VILLAMETTE VALLEY SOUTHERN HAS MADE : VERY GOOD PROGRESS Steady Growth" Marks, First : Six 'Months of Clackamas .County Road..' v EXPRESS SERVICE IS DUE FOUR FATAL ACCiDETfTS REPORTED THIS VEEK TO STATE INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT PIONEER IS 83 AND HEARTY DIMPLED YOUTH GREETS GRIZZLED AGE OUT OF 143 MISHAPS Sawmills Lead in the Number of Injuries With '"Logging Hi' ;and Machinists Tied for- FourtH'Place on the List. ;- COMMISSION - .:. Falem. Or.. June Duringr the Week there were reported - to the state , Industrial accident commission 143 ac- eldente, four, of which Were fatal, and fo the total Reported 104 were subject to tbe workmen's compensation act, 2$ were frcro.pabUc utility corporation and 14 were from other firms and cor porations not under the compensation law. " 4 ; "-ft" Sawmillg led In the number of acci dents, 29 being reported, while' logging came second with 17, construction third with 15 and railroad operation and machinists work tied for fourth . place with 11 each. The fatalities included Ernest Hor- llhey and Bill Vasslll, sawmill em r Mores, drowned at Astoria; Henry . May, railroad yard foreman, run over by a train at Portland, and John C. Johnston, killed while engaged in con struction work In Portland. Following is the list of accidents: Ray Williams, Newberg, lip cut, rock crusher. N. W. Flynn, Waplnitia, leg frac tured, logging. M. A, Stayton, Stayton, side bruised, , power plant. i George F. Rohrer, finger mashed, Newport, logging. Omer Qroff. Lone Rock, finger mashed, sawmill, William Lewellyn, Grants Pass, leg cut, land clearing. - Charles O. Green, Astoria, hand : mashed, rock crusher. William Done, Win lock, three fingers cut off, sawmill. T. Ambrogia, Gypsum, leg broken svnd body bruised, gypsum manufac turing. Robert Trimble.. Gold H1U. foot mashed, mining. R. L. Huffman. The Dalles, splinter la hand, construction. Ole Halleren, Clatskanie, ' eye In jured, Jogging. George Greenbeek. Portland, thumb - and finger cut. box factory. a. 8. Grlndbein, Portland, eye In jured, box factory. - Fred La Claire, Portland, knee In jured, shingle mill.r T R. Webster. Portland, . .hand bruised, iron works. Joseph Feilin, Salem, rupture, wool en mill. Glenn Mipner. Mill City, finger cut off. sawmill, i R. D. McLalne, Mill City, finger cut, sawmill. Leo Wlckatran. Gaston, knee cut, logging. Henry G. - Wilson, Cascade Locks, finger, cut. sawmill. Ernest Guggisbery, Gardiner, finger mashed, logging. : Kmil - Schneider, Medford, thumb mashed, construction.- Leslie Groat, Cottage Grove, knee cut. logging. Otto Owen. Portland, strain, bill i poster. R. Northland, Portland, arm bruised, construction. , Henry Matson, Clifton, foot cut, log--' glng. ' V. Hyvarl, Astoria, finger mashed, construction. Bill "Vassili, Astoria, drowned, fatal, - sawmill. Robert Sweetman, Fall City, ankle ". bruised, logging. Charles Marshall, Portland, eye in jured, machinist. -Nick Bartress. Linnton, foot mashed, ' sawmill. Andy Wargfe, Linnton, foot mashed, sawmill. Harry Shoote, Portland, thumb cut, meat packers. John Davis, Portland, finger cut, meat packers. Barney fe'chultz. Portland, scalp wound, meat packer. A. Gkubo, Bridal Veil; finger mashed, sawmill. W. H. Knous, Ti'lamook, finger mashed, logging. . V. G. Haller, Albany, foot Injured, power plant. William T. Pockrus, Hoover, foot . cut, logging. S, B. Rickerson, Portland, ankle sprained, sailor. Henry Erickson, Dee, hand cut, rail road machinist.