The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 25, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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(17tb DAY OF 1913.)
HEIMGUroadwa, at Taylor. Cartaios 2:1S
'-and 8:15. Matim Saturday. ,Hamptot guar.
tet and southern niutkju picture.
PANT AGE Broadway at AJOer. Vaudeville.
2:30, 7 :a0 sod 9:10. j
Si PRESS Broadway at YsmblUV VaadeTine.
. 2:30; 7.30 and 9:15 week day. Cuotlnttoua
from : SuDdaya.
LYKlCrVurili at tark. VaadevUla. Cootln-
iwaa, 1 t U to. -OEFHEUM
Broadway at Btark. Motion P'
tares. 11 i. m. to 11 p. m.
THB OiKS -AmoKmeut park.
NATION AL-fark and Went Park at Stark.
MAJESTIC Washington at Park. Motion pie-
turea. it a. m. to ll p. m.
COLUMBIA Mxtb between Washington aad
: stark. Motluii tib-tiir... 11 a. m. to 11 D. tn.
. ART MUSEUM fifth and Taylor. lloars 9 to
.i a wcea aavs, a to a eanaajrs. rret nw
. noons of Teeaday, Thursday . Friday, Sator
' day and Sunday.
Today's Events.
Annual convention Oregon' Women's Mla
; stonarv society at Centenary horeh.
y Realty board luncheon at Chamber ot Corn
er r-rre at noon.
oradnatkiu exercises. Jefferson bleb school,
t 8:1ft p. m.-
Coming Events.
Trsvelers'' Protective association, meeting
: and smoker, : Multnomah hotel, Jane 2t. 7:So
p. to.
Kant Side Business Meu'a luncheon June 28.
- Chamber ol Cofumerce banquet In honor of
commercial - eom titiaslou of Chinese republic
" Jon 38. at 6:30 . tn.
Botary club luucheou at Benson hotel June
29- .
Americanization celebration, Multnomah
field, July 6.
Liberty Bell will arrive here July 15 at 6
one ewe i many waterfalls, toe - gorge f the
Colombia, Ooeonta gorge, , Shepherd's dell.
loooDtalna. Including Hood. . tirade does sot
exceed S per centum. -
In formation aa to -"what to W to Port
land a environment from Hotela Portland. 1m
ral, Oregon. Multnomab and from The Jour
s' . Zi bureau. Phonea A-6031.
"S&F&Zi&T' ' Tr"el
For ioformat Jon regarding recreation or
health resorts see page 2 Toeaday'a and Thura
day a Journal and section' of tae Sunday
journal. . :
. . . .CSomea
...... Tborne
. . LaOmbe
i. Municipal Band Concert. '
Municipal Park band concert thla evening at
PenlnanU Park, on the Mississippi are. fine.
at 8 o clock. The program follow:
March, "tiethaetnaue Commandery".
Overture, -ll Guaratiy"..
Walts, French Operetta "Adele"..
Kvuianoe, "Simple Aveo"....
serenade, "Spring Morning"
Sextette from "Lucia'1..
Grand Opera Selection, "The Bohemian Girl"
-. . .... JJalfe
Sketch, "Down South" Myddleton
Knit Tachalkowaky
Finale American Air
Concert Schedule for Week
... Sunday, June 27. Washington Park, 3 p. tn.
Monday, June 28, South. Parkway, b p. m.
Tuesday, June 29, Lenta, 8 p. m.
Wednesday, June SO, Holladay, 8 p. tn.
Thursday, July 1. place not announced.
' Concert postponed on account of rain, ex
. cept at Washington -end South Parkway, will
be given after August 23.
Port Information Supplied, j
Information regarding thla port may be ,eb
taiad" fiom the Portland Chamber of Crm
merce. G9 Fifth a treat. Telephone Mala 9U
Fire and Police.
Fire department Main 7700, A-1323.
Police department Main 7181. A-6761.
' Oregon Humane Society, 674 Belmont it
Phones East 1423. A-tUli.
; Today's Forecast.
. Portland and vicinity Tonight and Sarur
' day unsettled, probably showers; southwest
erly winds.
Oregon and WashingVm Tonight and Sat
in day unsettled, probabbj showers west, gen
erally-fair east portion warmer east portion
Baiuroay: aoutnwesteriy winds.
