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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1915)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLANDS SATURDAY, JUNE 19, J91S. IT 10 KirLMllll 10 THAT PORT DREDGES L Suggestion 1s: Made' That Bulkheads Be Built or Har " bor. Changes Awaited;' r. DIFFERENTLY ELSEWHERE Till ' in Ban Francisco and Other ' fc Jlecss Axm Saved to Tort ; - .1-:...' wnsrsbip. --J. B. Ziegler, of : the, special' munici pal committee on ; common terminals, has written a letter, to the mayor and council complaining that Port of Port- land dredges are depositing, material : mo as to till on the low water line and - move it further Into the channel. Him protest follows: , -"Jfo. 309 Holladay avenue, Portland, r Oregon, June 17,3915. The Honorable Mayor and Council, Portland,, Or. "Dear Sirs: It again becomes my 'disagreeable duty to call your atten tion -to the operation of the port's dredges in the city harbor depositing material, sluiced out of the harbor channel, at the south end of Swan Island and oil the O-W. R. & N. front age at the old tone-yard without bulk heads, so as to fill on the low water line and move it further into the channel. ' - ." ? "The decision of the court jn . the - public docks case made this line the boundary Hoe of the public property. , From this line to the pier head-line is held by the abutting owner under wharf right from the owner, the state; while from the low- water line to the bank is held to be granted to the bank t owner and subject to public regula tion. Bo that this line lias been bur dened with the important function of ,'demarking a title property of the pub lic, from a private property, only sub ject 'to public regulation. -Of course, the line being most of " the time under water and subject to constant change, is entirely - unfitted for a boundary line, but under this re- - markable decision it , is the best we -. have; and as in this district, it marks properties worth $100,000 per acre or more, and of great utility to the city and port, it. behooves the city to take the best care of it, it can. i "I would suggest that the clfy ask the port commission, which claims to be invested with the authority of the state over harbor lines, but has no authority to move them inward by fills, except 'where Jt is necessary to nar row the channel,' as, specified In the port act, either to locate a bulkhead line, so as tq protect all the publicly owned area, or to await the determina tion -of proposed changes in the fed eral harbor lines now pending before t tho war department, as, recommended by tie Chamber of Commerce, the Port commission, the Dock commission and the liocal district, officer of the United . States engineers. . i, "I would also Suggest that as the ' proposed changes reclaim Into the har v bor some 60 acres of shore waters now . not useful to anybody, and may avoid .,. "in the near future the purchasing of similar areas at a price of (100,000 per acre or more and that consequently the city should communicate with the .i.i war .department, indorsing the changes r and asking for their early determlna f tion. -i "Yours respectfully. "J. B. ZIEGLER. , "Member Special Municipal Committee on Common Terminals. . "P. 8. In San Francisco and many other ports, the submerged lands, a long 'the shore are bulkheaded by the port - and filled by dredgings from the slips . and channels and retained in port own- , ershlp and, leased for considerable rev enues, in San Francisco amounting to - as much as J500.000 a year and under , control 'as a public terminal The su : ; pertorlty tot this policy over that exist ' lng In Portland is . so great that the . mere mention of it should make a clti ' sen of Portland blush.. There the pub lic properties and funds are used for public services here, for private service. " , ':-: , , . . f J. B. Court Grants Auto Offenders Chance - Book of Arrests Hade on Charge of PaCir to