The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 27, 1915, Page 41, Image 41

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' : '4 f ' ....... 1 . ' '
" ' v ' 3 f (
W f'- H ;'? -ry''
J j Ptoto l.j Ewhwl).
n. Ludwig Hireh unci her three
attractive childi-cn, Robert, 'Ama-
lie and Roslie.
at a dIatane of 18 miles. Ther.wHJ
be about tx In the group and July a
and-4 will b gpent in true camp atyl
and'eamp fare will be the order of the
day. -" '
Both Miss- Kent and -Miss Wortman
are popular members of Miss Baldwin's
school,, where they will enter on their
last year , next tall. Miss wortman
waa recently made, cnalrman of the
school, which Is one of the - highest
honors, conferred on students there.';:
Mr. and Mrs. ' H. C. Wortman have
as their house 'smest Victor a. Salva-1
tore, sculptor of JSew Tork, who -arrived
June 2ft - to ; be fn Portland- for
several weeks. Air. Salvatore is well
known " in artistic circles in the east.
He is planning to exhibit at the Mu
seum of Arc Fifth. and Taylor, this
summer. ' - '. '
' ' 4 ' ' - .
Tiiw i XTia TJnth TeaJ. who has been
in New Tork f or the past three months,
will return to her home in Portland.
Miss Teal will bring with her as bouse
guest Miss Virginia Scully ; of '.New
fork. ' Manv affairs will probably be
given" honoring" the visitor. ;
- j
nr inH Mnl James Rosenf eld. -who
have been to Gearhart on their wed
ding trip, are in Portland again. ana
are with the I. N. Langs for the
" , J-;
" Miss Beatrice Washburn, of Minne
apolis, the attractive daughter of Mrs.
W. D. Washburn, has' arrived for ; a
few weeks' visit here with ner. mouier
and her grandmother, Mrsrmewy;!&
Jones. Mrs. Washburn and . her little
son have been- visiting here for some
time .t the Jones residence, on Port
land Heights. Miss Washburn's visit
will doubtless; be the inspiration for
much entertaining.
. -
Mr and Mrs. Thomas -Honeyman
went to Tacoma Thursday for a short
visit with friends and will be home
' .
Prominent matrons who will be In
San Francisco for a short time are:
Mrs. William Honeyman and Mrs.
Thomas D. Honeyman.' who have a host
of friends in ; the -exposition city, .v
Miss Rhoda, Rumelin v gave -a 'smart
tea at ner noroe on
Thursday afternoon, in .compliment to
Miss Helen Ladd, the daughter f Mr.
and Mrs. J. ; Wesley Ladd, e aad : her
guest,' Miss Kathetine Hardy," ottEngle-wood,-N-
J- About 100 -daintilygowned
matrons and maids ; called 'during, the
afternoon 46, meet the -eastern visitor.
At the aamovars ,: Mrs. Charles C
Hindman (Mildred - Honeyman) , and
Mrs. Maurice ' Crumpacker , presided.
and Mrs. Kurt Koehier tuorotny txM.-
ber) and Mrs. Andrew Dickinson served
the ces.
, y'1' my :-" ii-? -' 5 '
"Miss Dorothy Collins, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George WCollins, enter
tained a' group of the sub-debutante
set at .an Informal - tea " last
Thursday afternoon. honoring 'Miss
Dorothy Condon, of Seattle. Miss Con
don Is an attractive belle who has just
graduated from 8't Helenas Hall, where
she has been studying tor the past
four yaars. About 4 rlrls called dur
ing the afternoon to; bid - good-bye "to i
the honored guest. - AssiBtlnr Miss
Collins were Misses Margaret Clark,
uara isiiot and ' Alice - Dabney. Miss
Collins is to go east to Wellesley in
the' falL .
'"f " :' ' ' '
Miss : Grace Peters was , hostess at
luncheon Tuesday at her home In
Irvington In honoaof , Miss; Kather-
ine iiaray. or i;iewood. N. J,
the house guest - of i " Miss ' Helen
Ladd. Her guests w re the Misses
Katherine Hardy, Helen Ladd, Mary
tewart . Smith, Nancy Zan. Rhoda
Rumelin, Elizabeth- Jacobs, -Margaret
Mears. Virginia Burns, Sara McCully,
Nan Russell and Ailsa - MacMaater.
. ;,.'' iT
Miss Nan . Russell was ' hostess
Wednesday at luncheon at the Benson,
complimenting Miss Helen Ladd and
her house guest. Miss Katherine Hardy.
