THE OREGON yDAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, JUNE- 23, 1915. 10 MONEY TO LOAN 67 CHATTELS, SALARIES v - IMMS:nUTK I1ANI! ! ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRT AT EXTERN RATES. -" W have ' t' o( finest retail Jewelry tore i the ;ity. A loan de partment It fconducted in connection with same, n.aking business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loan business dis played in front of our store. All mer chandlse pledged is field for a, period of twelve months, whether or sot in terest is paid when -due. We are li censed and shave been established since 1899. No connection with any other loan establish lent in this city. A. & M. iDELOVAQE. JEWELERS. 8$4 Washington St. SALARY LOANS UALAKI LOA Being salary loan brokers exclusive ly, we are enabled- to assure satisfac tion and five the . quickest possible service.---.. . bullae iricuy wuau uiaau. W ax4 licensed, and therefor RELIABLE, STATE SECURITY CO. 809 Failing fa lag. Loans at Legal Rates , We loan money-on diamonds, pianos. livestock. to rase receipts, plain notes. OB furniture, or anything of value. xqu can sec it loaay. Portland Loan Co., Licensed f.lcensed by State. 211 Uekum Bid.. THird and Wawhineton. MONEY AT ONCE. - LEGAL RATE OF INTEREST Diamonds, Jewelery, Musical Instru ments.. Alt Hedges Held One Tear. Separate Dept. for Ladies. ELBY COMPANY (Licensed). 320 Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2d-and Stark sts. tOANS WANTED 30 1300 t'JS. 8300 9&. $300 v ' 5 room cottage, occupied by appli cant, Mt. Scott district, value $1000, $500" insurance, good safe loan. Fred W. German Co, 314 Cham, .of Commerce CAN place your money to best advant age, first mortgages through The Oregon Home Builders. 7. 1330 N. W. Bank pldg. - Vy'ANT 86pOU, 3 years, 6, on close in : jlrvlngtdn property: value $15,000. A-iR- Ritter. A-1125 or Marshall 6140. Eii $1 gents; - WANTE 250 at 6 or 7 interest; no a good security. R-5o3, Journa WANT loan Of $2000. chattel mortgage : .- 1 A n i-k SI ....iV tt WA ..-,. t?a-.4,. terma In our letter. W-93gt Jonrnai. i FINANCIAIi 51 FIRST arid second mortgages, also sel lers' intjerest in contracts, purchased. Oregon afid'Washington. H. E, Noble, Lumbermfcns bldg. - HEI; P WANTED MALE CREVV managers and agents, would you wojk and stick to it if you were making $25 to $6Q per week? Ifyou want something permanent, where ability and - determination count. see us at once. Want men and women who will stick. CRYSTAL MERCANTILE CO.. 4ZQ ILBinoar exchange biag, MEN and teams to haul cordwood in countrv, 448 11th st. Marshall ut,. Call or pfrione after 6:30 nt m. only. EMfLoVaiENT department Y. M. C A Serftce free to mfembera. HE :lp w r ANTED USC. 49 V:. M. c a. AurgMoiilUi school ' SPE :IAL SHORT COURSE. REDUCED RATES TO SEPT. 1 Unusual opportunity; full ausocla fion membership to Oct. 1. ' Call at eoucatioiyii otrioe, x. at. u. A. oiqg. have several openings lor esiao lishment of independent, mail order -business.) Energy, good habits, and sound Judgment more Important than capltat Spare time at first. Particu lars free. Opportunities. Exchange, Buffalo. N. Y. A. . - ; MARSHALL'S " jAUTO AjiD GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. . Automobile repaidng and driving; also gasoline traction engineering. Tu ition eady payment plan. We guarantee results. 369 and 445 Hawthorne ave. AN TED Men, women; government wants Iclerks: $75 montn. Write for list positions. Franklin I-istitute, Dept. Rpchester. N. Y. WANT lip Names ol men wanting to ' be railway mail clerks; $75 month. HX-014. journal, TEAMS wanted to haul wood. Call - East 8488 COOK headquarters California Wine Depot.! yamniu. Near &tn. sett's Native Herbs for rheu matism: 60 tablets 25a. All drug-gists. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $60 up. ityior, ine laiior, iaa nuriiaiue Is'ICE' apt., and some pay to couple lor Janitor work. 730 Hoyt. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 GIRL wanted to assist in housework i , t or room and board; good noma to right party. H-343, Journal. WANTED An experienced waitress during lunch, hours for board. li tis. Journal. - HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 MEN and women to larr- the barber trade, wages paid while learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of schools in the world. Hend for free catalogue. Moler Barber College! H. 48 N. 2d st. Oregon Barber college will teach you the trade In 8 weeks; scalp and race massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed: pay while learning; tui tion reoucea tnis term, its Aiaoison. BERRY pickers wanted, 2 rollea east (ivilla. Buckley a'v a. J.. P. Ra&- mussent SITUATIONS MALE -i 1 1 ii ibj 1 1 iin map 1 ri.isrxi "i il. "lj WANTED Position in general store. 15 years experience; married, sober, references. Phone after 6 p. m. Tabor lint, : NEAT I appearing young man, good - habitis, former aviator, good me chalc With shop experience, wishes po sition Wriving for private family: TXT OOA T n . . , , CARPENTER; builder, remodeUng; ex cerienced manager: might consider Pi art exenange. ynom Kenwood 1666. - can (run automobile, will do any- ining. i Kaymona Miner, city. GEN ERAL Jobbing quick and well donej Call morning, evening. East 4SS1 Doom 2S - Skilled Carpenters Furnished on short notice. ; Mar. 765, WANT that vacant lot mowed? Call - Woodlawn 1863. $1 up. GOOD imeoha will work at anything, married ma-t Tabor 6143. WANTED Excavating : and - - team work. Phone East 4804. C-1477. SITUATIONS FEMALE CHILDREN cared for r 15c an hour - by fcOOd . resnectabln , nart v ri- . will do mending and plain sewing. 19j Ivy st. R-S car. POSITION wanted by stenographer, Undjerwood operator, for experience. .r-nonef marsnau 4ftg forenoons, YOU lG woman would like position housekeeper or cook for small crew. S-536.j Journal. EXPERD2NCED stenographer, general office work, wants position. Phone vVORK in confectionery or delicatessen par or full time, experienced, best reieresnces. Mill St. Main 4582 STRICTLY reliable young, woman wishes bakery store work. Sell. 1477. WANTED Work by hour or day; re- imuie, iTierriicea, laoor nag WAITED Plain sewing.. Phone Tabor WOMAN wants work Monday andV Fi - dayv Woodlawn 4127. , 40 PLAIN sewing. East 2240. NURSES GO GOOD - woman wishes -any kind : of -nursing by day, reasonable. Sell wood 1477. ' " UlUlj UA'lliKNU Y nurse disengaged. Alain 21 4J. - FURNISHED ROOMS l Stop ' at 1?0TE Newiy re furnished papered 4th and Alder ana reno- . .