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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1915)
10 RUDDER FAR F BOTTOM OF CHANNEL: . : DECLARES NAVIGATOR A: ;fji"-: :-savsaBasBssaaBBSBaBs mmr--.r'"'":-'- : " Captain Hunter of Northern Pacific Explains Accident . of Vessel, HAD ABUNDANT WATER Accounts Published in Seattle JTswi - pape Tror Amusing to SKaster of "Bpeedy tisff. Captain A. T. Hunter, master of the steamer Jforthern Pacific, now being repaired at the Willamette Iron A fcteel work want It known that his steamer did not strike the bar.. He does not know what disabled the rud der of his big shipTut It was not from n' contact with th bottom, he de clares emphatically. i Yesterday afternoon Captain Hun ter was shown clippings from Seattle ! papers In which It was proclaimed that ' the steamer had scraped the river bot tom, tearing her rudder from its place. He read each carefully and then set tled back in his big cbair and had one big laugh. . . ( - "That's the best thing ever," de clared the master of the crack tur biner. He has been a busy man since Ms steamer was disabled. He, paced 'Ah bridge with Captain Julius Allyn and Catitain Charlie ; Lundqulst for nearly 0 hours bringing ber, rudder less, up the Columbia and Willamette rivers. - He plunged then Immediately, into work of docking the huge palace. Not till last night did he get-a really good night s sleep. After he had as sisted In the moving of the steamer to Municipal Dock No. 1 there to be viewed today and tomorrow by Port land people he was at leisure. . - nay Was Clear and Calm. First let me tell you the kind of a day it was. We headed into the Co lumbia river shortly after 12 o'clock Tuesday. It was clear and calm, hardly a breath of wind was stirring - and the bar was as smooth as a mill pond. The steamer did not roll or pitch a particle. There . is argument No. 1. The Northern Pacific was In charge of, one of the ablest pilots on tbe Pa cific. Captain Charlie T.undquist has been In and out of the Columbia river for 23 years. He has never had an ac cident oc cost his owners or the in surance companies a cent of money. I was also on the bridge and will testify that the steamer was squarely on the ranges. .The government survey, hardly three weeks old. shows-that there is 33 feet of water in the chan nel at zero at the most shallow spot. .We were coming in on half of an eight foot tide, making the mean depth 87 feet. The Northern Pacific drew at - that time 21 feet, 10 inches. "Now. let me describe the effect or the accident on the rudder. The rud der itself is a huge steel frame braced by two Interior cross pieces. To this frame are riveted two heavy steel plates. These two plates were gone And the four latitudinal sttel arms are all bent down on the after end, a dis tance of 10 inches. No Wow from the bottom could have done that It bad -to L from thetop. Sadder Is Well Guarded. 'The Northern Pacific's rudder 'is guarded by being three feet above the bottom of the keel. The keel ; would have had to drag and let her drop off a bank almost as abrupt as a wall in order for ber rudder to have been so damaged. . "If any one can Show me how under these circumstances the Northern Pa cific could have struck the bar, I am willing to admit that I f been to sea and am not entitled to a UCTne trouble was first noticed off Buoy No. 6. We hove to there and adjusted the gear, then started in. As we rounded No. 14 It stuck tight and we had to drop anchor and send tor the tug Oneonta to tow us into the wharf at Flavel.' ;: : 1 - ASTOUIA HAS BUSY" DAY Many Steamers Arrive at and Ixsave . Month of River. v: Astoria. June 19. (I. N S.) The steamer Saginaw is due this evemn , from San Francisco and Coo a Bay with freight for Astoria and Portland. -The custom house Is now closed at one - o'clock on - Saturday afternoon. The Grace steamer Colusa will be due this evening from San Francisco and is to load grain for Australia. In order to give her quick dispatch, lumber was "taken on board at the Bay city and five carpenters will go aboard and ' endeavor to. complete - the lining before the craft reaches Port- .: ' land. -. v The steamer .Celilo sailed this morn ing for Grays Harbor to load lum ber. ' , With lumber and. flour for Antafo gasta and other South American ports, the Grace eteajner St. Helens sailed this morning via San Francisco. The gasoline ; schooner . Hustler ar- rived during the night from Wedder burn, bringing. 2166 cases of canned salmon and So cases of cheese. The steamer . Yosemlte sailed today f or San Francisco . with a cargo of ' lumfer and creosoted piling from St. -. Helena. 