Covers were laid for 14.
At a pretty tea Monday afternoon
Mlsa Violet Ersklne entertained a
humber of prominent members of the
smart set. The affair was informal
and. the- decorations were a simple
grouping of summer blossoms. Mrs.
Kurt Koehier and Miss Jean Morrison
assisted 'the hostess In presiding over
the tea table.
:-:VB-j- ' '
. Mr. William H. Skene has joined
the. summer colony of cottagers , at
Neah-kah-nie and is domiciled in a bun
'galow there. She Is entertaining her
mother, Mrs. Donald Mackay and Mrs.
Walter B. Mackay. Mrs. Skene 'made
a -short trip ,to the city this week.
' Mrs. B. J.'. Raeder , is entertaining
from Fort-Wayne,vDr;:. and Mrs. Mike-
sell, and their -daughter. Miss Helen
MlkeseUt, -f or-'a iewdays. The' Mlke
seUs are on their , way to visit the ex
positions in. .California.
s Mr. and Jlr: B. Wllco- have been
In California at the expositions since
las r Sunday . and -are 'expected home
this Sunday. - ' :' - '
- ' ' ' -m ' :'r "
' Keen interest is being shownin the
coming 'reel tal fof "next . TueadajT nigfi t,
at 'which Mrs.'. Thomas Carrtck'' Burke
will, present .Miss-.. Constance JPf per.
Harry Wembridgei,' tenor, will assist on
the program. -Miss Piper has not ap
peared at a large concert since her re
turn from New Tork. last spring,- when
she . gave a splendid ' recital before a
large audience. : - The program ? will
doubtless be very interesting, for Miss
Piper will give numbers from contem
porary . musicians as wen ' as 'from the
old masters. 1 -.. :- . . .vt - : ;
'C.S ::?;'X-' . " 'V '.v '- 7- l!
Miss Rebecca Cook ' Ross, . of . Clar
ion, Pa . who has . been -visiting in
the southern states,", is now , a house
guest, of her cousin, Mrs. Jacob Hill
Cook. Mrs. Cook entertained.' for
Mini Ross with an elaborate dancing
party Saturday evening at her home
In . Mount Tabor. v. .
T , '
. A' brilliant event of last week was a
large inormal tea and reception given
Saturday afternoon and evening ?by
Mrs. James F. Dunbar.; Tba affair was
given in compliment to-Mrs. Nathaniel
Lee Kingsbury, who will leave soon to
make her home on Pana Rama Ranch,
Carroll ton, Wash., and its was 'a com
plete surprise to the guests when an
nouncement was made of the engage
ment of Miss Jean Dunbar and. Harold
Ames ' Mclntyre. : Miss Dunbar is the
attractive daughter : of Mr. and ' Mrs.
James F. Dunbar and a granddaughter
of the late Mary K. Reynolds, one of
the city's ploneera - Mr. Mclntyre is
the son-of the late Mrs.- James Pye, of
Minneapolis, and Is connected with a
timber concern in Bismark, North Da
kota, -r. -
Wild arrowroot was used in the dec.
orations. A pretty feature of the party
was the manner' in which the an
nouncement was made. - The guests
were seated at the table and at each
cover was a slender ; gilded basket of
Cecil Brunner roses in . which the card
was concealed. The wedding is to take
place in the" early fall.
- The Bororth Family. association held
Its eleventh- -annual reunion It
the home of Mr, and Mra A, D. Kee
ii an. , 721 East Ash - street, Friday,
June 25. "Mrs. Keenin is one of the
direct - descendants of ' - this . . pioneer
family, ; her mother having - come to
Oregon -with -the .family In r 1845. The
association has more than 300 mem
bers. - The of fleers are H. C. Bororth,
president: Alfred N Wills,, vice presi
dent; Milton ? B.' Bosorth, secretary,
and John ; X. Bozorth, 'historian. The
business i portion of the association
began at- 11 o'clock;. The dinner
was - served - at -1 ; o'clock,'- after
which i the afternoon was- ' spent In
recitations,' music and visiting. It
has . been the. custom heretofore to
holf these . annualgatherlngs on the
old homestead : at Woodland, Wash.,
but some of the members have found
it " rather Inconvenient : to be in at
tendance . on account . of ' the distance.
so it was decided to hold the meeting
this year in Portland.. '.-. .v- f r":
v Ah event , of Interest to society this
week, was the reading of Victor Hugo'
"Lea Mlserables" by Miss Kenetta Sar
aent Haskell. . Mrs. George J. Frankel
and Mrs. Herbert Garr. Reed were th.
hostesses for the affair. , Many prominent-members
of the t smart sat en
joyed the - splendid interpretation . by
Miss Haskell Who has unusual ability.
