14 THE OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND THURSDAY JUNE 21, 1915. 07 IMMEDIATE LOANS OJf'.1 DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN HATKS. We bars one of the finest retail Jewelry scores itt-the ;lty. A Iojui de partment t-ta conducted in connection with iame, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loan bulne dis played In Ifront of our store All mer chandtse pledged Is held for a period of twelvei months, whether or not In terest Is paid when due. Ws are li censed and have been established since If 99. No connection with any other loan establishment in this city. -A.- & ; M.i DELOVAOE. JEWELERS. 824 Washington at. ------ LOANS WANTED SO , $30G$3(K 9. $3009. room ( cottage, occupied by appli - cant. : ML i Scott dlstri4. value $1000. $500 insurance. ' KwRl safe loan. Fred VV. i German Co.. 9 H Cham, of ("ommwea - - , WANT $S0O. $1450. $1660. at HVe and! 13000 at 1 on good resi dence property. Curtis. 267 oatt. WANT $6600. 3 yeu-s, 6. on close in Irvington property? value $i5,00O. A. R. Hitter, A-1125 or Marshall 6140. "WANT loan of $2000. chattel mortgage on $10,000 worth of property. State terms in your letter. W-938, Journal. FINANCIAL 51 K1KST and second mortgages, aim sai lers' interest in contracts, purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. E. Noble. 1 Mmbermens bldg. - HELP WANTED MALE I WANTEDj A young man to work on a farm;! must be able to milk. A. Bluhnt. Oregon City, it. F. D. 3, Box 106. " " EMPLOYMENT department Y. M. 07 A Service free to members. II ELI WANTED MISC. 49 i. Al. C A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL SPECIAL SHORT COURSE. REDUCED RATES TO SEPT. 1 Unusual opportunity; full associa tion membership to Oct. 1. Call at educational office. Y. M. C. A. bldg. .-, WE have several openings tor estab ' Ushmenit of Independent, mail order business. Energy, good habits and sound ' judgment more important than capital. Spare time at first. Particu - larg free; Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo. N. Y. ' ' --i- ' j MARSHALL'S " AUTO AND GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. Automobile repairing and driving; also gasoline traction engineering. Tu ition easy! payment plan. We guarantee results. 369 and 445 Hawthorne ave. . v AiV ED Men, women; government ' ' --""""' wants clerks; $75 montn. Write for i list positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. . !a4.k.. Rochester. N. Y. ! .VvANU'El4 Names of men wanting to be rail vf ay mail , clerks; $75 month. RX-614. Jburnal. WANTED! at once, Z men to learn au tomobile repairing and driving. Haw thorne Gafage. 445 Hawthorne ave. 60 LIVE oung men and women. Sat- urday room 1. , iorning. 422 Morrison st, ECLECBIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Now East Side Business University, Grand at jtforrison. Rooms 18-t8. GOOD proposition for honest solicitors, either six. Call 141 13th at Alder. TEAMS wanted to haul wood. East 438. Call COOK headquarters California Vine n-nof. 2Pf Yamhill. Near 6th. . UNCALUiiiu ror tailor made aulut tin. Taylor, the Tailor. 289S Burnslde. USE Bassttts Native Herbs for rheu matlsm:j50 tablets 25c. All druggists. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 - - a-- i i i i i i ii i i i i i - - WANTEDj a good, respectable mid - die aged lady to care for and man age a small rooming house. Must have nome meaMs. X-384. journal. WANTED! Girl or middle aged worn- an .for (general housework. Phone Tabor 3388. . . WAIST finishers only with long shop experience wanted; no others. 434 Morrison. WANT wiman with good references to cook in harvest field eastern Oregon, ft.SO per day. Call Esmond hotel. H ELP WANTED MALE 'AND i ' I FEMALE :; 7 j, 29 MEN and women to uarr. the barber trade, vages paid while learning; 'tuition refiuced. positions secured. The only chaifa of schools In the world, bend for 4r catalogue. Moler Barber College. E . 48 N. 2d st. .Oregon Barber College will teach you - - the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions gvaranteed: pay while learning; tul tion reduced thisiterm. 233 Madison. " SITUATIONS MALE iOUNG ilian. 25 years, strictlv ,ohr. , tamp cbok, first class baker, good reference,! good work, can handle hun dred or ihoBe;-wili go anywhere. X a. jourial. -HIGH class wholesale grocery and provision salesman wishes position traveling j out of Portland; only bona Tide and Jlegitlmate propositions con Bidered: jjalary basis. X-653. Journal. WANTEli Position in general store, 15 yearfe' experience; married, sober, industrious; will go anywhere; A-l 1902 nCef' none after 6 P. m. Tabor CARPENTER, builder, remodeling; ex periencid manager; might consider part exchange. Phone Sell wood 1665. MEN and teams to haul cordwood in country 448 llth st. Marshall 66. c.all or pone after 6:30 m. only. BOY, 17, wants to, learn plumbing au ; tomobiHng; experienced In plumbing: expects wpges. Main C639. i.VOUNG married nian, must have work: thing. van. ruii auiomoo le. Will tin nv. t K , . . 111.1 . . vp ;"vnu jiiier. city. genera! jobbing quick and well 11 mornine. evenine- V.at done. 361. roo 23 Skilled Carpenters - Furnished On short notice. Mar. 765 vawa;a Excavating work. Phone East 4804. C-1477- Vv ANT Phone Ifeast 121: " i iOU SITUATIONS- -FEMALE XOUNG lady wishes . family will assist evenings. Sun- uAa..nea.t seamstress, in evenings; reference exchanged. Main 6267. POSITION - wanted by stenographer Underwood operator! for experience. "uno muiaiian aj lorenoons. ' CHRISTIAN woman would fike li hOUSewbrk in smnTl farl1,, nJ... East 442 . - YOUNG i woman ,: wants light house TabSr 621 a hom mors than wages. EXPERIENCED woman wants clean ing. laundry or i-nnlrim. . on hour. Phone Tabor 8720. v RELIABLE woman wants housekeep i'!S-cb or town: want work. Room y. 85a Sa(jmon.up8talra - ?Rl?CJS1 stenographer, general Tabor 12f 6. wvia, wuim nosiLion. Phqno ?fS.1M.ISrf a'V"ew i? harvest f field. Vaera 12 rtav n vr' jly at beach or mountains.- Mar. 6549. WOMAN wants work by hour or day ' iVI 3.111 KKUo. - ' 4 RELIABLE woman, washing, cleaning j VlftiTl 5633. ' i .". ": t '. ' WANTED Work by hour or day; re liable, references. Tabor 632. . WOMAN! wants work Monday and FrC day. Woodlawn 4127. f DISESSMAJCING 40 DRESSMAKING at home, or bythe day, work guaranteed, a Phone Mar shall 245- -- i .