The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 27, 1915, Page 30, Image 30

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Local Exporters' Believe .High
Mark Has .Been Reached
' With 85. Shillings. v
Trtfiepaciic Trade How Brings Xlgfc-
rt rtfcn f Week; xr BIr
of a .Drop.- '
Portlan 1 exporters believe ; that the
prices for steamers And sailing ships
for grain delivery to the United King
dom have reached the top figure. A
decided s Land has been taken by all
exporters against the further advanc
ing ot charter rates and it i believed
the desired , result has been obtained.
For six weeks past the rate for both
steamers and sailing vessels has been
steady atj 85 shillings for immediate
. delivery 1 ip to October 1, 83,- shillings
0 pence f?r loading up till November 1
and 82 shillings or possible "6 pence
more for loading up to December 1. '
It Is i ,t - tliat v figure, say experts,
that the balance .of the season's 1 ves
sels will likely V be chartered! A
steamer,, believed 1o te the British
steamer : ligbbury, which recently se
cured a contract to deliver a 7,000 ton
arge of government coal "from New
Iort News to San ,- Diego at 860 a
ton. has een offering all week at 85
, shillings for the- return : voyage to the
r United Kingdom, with no takers. - A
local firm I said to have' cabled an
offer yesterday: of 82 shillings -and to
- be awaiting a reply. The vessel Is at
Newport Sews loading now and should
, be ready for at least September load
ing. ' m '.-J r.r..-.' r: 2 ' E
". - The greatest . factor in . the Pacific
trade thin fall will be the Austriallan
trade, tai local exporters. Conditions
in . Austr: alia are not Improved and
the- first grain offering on the local
market wflll.X It is .said, be gobbled up
by buyer's - of- the antipodes. -. Their
harvest ii not till December and Jany
' ary so thjat they must . have consider
able grairi to carry them past the fall.
- This condition, , - with - the. . prices
which the; Australians bave been will
ing to paly in the past few, weeks fpr
Jhelr stuff,- is causing the exporters
more worry in their fight against high
charters than any other factor. .
' - There seems to be no limit to the
prices thdt the Australians are willing
to - pay j. While , the charter . of the
Grace steamer Colusa, was at private
'terms. It lhas leaked out since she de
parted from here that her earning' ca
pacity on the round trip will be in
excess rosszuoo a day, wunoutcon
siderlng a back haul. As Grace steam
ers seldotn go empty, : it Is believed
that this total will - be Increased at
least 60 per cent by the back haul
cargo. -If. -is said to- cost - to ...operate
the big steamer about $300. a day, so
that the profit for the round trip, re
quiring about 00 days, will be 9243,000.
She has bust completed a round trip
: from 8aA Francisco to . Australia" to
Boston ' to San Francisco, which is
said to have netted in excess of $150,
000. Sh4 cost $600,000 to build and
.will. It Is believed, pay for herself
. this year
- The steamer Mackinaw, which Sailed
from ; Portland , , yesterday, , received
- $17.60 a (ton or a lump sum of $56,000
for her. trip with a back haul yet to
be arranged. . The steamer Colon is
due here
around $
to load this week at a figure
EO a ton. The British steamer
Biter, which Kerr, Gifford
&. Co had loaded here a few days aea
was. switched from a United Kingdom
to a trip to Australia, at -a
price- satd to - be- better -than $22.50 a
ton; This price - na r been a standard
for the past 15 days on this, trade, and
will likely stand.
f It is d
n account of this high price
and .the
high prices prevailing .on
citrate both to the Atlantic coast-of
the. United States and to Europe that
the . local- exporters- are continually
For the present at. least the
to the . United ' Kingdom has
been stopped. ...... f;;':; -: . ,
A remarkably early season Is looked
for by rost. of the Portland exporters
also. . T
here are under. charter now
and sailing vessels capable
of handling about . 6,000,000 - bushels
during the. first four months. - Others
same - period, are likely to be
taken and it would not be surprising.
say these exporters, for at least 8,
000,000 bushels of wheat to be moved
out o Portland during the " first
jpleet qf ; Merchant Craft .Due to
Arrive Here. ' . .
The Portland harbor ' will " not be
Wanting for-ships very .long. ' Tester-
oajr aftjernooiv there were only two
in the entire harbor but by
morning the river will be full
of tbetnL
Twelve vessels -are t bound
bere frokn San Francisco alone, while
Others should be slipping In from other
uorta. .
Of foremost importance is the Jatc
anpse steamer Bankoku Maru coming
part cargo - of Unseed fort a
tirm ana wnicn win take
full cargo of lumber. She is inbound
l'rom Shanghai via San Francisco "with
cargo for .Corny nn. Mackall & Co., and
loads lumber for : the China Import &
Export Lumber company.
The British bark Kirmallie, in tow of
the tug I Dauntless, is on the way up
-the coast for a grain cargo f or the
United Kingdom. She will be the first
bf : the" hew season sailing 'vessels : to
reach ; pbrt The steamer Eureka ;ia
apt to leave Puget -sound within - the
next twj days to load wheat for the
West f Coasts The steamer Colon-; is
also corfalng from the Bay city for a
grain cargo for Australia.
For coastwise lumber shipments are
the steamers Prentiss,, Sho
shone, San Jacinto and Yosemite." The
JCorth Pacific Steamship company has
- its freight and. passenger (Carriers Ro
. anoke tnd : Santa Clara bound 1 here
while the oil "tankers William F. Her
rin. . Oleum, J. A. Chanslor and Ca
tania are all en route.
Great Northern ,to. Lay at Flavel
; Monday ; New Schedule Tuesday, i
t For" the first" time since the Great
Northern Pacific Steamship - company
entered I tbe? toast trade one of their
steamerjs will ;lay "trver-'in Flavel ' for
a wnoije vOay. xn iieamer ureat
Northerh due to arrive in the river at
312:29 o'clock ..this afternoon, will :boI
sail t?4 Tuesday. - when ;the reguhur
schedule of tri-weekly sailitfgs goes
into effect. , ' r '
- According' td & wireless received
from Captain Ahman -. of the .Great
Northern. ' t he steamer has ess pas
senders of whom 546 are first
cabin.- She ; has a- fine freight cargo
Of TOO tons of whleh 30 tons are made
of iiisbtles for- this city. Her
I f ? Z f-1
Left to right Captain 1 iank M.
