc library, walking-distance, 2 aria 3 rooms, modern In- every way; rates reasonable. . VILCA ST. CLARA. ' J 2th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. , Walking- distance. References. BALBOA APARTMENTS. 429 Harrison, near 12th st. ' " t Extra large 2 room furnished apts., 1 unfurnished, modern reasonable rent; good service. Marshall 2900. References. May . Apartments ; 14th "and Taylor, 2 and 3: room fur nished and unfurnished apts." Strictly modern. . TH E COD.Y. cor. E. 'tin and Taylor ts has been remodeled with private baths, new furniture and carpets. 2 and 3 rooms; light and phone free: rent veTv reasonable. Call East 44. COMPLETELY turnished 2 and 3 room apartments; easy walking' distance; $16 to $20. including lights, phone and Janitor service. 187 17th,, near Yam- , RENT BARGAINS. 4 rms., unf ur.; 2 rrns. fur.; hardwood firs.; ret' Portnoraah, 800 E. 13th. FOR RENT FLATS 13 SIX room upper flat all outside rooms, fireplace and sleeping porch. " Corner E. 17th and Madison st. Phone East 234. V 511 GLISAN St., A 14 room flat, suit able for lixht. housekeeping. Inquire at 'corner drug store. ' - NEW 3 room modern flat, disappearing bed, 15 minutes' ride from Washing ton st, good location- Woodlawn 167. 20." MODERN . lower single flat, 5 large rooms. East Burnslde, corner 12th. East 2301. 4 ROOM flat, outside rooms, piano; adults. 180 17th. FIVE room flat, modern; $10. Tabor 3118. MODERN 6 room flat. 432 E. 13th N. Very cheap. Phone Broadway 2332. BEAUTIFUL 3 roonr flat reasonable; 706 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 1953. MODERN 6 and 6 room flat, very rea- son able. 529 Everett st. FURNISHED FLATS 50 4 ROOM furnished sleeping porch; bath, large lawn, close in, $20, in cluding water, light, phone. Marshall 2941. Tarr. 806, Jefferson and Canyon road. $12 Clean, complete furnished flat. 98516 Albina ave.. corner Blandera. L car. MODERN. well furnished 6 room lower corner - flat, walking distance, : best location. 16th and E. Alder. M. 1728. FOUR room furnished fiat. complete, $18. East 1230. 3 ROOM furnished flat, adults, cheap. 604 E" 22d st. S. STORES AND OFFICES ' 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and YamMll. SHOP, 45x125. $40; north light. Haw. thorn e, near bridge. H. N. Burpee. M. 3330. - SUMMER RESORTS - 56 PACIFIC View Beach, tent houses and cottag-es for rent completely fur nished, $3.50 and $5 per week, 16 miles of beach, fine clam digging, fishing, agate beds, make your reservation now, at 614 Stock Exchange bldg., M. 6765. FOR RENT For July, August or sea . son, furnished 6 room cottape, fire place, toilet, running water, overlook ing tne ocean at xioga, iong iseacn. Wash. References. Phone Main 7477. A-2523. FOR RENT "Red Rock" cottage. Can- $110 to October 1. Address Karlow CAl rf SUNSHINE VILLA- Rooms, cottages and tents for rent: write for prices. Mrs. E. Emett Cobb, Long Beach. Wash. - - WANTED Year lease, Seaview, Wash., cottage, ijive location ana particu lars. Z-415, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING apts., furnished. wood, water. llRht. Ocean . Crest. Rockaway Beach. - - GEARHART 5 room cottage for rent. rsiceiy euuaiea, win lurnisa; Alain 4868. . FOtiR room 'furnished- cottage for month or July at Ocean park. East East 3749. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 6 room bouse at Shelburn. North Beach Woodlawn 2197. Main 1747. SEASIDE 2 cottages near beach for teni. ia ana gu. rnone casi oij SEASIDE cottage by season or month. near beach; East 2409. - FOR RENT Five room cottage. Sea side. Phone East 2725. ATTRACTIVE cottage for rent. Sea- view, wasn. rnone Kast 1&18. SEASIDE cottage for rent. Main 4191. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Acreage with house and barn on it. William McDonald. 21 E. 64th st. N. WANTED to rent -.3 -or -4 room fur nished houseboat. Phone Tabor S8J5. HORSES, VEHICLES, ' ETC 18 FOR SALE, 16 head horses and mares from a Knetiand pony to 1500 lbs., $25 up;' trial allowed: 6 sets -double harness, 3 farm wagons, 1 stock sad dle. 3 sets single harness, 2 grocery wagons. 1967 E. Stark St., corner 78th Commission Auction . Of horses, vehicles, harness, wagons every Monday and Thursday, at 2 p in. joiumpia staples, auz uront st. SINGLE camping outfit. 12U0 lb. horse with harness and a long bodied bug By, $50; also an 850 lb. mare with light buggy and nearly new harness at ; a bargain; must sell. 233 N. 14th st. PORTLAND Transfer Co.- have one team of blacks weighing 2400 lb Good farm team and gentle, for $200. Call at once, 1st and Taylor. Main 8855; FOR SALE Reasonable. 2 mares. 2 geldings, 2 wagons and 3 sets har- ness. uise ano stn sts.. l mock- east 1200 true work horse, $3u; camping nav, - u55j, u, uuuoie ami single worn-harness; 1661 East Ash. iooo Jb. team grays, with harness, at a harp-nin this 4 m j4( t " ' nti-jwe u,. taa jc, mn et. 1400 lb, black horse. 'heavy bohe, fat a beauty. 9a E. 30th.. corner Wash. FOR SALE-r-Wood rack, 3i wagon, set harness; give an offer. 811 N. 21st. TlV A n hA. ,nJ .nm.l- V, .,1 J " free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Ta bor 4203. GOODsteel tired buggy and harness for sale. Call at 1746 East 17th st. ,V.--.-v ; LIVESTOCK 83 THREE frewli cows, Jersey and Dur hams, at 956 E. 39th St.. Woodstock car to 47th ave.. 2 blocks west. BLACK Jersey and Holsteln cow. 4 -,: rlch milker. 939 N. Jersey st Si. Johns. fcRESH Jersey cow and calf. $60. Hal. - stead. Woodrow station, Hillsdale. Or. FOR SALE 1 Jersey cow, 4 gallons Perjlay; call Tabor JS71.- " - POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 16 Rhode Island Hed laying . hen-, ; mostly pullets, for sale cheap, leav ing city. Beliwood? Ibi8. POULTRY AND PIGEONS . 87 '. Contlnned 1 1 HERK'a Tni'R HHIUPE. To get a start In full blood Red rtnoae islands tor next winter layers; over 3 months old. cockerels 76c. pul- lets tuc. w. h. Kiaerg. Bav c:ity. ur. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES t 44 tfCT m. '"Li"" - ii il- l i 'L 'it - n i n have, the following cars left from our sacrifice . sale which you can buy from $100 to $500 less than any other place in Portland. 1913 Chalmers. 4 passenger coupe. 1913 Chalmers. 6 cylinder. 7 passen ger. , . . -1913 Chalmers, a passenger. - 1913 Stearns Knight. S cylinder, , S Passenger. . :, :..-.-. ' 1910 Stoddard Dayton, ? passenger. 1110 Win ton, 7 passenger. 1912 Wlnton, 7 passenger. - 1914 Wlnton, passenger. - . 1911 Pierce Arrow, 7 passenger. -1913 Flanders Electric, 4 passenger. wE: i 23d and Washington Sts, Open Evenings. Preparatory to moving Into our new home we are offering the following cars at very low prices. , ' OVERLAND PANEL-JTOP DELIVERY Late model, all new tires. MAXWELL, CANVAS TOP DELTV ., . ERT, Very light and economical, new body. Newly painted. FORD DELIVERY 1913 model, good , condition. Touring Cars VERLAND, 5 pass.. 30'h. p., all new tires, just thoroughly overhauled, $350. 1914 OVERLAND, run only 4000 miles. Electric starter, $650. ELMORE, 5 passenger, new top, side curtains, etc . Just overhauled and painted. , . - ' - SEVERAL OTHERS ! TERMS J. W. Leavitt & Co. 529 WASHINGTON. Used Auto Snap. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We will sacrifice the following list of used cars for quick sale: STEARNS 5 passenger. COLE! 5 passenger... REO 5 passenger. ' CHALMERS 5 passenger. OWENS 7 passenger. STUDEBAKER 2 . passenger. MICHIGAN 5 passenger. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. Take - advantage of this sale. We will save you money. 1 Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND, COUCH STS. Broadway 887. A-4959. PORTABLE GARAGES AND HOUSES Built of best materials, ar tistic designs. Erected complete, lock and key. $32 up. - Portable bouses. $125 up. Immediate delivery. W-TAKE DOWN MFG. CO.. ' B4S Water st nr. Harrison. Main 1167. Truck Snap TERMS GIVEN Reo, 1500-lbs. capacity truck, good body and top; Just the thing for ex press work; for quick sale, only $276. See Smith. Northwest Auto Co, s Broadway and Couch Sts. Broadwav 887. A-4959. 1914 MICHIGAN $ 750 1913 NATIONAL ........ V., ..$1000 1913 HUPMOBILE ...........$ 650 1913 HUPMOBILE DELIVERY I 600 1910 RAMBLER $ 300 Dulmage-Mahley Auto Co. 46 N. 20th St. ' IOREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire Shop." 550 Washington st., at 18th. -- Marshall 379. . BEST TIRE REPAIRING. TIRES Trade new tires f6r old ones. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. . Large stock, prices $300 to $705. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., : Studebaker bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. fit i a rant p.Ari A U . springs l - J , 1. TT v- . . a A Steel Co.. 30-34 2d sL ' GENERAL auto and truck repairing. Reo truck sprockets a specialty. Forging. Good wqrk, square prices. Try us. E. L. Tayldr & Co.. 71 1st st. Written guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 15th sL NEW and used Ford automobiles sold on easy terms. Benj. E. Boone Co Ford agents. 614 Alder st. Xfain 3966. ' - - - ONE ' White delivery, : newly painted &nd overhauled; 17 passenger Peer less in best of condition. East 655. 368 E. Washington. ' OVERLAND, & pass.. In excellent con dition, good tires, extra tubes. $250 cash. I need the money. 369 Haw thorne ave. POPE Hartford 40 h. p., with delivery body, $350. or will trade for Ford. Sellwood 890. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock . in Portland, $3 to $19? Fine repalr- lng. The supply Co., 207 Madison. 1918 FORJ roadster with delivery at- tacnment, line conaiuon, -8V casn. 11S E. 3 2d, cor. E.-Alder. ; 5- PASS, body; like. new. cheap. 505 Burnslde st. '' ;. - - ' ",; -' ' , EXPERT auto repairing, reasonable charges." J. J. Zlmmer, 123 N. Sth st. HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 6198 CHEAP for - caslv 5 pass, automobile, 191 2. A-l condition. Call -Tabor 1831. AUTOMOBILES V WANTED s 78 LIGHT DELIVERY FORD, WITH TOP; MUST BE IN A-l SHAPE, AND VERY CHEAP: NO TRADE. WHITE & JOHNSTON,:JMIDDLETON. OREGON. - - WILL trader, acre - on Salem . carllne or city lot for auto; Ford preferred. Phone Woodlawn '1240;'-' '- :: '-r"v- AUTOS FOR 1915 FORD for hire, $1 per hour, 4755. - - -- - - - ' ' ' East MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 155 NINE horse Dayton .motorcycle extra - cheap, extra good tires. B'dway 4467. DEUVEAY Mi SiPEO'JlL :- 9 MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES . 53 j tjContinned) - . - v 1-X3R SAi.K CHKAK.vV j 1 7 11. P. 1912 INDIAN. r - 1 7 H. P. 1913 MERKEL.- . Expert repairing: all , work guaran teed. 314- Jefferson mt. Phone Main 8984. " - ; Pop - motorcycles and bi cycles cash or terms. New and used. Supplies, etc. F. P. Keenan Co.. 190 4t. 7 H. P. MOTORCYCLE, fully equipped, $100 spot cash takes it. 110 Haw thorne. -:"- - LAUNCHES ' AND BOATS 64 EvlNRUDE Motor C. now located Front and Morrison; 100 Evinrude row boat and fcanoe motors In stock; $53 to $83. Gasoline engines, motor boat equipment, paddles, cushions, sporting goods, rowboats and canoes. MOTORBOAT, 15 foot, 2 cylinder Vim englner-.