- s va ted enlarged lobby All .. - modern conveniences. Koouu, with - private bath, $1 per day up; without, 76c uo. Because the rates are low don't thins the service la Door - . Snrf ai rates by eek or month. SVe,al room with wau beds, making them practically suites. - .- -.. . . .... 10th st. at Oak, now opened. Good, quiet place right dtwn town. Strictly modern, fireproof building with large, comfortable lobby. All outside rooms. First class permanent patronage - so licited. Rooms S3 , week. up. With pri vate bath, (5 week up. See our rooms before deciding to locate. We also so. licit -first class transient trade. JJUOXL. iJ U K.rN UliAM, ,6 5 i Waab- ingion st, new iireprooc one a, ail outs.cte xoum, running hot and cold water, private or public baths, quiet and home like, $10 month up. YOUNU uieu may coasuit without charge register of furnished rooms at Y. M. C A., listing several hundred in all parts of tne city, alao tco- in the Association ouildlng. WANTED , Kooui mate to reduce roomiug - expense. Fireproof build, ing, shower baths, individual bod 3. Call or address Y. M. C. A. business office. "THE ALBION HOTEL, 212 Sd and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and coid water, free bath, phone. Madras Hotel JESS upfuart rooms, $2.50 up. By day 60c. 75c, $1; cor, isth ana wasnington sts. THE Randolph, 262 Columbia, nice clean roms, Datft. .fnone, hot water. $1.25 week up. Nicely furnished A D DHTT 25c day up. 228 V, Wash. st. nDDUl I 1.6O wk. up HOUMrf and apartments in modem ho- tel. J 2 . 0 week and up. 465 .Mder. Mod. equlpnVt f )rl 1 CJ 0c day up. $90 Morrison vLrL.U I $2.60 wk. up. THE PALM Good room, electric lighting, phone, bath. lt9 3d. $2 WijK. up, clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central. The King. 309 Jef. FURNISHED ROOMS 70 FBZTATB FAHHT, Beautiful Furnished Room Every convenience. $2.50, $3 week. I FOR ItENT i large rooms, hot and cold 'Id water, free Phone and batn, onable. 490 Taylor. read LARGE, airy, pleasant room, near cen tral library; references exchanged. Z13 VY. farK, PLEASANT rooms foe young men, home privileges, reasonable, 46 N. 21st st. $8 MONTH Large, attractive tront room; modern; desirable location. East 1552. - - ONE small well furnished room, $6 per month. 312 Main. LARGE room, close in, cheap, for 2 gentiemen. 331 Market. DANDY front room, modern, with good bed, $12. 404 Clay et. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 PAKKViEW HOTEU 386 Montgomery st. at West Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences; rate for regular anq transient guests. THE VERANDA. Room and board, $4.50 a week and up. Use of music and pool room; also shower baths. 654 E. Madison. THK HAZEL, cor. ltd anu Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms r.nd ooard. $5 up; steam heat, hot baths: free, phone. CAS A ROSA. 300 JEFFERSON. BOARD AND ROOM. $26 TJP. Room and board, young women $4 ws '. up: "Anna Lewis" Hall. 010 Flandera, FIRST ..class board and roojo, beat cooking. $5 np. 346 College if ROOMS AND BOARD 72 FBIVATE 7 AMIXnrf WANTED Roomers, sick person, or small children to care for. Call Co lumbia 277 any day except Sunday. Mr. J. Weis, 820 Ivanhoe st-, St. John Heights. ROOM and board for two young ladies, employed; home comforts, reason able, two car. lines. 664 Union ave. East 3232. ' - r TASTY, digestible food, bright, rest" ful rooms; walking distance, $4 and up. Corner . Third and Multnomah, Kast 6016 ATTRACTIVE -modern room, best home cooking, home privileges, close in. - 470 Columbia st. Marshall 381. . ROOMS "with or "without board, sult able for 2 persons; reasonable. 781 Pettygrove. Marshall 6898. - MOTHERLY woman wants children te care for in reliable family, good care. Manor ii,-v ROOMS with or wilhout board. 41 E. 8th St. N, TWO rooms, facing east, with good board, walking distance. 387 12th. WANTED The care of child, moth erly care. East 4786. - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS S ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnisned, steam heat, running hot and coid water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. -91 Columbia sU turner on ? isu $1 to $2.60 week, furnish XI. . K. rooms; gas, xree neat, laundry, bath. Phcjie East t03; 203 Stanton. P car. SUITES and single H. Jet. rooina, $1.50 week up. Also modern rooms, Mer cedes. 20th and MorrtMn. - . Cambridge bldg., furnished H. K, rooms. t - central, cheap. 166 H 3d. cor. Mor n. uAvui iiuiiv Kxjuiu iur nuuseaeeping, gas range.. 210 Alder st. STRICTLY- modern H. K. rooms. S month nn K3K fnui.K Tlo-i - " T w . ... yvp II lLAt A VI I . -. , . 111 . 1 1 Kxit.aAiy notei, ist ana Alder. U'uf nlshed H. rC. rms.. eheaD. $1.5e wit ur. 1. 2. 3 rms. .m Antc' Phone, $1 w free bath, UCI II ApiOi ,- up, 1 wk. let TWO housekeeping rooms $10 per month. 645H Washington, near 16th. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 LARGE, light 2 oom suite, $8 per LARGE airy housekeeping suite, eink. . vphoa. hath, no objections to chll- aren. ;.. per weeM. 201 13th MOST extraordinary offer in house- - Keeping; anything and: everything. t'Jit jaorrison, eor. sin. THREE rooms, nicely furnished for housekeeping, rent reasonable. Main 7017. - 515 20th st., Portland Heights. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, i ground . floor, hi block car; jii4 per mo. P4 aatn ave. . is. FURNISHED double H. K., roams. 263 jeiierson. . t - - TWO large, well furnished H. K. rooms. ufo; very reaponaoie. siz Main ONE- housekeeping roonv. kitchenette; nrfvate entrance?" 