'. . ' . -
Miss Claire Wilcox spent last week
In Tacoma where she was the guestof
Miss Constance Rice, an attractive Ta
coma v belle. ' Miss .Wilcox Is expected
home today.
Among those who left this week for
California- is Miss . Anna B. Crocker,
curator: of -the Portland , Art associa
tion. Miss Crocker left Thursday morn
ing -and' plans to be away, about -two
weeka ; - :'-.
- Leo Charles Sparks will present his
pupils in a recital at Christensen's
hail July a. - : - .
v . ' '
Mr. and Mrs.. C. D. Brunn and their
niece. Miss Edith Marshall, are motor
ing to California where they, will be
entertained by Mrs. Brunn i sister,
Mrs. John Albert Marshall of Berkeley.
They left last week' and plan to re
turn home about August 1. 'I
' . - ' '.' . '
, The Gamma Phi Beta alumnae held
a meeting Saturday," June '26, at
Miss Buelah Bridges' home, it Ewah
we, station.; , i'-vp-' v.-, i. w 's-f-
? V,';7.' : ' .'-'"' -
For the pleasure of Miss Fenetta
Sargent Haskell, the house guest ? of
Mrs. G. J. Frankel. Mrs. Chester Deer-
ing was luncheon hostess Monday aft
ernoon. Graceful crystal bowls of pink
and white sweet peas adorned the dain
ty table, and covers were laid for Miss
Haskell, Mrs. Frankel,-Mrs. ' Herbert
Garr Reed. Mrs. Alva Lee Stephens and
Mrs. Willard T: Hawley, v Mrs. Deer
ing plans to go next month to British
Columbia, to Join Mr. Deerlng.: -They
will then go on to California in October,
A small dinner dance was given
Wednesday evening " In the Tyrolean
room of1 the Hotel Benson by Miss
Vella Winner for Mrs, Clarence V. Ev
erett. .known professionally as Alice
Fleming. Mra : Everett has Just re
turned from successful engagements
with leading stock companies in Den
ver, Los Angeles and San Francisco. , ,
--Covers were laid for 12, and the .dec
orations consisted-of an artistic ar
rangement of Caroline Testout buds
and: Maiden Hair ferns. The guests
were; - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence v. Ev
erett, Mr. and Mra "Frederick B. Nor
man,; Mr. and. Mr. Frederick W. Kar
rlngton Jr.. Miss Kathleen Lawler,
Miss Nona Lawler," Ludwlg 1. Pokor
ney, Dr. J. B. Ferrlor, Martin T. Duffy.
..; ''''''"- a.- , 'V ,
A smart event. of last week was an
informal dancing party given by Mrs.
J.i D. - Honeymaa at the Honeyman
farm near Scappoose. About 4 of tha
younger set attended the affair, whli-li
was one of the jolllest of the summer
Many of the guests motored to the
farm.- The. -party was given,, for n.
number' of girls, -among whom waa
Miss Fatsy Stewart, a debutante who
Is being extensively feted. '
- "
Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Senosky Will .
be at home this afternoon, from 2 to 6.
at the Multnomah hotel, suite 509.
Miss Helen Unity Graves enter
tained with a delightful tea in her
Portland Heights home Tuesday after'
noon, in honor of Miss Bertha Bige
low, a member of Spokane younger set.
Miss Blgelow la a member of the
Washington chapter of - PI Beta Pi
fraternity, and is . on her way south
Washington chapter of in Beta fm
convention In San Frarrclsco, which
convenes the first week in July. Those
who met . the guest of ' honor were
Mesdames Burton Beck, Frank Knight.
Fletcher Llnn, John Claire, Montelth,
Roy Marx. - John, - Turner, - George
Young, H. C Pownell.-H. L. Shepherd.
R. I. Phllllppl. Tom Owen, Kaler and
Coffman; Misses Florence Knapp,
Verna ' Weaver, Margaret J.ackaon.
