THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1915. nFFIHIAI CANVASS FAILS TO CHANGE - v- . . . .. s ,, ........ . RFSM1T flF FIFRTIflN mmvw V mm . av m " mmmmmmm v m w a : Baker : and: Bigelow -Elected j : , 'Commissioners ;With Ad-t ams and, Brewster t Next, ! TWO MEASURES DEFEATED; All Acts Voted on jr Veoplev Pass 3Bx- fiBTra " Mmmmrm - z-wnivaaeviee em wis ; Garbage Amendment. ' With the official count completed tktA tabulation made In all instance except the cases of the two annexation city election- are the same as those given in the unofficial count. ' ; George LI Baker and C. A. JUgeloW were' elected commissioners, . with' Wil liam Adams and W. L. Brewster secur ing third and fourth places. The me ter ordinance, the garbage collection system, amendment and the- Sunday closing ordinance were defeated, while the civil' service amendment,, gride crossing amendment, city pound amend ment, wuuinK mueuumeiiii - -icemen pension amendment, fire stops amend ment .anil th ftrdlnnnr rrrulntlnr jitneys were adopted. . . . .- -Several changes are noticed in the figures as compared with - those, given out: yesterday. The following figures are : declared to be official, and were secured after careful checking. .. Total of first, second and, third choice - votes cast for candidates for commissioners: . - Total Of AH Choices. jBaker ...j ....21.069 7)1 i "... -tTrra ..''-... . I , v.. Adams ......'....17,116 Lafferty 6,66 i Lafferty ., . , 1,683 Clyde ....... 6,578 . Parrish , . . .... . , . . .6,451 Caldwell 3,398 Cooper ......................... 3,119 Marstera- ..... . ... .............. 2,662 Otten Roy .. .. Cason ... it ....... l.IBO 998 795 The vote on all choices Xor auditor and commissioners follows: First Second Auditor Choice. Choice. Monroe Goldstein ..... . 2.814 2,659 A. L. Barbur i . .28,388 829 Emma. Oolub . A ...... 1.461 2000 Totals la Different Choloes. - -Com mis- ' First Second Third sioners Choice. Choice. Cboiee. Baker ........17.661 . 2.616 7- Cvoper ...... . 1.016 ; 1,280 '. 903 Caldwell . . ... 962 , 1,406 1.030 Adams .....11,841 4,403 ' 1,077 Parrish . , .... 3,112 2,183 1.1B Brewster . .... 9.65 1.968 , ,627 Blgelow . ......14,496 .2.467 807 Clyde . , ...... 2,938 2,446 ,1,194 Otten . ...... 516 . 325 345 Roy . 388 291 819 Cason . 161 ' 245" ; 889 Laffertv . . ... 3.314 2.133. 1.217 .Marsters 893 861 918 : The vote on the measures follows: , Meter ordinance 15,884 for; 19,121 against. Sunday's closing ordinance 10.349 for; 23,502 against. - - Civil -service - amendment 173525-! xor; USD againeL . .,- . - Qarbare collection . system "amend ment 13,034 for; 20,361 against. - Grade . crossing amendment 20,229 for; 7889, against. pound amendment 19,682- for; 11, 358 against. - Jitney ordinance 31,093 for; 14,060 against, - Bonding act .amendment 17,007 for; 11,132 against., ' ' ' - Firemen's pension " amendment 20; 947 forr 9939. against. Fire,- stops ' amendment 18,997 for; ,11,104 .against y .. FIREMEN" . TO LEARX DRILLS Big Building on East Sid to Be . Secured. Portland Is to have a drill school for Its firemen and the first class will be held next 'week. : "".""."-T-.--' ; - Fire Chler loweii nas oeen planning on the school for .several months, but it. was not until today that definite plans were" completed... Assistant Chief Laudenklos is to be In charge of the instruction, with Captain Edward Oren fell as drill master. -r ? It is . proposed to secure a. large building on the east side, where the drills can be held until the proposed fire drill tower is erected. ' This is an Innovation in Portland, a before the fire bureau members drilled by companies, each company drilling on different days and at m dif ferent place. Under the Plan of Chief Dowel!, ; the student will be nicked from each company and