293 10th t WO large, light H. K. rooms with 2 V. .a ((ft . oao. " I - A 1 -. SUNNY room, with alcove and kitchen, free light, phone, bath. 269 HalL "DRESSMAKING 73 t 295 10th St. Nice front H. K. room, also sleeping rooms and single H. K. rooms. - Phone, bath, gas Included." FOR RENT HOUSES 12 MODERN up-to-date 4 room bungalow, with built-in beds, buffets, book cases, window seats and coolers, also self lighting gas ranges. Water heat era, . linoleum in kitchen - and bath rooms, full attio with -electricy lights, full basement with wash trays, gas and electricity, fine lawn, windows fully screened E. 13th and Sumner sts, 1 block north of Alberta car,- Blan chard & Clemson, 702-3 Selling bldg. fnont Hunflay or ' eveninge o-izsy, FOR BENT. .- 5 room house. 144 E L 4tn, near Main; yard contains flowers and . 'trees. convenient and homelike, $17, including water. Phone Tabor 4404. ' - - MODERN 7 ..(room hous. 12th and HKiamore sts., nortn irvingron. i'--. Gas rane and soma other . furniture if wanted. Call owner, Marshall 168S. I ' 7 ROOM modern house on Nob -Hill; also a partly furnished, 6 room house on E. 21st at-; rent reasonable. 1 Main 72. - - -- FOR RENT room modern liouse, 549 Lovejoy St.. between 16th. and 17th, $22.60, .including water. Phone Tabor 566. - - - : - - - - - :' - FOR RENT 6 room house; J51 Kerby, between Fremont and Beech. $13, in cluding inside water; newly cleaned, in side and out. Phone Tabor 3566. a ROOM modern . house, 19th, and Marshall st., for rent reasonable, ao plv S8i Marshall st. Main or A-2474. til 5 room cottage with water, walk ing distance. 85. B. lDth st. East 342. - - . LOVELY 6 room modern bungalow, with garden, lawn and fruit. Phone isenwood 184 4 SIX room house. S73 E. Stark, block irom tauretnurBT. rtrit. $12 4 room house. 268 Mill st. In- quire grocery, 3d and Mill NEWLY painted - bungalow, east aide, t9. Main 9130. 5 ROOM cottage at 710 4th st. Call 714 Water. Marshall 4491. ' FURNITURE FOR S ALE , 32 HOUSES" FOR RENT V SACRIFICE $90 - buys complete fur niture, 7 room house, if sold at once, 468 Taylor st. Phone Main 2173v ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Goods classification- xVhen bouse is not for Tent. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished, thoroughly modern, new, 1 room house in Olmsted park, 4 blocks Broad way car; rooms large- and. airy, lawn and flowers. 829 Gfenn - ave. N., or phone Woodlawn.4773. - MODERN, new 8 room house, E. 41st, near Thompson; large porch, nice yard, R. C. or Beaumont car; - July and August. Call Tabor 141. 5 ROOM furnished house, electrio lights, gas, close in. 309 E. 9th south. East 623BV- ; ... :- -- - '--j-FURNISHED complete, new 'modern H room house, 3 bedrooma, on Haw- tnorne ave. laoor . 467.- $12 6 room modern house, .fruit, ar den. chicken park. Owner . leaving city. 151 E. 74th N. Call afternoons. $15 PER month, furnished modern t room house. Irvington, choice loca tion. Phone East 8872. i . n. EOR RENT Furnished home for turn. mar; close m; choice - location; ttuuns. .ast p. MODEP.N S room bungalow, 942 East cwutners. xiowers, rruit. garden aiita lawn. Richmond district. - - - I BUNGALOW 1 room and kitch f gas, water included; $7. Phone enettd; wooa- lawn 209 NlCE furnished 8 room house with garage, $30; reference. By owner. 163 lowa, cor, corpett. hnone Mar. 1&S8 VERY desirable furnished ; 6 - room .house in Sunnyside; all modern; $29. Call 144 E. 25th st. afternoons. SIX room suburban home with garage ror juiy ana August, z per uaontn. rnone . jtanor FOR RENT Nicely furnished' i room house, very short walk. This is a snap. Look at it. 466 Vancouver ave. 349 E. 48th south of Hawthorne, com pletely furnished 6 room bungalow. Main 2430. $18 FIVE rooms, furnished' except dishes and bedding. 188 E. 45th st. 4, a and 6 room modern cottages, com- tJipiKiy Auiiueneu, j.agt aaaa. 383 EAST 41st, south of Hawthorne, . completely furnished - 5 room house. APARTMENTS : 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED BALBOA APARTMENTS, 429 Harrison, near 12th st. Extra large 2 room furnished apts., 1 unfurnished, modern reasonable rent; good service. Marshall , 2900. l-teferencee. THE COPY, cor. E. . tn and Xayior sta.. has been remodeled with private baths, new f urnlture . and carpets, . a and ' 3 rooms; : light and ' phone free; rent jv-y reasonable. Call East 44. THE IRIS APTS. 3d .na Mill St JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgom ery. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room apts.. furnished or unfurnished, $7 month UP. - fxo cnarge lor cooainy gas. MONTGOMERY Apts, odr. d-Mont-gomery. Strictly mod., all outside fur. 2 rm. apts, elect, ele., best service, close In. $18to$aa. Free lights. M. 9466. rl'U U Ultb'llkM . ... v L in. . V L new man's.; 3 and 4 rooms., fur. and unfur, apts., reasonable rent. Pacific phone tn-apts. Main li)82, A-5749. : . The Parkhurst - 3 and "4 room furnished apts. 20th" ana xvortnrup- BROADWAY - CENTRAL bUiCK Rooms and apartments, modern, new. up-io-uaie iurm-eiaooraieiy. 3 Diita. e. Bdwy, bridge. Summer rates. E. 6663. THE SHEFFIELD i 270 Broadway. - south, 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very rea sonable rent: best of service. M. 2506. THE DhENDORF. 108 16TH ST. . Marshall 2316. .' Nice -5 room turn, and unf urn. apts.: also3 and 4 room tarn, apartments. AMEHlCAM-MAKHlOKOtKiH. Highest class apts. in the city, 4. 5 and rooms, walaing distance, reason- aote., aabv. main Yii(. A-bTS. EVELYN apartments. 267 N. 21st st,. 3 room - furnlshcJ apartment with p layer ' piano, only $2 7,50. Marshall 4 Si a . - . PENINSULA APTS., concrete bldg.. 3 i ana : rooms, not anq t com water, baths-, st. heat, phone, $12 np. C-l 1 7 0. ROSEN FELD (brick). 14th & E. Stark. Modern 3 arid 4 r, furnished or un fur. Private phones, reasonable rates. RENT BARGAINS - 4 rms., unfur.; 2 rms., fur.; hardwood firs.; ref. Portnoman, zoo e. 13th tWO room apuj..- newly .-furnished; modern. Sawyer Apts-. 82 N. 10th St. rnone a-;j, WINSTON; 2 and 3 rooms, private ; bath, modern brick: special ratM lis and up; 14th and Market. Main 1739. DOWN town, modern apta, $16 month up, including beat, light, etu. , RoysJ ALBtiKMAKLK Apts modern, neatly furnished apts. Summer rates. East 4193. 3a William ave.. near Broadway. DRICKSTON 448 llth st: modern 2. 