The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 26, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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    POULTRY ! ;
", ' C. T. Patterson, pathologist in charge
of the Missouri ess laying contest
mine rv K. Quisenberrjr connection
with t le Panama-Pacific contest, has
the following to say about selecting
breeders;: v;'
. "As ;he hatching season is over ana
. the yoi ng stock need the room, it is ad
visable to cull out and sell - all hens
'which are not profitable. The question
which it once presents itself is, 'How
. can th a be flonerMany methods of
selecting the best hens have been tried
her afi this station, but the best meth.
d for the inexperienced person is the
shank color test with yellow legged
varieti Seventy-five tests were made
during May with -birds which had yel
low sHankS. Each flock was divided
Trap Nest Needed
f For Best Breeding
The poultryman must follow in the
footsteps of the successful animal and
plant ireeders and consider the in
dividual in his breeding work. The
keeplnr of records from individual
birds makes it possible to eliminate
the in Terior individuals, and in the
1 same v ay to breed only from superior
ones Mass breeding allows of no
definite improvement in each succeed
ing generation, for the average of the
progeny is not better than the average
i of the arents.
The use of the trap nest will be
found very desirable and profitable in
.breeain s for any of the f olio wing util
ity qua iti: Vigor (stamina and inher
ited vitality), fecundity (high egg pro
ductionj). sle measured by weight),
type (body conformation), early ma
turity (broiler production), fresh
growth (roasters and capons), color
(true i stendard requirements),
- The Operations incident to pedigree
breeding for any of these utility ob
jects w a be grouped under the follow
ing fou heads:
1. 'Special mating.
- 2. T ap nesting.
3, Pedigree hatching.
,4. . Marking the pedigree chicks.
When establishing a pedigree the
first operation should be to make the
Initial knating, which should consist
of fron five to 15 females mated to
a given bird. The females should be
posses, -d of the highest type of vigor
ous, mature, healthy birds, and should
possess the body type, size and color
pattern desired or as near the idea as
it i poe sible to obtain. Mated to these
should ae an individual male bird of
good si se, high vigor and preferably
of distant or unrelated breeding. It
will usually pay the small poultry
man, w len starting pedigree breeding,
to purchase a male bird from some re
liable hjreeder and, if possible, secure
one of known breeding, especially if
egg production is the object of the
breeding work, for it Is known and
proven by experiments that the male
plays the largest part in the inheri
tance ot egg production.
Lime for Hens.
To tlie Kditor Is air-slaked lime in
small Quantities good for the laying
hen? - W. H. C.
The trouble with air-slaked lime is
that when it is disturbed an irritating
dust rises from it. A little of it
would Ho no harm, but the feeding ot
oyster (shell, or even old lime plaster
removed from .the walls of houses, will
lime in more desirable form.
fchicken-Kating Hogs.
To the Editor what is th sulphur
treatment for hogs to prevent them
kting chickens? E. C. S.
treatment suggested is to give
each of the chicken-eating hogs a ta
Mespoojnful of flowers of sulphur
in eig
n their feed, repeating the dose
or 10 days.
Soi ir. Milk Good for Chicks.
Tarn era and poultry raisers should
feed siur ifkim milk constantly, at
least a'ter chicks are a few days old.
It will stimulate their growth. It also
Increases egg production in the laying
flock. Numerous experiments have
demons trated that skim ' milk and
curds, or., cottage cheese, are among
the mo st stimulating feeds for poultry
of all Kinds, except very young chicka.
Many ilaim that sweet milk is much
safer in til the chicks are at least a
week or 10 days old. There is a con
stant supply on nearly every farm and
it should be universally used for the
farm f ock.
'. ?urkeys Like to Roam.
Adul turkeys cannot be well kept
In confinement, as usually they will
pine a" vay. By feeding them in the
barnya d or around the barns a little
at night and in the morning, they will
not stt ay off very far, but they can
not, be entirely prevented from roam
ing, an a the hen prefers to make her
own nest.
Pouli ry pays, and the thing that
. makes it pay best is knowledge and
Resame of the Events of Friday
.A fik'e per cent advance in wages
for Its 10.600 employes, beginning July
16,. was announced by the Willys-Overland
Automobile company.'
Marrtares performed in other states
In violation of the Illinois marriage
laws shall be held void Tn Illinois, ac
cording to a. bill just approved by the
The French and English govern
ments pre out with an order for 30,000
Jo Texas.
European War.
The French Chamber of Deputies has
Just passed .a -bill appropriating ; $1.-.
12,000i000 to Cover government ex
penses for. three months beginning
July 1J
The first consignment of food for
the Dtchy of Luxembourg was re
ceived Yesterday from Switzerland and
caused great rejoicing.
Germany has asked that Italy fix
damages due Germans as a result ef
the Milan, riots. .
The I success ef the second Austro-
llungatian war loan is assxtred. The
people j have already- subscribed ; $900,-
000,0001 which it -Is said provides suf
ficient strength- to fight tea ; months.
BsrlJn has received advices that the
aanitaigr arrangements of the Freneh
prison camps, are not up to 'standard.