sent torclass. ,The men will be put through all sorts of ladder: climbing work,- pompier1' ladder-work, engine work, laying in with hoee, etoi BAlvEB'S : PLACE - DESIGNATED '". . i New . Commissioner to nave Pub-1 Iiq. Affairs Department. George L. Baker, commissioner-elect, 1 is to succeed W. L. Brewster as com- mtaalAnlf WtlhllM affair, .vh.H Um j Brewster leaves July 1. - Definite an i nouncement to '.this . effect, has been ' made by Mayor Albee as result of no- ' uce 01 me oiriciai count or votes In! tthe recent election being given to him , yesterday. j The other commissioners will retain' their present departments.- and, as i stated in The Journal Wednesday, Will H. Daly, commissioner of public utill- i tiea will remain in charge of the wa- 1 ter bureau- j In succeeding Mr. Brewster. Com-1 missioner-elect Baker will take over the work of the legal bureau, - park bureau, free employment bureau, city hall bureau, weights and measures bu reau and the publio auditorium. ; While no definite arrangements have been made. Commissioner Brewster expeota. to take a short rest after , Reaving office July 1, and then re-, Awmt "the practice of law. - - MOVING - - PICTURES BARRED Fire Chief Bays School Auditoriums ' v Ar$ Not .Equipped, v Although numerous attempts are he .ing made to give motion picture exhi bitions 'in the auditoriums of several of Portland's schools in connection with meetings allowed under the state law passed by the, last legislature, Fire Chief Dowell will allow no motion pic ture machines in the school' buildings unless the buildings comply with fea tures of the building' code relative to fire safeguards. ' - " The chief said this morning that It would be useless to attempt tosecure a permit for' a picture exhibition, as he would steadfastly refuse them when ever sought. . Several of the schools to be used tor '"meetings were ' Inspected as to exits and seating capacity by l'ire Chief Do well. Fire Marshal Stev ens and Building. Inspector Plummet this" morning. Jackson Club to , . Heart Prominent MenThis Evening I . 'Bae of the prominence ; Of the two - speakers, it la ex- t ' pected that tonight's - meeting - m of the Jackson club will be 4 the most largely attended of any meeting held - for some 4 4fc . time. The .speakers are to be K Senator Chamberlain and Coo- . grenman Joshua Alexander of Missouri , r " ' , The meeting will be held at , 8 o'clock in Library hall. Cen-, trat library. T. C. Burke, chair- -man of the program committee, H announces that i the public, ' which Is t always welcome at Ht the Jackson dub meetings,' Is particularly invited to attend " tonight's meeting. i 'i & There will be a, vocal number m -by Miss Dagmar Kelly with - piano accompaniment by Miss ; Ag:ne Senn. , Colonel Robert A, 4 Miller, president of the club, will preside.' .. ' ' ; ALL MUST BE GIVEN ' CHANCE TO LEARN iS VIEW OF LOCKVOOD Night Schools forThose. Who Labor Daytime" Favored by : Candidate -for: Director.. C "I am not opposed to the tenure of office .bill The old system of elect ing teachers each year was wrong. Under 'the tenure law better work is being done, .It has been a benefit to both teachers and i pupils. . The law may ;not be perfect, tew laws are in their original form, i No doubt some amendments .will b made upon it in future years,- but tnese modifications if any ever are made, win come from the teachers.! I Jiaven't any Ideas whatever In regard to amending the law," thus spoke Samuel P. Lock wood, candidate for ? school - director, at : the meeting,: of the Oregon Civic league, held last - evening at the ; Hazel wood, with 75' people In attendance. . Speaking further Mr. Lockwood said: i "I heartily favor the a night school, I think -further .,- opportunity should be given Joth our children and adults r who cannot attend school in the daytime, ! to get an education at night ::,:?f.. . , .