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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1915)
12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY JUNE 23, 1915. ilOXKlf 'Tw LOAX HEAL KSTAIIS . - (Continued) . MORTGAGE LOANS. ' - Any amount, at front 6 to 7 on Inside business property and , a resi dence and apartment bouses; quick de cisions and favorably terms WILFRED ' SH03E & CO.. 205-206 Northwestern Bank bids.. Phone Marshall 148. : LOANS on Improve city property or for building purposes; advance mada s build In progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. -P. . Lipscomb, -242 Stark iu Main 4420. Mortgage Loans T. I WHITE. 701 Selling bid; BUILDING .loans oa city and subur ban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 316 Fail ing bldr. Main 3407. PRIVATE ON -HAND TO LOAN. . $10,000 at 7'c; $5000 at 7 14.000 at 8P. farm 11600 farm ooat ztyg at syr. i arm WILL- advance the money to build home on your lot. Pay us monthly terms. 7. The Oregon Home Build er. 1330 r. w. jaariK mug. WE have money to loan oa your real estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOfH) MOBTOAGE COMPANY, 422 Chamber of Commerce. CASH paid 1.- mortgages, notes, con 1 tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Ltwis ft jo., a tiewn ping tlM.ivo on mortgages, city and iann property, fire insurance. - McKenzie A Co.. Qerlinger bldg 2d and Alder. - to $5000 on city property. A, H. Bell. 61 Oerlinger bldg.. . . MiiiVKY to loan. js&iij to S600:i. Low in terest, prompt action, it- W, Ha good. -; 81 1 journal oiag.- MOKTOAGE loans at current rates. 1 Real estate security; Apply room 203 Slock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. $200, $350, $600, $900, $1200, $1800.Fred W -German Co y 914 Cham, of "Com. $41,000 OK LESS. FAKKING'J'ON. $0 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. MONEY to loan to 8. W. H. Seiu '.' & Co.. 310 tsoaldlng bldg. $500 to $0000 PKlVA'iE MONEY. O- 131. Journal. . .- S.'iuu. tfiOO. S2000i must loan at once: no commission;" Ward, 407 Spalding DIOg. - - MONEY tO LOAIV 07 CHATTKLS. SALARIES " IMMEDIATE LOANS :ON DIAMONDS AND - JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. 5 W have one of the finest retail Jewelry stoces In the 'iity. A. loan de ' psrtment 1 . conducted in connection 'with same, making business STRICT ay CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no ' signs" designating loan business dis played In front of our store.' All mer : chandise pledged Is field .for a period , of twelve months, whether or not in--terest Is paid when due. We are It . censed and have been established since 1899. No connection with any either , loan 'establishment in this city. ; A. A M- DELOVAGE. - JEWELERS. ,bz vv aanmgion si. ' bALAKY LOAN iALAK If .LOANS Being salary loan brokers exclusive ly, we are enabled to assure satisfac tion and give the quickest possible service. Business strictly confidential. REMEJMBER, . We are licensed, and therefor . - RELIABLE. ' ' STATE SECURITY CO, ' ' ' 309 Failing bldg. Loans at Legal Rates ' . We loan money on diamonds pianoa. - livestock, storage receipts, plain notes. o furniture, or anything of value. - . You can get it today. -Portland Loan Co., Licensed - Licensed by- State, - $11 Dekum Bid.. . - Third and Washington. MONEY AT ONCE. Diamonds, Watches, Musical nstrum'ts Separate dept. for ladSea. KL3Y CO. (Licensed.) 120 Uimoer Ex l.ldg.. 2d end Star ', M'KENZIE & CO., 615 (Jerlinger bldg. WANTED ON A-l SECURITY. $30,000 at 6 Vi?o. value $90,000. $ 7,000 at. 8, valne $60,000. $ 1,600 at 8. value $ 4.800. r $ 400 at 8, value $2,600 - farm. , $ 6.000 at i value $40,000 city. ', $ 1,000 at 8, value $ 3,000 city $ 600 at 8. value $ 4,000 farm M'KENZIE & CO., 51S G-erttinger bldg. "" - "" ---rp' ' t:iiin icz. t.lnn acc t inn iw 5 room cottage, occupied by appll- mm, juu oiuii aisrei, value flQOO. $600 Insurance, v , good sate loan. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham, of Commerce. FH?,M PRIVATE PARTIES gages for clients, 7 per cent The Ore- fou iioinB nuiiaers. onver ts.. Jerfery, res.. 1330 Northwestern Ranlr Hfl- HAVE you money to loan? See our jiiai mortgages on newly built homes. The Oregon Home Builders. .1330 N. W. Bank bldg. ' i $100 for 6 months or year; real estate security. Frank SchlegeL .433 Wor- vffier li)Ug. FINAACIAL 01 j.VIHS'C and second mortgages, also set. ,ers Interest In contracts, purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. E. Noble. 1 MiThermns bldg. -- - HK1.P WAXTEDMALia 1 X-OSTOFFICE examinaion at Portland soon. Prepare now under former ; government examiner. Booklet S-301-tree, . Write today. Patterson Civil Tin fciiuoi,. ocnester, js. - y. . X WaNTED A young man to work on must be able to milk. , A. Bl a hax. Oregon City, li. F. D. 3, Box ' lVO. - ' - - '. SALESMEN wanted, outfit free, cash ; weekly. Address Capital City Nurs- MEN and teams to haul cord wood in tpuntry. 448 11th st. Marshall 6 T Call or phone after 6:30 n m. only EMPLOYMENT" department Y. ii. U ' A Beyce free' to members. RKLP VVAJTEL--M1SC. 49 WE have severtU openings lor estab- Udhmeot of independent mall order business. Energy, good .habits and sound judgment more important ' than capital. Spare time at first. Particu lars free. - Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo. N. Y. ; -.--T T ZT- MARSHALL'S AUTO AND GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. Automobile repairing and driving; also gasoline traction engineering. Tu ition easy payment plan. We guarantee results. . 369 and 446 Hawthorne ave. GOVERNMENT posiUons are .iy to get. My free booklet Y-368 tells how. Write today,. NOW. 5 Earl HopkinsI . WANTED Men. women; government wants clerks; $75 month. Write for list positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. WANTED Names of men wanting to be railwayv mall clerks; $75 month. WANTED at once. 2 men to learn au toraobile repairing and driving. Haw. nni lug sjfmas nawurornB avtv Ti fl T.TVR . Vfllln . mn a rtA .urnm.n C . urday morning. 