THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1915. 11 mONS CAN'T RECOVER FES PAID QTATT nrDAOTMT Attorney feeneral Brown So Holds in Connection With . Many. Demands Made." : Salem, Or., June 21. Attorney Gen eral Brown today held that foreign corporations .- -which had paid fees to the corporation department from 1903 to 1913, tinder the provisions of a law requiring a graduated tax based on capitalization. : cannot recover the . fees so paid, although the law requiring the tax was declared unconstitutional by , the Olfegon supremo court In. 1913. Commissioner Schulderman, and means ( that all claims for refunds will be re-j fused. It was said today at the corporation J : department that probably $100,000 was, turn of the money have recently been coming tn from foreign corporations that have paid, and it Is considered probable that a suit is contemplated. The law was declared unconstitu tional by the supreme court on the ground tnat 11 was a ux onseo on iu capital stock of the corporations, and meant double taxation. Attorney ' General Brown based his opinion today largely on a decision of the supreme court in the case of John son against Crook county. In which It was held that the amount of taxes paid Into the state could not be recov ered by tmy property holder, even if ft law were declared' unconstitutional. The corporation department, has re cently received several demands from corporations for the return of money paid in, many of the claims totaling $1000. - No Business for Saloons in Nehalem alley Will Be Dry", la All Proba bility, After July 1, Xduor Ken HT- ing Tailed to Apply for Xdoense. Nehalem, Or., June 21. After July 1 the Nehalem valley will be as arid as a. dessert as far as saloons are con cerned. The three resorts in the valley will close their doors on that date, probably never to reopen. Unfavor able business conditions are the cause. Until the first of the year there have been four saloons In tbe valley two at Nehalem and two at Wheeler. About three months ago one of the places closed by request of creditors and the remaining stock was sold by the sheriff. The proprietors of the Other three assert they have been los ing money since the first of the .year end they will not venture another six months. The closing of the big mill at "Wheeler .was a blow to the entire val- i ley. It resulted in shutting down the logging eamps in the district and threw many men out of . work. Other industries have suffered in conse quence. The city councils of each city ; found no applications for liquor 11- ' This leaves both Nehalem and J roent. They had planned on using the license money for some needed im provements on the streets and for re pairs. Nehalem needs its $a00 license money, and Wheeler could use its $215 to good advantage, but proposed work will now have to wait until after the next tax levy. .Wife of Warden Is Murdered in Prison t&A m -w. v m . T . Ios Angeles Comic Opera Prima Sonne, Burned by Plena. Joliet, 111., June 21. (I. N. S.) Sus pected of the murder and cremilion of Mrs. Edmund M. Allen, .wife of the warden of the state penitentiary here, and before her marriage Odette Maizee Bordeaux of Los Angeles, a comic opera prima- donna, Joseph Campbell, a negro convict, today was held In solitary con finement. Av formal .charge was ex pected to be made later. - Mrs-Allen's charred body was found in 'her bed in the warden's suite earlv yesterday, A wound in the temple' gave rise to the belief that she had been wholly or "partly stunned by a hlAV wtth a Vi v ' tirntai hnttT. fmi1 V ... wt J . ' . . - V . A WV, close to the bed, and her nightclothes soaked with . alcohol and Ignited. Campbell lived In the warden's apart ments, acting as a house servant. Banquets sCut Off, ' Youth Pitches Hay 3fc. . ; ' j 2Tye Oberg-, Riverside, CaL, Student, j Has Sad Awakening After Pooling i . natives With Alleged P else Stories, j Riverside, Cal., June 21. (U. P.)-' Nye Oberg, the Riverside polytechnic Jtuga school student whose extraordi nary fake performance, claiming to have, won a peace debate in Kansas City which never occurred, and who was feted and flattered until the truth was made public, is working today in tlfo hay fields near Ferris. : 4v Oberg failed to graduate here, not 'because of his fantastic . entry into the : realms of pure fiction, but because he i flunked in physics. Psychologists are trying to find the causes which actu ated the young man In his strange course. : ' AGED MAN IS PAROLED - San Quentin, CaL. June 21. CP. N. S.) Dr., Wlllard P. Burke, who is serv- ing a seven year sentence for an at-! : tempt to kill with dynamite Miss Lu- ! etta Smith and her baby, of which she ! I says , he Is the father, was today bo-j tified tbat he had been granted a pa- ' role by tbe state board of pardon. Burke formerly - conducted a sani tarium at "Santa Rosa. Miss Smith was a nurse. Five years ago dynamite was exploded beneath the tent in which she -and the 1 1-months-old baby were sleep ing. Burke fought conviction for three years and spent a fortune. He is 75 years - ol3. The parole - takes effect next month.' Robbers Kill Victim i Los Angeles, June ,21. P. N. S.) Death won in a race against a high powered automobile for: the' life of Juan Diaz, who was found beaten by robbers near Saugus. early today. Diaz died at the; receiving hospital, here a few minutes after he recovered' con-' eclousness long enough -to 'describe the men .who, attacked him. ,.