-a:-;. .ffb;:- Special Classes for Womea. - "Training in - the branches - of " do mestic science is yet in its infancy, I would like to - see special classes opened to adult women, who are al ready housekeepers? and homemakers, but who were not fortunate enough to receive a scientific training in cooking and other domestic arts during their girlhood. --:"- a "Teachers should be elected on merit only. The education of boys and girls la too serious a thing to put them in charged any-but the best teachers. ? . "The- matter of married . women teaching should be left open, if the woman who Is best qualified to teach should receive the appointment re gardless of whether she is married, or single, rich or poor. What we want here in Portland Is a vision of the big thing, an Ideal for. education. Our schools are now. a great asset, but .they should be made a stronger asset. The school board should stand as a unit in the greatest good for our fu ture citisens. the boys and girls of to day." i - ;;-vy-';;5A Soxaxoex Pavors Community ; Oeatera. Dr. Kr A. Sommer, who Is a candi date for reeleotion as a school director, said in parts Our work Is. to educate the children lof this city. The doors of our school houses should be open to all the people all i the time. We have taken the saloon away from the people and we should give .them some thing in return; why . not.:, open the school houses a community centers. "There is a Just reason for the ten ure of office law and we are trying to fortify the permanent tenure law to the best of our ability. It Is not a means to favoritism as some Seem to think, but rather a means to eliminate favoritism. l "I have quarreled . and ' fought with every member of the school board but we have always parted friends. I am not always In the majority in my opinion; - in fact, I am often In the minority, and sometimes -1 find I ,am wrong. Who Of us does not make mis takes?" - . . S ULxeeirsioos To Eastern Cities Seventy-two hours to Chicago -via Spokane, over THE NORTH BANK ROAD, or to California on the floating; palaces, SS. "Northern .Pacific" or "Great Northern." : - I , - r - . (Stopovers at? the V Exposition)-. " - speed and - ' Round trips east daily till Sept - - ; - Direct, via Cal. - ' 1 l - Both .One " . Ways Way NcwYork . . . ..$110.70 $128,20 St. Louis ..-.r. 71.20 88.10 Chicago - J , 72.50 - 90.00 Kansas City . 60.00 77.50 New Orleans,.- 9520 100.10, - Many oher place in proportion.'-Send for booklet . Tickets sold to-any point in the United . States and Canada 1 NORTH Ticket Office 5th and Stark BANK Station 10th and Hoyt BWDY ?20 ' - .0 A-C371 CHECK IS ASKED ON SKY LINE ESTIMATES -TO SATISFY LINNTON --t -, . ' . . ..3-r ; Head of Bureau - of High ways ,.and "Bridges to Make Re ; quest of the City. V" LINNT0N!C0UNCIL TO ACT Oontraot 1 9 Jbast Vai Zxpeoted te He : Xt Before Xdaatoa Zs Merged Wltk PortUad.- Belleving , that an investigation shodld be made of theestimatee before the contract is let by Linnton for the construction jot the- last unit of Sky line boulevard, leading to Linn ton. R. K. Kremers, head of 'the bureau, of highways and bridges," is to recom mend to Commissioner Dieek that the department - of public works : be " al lowed to check the" estimates for the work. : r - ; " . Linn ton does not officially become a part of Portland until July t, but ac cording ; to- Kremers the city council of Linnton expects to let the contract for the construction of three miles of the boulevard, shortly after June 22, or before Linnton officially comes into Portland. While only a. prelimi nary - investigation has - been made Kremers says that be believe the- es timates for the work are too low and should be carefully