' ; r- Z. mi year and that it Is possible to secure
into three parts, one having Bleached nn average of 200 gg year, the
or white shanks, one haying very Ugnt rut possibilities will bo at ones rec
yellow shanks, and one having bright , ogtHza. . As it is, the production of
yellow shanks. It was found by con-j eB-ga alone in the state of Oregon
suiting the records that to conside- - amounts to over $5,000,000 year and
th ones With bleached -shanks as 100 -j 0f eggs and poultry- over $8,060,000.
per cent, those with ; light yellow f An increase of a dozen ggs a year per
shanks were 79 per cent and the bright , hen in this state would mean about
yellow shanks 47 per cent. I $1,000,000 added' revenue in the year
"The shank color test is the most re- j and at the same time a much, higher
liable test ; for telling the ; bens - that : percentage of profit to the producer,
have laid the most eggs in the past 1 Taking the whole country over the
raw months. It does not ten me rea
sons" for the ones not laying nor does
it tell which will do the most laying
in the future, bat simply, tells those
that have done the laying in the past,
which is a good indication of the good
hens,. - : , ! rf '
Birds of Oregon
Lay the Most Eggs
The O. A. C. Leghorns have taken
first place in the term egg laying con
tent at th Panama-Pacific exposition.
o v.t,. firot time that they have i
headed all competitors for the term to
June 2- which includes the first six
22raai7U of the contest.
n-hA T.pirt-orn record, o eggs, hhuw a
- l!n of 38 gs over the nearest
.L 7'an0Hn White W'yan- i
competUor UMdsJV h'te
dottes of George Adams, during tne
laBt 15 days of May.
The O A. C. crosses are tnira ior me
term with 806 eggs, and the Barred ;
Rocks fifth with m.
The Leghorns also lead ior inofd to narbor scrub hoa and cattle.
mr,nih of Mev with 222 eggs. - Th-
crosses hold fourth place and the
Barred Rocks fifth place for the month.
Fertile Egg Source
A-P T i-n V-i-irvrm QY 1 om me iemaies. unless eggs are
UI .LOSS m OUninicI ( wanted for hatching, males should not
v jbe allowed to run with the hens after
. I the hatching season is over, but they
It is conservatively estimated that ; must be well cared for if they are to
there is an annual loss in eggs In be of breeding , value next year. A
this country of $45,000,000. Practical- safe preventive of fighting in ths
)y all of this enormous loss is sus- "rooster' lot is to cut off the beaks
tained by the farmers of this country. ; of each bird that fights. Some males
as it is on the general farms that are peaceable when apart from the
the great -bulk of eggs is produced. ! females, and these may be left alone.
A very great part of this loss can be .Make a square edj?e to the beak; it
prevented by the production of infer- will bleed at first, but not to a harm
tile eggs, which are laid by hens that . f ul extent if the cut is not made too
ao not nave a maie una mini mci".
The male" bird has no influence What
ever on the number of eggs laid.
Therefore, as soon as the hatching sea
son is over the male should be re
moved from the flock.
rings in eggs occurs In hot weather. " 1 e ,,lea PacKyara-
special care should be given to the I H df "l ffer ry 'oad to rich
gathering and storing of the eggs dur- ," woma". 1- dvlsed to- give up
ing the late spring and summer c.r iMP1' i orier to rtls
months. At these times the eggs na- But 1 a 1 earnestly
should be gathered at least twice a ' "k.In 8ome "J"" of kPing the
day, placed In a room or cellar where wlr ,fr,om in? aoo,r, and u favorably
the temperature does not rise above i fj11 :e and ls to work, she
70 decrees F.. and marketed two or i mlgn do very much worse. She
three timas a week.
Blood rings are caused by the devel
opment of the embryo of a fertile egg
and its subsequent death. It Is ir.i-
possiDie to. natch an inrertue egg or
cause a blood ring to form in one. It
is generally considered that eggs be
come Infertile from seven to 14 days
after the male bird is removed -from
j.,- ,i . " , r :
due to the fact that they deteriorate
faster than infertile eggs in the aver
age summer temperature. Summer
heat has the tsame effect as the hen
or incubator on fertile eggs. Sell, kill
or confine the male bird as soon as
the hatching season is over.
Ways of Reducing
Chick Mortality
Thf science of bacteriology' has
come to the aid of the chicken raiser.
The destructive disease, white diar
rhoea, is caused by bacteria and some
valuable work has been done on thin
disease by G. t. Horton of the bac
teriological department of the Oregon j
Agricultural college. Mr. Horton iden
tified this disease last year in the
flock at the state hospital, Salem.!
Serious losses had previously occurred
there in the raising of chicks. The
source of the disease was found to be
in the breeding hens, the 'Infection
being transmitted through the egg to
the chicks. That , the - disease came
from the breeding stock has been cor
roborated in a striking manner. The
poultry department of the college is
doing soma cooperative work at tha
state hospital and furnished the insti
tution 200 pullets last fall from which
stock there has been produced over
3000 chicks. The losses from all
causes has not exceeded two per cent,
while of the chicks hatched from eggs by the old stock in which th
white diarrhoea germ had been found,
the loss was over 60 per cent.
When building a new poultry house
too much care cannot be exercised in
selecting a proper nlte Future suc
cess depends upon it. It must be on
hieh, dry ground and ought -to face
the east or south. ?
Afternoon and Night ParaxrraDhed
Secretary of War Garrison h.
asked the attorney general whether j
an army officer has , an 'inalienable
right to resign his commission
time of peace. The Phottve back of
it Is to find a way to stop expert ord
nance officers from .resigning -to ac
cept large -salaries from private am
munition maker. .:
Dr. ' Leonard Ely, of Stanford uni
versity, speaking before the American
School of ; - Hygiene association, de
clared that cripples need more prac-
tical education instead of aympathy.
y Pacific Coast. - y
O. T. Carson was elected school di
roctor at Ashland and the proposition
to. buy a lof for a manual school
building was defeated.
