THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, - PORT LAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 0, 1915. SCHOOL; GIVING BEST FIRE DRILL IS 10 GET SILVER CUP AS PRIZE public Safety Commission to "Make Promised Award - This Week After Inspection FEATURES K OF CONTEST ins when ; reports of the year's work will be heard and the election of offi cers held. In the afternoon and even ing addresses will be given by speak ers of national reputation as well as local workers. One of the features of the rally will be the International booth, represent ing -various fields 'where missionaries ef the --church are workJngj i "Women presiding at theboothswlll appear in eostume and serve foods of . the na tion . their booth represents. : f Miss Marl am Woodbury of . New York; Miss Baty. a missionary among the . mountain : peoples of the- south, and 'Mrs. I- M. Cote, a - returned mis sionary from Turkey, -will attend the meeting. ; Mrs. iW. C ICantner is presi dent 'Of the . home mlasion ' board and Mrs. Belle - T. Hoge president of the foreign .mission board. Noted Pastors to Speak, in Eortlaiid .. A group of noted pastors of the Uhl versallst church has been secured for the First trnlversalist t church of- this clty by the pastor,-:Ker.-: J. p. Corby, tor services during Tthe immii"; Tbe general jConrentlon win meet : at Los Angeles and Pasadena-; July to, 14. and July-It Is to be Untversallst day at the Panama-Pacific exposition. From these : meetings pastors from eastern states . will move r northward, and Drj Corby" so far has been able to secure Dr. M. "vW Shutter, of Min neapolis; Rev. 'J5.'W. Perkins, of Lynn, Mans.; Dr. Ed Jon Reif snider, of Gales, burg. 111.;- Rev G. W.' Huntley, Sun day -school ixpert."of New . Yorln and Rev. Stanley Manning, -national presi dent of the, T. PC U.r Other world known lay -workers in ? reform move ments will visit Portland during- the mmmer. - Dr.' . Corby plans .bringing large delegations from Pasadena' to Portland at the close of the -convention. - Sunnyside Men Will Give Closing Picnic - -' ' " ' -' i T "i ""'i . - --The annual, summer event of the Men's League of the Sunnyside Con grregational church is planned : for next Wednesday, June 88, to the na ture. Of a7 picnic in Laurelfiuret Park, The afternoon will he spent ' in recre ation - and sociability. x At 5 ''O'clock the proSTami will begin with special mnsic; from to 7:30. the league will serve - refreshments . cafeteria style. From 7:30 to o'clock the Fata" and and Leans - of - the league .-. will - stage a. spectacular ball . game, and close the entertainment with a free for all foot race i from 8 to S : JO p. m. Should the1 weather be too forbidding the event will be postponed until Fri day t;- - :v: - -. . '-j, Eevival Meetings ary worker of the Oregon-Washing ton conference . of the Zlon church,. ar meeting with much success.: Six unit ed with the church last Sunday, in terest Is increasing. The meeting v. ill be carried on all this .week. Jtre. Jackson will speak Sunday morning at 11. to the- children. At 3 p. m. the will speak to men and boys over It FIRE DRILL TROPHY llTlSuccessful "years ago.; At 8 o'clock Sunday evenins she will speak again to a mixed audi ence.. Rev.' W. W. ' Howard U the pastor of the church. : " When writing or callinir on !e(lvcr tlsere, you will confer a favor by men tioning The Journal. (Adv.) - The revival meetings that are being conducted at the.; First African. M."E. Zlon church. 