checked before the contract is let. ; 1 r -;-.x;' " a -Kremers with Sewer engineer Sharp and latrict Kngincer Hannam visited Linnton yesterday to Inspect the mu nicipal Improvements. Unemployed ; Issue , To Be Investigated -Investigation to ascertain the num ber of unemployed persons in tfie va- nout: industries or tne city-and state will be started, hers under the auspices- of the bureau of labor and. sta tistics. i Lee t K. Frankelw sixth vice president of the Metropolitan Life In surance company -A of ; New , Tork : ar rived in Portland yesterday to launch the inquiry. - '- - ' "" Similar Investigations r have been made in 16 of the large cities of the country. 1.."?.--.-;:-- a-, a . - a ; -a He . addressed local a :. Metropolitan agents this morning before leaving for San Francisco. Mr. Frankel spoke last night at Temple Beth Israel on the problem of poverty, for which he said charity was but a temporary palliative. Eichmond Pupils' Work Is Exhibited 'a - J' ' 1 -"' v: a- . ' v ;- Work of, the pupils of the Richmond school is being shown : at the school this afternoon in a, school and home industrial exhibit. The exhibit Is at tractively arranged in the hallway. -It Includes sewing and manual work and cooking and the regular school work. In addition there Is a nice display of roses - and ' sweet peas grown by the pupils at home. O. R- "Dinwiddle is principal of the school. Masonic Meetings Tonight.., - Grand lodge. Masonic Temple. Port land . lodge, No. 55, Masonic Temple. Rose City chapter. Order of Eastern Star," Masonic- Temple. Mount Hood lodge, 334 Russell street. RADNOR. Plain White . EXTON. White Madrw J "LRROW COLLARS 2 fa 11 ems CLUBTT. PEABODYt CO- lac MAKER! Trans-Atlantic ; magnificence, comfort. ' . ; 20, with stopover privileges : Direct via Cal. . v . - t one , " Ways Way Omaha . . . V. . . '.'.$60.00 i $ 77.50 St Paul ..-..rr... 60.00 : 84.25 Milwaukee i . ,ij 72.50 ' 90.00 Toronto 92.00 109.50 Denver $5.00 72.50 Steamers 1 Must ' Move Slowly in ; Passing Drydock ' Captains of river 'steamers t " must ; proceed by the Oregon .'drydock slowly during the time V the steamer Northern ' Pacific is in that dock, according to the warning issued by Captain t a Jacob Speier harbormaster, to- : day. - - ' The harbor' patrol launch. . - manned by Engineer ,-KarI'.-.4K . Prehn, patrolled the vicinity a -last night continually warning - all steamers - and a like pre- caution is to be taken tonight. The big steamer is only half in the dock and lies at an angle 4t " from which an - unusual swell & fit might cause her damage. a - Mt. Anger College . Sends; Out Glass " Mount Angel, Or., - June 1$. Three young men received t the " degree, of bachelor of arts and- six were gradu ated from the academic department of the Mount Angel college at Mount Angel at the twentyighth annual commencement this - week. Included in the list of , academic graduates Is Frederic Frit of Portland, son of Mr. 1 DAUGHTER OF D R.iALBERTY Sr. Ada Alberty, Specialist for Adults ...... . uj Children. Tou may have a stubborn ease of chronic stomach trouble and you are thin and emaciated and want to gain in flesh, or you may have some other chronic ailment which you wish to be free from, and for which you have tried many remedies without result- If you are seeking, health try my system. - - . .. . ,- I positively guarantee to help any chronio ailment and to cure any case cf stomach trouble evhere my direc tions are followed. - I treat the follow ing diseases successfully: Goiter, in somnia, rheumatism, all stomach and intestinal disorders, tuberculosis, - in fantile paralysis and all, diseases of women and children. 