Idaho Fair tonight except showers ' and
cooler southeast portion; Saturday fair, cooler
souiueam portion.
Weather Conditions.
The pressure continues moderately high on
the central portion of the. North Pacific coast
and a, weak high pressure area Overlies the
Ohio valley and Lake region. Low pressure
with unsettled weather conditions obtains over
the country from the Cascade and Sierra Ne
vada mountains to the Mississippi river. Kains
nave fallen in western Oregon, western wasn
lngton, southern Canada, Montana, the central
and southern Plains states, Iowa and Tennes
see; the rainfall was heavy in north central
Texaa. The weather is cooler in eastern Ore
gon and eastern Washington, British Columbia,
northern Utah, northern Texas, western Ten
nessee and Illinois; it ia warmer on the Ore
gon coast, In Nevada, the northern Kooky
mountain. Plateau and northern and central
Plains states, northern Minnesota and the Mid
dle and' North Atlantic states.
.The conditions are favorable for unsettled
weather tonight and Saturday, probably with
showers in western Oregon and western Wart,
tug ton, and for showers tonight , in southeast
ern Oregon and eastern Washington. South
westerly winds will continue.
. . Acting District Forecaster.
Transportation Club Elects. Elec
tion or officers of the Portland- Trans
portation club last right resulted In
the selection of Blaine Jiallock of the
tax and right-of-way department of
the O-W. B. & N. Co, j aa president.
Other officers are: Vice president. W.
C. Wilkes.; assistant general freight
and passenger agent of the North Bank
system; secretary. W. Or Roberts, con
tracting freight ' agent of the Great
Northern; treasurer, E. Mosher,
city passenger agent of the Pennsyl
vania lines; directors, j. H. Mulchay,
assistant freight agent of the South
ern Pacific, and E. Benham of the tax
department. O-W. R. & N. - The an
nual meeting was featured by a smok
er and a program of oratory and vau
deville., ...
T. - P. A. to Hold Meeting. Svery
travellng man in Portland for over
Sunday is Invited to attend a high
links and smoker .to be. given by the
Oregon-Washjngton division of the
Travelers' Protective association at the
Multnomah hotel tomorrow night. A
committee on arrangements, with
Charles Ringler at its head, is making
plans for a large evening. wlf.h a num
ber of novel entertainment stunts,
cabarat and the like. There will be a
business meeting ; from 7:30 to 8:30
o'clock, and then will come the good
time. Senator Chamberlain and A. G.
Clark of Wad hams, Kerr & Co will
be the speakers. Mr. Clark will have
as his subject, "Clean and Fruitful
SCasama Xlver Excursion. The an
nual river excursion of the Mazamas
will take place Sunday. The steamer
Joseph Kellogg has been chartered
and over 400 tickets have been sold.
Those making the trip will leave at
7:30 from the dock at the foot of
Washington street, traveling down
the Willamette, then up the Columbia
to Mt. Pleasant, one and one-half
miles west of Cape Horn on the Wash
ington side. The time will be spent
at the bathing beach and in various
athletic sports. The boat will leave
for the return trip at 3:30 p. m. and
arrive in Portland and 7 o'clock. D.
O. Zjebb is the leader.
night at 8 o'clock. Miss Caroline T-ow-
nrssoiBiss ;
" When .going away for the
summer or on your -vacation,
have The Journal follow you
at the regular rate of. IB cents
a week; or, the following'
agents- will supply you atthe
regular, city : rates:
Agate Beach, Or. Olga Tox. ''
Barrisw, Or. Xaxt.:i Brimball.
Bay City, Or-Mrm, J. a Mc
Clurs. '
Bay Ocean, . Or. Edwla B
! " Aitgell. . -t
. Canaoa Beach,:' Scola, Or T,.
Carson, WasLr--Cari B. Smith,
aad Shlphexds Springs.
Columbia Beach, Or. K. Bdaa
Qarlbaiai, Or. B. C. BlUs.
Otarhart, Or. Philip Sessions. Beach, WastL Xawtence
TJlneen (All points on Beach).
Wanhattaa Beach, Or. Mrs. O.
X. Kuston.- I ' . ;
Xaasaaita ' Beach, Or Hlman
B. Btum. '. - ' ' 1 . , .
Bewport, Or O. P. Shoemaker.
Ocean Park, Wash. K. A. Bug-
Joseph 2Locas Puneral Tomorrow.