4224 Morrison st room 1. - .i ... : , ECLECTIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. . -Now, East Side Business University. Orand at Morrison. Rooms 18-'.-- '-- COOK headquarters California "WU - rTxt. ga t Vsmhitl. Kear Kth. UNCALLED ror tailor mad suits; $6,61 in i uTior, Trie renor. Kurnuld GOOD proposition for honest solicitors, eitfer sex. Call 141 13th at Alder. TEAMS wanted to haul wood. .Call East 64 88. - - USE Basse tt 'a Native Herbs for rheu matism; 50 tablets 25c. All druggists. 49 Y?jAJu!c.XAUrTOMOK SPECIAL , SHORT ;COURSE. REDUCED RATES TO SEPT. J Unusual . opportunity", i full associa tion membership, to Oct. 1. Call at educational office. Y. M. C. A. bldg. ; 4 HKLP - WANVCn- FKMALE 2 WANTED Saleslady ? for' a piano store; would prefer on that can do stenography and typewriting: good sal ary and , permanent position. ? R-&36, Journal. . WANTED A good, respectable mid die aged lady to care, for and man age a small rooming house. Must have some means. X-384. Journal ' WANTED 2 attractive young ladies for snecial work. -Call mornings. Mrs. -Fitzgerald,; room 716 .Benson Hotel. WAIST finishers' only with long shop experience wanted: nn- others.- 434 Morrison. '- :: - . j WANT woman with good references to coo it in harvest neia eastern uregon, $1.60 per day. Call Esmond hotel. - ; LADY barber wanted. - 309 1st St. HKLT V AKTTvD S1ALK AMD i FKLLE 2 MEN and women toiiarn the barber trade, wages paid while learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of , schools In the world. Send for free catalogue. - Moler Barber College. H. 48 N. 2d St. - - Oregon -iSarber College will teach you . the trade In 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tui tion reduced this term. 233 Madison. SITUATIONS MALE 3 YOUNG man, 25 years, strictly sober, - oamp cook, first class baker, good reference, good work, can handle nun-, dred or more; will. go anywhere. X 654. Journal. HIGH class wholesale grocery and provision - salesman wishes position traveling out of Portland; only bona fide and legitimate propositions ' con eidered; salary basis. X-653, Journal. WANTED -Position In general store, 15 years' experience; married, sober, industrious; will" go anywhere; A-l references. Phone after 6 p. m. Tabor 1902. YOUNG . man, bookkeeper, cashier: much experience; weighty refer ences: general office work acceptable. Family to support. Smith. Tabor 2527. CARPENTER, builder, remodeling; ex perienced manager; .might consider part exchange. Fnone Kenwood 1666, YOUNG married man. must have work: can run automobile, will do any thing; WANTED By, sober man, work as gardener or caretaker; good ref er encea furnished. K-454. Journal. . . Skilled Carpenters ' Furnished on short notice. Mar. 765. WANTED Excavaung and team work. Phone East 4804. C-1477. MAN wants painting, tinting, house cueaning. lawn worn. A-1676. m. 9492. WANT that vacant lot mowed? Call w ooa. up. WANTED, grass cutting. $1 per lot. Phone East 1216. SITUATIONS FEMALE REED college student desires to ' tutor? high school - or crammar nrh.vii studies: recommendations.; lx-46:i Journal. WANTED By a woman work in a ho tel or private familv at beach: srnnrl cook or kitchen, helper. Phone East 3737, Miss Green. - YOUNG woman wants light house- work, good home more than wages. x iiuor ozs4. RELIABLE woman wants housekeep ing, ranch or town; want work. Room i. oa Dnimun, upstairs. EXPERIENCED stenographer, general office work, wants positron. Phone Tabor 1276.- - . kXPERIENCED lady desires position taking charge of rooming house. Mrs. larttt, au7 etn st. RELIABLE woman, washing, cleaning. WOULD like more day work. Phone Wood lawn 4213. WANTED Work by hour or day; re , liable, references. Tabor 632. STRICTLY reliable young woman wisnes-pawery store worn, sell. 1 029 WOMAN with family must have work. iar. os. worn 4is. WOMAN wants" work Monday and Fri day. Woodlawn 4127. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKING at home, or by the da'y, work guaranteed. Phone Mar shall 2459. ' DRESSMAKING or plain sewing. Mar 6463. Ask for -Apt. 11. - PLAIN sewing. . East 2240. VV IN IS 11 ED ROOMS I Stop at OTEl Newiy re furnished papered 4th and Alder ana reno- vtLted enlarged lobby. all modern conveniences. Rooms, ; with private bath, $1 per day up; without, 76c up. Because the rates are low don't think the service is Door. Km-ci; ntu hv week pr montli. Several rooms ith ireua, mtuung . mem. pracucaiiy suites. . 10th st. at Oak, now opened. Good, quiet place right- down town. Strictly modern, fireproof building with large, comfortable lobby. All outside rooms. frBt class permanent patronage so licited.' Rooms $3 week up. With pri vate bath, $5 week up.: See our rooms before deciding to locate. We also so licit first class transient trade. Hotel Arminius Rooms single and ensuite. modern; day, 60c up; week. $2.60 up; special rate by month. 410 Morrison stT -fciTHELTON HOTEL. 105 12th su near Wash, clean, quiet, modern conveniences,.- summer atest w,k upi transient solicited. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 52 Wash ingtoa it, new fireproof brick, all outside rooms,- running hot and cold water,, private, or public baths, auiet "mc nrvc, TXV ll'VUUl ----- VA WlUlWVU charge Register of furnished rooms at Y, M. C. A., listing several hundred in all parts of the city, also cnose In the Association building -..'.TT THE COLONIAL, 163 10th Brlghtl cheery rooms, modern, plenty hot water, nice baths, terms; few light NICE, .'clean furnished rooms, reason- vaiFri,?,TIJei Bw-y. Park and YamhilL Hotel Clevenger, . nth and. Washington sts. WANTED Room mate . to reduce rooming expense. Fireproof build. Ing. shower baths, individual beds. Call or address Y. M. C A, business office. THE ALBION HOTEL, da ana oumon. Rooms 11.75 nwk nn: ta m .u , hot and cold water, free bath, phone! Madras Hotel ll'uprt rooms, 12.50 up. By day 60c. 76c It: cor. 12th, and Washington sts. ; Nicely furnished A D DATT 25c day up. 228 Wash, st. n"W 1 ,.10 wk. up ROOMS and apartments in modem ho- xei.