I THE OREGON . DAILY J. JOURNAL, PORTLAND SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1915. ALIEN WOOL LAST ARRIVALS OF OLD CROP: POTATOES r ARE NOW OFFERING Available' Stocks Are Nov in Sight -Trade Believes There Will Be Z Sufficient for Xeeds Price Hold- iag Firm; J' ' ' While. stocVs" of old -potatoes are not heavy, I." is -now Betiiveo that sufficient offerings are available br'e to tike care of the want of, the trade 4 during tbe remainder of the uonth.- i ,. . With the arrival of the hut three carload of - potatoes fn,m Canada In tbla city, all blpmeata from there were suspended by or der f federal of ficiala. That tbe three care ere allowed to enter this country wn eoroe what of a : surprise ; to the trade, but tbe fact - remains .tbat. tbe foreign stock was of guod quality, and free from iowdery scab. .Within about 'Jo weeks matured potatoes from the south will be available in sufficient supply to take care of requirements bete, while there trill- be more liberal offerings of both Oregon and California new growth, it Market for potatoes continues to reflect much strength. Practically nothing Is being offered In tbe old potato market that.lv of good quality below 2.25 a cental, this being even better than most of tbe sew stock is sell ing t. . VEAL MARKET IS WORSE f Market for country killed calves is weaker and lower again ou Frcnt street, with best stock Inclined to drug somewhat at 1010c poond. Some handier are reporting prices be low this, Hecelpts have been heavy. DRESSED HOGS RULE LOWER Dressed bogs have at. last turned weak, with fractionally lower price quoted in some quarters,, although tbe general market remains unchanged at WAg. There is less keenness shows- among' buyers st this time. Keceipts have been liberal- this week. -i Chicken e market is sick 1 Another spell of sickness Is shown in the Chicken market along the street and some supplies will be carried over Into tbe coming week. - Commission " Interests are generally quoting light bens at lie. with heavier staff at lle. Light springs are generally weaker. BERRY MARKETS IMPROVED Slight Improvement ia shown In the market tttt berries this morning. Saleir on the East Side Farmer' market were generally at an advance of 10sj lie a crate all through. Can ning operations are rvell under way and, this is taking care of tbe surplus. SALES OP CORN ARE- SLOW t Very slow sales of new sweet corn are re ported by .the general trade. Receipts from the sooth are increasing and quality is fair. Best offerings are reported moving here at 35c a, dozen. ? ' NEW OREGON APPLES" HERE First offerings of new crop Oregon apples were shown today from Tbe Dalles, ahead of California shipments. The offerings were of rlie red Astrican variety and sales were re ported et 75($S5c for-half boxea. SHIPPERS' -WEATHER NOTICE 'Weather bureau sends the following notice f i shippers: Protect shipments as far north as Seattle against maximum temperatures of about 66 degrees; northeast to Spokane 78 degrees; southeast to Boise, 80 degrees; sooth to Ash la nd, 80 degrees. Maximum temperature Portland tomorrow about 8 degrees. JOBBESTT PRICES OP PORTLAND These prices are those at which wholesalers well to retailers excet is otherwise stated. They are corrected up to noon each day: . Dairy - Fioduoe. r:ri0TTBa Wouilnal Willamette valley creamery cubes, selling price, 23e; statd prints, 26 fete 27V; ranch butter, ltt&c; city creamery, cafe ox. 27c f Bl.'TlKKk'AT I.o. 1- 'ortlan(j delivery, 26c. EtKJS F. O. IS. buying prices subject to candling roles Portland Kgg & Poultry Deal ers association; No. 1 grade 20c, No. 2 grade l(iiilOVie, No. 3 grade 13tf 13Hc dosen. SeU- TRANSPOKTATIOJI San Francisco Los Angeles WIthou Changs Sa stouts) . . : The Big. Clean, 'Comfortable; - Elegantly Appointed, ' Bea-Croina Steamship BEAVER alia Prom Ainxworth Sook 9 A. M., JUNE 21 I 100 Qolden Miles on Columbiai JLiver. All Bates Include - BerU Mil Meals. Tables and Stmci , Unexcelled. ' Tht San Francisco Portland S. SL Co. Third and Wasnlnartoa Sta. (with. O-w. B. ta ar. Coo Tel SzoadT way 4500. A-6131. SaixFrancisco SANTA BARBARA, LOS ANGELES . AND SAN DIEGO. S. S. ELDER , RATTifl WED, J"CTH"E 23. 6 P. M. II COOS BAY AHD ETTSEEA S. S. SANTA CLARA SAILS SUNDAY, JTJKX 20, 6 P. IX. KOBTH FACIPXO STEAMSHIP CO. - " Ticket Of fioa t - Freight Off ioa 122A 8d St- I Foot Nortbrun St. JMain 1314, A-1314 B dwy 6203, A-5422 - Freight and Passenger 8TT.AMT.BS TO THE DAIXI3 N 1 3 and Way Landings ; "BAILEY GATZERT Leaves PorUaad daily at 7 A. M. except Sun dsy and Monday. Sunday excursions to Cas cade Locks leave 9 A. It. Heturo 5:45 p. m. -s - "DALLES CITY' Lea vea Portland Tuesday, j Thursday sad -Saturday at 8:30 A. M. ' Euaday Cascade Looks exeuraifln . . Far to Tha Dalles and return. ........ !$a.00 AIDER STREET "DOCK, PORTLA2TD v Phone Main tli. A -6112 STEAMER GEORGIANA Leaves dally except Monday tor . ASTOXIA AXS WAT ULKlSEBrGS. Laatlng' 'Xoot of Waahlrigton SL.' T S . a.m-., raturolnr 9 p. m. Coos Bay Line ? STEAMSHIR BREAKWATER FaCa from Ainsvorth Dock. Portlaad, I s. as. Skursday. Freight - aad Ticket - et'f ioa Aina. werth iwek. P ooaa laia A-i&i. City Ttckat effioor DO bixtk st. Pheas Mi-Mil AiO. A-012i. Fortlaad A Caoa Say &, ft. Uaa, IS BEING USED SHORT SELLEES OP "WHEAT ARE FINALLY HURT , WHEAT CARGOES HIGHER. ' London. June 19. Wheat cargoes on pass age firmer and higher, . NORTHWEST GBALtf RECEIPTS. Wheat Barley .flour .Oats. Hay. Portland, today 19 -, 1 y ,. . 4 9 Tear ago J 2 ' . 3 2 2 T't'L this week i 100 ' 1- , 7 17 24 Year ago ; SU 30 ' 24 15 10 Tacoma, Frl... ' 8 1 .. 2 2 Season to daU. 16,489 10 1S8 2003 2101 Year ago. 13.7W 2767 2M9 171 2732 Year ago. . .... 21 I ... 23 Season to date. 9.113 616 680 31&4 Seattle. Fri.,.r i 3 - 4 5 2 8 Year szo 9,217 846 .. 505 2617 Year ajto . . . . . 3 3 i. 3 12 Season to date. T.Wil 31126 2397 1237 5774 Year ago...... 6,802 .lltftf 2174: 1336 6157 Portland exports this week 18,667 bushels wheat. 