- Joe Pucetti. Portland, finger mashed, sawmill. . Harry McCoy. Portland, hand cut, . railroad machinist. Norman C. Allison, Portland, eye In jured, machinist. J. A. Grapparhaus, Portland, .back" strained, machinist. Mike Zill, Portlaind, toe bruised, ma chinist. i N. D. Gulovsonj Portland, knee In jured, mail clerk. ; W. P. Williams. Portland. scalp wound, railroad biakeman. G. , W. Henderson, Portland, scalp wound, sawmill. WILL TEACH WHERE Li SHE ONCE STUDIED Miss Kathrine Kirkpatrick. Lebanon. Or , June 19. Miss Kath rine Kirkpatrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . : Y. Kirkpatrick of this City, , has been elected to a position as teach er In the Lebanon high school for the eomjng year. . Her great , grandfather, , Jeremiah .Ralston, was the founder of , the city of Lebanon, and . in 1S&4 he and Morgan Kees each donated : five acres of land upon which was erected , a school building, afterwards known as ua Santlam academy. : .. In this building Miss Kirkpatrick. . her - grandfathen C H. Ralston; her grandmother, ana her mother: Mra-H. X. Kirkpatrick, all attended their first school. . . " " " Miss Kirkpatrick was a member of .the first class to graduate from the new bigb. school and now, after spend' . lag four years In the 6 tale university . eoeaKu Jcaacn. nere, V v V1 K f" " J " 'V ' " ' ' --i - 1 - ' - i Lr r, ; - v .. ; t ' ', - s " ' " N - i - - a l - " " L " - Mrs; E. C. Asburey, Clackamas, thumb mashed,' railroad passenger. George B. James, Oregon City, 'neck wrenched.! paper mill. Fred Krebes, Oregon City" finger cut. paper mill. a Henry May, Portland, run over- by train, fatal, railroad yards foreman. James O. Weston, West Lino, finger ma&hed. ship carpenter. - Peter LaPlne, Marahfield. three fin gers cut Xfv sawmill. . 8. Hokarure, Portland, body crushed, serious, railroad engine wiper,. Roy A. Tycer, . Oakland, foot cut, railroad carpenter. . William H. - Kennedy, North Bend, rib fractured, construction. --, W. Palmer, .West Linn, knee Injured, paper mill. , t C. A. Parker. Oregon : City,1' thumb cut, paper mill, i Lloyd Bernier, Oregon City, eye In jured, paper mill. Fred Evans, toe ma&hed, Portland, railroad machinist. Lioyd Suckow. Portland, finger cut railroad machipfsU. J, F. Bloomer, Arlington, chin bruised, railroad brake man. Dave Thayer, Tillamook, ankle burned, iron works. Frank X. Jantaer, Speaker, burned, sawmill. J. C Brown, Portland, . thumb mashed, mechanic. Cass Stir-kiln, Oregon City, hand mashed, paper mill. L. W. bmith, Oregon City, knee In jured, paper mill. ivy tvmion. -coruattd, linger injured. wholesale house, O. Knneberg, P' Knneberg, Portland side injured. wmm. L. F. tinner. DClree, Portland, eye injared. M West, Clifton, arm injured. losreins. if. L. Barkery Drained. loxerinK. ' Haul ton, ankle Gust Isaaicjsoin, Houltom. chin cut. logging. Levi Hood. Portland, side furniture manufacturing. Injured. James Rac.han. Portland, leg 'In jured, sawmill. John' C. Johnston. Portland, fatal, skull, neck, arms fractured, construc tion. S. F. Sims. Oregon City, knee Injured, construction. - Andrew Johnston. Sumpter. scalp wound, construction. G. V. SchoXield, Miller, leg cut. saw mill. j ' W.W. Boss. Grants Pass, ribs frac tured, sawmill., R. O. Helm. Harbor, foot cut, con struction, f G. R. Thurman. Point Terrace, ribs fractured, sawmill. - S. B. Wilson. Portland, neck and wrist strained, brick yard. Thomas Horrock, Portland, thumb and three fingers off. construction. J. M. Chiidecs, Pendleton, nose cut. painter.' J. W. Gendimlng, T thumb in fected, boilermaker. -. Frank Geydeck, Portland. Up cut, construction. L. R. Johnson. Portland, thumb smashed, rope manufacturing. T. M. Allen. Portland, knee injured, construction. - . . j E. Schnell. Portland, hand bruised, sawznili. . - . - : J. Puclk, Portland,' ere injured, saw mill. -.