- n,D -weK ana up. -- 465 A Ider. Mod. equipm'trvOI'l CV 60c day $90 Morrison ULrt.Cl $3.50 wb un. wk. op. $2 WEEK -up, clean, warm, modern fur. cemraj. 1 ne aing. iu Jet. PARKHILL furnished rooms.- $1.25 up. Main ,6306. 353 Yamhill. ; ' - HELP WANTED 5XXSC. InliTEL iOiliSADMEi 7 FBZTATE PAWLT' AM a. business -woman r have a beau tiful home on east side and wish a business woman to share - same; v will divide actual expense-, references ex changed. M. 1491, E. 7029 evenings. TWO bright furnished rooms, H. K. If desired: every i cony enience,gar den. McKay. 449 E. 16 th N. and TiUa- moolc; lrvington. ' LA.HOE, airy, pleasant room, near cen ; tral library: . references: ; exchanged. 213 W. Park. - '- PLEASANT rooms for , young men. home privileges. - reasonable. .46 . N. NICELY furnished rpom', very desir able location, walking distance, rea sonable. 329 W. Park. - CLEAN airy rooms in refined ; family, to lady or gentleman, aleo use -of piano. Phone East 3939, NICELY furnished large attic . room. modern conveniences,, reasonable. 404 Clay, near loth.. - FOUR unfurnished rooms, upstairs, rent $10. Main 4592i ' 602 Jefterson. tl.ia. WEEK; comfortable room, first floor. 268 12th St. NICELY furnished front room,, private family; very reasonable. 126 N. 19th. WILL rent nice room with bath for $6. Phone Sellwood 1792. ROOMS AND HOARD: 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL. 386 Montgomery st. at West Park. Family hotel; all modern convenience; rates for. regular and transient guests. - 1 - THE VERANDA, v Room and board, - $4.60 a week and up. Use of music and pool room; also shower baths. 654 E. Madison. - 'A Hit. tiAZKL. cor. 8d ana Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms rnd board. $5 up; steam heat, hot baths: free phone. CASA ROSA, 800 JEFFERSON, BOARD AND ROOM.. $26 UP. Room and board, young women $4- WW up-, -Anna Tewla" Hall. 516 Flanders. FIRST class board and rooj, best -cooking. $5 pp. 34fl College "it. ROOMS Af lsi BOARD PBIVATB FAKILY LARGE front room, f closet, , running water, also 2 small rooms, excellent table, home cookins. Marshall 4923. 615 Morrison. ; ! --. BEST board, clean rooms, walking dis tance, $5 up. 655 Was hlngton. - - HOUSKKIiEPING ROOMS ' 8 ONE. room with kitchenette, complete ly fumisned, steam beat, running hot and cold . water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. , 281 .Columbia st . c. -- - ...... - ... . wilier eu $1 co $2.60 week, furnishwi IL K. rooms; gas, free neat, laundry, bath. Phone East -03 9; 203 Stanton. U car. EXCEPTIONALLY fine front rooms for housekeeping, with all conven- lences. zi Morrison, cor. 6th, bU.TEb and single K. rooms, $1.0 week up. Also modern rooms. Mer- tm aaq Morriaon. Cambridge bldg., furnished H. K, rooms. central. -cheap. lioh 3d. cor. Morn. LARGE front room for housekeepint;, . . .... n r . fl.A, 17 . UiJLiMAN. hotel, 1st and Aider. Bar nished H. K. rms., cheap. $1.60 wk. up. 1.2, 3rms. OpfY1 Anf phone, $lwk. free bath, VJCJII nuldi , Up. 401 1st UOt'SEKKlC'lKG ROOMS 73 PBIVATB Tl ELEGANTLY furnished housekeeping room, kitchenette, hot-cold water in ki tchenette, el ec trie! t y phone, laundry. lirst IlOOr. 133 xm. zso. 10 DAYS free to permanent; beautiful furnished room, 3 windows, plenty hot water, electricity, bath, phone, $2.50-$3 week. 123 N. 23d. - THE HAWTHORNE Pleasant rooms. Phone, bath, hot and cold water. 221 13th. 361 TAYLOR Suits and single h. k. rooms, free light, bath, phone, laun qry, LARGE, light 2 - room suite, $8 per montn. r6i xnurman St., Detween 19th and 20th. ? ; ONE and two housekeeping suites, front ; reasonable; 'Clean, close in. 293 10th st. ' - WEijJj furnished front room, running water, - excellent -l location: v good board. 181 11th st. $5 MONTH Basement H. K-, , clean, sunny, nice for gentleman. Main 3306. 694 Everett. SUNNY room, with alcove and kitchen, free light, phone, bath. 29 Hall. ' FOR RENT HOUSiSS 12 LOWER part of house, 5 rooms, on 2 big lots; good lawn, plenty, of flow ers, roses ana iruit; iz per -month. Phone Woodlawn 2613.-361 Fremont st. SIX rooms, modern, near corner; some fruit; $10 per month; to responsible iwrtv Main illl 8 ROOM modern house. 19th . and Marshall st, for rent reasonable, ap. piy- oat aargnaii st. wain or A-2474, MODERN, 6 rooms, newly painted and - lift T3n-t am . . Hi ,-. ...a SIX room house, with piano, on Alber ta st. Main 3924. FURNITURE FOI SALE HOUSES FOR RENT ADS of furniture for sale are -published In the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent.' FURNISHED HOUSES sa FURNISHED house. 4 rooms and two kitchens, rooms built so two house keepers could live. 305 Main St., bet. 6th and 6th; $20. 205 Third st. A-5037. $4i PER month, lurnisned modern 8 - room house, lrvington. choice loca tion. Phone East 8872.- 5 ROOM house for rent, furnished or partly furnished, cheap. 4,26 Sacra mento st. . $18 4 room house, piano, sewing ma chine, gas range. Woodlawn 8161. 6 ROOM bungalow, with garage, 3 rwm nounenetping.' xapor J 90. 4, 6 and 6 room modern cottages, com. pletely lurnisned. $18. ' East 322i. -. APARTMENT, r. - FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE DEZENDORF. " -208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. -- Nice 6 room f urn. and unf urn. apts.; also 3 and 4 room f urn, apartments. IMRRiri M-M A R? .kiiKfinnui Highest class apts. in the city. 4, S and t rooms, walking distance, reason able. Mar. 336V. Main . 7516. A-267V. ROSENFELD (brick), 14th & E. Stark. Modern 3 and 4 r.. furnished, or un ftir. Private phones, reasonable rates. RENT BARGAINS 4 rms., unfur.; 3 rms furnished; hardwood - - floors; references. Portnomah, 20 0 E. 13th. TWO room : apts newly furnished; modera. Sawyer Aptifc. 82 N. 10th st. roone A-zzsa, WINSTON. 2 , and - rooms, , private bath, modern brick; special rates $16 un m. itin aim jgnragi; axai n x3 DOWN town, modern apts., $16 montn up. including heat, light, etc Royal Annex, ocv Morngon. THREE room apartments, rent - rea sonable. close in. it J E. Pine. Phone K. 4795.