3 room fur. apta $20 to $30; walking distance: excellent service. Mar. 57. Ardmay Terrace, 395 12th st. Uarge 2 room fur, ants. . Mrs John Cran. mgr. LUXOR APTS. 324 13th. neatly fur . nlshed apts., day, week or month. MEREDITH 3 4 rm. apts.. reason able. 712 Washington. opp.23d. M.7134 VAGU APTS. Excellent outside apts. rtates very reasonaoie. Kast 8566. KEELER APTS 14th and Clay 3 aoi 4 room, unfurnistcd; references. THE LUZERNE t room fur. apts. uiui 11 - ui-a. lit- u. - mm. 4tl3, THE ORMONDE Front 4 and 5 rooms. 656 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. c-irn VTCiiL-n .3 ; 1 ... mam otick. -u ni. uu - mar. 443, J. J.A. ...... .3. .A,... Jim I, 0,t,X FURNISHED and unfurnished apart ; ments.,$10 to $20. 1U ti. Uth. - HOUSEKEEPING." ROOMS . (Continued) P&ZVAXXS rAMJXY. " 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED : v Wellesley Court ' ., EAST 1 5TH AND BELMONT ; ST3.' Furnished and unfurniahed. , Itgr. East S469.tJ References. - THE ALTAMONT, " - 5tU and College.- ' - Clean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, very cjeap. ' -Also bachelor's apartments. --- S Heat, water, phone, and Janitor serv ice included." - - ' ' V VrL'LA ST. CLARA. - " 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apta. Walking distance. Referencea. NEW CLARK, 616 Pettygrove, 2 room furnished apartments, large kitchen, disappearing beds, heat, phone, light tr' SI A trt It ft n,V.tid, hi.h.r . FOR RENT FLAT8 13 NEW 3 rcoui moaernr flat, disappearing bed, 15 minutes' ride from Washihg- ton; st.; good location. Woodlawn 167. i OK KENT 5 roera flat, E..' 27th and Flanders. - Call East 4281. FURNISHED FLATS 50 1? OK summer or longer, very pleasant, - well furnished flat, -- corner. . large screened sleeping porch, yard," borne i;elghborhood. Tabor -1523. . 3 BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms; flat with Bleeping porch, piano, private bath: nice, clean; walking - distance. 367-Vancouver ave. NICELY furnished. 6 rooms, gar, elee r trlclty, piano, $20. 1326 Belmont, FOUR room furnished flat, - complels, $18. East 1230. ' - . ' - STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENTMJoraer store, suitable for drug, hardware, bakery or grocery store. Fine suburban husineaa district fMain 4495. s UKitii wueaouwi .ia Souths PorUand for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal! ir'tipiisning CO.. Broadway and Yamhill. SHOP, 271-Hawthorne ave, east ad - 1 X J T T - , n . . SUMMER RESORTS 5 PACIFIC View Beach, tent houses and cottages - for rent ' completely fur nished. $3.50 and $5 per week. 16 miles of beach, fine clam digging, fishing, agate beds, make your reservation now. FURNISHED housekeeping cottage and 'tents; rates reasonable. Peter Sehantz. Rocka way. Oregon.. - FOR RENT- Small cottage at Gear hart; very reasonable. Call East 468 neiore neon. FURNISHED cottages and housekeep - ing rooms. Phone B-l 283 or writ a . t r 1 ,1 T-, . v SEASIDE -2 cottages near beach for rent. $45 and $90. Phon.-E. 6799. WANTED TO RHNT 1 4"wi'''N''WN SEAMSTRESS wantp suitable apt., yard; must be reasonable, give full description. B-562, Journal, HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 '"Commission Auction. Ofhorses, vehicles, harness, wagons, every Monday and Thursday, at 2 p. in. Columbia Stables, 303 Front St. SINGLE camping outfit,' 1200 lb. hors with harness and a long bodied bug- y, $60; also an 850 lb. mare with liht uggy and nearly : new harness at a bargain; must sell. 233 N. 14th st, -FOR SALE Grading outfit" 16 . heal of horses and-larness. 11 Fresnos, 4 plows, eight wheel-scrapers, 1 horse tent, 3 other tents. Three blocks north of Bertha station. F, I Brown. FOR SALE A fine hay delivery horse. good trotter, 6 years old, weight 1100 lbs. .harness,' wagon -and other items to go aiong; iorcev sale 136 7Sth st. Nh, price $125. Cor. Giiaan at. lb. team rayst.with harness, At vl wa.i guiii , tuio ia i aAui uiiihv fAut.i.i.i.. trial allowed;. 23S N. 14th st. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co." GOOD work horse (1100 lbs.), harness, . wagon; work single or double; will sen separate. . azon m, fetark at. GOOD bay team, weight 2600, best of workers, will sell for' the low price of $223. 787 E. 28th St., Woodstock car GOOD 6-year bid saddle pony, gentle. 101 0. ,bvh, nuuuaiw car. juead horses and cattle taken free. Tabor 4J03. . WHITE saddle pony;. $30. Tabor 8015! IJVESTOCK --: 35 FOR "s SlbOR EXClrLilEFor beef oows, fresh 3 year old Durham Jer sey cow, big. easy milker; 4 high grade Jersey heifers, yearlings. H, Grebs, Tigardville, Or. - FOR SALE -A. young fresh cow and calf; also good 4-year-old horse. Call at 824 E. Caruthers st, 1 block south of Division. Take Richmond car to, 26th. FOR SALE One Jersey cow, 14'-' qt. 1 Jersey, 16 qU Must sell at once. Vancouver car to Stafford etu, . corner house. " ONE iersey-Durham, 20 quart, $80; 1 , Jersey, 16 quart, $76; 1 Jersey, 10 quart, iv. - if ootn st., near Antteny. TWO 6 year old Durham-Jersey cows, giving 31 and 4 gallons pep day. notn testea. rnra iaior 83, FOR SALE Fine -Jersey vcow, . cheap. jviarsnaii sio. ? FRESH cows, heavy, rich milkers, cheap' if sold soon. 794 Tacoma ave. TOULTJtr AND PIGEONS 3T POULTRY" WANT ADS. ON SATURDAY- ARE. PUBLISHED ON THE POULTRY PAGE. IF YOU ARE IN TERESTED. IN POULTRY . READ THIS PAGE: YOU WILL FIND PRAC TICAL INFORMATION AND AT TRACTIVE OFFERS. -. ' ' DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 IMPORTED Irish water ""spaniel biteh, 4 years old, 4ue' very soon. She is a'beauty, a good nreeder, .with best of breeding and full registration pa pers, $50; also -her 11-months-oia dog pup. $35. W. N. Ford. Astoria. Or. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 . BARGAINS IN USED CARS. ,, Large stock, prices $30J to $705. ."' OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., . . - " Studebaker bldg.. " ' Corner Chapman v and Alder. ' - ' Guaranteedi?n ra wHaA tn' atrwlr ' Pnhrtflrtn T-Tf ts & Steel Co.. 30-34 2d St. - GENERAL auto, and truck repairing. ' -Reo truek sprockets- - specialty. Forging. Good work,-square prices. Try xta. c. mm lainr ec v u-, u it st. (Written aruar- antee w i t k every - spring. : 26 N. 1 6th st. CHALMERS 5 pass, foredoor .