- .. . a 4 . WW BOYS TAUGHT TO LIVBCLEANER, BETTER LIVES . nil, ' " " V" , " " : . '. ' " ' ' ' "' ' ' " : "" " V' ), "'- '. Al .";"' ' I , , - -, 1 ' " ' - - ' ' ' 'II . y:2f?T -r , - - - - r - - j2 -Yi ' - 1 f V- 4 ' - "--j f- , ..-..mi . . vSv2.4 -' J I Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts, left to right Rev. J. D. Corby, scout master; Howard Smytbe, Kenneth Barbour, Ralph Joplin, Malcolm Ras musHon, William Thompson (supported), Ralph Geisey, Paul DeKoney, John Bradley, Robert Barbour (supported), James Lively, Ed Mullen, Alfred Clough, Carrol Baker, Verne Preston (supported). ' Portland has three bqy scout organ izations which are teaching boys to liva better lives and get more enjoy ment out of the commonplace things. Tbe most recent appearance of these boy scouts was in the Rose festival celebration, when boys dressed in. the regulation kakbl uniform: and march ing perfectly attracted so much favor able attention. The organisation which appeared in the fraternal and indus trial "Parade was troop No. 1, in charge of Ray. ' James X. Corby, pastor of tbe First Universal church, who introduced the boy scout work here. x While this, la tbe original troop there are two other troops, one of them be- ins connected, with the $econd United Brethren church - and the other the Lenta . Methodist Episcopal church. Superintendent to Practice Law? La Qrande, Or, June 21. Efforts to prevent George T. Cochran, superin tendent of water division No. 2, from acting as one of the attorneys for the plaintiff in a damage action against the Grand Ronde Lumber company for alleged damages claimed to have been sustained from defendant's de fective engines in cauglnp-a fire, con suming plaintiffs grass and property along the right of way of the com pany's logging raisroad, have failed. The case, was previously set for trial tcdayf ' but Saturday a motion was made to prevent Cochran from further acting as an attorney, his name hav ing appeared on the papers filed In the case. . - 1 r - . 4: THe - lumber company's attorney claimed Cochran had no right to prac tice law while he was water superin tendent. : Judge Knowles ruled, however, that since Cochran had been admitted to practice in all the courts of the state, by tbe supreme court, and had prac ticed for years, both before and after his election as water superintendent, he had no alternative but to recognize him the same as- any other attorney. The court said if 'Cochran's conduct was not -proper in so doing, the law affords any aggrieved party a remedy by proceeding against him. Mr. Cochran has recently returned from a long absence in southeastern Oregon od business in connection with his of f icq as water superintendent. He has not appeared in any case this term, but on the damage case being set for trial, the motion was filed. Cochran la senior member of the law firm of Cochran & Eberhard, and that firm recently secured the affirmance of a $5000 judgment against tbe lum ber company. Prize Baby Scalded. Marshfield, Or., ; June 21v Yernon Prow, age 15 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Prow of North Bend.' was fright fully scalded by falling into a tub of hot. water. The child won the highest prize loving cup In the recent baby con test held in North Bend. When writing or calling on adver tisers, you will confer a favor by men tioning The Journal. (Adv. Tickets to Eastern either direction to qpSO Tillamook Seashore Resorts Wonderful Scenery, Enticing " Trout Streams Miles of Glorious Sand Beach. , - t Low Round-Trip Season tickets .Week-end Portland to Garibaldi Beach Points. ' Proportional Low . . . Fares to Other Beach Resorts. '. " - . Booklets on the" Exposition. : California, Tillamook and.Kewport at City . i iv f Ticket Office. Sixth Street., Corner Oak; Union Depot or East Morrison. . . A- SOUTHERN paofsc John M. Scott; General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Jk - -?v rSSrJ'T liS lirw.