THE OIISGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE zd, 1915. r i" F SEASIDE Za ther a most pleasant iim to . spend at the beach than early t summer, when all Is fresh and ': clean - and new and the crowd of - midsummer has V not yet arrived? Seaside is now ready to welcome the ; summer's cuests. Never ' before was this resort in such readiness for suests. It Is no longer necessary to trudge through hot dusty sand, or ? walk over old wooden sidewalks. 'In ' all directions now extend pavement and cement sidewalks. Broadway, . North Third street. Main - street, ' Twelfth avenue are all paved. New tore buildings have been constructed " along Broadway. - ( - "The White Way" Is Broadway's , new name, along which additional elec tric lights are to blaze forth at night ' ' from the depot to the sea, . and on Main street a block north and south " of the White Way, lights also are to be strung in streamers at Intervals across' the thoroughfare. - Recent : hotel registrations include: h',Jjt7'i f - Zotel Moore. , ,; . C. M. Huntington, W. H. Whltcomb, David H. Smith, Hazel Scruggs, George , C. Beswer, P. L. Hansen, Thomas A. - Saird, J. B. Hornbeck and wife, Edith M. Smith, Muriel Bater, ? Franke Cleasey and wife, C. M. Hoops, Art " Biggs, Sol Bloom, A. M. Goodman, R. B. Watts and wife, L. D. Dltrich, Clara L. Dunlap, C. P. Richards, George -Hows and wife. I. A. Peck-and wife.' R. I. Hoy t, G. W. E. Chamberlin, ' Philip R. Sessions, Mrs. H. Carslen. G. E. Brown and wife of Portland. H. B, Xenember, Astoria; Mrs. H. A. Blackburn, Butte; J. a Harley. As toria; W. T. Van Bois and wife. Spo kane; H. B. Coplen and1 wife, Plummer, Idaho; H. W. McDerraid, Seattle; Mrs. W. M. Blusher, Pendleton; Annie Berg- ; man, Astoria; Mrs.' J. IT. Bater, Elgin; Mrs. Ada Tharpsten,' Miss Helen Tbarpsten, New York city; Ruby Langdo, :Colf ax; Madge C. Hapburn, Prairie Farm; P. IX Grabb and wife, Spokane; Mrs. Emery Thatchers, Pres- ' eott. Wash.; Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Marton, Salt Lake; Paul C. Yates, J, E. Harley . and son, Astoria; Mrs. W. B. Schneider, Spokane; Rose J. Sharp, Mrs. J, K. Shipke. St. Paulr Minn.; Mrs. H. P Aid- rich, Spokane; C E. Mende, Chicago; r.'J. B. Bengham Pecda. Idaho; Herman Wise. O. Anderson. Fred J. Johnson, . Astoria and Olga L. Gustaf en, : Chi- cago. ;" , - -' ' - Hotel Kears. . William A. Raab, G. H. Johnson and wife. Mien Pummerfleld, V. Myers, A. ' C. Johnson and wife. P. R. Sessions. L. Revbura. M. Hoffman, John I Reid. V. Myers, J. M. Toomey and wife. C. Ziegler of Portland. I. E. Brown, Baker; C. H. Brakeman, E. Smith, Ecola; R. C Baker and wife. Spokane; James W. Tippett and. wife, - Butte; Mr. and Mrs. A. C Warren, Camas: Mrs, ; Ella Badden. Ogden; D I Hull and wife, W. T. Winks and wife. E. H., Walklns, Morioe Venable, ' Wasco; - -TU It - Dunnaho, The uaiies; . Jess 'I" Sltton, The Dalles; D." E. Brown. Great Fails, Mont. " : Colonial Hotel. G. Mudy, 8. Shanklin, R. L. . Banta, George Hows and wifer Portland, ' ,G. a Hayes! F. B. Cox, Oregon City; . Mr. and Mrs. G. H.Wilcox,- Latourelle, Mrs, Ruth Simmons, Milwaukee; .J. J. Johnson. Seattle. Domiciled at Hermosa Park the C. - "W. Crawferds are to be found. Occupying . th Pontiac on Eighth avenue, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pierpont - are to spend the season. F Midland cottage on Tenth avenue is occupied by W,, Bottler ana family. - ,1. E. Solamon Is settled in a cottage in Hermosfi Park. Mr. and Mrs. - David - Clay of Port- i land are domiciled in the Ferguson cot - tags near- the mouth of the Kecanicum .. Hvef . Mrs. W. A. Lindsay of Portland was " registered for 4 wo weeks at the Mears hotel. . W. L Schanan and wife of Vancou ver ' are : to spend the season at the Clifford-Cutting and famUy are J spending a week at the Austin. Neills Hamlin is to, spend the beach : iison at Seaside. -" Harnld : A . T.ndwisr and. wife are again to spend" the season a' Seaside. Last year the Ludwlga were swimming H instructors, at the seasiae - Natatorium. f They recently returned from the-south where they