-electrio t and Presto lights, all nonskid tires; a snap at $350; need the money. ,129 Liownsdale at. Main 1161. ' NEW and used Ford automobiles sold on easy terms. Benj. E. Boone Ac Co Ford agents. 514 Alder st, . Main CADILLAC, ZZ horsepower, with 2 . bodies. 6- passenger and dclivrv-t all in good condition. 25Q. 386 lE. 47th st. SLIGHTLY "used tires, .largest stock in Portland, 33 to 315,- Fine repalr- ing.J Tn puppiy- v-o., zvi Madison. GOOD -5 passenger automobile cheap . for-cash or trade for improved acre age: might assume. B-662. JournaL EXPERT' ; auto , repairing, reasonably charges. J. j. dimmer, IZB Pi. 6th st. BARGAIN. - Studebaker "25," fine shape. ; 69 Unioir N. East 6498. ' HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals. J. Leve, 186 Columbia. M. 5198 FOR SALE. Ford in excellent condi tion: 8475. by owner. B-5S9. Journal. A SNAP Ford roadster. $125 cash. St. Johns Garage, St. Johns. Or. APARTJIENTS 0 AUTOMOBILES - ACCESSORIES 44 -. -. (Costumed) r- a i-i.. -i. !-- - 'i -i "ij i i 1 jjV 1011 101 mmwm " : Good cars, big cars, small qars, cars of ..many makes and many, colors every car a bargain, See them today at the most sensational i EVER HELD IN AMERICA. I PICK OUT THE CAR THAT V PLEASES YOU MOST, WRITE - . YOUR OWN GUARANTEE IF" : YOU LIKE AND NAME YOUR . OWN PRICE. IT'S THE GREATEST CHANCE YOU EVER HAD TO BE A HIGH GRADE CAR OWNER AT THE , PRICE OF - A FEW t DOLLARS. -BUT DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE CAR - YOU - - WOULD - HAVE : BOUGHT GOES TO SOMEBODY ELSE, COME IN TODAY. 23d and .Washington Sts. - Open Sunday . Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We will sacrifice the following list of used cars for quick sale. STEARNS S passenger. COLE 5 passenger. . REO 5 passenger. ' CHALMERS 6 passenger. OWENS -7 passenger. . 1 STUDEBAKER i passenger. CHEVROLET 2 passenger. . MICHIGAN 6 passenger. APPERSON 5 passenger. -: . MAXWELL Delivery. , -REO 2 ton truck. Several others to select from. - "Take advantage of . this sale. We will Save you money, i Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAT AND COUCH STS. Broadway 887. A-495- GUARANTEED USED CARS viDN EASY PAYMENTS ... 1314 FORD. pass. ...488 1914 OVERLAND roadster ..,.$600 1914 OVERLAND roadster .....$550 . 1912 OVERLAND. 5-oass. ... ..$450 -1911 OVERLAND, 6 pass ......$350 1910 CADILLAC. B-pass. ......8400 1911 MITCHELL, S-pass. ,. $300 1918 COLE, fe-pass. ........... .$815 OVERLAND, panel top delivery, $550 MAXWELL, delivery car ...... $375 ; J, W. Leavitt & Co. USED CAR DEPARTMENT S27 Washington St. - PORTABLE GARAGES AND" HOUSES, Built of -best materials, ar tistic designs, i Erected complete, lock and key. - $32 up. Portable houses. $12J up. Immediate delivery. . TAKE DOWN MFG.) CO., 848 Water at. nr. Harrison? Main 1167. Truck Snap TERMS GIVEN Reo. 1500-lbs- capacity truck, good body and too; Just the thinar for mn. press work; for quick sale, only $275. uau va ' - Northwest Auto Co. Broadway and Couch Sts. Broadwav 887. ' A-4959. 1914 MICHIGAN. $750. . r 1913 Rational, 31000. -1913 Hupmobile, $650. 1912 Hupmobile. $450. 1S1U lUBDltr, 9BUU. Dulmage-Manley Auto Co. 46-48 N. 20th st. NEW Ford 1915 runabout bodies for sale, $25. - "' tfBenj. EBoone & Cor Ford Agents. 514 Alder 'St. OREGON VULCANIZING CO, A. - "Th" Tlr. hnr" 550 Washington st., at 18th. Marshall 379. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. TIRES Trade new tires for old ones- AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 HOUSE---2 lots, good coast mill town, for late model auto; not over 30 horsepower: - house is always rented. K-466, journal. TO TRADE Ulnoumbered lots in .. Lenta for Ford machine, Call morn ings. Tabor 4612. A NICE Bay ocean lot, near hotel Bay ocean, to exchange for a Ford auto. Phone Tabor 4627. ; -r LIGHT & pass.; will give unincumbered lot and cash. Box 26 Montavllla, Or. AUTOS FOR HIRE .i-. -n-i-w -ii -i ii .4 FOR HIRE Reasonable, clean, classy - Hudson car, careful, competent driv er. Main 5378. - : - ' r - - -- ----- 1915 FORD-for hire. $1 per hour. East 4765. . ;:v - . - -: -- i MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 63 Pope motorcycles and bi cycles cash or terms. New and used. Supplies, eta. F. P. Keenan Co., 190 4th. $5 TAKES motorcycle Presto light - Which cost $10- . Tabor 668.. 149 E. 8 2d st. WANTED Any kind of single or twin - motorcycle for cash. Tabor 66$. 149 E. 3 2d. - - ' ------ ' 30-30 MARLIN. for good bicycle. - M- 808, Journal. LAUNCHES AND BOATS - 64 EVINRUDE Motor Co.. now located Front and , Morrison; 100 EvlnruHe row boat - and : canoe -motors in stock; $58 to $83. Gasoline engines, motor-boat- equipment,' paddles, cushions, sporting gooas. rowooats ana - canoes. FIVE room houseboat. No. 1, for sale: launch, electric lights, fuel free, in quire 1064 Macadam st South- Port- lana, tjr, FOR SALB2xbVx launch, 12 H. P. '- r-ermiit engine, eyijnaer,: t cycie, raiiy equippea; oeuwooa 81 and Hr.ii H. in irxt fin,. I condition, for sale cheapTabor 1597. iifii PLANOS, - ORGANS AND 34 MUSICAIi INSTRUMENTS - THK SECURITY STORAGE CO. ' Will close out to first can er,- : $275 McCammon piano, $35 cash. $300 Marshall & Wendell. $S0cah. $350-Wellington, oak. $115 cash. $600 Decker As Sons, walnut. $125 cash. $?50 Auto-Player piano, $290 cash. $750 Kimball baby grand. $345 cash. , io --ourin l, toBcn oiog. $5 cash, with double credit for $ UK buys new $360 piano at $265.' $7.50 montnly without Interest charged else where; makes total saving- $145.29 to you. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill--4th st. $45 -EDISON phonograph and records, $16. Call Sunday or evenings. 127 West - WyKant - st St, Johns car to ienver ave. HIGH grade player piano for sale by private party,' cheap, will take . dia mond Part payment. - Phone. Marshall zaz or can iu leon otag. MARTIN guitar in good condition, at $4.zt; aiso manaoiin. oannK z noa, for $3.50. Ill 4th st.i EDISON outfit, costing $36.25; guar anteed in perfect condition, for 314. on terms, ill 4th st. $1 MONTHLY stores your piano. Se curity Storage Co- 109 4tn st. Main 5323. - - - - . ' $650 ' Steinway, splendid mahogany, good as new.v $366. Schwan Piana jo 111 4tn si. $70 violin in perfect condition, in case, with bow, only $12.50. lit 4th st. $20 cash buys $135 used Estey organ. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th 'st. BARGAINS in high-class new violins; i also old ones. 73 E. zatn. FIRST class graf onola and records, cheap for cash. Phone East 713. TYPEWRITERS 77 GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons. L. C Pmith. Oliver, Smith-Premier. Royal, eta, SIS and up: terms. Agents-for the "Corona", folding typewriter. Type writer desks., tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill, Co.. Sd and Alder sts. WE save you from 50 to 76 per cent on ail makes or - typewriters. eena ror cur illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co.. 821 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent. . 3 - months for $5 and up: months rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter co.... e uroaaway, TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES. BARGAINS FOR CASH. -G. L. STEINAN. TABOR 6357 STANDARD visible writers S months for $4. delivered. 244 Stark St.-Main 6273 KEV, rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cut rates -f. IX c. Co.. 331 stark, m. hoi HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 CASH. CASH. CASH. Paid for good used furniture. ' carpets end stoves. Call Gevurts. Marshall 83. CALL Bell Auction Co, and get good price for your furniture.- Mar. 4783. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS JO SEWING machine. Km. '- porium sells for less; no agents employed, all makes of new and second hand machines. Sold on terms. Machines guar. anteed and rented, $3 per month. 190 3d, near Taylor. Main 9431. A-3626. Fler.tric Motors Bought, sold, rented and C repaired. Walker Electrio , . Works, 413 Bttrnslde, cor. 10th. Main or A-5674. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS " "Type " writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements tf these goods are published under their respective classifications. lxok them over. BILLIARDS New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables, payments. Tables for residences. The Brunswick-Baike-oouenaer- mo., o-a i T.I A . 2 . ,n A ; otn St. rnone main FOR hordes and ' vehicles, dogs and household pets Or poultry, read the ads., under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums In these classifications. FOB RENT OR SALE AT THE PORTLAND TENT AND AWNING - CO., 1 6 N. FRONT of. A U TOMOBlLES. motorcycles, launches or boats- are. separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different neaaings. MIMEOGRAPHS, supplies, circular let- ters, Elliott addressing machines and supplies. w. .K. gmaer & up., zb atarx BILLIARD and pool tables f or sale or T rturs-lna? 3s4 nw Tm vlAr X R9tlQ JJ , Jmm ii ip -1 1 in i m mmi t 700 SECOND hand grain sacks, rood condition. W. C, Rose, Fairview. Or H. miles east Montavma, A $42.10 -ACORN gas stove, 3 ovens, good condition, for $20. Call 406 . . . . i A 1 A A I A ,J LOGAN BERRIES Pick them, 2c box. Hawthorne-car 71st, walk 3 blocks north. 1824 Division. E. L. Brown. DiAMONU house paints, strictly pure; made in vregon, i.oo gaiion. i-ort land raint yo.. zao troriL war, iiw SECOND-HAND wheel chair.' 1461 E Everett, near fcstn. $12.50 DROPllEAD sewing machine with attachments. 153 Grand ave. 2ND HAND gocart for sale. Tabor - 3580. : TENT for sale.. 16x20. 6 ft, aide wall xioo MiaBuui i are. FOR SALE. $56.60 camera, 6x7 plate, tnr S127East 6571. 1165 Missouri ave. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. atark-uavis jo., zn ta. Main 79 FOR SAL Black Rep. Cherries, 8c lb. 7Z3 12. ztn in. r-none' fc-i:677. WE buy and sell - used macninery. 'Nortnwest Xiead c Maony. jo. SWAP COLUMN. 25 REPAIR shop and paying business to trade for automobile, lot or cows. 891 E. Morrison, Phone East 678 or Ta per aoi 4. DOUBLE Seated surrey for cow-or work norse, - Aaaress ju. tr, yvagner, pox 51, n r. u, jjerna, ur. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 6 GOLD BUYER -Almost every family - has some old gnid. silver' or plan rum Jewelry, broken or out of style, Bring it to me and I will . give you can ror it. 1-. A, sennet, JIO N. W, bldg.. 327 V4 Wash, St.. assayer, refiner. poiq puyer. tres oougnt, wk Want thk ann nn WANTED; ranges, stoves, - rugs, rockers, dressers, tables; couches, chairs, Davenport. We' paV the nrice. Trv hsl Northwest Furn. Exchange. East 63. wT" A. COVELL wants . second hand furniture, openinxX new store; will pay the best price. 192 First, nr. Tay- iur. rnone war.nnn n-t. WANTED The people of Portland to know 1 pay nignest cash price for nousenota gooas. rompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Beater, 143 Russell et STORE fixtures from owner, suitable . for large country store. Give .full particulars. ' f-607. Journal. WANT 4. 6 and 8 ft. showcases, also - wail cases ana large mirrors; will pay -cash if cheap. S-8 1 9. Journal. J. -MEYER, the Ullor,: pays highest r price for 2d 'hand clothing, snoes. We call promptly M. 7578. 929 Madison. OWL FURN. CO. pays best prices for furniture. zi ist. - Main 4ezv WANTED About 20 gallons of wild ' blackberries. Main 6606. 312 Main. WANTED Cord wood by the carload none eeiiwooq SECOND hand clothing and evervthin Highest .prices. Main 2080. 285 1st. LOST AND FOUND. 21 T r-m-r- A ,mkl,m r.1 . ,n . 1 ter"E." Finder return to New Hous- toB notei anq-eiaim reward.' - LOST, strayed or stolen. Pointer pun. spotted black and white; reward. IOST.-round brooch, ruby center, two colors 01 goia. ieat edges; reward. ifast IDbS or B-.3676. ELDERLY Jady lost purse containing silver anrgold and key to grip, near public marxei; return to journal office. 21 FOLLOVV1NG articles were found on - the of the Portland Railway. Light &. Power Co., and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street station: Broadway 6100, A-SU1. June 24 I pkg. sewing, 1 pkg. cloth In. 1 scythe, 2 hammers, 1 hand saw, X umbrellas.' 3 packages. 2 pair shoes. 1 sack fishing tackle, 1 hand grip, 1 hand oag, x salesman price 11st, 1 watcn iod. 2 purses. 1 Pair arlasaes. 1 suit box. 1 string of beads. 1 book. - - STOLEN Automobile, r Studebaker Garford. 