THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1915. CONFERENCE OF GIRLS iVILL , BE HELD THIS VEEK AT THE CAPITAL Much Interest in Meeting is Being Taken by Young . Women ip All Parts State. With nearly every Sunday school j claee of glrle over IS year of age in - the state sending: representatives, the intra annual girir conference lor toe . western Oregon body of the State Sun day school association -will convene at i Salem June 25-27. Principal among- the speakers for the conference are Mrs. I M. Ormsby, - formerly of ''Portland and now ia charge of " Sunday school work in Idaho? Rev. Charles ' A. Phipps. gren eral secretary 'of . the Oregon associa tion; Miss Georgia Wicker, of the PorU land T. W. C ;A.t and Mrs. Charles parks, of Salem. : The conference opens i Friday with a party given by-the. Salem girls, when : the youngr women will give short talks. rmrlny -h rtw.TfiO.tinn nerind fiarurHn v afternoon, the j?lrls will be taken on a tour of the public building's" of Salem. Much Interest In the meeting Is be ing taken by girls . all over the state and they, will give practically all the program." Saturday morning, under a symposium, "Glimpses of a Girl," eight of them will discuss the following ton- lcs: "The Girl In the Church and Sun day School," "The Girl In the Home." "The Gin in Bcnoorr" -Tne uiri in Atn jletics and Play." "The Girl and Her Books." "The Girt In Her Dream Life," The Girl With Her . Boy Friends," ' "The Girl In Business." . Reduced rates to the conference have been T furnished by the railroads and delegates axe to be entertained free in -Salem homes. Miss Laura Hiest of Salem Is conference director and is in Charge of entertainment arrange ment. . The election of officers will take place Saturday afternoon'. Miss Wicker of the Portland T. W. C. A. will give "the- principal address Sunday evening and Rev. Charles A. Phipps will be the speaker Saturday evening. Keception in Honor Pastor's Daughter Cordial hospitality was dispensed Tuesday evening at Calvary Presby . terian church, the occasion being a re : ception and musicale given in honor of v the new members of the church and of ' Miss Ruth Baum, who arrived recent ly from Colorado to spend the summer with her father. Dr. Oliver S. Baum, ., the pastor of Calvary church. Mrs. . H. C Lohmann was chairman of the j committee on arrangements The rooms were tastefully decorated in golden t&earted marguerites and wild grasses, land presented, a very .tractive ap t pea ranee. Toga , Scholar Takes Local Instruction : Rev. Coro Hammond, a . recent grad uate of the Christian Toga college of Metaphysics at Seattle, has arrived In Portland to take up the work of instructing those here Interested in the Christian Toga movement. She will speak Sunday evening at the temple in the Abington building on "The Father Within." The practical Christian Toga teachings of spiritual healings will be taken up at regular practicing hours by the new lnstruc .. tor. : . CLASSIFIED Chrfitlaa. First Park arid Columbia rta. Bev. Geo. P. Daraie, pastor. 11 acd 7vSO". S. S., 9:45. C K., 6:30. Murninx subject, "Aa All Ob ; at-rring Eye." Tenig, '"Getting On in the vrona. - alontaviHa East 7flth and Hoyt Rev. 3. O. Gbormler, 11 and 7:30. S. B.. 10. C B.. ttJO. , Jonlor C. 8 UK). Woodlawn 7th and Liberty U. Rev. W. J. UeUiDKer, 11 and 7:30. 8. S.. :45. C E., :e:8o. . Sell wood Cor. 19th and Keaatem Bev. D. E. Norcroas, pntor, 11 and 8. 8. 8., 10. C E., 7. : - Gladstone ReT. Rot L. Dunn, pastor. 11 and i.8 8. 8., 10. C. iu, t. BodneT ATeouo Corner Bodner and Knott O. V. llurris. paatoc. 11 and S. S. 4S-, 10.! ' C. E. 7. 1 St. Johns Rev. Herbert T. J one, pastor, 11 , Slid 8. 8. 8, 10. C. E., 7. Keen l'irk Ker. B. Tlbbs Mtxer. pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 9:45. C. E.. i;Sa Vernon CUarch at Christ E. 15th and Wy ' ant J. A. Melton, 11 and 7:30. S. 8 10. C. E.. :30. - , Bethel E. 82d and Thompaon. B. 8.. 10. j tTuuir-iiw oaiuron anu xweoueut iirtrti Ber. A. L. Crim Bible school. 10. C. K., 7. &vlcea. 11. Morning "Self-Denial. ' Eve sisaj. "Aprons oi yig Leavea." . r i "V Uaptist. First White Temple, YV. B. Hlnaon, pastor. . BUjie school, 9:45, Service. 11 and 7:30. S. ( 8. 10 a. m. B. T. P. V., 8:30. Morning. ; "Ewry Man a King." livening, "Making - F&eea. ' East Side East 2Cth and Ankeny ReT. W. C Shank, pastor. Se-vices 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., J 10. B. Y. P. V., 6:30. Morning "Prayer Its Cause and i Effect." Evening, 'IxYe Thy jilseighbor as Thyself Is Significant Today." xl it: bland. Bast 6th and Alber'a Kev. Cha. fF. Mieir. B. X. P. 6:30. Junior B. Y. P. ; U.. 3. Serrlces, 11 and 7:30: S. 8.. :45. . Morning - Children's day program. Evening, 4 Peo Societies serTice. Calvary East Mb and Grant Rev. Walter .Tniff. jg8101"- 11 aBd 70. si. a lo. b, x. p. Arleta Bev. W. T. S. Sprigga, S. 8.. 9:45. . 1 B. V. P. U,. 0:15. Services. 11 and 7:3a -, Morning theme. "The Cost of Contentment." ; Evening. "What -the Bible Baa to 8av for It. ; self." University Park Services 11 and 70. S. .:- 8.. 10. B. T. P. 0., 1. C. E., 6:30. Morning ..ermoa by -Dr. E. A. Woods, subject "The i Gospel, a Message of Good Cheer." Evening. A.Man's War With Himself." - Sellwood ev. tf. -H. Uaye. 11 and 7:30. S. lO. B, I . P. U :80. - 1 ML Calvary Pine street and Grand are. . r.ev. A. M. Macnack, Services 11 and 8. S. E.. 9 a. m. Third Knott and Vancouver avenue Rev. W. J Beavaa. 11 and t:30. B. T. P. u.. 6:30 8. S., 9:45. Morning, "The Christian's Work . Probtem." Evening, program la charge of Anti-8aloon lcagne. ' Grace Mont villa Bev. H. T. Cash. 11 and T:30. T. P :30. S. S 9:45. ., ' St.' Johns German) S. a, 9:43. 11 a ad :J. B. X. P. U.. f. 8t. JohnsE P. Borden, pastor, s. 8.. lO. 5 Services, 11 and 8. . Chinese Mission S. S., T. J. C M alone, as. -i peHntendent. Tabernacle 42d at. and 45fh ave.. 8 E. . Ber. J. Clark Tibbetta. pastor. Sermons 11 --' and 7:43, 8. 8.. 10 a. jb. B. T. P. U :30. Second German Rev. Vrederlck Baerrman. U and 7:30. S. S-. 9:45.. H. 2. P. u.. :4s! Lents-. Rev. jr. M. Nelson. S. S.. 10. 8erv lcea, 11 and 7:30. Preaching ta evening by Rev. Q. U Csrr. East rorty-tlfUl street Rev. A. B. Walts. S. a.. 9:45 a. m. Services 11 and 7:30. B. . P. U.. :30. Mount Olivet Rev. W. A. Magnett, pastor. 1.X and 8 p. m. 8. 8.. 