spent the winter. . ; - V-v: , . - .. At the Cleveland cottage are lo cated Miss Barney Henderson, Mrs. E. ..'I Carpenter and children, Mrs. D.D. - Coulsen and ... son and Miss Lucrecia Cavaline. ; "Hesitation Camp- has been estab lished In the Austin Grove by Messrs. Alfred Owens, Arthur Toevs. Otto Schnuffer, James Tomkins and Harvey Morris. The halibut schooner Kenamosha ar- ' arrived to port at Garibaldi this week from, Newport, with Captain Culver and crew, who expect to cruise about here this summer. - , ' Mrs. Caroline Smith is visiting ? friends in Portland, v Captain and Mrs. Farley are enter taining Mrs. Jack Farley, theUr sister-in-law, from Coos Bay. , Miss. Hazel Magie of Washington, Dl , c.; is the guest of R. E. Jockson and wife. Miss Magie Is a cousin of Mrs. JTackson. , -: f-v?- ---...";'t:v'."; v Life - Saver Butta. accompanied by 'Mrs.' Butts an son Milford, have re- turned from Portland, where they at tended the Rose Festival. They drove back in a new automobile, coming by "the Dolph route. . Henry Henrlsch of Portland, a baker, lg a new employe of the City Bakery, : Mof z Jackson, brother of ' R. E. and E F. Jackson, arrived from Port. .land the first of the week , for, the , summer. James May" and Rodney Farley, aged 14 and 11 -respectively, recently hiked ; BAR VIEW f j V ' 4 i y .w.v.". Sr' : . . - : . -: . ; , ;; - - 1 VAOATXOir OB rDXXZS TTBSCTJUBSSS r When 3 going a-way for the summer or oa your vaoatioB, have The JTooraal follow you at the regular rate of U cents week; or, the following agents win supply you at to - regular city rates 1 . Barvlew, Or-K. 8. BrrmhalL Bay Clty Or. Mrs. JV O. Mo- Clare. Bay. Ocean, Or. Zdwis "- AngeU. - Canaoa. Beaoh, Boola, Or X W. Crone. Carson, Wash. Carl B. w'fi and Snlpherds prlngs. - Columbia . Beach, Or. jr. Edna 1 Buxxhead. ' Garibaldi. Or-O. C. rms. . Oearhart, Or PhlUp Bessioas. iKmg Beaeh, Wash. ! wreaoe Slaeen (All points oa Beach). WewTOrt, Or. O. P. Shoemaker. Oceaa Park, Waslu K. A. Zug7 ' -ran. 4 -4: . .. ' Bockaway ; Beach,' Or. Al. r Jg. - SOhlOth.' . Seaside, : Ox. PhiUp , Sessions (All pei&tg oa heaoh). ; -Beavlew, Wash. Xwrenoe Zln- neen (All points on beach). Tillamook, Or-T. s. Lwau. -Wllholt Bsrlngs,, Or. T. W. . HcXieran. - . : ' m : to Seaside, 'visited friends and rela tives at Astoria, went on to Portland for the Rose Festival and while there, James who is a promising young' life saver, entered a swimming contest at the Y. M. C. A. and won second honors. Ed 'Russell, an employe of the Blu mauer Frank Drug company, Portland, is spending a few days at the beach, the guest of the Jacksons. ALONG NORTH BEACH All along North Beach from Meg ftr to Nahcotta. - the summer visitor finds improvement this season. - The first turn north of the boat landing at Megler is the new Hansen salmon cannery; :-, at U McGo-wan are : a new "bunk" house and office; a -117,000 grade and high school building will be erected this, summer in Ilwaco; a new bakery at Sea s View, . new amusement places st Long ' Beach, a renovated Breakers hotel and . Isom White home at Breakers station, a new $5000 resi dence at Ocean Park and a new hotel building at Nahcotta; these follow- in succession as the trip is made to the end of the beach division of the O-W. R. & N. company over a roadbed that has received attention last winter. In between are numerous cottages not here when the 1914 season closed. Business did not slacken in Ilwaco the past : winter and continues good largely because of the continuation of the north. Jetty 3 work. The cranber ries promise s good crop for the sum mer and fall and cannerymen report better fish this year than lor a num ber of past years. Prices are six and seven cent to the fishermen. Though the foreign market is still .practically at a standstill ! the cannerymen are willing to pay this advanced prioe over the 1914 quotations to gee tne extra This popular' family summering ulace is experiencing a good early sea son. Many resorters- have been-here one. two. three ana four weeks in some, cases the same number of months. - 4 K-' Mrs. T. C. : "Elliot " and family " of Walla Walla opened their beach home for the season on weanesaay. Mrs. M. B. Wells and Bruce Wetts are the first Tin ths- Wells ridge cot tage above Sea View. The Frederick; G.; Wheelers of Port land, have spent most of the winter in the Wheeler home here. At Holman Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Win- RIVER STEAMERS. rralsht sad Paaaasger. STEAMERS TO THE DALLES ; -T aad w"ay taadiage - "BAILEY GATZERT?