Fannie Lane." Josephine Lane, Peggy
Imes, Gertrude Blackmar, Frances
Dewar, Anna Kay Browne and Will
llama . - , " ;
. ; -
" An event that came as j great sur
prise to their : numerous friends was
the wedding of Miss Sylvia Baton, of
Fort Wayne, Ind., to Karl 8. Brown
of this city. The ceremony took place
on the morning of the 2 2d of June at
:30 o'clock at the First Congrega
tional church, the Rev. D. Dyott offi
ciating. The bride was accompanied
by Miss Erdner as brlderaald. '
The church was beautifully deco-"
rated with sweet peas and Dorothy
Perkins rosea The bride wore a very
becoming traveling suit of midnight
blue and carried a large spray of white
rosea After a breakfast at the Port
land hotel the newly wedded couple
were accompanied to the train by their
frlenda '
They will spend their honeymoon
on an extended tour of the Pacific
coast and will be at home to their
friends on ' August 1.
Mr; Browrt is a well known young
business man of this city and a prom
inent member of the Ad club and the
M. A. A. club. Miss Katon is very
(Continued on Following Page)
News for publication in the
Sunday Society pages must be
in Te Journal office by Fri-
day afternoon.
jV "T
B Nona Lawler.
ITh the; advent of July the
summer exodus will begin.
Mankr prominent families will
openj their summer homes and
a. continual round of . gaieties
11 be planned for the many visitors
re - on the way to the exposition
lea Exposition visitors will share
ention with the group of attractive
b-debutantes and their house guests.
me' from eastern and' southern
hools. " : '
Week-end I trips to the beaches with
fa usual found of summer dances,
htor-trips j picnics, luncheons, tennis
U-1 golf..' will claim the attention of
iety andJ in anticipation of these
lairs, . several have already opened
feir coast -cottages.
",..- '"
lonortng J Miss Patsy Stewart, one
the-season's most attractive debut-
tes. Mrs.! Lee Hoffman and Miss
krjoxy Hoffman will give a dano-
r party at the Hoffman country
tee .on Kings Heights Thursday
ht .! . .
' :. 1
fir. and Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd are
nning a I dance for Miss Katherine
rdy. of Englewood, N. J., who is
t house guest of Miss Helen Ladd
i-ithe season. The date is next Fri
y night, knd many! of the younger
rabers of the smartisetwill be pres-
Kir. and Mrs. E D. Jorgensen, 176
rkride Dsrive. . are . bein conaratu-
ed on the arrival of a baby girl yes-
day morning. v
: . .
V; charmingly appointed dinner fol
ded . by ajn .elaborate reception, was
en last night by Mr. and Mrs. Alva
9 Stephens, honoring Kathleen Law-
Visiting here from New York.
fvera were laid for 12 and later in
tt evening; about 40 additional guests
re present. The oecoratlons were
l)ecially (beautiful, the reception
bm being a. bower of Dorothy Per-
bs. la - France and Lamartue rosea.
p living Iroom in - ferns and bright
sies. th - library in purple cante-
ry eUs and yellow dairies and. the
ing room and table in a pleasing
jangement'of Madim Couchet roses
VI clusters ,of fragtant jassemine.
iTbe dinner'. guests were Misses Law
L Miss. .Nona .Lawler. Eleanor San.
Id Lorg'e, AHeen.Brong, Nina Joy,
he Kllxabeth Carroll, Marin Jam!-
h, Dagmar Kelly, Claire Oakes and
Itherine Dunbar. . - . -
Kn artistically, rendered program
me evenmrs entertainment ln
ded ' vpbal solos by Miss Nina -' 3 oy,
.Fav'r.Hninttno-ton. Afr rlvri
Iding Ty Kllaabetn Eugenia'7 Wood
ry,. Eleanor S. ' Lorge - and Aileen
ongf. and -.pianoj selections' by Dr.
-.IV Enna, ' . r - j '-
i daughter" was 'born to Dr. and
j su. Eugene Rockey .Wednesday, and
(ny -congratulations are . being ent
the Rockey home.' Mra Rockey was
-ts Alice Carey. - ,
t--,U'--- . v .
pountless affairs are ..being given
honor of the younger girls' who are
no from. school and one of the most
3ely 'feted is Miss Margaret Kent, the
ma ; guest , of Miss1 Helen .Wort
(n. " .Miss r. Clara Hfrechberger . e'n
'taiUed' Friday, at- an informal .din
1 party, for the pleasure of Miss Kent
1 Miss Wortman. - jVn informal din
j will be ; given at v the Automobile
b nest, Wednesday and a large gar-
party is . being planned "by'1 Mlsa
I Louise Caswell in the beautiful r Cas- (other jolly party planned for Miss Kent
tt.ii nnl.ti fnr ifrirta v .Tul v 2 An-I will be a niKS to Ullisaaje. - woicn - IS I
I 111 i lii i i 1 '.3-e f . ,A -( -'i'" A ja-Mgyr -i;-sv'-;r.-ylV.-' ."xaa: TH. HV - ne.'i&.!P'.- 1 , j". V""...." ;';'.',"-";' . .