- . ' - v.-.-r- : tntrt:C!i
'Captain Trank M. "Walker Captain
William IT. Logan and ; Bert C. Ball
are prominent' in marine -circles on the
coast, - . . ,
Captain Walker is a marine : sur
veyor, with headquarters - In ! Seattle,
and is regarded as one of the best sur
veyors on the.Pacifio coasts L. C. Gil
man, president : of the: Great Northers
Pacific Steamship, eompanr telephoned
to.. Seattle the moment he ; heard the
Northern Pacific 5 was -' disabled, and
asked' Captain. Walker to,; come here
and represent him-in the repairs of the
steamer. . -"i..-:ij.-f .-''i J '.
'? Captain William H' Zxgan is the
representative ot i the London i Salvage
association, a branch of Lloyd's, and
as such bis duties carry him from one
end, of the Pacific American coast to
the other. , He Is recognized as the
salvage expert of the Pacif ia fHe was
freight Is for, points s far. inland as
Montana. . .- -j W :,
With the ' coincident sailing of the
steamer Great . Northern " from Flavel
and the Northern Pacific from San
Francisco Tuesday, the full schedule
Of the. Hill lines will, be In effect for
the first time. J:'.' """.'
Schooner W. H, Marston Beaches
RiyerAfter 166 Day. Trip.. ...
Portland's one and onlyvsaUing ves
sel, the American schooner; W. H.
Marston." Is safe. " -;T?T'- K' """ t
After a journey or IBS -days: from
East London.: during the latter part -of
which she was'' given up asi lost by
many persons, she was picked , up off
the mouth of the river' late yesteraay
afternoon by the Port of Portland tug
Oneonta and was due In Astoria late
last night. ."' -,' .- ' - ! ! - - -
The Marston Is owned toy Harry is.
Pennell actd associates of this city and
is employed In the lumber j Camring
trade. . She has never broken any speed
records but has caused -many -an anx
ious moment to' persons ; interested
in her. '' " - '
The oresent vtrlD .of .the ... Marston ' is
the slowest ' made : by - any i Portland
bourid Vessel In ; several . years.. The
Norwegian ship Songvend made one of
142 days . from Rockhampton, r;iNew
South Wales, last fall. The Journey
from East London. Sootn Africa, or
dinarily takes about 100 -to 115 "days.
The Marston is to load a cargo-of lum
ber here for Australia. . i t a
. - ,. Z Arrivals,... Ha-Mrs.fTt
Beir.- America o stemnvr. P Btefai. KoMltdaC,
passeorertf awV freight, tram Apgctc and
Baa franciso, Vi P.-iP.;' Wi :Oo -e-f H . 1
ii.r:-. ;,Jlepattass;-!eaarJ';mr.-i'4
Bene Clr. AtmrteaB- ateaiwr, Cptta Bank-
tn, patsengert ud -"rrelRht. -or-$ir Francisea
only. B. it. Bsi.-.vMf - - ..f , - .- ; if
Siacxioaw. - American -leamer'- vpiaiB
Krebs, wheat for,j-kieyir;H..,H.'- Hooaer. ...
. Atla.Atuerleaa ateanter, .tutain Klckvoed.
vi ter 4 lt foe- Saa - rncico, -Standard Oil
' ' Marine Almanac, : r
"i??' Weatt.'s''tlee, Hm-MW'
Vorih -Head. WAiflt.. June- 2. Condition of
the month f the rler 'at 5 o. in.. niootU:
whid.-'west - la-aiiks: weather.ietottdy.Ba-
San rlaes.' 4U!3 a. ta, - Sun aeta, .v. -n:
, -iTiaaaj at Aataria.- fi j--is.
- High"-wate. ' " :' ' : - "tow! water,'-'
:M a. m.. 9 fet t :?:! B.t J ,fet,
8:10 i. : 1JB f est- I & i p. U S.1 , feet,
.- T . .I i nr. ,t .j.-j.i'V.-i,.:'" --
. - Daily Rler. Readlngsvr
STATIONS z 'i r '
Lewlstoa .....t. ........
Unatlll . . . . i . . . . . .
Kugeaa ... irft -t.
2V l-3.
2 t
aioanx ......... ......v..
e -O.
W UsonvUle . . ... i .... ,
Purtlaud . .J-.".
-rKUlug. I lliug.'
S -'V' Rivery.orecaS.
The Willamette river, at. Portland win 4-ise
slightly sunaay ana remauk. neam .stationary
Uuuday and Tuesday.
: v r Steamships :o Arr!e.
'- x-i pMBMG1aND,VilBrtlHT.'-''teV
Kme r. - '. t. itfi iv.'Jsevj. tnti
vjita Clara ..,,.. S.'y E.. C.! B-Jane 27
ttossoka- '. .......... 8.m-4lmi wijvJgn jrj
Greaf rXvtherst i.fc'; ....Jane 2?