William Naizel. a citizen of Steven
eon. Wash., was drowned in Wind
river, near Carton. ,
The Women's Jtelief Corpa Is holding
an encampment at Centralia. Mrs.
Helen Taylor of - SeatUe, known as
-Old Glory," because she haa been the
corps color; bearer for years is a-delegate.
. , ' ' '
Roscoe Green has been selected as
clerk of the Rosehurg school district.
, A bullet from a high powered- gun
passed . between the arm and body of
Marvin Clark of Winlock while he was
driving through .the hiila. He was
uninjured. : ' - - - -
Big Revenue From
.., Better Egg Yield
' "There is no Celling what may be ac
complished by, poultry breeding in the
way -of increased production of eggs,
aa r ' Professor James Dryden, ; bead
of the poultry department of the Ore
gon Agricultural college; -when it is
, kn6wn that the average of the ; state
of Oregon and of the United States as
a whole is about 89 eggs per hen in a
increased production would soon pay
the cost of the Panama canal.
"There is no section ef the United
States better' adapted s to profitable
poultry production than localities In
Oregon, t Men and women equipped
with the requisite knowledge and in
dustry need not hesitate to embark
In the business here. The only danger
Is that people rush into the business
who know nothing about its many de
tails. ; . , . ; :- -
Poultry Notes. f :
Heavy paper is best for the brooder
floors. These should be taken out and
burned every: day and .replaced with
fresh ones. ,-
The freshest eggs ar the first" to
.hatch In buying-eggs It is weir to
bear this in mind, and Stipulate that
all one ipmenshal, , he of about
j . . .
Go amone your chickens and kill the
cripples and sickly looking specimens;
th will never amount-to much and
on Jq (
nd dolnr
- -rtr..v. "... J
With hens, as with cattle and hogs,
-blood." and as the farmer cannot sf.
so he cannot afford to feed and care
for mongrel fowls.
Next Year's Males.
The average farmer cannot keen
each male bird separate, and all apart
Good Occupation for Women.
Poultry keeping, when all is said.
presents one of the promising fields
for a woman with a little land, though
should substantially increase her in
come, and may even make a modest
" June Hatching.
June hatching with hens, where such
is carried on, will be much more suc
cessful if especial pains are taken to
fresh soil beneath and
unieBs tnis ts done a sood manv
chicks will remain unhatched on ae-
count of dryness.
Breeds and Laying Capacity.
Laying capacity varies greatly!
among individual hens. This has been
discovered by the uss of trap nests.
Experiment station records show that
hens vary from 260 eggs per year to
no eggs. Frequently a good looking'
hen, in good, health, will not pay for
the food she eats, while another hen
of the name breed and with the same
tare, will lay eggs worth, three or four
times the cost of the food.
Shade for the. Chicks. ,
Shade is neceasary for growing
chicks and adult fowls. Provide shade
and shelter from the hot sun arid
plenty of places to run under in. sud
den showers. Quickly growing annual
vines will supply this shade if there
are no trees in the yards. For this
purpose the wild cucumber is very
good. But best of all are the fruit
trees In the yards, for they serve a
double purpose. j .
liet the Boy Raise Chickens.
Most boys want pets, some dogs,
some -cats, some rabbits, and so on,
something alive. Then why pot give
them pets which not alone; pay for
their keep "but also net a profit and
help reduce the grocery and butcher
bills. There is something to such pets
yes, more to it than, most fathers
and mothers realize.
Kind That Do Not""Pay.
- All of you at some time have seen
cmcKens mat appear some months
younger in siae than they really are.
birds that, seem as if they had stopped
growing; they are the kind that do
not pay, no matter how rood an rr-
producer the mother hen was, for runt-
mess win spoil any good chicken.
Use Insect Powder.
Dust the mother hen with lnseet
powder, blowing- it through the
leathers. Do your dusting - in the
morning.; Examine chicks for lice. If
"n "e". grease iinder the wings
w" l'D-.Vn0.?SS cblck-
' ..,,v
O'Connor Reaches Hood.
Hood River, Or., June 28. E. S. Olin.
ger, deputy Mierltf of Hood River
eounty, returned last night ram Eu
gene i with young r O'Connor -who Is
wanted in Hood River for burglary,
O'Connor gave the deputy sheriff the
lip at the Union depot In Portland
Monday and ' made aeod his escane'
j wlt a pair ojf handcuffs on. young
years of, age and that he - will resist
criminal proseeutlon or' that ground
10S SPLENDID Barred Rocks for sale,
90e eachj closing out our line; large,
fine bird, good layers. S. R. , winch.
HOgatl. tlr.
50 CHICKENS from one year .and up;
most White Leghorns; for sale at
660 each Ifthe whole lot ts taken. 894
Skldmore st. ; ' ' . ' '
FOR -SALE at a bargain, 800 4-months--old
W. L. chicks and 60 Br. L bens
'1 year old, 4 4 80th at. S. E.
CHICKS, 600 S. ' C. White Leghorns.
10c. - IX M. Holbrooke 416 Jeoaup at.,
Portland. Phone C-8133. - -HOMER
-pigeon and rabbits for sale.
make offer-508 Kearney st.
YOL'Nd Carneaux $1 each. Homers 50c.
Marshall 1420.
'-s t mil
i ) If ;
nteJI . ' ft
I f' - ai
The picture shows Madame Kokovtseva, recently awarded the Cross
of St. George for bravery, who is popularly called Russia's Joan
D'Arc. She Is the colonel commanding of the Sixth Ural Cossack
regiment, and has already been twice wounded in action.
Cases Reported Every Day
Show Necessity for Swell
ing Fund.