2296 barrels flour. Last wek, T3.175 bushels wbeat; 16.304 parrels flour; 212,805 bushels oats; '. : With - prospects for lower cbsrter rates, there has been no inclination among Portland exporting interests to do much in regard to new ships during the lat few days. Those tbat have high-priced charters are naturally inclined to wait awhile to catch their breath. With liberal chartering already shown for the new crop and some additional shipping of old crop to go forward, abort sellers are being compelled to bid up for remaining small lots of wheat." Requirements in this regard are said to be even more liberal than stocks avail able. . Those .that have sold wheat short can well afford to pay tbe advances demanded. It is stated tbat soma of tbe big operators have made more money during the last season than during the entire career previously. Flour market is Inclined to continue very slow with no further change In prices an nounced. FLOUR Selling price: Patent. 96.20: Wil lamette valley. 6.20; local straight. toJH);' bakers' local. (6.20; Montana spring wheat. exports, $4.50: whole wheat, $3.60; graham. $3.60 per bushel HAY Buying price: Willamette valley tim othy, fancy, $13-00; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, $16.00; alfalfa, $L3.00igl3.50i vetch and oats, $11.00; clover, $8.009.00 per ton. tiRAIN SACKS 1915. nominal: No. 1 Cal cutta. SHiiftc. MILLSTtFrS Selling price: Bran, $27.00 27.50; shorts, $2.002.0O. ROLLED BARLEY Selling price: $25,000 26.50. CORN White. $35.0O35.5O: cracked. $36Q 37.00. No wheat was offered today on tbe Fort innd 'Merchants' Exchange and bid prices were firmer. Bids were unchanged with tbe ex ception of forty told which advanced lc over yesteday. Oata bids for spot were weaker 50c a ton lower with no salea while barley was weaker with a losa of 73c. No sales. Merchants' Exchange bid prices: WHEAT, Sat. Frl. Man. Bid. Ask, Bid- Blues tem . . . Fortyfold . . . Club Red Fife ... Red Russian Feed Feed Bran A3 .3 .91 .91 -S8 .88 .91 .90 .88 .80 .83 .. . .93 .. .91 . . .89 . . .88 OATS. 24.00 20.00 BARLEY. 22.00 23.50 MILLSTUFFS. 24.00 26.00 24.50 23.75 22.73 22.00 24.00 2.00 24.50 24.00 shorts 24.00 26.50 Futures were ouoted : WHEAT. July bloestem ............. August July fortyfold Angast fortyfold July club August club ... July Fife August Fife July Russian Bid. .... .93 .87 02 .... .86 .90 W... .85 83 . . . .82 85 80 24.50 23.00 .22.50 20.00 - 24.00 24.50 24.00 Ask. 1.66 .93 August ttuasian OATS. July August July August 26.00 BARLEY. 23.50 BRAN. July ,. 26.00 26.50 26.50 27.00 August SHORTS. TnV August 24. SO tag price by dealers nearby freshly gathered, candled, 21c. : L. . LIVE POULTRY ' - Hens.-Plymouth Rock, ilV.e; ordinary chickens, lie: broilers. 1 to 2 lbs., 184i22c; turkeys, 18auc; dressy 222oc; pigeons. $1 .004$ 1.25: squsbs ( ) dosen; geese, live. 8$9c; Pekla ducks, old, 9gl0e; young, 17618c CHEESE Fresh Oregon fancy full cream twins and triplets, 1415c; Young America 5lttV4e; storage --at, 14e. Fruita aad Vegetable. FRESH FRU1X Oranges, navel, $2.503.25, tangerines, $1.25; bananas, 4VjC lb.; lemona, $3.25;5.00; limes, $l.oo per 1U0; grape fruit, $2.5O4ji4.60 per case; pineapples, 7c lb.; pears. $2.50; strawberries, local, jL501.60; goose berries, 33c; currants. SLOotoilo; rasp berries, $1.131.2&; cantaloupes. $1.503.00: loganberries, $lia5; blackcaps, xl.25 crate. AlfLw Loci. tlJuwsu iwx, accvruiug to onallty. ONIONS Local No. 1. 50c$L25; new Cal ifornia, $1.2o1.76 crate; red, l.i.aek; garlic, 17c , . POTATOES Selling rtcc: Extra choice ta ble stock, $2,004-12.10 per ceatal; aew crop, $L85fix2.50; sweets. $3.25. VEUETABLES Turnips, $1.75; beets, $1.75 sack; carrots, new, $1.52.00 sack; parsnips. $1.0031.25 per sack; cabbage (local) $lLi-5; greea onions, 12c doaea bunches ; peppers, belbi, 26$30c; head lettuce, local. 25c dozen; celery, per crate, $4.boaO.Ov; rhubarb, lfe &2c; cauliflower, $j. 15 per dosen; French ar tichokes, 85c per dosvea; string beans, 6gSc; cranberries, eastern, ujj0 per barrel; peas. 3 &4c per lb.; asparagus, local, 85cs$1.15 per ousea; radiahea, 20c par dosen. bunches. Iteata, Fiah aad Provisioas. DRESSED MEATS iielllng price Country killed; Fancy hogs, loy,c; rough apd heavy, 8c: fancy veals, 106l0c; ordinary, 9c; poor. 8c; goats, 3 f 4c;, spring lambs, 15 il5c; heavy mutton, fee HAJdS. BACON, tTiC. Hams, 18&19c; breakfaat bacon, 17(s2Uc: boiled bama. 27c; picnics. 12ic; cottage roll. lc OUSTERS Olrmpia. per gallon, $3.50; canned eastern, 55c can.; $6.50 fUatsa; eastern In abell, $1J5 per 100; raaor clams, $2.50 box; eastern oysters, per gallon, solid pack, $3.00. j FISH Dressed flounders, 7c; steel head sal mon t ); Royal Chinook, 11c; Puget sound aalmoa, 9(310c; perch, sc; lobsters, 25c lb.; silver smelt, 8c; ealmua trout, lac lb.; halibut, &&Hc; shad, dressed, 3c; shad roe, 15c; roe aUad, 6c lb. lARD Tierces, kettle rendered, 14c; standard, 12c CRABS Large, $1.75; medium, $1.25 dozen. Hops, Wool aad Hides. - HOPS Bo j lug price, choice. 1014c; prime, 10c; medium to prime, Vc; meuium, 10c; 1915 contracts, 10c WOOL Nominal, 1915 clip: Willamette val ley, coarse CotswooL 2831c; medium Shrop shire. 27c; choice, fancy lota, 25fri2tic; eastern Oregon, 14623c. HIDES batted hides, 25 lbs. and up, 1414c; salted stags, 60 lbs and up, 10c; salted kip, 15-lha. to 25 lbs., 15c; salted calf, up to 13 lbs-, 18c; green bides, 25 lbs. and up, 13c; green stags, 5u lbs. 'and up, 8c; green kip. 15 lbs- to iS lbs., 16c; greea calf, up to 15 lbs., 18c; dry flint hides, 24e; dry flint calf, op to T lbs., -JHe; dry aalt hide. 2Uc; dry horse&ides, each. 60c to $1.00; salt horaehides. each, $2.00 to $3.00; horsehair, 25c; dry long wool pelts, loftc; dry short wool pelts, 11 Vie. dry aneep shearlings, each, 10c to lae; salted sheep shearings, each. 15c to 25c TALLOW No. 1. fcfciiie; Ku. 2. 45c; grease, 3H4c - ? MOHAIR 1915 31c . ' 1 CH1TTIM OR CASCARA BARK Baying price, ear lota, 4&44c; less than car lots, 4c . Orooorias. -r- :- . v SUGAR Cube, $7.40; powdered, $70; fruit or berry, $6.90; beet, 6.70; dry granulated, $6.90; D yellow, $6.80. tAbove quota Uuna are 30 daye net cash. . .. RICK Japan style No. 2, 405e; New Or leana. head, tfi6c; bine rose. tSic; Creole 6c i -. . .' SALT Coarse, naif grounds. lOOs, $9.75 per ton; 60s, $10.50; table dairy. 