1911 7 passenger, No. 9850, dark green body, light gray chassis, nonskid tires on rear, 37-5 L. D. rims, front tires smooth, size 36-4; tcr leaf of rear spring partly gone. Liberal rwaro. rnone Main LIBERAL reward for return of sult case taken from drug store at Sec ond and ' Alder, with clothes, photos and newspaper clippings: no question a asaea. jau airs. -Jessie ju. Aiayes. rnone nast 4 4. tXKiy Apts. LOST On or near corner of 11th and Jefferson, or on Sunnyside car to 6th. Sunday morning, one earring (for unpierced ear), gold nub with gold bail and chain. Reward at Journal of fice. '-- - ' LOST Ring, oblong ruby stone, Tlf- fany netting. Reward. - Call Mar shall 2Z89. ' LADY'S wedding ring.- Owner prove property anq pay ror aa. MRtn 6Z3i. PERSONA!. 22 AT I i lRN P YQ reasonable. Cases I I V71Mli I O settled without 'noto riety. All cases treated with courtesy. I3 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 4attj MRS. STEVENS. 21 years Portlana s renownea palmist end Clairvoyant, has,, her book. "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale. Kemoved to 875 Ta;rior at. SPIRITUALISM Medium, Rev. Vlr- - syf nia Tn-svA Darl Intra Yt nollnve: daily; circles Tuesday and Friday eve nings s o oiock. Z3i 6tn. I'none A-.116. DR. G.. V.. KETCH UM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash.' bid.. 4th & Wash.-Rm. 41. Ml. 488 HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty r-ariors. .ou ieKum. . aaarsnau i70. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, clr- cles, Tues. 3 p. nu; Wed.; Sun, 8 p. in. rteaqings qauy. eoa Btn st. Mar. 3960. SUPERFLUOUS hair, -moles, warts. teed. Mile. De Long, 604 Swetland bid. MRS. HAMOT, jaedlum and healer, 1704 2d. cor. Yamhill. 4 th floor. apt, v, waranau z7 MISS KAUFFMAN. 417 Rotbchild. ecaip Treatments. tJall afternoons. HARTNESS, leading - feather workers, Mh.U..l. ....Il , ni r, w.i. .iivit.oic, tciiii,, a.. . 1 . raro. i tmniu, LESSONS in phrenology and card read- ings. 285 6th ft. Phone Mslw 7648, rm Rnpr irxin' tj t ..'. . ju.vnirnin; 01 treatments 10. ill atn. I flWVPr Consultation free. ( Main uawyer 4993. 703 selling bidg. Professional and ABSTRACTS ZELLEtt AUSTRACX CO., prompt aervlce, 409 Aomgron Bigg, j. a. ana c. w. reuer. ACOOEDIOW PLEATIITO ACOOHDION. KN1KK AND BOX FLKATINQ. -lCTlJiti. HKAlSTllCHliNtK BHAIU1NU, EMB&OIDEKINO. - E A H T K N NOVKLX1 iir . i u i u pi., rirjAn . vjia k.vBXiiPHlCN Uematitcblng. aceordioo, aide ahd auoburat oleatlng; buttoua core red. gooda aponged. Hcalloplng. 383 Alder. M-B373. ATTOHWETB tiAUi at i LlEOXliB, law era; conatilutioa tree. rneaner DHif. Mar, nwi, BX.AWX BOOK MAKERS OAVlS 4 HOLM AN. Inc.. lotf lid at. Blank --A IA . W.UUIM..HI.t.i . AW. WViiWm M ... proved Loose Leaf Ledger. ' See the saw Eu reka Leafi A-818S. Main 183. BRASS AMD MACHINE VTOKKS UAkPKK'S Braaa Worke. Biaaa caatiuga and machine woraa. log otn- at. . noway iKua, car.?etttx. tmoya Moore & Sandatroni.' Miln W. 334Vi Tajrlor! CAB PET C.EAnCQ JOVCtf BKOS. Klectrlo Cleaning Worka, car 'peta cleaned end laid, refitting oar apeclal tv. Eaat 440,. B-1063. 204 E. ftftli at, N. OASPET WEATIKO NOklUVV tai K. U. O,, rug from vldr car uata. raa ruga, carnat cleanlns. IKS lei. Sin. Work called for. Kaat 8o0. B-1280. CHIBOPBACTXO PHYSIOIAVaV DK. McMAUON. 12 4tD at. Chronic diaeaaea reqiiirine extended time. HI treat men tg fift, DR. POUI-SON. apeelaliat in paraijala, nerrotia. Chronic aiaeaaea. 800 I'll too it pig. B ay a'iZ. CIBCULATl JIO UBBA&IXS Metaphyseal clretilatlng. Broa'way and Main COAX, AMP -OOP NElH X. HARP ory fir. oak. aab W T Ann and tnalde block wood. 4 foot or aawed to order. Telephoae Q0AL Main 45M. A-404T. .... BarkT-Blockwood Portland Rlabwood Co. : v CORDWWIII BOX WOOD M. 119, A-7O01. KICK dry box wood and cordwood, 4 feet or aawed.- Summer pclcea. Standard Wood Co., Kant Z31S. B-itwo, BKST cordwood, t4.50 pee eord; wreckage wood. Central yuel Co. VVa daUvef small ar- dera . Main los, A-llcm pL0-.- , J. BVKBTBr MAIN 8767. UriarC.OalrooT. oy cubby. btrkjcx. rtLXON WOOI CO., L,00 Macadam. Dealer a elab wood- Boa; wood 6.25 load. M, 78KO. OQI,I,ECnOW AGENCY 1 BUY accounts, billa, notes and judgment - , .m .,...- an..),.,. qnlck reaulta anawer M-6SS, Journal. CONTRACTORS 4UBB1NU contractor; eatimatea given en .-all - work. Cement a apeclalty, Marahall 1917. exectbiC MOTqas ajtd ptwamob MOTORS, genera tora, bought, avid, ranted and1 repaired. We de all kinde of repairing and rewinding. All work guaranteed. 11, M. 11. Electric Co.. 81 N. lat at. 1'bowr Broadway srto WK buy. sell, rent aud exchange new am 2d band mo tore; repair work s apaclalty. wtST ER!f KLKCTjtlC WHS.. 218 th at. Mar. SOS. EtECTBO PHYBIQlAlf DB-L CORINNK JOHNSTON B Nervoua' aad rheumatic dlaeasag;' electrawmagaetle . saaa aage. T15 Pekog I. ' . EVEBYTHriTO EXECTBICAI, UBBS' Electrical o., cor. th anj Pine a'ta. EYE. I AR. M08E, THROAT. I.TJNGS Bpecialiat, Moderate pricea, Ulaaaea fitted. Dr. r. r. Caaeday. 517 Dekum bldg.. 8d and Waah. EStrCATIOVAI, DANCINO HEATH S HCHOOLLeasona dally, elaaa Kri. ave., 8 to 10. - Allaky bids., id and Mor rlaon at a. Leaaona 2.',c. Uaia 8018. LOST AND FOUND. (Continued)" Manufacturers-- Jolt DRY OOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer St Co, yARH nfPLEMiirrs and vehicles R. M. WADE a CO.. U-i-Z Hawthorne ave. LEAD PTPg. -WOOI,. M4CHnrERT, NORTHWEST LEAD 4 UACUinLHl CO. 809-811 Front. - Main 542 ' ' leathers . at rnroT ' CHAS. L. MASTIC K CO.. H ProDU Leatber ef every description; findings. - .- : INFORMATION COUPON If you want the name ef a reliable business bouse dealing in any H-a of merchandise, or information regarding resorts, hotel, railroads, ateaw snip lines, etc.. address Oregon Journal joforiuatiua Bureau. Information desired; -i. i . s a ' s Name........ ' S ' AddrB, ; ." . . - a . . e PERSONAL. Continued) A FIGHT on hi 'i prices. Why ray j ta 810 for rlaf. wbeir I can fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold-filled fram es law as $1.50? C. W. Goodman. Ivi Morrison st, Main 2124. Mall orders promptly filled. Write for particnnr- LOUISE NETZ.EL, trained nuine ami masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago. - neuralgia, tc, luh baths, massage and electrio blankets. 