Dim Basiling Heaallg'htB , of Autos. ' j Oak street between Second and Third rtreets in front of police headquarters .this morning was crowded with ma chines while their owners appeared be fore Judge Stevenson in the municipal " cotu-t "to answer charges of falling to dim dazsling headlights, f A. score of arrests were made by the i police in all parts of the city last night f as the result of a preemptory order by Chief Clark. Nineteen drivers appeared 1 in court this morning, and sentences . were continued in the cases on prom . Ises of the drivers to keep he brilliant lamps dimmed' in the future' when , driving within the city limits. Those arrested were Frank Rogette, J, Brown, F. ? N. Kendall,! Dr. A. J. ... Browning, P, W. Lewis, H. L. Driver, Richard Qulnney, M. W. .Loreos,- J. O. - Houk. L. "L. Sharp, s Dr. TKillingworth, ' W. H. Gibbons. Mrs. G. M. Iodd. C. A. . Hart, W. C. Shearer, C. V. Everett. Dr. Trommald, Dillon Rogers and W. O. Feenawghty. . -; ;-; . "j ,-5-; . . - Perry Passengers Jarred. , San Francisco." Cai;', June 1 9.-(TJ. v P.)- Handreds of east bay commuters - , were thrown into excitement today oa the Key . Route : Steamer Fernwood ... when the steering gear ot? the craft i : became disabled and she ! grased the Sacramento river steamer Apache at . the entrance of the San Francisco ferry ; all pa At the time of the accldeirt the steamer was leaving the slip and the Fernwood was attempting to enter.' , t Second Gomihg of .Christ.Not Far Off . According to Elder " Tacoma. Wash,, June IS. -CP N. S.) Elder r. W. Paap, of WashlngtSm. D. C add resslns . approximaUljr ; 2000 AdTentlsta, r who have -gathered here In con r ventlon, said last night that . -the second coming of Christ Is : not far off. , , x . $ m MADE UUI RLLING GHANNE m raap iook sor o.a r autaority & - the Eibls, although the present . European crisis was intimated . .-. as the nucleus for hls.predlo- t tion. . m I Famous Movie tyirectors Will . , Start Company ' Los Angeles, June 19. That " the three famous directors of - motion pictures, D. W. Griffith, Thomas Inea and Mack Sennet, will leave I the companies with which they are now "associated, organising a $4,000,000 corpora- - tion to produce J 2 admission film ' dramas, was confirmed . S here today by I. W. Griffith when a Pacific News, Service dispatch! from New Tork was m shown him. Griffith said that studies probably would be built here. - ; ; - - f ' Formal, Merger .of,: ; Ctiurches Occurs " v , I , ., .. . , . . . Legal organization of the Central Presbyterian church was perfected at a meeting of the congregations Of the old ; Third i and i Hawthorne churches,: wlrtch. have merged, held last night in the Third rchurch building at aet Pine and Thirteenth streets. Bevs. J. V. Mllllgan, H.- H. Pratt and C W. Kays represented t the , Portland pres' bytery at the formal merging. Offi cers were elected and installed as fol lows:' . . j Elders--O.' Mi Septt. R. R. Steele, J. M. Iwls, W. D. Deaver, M. V. Harri son, D. T. Van Tine. R. F. Barnes, O. C. Johnson,-, D. D. White. W. H. Mar keil, Wilson Benefiel, Charles Cleland, A. M. Tucker, R. D. Hewitt. Thomas Muir, H. A. Bitner, P. H. Heilman and F. S. Post. . . - " i ' Deacons W. O. Munsel, W. W. Sam son. W. F.-Stewart,; J. G. Bennett. Dr. A. E. Myers, Dr. S. Weist, M, A. Pop pleton. E, Zimmerman. Wrf H. Sanford. J. H. Coate, S. Binford,M. 1 Beach. George Thompson, C. W. Whittlesey, Carl Forcette, I P. Hewitt. F. McNary. and, George P. Strong. Trustees Dr. A. W. Moore, ' N." I Pike, H. L. ,Carop, C. H. McXealand, S. P. Garrigos and Alexander Story, The annual meeting is to be held the second iThursday- In ;ApriL.