Rreskwater ...i,.C. Bay. ...... ..June
Kortbra-Paciflt -,.S. -p, .,..,.Vi.,.Jone ito
rar ............ S. P.- od -wT..Jni
un. ii,. w..i ra.-u(i uj...JlJ (4
hose Cilr . t Sy, 4,. f ir , ..J.uiy a
Bear ,JL. ........ S P and rwajr..juiT ij
sv'S tcamers. Doe. to. Depart. I
V; c S ; rroro i : .... . nt
Santa Cltnr S.- Fi,- K.t O.- B-..Jnne 29
Wreat MorUieri.,..S. f. ...........June a)
Rvanoke ........... 8. D. and way.. Jans Si
Bri;water. .. Coo-Eay... .JuD -;o
NurtUera padfie . r. Jnly 1
Bear ........8. ; and war..ja)r
s", -Ar KUbarn ......S. F. , ..,..1JaiT - 4
t ' : - V ,- f
ll . ... -: ;::.';
,20 I.P
87 2.B
15 r A
Walker CapUlo WllUam H. Liogan,
. Hal I.. i -s;, s1, 4 t .
here on the repairs to : the British
steamer Glenroy and the American
steamer , Cricket,' on .the 'American
steamer- Santa Catalina- an4 on the
steamer Northern' Pacif ic' ' In fact,' he
has spen t more time In Portland dur-
Ing the past Id months than he has lb
his home, in Victoria i: ii -
Bert C." BaU is president of the Wil
lamette Iron & Steel ; works, the -firm
which has reduced to & thread the fal
lacy that ; Portland .could 'not -handle
a big marine Job. In the face of stiff
competition ' he took: the 5 repair i Job to
the burned . steamer Santa : Catalina
and turned her out ahead of schedule.
In repairing the steamer Northern Pa
cific tte performed the unusual feat of
lifting a steamer 520 - feet long suf
ficiently in a 200 foot dry dock to re
pair ' her rudder. :: He turned her out
ahead of contract time also. . .
Beaver ........... . 8. P. and . way... Jnl 6
Geo.-W. Elder .....8. D. and way.. .July 7
Bo City s r. .....,...,;.Jnly It
. 6taamera lea Tina Portland for Saa rraaetace
fly eonneet with the ateamera Yala and Har
vard leaving San franciaco, Monday, Wadnea
lay, Friday and Saturday for Los Atftlea and
fcan liesa. .. - s
Vessels In Port, '
w!ir?aoalj, am. str."..i..l....;iwi. ....CoSea
w" AZ tr..........i ..Ainawortb
II. Ifaratoa, Am. ach. ........... Aatoria
At Neighboring Ports. !
Fiorenee, Or. Jane 26. Oaaolln acbooner
Patsy arrived from Portland at a p. bj. i - -.y,
'-Astoria, Jnne 2e.-Arrtvsd t and, left
Rp .atj S:3d . m., ateamer Bear, from 8
Steamer Wapama. for Ran- Pedro ana gan
Franeiaee.. Sailed 'at 10:30 a m. 8 tea me?
Daisy, tor Sae JPedro. ? Saiiedl't Oo
(7n'?Koir..f:Ir- .fo,r Saa Pedro and Ran
Franciaeo. j Bailed at 3 p. m steamer At-
laa. for Ban-FrancUroo. Outaide it 6 p. ml
Americaa schooner W. H. Waraton in tow of
S50n?nt' 166 dy from East. aVrndenTfor
xortlftnu. "'"""-";-..-.. , - ,T .
Marabfleia.; Or.: Jane ,2B. ArriTed-Steam-era
Hardy, and Phoenix, from 8an Franeia.
4 p. m. yeaterday u steamer Adeline Smith.
San Franeiao 6 m.j ateamer F. A. Kll-!?"T.-"
frot!? ptlni laat nijrht. and sailed
J1 tp' .TO-: teamer . A. M. SImDn.
f 5? ".n Frnrfaeo. 6 p. m. Sailed Steamer
Yellowstone : San- FranHaco. 5 p. tn' '
? Anaelea. June in. fi; K. 8.) Arrived
-Steamers leaver, from . Portland. 11 . ml
8." Franciaeo, 10 a. a. i Trthmian, New
?,or?,' i1 S'1"-' -Comrreas,. Seattle. B p. m.;
M8i Sequoia, from .a cruise. g:30;pi
PsIVd StfMmer Temple I K. Dorr, nedondo.
In the night; Tale, San Diego. 8:30 p. m ;
PJet aoond. p. m ; Nebalem. Co
Iumbln Hver. a m.: Concreaa, San- Diego,
iz nuanisnt. - .
-. Eureka, Cali, Jane 2. Arrived ' atr 11:30
?; S,- eerday Steamer 'Wm. H. Murphy;
at 12:45 a. s4 steamer VanKoArd; at 12 53
P, :m -ateamer-qfy.f Topeka. aU from San
pao$s6aJjed-"-At U:15 a. m., steamer
fethrineiafc :3 ,p, ? m ateamer 8anta
MpslrStl. at 1:45 p. ; nu. tua? BeUef. for, San
KTanWacd: vJCmerioan bark - Mary Wlnkleman.
Kahajui.--t. : . - -,.-.. --..,
t Aberdeen STaah June1 2. Sailed Steamer
Ksme, rTaf anViXfiig. ,'J '"'.1-? ' Tons '
Amtilree; Br., bk. . i 1 '. i 132
AudtTheorev. Fr. sq,,..,.....,..... . 2418..'
Ben, fior Vk. .:, .X .s. . . . , . . . t .1. . . 80P9
Bereneere.lfr.- ,ih.....4..,'.,4,-t.;ji875
Caldetsror,i: Br, str.. i280
CornU szt, F-,bk ...wllt IBM
tioaran tsti. nr. db.. ............. -lstw
Ee.vptlaa Transport. .Br. str..,.;.;.,ai2924
EurekavAm. sir... i.. ......'..J.;...,.. 130
k rancais -jdAiabolse, x-Vt. -rbkv. a .. , 4.w -liSaa .
41 , 'r'-fc 3f 4 itffV' r1,
Freden, Nor.. .bk . . . ... . Ji . . i-i ', 102
Galgate. Bt. ai...i.....i,vii. 2227
OMina.-Kiir. sh. ...... -17-15 ;
Hiawatha. Kor ah. .i-.... , . ....i..- I
luteriyon, air. Da.. ....... ,j(j.S7 j
laYerness-chtrer Br.' fck. 214T
Jnhn Fni ' in Vk . .... 1 '-.; . 1 -. T(W1 .
