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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1915)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1015. SAYS LONDON LOOKS UPON ZEPPELINS AS A NEW KIND OF CIRCUS Scotland Yard Inspector Ex plains That ' People Dress , Up for. Raids. Vancouver, B. C. June J2.---(P. N. e.) That the people of London are looking on the Zeppelin raids' with the same Interest that Vancouver crowds turn out for a circus parade is evident from the remarks of In spector Savage of Scotland Yard, who it) In the city for a few days arrang ing, to escort back to London B. St, George Causton, a solicitor, who la wanted on tin embezzlement charge in London. "The trouble is to set the people to go indoors when Zeppelins are ' re ported on their way," said the In spector, who laughed at the storied of panic-stricken London which have been circulated ; from Berjin. . i "At the slightest rumor that- Zep pt Una are - coming:, men and women leave their homes or work,, dress up and go out Into the streets and parada about waiting to see the sights, . They regard it with great curiosity as a kind or show and not at all with fear. ,- " The Comparatively slight 'damage, which they have done has quite elimi nated any fears that any people might have entertained at the outbreak of the war." Referring to the vague descriptions of the places recently visited by the Zeppelins, Inspector Savage says that this is the result of admiralty Orders, and lm to prevent the Zeppelin com manders from learning the geography of the country in their visits. Some have come within several miles of the city at night, but whether it was north, south, east or west the police and ' newspapers are , forbidden to state. . , Hardware Company Has Reorganized VT. T. Smltb Vow President of Sig Coaeera That Secently Maintained , Branca Here. y' ,. San Francisco, Cal., June 22.--(U. P.) With the retirement of Al Scott and J. L. Morton from the board of di rectors, the reorganization of the Pa cific Hardware & Steel company of Ban Francisco is today practically per fected. W. T. Smith has been elected president. The financial .difficulties of the "company arose when a number of retail stores failed to make good in a financial way. According to the new plans these stores will be eliminated. Approximately 85 per cent of the in debtedness of the company la held by banks of San Francisco, LOs Angeles, Portland, 1 Chicago and New York. These institutions have agreed to give the company six months' extension on its indebtedness. The capital stock Of the concern Is $5,000,000 and the ap parent surplus of assets over the lia bilities are $700,000. The Pacific Hardware & Steel com pany until - a short time ago had branches In this city, a small ware house stock in Seattle, a branch In Los Angeles and a semi-retail ' store in San Diego. The Portland branch was closed about two months ago and the stock was taken over by the local branch of Marshall-Wells and" the Honeyman Hardware company.; At Lob Angeles the stock was taken over by the Union Hardware & Metal -company "and" the California Hardware company. Jobbers in Seattle bought the warehouse stock there.: The San Diego stock is now being closed. About 30 of the company's employes out of 130 were transferred to San Francis co. It is understood here that the company plans now to concentrate its efforts in. San Francisco. - : Establishes a New -Altitude .Record Sdward 17 agar Ascends 38,900 Peet in jgeUoon rvom Exposition Orotuads; Two Come 2owa in Parachutes. -k San Francisco. June 22. (P. n. S.) Edward Unger today holds a new American altitude record of 28,900 feet , for spherical ballooning, and Clarence Drake and Thomas McLean are recovering from the shock of narrow- escapes i from death when they established new records for dropping in parachutes. ruThe three went up in a balloon from the Panama-Pacific , exposition. McLean jumped with his parachute at 8000 feet. He Was bruised ? when he landed and was taken to the emer gency hospital. Drake Jumped at .11 200 feet,. He landed in the bay a mile and a halt from shore and collapsed after being dragged aboard a launcn. Unger. landed safely near Centervill, Alameda county. Ordinary illuminat ing gas was used tn the balloon. clears away skin-troubles There !s : immediate relief ' for skins itching, burning - and disfig ured by eczema, ringworm, or other tormentinff skin trouble, in a warm bath with Resinol Soap, and .a simple application of Resinol Oint-menL;CTne- soothing, healing Res- : inol Vnedication sinks right into the skin, stops itching instantly t and soon clears away all trace of erup tion, even in severe and stubborn cases. where other methods faiL- j Resinol Soap and Resinol Ointment also clear bad complexions and form a mostrelUblxhoua. hold treatment for sores, woaads. channcs, etc " Sold by all draxgUts. - Prescribed for 30 rearm. 