- -- - -- -- ' - - - - . -. - - ALiiis-itMAHLE Apts modern, neatly furnished apts. .. Summer rates. East sj wniiam aye., near Broadway. DRICKSTON 448 11th st; modern 2. room fur. apts, $20 to $30; walking msuiuCTi wceuent service, mar. 67. Ardmay Terrace,. 395 12th sC Large 2 room fur, apts. Mrs John Cran. mgr. LUXOR APTS, 824 18th, neaUy fur- niniiou oay. ween or montn. MEREDITH 3 St 4 rm. apts.. reon- oie- iawasnmgton.opp.22d. M.7134 PAGE APTS. Excellent outside apts. very reasonaoie. Hiast 356K, KKKI.KK APTS, 14th and Clay $ aal - imii umurrasneq; 'rererences. THE LUZERNE ft room fur., apts. """" unfu .u m. u v- Alar. -4an. THE ORMONDE Front 4 and 6 rooms! ,606 Flanders, Nob Hill. Main 825L FURNISHED KOOJIS APARTJIEXTS 43 FURNISHED AND UXFURXlSHEi - y , f Continued. - - 1 COMFORT! ACCESSIBLE! REASONABLE RENTI ' All these features and many more are Included In these apartments. Rent Where you srot fh, most for vonr mniur. , , THE BELLE COURT. ' Trinity Place, near Washington.. - THE HANOVER. - i . King st. and Wash., near 22d. k THE BERYL. -, 695 Lovejoy st, near 21st. - a, 3 and 4 room apartments, with all . the modern, up-to-date : conven iences. Look at these buildings today. Better your living conditions, f. , . Call at buildings . or phone. ; THE . FRED - A. JACOBS CO, -" (MANAGERS) ,. . -Main' $869. 269 ' A-1777. V :WeIIesley 'Court EAST 16TH AND BELMONT STS. s Furnished and unfurnished. Mgr. Cast . 3469 References. VILLA ST. CLARA. - ' 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. . Walking distance. References. BALBOA APARTMENTS. 429 Harrison, near 12th st. . Extra large -2 room furnished apts., 1 unfurnished, modern reasonable rent; good service. Marshall - 2900. References. - THE CODY. cor. E. 1 th and Taylor sta.. has been remodeled with private baths, new furniture and carpets. 3 and 3 rooms; light and phone free; rent very reasonable. Call East 44. THE IRIS APTS. 3d and Mill St. JULIETTE AFTS.-d and Montgom ery, Modern 2, 3 and 4 room apts, furnished or unfurnished. $17 . month up. No charge for cooking- gas. - - . MONTGOMERY Apts, cor. 3d-Mont-gomery. Strictly mod, ail outside fur. 2 rm. apts, elect. - ele, best . service, close In. $18 to $25. Free lights. M. 9466. THE MORTON, cor. King jand Wash., new man's.; 3 and 4 rooms, fur. and unfur. apts., reasonable rent. - Pacific phone In apts. Main 1082. A-JL749. BROADWAY CENTRAL! BLOCK Rooms and apartments, modern, new, up-to-date f urn. elaborately. 3 blks. e, Bdwy. bridge. Summer rates. E. 6663. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway. south, 3 and 4 . rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very rea sonable rent; best of service. M. 2506. THE LAURETTE 3 room furnished apts.; private bath, phone. 229 11th. FOR REIiT FLATS 13 DID get $35, will take $25 per month; - fine 7 room flat, attic, large sleep ing porch; beautiful view; furnace, fireplace, linoleum on kitchen, gas range and water heater, close in, west siae. Key gi letn st. n;ast 37. LOWER flat duplex residence at 15th ' and Knott, lrvington; modern, in cluding sleeping porch, gas - stove. xjuimucr. go ieun Plug. MODERN 6. room tlatr 432 K. 13th N. 2 family bldg., very cheap. : Phone Broadway 2332. ' FOR RENT 6 room flat. li 27th and Flanders. Call East 4281. FURNISHED FLuVXW FIVE clean, well furnished rooms, pleasant location, two carlines, sleep ing porch, large basement, $18. 772 E. Taylor. East 6260. . ' SUBLET my beautifully furnished 5 - room flat, - east side, walking dis tance. H-341, Journal. NEWLY tinted, well furnished 4 room flat, large sleeping porch, yard, good neighborhood. Tabor-1523. STORES A2it OFFICES 11 DRUGS. CONFECTIONERY, GRO- CER1ES OR HARDWARE,' Choice established corner, fine store room, beautiful front, cement basement. center or very populous district, cneap rent; will give lease. S. L. Jones, 672 Alberta st., Owner. - ;- BK1CK warehouse in South ' Portland for rent, trackage, light ana airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and YamhllL SHOP. 271 Hawthorne ave, east end - of bridge. - H. N. Burpee. M. 3330. SUMMER RESORTS 50 IT costs leas to spend a vacation at - beautiful, Columbia beach.. - New plank auto road to ocean front; good fishing, clamming, boating, tennis; au tos meet all trains. Call or write for information. 1108 Northwestern Bank bldg. - 1 PACIFIC View Beach, tent houses and : cottages for rent completely fur nished. $3.50 and $5 per week. 16 miles of beach, fine clam digging, fishing, agate beds, make your reservation now, at 614 Stock Exchange bldg., M. 6765. COTTAGE NEAR LAKE - Fine auto road, electric line, 25 min utes to Portland; 4 rooms, comfortable, 200 feet from lake, bathing, canoeing, beautiful for summer; $6. inquire 60 Title & Trust bldg. CANNON Beach Cannon Beach, most picturesque beach, mountain trout, deep sea fishing. 50x100 lot $200;. $20 cash, $5 monthly, no interest, no taxes. See owner, 820 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Furnished tents and cot tages at Lake Lytic Frank Hart, itocKaway, or, or jviarsnan zu. GEARHART 5 room cottage for rent; nicely situated. . Well furnished. Main 4868. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 6 room house at Shellburn, North Beach. woodlawn Z197. Main 1747. SEA VIEW, WASH.,- beach cottage for rent, close in, ocean view. , . Inquire phone East 817. . FURNISHED cottages and housekeep ing rooms. Phone B-1283 or write A- H. Russell. -Rockaway. Or. 2 FURNISHP" cottages at Newport. Main 1715. - SEASIDE 2 - cottages near beach for i rent, $45 and $90. Phon. E. 6799. SEASIDE cottage for rent. - M. 4191. WANTKI TO ' RENT - - .v-a 7 WANTED Furnished cottage, electric lights, not over $10. X-904. Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 MULES,, team of black mules. 