- Leaves Portland daily at T A. af . except Sas- day and aiouday. snnaay escaralons to U eada Locks , leave p A. it. Betura 6:45 p. 1 "DALLES CITY" Leaves Portland Tuesday, Titnnday and Sat urday at :ao a. i. Sunday Cascade Leeks excursion..... fare are to Xfce . vauea, ana. ratara. ...... ALDEB- STBIET BOCX, P0XTLAVS Pboaa Mala ,1. A-olia STEAMER GEORGIANA j " Laves daily except Monday for -ASTOBXA AXTD WAT XAJTStBOflL Leaving foot of Washington St : a.m.. returning . p. m. DALLES-COLUMBIA LINE Steamer State of AVatKington Leaves Taylor at, dock 11 n. m. dattr. exeeet 8ondr, for The Dane and war - lasdlngs. BturnUis, leave The XaBea 13 noon daily ex cnt Monday. Freicht and nanencera. - Far SI. OO. Berts 50c. Unner Columbia - and Bnaka river ateainerii to Lewi ton and way landings. rnone main du - . River; Excursions 0RE60H CTTT KrTZS EXCTTRSIOjr 4ns day tripa, laave Taylor St. deck a. m., 11:80 and S:M p. za. Boat atops at Oak Oreva, Cedar Island, Vasesea Park, plealo grounds. Leave Oregon City. jS.-SO a. nt.. t n. m.. 6:30 p. m, Bonad trip,. tOa Phone M. 40. r-:f ZL-- . . SEA VIEW, k ,Wv.v..&.-:tv i. " " ters and daughter, Mrs. C, D. Penfleld, of Portland, are settled. f Mrs. W. J. Corcoran and 'children,' Charles and Mildred, have been, in the Corcoran cottage for the past eight weeks. This week they : moved : to a temporary home in front of their cot tage.. The Corcoran cottage is being occupied by Mr. and Mrs. F. W; Baker and family of Portland for the season. Mary Corcoran Joined ber mother last - Mrs. lone Buchanan came on Tues day to open her home here. , N r . Among the parties planned for Hilda General Information for the Tourist TjTsf" V' IV n. sfB Ty Ssasids. Clatsop Beach, Oregon. Hotel Moors -overlooking the ocean of far to the tourist stnd traveler pleas? vres seldom If ever combined at any one resort. Surf bathing. Hot Salt Wa ter -Baths. Natatorium for indoor swimming. Canoeing on the Necanicum river. Good autoroadsv - ' ' -..'v .,;... All automobiles lsavs from Kotel Moore for Elk Creek and Cannon Beach SUSS-inlMf: HOTEL COOM, CLATSOP BEAOH - tX&sTOZ, OB. : BATES BZASOKABUB Completely reaedeled. Good loeatias, ena block frost beeeh. EsoeUeat Siatag room. Tree bus meets all treina. . , . . . .... t. P. liyP8XETB Pro. ' - Natatoriuim . FAOIWS TEX OCgAW - HT A BTDE, OKBOOH Tiat awiminiag tank 1 on the Worth : P eLfie Coast. Belt water Blaare 40x100; hot av eold aslt baths. Under direct maaaga maat of J. . Oates, ewBar, Prof. H. A. lud- is, uuimoior, upea eav iu utm. waiae to Seaside far a : plunge ia salt water. CZXEiri BT7IUOTO Broadway'-at Tta St Two minntee from baaob aad depot. Eleetris lighted, rooms r'ngU or an anita. BATES ft,00 A: DAT AWD tTP. . Seaside. Onroa. rOKV.KEABS. Prop. In point of time ..,. GLATSOP BEACH is the nearest to Portland' of any Coast resorts of th " . Pacific Northwest. OEIBHABT AJTD ' BXASTDS SCAT BE VXSITEP IB OHB ' DAT, UOXTBOa TBOJP TBOXC POBTLaBS 8:o.B,rt Round Trip Stop over . California route. . n routs 4o or s from Expositions, via this . i O b s s r v a 1 1 on Parlor Car Seats, i- Tickets and . In i t o r m a t i on : at Fifth and Stark, -rf',- Streets. t THE OREGON JOURNAL for years ha been recognized as the leading; me drum for resort advertis ing. Rates on application. BAY0CEAE TVOHOTEIS Colonial note! HOTEL WEARS The BTatatoviam is Ptnest on Ooast. Only Bnrf-aCaktas; Ssvioe in America. ; - - . Warn Ssa Water. v , ' 1 I Special railroad rates. Tor-Information apply - "i " T. B, POTTER REALTY CO.; : CORBETT BUIUDINQ- , , , . , " ; " PORTXANP. OKEOON BRmKERSSHOTEL tennis, rolf. ndini m as- aatoa. We save . ear m saaTol vesetabls ardens and poultry yard. teieSTaoh statins in the hotel. qxwu mwm i m xer tin rana. ww Writs -for; tcrmj and . reservations tj v . - ' . TSCB BBBAXZB8 HOTEl, BreakaTa. Wwh. ' ' THE DRIFTWOOD -.