'Jewelry iHidden In Shoe Given Out ; WithiOld Clothing - When a Salvation Army m clothes wagon stopped 'at the . 4 home of Miss - Fannie Zlmmer- man near i Faii-view . one day last ' week, the young woman's it Mt mothor gave the - wagon at- He 9t ':: tendant a roll of old clothing" She did not' know, according t to the . repprt just made to the police -detective bureau, . that "s the roll (-contained a pair of 4t 4(6- the latest, fasti ion women's -s boots, lacing on the side, with 4t a jewel case concealed . inside ' of one of the' shoes. The jewel case contained a neck chain, 4- pearl pendant opal ring and, some other articles. The po- 4ft 4ft l lice are " searching for the 3ft ' driver. . i . - , , 4ft - - i ' - " . 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft Contests Election Held for Mayor P. J. Whiffs. Defeated by O. E. 8e bastion la tt Angeles, Wants Totes . Beooruatedi Caarges Irregularities. Los Angeles, JunV 22. (P. N. S.) Contesting the election of Mayor-elect C. E. Sebastian and charging irregu larities in the counting 'of Votes, At torney Ralph Wiley, representing F. J. Whiff en, unsuccessful candidate, has filed a complaint in the superior court to have the vote recounted. The com plaint immediately, after i being filed was v presented to Presiding Judge York to have the day of the prelimi nary hearing set. This was expected to be done late today. : , Minnesota last year produced 91,000, 000 bushels of corn. . M. III Ur ' A A VF.Zf of the Coast ( USLi J J ' m if fm tun m I , 5r5a- ' "P!H ii - rim )! ii - -1 .IIIIH . -.1 ii . I , .. , "-r - - Hi m . I i- - n v .a l 1 . ' '(ha I - I - HE WAS INNOCENT Bellboy at Bottom of What Looked like Terrible Suitcase Mystery. J "Switching" of suitcases by a bell- Jf. M.J Maddox. superintendent of the American District Telegraph company, I en route on an inspection trip from Spokane to San Francisco, that he had unintentionally purloined a grip be ! longing to a woman while on the train. When Mr, Maddox went to the hotel t to register, his suitcase waa set dowa in th lobby1 alongside Of another ex- actly like it - Later, a suitcase was sent to his -room bu when he caroe to open it he was astonished -to. find it filled With apparel such as men do not wear, i Hoping to ; trace his own suitcase and its contents of valuable personal papers, he notified the police. About the same time s Mrs. J. L. Elbert of Detroit, Mich.; discovered in the suitcase taken o ; her room gar ments such f as women i do not wear. Mrs. Elbert ! lost no time in getting to the hotel desk. Neither did Mr. Maddox and! they arrived almost, at the same instant. Just as quickly the mystery was solved to tha satisfaction of all hands. . - . REALTY i MEN TALK SHOP Los Angeles. June 22. (U. P.) A discussion of liting agreements" led by Justin Bradway of Detroit, opened todays session of the National Associ ation of Real Estate Exchangee con vention. Stanley Li McMichael, secre tary of the Cleveland real estate board, spoke oft "Real Estate Board Public ity," and Stoddard Jess. . Los Angeles banker, on Helationa of the Bank to the Real Estate Man." i- Edwin Selwin of Seattle discussed real esute as an Investment, Tonight the delegates will Visit the mission play at JSan Gabriel. Two Die In Alaska Woods. Juheau, Alaska, June 22. (P. N. s.) Apparently dead from natural causes. 8? r pwOior three men drop in of an evening. After the hearty handshake, out come your hospitable cigars. To suit the average man's taste, ydull need a fairly mild cigar -enriched with the in comparable Havana flavor, but slightly! tempered with a gentler leaf for mildness sake. So let your own good greet ing merge into the Welcome fra grance of your Cfenl Arthurs. The' Gen'l Arthur Cigar in vites all friends, old and new, to enjoy the hospitality of his Exposition ; home' in the M.A. Gunst & Co., Inc. Bi T" ' ing on the "Zone" ' ; Also a 3 for a tpiarter.size A. Gunst Sc Cov, lac. Distributors the body of A. XJi Domlny and Thomas Boyd have been - found in adjoining cabins on the Piootalinqua. A loaded gun lay by ihe bed of each and the body of each was covered .with a blan ket. Boyd's diary ended on March li and Domlny's on March 17. : v- Woman Sues for 9 10.6S3 Damages. Charlotte Nelson, a nurse and dress maker, has sued the United Railways company for 919,633,' alleging that she was injured when she was forced to jump three feet into rocks on leaving the company's train at Glenn Harbor, January 13, 115. NEW TODAY " as. a; xtattba. formerly with A. C r. BusxaissT, now with Ruenitz Florist 1 471 Washington St. Phone i Mar. 8333. Artistic floral st.; designs and decoratlone. : SOW EH 41 v r AL KADER - TEMPLE, : A. a. j. in. jKk.