-.-.-r -..- v - ' . J3. rtu, U0WB5O, ria xracrurea. a . a. Peterson. Fall rrlt-v min wound, sawmill. . Jonn jjoian, Portland, foot rrmmw construction, t - ' Clifford Gill is. Portland, eye in jured, auto wonts. JU Slsmess. Portland, thumb cut- fs. works. Henry : LenharfL - Portland. lc tn- jureu, glazier. . J. u. pyourn, jsayrOe Point, bruised, logging. Juimrod Bailey Portland. foot epraiuea, rauroaa operation. W. J. Davis, Albany, finger mashed, railroad fireman. . II. M. Henderson. Tortland- amin wound, railroad operation. .nrist -Mircovicn. fortlRoa, ' thumb uinaneu, can manuracruring. John Kobertson. Halfway, finger mashed, sawmill. I a. M. Stephens. Grants Pas'! nnv 1 V. 1 I o a Viola, Wil lamina, side bruised, brick yard. J. K. HObaugn. Sllverton, hand mashed, saw milL J. D. V-Ktgn SumOiKP nnt Inlnn dredging. t . A. Stnclua. Portland nail In rn j. Aiicneis. oreron fit-v finv jmru, paper uuu. uw isoiy. west J jnn thumh m paper mill. ; M.abei R. JjVTL. Carvn.n!iL finmn uruiMu, iuna passenger. oan jiiisap, ooay bruised. Rose- twg, rauroaa trespasser. J. Jtt. Furlong. Portland, ankle nvrouieo, rauroaa switcnman. o. j. womey, uaie. hand, burned. Oscar Matton. DrtnJn x,ni railroad section. Chas, Veilatre. Portland. v intn Jos. A. smith. Portland. nvi BVueo, cviwinicuon. isa. oswir Clatskanie, face and eyes nj urea, Diasung. xrvin niuips, Tillamook. scalp wound, power plant. iv. isnao, weetDort. lesr hmie saw milL . , L. C. -Holm Beaver HHl U, y.t mining. ' Frank Hamilton. Portland ihh in. -a. weraaoia, Astoria, finger cut saw mill. . 1 S. KOyOta. AstdriB. Ankle snralnl . xv. KOWianQ. Portland . lr in. lured, chair manufaetonr R. K. Winchell, Portland, finger cut on, cm air uiauuxaciory. . t a. vv. uennett. Portland, finger cut. S. E. Anderson, Cascade Locks, foot mashed and fractured, sawmill. - James Dyer Wendling. knee f rao tured. logging. M. C. Nestle. Wendlintr wrl i-i. v-aicu, logging. a, aj. uaiey, Poruand, face and body burned, mechanic r Allen Todd. Portland, hand injured. C. Chandler, Portland, wrist Bprvunou, meat pacaers. t peter mzxuto, -Portland, back in- jurru. paving. Ernest Heriihey. Astoria, drowned. MW Ulltl. H. B. ' Brinson, Portland sprained, stevedoring. ankle Ralph Repp. - Portland, 4 finger In sured, saw mllL - Andy Aro. : Portland, fingers cut Off Karle Laine. Portland, nail in foot, mlllins. . . , . Scott Poole, Grants Pass, hand cut. Waldo Pioneers Picnic Salem, Or June 19. Approximately 1000 people attended the twenty-fifth annual picnic of Waldo Hills ''PtoneersT held on the John T. Hunt farm, and among, the Interesting features were addresses "Why Pioneer? by Charles Mcrsary, zormer supreme court. Justice, uuu ujr . unsressinim .nawiey - on "jKurai ureal ts. ; There were recitations, songs, read ings and music of interest and a poem "Finis. by Henry Savage, written for the picnic The program was greatly appreciated. George & Downing was-elected pres- der J anxJoba T. Hunt, secretary. it I i ' i ' a t , - -' (J V- LW&rK Front row John P. McKinney. 1 Peddicord, Lns. C. 8. Dinwlddie, Mrs. F. S. Shaw. Back, row, left to right- G. W. McKinney, Ii. E. McKinney, 2. S. Mc Kinney, J. V. McKinney, M. W. McKinney.. . John F., McKinney, of Brownsville, Orv celebrated the eighty-third anni versary of his birth last Sunday at the home of bis son, L. E. MKinney on the: Clackamas near Gladstone, and was congratulated by a number of friends, McKinney has eight children living, and has survived four, besides his wife. Mellissa Saaith McKinney, whom be married In : 1854, and Who died October 8. 