1G THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1915. MOXEr TO LOAN real ESTATE 1 .Contlsnsd) 27 LOANS on improve! city property or , for building purposes; advance mad as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no ejmmissioJ. P. ,Lltcomr, 242 Stark sw Main 420. - ? Mortgage; Leans - '. T. L WHITE. ' -701 eeTUn bldg. t5; f300. $600, $100 to loan, easy terms; C Evans, 206 Oerlingcr bldg. - v . - MONEY TO irOAX CHATTELS. S A LA HIES . 7 I M M KH1 ATi5 LOAJB ' ' - ON r- DIAMONDS AND JKWELET AT EASTERN RATES. , , We - have one of the finest retail Jewelry store ia the -jity. A loan de partment conducted la" connection with sain, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL - Absolutely no signs designating loari business dls played in front of our store. All mr I'hmrfiM dodged- is Held for- a period of twelve months, whether or not In terest is paid when due. We are li censed and have been established since 1809. No connection with any other loan establishment In this city. A. ' A M. DELOVAOE, . JEWELERS, Z4 wnsmngion si. b A LAKY LOAN 6 B ALAK Y LOANS. Being salary loan brokers exclusive ly, we are enabled to assure satisfac tion and give the quickest possible service. Business strictly confidential - . r : - REMEMBER, We are licensed, and therefore ' ' RELIA6LS. . t. - ' STATE SECURITY CCv ' ' : 809 Falling bide. .. " t c ; , . Loans at Legal Rates : . I W loan monev on diamonds, nlanoa. ' - livestock, storage receipts, plain notes, on furniture, or anything of value,, -j ,You can get it today.; t , Portland Loan Co,, Licensed 1 Licensed by. State.- ; ' 811 Dekum Bld v Third and Washington. ' - . MONEY AT ONCK Diamonds Watches. Musical Instrum'ta . . Separate dept. for ladies. ELBY CO. (Licensed.) 820 Lumber Ex. bid k.. 2d and Stark. LOANS WANTKlf AO LOANS wanted, 810U0. 82000 . and 86000, on improved inside property worth In - today's market five times amount wanted; money to be used in improvements; - principals . only; no HAVE YOU MONEY TO LOAN ON A-l security?- Can place amounts 81000 and up 7.f The Oregon Home Hulldersj 1880 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANT 81600 on modern 7 room red -dence.J K 39th St. owner, D-4 6a, Journal. - WANTKD From private party, 8100 for 4 months, afc reasonable Interest. Chattel mortgage. RX-611. Journal. WANT1SD $260 for one year, good se curity. Sellwood 498; -- FINANCIAL. 51 HAVE note for $250 secured by furnl- -ture ,,of 14 , rooms.: Payable $20 a month, 7 per- cent. Will take . $200 ca-h, -Muet. leave. W-937,' Journal. VIKH'X' -and second mortgages, also sel lers' Interest in contracts, purchased. Oregon and Washington. ; IL Noble, l.im'bermmii bldg. " -"' ;" : 8190 monthly payment mortgage, well secured, for $160. 411 Henry bldg. - UEI.1' WANTED MALE I WANTED A good honest and reliable happily married man between 30 and 40 to take position on fruit ranch lo cated tn White -Salmon valley. For nature of work and term write C iL Yox, P. O. box 747. . - bALKbMKN wanted, outfit' free, cash weekly. ' Address Capital ;City Nurs : rv Co.. Salem... Or. . -. :, ; ; -. WANT rental man ton commission, cx pense , money - advancer - Otife phone No. for appointment- 'A-Ait. JournaL VAN TiU 'l'ea and coffee : aoiuUuira. Call before . 209 Salmon. KMPLOYMENT department Y. M. C A Service free to member. ' HELP WANTED MISC. :! ; -Y. M. C.A. , Autcmobilu Schoor 4t Day and night instruction in repair ing, driving selling and machine work. Including forge, lathe, shaper. - drill press, etc Moderate charges. Fair dealing and expert-training. Time un limited. Before enrolling elsewhere call at educational office. Y. M. C A. bldg and secure pass entitling you to tn spect our shops and methoda. - WE have several optuugs for estab-1 iisnment or i:iaepenaent man order business. Energy, good habits and sound Judgment more Important than capital. ' Spare time at first. Particu lars free. Opportunities' Exchange, ' Buffalo. N. T. - : WANTED 200 men and women daily to eat my chili concarne; the .best chill on the coast, at the Chili King's Restaurant, basement of new Central Market; 4th and Yamhill sts. MARSHALL'S Auto and Gas Tractor School Up-to-date methods, practi cal instruction, day and evening class es; we guarantee results. . 371 Haw thorne ave. - ' WANTED At once. 2 men , to learn automobile repairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage, 445 Haw thorne ave. - WANTED Men, women; government wants clerks; $75 mQnth. Write for list positions- Franklin s Institute, Dept. 349-E. Rochester, - N. K; - W ANTED Names of men, wanting to be railway mail clerks; $75 month. RX-614, Journal. . . COOK headquarters- California Wn OOlC head npot. 80 1 Yamhill. Near ith. UNCALLED for tailor made suita $.b -up. Taylor. trw Tttlnr. 29 14 Bumsidtv USE Bassctt's Native Herbs for rheu matism: S(T tablets 2 Be. All d ru ggists. HELP VVANVED FEMALE 2 WANTED Sensible motherly lady to board andcare f or 3 -year-old healthy boy. r Mother must work, pay $16 mo. t- right party. No other children. ' N 871. Journal. - LADY to work at beach for room, board , " . i-v.3 UC'UUU strators. Call Tab. 767 after 8 p. m. JliJiL V AKTKD MALE AND i ' 1 FEMALE . SO jklEN and women to ijari. the bartter , trade, wages paid whUe learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of ' schools in the world. Send -for free catalogue, Moler Barber College. H. 48 N. 2d at. 1 Oreson Barber College will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed;, pay while learning; tni tion reduced this term. 233 Madison. -1 1,' -J.iTAGENTS g NEW aummer necessity, - saves labor and reduces ' cost -- of living: over 700.0(H) old lately In Chicago; creates sensation wherever shown: sells to every household; greatest. 25o seller in years. 