Joseph iAicas, who died in this city
Tuesday, was a native of Poland and
about 45 years of age. He had lived in
Portland 14 years, and was a member
of the Gralnhandlers union. 'Funeral
services will be held tomorrow morn
ing- at 9 o'clock. In Bt. ' Stanislaus I that music and speeches will be-ar
church, Maryland avenue and Failing
street. A. R. Zeller & Co. have charge
of the remains. -. '
Bockawsy Beach, Or. si. B.
Schloto. :'
Seaside, Or. Philip Sessioas
(All points on beach).
Seavlew, Washv Ziawranoe 3lu-
neen (All points on beach).
Tillamook, Or, J. S. Lunar.
Wilhoit : Springs, Or. P. W,
" McXsraa. "
engart, the well known soprano - solo-
s ist. wiu sing "Gloria" (Buzzl-TeccL
'Tomorrow - morning, services at . 9:20
o'clock. Rabbi R, Abrahamson will of.
. w l iiciate.
Commercial club there will be a com
munity meetings of .. all the business
mem of the district adjacent to Kill
ings worth. - avenue on. the north and
south sides, tonight in the. North. Portland-library,
to discuss plans for the
Fourth of July celebration,, which will
be held -on July 5. . Last Tuesday
night, at its regular meeting, the club
sppointed R. A.' Claryi M: F. Hod son
and E. James Jones, a committee to
arrange for tonight's meeting. arge
committees will be appointed to com
plete arrangements. It is expected
Pros Choir Concert Tonight There
will be a free concert given ; by the
choir of the St. James Lutheran church,
at West Park and Jefferson streets,
tonight. Mrs. ' J. ' Harvey Johnson is
the organist and director for the con
cert, and Miss Pauline Bohnson is the
freshments can be bought at the park.
There will he all kinds of races and
games, and contests of some sort zor
everyone. t
memoval Clothing Sale. Two large
stores , consolidate to cut down ex
penses. One store will not hold all tne
goods; that's the reason suits and fur
nishing goods are almost being given
away at the Brownsville Woolen Mill
store at Third and. Stark streets. Men's
312.60 suits now 18.50: men's (lb suits
now 310; men's 320 suits now $13.85;
men's 325 suits now J18.50. Brownsville
Woolen Mill Store, Third and Stark
streets. (Adv.)
1 isiiieratura .
. V - . MVMV. " O
' C "a " a j
i - t
s - . i t fJ i
STATIONS 9 S " 5j;
S 3-5 S-a -
u -S jfft p5 r iS
. ' 6 B 2 SB it
baker. Or. .....144 6 72 I 44 12
Boston, Masa. ... 66 -r- 6 70 off ft O
Chicago, 111 68 4 78 56 8 O
DenverColo..... 60 S T8 58 4 O
Dea Moines, la. 9 4- 4 SO 62 4 .32
Dodge, Kan..... 64 -f- 4 80 62 4 .02
Duluth, Minn.... o2 6 64 50 4 0
Eureka, Cal 52 2 62 . 52 4 0
Galveston, Texaa 82 88 82 , 10 0
Havre, Mont 62 4 88 60 lO O
Jacksonville. Fla. 78 2 86 74 12 0
Kansas City, Mo. 72 tt 82 68 4 0
KnoxvUle. Tenn. 62 O SO 58 4 .14
Iais Angeles, Cal. 58 0 74 58 4 0
Marahf leld. Or. . 62 6 62 60 4 .24
Montreal. Que. .. 60 2 68 54 8 .12
New Orleana, La. 82 O 94 78 4 0
New York. N. X. 62 70 58 8 O
North Head. Wo. 64 O 56 54 8 .28
N. Yakima. Wu. 48 6 74 48 4 0
Portland, Or.... 51 r 1 68 53 4 .10
Hoscburg, Or 92 O .72 62 4 0
Sacramento. Cal. 50 2 76 50 4 O
St. Louis, Mo... 68 O 78 62 6 O
Salt Lake. Utah. 68 4 82 66 10
8 Francisco, Cal. 64 2 62 62 6 0
Seattle, Wash... 62 2 64 52 4 0
Sitka, Alaska.. 66 8 48 0
Spokane, Wash.. 54 2 76 54 12 0
Tscoma, Wash.. 52 O 66 50 4 .02
Tatoosh I.. Wn. 50 2 58 48 4 .12
Valdea, Alaska. 56 2 .... 46 O
Wella Walla, Wn. 64 6 76 64 6 O
Washington, D.C. 64 4 76 54 4 0
Winnipeg. Man. . 56 2 72 60 0 .06
Afternoon report of preceding day.