-. . cer emonial session Satur day. June 26. at Masonic Temple, west rark ana ?ramhill sts. First sec ion will commence at 8:30 o. m. Second ' sec tlon at 8 p. nv Business session at 1:30 P. m.- All , peti tions must be in by that time. Can didates will report to the recorder at 3rp. m. Visiung nouies cuniiany u.i vited. By order of the potentate HUGH J. BOm Recorder. CAMP meets every ; Wednesday evening in W. U. WMXempie, 12r llth at AIT mem CAMP '--4 bers requested to at tail tend. Visitors welcome J. RADERMACHER. - C C Herman Schade,clerk. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Oregon Fir camp No. 5085, M. W. A., meets every Wednesday evening at 109 2d at. 8 o. m,-. Visitincr neiehbors always welcome. Oldest camp west or Kocicy mountains. - , H. F. M'GBATH, Clerk. Woodlawn 1170 or C-2658. , J. R. HENDERSON. ConsnL Y-KSTt " X -ill :rvu It L pj r 1 1 3l f MARRIAGK LICXSICS Beojaisin A. hLeodrtck, StattrT WtU.t 1 and Henrietta J. West. Hotel Portland, 22. lviiu. i n- . a.v iir....k t i and Beroice Blaaebard, Hotel lrtUnd. 23. Koduey Uooel Herrick. 1245 LxUlunstoa court, legal, and Anna Amelia Meinter, lOSi Sandy bivd., legal. , r l ; 'A w Karl 8. Brown, 22 Park St., - legal, sd Bylvia Ii. Eaton. Modlon Park apt.. hgl. Harry M. Hewitt. 1201 Albina aa., legal. acd Grace EU Wagoner. Hotel Orea-m, leeal. , - Conrad W.'Undeken. 505' Welwte t.- 21, -i i - . ... , t . . ami aiaj-ie A . neiier, r. . tin my, .. ii. KM H Qmlih X. Pr. Veadt and ii i uitiitti vx, vui viaitinar card. Third floor. Morgan bid r. DRlCrfS suits for rent, alt tuea. touiua tmrrns WILSON To Mr. and Mrs. OK-ar O. Wllnon, 3( xamam sc. May 24, a tlangliter. JOHNSON To Mr. and Mr.. William C. John- ou, 267 Urabam a., June 8. a son. OLSON To Mr. and Mrs. Bennet H. Olson, 641 E. Morrison. May- 23, a son. WUEELEB T Mr. aud Mrs. Jaa. Wheeler, ; 433 E. i3d at. N., Jnue 11. a sea. BUBT Te Mr, and Mra. Walter fi. A. Bart, - 1181'K. ConcU, Jane 12, a sob. ANllSRON To Mr. and Mrs. Arthor Aoder Jr mm. 129 Cook are.. June 10, a bod. BOUGHKBTy To Mr. and Mr. Cha. Donga- erty, Metsger, Or.. Jaue 17, a son. LEWIS To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lewia. 391 .Knott nt.. June 14, a son. IlEATHa AND FCERALS 75 KKLLEHEH At 317 Tillamook St., Jane 21, 1915, John V. KelleUer, aked : 4(1 years. 4 mcntha aad 8 days, beloved bunband of Nora Kelleber and fataer of D. I. KeUeber. Mrs. Robert lie Heltro. John T.. Mlas Nellie, Cor nelius, Joseph and Maijr KeUeher of Portland. Funeral services Wedufaday, Juu 23, at 8:30 a, m., at Bt. Mary's fchurch, Williams sTenae sod Stantea atreet. Friends invited. Bemains at - Ii. ,, X. Byrnes funeral parlors. ; Williitms arenue and Knott atreet. lateroaeat . Mount calvary cemetery JA8MAKX la - tnla city, June 21, at her late reaidenee, OOo. Montgomery at., Jobaoua Jasraaon. aged 81 years. Tbe funeral services will be held .Wednesday,: June 23. at 2 o'clock p. m., at tbe - German MetbodUt Kplscopal ebm-eb, Fifteentet and Uoyt streets. Friends invited... Interment at Lone Fir cemetery. The remains are . at the residence astabliabment of J. P. rinley & Son Montgomery at rifth. SOMERSET June 30, 1915. at 535 B. lltb St. N., - EUsabetii Somerset, aged 71 years 3 months and 8 days, beiovedx wife of John Somerset and inotbar of Saraft Buchanan of Portland and William T. Bncbaaan of Daw son. Ynkoa territoryr Funeral services at tbe above residence Wednesday, June 23, at i p. tn. Interment 'Boss City cemetery, friends invited. : -1 ., . .. ANDERSON Ine funeral servicea of tbe late Jofan A. Aaderson, beloved buabaud of Mrs, Ida Anderson, father f Dr. Edrar H.. Dr. W. R., Dr. Klmer K. Estber, Mildred, Artbur and Sanford Anderson, will be held from A. Ii. Zeller Co. parlors, 902 Williams avenue. Tbors day. June 24, at 2 u. m. Interment Biver- vlew cemetery, yrienos lnviieg. GALK In tkis city, June 22, Colbert Uale. aged 0 years, late of 493 Bast Fifty-first street north. The remains are at the rei dence establishment of J. P. Flnley Boo, Montgomery at Vlftb. Notice of funeral Here after. STUAKX Harry C. Stuart, GtW 3d St.. June 17, 47 years; suicide.