1900.. t Hf has 53 di rect descendants living. He Is a farmer "Shep";WmShow Off at Pendleton Pendleton, Or June U. For the purpose of demonstrating the intelli gence of good sheep dogs and promot- ng the training of this kind, J. Moses, champion sheep dog trainer of Great Britain, who has just concluded tan engagement in San Francisco at the exposition, is -in Pendleton." He will journey with his team of dogs to evry sheep seotion of the country to put on like exhibitions. He has secured Round-Up Park here for the demonstration, will; put up posts, barriers and corrals and, by using a whistle, will direct the dogs in the herding of a band of sheep. Moses bears credentials from En- land showing that he has won many prizes and challenge , cups in sheep dog trials, and that he has given demonstrations before royalty. Boys Hurt by A Coyote Trap Pendleton, Or June 19. Picking up a piece ef bacon tied to a string al most , proved fatal to two ' Pendleton boys, Charles ? May son of Mr. and Mrs Dan May, and Cyril MTAtee, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Lee, M Atee. The May boy picked up the bacon out of curiosity, and Just as be was casting it from him, there was an explosion which painfully if. not seriously Injured both. It is believed that a precussion cap had been concealed in the meat as a trap for dogs or coyotes." Flyirur , fragments struck the May boy an the left hand and face, badly lacerating him. The M Atea noy was more loriunaie, escaping , with slight wounds on the face. - - Unless blood poison sets in. the physicians, say the wounds will not be dangerous. ' Kelso Schools Close. Kelso. Or- June 19. With the-com mencement exercises Saturday night, the school Iiere closed for the summer. graduating Clara Harbison, Nora Milan, LllUe Jonsrud,-Florence Lamor-. eaux, and Charles Haworth. The af fair was made a sort of reunion, sev eral former teachers attending: . Mrs. Albert Rodlun, of Portland; Miss Dor cas Hedin, who Is now principal or the East Creek- school; Miss Carrie Lamor eaux, of Boring; Miss Elisabeth Canning, and Mrs. - Robert Jonsrud, Rev. A. J. -Ware gave the commence ment address, advising the graduates to go on through high school. Princi pay Warner of the school gave a short address on "Service to Humanity" HAD LIVED IN OREGON 27 YEARS Conrad ' Sehoenbaechler. ' Mount AngeL Or; June 19. Conrad Sehoenbaechler, who died in - Mount Angel, June 13, was a native of Swit zerland, 74 years of age. He had re sided in Oregon for 27 years, and in the United States" for - several years before that. . He 1 survived by a Widow and two- daughters. His daugh ters are Mrs. E. E. Llewellyn, of Seat tle, - and Mrs.: Josephine ' Kuenxil of Portland.-: , Funeral services were held in the chapel of J. P. iFlnley Sc Son, Portland. Wednesday afternoon.'" Burial was la Biverview cemetery. -.1. , Mr. and Mrs. Sehoenbaechler cele brated their golden wedding annivers ary January ZX.-this year. l " ' T. I t i , x'"' ,l Middle row, left to right- Mrs. P.; by occupation, and moved to Oregon In 1851, after spending a year in Cali fornia - on his " way from 'the east. Among those who called to congrat ulate him was his niece Mrs. F. C Barnes, o - Among those attending the celebra tion were: John F. McKinney, Mrs. P. F. , Peddicord, Mrs. C. S. Dinwiddle, Mrs. F. S. Shaw G. W. McKinney. L. E. McKinney, E. S.- McKinney, J. W. McKinney and M. W. McKinney. Douglas Taxpayers xze a lieaeiie Roseburg, Or, June 19. Douglas county taxpayers, league was organ ized at a largely attended and enthu siastic meeting held here .last night. Robert S. Smith, secretary of the .State Tax Reform league, was the principal speaker. Thirty-five directors were elected. They will meet at Roseburg June 26, to elect officers and a smaller execu tive board. Pulled "Cannon" on Jitney. 