1 . . . v - The steamer . Daisy Gadsby arrived early -. this .. morning , with a cargo of : cement. n' The steamer Shasta arrived this morning from San Francisco and went direct to Knappton. This evening she : will s shift to Wauna and later will ' go to Rainier and ' Portland to finish ber cargo. . --i,. - ; The; American-Hawaiian - steamer V Moatanan sailed this morning for Pu- get sound with, ' part - cargo from New York, "after discharging and loadlnc freight for Portland, r The Grace liner Santa Clara ar- rived this afternoon from Portland and is loading 60O tons of canned sal mon at- the Sanborn wharf for New York. - STEAMER TO, BE " INSPECTED Northern - Pacific Open for Public From. 8 a. in. to 5 p. m. Today. ; Inr response to numerous" Inquiries for permission to inspect the steamer Northern Pacific, the Great Northern Pacific ' Steamship company yesterday liad the "vessel moved from the Wil lamette Iron & Steel works dock to the open, end of Municipal dock No. L and fche will .be open to. visitors be tween the hours -of -a.-m.-u.. s 1 today -and 1 tomorrow. ': The wharf is at the foot of Seven teenth' street arid ' can' "be reached' by either the SItxeenth street or South Portland cars, Visitors, should .leave the .cars - at Sixteenth and ' Thurman streets, from which" point the steamer an be plainly seen, " ' - .. Visitors will be allowed the free ROM GOOSE LAKE IRRIGATION' f ; ' - '",'''' 2 Approximately': 50,000 Acres - of. Land Benefited by De livery of the Waters Water from - the Goose Lake vallev Irrigation reservoir in Lake county is now riowing over lands comprising 50,000 acres adjacent to Lakeview, Or. The project, sunder construction for six years, is now completed, save for the digging of such lateral canals as water users may hereafter arrange for. j ne result of this development is ex pected . to mean , a multiplication of the gross yields of wheat, alfalfa, veg etables and fruits by three. The. history of the early efforts to bring Goose Lake valley from the des ert was not. savory. Charges of the exploitation not only 'of- the land but of the people who sought homes there were frequent and not alwav fain. Many small farms weret disposed of. oniy to De lost by fhe buyers because under, existing conditions they were unable to make a living upon them. At length, however, all gradually came into the hands of; men who saw the fulfillment of Lake county's destiny nai not to be obtained through any but constructive means. By irriga tion and the : more intensive farming possible under it was seen the salva tion of the country. Thirty Families Settled. About 30 families have settled on the irrigation project this' summer, mostly from Oklahoma and Texas. These were attracted by the natural fertility of the soil, ; which had pre viously produced well under dry farm ing methods, and by the transportation advantages, the Nevada-California-Oregon railway running southward from Lakeview to connect with the Southern Pacific at Wendell, Cal., and with Doyle, Cal., with the Western Pacific Besides, the big tracts of yellow pine timber proved an argument to show that lumbering would become an in dustry along with farming. Some 6,000,000.000 feet of standing timber is Included in the forest re serve nearby; and about 8,000,000,000 run of the decks of the steamer. Sam ples of each of her different type of accomodoations will be open for in spection, but no visit will be allowed in the engine room, as the entrances are too small to allow of the crowds that would wish to see her turbines. Captain Speier. harbormaster, will handle the crowds on the dock and at the gang planks while Captain Hunter and his staff will be on nand to an swer all questions. TRI-WEEKLY SERVICE SOON Steamer Great Northern Out June 23; Northern Pacific June 23. The Great Northern Pacific Steam ship company will have the steamers Great Northern and Northern Pacific on the tri-weekly schedule out of Flavel and San Francisco next week The steamer Great Northern will leave Sen Francisco Tuesday, July 22, arrive at Flavel on' Wednesday and sail for San Francisco Thursday, June 24. The steamer-Northern Pacific will leave Flavel i Friday, . June 23, reach San Francisco on Saturday, have Sun day in addition to Monday, her regular lay -over day, - in San Francisco, and sail on the schedule on Tuesday, June 29. - -- Thereafter, there will be a sailing from each end of the line on Tuesdav; Thursday and Saturday of eacn week. GRAIN TONNAGE EN ROUTE AND PORTLAND N'arae. Fla? in1 E!g. Anmlw, Br. bk Andre Theodore. Fr. h.... Bell, Nor bk.....: Bemnsere, Fr. . fc ........ , Caldergrore. r. tr , Colnsm, Am. str CornU Bart, . Fr. bk....... Dolbardan Cutle, Br. bk... uuplelx, Fr. iik.. EcypUaa' Transport, Br Eureka. Am. atr. str. lSini arancala d'Amboiae. Ft. bk . Freden. Nor. hk Galgate. Br. b (iesina, Nor. sh Hiawatha, Nor. sh ....... . i . . lnTfrlyoo, Br. bk.. IbTerncas-ahirp. i Br. bk..... John Eat, Am. bk.... Jules tiammes, Fr, ah.. .. Killarney. Br. bk. ......... . kilmalho, B?. hk. Lsncdale, Br. sh. .......... . Undfleld, Br. bk. Le Feller, Fr. bs.... .. ...... Noemi. Fr. bk. ....... ...... Nordmee, Nor. sb. . . ........ OIlTebank, Nor. bk.. ....... Rene- Fr. bk... SoueraiD, Nor. bk. ........ . 1020 1715 J4M 1GST 2706 19U2 Uou 1511 18m . 5J63 20SU 1517 2m7 rjlo 2913. inwiMi nur. un ...- 1H81- ,aW -2075' 214a wrann, tir. str.i . Wiaconibe Park,- Br Yawry, Nor. bk.... Miscellaneous to Kama, Flag aod BIk. ' W. H. Marat on. Am. scHb. Bankoka Mara. Ja. str.. David . Krans. Br. scb.... Oeorae Hawley, Am. tr... Uokkat Maru. Jap. str... Henry T. Scott, Am. str.. Jsmes Tuft. Am. bkt...... Tons. ....... mo Si) 18 ....... 748 ....... 1699 ....... 2.830 91 v .......... 1043 Panama Canal Service. Nasal. Flat and t!r - ... ... Arrerado, Am. str, a. 4 P. ...... cutwaiiaa, am. str., A.-U, Am. str., A.-H. ... lowan. Am. atr.f A.-K... MonUaan. str.. A.-H ............. . Mlnneaotan. Aa. atx A.-H... Ohioan, Ajd. tr A.-H. .M .... ... ... ... Santa Clsra. Aa. t. A. a- P,...,. .....i,- Santa Cecelia, Am. sun, A. Eureka, Am. su.. C-W Sts BefcMj -in. rt.McftinBlcfei i . V.x., .W.est Coast Service. Name. Flaf, III- and Uae. . , - I', : rrom Cnaco. Nor. atr.. Grace. -v...i..ik,i..- Valuaralso ... . Chatham Aa. tt, Ceaea.i'e.1.;.....':BaB Francleco. . Apr. 11 ':' V - AbbrevUtioDs A. . P.. AUantlc Pacific line, owned b- W. K. Grace Co.; A.-H.. Amerlcaa-liawaitan tJteuH,h(p Co.; Ursce. W. B. Grace & &k; R. M. S. p. Royal MU feteamvpteket. Um.- Fraak Watertaause ac Co.. agoma; Johnaoa lino. W. R. Grace A Co.. aentar B.P-rf Bostaa-pMifle tjteauiKhlp Co.. Sl.tttr & Co.. asenta; McCormlck. Cbaa. K, McConc'' k Lnicber. Co. ; C-W. CfoawLt-Wests ra Lumber Con . 'THE 0REG0N '"r-:;. -Alii: .yj . n ' r;?tr-. . - - I if , f " r Mi'-' r f v-''t-'tfeV U 'v ' I -r VU'1' 1 '; ": - . , ,i,V,,V'!'- I'll 11, v- , - -"" 1 11 Typical scenes In lAke county. mile north of the California which, in its entirety. Is 40 feet besides Is owned by private inter ests the Weyerhauesers owning. large tracts. -. - . - v. Professor W. E. Koons lias been em ployed by the irrigation company to conduct an experimental farm near Goose lake, and he has laid out acre tracts planted in different crps and under , different conditions dry farm ing, semi-irrigated and irrigated as much as the soil will bear. ; He will thus try out the advantages :Of irri gation. Several other experimental tracts are also being conducted by land owners under Professor Koons' direction. ., : v Great Capacity Bean.' . The reservoir, which is $0 miles in circumference, is of capacity to hold enough water to . irrigate - the entire project for two years without being replenished. However, it. is kept con Officials of the line are loud tn their praise of the work of the Willamette Iron it Steel works in - handling the steamer Northern Pacific here. It has contracted to deliver the steamer In sea going shape' at noon Wednesday. The work so far has been fast and accurate and there seems no donbt but that the steamer will be back in .service on promised time: . She Will leave down for Flavel , Thursday morning. PERU USES PANAMA CANAL Subsidized Line From . New York Starts With Six Steamers. New York, June .19. (L ' N, S.) Peru is taking advantage of the Pan ama canal to send her. ships up the Atlantic coast and is soon to establish a Transatlantic service, according x to Kdurado Paiacio of. Lima, general manager -of the Peruvian National Steamship line, who has arrived at the McAlpin hotel with his wife, the sis ter of : Enrique Oyanguren, - Peruvian minister of finance. ., s t - Senor Paiacio . has come to the Uni ted States to - study the freight and passenger traffic -possibilities between Atlantic coast ports and those on the west coast of South America. '. The Peruvian Steamship line, which Is sub sidized by the Peruvian government, was started some years ago by Lima financiers. The line how ' has six steamships n ... LISTED FOR Tons From Salled iriiS , Uuayaqiril . .May IS 241S Kutterdam.. MC9 Yokkxichi lfr"5 Ipswich 1W0 MiiUdelptiia : . . . ... . .. 2622 San Francisco June 17. leas 1'ublin . , ... 4 . ,-. " 1M Hart Natal .. Mat) JiaUU Blanca ........ Ar. Brest May 20. Pd. Phtla. May lO Ar. Jpswlcb May 12 Ar. Colon Jane T. . Sd. Rotterdam. June IT Sp. AprU 4. . Ar. tar 7. To sail from Monti , video May 10. San Diego . . San Francisco r. f.t....... I Ar. Honolulu May 31 eargro afire. Sd. La Plata Mar .. Ar. Fortisnenl May Kl Sd. Astoria March V. Sd. Astoria April 17. . , 12. :. . - : . Muroran Msy 12 Jut-cutowu. .... ...... Cape Town ........... Melbourne .....i. .... Sd. Muenoa Aires Mar trcnuiue ... Kobe .... Vlonterideo .. Montirideo . . fc. F., .v. Bahia Blanc Algna Bay .. Callao . bantos . . . . I'.otterdam t. May 23 - . ) .June 1- ' - --'.:': r- . ...... ..: Ed. Penartb April 1 Ar.- Ani 26. Sd. Newcastle Feb. 17 at. stay t. Ar. April 15. ; Wr. CaJlao Apr. 23 Sd. . Newcastle May SI Ar. May 11. . Pd. goirhead April 23. Sd. I'bU. May 18. liiofro . Uveroool Fort Nolloth . . New York Algoa Bay .-.... Dakar Sd. Ohutrow- Apr. 26 8d. Aatorla Feb. 20. Ar.' Sierra leuoe. - - Arrive in Portland. From Sailed. Raat Londoa. .Jan- H Muroran ............ Kobe ....... ...j..... New Tork." Yokohama. -. . ........ McnM. Sd. Kobf Aprfl 2S. Sydney .... ui r l Buvinn ..... . From - Ssilled. New York ;...May20 New York .......... -'. '.Memo. Pd. canal W8 May 27 Jane jz. Boston Sc N. Xlar. 24 un lO. N. Y. Joe 11 new iwr ....Apr. a at uiarleaton JM s. ;New ..York ...May li Sd. Astoria June la. New York. ..Apr. V Pd. Canal B B Jane 13 Boatoa ....... .Apr. 21 Ar. Aatofocaata Jan New York -., .May SO - On Puref Soand. Y'ork ....Aor. a On, Paget ho and. Walleroo Mar 1 T . : N. Y. Mar 16 On Pufet. Sound f ' ' Memo. Sailed. SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY - MORNING. PROJECT IS COM PLETED;: Top, left to right -A ranch on the east shore, of. Goose Iake, ones line; a business block 'in Lakeview. IJottom A section of Goose Lake utiles long and from seven to lO miles wide. ' , 1 . J ' stantly -filled by water from Drews creek, which is fed b'y springs and melted snow. Drews valley has been transformed into a great lake by the construction of dams,, the conforma tion of the hills affording a natural site. - ' :' ' The project' itself covers an irreg ular valley, about 10 miles wide by 12 miles long. It extends along the west shore ; of Goose lake, which is about 10 .miles wide., and . 'extends across, the California line. Transporta tion across this lake is- obtained through a regular boat service be tween Hansen's ranch and Little Pine creek and Fair port, Cal. . Lakeview, the county seat and near est town to the project, has a popula tion of about 1600r with a number of modern business buildings and with three banks, . w.hose aggregate re with an average of 4000 tons each and a capacity for 120 first class passen gers, and their regular route has been between Panama and Callao and down to Valparaiso. Besrinninsr Ausruet 1. they, will pass through the canal to Colon, making connections there with other steamships of the company, which will ply between that port and New York. . , TO. DUPLICATE THE COLUSA W. R. Grace & Co. Ask for Tenders for Building New Freighter. W. R. Grace & Co. . hare asked ten ders for, the construction ' of another steamer of the Colnsa type, construc tion to be started at once. The eteazn er is intended to assist' In their' Pa cific trade. . " The placing of an order for the con struction of this steamer will- add four large freighters to the fleet of this company. They have three under con struction of - the Santa Catalina type! an. at cramps yard in Fhiladc!phia. Their building represents an 'outlay of nearly $3,000,000. v- The . new -. steamer will be of 6000 tons carrying capacity and 378 feet in length,. 49 feet 9 Inches in breadth and 27 feet 3 inches depth of hold. ' 4 Word- of the asking for tenders was received from the San Francisco of fice today. - r , Engineer .Is pusted. : ... Seattle, - June 19. fl. N.r S.) The federal marine - inspectors today re TRAMP CARRIES VALUABLE LUMBER CARGO '' 1 ...... : k v - - - , )s - ' - - A - , 4? " i , - 4 ' Hiim-i ,, . r-x'.r .'.-... , .-i,..-.:'-' ' " E:i':-:--';;:'::-??s .yyx . Jf "ft' - Japanese steamer Kenkon Mara ,;When the ..Japanese ; steamer Kenkon Maru No-vll left, the river Friday she carried the most valuable cargo of fir lumber' that has- yet left this, port by water. The 2,090,000 odd. feet in her .- - Il sources are about $1,500,000. -Rapid Development Expctsd. More rapid settlement of the coun try is now expected with the irrigation project In - operation. J, F. . Hansen, superintendent of the Irrigation, com pany, is receiving many inquiries. -The price of water, rights under the proj ect averages aboiit. $26 per acre, pay able in under, terms' to suit the settler, but mostly undera-10 year arrangement.