200 profit. Write quick for terrttoryy Triumph Mfg., Co Monon bldg.. Chicago. . ' : ' . AGENTS to - sell a household article having a big demand. Wholesale and . retaiL Income limited.' only, by your own , ability- Telephones A-4352 and Marshall 485. - - ' - SITUATIONS MAXJg KALSOMINING, palnung, . plaster, patching, reasonable. . Phone Wdln. 240. - ;.. - .. .' YOUNG-man, 18 years old, experienced ' in. farm -work,: wants Job. H-816. Journal, - . . .. . v ANTED Excavating -and Jram work. .Phone East 4804, C-1477t ' ; SITUATIONS MALE fContinasd) YOUNG man 25 -years, strictly soberjIONE room with kitcnenette, complete- camp cook, ist-ciass Daaer, gooa rei - erence; good work. Can handle hun - dred or' more. Will go anywhere, M- 806. JowraaL - . ' YOUNG married man. must have Work, rood automobile- .mechanic. handy, reliable. ... What have youf VV. Wf..G. 362 Fremont at. - EXPERIENCED exchange operator wants- wsitlon. ' Main 9180. SITUATIONS F KM AL - 4 w--'. i. 'm 'x ivnvtiTiiLini7n ... I - ....ml i vY"v'lfV WJ- Tabor 1276. --- WOMAN ' wants ' to -work for H. ! K. rooms. f .- .Phone - Marshall - 5882. Room 23: J - - -' -. - - -- - &EVV1NG. mending and general house work by experienced lady; 25c an hour. Phone East 1228. WOODUWN 1989 Middle aged lady wanut to taKe , care ; or . cnuoren evenings. LADY wishes ftewing by day; dress making or plain. Mam iub. LADY wishes' work by hour or day. Main 6106. - - I)RESSMAKINO 40 DKES'SMAKER, - Alterations, reasona ble. Tabor 4871. XU3XSES TRAINED -nurse from . Amsterdam, Holland, wants confinement cases at her home, 82.60 a day; everything fur nished., Call 900 E. 15th St., N. on J. L carllne. LADY wishes care of sick person in her " home;- lady '.preferred. Phone Columbia 10. , Address Mrs. Weis, 820 Ivanho st., St. Johns Heights. MATERNITY nurse disengaged. Mar. Bhall 4638. J LONG experienced nurse wishes posi tion; references. Phone Mar. -4335. - FURNISHED ROOMS g? r: Stop at Newiy re- furnished, papered and reno 4th and Alder vatedenlarged lobby all modern conveniences.. Rooms, ' with private bath, $1 per day up; without, ; foe up. Because the rates, are low don't think the service is poor. Special rates by week or month. Several rooms with wall beds, making them practically suites. - ' Hntpl FuArPtBroadway at Everett. nUlCI UVvI CllKverything new. Weil furnished.-hot and cold water, modern. fireproof building. Rooms $2.50 per week and up, and $10 per month and up. Brine tnis ad to aooly $1 on first month's rent. ''- - c- - HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 662 - Wash ington st, newy fireproof - brick, all outside rooms, running hot and cold water, private . or public baths, quiet anq nume tine, iu momn up ETUEi.TnM -inri.-r. HSU 12th . St.. npK p WaaK. rlnn. quiet, modern conveniences, summer rates;. 3 weet up; transient-solicited. Marshall - 2790. - YOUNG men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms at Y. M. C. A., listing several hundred in all parts of the "city also those in the Association building. : t - , - WANTED Room mate to reduce rooming expense. Fireprcoi build ing, shower baths, individual beds. Call or address ,Y; M. C. A. business office. THE ALBION HOTEL. 813 3d and Salmon. " Rooms $l.'i 5 week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath, phone. Madras Hotel J!'ttr? rooms, $2.50 up. ' By day 60c. 76c, 1; cor, tain ana wannington sts. WELL furnished outside, airy roonrtti, near Multnomah club; prices "reason able. 647 Yamhill. PLEASANT, comfortable rooms with - kitchenette if desired, modern, walk ing distance, very reasonable. 370 6th, CLifeAN, light rooms; tree pnones and bath, steam heat, $2 up. 446 Column Ha: Main 7410. -A-8978. PAKKHILL furnitmed rooms, light and attractive. $1.25 up. Main 6306. 353 Yamhill.- Nicely furnished A D DfYTT 25c day up. 228 Wash. st. -r D DU I I .j.o wk. up RANDOLPH. hotel, 252 Columbia: nice clean rooms, hot "water. $1.25 wk. up. ROOMS and apartments in modern ho tel. $2.60 week and up. 455 Alder. Mod. equipia't OPII CV 60c day up. 390 Morrison VVllU I .$2.60 wk. up. $2 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. - rooms, central. The King. 809 Jef. FURNISHED ROOMS . 70 PBTfAIB- FAMXT.T Ci-tUaiu in,, inice, light, cool room; ground floor; electric light and bath. Price r$6.. Smaller .front , room, $4. Also nice tent house, bath : and toilet handy. Price $8. 762 East, 10th and Rhone St.. S.. SellWood car. VERY - finely - furnished - laree front - room,- all ; modern -conveniences, use of kitchen If desired, $10 per month. 332 Harrison st. ' - NICELY furnished rooms and break. fast, in private home for young men, home comforts, close iiu Phone' East NICELY furnished basement and attic rooms, chean. 192jLounsdale. i near Taylor. , NICE, furnished room in private fain-. lly, for lady oe-- gentleman.; $6 mo. 389 Hancock st- Phone East 3455. NICELY, furnished large attic room, modrea -conveniences; reasonable. 404 Clay,' near 10th. -V WANTED, by. widow, children to care for: charaes reasonable. - ,233 Knott street." , $8: LARGE front room, phone, modern, 12 E. 11th. bet. Ankeny and Ash. FOUR ' unfurnished rooms, unstnln rent $10. Main 4592. 602 Jefferson. 1 LARGE sleeping room. French win dows. " East 2188. -. . UNFURNISHED ROOMS . IO $9 t UNFURNISHED housekeeping ; grooms, v 508 , E. Clay; adulta East , 1 ' " ' " '1 3 LARGE housekeeping -rooms 470 ! Main m IQ.l. n .1 11,1, I ...... ii wi iiiii. ROOMS AND iiOARin 15 La A if m PARKVIEW HOTEL. S68 Montgomery I PENINSULA APTS., concrete bidgM 2 st. at West Park, family hotel; all and 3 rooms, hot and cold water, modern conveniences; rates for regular baths, st peat, phone.- $12 up. - C-1170; and transient guests. -.- , 3 ROOM apartments all outside rooms, THE HAZEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. prtvate bath. Pacific-phone. $17 up. Fine furnished rooms end board. $6 Tabor 6066. B-1035. r t:p: steam heat, hot baths; free phone. GEM APARTMENTS. ,- - J" CASA ROSA, 800 JEFFERSON. . h 3 room suites outside BOARD AND ROOM. $2S UP. - ; : free bath, phone. $1 wk. up. 401 Is tat Room and board, young women $4 w'kv ' ' BUCK HARTFORD. up; "Anna Lewis" Hall. 610 Flanders ' hd 4 rooms., sleeping porch, bal- FIRST class board and rooA, 4est B!:' T 1Mtt -distance;-. summer rates. cooking. $6 op. 346 College t. WINbrox. : 3 . and 2 rooms, private - 1 " 1 ' - 7 oath, modern, brick; special rates $16 - ! ROOMS At. BOARD U 72 and Aip; 14th and Market. Main 1739. 