- DRESSMAKING or Plain. sewing. Ma 5463. Ask for Apt, ll! PLAIN sewing. Fast 2240. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALAKIES (Continued eo PRACTICAL nurse wants confines. mtnt cases: good city references.-) Woodlawn 2K90. MAIKKNITY nuru dlsanaaeedi'' Alain rt . nurse senKage4i. aui 2143. FURNISHED ROOMS ': Stop :t . Newiy re furnished P an e r e d ana -reno- vated enlarged lobby all modern Conveniences. . Rooms. with . rri ! I hn H CI r,v . Jim tr .., " ,t,hn,, VCs ,.n j Because the rates are lowTdon't thteSc ; the service is poor. Special rates by weeie or month, several rooms with wall beds, making t kern practically suites. - . ... .. -- . . 10th at. at; Oak, now opened. Good, quiet place right down town. ? Strictly modern, fireproof building with large, comfortable lobby. All outside rooms. First class permanent patronage so licited. Rooms $3 week up. With pri vate bath, $3 week up. See our rooms before deciding, to locate.. We also so licit first class transient trade. - Hotel Arminius , Rooms single and ensuite, modern: day, &0u up; week, $2.50 up; special rate by month. 410 Morrlson st. - iil'titL'XON HOTKU 1054 12 th at.f near Wash., clean, quiet, modern conveniences, summer rates: $3 week up; transient solicited. MarwrmH 27KU. - UO'A'EL BUCKINGHAM, 662 Wash ington st., new fireproof brick, . all outside rooms, running hot and cold water, private or public baths, quiet and home like, $10 month ap. . YOUNG men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms at Y. M. C. A., listing several hundred in all parts of the city.-, also tfcoae in, the Association building. .; WANTED Room mate to reduce rooming expense. Flreprcof build, lng, shower baths, Individual beds. Call or address Y. M. C. A. business office. THE ALBION HOTEL, . 212 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath, phone. Madras Hotel Suites $5. Outside rooms $3 up. court rooms, $2.50 up. By day 60c. 76c, $1; cor. 12th and Washington sts. Nicely furnished A D DATT 25c day up. 228 H Wash. st. A DDL I I l.BO wk. up ROOMS and apartments in modern ho i, ween afiu up. 193 .1 iuer. cr s , Xm, v,, -z yulpm't QPl(L FY f?iZ?lnpk 390 Morrison VolXLL I $2.50 wk. up. tel. '.hO week ana up. 455 Alder. $2 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central. The King. 309 Jef. PARKHILL furnished rooms. $1.25 up. Main 6306. 353 Yamhill. FURNISHED ROOMS 70 FBT7ATS FAMXX.7. AM a business! woman; have a beau tiful borne- on east side and wish a business woman to share same; will divide actual expense; references ex changed. M. 1491. E. 7029 evenings. TWO bright furnished rooms, H. K. if , desired ; every convenience, gar den. McKay. 440 E. 15th N. and Tilla moolt; Irvington. 10 DAYS free to permanent;, beautiful furnished room, 3 windows, plenty hot water, electricity, bath, phone, $2.50-$3 week. 123 N. 23d. LARGE, airy, pleasant room, near cen tral .library; references exchanged. 213 W. Park. . PLEASANT rooms for young men, home privileges, reasonable. 46 N. 21st st. $8 MONTH Large, attractive front . room; modern; desirable location. East 1552. NICELY furnished room, very, desir able location, walking distance, rea sonable. 329 W. Park. NICELY furnished large attic room, modern conveniences, reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. $1.75 WEEK; comfortable room; first floor.. 268 12th St. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 ARKViEW HOTEL. 3b6 Montgomery st, at West Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences ;.rates for regular and transient guests. THE VERANDA. .Room and board, $4.60 a week and up. Use of music and pool room; also shower baths. 654 E. 1 Madison. THE HAZEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms r.nd board. $5 up; steam heat, hot baths: free phone. CASA ROSA, 300 JEFFERSON. BOARD AND ROOM, $25 UP. Room and board, young women $4 wk. up: "Anna Lewis" Hall. 516 Flandern. FIRST class board and rooja. best cooking. $5 up. 346 College it. ROOMS AND BOARD 72 FBITATB rAKILT. LARGE front room, closet, running water, also 2 small rooms, excellent table, home cooking. Marshall 4923. 515 Morrison. . TASTY, digestible food, bright, rest ful rooms; .walking distance, $4 and up. Corner Third , and Multnomah. East 6016. PARKS1DE home, private boarding; room for two; five minutes' walk. 431 West Park st BEST board, clean rooms, walking Uis tance, $6 up. - 655 Washington.. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly f urnisned, steam beat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.; $12 and : up. -91 Columni at., corner 6th st. NICE, furnished S and 4 room house keeping suites at 244 Killings worth ave.; low rent Phone Wood lawn 680. C-1387. $i to" $2.50 week, furnished IL. iv. rooms; gas. free heat, laundry, bath. Phone East o039; 203 Stanton, U car. SUITES and single tl. . rooms, $1.50 week up. Also modern rooms. Mer ceces. 20th and Morrison. Cambridge bldg. f urnisned li. K rooms. ua aa. cor. xwtor n. LARGE front room for housekeeping. gas range. 210 Alder St.- GIMaN hotel, 1st and Aider.. Fur- n. iv. nns.. cneap. Sl.aowk. up. free bath. Gern AptSi 'mAOlst HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 HH7ATB pn.-r. ELEGANTLY furnished housekeeping room. kitchenette, hot-cold water in mflo' f2C3CtNi.Ct2t3yd-.Pfa)na- laUndry' 3 NEATLY, furnished downstairs h." k! rooms, including sink, stationary tubs, pantry. and. phone. 303 E. llth st. near Clay. East 2672. ... THE HAWTHORNE Pleasant roomsT . Phone, bath, hot and cold water. 221 861 TAYLOR--Suits. and r single b, k. XOLU. rooms, free lisrht. hath . r,hnr inn . dry. -, -, ' , ;: LARGE, light 3 room, suite,- $8 per month. 631 Thurman st. between 19th and 20th. . .. $5 MONTH Basement H. K clean ..?unn?i . "t f 6r eentleman. - Main 8806. 694 Everett 1 "-,f-T. SUNNY room, with alcove and kitchen, free light phone, bath. 269 Hall. ; I FOR RENT- HOUSES . -'5 13 5 ROOM cottage at 710 4th st.Call.714 Water. Marshall 449L ' - " MODERN. 6 rooms, newly painted and tinted. 