-iv-: Both of 'these aire much younger than troop No, 1, however. ,- ; The Boy Scouts of America Js an organization; which provides an influ ence for physical strength, for moral cleanliness and for public service. It teaches boys to know something of the world about them, helps them to mas ter the rudiments' of . useful arts and equips them for -the best citizenship. In no way is It a military organiza tion, but as a matter of fact, just the opposite.. Those who have charge of the work are firm advocates of peace. Members of troop No. 1 are already making plans to greet ex-President Taft when he reaches here in August. Mr. Taft Is national vice-president of the Boy Scoutsi of America. The boys expect - to act as h is escort : while In Portland. . f: 1 Hi! Mystery! But ' Maybe Automobile Was a Cole Car . . z Salem, Or., June 21. Follow- j ing the discovery that a car, 0 loaded witn furniture - and an automobile, Aprili 28. at Cathay, N. 1)., contains coal instead, the $ railroad commission is making 4ft i an effort today i, to solve the t roysjery for H.I W. Riedesel, who billed the car for Aums- ville. Or. K Railroad, officials .are unable Dt to explain what became of the furniture and automobile. Submarines Will Be ; Topic ; at Luncheon John SffcWulty, Vantical Ztepert, wm ZlxTlaln Coiurtruction off Craft Sa rora Xotary Clnb. It is to bo "Submarine "Warfara Day" at the Rotary club luncheon. 'tomor row at the Benson hotel. Members are anticipating a highly inUr eating program. - - John McNdlty, nautical expert-" In the United States hydrographic office, will give a talk on the submarine, while R. R. Johnson, an attorney, will discuss under-water craft from a legal standpoint, pointing out the laws that relate to it. Charles E. Cochran will be . chair man of the day. , - Seattle Entertains Creditmen. Seattle. Wash, Jpne 21. (U. P.) The Seattle Association of Credit Men Is entertaining today 103 eastern dele gates ' to the. convention of the Na tional Association of Credit Men, held recently at Salt Lake City. Lee Reaches Seattle. Seattle, Wash., June 2L (U. P.) Making, his first visit as' chief ex ecutive, W. S. Lee, grand president of the American Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, arrived: in Seattle this morning; from Portland, i : the SajFe Way To California Expositions. Every mile protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety Signal. Scenery unsurpassed on the American Continent. 4 Fine Trains Leave IdO A. M, 12:30 P. M. Paily Portland 3:50 P. M, 8:15 P. M. i To Sari Francisco Return Limit 30 Days. $32.50 Ninety-Day Limit. $52.25 to Sari Diego and Summer Excursions Points on sale daily via California with stop-overs in visit the expositions., Ten days' stop on way tickets. and Fares , - j :...$4.oo; .$3.00; Week-end While the troop was organized by Dr. Corby, Its membership is not con fined to the church membership, and there are a large-number of boys who are members who are In no way con nected with the .First Unlveraallst church, Officers of troop No. 1 are scout master, J. D. Corby; assistant scout master, Frank Bradley; patrol leader, eagle patrol, John Bradley; assistant leader, Alfred Clough; -patrol leader, Howard Smyth, wolf patrol; Ralph Geisey, assistant leader; Malcolm, Ras mussen, secretary-treasurer. J. S. Walker is acting- scout master of troop No. 11, organized of boye from tbe Sunday school of the Second United Brethren church. It was or ganized January 1, 1915, and has stead Philetus Fouts of Hood River Dead Philetus Fouts, long; a resident of Hood River, father of Seneca Fouts, died at St Vincent's hospital last night. He had been a sufferer for over a year from a , complication of diseases. Mr. Fouts was 66 years of age 'and has resided in Oregon and Washington for 25 years. He was born in Perry county, Ohio, and came to Oregon in 1889 or 1890. By hie first wife, Eugenia Stafford, he had two children, Mrs. Russella F. Letts, of Detroit, ' Mich., and Seneca Fouts. of Portland. His second wife, Ka-th-erine R. Fouts and her son, Philetus F. Fouts. also survive. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at St. Francis church, East Twelfth and East Pine streets. Concert Season at Parks Is Opened The delightful weather enticed "many to Washington park yesterday after noon to enjoy the r beautiful flowers and shrubbery, the view of the eity the zooT and to hear the Municipal Park band : which opened, the season yesterday with a concert in the band stand in the grove on top of the hill that overlooks the city. ; The prbgram opened with the grand march from Wagner's "Rienzi" and then followed familiar numbers, in cluding the overture to "Rosamunde." by Schubert, which was the principal Lof ferlng-. Tonight the band, directed by W. E. McElroy. plays at South Parkway and Jefferson streets. No Substitute Is ' Needed for Saloon Aberdeen, Wash., June 21. In a talk before the women of the county W. C. T. U. which met here this week on the subject," "Substitutes for the Saloon," Mayor Phillips said; I think the question for the need for a substitute for the saloon has been con- and Back Back East Newport Delightful Seaside. X Every Charm for an Outdoor "Vacation Surf Bathing, Boating, Etc. , Round-Trip Fares Season fare from Portland $6.25 . I .' . . .