- The trustees were directed to incorporate the new church at once and take pos session Of the two farmer church prop erties. ' Rev. L. K. Grimes was con firmed as pastor. . !: v Order Hastens Work On Alaska Railroad Secretary of Interior Qets Psrml scion to Pay Fart of Purchase Price of Alaska northern Into Court. T Washington,,, June 19. TJ. P.) Sec retary of the Interior Lane has obtained from Judge Bassett an order permit ting payment of part of the. purchase price of the Alaska Northern railway into the court, in" order to protect bondholders in suits for part of the money. ?;'r.- The order is intended to allow work on the government railroad to proceed unhindered by the dispute between the stockholders and bondholders. Proceed , With Iload Plans. . Seward, Alaska, 'June 19. (P. N. S.) Disregarding litigation that has been instituted, the Alaska engineering commission is proceeding with its plans for the taking over of the Alaska Northern railway July 1. ' Plans for docks, machine shops and warehouses are being ; prepared, and Chairman Edes, of the engineering commission, declares that the line will be opened to Kern creek by fall and will be kept open during the winter. On the eight mile spur from Anchorage to the main line the grading Is more than half completed. Tb? first fatality in connection with the road occurred Sunday, when a man named Pierce was drowned at Eagle river. : ' It has been announced that the land office has increased the area in the towns! te at Ship Creek to 240 acres. Smooth Sailing V ' For Thaw Trial Attorneys Promise Wot to Cause Any Delay of Trial to. Pet ermine Mental Condition of Stanford WlUte's Slayer. New Tork. Jane 19. (I.N. 6.) Fol lowing decision of the court of appeals that Harry K. Thaw was entitled to a trial by jury to determine his present mental status, counsel for Thaw and for the state agreed today to interpose no legal delays or objections to the coarse of the trial, which begins next Tuesday before Justice Hendrick. Alienists will again play an impor tant: part in the trial- - Advehtists to Vote Late. Today Is the Adventist Sabbath, and it ends at sundown tonight. The mem bers . of the, church are anxious .to vote In the school election., but i the polls close at 8 o'clock, and the sun goes down at', 8:05. However, It is probable that they will vote a few minutes ahead of time and still not transgress., - . -. Plans to Improve Avenue. Charges against L." A. Danghtery. patrolman, dismissed for borrowing money, were sustained by the civil service board. It also sustained charges against R- R. Bailey, patrol man, dismissed for subornation of per jury, J. II. Armstrong and - Charles Harblck. laborers. . When wrtting or calling on adver tisers, you will confer a favor by men. tionlng The JournaL (Adv.) The Same Rates Apply TO ALL POINTS EAST- VIA. : Grand Trunk Pacific Railvay f Through Prince, Rupert The Mount f JHaxelton. Prince George, Edmonton. Wrnnipeg. Robson Route. To nSuf Electric Lighted Standaxt! an3 Tourist Sleeping Cars GRAND TRUNK Pacific Steamships 'TRINCE RUPERT" ArO lUNCErGEORGE: TUESDAY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY STATE SOLDIERS' WILL REMOVE: SHOES: AND BLEND GUN POWDER Ammunition for Service Prac-te tice nnng to Be rreparea by Guard Members.' CHURCH SUNDAY. MORNIPJG Xltcaess aad dnxs Are olvsa 'Sally Inspection by the Sanitary Officers". ; - Astoria,. - Or., ' June' ; 19,-i-Powder blending will occupy the attention of the Oregon coast artillery reserves at Fort Stevens this afternoon.- . At. this time a detachment of men from each company will - go to Battery Russell on ; the ocean side of ' the reservation, where : they will prepare the powder charges ; for use ' during5 the service practice, which will be held at the close of the . present - encampment.! The powder a blended to give each charge uniform strength and velocity, several lots'of the same kind .of pow der being mixed, together, on a. canvas covered floor. v - r- The men ; blending 'the powder are required to leave' all matches outside the blending room, and smoking is ab solutely prohibited. v . - -' Each man is required to remove his shoes during .the blending' operation. - Sack Company Win Shoot. - Each of the eight companies at . the Fort Stevens encampment : will fire three full " service" projectiles on Thursday morning,. June. 24 the fir ing to begin at -8 o'clock in the . morn ing, and it is .the preparation of the powder charges for -tnese.