12:30. . Swedish 15th and Hoyt sts.. 10:45 and T:30. 8. S.. 10. B. X. P. 0., 6:30. , Italian Mission Bev. FrsDcesoo SanneDa, pastor. Pastor'a circle, 8. Preaching, 10:30. frbort sermon tor English, speaking people aUo, . at 7:30. .. v First German Foorth ; and . Mill Rev. J. : Eraiw Serricea. 11 and 7:30. S. 8,, 9:45. Uoodwill Mlasloo-rl5th end Bui so Miss A. MUCH LOVED PASTOR TO BE HEARD SUNDAY , 4 ? , r Rev. : P. A. Moses Rev. .P.-A. Moses of Corvallis, one of the oldest and most loved members of the Columbia conference, will speak in the Methodist Episcopal church South, Union avenue and Multnomah street, tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Lr. Moses has been a College presi dent, a teacher of ability, and a preach er whose voice has been heard across the continent.; He has served the church It) important charges in both the Willamette and Umpqua valleys. and many of his old parishioners now live in Portland and will ' be glad of this opportunity to see and hear him again, and those who have never had the opportunity to hear him will be delighted with his message. L. R. Wil son will render a solo. Professor W. A. Bacon will have charge, of the or chestra and choir. Graduation Sermon For Trade Scholars The baccalaureate sermon for the combined Trades schools of the city will be delivered by Rev. W. B, Hin- son at the White Temple tomorrow morning. He will speak on the theme, "Every Man a King." . The church: will be decked with trades school class colors. The temple quar tet ana Aorman A. uoose will fur nish music. ""Making Faces' will be Dr. Hin son's evening sermon subject. At this service the temple quartet will sing the anthem, "In Heaven the Stars Are Now Shining" (Rhineberger), and solos will be; given by Mrs.- Virginia S. Hutchinson and Hartridge G. Whipp. Charitable Work of Season Concluded The Women's League of the First Congregational church closed its char itable work of the season with the ac tivities it carried on during the Rose Festival. Each day during the cele bration, the organization served re freshments in the i arcade of the church, which is just across from the site of the festival center. Mrs. W. K. Norman had charge of this work and as a. result of the activities of herself and chairmen a goodly sum for the league fund was realized. The league's work is devoted to sewing for and helping out in charitable movements. Meetings pt the league will be re sumed in September. DIRECTORY M. Nelson, superintendent. Adult Bible class 3. Address by Mr. Ohler. ; North Portland Mission 880 lcolal street. Services Friday, 8 p. m. Presbyterian. First 12tb and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd, minister, 10:30 and 7:30. C. E., 6:30. Evening, "The National Ideal of Mr. Bryan." Fourth First and Gibbs Kev. Henry G. Hanson, pastor.. 10:30 and 7:30. S. 8., 12. Morning topic. "The Promise of Rest." Eve ning. "The Valley of Dry Bones." Ken II worth tMt Mth and Gladstone Rev. Leslie Kirk Richardson, pastor. Morning, "How We Got Our Bible." Evening, "Christ Our Substitute." Mixpah E. 19th and Division Rev. Harry Leeds, pastor. 11 and 7:30. S. S.. 9:43. C E-. o :30. Calvary 11th and Clay sts. Rev. O. S. Baum, 10:30 and 7:30. S. S., 12. Morning sub ject, "A Message to Men Who Fail." Eve ning, "God's Minority." Anabel Rev. Alfred I Taxis. H and 7-45. S. 8.. 9:45. C. K-. :45. Morning. "Getting Ready for the End. Evenine. iiwHul imulni program. tiope Montaviua, 7Sth and Everett its. C. K., 60- Morning subject, "A Spiritual Re ivsl in Summer Time.' K von int. "Who i lval ia Summer Time Evening, war Forbes Rev. Harry - L Pratt, 11 and ' . V'. ... t . JJ. Arbor Lodge Rev. George R. Cromley, 11 and 7:45. S. S.. lO. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarre tt gts. Bev, A-..lHutchlson pastor. C. E., :30. S. S., 9:45. Services, li a. m. and 8 p. m. Central East 13th and Pine ill. Rev. L. K. Grimes, pastor: lOiO and 7:45. 8." S 13. C. E., 6:45. Morning: "The Sword or a TroweL", Erening, The Greatest Secret Re vealed." Mt. Tabor East 55th and Belmont Be William Graham Moore. .11 and 7:30. S. S.I 9:45. C. E., :45. Intermediate C. K., 4 p. m. Dly W. Lea Gray, minister, 11 and 8. 8. o. , 10. Vernon 19th and Wj-gant streets H. N. Mount, pastor. II and 7:30. S. S.. 9:45. C. K Junior C. K., 4 p. m. Weatminster East I7th and Schuyler Rev. Henry Marcotte. 10.-30 and 7:30. S 8.. 12. K.b i 4 P- m- Morning, "How Can We Make the Most ot Our Church?" Evening;. "The Pace That Kills." : Rose City Park Kev. J. M. Skinner, tl and 7:30. C. E., 6:3&. S. 8. 9:45. Junior C. E. 3:30. Morning. "The Spirit of Adventure." Eve ning: Monthly musical service. . jyulaI Avenue iiev. W. H. Amos, 11 and 7:30.. S. S.. 10. X. P. 8. C. E.. 6:30. 8pokane Avenue K. lth and Spokane J. B. YoueL pastor, 11. S. 8., 9:45. Msrehall Street Rev. A. J. Hanna. pastor. 11 snd 7:30. S. S.. 10. Y. P. 8. C. E.I 6:30. Morning subject, "Abundant Supply- Asaured. Evening, ''An Example of Warning." Trinity, corner Virginia and Nebraska sts.-. Bev. S. Benson, pastor, 11 and 7:30. S. 8 lo. y. p. s. e!, c:3a s' Chinese 14514 1 at. 7:45. 8. 8 8:45. t ' ' Methodist. j First 12th and Taylor t . Rev. Frank L. Koveland. D. D.. minister. SJ. B.-j 12:15. E. L. fas. Morning snMect, The Miracle of June." Evening, "The Mind of the tiiaV; or the Bear That Walks Like a Man." ? Trinity East 10th and Sherman. Rev. A. B. Calder. lland 7:30. 8. 8.. 9:43. E. U. 8:30. Morning, Bev. .p.- Deschner will preach Ere ning. Baccalaureate sermoB -for Pacific CoJ leg ef Chlropraetlc . Swedish Borthwlck and Beech. F. J. Berr. pastor, 11 and 70. S. E.- 10. B. W 7. Epworth 28th and Savier Rev. C. O. Me. CMUocb. 11 and 7:30. S. F, 9:45. E. U. 6:30, Morning, "Everybody Made Sufficient for the Asking.' Evening, address by Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin. - .. .-. First Norwegian lantat Corner ISth and Hoyt. Rev. o. T. Field. 11 and 8. Woodla wn East loth and Highland Re. Douis Thomas,, pastor. . 8.. 10. E. L.. 7. Preaching, -11 and 7:15. Morning, Enrichln of Llia." Evening, "Preparedness." Norwegian Danjsn Vancouver ave. and Sktd- Centenary rEast 9th and Pine Thomas W Ijine. D. D., pastor. S. 3.. 