$4.00 Corresponding Low Fares - From All Other Stations in Oregon, ily grown. This troop holds , weekly meetings and thoroughly takes up the boy scout work.- , Edwin Norene is scout master of the troop connected with the Lents M. E. church. Other officers are Roe n Faith and Hollis Hamilton. patrol leaders. Rev. W. B. Moore, pastor of the church, S. R. Toon and Dr. T.- "W. Tidball are members of the local troop committee. This troop consists of the Owl and Wolf patrols. Owing; to the summer vacation period this troop is to dis band this week and resume work in the -fall.. ------ - Getting out In the open and close to niture is one' of the purposes of these organizations, and tbe members of each troop have been on many hikes since they were organized. siderably exaggerated and the making of any particular substitute for the saloon is simply diluting the evil. The saloon substitute will regulate Itself. Tbe admission that a substitute is needed is an admission that the sa loon has filled some real purpose." FUNERALS Beautiful adult plush or (J mm mm broadcloth casket, m.J7 L b a 1 m 1 n g, toli lox, hearse, two limousines ana ' J services for........ More reasonable funerals if de sired for $20, $40, $60. Higher price funerals in proportion. Wi make our own caskets. Lady as sistant. Private funeral chapeL imr.T.Tns tsacxtst. Independent Puneral Directors. Washington and Ella Streets. Phone Main 2691, A-7886. E. J. VA.U8A, formerly with -A. C. P. BUUHASOr, now with Ruenitz Florist 471 Washington St. Phone Btar. S332. Artistio floral designs and decorations. WANT AD RATES la effect October L 181, ALL PREVIOUS BATES CANCEIXBD CHAKGED ADVEBTISBUiUilS - " . Ilaily or fcundy. 1H cents per word per insertion. Tills charge a (or ill cUsalfieatlooa, ex cepting Tor Bent la Private f'aaiily," "Booaa an4 Board in Private Faaill," "Sltoatioa Wanted," and "Wanted to Bent" ads, wales are 1 eentt per word per insertion. No ad charred for less than 15 cents. . CA&H AfV2BXISMNT3 - ltt eeata per word for all classifications, excepting "for Knt in friTSt Kamlly,1 "Boom and Board la Private FacUj," "Bitoa. tlon Waatd"VaDd "Wanted to Keof ada, which are IJ4 ceata per word. Coosecaure lnaertioB of eaab want ads: S Insertion lor tbe price of X, 7 insertion tor the pries of 6. ' MEST1NG NOTICES 41 MT. HOOD lodge, No. 157. A. F. & A. iJ. Stated communication tomorrow. Tuesday, evening. at v . Examination of Master a Kdn. VimitJirm a1iatiia Order of "W. Id. EL C. Dick. secy. Zitor Statistics mrriagcsBlrtbs. lHatbs. BUSINESS CARDS via wi 1 1 n u wv v lsi tin g card. Third floor. Morgan bldg. ' URtsiis suits for' rent, alt aisv Comju -J toetr mt. UIXMS Ajtll H b XJs.KALt V of the late V. K. Paisley, member of Woodlawa nxLg Nik 171. and KHeSon EncamDnient. No. 1. 1. O. O. ., will be held in tbe Woodlawa Meth odist churen, tomorrow (Taesday). at 2:H0 p. sa. laterment Booe Citjr cemetery.' where serrlces will be conducted by the Odd Fellows. All friends invited. Odd Yellows requested to meet t WooUlawa na at X o'clocti bO MLK.S KX J tuj 2D, 1815. at &ij .'lltS St. N., Elisabeta Somerset, aged 71 ; years 3 months and S days, baicTed wife of John Somerset and moiber of Sarah Buchanan of Portland and William T. Bactnn of Daw torn. Yukon Territory. Funeral serrtaes at the above residence Wednesdaj', June at 2 p. m. Intermeat. Boss City cemetery. Jrrieuda in rlted. - - - . - - : AB&silRS June 19, at the faaiily residenes. . 7123 53d ave, S. K., Bella tiertrode Atenhlre, red 23 years." The remains sre at the fa ndral parlors of A.. O. Bouworthy A Co., OA 3d St. B. E., In Lentu, whence' they will be forwarded to Olympia, Waaa., for inter- n.ect. Wedaeday. June Xd. GASMAN N la this eity June 21, at her late residence, 6o5 Mmtgomery St.. Johanna Gas. maun, aged 61 years. Ibe remains are at the resideace estabUshmeBt of J. r". t'inley A Son,, Mcatgomery at hilt. Notice of fuuermi hereaft er - " - ' ' " " ' UKMB1CH In this city, June 18, 1915. at her residence. eOO - Frederick 8t, Barbara Bsmrleh, aged 03 years, 11 months, days. Deceased is survived - by' two sons, Adam A. and Christlaa M- Hemrich, both of this city. M'CATJLSY LUlie HeCalley. 171 King street. Juna It -61 year apoplexy. BASD8TKOM 'Us -Harry Sandstrom, 782 Mooutna street. Jnne 18., robercnl.Miit. MARI1N FORBEis CO.. florists I rTwaah. Mala 26. A-1269. Flowers Car alt occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BBO&, florists, 28J Morrison sC Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. Ko branch tttorea. FUNERAL DIBJECrrOKS DC A DOOM rt-AROVH $69-371 Raasell at. . . if D I rQn M RESIDENCE UNI PL& CniOOUlV M. 6133, A-2235. 