Mlf''H frA M Jtoj$0j -flr One Week Earlier Vv
10 I . RSffiHil 5rrt5VfV'W ?--Vn,. Will Wo1.nmo Thoco Ram Savinoo-
..Qy . . - ' ... - , .
"'They Abouiid Throughout the Store Come
One week earlier than usual we start our annual Summer Clearance of stocks the one time of year, just
hofar Rtocltf-takinp:. when hundreds of pieces are marked down, to dear, the decks for action in our Fall
campaien And we clean house vigorously-all Hong the line. The public knows from experience what. to. expect here, and
knows that our sales are eenuine -that prices are not MARKED, UP to give fictitious high valuation from which to MARK
J Tarnish Proof
f Brass .Beds ;
VA $13.95
For tfte Dining Room and
riA n:l :w A Cn Drr,onfc TT- : Offering a Number of High
WriCCCMll n 1CW . uciiuwiuiuiw J Myrn TCP "V Quality Denim Upholstered
Chamber at
A very neavy brass tube Bed, with
continuous post, large 1-inch' fill
ers, new post mounts in the royal
satin finish.
$6 Coil Springs
Built With 120 Coils,
20 Years Guarantee
Clearance of
in the July Sale
Clearance of a short line of
Carpet Remnants, ranging from 8
to 12 yards.
10-yard piece of heavy wool .
velvet Carpet regular value
$1.65, extra special for the.
piece, yard .v
9 yards of our regular $1.75
Axmlnster Carpet piece, the
yard .
' 6 "yards wool velvet Carpet. r
solendid quality, usual price rTQ
$1.65, piece, the yard.....;.. OC
JJU yards of Wilton Velvet
Border, a -very desirable pat
' tern, piece, the yard
at July Clearance Prices
List Below to
the Saving
A Great Clearance
ofDarklFumedp- '
Chairs and Rockers
9SO.00 Brussels a r.
with - border on two
sides, very choice de
sign, size 8-3x12, Clear
ance . price --.
17.50 VelTet B,ag, slxe
8-0x10-9, border on two
sides only, exceptional
value at
Every Item
Here Is
A Bargain
SOo Scrim, with double bor
der, in white, Ivory or Ara
bian color, full 26 inches '
wide, special, per yard......'
35o Cretonnes New Cre
tonnes in floral designs with
white ground, in blue, pink
or yellow, extra quality, per
yard '
35e Bungalow mrets-Whtte.
ivory or Arabian color Bun
galow Net, full 40 inches
wide, good assortment for 1 Ol
selection, special,- per yard ljC
75c Figured Bundoar Gold,
brown, rreen or mulberrv
figured Sundour guaranteed
fast' color, 36 Inches wide,
per yard
$1.50 Inlaid
$15.50 Sttckley ,f u mod
high - back C h a 1 r, with
leather seat : for
$16.75 fumed Rocker
with broad arms, leather
' seat heavy construction,
for . . . -:
925JX) Axminstev . Bug, ;
...a a ' rug made up from
CT eef Blgelow Axmlnster car- ,
p itlU " Pet. border on two sides.. (IS
size 9x11, at
916.50 Axmlnster 'Bug,
very desirable patterns,
size 8-3x9,' with 'border
on it wo sides, for. ,. . . ,
$17.50 deep .auto seat
Rocker, with - wide' slat
back, covered with leather.-
f or- ... .-. ..... ... ......
$31.00. Stickler Rocker
' with - auto seat and
" cushion- back, covered
in .-Spanish leather, for
- . - - - -.
$38.60 'high - back - Arm
i Chair,' covered in
. Spanish leather, with
spring seat and uphol
stered "back" . .,. . ..
- - "
'842.50 extra lartre cush-
ion seat and back Rock- .