1 Roseburg, Or. June 19. Irritated because he thought a jitney ran too close to him. George Turpln pulled a revolver from his pocket and flour ished it in a threatening manner. He was arrested. " The revolver proved to be of an old pattern which used lead balls. ' Turpln was released and the officer kept the gun, which Turpln said was a keepsake. Child Nearly Drowned. Roseburg, Or., June 19. The eight-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson, who - live -a ' short distance south of this city, came -near . drown ing this morning when he fell into a tub of water,-- A physician resusci tated the child after some effort. Bneajctbief Was Busy, Roseburg, Or June 19. -A sneak thief entered the rooms of two room ing houses here last night and searched the clothes of the occupants. James Connelly, railroader, , lost a gold watch. From other roomers small amounts of money and trinkets were stolen. - Teddy Jewett Wins Medal. Roseburg, Or., " June 19. Teddy ; Jewett won the gold medal awarded In the gold medal contest held in con junction with the County W. C T. U. convention here last night. . Jewett is a Roseburg boy. His subject was 'A Defense of the Drunkard. Letter Carriers to Meet at Salem Senators Chamberlain and Zjane, Con gressman Sawley and Postmaster Myers of Fortlaad Among Speakers. Salem, Or June 19. Tbe committee in . charge of the entertainment of members of the Oregon State Letter Carriers and the United Association of Postoffice Clerks who meet here next Saturday for the annual meeting are making the final arrangements and promise all who attend a good time. It is expected that 175 will be present Among the speakers will be Sen ators Chamberlain and Lane and Con gressman HeWley, Postmaster Myers of Portland; Fred P. Holm, secretary of the Oregon association; G. W. Gran- nls, of California; Mayor Harley White and Postmaster Huckestein, of ' Salem. Rev. James Elvln. of the Salem First Congregational church, will be toast master at the banquet to be held in tbe Hotel Marion. 0. A. & E. Eoad to Be Refinanced . San Francisco, June J9. P. S.) . : Plans for the refinancing of the Oak land, Antioch and Eastern railway were ! submitted to the state; railroad com-j mission today for, approval. The plan embodies atwo - 'agreements one with the bondholders providing that coupons j maturing durins the next three years ' be deposited with the ""Union Trust company of San Francisco, and the -other with the stockholders that each ; subscriber shall pay to the trustee as ; a loan' to the company the'' sum . of $3 , for each-share of stock held. - v Election at Salem Monday. , SaJAtn. Or. JttBa .1. With Max O. Buren, Dr. H. C Epley and Mrs. Z. A. Rosenbraugh candidates for school di- 1 rector, the election to-be held here . Monday 5 promises, to be ; of Interest, j Buren is? a candidate for ire-election. 4 I " Rochester, Nevada t - nr nenraxs Asro story Special edition WESTERN MIXBR. published June 14, contains special, arii elea prepared by Fred L. Miner, sbowjnut the progreas at this rreat ailrrr and rol.l camp, tbe aeeond Tonopab of TfeTda. - paonrsxi.T iixustbateo with 'new Tiews and panorama ol tbe xolnes and mills, eaudde, lnride sad oadergroaad. with big ahipmeat of bars of bullion. " - Scad far TRTTR 8AKFIX at enoe. , a Western Miner, nivrjSi P arming Oonntry and Timber fcand Off ex Xleld for Increasing the Oregon City. Or., June. 19.