1rt -, -pTyAT?. TAMttT - g - lDOWN town, modern apts., $15 month A , GENTLEMAN" desires board dj AnOMomlon16 etVt lodging in a private family. 3535. : 1 , , '"" . .. - Journal.' - T - ' . Ai,wKilABUt AptA." modern. neaUy Pivm 'r w,.. e i.1 1 furnished apts.- Summer rates. East rrl&.y?5 ;Wek- 4193. 383 William ave.. near Broadway. 7,' ,Ttt ' J f. DRICKSTON 148 ,1 1th st.: modern"-: -Sri-thS-iS: 62d "t- near 3 room fur. aptsv $20 to $30; walking Hawthorne. Hawthorne car. distance: excellent service. Mar 67. iiI0tld:leVl fr"18 . w.lkin-dU" FURNISHED and unfurnished aparU , tance. $ up. 656 Washington. ments, $10 to $20. 109 N. 18th : HOUSEKBEPINO ROOMS LUed ld.yf LIGHT, airy, nicely furnished apart- MEREDITH x & 4 rm. apt reason? ments.- : with kitcheneUe 366 ble. 712 Waahington, opp.d. M.7184 Broadway. V ; '' - :. PAGE AfTti. Excellent outside apta, TWO-exceptionally fine front rooms Rates very reasonable. East 3666. uifl &SeS??& in business center. ICEELER APTS- 14th and day 3 aai Main 6487 291 Morrison. corner6th. 4 room unfurnished: references. TWO housekeeping , rooms, $10 per THE LUZERNE 2 room fur aptaj mo. 645 Washington sU nr. 16th. mdrn brick. 320 ra. u Mr. 4rf. G1LMAN T ho tel. 1st and Alder. Fur-r Ifiii , LAU RElti 3 room" fiirni..ha nlshed II. IC rma. cheap. $1.50 wk. up. aptai private bath, phone. 2-authl , , ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ? fConttansd) i - y inrnunea, iiem - nest, rtuuuus J hot and cold water, phone in j?er froom; 7 blocks from 6th ana Morrison i sts.: $12 and up. . '-91. Columbia, at. -"ner , w t. ( tx to t2.SU week, furnish II. K. t rooms; gas, rree neat, uiunurj. ulb. Ph.ne East 039: 202 Stanton. U car. . u.xs-rana aingis i. K. rooms. 8L50, l week 'up. Also modern rooms. Mer- ' bOYCHEST 175 - 12th. CooL com t... fnrtnhlo amitMt ' anil iilnirU R . . "-,e ; rooms; an conveniences.1 ROOMS $1.25 per week and up; also housekeeping rooms. - 122 12th, cor ner Washington. - : '. ..-'-... , Cambridge bldg furnished H. K-rooms. central, cheap, lti id. cor. Mor n. GOOD clean. rooms for nice clean peo pie. Main ,7916 - 247 6th t. HOUSEKEEPING KOOMS 74 PBIVATB PAUDIT FURNISHED room,, kitchenette, hot, cold water ;Jn . kitchenette, electric ity, laundry, first floor; also two housekeeping rdbms, v every. , coaven lence. 123 North 23d. - TWO , nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, first - floor, close , in; . bath, phone, gas. 523 - Couch, near 15th st. ONE and two housekeeping suites, "front; reasonable; clean, close In. 293 10th st. ' ' : - - TWO extraordinarily fine front rooms . with all modern conveniences, 291 Morrison, corner 5th.- ' , -.,;--.v NICE clean housekeeping rooms, kite h - enette, $6 to $8 per month: outside sleeping room.; $5 per mo. 175 14th at. $1.50 WEEK Basement H. K- room, - clean and sunny. 694 Everett. Main 3306. - - .-. - - - 1-2 LARGE . modern Hi- K. rooms. nicest in dty for money. -429 Main. $12; LIGHT front, housekeeping, suite. 208 13th-Rt. . - TWO single rooms, private entrance, T bath. phone; j 335 Fifth, cor. Market. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 FOR - RENT BtricUy modern high r class - 7-room - house 1 and enclosed sleeping -porch,; LaurelhnrsC . $25 per month.- Phone Tabor 2181, SIX room t modern cottage, fireplace, heater, basement, cement floor, wash trays, gas andf electricity. " 723 Mult nomah, Phone-East 3233. FOR RENT Modem 6 room resilience. sightly location. Waver! y - Heights. All conveniences. -Clean, lst-clasa con dition. ' Phone Sellwood 1316. -'- k - RoOM . - modern : - house, . 19 th - and . Marshall St., for rent reasonable, ap plv 581 Marshall st. Main or A-2474. COTTAGE, ft- rooms; very convenient; yard, zruit, nowers; reasons me rem; walking distance. 630 E. Madison. 6 ROOM modern house, one block to --- car in Montavllla; rent ; $11. - Call Woodlawn 40. - . ' FOR RENT I room cottage, electric lights, gas, newly "tinted: $8 . per month. 1037 E. 12th st. N. - DESIRABLE modern 6 room - house, 13th near-Market st. Call 466 Mar ket at. Telephone Main 6820. FOR RENT :5 room cottage, all mod- em Improvements. Address 17$ Cast ?5th st. N. BEAUTIFUL and 8 room modern cottage, cheap by owner. Main 6976, A-4361. - 5 ROOM bunpalow, furnished or un ' furnished, with garage. Tabor 19 0. & ROOM house; walking distance. 352 E. 11th St., 85.' ' FIVE room modern house, . 365 San taerei st. Kenwood 8H. GOOD 6 room house. $10; house stands on back of lot. 447 8. Broadway. FURNITURE FOI SALE 33 HOUSES FOR RENT - AD8 of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Goods classi fication when house is -not for rent.' 12 ROOM house $25. furniture $50. Marshall 4534. 327 Broadway. HIGH grade furniture cheap; house for rent. 902 Albina ave. ' - FURNISHED HOUSES 36 COMPLETELY furnished. 6 room bun galow, adults. - If you are looking for something neat clean' and comfort able. -Woodlawn 2783. - MODERN 6 room cottage, partly fur nished, good location. Will - lease. Phone Marshall 20. -"'- : r $45 PER month, furnished modern 8 room ' house. - Irvington. choice loca tion. Phone East 3872.' ' - . NICELY -. furnished 7 room house. dose to Rose City Park car,. $30 per month. Phone Main 5453. $18 4 room house, piano, sewing ma ehine. gas range.' Woodlawn 316L FIVE room noose on 3t0h and Tibbett sts:.- furnished. Phohe East 848. FURNISHED- 5 large rooms. Mar. 3451 or Tabor 784. - ' APARTMENTS ? 43 i FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED MONTGOMERY -Apts., cor.v 8 d -Montgomery, strictly mod., all outside fur. 2 rm.- apts., elect, ela, best service, close in.. $18 to $25. Free lights. Mi 946S. RENT BARGAINS , Four rooms, unfurnished, 2 rooms furnished, hardwood floors; references. Portnomah; 200 E. 13th. st. 1HE MORTON, cor. iaUcg and Waah.. new man'g.; 2 and 4 sooms.' fur. and unf ur. apts., reasonable rent. Pacific pnone in apts. aiain 183. A-6.749. BROADWAY CENTRAL , BLOCK Room and apartments, modern, new, up-to-date f urn. elaborately. 