-v KB. If, ETHrfT . . . ... ; , Of EH AU. TAS The Only Hooee ef Tts Kind In the World Hot and Cold Salt Water Baths la Connection. : TABLE BOARD A SPECIALTY. I.0Hw BEACH. WASH. Hotel Sunoat ' - BEACH CEHTZB STATIOJr r - m' Uaai .not. saadaMa 'amllv hotel, eoodtfv aad eeaahore combined; ooeaa in full view large yard for children i croquet around, beat ouisine and table service, fish lag;, aurf ba thing-, elec trie lic-hts. P. O. Lonf Beaoh, . Wash. KBS. CEOMAN, Prop, - : - .?yf V r"0ewWX. ill r ,K X.. V ft Chrlstenson of Sea View, bride-elect of Jean Loomia of Loomis station,- was ulax ocean resort. Da J. Hodrt, Prap. -aSagagSm. CANNON BEACH THE SCZVXO BEACH Of 0EE00H THE WARREN .' OVEBXOOKUf TEE OCZAV -Pino fishing, ktmtiaj', rarf -bathing aad ' horae baok riding. Sea Poods a Specialty. Write for rates. SC. S. Warren, Proprietor, THAT DrLIOHTTTTL BEACH HOKE The "ELMORE AT ELK0EB PABK Offers large, comfortable rooms amidst. hoaielike anrroundinrs at per day tor 1 or S persona), grand view , of the ocean from its broad verandahs and ana porches. Excellent dining service,' a la carte, in connection. Write or phono foe reserva tions to THE "ELMORE," Books way, Oregon, WT'-' Bar View Hotel Aip roTtinsHEB HotrsExxEPXB'o Tiarrs 3; TJnder Sew Haaagemeat ' -5 HOTEL BATES fl PEE SAT AVS VP Parniahed Hoaaokaoplng Tents, tl.00 par Say. Operated hy W. A. WUe, al.ClS Paflias bid.. Portland, aad Bar View, Tillamook Oouaty, Oregon. Phones: A.S029 and Mats COBS. Grove Tent City : "By thm Seeuhore" Sleeping a n d house keepinsr tents for rent at reasonable prices. Driving horses on ground. Good fishing nearby. Restaurant and dancing floor in connection. Buy ticket to Wheeler, transfer ta: -Nehalem. 1 -will meet you with stage. Write for accommodations . to William Gorman, Nehalem. Or. ' --rrc : . f'ff , - . -4 -1--'- , . Jfc,K,M-"'-- I I Hi l l Oreg-on's finest beach resort. PaVed streets, : mountain water, sewers, bathing, ' fishlnir. other . attractions. Most scenic railroad trip in Oreson. Bayooeaa Annex Splendid fr view ocean and- bay. Near natatorium. Ex ceUent Uble. Rates $2.50 to $3.60 per day S15 per week and up. . .... Bayslds Ian - Fine table. Forty Cnesta. Rates 12.60 per day. RIGHT ON THE BEACH freah aad aak water fUhiM' boatdns. - livery atabla and aataf .a mile af anie i- tnnltAit Iwii " Poatoffio, loner ' distaaoe phono ani 0-W. B. A: M. atation em IL. nmxli. THE HACKNEY COTTAGE - ; " ' , is 'how 0PEH rOB THE 8Si80B ' " ' With all modern improremeata. : Per rates write or wire.' SEA VIEW, WA8H. THE SHELBURNE EHEXBtTEHE STATIOiT K0BTH BEACH All modern improvements. One ef the largest hotels on Sorth Beaoh. We raiae eer ewa posJtry. Beatoeablo rates. Special rates by the weak for famiHea, Phone in hotel. Buy ticket to Shelburne Station. Trains top right at door. Address Sea view, - Waaa. Z. . H0A2E, Prop, - .".'y..w...v...'(fc-.v4. x.''xK-'-:-x.::-.;-r.:": v. -;v---y - v. . -" X - I i ' . ' " - ' f : : 1 if V i I -. y 6oak: oV - . ,.P' ' J "I i-te-ys.-yr .... 'Mr one given, by Mrs. John Gates in the Gates home, near Shelburne. ..Among and Pleasure Seeker NEWPORT sumGmerVesort Spend your summer vacation at :Newpo"rt. If you enjoy surf bathing, trout fishing; deep ea fishing; if you Are in search of health or pleasure; if you enjoy hunting for agates or long jaunts to rugged and picturesque places such as Seal Rocks, Otter Rocks and the Devil's Punch Bowl you will make no mistake in coming to Newport Good hotels, excellent boarding places rooms, tents or furnished cottages. A home town where the moral at mosphere is clean and wholesome. ' Good, stores and reasonable prices, t For further information write to any of the following progressive citizens of Newport or ask any S. P. ticket agent. Horria Wyaant, Pres. Commercial Clnb; Pnrdy S; Hoaeltea's i If atatorhun t W, I). Wheeler, Prop. CUrfHouee: End. Dawson, Pruriat; H. H. Orowdis ! Transfer Co.; Western State Banks L. C. Smith. al Eatater Tao.ulna Sleotrts .Co.; Captain O, F .Jaeobsoa, Xaaaaar Newport Haviration C0.1 L. C. Hockett Laoadrr Co, 1 Elmer Patrick Heroantila Oe.j A."L. Thomas, Lapidurti E. E. Be U infer. Prop. Loq .Cabin Amosement Parlors Paul &aeU Bakarr O0.5 J. W. Kelly. Prop, Holly's Betel; A. O.