1 What Can Be Seen Around Portland
i : Council Crest 1100 feet) View unequalled.
' Columbia and Willamette rivers, Tualatin val
ley, Willamette valley. Cascade and Coast
r ranges, five snow capped mountains (north to
' esst on clear days), MU Rainier, 14,408; Mt.
St. Helena. 9697; Mt. Adams, 12,307; Mt.
. Hood, 11.225; Mt. Jefferson. 10,522.
? Washington Park, at bead of Washington
: street. Flowers, ahrubs and trees. Children's
, model playgrounds. Noteworthy pieces of
I sculpture: "Comlnr of the White Man," by
Herman Atkins McNeill, presented by heirs
? of D. P. Thompson; "Sacajawea" Indiaa girl.
i guide of Lewis 4 Clark exposition by Allee
f Cooper. - ureaented by Sacajawea Statue as
f eoclatioa and Henry Altman. Ten minntea'
'. walk.
f Sunken rose gardens in Peninsula Park, eon-
i taining more than 700 varieties of rosea.
; Mscleay, left untouched in wild natural
! beauty. ' Big trees. Just the woods "Where
Rolls the Oregon."
Forestry building Lewis & Clark exposition
. grounds, west. .Hours 8 a. m. to d p. m.
Built oi specimen mammoth Oregon fir logs.
' Contain 1.000.000 feet lumber.
Attractive, views from King's and Willam
ette Heights and Weetover Terraces, .
i ' TerwHUger boolevard. south of city, above
Willamette, on west side. -f!
. Skyline, west from Council Crest. Bond
around spur between Council Crest and WU
- lamette river offers fine views. .-:
-j Columbia and Willamette Encircle ; Penin
sula district udt Johns, affording excellent
views of city. Industries and harbor. ,
Public institutiona Citr hall and Bistorieal
t exhibit. Fifth and Madison. County building.
' Fourth and Salmon. Art museum. Fifth near
Yamhill. - Central library. Tenth and YamhilL
: Custom boose, Broadway and Davis. ,
' Typical borne sections Portland Heights.
Nob Hill, irvington. Mt. Tabor. -
sc Harbor f ea tnrea West side public dock, foot
, Seventeenth street. East Side public dock
foot of East Stark. Public motor boat land
' lng, foot of. Stark street ( (launches call here
-for river tours. Boat bouses near Morrisonaod
.Hawthorn brtdgea.) Shipping. Modern bridges
Broadway, Railroad. Hawthorne. .
Worthy ot notice Skidmore founts In. First
rand Ankeny, by Oiln L.- Warren, presented
by Steven Skid more; Thompson fonntaln. Pla
ia . block. Fourth and Salmon. Modern - high
"and grade ; school, school gardens and rose
" hedge. Chinatown on North Fourth and 8ec
vond afreets. . . ..
' Colombia ' river highway America's most
wonderful scenic road for Vfbicles.. Along it
Af4 Woman Passes Awst. Mrs.
Elizabeth Schwindt, who passed away
at. her home, 424 Sacramento street,
June 23, was a native of Russia, aged
83 years. She came to this country In
1887 and has resided in Portland ever
since. Mrs. Schwindt was the mother
of two sons, both living In Portland,
John and Henry Schwindt; and is sur
vived by her husband, Daniel Schwindt.
There are a number of grand children.
The funeral will be held Sunday after
noon, June 27, at 2 o'clock, from the
German Congregational church at
Stanton and East Seventh streets,
Touthful Romance Oulnxtnates.
With the parents of the boy and the
parents of the girl of one mind that
the marriage of the youthful couple
must be annulled, it was announced
yesterday there will be no opposition
to the suit for divorce filed by the
parents of Norine Strobel against. Ca
rojus Strobel, her youthful husband.
The school days' romance culminated
in an- elopement to Vancouver last
week, and as soon as the parents of the
youthful pair learned of It they took
steps to break up the pair. The com
plaint asks for the restoration of the
girl bride's maiden name, Norine Rlke.