-. . . gPKNCEIt Herlert bpencer. St. Vincent's hos pital, June 17, 75 years; myocarditis. HALL Owen W. Hall. Oregon City, June 17, 54 years; alcoholism. - j.,, BLANKOKD r-Verda N. Blanford, lil2 E. GU san St., June IS, 42 years; cancer. AK ATA Irene S. Arata, Troutdale. Or., June 17, 19 years; pulmonary tnlwrcutosia. MARTIN FOKB1S3 CO.. florists, 47 Wash. Main 269. A-12. Flowers for all occasions artisticauy trraniw CLAltKB BKOS. florists, 287 Morrison St. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral destjrns. No branch stores. FUNERAL PIRECTOKS A splendid residence unuertaicing tabllsnnient, with private driveway. J. P. FiNLKY & SON. " Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN,- the leading funeral director, ao Sil at., corner Salmon. Lady assistant. Fboues A 1511. Main .507. F S. Dunning, Inc. . , . East Side Funeral Directors. 414 Kast AlOer St. Kast iti, t-XbXb. Dunning & Mctnteel1' every detail, Broadway and Pine sts. troaaway 43U. a-4ods. Laay assistant. ChsmbGrs C0iadll!rSrbylrtwo,w lawn. 3306, C-1133. Lady embalmer. MILLEIt He TRACY, Independent tu nnrsil directors. Prices low aa 120. f 40. $60. Wash, and Ella. M. 2tl. A-7s85. A. R. Zeller Co. IVioirc s art. C-10SJ. Lady attendant Day and night service. A. O. KENWOKTHX & CO. Calls promptly answered In all parts of city. 1. O. O. F bids., Lents. Tabor 6267. Walter C. Kenworthv 1538-1534 E. ISth. Sellwood 71,15-1121 Uimilmn 0th and Olisaa. Fu ll all II UU 11 neral services. Tabor 312. R T Rrnri Williams , and Knott, i 1 1 oyrne Kaat uu c-i. P, L. LERCH, leading east side under- taaer. tn. mn oe yay. c-iaa, ta. isi. DCADQflM Undertakers. East lOaO. i Lni ivjm 1 1 869-271 Kttssell at. ERICSON .residence: uni plh. - M. 4133, A-32J6. 445 Mor. QlCA CO Undertaking Co. Main 4162 OiXUVW L.O A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clav. BKEEZE & Snook, B-1252, T. 1258. 1024 1 peimoni, si mn. umy atttnaant Schanen-Biair. Co, i ... i . - -I " - -,- . MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. ;TiAreatv atnolr nf fln marhta smrt rranite in Portland. Beautiful granite rom our Oregon ouarrj. 22? Haw thorne ave. East 6668. fbLAESING'6tiANlTCCl 11 267-3Ra;TCOO.MftDlSON, I PORTLAND MARBLE WKS., 264-866 atnsc, opp. citv nan. m. ss54. A-iBia BUSINESS PROPERTY 00 MODERN 2 story building on full 50x t loo lot; rine east side location; store -leased at $30: flat worth $15; mortgage! $2250: actuallv worth 1S000: mltrhr ! take $760 for- the equity. You must 1 nave spot casn. isauii, 301-z Railway Exchange bldg. ' - ' FOR SALJ5HOUSES 61 . - LAURELHURST luvnui, liriv itsvv, CUD Dalance terms. Woodlawn 1589. SeAUTIfCL lot and 3" room - house, near car and -school: milea ma. an oner, i -O30, journal. If. YOU want a genuine bargain in new o room rtoso city para bunga low, call Tabor 234. ' FOR SALE 6 room house and acre on 2 carlines, roses and fruit trees. Wb , a. n v o A a 9 j nunc muur ovuj. We will build you a home to suit on terms the same as rent, on a 75x100 lot. J. L. Robinson, 606 Corbett bldgr. il5 PER month, St. Johns house yours $25, one Alblna ave.; all kinds land on terms, gee raraer, oua joroett bldg. JUST think! Modern 6 room home, fulk lot, $1150. - Block car. Tabor $500 EQUITY in $3000 citv home for $400 caph. X-387, Journal. FOR ALli New 6 room- modern houyc Sumner. W. FIVE room modern bungalow lor sale; Woodlawn iUO. rr. r : 61 Wl will build in part of city ; ( HOMES Costing from $2000 to $20,000. Also apart ments and flats. AVe have money' to - loan. Call and se plans. J ; F, . BOWMAN : -' : & CO.. Commercial Club bldy. OOINO TO CAL.1KOKN1A; MUST . HAVB MONKT. - I400Q home for a 000; $100 J cash, balance long: time; block from Lau relhurst, fine neighborhood, 8 rooms, modern,? full ; basement, fine' lawn, shrubbery, etc.. street improvements all paid. Address owner. V-12, Journal, WANT A 1 ,OT. Have a dandy 6 room house and 3 lots, 50x100, Z blocks from . car; lots of fruit, berries, shrubbery, garden, etc.; nice, chicken run. Will take a lot a first payment, balance 915 per; price, $2500. J. II. Martels 2S4 Oak St., rortiana $20 MONTH 1NCLUDKS KVEKY- Price 12250, 7. room, brand new, 50 by loo lot, a block Klllinaswortb. car barns, lots of fruit, fine district. See owner at Smith.-Wag oner Co., &1S Stock jcxenaneje. FOR THE NEWI.YWteflS ' 5 rooms and breakfast room, sleeping- porch, attic, hardwood floors, mir ror doors, everything that it takes to make a home . complete. 'Take , Rose City Park car to'bSth-st.. 1 block north to this beautiful bunmlow. Main 646tt GOOD LOW PRrr.Etl HOME $650 cash for $1300 equity in mod ern well finished. 4 room house: sleep ing porch; full basement; East Creston district, Mt. Scott car;, balance $900 payable in 6 years. Owner, 296 E. 69th WHY pay rent when we will build yo-i a 3 room bunaalow. 