149 Porter st t. Mam 2263. SIX. room house, with piano, on Alber ta st. Main 8924. , NURSES LJ ssw m rrw a? jif ., 12 ' MEIER A FRANK'S FREE RENTAL jivn TwriRUiimv uttppjit I AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex. - Complete and reliable list of all va cant - houses, flats, apartment - and bungalows - In the. clVy; make use of this service when -you desire: this does not obligate you in any manner to this store . Yoj will find ua willing and ready at all times to, help you in locating. I.'ewcorr.ers in Portland will I find tbla . tervice ; especially valuables Real estate men and owners of private property are invited to list their un occupied apartments, flata and bouses at Meier & Frank's free rental bureau. FOR RENT. 6 room house. : 244 E. : 46th, near Main; yard : contains flowers . and trees, convenient and homelike, $17, including water. Phone Tabor 4404. ' ' . L()WtH part of house, & roohiK, on .2 .big lots; good lawn, plenty of 'flow ers, roses and fruit: $12 per month. Phone Woodlawn 2518. 361 Fremont tit. KOUM modern house, . lth : and Marshall st. for rent reasonable, ap. piv 6l Marshall St.; Main or A-Z474. SWELL 5 room bungalow. 240 E. 49tl at., l Diock from iiawtnorne car tine. Call Marshall 2432.- . , FURNITURE FOR SALE 33 r HOUSES FOR RENT i SACRIFICE $80 tuya complete fur niture, 7 room house. If sold at once. 468 Taylor St. Phone Main 217$. - ADS of ' furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Goods clasai f ication when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 FURNISHED house. 4 rooms and two kitchens, rooms built so two house- Keepers could Jive. 30& Main St., bet. bin ana em; zv. zub -u nira st. A-t037 $45 PER month, furnished modern 8 room nouse. irvington. cnoice loca tion. Phone East 8872. FOR RENT Furnished home for sum mer; close in; choice location; aauits. Mst BUNGALOW, 1 room and kitchenette; gas, water inciuaea; 91. irnone vvooa- lawn zv9. SIX room suburban home with garage tor July and August- $25 per montn. rnone laoor oi. FIVE room bungalow, furnished com plete, close to union ave. 15 minutes to Washington st. Adnlts. Wdln, 2783. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 5 room house, very short walk. This Is a snap. Look at it. 466 Vancouver ave. $184 room bouse, piano, sewing ma- enme. gas range, wooaiawn 3161. 5 ROOM ".bungalow with garage. 3 room housekeeping. Tabor 190. 4, 5 and room modern cottages, com- pieieiy lumignea, $x. fcafi 3 z APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED- AND UNFURNISHED Wellesley Court EAST 15TH AND BELMONT . Furnished and unfurnished. Mgr. East 3469. References. ST3- SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. For rent 2 room, strictlv modern apartments, new brick building, all modern conveniences, 'at special sum mer rates. 355 Chapman st, corner of Mill,-edge of Portland Heights. VIT.LA ST. CLARA. 12 th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished! apt Walking distance. References. BALBOA APARTMENTS, 429 Harrison, near . 12th st Extra large 2 room furnished apts., 1- unfurnished. modern reasonable rent; good service. Marshall 2900. References. THE CODY, cor. E. 7tn and Taylor ts has been remodeled -with private baths, new furniture and carpets, 2 and 3 rooms; light and phone free; renf very reasonable. Call East 44. THE IRIS APTS. 3d and Mill St JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgom- ery. Modern 2. 3 and 4 room apts.. furnished or unfurnished. $17 month up. no cnarge for cookinar gas. MONTGOMERY Apts.. cor. Sd-Mont- : gomery. strictly mod., all outside faci 2 no. arjts elect. !. Yfnt nomina.' close in. $18 to $25. Free lights. M. 946S. 1HK IdOh'i'ON, cor. King and Wash new man'g.; 3 and 4 rooms, fur. and unfur. apts.. reasonable rent Pacific phone in apts. Main 1082. A-5749. The -Rarkhurst 3 and 4 room furnished apts. and -Northrup. 20th BKOADWAY - CENTRAL BLOCK - Rooms and apartments, modern, new, up-to-date f urn. elaborately. 3 blks. e. Bdwy. bridge. Summer rates. E. 6663. THE SHEFFIELD 2J0 Broadway. south, 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at - very rea sonable rent: best of service. M. 2506. THE DEZExNDORF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 5 room turn, and ufifurn. apts.; also 3 and 4 room furri. - apartments. AMER1CAN-MARLBOKOUGH. Highest class apts. in the city, 4, 5 and 6 rooms, walking distance, reason able. Mar. 3360. Main 7516. A-267B. ROSENFELD (brick), 14th & E. Stark. Modern 3 and 4 r furnished or un fur. Private phones, reasonable rates. RENT BARGAINS 4 mis., unfur.; 2 . rms furnished; hardwood - floors; references. Portnomah, 200 E. 13th. TWO room modern. . apts., newly furnished; Sawyer- Apia., 82 N. 10th St. Phone A-2238. WifiSXoN, 2 and 3 . rooms, private bath, modern brick; special rates $15 and up; 14th and Market. Main 1739. DOWN town, modern apts., $16 month up, Including heat light, etc Koyai Annex, 350 Morrison. AiibtHMAKLii Apts.. modern, neatly furnished apts. Summer rates. East 4193.' a83 William i ave.. near Broadway. DRICKSTON 448 llth st: modern 2. 3 room fur. apts., $20 to $30: walking distance; excellent service. Mar. 57. ' Ardmay Terrace, 395 12th st Large -2 room fur. apts. Mrs John Cran. mtrr. LUXOR APTS- 324 13th,- neaUy f ur nished apts., day,- week or month. MEREDITH 3 i 4 rm. apts., reason- aole. 712 Washington, opp.22d. M.7134 PAGE APTS. lixcelient outside apts. Rates very reasonable. - East 3566. KEELER APIS, 14th and Clay anl 4 room unfurnisbtd; references. THE LUZKKNE 2 room fur., apt., mdrn brick. $20 m. u. Mar. 43. THE ORMONDE Front 4 and S roomsT 656 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. THE LAURETTE 3 room furnished apts.; private bath, phone. 229 1 1th. FOR RENT FLATS 13 FOR RENT 6 room flat, E. 27th and Flanders. - Call East 4281. '" - FURNISHED FLATS 50 FIVE clean, well furnished rooms. pleasant location, two carlines, sleep ing porch, large basement,- $18. 7J2 E. Taylor. East 6260. .., 1 . SUBLET my? beautifully f urnUhed 5 room ! flat 1 east side, walking dis tance. H-341. Journal.. NEWLY tinted, well furnished 4 room flat, large sleeping porch, yard, good neighborhood. Tabor 1523. FOUR room furnished flat, complete, $18. East 1230. ... . . , STORES AND OFFICES 11 DRUGS. CONFECTIONERY. GRO . . CERIES OR HARDWARE. .- Choice established corner, fine store room, beautiful front, cement basement center of very populous district.. Cheap rent; will give lease. S. L. Jones, $72 Alberta st. Owner. , - ( t BRICK warehouse in South .Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. SHOP, 271 Hawtnorne ave- eavt eod of bridge. H. N, Burpee. M.i330. - FOR RENT HOUSES (Contlnned) 56 PACIFIC View Beach, tent houses and cottages tor rent completely fur nished. $3,60 and $5 per week. 16 miles ox ueacn,- line cum aiggms, nsams, agate beds, make your reservation now, at n biqc Kxcnange Diag., in. ooo, Fine-auto road, electric line, 25 min utes 10 .roriand;'4 rooms, comrortabie, 200 feet from lake, bathing, canoeing:, beautiful for summer; $6. Inquire 602 iwa a iruat owg. LARGE dlninar ball, completely fur niahed, only one at beach resort, for rent, only $15 monthly. This is a snap for someone.; Phone mornings, M. 937. FOUR 3 room furnished cottage with running- water. at Newton t station. Mrs. Agnes : Knoll, P. O. Box, Long .Keaen, wash. ;-".--" GET c. COMFORTABLE beach cottage - while -vou are getting; have on nice ly iocatei. Tor price you wtn agree ts ngnt. box 63j Heaview. wasn. - FOR RENT Furnished tents and cot tagea at Lake Lytle. - Frank Hart, jtw.-iva.way, 'jr.; or aiaranaii zvv. GKAKHAKT 6 room cottage for rent: nicely situated. Well furnished. Aiain i58. . FOR RENT Nicely furnished, 6 room nouse at snellburn. North Beach. Woodlawn 2197. Main 1747.v V! ' FURNISHED cottages and housekeep lng rooms, f 'Phone B-1283 or write a. k. Jrtusseil. HocKaway, or. SEASIDE 2 cottages near- beach for rent. 45 and $90. Phon. E. 6789. jriEASlDK cottage for rent. M. 4191: WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent 4 room house with --- modern conveniences, close in; etata price. A-tat, journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 MULES, team of blacK mules. 26U0 lbs are 10 years old and no older and will pull five-tons any spot- or place you , put tb em, have tne oest of feet and legs; and both will plow single,' are eAira ituk iur8, set gooa neavy nar ness, all at only SI60; one Dair of lieht last-walking mules, 6 years old, are Aat ana nanascme, maxe xme delivery or milk wagon team; price $150. Look! Special ranch outfit, or camp ing rig; good team, horse and mare. 26o0. Are in good condition and grain fed; set good new harness and a good light Mitchell wagon with springs un der box, good top that can be removed. This complete outfit at low price of $165. Team.- black horse and bay mare, rood workers, mare is little street sore, good harness and ail at one price of $140. . . Draft team, 2000 lbs., are bay and brown and have the best of feet and legs; and true to pull five tons any spot or place; -will do any heavy work on road or ranch; set good harness, all complete at low price of $260, Mares, team seal brown mares, 2400 lbs., are good, honest work team and will make gTand ranch team, set good harness and farm wagon, newly paint ed, at low price. $150. Call Union Transfer Co.. at llth and Hoyt Sts. SPAN or geldings, 8 and 10 years old, weighing 2850 lb., right out of hard work and fat, with set of heavy har ness, $200. Span of steel grays, weighing 2450 lbs., each 5 years old, very handsome team. $275. Also several draft teams at reasonable prices. Model Stables, 5th and Davis. Commission Auction Of horses, vehicles, har-ess. wajr- ons, every Monday and Thursday, at 2 p. m. yjotumoia ctapies. ?uz .f ront St. SINGLE eamping outfit, 1200 lb. horse with harness-and a lone bodied bu- gy. $60; also an 850 lb. mare with light buggy and nearly new harness at a bargain; must sell. 233 N. 14th st. 3000 lb. team grays, - with harness, at a bargain: this is no dinky outfit: trial allowed;. 233 N. 14th st DEAD horses and. animals hauled away free. -Call Woodiava lu. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horses and , cattle taken free. 1 a nor 4203. .: v. - MUST sell farm team, double harness and farm wagon. -1967 E. Stark. - $5t BUYS good middle mare, wagon and harness. Tbor 3135. LIVESTOCK 35 PURE bred Duroc-Jersey pigs for sale. do in sexes. reasonaDie. - pnonn main 1282. A. B. Townsend, 144 Front st. Portland. Or. FINE.- fresh -cow, young and gentle, tuberculosis tested, heavy, rich milk er; price right 619 E. John st, St Johns. JERSEY cow. $50; fresh 2 months ago. wooaiawn 40Z7. -. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 CHICKS S. C White Leghorns. 10c. 2 weeks old. Phone C-3133. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 PORTABLE GARAGES AND HOUSES Built of best materials, ar tistic designs. Erected complete,' lock and key. $32 up. Portable houses. 12 up. Immediate delivery. TAKE no WM Ttriffl- rr 548 Water st nr. Harrison. Main 1167. ' Cadillac, 1912 THE RELIABLE CAR." 5 pass., Delco electric lighting ana starting system, seat eovers, bumper, very good condition. Also other makes on hand at all times. Inspection in vited. - -. i .. , Covey Motorcar Co. ; 21ST-ANP WASHINGTON 5TS. ' 1914 MICHIGAN. $750. 1913 National, $1000. : , ... 1913 Hupmobile, $650. ; 1912 Hupmobile. $450. 1910 Rambler,. $300 Dulmage-Manley' Auto Co. ' 46-48 N. 20th St. NEW Ford 1915 runabout bodies for sale, $26. - . - Benj. E. Boone & Co. i i Ford Agents. 514 Alder st OREGON V.ULCANUZ1NG CO , "The Tire Shop. 550 Washington st.; at Hfb. j - Marshall 379. BEST TIRE. REPAIRING. Trad new tires tor old ones TIKES BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. .... studebaker bldg. -" Corner Chapman - and Alder r guaranteed iJ carried in stock. Robertson Hdw. Be pteei -o., aa-t zq st. GENERAL auto and truck repairing. Keo truck sprockets a specialty. Forging. Good work, square prices Try us. E. L. Taylor & Co.. 71 1st st lArtrjlSPRS&CO u Written .guar. antes w 1 1 n every : spring. 26 N. ISth st. CHALMERS .5 pass, foredoor electric and Presto lights, all no nskld tires; a snap at $356; need the. money. 129 Lownsdale st. ' Main 1161. NEW 'and used Ford automobiles sold on easy terms. Ben. E. Boone as Co.. Ford agents. 514 Alder st- Main 3966. - - - -- --- . . - . , ' - SLIGHTLY used tires. . largest stock k---in-Portland. $3 to $15. Fine repair lng. The Supply- Co.. 207 Madison. EXPERT auto repairing, repsonable charges. J. J. Zimmer. 1S3 N. 6th st. BARGAIN, Studebaker V25" fine Bhape. 69 Union N. East 6495 HIGHEST I prices paid for old rubber, metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia, M. 6198 CHEAP fov ah. 6: pass, automobil. 