9:45. E. 8:30. Services 11 and 7:30. Morning, BUhop Frank J CITY OF ST. Jl m AND CHURCHES TO CELEBRATE FOURTH Elaborate Plans -for Pageant Well Under Way; Governor Withycombe rfonor Guest Five churches and the municipality of SU'Jobhs have united -In plans for the; community Fourth of July festi val, at: Columbia ! park, on July 6. Plana 'for the i pageant, which are elaborate,' have 'been virtually. com pleted, and preparations are well un der way. - All five Protestant churches of the University Park . district will participate uid j their pastors are members of the executive commit tee. -, !. - 4 ; . - "" -j - '. -,' Governor James Withycombe . will be the guest of honor and , speaker of the da. Her will be entertained at luncheon at the park and will, de liver his address at 2 o'clock in ' the afternoon.' ' j- N. ' -V;':- The parade will leave Portsmouth at 10 o'clock, line of march leading by a roundabout course - to , Colum bia Park. j i f ; v With J. E. Temple, of the Univer sity Pars; Congregational church, as grand marshal, ithe parade will be in four divisions. The first division will include members of the G. A. R. and marching fraternal bodies. George Dearlove will be division com mander, i The second division will be com prised .of members of Sunday school classes under 15 years' of age. The third division will consist of young people and adult classes of the Sun day schools. Mrs. ; George - Kills will be in charge of the second and J. A. - Stevens In charge of 5 the third division. The fourth division will consist of decorated vehicles of every nature, and floats. Juljug G la rum will be marshal of this division. Competitive drills by teams from the Woodmen, Artisans and other or ganizations will: take place at the park in the afternoon with . a field meet, open to all, afterwards. Prizes will be given for the parade compe titions and drills at the park. Participation on the part of the St. Johns people will be more on the part of the municipality than on the part of the churches. City officials will be leaders in the celebration. No fireworks will be allowed In the park. The park playgrounds Instruc tor will have charge of "the athletic events. ' Churches of the University Park section taking -part are the Metho dist, Congregational, Baptist, Episco pal and Scandinavian Lutheran. Many Lutherans Are Visitors Here The Lntheran college band from Decorah, .; Iowa, headquarters of the Norwegian Lutheran church,- in addi tion to giving three . concerts at the Oaks daring the week end, one to night and two tomorrow, will play at Our Saviors' Norwegian! Lutheran church. East Tenth and Grant streets,1 tomorrow morning.: r During the week 1 several hundred members of the , denomination, who have been attending1 the synod meet ing at San Francisco, have been in Portland. Last Wednesday morning a party of 100 were taken abdut the city in a sight seeing car furnished by the Chamber of Commerce. - Rev. J. N. Anderson, of Wlllmax, Minn., will fill the local pulpit Sun day morning, and immediately follow ing the services, women of the church will" take their lunch baskets to the Oaks and the Lutheran college band men will be entertained. - OF SERVICES W. Warne of Luck now, India, will speak. Evening, "The Power of an Endless Life." more Kev. Abr. Vereide, pastor. 10:45 and S. 8., 12. , Sellwood Rev. Alexander P. Maclean. U and 7:30. J. 2.30. E. L., 6:30. 8unnyslde E. 85th and Yamhill Rev. B. Elmer Smith. D. D.; 11 nd 7:45 p. m. S. S., 9:45 a. m. E. U, 6:30. Evening, "Rose Fes tival Gems." Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo Rev. C. C. Rarick. Services 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 9:45. Morning. "Caesar's Saints." Evening service in charge of Y. M. C. A. gospel team. St. Johns Hayes and Iavt sts. W. E. Ingalls. Services 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 9:50. E. L.. 6:30. Montavilla Rev. W. H. Hampton. 11 and 7:30. S. 8.. 9:45. E. L, 8:15. J. L., 3 Class ting 12:15. Bos City park Sancy blvd., Alameda and a 68th sts. Rev. W'mam W. Yonrgson, pas. tor, 11 and 7:30. S. 8.. 9:45. Y. P.. 6:30. Morning. "Dnder the Hood of Dante." Eve ning, commuoity song service. Japanese Mission lie v. Ellaen Eltara. 0:30 and 8:30. . S., 3:30. - Laurelwood Bev. J. E., Willings. 63d at. S. E.. and Faster Road. 8. 8., 9:45. - E. L 8:30. i Chinese Mission -11 and 7:30. - Clinton Kelly Mfinorial Jobn Parsons, vs tor. .8. S. ;45. Services 11 and 7:30. E. li. 8:45. African Zion Bev. W. W. Howard, 288 Williams ave, S. 1. E. L., 7. 11 a. m., Monnt Tabor 61st aud East Stack, Bev. K. OMu Eldridge, pastor. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 9:46. E. L., 6:15. Morning, Children's day exercises. Evening. ".'Christ and Present Day Problems." German Rodney ave. and Stanton tt. F. A. Scbumann. 8. 8. 9 M5. Services 11 and 8. Bp wortu league. 7:15. Bethel Rev. J. L. Craw, pastoi, 11 and 7:40. 8. 8., 1:16. O. K.. 7. , ' Dniversity Park Imbard and Flske streets -Rev. C L. Hamilton.. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 10 E. L., 6iSO.; Morning, "Winning the World for Chrtst," livening,- AThe Christian's Vse of Money." . fatten Rev. G. B- Freese. pastor. 11 arid 7:45. 8. S.. 10. B. L... 6:45. Woodstock Blast 41th and OOth ave. S. E. Frank James, pastor, 11 and 7:30.- 8. S lO. E. L., :S0. . Clasa. 12:15 p. m. Lenta Rev. W. Boyd KLoom, H and 8. S. 8 lo. E. t. 7. Lincoln East C2d and Lincoln M. O - Reed, pastor. 8. 8.. 11, Service. 7:30. Westmorelaud Kv. J. West , Xhompson S B. IO. Sermon, 7.30. First German A. F. Cramer, pastor. 11 and 8 8. 8, 10. li L., 710. : , Brentwood Rev. J. West Thompson. 8. 8 10. Services, U. : , - . ' , CongregatlonaL ' ?'-'"" First Park and Madtson Bev. lather R. DyottjD. D S. S.. 3.-60. 11 and 7:45. Morn Ing, "The Exceptional Life." Evening, "Where Are .Your Eyes." -., . , . - . r, Germs n East ;7tB and Stanton Rev. E. O. Willinan. - . Hr , Atkinson Memorial East 20th and Everett Rev. F. W. Gorman. S. 8.. 9:43. Senior Endeavor, 6:30... Mori'ng topic "Some Holi days." Evening, "The -Wise Virgins." JJnderhurst Rev. D. B. Gray. 11 and 1HX 8. 8.. 10. C E 0:30. . Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver ats Prof. W. M. Proctor, acting pastor. 11 and 7:SO. 8. 8.. 9:4a. C. E.j 6:30. Horning . topic, "Spiritual Life." Evening. "The Relation of Public School to- Religion and Morato." , i University Park Haven street near Lombs rd Rev. F.. J. Meyer, D. D., pastor. 