2tO0 lbs. are 10 ears old and no older and Will pull five tons any spot or (place you put them, have tne best of feet and legs; and both will plow single, - are extra, fast walkers, set good heavy har ness, all at only $160; one pair of light fast walking mules. 6 years old, are fat and handsome, make line -delivery or milk wagon team; price $150. Look I Special ranch outfit, or camp ing rig; good team, - horse and mare, 2600. Are in good condition and grain ted; set good mew harness and a. good light Mitchell wagon with springs un der box, good top that can be removed. This complete outfit at loW price, of $155.-; ,4 - - - - - Team, black horse and bay mare, good workers, "mare' is little street sore, good harness and all at one price of $140.- Dr&ft team, 3000" lbs, are bay and brown and have the best of feet and legs; and true to pull - five tons any spot Or place; will do any heavy work on road or ranch; set good harness all complete at low price or $260. - Mares, team seal brown mares.' 2400 lbs,are good, honest work - team and will make-grand ranch team, set good harness and. farm wagon, newly paint ed, at low price. $150. Call "Union Transfer Co., at 11th and Hoyt Sts. - Commission Auction Of horses, vehicles, harness, wag ons, every- Monday and Tnursday, at X p. m. Columbia Stables. 302 Front st. DEAD, horses and . animals hauled away -h. free, - call - wooauwa a Portland Rendering Co. 2000 lb. team grays, with harness, st - a bargain; this is no-dinky ' outfit; trial allowed:. 833 N. 14th St. DEAD hocnes and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. HORSES, VEIUCLES, ETC. 18 (Continued) SPAN of geldings, and 19 years old. weighing 2850 lbs., right out of hard work and fat, with set of heavy har ness, $200. ('?.. Span of Steel grays, weighing 2450 lbs., each 5 years old, very handsome team. $275. Also several draft teams at reasonable prices.- Model Stables, tin ana uavis. SINGLE camping outfit, 1200 lb. horse with harness and a-long. bodied bua gy, $50; also an 850 lb. mare with light buggy and nearly new harness at a Marfittjii; HlUHi jBgn. Otf xs. mn -St. MUST sell farm team, double harness and farm wagon. . 1967 E. Stark. $a0 BUYS good middle maro, wagon and harness. Tabor 8135. LIVESTOCK 33 PURE bred Duroc-Jersey pigs for sale. both sexes, reasonable, phone Main 1283. r A. B.-. Townsend, . 144 Fivnt St., jfortiana.- or. - FINE, fresh . cow, young and gentle. - tuberculosis tested, heavy, rich milk er; price right. 619 E. - John st, St. Johns. --- v JERSEY eow. $50; fresh 2 months ago. Woodlawn 4027, v , - POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 CHICKS S. C White Leghorus. 10c, 2 weeks ,01a. J jfttone c-3133. - DOGS A3D HOUSEHOLD PETS 4a THOROUGHBRED Boston Bull pup, 10 weeks - old, color - brindle, house broke, $50; 1230 E. Burnside. . phone Tabor 5619. - '-' AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 You can save! hundreds of dollars and be the owner of a first class high grade car if you buy one of our great vaiue bargains, OUR HOME OFFICE HAS ORDERED US TO SLASH PRICES AND WE'RE DOING IT TO A FINISH. WE WERE -TOLD TO UNDERSELL THE LOWEST PACIFIC COAST QUOTATIONS $100 TO $503 PER CAR. WE'LL DO EVEN ' MORE , THAN THAT. PICK OUT A CAR THAT JUST SUITS YOU AND NAME YOUR OWN PRICE. YOU MAY EVEN . WRITE TOUR OWN GUARAN TEE, IF YQD 'WANT TO. COME IN TODAY; THE CAR -YOU WANTED MAY BE GONE BY TOMORROW. OilPIlf 23d and Washington Sts.' Open Evenings. PORTABLE - OARAGES ; AND HOUSES Built of best materials- a r usnc designs. Erected complete, lock and key. $32 up. Portable houses. $125 ; up. Immediate delivery. ' TAKE DOWN MFG. CO, 648 Water st. nr. Harrison. Main 1167. Cadillac. 1912 "THE RELIABLE CAR." starting system, seat covers, bumper, very good condition. Also other makes on hand at all times. -Inspection in vited. Covey Motorcar Co.? ; t 21 ST AND WASHINGTON STS. 1S14 MICHIGAN. $750. 1913 National imnn fl 913 Hupmoblle. $650, 1912 Hupmabile ' S450. 1910 Rambler xann Duimage-Manley Auto Co. 46-48 N. 20th St. AUTOMOBIXJ3S FOR REAL ESTATE and 7 passenger, all in good condition. .r ii v.o uiuuuuiuDcrea roruand or vicinity real estate; give full par ticulars in first letter. Address S-799 Journal. OB-EGON VULCANO&LWi CO. "Th. Tl Khun" - , 550 Washington st at 18th. TIKES naarsnaii . BEST TIRE REPAIRING. -lraae new tires ror old ones. NKW Pord 1915 runabout hndUn fn. sale, $25. - .- -. - r . . I -.; r m - benj. t. boone cl uo. . Ford Agents. 514 Alder sC 1 PASSENGER foredoor, fine shape; must sell at once on account of sick ness; price $350. - Also a 5 passenger in good shape, $125. . Call Royal, 201 Panama bldg. - - , . BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Large stock, prices $300 to $758. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, ...... ; Studebaker bldg. " Corner Chapman and Alder. - ' buaranteedtSrfng,1' carried in stock. Robertson HdW, r J CHALMERS 5 pass, foredoor electric and iresto lignts, all nonskld tires, a snap at $350: need the money. 129 Lownsdale, st. Main 1161. GENERAL auto and truck repairing. Reo truck sprockets a specialty. Forging. Good "work, square prices. Try us. E. L. Taylor & Co, 71 1st at. .Written guar- ' antes w ittt ' every spring. 26 N. 16th st. NEW and used Ford automobiles sold on easy terms. BenJ. E. Boone & Co, Ford agents, 514 Alder st. Main 3966.'- : J" - -- --y -- ---- SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock In Portland. $3 to $16. Fine repair In x- The Supply Co., 207 Madlwon. RA Hf)A IN. Studeliaker "25." fine shapes 9 Union East 6495, EXPERT auto . repairing, reasonable - charges 3. J. Zimraer. -123 N. 6th st. HIGHEST pr ices paid for old rubber. - metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 6198 CHEAP for cash, 5 -pass, automobile, 1912. A-l condition. CsU Tabor 183L III ; THE 11111 r AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 - (Continned) j- Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We will sacrifice the following list of used cars for quick sale. - STEARNS 5 passenger. COLE 6 passenger. REO 5 passenger. - - - ' - CHALMERS 6 passenger. OWENS 7 passenger. 