-Sohwartt, Merchant. : ' ? ,TT w J"7 Sea Crest Cottages BIOHT OH THE BEACH Completely - far- aiased s, s ana e ream eorcagea. uoi oo tage has a aplendid view of the eoeaa, city water, eloetrlo lichta and ood aidawalka. cloao to atorea and natatorium. Before decid ing where te spend rear eummer raoatloa writs for rates and ether iaf ormatioa - te CH&IS ABJCS, ITewport. Or. ' TAK-IT-EZY Boarding House H0B3 C0HT0HT HOME' OOOSTHO V-. varklBv JUtmr. af Bee Creak Heart! Bater reasonable. Write for tarma or make reeenetioae. Address MHU1 AVSEKSOM. Vewport, Or, .. . . , TENT CITY ' ; Newport, Oregon ' Pif ty clean, airy fnrniahea tantg asd eet tasear at rates raosinc- front te ST a weak. Ziocated is srove. la view af ooeaa, sidswaiks, aleetrie lights and eity, water. Throe block from beach, r or raservatioas address A. J. AH WASSENHOTE. Bos . Hewport. Or. y North Beach Inn American and Eoropoan Too Per Say and TJp LOKO BEACH f NEWTON STATION) rCHVISHED HOTJSEKEEPIMw APTS. AND - TEXTS Sft.00 TO SO.OC WK. -All trains stop at ground directly feeing the ooeau wiita for reaorvatione. . N0ETH BEACH THM. LOHO BEACH. WASH. Save romr sass-aaa cheek till yon sot to VewBort. We sire yon prompt aerrioa and fair treatment. . Haoks to lighthoaae. Ottar Boeks, Seal Becks and ether points. IRA SXUBBLEXUXD . 80S,. Hewport, Oreson. Ansco Agents GOOD SERVICE , QUICK SERVICE We develop and print your films or plates the day ; you bring them in; Our Photo: Supply Store is complete in every new and 'worth - while Photo requisite. - f - Woodard, Clarke & J " , OOe V L WoocOark Bid?, Alder at W. rark aaseo Asata, Your TACAtion will be more complete It. von take along an Ensignetto Vest lfocket Camera, - :: $6 ". . : mis .; - . THE J. K. GILL, CO , , . Booksellers, Stationers . and ' Complete Office Outfitters. .Third and Alder fits. . r - i f -5 those who sewed during the afternoon were; Mrs. John Gates, Mrs. J. M, Mc- Recreation, Health, Pishing Resorts - Rail, River and Stage Routes " 1 . 1 ' i " " , , 1 1 , .. " , 1 1 . , 1 ! 1 11 1-, . Condensed information regariins with its rreat natural sosais and olimatio attraotloas afforos . nnnsual aavaatages to seekers of health or rer. atlon. Information regardlag resorts or side trips can be obtained front The Journal, Travel Bursas, Phones A. Bool, xaia T7a; orrioa Touut Agency ana xravei auisau, warsnau 87, M I NT HO R N S HOT SEA BATHS OVEXLOOKIHO THE OCZAV ' ' .. AT BYE BEACH. gait water, Turkiah. Bnssias aad alee. trio lia-ht bath. Maaaajr by a graduate af Portland Sanitarium. Tea room for lig-bt honsefcaepins. Beasonabt rates. Tne jasai 1a tiona or farther information address SB 9. uu ww&xa. jiewper. ur. , - . ATTTO AHS STAGE I.TTTE rXOX Newport to Ocean Vie w VIA WAIJJPOHJ.s7';; Leavea Hewport at :S0 a. m. daflj. Speelal attention stvea to fishermen who waat to fish on the zanata and ether stream; else te hunting- parties and pleasure oxeursiene, ; US CO Tl, Bewpert, Or. Hotel Saunders POBHEBXT HOTEL . OSBTXBJf ' trader' new managmeat alargd aad re orated. Evarrtnins now, clean aad oemfert abie; 8 rooms j rate raaaonabla. One block from Xye Creek Ooeaa Beaoh. For reaervattena and rates address C1UUU SAUBSEB8, xiewport, ur. , Agat6 Beach ipETf AGATE BEACH-INN 7 NOW OPEN - Write aTrs. K. Oeorra for rates a tions. Asd Agate Beaeh ZAad Co.. far etker lnXormation at Aaste Beach, Or. MOUNTAIN RESORTS . Hotel De Government Camp Located en the Sooth Side ef aft.. Hood beautiful view of the mountain sad ether Praks. Onides for elimbiav, nniurpaased fish, iag- and hunting'. Rates $3 per day, 1 pak weak and no. Pas A i'ridemere. Props.. Bowe. v. muihiumw , ow v v.w mmn mwmw 19 8d at. Xeia MM er East lea. Larch Monntain Trail Z take yo to the base of LABCH HOUH. TAUT TBAH- Tea can't afford to pas this trip. Bast aerrioa,' monntain air aad BEAUTI m SCXHEBT. Tare We. Speeial rate e partie. tt K. lVeer. Bridal Veil, Or. WILHOITl SPRINGS la the foofhffls ef the OBseaAs motmtalna. 