6Us, $16; los. $17.50; bales, $2.25; lump rock, $20.00 per ton. HONEY New. $3.25(f 3.50 per case. ' BEANS Small white, $6.00; large , white, $6.ou; pink, $5J25; Umaa, S6.U0; bayou, $6.00; B.ie" Painta and Oils. -- LINSEED OIL Raw bbla.. 77c gallon; ket tle boiled, bbl.. 7ac; raw. cases, 82c; boiled, cases, 84c gaL; lota of 250 gallons, le lees; oil cake meal. $44 per ton. , COAL- OIL Water white In drama and Iron barrels, -10c - TURPENTINE Tanks 61c; cues 68e gallon. .- WHITE LEAD Ton lota. 94 c lb.; 500 lit. lota. 10c lb.; lesa lota, 104 per lb. . OIL MEAL Carload, lota. $34. : l iNew Tork Sagar and Coffee. " ' -Hew York, June 18. Sugar, centrifugal spot $49; futures,, $3.02. -CoffeeSpot New. York "Jo." f Bioa, 7iic; No. 4 Santos, 9c' ' . , . TO HOLD DOWN PRICE OF THE - Edited by .Hjman H. Cohen. FOREIGN CUPS ARE : USED TO DEPRESS PRICES FOR WOOLS 'Wash" Sales In the East .Said to Be for Purpose of Holding in Check Legitimate Advances in Western Territory. - While higher prices have been offered and paid Tor wool in tbe pacific northwest recent ly, tbe manufacturing interests of the country as a rule are still disposed to . "bear" the trade. , , -.. :;? , ;4 - They are still using foreign wools as a wedge with which to best down tbe price of domestic values. Some of these Interests are alleged to be actually selling foreign fleece for less than they cau import It. While on the surface this would Indicate that manufactur ers have practically all the wool they 'need for immediate requirements, this Is Absolutely cot tbe case. . ' . Selling of foreign wool at lower orices than the import cost is generally of a bluffing na ture. The selling of the foreign clips la simply used as a means to depress domestic clip conditions, nothing else. It is even stated that many, of these so-called sales of foreign fleece by manufacturer are "wash" affairs that is. the transactions are not bona fide, but are actually given as-such. Somewhat heavier movement of wool Is re ported at Pacific northwest points. Quite fair selling is reported at .Willamette valley and eastern Oregon points at the prices listed. Some of the big manufacturers have been rather liberal buyers here at higher basis prices than they are said to t be of ferine; In Boston. . Dullest Market For Months Today. In New York New York, June 19. (I. N. . Today'p two-hour session of the stock market waa one of the dullest in months. Tbere wss little zr no demand for the lead ing securities, some of the standard rails failing to post even one sale. Industrial Issues led the trading. At the opening prices were generally higher tban last night's close. Baldwin Locomotive, Distillers, Steel common and American Can were active issuea. ' Distillers gained points during the day. selling up to 234. s Baldwin Locomotive ad vanced 1. It soldi up to 66 after opening at 64. Steel sold abova 60. The copper Issues were dull. Tbe buying in the industrials was mostly professional. The market closed steady.." Range of New York prices furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co.. 216-217 Board of Trade buildlna.v. DESCRIPTION lOpen I High! Low Cloe Amalgamated Coo. Co. 74 44H 123 36H iooii '74 50 75 62' "79 123 36 ioo 74 American C. A Fdy.. c American can, c ..... . American Can, pf...... American Cot. Oil. c. . American Loco., C-. - -American Sugar, c . A merican Smelt, e . . . . American Smelt, pf.. Am. Tel. A Tel.. Anaconda Mining : Co. . American Woolen, c. Atchison, c Atchison, pf. . Baltimore 4c Ohio, c Beet Sugar Bethlehem Steel, c Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific, c... Central- Leather, c . Central Leather, pf.... ChL A G. W-, c Chi. G. W.. pf Chi.. MIL ft St. P Chi. ft N. W., c....... Ctino Copper Ches. ft Ohio..... Colo. F. ft L, c... Colorado Southern, ... Consolidated Gas....... Corn. Products, c.. .... Corn Products, pf..... Denver ft R. ti-. c. Denver ft R. G., pf . . Erie, c Erie, 2d pf. Erie, 1st pf General Electric 44 5i 79 45 101 - 46 61V 108 7H 106 122 3 27 10 100 122 36 100 75' 74 SOW UT5 60 00 V 163 161 Vt 163 161 88i 152 41 6 '46 103 11 2S 90 125 45 38 32 29 125 15 75 6 12 26 30 40 173 37 117 30 106 102 23 73H 144 25 61 36 90 "45 32 'is '26 "ii '37 ioe" 23 75 '62" 37 'io 65 15 63 87 90 "45 32 15 " 8' '2o 'ii" '37 ioa" "24" 75 "62" 37 65 15 I 63 88 90 45 32 is" "e" 28" ii" '37" O. Northern, ore lands li. jsortnern, pi...... Ice Securities ........ Hlinois Central Int. Harvester........ Int. Metropolitan, e... Int. Metropolitan, pf. Lehigh Valley K C- Southern..... Goodrich ............. Alaska Gold. Louis v. ft Nashville . . . Missouri Pacif ic. . . . , National Lead Nevada Consolidated. New Haven New York Central... 106 : . m a . 23 . . . . 51 37 "io 65 14 63 87 116 11 65 14 62 87 28 N. Y., Ont. ft Western Norf. ft West., common 103 North American Northern Pacific, com. Pacific Mail SS. Co.. Pennsylvania Railway. Peo. L. ft C Co... Pressed Steel Car, com. Ray. Cons. Copper..-.., Reading, common...... Reading, 2d pfd....... Reading, 1st pfd...... Republic L ft S., com. Republic I. ft S.. pfd. Rock Island, common. 72 106 106 SO 106 106 ao 29 29 106 106K 106 p06 49" 24 49" 24 114 49 24 144 48 244 144 144 144 li 81 81 29 87 "5 6 8 87 16 50 37 15 127 80 64 29 87 1T 29 87 11 29 87 1T Uock Island, pfd-, new St. L. ft 5. aa pro. S. Li ft S. F 1st pfd. South. Pacrflc, com... South., Railway, com.. South. Railway, pfd... Tennessee Copper. . . . -Texas ft Pacific. . Unkm Pacific, com.,,. Union- Pacific, ' pfd.... 87 '50" 37 87 50" 37 i' 65 ' 107 60 67 87 50 37 127 127 U. S. Rubber, com.. ..J 61 64 U. S. Rubber, pM U. S. Steel Co., com.. U. S. Steel Co., pfd... Utah Copper...., Virginia Chemical. . Wabash, common ....... Wabash, ureter red .... . 107 107 .107 60 67 0 67 o 100 22. 66 97 76 West. Union Telegraph westinghouse luectric. Studebaker ; 97i 98 97H 77 77 764 Total sale. 123,300 shares. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT New Yorkv Jane 19. 