8TUDEBAKER 2 passenger. . CHEVROLET 2 passenger. . - MICHIGAN 5 passenger. -' APPERSON 6 passenger, MAXWELL Delivery. j ' . REO 2 ton truck. " - Several others to select from. Take advantage of this sale. W will save you money. - - ... Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAT AND COUCH STS. Broadway 88,7. - A-4959. . GUARANTEED USED CARS 'ON EASY PAYMENTS - 1914 FORD. 6 pass $00 1914 OVERLAND roadster ,...$600 1914 OVERLAND, 5-pass. ' 'i - . . .$470 1912 OVERLAND. 5-pass. .....$450 1911 OVERLAND, 5 pass . , . . . , $$ 50 .1910 CADILLAC. - 5-pass. ..... .$400 lail MlTUtiKLiU, b-PaSS. ,T..,.liSWU 1913 COLE, o-pass. .i ...$325 J. W. Leavitt & Co, USED CAR DEPARTMENT 627 Washington St. j AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 CASH for late model light roadster or Ford touring car; give full-details. P. O. Box 166. Woodburn. Or. WANTED Ford auto; must be bar gain. W-939. Journal. . MOTORCYCLES R1CYCLES 65 Pope motorcycles and bi cycles cash or terms. New and used. Supplies, etc - r . f. Kenanuo iso 4tn 'Twin Excelsior equipped and m good condition,- for sale or wills trade va auto, mam 845. , 249 stark 1912 EXCELSIOR Twin, belt, drive. equipped, good condition, $80;; terms. Phone Tabor 6366.. LAUNCH ESAND BOATS C4 WANTED Canopy covered motorboat for carrying U. S. mail, engine guar anteed to run 24 miles per day, 6 days per week. 62 weeks per year; must stand government test and inspection; state lowest cash price, size of boat, horsepower and type- of engine first reply. W. P. J acks, . R D No, 3. Mil waukie, Or. MOTORBOAT ENGINE. . 4 cyl, 4 cycle motor, in good condition, motor now in automobile; will be sold cheap. . - , ,. ; Covey Motor Car Co. 21 ST AND WASHINGTON ST. EV1NRUDE , Motor Co, now located Front and Morrison; 100 EOnrude rowboat ' and canoe , motors In stock; $58 to $83. Gasoline engines, motor boat equipment, . paddles, cushions, sporting goods, rowboats and canoes. FOR SALE 2x6 launch, 12 H. P. Kermitt engine, 4 cylinder, 4 cycle, fully equipped; Sellwood 314. WANTED A 16 foot Morris or Old Town tanorf for cash. Call Tabor 10S.I PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAIi INSTRUJ1ENTS 34 - THE SECURITY STORAGE CO. Will close out to first caller , $275 McCammon. piano, $35 cash. -$300 Marshall & Wendell, $50 cash. $3io Wellington, oak, $115 cash. $600 Decker & Sons, walnut, $125 cash. $860 Auto-Player piano, $290 cash. $750 Kimball baby grand. $345 cash. 109. Fourth St., Couch bkig.. $ cash, with double credit- for $1, buys hew $350 piano at $265, $7.50 monthly without interest charged else where; makes total saving $145.29 -to you. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th Bt MARTIN guitar in good condition, at $4.25; also mandolin baring 22 ribs, ror in. 4tn st. EDISON outfit, cosUng $36.25;. guar anteed in perfect condition, for $14, on terms. Ill 4th st. - : $650 Stelnway, splendid mahogany, good as new.s $365. Schwan .Piano Co., Ill 4th St. ; $70 violin in perfect condition, in case, with bow, only- $12.50. Ill 4th st. $20 .cash buys $135 used Estey organ. , Security Stora ge Co, 109 4th nt. BARGAINS in high-Class new violins; : also old ones. 73 E. 28th. FIRST class -grafonola and records. cheap for cash- Phone East 718. TYPEWRITERS 7Tf GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods. Remingtons, -L. C Smith, Oliver, Smith-Premier, Royal etc, $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona' folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables- and chairs. The J. H- Gill Co, 3d and Aider sts. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on - ail makes of typewriters. Send for cur illustrated ' folder; retail depart ment WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co.. 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchasempricei. Remington Typewriter Co.. 86TBroadway. TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES. BARGAINS FOR CASH. a. L. STEIN AN. TABOR 6357. STANDARD visible writers 3 months - for $4, delivered. 244 Stark st- Main 6273 KEV, reuiltt 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 CASH. - CASH. . CASH. Paid for good used furniture, carpets and stoves. Call Gevurtz, Marshall 687. CALL Bell Auction Co. and get good price for your furniture. Mar. 4783. FURNITURE of 10 room house cheap. Marshall 5670. , --- - FOR SALE MISCELLANIiOl S- 19 KiEWINO machine; Em porium sells for less: no agents employed, all makes of new and second liand machines. Sold on terms. Machines guar anteed and rented. $2 per month. 190 Sd. near Taylor. Main 9421. A-3626. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," -Typewriters" and "Household Goods" are separate - classifications. All adver tisements Of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. - BILLIARDS New and second band carom and pocket - billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tables for residences. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender , Co, 4t-4 6tb st. - Phone Main 4970. FOR RENT OR SALE AT THE PORTLAND TENT AND AWNING CO, 16 N. FRONT ST. FOR horses - and vehicles, dogs and household pets or -poultry, read the ads, under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other inecU'une in these classifications. - j -:- - BEST place to sell, your desks, office chairs, showcases, counters, shelv ing, partitions. N, c N. Wreckings Co, 65 1st st. " .' -- - --:-'-- . - AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launcnes - or boats are separate classifications. A large listing: can be found under these different headings - - - MIMkiOUKAPUa supplies, circular let , ters, Elliott addressing machines and supplies, w. iu- nnier ae uo. za stark. WE sell new and second hand store and office fixtures f all descrip tions. 65 lstst-ii- DIAMOND bouse paints, .strictly pure; made in Oregon. $1.65 gailoa. j Pott land paint Co.. 230 Front. Mar. 100. FOR SALE Wood and coal ranee with coil and connections and refrlgra tor, your own price. 