Previously reported ... $3181,98
R, H. Coiler . . ....... .00
J, L. Hart man 6.00
D. Maokay . - 00
Goodyear Shoe Co. ..... 1.60
J. K. GUI Co. ......... B.00
Cah . . B.00
Cash 1.00
Kllxabeth Corcoran .... .50
J, I. Jameson ........ t.OO
TotaJ .
Donations should be sent to
V. R. Manning. 411 Commercial
block, or to R. S, Howard,
treasurer Associated Charities.
Ladd; & Tllton bank.
- ' 1 in - -
The following are a few cases han
dled by the Charities yesterday:
Man and woman, 87 and 78 years
old. asking help. Both unable to work
and are entirely without food. .
Man, wife and two children evicted
for non-payment of rent. Have no
food - and no place to stayv In - need
of help until the man can find employ
ment. - V -
Man. wife and two children stranded
In Portland. Man unable to get work.
Woman suffering from, heart trouble.
Family destitute. ., '
Experienced carpenter unable to find
work in hie line. Will take any rough
work he can get. Has a crippled wife
to support.
- Man and woman want .work as. berry
pickers, - since- they have been unable
to find anything to do in Portland.
Have no money to buy food or pay
rent and have a 9-year-old child de
ptndent upon them. . ,
Portland Lumbermen
- Plan to Affiliate
Vw Trad OrgsBlxatloft te Stimulate
Export Xb(jmss Is Xlscnssed Vers
... at Meeting, -
A number ct ' Portland lumbermen
are considering the advisability of af
filiating with, a new trade organization
recently formed In Seattle for expand
ing the market for north coast lumber
products in South America antf Aus
tralia, and in Europe after the war.
A meeting of the temporary board
of directors of the Douglas' Fir Ex
plorattea & Export " company, "as. it ts
called, was held at the Benson hotel
yesterday, Charles E. Hill of Tacoma
presiding. Plans for canvassing the
manufacturers of Oregon, Washington
and Idaho. wer discussed.
Temporary headquarters - have been
established at Seattle and It Is In
tended eventually to establish branches
and sales agencies In Portland and San
Organisers of the new company have
announced that in no way will it strlvs
for local or domestic trade or seek to
disturb competition in-that field; rath
er will It seek ay co-operation to build
up a foreign market tor north coast
Among those who attended y ester
day's meeting were E. G. Ames, of Se
attle; James G- Gregory, of Portland;
H. S. Mitchell, of Wauna; A. B. Middle
ton and W. B. Mack, of Aberdeen, and
Fred Alexander, of Seattle.
College Sorority -To
Visit Portland
Portland tomorrow will entertain 800
members of the Kappa Alpha Theta
coueg aorortty, an routa from tha
east to Oearhart, where the annual na
tional convention will be held next
week. The delegates are traveling by
special train which was mad up at
Chicago and will arrive In the morn
ing over the North Bank, They will
remain over in Portland until 2:30 in
the afternoon, sight-seeing, and then
board , anotherspecial train for Gear
hart - .- -
Id effect October 1- 1S14.
"Daily or bandar. -....
centaper word par Id tart loo.
This charsa la far all clu.&lf i-Hnn m
etUag rr Kent 1a Private t'amllr." "B
od Board la Private KuU," 'Sitnatjua
Wanted." and? "Wanted to Kent" ada. wnics
are 1)4 centa per word per iaaertlon.
Ne ad charged for leas than 15 erata.
144 centa pr word tor all eiaaalfleationa,
esceptlns "or Kent la frivate a'auiUy,"
"bueu and Board io Private 'at.UT," "Sitna.
tlen Wanted" and "Wanted t Eanf ada,
which are i centa per word. Cuuaecnci
laaerUoa of eaas want adai
finaertlena u.e itf price ef X. -
InMrtlon) torn ibe prl-e of a.
A. A. O. N. M. H. Cer
emonial --, sessioar Satur
day. June 26, at Masonie
Temple, West Park and
Yamhill sts.- Firtt . sec
tion - will commence at
S:S0 p. m. Second sec
tion at S p. ru.' Buaineee
session at 1:30 p. ra. All peti
tions must be in by that time. Can
didates will report to the recorder at
S p. ni.' Visiting nobles cordially In
vited. By order ot the potentate
- HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder.
TJitaf Statistics
marriageStBirtbs, Deaths.
i(AnK. EicbeiRlaub. 4S . Hex"-aVejuie."
and UUian Emalina tstrahlmaa, &4T , epokaaa
aibert MV. ttnfirer. 1423 MHwaukie, and
alarr C. llan. 4 Haraid atreet. .
Perry Hniiraop. Madraa. r and Edna
Blanche Hrrnhnr. 59f6 fclahtleth "hwet, S. E.
A. E. ff. M5 AaiahUV end Helen Haax,
51 J laoiUUl, 2U, - .
28, 1915..
f Coatlaned
R Hlwarff. Sttft TwentT-f lftl Stret,
Worth. 23. and Merle E. ioung, 701 .
Salmon. 15 .
Jowp Paiina. 149 West Killing worts, aud
tola Mae L. 121W Gay. -
elKhtb. . and Amanda Petrsoa,115 rty-
Edward Joha Harris, - ueo bu'.