Damages Are Asked. Alleging that
Dr. R. C. McDaniel, physician for the
North Bank, Oregon Electric and Ore
gon Trunk railways, performed a post
mortem examination upon the body of
her husband without her permission,
Mrs. Bessie Madden has filed suit
against Dr. McDaniel for 310,000 dam
ages. The complainant alleges that
she was caused to suffer great men
tal anguish because of the act of the
physician. Her husband, Edward Mad
den, died January 23, 1915.
To Discuss O. Ss C. Xsands, "All per
sons Interested in conserving the Ore
gon & California grant lands, for the
benefit of bona fide settlers, and un
der such terms and manner, so as to
be of the greatest good to the state of
Oregon, are requested to meet Monday
evening at 8 p. m. in the Main hall at
the Central, library. Tenth and Yam
hill streets," reads a call, signed "In
terested. Citizens'
Baptist Picnic Tomorrow. Local
Baptist Sunday schools will hold a
picnic Saturday at the Crystal Lake
park near Mllwaukie, leaving on special
cars at 10 o'clock; In the morning. Each
one must take his own lunch, but re-
Church Picnic Tomorrow. The an
nual picnic in connection with the At
kinson Memorial Congregation church
and Sunday school will be held tomor
row at Columbia park. Arrangements
have been made to leave the church at
2 p. m. A basket dinner will be held
at 6 p. m. Foot races and games will
be featured and a big time is antici
pated. '
BecelTer's Sals I am now . selling
out by order of court, entire Stock of
Shanghai Bazaar, 450 "4 Washington
between 12th and 13th, at less than 50c
on the dollar. This is the finest! stock
of Chinese and Japanese goods in this
city. I am closing these goods out at
auction prices, without regard to cost.
E. E. Heckbert, receiver. (Adv.)
Have Ton Ever witnessed a sunset
from the point on Cedar island or spent
a moonlight evening among the whis
pering pines? Come and look and
listen. Dancing on pavilion, ' beach
fires and toasted mar ah mallows.
Reached by free ferry off Jenningrf
Lodge, on Oregon City car line. Phone
Tabor 6111 or B-233S. (Adv.)
Verdict . for Kotel Company. The
jury brought in a verdict in favor of
the Multnomah Hotel company, which
had been sued for $5150 by Dr. Paul C.
Woerner. Dr. Woerner alleged falsa
imprisonment, when recently arrested
at Astoria on the charge of defrauding
an innkeeper on complaint of the hotel
Services at Ahaval Sholonu Serv
ices will be held at Congregation Aha
val -Sholom, Park and Clay streets, to-
Civle X.eagne at Supper.-'-The reve
nue and taxation ; department of the
Oregon Civic, league will meet for an
informal supper at o'clock tonight
at the Ann Davlnport tea house. Take
Council Crest car tp Hewitt station.
ana iouow Doard walk to Zion cross
roads. . , -
ranged and bo held in the park.'
Dr. 33. C. Brown, Bye, Bar. Mohawk
bldg. (Adv.)
Z. S. To, optician, journal blilav Ad.
fliarnw aHevr Ulv. . c " T
day trips, leave Taylor Street dock S
a- nw 12:30 and 3:30 p. m. Boat stops
at Oak Grove, Cedar Island, Magoons
Park, picnic grounds. Leave Oregon
City, 10:30 a. m., 2 p. m., 6:30 p. m.
Round trip, 40 cts. Phone M. 40. (Ad.)
Sunday Excursions: To Cascade
Locks on Steamer "Bailey Gatsert," $1
round trip. Leave Alder Street dock
9 a. m. Arrives back 5:45 p. m. Phone
Main 914, A-5112. (Adv.)
Steamer Jesse Sarxlsa for Camas
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.)
Central Location a Suburban Prices.
Rooms 34 week up. $16 month
up. Hotel Lenox 3d and Main. (Adv.).
kloCargar. Bates It Zdvely Fire, cas
ualty and automobile insurance. Teon
bldg. Telephone Main 168. (Adv.)
Barlow Boad Bow Open to Mount
Hood and Eastern Oregon. Do not miss
this scenic trip. (Adv.)
Fresno, CaLV Juno 25. (P. N. S.)