1912. A-l condition. Call Tabor 183L SUMMER RESORTS TV AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 2 (OontinnedV ; You can save hundreds' of dollars and. be'-the. owner of a first class high grade car if you " buy one of our great value bargains, . v . OUR HOME OFFICE 1 HAS ORDERED US - TO - SLASH PRICES AND WE'RE DOING :. IT TO A FINISH. WE WERE . i TOLD TO UNDERSELL THE 1 LOWEST 'PACIFIC COAST I QUOTATIONS $100 TO $50 PER CAR. WE'LL DO EVEN i MORE THAN THAT. ' PICK i OUT A CAR THAT JUST SUITS ? YOU AND NAME YOUR OWN I PRICE. YOU MAY EVEN WRITE YOUR OWN GUARAN-1 TEE, ;IF YOU WANT TO. COME IN TODAY; THE CAR YOU WANTED MAY BE GONE M BY TOMORROW. v 23d and Washington Sts. . Open Evenings. Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We Will KAorlfif-,. th, fnllnwlnv list of used cars for quick sale. ; STEARNS 5 passenger. COLE 5 passenger. REO 5 passenger. CHALMERS 6 passenger. OWENS 7 passenger. STUDEBAKER 2 passenger. CHEVROLET 2 passenger. MICHIGAN 5 passenger. APPERSON 5 passenger. . ' MAAWKtiL ueiivery. REO 2 ton truck. Several others to select from. Take advantage of this sale. We will save you money, ! Northwest Auto Co. . ! BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. Broadway 887. - A-4959. GUARANTEED USED CARS ON EASY, PAYMENTS 1914 FORD. 5 pass. $425 1914 OVERLAND roadster ....$600 1914 OVERLAND roadster ..... $550 22J? OVKKLAND. 5-pass. .....$460 1911 OVERLAND. 5 pass ...... $350 1910 CADILLAC 5-pass. ..... .$400 1911 MITCHELL, 5-pass. ..,...$300 1913 COLE. 6-pass. .....$825 OVERLAND, panel top delivery. $550 MAXWELL, delivery car $375 J. W. Leavitt & Co. USED CAR DEPARTMENT ' 627 Washington St. 7 1 PASSENGER foredoor. fine shaDe: must sell at once on account of sick ness; price $350. Also a 5 passenger in gooa snape, 91ZO. uaii oyai, 201 Panama Diag. A SNAP Ford roadster. $125 cash. St Johns Garage. St. Johns. Or. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 CASH for-late model light roadster or :fora touring car; give full details. f. yj. nor ibb, wooapurn. or. FOR HIRE Reasonable, clean, classy nuason car, careiui, competent onv er. Main 5378. , " WANTED Ford auto; must be bar gain. W-939. . Journal. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES S3 Pope motorcycles and bi cycles cash or terms. New and used. Supplies, etc F. P. Ktenan Co.. 130 4th TWIN Excelsior enuinDfd and In foml condition, for sale or will trade on auTo. Mam 8745. 249 Stark. 1912 EXCELSIOR Twin, belt drive. equippea. good condition, $ so; terms. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 WANTED Canopy covered motorboat iior carrying u. is. mail, engine guar- .uiei-u 10 run 2 miles per day, 6 days per week. 62 weeks per year; must stand government j test and Inspection; state lowest cash price, size of boat, horsepower and type of engine first reply W. P. Jacks, R D No. 3, Mil waukiA, Or. MOTORBOAT ENGINE, -i 4 cyt, 4 cycle motor, in good condition, motor now in automobile; will be sold cheap. - ... " j Covey Motor Car Co. I 21ST AND WASHINGTON ST. EVINRUDE Motor Co- now located Front and Morrison; 100 Evinruds rowboat and canoe motors in stock; $58 to $83. Gasoline - engines, motor boat equipment, paddles, cushions, sporting goods, rowboata and ranoes. FIVE room houseboat. No. 1, for sale; launch, electric lights, fuel frees In quire 1064 . Macadam st. South Port land, Or. --- - - - FOR SALE 26x5 launch, 12 H. -P. Kermitt engine, .4 cylinder. 4 cycle, WANTED A. 16 foot Morris or Old l own cano ior cash. (Jail Tabor 1083 PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 : VTHE SECURITY STORAGE CO. -Will close out to first caller $275 McCammon.' piano.- $35 'cash. -, $300 Marshall & Wendell. $50 cash. $350 Wellington, oak, $115 cash. $600 Decker & Sons, walnut. $125 cash. $850 Auto-Player piano, $290 cash. $760 Kimball baby grand. $345 cash. -1 109 Fourth St., Couch bldg. $5 cash, with double credit for U bays-new $350 piano at $265. $7.50 monthly without interest charged else where; makes total saving- $145.29 to you. Schwan Piano Co.,5 Ill 4th st. MARTIN guitar in good condition, at 1 $4.25: also mandolin baring 22 ribs, for $3.50. Ill 4th st t , EDISON outfit costing $36.25; guar anteed in perfect condition, for $14, on terms. 111 -4th st ' " - $ 1 MONTHLY stores your pia no. - Se curity Storage Co., 109 4th st. Main 5323.- - ;- - " - --;---- - --g -. ' - - - $650 - Steinway. splendid mahogany. i good as new, $365. Co.. Ill 4th st. y - Schwan Piano $70 violin in perfect condition, in case, with bow; only $12.50. Ill 4th st $20 cash buys $135 used Estey organ. Security Storage' Co 109 4th st- BARGAINS in high-class new: violins; - .also old ones. 73 E. 28th. FIRST - class grafonola and records, .cheap for cash. Phone East 71$. SEIHAIP 1 II fill! 77 GILL'S REBUILT - TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods.- Remingtons, L. C Smith. Oliver, Smith-Premier, Royal, etc- $16 and up: terms. Agents for the Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, .tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. WE save you- from 59 to 76 per cent on - all makes of typewriters. Send for cur illustrated " folder; retail depart ment WHOLESALE. TYPE WRITER Co.. 321 Washington st ----- ' TYPEWRITERS for rent $ months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington typewriter Co.. ss Broadway. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES. . BARGAINS FOR CASH. L. STEIN AN. TABOR 6357. STANDARD visible writers 3 months for $4, delivered. 244 Stark st Main 6273. NEV, rebuilt. 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. P. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407- HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 CASH. .. 1- - CAbH. . - CASH. Paid for good used furniture, carpets and stoves. Call Gevnrts. Marshall 687. CALL Bell Auction Co. and get good price for your furniture Mar. 4783. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS - lO SEWING MACHINES. 60 slightly used machines. . y Singer, dropheads ....... ..$10 and up Wheeler & Wilson d'pheads $15 and up New Home dropheads.. . . .$15. and up Domestic, dropheads ...... $15 and up New Royal, dropheads .....$10 and up Willamette, dropheads... ..$16 and up Some Stencil - machines, . :-V dropheads ..............$ 7 and up Box top ..................$ 3 and up - All makes of machines for rent $3 per month. ; y.-- , Two Stores: : ? THE WHITE SEWING MACHINES. 3S3 Alder st. 843 Alder st. Phone .Main 2183, A-4599. Main 2978. . ,-:-'-:.