3 blks. a Bdwy. bridge. Summer rates. . E. 6663. THE DEiiENDORF. , . , 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316.. : -Nice 5 room furn. and unf urn. apts.; also 3 and 4 room ' turn, apartments. THE SHEFFIELD - 27 Broadway. south, 3 and., 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, - at very res sonable rent: best of service. M. 26o6. I AMEKKJAN-MAKLBunOOtiri. Highest class apts. In the city. 4. 5 and 6 rooms, walking distance, i eason able. ' Mar. 3360. Main 7516. A-2676. - THE LEONCE. 4-' j.-'.-,:-. . 5 Single rooms and apts. - with modern conveniences - at attractive rates. 186 N. 22d. -Marshall 2253. - MY furnished 1 i rmm aniirm,nt in I , Lucretla Court' for summer months or longer. Marshall -1513 ROSENFELD (brick), 14th tc E. StarkJ Modern 3 and 4 r., furnished or un- fur. Private phones, reasonable- rates. 11 T TWO room - apta . newly , furnished; modern. Sawyer Apta 83 -N. lotto st. f none A-3Z3H. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFLRNLHED fCoattanedl " Wellesley Court EAST 15TH ' AND BELMONT -STS. , Furnished and unlurniabed. . . Mgr. East 3 M 9. References.' ". . ,. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12 th and Taylor. 'X Modern, completely furnished apt. Walking distance. Refereac. -r BALBOA APARTMENTS, 429 Harrison, near 12th' st. . Extra large 2 room- furnished apts., 1 -unfurnished, modern . reasonable rent; good service. - Marshall : 2!00. References." ' ' : : The Parkhurst -' - Best 3 and 4 room furnished apts. in the city for the least-money. 20 tit and Northrup. . THE COOY, cbr. E. 7 th and Taylor sts has been remodeled with private bathe, new furniture and carpets. - 2 and 3 rooms; light and phone free; rent very reasonable. Call East 44. THE IRIS APTS. 3d and Mill St. ' . JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgom- ery. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room apts.. furnished or unfurnished. $17 xaonth up. No charge for cooking gas. " 4 ROOM unfurnished . apartment in new brick', buildine: Drivate bath: Dutch kitchen and all modern conven iences. Kent - $16. -46ta ana. aw thorne ave. - - FOR KttNT FLATS 13 THREE new, large, modern rooms, in cluding disappearing , bed, lunusnea or unfurnished. : Woodlawn 167. . FOB REN T, mod em- upper flat, 8 ; rooms and sleeping, porch; close in. ,ast zis. 4 AND 6 room flats, walking distance. $V.io. 10 rooms. $15. r Vt Jbi si. TWO large front housekeeping rooms, - 310. 655 6th st. - FURNISHED FJLATS - SO FIVE very - elean, nicely furnished rooms, pleasant location, near car line and Jitney service; gas stove and range, bath, sleeping porch. Also large basement. Only $18.- 773 s K.; Taylor. East 6260. ' . - ' .; $18 3 rooms. $23 6 rooms, strictly modern, sleeping porch, new. com pletely furnished;- seeing -means - rent Ing. 672 Mill. Main 6447.' UPPER 2 room flat, sleeping porch. Sellwood 1943. . . "- : STORES AD OFFICES V If BRICK warehonse n Soutlr Portland for rent, trackage.' light . ana , airy. On paved street, reasonable. - Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and YamhllL SHOP, 271 Hawthorne ave east ind of bridge. H. N. Burpee. M. 3330. SUMMER RESORTS 50 FURNISHED cottage at- Bay Ocean, .- by month or season. 'Woodlawn 2007, or cau aaa w; pumner. FOR RENT Furnished cottage, Ocean vie w. Sea view, Wash. Mar shall 3451 or Tabor 784. . SEASIDE 5 room furnished cottage, - $60 season. Wdln. 2183 mornings. SEASIDE 2 cottages near beach for rent. $45 and $90. Phone K. 6799. SEASIDE cottagfe for rent. Main 419L AVANTED TO RENT WANT to rent by July 1 a small, fur nished or - partly furnished cottage with yard,-by responsible party; must be reasonable rent for careful, steady tenant; state price - and- location in first letter. R-615, Journal'- " MuUhKN . 6 room furnished house, close in; steady tenant;: rent not over $12 or $14. Call between 6 and 8 p. ni. East 3867. -----. ' -- A 3 OR 4 room bungalow, furnished; sleeping porch- preferred. Wdln. 2527. HORSES VEHICLES, s ETC.- 18 JUST ' received a; ;-shipment of 30 horses, consisting: of heavy r draft horses weighing about 1600 lbs., some farm - chunks -weighing around 1250 lbs., and some - delivery- and wagon horse weighing from 1000 to 1200 lbs. G.-K- Howitt, Model Stables, 5th and Davis sts. - """; FOR SALE Black team, weight 2800; gentle and true; also one 3 inch wagon and one 3 inch wide tires, near ly new ; also 2 i buggies. Will trade for something suitable. W. . Tiede mann, Greenburg sta., , Oregon Elec if. o. Beaverton Koute 1, HANDSOME dapple gray saddle horse, S years old, quiet for a lady or elder ly person to ride, and city broke, full guarantee.-. Can " be seen and tried at 292 Union ave, off Hawthorne ave 2 blocks from bridge. - - " : ' Commission Auction . 6f horses, ' vehicles, harness, wag ons, every Monday and Thursday, at 2 p. m. Colombia Stables. 302 Front sr. GOOD,- all around, gentle mare, har ness, top spring wagon, 1 top buggy. $60. J. Suhr, Gresham. Or. Box 173 TEAM mules. 6 and 6. years old, good f workers, very fast and city ; broke, guaranteed sound, free- trial; price $175. 292 Union ave. - --; HANDSOME dark gray, gelding, 6 yrs. old, perfectly: sound,-. broken single and double; open to veterinary In spec -tlon. 292 Union ave. -FOR SALE 3 wagon with wood rr rlnnKlA - a? ant Vi on xrr . ViotnA4B 4r splendid condition. Fair offer takes It. Oil XI . lSt Pi. ' FOR BALE at a sacrifice, team, har ness; and wagon. Call - for O. R. Larsorn -82d st. -and 29th ave. -' DEAD horses and animals hauled way " free. Call Woodiawa . 2ft. Portland Kenocnng jo. 1000 LB. horse, your own price; also 3 in wagon., wid.e tire. $25. 1967 E. Stark st. - v?., .. ; MUST sell farm team, horse, and mare In foal, harness and farm . wagon, Cheap.- 1967 Ev Stark at. Trtal allowed. MY- ranch - team, sound and true, 2300 95 14th st. Main 7337. Mrs. Abbott. PAAH fsom riA1aSi trua . ntArlAK , . V JKSf Al 111 AIWI iTVt ' VI A - WW VI SCI t LXCi ness ' and spring wagon. 1208 - E. Stark st. - -- - - - - DEAD -- horses and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. . - - - - WANTED Milk wagon. R-6 13. Jour nal. . - - i - LIVESTOCK . an FOR SALE, 2 fine Jersey cows; must . sen at: once; very reasonaoie. Van couver car to Stafford st.; cor. 1 house. FOR SALE Fresh cow.