--The Wil lamette. Valley Southern railway, the -baby railroad of Oregon, holds a rec ord. The line has been operated near ly six months and in that time has had no accidents and has injured, not one passenger. The only hold-ups the traffic has suffered nave been caused by line trouble or , burning out of motors. i " r - The Willamette Valley Southern is a Clackamas county railroad, Most of its S3 miles of line Is; In Clackamas county and It Is owned and operated by business men and farmers of this county. " '" . ' . - ' ' . Officials of the road assert business is Increasing rapidly. While : the railroad passes through a rich farming country, its largest as set for freight is the timber it trav erses. Wood dealers have begun to ship fuel -over the line, and there are thousands of feet of logs and hundreds of cords of wood-to be carried "within the next few months. Since operation of the line ' was started, the service has been improved as fast as conditions and traffic war ranted. Express service will be added within a few days. This will necessi tate a change in the passenger tariff and a new schedule will be issued, the officials announce. . -Application has "been made to the postoffice department for mail - ser vice over the Willamette Valley South ern and , it la believed this will be granted. Falls From Cherry Tree. Oregon City.. Or, June 19. While picking cherries at G. F. Johnson's. Sixteenth and Division streets, this city, Mrs, Pat Edwards fell and broke her left wrist. ' In Clackamas Court. Oregon City, Or.,' June 19. Suit to collect an account of S468.82 was start ed in the circuit court today by Paul R. Spath against Charles J. Maher, T. E. Maher, Dan J. Maker and Martin H. Maker. Lottie Valet filed suit against Fred Valet to collect! & loan of $200. L. W. Bobbins and Everman Rob bins, merchants of Moltala. instituted proceedings against John A. Anderson and Lorena Anderson to collect a $100 note and. J 11 8-1 9 alleged due on a bill of goods.' Attorney fees to the amount of $35 are asked. Five different accounts have been placed in the hands of M F. Phillips for collection and today he started suit against Mrs. Victoria E. Young, wife of H. L. Young of this city. The ag gregate amount is $182.50. The ac counts are held by Salem people. ' Roberts Gets Verdict. Oregon City, Or.. June 19. Plaintiff was today granted the verdict in the suit of Thomas Roberts against Mrs. C. A. and Charles Cogswell, to quiet title1 in a strip of land fronting on Kellogg's lake at MUwaukie. The was tried before Judge Bagley. Letters ' Are Granted. Oregon City, Or., June 19. Letters of administration were granted today In the estate of W. Graser, deceased. Dick B. Miller was appointed adminis trator. The estate is valued at $5500. Mrs. Moody Visits. Oregon City. Or, Jane 19. Mrs. S. W. Moody, wife of Dr. Moody of this city, is visiting friends at Cottage Grove and Lebanon. On "Way to Fair. Oregon City, Or., June 19. Dr. Wlll oby Dye and wife, of Deer Lodge, Mont., and a party of friends, arrived in Oregon City today en route to the San Francisco exposition. While here the party will be the guests of Mr. Dye's uncle, Colonel C,H. Dye. Three Indicted on Charges of Graft Panamanian Scandal Culminates in Action by the Pedant Court; Graft Charges Are Preely aaade. Indianapolis, Ind- Jane 19. (TJ. p. The federal grand Jury here today Indicted John Burke, of Indianapolis, an employe of the Panama Canal com mission: Pascal' Canavaglo, a mer chant of Colon, and Ricario Bermudez, former governor of Panama, as a re sult of graft charges said to involve $28,000. It is presumed that cases brought against the three men In New York -will be dismissed with the re turn of the'lndictments here. The Northwestern Requests the Pleasure of Your Presence ... at a FREE ELECTRIC COOKING SCHOOL Demonstration and Lecture of v HOME