17 miles from Pertlaad. An ideal resort for health aad recreation. Kmeeilent hotel and fine cam pins grreund. Tent . aad - eottases for rant. Our pacialty is ear Batnrdsy aisht aad Sunday soon ehieksa dinner. Baa eat for year week end holiday. Per fnU iaf ormatioa write er phone P. W. MclXBXar. Wiihea. Or., er ask any S. P.-acant. . . t. .-.-..- WOLFER'S MEDICAL MINERAL SPRINGS Of proved valaa for stonmeh and kidney traav blea. Ealpfal in aaaay eases for rhenmatism. C ampins; prtviloceo in beaatifal fir aad eedar rrcT near the medieal epringe, M.H t week. Free wood end free mineral water. As ideal, restfal aad healthful vacation. Per anatyei of water and fail information address GEOAOZ X. WOXJEB. Hubbard. Or. Ifke Nortonia Si ita Street . at Wasalas-tom , Visit the RccfGarden f . Ir . ,-. - r - a wonderful view of the"' X city. " - Try our ' Dining .Room and enjoy the "lift 1 ferenf home cookina; at most . reasonable - prices. A. S. BOOTJZi, Owner aad Haaagsr Donald. Miss Chrlstessou and Miss Mary Corcoran. f Among the Portland ers vhe have just finished their flrstvwinter in Sea View are Mr. and Mrs. J. Motrin Mo Donald Mary Jesaup). Mr. McDonald has been employed in work with cran berries. - 1 1 In si the boulevard boms of M. G. Thorsea of Portland, opposite Beach Center, at present are: Mr. and Mrs. M. G.i Thorsen. Mrs. N. A. Johnson. E. K. Seymour, Misses Viola and Helen Thorsen and Warren Thorsen. , -Miag Julia Hoare, daughter of T. J. Hoars of The Shelburne, is visiting in Pjortlasd. , Mrs. Ida I. Carter of Sea View re turned the past week from a vacation trip 'to Portland. Mrs. L. Dammuch ' and "daughter, Mrs. iR. R. 8mlth, of Portland, ars In their i Sea View cottage. . The T. B. - Wilcox ' summer house, Thai Willows" below Hoiman'a. is oc cupied by the R. B. Wllcoxes of Port land. . Mrs, H. W. Corbett is expected with in the next few days in her house op posite Sea View station on the boule vard. Miss Gladys Roberts and brother, Don Roberts. of Astoria, have a Hoi man 1 cottage : for the summer. Don Roberts is the railroad agent at Set View for the season. Mrs. O. A. Cook is a Sea View vis- Itor I ltor. A recent group . In "Castle Gibson" included Mr. and Mrs. James Roberte, Mrs. Oswald Gibson Jr.. and baby. , Mr, and Mrs. Walter 11. Brown of Portland : and ' Mrs. Brown, grand' mother of Walter Brown, are guests of Vr- -rA Um , V f. Miilrin est H. VleV. Mr. Brown is employed at the Merchants -National Bank in Portland. . bo.!) mt; -W. B. Recent guests at the Shelburne been: Miss Jessie M. Spring ton: iL. F., Olney of Tacoma Monson of Aberdeen; C. E. Putnam of Kelso; and Mrs. W. F- Slaughter, Mrs. C. 8. .MeNaught and H. G. Schneider of Portland. " ; The Glenn cottage near Sea View re ceived its first occupants of the sea son on. Wednesday mof(nHig when IL E. Glenn. Mrs. J. .W. CrelgSfan and Alice Carroll. Of The, Dalles, and Mrs. K. F. Jeffrey of ' San .Francisco, cams to spend the season.' .' Other! people from The Dalles who ars here: Mr. and Mrs. Ed French In their ridge cottage, and Mr. and Mrs. Viv French who have spent some 'time leading outing places and principal side Foley Hot, 'Spring j Oregon's pioneer pleasure and health retort. In the hesrt of the Cascades and the famous McKenzis river district, near the foot of the snow-covered Three Sisters. Shady, restful and health restssrin-. Splendid fishing; in the McKenzie and nearby streams. Steam baths, tub baths and swimming pooL Flow of Hot Springs 172,800 gallons day. Temperature 188 degrees.