4Mar. OlCVACQ Undertaking Co. Main 4162 O IM 1 1 A 2321. Cor. 3d and Clay. BREEZE & Snook. B-1252, T. 125$. 1024 Belmont, at 24th. A-afly attendant. i v , 1 FUXRAX DIKECTOK3 tOootlaited) v - A splendid residence undertaking tabllshcocnt, with private driveway. . J P. FINLKY SON. Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD KO.LMAN. lha leading funeral director, tZ9 l& mx- corner galmuo. Lady -aaaUta&k . fhonea Jl 1S11, Jdain 07. F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral irortnnl 414 Esut Alder at. East 2. n" Ounning&McEnteeyTnfjg;! Iettcr ddrs-9 very detail. Vi. lroa-1w5t ? rine ais, 480. A-4&6S. Xady essisUnt. troaawny ItPtiomrtoro Pn Killingsworth ave !l UJIalilUCJo jJi aud Kerb y. Wood - iawn. S30. C-1133, Lady embalmer. ! .SJ f ! MILLEli neral dl i irti t. -n tin i $80. Wash. and Ella. A- 1 . . - 1 v.. ,, . " ' ' laeai i", acre cnicaea imuca uw- . R. Ze er CO. t?i.ViltiJkaZ ..Ml"" aneedV fruit trees, etc at U tCllO) VUi Eart 1U8, C-J0. ibanon. Or.; blocks from P. O. Far i-Jtay attendant, uay ancrngnt rorvio. I A. .n. KKNft'fliTHi a CU. cuiit ; promptly answered in all parts of I city. I. O. O. F bldg, Lents. Taoor 627. ; mi ii il.. ! i Waller L rvenWOnnV 16.SI-1C134 E. Uth. Sell wood 71. B-1128. Unmiltnn E. 80th and Uitaa. t'u- i laiiiiiiwii 1 neral services. Tabor 4313. Rrii Byrne WliUams and Knott. Eaht 1115. C-1943.: P. L. LERCH, leading east side under taker. E. 11th & Clay. B-18S8. E. 781. MOXUJUKAXS Schanen-Blair ' Co. . ... ..V, MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. Largest stock of floe marble and granite In Portland. Beautiful granlt from- our Oregon quarry. iS7 Haw thorne ave. East 5588. - .- " 3E BLAESING GRANITE O 3 ST COP. MADISON. PORTLAND UAKBUli WK8 ;54-SS 4th St.. opp. city hall. M. 8H4. A-1S16 IXK . SALE HOUSKS Ol UUlMi TO CALIFORNIA; SiUBT HAVE MONEY. $4000 hortie for $3000, y, block from Laurelhurst, fine ' neigbboriiood, 4 rooms, modern, full, basement, fine lawn, shrubbery, etc., street improve ments all paid. Address owner, V-S12, JournaL FOR THE NEWLY WEDS. 5 rooms and breakfast room,, sleep ing porch, attic, hardwood floors, mir ror doors, everything that it take to make a home complete. - Take Rose City Park car to i8th st 1 block north to this beautiful bungalow. Main 646L GOOD LOW PRICED HOME. $660 cash for $1300 equity in mod ern well finished. 6 room house; sleep ing porch; full basement; Est Crestoa i district. Mt Scott car; balance $So payable In S years. Owner. tHa E. 6lth st No. Tabor 5826. WHY pay rent wbeiMe will build you i a 3 room bungalow. 75x1 00 lot, fori only oaO.' sivu aown, iu s nranw, best home value in the city; this is on the west side, 15 minutes' ride, 6c fare, ' city water. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. PLANS IS .CLA-NGr BUNGALOW. Let us plan your LET TIB BUILD YOU A BUNGALOW, EAST TERMS. PAY LIKE KENT. H. A. WILLIAMS.' H McKAT BLOO: SACRIFICE $5000. home for $3600; 1 WUAaSf (3 sat a fy Vf w O we "V .aau surface, good aistrici. waiiuag ais-1 tance; must navs wimi cslsu. uwoer, Z-419. Journal. idODERN 6 room house in desirable district; must sell my equity at a sacrifice; a real , bargain. Sanders, Main 7750. IF YOU want a genuine bargain in new 6 room Rose City .Park bunga low, call Tabor 34. KOR SALE 6 room house and y acre ' on 2 carllnes, roses and fruit trees. Phone Tabor 3007. WE will build you a home to suit onftiuo buys rooming house 10 rooms of trm the aame as rent, on a ftxio lot. J. L. Robinson. 505 Corbett bldg. $15 PER month, St. Johns house yours; $25, one Albina ave.; all kinds land on terms. See Parker, 602 Corbett bldg. HOUSE fully financed. Homes de-; signed free and. built at great sav ings. "Hundley." 529 Pittock block. $1800 Irvipgton new home, oak floors. fireplace; $600 loss; terms confiden tial. Y-620, Journal. FOR SALE New 6 room house. 37 Sumner. W. modern FIVE room modern bungalow for sale; Woodlawn 800. - - ; - 17011 SALE LOT8 10 LARGE, beautiful, view homes) te en 6c fare, for $350; 1 down, $5 a mo. If you are looking for a place with a big future, ideal for a home, this wilt suit you. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. I'WEtiO lot. $10 down $10 per month. 4 blocks from station. Boggess & Co.. 206 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. ACKEAGE 57 CHICKEN and frulfranenes near Port lano; Greaham district, electric sta tion hi mile. New subdivision. Sun shine valley orchard tracts; bast soil, fre wood; elecaat location. Prices only $75 to $160 per acre in small tracts; easy terms. Frank McParland Realty Co.. 809 Yeow bldg.. Portland. Or, 6 10 ACRE TRACTS. On Yaquina .Bay withia 1 mile of ne' y v"r 1.