11 and 7:oO. 8, S.. lO. Y. P. 8, C. E., 4 and 8:30. Morning. Children's day program. Evening, A Warning Crr:" fit. Johns Dnniel T. Thomas, pastor. 8. 8., 10 a. -. ta. Chlldrvn'a oT.niR.s H t. m baccalaureate sermon, James John high schooU a(iltariBni. snhi. 'kPiiMnh, nn. 1 1 Lauretwnod 46th arenae and 65tn strtt. Bev. C S. Johnson, 10 and 7:45. C. .E.. f. Highland East Cth and Present t Kev E. 8. BoUluger. 1 and ?:30- S. 8.. IO. Y. P. 8 C. E-. 6:30. Morning. "God Girdled With Ho inanity." Evening. "Wortlng Out Dark Spout." -- Waverly Height ist 33d ana Woodward Taylor Streeters . ; To Be Banqueted Tuesday Evening t Members of the Taylor street faction of the First Methodist church will be guests of honor at a" banquet to be given at Central M. EC" church, Vancou- -ver avenue and Fargo street V next Tuesday evening. ' Women of Central church will serve 4t the dinner, and reservations 4fc for 200 people have been made. An impromptu program will be 4t carried out. The chairman of 4t the evening ' has not yet been : selected ' by the "Insurgents." Indian Bishop Here For Lecture Series One of the foremost and moat suc cessful workers , of - the Methodist Episcopal church. Bishop -"- Frank W. Warne,. of Lucknow, .India, will speak at the morning services tomor row at Centenary church, East Ninth and Pine streets. - - Bishop Warne. fresh from the M. E. mission field in India, considered the . largest of the unchrlstianized areas of the world, landed In ... the United States only a few weeks ago and he Is making a tour of the coast before going east to attend some of the larger Methodist " missionary meetings. - Bishop Warne has , not an nounced his subject, but It will prob ably cover the mission work, and as he is a strong speaker, a capacity congregation is expected to hear him. Bifhop Warne will also give the ad dress before the Methodist Preachers association , meeting Monday morning at 10:30 at the First Methodist church. Twelfth and Taylor streets. Ministers of Vancouver, Wash-,, dea conesses -and the public generally has been invited to hear the distinguished guest of Portland . Methodism. Colored People Sell ; Tags for Charities Members of the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal church, Larrabee and McMillen streets, are selling tags on the streets and in the public build ings today, raising money ; for be nevolent work among the colored peo ple of the city. Rev. J. Logan Craw, pastor of , the church, is in general charge of the sale. Following the safe, which closes at 9 o'clock tonight, the sellers will gather at the church where a supper will be served and the proceeds of the day4 reported. Men, 'women and children have the tags on sale, rep resentatives of the church being sta tioned in many buildings. The ' Bethel M. E. congregation re cently occupied its new church struc ture. Bryan's Action Is Topic of Dr. Boyd The second of the series of talks on events, of the hour, being given by Rev. John H. Boyd at the First Presbyterian -church, will be heard tomorrow night when Dr. Boyd speaks of the late action of William Jennings Bryan in resigning the po sition of secretary of state. The National Ideal of Mr. Bryan" is Dr. Bond's subject. " In connection with these sermons, patriotic and martial songs and music constitute the musical program. "A New America," set to the music of the ' "Materna," has been one of the favorites, together with "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and the 400 year old "Ein Feste Burg 1st unser Gott," sung at the time of the Reformation. FOR THE WEEK IN CHURCHES OF PORTLAND "AND Bev. A. C Moses, 11 and 7:45. S. S.. 9:45. Y. P. meeting, 6:30. Morning. ''Gointf On." Evening, "What Doest Thou Here?" Sunnyside East 32d and Taylor Bev. 7. J. Stanb, 11 and 7:45.. S. S.. IO. C, E., 60. Morning, "The, Duties and Responsibilities of an Ambassador." Evening, "The Measuring Bod of True Greatn-ss." Ardenwaldr Daniel T. Thomas, pastor. 8. SH 10:45. C. E., 7. Preaching 8. Zion (German) Esst 9tn and Fremont. Bev. J. H. Hopp, 10U30 and 7:30. C. E 6:30. United Presbyterian. Kenton J. 8. Cole. 10:15 and 8. 8. 8..1. First Thirty HJeventh and Hawthorne; Frank De Witt Flndley. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. S. 8., 12. C. E., 7 p. m. Morning. "And Why Did You Come?" Evening, "Confess Your Chris tianity." Church of the Strangers Wasco it. and Grand ave. Bev. -S. Eari OuBols, pastor. Morning, "Where Is the Pro mine of His Com ing ?' Evening, "Passing By on the Other Side.". v, United Brethren. ' First East 15th and Morrison Rev. J. T. Kisewonder, pastor, 11 and a. -8. 8., 10. Morning, Children's da .urogram. Baptism and reception of members. Alberta 27th and Alberta Bev. C C. Ben, 11 and 8.' &- 8., 10. C. IS 7. . Guy Woodworta Memorial, Vancouver, Wash. Bev. J. Lincoln Ellis, pastor, 11 and 8. 8. S.. 10. Y. P. 8. C 7. Third 67th at. 8. E. and 82d ave. Rev. J. B. Parsons, pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. S.. 10. C. E., 6:30. Fourth 69th St. and 62d ave. S. Tt J. E. Conner, pastor. Sermons, 11 and 7:45. S. B-, 10. C. E.. 6:43. United Evangelical. - Fourth Bev. J. E. Conner, pastor, 11 and 7:30 S. S., 10. C. E, 6:30 - Radical Jessup U Re. A. S. Henderson, pastor, 11 noC 1:30. 6. 8.. 10. C E.. 7. Manor Circuit Servlces Matoor. 11 a. m. Cherry Grove, 3 p. on. Brush Prairie, 7:30. First East 16th and Poplar Bev. C. C Pa ling, 11 and 7:30. K. L. C. E., 6:30. 8U Johns A. P. Laytoo, pastor. 11 and 7:30. S. 10. K. L. C. EL, 6:30. Wichita Kev. H. H. Farnham. pastor, II and 7:30. 8. 8., IO. C. K., 6:30. , Bev. N. Bcbupp la filling pulpit. Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay Rev. 8. L. LovelL pastor, -11 and 7:30. 8. 8. .10. K. Ia. C R.. 7. . ,-. r - '- Friends' CThoroh. Sunnyside East 85tb and Main sts. Homer Cox. pastor, 11 and 1:30. 8. 9:45. U 6:30. V . Lents Sooth Main street. Bev. Jobn Riley, pastor. 11 and 7 .30. Bible school. 9:45. O k., :SO. West Piedmont Friends Rev. T. J. Cobnrn. It and 7:30. Bible school. 10. S. 8.. 10. U. K., 6:14. . . ' k : i'- T- . : Lutheran, Swedish Mission Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11 and 8. S. 8., 10. Y. P.. S:30. - Elim chapel Rev. is. Thoren. 11. 8. 8., 10. . Imoanuel 19tb and Irving sta Rev. J. Richard Olson, 11 and 8. S." 8.. 9:45. - Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Williams avenue - and Graham J. A. Klin bach 10 and T:30. S. 8.. 