-' In 'addition, a. nominal main tenance charge . is imposed, as is cus tomary in irrigation projects.' Lands under , the project may be purchased without the water. rights at from $15 to $35 per acre. A big steam gang plow is now break ing up a full section of sagebrush land north of Goose : lake,, and. other areas have been put in condition ready for fall Seeding. 1 voked the license of William Sturgis as chief engineer of the Puget sound steamer Albion, plying between Seat tle and Port Angeles, on the showing that Sturgis persisted - In drinking to excess while on duty.," IJght Vessels to Repair 'Seattle, Wah June l.(t. ;N. S.) The relief lightship and the. light, house tender Manaanita arrived today from their stations to undergo exten sive general repairs in the local ship yards... . . - .- ' T7 ' ' - , : '. NEWS OF THE PORT Arrivals lua 19. 1 .. . Shasta, American steamer. Captain Lanjr kilde. In ballast from 6an Pedro, Oant A Bnasell.. . - Palsy Gadsby. American steamer,. Captalu Smith, freight from San Francisco, Arrow line. Santa Clara.- American steamer. Captain Lot. stedt, passengers and frelcht from San fran. cisco,- - Eureka . and. Coos . Bay, , North , Pacific S. S. Co. - - - , . Separtaxea Jobs sbVi;- - Temple E. Dorr, American-steamer; Captain Jabnsea, lumber .for t San - Pedro, -McCormlck Lnmfeer Co. , :..- .. , rVlllo, American' stesmer. Captain "Tletjeo. ballaat for . Grays Harbor, McCormlck lAimoer Co.- ., .. - . Montanan, .' American steamer, I Captain tight.-1 1 reltrnt - for New c Tors;,'- yia -xinia-et ntmd -and California ports, . Amerieaa-Ha'w ai Un Steamfhlp Co. . - , ' Marine Almanac. ; -Wsather at Khror's afouth. ' - North Head. Wash.; Jm-CoOdHtrm of the moo tii of. the rirer at & n, m.. smooth ; -wind, northwest. milea; weataer.-clear. - , , Sn and. Tides. Jnna SO.-.. - ;. - 'No.:Jl, at 7 Blunicipal dock Xe. , S, -. hold was -valued at- over $40 a: thou sand feet, including the cost ef trans portation. . The clearance figure- given at- the costoms houee -waa 440,000 while her charter rate of 12a. -shillings a ton,- or: about $33 a thousand feet. JUNE 20, 1915. AUSTRALIAN VESSEL- HASIKfCHAIIGED: ENROUTE FROM HOWE ArriyinatVBayrCHy,, Master ;r Finds . He .'.Commands ; a " Strange1 Craft.' , v WYANDOTTE, ,W Al M ARI N 0 China and Japan BrawAIeXeratton of r r f College Professors on Taca t . tioa Tour. , ' , San Francisco. June lfc (I." N. S.) When' the British freighter Waimarino. owned by the .iln Ion . toteamstup com pany, of New1 Zealand, arrived in port today there was considerable mixup as to the vessel's real idehtity,- and none was mpre mystified in relation to the vessel than , was Captain 'Foster, her commander. Becan of the .skipper's mystification, the lookouts of the Ma rine xchange were uncertain Just haw they were going to report the vessel. -.-When the Waimarino was - in San Francisco on her last trip .she bore the name of -Wyandotte-, She was 'under charter b'y the Union Steamship com pany. Shortly after sailing from: this port to -. Sydney the, vessel was pur chased in full by the company and given - the new name of Waimarino. Upon arrival at Sydney, Australia, the vessel was compelled to do some rapid Jischarging and loading, and did not ave time to have its name changed, and Captain Foster was not Informed of the action of the company in chang ing it on the books. . When-he reached this port today he found all lha customs-and local port papers were in the name of Waimarino. i - rouess you have brought out . the wrong papers," Me remarked . to the boarding "uf-f icers. 'These are f or the Waimarino, r and - I'm in command of til -Wyandotte." , Then it developed ' that he did not know, that he bad been in. command of another vessel than the on whose log he had been writing, up "all the way from Australia: T. H. LArke, local agent for the In ternational Mercantile- Marine Co., was informed . today by the exposition' au thorities that - the exhibition of the company in-the palace of transporta tion had been awarded the grand prize by the Jury of-awards. In addition, the. exhibition received considerable praise from . the - exposi tion officials. ' -. The Toyo. KIsen company's - liner Shlnyo Maru, when it sailed from this port today for the Orient, had aboard a aatherinr of college professors and college heads, - en route to Yokohama and Oriental ports on vacation trips. Those who had passage aboard the' Jap anese " liner were Professor . Frank GoodnOW, ' president of. , the Johns Hopkins, who was accompanied by his wife and two daughters? Miss M. Ca wv Thomas, resident of Bryn Mawr. accompanied by her nephew, Harold Worthington, and proressor v. w. Willoughby. Of Johns Hopkins, who was accompanied by his daughter. All are making Yokohama their first stop ping place. 