612-12 Broadway Bldg. Main 6689. JRes. Tabor 6528. America's Greatest Cigarette ; a end Egyptian QgarrOa tn thiViM -3 HOTEL CORNELIUS teb soxrsa or vblookb 5 3 s Park and Alder Streets - rortland. Or.. - In the theatre end shopping district, one block from, any carline. . Bates 11 per day and up. With bath, (1.60 per day and up. : Take our Brown , AUtO BUS. ,. ;A; ; ,V. .0,.;S ; a. w, cowrszjxrs, Tr' m. z. mrrazEX, ataaager.'i ES3 11 IP V ' ' J I V , t ' V j ! s'. . . , , V y i y I ' ? . : . ' . . .- " ' J ; . f 5 i tv ' i v w ' sx A it . ., " x " v - '4 V V " J1 .- . vV v II I i i J ii i i i J ' FORvSALE Two Very Attractive Houses i 6 and 7 rooms. including sieeoing , porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, built-in bookcases and buffet. Detch kitchen, breakfast room and outside sentry: tile bathrooms: cement prarajre 12x2ft with each house; finest vw in L&uranunt, racing on tast ! Glisan st. in the block east of office; ; these are two of the best built houses in Laurel burst; built by day work. For further information phone East 832. I -. op ' j-, . : 1 Holmes & Mencfee t : . aos Jtatlway UMbenge Bldg. - X. jT. WATTS A. r . formerly with A. C T. BTTBZSA1 ;. now with ' . Ruenitz Florist 471a Wasbinrton St. rhone Mar. 8333. Artlatio floral desirus ana decorations. FUNERALS Beautiful adtat plush ot mm ft broadcloth - casket, wa-N 1 , btlaiaf, rough tea. V " : hearse, we Hmousiaes aaa I V serrteeg foa.. ........... . - . j..- More reasonable funerals if de- :. ; sired for 320. $40. 30. Higher price funerals In proportion. - We make our own caskets. Lady as -slatsnt. Private funeral chapal, SSZXiZiZrS a f IBAC3Tt -" ledepeadent mserat zreetore Wasmngton and Klla fctreeta, ' Phone Main 2691. A-TSS. and . Mrs. Fred FriU... owner of the Villa- St. Clara apartments. - - Those who won the A. B. degree are John Friedman of Alton. Iowa; Joseph Heesacker of Forest Grove, and: J. J. Klinglesmith Of : Marlon. Ind.' The graduates . from the academic apart raent were Frederic rFrit. . Portland; Julius Kemmerlch and Karl May of Mount - Angel; - Edwtn . ; Mayer, The Dalles;. Harold Sproul of Ontario, and Leo Walsh of Salem. ' li . m , , - r I, r A.g v Thaw to Get JoryiTriaL Albany; NT June 18.-1. N. 8.) The state-supreme court ruled .today that Harry K.: Thaw, slayer of Stan ford White, was entitled 'to a trial 'by jury, to -determine the question of his sanity. - . w WANT:- AD RATES In effect October i, ALT. PREVIOUS RATKS CANCELLKS . CUAAQED ADVE&TISSIUCNXS - Dally or tund)r. . - 1U cents par word pat toscrtioB. ' ; This .charge to tow all claniflcattooe, es ceptlux "Vor Kent is Private VajnUy," 'Booa and Board in "Private ramilr," '"Sltnatloa WaatMl." end "Waute3 to Hear ads, waick art ltt cents per word per lnaertloo. -l ad ebarged for letm thaa-15 seats. V, CASH ADV2KXI3MMT8 -1 U eaato ir word for all' la10catlot, ezeeptiag "Vot ' Eent ia private VtmUj," 'Boom aa Beard is Pr.ate ratcily," "Situa tion Wanted" ,and "Wasted to fieot" a da. waick are 1)4 cuta per word. . CooaeceUre laaertion of 'caah want ada: ..a : S iztaertteas tat tba price of S. . T inaartiirna frr Tht price of &. 41 OREGON LODGE! NO. 101, . A. F. & A. M. Special communication tomorrow a (Saturday) evening at 7:0 .o'clock. - Work in the F. C -degree. Visiting brethren cordially invited.-By order of the W. M. y LESLIE S. PARKER.. Sec. - SUNNYSIDB LODGE. U. Dl E. 34th and JTamhUl sts. Special communication this : evening, 7:30 o'clock. -Work in E. A. degree. Order W. M. ED. M. LANCE. See. DANCE to be given by the Fraternal Brotherhood, Friday, June 18,' at Manchester Hall, 85 fith st. Good time assured. Admission SSc. By committee, i ZJitiF Statistics MLAKUIAliK UtCKXSES Chartea K. He Ins. 426 Bodnev . irraM. leeal. and atarr Tarlor. eziiU Kmiart avenna.i legal. - . , AiDert lMrner, W7 East Eleven ta treet. Iecal. and Laora L Faaaler- 307 aat Elarentk treat, -legal. Claude O. - Toamc, 801 Bast Vtrhty-flftb atreet,. North, 26. and feeaaie A. Ba mbi, j77 Beat SaTenty-fiith tract, 20. Ernest E. Merges, 1011 Teoo buUdlbg, legal, and Laila Oabur ua Auaplond 625 Vlalo street, legal. - : - , -a ... frank B. lwla, J023- East lrrin street, legal, and Muriel M. Loeaa. 