- 6 gallons per day. 2044 Hawthorne. Take Mt. Tabor car. - ........... 1 EESH cow for sale. Park Rose car, end of line, 4 blocks east, tent. Sandy and Clarnie. 1 ' FRESH dairy? cows for sale, .Bruce, FRESH family cows;, nice, rich mil It ers. 502 R 33d Bt.. N. 6 FRESH cows. genUe, giving 3 to 6 gals. 794 Tacoma ave. , POULTRY AND PIGEONS . 37 QUITTING THE BUSINESS. "- -18 selected direct - imported Mam mouth Pekin ducks and ducklings; Plymouth Rock hens, cockeral and chicks. White Leghorhs and chicks; also game chicks, cockerel. - and six hens; two incubators. . 793 E. Main, near Hawthorne ave. ' CHICKS. 1000 S. C. White Leghorns 1 ua 4mvw .. mw. arrtti la vi w n a- wn i h w x, - A. wuw- au j - 0 a erne, J , O LI Ok-XXSa . Jubilee) Hatchery, 416 Jessup st.. Port-j land, fnone w-aiss. - - DOGS AJD HOUSEHOLD PKT8 48 BEAUTIFUL -canary singers, 6 weeks old. - Harts Mountain and English Linnet' singers, $Sr females 60c. -''Mrs. Ferguson. East 1439. - . - FOR SALE Male Lewelling : setter dog, about 6 moa. old.- Address A. EL Watty Canby. Or. ' FLEMISH and - Belgian rabbits for , v saie cneap. - vaii jnarsnau ii3. t DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 1 Coattaedt - ' THOROUGHBRED fox terrier puppies, i- ful, competent driver. Main 6378. out of "Sabine Sue" and 'Some Toy.' , WANT to work my 5-pass. Ford spare beautifully .marked. mali and female,,,, time, afternoons. 1727. Journal. Mrs. D McCov. Shlnherd's Srjrlngs.- Carson. Wash. ' - " - , AUTOMOUIIES-ACCKSSORIKS 44 Name v your - 6wn price -from : $100 up. 'Write, your own guar-, - antee. ...Take your pick of many makes, many sizes, many colors - every-car a bargain. . You can ; now be a high grade car owner - for amazingly little money.- - r - SEE;THEM ; : f . , - - TRY THEM- - -BW'ONE ; - i It's a chance of a lifetime, for 'we are selling cars at from $100 ' to $500' lower than the lowest price ever of fered before. 23rd 'and Washington Sts. ,! OPEN EVENINGS. GUARANTEED , - V ' USED CARS . - ON EASY PAYMENTS OVERLAND, 1914 model, ti pass., electric lights and starter. $675. - OVERLAND. 1914, 6 .pass, electric lights, $575. ; ,- : -1911 MITCHELL; 5 pass., ! in fine condition, $300. - - ' DJ14 FORD, touring ,'car, run only 700 miles, $425. - - ; ' - ; OVERLAND, light - S pass.,- new tires all round, $350. '..- i COLE, 1913, Delco electric equip ment, $800. MAXWELL delivery, $375. OVERLAND" delivery, $550. SEVERAL OTHERS. - J. W. Leavitt &. Co, ' 527 WASHINGTON ST. NEW LOCATION AFTER JULTIST, COR. BROADWAY AND DAVIS -STS. Best Vaipes " in Used Cars.- WE. HAVE A NUMBER OF USED CARS IN A-l CONDITION. THE BEST VALUES WHICH CAN POSSI BLY BE SECURED. - YOUR INSPEC TION IS INVITED.- ,. . Covey Motor Car Co, : Twenty-first and Washington Sta. ' Used Auto Snaps 'LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. nuTxii"i?c'i: ' "i ' -'i.e F??t xVKK'-aP.88- ,0 !t' P-i . -f 3Z r tpps w ?" - i a' rilll o trrTK i n u 't Vl tLZX ' ' IS i X SfiH6TfSa1? A3Laaie odel"JS SEVERAL. OTHERS' TxKRTfT'P ' FROM. . . - . . . Northwest?AutolC6 BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. . Main 887. . A-4951 PORTABLE GARAGES -r-r ANTi - '' t-i'k m HOUSES rnAtorialK ae- tlstic designs, j Erected complete, lock and. key., , $32 up. Portable bouses. Ili5 up. Immediate delivery. , i J TAKE DOWN MFG. CO.. ' 648 Water st. nffTTarrison. Main 1167. ' CADILLAC, 1912. " Repainted and in MRii,nf maKiidti. leal condition; a1 bargain; seat, covers and bumper.. - .i, f ,. i Covey Motorcar Co, w '.- 21st and Washington: Truck Snap k Reo 2 ton with van body, in first class condition. Will take in one or two teams- of horses as part payment. - Northwest Auto Co. ' Broadway and Couch sta. Main 887. r A.iaeo, MUST sacrifice new. ton !and half Fed eral truck; used only : one - month; wiiiioi.ei wiin opay, . top, and cur- m in . . -, mm iaae down- and bal ance in monthly installments. Eleven months ' guarantee . on - .truck still stands. If interested get busy as I am forced ' to 'quick action. Address owner, V-906. Journal. OREGON VULCANUZLNG CO. . ; "Tha Tlra Rhon" 550 Washington st.. at 18th. TIHES marenaii lis. :- BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Trade new tires for ,U ones. ftiioi-nnfooH Auto V4ui ",M-V'vy Springs carried In stock.- Robertson Iidw. & Steel Co., 30-34 2d st. BARGAINS IN USED CAXB. - - -.Large stock,-prices $300 to s750. . . - OREGON MOTOR CAR COt, Studebaker bldg. .. .x.'.'" Corner Chapman and Alder HaVe 1 ton Monitor truck to trade for a larger truck or good passenger car. WI11 pay some cash difference. Van Dellen Lbr. Co., - The Dalles. Or. GENERAL auto and -truck reuairing. Reo truck -sprockets a specialty. Forging. Good work, square prices. Try us: E, L. Taylor; & Co.. Tl lit st. (Written guar- : antes w 1 1 n very-spring. ZJV. 1 6th St. RECOVERING auto tops, $1S.60 up. Auto painting, $20 up; ill work guar an teed. United Painting & Auto Top Co., 15th and Washington. Mars 846. NEW and used Ford automobiles sold on easy terma. - Ben J. E. Boone & Co.,- Ford .agents, 614 Alder st. Main 3966. - " .- SLIGHTLY . used tires, largest stock in Portland. $3 to $16. Fine repair ing. The 8upply Co..- 207 Madison. ONE new 33x4 Nobby Tread 'and three 33x4 red tubes. -Have sold mrr. Call 283 Tavlor. phone Main 8218. SEN8A1MML'- - , ON " " MM v. T&aiE V J 8ullres,; y. John Deere Garage. 346 E. Alder. , , cJZerJPZaJ ?ZlFstx4tZ HIGHEST prices paid for old. rubber, f Journal. - metals J. Leva, f6 Columbia. M. 619 j WOUNa horse,1 harness and, new dellv EXPERT - auto repairing, reasonable 1 ery wagon for good Ford.. Main 3807. chargea J. J, Zlmrner. 123 N. lith at. A-3807. - 1P15 STUDEBAKER for sale cheap. V 916. JournaL ... - .. AUTOS FOR HIRE FOR hire cheap new Hudson car, care- u aiTT-kxiortir.ire WAXTEn , 78 Z. -,. -., IMPROVED city property, - Garfield, 7-pasa. auto. ' Ouickj deal wanted. Phone Mar. 495.' Gllsan hotel.8 A WEBER pianola; piano. -Themodlst-, Metrostv le. dull - mahogany v case. $ 1000 , instrument; will, exchange' for mi to - "y-asft. .tnumal -' ' . i .