( h. p., auto control,; full equipped, including boathouse, $17. See Bateman Postal Telegraph or Rays .- t . i . . .. . , . . TWO new flat bottom rowboats, 16 and 18 feet, for sale, are fitted to take portable motor. Danielaon's Boat Shop, foot of Nebraska et: Fulton car. LAUNCH for sale, $150,-21 ft. 7 h, p., fully equipped. Phone Main 238. ask ror Williams. Apt. 42 3 FT. speed boat, including house, value $2500; unincumbered real es tate considered. B-573. Jdornal.- PL1NOS, ORGANS ANI 84 MUSICAI instru:nts THE SECURITY STORAGE CO. Will close out to first caller. ' $276 McCammoa piano, $35 cash. , $300 Marshall & Wendell. $50 cash. $350 WelUngton, oak, $115 cash. $600 Decker & Sons, walnut, $125 cash. $850 Auto-Player piano, $290 cash. $750 Kimball baby grand, $345 cash. iu g-ourtn St.. Couch bldg. I HAVE 2 Edison diamond disc phono graphs, one brand new and the other nearly so. , Will sell one cheap for cash or will exchange for clothes made to order, value for value. J. F."Gas kill. 151 4th et. Phone Main 1433. $5 CASH, with double eredit-for $10, sends a new $350 piano to your home at $265," $7.50 monthly without interest charged elsewhere; makes total saving of 146.29 to you. Schwan Piano Ca, ill 4th st. FOR $285 cash Security Storage Co. will close out $600 player-piano, metal tubing, 88 note, all latest "improve ments; this includes 65 player rolls. Call 109 Fourth street. WHAT have you to trade for fine Kim ball organ, or will sell cheap. Phone Main 4495 after Sunday. . - r Music published, printed, arranged, pop-. - ularized. Send manuscripts. Echo Mu slc Pub. Co., Peoples Bk. bldg., Seattle. WANTED Slide trombone, state -make, price, condition, etc Z-207, Journal. ' $500 CHICKERING & SONS mahogany upright at $225. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st. $1 MONTHLY stores your piano. Se curity Storage Co., 109 4th et. Main 5323, WANTED Square piano for cash. Ill Fourth st. BARGAINS in high-class new violins; also old ones. 73 hi E. 28th. FIRST f lass graf onola and records. cheap for cash. Phone East 718. $20 GASH 'buys $135. Estey organ. Secnrlty Storage Co.. 109 Fourth st. $325 Lester piano $160. easy terms. 431 Wash. st. OCEAN PARK lot, 60x100 ft, for piano. East 6762. - TYPEWRITERS 77 GILL'S t REBUILT- TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods. Remingtons. L. C Smith, Oliver, Smith-Premier.' Royal, etc $15 and tip: terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. WE save you from 60 to 45 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co.. 821 Washington St. - - TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $5 and up; 4 months rental ap plied on purchase price. - Remington Typewriter Co., 86 Broadway. ' NO. 5 L.'C. Smith typewriter, bought new short time ago, excellent condi tion; will sacrifice $55 cash. Investi gate. East 3858. ,f - ; NEW rebuilt. 2d hand rentals, cut rates, f. u. kj. tjo.. zsi ewrK. rn.nu Visible typewriter, $4.50. r. il Blocker, 4th and Taylor. - t . HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 CASH. CASH. . CASH. Paid for good 'used furniture, carpets and shoves. Call Gevurtz, Marshall 687. $110 -If taken-at once, furniture of i room flat. Phone K. 1663. CALL Bell Auction Co. and get good - price for your furniture; Mar. 4783. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS lt SEWING machine, Em. . porium sells for less; no t.gents employed, all makes of new and second hand machines. Sold on terms. Machines cruar- anteed and rented, $2 per month. 