1045 Kaat Attest treet. legal..-- - .- '-A , Albert 1 Krattae. S2S Thirteenth - street. legal, aad 8opaie Itellar, 874 Nortarap street. iegai. v. . - - Carl F. Derermark, 1084 Eaat Grant a tree, lesal, and KdUa B. Bimert. 304 Boas street, ?lcboaa Voreas. BIO Jefferson atteet. Xa. and Helen gtarron, BIO Jefferson street 33. W.Aa. Smith & Coi-S Third floor. Morgan bldg. DRJESS suits for rent, all siseav Weique Tailoring Co.. S0 Stark st. - BIRTHS PKTTEY To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pettay, 487 Union avenoe, June e, a sae. MOUNCK To Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. ." Mounee. 770 York street.' Iuimt 13. aaaaad a dausbtcr, 1 ' SCHL BltBT To Mr. and - Mrs. WUliaja Schubert. 757 Eaat Elgbtfc street, June 10, s daughter. JBRYS50N To Mr. end Mrs. ired J. Bryera. 161 Kast Seven ty-eigbtb street. Joae 7, a see. ' ' --'.f-. a.LX,K To Mr. aad Mrs. a. B. Allen, soa Kaat rittr-second street. Jose J. s oeusb ter. JOHJiSON Te Mr. and Mrs. Matbew 3. John son, 124a uaispoeu street, done , a soe. HELT To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar B. Helt, 44 Bast rrty-uurd street, norm, Apru XI, a AlUtliO To! Mr. and Mrs. AleUe. ' 188 MUl street-Jane 10. a son. - YOU KG To Mr. and Mrs. Dale Forest Young. 449 Bidwell svenas. Jane 10, a -son. -HUME To Mr. and Mrs. Percy E, Hone, 1T08 Bast Klereath street, Jon ft, a daashter. JENNINii To Mr. and Mrs. Joba Jenalnff, BOS - Kaat syeTtnta street, apru x. a oaasnter. EIKK-tTo Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kikes, , 731 Unloa aTenue, Jane 14. a eoo. OUKZO To Mr. and Mra. Kick oase, 5714 . Fif tv-aarenth STenne. Jane 9. a daotthter. JAMBOB Te Mr. and Mra. James Jambor, 161 . East sixtr-aiam street, June ww a aanga- ter. - A "- , - - -- : -' " - - - UUATUS AND FUKUKALS 73 STUAKT In this city, Jane 17, 1915. at his - residenoa, 56fl Tbird street, Harry C. 8 taut. arxl 4T veara and IS tiara. Deceased is sur vived by a widow, Mrs. Alice ataart, a fatber, A. B. Stuart, two siatera, Mrs. Harry Boyd sad Mra. CO. Hopaina, also alx brothers, STB., A. V, B. M., y. O., W. Ovand Fred Stuart; tare nieces, Mrs. wiona voian or San Francisco, Oal.: Mrs. Veda refer and Miss Edith Stuart ot- this cltyj. nephew, Stuart Hopkins, deceased, -was a member of Webfoot r.amn. No. OS. W. O. W. and Multnomah Ka sine eompany No. 2. Reroaiaa are at the par lors of the Skewes nadertaJtinf company, cor- ner Third ana t;iay. f ni" nonce A RATA Jane 17, . at the Arata farm, Irene tar of Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Arata. Funeral will , tilra nlaea-f rom liUDOinr A - McKntre'B chapel aatnrday. June 1, at l;SO p. J- Serr lcea at St. Francia ctjorcb, corner East TwelftbJ and Pno streets, 8 eeioea. venas mwmo. Interment MOUPI irrary oenjetrry, DWYEBV The' funeral services of the late Wil- Uaai H.Uwyar will do osia Hwsai ufl. .t in a'rinrk a- m.. at the residence s tabllahment of J. P.r Flnlpr, Boo. Moat omerr at fifth. Frienin invited. Interment at TUverrlew cemetery. DOUGUEBXX June 18, at the reaidenee, .600 - Baleish St.. Grace Donsherty, aged SO veers wife of the lata Uogh Dougherty and hoasla sf Joaa 'McIoghlia. Kotice ot funeral later. EUas Ellison. 3743 East Slstjfirst street. Jane 16. 7 years; senility, i v street, June Ut. 68 years: eaietDOma. BBAWLJ&X Clair Auam Bmwtey. 283 Wln- GODATBD lewis A. Godard, Patton iiome, June 14. 