9:15- ,-, . - Bethany Danish Union avenue N. and Mor ris street M. C Jensen-Engbolm, pastor; Pectecoatal service, VII. 8. S. 10. Quarterly meeting, 2 p. m. Preacnlng 8. - - t tnited -Norwegian Ditnian Larsen, pastor, 11 and 7:45. 8. 8, 3:45. Norwegian Synod Sat Grant corner 10th Re. George Hendriksen, 11 und 8. S. 8.. 10. - Grace English- - Miss0url Synod) Alblna H. ud iluou Rev. C Luecke. pastor, lonto and 7:30.- 45. 9:15. ' St. James" EugIish-.Wet Park an.l Jefferson t. Rev. , J. A. . Leas, pastor. 8 8. . 8.. . 10. tether league',-7.-Morning sabject. "The Prod igal." Evening : subject, "The Better Gift." Immanuel German -Sellwood H. C Ebe Ung. 10:30. - 8. 8.. 90. -- St. Paul's German East 12th and CUnttxt X. 8. Krauae, pastor. 10:30, ercoon lu Ger Psychology of ; War Sermon Series Topic Beginning tomorrow night. Dr. Frank L. Loveland will start a series of sermons at the First Methodist church on the psychology of the Euro pean war, .or, as he puts It, "The Mind of. the European Mobs. Each nation or group of peoples - who are allied in the conflict will be taken up 'separate ly in the series of six addresses. Dr. Loveland ' has arranged his sermons with the following' sub-titles: Jun 20. "The Mind of the Slav; -The Bear That Walks Like a Man"; Jun 27, - "The Mind of the Teuton"; "The Hallucination of a War Lord": July 4, The Mind of the Anglo-Saxon"; "The Infatuation-of a - Drum Beat"; July ll."rhe Mind of the Celt"; "The Frenzy of Democracy"; July 18. The Mind of the Latin; -The Brainstorm of ; Religion"; July 25, "The Mind of the Moslem; c "The Superstition of Paganism. '. ; U .-jfi'i " . Trinity's Pastor to Address Graduates Rev. A. B. CalderV pastor of Trinity M. E. church, "will deliver the bacca laureate sermon for the graduating class of the Pacific College of Chiro practic tomorrow ight in his church at East ' Tenth - and Sherman streets. The class numbers 26. Or. W. O. Pow ell Is president 6f the school. Many of the chiropractors of the city have expressed -their Intentions of attend' ing the ' service, and reservations are being made for them in trie cnurcn. CHILDREN'S DAY Chlldrens" Day at the First German Evangelical church tomorrow will be In charge of E. Keller, Sunday school superintendent and Rev. G. F. Leining. the pastor. All the younger children will take part. The program will be given at 7 o'clock In the evening. Chlldrens Day services will be ob served tomorrow morning at the St. John's Congregational . church at 11 o'clock. In the evening Rev. Daniel Thomas will give the St. Johns high school auditorium. . At Highland Baptist church tomor row morning a Chlldrens Day pro gram wlH be given at 10:15. The young people's societies will hold a combination service in the evening. There will be similar services for the Sunday sch,ool youngsters at the Uni versity Park Congregational. AT CENTRAL CHRISTIAN The birthday anniversary of three members of Circles two and- three of Central Christian church was observed at the home of Mrs. J. Ward, 94 East Thirty-seventh street, north. -Wednesday afternoon. - The W. C. T". U. will entertain Cir cle Four at ; the home- of Mrs. I. C. Sutton. 564 Ladd avenue next Wednes day. Mrs. Mary Mallett will give a lecture on medical temperance. Mrs. Frank St- George of Jefferson City, Mo., sister of Mrs. Sutton, will be the guest of honor. ' The Tom Thumb wedding, a feature of the Rose Festival program will be repeated at the church tonight under the supervision of W. S. Hollis, Sun day school superintendent. , - FRIDAY NOON IS LIMIT Zrotlces for the classified, church directory, and other matter for the Saturday church columns of The Journal, must To in the editorial rooms of The Journal 'by noon rri " Churches," care City Editor, The day In order to Insure publication. Address all mail communications, Journal. v man: evening service in English. 8. S-. 9-0. English services at 8 p. m. St. Johns Peninsular and Klrkpatrick Rev. E. O. Salcman. 10:45 and 7:30. 8. 8., 9:30. Swedish Augustana Rev. H. E. Sanstedt. 10:45 and 7:45. S. S.. 9:30. German Evangelical Lutheran Zion ( Mis souri Synod) Salmon and Chapman sts. Rev. H. H. Koppelmann Services 10:15 a. m and 7:45 p. m. 8. 9:15 a. Ta. Bethel xFree Church Ivy and Williams Rev. J. A. Stavney. 11 and 8. 8. 8.. 10. United Norwegian Portsmouth-r-H. O. Hen driekson, pastor, li. L S., 10, S. Lunde's hall, Vernon. Mission Montavilla, Hamilton's chapel, cor ner E. Glisan and E. 80tb W. F. Luts, pas tor. S. 8., 90. Gem an service at 10:15. Episoopai. Trinity cborch Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. 8, 11 and 8. 8. S.. 9:45. Good Fellow ship society, parish house, lath and Davis its 7 to 7:55 p. m. St. Mark's 21st and Marshall Bev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector. Holy Eacbsrisf, 7:30 a. m. 8. 8., 9:45. Matins and Utany. 10:15. St. John's church Rev. X. F. Boweo, S. 2. Evening prayer and ser&ion, 3. Pro-Cathedral of St. Steuben the Martyr Rev. H. M. Ramsay, 7:4a, 11 and 7:45. 8. 8.. 10. Special service for colored people, 3. St. David's Rev. Henry Bucil Talbot. S. S-, 9:45. Holy Eucharist, 70 a. m.; morning prayer-and seiinon, li st. Mathew's Kev. W. A. U. Breck, vicar. 5. 8 10. Service and sermon, 11. St. John's Milwaukie Bev. John D. Bice, 8. S.. 2. Evening prayer and sermon, 3. Services, 4. 8C Andrew's' Ports month Be. .F. M. Baum, vicar, in charre, 11. Prayer and ser mon, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 9:45. Communion, 7 :3o a. m.. third Sunday each month. Grace , Memorial Rev. George B. Van Wi ters ami Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. Holy eom muniou, 8 a, m. Except first Sunday ia March, 8. S. IO . ta. Servleea, It. Good Shepherd Rev. Joan Dawson, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., 10. St. Michael's and All Angels' Eat 43d and Broadway Rev. X. 7. Bo wen. vicar. 8. S., 10. Holy communion first Sunday. 11; third Sunday. 7:30. Chuvcb, of Our Saviour 60th ave. and. 41ft t 8. E. Be. E. U. Clark, vicar. Services 8 kid 11 a. m- and 7 :S0 u. m. Bishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Sa marl tan hospital Chaplain. Frederick K. How ard. Holy conimuajun 7 a. m. Prajyer aad aermon, 70. - , - 2 - - St. John's cborch Sellwood Rev. John D; Bice, 11. Evening prsyer, 7:30. -Ascension Chapel Portland Heights. Bev. B. G. Lee- Communion. 