Jules tiommes. Fr sh. . .... ;. . i ... . . 1902 !
Klllttrner. Br. lk.. . .,.. sJ35.-i
KllwalUe. B.-bk..... ...... .......... -inn ;
Lanadale, ..Br; sh..;. ... . 1 88 I
Llndfield, Br,, bk . . , ......... .. . . . .4. ,
L: Pller- Fr.1-bi:..i...-..i.f.-..i.,i tttSU
NoeniL. 'r. bk. .........V..-........ lltBH
Kordseft;-' JCor. ah. ..iv.Wiii...i. .'.. 151t
(Nivebank, Nor. bk................. - SiM7
Rene, IT. k. ......4;. 107S
Seneratn. Nor; bk..v--'-... ......... V" 2915
TrlrtnniiL Nor. M, ... ......... -ir-. .. lttfi I
Verdun.- Br. ,str..-..,v... ,....,.... ' 29.V1'
Wnfoube l"r. .R, sa.-..f.,.. j 30TS Aisea n7ii,,.,..;t..4r, june o.
Vswrr. Noc, bk. .....ii'i.-... . 214S 5-Iaksr'; ............... ,Ar. sierra Leons.
' . ' ;. ; ! Miscellaneous to Arrive. in Portland. ,
Nanie fTsf -sssiBig; r Teas. : rtaa'g.f r V'-aaTJes. rj'' Memo.
W..H Marstou.' Auj. seb.;..- I HO : Kaat London. .Jsnv U v:V
Bankokn Mara. Jan. str.i...ii.ik...".J 8918
David , Ev'sds. 'Br.'- sclf..:i..-,. .....:..., :-i749
CMwff, UiivIpi m. ,--....-...' . . lKTto
Hokkst Mara. , Jarwisttv.v.;.i'i,.4 21
Henry X. tscott. Am. sir. ...v... -...-
Jsuks Tuft. Anl. ,.bktf-.'y.. . . i,.,.. --. 143
;&':fiTISi Paxaaitra Canal Service. j
N. Flas sad Els.;;- ,'""i.' '' i:'r..i-'j."iiJ,i rroja-i T'A -"Satled.,; v. v; S.IKwm.'
A 1 vera do. Ana. str. A. A p......,,.....r..... hsw York.. ..June IS 'd 8. F.....Juas24
llkwaliau. Am. sic. A,-U. HeT(rt vJana. li - . yfj ii- ;
Uon) An., sir.. A.-H,, ....... ......... Ijoston K.YJuoe 10 Sd. N. y. June
MonUaaB, Am. ,trt.A..H a... ........ ? eaf j zork -i .. .May 19 At 8. F. " :'
Miuaotaa. Asa. iJ.TA.-n....?.......a t NV iork ..Apr. t pd. Canal B B Jane 13
OUhmio. A.-n. tr., A. -H. ...... ............... Boatos . ....... , v ,-1
Santa Clara. Am. ittr.. A. P............... New -aerk ;...May 20 AtTSj. F. 1
Sants-receHa; Am. str.i A. P. ,..,.,.,.... ;( Nesriarks .......... ; Ar N T. June S2. ...
St. Heleos. Am. tr.:-'M4.mfckift,.tjN.-"j-.:...sae 15 Sd. 8. F. June 2a.
Camptoo. AB. str.. C-Wj,... ....i. .......... j N-!.-s......., ....... . 1
West Coast Service.'
Name, rise Ri- aoa CiaeJ- 'b4'-t;:;'Ht.-:: 1 JJ
Cuxco. -'or, str Orsce...-.--......' vstparaiso- .i.i. ....... sa, Aatoria Jane -19.
- Ai.h.i.ti,.n. a P..-Atlsntle A Psclfie line, owned W. K. Grace A Co.; A.-H..
Anten Hv."ST.t 1 Urae.. W.: B. Crsca Co.; H. M. S. P Wl M.ii
SMVriclut Uae.: Frank Wsterboos A Co.. srenu; Johnson tliw. VV.R. Grace Co..
sent B -P . Boaton-Paclfie stesio.fcie Co, Statter Cc... astnu; McCormick. Cbas. R.
MCornrk Lumber Co.; CW. Cs-att.IVestara.i.umbar Co. .. ; s .
Larry Sulliyan Is
-'After an absence of several years
Larry v. M. Sullivan, former" sailor
boarding bouse master and politician.
Is back in Portland. He arrived from
San Francisco on the ." steamer" Bear
yesterday, accompanied by his sortj
Sullivan '?' has had : a '"- varied career
since leaving this city. ' He ' started a
trust company in . Goldfield, Nevada,
during, the gold boom there. He acted
as a private detective during the pros
ecutions of the McNamaras for dyna
miting the Los Angeles Times build
ing.? His most recent exploit was to
be. Indicted , by the Los Angeles . fed
eral grand Jury for an alleged con
nection with & lottery game. -j's
-"-.He is., back in Portland now, how
ever, the indictment against him baa
been dismissed and he says he Intends
to stay.: '.; . ' - ;- . ;- :- ' - j
:? ;Consul Aged, by Wgr. J
New Tork. June 26. (U. P.) Sir
Courtenay Walter- BennetU-1 former
British consul ia San - Francisco and
for the past eight years consul in New
York, will retire soon. : "X am too old.
The : strain . since the war opened has
been hard on me." he. said today.- I :
v-i The - consul will leave-: for England,
probably next month. - s "v : - .1
Norwood, Saa - Francisco. 12 noon. f
Point ata-goelto, Cal.. June 26. 12 Boon,
steamer Arizonan. , 20 miles eouth of San
Pedro. ... . -.:-.-r- t
Everett. Jane 26. Salled-Steamer Nome
Clty 8 p. m., for Saa Francisco. .. .-j
' Seattle, Wash.. June 28. Arrived Steamers
Humboldt. 8:45 a. m.. aoutneagtera Alaska;
El Segondo, 8 a. m.. Saa Francisco via Port
Wella; Prince Bnpert. 6 a. m.i Prince Bopert.