;er,-in 'genuine leather. -
' - . -, "i
$55.00 leather M p h o 1--stered
X4rary Chair.,
'loose, removable t cush
ions. . extra large size
$1.50 ana '"$1:60 Fine
: On Your - Floor :
There Are Hundreds , of
Other f Pieces'' Shown at
the Same Great Value '
Bed; Davenports
HavieoTaken ojn, ;
' ;New Prices ; A
This July Clearance Sale has ma.dn
new prices on a number of good Bed
Davenports, - some - In 'golden . end
others in. fumed frames a choice
of Chase or genuine leather. '
Two patterns, special
quality, inlaid 'In blue or
green tile effect, special
while the quantity - lasts,
priced on your floor, v
Chairs, Rockers
and Davenports
938.50 Wing Booker, in
striped denim, broad ' - - -back,
deep upholstering, C1Q QC
July Clearance price . . P Sf.Oi
$52 Denim Chair, very
hlKh back, with wing - -
sides, a Karpen guar- foj QC
a oteed piece, special at PfcvIl
$39.50 Xarpea Vpbol- .
stored Chair, with wing
sides , and nigh
back, very.
$21 ; atahogaay Trams
Chair, with denim seat
$4SO Overstaffed
Caair Avery large,
denim covered Ch a 1 r
with loose cushion seat
and broad roll arms. . .
$39.50 : Denim Chair)
An overstuffed pattern
with - mahogany frame
and loose-cushion seat.'
soft upholstering. . . .
$11 Orsrstuffed Tst- -. .
enport, 87 inches fn :
length, a Karpeniguar-
an teed piece. In denim,- v . .
; with high back -aOd qq 7fZ
, arms, very soft special V'
- fir One Week Earlier
J Than Usual Our A
. July
Dining Tables K
S9.15 V
All Woods, at a Big Reduc
tion in Price
high shaped 1 O QC
comfortable P X
raay Trams .
sy Tvawaa uviii au S7
back, wide mahog- fl"t 1 AC
"arms, special...... 11.279
$29.95 Oak Sressei
large plate mirror, 4
drawer base, well made
$56.50 W nit Enamel
Dress er A Colonial
pattern, with spool
standards and utility
box on; top ...........
$26.50 Blrdseye Dress-
mrA. very large base,
square mirror, finest
selected ' stock ........
$31.00 Walnut Dresser
Selected matched stock,
scroll standards, oval
mirror, very choice, at
$125 Walnut Dress
' 5 feet la - width, .large .
triplicate - mirrors and -
.-'heavy scroU legs, high CQ 07tt
quality,, special jr.. . . . . . .
' $34.78 aTahogany Dress- , 4 ...
m, Bhaned front, laree
" mirror and beautifully ft 1Q QC - $69.75 f massive
- finished, . now . V Table.
$14.50 solid pedestal Dln-
ing Table, square base,
seats ten. now
$19.75 plank top Dining
Table, square pedestal,
extra heavy legs, pleas- J1Q 1C
ing pattern, now ..... . vliiU
" $!6. 50 octagon base Din-'
ing Table, with large
quartered oak
- top. selected
$41.00 fumed oak Din
ing Table, very massive
pattern, with 48 - Inch COCS OtS
top and group leg base vJ.OiJ
1 38 Old English Din- t:
ing Table . heavy col
" umn . base, resting, on
wide platform, 64-inch
top, special
stock, at $15.85
$4.85 Arm Rockers
Large Size, Strongly-
Made '
Six excellent - desims in - high-i
- long -wearing- . Axmlnster . Carpet. :
'border to match if desired, laid on
'your floor with- a cood lining at
'thjs unusually low price.. t . -
i-).-rzs. v . r . r 1 11
1 v-:.- 1 1 ill - " 1..,
; 1 a ::. mm
I I I ' 11:1 IS I vr U sssT
Send Us Your
: Orders LrM'J
- by mail
safely I i
;youwera I I
$53.50 Kahogaay Dress- :
sr Extra wldecaae
shaped drawee fronts,
30x32 French, plate mlr
. ror, special - .
taxon sod-platform JOft OC
base.- 54-inch round top
$31.50 pUnk top Table
in quartered oak, has
very ' heavy pedestal,,
finished golden ......
with 00-,
In oak
here In person.' Tour, or- 1 I
. ders - will- get the - same
attention. -. Send your lists.; You
will save largely in doing so. -
u A. r
V of .
All . :
. iOdd:
Hi! Iff YATwMia
- a. - ' '
rv- . I 1 The
I ; uargatn
Cv-. .
; '- i v "
' - hnmfnin
Some 70 Piece , 1
C o ns is ting of
" Matched . Suites . in - - - -J
Sheraton and Colonial and'
' Numerous 'Odd Pieces, 'at '
$12.50 Go -Cart;
; 6.9.
One-Motion Style, Tube
Frame,-' High Quality
, Runs
'Average also 24 X 16 In.,
made-from velvet, body
Brussels and. tapestry.