8.) The clear ing house bank statement, showing the aver age end actual figures. Issued today, was as follows: - . . Average Loans Increase $13,579,000; demand deposits increase $17,786,000; time deposits in crease, $1,130,000; reserve Increase $10,701, 630. v a f - f Actaal Loans Increase $13,711,000; demand deposits Increase $13,704,000; net time, depos its decrease $1,050,000;; reserve Increase $3, 243,690. . -. - i - New York Cotton Market. Month. Open. : High. '-.Low. Close. January , 1023 1026 1024 1025 March , ... 4 104 May ......1 1068 1068 5 IO68 IOC? July ..i..., 951 . 953 950 952 Acgust .. .. . ' .' .... j . .' . 963 September . 979 October ......... 991 992 990 992 December 1017 1018 . 1017 101S New York Metal Market. New York, June 19 Commercial bar silver ancbanged at 49 He. 1 Copper Electrolytic 2020c; Lake, 220 27C. .; " :-' . .!"': ' ' Lead 6.25. J Tba $49.25. - i i - "-. . : t U CasUngs $1 19.25. ,." - , SHTPPEB3. j ATTiia TIOH 'We pay cash net, no commission: llocs. No. 1." 10il0e per lb.: hogs. No. 2, 9i9e per in.; veaV'No. 1, ioiwiac per. ia. ; veal. o, z, 910c per lb.; - eggs, - fresh, 18!9 per lfren; nens, llI2c per lb.: springs... 20 22c per. Ib.; turkeys, live," 20&21e per; lb., dressed," 23ft 25e . per lb. We want all your produce. Highest market prices guaranteed. Checks mailed dally. v 4, , XHB SATZSAK CO,".:",- ,:z " . Marshall 6S7. 807-9 Stark St. MUTTON-LAMBS , : WEAKER WITH A LOWER PRICE - . -' . Po'ETLAJfD LIVESTOCK RCN. ; . Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Sarurday .......... 416 Frldav 942 31 3 . 729 97 .. - 42 73 ' 12 135 74 : 2. 2W 177 4 867 1207 " 18 14.'3 3 2 - 125 1 , . . " 175 r 5. . 3 447 .. 108 Thursday ........... 310 Wednesday ........ 644 Tuesday .......... XiO Monday ...2630 wees ago ........ at Year airu ... .. .."23tl Two years ago .... 60 Three years ago .... 230 Indleatlona point to a lowering of the price of mutton and lambs .at North. Portland dur ing tbe coming week. ' While the top of tbe market for lambs at this time Is not con sidered above $7.15(37.25 a very limited and elected lot was sold late yesterday at $7.35. It is not expected that shipments of lambs during the coming week will bring above the $7 mark, bat naturally-almost everything de pends upon the volume of offerings. Today's price was about a dime off. Mutton market conditions In tbe east were generally quiet . with a steady - tone for the day. ,r, , - - Genera shorn mutton market: Choice spring lamb ............. .$7. 1537. 25 Common spring lambs ............ 6.0ott?. 50 Choice yearling wethers..... 5.50&5.7S Good yearling 5-25o5.35 Old wethers 6.255.35 Choice light ewes ................. 4.75&S.OO Good ewes ....................... 4 .SO Common heavy ewes 4.0004.25 Jfoor catue otiereo. Practically the only cattle offering In tbe North Portland yards today waa a load of worn out dairy staff from Tillamook, which are classed as calls by the trade. General cattle market conditions are ex tremely roiet with, best steers no higher at $7.25 at this time, aad it takes exceptional quality to bring above the $7 mark. Cattle trade was generally stesdy In the eastern stockyards for the dsy. General cattle market range: Select steers - $7.307.35 Best hay fed steers 70c7.25 Good to choice f..... 7.007.15 Ordinary to fair 6.O08.75 Best cows 6.50 Good to prime 6.2596.40 Select calves Fancy bulla 5.25(5.50 Ordinary bulls- 4.00c$5.00 Only Contract Hogs in. Practically the only arrivals of hogs in tbe North Portland yards over night were con tracted by killers prior to shipment. General swine market situation la practically the same as sesterday with tops quoted around $7.85. - Hog market trade was fractionally Improved at eastern stocky srd -points this morning. General hog market range: Best light $7.8007.85 Medium light -- I-'0a i5 Good to heavy .... I-JSgi'SV Rough to neavy .- Today's Livestock Shippers. Hogs II. A. Hecker, Albany, one load. Cattle Tillamook county bank. Tillamook, one load. Sheep F. G. Smith, Grand Dalles, Wash., two loads. Mixed stuff Reese A Loop, McMinnville, one load cattle, bogs and sheep; C. B. Locke, MolaDa, two loads calves, hogs and sheep. Can by, .two loads hogs and sheep direct to Union Meat; J. C. Davis, Shedd, one load hogs end sheep. Comparative livestock run: Cattle. Calves, Hogs. Sheep. Month to date. 2,396 291 11.476 14.903 Same 1914.... 4.056 211 7.973 20,191 Gain. 1915 Loss, 1915 1,660 Year to date. 82,333 Same, 1914 ....35.778 SO 8.503 5 288 915 106.167 99,-999 971, 109,144 137.411 Loss, 1915 3,445 56 2,977 37.412 STEERS. . No. At. lbs. Price. ...... 2 906 $6.00 5 772 6.00 , 2 820 5.75 COWS. , 1 1240 $6.00 4 932 .6.75 ...... 2 940 5.75 , 5 912 v 5.00 ...... 2 995 r ,6-00 2 895 4-25 CALVES. 2 180 7J HEIFERS. 2 480 $5.00 BULLS. 1 1180 $4.00 1 800 4.00 .. 1 1010 3.00 LAMBS. :. 20 . 68 $7.35 24 80 7.25 EWES. , 9 133 $4.75 3 Va 3-50 HOGS. , 26 180 $S.OO 32 172 7.75 18 , 200 7.65 , 2 310 7.00 , 1 , 370 7.00 22 170 7.00 29 189 6.60 1 180 6.50 IO 123 6.33 8 133 6-25 ly Morning Sales. LAMBS. No. At. Iba. Price. 37 64 $7 JO "BARLINGS. 8 SI $5.50 Section Oregon ...... Oregon .----. Oregcn ...... Oregon Oregon ------ Oregon Oregon ...... Oregon ...... Oregon ...... Oregon ...... Oregon Oregon Oregon ...... Oregon ..... Oregon ... Oregon ..... Oregon ..... Oregon ..... Oregon Washington . Washington Washington . Oregon ....'. Washington -. Oregon ......... Oregon Oregon . . . . . Oregon Section Oregon . Oregon . Contracted. Rains Cause Rise In Wheat Early; ; Price Down Later Chicago, June 19. I. N. S.) Wheat closed unchanged to e lower. Vt, UHUCU . . A.l . M. M.V -- - - . ports of crop damage resulted in higher grain At tbe outset wheat waa tip to lc; corn up to c; oats opened with an advance, and provisions were steady. - In the later trading " the - advance : w checked due to conflicting crop damage re ports. r 'The crop news is mainly bullish. Owing to in nonv sections, harsestlna 00- erations have been checked. Foreign marseta were -aieaoy raaij.- isera IUUI, U11UUJ . "W , There was every Indication of returning for eign interest. -j.ne com u "u, mma u.w Range of Chicago prices furnished by Over beck ft Cooke company, 216-217 Board of Trade building; ' i . WHEAT. Ooen. Close. $1.05 B 1.03 B 1.06 -T4 .74 B 6 .43 A J9 B July ;..$1.06 Sept. . .... 