- - -:-v.-A-S659. : S. S. SI gel. Agent - jiEWlNG machine. Em- porium sells for less: nc agents employed, all makes of new and second band machines, r Sold on terms. , Machines guar anteed and rented. 22 per month. - 190 3d. near Taylor. Main 9431. A-3626. Electric . Motors Bought, sold, rented and renalred. Walknr Rltrf0 Works. 413 Burnslde, cor. i " 10th. Main or A -6 6 7 4. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Type ' writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. look toem over. - - - BILLIARDS New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables. bowling alleys and. accessories,, easy payments. Tables for residences The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co- 46-48 6th st Phone Main 4970. FOR horses - and vehicles, . dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads-, under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums In these classifications. .FOR RENT OR SALE AT THE PORTLAND TENT AND AWNING CO., 16 N. FRONT ST. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launcnea or 00a is are separate classifications A i large listing - can be found . under these different headings. M1MEOOKAPHS. supplies, circular let ters, .gauott addressing machines and supplies. W. E. Flnxer & Co 238 Stark. BILLIARD and pool tables for sale or rent, lowest prices; easy terms. WV J. Quigley, 203 3d, nr. Taylor. M. 5399. LOGANBERRIES Pick them. 2c txu xiawtnorne car 11st. waia 3 blocks north. 1824 Division. E. L. Brown. DIAMOND house paints, strictly purs; made in Oregon, $1.65 gallo.. Port land Paint Co.. 230 Front Mar. ieo. DOOR and window screens, sash, cup board doors and all kinds of Job work. Phone Tabor 4602. ' - SIX-HOLE cast iron range with-coil. - singer sewing- machine, line condi tlon, bargain. East 237. SECONP-HAND wheel chair. 1461 E. Everett, near 65th, 50 FOOT hose, $3.50; $15 ball tree, $10. pnone wooaiawn . 112.60 DROPHEAD sewing machine with attachments. 152 Grand ave. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. aiara-uavis wo., ziz a a. xaain 797. WE buy and sell used xachinery. Northwest Lead & Machy. Co. CHERRIES for Sell wood 1336. sale. 6630 E. 44th. SWAP COLUMN.- v 23 REPAIR shop and paying business to trade for automobile, lot or cows. 891 E. Morrison. Phone East 5578 or Ta bor 3672. - . - - - WILL trade good roadster for good motorcycle and some cash. Call 191 4th st. ........ ONE good 1200 lb. work horse to trade for small buggy horse. Tabor 870. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 -WE WANT THE UOODS." WANTED; ranges.- stoves, rugs, rockers, dressers, tables, couches, chairs. Davenport We pay the price Try us. Northwest Furn. Rxchange. East 86. W. A. CO v ELL wants second hand furniture, opening new store: will paythe best price. 192 First nr. Tay lor. Phone Marshall 6947. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay highest cash price for household goods. 'Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Ru---U st WANTED Used furniture for 15 room house or small hotel. Must be cheap, E-827. Journal. WANT 4. 6 and 8 ft showcases, also wall cases" and large mirrors; will pay cash if cheap. S-819, Journal. J. MEYER, the tailor, pays highest prices for 2d hand clothing, shoes. We call promptly. M. 7573. 229 Madison. OWL FURN. CO. yr.ys best prices Cor furnitnre. 231 1st. Main 4627. tiiCONU hand clothing; and everything. nignest prices, aiain zoso. zsc jst WANT to buy wire fencing. E. 6453. LOST AND FOUND. 21 FOLLOWING articles found or the cars of the Portland Railway.- Llarht & Power Co., and owners thereof may claim same at the First - and Alder street station-. Broadway 5100. A-6131: June 22 Eight umbrellas, i 2 nalrs shoes, 1 book, 4 pairs gloves, 1 case (eye glasses), 6 packages. - 2 bundla canvas and rope, 2 suitcases, ! music holder, 1 purse, I valise. 1 glass Jug. 1 lady's purse. -1 lodTe nn. . 2. camn stools. 1 floor brush. 1 Docket knife, l basket. -- - STOLEN Automobile, Studebaker Garford, 1911 T passenger. No. 9850, i dark green body, light gray chassis. uonsua ures on rear. 3 -t- i u. rims, front tires smooth, size 36-4; top leaf of rear spring partly gone. 'Liberal reward. -Phone Main 919.1 LOST A gold Greek letter college fraternity.- pin, Zeta Psi, set with 21 small- diamonds. name of owner on hack of pin. Reward if returned to 501 Chamber of Commerce bldg Portland FOUND Lady's plain gold ring, in City park; name inside. Owner can have same by identifying and paying for ad.- Call at Journal - office. ' LOST Gold pointed bracelet, set with amethyst in each Joint; had been broken; reward. Journal office. FOUN A bievcle. owner mav have same tinon -describlnsr It. Main Si.r. LOST Tie clasp. Initialed C. C D.; iinaer return to Journal office. PERSONAL. 22 BALM of Figs, remedy lor diseases of women. fiO Davis at Main 2393 LKSSONS in phrenology jand cari read ings. - 235f 6th t- Phone Main 7S4S ( WVPr Consultation v free, - Main LavTrJfCi : 49o3;. 70S Selline bldg. HARTNESS. leading feather . workers. - f wholesale, retail. Cor,- Park. Yamhill. CHIROPRACTIC doctor. Painieas d Justments: 31 treatments $16. 1214th MISS KAi;FF.MAN. 17 Rothchild. Scalp treatments. Call afternoons, i TYPEWRITERS PERSONAL. (Contlnnad) - T.-f-v A "iOHT on hlfh V ! jfrl I Prices. Why pay $5 J- ' ' to 0 o glasses, wh-n l ceo tit your eyes with first quality lenses tn a gold-filled frame Kw C W. Goodman. 10$ Morrison st Main 2124. Mali orders promptly filled. Write for particulars. WANTED 25 " $7.95 for $15 pay $9.85 for; styles. W.' A. Alder. 2 doors women that wm pay coats, and 25 that will $20 coats; latest 1915 .Crank, new store, 263 east Woodafd-Clarke's, LOUISE NETZEL, trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, lumoago, neuralgia. - etc- tub l"?! . massage and electric blankets. 25t, llth st Marshall 5033. SPIRITUALISM Medium, Rev. Vir glnla Rows. Readings, healings dally; circles Tuesday and Friday evenings, 8 o clock. 231 6th st. Pnone A-7116. ATTDRNPY0; reasonable. Cases rvi; 1 VUlt- I O settied without noto Ail cases treated with courtesy. 213 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 4368. MRS. STEVENS. 