345'' Grand ave. N. ROYAL Anne cherries to trade for early $12.60 DROPHEAD sewing machine with attachments. 151 Grand ave. - PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices, Stark-Davis Co, 212 3d. Main 797. WE buy - and . sell used x-achinery. Northwest. Lead & Macby. Co. FOR SALE anSCELLANEOUS 10 (Con tinned) Electric Motors Bought. I sold, rented " and repaired; Walker Electric JVorks. j4H Burnside. cor. 10th. Main or A-6674. CHERRIES for , sale. . 6630 E. 44th. oeuwooo 1930. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE following articles were found on -the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, and owners thereof ,rnay claim same at th First and -Alder Street station: - -. Je 21 Broadway 5100, A-131: l book. 5 packages, 4 lunch boxes, 1 hat, 1 watch chain, 2 umbrellas, 1 pkg. clothings l pr. gloves. 1 -hand grip. 1 pr. rubber boots, l bdl. 4 check books, 1 bunch of keys, 1 pr. roUer skates, 1 nr. shoes, i l mop stick, 2 suit cases, 1 LOST Near 16th and , Glisan, black i rrr itT- ..... - " ' ' . . purser contaxning so ., in gold; : re ward. Nels Eddy, care ' of North Pa- c-inc liumuer yo., city. - FOUND nA bicycle, owner may have same upon describing it. Main 330. LOST Tie clasp, initialed C C. D.; finder return to Journal office. LOST Black and. white pointer bitch. Finder notify 867 E. 54th N. ' SWAP COLUMV 23 REPAIR shop and. paying business to trade for automobile, lot or cows, 391 E. Morrison. . Phone East 6578 or Ta bor 3672. - ONE good 1200 lb. work horse to trade . for small buggy horse; Tabor 870. - WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS ft "WE WANT THE GOODS." WANTED; ranges, stoves, rugs, rockers, dressers, tables, couches, chairs. Davenport. We way the price Try us. Northwest-Fura. Exchange. East 5S. W. A. fcCOVKLL wants second hand i furniture, opening new store: will pay the best price. 192 First, nr. Tay lor. v Phone ;Marshall 6947. WANTED The people of - Portland to know I pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Beater. 148 Ruwlt st. J, MEYER, the tailor, pays highest We call promptly; M. 7573. 229 Madison. WE buy desks, chairs, filing cabinets. safes, show cases, cdunters, general store ana orrice fixtures. C5 1st st. The place to buy your office and store iixtures is at s 1st st. OWL FURN. CO. pays best prices for furniture. 281 1st. Main 4637. KiiCOND hand clothing and everything. - Highest prices. ; Main 2080. 28C 1st. WANTED SeveraJ yards of good hall carpet. Chance;. 142 -2d. WANT; to buy wire fencing. E. 6453. PERSONAL CHIROPRACTIC doctor. Painless ad--Juetments; 31 treatments $15. 121 4th. ABSTRACTS ZELLEtt AK 8TB ACT CO.. prompt aerrice. 408 Ablngton Bldg. J. A. and C. W. Zeller. ACCORDION PLEATTNO ACCOKDION. KNIFE AND BOX PLEATING, PICOT1NO. HEMSTITCHING. BHAIDINO, EMRKOIDlilUNti, EASTBN NOVELTX Mr O. CO.. Wt Bth ST.. NEAR OAK K. STEFHEN -y Hemstitching, accordion, aide and annbixrat pleating: buttons covered, good apooged. jfr-aUoptiig. 383 Alder. M-0373. - ATT0H1TET8 HALL 1LIKUSEB. lawyera; conaultation free, jj 20S- Kllednej bldg. Mar. 8507. BLANK BOOK MAKER B DAVIS A HOLMAN. lac, lOa 2d at. Blank book tnanufactorera: agents for Jonea Im proved Loose Leaf Ledgers. Mee the new Eu reka Leaf. A-B183. Main 183. BRASS AND MA CHUTE WORKS UARHEU'S Braas Works. Brass castings and machine works.- 106 ftth at. - Bdway 2:t42. '- CARPENTER ' SHOPS Moore A- Sandstrom. Main 783. 334 Taylor. CARPET CXEANXNQ JOYCE (BROS. Electric Cleaning Works, car pets Cleaned and laid, refitting our apedal ty. East 44Q. B-1963. 204 E. 19th at. N. CARPET VEATTH& NORTHWEST II. O. CO.. rugs, from old car peta, irsg ' ruga, carpet cleaning. 188 1C. 8th. Work ealled for. East 8580. B-IZSO. 7BTR0PRACTI0 PHYSICIANS Dlt. MoMAHON. 121 4th at. Chronic diaeaaes requiring extended time. i trearmenis io. UK. POULSON. apecialuit la paralyala. nervous, ehron-tc dlseasea. 350 Plrtock blk. B'way 262, ' - il ciRCuXATnra ubrartes - : Metaphyl-al circulating. Broa'way and Main COAX. AKP WOOD NEER:&.FARR and inside block wood. 4' toot W 'sawed- to order. TelephonepT A I Main 4006. ! A-4547. . - . i WAL Bark Blockwood Portland glabwood Co- ' CORDWfKlD BOX WOOD M. 81 m. A -7001. NICE dry box wood and cord wood, 4 feet or awed. Summer prices. Standard Wood Co., East 2.H15. B-1605. r liEST , cord wood. X4.50 per cord; 'wreckage wood. Central Fuel Co. We deliver small os- dera. Main 10, A-l 106. PUnrnAnl". BVEBT8. MAI N 8767; UtiafCOal tOOI Of CUBBY STREET. FULTON WOOD CO.. 1210 Macadam. Dealers slabwood.i Box wood $2.25 toad. M. 78WO. coixEcnoir agency 1 BUY accounts, bills, notes and judgments of every name and nature anywhere. Kor qnlck reanlts annwer M-tW, Joqrnal. 5ELECTRI0 MOTORS AND DYNAMOS ' MOTORS, generators, bought, sold, rented and repaired, i, We do all kin da of repairing and rewinding. 'T All work guaranteed. H. M. H. E lectric C.t 31 N. 1st at. Phone Broadway 939 WE bay. sell, rent and exchange new and 2d nana iupiqi; . , ERN ELECTRIC WK8-. 213 6th St. Mar. 606. ELECTRO PHYSICIAN DB. CORINNE-JOHXSTONB Nervous and - rhenmatie diseaaea; eioctro-cnagne tie ma eage. '715-Pekinn. - "' ' 1 ' " - ;'-. ETERYTHnrO ELECTRIC AL STUBB.S' Electrical Co.. cor. 6th and Plna sta. EYE. EAR. HOSE, THROAT. LTTNGS Spedallat. Moderate prleea, Glaaaea fitted, lr. F. V. Caseday. 517 lJekom bldg., M and Waah EDUCATIONAL HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessone daily, class rrTT rtSOn STS- tjeWBOP Bam tjtrr. . . OKL ,-! OA!, WHEN yoe acawer these Want Ada mention Tne-touroai. Professional and Manufacturers -Jotters DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischrter, Mayer & Go. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES R. M. WADE A CO.. 323-86 Hawthorne it. tEAP; WPB: WOOL. MACHINERY ' NORTHWEST LEAD 5109-81 1 Front. ' ' MACHINERY CO. Mats 5442 LEATHERS AND FINDING CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO 74 Front. Leetuer of every description: find I aga. - INFORMATION COUPON If you want the name of av reliable business house dealing In any line of merchandise, or information regarding resorts, hotels, railroads, steam ship lines, etc address Oregon Journal Deformation Bureau. Information desired: tff 4i 23 A FIGHT on hUH prices. Why ray 15 to $10 .for classes. when. 1 ecu fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold-filled frame as law as $1.60? C. W. Goodman. 