1.04 Dec 1.07 July .. Sept, . Dec .. Jury .. Sept. -. Dec . July .. Sept. . July . .. Sept. . July .. Sept. . PORK. 17.00 17.42 LARD. 9.45 9.75 BIBS. 10.37 10.72 17.00 17.42 9.45 9.75 10.37 10.7O 16.87 17.33 9.40 9.67 10.35 10.63 17.00 17.42 A 9.42 B 9.70 10.37 B 10.67 B DAUBY PRODUCTS ON COAST Seattle Market. ' T Seattle. Wash- June 19- tC. P.) Batter, native Washington creamery brick. 27c; na tive Washington creamery solid pack, 26c. Cheese Oregon triplets, 16c; . Wisconsin twins, 17c; Wisconsin triplets, 17c; , Washing ton twins, 16c; Young America, 18c Eggs Select ranch, 24c - ; sin Francisco Markets .,- , San Frantisco, Cal.. June 19. (C. P.) Eggs Extras 22c; nrsts. ic; pullets., lve. Hotter Extras 25c; prime firsts,- 24 c . Cheese California, fancy. 11c; firau, 10c; aeconda. Sc.... :,. 4-- .... j- . IT. S. Government Bonds. New York. - Jane -19. Government bonds: - : . Bid. Ask. Twos, registered ........i.;.'..... 97 98 do, conpoo Vt' , Threes registered -100- j. do. - coopoc - ............. ..v.-.loo r .. Fonrs, registered ....... ......,..li.i9 -. do, coupon ................. ...110 v .. Twos Panama. -.,......-. 97. 193& .....-.,......, 97 , High. Low. $1.06 $1.04 1.05 1.03 1.08 1.06 C0R3I. " .75 , -""4 .75 .75 .T4 .67 - .67 .66 OATS. .46 .46 .45 .40 .40 .39 DOMESTIC A HALF A CENT MORE FOR THE BEST EGiSS Twenty ; Cents "Is Generally Being Bid for. No.-1. by F. O..B. Buy ers T oda y Pure hases Are Being Blade on ' Basis of ; Boles. . The narket- for better Quality eggs is show ing an improvement here, with ' an advanca of .a dosen in the price f. o.f b. Interest are orVering ia the country. - For- No, 1 quality tbe wholesale trade i Is today bidding 20c a dosen. subject to-candling, . No. '2 stock Is quoted, generally by buyers at isel6e and No. 3 at. 1313c & The selling price for No. 1 remain firmer but unchanged at 21c. Practfcally all the leading f. o. i b.. buyers are today purchasing ' their supplies, on the basis of the grades -established here recently by the Portland Egg aad Poultry Dealers as sociation. Copies of . these rules can 'be ob tained from any tf the officials of the or ganisatioa or In fact from, any Portland egg wnoiesaier. - ( O. F. GnlUckson of GulUcksom ft Co.. has been elected secretary of the new organisa tion irr place of E. 1. Dixon of Armous ft Co., who was unable to fill the office because of press of business. This gives Front street practically entire control of the organisation. although packing Interests are supporting it fully. Butter is moving well into storage at the prices quoted and this has relieved the mar ket of its former pressing surplus. Tbe trada ii generally quoted steady to strong at list prices. V AMERICAN "LIVESTOCK PRICES Chicago Hogs Higher. Chicago, IH.. June 19. (I. N. S.) Hogs Receipts, 700O; strong; mostly 10c above yes terday average. Bulk. $; light, $7 .60 a7.92; mixed, $7.4Ot70; heavy. $7.r0J 7.8i; rough. $7.104i'7.30; pigs. $0.2507.60. Cattle Receipts. 200; ateady. Native beef steers, - $6.8(ri9.50: western steers, $7.00Cj 8.25: cows and heifers. 8 .254x0.00: calves. $7.2510.25. neep Receipts, 3O00; steady. Sheep, $5.59 6.40; lambs. $6.7595; spring lambs. $6.25 U9.75. Kansas City Cattle Steady. Kansas City, Mo., June 19. (L N. B.) Hoes IteceintH irrftfir reflv Rnllr art r.nr 7.62; heavy, $7.40Sr7.60; packers' and Duicnera . i.n i JM; light, $7.457.63; pigs, $6.75(r7.25. - CaUle Receipts, 100; steady. Prime fed Kteers, $S.70fr9.O0: dressed beef steers. $8.O0 8.5(: western steers, $7.50S-50; stockers and feeders. $6.908-30; bulla, o.7aS.U0; calves. $5.OOlO.O0. Sheep Receipts. 1000; steady. Lambs, $7.00 9.50; yearlings, $7.008.00; wethers. $5,750 b.50; ewes. $4.505.50- , Omaha Sheep Steady. Sooth Omaha, Neb., June 19. (L N. S.) Hogs Receipts. 9600; steady. HeaTy, $7.20 7.40;- light, $7.30j7.50; pigs, I5J&0Q7.25; balk cr sales, $7.35 7.43. Cattle Receipts, 100; steady. Native steers, $T.259.15; cows and heifers, $5. 85 7.85; western steers., $6.40 8. 40; Tessa steers. $6.007.0; cows and heifers, $5.75(37.25; calves.. $SjO0105. Sheep Receipts. 1500; steady.' Wethers. $7.057.15; ewes, $4.0050: lambs, $S.OO 9.50. St. Louis Livestock Bteady. St. Louis, Mo., June 19. CL N. 8.) Hogs Receipts, 2000; steady. Pigs and lights, $6.50 437.85; mixed and batchers', $7.65427.85; goal heavy, $7.707.SO. Cattle Receipts. 100; steady. Native beef steers, $7.509.35; yearling steers and heifers, $S.009-30; cows, $6.00ti7.50; stockers and teed era. $8.00(38.25; southern steers, $5.2544 8.65; cows and heifers, $4.006.50'; native calves, $6.0Q10.0O. Sheep Receipts, 200; steady, dipped na tive muttons,. $5.005.2; clipped lambs. $SAd 9.00; spring lambs, $7.5029.75. . Denver Hogs Higher. Denver, Colo., June 19. Cattle, 100, steady. Hogs, 100, higher, one load here sold at $7.40. Sheep None, weak. COAST BANK STATEMENTS Portland Banks. This week. .....$2,288,836.04 ..... 2,000.121.04 ..... 1,739,536.74 . 1,752,526.05 .... 1,655.747.85 1.567.198.47 Clearings Monday . . . Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday . Friday ... Saturday Tear ago. $2,314,600.18 2,176,730.91 1,683.371.99 1.774.089.06 1.484,7409 1.2S9.829.9S Week . . ., . . .$11,003,966.19 $10,723,362.71 Seattle Banks. Clearings Balances .$1,810,509.00 . '169.256.00 ; Tacoma Banks. Clearings Balances '$199,449.00 27,849.00 Saa Francisco Banks. ! $6,411,2290 Clearings Los Anreles Banks. Clearings , $2,831,608.00 Bslances 216,882.00 BOSTON COPPER QUOTATIONS Boston, Jane 19- Copper bids: Adventure 2 (Miami ... 25 Ahmeek .....395 (Michigan 2 Alioues 56 (Mohawk 77 Arcadian .... 10 iNevada Cms... 14T4 Alaska 36Nipissing . . . 6 Baltic .. ... 8 North Btrtta.... 83 Bohemia .....v.. 8 North Lake 2 Boston Ely..... 30 k)ld Colony. ...... 4 Butte Bal .... 3 Old Dominion.... 55 Butte Coalition... 68 k)sceola . .. 87 .. 86 cat. ec ams 00'wuincy .. Cal. ft liecla 575 Ray Cons Centennial 19 (Santa Fe Chief Cons 80 Shannon '. Chino .... 45Sf-attuck X3 3 -8 27 cons. cop. aunes z superior 29 tapper Range. 4o . Daly West....... , 8 Davis-Daly . , 1 up. ft Boston..,. IV Swift Packing. . . .lOOji xamaraca ....... m TrinitT 5 . taat uutte...... iz First Nat'L..... 2Tuolumne ....... 