31 years Portland a renowned palmist end clairvoyant lias her took, "palmistry Made Easy," on jiale. Removed to 375 Ta-'lor st. DR. O. V. KETCH UM Women's mala dies : and acute diseases of men. Wash, bid., 4th & Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 488 HAVE your hair permanently, waved. ; Guaranteed to last- Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. SPIRITUALISM Rv. M. A. Price, cir cles. Tues. 2 Pi m.; Wed.. Sun. 8 p. m. Readings dally. 603 6th St. Mar. 3960. MME. DREYFUS, impresslonal card reader. Hotel Madras, room 26. 12th and Washington. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, 'etc., destroyed foreveT; cure guaran teed. Mlie,:De Long. 604 Swetland bid. MRS. HAMOT, medium and healer. .2d' cor..; Yamhill, 4th floor, apt 9.- Marshall 2497. NOTICES. 20 PltOPOSALS for addition to brick axsemblr ucpniuurai vi me inierior, or rice of IiiiIihd ffttlrg. Wasblnfttoa. D. C, June 17. 1015.8ealed proposals, plainly narked on thr outlde of- the sealed envelope; "Propoaala for Additioa to Brl-k Asaembly , Hall. Kalem ik-bool, Oregon. and addressed to tbe "Coni niiloner of Indian Aftali-a. Waublnxton. l. C"1!X 1U. received at the InUiau offlc tintli 2 o'clock p. m. of July 21. 1915, for furniFhiug materials and labor for tbe con- utrnctiou of an addition to the brick asaembly ball, lu strict accordance with tbe plans, spe cifications and instructions to bidders wblch Biar be examined at tha orrim. nt tha n.n. or periodical In which this advertisement appears, tbe. United States Indian warehouses at -Chicago, 111., and St. Lauis, Mo., and Builders' Exchange, St. Panl, Minn., and at the --office of tba snperlntendent of the Salem Indian school. Cbemawa, Or. Kor further in formation apply to tbe saperinteudmit of the Salem .school, CATO KEIXS. - CoinmisBioiier. KOTICK My wife, Helen . U 8hop. having left any bed and board, 1 will no longer lie responsible for bills contracted by her on and after this date, Jose .24, 1915. W. A. BHOPE. NOTICM ia hereby given that I will not be responsible for any bills contracted la my name or otherwise by Miranda Morrraon. ti li. A. MOKRISON. ABSTRACTS Z-LL.KR ABSTRACT CO.. prompt aervica, 400 Ablngton Bldg. J. A. and C. W. Zeller. ACCOHDIOK PLEATTNO ACCOHOION. KNIFE AND BOX PLBATINQ. PICOTIXGi ' HEMSTITCHING, BRAIDING. KMBllOI DEKING. EAHTEN NOVELTY MFG. CO.. 85 5th ST.. NBAR OAK. K. STKl'HEN . lieniatitchlng. accordion, aide and sunburst nlesting; buttons covered, goods tpougeo:. scalloping. 333 Alder. M-B373. '"ft ATTORNXYS HALL A KL1KDNER, lawyers; consultation free. 20H-9 Flledner bldg. Mar. 3507. BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS & HOLMAN, Inc., loe Sid st Blank book manufacturers: agents for Jones Im proved Loose Leaf Ledgers. Sea the new Eu reka Leaf. - A-31S3. Main 183. BRASS AND MACHINE W OEKS HARPER'S Brass Works. Brass castings and machine works. 108 6th St. Bdway 2.'i42- CARPEKTES SHOPS Moore or .Ssndstrom. Main 783. 334 Taylor, CARPET CXEANTKO JOIt K BlkOS, Electric Cleaning Works, car pets cleaned aud laid, refitting our apeclal- ty. East 44Q. B-1063. 8Q4 E. 19th N. CARPET WEAVING! NOR1UWEST It. O. CO.. ruga from old car pets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 183 E. bth. Work called for. East 8580. B-1280. CHTROPHACTIO PHYSICIANS DR.1 McMAHON, 121 4th st. Cbroulo diseases requiring extended time. 31 treatments $15. UK. I'OULSON. specialist In paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 350 Pittock blk. B'wsy 2C2. J . CIRCULATING- LIBRARIES Metaphysical circulating. Broa'way and Main COAX, AND WOOD NEER & FARR and Inside block wood. 4 foot or sawed to order. Telephone r f A I Mala 4M). A-4547. VUrtL Bark Blockwood Portland Slabwood Co. CORDWOOD BOX WOOO M. 3119. A-7001. NICK dry box wood and cordwood, 4 feet or sawed. Summer prices. -. Standard Wood Co., East 2S1S. B-185. - - - BEST cordwood. $4.50 per cord; wreckage wood. Central Fuel Co. We deliver amall or- dew. Main 1606, A-l 106, f1 U rr, nnl F. J. EVERTS. MAIN 8767. LiJarCOal toot of cubby street. FULTON WOOD CO.. 12JO Macadam. Dealers slab wood. Box wood $2.25 Toad. M. 7KH0. COLLECTION AGENCY 1 BUY accouDta, , bills, notes and Judgment of every name and nature anywhere. - For quick Teaulta auawer M-6W8. Jonrnal. CONTRACTORS JOBBING contractor; estimates given on all work. Cement a specialty. Marshall 1917. ELECTRIC MOTORS frND DYNAMOS MOTORS, generators, bought, sold, rented and repaired. . We do all kinds of repairing and rewinding. All work guaranteed. II. M, II. Electric Co.. 81 N. 1st at. Phone Broadway WK buy, sell, rut and exchange new and 2d - band ntotorsj retiair work a specialty. WEST ERN ELECTRIC WK8 213 Ub st. Mar. AS. ELECTRO PHYSICIAN DR. COR1NNE JOHNSTONE Nervoua. and . rheumatic diseases; - electro-magnetic mas sage. 715 Dekum. - ; Professional and Business Directory r ij h ZTERTTHINO ELECTRICAL ., T1' ,Jc",rn1- ; . 2 STUBBB' Electrical Co.. cor. 6th and Pine atsT . WALL PAPER EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. LUNGS MOROAN WALL PAl s.lt CO. 213 2d St., ii.r in " 1 - isi s HH ITIVltl. Specialist, Moderste. prices. Glasses fitted. Dr. 11111 r. r. Caseday. 617 Dekum bldg., 3d and Wsah WINDOW CLEANING WHEN yon answer these Want Ada mention EXPERT WINDOW CLEANERS A-4io. The Journal. I Main-6227.- 212 ILatry bldg. j jNTanufacturcrs Jotbsrs Wholesaler 1 PRY GOODS WHOLESALE ' - PAINT. OIL ANp""otAS8 " I r7 ...... as- n - . , BASMLiSiSEN k CO., "High Siaodara'' paint. . rieiscnncrf IVlayer ot Co. n. k..c.. 2d am Tayh.r. m. 1771. a-. i J- ' '" ;' 1 PIPE WOOD PIPE EARM IMPLEMENTS AND TEHTCLE9 ' f OKI LAND WOOD PlfE CO. Factory sit K. M. WADE & CO., 322-32S Hawthorua ave. n trflf nwir 24th andfYork ata. Main 34-'. ' LEAD PIPE WOOL. MACHINERY PLPMBlNg jIPETAMUPPLII rvl ? LKA1 M ACill S E R Y O. M. L, KLtNE riWNT TREBT ' LEATHERS AND rnTPING, " " - ROPE ANPJBIJtPER TWINE gtf ;gt8r,ff rroot- - Porttand Cordage Co. INFORMATION COUPON ' -If you want the name of a reliable of merchandise, or Information regarding resorts, hotel, railroads, a tea m .ship lines, etc- address Oiesoa Journal InXornation Bureau. Information desired: - : ; ' ' - , ' :' lMI.,l,Otttii ra -m v a notici:s. (Contlnnad) IN the t'lrvuH Court of the Slate or Urs. '!.. Iur Countv of Multnomah. An Mrter.-.. Plaiutiff. va. Marsarct V. . Jauniiiit fi" w-: J.u1,u' ber hul.aiid. ami ilra. A Stalford, IvCfOdaota guuiuioaa. 