7:45 a. m. 8. 8., 9:30. St. Paul's Wood mere Bev. Oswald W. Taylor. Holy communion, first Sunday In month, 8 a. m. Services, 4 p. m. Easter ser mon. Sunday school, 10 a. to. Forts mouth Hereford at., near -Lombard at, Rev. F. M. Buu, vicar. 8. 8.. 10. Serv ices, 11 end 7:3t Holy- commanioa on sec 3Bd,t' fourth and fifth Sundays of month at 7:30; on first at 11. Holidays by appointment. Patton, Michigan and Alberta Gewrgs F. Uopklns, pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. 3. 10. Oatdelio. Holy Cross University - Park Rev. T. K. Murpby, C 8. G. Low mass and instruction, H t. in. Sermon UUiO. Sermon, and benedic tion. 7:30 p. u. . St. Joseph's (German) Rt- Bev. James Raow. V. G. Low mass, K 8. High mass and sermon. 10:30. . Vespers and benediction, 3:30. St. Stephen's Rev. W. A. Wtitt. Low mass. 8:30. High mass nd sermon, 10:30. Hoiy Redeemer Rev. Joseph A. Chapatoa. Low mass, 6 and 8. ilighmass aad sermon, 10:30. Benediction.. 7:30. . Immacalate Heart of .Mary Rev. W. A. Daly. Low mass. 6. 8, 9. - High mass and sermon. 10:30.. Vespers and benediction, 7i30. St. Francis Re. 4. H. Black. Low mass. 6. 8. 9- High mass aad sermon, IO-.30. Ves pers, lnstructtoa and benediction, 7-30.. - St. Lawrew's Bev.. J. Hughes. - Lew mass. 6, 8. 9. High mass and sera. on. 10.30. Vespers and benediction, 7:30... St. Ignatius Re. F. Dllaen. 8. J- Low mass - St. Agatha's East 15th and Miller' ave Bev. John, Cummiaky. , Low mass. 8; high ARCHBISHOP CHRISTIE TO CELEBRATE Head of Diocese . of Oregon City Has Ruled for 17 ' V x Years. . -' : Archbishop A. Christie will celebrate the seventeenth anniversary of his ele vation to the episcopacy on June 29, thet feast of SS. Peter and Paul The archbishop will pontificate at a high mass In St. Mary's, procathedral : at 9:30 on Tuesday morning. Luncheon in honor of Archbishop Christie and the visiting clergy will be served at noon by women of the cathedral parish in the new cathedral hall. This ia the first public celebration by the- arch bishop of his elevation, although he has been archbishop of Oregon City for years. Father E. V. OUara will leave next week for the east to fill a number of engagements on the summer lecture platform.: He will speak before the National Educational -society ' ia St. Paul, June 30. on education and - the social problem, - He. will i later speak before the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, and a series of six lec tures at the Catholic .summer : school near Cliff Haven, N. July 19 to 23. WHAT CHURCH MEMBERS AND CLERGY ARE DOING Men's Class Xs . Banqueted. Forty-five men attended the ban quet given the organized male Bible class at the T?1rst English Evangeli cal, church, East Sixth and Market streets, Wednesday evening, by the Women's Missionary 'society' of the church. -Rev. Charles A. ; Phipps, of the Oregon -Sunday School associa tion, and H. G. Colton were speak ers, Tfie class has been organized but a short time, and is rapidly gain ing in membership. '; Sermon . Series at Central Church. - A series of evening addresses un der the general subject", of "Mile Posts Long Past," will be;-started to morrow night by Rev. A. L. Crim, pastor of Central Christian church. His first topic will be "Aprons of Fig Leaves." 1 During the summer the services will start promptly at 8 o'clock and close at 9 o'clock. There will , be stereopticon : Illustrations, at each evening service during the series. " . Postmaster Myers to Speak. Postmaster Frank S. Myers will ad dress the Curren Events clubi of the Westminster Presbyterian church at noon tomorrow on the subject, "In teresting Facts Regarding the Postal Service." Rufus C Ho I man will speak to the class on Sunday, June 27, on "Problems In County Government." e -. Waverly Society Xs Xmtertatned. Mrs. Charles DeWltt, Mrs. Emma Johnson, Mrs. G. W. Cntts and Mrs. A. C. Moses entertained the Worn ens' Missionary society of the Waverly Heights Congregational church at 1 o'clock luncheon Wednesday at the church. Thirty women were present. Sewing was done for the Waverly Baby Home during the afternoon. Junior Endeavorers Have Picnic. Junior Endeavorers of the Sunny side Congregational church held their annual picnic at Mt. Tabor Park Wednesday afternoon. A delicious lunch was served at 6:15. Forty-five of the 70 members were present. Miss Faye Stelnmeta is superintendent of the organization. Anabel Church Musical Program. The following musical program has been arranged at the Anabel Presby McLean; duet, "Jesus Lover of My Soul" (Parker); vocal solo. Miss Jean mass, sermon, 10:3O. Sermon and benedie tWn, p. m. 8 and 9:30. Mass, sermon and benedictioa. 10:80. St. Patrick's Rev. E. P. Murphy. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 3:30. Sacred Heart Milwaukie Be. George Ro ble. O. 8. B. Low aiass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:30. Ascension Montavilla Msss at 8. High mas witn sermon, twiw. sunoay scnooi at . Benediction JH. Holy Rosary Very Be. H. H. Kelly. Low msss, 6, 7, 8 and 9. High mass and sermon. 11. Vespers and benediction, 7 :30. ' St. Andrew's Rev.- Thomas Klarnan. Low mats. 8. High msss and sermon, 10. - Vespers, instruction and benediction. 7 :30. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral Most Be. A. Christie, D. D. Low mass, 6. 8, and 9. High mass and sermon, 11. Vespers, instruction and benediction, 7:45. St. Stanislaus' (Polish) Rev. FL Matns seweki. Low mass, 8:3u. High mass and ser mon. 10:3O. St- Jobn the Baottat Milwaukie Father J. M. O'Neill. Masses. 8 and 10:30 a. m. 8. 8., 9--B. m. Serice, 7:31)1. m. St. Charles Alberta between Glenn ave. and E. 33d st. Low mass, 8 a. m. High oiu, 10:50 a. m. Boaary and benediction. 7:30 p m. . - , St. Peter's Gilbert and Mohr streets. Lents father P. J. Beutgeu; mass, Sundays, 8 and 10 JO a. to. Evangelical Assoeiatioa. . Carsan Heights J. Btocker, pastor, 110 and 7. S. 8.. 10:3U First Ena-lMi East 6tb aad Market ata Bev. E. D. Hornachoca, . pastor. Services 11 and 8; 8. S., 10. X. P. A., 7. First German Evangelical loth and Clay sts. G. F. Leining, vastor. S. 8. 0:30. Preach Ing, 10:45 and 8. Y. P. A., 7. Reformed Irrstbytenaa. First eburcb Minnesota and Atnswortir ' Bev. F. XI.. Fraser. Services, 11 and 7:30. 