--V. 71 ft mue to, icvti. gguu and daily mail route: terms, bee owner, 614 V Stock Exchange Bldg. jain txoo. Gibson Half Acres . ' Good soil, city-water,' close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1685, or Sel Iwood 476. John H. - G.'bson. owner. WHEN ycj answer these .WavrC Ads. mention Tbe JournaL SUBL'KBAN ACltEAGE 76 RIVER frontage acre tract, improved: 5 room modern house, garden and fruit; price $3000. .Phone -R, Oak grove, or writs W. A. Coplen, (Ja.- grove. 21 ACRE suburban home at 90th and Division sts-, nicely, improved; acres fruit, berries; city water. W ill sell all or part, Kaste Bros., $18 Henry bldg. FOU SALE-i-P- lSiS 17 5 ACRES: do not claim beat next best, in crop, new house, barn, horses, i new. wagon, Harness, cow, i;o cnicit- ens. household gooos u wantea; cen ter of Polk county, macadam roads. Write for description. Price ' com. plete. $8500. KX-461, Journal. IF you ar looking for good buys or x changes of eastern Ore. wheat land do not fail to see Keller & OeaL Bulte 314, Lumber- Ex. bldg.. Portland. Or. 49 ACRE farm, 22 acre crops, 1ft miles from railroad, school r with or with out ' stock.. $3500. - Address . FX-712, journal. IF wanting larger small acreage, see me. Wolfsteln, 206 AUsky bldg. FOHREST FARMS 14 FOR- RENT Dairy , farm. , 211 ; acres. near Washougal, r- Wash., ' room house, running water, 2 new barns, no ptorK on place. owner.' 48 xq at, - 1ft AC.RF.H- fencad. ra store. 7Ctr near Division sts. ' Dr. - T. W. S.harpe, Stevens bldg. . v 7 KKLlNgtUSKMENT THlamootc coun-. y iigood soil, house, creks, no rock, very handy to a town, school, fine roads, phone, creameries, neighbors; t'Od. W-42J. jQTirnal. . ' JfST think 10 acres govt land nar R. R. town r half cleared and fenced: hnndy to Portland. 100. Y-38. Journal EXCHANGE ITEAI ESTATK '2 I'OR I 8AXJE -40 acre tract easily cleared, on county road mile to school, 2 miles from illst-in heart of Nehalem valley, S miles from railroad Just building: price $1600, $500 cash, balance Portland property. For fur ther Information call or write owner, Dave McMullen. Mist, Or.' - ' ! VOH EXCHANGE. Buy $20 for $18.66 bv taking my $8000 equity in fine- flat building closed in west side for H00 or will urcnt tridn if vou can show me value. i clear,i or , small incumbrance; give jlar- AUTOMOBILES FOR REAL ESTATE i . . . i 20 usea cars or various nie " ana i paaseiiBr, bu m i i fto - trade for umncumoerea t-oriiaiia ta t-ntiix for lor vicinity real estate; give full par- ivilAT bve you to trado for a good Til fvi fetUle fields; 0 'acres i& ,grin, houte, stable, oorral, j fine water and plenty of it; 160 acres ifcea a nuns ww".?".' B-nhorrnaLSUtU Central Oregon. particulars aaaress. it. noiituoerH. Weetport;; Wash. - HOUiSK and lot in Montavilla worth $2$00: mortgage $7ui. , years 16 run. , Will take mortga notes or Bmall acreage close to PorUano. Owner, D-467. JournaL IDAHO land for xhanee: 40 acrei ! - fln fruit and alfalfa soil in heart of Improved district, 2 miles of county sat. r Aaaress- owner, ueo. ta. Loopnuer, Weisier, Idaho. Washington County. WILL exchange goor property lu Van couver,! JLJ. i-.., lor gooa ruccii ta Oregon. I Address, Vernon Bros570 Granville- at.. Vancouver, B. C Two beautiful lots Long Beach, Cal., to exchange for Portland vacant or resldencei No agents. T-8i8, Journal. TRADE for lot, $300 equity in 4oO East Xrviogton bungalow: modern, 7 rooms, corner lot, cement garage; own er, Y-628, journal. - . - $2000 EQUITY in $3600 new, modern home to exchange; also $350 equity in a, good lot; want horses or ; land. O. - a. uranam. tss escott st. HIGHLY improved Kansas wheat farm for valley property. Koosa 801 Jjymber Exchange, d and Stark. lu, 1 8 OH 40 acres, unimproved, for Portland property. 311 AiisKy Dinir. WANTni TZK.W. ESTATK il 1 1 HAVE 4,000.000 feet line timber in Douglas Co- well located; some cash; for East Side home not less than $3000; not more than 20 minutes out. No agents. Marshall 1981. ' WANT 6 room bungalow, -weat side, south iof Porter at. Phone Tabor 4539. WANT roomine house, 20 to 60 rooms; bargain, Q-358. Journal. ROOMINO HOUSES 3:i 14 ROOMS for H. K.. well furnished atid clean, Will clear above your own living rooms. $80 per month.iBest of location, west side, $1500. Owner. Cannot j be bought tbrough agents. if you i are looking tor a rooming i house worth the money, look this up. H-800. Journal. ' - Rooming House Owners 1 1 have a client who has cash and city lots or ood mortgage to' trade for rooming house from to 20 rooms. Call Broadway 402. I! 19 ROOM rooming house, always full, clears about $65 per month a.nd ltvins rooms. Price only $650; only Call SIS "Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d , 8nji Stark Sts. Ill ROOM rooming bouse on -desirable corner. 