2 8 8 ; Williams avenue, try Deaconess Mamie Jackson'; the mission1 A TAKE Any $25 r&rX-fkrKir Sk' 3, Answers to Questions on . Tlx Pre vention Are to Bo Considered . la -jllttlBf : Award. Several rnpntbs a;o Jay W. Stevens, fire mart bat, and Harry Coffin, repre senting the public safety commission, appeared before the" students of the various public schools, giving; them Instruction In fire drills and prom la ins; them that the school making- the best shewing- In a fire drill would be presented with a cup. They are going, to make Kood this promise. The cup has been purchased and : Is to be pre nented thla ' week. Fire Chief towell. ..Fire Marshal Stev ens, Harry '. Cof f In, ehalrmaa of - the public , Safety - oommlasion; j Edward Jaesrcr, i of the Progressive Business Men's club and a representative from the Portland ; Ad club and the -Portland Chamber of Commerce are to be the judges and award the-prize. They will vielt the schools beginning- tomorrow morninar and award the cup to the school sivlas the beat fire drill and t displaying the most mttU ciency in ffre protection. It mutt be wen,-three times before it can be oer- tnanently secured. No' notice of the drills are to be given the ' teachers, principals or students,. but tbe judges will quietly get into the school build ings, turn ! in fire alarms and then watch the drill which follows. , Both the grammar and high schools are to be" visited and it is expected that the work will be finished and the cup can be awarded on. Thursday. The cup Is a large one and on one aide will be inscribed. "Won by Efficiency in Fire Drill rvnd Fire Pre vention." fc)n the other side will be inscribed, "Presented by the Public (Safety Commission, Portland, Oregon, 1915.- ,.t;.;. -. . -While most of the points will be given on the drills, the students are to be asked questions on fire preven tion:, as explained to them several months ago. The answers will have a consideration in awarding the cup. Exhibit at Arleta School Successful .... !- " ! mm mi i . T . Teachers, Pupils, Parents and. Visitors Enjoy Xtmr and School Display VTiuM 7 Slgli Praise. The program in the assembly nail of Arleta school last Thursday, consisted of chorus by Eighth and Ninth grade girls, piano solo by MiBa Henika, reci tations by; James Collins and Gene viev Spriggs. The address of the af ternoon was givea by Judse Cleeton on': practical Juvenile work.- Mr. Lock-. wood, candidate for' school director, potee to the parents on school affairs. -In? all the rooms- of the building the work of the class - room was on ex hibit, which war of especial Interest to the parents. -?i;r,-v.: r ., A -most excellent exhibit of the work of the manual training, cooking and aewing departments was shown. The boys had a large collection of foot stools, tabourets, umbrella stands, bookcases, chairs, lamps and shades, and. many Other articles. In the cooking room were cakes, plea, bread, puddings, -salads, and biscuits of which I: an old experienced cook might well be proud. : The first prise for cake was won by Minnie Hoehne of the Eighth. B, and second : prize by May Haines of the Ninth B class. . j-'-'- - In the sewing room was a large dis play of garments made by the various sewing classes, showing both skill and good taste on the part of the girls. : Of great interest was the exhibit and sale of the . products of the children's borne gardens. Some of the finest let- tuce, radishes, turnips, beets; cabbages, peas, carrots and Loganberries were on sale. I With the exception of a little lettuce. Of - which there was an over supply, these products were all sold by the children. 'The largest single collection was that i of Vic Qrabeel, wbo sold Silver cup offered by Public Safety commission. : . " 31.25 worth of products. - Arlington Cram had the best , collection of peas, George Burllngham of turnips and Lea la Rohwer of potatoes. . On the playgrounds : were a base ball game between -Arleta's first team and the Ladd school team, score 7 to 3 in favor of Arleta; an exhibition game of indoor baseball by the girls from the Ladd school, in charge - of Miss Klpbe Smith, and a baseball game be tween Arleta's. second team and Hoff man's first teanv score 18 to 4 in favor of Arleta. .The playground ap paratus .was i overcrowded with the children, big and little, not interested inr the ball games. ' . The- community ' lunch room, i was thrown open for the day and over 150 men, women and children enjoyed the hot lunch and ice cream. Kelly Clansmen , Assembling Again Big- Paniily Qatherlng ; of Wnlcb Bfea . .ner Zs Peatare to Be Said Vext Sat Members of ; the