--steel mon sters that is engaging the attention of the citizen soldiers today. Each of the projectiles for that 10 Inch guns at Battery Ruassell, which-wiir- be fired by: the militiamen, weighs 604 posnds. Tomorrow will be the first-Sunday of the troops in camp, and church serv ices will be held in the. camp, at 11 o'clock in the morning. " ?; :rf ; "Services will be conducted by Rev.. W. A. Elkins of Lebanon,: who Is chap lain of the artillery regiment. Chap lain Elkins la a forceful and, interest ing - speaker. Music for the ; church services win be furnished by the banu. Sunday Caurch Servioes. . ; Beginning at 8 o'clock Sunday morn- lng ' will be regimental i review. ' fol ' lowed by muster and inspection." '. The entire command will be out bright and early in the- morning for this- event, with equipment in ; first class shape, guns ' shining and every man not on detail In line. - ' '' . - . : Later an inspection of the camp will be made.' ; ' ' Dally inspections are made of the sinks and : kitchens by the sanitary of ficers, ' and each company commander Is responsible for the condition of these places. ',? Guard will be-mounted Sunday eve ning the same-as usual. - : . A - The official number, of state troops in camp as reported to Colonel Henry H. Ludlow, commanding the, artillery district f the Columbia, -is 'Of ficers and' 430 .enlisted men. t Actress Again in Custody of Police Mrs. ray Carraika Molera "ftearre-rted la Hew Tork for San Francisco Au thorities; Child figures in Charge. ; New York, June 19. (tl. P.) After having been released from custody when the San Francisco authorities telegraphed local officials . that a faulty Indictment had been returned against her, Mrs., Fay Carranza Molera. actress, was rearrested bere today on charge of contributing to the delin quency of a minor child. A telegram from San Francisco said she would be indicted. - Her 5 month old baby is with her. : .H .y. . Mra. Molera -was taken into custody several days 'tagb with Frank Terra morse at the request of the San Fran cisco authorities, who charged that she had eloped with Terramorse. Governor Johnson signed the requisition for the retain of the couple. .Terramorse has been taken back to San. Francisco. Kfmmmmt mm -wm-p-mmw , - I Officials Return , ; From Murder Trial Federal Judge- Wolvertonj Deputy United States Attorney John Beckman. United States, Marshal Montag, his chief JdeputyWiUiam McSwain, and Clerk Marsh . today ; returned from Klamath Falls, where -the court heard the trial of Jim George, an Indian, for the murder of another.. . George was sentenced to life imprisonment. United States Attorney Reames, who led the prosecution for. the ' govern ment, probably will arrive in Portland Monday. ,H stopped off at Medford to visit relatives for a day or so. Masonic Meeting vTonjurht. Masonic meetings tonight are as fol lows: White Shrine of Jerusalem, Ma sonic Temple,, banquet at Portland ho tel after ceremonial session, Oregon lodge. No.' 101. fellowcraf t degree. Cancellation of Sailing S3. ."Northern Pacific" will not sail from Flavel, Sunday. June 20. SS. "Great Northern" - is expected to sail on Thursday, June 24. Make reserva tions - early. . Ticket offic. 6th and Stark. Phones, Broadway 830. A-6671. Great Northern Pacific S3. Co. Adv.) Charities Fund Is ' Nearly One Third " 1 Amount Needed Contributors -to rul Previously reported ...I150S.45 M. - H. Houser. 20.00 3.00 15.00 . 5.00 ' S.00 5.00 6.00 Yoo 10.00 ' 1.00 10.00 LOO 10.00 Frank 8. Glover J.- B. C. Look wood ..... : - :. : - or eu- E. J.Mauts ........... ,f J. H. Gibson V .. - . .