Only by the hasty - building of dams
to check a flaming stream of alcohol
that flowed through f the vineyards
was more extensive damage prevented
when fire of unknown origin caused a
loss of more than 3300.0QO at the Bar
ton Winery today.. More than 750,000
gallons of - wine were destroyed., The
wlnery is one of the oldest and largest
Ifl the Btate. It is owned by a stock
MoCroskey-lCount Hood auto stage,
daily service. East 833. ... 445 Haw
thorne ave. N (Adv.)
Pine Book and Catalog Printing.
F. W. Baltes & Co. Main 165. A-1165. Ad.
Spend Sunday at Mount Hood. Bar
low road now open. (Adv.)
Community Vesting Tonight, Under
the auspices of the North Portland
Hanged Late liast Klgiit.
Canon City, Colo., June 25. I. N.
S.) Harry Edgar Hillen, formerly of
San Francisco, was . hanged in the
state prison here late last night for
the murder of Thomas Chase, a Denver
merchant. . "
! Changes Tim. 8. P. It S. By.
The train via the North Bank road
and Oregon Trunk railroad now leav
ing Portland at 7:25 p. m. will leave
at 6 p. m. on and after Sunday. June
27. This is the train for Sherar,'
Maupin. Madras. Metolius. Redmond
and Bend, with stage connections for
Prlneville, La Pine. Burns and other
interior points. (Adv.)
i 1 1 1 1
Bushels of Berries
Oregon's most delicious wild black
berries at - dozens of places on Esta
cada and Bull Run lines. Full Infor
mation by calling First and Alder.
Marshall 6100. A -61 at. , (Adv.)
Men's Trousers.
Buy your pants to wear out that
old coat and vest from Jimmy Dunn,
priced at $2.60, 3 and 83.50. Take ele
vator to 3d floor Oregonian bldg. Ad
Card of Thanks.
I wish to thank my friends for their
sympathy and floral offerings during
my bereavement In the loss of my
Army-Navy Orders
San Francisco, June 25. (P. N. 8 ) Army
orders: Following medical corps boards appoint
ed meet July 12 at these posts In the depart
ment to conduct preliminary examinations of
applicants for appointment la medical corps;
At Fort Lawton, Major George H. Crabtree.
president - of the board. At Vancouver bar-rac-ks.
Major Peter C. Field, president of the
board. At the- Presidio of San Francisco, Ma.
Jar.. Roger J. Brooke, president of the board.
. Brigadier - General William L. 8ibert. com.
mending the Pacific Coast artillery district.
Major Robert R. Raymond, corps ot engineers,
and Captain Walter K. Wilson, coast artillery
corps, named as board to consider Installation
of . fire control and searchlight- projects for
gens and .-mortars to be Installed at Fort
MacArthur, Saa Pedro harbor.
Name of Lieutenant Louis A. Kunxlg re
moved from the list of detached officers and
he is relieved from duty with the Alaska board
of road commissioners.
Captain Charles O. Thomas, quartermaster
corps, to be quartermaster, students', instruc
tion ramp at the Presidio of San Francisco.
lieutenant Henry C. Davia Jr.. eoaat artiU
lery corps, to ordnance department with .sta
tion Beulcla arsenal. ,
Leave of absence for two months granted to
Major. Edmund S. Wright, First cavalry.
Navy orders Ensign R. W. Holt from TJ.
8. . Charleston to U. 8. 8. Milwaukee. ;
Passed Assistant- Paymaster K. D. Stanley,
Pug et sound navy yard,- to the Milwaukee. -
- ' Card of Thanks.
To the many friends who so kindly
assisted me during my recent bereave
ment, the loss of my beloved husband,
I extend my heartfelt thanks. . Mrs.
George M. Turner. - (Adv.)
A teachers' examination will be held
at Washington High School building,
located ' at East Twelfth and Stark
streets, on June 30, and July 1. 3 and
8. 1915. Following is the
Wsdnssdsy Forenoon t Writing, United
States history, physiology. After
noon: - Reading, composition, meth
. ods in reading, methods in arlthnt e
' tic. ! .
Thursday Porsnooai Arithmetic his
tory of education, -psychology, meth
. ods in geography. Afternoon: Gram
mar, geography, American literature,
physics," methods in language, thesis
- for primary certificates.