190 3d, near Taylor. Main 3431, A-3626. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and ' repaired. - Walker : Electric Works. 413 Burnslde,.. ccr. 10th. Main or A-5674. " v - - "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers" and "Household Goods" -are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifies tlons. Look them over. BILLIARDS New and second hand carom ana pocnet piuiara taoies. bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. taoies tor resiliences. 1110 Brunswick-Balke-Collender, , Co , 46-48 bin St. rnone aiam tam. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry read tne ads., under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications.- - FOR RENT OR SALE AT THE PORTLAND TENT AND AWNING CO, 16 N. FRONT ST. AUTOMOBILES, -motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under tnese cuiertm neaaings. . ? MIMEObRAPHS, supplies, circular let ters. Elliott addressing machines and supplies. W. E. Finzer & Co., 268 Stark. BILLIARD and pool tables for sale or rent.- lowest prtcfcr easy terms. W. J. Quigley, 203 3d, nr. Taylor. M. 6333. STORE for rent, shelves, counter and steam table for sale ; must be sold by July 1. Phone Main 3356. DiAMOND house paints, strletly pure; made In Oregon, $1.65 gallon. - Port- land paint yo. zau r ront. Mar, iou. PLiUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 812 3d. Main 797. fcp cords of growth fir wood at a bar gain on r.8iacaaa line, wargnau gov. WE buy and sell used machinery. Northwest Lead & Macny, jq. $12.50 Drophead sewing- machine with attachments. 152 Grand ave. SWAP COLU31X. 25 FINK Grafonova and records .-to ex change for piano. PhonsWaln 4493 after Sunday. 212 let. . -' 12x14 velvet rug. almost new. as pstrt payment for plastering, Tanor -gaio. $700 equity, trade for anything; a snap, for cash. Sellwood 1399. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANT El T he people of Portland to ' know I pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. East 77f N. M. Seaterr143 Russell et. J. ME5TER. , the tailor, pays highest - price for : 2d band clothing, shoes.' We call promptly. M. 7573 229 Madison. SECOND .hand clothing and everything. High est prices.- Main 2080. 285 1st. SMALL lent, SxlO rug. bicycle. 0-859, . Journal. , OOOI 2; burner, oil stove.. Wdln. -44. VANTin)MISCIIANEOI?S 5 i f Con tl lined) v -irVxvNT THIS GOODS.- WANTED;' ranges. stoves, rugs, rockers, dressers, tables, couches. chairs, $L,nporS J:v Par -the price. Try us. Northwest Furn. Exchange. East 3. WS- A,.c0 VELL . wants second hand rurniture. openinjr new store? will pay the best rice, 192 First. -nr; Tay lor: phnn. v.n 1 1 caj OWL FURN. CO. pays vest prices for furniture. 231 1st. Main 627. 1 LOST "AND FOUND. 21 FOLLOWING-rartlcles were found on -tthe cars-of the Portland Railway, taght ft Power company, .and owners mayfclaim the same at First and Alder btreet station. Broadway 6100, A-6131: w June 26f4 purses, 1 satchel, 23 urn. breUas, 4 packages, '3 lunch boxes, 1 tie clasp, 3 grips. .1 box of water col- Sr8'J.ltPair o tennis shoes, 1 glove, -1 band hag. , . . -fun27""3. Pure. 1 key. I cane, 1 pair gloves, 1 glove, 1 kodak. 3 pack ages. 3 umbrellas, 1 valise, J dog mus cle, 2 glasses of jelly, 1 package of note books, 1 bonnet. 1 basket and con. "ts 1 J"",1 ur case. . 1 camera, some cash and two keys. LOST On Linnton road jsmall . Toy - Spaniel dog, brown white chest and reet, short tail, long ears, large brown eyes, pug nose name Billy; liberal re- r.'u. lanor oanu. i.iarsh. 