Xllth enai
Ralph Wi
and Mjnrtle
aoe. US. -
t.iKi. w.ia. j.iunn Ann i.a I ..
and ilrrtle LoalM Aleberge, 922 Isna
is . r..i rs.l l0n ttiiiuiki. ITT.. ina
Ijdle Esther lirou. 8t Bt .Bewnteenin. -.-
. . i - . ! j .fw. r a m t-.
ton evenae, 84. end LeuUe Helen Bouln. 8b
Fiftfc strert. 18-
J. B. Horr. Ter itt.. -
Agnew Eltebeth Harfce. VCl fTonr.
W. G. Smith & Co.
Thlr flaor. Morgan bid It.
DRESS suit for rent, all asa. Caujue
Tellonncr :o.. z mirn my.
JOHANNSEN Tt r Mr. nd Mr. Frd
rfooannsen, ism .s.l nuiw ,nct .v, .m.
June 21. a mb.
iLlSTLiEB-To Air. men Ji"-
East Hrrion treet, June 19. a daughter.
KENDB1CK To Mr ma& Mrf. . Kendrick.
803 Kat Thlrtr-eUtft atreet, Jfone 18,
dauKhter. . -'
THORKELOj W ur. K ar. v,nr
TliorneU. HUlaboro. Or.. June 20. a,
CARLSON To Mr. and Mr. Brnear- Carlson,
fl Hood atreet, June daiifntr.
KliI NO A To Mr. and Mre. -John - William
Klinga. 1540 Macrum ctreet. June 20. a aon.
SCHLATTER To Mr. and - Mra. FranK
Schlatter, 371 Kaat JSeTenm aireei. uuo i,
LIn'oIay-To Mr. and Mra. WUllaa E. Lind
say, 81 Weat Alberta. June 20. a aon.
HORWITZ Tu Mr. and Mra. Edward Horwita,
Eumaa, Waah June SSO, a dansbter.
KRICKSON To Mr. and Mra. Frank Lrlckaon.
1518 Patton avenne, June 20. a aon. -
8CHAFER To Mr. and Mra. William Sebafer.
1112 Eaat Salinoa atreet. June 22. a daugU-
SETMOUH To Mr. and Mrn. tl. anery wj.
moor, 432 Eaat rortj -fifth atreet, June 3. a
RAlNOLPS To Mr. and Mra. jorro m. nay
nolda, 884 Eaat Twwaty-tourth atreet. North.
June 8, a -daoghter.
Bmldell The funeral of Arthur Smlilell will
be beld at 2:30 p. no.. Bandar, June 27.
1815, from the Lercb undertaking; parlora, Eaat
KlCTenttt mna may aireeia
PAULUS John Paulua, Multnomah Farm,
June 20. 4 yeara; Talrular incompenaatlon.
EAKIIVS James Kaklna. 51 North Second
atreet, June 22, 63 years: pneumonia.
TOIVAL Ed Tolral. Linnton. Or., Juue 18, 28
yeara: bit ly train.
HOLMES Anna Holme. 485 MUler street,
June 23, 28 yeara; suicide. -
HBIN Anna Heln. Good Samaritan hospital,
June 18, 35 yeara cardiac failure.
FINN Arthur finn, Willamette Rier, June
17. IT years; qrowmng. an-wuiai.
MARTIN &"PORBES CO., florists, 347
Wash. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for
all occasions artistically arranged,
CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison
st. Main or-A-1805. Fine flowers
and floral designs. No branch stores.
A splendid residence undertaking es
tabUshment. wsth privata i driveway.
Montgomery at Fifth.
MR. EDWARD KOLMAN, tha leadlntf
funeral director, 820 0 st., corner
Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A
1611. Mala 607.
F. S. Dunning, Inc.
East Side Funeral Directors, 414
East Alder st. East 62, B-2&25. -
Dunning & McEntee nTeer
every detail. Broadwar and Pine sts.
Broadway 480. A-4&68. may assistant
Chambers Co.dmK.rtttwoa
lawn. 33Qg. C-li38r Lady embalmer.
MILL.KK & TRACY, lnoependeut fu
iteral directors. Price low as 20. 840.
860. Wash, and Ella- M. 2601. A-7885.
A, R. Zeller Co aet 1088, C-1088.
Lady attendant. Day and night service,
A. D. KKN W Olt TU x c UO. calls
promptly ' answered in all parts of
city. I. O. O. F bldg.. Lents. Tabor 6267.
Walter C. Kenworthy
1632-1534 E. 13th. Sellwood 71. B-lia.
UomilTrtri E- 0th and GUsaa. Fu
narnillOil neral services. Tabor 4312.
D T Dwrn Williams and kbok.
ni I UJUIO Eaht 111s. C-"4'
p L LERCH, leading east side under
taker. K. 11th & Clay. IT-1888, K. 781.
DCADOAM Undertakers. Kast 100.
runnOUll 38-271 Rusaell st.
M. C133. A-2235. 415 Mor.
CIC1WCO Undertaking Co. Main. 4162
Cor. 3d and Clay.
Breeze & snook. B-1262, T. 126. iot
Belmont, at 4tn. uuy mroaani.
Schanen-BIair- Co. X
Largest stock of fine marble and
fTanite in Portland. Beautiful granlt
rora our Oregon quarry. 287 Haw
thorne ave. East 5560. - 1 ;
4th t.opp. city hall. M. fcB4. A-16H
House and acre, all improved, run
ning water, bath, hot and cold water,
rarage and woodshed, about a miles
from the city limits near Powell Valley
road. Small amount down. ' balance
monthly. Call Mam 8992.
7lrirS T 1W-PR ICED HOME. - -
3650 cash for modern, well finished
t room house; sleeping porch, full base
ment. East Creatpn district. Mt.