57 9!U. Shoe !Tr..... 62 1)U. Shoe M y., pt. 28 Franklin ....... Uoldfield Cons. Greene-Cananea.. 39 uuira use ouVi Granby .......... 87 u- o. omeiien... j Hancock ........ 19 U. S. Smelters, pf 43 Helvetia 60 fCtab. Apex.,..,;. 4 Indiana ......... jDtak Cons........ 14V. New Inspiration. 31 Victoria 3 Ire Royale. ...... 28'Wiaona ......... 4 Keeweenaw iiiroivenne ....... 61 6 Wyandot ........ 1 13, Yukon Gold....... 2 i7 jKerr Lake....... 4 La" Salle....... Lake Copper... Majestic Mason valley Mass. Mining 13 l Verde Exta. 4V. Mayflower ...... 4!,Algonah a' RESERVE BANK J STATEMENT San Francisco, June 19. The foDowmg statement of condition of the federal reserva bank of San Francisco, at close taf business June 18, 1915, was issued here 'today: RESOURCES Gold coin and gold certificates. . . ."$10,290,000 icuurr . uum, uiTcittCeruil-' . - . : cates and subsidiary coin. ........ -, 300,009 Bills discuanted , and loans. v..... . 2,791,000 Investments ' 1,473,000 Dae from other federal reserve '' benks 4 408.000 All other resources ............... 1,417,000 Total resources ........... ,.$16,472,000 LIABILITIES . - " Capital paid In ...$ S.934,000 Deposits net 12,639,000 Totsl liabilities , . . . . . .. .". Reserve notes ............... ..,....;...$ 16. 472.003 ..$ 2,040,000 Various Grain Markets. 1 Liverpool Cash wheat, corn and oats un changed. Fans Wheat 4 lower. Floor unchanged. Buenos Aires Wheat unchanged. Minneapolis Wheat .closed. July. $1.191 September. $1.03?61.04; December. $1.04. Winnipeg Wheat dosed.. July, $L21B: October, $1.03B; December, $1.03 VtB. Duluth Wheat closed.' July, $1.00: : Sep tember, $1.0o B; December. $1,08. - , . ..San Francisco Grain Blarket. San : Fraaciaco, CaL; Jane 19-U., P.) Wheat dub $1.65(1.67 per cental: Rus sian red, $L67 sl. 70 Turkey red. $1.7S2 1.77; bluestem, d $1.77LS0; fortyfold, $1.72L75. , . . . ; BarleySpot feed, $1.02 QL05. BUYERS OFFERING HART IS ACCUSED OF AN IRREGULARITY iN A REAL ESTATE DEAL Ex-County Commissioner De nies Former Partner's .Charge in-; Court. : JURY TO SOLVE PROBLEM Aoeordias to.. Start Responsibility Bests RitA'aaary O. Blbray; , . Tsrtimony Xs Taken. , Daniel V. Hart, ;foraier, county com missioner, was yesterday charged by his former partner, Henry O. Slbray, with being a party to the conversion of a portion of ftSO belonging to Mta Helen V. Knappenberg ana Mrs. Bl bray, to his own use. Mr. Sibray waa teatifying on the witness atand in circuit conrt. Hart, In answer, denied the charge and asserted that Sibray alone waa responsible for the loss cf the money to the two : women. A. Jury today will decide which is responsible or place the responsibility on both. The charge was first made by Mrs. Knappenberg. for herself and as as signee of Mrs. Sibray,-in a suit' filed against Hart Sibray in which she seeks to recover $1200 and $560 col lected, she alleges, by the partners on two pieces ot University Park prop erty sold for herself and Mrs. Sibray. Neither woman appeared yesterday when the suit cams to trial. Sibray . made no appearance in an; ewer to the suit, admitting by this failure the charge made. He also ad mitted it yesterday on the stand, but in a broken voice told how he had. used every cent be could gather together to pay what he owed his creditors; in cluding the two women. Sibray Explains Transaction. Sibray said that four University Park lots were sold to James A. Mor gan o( Mayville, Or., for $1200 anji wo were sold to R. G. Roberts for $550 for the two women by the firm of Sibcay & Hart, real estate dealers of University-Park. He testified tbat all moneys received from these lots until October i, 1911, when the partnership was dissolved, werepaid to the part nership and pat in a common fund of the partnership in the United States National bank from which checks were drawn for all purposes Hart, ' he said, benefited by this fund - as much as he did. Morgan was called to the' stand and testified that Hart was present when the deal was closed, and that he paid all moneys until October 24, 1911, to tbe firm, receiving checks signed by the firm. Sibray and Morgan both said that, after the, firm dissolved, Sibray collected the remainder of the money, and Sibray said the same of the Rob erts contract. Jart Makes Denial. Hart denied that be had anything to do with the deal saying that It was entirely Sibray's affair and that Jt was not a partnership affair. He said that lie did not receive a penny of the money collected. He admitted that he waa a member of the firm after the deal was made and while collections were Joeing made until October 24, 1911, and that on tbat date he' made a settlement of the firm's affairs and retired to devote himself to his work as county commissioner. He said he had never made a sworn statement of the dissolution of the firm's affairs as required. ' Sibray, on cross-examination, admit ted that he had done everything in connection with the deal and the col lections, but said that he bad:. acted throughout as agent of the firm until the partnership was dissolved. Attorneys Leonard and Slater repre sented the women and Sibray, and At torneys DennLson and Hall appeared for Hart. A verdict is expected this afternoon. Child's Life Still Hangs in. Balance Scarcely any hope of saving the child's life is held by Dr. Frederic J. Ziegler, attending physician, for 5 y ear-old Ruth Dnrboraw, who was at tacked try "her insane father as she slept tn her home at Tremont station early Wednesday morning. Slivers of bone, penetrated the brain of tbe little one, and 'the delicate brain fabric was so badly torn, 2r, Ziegler states, that recovery seems almost impossible. Tb child was operated on Thursday, and Is in a critical -condition, although con scious.' She is at the God Samaritan hospital. ' ' - ' At the hospital Durboraw made at tempts to end his life by lacerating tbe throat wound, tearing out - the dressings, and on time attempting to take the scissors from the hands of an attending nurse. FACTORIES BUYING WOOL Boston, Mass.. Jane 19. Total sales of wool tn the local market for toe past week are estimated at 3,000.000 to 4.000,000 pounds, mainly foreign