8 ia Christian Bclenoa. First Church of Christ. Scientist Everett between 18th snd 10th sts. Services 11 sud 8 8 S.. 9:45 and 11. "Is the Universe, Includ ing Mao, Evolved by Atomic Force 7" Second East 6th and Uolladay Services, 11 and '8. S. 8.. 9:4 and 11. Leason aermon. "Ia the Universe, Includutug Man, Evolved by Atomic Force r. Thiro East 12th and Salmon st. Services. 11 and 8: tt. S., 11 and 12:13. Lesson sermon. "Ia the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force V' Fourth Vancouver are. and Emerson St. Services 11. 8, 8., fc-45 and 11. Lesson, ser mon, "Is the Universe. Including ' Man, Evolved by Atomic Forxe V" . Fifth Myrtle Psrk ball Services. 11 s. m. 8 S., 6:30. Lesson sermon, "Is tbe Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force ?" Oak 6 roe Methodist EpisecesJ. ' First M. E. cborch t besley E. Curtis, pas tor. 11 aad 8. 8. 8.. 10. E. L., 7. Oswega. preaching at 7:15; 8. 8. IO a, m. - - ." M. E. Church South. - Union are. and Multnomah W. 2. Fenton, pastor. 8. S-, 10. Services 11 and 8 Rev.1 P. A. Moses, Corvallis, win preach in the mora, lug. . . - , Free Methodist. " First ehorrh Cor. East 9th and Mill sts. Bv. E. U. Horrington, pastor. 11 and 7:30. Central church 56th and East Flanders Be. L B. Blackman Services 11 and . 8. 8. 8. IO a. m- Y. P. M. 7. . - Ssvsnth Jay Adventists. 'Note Regular services of this de Domination arc- beid u eaturtisy. Central. E. 11th and Everett Elder Mlltoa H. tst. Johns, pastor. 11 a. tn. 8. 8.. ia X. P. S.. Friday evening. 7:30. . -. Montavilla. East 80th and Everett X. F. Beatty. eldi-r. babbath scaool, 7. 10 a. m. i'reachtng. II.' ....... Lents Marion, ave. and - Blumauer D. J. ANNIVERSARY l Very Rev A. Christie. -i McLean; duet "Jesus Liver of My Soul" (Leason), Mesdames Tripp and Beaumont; quartet, "I Heard . the voice of Jesus Say" (Hewitt); solo. Miss Stella Strong; duet, "Come Jesus Redeemer" (Hammond), Mrs. Tripp and Mr. Towne; solo; Miss Eva - Gentry, of O. A. C. Music Conservatory; solo. Miss Grace Johnston; quartet, "Thou crownest the Tear" (Maker). - Vp.;M-: . T " Children's Uav Xs Observed. , Children's day kt the First Univer salis! i, church last Sunday . was oh served iwith a peace pageant. Each class and, department represented a different nation, j-wearlfn? costumes ana presenting tabieux .while the or ganlst played national airs " of the country. A large class of children was christened by Dr. Corby, and Bl bles were presented to five who had memorized - Scripture passages. ' Tl i- . -' J-1 -' - :.':-'' Pilgrim Congregational 8. 8. Outing. The' annual picnic of. the Pllsrim Congregational Sunday school is be ing, held . at Peninsula Park all day today., . a . program or .games and athletie "events la being1 carried out. The . picnickers - jassembled at the church,: Missouri avenue ' and Shaver street, at a. m; The Psychology of Breams. At the New Thought "Temple to morrow, Rev. Persy Joseph Green will discuss the psychology of dreams and the extension of consciousness beyond the earth and astral planes of life In his sermon bn "Lessons From a Wonderful -Dream" tomorrow night. Bev. O. H. Xavis to Oeneral Meet. ' At the meeting' of the Northwest District Assembly" of the Nazarene church,! Rev. C. Howard Davis', pastor of the First church Of . this city, was elected; delegate to the general as- semblyj convening .. . In Kansas City September . 30. . I ' . ,, -" i i ; v-' - ' Washington K. S. Baocalanreats. The June graduating class of Wash ington high school will hold Its an nual baccalaureate services at the First ' pongregational church tomor row, morning at: 111 o'clock. " There are nearly 100 students In the class. ' -j '.'I - Address on Women Problems. Mrs. I Lola G. Baldwin, superintend ent of the women's protective division or the! department of public safety, will give an address discussing phases ChltwoodV elder. Sabbath school, 10. Preach ing, 11, . Sunday, 7:30i - . Albiaa' (Uerman) Skldmore and Manor Henry Block, eider. ; G. K. Kuseb, local elder. Sabbath scbool, 10. Preaching, 11.30 aad -Preaching Sunday evening at 8. Mount Tabor East OOth and Belmont Re. O J. Co turnings, pastor. , Services : Sabbath scbool 10L Preaching IL '; St. Johns Central ave, and Charleston st Elder E. D. Hurlburt. 8abl a th school, IO. Preaching 11. Missionary society 3 p. m. Bcandinavlan-church,! 62d and 39th tra4 8. E Elder O. E. Sandses, pastor. 8. 10. Preaching, 4L... Sunday service, 7du. L. ' Evangsliool Synod. "German Evangelical Friends cbnreb Taeoma ave and East 15ih Rev, Ellas Uergert, pas tor. 10:45 and 7:30. 8. 8., i:.'J0. C. K., 6:30. St. Paul ; Evangelical church (47 Falling st. Ber.; J. Hersert. pastor, 11 aad 7:30. X. V. 8. .08:3 i I - Uaiversalist. Churehl of tlse Good iTldlngs Broadway and East 24th Be. J. D. Corbr. S. &.. 12 noon. 10:45. "The New KeliglCn for the New Age." Alameda East 2-'tn aud Prescott Be. J. D. Corby, pastor. S. 8, 3 p. tn. Preaching by. pastor, 330. -j . - - , - -r , . '"':'-''1'l"".M' ; Jewish. . ' Congregation Beth I Israel l!b and Mala sts Kelorm ritual Friday night at M. Satur day morn lug at 10:30. It ligious school at 9U0 ttundsy nrarnlng.) Bbbi Jonah B. Wise conducts aii services cad Bihia clssses. ! "', Chris tad elphlans. West Portland 21 iiwat Waahlngtea. l J0 a. ' m. ' j lit. labor E. 'OOth aad BeUneat, 11 aad T-ao j . ' ; 1 'Befarmad. - " -First German liitbiand Clay sts. G. Bur ner, nasaor. Preaching! 10:45 and 8. 8. 8., 9:30. Y. P. S-, T ' 1 "second- Columbia blvd. and 33d St. A. E. Wyss. 11 and 8. 8. 8.. 9:30. x. P. 8.. 7. Third Fifth ave., Lents Be. U. Scheld kxecnt, -pastor,. 11. S. &., 10. '-:. Services far the Deaf. ' United Presbyterian Bev. 8. Earl Dubois, 10u0 and . G. E.. 1. Christian aad Miaeionsry Allianoe. 'Gospel Tabernacle IJast 9th and Clay John E. ee, pastor. 8. 8-i 10. Preacnlng. 11. '' i-'Haw Char oh Sodaty. Swedes borgi an K. of P. ball. 11th and Al der Bev. Samuel Worcester. Services 11 a. m. v ' - -: .' Vaitaxiaa.' - ' ' " -Cbnrcb of Onr Fatner Broadway- and Yam bill Iter. T. L. Eliot, D. D.. sainlstar emor itis; Ke. W. G. Eliot, Jr.. miniater. il and 7:45. S. 8., 9:30. Adult class 13 m. Y. P. .. C:30. Morning, address t7 Prof. Wm. Isaac Hull, S war thuiore colfcege. No evening services. "- i-'.i--'. ! " - - ,: ,. 'Christian 6pixitnaL Christian Spiritualist Altsky building. 