Pridy Porenoon: Theory and prac
tice, orthography, English litera
ture, chemistry. Afternoon: School
law, geology, algebra, civil govern
ment. Saturday Porenoon: Geomerty, botany.
Afternoon: General history, book
keeping. Subjects for Thesis I The Kinder
garten as an ; Aid to the Primary
School; Possibilities of Nature Study
In Primary Grades; Education for
Efficiency; The Backward Child;
The Grievance of the Average Boy
Against the Average School,
'work will begin at 9 in the forenoon
and 1:30 o'clock ln,the afternoon. Pre
liminary instructions will be given at
8:30 and l o'clock respectively, adph
cants for certificates will please gov
ern themselves accordingly.
County School Superintendent.
o Ss
Full Set Teeth, that fit. . $5.00
Gold Crown, 22-k . . . . . $3.50
Bridge Teeth, 22-k. . . . .$3.50
Painless Extraction . ...50c
"It yoa find this namber yon won't get hart."
Corner of Second and Morrison. Lock
for the big Union sign.. All work guar
anteed. 1
: Br. Whetston, aatgav "
Store Opens
Daily at
. 8:30 a. m.
On Saturdays
9:00 a. m.
Pacific Phone
Marshall 5080
The Most in ValueThe Best in Quality
Store, Closes.
Daily at
5:30 p. m.
On Saturdays
6:00 p. m.
Home Phone
- : . .... fr
Powers' Saturday Night Special
180 to
linen $1.09
$2.50 Aluminum Fruit
serving. Kettle and Stra
i On Sale After 4 P. M.. Saturdav
A very seasonable special and a truly wonderful value a 2-gallon,
99 pure aluminum Fruit Preserving Kettle and Strainer, actually
worth $2.60, to sell at a price you .wUl ever remember. Extra large
.sise in the new Sun-ray finish. The ball brackets are fitted with
stops which keeps bail free from vessel and prevents heatirfsr- -The
brackets are triple riveted the pouring grip is large and kettle has
heavy rolling rim. The aluminum Fruit Strainer is of generous
sise and is as well made as the kettle. Only 180 sets to sell so we
advise early coming. Each set neatly packed in separate carton.
One Set to a Customer. ; Bo Phono or C. O. S. Orders. Bo Deliver y.
I IT tavsiavs,Viiiiisjiii.aisi i i i i ts-wi ikw.V
JUrs,, Jr, ,. r i . , ; , x-., r. -0 ., . - " r,
- - - ' - ' A - ' "
An Out-of-tlie-Ordinary Clearance of
Broken ILines of Undepmuslins
A general "clean up" of all broken lines and slightly soiled or
mussed garments in the Undermuslin section, is what the depart
ment chief calls the event to us, "it looks more like a" "give-away."
for the figures quoted for this sale do not cover the cost of the materials alone, to say noth
ing abotit the trimmings and the making. Included are:
COMBINATION SUITS of white nainsook, pink
or blue crepe and batiste styles with corset cover
and drawers, or with skirt, well made, excellent
fitting garments, in most all sizes.
CORSET COVERS in dozens of pretty styles, with:
lace and embroidery trimmings. They come in fine
nainsook and crepe. - 7 - ' a
BUST RUFFLES-of fine sheer embroideries or
dotted Swiss, with dainty lace trimmings.
BRASSIERES in both hook front and button back
styles. They come in fine materials, with lace and
embroidery trimmings. I :
DRAWERS in regular and circular styles. They
come in cambric or nainsook and are neatly trimmed
with laces and embroideries.
GOWNS in low neck styles with short sleeves,
garments of good width - and length, in , nainsook
with lace and embroidery trimmings.
r s i 1 i -t, vj J . . . - . ' .
iout gooa juugmcni snouia prompt you xo arxena tnis saie eany ana secure tirst and Of? "
best choice from garments regularly sold up to $1.00 Saturday last day of sale at eJejC
Sensational Embroidery Sale !