1 ' Eon rises, 4:19 a. m. Ban sets, 8:08 p. m. Tide at Astoria. High water. - - low water. TrtW a. m,. e feet. I 1:28- a. am., 2.2 feet. 1-jm p. m. 8.4 feet. 1 0:48 p. m 24. feet. . Daily River Headings. 5i 2S STATIOKS . s e an Lewiston . , t'mstUla ' . . Biiirene . . i Albany '. ... . Salem . . ... WUsonrlu Portland . . 24 4.01 1 K.oo 25 JO 20 20 3T 15- 10.51 01 KJ.OO o 0.00 0.00 0.12 IO.&2 2.3 1.3 k'.i O.I 0.2 ! 0.2 ' () rolling. River Forecast. ' The 'Willamette river at -Portlsnd wilt re frain nearly- stationary Sunday aad fallalowly Uonday and Tuesday.; Steamships to AttIto. - - " ' - PASSENGKBS AKD TEBIGHT. Name--' Prom ; .- - Data Geo. W. Elder. .. 8. D. and -way. ..Jime "30 Breakwater Cooa Bay .Jona 2i fcioao City . ......-.S. P. aoA. way. ..Jtma 21 F. A. KITbara .... S. F-C. B. E..Juoa 23 Great Northern. .... .8. F. Jona 2: Bear - P. and way. .June 26 Svat Clara ........ S. F., E.. C. B.. June 27 Koaooka ........... K. D. and way..Jooe-rT Great Nortbarv ..ft. F. ............Jane 27 KortarBl Pacific . . 8. F." ...Job 30 ataa'ar . S. P. and way. .July 1 " Steamers Due to Depart. .. PASSKSGKBS AKD FREIGBT yarns From ', ara ISaata CUra ....... 8. F C. B...7om 20 before i taking on 1 am ber;; cargo, brings the value. f the lumber deliv er ed at Bombay and Negapatam, 1 ndia, whench ehe is beund. to, what la be lieved to be by far the highest priced lumber that people ever, bought ' from iortiana miiia. , V TO JOIN CANADIAN -; : HOSPITAL CORPS" '. i '. V ? . . : . ."? ;(.: i. ... :-ifc.-. 5 'V-.-:c- .:.-:-X-- . - a " -. I - , x -V:,i I - , ju5 I i ' i L h ; Dr. A.' H. Ilnjcke. 'M , s ;.- ; -: - ' --- -Dr. A. H, Huycke, of Portland, will depart tomorrow for the east, where he plans sailing on the New YorkTf rom New j, York City , for England - to Join the Queen's Canadian r Military Hos pital 'service, .under Lieutenant -Colonel Sir William Osier, physician In chief, and Lieutenant-Colonel Donald Armour, surgeon in chief. ( . ti'Oti. Huycke will report to Dr. Arm our 'with whom he studied at MdClll in Montreal.' Dr. Huycke recently came to Portland from Kelowna, British Co lumbia, where he was practicing. He was raised . in eastern Canada. Last January .be passed his state - board examinations in Oregon, and has been practicing here since that time.- He plans on returning to Portland to make his horn here. ,reL V.V ? ,p- n wy . -iune 21 Geo. W. Elder S. V ami way...Juua 23 Breakwater ,. Joos Bay June 24 ". A. KUborn C. B., n s. F...Juns 24 Northarn Pacific ... s. Y. . . .ju? - Great Northern S. F.-.j... June 2? cos ctty -v,.,..M., 8. t. and way. ...June 2U go"noa. ...... ,... . v. and way..Juuoao pear ... .a.- P. and way. .July 1 Steamers 1 leaving Porttaod for Saa Francisco fr 6nnf 2tU the steamers Vale and Har ?ard 2?i;,n SaTnsco. Monday. WtKlnts 3ay. Friday aad Saturday tor Loo legale ami aaa bieso. " I Vessels in Tort. . fiame-' Beaver. Am. str. . : . , . , , . . Ijaisy ; Gadsby, Am. tr . . . . .. Dalay Pntoam. Am. atr...... Ierwent Bler, Br. str...... Berth ..Atna worth ..... .Albera . . . . Westport .North Bank . . . . . XlrvHi.-lr Mackinaw, Am. stf........,,4.. Northern Pacific, Am. str ,W '. I. 8. Co. oaniaiuara. JkJB. atr,... .. , . Shasta, Am. str.........;.,. Willamette. Am., atr......... ..Columbia . .Knappton St. Uelena 1 i At DTeigbboring Ports. i11 ,fun. l9- Balled t midnight, tesmer ,11110. for Gray, liarbor ; a l 1 1, m, steamer Xosemite, for Saa Franclsooi at i s.-sij.. steamer SC. Helens, for West Coast, via. Puget aound. Arrived at Knappton at 3 a. m.t steamer Shasta, from Saa Pedro. Ar" i aina tert tar at o a. m., steamer Datay Uadaby, from San Francisco. Sailed at 6 30 a. m ateamer. lloutanan, for New l'ork via way ports. Arrived at 0:50 and left no at Boon, steamer Santa tiara, from San Fran cisco.: via Eureka.- and Coos Bay.' - Newcastle, June -17. Arrlred siexiean steamer Gea. I. Feaqnelra, from Portlaud. Uveraoot. ; Juno iH. Arrired Norwegian bark Vandoara. from Portland. Sydney, June 17. Arrived Schooner Mabel Gale. 1 from. Portland. Tacoina, Wash., Jane 19. Arrived Steamer Admiral Farragut. Seattle. 0:30- a. m. Hilled steamer Geo. W. Kenwfa'k. west coast. 12:3o p. n;; steamer . Admiral Farragut, Heattle. at Boon.!'" - i- ... :' - --.-.. -Sani Diego. Jon 19. Arrived, 11:30 a. m.- British a loon Klwrn... Enaeiiada- 4 n. m t. iChlefi Ensenada;. 