-.?.,-y WANT 5 pass, auto, late model; have t $1600 equity 6 rm. house and lot. or 40 acres timber -or 10 acres clear, or irunws. juui rial. - - - WEST PORTLAND- PARK lots and cash to exchange for 2d-hand car, 25'. to 4j n. p. Marshall; 4Z3. ' - WANTED, to trade for an auto. . Phone Marshall 2696. ' " ' t M0T01tCx"CIE3---BICYCIiES 55 Pope imotoreycles and bi cycles cash or terms. New and nsed. -Supplies, eta! F. P. KeenanCo., 190 4th. FOR SALE $126 - Reading . Standard i motorcycle, 10 'liorsepower.: Kully equipped;" good as - new. Must sell rjnick. Phone Main 9286 days. - 1 - $110 1913 twin, 9 b, p. Eagle De Iixe 'motorcycle, chain drive, headlight, tandem, etc.; fine condition." 652, Ains worth ate. - " ' -- -'-..- ;v- ..:.-'.v:- Jv LAUNCHES AND HOATS 04 EVINRUDE - Motor Co., now ' located Front - and -. Morrison; 100 E!nrud rowboat and canoe motors la stock $58 to $83. Gasoline engines, motor boat ? equipment,- paddles, cushions, sporting- goods, rowboat and ranoes. IF YOU want a boat for the Columbia river trade, take a look at the Al thea, 43x12 over all and listed at 12 ton net; some boat, -and price, a way uown. " 507 Broadway bldg. FOR SALE 26 ft. launch. 12 h. p 4 -i cylinder 4 cycle, lully equipped. Phone Sellwood 314. . PIANOS, ORC7ANS AND , M USI UAL INSTRUMENTS 31 FOR $286 CASH Security Storage Co. 1 will close out" $600 player . piano, metal tubing, 8S notes, all latest im provements. This includes 65 player rolls. Call 109 4th st. ' $5 CASH, with double credit for $10, buys new ,$350 piano at -$265, $7.50 monthly without interest charged else where; makes total savine-8146.29 to you. Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth st. iOR SALE 88 note player piano and -! music, practically 'new. No reasor able cash offer refused.': Phone Wood lawn 3811. $1. MONTHLY stores your piano. Se i curity Storage Co., 109 4th St.-Phone Main 6323. $50 BUYS $300 Marshall & Wendeli 1 piano.: Security Storage Co., 4th st Couch bldg. 109 HIOH-clasB Chase piano, walnut case, 1 first-class- condition, ' reasonable prioeit-S4 8, Journal $145 "CASH today will buy $375 Davis i & Sons piano. Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. FIRST , class grafonola and records, cheap for cash. Phone East 718. TYPEWRITERS i 77 GILL'S -s REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. ' Underwoods, Remingtons. L. - C Smith, Oliver, . Smith-Premier, Royal, etc., $15 -and up: terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. Ths J. K. GUI Co..' 8d and Alder sts. WE save you from 50 to 76- per cent on all ' makes of - typewriters. Send for cur illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co.. 321 Washington sL TYPEWRITERS for rent, 8 months for $5 and up;6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co.. 86 Broadway. - ' KEV, rebuilt. 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. p. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. HOUSEHOLD SOODS for SALE 65 HIGH GRADE FURNITURE CHEAP. 'Owner going east. Solid oak dining I table and chairs, birdseye maple dress- ler, sewing machine, rugs, couch, Morris "I chair, bed, cooking utensils, Stewart T range, heating gtove, -etc. ; will sen ,au or Part. 303A!bina ave. 'near Masou : St- Mississippi car. CASH. - ' CASH. CASH. Paid for good used furniture, carpets and stoves. Jall oevurtz, Rlarsnan t7, FOR - SALE Plain furniture cneap; dresser, -. wardrobe, chairs, etc. 541 Borthwlck. near Russell. ' FURNITURE of 9 room house for sale i very cheap, part terms; close in, all rooms full. Main 6606. - ,. CALL Bell Auction Co. and get good price for your furniture. Mar. ' 4788. FURNITURE of 10 room house chjtap. Marshall 6570. -' ' FURNITURE Of 7 rooms.' $100. 468 Tayior st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 . - FOR SALE. - ; On account retiring from - business in Portland we have for sale at at tractive prices a quantity of desks, chairs and miscellaneous office equip ment, " also - second . hand . tools, hand trucks, scales, etc. - a ' . : PACIFIC HARDW. & STEEL CO, 1 22d anti NicolaLV " SiEWING 1 machine. Em porium sells , for less; no agents employed, , ail makes ot new ana ecoud hand, machines. Sold on terms. Machines' nir. an.eed aid rented. $2 per month. 190 3o. near Taylor. Main 9431. A-3626. ; , Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnslde. cor, 10th. Main or A-6674. v "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Type f writers"1 and "Household Goods" are separate - classifications, 'All ' adver tlsementa of these goods are .published under their respective classifications. Look -Hhem over. - - --- -., ' BILLIARDS New and second band carom and pocket billiard , la bin, bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tablet, for residences. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co 46 -4 6th at. - Phone Main 4970. FOR horses aaid venicles, . dogs and M household pets or poultry, read the ada4 under these respective heading. The Journal leads all other mediums in tneae ctaasiTicaTions, bELL us or let us sell you your office i or iiwb e4uipiuenii targe line gen eral store and office fixtures, new and tsecond hand, 65 First St.- - I WHITE enamel bed, dresser and rug, f I new, used 2 - weeks in new home. ben. oi ttrawrtast s4 Morris street. - .-. AUTOMOBILES, luotorcyclea, launuiies -1 or boats are separate- classifications A large listing can be . found tinder these- different' headings. . v - a- M 1 Ai ivC i J-i AJfli t, supplies, circular let ters. Elliott addressing machlqeaamt supplies. W. E. Flnzer & Co , 2tf8 gtarfc. iinu QarnDtametar In eiMlmt ,-..n i ditlon. G. G. CampfaeU, - 44. 2d st. A-3468, Broadway 459. . - DIAMOND house paints, strlciix pure; . mads in Oregon, $1.65 gallo. r-ort-land aint CQr. 230 Front.. Mar. 199. - $18.60 DROPHEAD sewing machias with attachments. - 162 Grand ave. PLUMBING supplies,. wholesale prices. J Stark-Davis Co.. 212 d-Main 787. ' WE buy - and sell - used - i-achinry. ; Northwest Lead & Machy. Co. V CALL Tabor 2795 for ali kinds of berries. 3 65 91st st. N. CHERttlES I st. for - sale. 1074 Holgate RWAPfJOLrM't UP-TO-DATE threshing .machine for i'i beef cattle. or auto. R-6 IS, Journal. wanted Miscellaneous s GOLD BUYER Almost every famtly has some old gold, silver or plati num Jewelry, broken or out of style. .Bringj.it to me and I will give you ,k fn, i -.xi. .