- Loggers' Contractors 1 Machine Co. . . . . .... Miss -Mayme Gilbert... Mvs. Carlton P. Wll-"llama,-The Dalles,' Or.: R. T. Hynd . . George Howard '. Miss L. M Knapp and Mra ' A. M. Knapp -. . . . - TOU1 .$1600.4$ '.'if.' Contributions should be sent to : .V.-' R. - Manning, secretary 4 of the Associated Charities, 411 : Commercial block, or to 'R- S. ) Howard, treasurer' Associated Charities, Ladd & TUton ' bank. ' ' o.Five j dollars has been re-1 . ceived from Medford. . Or J In response to appeal for a wheel" chair for crippled girl with the j following '. letter: . "Inclosed please find check for $5 which : I wish you, to use to help pur-i , chase the wheel chair needed by the young crippled girV or in . case you already:: Have ae-' V cured the necessary funds, "for . others In need." . 1 Forest Service: Engineer Departs T. W. XTorcross Says Oregon City Plant ' Tint Watsrpowtr Plant to Transmit Alternating Cnrrentrto-Distance. - ' T; W. Norcross, : assistant chief en gineer, forest' service. Washington D. C, who has been spending several, days in (Portland,? left last night with Dis trict Engineer Lundgren .for the Fugei sound region, where they will visit various .projects"" and bold conferences with officials of 'power plants' and of CiUes. V On his western trip Mr. Norcross has already spent' some time In" California, and; has also, gone over several power developments in Washington and Ore gon, and some projects -which various companies desire to develop. : He has visited; the Portland Railway, Light & Power company's 1 plants-at Oregon City, Cazadero, River Mill and Bull Ran, and also , the - condit : plant , of the r Northwest Electric j company on the ; White Salmon river." He expresses himself as , favorably impressed with the f developments everywhere, and es pecially with the.Rlver Mill and the cendit plants..; . - , ' ; J.n . speaking of. " the Oregon : City plant, Mr. .Norcross said that at the convention ot me ixauonai .iiecxrc Light association, . held .In -fian Fran cisco last week, it was proved that the plant originally constructed and oper ated -at Oregon City was the first waterpower plant to generate alternat lng current: for. transmission to a dis tant point- .' ;'frtA?-"4';s;--.' After i' concluding "'his Inspection of northwesy, projects Mri Norcross will , spend ' several days iijj Montana, on plants now being operated by the Mon tana Power company on the .Missouri' river near Great Falls? Mont,- Plan Obtained for Domestic Mail Eate ::Vf'--v:v rr ! - : ' Postmaster Myers today received In formation that the postoffiee depart ment has completed a convention with the Dutch West Indies, ty which all malls to and from the Indies and the United State will be charged the do mestic rate. In other words, a two cent stamp will carry a letter to the Indies. The new order becomes effec tive July- 1. c v.,'- -. 'j ';. ' j Man iies Belatirea Sought. Henry Lloyd or Lord, a laborer, 62 years old. was found In the Terminus hotel. 80 North Third street, last tight by Patrolmen Fe"rry and Rek dahl. in a serious condition from an abscess of the - lungs. : He was taken t the ffity emergency hospital, where he died at S o'clock this morning. ; The body was taken to the public morgue, end Deputy Coroner Smith is endeavor ing to locate relatives today. . - Sight-Seeing at Ease With v " : Opportunities for Recreation You can take thia Circle Tour through the "fifty Switzerland in one1 of ' the Canadian Rockies in great comfort and eate if you wish, because a wealth : of beautiful scenery can be viewed from car windows and hotel veranda t. Or. yon can climb the mountains with real Swiss guides at GLACIER, camp out in the wonderful Yoho Valley at FIELD, take a coaching trip -around exquisite LAKE LOUISE, bathe in the sulphur pool and ride the ' trails at BANFF, and at BALFOUR yon can motorboat in Kootenay Lake, fish, play tennis, or tramp through the picturesque orchard country. -. 