75x100 lot. for only $550? flOo down, $10 a months uent nome vaiue in in city; tnis is on the west side. IB minutes' ride, 6c fare, city water. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bid. . . -v :v..v BIG SNAP. E room' modern house, 33 f-SxlOO ft lot. Street improvements in and paid. Total price $1350, $300 cash, baL at $15 per month, including interest. . No traue, no agent. u-i. Journal. - ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME See us. We'll build and. finance your home. Terms monthly basis. The Oregon Home Builders, 13th , floor iNortnwestern Bank bidg. 13 -. MORE ECONOMICAL THAN BUijNo.wnen done through The Ore gon Home Builders. 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. -- PLANS $6 ' : PLANS li- Let us plan yotjr bungalow. LET JDS BUIL0 YOlJ A BUNGALOW, EASY TEHMfl, PAY LIKE KENT H. A WILLIAMS, 609 McKAY BLDG. I SELL, houses because I handle bar galna. If you want a home see Chap man, room 4, Orpheum building, or call vv puuiawn a nz, evenings. Pretty 6 room modern bungalow, on corner, 1 block to M-V car, $1800; cash $1000. . balance terms. - Mornings only, FOK SALELOTS LARGE, beautiful, view homesite on the west side, only J.5 minutes' ride; Bo fare, for 22a0: 410 down. 16 a mo. If you are looking for a place with a,i ui Auiuftv, iuu- tvr a ioib will gun you, on. m, jee, nuo tjoroett Ditig. OSWEGO lot. $10 down $10 per month. 4 blocks from station. Boggess & Co., 206 Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. ACREAGE 57 Read This . IT'S DIFFERENT. Acreage at half price this week only, owner, . non-resident, will be here to dispose of several tracts; 20 minutes from down town, on carline. We are authorised to sell ' these at just . half price; some cash, bal. terms. - You an talk with, the owner at our office. Only a little cash required. . 3 Wasbingtoa bldg. - BEE BEAVERTON-REEDVILLJ2 . , - ACREAGE, j a. And you will say with .us it is the best about Portland; only 30 minutes out, ao trains daily pass througn it the Biar Red Steel trains. Ha i hnna. onions, vegetables,-any thing. . onenur. cnaser gets aooui ihu per month now for eggs sold; $100 when at Highest price. Has thrc. acres. Buv a tract any else, cash or easy payments. - iflt BnAW-HtiAll WStUfAJX i, 102 4th st. r . 27 Acres, $800 . 16 acres in cultivation end in heavy clover, fenced and cross fenced, right on county road and on Lewis river, land lays fine. Just 2 miles from Woodland, Wash. This is a relinquish ment; must sell on account of sick ness; land all around there sells for $150 to $200 on acre. Call for Royal. iOl Panama bldg. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near port land; Gresham district, electric sta tion Vft mile.. Nw subdivision. Bun shine valley orchard tracts; best soil, fre.wood; ele-ant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre In small tracts; easy terms. . Frank McFarland Realty C., 800 Yeen bldg.. Portland, Or. Gibson Half Acres fiHA evaMt WJk nine. , line, easy terms; will build to suit u i - iiam . f uuuv. juarsnnjl : 13B O, .or ,eiiwooi b. jonn ti. u?Dson. owner. 8 ACRE ranch on car line, near In, small house, fruit, irood water, fine soil, free from stone. - Price $600 rer acre, owner. A, C. Box 275, R. L. Nt 1,'MiiwauKie. " WHEN yoa answer these Want Ads. mention Th aournai. -.- SUBURBAN - ACREAGE 70 21 ACRE suburban home at SOth and Division sts.. nicely improved: 6 acres fruit, berries; city water. Will sell all or part. K.aste jsroa.. sis Henry bldg, IpEAL SUBURBAN HOME! 1 acres. all fruits! Berries I Garden! Flowers! Bargain! Hurry! N-482, Journal. POU SALE P' TIMS 17 65 ACRES;, do not claim best, next beet. In crop, new house, barn, horses, new wagon, harness, cow, 120 chick ens, v household - goods if Wanted; cen ter of Polk county, macadam , roads. Write for- ' description. Price com plete. 68600. kji-461. journal. 100 acres, imp., new house and bai n, 23 miles south of Portland, leased for $1000: price 850 Per acre. 6 susres. 1? miles from city; price $3000, terme;4 tt acres- ciear ior lot. HOMESTEAD REALTY CO., 232 6 -Washington St.. Room 16. IF you are looking for good buys or ex changes of eastern Ore. wheat land do not fall to see Keller ft Deal, Suite 314. Lumber Ex. bldg.. Portland. Or. 10 FINE acres. 13 miles to Portland: best of soil, only $660; $100 cash, balance $100 per year, 6. W H. Seita & Co., 310 Spalding bldg. Main 6684. 40 ACRE farm, 22 acre crops, 1 miles v-- from railroad, school; with or with out stock. $3600. Address FX-712, Journal. - ; y ' - " r 7 1 4000 ACRE stock ranch bargain-! Finely watered! On railroad! $4.50 per acre'. M-80S. Journal. f IF wanting large or small acreage see me. - Wolf stein. 