Sailed Steamers Victoria. p. m.. Nome;
City of Seattle, p. m...aoatbeaatern Alaska:
Prince Rupert. 0:30 a. m.,. Prince- Knnert.
San Francisco, June 26. (I. N. S.) Ar
rived Steamers Whittler. - Port- San I Alia,
12:30 a. m.; Corona do, San Pedso, 12:55 a.
m.: - Pasadena. Albion, 3:30 a. in.: Noye.
Mendocino. 4:50 a. m.: Geo. W. Elder, Port
land, 6:13 a. . tn.; - Brunswick. Fort Braza.
T:15-a. m.; Helen P. Drew, Saa Pedro. 7:30
a. m.; U. S.- S.- Ooalimta, craisa, Grande, 8:10
p. m.: Admiral Dewey,- Seattle, 8:50 a. ta. i
tag Sea Rover, Port - San Xnis, with barge
Erksine M, Phelps in tow. e.15 a. ra. : Speed-,
well. Coos Bay, 10:40 a. to.: U. 8. S. Madrono,
from, a cruise. 2:50 p. m.; - V. S. S. Mary
land Honolulu, 12:15 p. m.; Centralis. Bn
reka, 3:05 p. m.: Qnlnanlt, Grays Harbor.
8:15 p.' m.i Northern-Pacific. Astoria. 3:15 p.
m.: steam yacht Cvprns, Seattle. 2:30 p. m.:
Fair Oaks. Centlssima Bock. 4:30 p. m.: Brit
'h steanter Prince Albert. Masatlan. via San
Pedro, 4:35 p. m.; ateamera Montanan. Seattle.
5:20 p. m.; Queen. - San - Pedro, 5:35 p. ni. :
French ship Ernest Beyer, New Castle. N.1 S.
W.j 5:40 ih ' m. v Sailed Steamers Saa Ramon.'
La Ubertsd. via porta. 1:15 t.- n.: MftWa
Dollar, CEacoma. 1:25 a. m. ; Oletinw Portland.
2:10 a. m.i City of Puebla. Victoria and Pnaet
scund ports. 4:15 s. ra.: Danish motor ship
iiTtlandia.' Copenhagen. 9:55 a. m.; American
ecbooner Academy. Callso. 10:10 a. m. : steam
ers Cacique. Taroma. 10:25 a. ra.: Coronado.
Grays Harbor. It a. -m. : Marsbfield, Westport
and Hardy Creek. 11:05 a. m.: V. S S. S
Maerono.-foc a croise. 11:15 a. so.: San Jacln
tov Colombia river. 11 140 s- m.; Governor. Se
attle. 12:30 p. tn.: Santa Clara.' Eureka. Coos
Bay: and Portland. - 12:45- p. m.: Japanese
steamer Bankoku Mara, Portland. 1:15 p. m.
BrltUb ' steamer Persia, Hongkong, via porta,
1:35 p. n.; steamers SpeedwelLT'Ssn Pedro.
2:45. p. in.) Noyo. Saa Pedro.. 9i2Q p. m.;
North Fork.- Enrekai 4:40 p. -m-r Harvard,
San Pedro and Saa DieRo. 4:10 p. in.; Great
Northern: Astoria. 10:55 a. m.; O. M, Clark,
Santa- Rosalia,, via San Pedro, 8:43 p. in.:
Whittler. Port San Luis. 5:50 p. m.;Che!alls,
Grays- Harbor. - 7:35 p.- - m.: Geo. W. Elder;
Santa Barbara. San Pedro, and San Diego.!
Frota sailed. ': - .' ' Ueinu
Cninnnn .. .ll, is ,...: -,
Kotterdam . Ae. Brest Mar SO.
i lokkaichl ............ fTd. Canal June 10.
:lpewich, .,.......... Ar.- Ipswicb May . 13
i Philadelphia Ar. Colon Jane 7. ' -
DnblIn ....... .i Ar May T. ; ; f-V
mt MUI......1 tip. -April 4, tr East
BaWaWnca Jime:iO . . ii '
San Dteoo Ar. Su filtn.
'.Ssir Franciscan :. On Puget sound. : '
:v . , , ... ... i i i . ' Ar. Honolnla War SI
i : ,-v.v-' arao: a tire. -i-f.-v
Melboarna ... ,1. . . . .. -.fid. , la. Plata . May 9
Qunesstovra'.. -v.. i Ar'rtIsllerl Hay 31
Cape Town........... 8d- Astoris March 9.
Welbonrne s.i;..-iw -.- Sd. -Astoria ' Aprtlr 17.
Adelaide.- . .'. - . . . . bo. Bnenor Aire
Fremantle "..Msy 1 23 . "V- - r .'
V..KO . - .': .Jnrw, 1 ' ' '"-Vr r:
Montevideo ". i... . . - Sd." Penarte' April 1
Montirvided :' ..June - " -.rr j;-.-.
8. . . . ..Juua 25 4
Babi Blanco i . , Ar.; May 7. " 1 i v
Alroa ;Ba : ...i.ii.-. A":f' Ar. AprU 5.' -
.ii...Inna . ft -s- -;:,-, :. .TI
K. F.i...,.,- 8d. :KewestJe May 31
Kantoe Vi';4fc.T..".. v: Ar.JMky II. i - 1 .e
'. Ilottardaaa ,,.. Pd. Spithead Aoril 28.
Hioao. eo. -run.-May l&i
i L.tverpooi -;V.jnne 10
, Port Nollotll
. Netryor ,'., ,..".. Sd. Glascoyr' Aor.
8i Fv. i ,-JUne. 20 i.'t:
Kobe .................
: New ork... Jlnna
yokohaBMiv.,....;,::gd.;.'Kobe-.Anrit 25. .
n rrucc ....... i 0. .
? Bydnej T
. t
Steamers" Come, and Go Cai--rying
Products' From "and
! "Supplies 'to NorUi,: . - .
. " t- .-, .