1 Tour may include 165 mile boat trip on island-dotted Puget Sound, with ' i&its to Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver. . Reached only by the : -; - -," ' " . ' - Canadian Pacific Railway For farther particulars, call or write Tor Booklet Ko. 1159 , ;- Jt. V.MOTPHY. Q. JC P. D, Canadian' Paeifia Railwar" ... V ' SS Third St, Portland, Oregon . UCANAOUUljr ViPACinC) SCHOOL ELECTION IS, -i TODAY, POLLS ARE 12 TO 8 P.M. Candidates . in Race : f o r Di . rector Are Samuel P; Lock : wood and Or.-Sommer. Polls . for today's school election opened at -12 o'clock, noon,- and - WUI remain open until 8 o'clock tonight. - ' One school director Is to be elected for a term of five; years. ")-.-S ' v The candidates are Samuel P. Lock wood and Dr. Ernest A. Sommer. , . Only citizen taxpayers, whose names appear on, the last assessment roll or who own stock in a firm -or-corporation which Is a taxpayer lil this dis trict, are eligible as votersi -This pro vision applies to both men and women. Voters, do not have to be registered. The corrupt practices act applies' to the school election.- . t 4 - "With three' exceptions , the polling places are at the school houses. - ' The Tegular election precincts nave been placed in 25 groups. Each elector must: vote at the place designated for bis precinct. ' The voting places have been arranged as . follows: - i GENERAL ELECTION " , . - - PHiCClNlB POIXIXO PLACB" I 3 8 4 5 7 13... ........ .Clipmn Kcbool ? 8 13 14 IS W..,i.,....,......DTta School II 12 21 2a 23 24 25. ........... .CoocU School 10 J-fl 27 23 3 31 38 S9 40. ;AtldMuo School 41 42 43 1.1 ltd S3.....Jeuains Kurnlture Store S2 8a 37 44 45 48 49 50. . , . Lownadale School IS 19 SO 34 35 SO 4H 319.Stnley JT'aiture Shop 47 58 67 Mi 69 So Ladd School 64 36 63 63 64 63 66 67.. ...... Court House 68 W TO 71 72 73 74... ..Liiioola High School M 87 88.......-............AIniroth School 75 76.77 78 S3 84 85. ........ ShattocX School 19 80 81 82 8 00 91 92 ej..Okl railing School S4 95 V6 WS8 322 326i.... ...Hotman School 9 lOO 101 102 103 104 306.,.. Sell wood School 1J6 107 J38 143 144 145 .146.. .Brooklyn School 108 10S HO 111 112 113...... Woods took School 114 115 123 125 l;U 826. ....... .Arleta School 116 118 IIS 120 121 122 303 304. .Lenta School 117 124 126 127 12&129 U0 3U2. Hoffman Sch'l 132 13 134 135 aaa 13?.. Crelou School 1& 154 165 156 157 .....Richmond School 139 )40 141 142 151 152..dlatoo Kelly School 147 148 149 IdO 158 14 165 ..Stephens School 159 160 lol 162 163 166 17. Hawtborna School 208 200 210 211 212 213 214 215 Bucknma Sen 1 169 170 171 173 174 179 176 177 Suunjrstde Scfa l 172 204 168 202 205 206 207 Kerns School 178 179 180 181 182 183. . . . . . ..Uieoeoe School 184 185 196 160 197 198 199. Mt. Tabor School 186 187 188 18U 190 191 1J2 Ui 301 M'Tilla 8ch. 194 200 201 231 232 233.Boaa City Park School 203 216 227 229 230 234. rVrnwood School 217 18 219 22 221 224 223. . Holladay School 226 228 235 236 238 23W.....lrrUigtoa School 22 223 237 240 241 212. . . Eliot School 245 246 247 248 249 250 254 Shaver School 244 253 206 2o 57. ...... -Thompson " School 243 209 260 262 263. . AJbiaa Homestead School 261 264 266 273 274 .... . ...Highland Scbool 265 267 268 269 27U 272. Vernon School 271 275 276 277 278 279 280 SUO.Woodlawn Schl 251 252 258 281 282. . . . .Jefferaon High School 283 284 285 2S6 287 288. ....... Kenton School 2S9 290 291 292 293..... ... .Portamovtlr School : Under a , law - enacted:. . by ; the I last legislature, the - corrupt practices ' act will apply to the school election today for the first time. The law prohibits campaigning of any kind -on" the day of election. ' - , , f . - , , ; : Death of Nurse 4 Puzzles Detectives Body of BCra. Mary Saton, Who ia i appeared Prom Oakland, OaL Some 'April 23, ' round' On Ranch, i Saa Francisco, June :;i-i-P K. -64 -With barely a due - on -which to work, ' detectives ' today' are trying to onravel the mystery veiling the .death of Mrs. Mary Hatch, a pretty Oakland nurse, whose decomposed