-. r o , rx " bldg v 327 finer, gold "jvitl Hr-d "i "- wasn. - st llunr buyer. - Ores - bought. .-WE WANT Tllfai GOOhtt" vWANtED: ranges, stoves, rugs, rockers, d reefers, tables, couches, chairs Davenport. We iiy th price Try us. Northwest Fnrn. Kxchanee. East 136, WANTED The people of, Portland to 1"" know X, pay highest cash, price tor household! goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Ruwll st. J. MEYER, the tailor pay highest -prices forSd hand clothing, shoes. We call promptly..M. 7573. 229 Madison, OWL FURN. CO. ur.ys best prlra tor 1st. Main 4637. rumiture.- 231 bV.ONi'' l,lind ciouanjf and everything. Hlarhewt prices. Main 2080. 28S 1st lost and found FOLLOWING articles were found on r iLwt ciu'?,c, tbe Portland -Rail way o.,.bi.&Powr.compnyr and- owners thereof may-claim, same at the First and Alder street station: r June H. Broadway v5100; . A-6131 Eight pack a?;,1 . laundry, 1 breast pin. 1 cuff link '10 umbrellas. 1 f lshing piie, J, itar y glasses). 3 purses tsc), 1 fountain pen. 1 valise, 3 pair glove, 1 pair overshoes. 1 chain. 1 purse, .1 hand bag ($1.15). 1 cigarette GOLD brooch, has black engraving and v small, pearr in center, on Mt. Scott car or 1 near Kem Park. leave at JJ18 Cham, of Com. Reward. Mar, 5330. PARTY .who took suitcase off car at 30th and Hawthorne.. Initials L. A H- Reward $5. ' Return Journal office LJST old watch and fob engraved "1 . newrq. -mope labor 2401. PERSONAL : LuiHBi .Pitarz.KL trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc;", tub baths, , massage and electric blankets. 256 11th st. Marshall 6033. SPIRITUALISM Medium. Rev. Vir". , Kinia Rowe. Readings, healings daily; circles : Tuesday and Friday evenings. 8 o'clock. 231 6th st. Phone A-7 1 1 6. ' MADAME MUNZELLA teaches palm- ist-ry and card ' reading. . 422 ilor Hson, office 2. . v " r I GUARANTEE to cure poh three davn 1151 V. l4th .-...,. Mnn AM r in Woodlawn 1045. ' vt J3PIRITUAIJ . card reader. 495' DavlsJ - Marshall 5443.' BALM of Figs, remedy' tor diseases of women. 604 Davis st. Main 2393 MANICURE, shampoo, 85c. 707 Roth chlld bldg.. 287 Washington LESSONS in phrenology and card read ings. 285 6th at.- Phone Main 7648 I aWVPri -Consultation free. Main Lft" yp 4993. 708 Selling bldg. CHIROPRACTIC doctor. Painless ad untnnents: 81 treatments 316.. 121 4th. HARTNESS, leading . feather workers, wholesale, retail. Cor. Park, Yamhill. Professional and j-- - ABSTRACTS ' ' - - --. ZKCLEU. ABfil'KACX ;J., prompt a.-rire, 400 "Ablnatrnt Bldg. J. A. and C. W. Zeller. AOCOEDIOM FvEATIHG ACCOHUlON, KMHi AN,. BOX f L.KAT1NU. PICOTINO, ' UEilSTtXCHINO. BRAIUINO, EMBBOlDERtNti. E A S V K U N NOVKL.TY MVG. Ct 86 6th ST.. NEAR OAK, a SLueHAS Ueulatltciiiuc. ac.juiuiuo, aid aad aoxibunt cleat Ins; bt-ttoua coTrred, gooAi .Itoua coTrreo. Alder. M-KI73. ponged.- Scalloping. BPS ATTORNEYS UAUt. A HllSl).crt, lawyer;-cociaaltaUoB free. 208-0 FUedner bldg. Mar. 850T. BLANK BOOK KAXESU bAVIb liLJdA . IOC.. 1UU it at. blana uuua - lunuaacLursTs, ' bke book iBanulacturera; aseata for Jose It proTCd Loose Leaf Ledgera. He the jmw Eu reka Leaf. A-ai8a. Main 183. BR ABS A3TD MACHINE WORKS HAKPKU'ti brass Worka. Braaa caatiuica and maehlne works. 100 fith at. Bdway CARPENTER BHOPB liOOKK A r Taylor. ; SANDsTUOM. Aiala 7oJ, 334 CARPET CLZAHIHO aoxec; Hcujet. aaectrlo CI caul ok VVoraa, eara-a cleaned and laid, refitUb oar apadaUy. lbac 44Q. j-W63. 2Q4 - lfth at. W. CARPET WEATIITO ItuMiUlVaSi 'X. Of to., g inia M car ueta, rag ruga, carpet cleanitg. loS K. Sta. W.rt-k ratted for. Kaat 85SO. B-12HO. CHIROPRACTIC tHYSIClAM UiU UcUAuUh, 121 ia aU curoiue alaaaaea requiring eitenaed time. HI treatmenra aii. fUUUiO.S, apariaiim ii. itaralyaia, nertoua, ronle djaeaaea. 86Q Pltiocfc but. H'way a - cbroole CIRCTTLATIKO LIBRARIES Metapuyaleai cireulating. Broaqway and alaln COAX AND WOOD NEER & FARR and inaida block wood, foet or aawad to order. TalcpboaavT'n A I ' Main 4506. A-4647. ' VVrtU Bark--Bloclcwood v Portland filabwood Co. ' M. 3119. A-7001, MCAu cry box wood aad urdwood, 4 feat or awed. Summer price, standard Wood Co, Ca.t 2313; B-1606. - ' - - - - .--'-- -" " ' BK3'i' cucdwood, 4.6 per cord; block wood. Central IVuel Co. : We daliver amall orders. Main 1600, A-l 100. -' ' Uiiaivuai ITOUT Ok' Cl'MEV BTftEkT kLL'l'UM WOOL CO.i LMoV Macadam. AaJera ' atabwood. Bn wo.k1 .25 load. M. '7W0. i COLLECTION AOCTCLEfl 1 BUk aecoouta, uiila, kutea and judgoicata of every name and nature anywhere. Wat p3K-k reaulta anawer -M-o-SS. Journal. ELECTRIC MOTORS AID DYNAMO 8 HUAOK&, fc-Hueratora UtuUt, euld. reuted aad repalrait-Wa do ail aiuda of repairing aai rewliidlna 'All wort aaar.utaed. U, At. U K lee trie Co., 31 N. let at. fnone Broadway B3t WK my. tali, rent aud eacnauge now and '41 band inotora: repair work a apeclaUy. WEST- r-EHN KI TKIU WK8.. .8 8tb at. Mar.- HVo. ELECTRO PHYBICIA V 1H. COK1NXB JUUfcaTONE Xeroos aad rbeomatie diaeaaet'i cJacu-o-njagaeuc aaae. t 71.1 Deteom. -'-" !- XTEBTTHIKO LLXCTRICAX TtTBB!1 Electrtcal Co.. Ota and fine fa. EYE. EAR, NOSE. lHROT. LtTNOS Sit CUlG. . Moduraie oricea. Uiaaaaa filled, ue . r. w, i:eaeia. 617 iwintii ihib..i m aa. ZDTJCATIGVAL DANCING HkI'IH'A iU HOOL Leialma dallr. claaa FrL eve., 8 to in. AlUky bidg., &A and Morrlaos ta. Leaaona Main S018. - . M anuf acturcrs-r-1 -Jos DRT GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co, FA8M W? tElfCTTi ACT TEHICLCT H. M. WAliB A CO.. Mawtuorne are. LEAS PTPE. WOOL. MACHINERY NORTH WKST fKO-311 front. LEAD A MACHINERY Co. Mala A4tj XEATHERS AND FINDING, CHA 8. L. MAST1CK CO.. 74 frost. Leatbtr of erery 'deaerlption; finding. - : - INFORMATION COUPON :--"'-"iIf! you want the name of a reliable business house dealing In any 11ns -of merchandise, or information regarding resorts, hotel, raliroado. steam ship. iines. etc.. address Oregon Journal Information Bureau. Information desired: .,, ' ' - ' a . ..,,, . --. '-:' I - - i :4-i Address. . . PKRSOXAL A FIGHT on 1.1 prices. Why ray i j to $10 for gia-s your eyes with fi rM 1 can m 4 OKsuty lenses In n milA fram a law as $1.60? C. w. Goodman. 