266 ltth st. Marshall 61)33. BALM of Figs, remedy tor diaeaM-t of women 504 Davis st. Main 23i. NOTICES. IN the Circuit Court of the Slate ot Orrfon, for the County ot Multixiwah. J. K. NK'( Plaintiff, va. C r. Corsaa, lefeodant Sum tnona. To C. r, Oorg-an. Defendant: In to nam of tha State Of Uregou, you are berebr reiiul-cil to appear and anawvr tba riiuilaliit filial agraloat you la. tba above entitled court and caa.a on or before tba loth day ot Jul;, K'lj, tbat date being alx woka from the (lrt publication of thia aummoiut; aud if ya rail to ao appear and auawer for want liit-renf toe plaintiff will take judgment agaliwt you In tba aum of me tbauaaml dullara, wltb. In ternet thereon at all per ceut per annum, to gether with coata and dUburtemeuta vf tha action and axpeuaea accruing. Thia auBomoua la aerred u,ou you by pub lifchlng lbs ewnia one a week fur nut l"i than, alx weeka, purauaut to aa order vf the lion, C. V. Uanteubein, Judge of the above entitled court, datad Mar 29, 1915. , UALPH A. WATSON. ' - Attorney for t'Utotlft. rirat publication dated Ma 2U, 1915, 1-aet piiinnatkiu jniy in, ihio. SKALtO iiropoiala will be recelritd at the of fice of the anderalgnad, 401 coiirthouae, ud til 4 p. ta., Thvaday, July 1. 1916, for cemeut paveiuant for variuua avnoola. Blda will be I'cued at the aama tlmo In rooai 804 court -bcuae. I'lan and apectficatlona may be b talned at tha office ot K. A, Naraniore, Sur. Of I'ropertlea, 808 courtbouae. lx-polt of $2 'la required for plana ami apeclf Icatkina. Certified check for 10 per of the amount of the tirouoaal, payable, to' K. II. TIiouihk, acheol clerk, mint accompany each propoaal. Board ot dlrectura reaervaa the right to reject any and all propoxate. H. H. THUMAH, Dated Jnne 25, 1915. B-hool Clerk. bKALKD prvpoaala will be recalved at tha of fice vf tba underalgned, 401 courtiiniiae, un til 4 p. -m.. Tliurmlajr, July 1, 1W15. for ftnlahfasr hardware for Sew Kennedy achooi. Blda will ba opened at tba aama time In room 04 courtbouae. Plana and apeclflcatlona mar be obtained at tba office of A, Naium.-, auperlntendent of propertlea, 808 courtUoimc. DetHialt of $3 la required fur plana and aiwc-i fl ea tkina. Certified check for 107 -of tha amount of tha propoaal. payable to It. II. Tboinaa, acbool clerk, moat acc-mpan eai-h propoaal. Board ot dlrectora reaefvea tba rluut te reject any and all pT"Poaa,l ' K. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated June 23, jf15. r U. H. ENUlNKluH'8 OKKICU. 803 Couch fclu-.. Portland, Or. Seated propoaala' will ba r ceived tiers a. ni., July 12. 1915, and then opened, for enlarging and repairing re ceiving wharvea and trauwaya a..- extending North and Boulh jettlea at riouth ot hlualaw river.- Oregon, farther information on appli- o-tlrri1i I WILL not be reapoualbla fr any drbta o.n- tracted by my wife, Aire. Kurmel tbwana. t A. BCliWAHTZ Jtt. ' Business Directory educationai. MVSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS felUXOR COKkUCClNl, lately witii liamiur. ateln, Melba, Bond, etc., arand opera corn, panlea. Singing leaaons. Grand oiiera repertoire apeoiwuy. ntnoio aow niiera onig. LOUIS Af CkKlTZ leac-ber of violin, til Sherman, corner Klrat. Marshall Sfl'.Hi. E. Till tLJIOUK. vkilln leaclii-r, pupil hi-vt ik. ifJI r le Inner blng. A-4IWI. Maranau )".. POPULAR MV8I0 BAtiTlMB un planio guarantaed beglnnera iu 10 lreaona. I'leture playing. Krea ueuiouatra tlon. Free booklet, 601 Ellerr-bblg. INSURANCE PAClriC SIa'IES HUBS INbLHANC, CO.. only Orggoo flra inauranca company. MATTRESSES liVcilKiSIC MATXHUtio CO.. old tnattr... made new with vur Hygienic proceaa. ol Rtl'aell, crner ffflon. Eaat BATT7B0PATHI0 PHYSICIANS DR. 1'UlLLil'H i'aral'aU, nervoua aud iliroo Ic diaeaaea. 604 B Oregonlnn bMg. M. 814 J. PAINTINO, PAPEZ.HANOINO ANU TINTINO I'AlMINU, 1 kalaoiululnc, papvi Uangluir, all wora gnaranteaa. i-none woooiawn kow. bC'lCLiKa k; At, BLliCD, beat work lu palnllug, papering. I. iHTt, A-l!t,. lit, hid at. YAINX1AO, tinting, iiaperliaiiglug. lu. X. t rans, io iota st, imn x.tiQ. WlikN you auawer tbeaa Want Ada meuliou .Tlte Journal. PAVTBQ COMPANIES llik BAUlikU, ASPHALT PAVINU CO., Port. land oft lea 223 Sherlock - bldg. RUBBER STAMPS ANB SEALS AlO att-nclla, trade checks, braaa slgna. PACiyiO COAMX' STAMP WORKS . gil Waahlngtun Ht,. Main TIP, A-:r.lO SCHOOLS AND COLLEOES BKUMifc-WALKliK. '1 KLiX,KA I'll ijCUuoL 4th HT, JSEAB MOBRISON SPECIAL KATES TO IHOhl! , ENHOLL1NO BKPOKB JULY KTn PHONE MAIN 6ttO OR A-1RH6 ' SHEET METAL WORKS s. i.i.l'AIUi.U tin aud gravel roof. Jacob Load 810 lat at. Phone Main 1424. SHOE BEPAIBIKQ) MODEL REPAIR SHOP Repair. lug while you waltj popular prices. 150 5ta,vpfA. Meier A frank. , TBANSFEB AND STOROg C. O. VlCK Trauatar At Storaga Co. Offn-a and commodious 4 atory brick warehouse with ee par ate Iron rooma and fireproof vault for valuable, N. W. corner 2d aud Pine sta. Pianos suA fornitara aaovad and packed for ahlppiug. Special rate mads on goods in through cars to all domeetle aad foreign polnf. Main aim, A-lVtftt, Oregon Transfer o. Establiahed 1870 Tree far and forwarding ageots. btorage, free Trackage Office and Storage 474 OU.aa St. 12th and Glisan. Main tW A-llftO. OLfeKN-KOlC TUAN(iiii.K,"CO. New fireproof warebone with separata rooma. We more and pack Dmtaehold goola and planoa and ship at reduced ratsa. Auto vana and team fur moving, Forwarding and distributing agents. Pre trackage Office and warenouae jpia anq rtoyi. wain Baggage trans k.u sKiivicio lu., i, VIT. TABOR express. Pbona labor 46. Tru. ferrlng and moving. WHEN you auawer these Want Ad mention The Journal. " WALL PAPEB MO KUAN WALL PA1 U CO. il3 2d St., bear rs WINDOW CLEANINO Ex I'EUT ' WINDOW CLEANERS hy-4lOJ, Mal S327. 212 Henry bldg. WHEN yoa auawer, IJiesa Want Ad iueutiuu Tba JournaL -rVkolcsaler . PAIBT. OIL AND OLA SS BASM USSIlN Ac CO., "High Standard" paini.. N. V Cot. Sd and Ty'"r- M- 1771. A s -.1 PIPE WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD PIPK CO. ia. tory a .i - efice near 24tb and York sta. Main 84- PXTTMBIN8 PIPE STEAM g-TT Lirj M. L. KLINE FRONT Sfijs,EET HOPE AND BIND ER TWIVE Portland Cordage Co, , i s e ..........