205 Alisky bldg. ; FOR REHT FARMS 14 FOR RENT Dairy farm, 211 acres, near Washougal. Wash., 8 rppm house, running, watery 2- new barns. iuo stock on place. Owner. 42 2d at. ! ! Ait ji xor rent, stoca zor saie, z cows, 2 calves, 27 pigs. 1 team, farm imple ments, including, crops, .$600. , W-4l7. Journal. . FARMS WANTIOl REXT OR BUY , SH WA NTED-To" rent" nowirthis f all 30 or 40 acres with some pasture for term of 5 years, cash rent. G, F, Blair, Oswego, Or. R. 1. - EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE 24 160, 80 OR 40 acres, unimproved, for Portland property.. 311 Alisky bldg. l OIi , S.1LJE- UOUSK3 EXCHANGE llKAIi ESTATE 2 v-" ' Cotintid ' ' ... - FOK KXCHANGR Ftnv J2( or 11.1 til lv . tukinr mv $6000 equity in fine flat building ctose in west slue ior 4uou or wiu accept trade- if you can snow me value, ciear or small lncumDranee aive par tlcularw. twner, R-545. Journal. ' A tJTOMOiilL.S FOK KiuAL, KSTATB 20 used cars of various make 2, 3 and 7 passenger, all in good condition, to trade for unincumbered Portland or vicinity real estate; give full par ticulars in first-letter. Address S-7, Journal. FOR i ALE or trade for large cows, an . loeai a acr cmcken . rancn: nulla- ings; all fenced, fruit trees, etc at Lebanon, Or.; 6 blocks from P. Q. For particulars ' address, li. Bottenberg, 4- ACKfc.8. 6 room house, on the Mt, ' - jscott caruna; wui take clear nouse and lot ud to - 22500 or 23000. soma cash, -time on the balance. A. J. Far mer, 40T Btock Exchange, IDAHO land for exchange: 40 acres . fine fruit and alfalfa soil In heart of Improved district, 2Vi miles of county seat.. i Address owner.Qeo. 13. Cooprider, vveiser,- laaiio.1 Washington county. KXCHANGB for Portland or Vancou ver property, 80 acres creek bottom. In Aiililv.frtrin hiilMin,. XU tnlUa ..U. road and boat.; Owner, box 87, Castle TT ... - ....... fvo-K., -v as TKAUK for lot. 2900 equity in $4t00 East Irvington bungalow; modern, 7 rooms, corner ior. cmient sraras-ai own. er. i-QZD, journal. $000 EQUITY In ,3500 new, modern nome to exebance; also 3&9 equity in 'a good lot;-, want horses or land. o. a. uranam. 68s prescott st. t EXCHANGES OF ALL KINDS. We can . trade what you- have for wnai- you wane square aeai guaran WANT 2 to 6 acres, improved, close to car, .. in exchange for store and dwelling, well rented; price $8(100. mortgage -&uu. 703 oregonian biag. HIGHLY improved Kansas wheat J arm ior vauey property. Koom 301 tamwr nwinnitt, zq ana MtarK, 5 ROOM house, 1 block from car, price $1400; want suburb place for chlck- "'3 ttnu ajxi-ucii. jjq-avj, jomnai STOCK ranch for sale or exchange by owner, cheap. Owners answer. Phone uiwr iu,i i IF you hav any gooa property to trade, we will match you. Ayrea & Smlta, 601 Northwest bldg. Main 7266. IVAXTEDrtEAL, ESTATE 1 WAN, TED -The bent close in residence lot up to ,$2000 that $1000 cash will buy. BECK, 801-2 Railway Exchange. bldg.1 .'. ' . WANT rooming house, 20 to 60 rooms; bargain, a Q-368, Journal. ItOOMIXG HOUSES 53 18 ROOMS. RENT $35. Best west side location, newly fur nished, all, clean, as can be, fine carpets, rooms all rented; best bar gain me have .had;: $75 profit: going to sell for beet, of reasons at big sacri fice, I $250 cash required; act quick. You bargain hunters call 88 10th, near Stark. - - ; : FOR EXCHANGE. -v. Rooming ' houses; 30 rooms, $2000; 37 rooms, $2500; 40 rooms, $1600; 80 looms, $15o0; 19 - rooms, $1000, and others. Why worry about making w living. Tirade your real estate. Wo l ave what r you want. Hustlers,' 603 .. i . . V. p, . . : , 14 ROOMS, for H. K.. well furnished and clean. Will clear abavd vnur AWti llvlnv nnmn I On n n . u. It -.. . vov ror U1UU4II. iJCB( of location, west side, $1600. Owner. If you are looking for a rooming house worth the money, look this up. xt-oov, journal. 38 ROOM Irooraini? house, doing nice business.! always occupied; price $1600. . $509 cash, balance $25 per Itinnih At. mill t A A fnm, , - r. n A r, tT.U rTrmY Mr t w hnl,.... . ........ . . PortUndV Call 51 Lumb Exchange hHf .....-4- ..... ' .. " ' 1& ROOM rooming house, always full, clears about $65 per month and living rooms. Price, only $650; only $250i cash, ( balance $20 per month. Call! 519 Lumber . Exchange Bldg., 2d nuu -oiarn pis. 19 ROOM rooming house, always full, clear about $65 per month and living rooms; price only $650. only $250 cash, balance $20 per month. Call 019 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Starke 62 ROOM i roomine bouse, in r-niirt, bouse district, low rent and making rood monevr vou can huntr ISO wrwuii on this; price $1000; invesUgate this at once. oi stunner rexchangre bldg, $100 BUYS rooming house. 