702 LOST Thnrarla v a I i . . .. v uuiani ui papers and .small currency; Earl Griffith name on wallet Return to Welch Grocery Co., - Sellwood. Sell wood 957. - . LOST Pit bull bitch pup. 3 brlndl's spots on base of tail; heavy black col lar; license BiownsviUe. Reward. 315 1st st. Main 1873. ' GO.D brooch, set witn pearls and dia ohm?.n,ds haIetl like letter A, Reward. r7 l jLiitrtric mog. LOST Small blue enamel beauty pin set with S pearls. Return to Journal, reward. , ' WOULD lady who picked up small purse on Yamhill Friday about . 3 o clock, please leave at Journal office? LOST On Sunday on west side of Washington, gold lorgnette glasses; return to 144 NT 19th; reward. LOST- Child's silver mesh purse with cnaln: return to Journal. PERSONAL. 22 MRS. HA MOT, medium and healer. ' 170 2d. cor. Yamhill. 4th flcor, ant. 9 Marshall 2497. - GENTLEMEN Manicure, shampoo, - face massage. 35c. 707 Rothchlld bldg.. 287 Washington. HA RTN ESS. leading feather workers, wholesale, retail. Cor. Park. Yamhill. LESSONS in pnrenoloxy and car l read ings. 235 6th st. Phone Main 7R48. CHIROPF.ACTIC doctor. Painless ad justmentn: 31 treatments $15. 121 4th. MISri KAUFFMAN 417 Rothchlld. acaip treatments. Call afternoons. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu matism; t tablets Z 6c. All druggists flAAVPr' Consultation free. Main Uawyoi 4993. 708 Selling bids. BALM of Figs, remedy for disease of women. - 504 Davis st. Main 2393. Professional and ABSTRACTS' ZKLI.KR AKS FRACT CO- prompt servtca, tV Abinyton Bldg. J. A. and C. W. Zeller. ACCORDIOIC P1EATXWO ACCOKDION. KNIFE AND BOX PLEATING. PICOTING, HEMSTITCHING. BRA1DINO, EMBROIDERING. , E A 8 T E N NOVELTY MFO. CO.. WS nth BT.. NEAR OAK. K. STEPHEN Hemstitching, accordion, side - and sunburst nleatlng: buttons covered, roods apotiged. Pralloplng. 383 Alder. M-P373. ATT0BNET8 iiAUsA KLIEDNEB, lawyers; consultation Tree. Jim-n Fllettner piag. Mar, ojvi. BLA1TK BOOK MAKEHS DAVIS i HOLM AN. Inc.. 10 2d St. Blank - book manufacturers: agents for Jones Im proved Laos Leaf Ledgers. See to saw Ka relca Leaf. A-8183. Main 183. - - f ' - BRASS AND stACHIUE WORKS HARPER'S Brass Works. Brass eaatings sod machine works.' 100 6tn st. Bdway 2842. CARPENTER SHOPS Moore ft Sandstrorn. Main T83. 8.14VJ Taylor, CARPET CXEAWTNO ' ' JO VCE BROS. Electric Cleanlnx Works, car - peta cleaned and latd. retittins our speclal- ty. bast M-iwid. c. ivva si. n. CARPET WEATTNQ NORIHWEUT R. O- CO.. ruRa from old car pets, rsK ruga, carpet cleaning. 188 E. sth. Work called for. East 358Q. B-128Q. CHTROPBACTIO PHYSICIAKS Dlt. McMAHUN". 121 4th at. Chronic diseases ; 1 . . j . 1 O-t .,..- IIK lilt. POL'LSON. pecisllst in paralyals, oenroua. - CIRCULATING XTBRAKTES ' PAYING COMPANIES Metaphysical circulating. Broa way and Main f,Ufj BAKBKR ASPHALT PAVI.NU CO., Port- COAL JUTP WOOD j '" ottice 223 faerlock bldg. iirrp 9 r-ADp A-l dry fir. oak. ash 'RUBBER STAMPS AND BEALB IM L Ln 0i I ft il 11 and inslda block wood. ALSO atenclla, trade checks, brs.s slgus. 4 foot or sawed to order. Telephon p ( A I WfIhf'L 'f 8 m't0 71a Main 4596. A-454T, 306 WtUr st. UUrtL ,- 231 Waahlnstton Bt. Main 710. A-710 Tr 1' COHDWOOD SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Barfc DlOCkWOOQ box wood beunke-walkeu it.LEiUAPii otaUUII , . " . , . r,' . . ,wm 'tn T NEAR MORRISON PortlandrBlahwood Co. M. SUP. A-7001. SPECIAL RATES TO THOSK NICE dry box wood and cordwood. 4 feat or ENROLLING BEFORE JCLY 15TH awed. Summer prices. Standard Wood Co.. PHONE MAIN tww OR A-1M8 BEST cordwood. $4JiO per cord; wreckage . j ,h A , h , Hf,CT MTAI, WORKS wood. Central Fuel Co. W dehrer imiU or- UhfAlHlSik Uu and gravel r.x.fs. Jacob Lost! ders. Main V9. A-HOfl. 810 lat at.. Phone Msln 1424. pUorrxnol F- 3- K VERTS. MAIN 8787. BHOZ REPAIRING UnarCOal FOOT- QF. CURBS STREET. , ftV ' MODEL REPAIR SHOP Repair. FULTON WOOD CO.. 1260 Macadam. Dealers fTW Ing while yon walti p"I.nlsr labwood. Box wood $2.25 toad. M. 78MO. Q prices. 