Humboldt Brings Tea Ton Shafting ; to
" i , Be CasW-Mea Await
- ' Betum. . - . ; -,
Seattle. Wash.. June 26;- I. N. .)
The freighter ' Seward. captain jonn
Johnson, of the Alaska B. S. .company
fleet, with a 300. ton cargo, -sailed
from Cook - Inlet 'and ' southwestern
Alaska, norta this afternoon. She had
aboard 1,000,000 feet of lumber for the
Alaska engineering commission, -to be
used in arovernment railroad construc
tion; also 450 head of beef cattle- and
sheen. ' The livestock shipments will
be discharged at Skagway. ' botb : tna
cattle and sheep being consigned . to
Dawson and Fairbanks. ' TherK are no
head ofcattle. aboardU.? The .vessel IS
carrying also.- 40 tons bf dynamite and
other explosives for the Juneau, Alaska
and Gastlneau Ttilnes and quartz mines
farther to - the -westward.
j With 169 passengers and a- 2100 ton
general cargo, r the steamer Victoria,
Captain John A. 'O'Brien,:; sailed . for
Nome's tonight ' on . ber second 'r voyage
of the season. The Victoria's crowd-in
eludes a number of placer miners, own
ers of tbe Nome district and operators
returning. to tbs IdUarod and Xanana
regions v., . v--w;'f-:' s' : f-t'g--'."--,
Southeastern Alaska steamship move.
ments today include the arrival of . the
steamer Humboldt, Captain Baughman.
and the sailing of the steamer, City of
Seattle, Captain Johnson. . Tho Hum
boldt brought-49 passengers, ISO bar
rels and tierces' of - fish and a 10 ton
piece- of broken -shaf tins from . th.
Tread well mines. -.The breaking 7t this
piece of shafting threw 600 men out
ot employment, and a new piece to take
its place will be cast in . the Seattle
Construction -: Drydock Co. yards and
shipped back - on the Humboldt. - .The
City of Seattle, with 106 passengers and
a 500 ton general freight cargo, arrived
today. : '-rv'-'
. The federal court has awarded the
Alaska Pacific fisheries a Judgment of
112,218 , against the .- steamer. Jeanie,
owned by the Alaska Coast company
and: 'operated under: the charter by: the
W.: P.' Swan Navigation company. TEe
libel was brought by the fisheries com
pany . for alleged damages to a ship
ment of canned salmon in September,
1813, from; Its canneries at Chomly
and iCchilcot . to . Seattle 'aboard the
Jeanle.- v. '. , ; . ... . ;- -:.:;
Bear and Manning to . Sail . July 1
for Alaska Ports.
Seattle. Wash.. June 26. fL N". S.
Captain B M.' Dunwoody, bead of the
Pacific coast division , of the United
States coast guard service, announced
this afternoon that the cutter Manning,
Captain F. Q. Dodge, will sail July 1
from Seattle on ber annual cruise of
the Bering sea and Aleutian Islands.
C 8. Root, first lieutenant 0 en
glneers, has' been transferred from the
cutter Ores ham at Boston : to suooeed
E. K. 7arwll, chief - engineer of the
Manning. Far well is ordered to the
Gresham. ksf j rt -yii '5
. Captain Dunwoody further announced
that the cutter -Bear: will sail -from
Nome July 1 -on her annual cruise of
the Arctic; and that on-the- same date
the cutter McCullough will depart from
San Francisco - as a- floating federal
court ' for Alaska.', making Unaiaska,
TJnga.' KodUk and other points where
sessions are to be held this summer.
All Ixm Angeles Lines DrawWell;
Lumber Steamers Xeave Pedro.
Los Angeles, Cal.. June 20. (P.
NV B.) The steamer Congress arrived
this afternoon . from Seattle and, San
Francisco with one of the ' heaviest
passenger and. freight -lists she - has
carrieo In recent months.- She brought
850 tons of freight and nearly. 400 pas
sengers. -Tho steamer yle, arriving
from. San Francisco, this' morning, also
brought, a' heavy passenger list. -
' , All of ths passenger, carriers'' report
travel heavy snd many vessels-leaving
here for the . north.. In 1 the last few
weeks have- been compelled to refuse
passengers for laek of accommodation.
Lumber 'departures - today were-the
steamers Temple' E.. Dorr, ' Wasj and
In eh al em. - ':. -
Vladivostok to Jie Left Off Itiner-
:'" arr of Titian an Other Boats.
" Tacoma. WasbJ. June 1 8I. S.)
Agents for the Blue Funnel ,ss;y; that
the report recently made to the effect
that' the liner-Titian, next in the ori
ental service,- .would! gb.' direct from
Puget sound to -: Vladivostok." is an er
ron - -It Is not the intention of ,the
company -to inelude Vladivostok as -a
regular port of call In Its Transpacific
service. '- - ' . v
- Heavy- freights have - been offering
for the Siberian port, from ' the North
Pacific and the liners Oanfa and Tal
thybius were ordered . there, but this
does not apply., to 4 the Titian." v :When
the Titian leaves the sound next month
she will proceed direct to Japanese
portsi i- Huge shipments of -. general
freight 4 have , - accumulated at sound
ports for this vessel and she will go
out on her next voyage laden to ca
pacity. The Titian . is ..Hearing this
coast and should reach the sound Sun
day or Monday. -
'vHi" " ; r- , . "
Little j British Steamer: Rons "Into
.Hurricane Off Lower Coast.
I- San Francisco, June 2r8.--(X, N. B.)
Storm made a plaything of the Brit
ish steamer Prince Albert as she sailed
along- the coast of? Lower California.
Tha steamer, ; which v is4 operated by
Bennett & Goodall of this city, and Is
under-: the command of . Captain W. S.