8:30 p. m., steamer Yale, Ban sranciaco. Vancouver, p. C June JO Sailed 8 p. to., British steamer Princes Alice McJod. Mkag--way. 1 - - . - rleattle. Wash, Jane 10. Arrived Steamers Spokane,- 8 a. m.; Paralao. 2 p. nr.: Jefftrson. S p. m-, sll from soolheastern Alaska: Prinra George, 0 a. m from Princv Rupert. - Sailed Steamer Prince . George, JO a. m.. Prince Bnpert. - . BremertoB. Jane 19. Arrived Covenrment coUiur .irometbeua, 9 a. m., from San Kran cisro. . - - - Skagway. Jane 10. Sailed Steamer City of Seattle, 1 p. m.. Seattle. , Redondo -Beach.' Judo 10. Steamer Cleone sailed at noon for San Francisco. -Aberdeen. June lf. Arrived Steamer Celilo, fl a. m. Hailed Steamers Grays liarbor. Svea Taboe, S p. m. : - Loa . Angeles, Cal.. Jnne 19. Arrived Steamers Selyo Mara, Hongkong via Honolulu. 7:30: a. m.; Malfnomsh, ban Ulego. 6 a. m.; Tale,: Saa Francisco, 10 a. m.; Uueen. Seattle. 0 p. ro. Sailed Steamers Nana Hmltb, Coos Bay, 1 12 noon:- Yale, San Diego, 3:30 p. m. ; Multnomah, Portland, 6 p. m.;. Santa MonUa, Saa Francisco,, S p.' m.: Florence Lockenbacb. San Francisco. 12 midnight. .'..,- . Baa Frsnclseo, Jane ltf Arrived Steamers Roanoke, Portland. via Astoria, 3:43 a.- tn. ; Ooronado, Grays il arbor, :2& a. m.;Ba7rnonii, Santa Barbara, - 6:06 a.- m.; 9. A. Klfturn Portland, via Koreka. 8:10 a. nut Yellowstone, Coos Bay porta, 6:1 a. m. t Brunswick, Port Bragg. :23 a. m.; El" Srgnndo,- Port WelU. with Barge 81 tn tow. S:10 p. m.; U. 8.' ateam er htadrouo, from a cruise, 12:45 p. m.j Britfuli steamer Wyandotte,. Melbourne, via I'ago Pago. 12:40 p.' m.; tug Fearless. Ventura, with barge Follertoa in tow, :3 p. m-.: stesmer rtoyo, Mendocino, 6:44 a. m.: May fair. Port Angeles, 7:05 a. m.: Admiral Schb-y. Seattla, 7:15 a. m.; V. 8. 8. Yorktown, San Diego. R a. m-; A.- M- Slmpaon. Guos ISay porta. B:40 -a. m. ; U.- s; 8. Chattanooga, Sao'Lilego, 0:30 a.m.; Adeline Smith, Coos Bay ports, 10:36 s.'m.; Harvard. Ssn- Pedro. - 10:3 a. m. Sailed June IK steamer Daisy. Columbia river. S:.m a. m. : June It, steamers Wapama, Astoria and Portland.' 3:40 a. ia.: Washtenaw. Port San Ila, f:10 a. nl. : Argyl. Heattle, 7:45 a. lii.; Nevsdan. New Vark and Boston, via San Pe. dro and-Pananm..40:Or a., m.; steamer Colom bia. Paget sound. ll:Oft a. m.; Ontralla. Ku reka.i 11:45-a. m.; President, - Victoria and Puget sound ports, l2:-10 p. tn.; Ooronado, Han Pedro, 1:40 ip. m.; Japanese steamer Sblnyo Mara, llosgjflong via ports. 1:40 p. m.; Acme, Cooa Bay and Bsndon. 3:40 p. m.; Nnrthfork. Rnreka. 3:50 p.--m.: Harvard, Saa Pedro ami San Diego, 4:15 s. m.; Allen A., l.'nga, 4.25 p. nii; JtaymouA WUlapa Harbor. 4:40 p. tn.: FHsaheth. Bandon, 6:0 p. m.; British stesmer Kanakokv- yokobams, 4:W p. m.: Kanoti-. iMiuta Jlarhara, Kin Pedro a ltd San Dlfgoi 7:30 ?. m.; Cose City; Astoria and Portlaud, :43 p. m. a -f '''r-. ' f": . Monday -Longest ; Dayr Sun: Shines r ;15?Hrs.V 45 Mini .; Tomorrow is" the longest day . He of the year."- ' .-.-, i i -The sun 'rise at i:19 .a. -nv - - and sets at 8:0 p. ro. - ... 4 r v j The sun will Shine on us for . -a ; 15 ttours andHS minutes, pro- is ,yiaed . . - , 4 ; ir The weather is elear. an 4 4w- : The prediction Is --"Probably ::faif - . - - '-.- - 4r .. i So probably It will be. ? - - - BEACH SERVICE OF M R. S N. LIuES TO START JOliE 2o Steamers T. J. Potter, Has , sa!o and Harvest Queen to Handle Seashore Seekers. SPECIAL SATURDAY DATES Meglers and Zong Bsach Are to Be "Baaohed Oftener Than Before; Harvest Queen to Sua. Summer service to the Washington beach resorts will be inaugurated Frl day" June 25, when the steamer T. J. Potter will be placed in service. The schedule for the summer . was com pleted yesterday . by Superintendent R R. Budd and his assistant. Captain Works of the O-W. It. & N. Co. water lines. , f ' The 1915 schedule Is the most pre tentious that the O-W. R. K, Co. wa ter lines 'have ever attempted. With the return of the ateamer f Harvest Queen to service early in July there will be three steamers leaving Port land each day, except Sunday and Mon day. The Harvest Queen, llasaalo and T. J. Potter will all be kept in service this summer. : j Commencing Friday the Potter will leave Ash Street dock at 9 p. m. dally, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday. She will reach astorla at a. m. dally exoept Monday- and Tuesday, and Meg lers at 7:30 a. m. on the same days. She will make no stops en route. He turning to Portland she will - leave Meglers at 9 a. ro. dally except Sun day, Monday and Tuesday, and reach here at 6 p. m. As a special Saturday service the steamer will leave A eh fetreet dock at 10 p. m., reaching Meglers at 6 a. m. She will leave Meglers at 9 p. m. Sun day and be at