well known Kelly clan of Oregon are . assembling In Portland again for their seventeenth annual reunion Saturday afternoon. Jupe 26, at l o'clock. The Kelly clan comprising 100 to 150 ' members, will meet this year at Mount Tabor park, The big feature of the family gath ering will be the dinner to be served in the open air at 6 o'clock! Following the dinner the set program will dered. One of the features will be the reading of the minutes of the' last meeting by the secretary, Agnes Kelly, Of Portland. ; - - t Miss Nellie Fawcett. of Portland, teacher in the Woodmere public school, historian, will submit the long record of achievements of the clan and pre sent facts., and figures regarding the births, deaths and marriages of 1 the members of the clan during the . past year. : The assemblage at Mount Tabor park this year has an added si gnifl cance in the fact that Plympton Kelly, one of the Oregon pioneers, gave the name for the section of the city known as Mount Tabor. He also was , the owner of what is now Kelly butte. Plympton Kelly lived on his donation land claim until bis death. His son. James G. Kelly, is now living on the same homestead, which has never changed hands. v - - ' According to the historian the past year has dealt generously with the Kelly clan. The Grim Reaper has been kind to the members. The , forerunners .of the, Kelly clan are tne rour Drotners, uunton, uiimer, Albert and Thomas, all of whom are now dead. penumbra Kelly, former sheriff and present deputy sheriff, is chief of the clan. - All members are' invited to attend the reunion. : Take Mount Tabor car on Morrison street and get off at Sixty ninth and Belmont. Autos will enter the park at the same place. 1. . . ' .... j if Missionary Bally Planned Next Wek The annual In ee ting and June rally of the executive board of the Women's Home and Foreign Missionary -socie ties of the Congregational churches of Oregon will ; be held June 30 In the First Congreg-ational church, with rep resentatives .from many, parts of the state in attendance. ? - i The sessions will start that morn- ROSES ATTRACT ATTENTION '1$r tip rt J:; : e , i" 4 it. t v.-. -v,:.N-.:,vv'.-,...,v..''.--.;o-.-." . ft i t -r , jjinujujniiij : " .i liinnii i.. J ! 1 mi.J I.IL.I...H.0.I x-iUUtiniui mm K Arch at 429 aTamhill street. residence of S. Waldman. ! Dorothy Per kins and Lady Gay red roses, planted about fire years ago. The arch attracts tho attention of many rJassers by. , At this time it is in its greatest bloom. -Visitors and tourists frequently stop the automobile to look at it. - - - --. '4S fiTJ: . Jew . 1 A. 01 in the - House and Pay Only SPY O . dome on. boys ! Wait no lonsrer. Prices. " on clothes don't tumble like this often. . Don't neg lect this lifetime op portunity; loosen your "purse strings' and save substantially.- v - : WE OU11 a a - J i n til ,y rifi 1 ; 7::.'. ': v, n .r -.vf fe- -'g :. ViiVj1 jT " . I- II sT .- I1W 1 I M -tr- jW cjs 1 -ThrougE the White : light ,of : PMbMty Yf A 1-and the man who won't pay nine-eighty-five to ' V - an earthquake or a tidal-wave. ; ! ; This Is the Final Wind-up of the Baron-Fnlop Cos Fire Sale of m CLOTHI s.oaie:oi flq: , with over thirty thousand dollars' worth of clothing on our handstand only, two weeks in which to close out this tremendous stock, something desperatey had to be done, and we've done it We're not going to wait for Mr. Billiken, "the god of happiness,'? to shower us with luck we're going to take our r medicine now with the best of grace and with apologies to no one. We're Cutting Our Legs To Sare Our IThroats Ihis is a dothing sale of PARAMOUNT IMPORTjjfCjB to all Portlanders. Many will say that we are PHILANTHROPISTS- and rich tlv so. No clothinsr store has ever offered such an endless variety; of high-grade clothing at such an unheard-of price. ' . . UNRESTRICTED Souse Any Raincoat or Overcoat in the House Included at This Pricev ; IT' Hz i2 mm w 'X : - n te-i .-iv ffl - Hi If III ' 1 in in in i III - ; IN 5th & Alder Aele 1) :-; v- I'!' j ; ' : ?Y. ' f - J.t i- A ' v '