- Helpful in cases of rheumatism, dyspepsia and kidney trouble. .Fifty-eight miles east of Eugene. Auto stage leaves Eugene daily at 6:15 a. m. Hotel, tents, cottages er.l camping ground. Why not come to Foley Springs and have one REAL vacation. For further Information address HOTEL- OWEN Located 45 miles east of Eugene, on the McKenzie River, and up in the mountains, where the air is the purest, the fishing the best, the scenery the grandest and the welcome the warmest. Nice, clean beds and splendid meals. Boats and expert boatmen furnished fishing par tie's, if desired. Auto Stage daily from Euzen over anlendirl roa't. LMrvand Mrs. George H. Smith, nave uurcn cnarge ot tms most popular resort for the summer, and will give to each guest their special courtesies. Rates, $2.00 per day. Lower rates for a longer time. If you have not seen, the;McKenie, you have not seen the prettiest of Oregon's pretty rivers! Welch's Hotel PIOHEXB. XT. HOOD HOTnTTATH SZ80BT. Pare ioa eold aaetoitaia water, airy aad eona, fortabie bnn-alow, food eaistee, hnstiag, fUb ins, horsa baok rid inc. Bates SS any. SIS weak. W, E. WELCH. Prop Welch's Poetoffioa, Or. Rhododendron Tavern Oa Hoaat Hoed Ante Staee Bond, ft mile rrean rartland. Ideal monntain resort, SS day. Weakly SIS. 60. SU. Speeial rate for famUies. Saddle horaea, laws tennis, ereeset. Oeod fiah. lay, aaattn;. Pheae, aleetrie light. Daily ante stess. Phone Main isftS er East S8S. EmU Fransotti, Prop., BVowe, Or. I RELIANCE ML HOOD Auto Stages Pauy' te St.- Heed resorts, I L u Hound trin SS. - Oovarnmaat Cams. S7.S0. Seecial rates) to week end and climbing- paxtiaa. In r ormatioa. reeervatlons and ticsata at BOUT- i.EDfii SEr a rLOim c,o.. lea sa at. Haia SBM, A-SS11. er Irrts-ton Crarase, Zest 30. - J ; ' - , FOR Mt. Hood Resorts X0UHT BOOS ATTTO SEXVZCX OO-leava Meier Prank a tare, kth at. estraaoa, sauy StU a. m. Per vartieaiars end reservations Kaier A Prank Snertms weeds Dept.. phase ac commodation deck. Jfisht phone Tabor dilt. PRAIRIE-BURNS . 1 STAGE: COMPANY Opsratins - the only dafly Mail serriee, ear. ryins paassssers, ba;fcand snraes te Biiras, la the wrest Inland Empire sf Central Orasos, via Oaayes Oitv aad John Day. Para M.M. Bacrgase aUowaaoa SO pound. T. M. KJOHT. Kaaasar. Prairie City. Or. Shiphprri'Q Hot Springs THE PLACE POB T0V A resort far health and recreation. Beaatifal walks through the woods, saddle her, fiah- D, swimming, pevt, aviia, lenaie voart, are- a net sreaads, .mn.. nlaa eowuns auy aairua aae sammer oottases and. eamp. inc. Addreea B. U Shlahord. Oaraen. W aaa. Cs4SGADIAi?TrSS 1 - ... v . auua i . Kara von eaa have a a til at aad natal ant- Inar bv the aids of the famous Caaoadia. Mineral Sprinsa. Tea. oaa haat, f play tennis, en joy not er aoia minora seine, xoa oaa rent m . . v ' " ". . a wvw, raoatre year mail daily aad have aa ideal vacatiaa at a minima in ezpoase. Per faU a fomatiea eddraas 60. M. QZIZLMDjm.m Oascadia. Or. - - " ' - TROUT LAKE AT THE POOT OP IT. ADAMS. The Ut apeeklad bean tie are waiting; to match their wlte aa-aiaat venra. Zaav walklnar eiatanna ef the t amen lava aavea and . tea eavea. Head euartera for monataiii aUrabars for the aseent of Mt, Adams. tUgh-clas amaaemant kail sear hotel. Kotel rates, S'.OO a weak. Addreea OUtEE HOTEL, Guler. Wash. Wyer' Livery and Stae Co. WHITE SAXM0H, WASH. Stae-es for Hnntm. Trout Lake. Pnlda. Oleweod, Piao Flat aad Snowden. 6 tea leaves -e Eatmea 7 a. m. daily. 6ood risa and oarefui drirors. this spring In their boulevard cct above shelburne. Mrs. M. Walton is ehapero-ln? f Reed college girls ef the 1913 ; her home on the, boulevard - hetcv; Sea View and Holmaru The !rls be here two weeks. They are: I T,rr V Walton,' Elsa GUI, Ada McCown. I , Mcuaw. Gladys Lowden, Helen Wait and Clara Wuest. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. ShaW a Lawrence Dlnneen of Portland e; Hackney cottage guests. .Miss Edith Johnson of Portland ! a guest at Hackney cottage. Charles 8. Goodale and F. S. La : of Portland have been recent kuu at Hackney cottage. Mrs. M. DeVeney of Portland open her Sea View cottage the past we.;. Mr. and Mrs. M. McN'ainara of I'ort land are' Sea View visitors. Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Dlehl f Tort land have been In ens of the Barthol omew cottages for th past month. Mrs. George Easleton and two small daughters are Portland people who have wintered at llolmans. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Winterpotham of Portland are at Hoi mans. Mrs. J. L. Gould of Portland is in a tent home, at Holmans. s Mr. And Mrs. J. L. wills of Portlani ' "v" wnnj montns m tr JO. Watson horns near Holioan. ; ..f,"h,,n JaIrtJf. over th "Rocks'. by "Old. Joe" on Friday wr-: hve spent the spring months in th Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Diehl. Mn. W. F. Slaughter and Lawrence Dlnnetn. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Johnson of Tort land rs in their Sea View ridge cottage.-. Mr. and - Mrs. C. G. Smead ni Messrs; S. and A. M, Stafford are Uol- 'J2n vl8ltr t u LONG BEACH ( ' .From- every place . here comt) th "clean up. paint up" sounds. Tl. station, stores and shops are heh mads ready for the busy 'weeks . tKut are soon to come. - Though the season has not yet begun and wiU not until the - Portland schools -ari closed , for: the summer a scattering population is already here. Mrs. Fred Bay of Portland Is in the Slemmons cottage. Ben F. Orr and Joseph Hodler ar (Continued on Following Page) trips and stags lines. The north wet. MRS. ELLA K. HAFLENGER. BLUE RXVElCi OREGON who know how to please the public, Jewett's Farni He::: 2 at White Salmon es the Columbia river it bow reedy te raoeWf rnsste. I la uao, Share, aplendid suUias, and the b.ut .f nstnral orrauadiagg mk ef It aa M-.i resort to spend a few reetful a er -m . For further in forma ties er reeertiia . JEMB-, JEVTT, WITE fcSUaOK. VA,4. BANGS ; AUTO STAGE CO. Stas leave XuteaodaUy :1S a. m. f-,r Dearborn, Leaburg, hTimrod, htcXrnrie 1- i. Blue Biver, MclUasU Kridae and io..r d Boikaap BvriBca. &eod fUhms and huot.. Baaca Xivery Co., Eagaoe, Or. , ESTACADA Natural SCENIC pah: I S4 MIXES PK0M POBTXAKD. Kol-t T - Ami srounes, aoriea raeort ana t i. hunt claaa aotel a grouaoa. Jtatee far -. BVi.i, Bust s-AjUU-A natural pa!a 3 V from Portland, sta plaoe far iia&tre, c. . - iaf , awaits, eAouraiaug sad amaienc' thov .. SPtoiAi. strirnAr txctratioH BAxr t sitaer Of tee para Ye rouad tria. j.aia leave h irt aad Alder, CA4h as--Cmi, aemfortab! r apot, le mile from Pertisod, mri., ( to Vesutuul sad plcttetqus W)., , . saUs. Cats ieay iit ssa Al4r, .v..i trip 40 casta, WllaJLaiE VIM. PAIXI-Th Of eras C!y or at Pirst and Aioer, Xoand trip ev e-.r. TAUuu .. BaajtACae i.ka vuwlit,i ear, Seoona aae Wainingtoa. ewund U a v cent. OAkX'S H0X-SPaiirOS A groo, of tia brt. Swiw,yt7,.,prlB " woria, at t foothills of the Casoaaea. f , -It)rmta oii Jaanhall SUM or siarahaU H j. rionlan felaEaJts Drper tiaoK.. twr. Boarina; Creea, Agla Creek aad aw Ct . lake oar at Pint and Aider, en A'a.. Casadar iiae.Le- round trip rates al j. apeaial train as Sunday, A.ix suvsA Aki swxx bjb rnrr" 'she treiaa at tint and Aider, tail i j line. Low rosad trip letea asd early kuiay trains. OitAnuH eXEZX--Tskt treia st Pint tad Al- '' tnt, Bali. Leate iwcMn, : NreMwe. i.hummh, wreanam, Hoy as ot POa AJjOItlOBAl, XyPOXMATIOB eaH Tfchet Ageat IUt and Aider, laarshall iui er Portland Ry. Lt Cz P. Co. "Steuaai aerrioa. Setuhort cuxd Mountain He tort on North Bank Rocd. CLATSOP BEACH Pacific Ooeaa, t h - frets Portland. Take North lank t. -10th add Koyt, te Gear hart or eeatid. t ! asd aatatorium bathing. H$ mUa ei- Oct. a .... n J -It 1.. A ... m SBH-Ma-axt'S B.OX IrklN OSAt C-'. Wan, S' noun from remand. Auto me. trams. Mineral w.Url 117 . eOVAAVMAsX Kliik-BAX Sa-ACrcS t C . gnn, vaak. MouBUia rort, 1 tc a t ; Vind river. Auto meets train. fEWAXT'S White Salmon, Wh., f , heure from Portland. lr.dirioual otta- baaattfnl g-reanoa. Huiataia air, r. ..-. oent aeeaery of Casoadea aad Cvi... i "xSZ'zTXSZ,' White Salmon, V,'a-V r taea and board. Vnte 0. W. J. galmaa. Wash. MT. ADAM AiT1 ICE CAVEE T,ke : ju train te wsiie iimai euio Trout Lake, where guides and outii i . mooptaia eiucbint 4aar be b'-i. CibCilUIES A1V.B llaaj IT aUdaesd waesread tare, -ram luru . m. m. i return 1:10 s. m. MckmflE K1VZB. SliCnTS-T- f x.ieetns Af. te a.ueae. totry . ,t i and hotel aad Mcftenne fric-n .u, Xnoise r-ad 1 s j &. '" ..... ililM. AAi lili