ECONOMICS MRS. E. M. REDINGTON Domestic Science Expert' . - ' ' ' These lectures, will be given. at 2 o'clock. each afternoons during the week of June 21, 1915, on the second floor of the new Meier & Frank, building-: Electric ranges will-be used exclusively in connection with these lectures and demons strations. Fifth street, en trance, and take the Escalator (moving stairway) to the second floor. , , - . " Veterans McMinnvllle, OrN June ' 19.One of the most Interesting and stirring fea tures la connection with" the annual NORTHWEST IN BRIEF XTsiTeralty of - Oregon, In the Failing , and Beekmah orations Peter C . Crockett, of Pendleton, was awarded the Failing prize of $150. His subject - was World Peace.'" .The Beekmkn award of $100 for the sec ond best senior oration went to Victor Morris, of "Eugene. " His subject wasj. Temocracy and World Peace." : . Tannma Pry Voster ' and j Etyr Corrlne Voster, newly weds from Greenville. Pa.' accomplished the desire of their honeymoon; in being .the first man and. wo man to ascend Mount Rainier to the crater; an altitude of 14,519 feet, in the year 191&- They were piloted by Jules Stampfler. pioneer guide of Rai nier national park,, and made the trlpi without- accident. Boseborg When Judge Sklpworth, in the circuit court here) sen tenced Patrick Espost. who plead ed guilty to a charge of . burg lary, to an indeterminate term of from five to 16 years In the state penitentiary, he said be believed the penalty imposed by the , Oregon stat utes for such cases is too severe and that he Intends to ask the governor of the state to pardon the defendant at the expiration of one year. , - " y-yiiniu Work has been start ed -on . the - Grand Ronde reserva tion " road which is - to ' Connect with the proposed new high way through the Sour Grass :, pass, iolninsr Tillamook and Yamhill coun ties, for which,-each of, the courts have appropriated $10,000. The road through the reservation up to the new road will cost $5000. Commissioner W. G. Allen, of Dundee, started the work. . - ' Klamath. Talis Tho Klamath man ufacturing company of this city, R. A. Johnson, - locan - manager, has .purchased the Moore mill. formerly operated by the Big Basin - Lumber company. It will" - be moved to Sbippington. on tbe upper lake, to he used in the construction vt the company's new mill there, wnich will have a capacity of 60,000 feet of lumber -every :. 10 hours. The Moore mill -was constructed in this, city in 1914 by C S. and R. S; Moore, of this city 'and Portland, where they are In terested heavily In .real estate. Sugsns, The entire plant, except one old ' Washington band : press, of the Oregon State Journal, a pioneer paper of ; the state, published continuously in Eugene for over 45 years until May. 1909, hv H. TJ Knr-aiA rtf thtm ha fbeen donated by Mr. Kincald to the University of Oregon. The plant Will form a nucleus of the printing plant to be established at the university. The hand press, which was one of the first to be used in this state, will be loaned to tbe university, but it is Mr. Kin caid's . desire that upon his death it shall go to the state historical society. Eugene.--A hiking trip up the coast from Florence to Newport, is the plan of Miss Jennie Bossen, county school supervisor of the western district of Lane county, and Miss Vera Todd, of this city. - ,' r . Pesdleton. Actual construction. woric on tne f lvo.voo wing or the East ern Oregon State - Hospital has been started by Olson & Johnson, of Mis soula, Mont.' George Relling has been put on the; job as superintendent, and Captain C A. Murphy -will be super visor,, for . the state. . . . , , . McsXinsvtUe. United Spanish War Veterans of Bert J. Clark , Camp :; No. 12, of this -city, entertained members of Harrington Camp No. 15, of Hills boro. - Local Spanish War Veterans also entertained members of the G. A. R. fife and. drumb corps on an auto mobile trip through the country, in cluding Lafayette and Dayton. The veterans were delighted with the courtesies--extended them.; '-'V;;;,-';--..