the Portland whaff at 5 a. m. After the Harvest Queen la In service the steamer llassalo will leave Meglers at the same time as the Potter on Sunday evening, giving ac commodations for nearly 540 - passen gers. The return of the Harvest Queen to service depends on when the shaft, ordered from the eant to replace the one which broke last week, reaches here. It will probably be about July 10. Kor the present the steamer Hbspn lo will continue In the run of the Queen to Astoria and Meglers leaving here daily except Sunday, at 8 p. 111. However when the Queen Is back she will take up that run handling the freight and passenger business W way points. The Hasmalo then will take up a rur. whlch calls for her leaving here at 8:30 u. in. dally, except Saturday and Sunday, for. Mea-lers, which point She will reach on those days at 3 P. m. She will leave Mealera dally ex cept Saturday and Sunday, it 3:30 p. m., arriving bere at 10:30 p. m. " On Saturday he will leave here at 1 p. m.. reaching Meglers "at 6:30 p. m. She will then leave Meglers at 9 p. m. on Sunday evening at the same time as does the steamer Pottef. With the exception of the Saturday-Sunday trip the llassalo will make stops at Ka tama, both up and down, on signal from the dock. - - - ' , Seattle Klevntop Opens. "Seattle, Wash., June 19. (I. N. S.) Chief Knglnecr West of the do k commission announced today thut ginning July 1 wheat will begin mov ing through the port of Seattle's new grain elevator. The elevator's total storage capacity lsv 500,000 bushels, which can be loaded into ships at the rate of 20.000 bushels an hour. Chicago Maru Grounds. Vancouver, K. C., June- 19. (T. N. S.) The Japanese steamer Chicago Maru from Hongkong for Vancouver went ashore near Shtmonosekl this week. She was floated and sailed for Kobe, where she will be repaired. The Chicago Maru was last here on April 21. Weather Conditions. : Portlsnd, Or.. June 19. Tbe preaatire has inrreased on tbe Nurtb fsclfln. Rlnf hra a high pressure area Is spreading slowly Inland. Aoolber liljfh preaaare area la- luorlua Mt -ward over tbe upper MtwUatppI taller sat. lake region.- The pressure la lnr oter In terior weatern tlanada. tbe lUwiy - morula In. Bastn and soutbern plains stales a ad tbe At lantic sl'jpe. KalDS bsve faliaa In tbe oorih-era- stales from tbe l'e:lfl coast to thi MlHalsaiBDi river, b) lha Mlasoari sni Ohio valleys atnl mi tlie Atlantic sMi. Ttmnlrr storuis ware reiiurtad troot Mliwiurl and Quo bee. Tbe weather Is ooler la WabloKton. eaatern Oreon. Idaho. Nevada, Missouri. 1" and tlx !. regltai; it Is -warmer In astern nrettvii, Wjromlns. the Pakotaa, AtsoltoVa Slid no lha aorth Atlantic st. Tbe eontlltlous sre fsvorsble fnr jrensrallv fair weather In tbls dlatrlet Sunda. It be warmer in tbe Interior and goaaraUy west terlr Uids will obtsts. . . Forecast. . . Portland and 'vlclalt; Sonday fair; aortn weiterly winds. '-, ' oreirio: Sunday xenerailv fair, warmer sx eept near tlm cosst: nortbwesiarlr winds. Waslilngtoo: Kunday Benerslly, fair; wsrira er ext-ept t'sr tha coast : we; teiiy-wlnds IWbo: tiunday torn-rally fair and ,wavetv" . . Actios District roracaater. United States Veatler IJallctla. S eg Wind t Station.- - Si v. Baker ......ISM T HNW Pt- kwly Vomtun f3 .4 12 8 IVmAr Culomio ....(til T lO N Raining Ueaver w... f2 0- 14 K Ins' Ies Motaes .. MS I'U Cloudy . Ihilutb ..... 5X 0 4 N tkmdy Mireka 6H 0 ! M Clear Galveston .. m O 12 S Clar Jackaonvilla JM .Ol . B I'lesr Kansas tJlly ? . Jf S''""!' Ixw Aoe-'-les . 74 0 HW ( lotidy Marabtlcld . M .04 8 NW Hear Mod ford .... 74 0 rt- NW Clear Ml.inoarv.Us . VI O ! X) Clmxly Montreal -. . . SO .12 12 fW CVmdy New Orleans 4 O 4 SW t lear New Vork . . 7 T 24 8 I't. Jmidy Norih Head . rS .04 S NW floiuly N. Yaklina , 70 T S NW Clear I'ortland .... M .84 1 N Cloudy Koaebura; ... 70 0 6 Mr St. Louts M .04 10 (JK ( lea- Kalt Lke .. 7 8 N I't. Cloudy Kti Krao. . 62 16 W Clear Seattle ..... W .raj 4 W Cloiidv Xpokane ... . 4 T O H Cloudy Tarawa ..... 4 .01 lO VT CKuiy Tatouab Ia... M .Ol 12 ' 8 Cl'ai . Walla Wslla. 70 .02 S UK CUnicy WasulDston I M .W 4 fcK Clear Wlnnlpey ... 72 O H 1 ! 8 Tt. Local Records. Portland. Or., Jnne 19. Maxtmrmi terp--'ra. tnra ttu dorsa. ULuimura temperatora 1- t. Sre-s. Kiver roadlnc. H a. tn.. 8.2 ft. Cnacge I lat 24 lwrnra . 0.2 ft. . , Total rainfall 5 p. m. to 8 p. m l 0 Inches. Tolal rainfall slnr ti)rt r 1WI4. 29.51 incliea. Norinnl rninfaU , ' lioptemtier 1, 4-.m Incbeo. Iwf!" -' ff s fall smt-e ieplemlMr 1, 1014. !;;. 1- .... Tolal annsMno 4 hour .-,."1 iir'uuii1. 1 svnahine 15 biurH 4 uitniiii . ffrnnot-r reiiod l a . " f S0.1T Hi'..