20 Morrison st. Main 2124. Mail orders promptly filled. Write for particular. LOUISE NETZEL, trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc, tub batbs massage and eleciriu blankets. 256 11th st. Marshall 6033. WANTED 25 women that will pay $7.95 for $15 coats, and 25 that wilt pay $9.85 for $20 coats; latest 1916 styles. W. A. Crank, new store, 363 Alder, 2 - doors east Woodnrd-Olarke's. SPIRITUALISM Medium. Rev. Vir ginia Rowe. .Readings, healings daily; circles Tuesday arid Friday evenings. s o ciock. Z31 fcth st. Fhone A-7116 ATTnRMPVQ le reasonable. Cases ni l UnilLIO settled without noto riety. All cases treated with courtesy. 9 a 9 J'liviiiitiBH uni. mai 0 1 1 I I , " , MRS. STEVENS. 21 years Portlands renowned palmist end clairvoyant, has her book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale. Removed to 876 Ta 'lor st. 1 DR. G. V. KETCH UM Women's mala. - dies and acuta diseases of men. Wash, hid.. 4th & Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 4M MRS. HA MOT, medium and Uea.or. 170 2d. cor. Yamhill, 4th lloor, apt. 9. Marshall -2497. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. SPIRITUALISM Rv. M, A. Price, cir. - cies, lues, v p. m.; Wed., sun. a p. ir. Readings daily. B03 6th st. Mar. 3960. MME. DREYFUS, impressional card ? reader. Hotel Madras, room 26. lth and Washington. SUPEHFLLOUS hair, moles, warts, etc., destroyed forever; cure guaran teed. Mile. De Long. 604 Swetland bid. BALM of Figs, remedy-tor disease of women. 60 K Davis st. Main 23! MANICURE, shampoo. S6c. 707 Roth chlld bldg.. 2S7 Washington. LESSONS in phrenology and carl read ings. 236 6th st. Phon Main 7648. I 5lAPr Consultation free. Aluiu "-""J1" (993. 708 Selllnr bid. RARTNESS, leading leather "Vorker, wnoiesaie. retan. cor, rarn. yamnm. KOTTCES 0 HEALED proposals in trlf,lli-te will b re ceived by the quartermixter general at tlia army, Waablngton, I. C, until 2 o'clm-k p. ill., caatern time. Juue 20, li13, for furnlnb ios leather and barnesa imrdware for deliTery Coring tne fiscal year iultt, at depot a ot tlia quartermaster vorpa Hated in schedule. BrUad ulea furnished a poo application to iuartcriuaa. te- general, Washington, 1. C, or tho quar termaater. Portliuiil. Or ' NOT1CK ia hereby Kiven that I will not t reapouolble for any lillla runrrarted In tat came or otherwise by Miranda Mnrriwm. ' 11. A. MOKRISON. 1 WILL uot be reaM)Uiilile for any il-bta con tracted by my wife, Klsie-M. Kirk, as aha baa left aiy home. John li. Kirk. MTT8I0 SCHOOLS AND TXACHER8 LOj;iS A. . CIIK11 , Teacher of violhZ 5IT Hberman. corner First. Marshall a2X E. TUIELHOEN, vlollu teacher, pupil Meviik. 27 Fleldner bldg. A-4IWI. Marhtitl lli'J9. POPULAR MUSIC UAGTIMB on pianlo guaranteed beglnnera in lo leraona. l'icture playins. Free duuiouatra. Hon. Free lookler. 001 Ellera bliig. INSTRAKCE PACIHU STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO;, only Oregon fire Insurance company. MATTRESSES liVljlKNIC MA'ITFeSS CO., old niattrenwa made new with our Hygienic proceaa. S84 Bnaell, corner Tnlon. East 63. , NATTTROPATHIO PHYSICIANS DR. PHILLIPS l'aralla, uervoiia and cbfon. le diaeaaea. ft- uregonian nniy. i. .h,j. PAINTTKO. PAPEE.HANQINO AND TINTINO pAiNXlNCi, . kalanmlningr pHperhaiigiiiK, all SUiCLJ KITE A hi.lEi). bent work In ilntiug, - papering. M. 1H72. A-22"i5. 120 11th at. I'AINTINU. tltitius. pa)rh u'gin'c.. E. TT Crane, 170 10th- rt. Main 2:iB. WHEN you auaaer thcae Want Ada mention The Journal. PA VINO COMPANIES THE BARBER ASPHALT PAV1NU CO Port- land office 223 Sherlock bldg. ROOFING Old Roofs ALL KINDS WATERPROOFED AND MADF1 EQUAL TO NEW. PA KFENBARUEK, Mt-KAX BLDii. MARSHALL ' RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO atenclU, trade checks, tra,s aigna. . PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS 831 Waalilngtou St. Main 71'.',-2no SCHOOLS AND'COLLEOES BEHNKE-WALKEK TELEORA I'll SCUOOb 4th ST., NEAR MORRISON - 'KPECIAL BATES TO THOSE . ENROLLING BEFORE JULY 1STB PHONK MAIN rm OR - SHEET METAL WORKS ' UEPAJKINU tin aud gravel rorfa. Jacob Loail 310 lat at. Phone Main 1424. EHOE REPAIRING MODEL REPAIR SHOP Repair. tug while you wait; populsf prices. 1ZU Mb.opp. Meier A Frauk. TRANSFER AND STORAGE C. O. PICK Traoaft-r A Storage Co. Office and eommoaiou 4 story briJc warehouse with separate iron foouia aDd fireproof vault for valuables, N. W. corner 2d and line sts. pianoa and furniture moved and packed for ahipplng. Special rates mads, on gooda la through cars to all domestic aud foreign points. Main 5M. A-190. . Oregon Transfer Co, EaUblltbed 1X70 1 Transfer and forwarding-attests. Storage, Free Trackage Office and Storage 474 Glisan St, 13th and Oliasn. - Main , A-HVK OIiEN-ROK TRANSFER CO. New flreprf warehouse with separate noma. Wa move aud pack household g"a and pianoa and alilp at reduced rates. Aulo vans and taama for ruorlng. Forwarding and dlatrlbutlng agents. Free trackage Office aud warehouse ISth snd Hoyt. Main f47, A-224. BAGGAGE TRANSFER SERVICE CO., 0-3 PINK ST. MAIN 130, A-11M3. WHEN you answer theae Want Ads mention The Journal. WALL PAPER MORGAN WALL PAtcB CO, 213 2d St., ne.r Salmon. WINDOW CLEANING KXPKRT WINDOW CLEANERS A-47U3, , Mala 327. 212 Henry bldg. -Vtolesalers PAINT. OIL AND GLASS HASML'SSEN A CO., "High Standard" paint. N. E. Cot. 2,1 ami Taytor. M. 1771, A-hs.U PIPE WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD PIPM CO. Factory ant of ice Dear 24tb and York sta. Main 84M. PLTMBIHO PIPE STEAM SUPPLIES M, L. KLINE h4-KU-87-ha FRONT 8TUEET ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland-Cordage Co,. ( " PERSONAL Coatiand) Business Directory