20 J Morrison st. Main 2124. Mall order promptly filled. Write for partlouHr. ATlflRNFY Ie reasonable. Caj.-1 01 1 Ui II lU i O settled without noto riety. All cases treated with courtesy. 313 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 4 368. UHa STEVEN e. 21 years Portlano - renowned palmlat cid clairvoyant, has her took, "Palmistry Mad Et)," on sale. Removed to 875 Ta 'lor et. DR. G. V. KETCH UM W omen 111a U dies and acute dlse.es of men. Wash. hid. 4th & Yh. Rm. 41. Ml. 4H MRS. HA MOT, medium and healer. 170 2d. cor. Yamhill. 4th floor, apt. 9. Marshall 24M7. MANICURING und ucalp treatmenn; -863 Yamhill ht., room lj, sccutid floor. Open Sundays lO:ao to P.J; SCALP niassace, manicuring, our Mt 12,alty 514 Abinaton bldg.. Main LADIES oniy. - Hairdrestring, murucut ing. shampooing, facial masmige 2ic. Summer rate. 605 Columbia bldg. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlorw. 4Q' Dekuni. Marnhall 1702, SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Trice, clr- cies. 1 ues. 2 n. m. wed., Sun. 8 p. ir Readings dally. 603 6th st. Mi 3060. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, wans. etc., destroyed forever; euro guuran teed. Mile. De Long. 604 Swetlands bid. NOTICES 3 bKAI.iCl) prufHmto will b- recelwd at thi offtee of the uwrlntKnleat, l'it an I Ueodetle burvr, Dvpurtiuent ta iv,niiDf r.i., WasbluKtou, It. C. 1111IU AujfUHt in, lUl.i. and tbva tiueaiKl. and ulwi on the tame tiain at tin of Urn of tliu inspector, toaat and GitMetk.1 survey, - mmti aio, 1'untntn limine, Suit KraociM.i, t'al., for the rmmirntlon hiiJ eiiituif ut ot the t'onxt and UMlitli Hotref 8 tea DMT "Surveyor," of atwnt lna loua !) plaeuKfnt. I'artiiulur may be otitalneil uir i)ll(utlin to tbp auiM-rlDientlpnt, C'uaat aud idf1tr Survey. WnHhlnattm, l. C MillUti bianaaru La lirrico la rntlrluc from bUHlnesa and tbu followlnj- unrpdeeiiit-ti lpdg -will be aolU at auction. Haiti to taks place Muuday it il p. ni., June 21, turn, at Geo. Baker it Co., Auction lioiiae, 1'Mi i'nrK atrret, l'ortland, Ur.: I'leiiftea Noa. 4012, C052. 6102, 61 13. MM, B167. 6104, 62HJ, f.23S. 6272, 6S(J, riSMi. &S!. MltJ, h.fjr,. A8S4," 6M6O, B;rr:t, 6374, MhZ, 6.-1M0, R.'ilM. 6404, 6410, JM12, R41, 6424, R4a, R4.M, 5444, r,4al, R4S3, 403. ,K07, 6508, 6015, 6372, 60. H. f&2. ' NOTICH la bnrvby siveu that the uudtTtlguM . V. . . fi 1 f H t K. .1,1. K.,.l-t... ...... i .A tiregon, applU-atluu or a llreuae tu ciiKact. in the buatnma of luakliitt Ion nil or tnoupy or paraooal rrvdlt. or In tli pawn-Iirokpragn Im-- unilfr tlie crovlnloiia of ( It liter Uenrral Iawa of )r on for tnt5. B. UARFINK T-E. ai N. '( M at. I'KOl'UAI for baritt-a, V. H. englm-rr of fice, Mrcotit UlHUiii t, rrtlautl.. ur. beali-d t-K'puaala will be ret:eltfd brru out II II a. ui.. uly 1.1, 1913, and then openfd. for con tioctJiif two : wooden furl bargea, run her Information on application. 1 WILL not be rewiKiiittlble for aur lillla ei. tmrlrd by my wile. H-atrlco 8. Lenta, from tUU date. OKU. 8. LKWlet. Business Directory MPSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHFKS- ,Ctil A. . lituillZ 1 (atuf t ol vitiu.t, .11 hhertnan. corner Klrar. .Mrah:ili 2Zli:t SUltLUOUN. Vtullll leac 807 Kleldner bids. A-l 0." Mar-hnli tn;t -. , . . . . ... ... . - . . . - POPPX-AH ilDSIC " lau kaiiCanieeu l-auura it 10 leaaona. lUtura Hayina. free aainota atratlun. r ree bMkler. not hlier I, Ida. INSUBANCK - onjr llregou m lnumo.-e rMUny. MATTREBSE8 UU1 KMC iiATiUSlJ tu., old ina I !,.,. made- new wliU our ilygienle prote,,. as 4 Ruawil, wr. Union, y.mrt HKSX. JNATUR0PA7HIC 1-HYSICANS L'U. 1'lllLl.ii'U I'araiy.ij. uarvuua aud turou. lc diaeaaea, fitll-ft Uief.-oi)iiui blug. M. 3I4J. PAXNTIMO, PAPF.ttUAMG.UG AMD TlNfiKij rUAllAb, kaiauuiluiCK. .ual.al.i,. wora suarameed. fu.,ne WwhIIiku .,xrj btltLtl- a a. a. ua,i. uvat wuia ,u papering, la. ist. A ki.'.i. Ut nib at. filnllMi, iiuliug, y i-ei uaiai,a. ax- i. crane, Uu una ,t,.Mniii a.tett. WUbM you auawar 'Ana Journal. ... Uaul aiU uiciiUuu PA VINO COHPAWIE8 llil, liauuaa Aefut.1 wu. land otfiee Ti.i riiierlotk bills. ROOFINO Old Roofs ALL KINUH A f KUi iiiMIC Kl AND MAM! EQUAL TO .MiW. t'Aa I iviMUAuciLU, AlcKA 1 fcl-ixi. MAK.SHAl.L i-'Hxi. RULBiCR STAMPS ANll CLAL8 AAJBO eueiK-lia, IxaUa uiwu, vna.e aiaua. PAC1HC CUAtii' KtAlll' WUU.S 2ai Waahinalwn St. aAa-iu 710, A-2 10 BCUOOLS AMD VOLLLO-S BKllAtViv-n ALKKU '1 Kl.KiuAlll tCUUUu ,r U1 Kl., IS KA U AlUttUiHUN . Ketl'UL HAlati AO luvatl . : KMltuLLlAU JiKrUlth; JIuMa 13TU - fHONlCt MAIN 60l OK A-KMi SHEJtX Maiai, WOaaS AAa,irAiaii)U, Uu aiwi gtaal iiwk ai - Lead SiO rirai at, t iine Main -i2-t. XBAM81-LR AKD 8T0Ri.GR C O. riL-& iraiuuc a tuum cu. uiiu-e and ' euuuuodiuua a . etuiy lin k wareUuuaa wltii aeyarate irvu rootua and (irepruof fiuit tot valuable. X W. corner ii aud flue at. Planus and fur altar tuoyed and packed fur tipping, Spocial rate mad en guudt la tbruucb cars to all dwtuuatlo aiui furaiaa puiaia. luaia uWO. A-lwtip. . ; Oregon Transfer Co. ' , atabllab.d 1870 7ranafer and forwarding aeanta. Storage, Free Crackaga. I Office aau storage- 41 Uliaan St. 18tb and tiilaaa. Main U, A-1I1 OLMEN-HoiS XUAf.feufc.it Co.. NSW llraproot warabouaa wltB aeparate rooms. " Wa more and park bouaebold gwm and p la noa and abip at reduced rate,. Auto Tan and team for uooviug. iorwarrting and distributing ageata. ?ree trackage. Olfiie and warebouae lain and Uyt. Main f!7. A-Z2. AliAJSSJr'KK atUHCK PINS ST. MAIN 120. A-14U3. WHEN you anawer tUeao Wauta Ada. mvntiuu Tbe Journal. WALL TAPER bUUtJAA V. ALI. k'Al'a- o. t M !., umJ salnmn. WINDOW CLEARING KAPfcttT VVIMKJW LLKAMtUd Main a27. 812 Henrt bldg. A-4roj. WHEN you auawer tueaa Wanta Ada. Tba Journal. -Wkolesal rs- PAINT. OIL AND OLASs RASMLHhKN A CO.. "lilgb Klaadfird" paiut. N. H. Cot. 2d ami Taylor. M. 1771, A-r, (1 rm wood pipe POHTLAMJ WOOil flfK CO. taciory ai.J oftce near 24t)i and York at a. Main f.4k. PLITMBING PIPE STEAM - BTTPPLIKS M, L. KLINE FRONT HTUEF.T ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. . a . i 5-'