10 rooms pf rair furniture, house modern, west side location, rent only $15, very easy terms. Call 14 N. 6th st. 55 ROOM HOTEL At big sacrifice, Will trade. Hurry; let us tell you about it Qulgley Realty Co 614 Rothchlld bldg. 16 ROOM rooming house on desirable corner, $350. - Owner going east. 619 1 Lumber - Exchange EWg., 2d and starg. st. HaVk a dandy paying rooming bouse, close in.i partly H. K, rooms; sell on terms or ji trade. -- What have you? i ROOMS, mouey ina.ker, for subur ban house, or acreage; $11 Alisky mag, $245 BUYS 12 room rooming - house. :,, 1S5- fault land till nt mnnlh . ft 1 1 room 111 ntnry piag, z ! " - 16 ROOM rooming house on desirable corner. $850; owner going east. 519 Lumber" Ek.' bldg., 2d and Htark sts. BLsiNKHs oi i'o::tuxiti es 20 PARTNER wanted to look after effice. Lwork. Only little money needed, which is 1 uny secured. Tnia will pay better than wages. Particulars, 519 Lumber Kxcnange Diag.,, zq and Btark. MOVING ! picture partnership; .400 seats; exceptional . opportunity for young man, low rent and large profit. Call 519 Lurribwr Exchange bldg... 2d and BtarK' cts. - CASH . grocery, confectionery, cigara ana xooacco, ; pest corner on. Burn side; this plaoe ia worth $1560; price today $1000 cash. 61 Lumber &x- change, 2d ana stark. IF YOU are willing to work ior $25 per week ana can invest jzso in es tablished i business, .: money secured, tall 619 Lumber . Exchange Bldg.. 2nd and Stark. f FARTNER wasted to tend office, also . some outside work, pay salary $100 month besides share of profits; re quires small investment. - Particulars room 3Z -iHorgan PiQg. GROCERY for sale- cheap; has "3 liv ing rooms, and you can make your living and clear $100 month besides. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. - ; VERY SPECIAL STORE $300. Grocery, " etc Rent $15, Invoices $600r sacrifice it Monday -for $300. Biggest snap in city. 602 Couch bldg. 1 lift TZ I ; V Q a , n 7) i V. . i ...... 1 ' I . . . J7 i ness -paying ia per wee it aoove liv ing expenses for one. Experience not ... .. GROCERY store snap, doing good bust- ness, on busy street; will invoice $600: prfce for ouick sale $425 cash. FINE - hydraulic pisveer- ground. 640 acres, near raiiroaa. reaay tor imme diate development; 'all requisite facil ities. R-61Z, journal, PARTNER wanted, small investment; auto specialty! sales assured; lnves tigate. A-524. Journal. - - 500 BUSINESS CARDS SOc Pioneer Ptg. Co., 193 4th, Near Tayfer. FOR SALE At a bargain. dressEnak ; leaving town,, journal. f!B(VKIi V onit (iiinfoMl.inoru fr. tci Transfer point. . Room 411. Henry Eld g. , ; ' - 500. cards'' 55c Rose CUv Printery. 3d at Taylor. 1 000; Business Cards 75c SAVE money on barber euppites. Port. Cut. & Barb. Sno Co.. 86 Sth. FOR sale or trade: Manufacturing business. 30 Union ave. N. dusixcss ori'or.Turani: . l tContiBnea) WH OKKJiK FOK SALIC. . Our nice littla pla.nt. enuipr-ej tvit.s 14 in. lathe. 1 quick change), t-in-ry grinder,1 assorted reamers, dies, ef., for the making of auto pans, bl;n k smlth tools for forcing, frame an t n straightening. Will Invoice about $.? -i. Kendrick & Wallace. 22 N. loth U Main 6540 .-INVESTIGATE. Garage, repair shop and equipment, 100x100 concrete building, clean an 1 modern, full of storage cars; good es tablished - business; , no competition; rare opportunity for man with Hui capital;: $3000; part trade. No rral state. M-R02. Journal HONEST young man wanted to ttttfn.l office, answer phones, etc 5 1 0 month to active man; small lnvostnunt required; exceptional opportunity Call 619 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2nd an.l Stark sts. ' NOTICE, If you are Hooking for a small. we!l secured investment that carries a goo I steady position with It, we have it for you. DO IT NOW. 418 Lumber Li chanre bldg. " FOR SALE or rent, first class bi Pic ture show in new, concrete buildinv, best location. Will take mortgace or real estate. Price $75J. Kent cheap. See J. 11. Nash, 1209 E. Division a-t. Or 723 Chamber f f Commerce. tF looking for a business, call uik! see me. Have hotels, rooming hun-, restaurants, bakery and confection ery, general stock in outside town, Hal,? or exchange, Neal Brown, 20l Pan ama bldg. SA ivE? snap, dandy east sidn loca - tion, all fixtures in and ready for business. The place where you can make good., Adjustment Bureau, Port land Asa'n. of Credit Men. 600 Com'L DiOCK. FOR SALE (irocery doing a a.i.,.l business; cheap rent and living rooms. Phone Woodlawn 845 lIOXEY Tt LOAX REAL ESTATE . MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, at from 5 to 7?o on inside business property and on resi dences and apartment houses; quick de cisions and favorable terms VI L.Fllh:i BHORE & CO., 206-206 Northweatorn Bank bldg, Phone Marshall 14S. LOANS on imprevei city property or for building purposes; advance made as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. P. Lipscomb, 242 Stark sc. Main 4420. Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE. 701 gelling bldg. BUILDING loans on city and nubur. ban property; mcney advanced a .4 work progrrssoa. W. G. Beck, 316 Fail Ing bldr. Main 3407, ARE you looking for Joan to build iv home? Will advance yon the moitev 1 per cent. The Oregon Home Builders.-1830 N. W. Bunk bldg. WE have money to loan on your real - estate; Vlrst mortgages only. HAMMOND M OH TO AGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. CASH paid lor mortgages, notes, cwi. tractis; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. lr. li. I ewls "o., 8 Lewis Yhl tlOu.JOu on liiortsafces, city ai.'l toim property, fir insurance. McKenai St Co., 0r1insfr bid..-21 and AIVr- MONK Y to loan in amo mis ci to 8500J on city property. A, IL Bell. Ml frlpr Hd. MONK to loan, toOO to 4 jO'i'I. Ijjw - teres t. prompt action. R. W. HagooJ, 211 Journal bldg. MONKX to loan by private party, im proved rlty or farm property. X- $600, 4to0,-JOOO; must loan at om-; no commiBsion; Ward, 407 Spaldiiu; bldg. . SiORTGAGK loSua at current rattro. Real estate security. Apply room 2ui Stock Exjhanpe, id and Yamhill. $200, $350, 1600. $900, 61200. 100. Krcl W German Co. 914 Cham, of 'om $41,000 OR LKrirt. FAititlNG 1 ON. $0 4th st. Board of Trnde M.Ur MONEX to loan 8 vt 8. W. IL beiu & Co.. 310 fri'aldlng hldg. $600 to ItiouO PR1VA1E AlOiEy. - 831. Joiirnal. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 1, Louis giaiomon (v to., aoo oaK ft., n-ar fc t n $600-31000 TO $1600 to loan. Call h'SS Henry bldg. hoUKV to iJiAtj'rrrv a vr. i-'ah m ' Dorr E. Kcasey & Co., Cham, of Cum.' MONEY TO LOAX CHATTELS, NALA11 IJMiVl j.JJIA l. LOAN a ON DIAMONDS AND JKWEUY AT EASTERN RATES, We have one of the finest retail jewelry stores in the ;lty, a loan ie partment it. conducted in coririnction with same, making business STiUd LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely i.o signs designating loan business dis played in front of our store All mer chandise pledged is held for a frnl of twelve months, whether br not in terest is paid when due. We are li censed and have been established einca 1890. No connection with any othur. loan establishment in this city, A. ft M. DELOVAGE. JtWiiUKS. 324 Washington st. SALARY LOAN ti si ALAR " LOA.w. Being salary loan brokers exclusive ly, we are enabled to assure satisfac tion and give the quickest poaaiLie service . Business strictly confidential. ' REMEMEER. 1 We are licensed, and therefore - . . 4 RELIABLE. STATE SECURITY CO.. 309 Falling bldg. Loans at Legal Rates We loan money on diamonds, pianoa, livestock, storage receipts, notea. on furniture, or anything or value. You can get it tooay. Portland ; Loan Co,, Licensed , i Licensed by State. ' . 311 Dekuin Bid., Third and Washinirfon. MONKl AT ONiJii. Diamonds, Watchen, Musical Instrum'ts separate aept- ror ladies. ELBY CO. (Licensed.) $20 Lumoer Ex bldg.. 2d snd FfrV IX1AXS WANTICD .'.'1 $300 . $300 0, $200 t'n. -5 room cottage, occupitd by airif- cant, Mt. Scott district, value $10uj. $500 insurance. good oafe loan. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham, ut commerce. $125. lO'o, $1X5 .10, lii, Xr0. Lot .100x100 in Park Iln. vlm $650. Here's a chance for you to earn 103 for a year on that idle 12S on gilt edge security. Fred W. German t,o.; gl4 jnamher or commerce. WANTED -$100, 7 per cent money, o,i home worth $4500. No cofnraiion. Irtereut Paid protuotly. Z-202. Jour nal. ' WANTED From private party, llu tor 4 months, at reasonabl. lntcrML tjnatte.l mortgage. BX-sil, Journal. $1600, i years, liose City Pur. r-i-dence: risk excDtlonall v a-oo-l. j. k Karnopp, Railway Kchane: bils". $100 for 6 months or year; real e-'-ita security. Frank Schlegel. 433 v or- cester bldg. aIXACIAL r,l FIRST and second mortgages, alo rol lers intere-nt in contract, purer i. Oregon and -Washington, li. L. 'i" nrmn 6lo. - H Ell' 1VANILD MALI: STICKER hand wanted. Apply i'ou- jand baoh ec Door Co.. 3j u.-.i ave. - WaNIKP Tea and cottee uul-hui. Call hefore , 20 palmon. EMPLOYMENT depfrtment Y. j fSorvloe fren mrnhir. WANTEU j'.alo uicU iur i 1 act; give phone. L-lis. Jour;.ji.