- John Hey-The forest office at John Day has issued 250 grazing permits for the season of 1916. covering about 24,000 head of catUe and horses. Dur ing, the next 10 days permits will be issued to nearly v 100 . sheep owners covering approximately 130,000 sheep. About 80 per cent" of, this stock, will graze In Grant county, 15 pet cent m Electric Company "V and children, in parade at McMinnvlUe. state Q. A. R encampment held here". during - the week was the parade of I veterans and children. I Youngsters, with armsful of Harney county, and the rest in Baker and Malheur counties. -' The .revenue te the government from this source will amount to about $16,000. - - Cottage Orove. Prize list is being prepared for the ' annual grange fair which j will be held, September ; K. IT and 18 in the old high school building. Boeeburg John Compton, of Gard iner, pleaded guilty in the circuit court The Profit Now on Sale A Suit and F.Yfra TrnnQprc MADE to ORDER MADE to ORDER ; ; V For Uie? Price of the Suit Alone Our Entire Stock Included in This Offer " Think of the saving that extra pair of trousers doubles the life of your suit. Keeps you looking - creased and comfortable all the time. Join he knowing ones. If you are economizinsr this in tni economy. . Best.of workmanship, best of trimmings. Satisfaction guaranteed ln'all cases. ' - Xiargest Exclusive Tailors in the World. 108 Third St., Bet. FRED F. BOODT, WlLLABfiETTE VALLEY TJiin a n i pth mm in JULY SA TO IMi INCLUSIVE 13 Days of High-Class Entertainment The best in Music, Lectures and Refined Recreation Tent Reservations Can Be Made Now ' Season Tickets, $2.50- -Daily Admissions, 25c (Season tickets $2.00, if bought in books of 10 before the - assembly opens.) Summer School Classes, Baseball Games Daily, interesting Forum Hours. NOTE A PARTIAL LIST OF ATTRACTIONS Circillo's Royal ltalian Band, the Swiss Alpine Yodlers, Witepskie's Royal Hungarian Orchestra, Saxony Opera Singers,, the Schumann Quintette, the Adelphian Male Quartet, the Dixie Jubilee Singers, the Magical Floyds, Gullotta Trio, Newell Dwight Hillis, Colonel George W. Bain, Colonel W. H. Miller, Senator E. J. Burkett, Nel . son Darling, Dr. Roland A. Nichols, Rev. Father Mac Corry,sFred Eugene Baker, Congressman W. C. Hawley, !Mrs. A. C. Zehner, "tarion Ballou Tisk, Marietta LaDell, Evelyn Bargelt, Charlotte Bergh, Daisy E. Forest, A. A. Franzke, Delia Crowder Miller, Rev. I'rank Gorman, Dr. John Boyd, W. H. Head, Six Grand Opera Stars with Cir cill5's . Band, Ruthven McDonald and Mrs. McDonald, and countless other features. .:' - ' -' v..- .... . -i - - . - Write H. E. CROSS, Secretary, Ortgon City, Or., for Full Information. 10 Miles South of Portland 2 Miles North of Oregon , City. WTOiE AUTO ROAD VIA CLACICAf.lAS r t flowers, walked as a "bodyguard" i' the veterans, and young and old wei . generously applauded along the lir , of march. - '. to a charge of bootlegging and wo sentenced by Judge Sklpworth to eer SO days In the county jail and pay ; fine of ISO. Compton will serve tb fine. out in jail. ! Seaside. One of the first bits of ei tertaixunent to mark the opening i the beach season at Seaside will V swimming contests at the Oatea Nati torium June 25. Is M lm b Washington and Stark Jr., Manager. a n aa . FA V