Moorehouse, arrived In : port - tonight
from.Maxatlan.H-, - , v ' , -
The passage up coast was one Of the
stormiest that the little steamer, and
Its- crew has' experienced since enter
ing the Mexican trade. , -
Tbe Prince Albert and her SO passen
gers enjoyed good weather from Mas
atlan until she rounded - Cape San
Lucas. There the weather changed and
It 'turned :to , .: blow with " hurricane
strength..; The sear grew so "boisterous
that ': the'' decks , of the steamer were
Ar- waters and the
sptay and spume covered the smoke
stacks and masts-ox tne siwur-i
a whit saline coating. On' the masts,
it went above the trucks. ,- ' A
followina; affects .the) aids! to.
navigation in the r Seventeenth llght
hous district: "
. Oregon' Willamette river Swan
island bar lower, .light.' moved 360
yards,' 144 degrees, : into 28 feet of
water. without t other change, r . The
light is on the upper end of the Island,
Washington Ceast Willapa bay
outside bar gas 'and whistling: buoy,
PS, - found extinguished, '.was ".relighted
June 23.i - - - - -
Washlna-ton Jrays Harhor - urays
Harbor entrance range lights increased
10 feet; in height. June 17.- without
other change. ' .
Charts 1S, 6185, ls. -Liht
list,' Pacific coast; 1915. p. 66.
No.- S05;; p. SS. No. 321; p. 60. .Nos.
J32-3. ' . ,
Buoy-list. Seventeenth district. 1914,
pp. ea. 24. 26. -
.By; orderef - the- bureau or light
houses. " . ROBERT WARRACK.
- , Lighthouse Inspector.'.
Seattle, . "Wash.,." June 26. (U. 'P.)-
S. yjt Benson, kftoWw as the ''Alaskan,''
for-himself and other stockholders of
the Farragut- Bay- Fishing .company of
Alaska,. filed a- suit in the : superior
court today asking that a receiver be
appointed and 1 charging .misfeasance
and j malfeasance against - $ Thomaa J.
w eeks and It . w.,tiueders of Tacoma,
who . wers officers of the. companyi. He
alleges the company has lost ' $50,000
worth of j property ; through (their . mis-
managemrit,v.I''!;-iii,i: kA
New Steamer to" Wes. Coast. 4,
eeatue,. wasn., ' j une -v !:- .)
Fawknec", Cdrrle c & 'Cd... Seattle
agents were: . advised today that - the
Swedish steamship . Stnaloa will " reach
Seattle the. latter part of July.' to load
for ' the-: west i cbaat.' The- vessel & Is
under -th 'management of C H.. Henry
omnn,, incprporateq. .01 can, rTancisco.
'i'ili' '"'''" w-l,,laaa - !-:r" ' ; . "-
&AIaskiIiine ' Cats MelonJ -i''
SeatUe. -Wash..' June 26. CP. NT. S.t
and a speclaJ dividend of 6 per cent
payable July-30 have been declared by
the -Alaska Steamship - company. As a
result of this aetion stockholders of
th. company will be paid a total of
S19S.000.' Heavy movements of freight
and:, passengers to southeastern 'and
southwestern "Alaska Is the. cause of
the company's prosperous Condition.
iPrettIMvTocee on Persia: ,
San Francisco, Cat, June 26. The
Pacific 'Mail Ulner . Persia. under ! tbe
command of Captain J.' Hill sailed for
the . far east today. with i0 passen
gers and.- a . cargo consisting of . 300C
tons or general -jnerchandise. . "Among
the. cabin passengers going vout on the
liner was Mrs. Blllie Burt, the - di
vorced ..wife i of - Captain-Burt-of the
army, who - la ; groin g- to"' Naraaakl ':- to
marry a naval officer,; Captain Bidden
Turner. . ".-: Tf-r . r.
1- iiUV -.
3 i Valuable Cargo- ArrlTe.-Cr
I Seattle: Wash.. June 26.--The Nln-
pon yuaen K&isha'a Shidzuoku, Maru
arrived; from the orient ' this morning
with, a 4791 ton cargo for Seattle dis
cbarge. This Included 22,246 cases of
tea, 700 bags of Hong Kong refined
susar, .684 cases of - Japanese - crab
meat and. 1288 bales of silk, valued at
$844,000, . -
- .- ' Mr. V. B.'Ia Mar, Artist "Honorable' : Mention" Contest for Ideas. Exhibit clones July 1st.
. - Mr.s-Swan will deliver to your home this style 30, $550 Steger or H65 J25 cash $3.00 weekly.
..... . - . - t. ....... . . - ' , ' . '
The Store That Charges lh Mkec"
v"-"WliVyou buy a piano here, paying $10 cash and $8 monthly. It does not' mean that you need pay'.$S.37 $ '
,and $2.37 interest) the first month, , as . elsewhere. . On a $250 Thompson piano you simply pay .
- r", $6 Monthly No Interest ; ,
' - -Ona $35a'plano this means $50.38 sating and besides this.' our "pries for 'that same grade and quality is
"' ' Therefore : Instead of paving $00.S8, you pay here bnt $265, at a total Saving of $125.38. And, since you can
afford 19 pay $6 monthly., B OAS ATPOBD TO BITT HOW. ,fc .
s;;-&m'0w $435 PlayerrPiano With $600 Ones Offered Elsewhere
f and Vou will discover that our $435 Player-Piano is not only the cams grade, but better style, '.fuller tone, with
apsswSBj psj ess asse asa SI esl Wsk VsTSBaiaSB.aaj ssj SMSflg
easier repeaung action,: oesiaes asxskxi
Instead of paying elsewhere $600;
paying at' the terms of -$50 cash
$43S,Without Interest $25 Caoh; 012 Monthly
-Actually Saving' You $256. 12 When.. Buyinc of tho
' ScHwai;, Piaoo Co.
.Manufacturers. Coat DitributortWhoIesa 4 RaJJ III lh $U Krr rVrs!
Committees' - Have4 Been ' at
'JWdrk for. Some Time Per
fectlng Plaps,' . - : ' ;
Tully 1600 SelegaUs Troai. ATI Parts
-,-. of the States Are Bapected to "
Tlslti TortUad.