grades." Bayers do- not yet show Interest In the new domestic wools, though offerings are increaaiiig. . The trade has been Informed f improvement In tbe goods situation, though not definitely, regard ing styles for the new .light weight season. Conditions in the west- remain strong, with nn-re buying ot fine wools at foil prices. : : . High prices are being paid in Australia, and merinos are being sold here at figures-below the Importing point. Regarding the prospect of high prices, wool, men here say that a kral "boom" already has began. This lk be ing shown first in the wools available in larg est volume. Manufacturers as a whole are not responsible to any great extent for the pres ent position of domestic wools. The fact that tbry are speculating to some extent in foreign wools, however, 1 being used to affect the domestic situation, as shown by the strength of pulled wools In the east and all classes in the west. i - Tbe statement that the demand for foreign wool is largely speculative most bo modified to this extent dress goods: mills are very t-fury. and have been free buyers of late at specialty of Sooth American cross breeds Worsted mills also-have been operating more fieely, as serges have been doing better, ar-d the plans have developed a need for additional supplies. The wool, trade finds", tbe goods market irregular iiae useii. . POTATOES ALONG . THE . 4JOASTJ 1 v .: . : . - - Beanie aarw Seattle,- Wash.. June lv CV P. Call fornls, $1.50; Australian browns, 44c; Ber mwlia $lf 1.50. - Potatoes Yakima gems, ." $40; Idaho .and Montana. $3537. ' Saa Fraacisce Karket. ; San Francisco, Cai. June 19. Potatoes $1.29 LS0 per cental, new. Foreign Exchange Rates. . Merchants' National bank cuotes foreign ex ehange:''"' ; ' London Sterling, $4.8L' ? . . Berlin Marka. 20.97. v Psris Frsucs, 18,7oV-- : , . Vienna 15.73,, , . , Athens 19.2. '. ' ' . Hongkong Currency j 43.7S. WnlMIUTARYlEADEItS 111 Bo Bays Sr. Pottinrer. -WTio Addressed Convention, Insofar as Tuberculosis and Human BalnO Conoernsd. San Francisco, Cal., June 19.-CTJ. P.) Experiments conducted in laUora- tories by physicians who infect guinea human jbelngs In. suph. diseases as tu - Lyert. CUiVrOlS, 4MAUtWUlf tU Jtr as a w- Unger of Monrovia; . Cat, delegate to the annual convention of the American Climatological and Clinical association. "Guinea pigs are more susceptible to tubercular baccilli ! than human , be ing s,"' aaid Pr. Pottinger. -They have not built up the resistance which, the cells of the human body are contin uously i building. ' Many experiments conducted with these animals are un natural and - serve f to prove nothing regarding the effect or the contagion of the disease on humans. People who have been In contact with tubercular germs for years without contrasting the disease build up such a defense against them that they-sometimes be come almost imxauie.: QUESTION OF RIGHT OF; RAILROAD TO HANDLE BOATS BE DISCUSSED,! . . - . .. .-.' ,' Northern Pacific and Great Northern Officials Arrive in City. J In readiness for the hearing to he conducted before i Examiner -Mackley of the. Interstate 1 Commerce) commis sion beginning here next Tuesday, a party of officials of the Northern Pa cific and Great Northem railways ar rived in Portland ytuis morning and spent most of thef day in-conference with lexal rand traffic officials of the Great Northern Pacific Steamship com pany, i The hearing is to clear up tbe question .. of the 1 North Bank roaas right under the Panama canal act, to operate the steamship line. . In the party are J. G. wooawonn, vice president in charge of the traffic of thei Northern Pacific; W. P. K-en- ney, vice president of the Great North ern; K. C.iL,indley, general solicitor. of the Great Northern; Ralph Budd, as sistant to the president of the Great Northern, and M. J. Costello, assistant traffic manager" ox the Great wortnern. All are from St- Paul, except Mr. Cos tello, whose, headquarters are Seattle. i Defense Xs JLaaouneed. 'The broad lines of the parent rail roads i fief ense to,, the' charge of oper ating the steamer line in .ooniraven- tion or the act were mappea wu " mnminc in the office or james u. Kerr, "North Bank attorney. The North- em Pacific and ureal wormern, jotm owners of. the stock of the North Bank road, whfch in turn owns the steam ship line, contend that the line Is mere ly a water extension of their rail ser vice, competing in - no way wna rail lines. , Their "position, is that no more com petition; with the rail line exists! in this case-than in the case of the San Francisc & Portland Steam ship company's relation to its parent. the Q.-W. li. s JM,' rail una, wmeu ww held by the commission to ds bo violation1 of the spiHt of the canal act. QuesUon Bald TO Be ParallaL ' xtr Kwr stated! after the conference that the - question appears to be abso lutely parallel to ihat of the S, P. & P. Evidence along identical lines will be introduced, as was given , the commis sion in the ownership of the Harrlman steamsbipa V '! '-'" --- ;- "It would be manifestly unfair to deprive us of the steamship line and Inconceivable to compel us to sen toe boats to the O-Wj. R. & which has been authorised to operate connecting steamer, said Mr. Kerr ; , Mr. ; Woodworthi and Mr. .enney ex pressed the opinion that the improve ment in . general business conditions is progressing slowly..' San Francisco Fair Smashes Records Registered Attendance for Tour .Months Xs 677r042 "With Zstlmatsd Profit of $200,000, Bespits Sad -Weather, v San FTancisco,1jtrne, 19- P. N.' S.) -With today marking the end of, the first four months. 01 tne panama-4'a-clflc International -exposition, an offi cially registered attendance of 6,577,042 persons l and : an i estimated profit of 1200.000 Is declared to nave oroaen an records for previous expositions. This showing is considered au mo more : rmarKaDej in tnat iub ei tion has. been handicapped by unfavor able weather:' conditions a ; world war and "i national financial depression. To day the! exposition stands completed. AU of the more important foreign ex hibits have been installed. Conces sionaires on tbe Joy sone, : the most precarious porUoo of any enterprise such as the exposition, having had four ! months' experience in finding out Justk what the public wants, have in many cases virtually rebuilt their shows.. ii.i." '":';J'-.':: '' i-' , With the advent of the firth month, eastern Visitors Tare flocking Into the citv in even greater numbers, and-the dally attendance lis advancing by leaps and bounds. .