body 'was found yesterday on the lonely , ranch north of Oroville, where she was born. Discovery of the body , of Mra Batch by two prospectors, brought to an unexpected end a state-wide search which bad been conducted for the woman since she disappeared from her home April 23, leaving her small chil dren destitute. Whether , the woman was a victim of foul play, ended her own life or died of natural causes, is a mystery which may be solved by an autopsy, to be performed today. Lewis Inspects the Columbia Highway Salem, Or., June 1. State Engineer L wis has returned from Columbia county, where he went over the Co lombia highway rand ; endeavored -to arrange matters so that - the highway would be completed for. se- this fall. Different - sections of , the road were considered with . representative of Standi f er-Clarkson company, - which has the contract to complete the work commenced by the Consolidated Con- A Water and Rail Trip Through a Wonderful Mountain Country. Peaks, Glaciers, Forests, Lakes, Rivers, Waterfalls, Gorgeous Mountain Flowers OPEN tract conopany,' and the work mapped out In a way that satisfied the state engineer. On some parts, of the road the state engineer asked that .double shift; of men be employed to facili tate work. - According: to Engineer Lewis. the Standlfer-Clarkaoa 'company la getting a larce force of men on the around, and has machinery pretty well dis tributed. Jle is well pleased with the way thlnars are getting under way In Columbia county. 'The state' engineer yesterday after noon sent O. E. Ross to Jackson-county to Install a, new and uniform sys tem of accounting in the highway de partment there and 'Deputy Highway Engineer -Cantine to Hood River coun ty to Inspect some bridge work at Mitchell Point. - Rates to Coast ' Reasonable. . ' "Washington. June la. JJ.. iP.) The Interstate commerce commission to day declared that furniture rates from Grand Rapids and Rockford to Pacific Coast terminals are reasonable. ... W- wn,y (Set The m JPS&Z wsmk SSBBSS y5 imiliitfmHti H. IJickson, C. P. & T. A, 148 Washington St. (Morgan Bids.) VLAB TO TX8XT OXJtCXER XTATIOHAXi PARK this summer, only 14 hours from Portland. Call or write for free illustrated bookleta : Groat; northcni-rpuriington ;! f Joirflicm Pacific Qurlington Hlffh-Cla'ss Through Trains Tho Oriental Limited j '. Great Northern Burlington . ", Through train 'de luxe' for Chicago dayttgnt ride along . :." side the majestic Mississippi,' "Where Nature smiles three hundred miles" the water-grade route of smooth operation. Atlantic Express Northern Pacific Burlington -! ' Through Chicago train via the Twin Cities, arriving Chicago at noon, for connection' with all hon-exqrss and limited trains - to the East. v , .y". " - - ' Mississippi VcSicy Limited Northern Padflo Darthigtoa - t t j , : ,. , ' i " Through train over direct ' r.m. Tmtrmf nii.l TTimm ' ,. e t A-t - ox uic vom cn, a uiuusaiiu-miic nac on a amoouuy-xuoiaiea train over the well-operated Burlington Route. The Southeast Express - Great Northern Bartlngton . Through train over the BURLINGTON'S direct Southeast main line via Billings to Kansas City, Denver; Omaha, Iowa, -Nebraska 'and rMissouri-'tisv "travel education" to ride a , ' thousand miles on the BURLINGTON.- ! 'r-y .- j-- All ' Through. . Trains Electric-Lighted, UloclcProtected " Have your ticket reads "BURUNOTdN"; utiuse its various main Ones to your travel plana. The Burlington maintains a rrngcr service of over 40 liiiliiiliniii ''lit;"; Few; of Would-Be Policemen Fail In Running Test Out of 160' would-be' patrol '-;-men taking1 . the physical testa 41 of JJie municipal civil service 4F - board at 1 Multnomah field ' yes H : terday afternoon; only, IS Were - unable to run 100 yards In IS ' seconds or less. This Is the : maximum time allowed for the i- - distance and those unable to t - qualify are barred from taking 4t further tests. . The written .tests begin to-' ' day and when they are corn lit ipleted - the 'applicant will be m graded and placed on the eligl- v ble ' lists , ready, for appoint- t ments. . v -" v - i ..