To entertain the 1600 or mor dele
gates who will : come to ' the . 19th an
nual -meeting -- of the .American Os.
teopatbic association'' to v be held in
Portland the firsts week In August a
unique ' form of oreanltatlon has been
developed In order to handle efficiently
every detail or tne professional enter
tainment. About a year tea a aeneral
arrang-ements . committee consisting of
a- chairman and ir working committees
was appointed by the national associa
tion. , -' - . . , .
Each chairman' of these committees
has a committee .made up of members.
of the state associations of California,
Washington, Idaho 'and Oregon. : ;The
vast work of preparation , is divided
info -departments .with a chairman res-.
ponsible for each department.. Dr.-H.
F. Leonard has charge of cUnics. Hun-,
dreds Of cases will' be necessary to il
lustrate the different papere and ar
ticles read before the. convention.
These .cases 'must all ba 'selected and
arranged so as to be available at the
proper time. Dr. O. L. Gates has
charge of a commitee on halls.
, Elaborate Entertainment piauaed r -
The many entertainment features.
Including receptions, banquets,' scenic
trips and sight.: seeing v tours.' will all
be . handled by a committee In charge
of. Dr. H- CP. Moore. -
Registration of the tbousards of
delegates' will r be 'directed under tbe
supervision 'of - Dr. R.- H.J- North rup.
Closely allied to this comes the bureau
of information ' which alma ' to supply
the answers to aUthe possiblo ques
tions that-a. delegate may ask. Dr.
Katherine ' 8 Myers will endeavor to
see. that 'these requests are fulfilled.
The exhibits "of manufacturers and
dealer ' In - articles : of : professional
equipment; Are well cared, for by Dr.
WllUtn ' O. Keller..- ,- .
'('Reunions? of the many frateruil or
eanisations, .including .class, reunions,
Greek. Jetter.societies and many differ,
rent social bodies, come under the dl
rection of Dr. D. D. Young of McMlnn
ville. Dr.' B. P. Shepherd haa charge of
health Sunday -'and "the local details ot
the press work whlch'is' under the su
pier vision -ot tta National- press .bureau
are cared for by Dr.'J. A.-. Van Brakle
of Oregon City. Financing the c-onven.'
tlon which, will, jbe : done - entirely by
' the- Oregon -'association has for . Its' di
rector Dr. L. H.' Howland. fc .
Committees Have Been ActtTs...
. E very two weeks for . months past,
the general arrangements - committee
composed of these: chairmen with Dr.
F. K. Moore, general chairman, have
feisaas ' -
aww-Aa .v
with 8 per cent Interest
and $15 monthly, while
er cent interest, addlnr $81.12,
met in Portland. At these meetlnr
each chairman reports, the procre.
mad, by his particular commltie. An
accurate record of all these reports is
made by the recording secretary of the
committee. Dr. IMary Giles, and then
the committee, as a whole, goes over
the entire . field of endeavor, forms
plans and policies, and formuUtes or-'
d ers for the minor committees to carry
out. v. . . : : t
Machinist Steps
On Live Wire; Dead
A, B. Warnock. B. p. ' Employe, Lomi
Ooaselousneas After Accident la the
Morning, and Passes Away,
A. B, Warnock,. machinist at the
Southern Pacific ; shops in Brooklyn,
who was electrocuted yesterday morn
ing, died at the Good Samaritan hos
pital. at 7:30 last nlglit He lost con
sciousness' early in the evening, and
despite all efforts to revive him, passed
away. -.- ;
"Warnock had two sons and two
daughters, and lived at 760 East Main
street. The coroner will hold an in
quest Monday evening.
The-accident was an indiiect result
of the storm Friday. Lightning blew
out a lot of fuses and short circuit
wires in the shops, and a "short in
the transformer hex caused a blue llgrt
to flash from it. As Mr. Warnock
went, to hU work bench about 7:30, he
saw this flash through the window and
went to Investigate. Just inside of
the' door - he stepped on the heavily
'charged' wire.j- )'
In addition, to the shock of almost
the full effect-of aOOQ . volts of elec
tricity passing through his body when
he stepped on a feed wire leading Into'
tne transformer room, Mr: ' Warnock
had terrible burns on the hips, shoul
ders and tcet,Ai f ;
- Tacoina JInrine Gossip.
Tacoma, Wash'. June 18. (I. N. 6.).
The - Americap Hawaiian , steamer
Dakotap.' left;:pqrt ;M4Bt, .night". gfter
loading general .freight for, the Ha
waiian islands. C , ,( .'.,.
The ' Alaska Steamship . company's
steamer Mariposa is due in port next
week' loIoad"a" shipment' bf,' hay and
feed for' Alaska.
The steamer Columbia haa left port
with a large cargo of flour and general
freight for . the west coaat. She stops
down sound to take additional freight
and will proceed to San Francisco to
flnisli.' ' ',
The steam "achoober Davenport is in
port from Ban Francisco and n in tha
stream loading lumber for 'California.
She wilt - take 600,000 feet- there and
then shift down sound to finish. ...
t The .Japanese steamer Awa Maru is
i expected - to complete? her cargo to
night. . -She-will shift dOwn sound and
will leave from Seattle Tuesday morn
ing for the orient.
The Shidzuoka Maruarrlvlng on the
sound yesterday, will come to Tacoma
next week to -load 'general freight fur
the orient, i . M. -' -. ; ,
Dlx ' Loads for Manila, .
: Taconia, -Wash,, June 88.(1.' N. S.)
On her first call st -Tacoma in sev
eral .months, .the .United States trans
port Dia'-is expected in 'port to load
lumber and. feed for the Philippines.
The DU will load 800,000 feet of lum
ber, as well as shipments of hay and
feed for the Philippines. For .several
weeks she has been at the Puget sound
navy, yard overhauling, v
, 111 J 1 1 , , L , ,J-J3
which mnkes It reHllv t!M. 12, yr.u
1 .
.,- :..4J