- Tells Policeman He . . Murdered His Bride Story of Sacramento Man That He Oaf f wife's Throat Because Zntertalnsd Another Man Being Xnveetlrsted. fiacramento- Cal., June 19. U. P.) Donato Clrelll; gave himself up to Patrolman Pearl tnis arternoon, say ing he had murdered his wife at their home, near the golf links on J street. . o, "I cut her' throat because she made love to another man," Clrelll said. He Said his wife was dead when he left home. --t"K - -- -' V ' ClrelU was locked up and officers af once started 1 for ihe scene of tin murder. ', ! ' , CirelU and t!e ' woman were mar ried at Stocktoni last week., -He would give i no more details than to say he had killed the woman for allowing an other man to come to the house. FIRE RECORD . 2:32 a. Km. Judge M. C. Georre,f15 Market Drive, unknown origin; $50. t Sstoxday. 6:25 a. m. Grand avenue and Mor rison street, back fire from gas heater, no damas .1 - PORTLAND- btKIYIAHT UtltKliiliit TO KEEP SUBMARINES x . , . , , r ! pJfSt Break Between DiplO" matic and t Military Circles . Since War Began Comes, FEAR EFFECT ON ALLIES Militarists Arrne it Germany Olves Za , to TJ. 8, Earppe Will Think She rears Eventual Defeat, By John Edwin Kevin. "Washington, June 19. (TJ. P.) Leaders In German military circles have determined to make a stand in an ef fort to prevent the kaiser's diplomats from making concessions to the Unit ed States in the submarine contro versy. This information reached Wash ington today in official and unofficial advices. .Their reason for opposing the granting of concessions is said to be based On the belief that If the aemanaa ox tne united States ' are granted the mistaken impression will get abroad that Germany tears even tual defeat. 4The present conflict be- ween the dipiomatlo and military cir cles in Berlin is declared to be the first real difference of opinion which has- arisen since the opening of the war. The military men are, declared to be willing to concede that America tis are entitled to protection. They are en titled, with other neutrals, to the rights under - international law to. travel anywhere on the hlgH seas. But they urge that inasmuch as the allies are carrying passengers and munition on the same ships, Berlin should axk the United States to consider the sug gestion made by former Secretary Bryan that vessels transporting muni tions be prohibited from taking pan sengers aboard. The military influ ences urge that the United States could easily withhold passports from thone who refuse to agree to sail upon American ships or other neutral ves. . Bja. .... . - . Reply Ready July 1. Berlin.' June 19. (I. N. S, er. many' reply to the American note will be ready abont July 1 and wtll be of ; a conciliatory nature. Dr. Anton Meyer Gerhard, Ambassador von Bern storffs envoy from Washington, was invited today to the Imperial head quarters for a first conference with the kaiser, following which he will art in an advisory capacity in the drafting of the reply. Mrs. Becker Fights For Husband's Life Wife of rormar Police "Lieutenant T7n- der . Death Sentence to Make Xaat Appeal to Governor Whitman. New York, June 19. (L N. S.) Declaration that she would make a . - firx;m.i a.w uvreiuur vv niiuian in an effort to save her husband from the electric chair was made here to day by Mrs. Charles F. Becker, wife of the former police lieutenant under sentence of death for complicity in me muraer or Herman Rosenthal, a New York gambler. 'I shall keep on fighting," said Mrs. fldent that my husband is innocent." Attorney Martin Manton, of counsel for the condemned man, went to Sing Sing today to- confer with Becker B"-- - - - a m MINOR BASEBALL Amateur BaaeDau cookings for to morrow: ' American Laundry Co. vs. Camas at Camas, 2:30. ? , Garden Home vs. John 8, Bealls at Garden Home, 2:30. Colored Giants vs. Dayton at Day ton, 2:30. Portland Bailway.v Light & Power vs. Peninsula Park at Peninsula, Park, 12:30. Taborslde vs. Tabor Giants at Eigh tieth and Market streets, 2:30. Union Dentists vs. The Dalles at The Danes, 2:30.' - jBresham vs. Log Cabin Bakery at Gree ham, 2:30. - Lang & Co. vs. Columbia Park at Columbia Park, 13:30. -National Laundry Co. vs. Klrkpat rlck Star at East Twelfth and Davis, 12:30. , Hawthorne Merchants , vs. Troy Laundry at East Twelfth and Davig, 3. . Glds, Wortman & King vs. Capitol Hlll.v Capitol Hill. 2:30. . Peninsula Juniors vs. Foresters of America, at East Twelfth and Davis, 12:30. Kenton club vs. Estacada at Ksta cada 2:30. Aerial Heights vs. Woodstock at Aerial Heights, 2:30. v Albers Bros. vs. Vancouver Barracks St Vancouver, 2:80. St, Andrews vs. Oswego at Oswego, 2:30. " Woodstock Firemen vs. Bricklayers at Woodstock, 2:30, Kendall Station vs. Loyal Order of Moose at Kendall, 2:30. - Mount Tabor vs. Gilbert White Sox at Gilbert, 2:30. . Woodlawn Cubs vs. Engravers at Montgomery Flats, 12:30. South Portland Grays vs. Oak hurst at South Portland, 1. ' Pacific Coast- Biscuit Co. vs. Meier & Frank at Bast Twelfth and Davis, 3:30. .. : Piedmont Artisans vs. Alberta club at Thirty-fifth and Holman, 2:30. Sherwood vs. Maccabees at Sher wood, 2:30. , Flelschner, Mayer & Co. vs. Sell wood Morning Glories at - Sellwood. 10:30. ' - - - Union Meat Co. vs. Golden Rods at Montgomery Flats, 12:30. VAntonian club vs. Waverly Caddies at SeUwood, 12:30, . ' Mount Tabor vs. Waverly Caddies at Sellwood, 3:30. Makados vs. The Oaks at West End. 2:30. Damascus vs. Newsboys at Damas cus, 2:30, ' - Oregonian . vs. .Telegram at Kast Twelfth and Davis. 10 a. m. Overbeck &Cca!(e Cc. ' Stocks. Bonds. 'CSottoa. Qraln. rt 8ia-S17 Boara Trad Snildms'. DIRECT PRIVATE WIR3 TO ALL EXCHAT4GES . Members Chicago Board of Tra-ia, Correspondents of Lortc & Erj'fi . Chicago. New k orit-