Scott car, Balance $900, payable in 6
years. Owner, 295 E. 9th st. W, Ta
bor 836
I'lin' rAvArtTArna DtilMars will rtlan
finance and build a better home for
less money than -otherwise possible.
See us before definitely deciding.
Rental term If desired. J330 N. W.
Bank bldg.
SOMETHING ; for nothing, 6 room
bouse In splendid condition full
plumbing, etc Lot 75x100. Worth
$2600 Goes now for $125d. $400 cash
for quick sale, or not at j all. X-391,
.Trxtrnal -' ' ' 1 ' '
TIME . - -
We will build, you a house on full
sise lot in a live subdivision for $1260.
See- us at- once. ;
THE BRONG CO t'Ine , 27. Oak st.
PLANS $6 .rl.A.Vo it-
$500. 2 room house and 50x100 lot,
berries and fruit, take Dekum tv,
car, get off at IS th st. go 1 block
norrn. yaa Bratog.
WILL sacrifice for cash a new 6 room
bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace.
all kinds built in work: Hawthorne
car: owner. H-343. Journal. -
FIVE room modern buoaalow.' 32S
down. $13.50 mo,. Including, Inter.
A NICE 6 room house In Sunnyside. on
Taylor street, for $1800, worth $?400.
Call 406 McKay bldg.
A NICE 6 room 'bungalow in Rich-
mond on cor; lot, for. $2700;. a snap.
C!all 40 McKay Mdg.
A 4 room house, easy, terrni
lawn ?38. - -'
. -
' ' ': COoatlaned)
tllrvington, $1 850, Irvington
- lull cement basement, best plumbing
and llghtingr flxturea. 4-
East front lot 60x60. Broadway car
3 blocks, sewer and walks in, -restricted
district, free from foreign element, n
shacks. Most any terms.
OWNER. 717 EAST 27TH ST. N. "-.
As Good .as It Reads
Modern 6 room house, well fur
nished.: Including- e;ood piano, on fine
corner In Montavllla, lot 80125; maple
Bhade trees In parking, cement walks,
1 H blocks from scbool, 1 block from
car line; $3100; $1000 down; terms on
O. P. POTTS & CO.,
1P80 K. Stark, Phone Tabor 300.
Forced Sale
3 modern bungalows on Oregon City
carllne, must sell at once, will sell
eacn ior rrom 1300 to J400 lees than
oost- Oall 381-W, Oregon City or
wme pox -.-, uiausume, ur,
MUST i sucrif ie, on account of my
husband'8 death, my 8 room house,
3 lots, bam, 2 chicken houses. ?0
frult.trees and - berries with or with
out 2 cows; sewer in and paid -for;
close in, only 2 blocks from carlln;
price $3200, with terms to suit. 1J
581, Journal. '
MODERN home, Ladd add. Price and
terms O. K. Owner. East 2725.
Beautiful 1 acre tract, all In cultiva
tion, right On the carllne, 6 V4o faro,
some snap. Fred-W. German Co 914
Chamber of Commerce.
fctlOICK homesite, between Laurel-
hurst and Rose City Para; 8400 cash
and assume Improvements, about JluO;
real baryain. Main 6934.
FOR SAL.E Parcel of land. 301S oZd
fit., 3. E., 128 feet by 685 f eet, : See
owner ;on property. Tabor 189.
oojtiuWji almost level, walking distance,
8500. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A-3839
CANNON Beach cannon Beach, most
picturesque oeaun, mountain trout.
aeep sea risning, ouxiuu tot 2uv; szu
cash. $5 monthly, no -interest, no taxes.
See owner, 820 Chamber of Commerce.
And 'you will say with us It Is the
beBt about Portland; only U0 minutes
out, 20, trains daily pass Ihrougn It
the Big Red Steel trains. Raises hops,
onions, vegetables, anything. One pur.
chaser: gets about $80 per month now
for eggs sold; $100 when at highest
price. lias three acres, liuy a tract
any size, cash or easy payments.
i- 103 4th st.
WHY nav rent? You. can own 1
acres, neat 3 room house, furnished,
runninc water, fir srrove. lawn, flow
era and garden, tools, chicken house
and barn, 4 blocks from station, 20
min. out on Fourth st. line, commuters'
fare less than 6c. Price $1600. $1S
down, $15 per month. Owner. Chaa.
E. Halstead, Woodrow station.
CHICKEN and fruit ranones near Port
land; Gresnam district, electric sta
tion hi mile. New subdivision. Sun
shine valley-orchard tracts; best soil.
free wood; eierant location. prices
onlv 875 to 8150 per acre In smal
tracts;! easy terms. Frank McFar land
Realty Co., 309 Yeon bldtr.. Portland. Or.
On Yaauina bay,- within 1 mile of
Newport. M mile- to beach; level. Rood
soil, some cleared, on good plank -road
and daily : mail route; terms. See
owner. t14 -Stock, Exchange Bldg.
Main 6765. -
- i Gibson. Half Acres.
Odod soil, city water, close to car
line, easy terms; will build to . suit
purchaser. Phone Marshall 168S, or
Sellwood a i o. wnn n. u'nruii, vwimi
: . 1 Li " - '1' , . 'i ..i.
ON13 acre, 6 room house, well at back
door frul trees, berries. 10 minutes
walk to car, on, Taylor Ferry road
Phone Main 4950. -
WHEN yt,4 answer these Want Ada.
mention The Journal. :
A BARGAIN 6 acres on Section Line.
Owner, East 2725.
21 ACRE suburban home at 90th and
Division sts., nicely improved; 6 acre
fruit, berries; city water. Will sell all
or part. Kaate Bros., 618 Henry bldg.