1350. owner going east. 619 il Lumber Exchange Bldg 2d and Stark st. : ' - - . TEN room rooming . house, rent $2. all rented good money maker, close In, : west aide. Well furnished and clean. Price $200. Call 191 4th St. HAVE a dandy-paying rooming house. close in, partly H. iv. rooms; sen on terms or trade. .What 'have you? Phone Mar. 114. fair furniture, good west side iocs tlon. rent only $20. very easy terms. Can 14 n. etn et 15 ROOMS, monev maker, for. subur- banjfaouse or . acreage; 211 Alieky bldg. - - "- - - - - - - -- x .. $245 BUYS -1$ room rooming $55 cash and $10 per month, room -411 -Henry bldg. " bouse, Call UtSLNKSS Ot'POHl t Mi H m FOR SBALE-or rent, first i-iass big pic ture show in new- concrete building, best location.- Will ' take mortgage or real estate. Price $76d. Rent cheap. See I. H. Nash, 1209 E. Division st- or 723 Chamber of Commerce. LADii in hotel busiueas would like to - meet rentkman witling to invest few hundred dollars, or buy half in terest. Excellent proposition . and money ' maker. Bank . references and security. E-825. Journal. IF It looking for a business, call and see me. Have hotels, rooming houses, restaurants, - bakery and conf ection eryi general stock in outside town, sale or exchange. Neal Brown, 209 Pan ama bids. RAkEHY snan. dandr east aide loca tion, all fixtures in and ready for business. The place where you can make i good. Adjustment Bureau, Port land Aas'n. of Credit Aten. 600 Com'L block. CASH grocery connected . with 8 fur nished rooms that pay rent for en tire building; worth $16001- will take $1200, - 310 W. 8th... St., . Vancouver, PARTNER wanted to look after office, keep up stock, etc., and some outside work.; Only little money needed, which is fully secured. This will pay bet ter than wages. Particulars 619 Lum ber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. IPi YOU. ara willinar to work for. $25 per week and can invest $250 In s tablished business, money secured, call 619 Lumber "Exchange Bldg., 2nd and Btark. - - " - -- - MOVING picture - partnership. 400 seats, exceptional opportunity for young man, low rent and large profit. Call 519 Lumber Exch. Bldg., 2d and Stark sts. - - -; lwu wtJJCS an established inside bus! Acu oavina $16 rer week above liv ing expenses for one. Experience not necessary, h-skt. jourai. FINE hydraulic placer ground. 640 acres, pear railroad, ready for imme diate' development;- aui requiaite tatii ities.i' R-612. Journal. FOR ! SAJUa Grocery doing a sood business;- eheap rent and living rooms. Phone Woodlawn S4b, - PARTNER wanted, small Investment; . auto specialty; sales assured; invea tlgate, A-S24. Journal. FOR i SALE At a bargain, Uream&k- ins; shop In swell location ; owner 1 eaving town. L-71 9, J nurtial YOUNG man wanted for office work; food pay, email investment .secured. Lumber Eich. Bldg... 2d and Stark. GROCERY and -confectionery for $550. Transfer point. Room 411, Henry EIdg-. 0:;-22SSf;:55c Rose City Print ere. 4 t Taylof. 1000 Business Cards 75c , Ryder Ptg. Co.. S.W.cor. id & Mot risen. A SMALL meat market for sale.v2Sl h i FOR SALE,ladder mfg. buRinetsi Pay I in- sroort monev. i anor AA. l BA VE mney on barber supplies, port. t Cut. ft Barb. Spp Co.. 66 6th. HOMEPTKADS (vr . DUSiMiss op-rozrruxrri i (Costinuedr GOOD general merchandise u - clean, uu-to-date stock, invoice atm ; $10,000; rt-al estate and buiidm.-... $8000.; consisting of . 5-best but-it..-.-. lots In town; story, fine store binn ing, large wareuouse. earn, etc., 6 acres about half mile Irom tonn. Property Js renting and bas for - about 4 years at S tr cent on $10,000 valu ation. Only store in town of flmut teliO population: doing about ?50,)i"i buslnesa annually; 40 min, rMo - electric cars from-Portland. AV11I Hi real-estate and baiidings. $2000 tii.v.n, balance $0000. to suit purchaser ai-i give good terms on njIe. On mem ber of firm now renting- will- take part interest ami continue hie ervio! ir desired. Will not sell business r.r mdse. wilnout. real-estate ami buil i HigH, but will sell real estate an i cuiMJings witnout must). il you mi a gooa first-class business or inviM ment here Is yuur opportunity liuiu cwner. K-46 . Journal. II CONFECTIONERY store, cream, i .-un dies, fruits, cigars, tobaccos, peri odicals and lunches; fine fixl'iref. over $11,000 businees in 1914; .better this year; living- rtm: cueao rem ; transfer point: worth JfiOOO; leuvln.; city will take'fSSOO if sold in JO day. InveiitiBatw. Y-6'-'8. Journal. -Shooting Gallery Beat one in city, cost JlD-tO to in stall, cheap rent, doin flue but-inecx; will give away all for $00, teriiis. PKTKKS. 