100 StbiOpp. Meier Frank. - COLLECTION AQENCT . . . ,rahsFER AND STORAGE njL SJltJ ? .twtr M$HS loamh and commodlona 4 atory brl-k warehou.a qnlck resnlta answer M-oSH. Journal. witQ ,parate iron rooms and fireproof vsult ' DERMATOLOGIST - for valuables, N, W. corner 2d and Pine sis. ELECTRIC MOTORS AVTD DTNAMOB ClrPCmn Tnncfpr Pn " MOTORS, . generators, bought, sold, rented and VICgUH I lUHOICil VJUi repaired. We do all kliids of repairing and , Established 1870 rewinding. ' All work guaranteed, a. M. H. Transfer and forwarding arenta. Fleet rte Co.. 81 N. 1st at. Phone Broadway 939 . """J.gei ITrVT Tracks a WE' buy. sell, rent and exchange new and 2d Office and Storag 414 llan St. band motors; repair work ft specialty. WEST- 13tb and Gllsan. Main A!). A-1im. KRN ELECTRIC WKS.. 213 6th at. Mar. baGUA(jK 'JKAN.SFK.lt SERVICE CO.. tSi ; , . ELECTRO PHTSICIAH PINE ST. MAIN lift, A-I2Q8. DR. CORTNNB JOHNSTONE Nerrous and WHEN you answer tbes Want Ads oieutiuu rheamatie diseases; electro-magneUe aa- The Journsl. aage. 715 Dekntn.' WALL PAPER - - - ' ; EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL MORGAN WALL I'AtxvK CO. 213 2d at., near 1TUBBS' Electrleal Co.. cor. Cth and Pine ata. Salmon. EYE. EAR, HOSE. THROAT. LUNOB WINDOW CLEAHINQ BDeciallst. Moderate prices, G la uses fitted. Dr. EXPERT WINDOW CLEANERS A-4.0... F. F. Caseday. M7 Dekuin bldg.. 3d and Wash Mabv 6327. 212 Henry bldg. . i - - ; . ' , . r : - lVIanui-acturerfl JoL.ers . WLolpsalera ! DRT GOODS WHOLESALE PAINT. OIL AND GLASS ,. . . , s a o RASMChSKN A CO.. "High Ktandard" paint. Fleiscnneri Mayer & Co. n. k. or. 2d ..d T.n..r. m. mi. a-... ' - - 1 '; " PIPE WOOD PIPE " FARM IMFLE3TENT8 AND EHICXES PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory K. M. WA1E A CO., ax-26 Hawthonie . oftce near 24th snd York sts. Msln iU. LEAD IPE. WOOL. ACHHTERT " nTM'""1-- NORTUWEST LEAD as MACUlWERif CO Ml L. KLINb FRONT STREET Jfl-8U Front. Mala 5402 , ' LEATHERS AND mrNO HOPE ABIEJTWIKE, gfntd:in Portland Cordage Co. INFORMATION COUPON If you want th nam of a reliable business house dealing In any lln of merchandise, or information regarding- resorts, hotels, railroads. stru ship, lines, t. address Oregon Journal Information iJureau. Information desired: fiv.'Viv.. i-ii Lfdl"ftS t aFatawwwsaaa'- . s--44. PERSONAL. (Continued """-V wx"v KIOilT on hlu'i I JlW ) prices.-Why fay 15 v ' . x J to 111) for glasses, wber I ecu fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold-filled frame s law as $1.50? C. W. Goodman, 20 Morrison st. Main 2124. v Mall orders promptly filled. Write for particulars. LOL-ISE NETZKL, - tvained nilio and masseuse, elves treatment for rh-ti. Lmatistn. lumbago, nouralgla, etc., tub lama, massage una electric blankets. Lady assistant. 256 11th st. Msr. 603?. AllfiRNPYQ reasonable. Cass ni lUlinLIO settled without noto riety. All cases treated with courtesy. 313 Buchanan bldar. Marshall 43S. Jo RS. at'i'E VEINS. 31 years Portlanu a renowned palmist end clairvoyant, has her took. "Palmistry Made Eay." on sale. Removed to 375 Ta -tor t. SPIRITUALISM -Medi um. Rev.- Vir . ginia Rowe. . Readings, healinxa daily; circles Tuesday and Friday eve nings 8 o'cloi'k. 231 6th. Phone A-7llfi. DR. O. V. KKTCHUM-Wimien'i inula. dies and acute diseases of men. Wash, hid.. 4th & Wash. Rrn. .41. Ml. 4M HAVE your hair permanently waved. . Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty r"' ". tun uemim.- Mtmhiill 1 1 02. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir- cieo, .xues. a p. m.; wed., sun. s p. r.. Readings daily. 603 6th st. Mar. S3S0. SUpERI-'LUOUS lmlr mnlMx within etc., destroyed forever; cure guaran. teed. Mlie. Ie Lone, fi04 Rwcihnrt hid. NOTICES. I'ltOl'OSALS for adOltion to bi lck HHdeuibly ,l.ll, department of the Interior, office of IndiHD affairs, WaBhinjiton.- r. C. Jima 17. 1013;T Sealed propoxate iilainly markod on tle outMhle ot tlia ofalea eaTU.pe: -rropoaala for Addition to Brick AHembly Hall. tleiu Kchool. oreKon." and addrrwied to the "Com oilwHoner ot Indian Affairs, Waatirugton. U. receded at the Indian off!i- until 2 o clock t. ru. of July VI, JU15, for farnifhlnK materials and l.-Uxir for tlm ron Ktractkin ot an addition to the brick aaKmhly .J. trli-t acHirdaiir wlUx tbn ilaix. rlflcattoua and instrurtiona to bidder which nar be examluea at the office of the paper or periodical In which tills advertlapntrtit appears, the Tnlted Stales Indian warehoimra at Ciiieaito, 111., and St. I.onla. Mo., and Builders' Exchange. 8t. Paul, Minn., and at the office of the superintendent ot the Halcm Indian scbool. Clieuiawa. Or. Ko- further In formation apply to the suierlntendent of tha 8alem school, CATO 8KLI.M, 4,'otninlsxlDiier. SF.ALKI) proposala will be reeelTed at tiie of fice of ths iinderslRtied. -tot conrtbimse, un til 4 p. m., 1tiuri!d , July 1. HUS, for iK.it able desks. Bids will be ooetied ssme Hum li room 304 eourtluxiMe. leKilt ( It H required for plaua and speciricatlous, whl.'ti cay be obtained at the olTlce of y. A. Nara. more, hript. f Proprtle, Kua c"nrthouB. , Certified check for $JO. payabla to H.. IT. Thomas, c!km1 clerk, must accompany eaili proposal. . Board of directors rewrve tha rlnht to reject any and all proposala. R. II. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated June 28. 1015. . - , SEALED proposals In triplicate ' will ' lie re - eelved by tbe tiuarteriuuxier (eneral of the army. Wash., D. C, outll 2 o'clo-k p. m.. eastern time July 6, 11(15. for furnishing hardware and tools, tor dollrery duitnir th fiscal year 1010, at deiM ot the quarternta. ter" corps listed In schedule. Schedules fur. Dished upon application to ipiartcruisxter Ken eral. V. H. army. Washington, I). C, or by quartermaster. Portland, Or. Business Directory EDUCATIONAL J- ' - DANCING HEATH'S HCHOOL Lessons dally, class r rt. eve., 8 to 10. Allskr bid.. !ld and Mor rison sts. Lessons 25c. Main N01H. EDUCATIONAL MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS tilUNOR CORtil.tClNI. lately with Hsuimer stein, Melba, Bond. etc.. frrand ojkts com panies. Singing leasons. (Irand otx-ra repertoire a speclslty. Hmdto 411 Filers htig. LOUIS A. CRK1XZ Tesiher of tlolln. TT Kherroan. corner First. MsrVtisll K. TU1 KLHORM lollu lest-tinr, pupil Sev.lii. 207 Fleldner bide. A-4!8. Marshall Irtitt. POPULAH MUSIC RAGTIME ou pliiuio, guaranteed tx-Kinuera r v 10 lessons, picture plnylna-. Free detuonsti.. tlon. Free booklet. W)l Filers bldg. INSURANCE PAiJlfclU K'lA'i'Eli k-lUU INStUANCii .CO., only Oregon fire Insurance t-onipany. MATTRESSES iiVGlKMC UAlllfl.Sd CO., oiJ rnutlre.... made new with our Hygienic process. 31 Rum-11. corner !Tnion. Kant 6hhh. HATUROPATHIO PHYSICIANS ; DK. PHiLLll'S Paralysis, tierti.us aad vbrou. lc diseases. B04-5 Oregonlan bldg. M. 3142 PAINTING, PAPEL HANGING AND TINTINO PAlMlNii, kalkoU'iuliiK, sperhauKli(, ail work gasranreed. I'hmie wKKiisn zmni. bU'lCLlr FrJ BLIElt, bl" wuik In paiiillu, papering." M. 1H72. A-l'22a. ITJ 1 Ufa st. Painting, tiatiug, jjaperiiHngiuu. e. t. crane. 170 lOtb st. Main 2326. WHEN you answer tl)s Want Ada mu I