110 acres, '85 acres cleared and In
Crops, 35 aers In pasture, balance tim
ber; all fenced, two streams through
place, 2 good houses, barn, good orch
ard all kinds fruit and berries, black-
smitn snop ana iumg iuui.
household stuff, 5 cows. 6 calves, 1
yeariina;, .w, vm", .,
apan mares, harness, wagon, hack, low
wagon,' span 3 -year-old mules, cream
separator; 2 miles from paved road, 8
miles jfrom Vancouver, mile , to
ecliool, hi. jnlle to eawmlll; price $12,
000: part cash, balance on time, terms
to suit S. M, Jewell, route 6. box 139,
Vancouver. Wash. -DO
you want a self supporting home
in the country? See this 3a acres.
U mile from electric line,-20 miles
from Portland. Good auto road. 13
acres in crop. Good house and barn,
recessary outbuildings. Family or
chard good wells, running water,
wood. lTave other Interests in E. Ore.
so am lof ferlng this property at a bar
gain Price $5000. " : Terms. Bee me
on the farm. mile east of Barton, or
addrens fi. J. levinet Barton, Or.
IF you are looking for good buys or ex.
changes of eastern Ore. wheat land
do not fail to see Keller Deal. Suite
314. Lumber Ex. bldg.. Portland. Or.
40 ACRE farm, 22 acre crops, 1 hi miles
from rallroid, school; with or with
out stock. $3500. Address FX-712.
jflu rnai
FOR SALE and some trade, garage
and 80 acres of land. Address Frank
Mahood. R. 1, Amity, Or. ,
J WANTED -To lease good farm-wlth
stock and -eauipment In exchange
for $2600 equity in room modern
house, close to car; balance $600, easy
terms. ; R-314, journal.
WANTED, to hear 'from the owner of
,- a good-ranch, i c!oie in. 60 acres or
less; must be a bargain for cash. B-
680, Journal
WANT: 60 seres improved; have cash.
Osca r A 1 nerton. i4 tn st.
FOR SALE or rent. 76 acres partly Im
proved; house, barn and outbuild
ings; orchard, well watered. Will sell
cheap; 1 team, wagon, harness, farm
Implements and milch cow. Will trade
farm for improved city property. Call
Sellwood 2370. -
RENT free to Oct. 1 to man with fam
ily, i 60 acres with buildings. 696
K. Ash st. Evenings, 6 to 7. -
160 acres, relinquishment, (H. K.) or
T. & J.l filing, . Ksumatea
tt. or .yeuow pine umoer. t-asn. so
lor for used auto In good con -
Igltlon. Address Hox 1T .rescent, ur.
. T,,,. , v(3l. i?Kt. rsTiTE ot
1 TWO lota, lloekaway Beach, Or for a
runaabout or horses or cows. 19 K.
j Polk wt., St. Johns. ' , !
i WHAT, have you to offer" for room
J house and lot, eaat side, worth $3300,
$700 mortrage. bargain. R-317, Joumfll.
i OCkjD lot, clear , of incumbrance.
trade for Ford car. Mar. 960.
lOontlnnaa )
acres, all rnii ri,-h ln- 11 ,.ny4.
cultivation more easily cloarril; a goo-
i iwui unsierwi house, ood iuti,
barn, chicken and out buildiiiHs; Sl
acres in good orchard of a.orn
fruits and a.11 ktmlu nt am.11 '..,,!,
dandy trout stream and spring wate
piped In house, lawn, etc.; place f enc, ,
and cross fenced, half mile from conn
river ana it. K. station an.
10 miles from Vancouver, nn ant,
stage line; telephone in houae, win
share In line: R. F. 1 iml i-.m r.-.,,t.
advanUges; good team, wauou. spun?
"f""!, '' cow ana eair, Chlckenw
and all -farm imMementa and
Price $5500. morlfur tif.un v,i
take $2ooo cash, balance to suit m
take eoultv in cl ear fi t V bnni Va n.
eouvr or Portland.
Till I MPK11V S. CWiM
8tn and Main sts., Vant'Ouvtr. Wa h
10 AtRbd, uood bldKs.. 1 avrt-n ri-dre,i
some personal property; $3000, nc
mortaage; want clear home.
15 acres 1 under cult., Kood blditK.,
spring water, -2 miles: countrv town.
$3200. $1000 mlg. Want Portland home
320 acres, 180 under cult., good bids
Fine running streams. Ideal dairy eiu,
general purpose ranch, all rural ad
vantages. $160 per acre. Want wheat
ranch or apartment houne.
We have all size ranches from 6
acres up, . and can match what you
have. Call and see Us. -
fith whd Main itf., Vancouver. 1 Wn
Tn TUAiil.:
Onfi-hul f jcr hrtm All in h.a,h-
fruit trees and berries. 7 room houpp.
own water works, ideal home, all rmxi-
improvements, near car, ivrndiu
station, Kstacada carline, no incum-
uianuc, mr a nrst ciasa A-l wnat
ranch near a town and railroad. Own.
er only, address F. KhrlU-h. Lents. Or
NOTB To the fellow who canrt mtiiv
It Lhave 2 lots; 60x120, Oakland,
Cal., 12 full grown cherry treen, rooo
value; clear trade for euuity and as-,
sume to $1500 modern S or 7 roo.n
house on or near cailine.- Apply K.i
Hill, 308 Henry bldg. Main 7108 eve
hings. r.r-r' IN KLAMATH COUNTV. j
Three grain and Btock farms, with
reservoir for Irrigation; exchange for
apartment .house or improved aoreug
near carline, Portland. Address Har
pold. Bonanaa. Or. i
SEVEN acres, mile trom Roebur.