-- ' . 1 Genuine . Round Trip Sammer Excursion Fares Great! Northern Railvay On sals dally tSspt. 30th- Xlaal return llmis Oot. 31st. 'Chieairo 730. Bt, Xrfais '. . . . . . . 71.80 Hew 'Tork .......... 110.70 : MUlwauiee ......... 72.60 Boston ......1I0.OO Cincinnati Washington. J. O... 1080 Denver ............ 68.00 PhUadelpbla ........ 110.70 Toronto ,......... 9340 Buffalo ............ 92J00 Montreal ,.105.00 Pittsburg' 90.60 Bt. John, H. . lao.OO Detroit . 7. . 83JS0 Hsltfss. . . . .... . 139.35 BX. Paul, WlnnespoUs. Suluth. Omaha, Kansas fffift ff City. Winnipeg. St. Joe..- , pDUUU Reduced rates to many tner potato. Stopovers allowed - golna and returning. Vsaal dlTarss routes. 1 Try The Oriental .Limited 7 - KOTJBS TO OBICAOO '" - PAST TBAIJf. flUFEBIOB BEBTXCE.' Through standard and tourist sleepers' to Chloago. Telephones: Marshsn S071 A-2281 Southeast main line .via Billings, I t"! C. T t- . S..& ' a M'sa.; . .': . i tJireugh trains e day between ( the Great Cities of the Middle West. Let us tell you about them. Vs . R, W. Foster,' General Agent, 100 Third Street, Portland, Ore. Telephones Main 868, A-1245. , Can We. , Prevail Upon You The Journal Bulldinff Is equally superior to any other office building In this City. Let us prevail ' upon you "to Identify yourself and your business with this building-, keeping in mln-1 always, that the superior advantages of The Journal Building are as economical as efficiency and close figuring can make them. The Jocrnal BcUdlzj l Broadway at TamhUl St. aiCww" : ... Hill 3IeIIi' ... sf jl:l'? The Journal Builing Tenants' Directory AXV0RD, C A. lareatroenta. 8EKGEB BaoS., Wkliaiar and . i'aluuog, Mala XH211. i Orvuutt I lour, iiroadway. BHUEHE, 0U8XAVE It. D, alaiauuil Jwi, lOlu tlx. SUEIX, W. B., Loana and la-' Huwuj uuO. CHAHLUZBSJklH, XK. CHAS. I DALLAS DEVELOrMXMT CO., MB.He.dku Xauoi' Cu., Uaauo ' V uieuuu't, aikU.K&r- alanuaai OU, A-lUii. auoiu 41. DAVIS, JAKE 8 Larr. Mala DAVIS,. C. H. Jr., Tioiber Ltada. , .u Ittu titfur. DOWJTS, if,, WitlcJ.., DUO AM, W. W., Attorn.. Mala W. Uimu vol. DM ijU.b IaAnaii a CO., 1'ub. . AtUJUuuuil. Auut UIOO. ' fUX IZICHIEK' AGEMCT, i. A. Bujutt, aiau.gkr. a&, 1HWW . 10X, IiVIlI K Optaaistrlai. aui (a, a-i.ii. .Mwia mm. BAIX, DO., a. u f baielaa. nvwa vu(. HtALT. iOStSJTU It.. Ural ka. l.ta. Luiu im. Itovw mil. H0WAHD H. W.. M. D.' Uala alaUt bM, Uaum Utu. . LyitE. ',.' bal Eauta, ai.f.uall 424V, Ouvui 002. MAKtSIaDT, KULXIOOLOa rMJL, ri&aiaa b. V eica, Ukm. Um.i feMiva stut. tun xa, (mum imu, . MoCUIXOCH. CLAVDE, Lawjaf, mltM SmwID aovT60May, Da. a. i'b,- . Miwa aim -ourfcaMU, aia JU. MYaSS, DK. K. S., (Mtsepata, . MAmtmuitU Uuutu mi-. aXXSOV. A B K S H 4 M. Attoru. muL. am i, uuuut miAt. aiLSOM, Da. JLKZL, Untt.l. iu aoou mi, O'BKYOV, 60. itt . llala awiu ul. . OCCIDXaTAL LIEE CVS, CO., i. C. VMUlliUkt.atU, Mm,,!. aiarauaU xiuv, auwia OKEOOM CIVIC LEAOUE. UaU MUjuIM S14. OaTXAJm, L W,. iUaaraetur. ra ut, . Kawa aufVitt. ultt w, aiarHiut ttovt. - rmtra evbajixs, atwr- ka at Mariuu Jluu, A.- uuvta .1. aUICK, B- a., rirs loauraaes. uraaa iu uetui Am u. aata mv, A-Vi J. awuai tmb. SBTKEBJOan, X. B Atturuar. - aaarauu auwui ttVTEJll, I. yidellty Cop i ir Um., JaaJa ummu MM.. BP EMCEfi" IEA BOOK, UanlutU STEBXBEBd, Da. . 9., Pby.i- i, aMHa via. TBOIOCALD, DB. 0. I., It1. ' . fuuax au. . . WrVEBSITT 07 0BEOOV, Ex. Irumiua 4eyU alau. md, jUmia mt. . WABBEV COVSTBVCIOX CO., l'avuig Cuuirattura. aiaut liiuu. WEST, OSWALD, tavjrsr, 11.1a WZSTBB00X at WZSTBK0OX, Attorueja at . law, aiata luwi. WESTEBX TABX BEOOBD CO., awusi out. WUSTEiS CrTTCAL CO.. klslsi Vumm, A -iiliS. Houm Ck4). WHITES IDE, S. E0. g Phf. iclaa and Sutkoou, Uuiu U.i. , -Mourn IW. - WTIIOHT-BLO DO ETT CO.. LTD. Timber iuua. alala li ia - riuur. 1 ' ah a IriT;, ya rsta XaaQwav aa aul nena - .