From every viewpoint this IS an out-of -th e-ord inary sale quality
of mkterials, workmanship, beauty of the patterns and value-giving
it is a sensational iinderpricmg of crisp, new Embroideries right
at the. height of the season. You have choice from 40-Inch Allovers, in crepe and voile,, pretty
silk patterns in several colors ; 27-Inch Swiss Flouncings, in large patterns suitable for. Sum
mer dresses and in neat, small effects for infants' clothes. They come with ruffled, hem
stitched and scalloped edge. 18-Inch Flouncings and Corset Cover Embroideries, of fine
nainsook, voile and crepe, all in charming, new patterns ; 12-Inch Flouncings and Edges, of
fine Swiss and nainsook, patterns especially adapted for skirt flouncings. Altogether it is a
most wonderful ale- a most opportune time to secure a full season's supply of the most beau
tiful .Embroideries at an unsurpassed saving. Your choice from values, up to 95c Ot?
a yard Saturday, the last day of sale sttitJC
Women's and Children's.Union Suits
Perfect Fittings Seasonable Weight Garments in All Sizes 40c, 50c f and JT
65c Lines on Sale Tomorrow at the Very Low Price of . . . . . , . . . . awOC
We urge early attendance at this sale for the quantity to be disposed of at this extremely low price is lim
ited.' The : Women's Union Suits are of fine ribbed cotton and are shown in styles -with low neck, sleeve
less, and with Jace-trimtned knee all sizes regular 40c grade.1 The Children's Union Suits are also of
fine ribbed cotton and are shown in all styles and sizes. r They are seasonable weight garments in OCT
regular 50c ad 65c qualities. TrJIS SALE AT ONLY .,..;... ; &DC
Delight) hit Dining Flace--;
The Portland Grill
.The throngs of tourists and exposition visitors
who are enjoying - The Portland's far-famed
hospitality, give, an added interest to the hours
.spent here.
.The afternoon tea, served from 3:30 to 6. is
- especially pleasing. The menu is jvaried and
Club luncheons are served from noon to 2
o'clock. The service is prompt and courteous.
A delicious table d'hote dinner is served '
on Sunday evening from 5:30 to 8, at $1.
The orchestra plays in the
dining-room during din
ner hours; in the grill dur
ing the evening. ' .
1 Vrt
The Portland
Geo. C. Ober, Mgr.
Everyone Knows
that saying; money is one of life's im
portant virtues. Everyone has not the
virtue, but - anyone can cultivate it.
Make up your mind to save, a portion
of your income each day, week or
month; you will find the thought will
soon become parent to the act; then ia
the time to choose this strong state
bank as your bank. Here your money
will be undeniably secure, subject to
your demand, and earning a liberal
rate of interest. Think it over today.
Ladd &Tilton Bank
Oldest In the northwest
Capital and Surplus Two lUUi on XJoUars .' '
and Third
Marshall 1
Home A-62S1
Catering to the Most Exacting in the Selection of
Choice Meats Offers at Special Sale
ll ll
ens tarara m?
Leg, Loin and Rack Roasts . . ....
Shoulder- Roasts, ... . . . .'. . . . . . . . . .
Breasts of Lamb
. . . .
r. . .22c Ih
: .. .13c lb
. . . 11c tb
The Fatted Calf Is in Fine Condition These Days.. -
Leg or Loin Roasts . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . ,16c th
Shoulder or Breast Roasts . . , 12,c th ,
Rack Roasts (Frenched-Larded),: . . .... . . . .17c lb
Rolled (Boneless) Roasts (Larded) ........ 17c lb
Fricassee of Veal I2V2C lb
Veal Loaf, a dainty dish hot or cold. ... . . . . .15c tb
Stacked, high with a large and varied assortment. At
this Special Counter the market shoppers will find
the best meats at the lowest prices and the biggest
variety to pick from. All plainly price-marked.
Buy Jones' "PRIDE OF OREGON" Mild - Cured
Picnic Hams, 6 to 8 lbs 12c tb
Cottage Hams, 3 to 5 lbs. (nearly boneless) . . 16c lb
Hams, 8 to 10 lbs., half or whole .... ... . . . .18c lb
Sweet Pickled Backs, half or whole strips .... 19c lb
Fancy Breakfast Bacon, half or whole strips. .22c lb
efaaSjaTasi sab aS a a- . -aW W 9 m . WiS f. Saaf CsV SkU
Fiuicy Poultry 15c to
EAT POULTRY NOW Price Cannot Stay So Chscp
1 n
Fancy Fresh Oregon Broilers, Fryers ... 30c
Spring Ducks V. . ............. ... . ,2Uz
ZZT WE DELIVER Main 5, Marshall 1, A-C201
Columbia Fish Go. Joncs, MarlrcL