5 acres In 3-year-old prunes, 2 acr".
cleared and plowed. City water matn
near tract. No Incumbrance. Will
take Portland improved lots same val
ue. M-800. Journal.
$700 equity In 6 room modern house,
1 block from W-W car line, balance
$1100, easy yearly payments. Will sell
for $200 cash or trade for anything ot
value. Address Pox 92. Present. WaH.
WANT 6 room1 houue in restricted" ;
district, for my & room A-l bunRa
low, lot 60x100 feet and 100x100 busi
hess corner. Write owner., 107 L
28th st. N.
IDAHO land for exchange: 40 acre
fine fruit and alfalfa soil In heart of,
improved district, 2hi miles of county j
seat. Address owner, Qeo. E. Cooprlder,
Welser, Idaho. Washington. County.
EXCHANGE for Portland or Vancou.
ver property. 80 acres creek bottom, i
in cultlvatki. buildings, 514 miles rail' i
road and boat; Owner, box 97. CaeLLe
Rrit, VHh.
HAVE clean lot.. as first payment lor
acreage, close in. Siteplien Soclpty
Land Uopt., 1031 Chamber of Commerce.-.
TWO 50x100 lots, one a coiner. Hose
City carllne, on 7fth st., for late
automobile. Call 408 McKay bid.
Main 934. .
APARTMENT sale of 40 rooms; trade
also; acreage: owners only. 6B T nlon,
WANTlil 20 rooms housekeeping tor
cash. X-659, Journal.
40 rooms, mostly H. K, rooms, for lots
r mortgage. H-36. Journal.
Our nice little piajit, equipped with
14 in. lathe (quick-change), emery
rrlnder, assorted reatners, dies, etc.,
or the making of auto par;, black
smith tools for forging, frame and axle
straightening. Will invoice about $900.
Kendrlck & Wallace. 22 N. 15th st.
Main 6540.
firun fiPPHRTIiNlTY.
. Mill needed. Electric llghta. also
water system. Riant man with Borne
means can do a good business. Power
and lights, also watr right. che.Hp.
Addref." Y., Box 6S, Typh Valley. Or.
BAKERY snap, dandy.east side loca
tion, all fixtures inland ready for
business. The place where you can
make good. Adjustment Bureau, Port
land Assn.. of Credit Men. 600 Com!
block. -FOR
SALE Garage, no competition.
Good business now anu
Complete outfit, bulldlns; and all. 2i.
half cash. Taylor Real Estate Agency.
rinverdal. Or. . . -,
A DANDY little restaurant, down
town location; will atand Investiga
tion: $3&0. 11-91 . Journal.
UVJ Rose City rrlnterv. 3d at Taylor.
1000 Business Cards 75c
Rvder Pig. Co.. B.W. cor. 3d"A Morrlwon
WAN to get In touch with plumber
who understands electrlo- wirinu,
with tool a Main 9307.
Vfttt fiAT. Ladder m fa. plant, g'ud
business proposition. Tahor 38.
4 .chair barbershop, good location. ln-
quire So ptn, .a ewTannwnn'i
AN old established restaurant for sale
or trade. P-8 4 Journal.
Any amount, at from 6 to 7 on
Inside business property and on reel
dences and apartment houses 'JY, .'
cislons and favorable terms WlFKEli
PHORB! & CO.. 205-208 - Northwestsrn
Bank bldg. Phone Marshall 148.
LOANS on Improvel city property or
for building purposes; sdvance made
as building progresses: liberal repay
ment privileges; no cimrnlas ion. J. t.
Unscomhy 242 Stark st. Main 4420.
Mortgage Loans
701 felling bldg.
BTjiLDlNG loans on city and subur
ban property; money advanced as
work progresses. W. GBeck. 315 Fail
fnr hldr. Main 2407. ' '
WE have money to loan on your rai
estate; first mortgage only.
423 Chamber of Oynmarce.
1 W'lLL lfan you money to build yuur
.home;-. 7: will even buy you the lot.
If desired; pay me monthly i ke rent
If you wish. F-678, Journal.
iMo.iw on mortgages, city ana lariu
nrooerty fire insurance. McKenzi
a. " oVrlinger bide.. ?4 and Alr.
MONKV .to loan in amounts ot 1J
to $500J on city property. A, IL Bell.
01 ?rllnger bldy.
iiwv la loan. tioO to
to $500'. Low in-
terest. prompt action. K. V. liagood.
311 Journal bldg.
CASH pid tor inongages, notea, cin-
tracts mortgage lfm.n: reaaonabtd
rat-s. F. H. Lewis Co.,-3 Lewla hH?
MOKIOAGK loan al current rat- .
Real estate security. Apply room ks
Stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill.
IF YOU "own a Jot and wish to -build
a-home come in and talk it over.
Curtla. B7 Oak.
$200 $360, $6v0. $900, $1200, lsUu. t il
W (Jerman t o, M nam. "t rn
$41,000 OK LIj.S. t'AKhlNU'iOrt.
Rft 4th st. Hoard -of Tmrit hi-).
MONhiV to loan to 6"o. Vv. ti. teu
& Co.. 5U r-i-aldtn tl-ls.
$500 to t00 l'iil VA'i h. MO.M.'.
S1. Joiimal.
- Salomon ec Co.. 300 '9' n . r -
MONKY TO LlANrT"i"i i - .
LorrJ:;. Ki- ""-y ' ... t