1 To Margaret V, Jetiaiuxa and l'. j. Jeunlng! her hut baud, above nanicd defendants: 1 la the name of tbe Stata of Orprfon rnu and each of you. are herehv reqtitrt-il to in pear and afiawer the complaint filed airat'i, you In the above eutltled auit, on or Ze(-i the expiration of alx wka from the SiUi d.r. of.f!U'! 181 blu' tha date of tu. first uubllra tlon of tbis auniinona, to-wlt. tt. 8tb day of July, 1915. and If rou fail so U appear or auawer said complaint. for ta thereof, plaintiff will take Judgment ami (1) tor the .urn of 7.0oo. touetber will interest thereoa at the rote f seven per ic.i par. annum from auditor January 1. lull and the further sum of $15.K8.ua for taxa pi. by plaintiff upon tbe premlaea d-wrH-d li tb mortgage mentioned nd deaeribed lu rlto tiffs first cause of -auli hla -ouiplain berelu. together with Imprest thereon at 11. rate of seyeu per rent per annum from am !tr,JIoh SI' 181&: ud e-further aunt o 4SH.71 for street awM-iwmeuta paid Mir thi plaintiff and which, were a lien agaluat t u property described In tt innrtmige Biniion. and deacrlbed lu pUlntirrs first cinn of sul in hla complaint herein; and iucb further aim as tbe court may allow as attorney's feus ber- . ,a .,rfore.rlo"1Ui! the set out 1 ' plaintiff's firat cause of u!t in nld conipjnlnl 2) For the further auro of a."jl2.4j, toirnue, with lutereat thereon at tlc rule of aeveu ptt cent per. auuuw from and after Jauuar, 1 1U13, and such further sum as the court "mm allow as attorney's fee for forecloxlng t . mortgage denrlbed In plaintiff's se-ond can, of suit In said coinpliilut, and for his coats am disbursements Incurred herein. S) And will take decree against you am each of you, foreckwintr each of pialntltr ; said mortgages described lu said complain! aud directing the il if tbe mortgaged pre. ke described a;. lMt 1, Itlock lhll, lu tm City of Portland, Or., according to tbe duH recorded plat of said City of I'urtlaud on t i.. In tbe office of the county clerk of Multtm a-.ah county, Oregon, lu the manner prorlded In law; and for the application of the pro cceds of sunn sale to the parment of tin costa and dlabursements of this suit, to tin Kyment of such sums as may be decreed tt due to plaintiff herein us principal, luthr et, money advanced, and attmiay'a fee, am burring and foreclolng you and each of you and all persona cUlminu umli-r you or eliLei of you, from U right, title, lutereat aud claiu in and to said tnortgagd preinlaes, i This aummona l.i sered upon you br pub lication thereof for six consecutive weeks. 1' Tha Oregon Journal, pnrauaut to an ordr ot Honorable Henry K, Ili-Ciun, a judge of tin above entitled court, made and entered herein ou the 2tth day of May, lftl'i. '. - . JOSKPII A HANEY, Attorneys for Plaintiff. &U1-13 Ourbttt bldg.. J'ortland, Or. , Hate of firat publication May 27. 1015. late of laat publloal Ion July H. 1013. ! SRALED proposals will be received st the of flee of tbe undersigned, 401 courthoune, tm til 4 p. m., Tuui'mluy, July l, tola, f finishing hardware for new Kennedy achonl. bids will b ietied at the same lime in roou 804 cotirlhouue. I'lans and KwclflcHtlnns mm be obtained at the office of t'. A. Naramore. auperlutenilent of properties, - aoa c-ourthoiiKH., I)efilt of 5 Is requirvd for plana and apccifl rations. Certified check for 10', or t" aiutmnt of tb proposal, payable to K. II Thomas, eehonr clt-ik, nitial scmpaur eaci proHMaL Board of director reaervea the rlRla to reject auy and all provK)ali. i K. H. T1IOMAM. School Clerk. 1'ated JTme SB. lt. ' I WILL not be ret.aislble for any debta ru traded by my wile. Kind M. Kirk, as alu has left my home. John K. Kirk. i EDUCATIONAL DANCING UEATH'M hCHOOL Iasoiia daily, etnas hi. eve., 8 to to. Allsky bldg., iid aud Mor rison sts. I.Pfcjxms i! ."c. Main WIS. MTJSIO SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS LOUIS A. CRE1TZ Teacher of violin. Sherman, corner Hm. Marshall 2ai;l. f E. TiilKLiioRN, violiu tench-r, pupil Kev. '207 Hclilncr lAdg. A-4IWI. Marolinll lH'.l). POPULAR MUSIC RAGTIME ou plaulu guaranteed beginner 1. lu lessons. Picture playing. 1'ree ueiuouetra tlon. Free booklet, fVOI Ellers bltlg. INSURANCE I tAClfiO H'l'ATKS 1UK 1NMUKANC1S to.,! only Oregon ftre insurance company. . ' MATTRESSES --. . - I UYU1EMC ilATTBK.SS CO., old lual lrei- made new wllh our Hygienic proceys. Bn,aell. corner Tnlon. East sk:i. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS bR. PHILMl'S 1 arulyala, iit-rtou, and cLi.pii Ic dlneaaea. 004-5 OregonlMii hUig. M. " 1 1 2 PAINTING, PAPELHANGINO AND TINTING PAlN'l'lMU, kalaomlnliig, iiuterbaiiginK, work guaranteed. I'hone WihuIIhwii ;.lsiM. ah t BUTCUl' K tc liLltiJ, bent work in painting, i piTpering. M. 172, A -'2TiT. I Z! llth at. i 1'AINTINU tinting. pHperhaiiglng. Crane, 170 loth at. Main WliEN you kuhw 'these Waul Ads meutiou The Journal. PAYING COMPANIES HIE BARBER ASl'ilALT PAVING CO., fuel land office 223 Sherlock hlrlg RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO atencils, trade cbecka, braxa aigna. PACIFIC COAST ST AMI' WCUKU 231 Waalilngton Bt.. Main 710,"A-271o SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES I UEUNK.E-WALKER '1 ELECiHA I'll hCUoL 4th KT.. NEAR MOKHIHON SPKCIAL-BATES TO TllOHB ENROLLING ItEFOKE JULY j.vrU PHONE MAIN WK1 OR A-150S SHEET METAL WORKS - UEl'AlRlNU tin and gravel roof. aio lot st. 1'hone Main 1121. SHOE REPAIRING Jacob L MODEL REPAIR SHOP Repair ing while you wait; popular1 prices. IjO ath.opp. Meier & trans. 1 TRANSFER AND STORAGE C. O. PICK Transfer Ktorage Co. ttflne and commodious 4 story brick warebou with separata Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables.- N. W. corner 2d and fine ala. I'lanoa aud furniture moved and packed fur ; ablppmc tipeclai rates wane ua goou in through cars to all domestic aud ioralgu point. Msiu 5W, A-1W. Oregon Transfer Co. ; Establlched 1H70 '.Transfer and forwarding agents. Ktorage, Free Trackage - Office and Storage 474 Ullaan St. ir.l and JIIhii. - Main ffi). A-1l'.1. OLMEN-ROE TltANHFER CO. Htw fireproof warehouse with sepsrsle rooms. We move and pack household goods and pianos sod ship at reduced rates. Ault vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents. Free trackage. Offt' and warebowe lolli and Hoyt. Main f47, A -224. BAGOAOE TRANSFER bKltVlCK CO., PINE ST; MAIN 12. A-l'3. .4 business house dentine- in ant Una ........ fv.