15 N. 6th at. HONEbT young-man wanted to uiten l office, answer phone, etc. $100 month to active man; small investment required; exceptional opportunity Call 619 Lumber Exchange bldg and and Stark sts. . BUSINESS OPPOKTL&lXlLfti . WANTED r.S JEWELER wants location in town ot from 600 to 2000 population. Am thorough, have bad 20 years experi ence, have had the watch Inspection for the C. &'N. W. Railroad Co. Par ties knowing of a location please ad dress R.- R- Horner, Townseud. MonU. giving what Information possible lu first letter. ' alOXEY To LOAN IlKAL. KSTATIS . MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, at from . to 7 on inside business property and on resi dences and apartment houses; quick ne. cisionfj and favorable terms SHORE & CO. 24(6-206 Northwestern Bank bldg. Phone IJarshaU 143&. LOANS on improvel etty vroperty or for .building purposes; advance made as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges: no commislo. J. P. l-ipxcomrn. 243 - Stark -at. Main 4420. V Mortgage Loans N t: L. WHITE. " 701 SeHin bldg. BUILDING loaus on city and subur ban property; money advanced ae work progresses. W. G. Beck. 816 FaU lnjr bbig. Main 3407. DO YOU want -to borrow-to build a nomer win ioa.ii you me uium-r and furnish the lot. Pay me bacit monthly. F-674, journal. WE have mouey to loan on your real estate; first mortgaRes only. HAMMOND MOKTOAdE COMPANY. -421 t nsmwr or t;nmnitrc. CASH paid lor mollis ,-:. noien, con tracts; - mor'gage loans; reasonni'ii rates. F. H. Lewis ft f o,, 5 lewis m t $100.00 on luortsgea, city ana liinu property, lire insurance. jvicrveii..ii & Co.. Oerllnver bldg.. Z'l ani Amer. MONEY to loau in aiuouuu t-C 1uj to 45OO0 on cit ty property. A. XL. ul'. 11 0rhnrer bldr, MONEY to loan, $600 to $60t-). lxw in terest, prompt action. B. W. lla;ooii, 811 Journal bldg. MONEY to loan by private party, im proved city aor farm pi-operty. X- 885, Journal. $500, $b00, $2000; mut loan at on:e. no commission; Ward, 407 SpaJdiu bldg. - MORTGAGE loant at current ra.te. Real estate security. Apply room 2ui Stock Exchange, d and Yamhill. $200, $350. $600. $900. $1200, ilftOU. Fred W" German Co, 914 Cham, of Com $41,000 OR LESS. FAKUINUTO.N. 80 4th et. Board of Tr'1e bi-ig. MONEY to loan 6 to 6. W. li. bens & Co.. 310 frpalriing M.lg. $600 to $6000 FRIVA'IE AlOEf. 631, Journal. - MOBTOAOE LOANS, 6 and "iVe. Lxjuis Palonion sfe Cb., .300 Oak nt,, n r 61 $500-$1000 TO $1600 to loan. Call S.i Henry bldg. MONEY TO LOAX CHATTKLS. H A LA HI EH IMMKDIATt; LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY ' AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the flnebt retail Jewelry stores in the lily. , A loan de partment lb conducted in connection , with same, making- business STitlC'l LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loan business dis played in iront of oar store. All mer. chandles pledged la neid for a ptriod of twelve months, whether or not in terest is paid when due. We are li censed and have been established since 1899. No connection witit any other loan establishment in this city. A.- A M. IJKLOVAGB. JEWELERS,; 324 Washington" st. ' SALARY LOANo SALARY LOANo. Being salary loan brokers exclusive ly, we are enabled to assure satisfac tion and give the quickest - posaibie strvlce. - Business strictly confidential. 7 REMEMBER, We are licensed, and therefore , RELIABLE. 'state FECURITT CO., 309 Failing bldg. Loans at Legal Hates We loan money on diamond, piano, Jivestock, storage receipts, plain note, oa furniture, or anything of vaiua. You can get It today. Portland Loan Co., Licensed . - Licensed by State. 811 Dekum Bld Third and W'mhlnrton, MONEY AT ONCE. Diamonds, Watches, Musical inatrum'ts Separata dept. for ladles. ELBY CO. (licensed.) J20-TUmoer Ex ring, 2d and Ftsrfc 1A1AN.S WAN ! KI A ) $300 9. $300 9; $300 5 room cottage, occupied by amn cant, Mt- Scott district, value $I0uii, $500 insurance, - good safe loan. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham, of Commerce. 1 HCf- $12S. IQ'e. $12i, 1(V Lot JOOxloO in Park liose, value $650. Here's a chance for. you to tin 10 for a year on that Jdle $125 on gilt edge security. Fred W. Get man Co.,- 914 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE parties want loans on iww home morteaees. Atnnts $2''io.j to $5000, 7. The Oregon Home builders, Oliver K. Jetfery, Pres., 1330 North- fm linn oiog-. WANTElJ $1500, 7 per cent money, on home worth $4500. No commission. Irterest paid promptly. Z-202, Jour naL - $700 LOAN wanted itti 8 uuiaii(rovt-i lots worth $2400: 10 per tent. 2 yearn tlm. J-e27. Jnnrnn). .WANTED From private party. il' for 4 months, at reasonable lntertit. Chattel mortgage. RX-611, Jonrnnl. $100 (or 6 months or year; real i security. Frank Schlegel, 423 caster bldg. . c : - FINANCIAL - 4 FIRST and second mortnases, ai lers interest in contracts, purt Oregon and Washlngtou. li. i Lumbermens bldg.