283 Morrison: st.j 8. Lecture and circles. Lecture 8 p. m. "Nature's Religion or Naturalism of Spiritualism," by Will . C. Hodge- of San Diego. t '.. - .-j y- ; V'';-:y - - ' : - BBirituaL; - " First Manchester 4 building. 86A Fifth st. 3 p. m. Lecture and messages. Etta 8. Bledsoe and Mrs. Altbea Wiesendanger.. Eva ning lecture by A. Sdott Bledsoe. Cbarch of the Soui 2oVi Ki St. Re. J. H. Loeas pastor. Conference, 3 p. m. Lectures by 'Re, li as-Huffman. .8 p. m. - i V 1. ZAttar Day Baifita. . s Cbarch of Jesus Christ of Letter Dsy Habit a (Mormon) East 19 tb and Harrison 8. 8., 10. Preaching. 11:45 and: 7. -. ' ' Montavilla toot Mormon) 8. 8, 9:45. Ser. flees, U and 7:30. i. . Associated Bible Studanto O. B. 8. A W. O. W, Hail. Kast bth and Alder sts 1 :4 p. . m. Bereaa 1 Bible lesson, S p. -ic. PORTLAND ENDEAVOR RIVER EXCURSION TO TAKE PLACE JUNE 28 Two Steamers Chartered Al ready and Expectation Is Third Will Be Necessary, 5 Portland ham nver nnn Ph.i.ti.n rr deavor members. They are to be f ourxl in oi aiiierent societies, representing eight denominations. Once each year mis nosi or young people come to gether for their annual excursion, tt is an occasion long looked forward to. for it is the only time during the year when an entertainment 4a ntnon all the Endeavor members at the same time. The river excursion thla vnr tnirou place Monday, June 28. Two boats, tho Georrl&Bl tni) th TTnrllno Vinv. chartered for the trip, arid the Iono will probably bo called into servlco also. The boats will leave the dock at tne root or Washington street at 7:45 in the evening. There will be music on eacn Doat, as well as other games and special stunts now being planned by the committee In charge, Enthusiasm over the affair has proven most encouraging to those in ' charge of it. The tickets went on sale the night of July 7, when the Portland C. E. union held its annual meeting. in less man five minutes over 600 of the tickets were sold. The combined capacity of the three boats is but 70(1. . The excursion is held under the aus pices of the Portland Christian En- aeavpr union ana tne proceeds go to wards the final raising of the $400 budget for the pushing of the work in Portland and Oregon. The Endeavor union has extended speciat Invitations to members of the Epworth league so cieties of the MMfinillif -hnrrh.. . , the Baptist Young People's union. Willard F. Rouse Is chairman of the arrangements committee. of her work at the Epworth Methodist Episcopal church. Twenty-sixth and Savier Streets tomorrow evening. Missionary Secretary to Speak. Rev. Robert IL Glover, M. D.. for-, elgn secretary of .the Christian anl missionary alliance, who has Just completed an extended tour In south, central andi northwest China, on the Tibetan border, French India, China, the Philippines and Japan, will giv two addresses, tomorrow at 11 a. rru and 2:30 p.; m. In the Gosper Taber nacle, corner of East Ninth and Clay streets. - - Heceptlon to Se Given. ' As a finale to the year's work, the Women's association of the First Pres byterian church will unite withThe Toung Women's club in giving a re ception tea at the home of th presi dent, Mrs. E. C. Michener, 702 Brazee street.' Mrs. A. G. Klosterman is tn charge of arrangements. This affair takes the place of the regular all day meeting. . .Rooms of the home will bo decorated and a program of musical numbers will be given during the after noon. - - ' ' ' i '. e A. Kittner of this r-ttv n.m I stereoptloon lecture on the foreign uimoiuiiarjr woril! tne First M. K. Church South, Union avenue and Mult nomah Streets, tomorrow evening. Mr Bittner took the pictures himself while traveling through the orient. - Will c: Hodge of San Diego, will preach at the Christian Spiritualist church. Allsky building, tomorrow eve ning on "The Naturalism of Spiritual ism.' ' '"''' " The Y. M. C. A. Gospel team will have charge of the evening services at Central Methodist church, Vancouver avenue and Fargo street tomorrow. SUBURBS discourse by Wm. A. Baker. "M,rns ,f the Son' ot Man." Evening discourss by Wro.- A. Baker. ' Advsat Christ tan -2to Berantb Day) -Adent Christlsn C. F. L. Mmlth. par. 11 and 7:80. 8. 8.. 10. Loyal Workers. fl.3a Prayer meeting 7:45 Thursday. Salvation Arm. Corps No, 4 207 Salmon st Staff Captsia and Mrs. Gale In cbarge, 3:13 and 8. lioll. ness1 meeting, 11. 8. 8. 1:80. Corps Nu. 1243 st. Adl. and Mrs. ?il!U'e JS 'i1"" " ,:15 n, 8. 8.. 1:30. x. P. 8.. 6. Swedish Corps 43Q Bnrnslde 11, 4O0 and 8. 8candlnsvian 24 tMb st 8 p. so. Re. John Ovaei. ' . Sew Thought. TamrilA at Truth Fllora hnil.llr. r--w T. seph Green, teacher. Evening, lectnrs, "Les- iwa wvnueriui ireiifl. '' BationaHxta, Perfland RatlonaLUt Aaa'n. PuUia library ball, 8 p. m. NazsreMs. first Pentecostal Ckurch of tbe Kssareoe E. 7th and Davis. Re. C Howard Davis, pastor 8. 8 9:45. Y. P. 8 6:15 41. ta. X Iscellaneou. Portland Babai Asseoitly 102 EUers bMg. Bcrvlrea, 8 p. m. Divine Truth Center Selllng-IIlrsch bldg, Be. J. M. Mlnard. pastor, II. Christian Yogs 318-20 Abington bid-. Rw. Coro Hsmmoud, Instructor. Evening rvka, 8., "Tbe Father Within." Church of the Brethren (Dunksrds) Be. George A. Carl, 11 end 7:30. 8. 8M 10. C. W 6:30, ; - Tbs Church of Ood S61 Failing at. Pas tor. Rev. D. V. Ilarooi. German aervlcea, 10:4,1 a. m. K. 8..-.30. EngiUih sarvices, Z:M and 7:30. 8. 8., 1:80, V. p. hi.. 6:30. Cborch of Christ Lents frescoing, 11 sad 7:80. Bible cUmk. 10. Y. W. C. A. Broadway and Taylor Vesper service, 4:30 p. m. Mr. J. E. Fee, misatoB ary, will spesk. Pisgah Mission Lents Fun gospel Sunday, 0:3o and 2:30. Tueala and Friday at 7:30. Lent eburcb Jobn Kliey. 11 and 7:45. S. S.. 10. C. ., 6:43. Tbs Irvlngton Center of Truth 715 Thomp son at., cor. East 21st Service. 11. Mrs. Florence ' Crswford. Commons Mllon 22 N. Front st. Myra -Smith and Miss Esther Ellis, Supts., tt. Scandinavian Evangelical MUMuu Cljorcb "737 Alberta Services, and 7:45. 8. 8.. lk Y, P. M. Sunday. 6:30. Prayer meeting Thurs day. 8. M. Olsen. pastor. Tbeosopblcsl Society 726 Morgan ' bldg. 9 p. to. Sertnoo, by Dr, Geo. W. CarfT. "Wire less Telegraphy and , Communion With the resd." Y. M. C A. Six A and T1or . R. e. Randall, religUras work director Meeting f r .en at :15. 1 Visit OUR CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BOOKS. BIBLES, TESTA MENTS,' MAPS, BUTTONS, CARDS, CERTIFICATES. Etc THIRD AND ALDER STS.