8B years: chronic bronchitis. DICK BY Emma s Dickey. Willamette river. MA BrfUAUur-George Washtagton Marshall v..rtlnc) ueneral hoapUel. June 14, b yean; piinonla. .,,. ' " JOHNSON John K. Johnson, Uooton, Or.. . jane j b. ., - -. BBlKSOLlyr Peter Belnholdt, 14 Wvialon. , - j 1 in wt AOs eiH w ai si . swr .-"-w- DUrX--'rha DntXy. 4T; East Twelfth street. June W. ai years ; cerebral hecaor-. OoEBERG-rAlTO G.-OoWv .. avenue, pvninw . - lary murrvawi. MAHX1M s -FORBES CO florists. 4t v..h Mala 1S9. A-13. Flowers for ail occasions aronicauy ammi w. CIARKEl BROSu florists. 387 Morrison et, Main or a-i - ww and floral designs. - No branch atorea. FUNERAL PIRECTOBA A.R.ZeiierCo East 1083. Ol 01 8. est a AAJ.e Tsw astJ en f asVi e eterlia 3ienywu a-'gy u sjs w ive. X"' fa- KlkNWOBIii H ev CO. CaUs promptly - answered in all parts of d. I ft O. F bldg., Lentg. Tabor 37. r Walter Ken worthy i ; 1388-1534 E, 11th. Sellwood 71, B-llJt. Hamilton & 0tl and Glisan.- Fu aiTi II IVi I neral services. Tabor 481 3. RT D,,m Williams and KnotC i t Dyrne 'Eaat mt, 0-1343. f3fT A DOnM Undertakers. Kat 100, 8 9-3 71 Russell st. UMIVVJVJH , M. 6183r A-2223. 4 15 Mor. OICIACQ Undertaking Co, Main 4143 UlL. ft lVJ A-2S 5tl. Cor. 8d end Clay. iKEl-JZrt c fenook. B-1252, T. 12&8. 102 iielmoni. at situ, juauy attenoant. tOi l! A splendid residence unaert&king ee tablisnment, - with private driveway. . , i J. P. F1NLEY SON. i 1 Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN. the leading funeral director, 334 "3d st- corner Salmon. .Lady assistant. Phouee A 16U. Mala OT. A . V:-i .A U- : Fi S. Dunning, Inc. East 6ide - Funeral Dtreetorsv: 414 East Aider st. gast , tt-aoae. r..-i O r nndartakaraT uuiinuigo iviuciuetJ M o d e m m every- detail. t "Broad way and Pine sts; Kroaoway eae, a-o. taay assiswtpy Prittrnknrc Kiliingsworth ave. lawn: 3308. C-113S. Lady embalmer. -MILLER & TRACY, independent fu- neral directors. Prices low as 320, $40, 160. Wash, and Ella, M. 2381. A-788S. P. I a. LERCH. leading east side under. taker. K. 11th efc Clay. B-1888. E. 781. l .Schanen-Blair Co. . MARBLE AND ' GRANITE WORKS. 'Largest stock Of fine msrble and granite in Portland. Beautiful granlt from our Oregoa auarry. -187 Haw thorne ave. - East 6668. ' 5E BLASINS"6ftANl zeTsma at coo, madisom. PORTLAND MARBLE WKB. 264-268 . 4th st. pp. city hall. M. 8R4. A-1S18 i FOR SAIJ2 HOUSES 61 -For. Sale , : ; ! Summer Residence ' -l . i , at , . r Newport, Oregon ' , Seven room house, plate glaea win dows in fvent. with magnificent view of beach, ocean, and bay.' Ideally lo cated. . Will be sold very reasonably. Address - - r Valley Real Estate Co. 1 CARLTON. OREGON. ativ. -vrvrT rjrviifiWfi nv-iw A cWiPf $1850 EasyTerms $1 850, 1 HAWTHORNE. BUNGALOW. - i- . - - 427 R. 43I ST . Brand new 5 room bunzalow. hard wood , floors, - sleeping porch, attic, beamed ceiling,, double constructed, 7 foot concrete basement, - cement floor, electric fixtures, built In effects, east front lot, beat built and ''best buy in ! foruana toasy. near z car una iun Hawthorne car to 43d st. - Owner, A. ixtner. iast 5466. - PROPERTY SHOWN 12 TO B DAILY. STRAWBERRY PtCNIC . SUNDAY. -. JUNE 20TH ' At Stanley,; free to : ail ' that wish to come. Acre of berries to pick from and picnic grounds. . Bring your lunon and spend the day. v, We want you to get acquainted with Stanley and see what opportunities we have to offer xor i a suouroan nome. Att ' cars vn minutes 'ride from let and Alder sts.; JOci fare r He by book. Will be some one at station to direct you to ncnio grounas ana oerry paten, wnicn s near oy. We will build in any - part of city , HOMES . Costing-from $1000 to 324,000. Also apart ments and lists. We have money to loan. Call and see plans. , F. E. BOWMAJO sV CO, -Commercial Club bldg. Half Price. 3 : room nlastered house, nice garden. price $440, terms $250 cash, balance $ per month.- . - , t ; WILLIAMS RKALTI VO . . Tabor 4934. -' -': s::- - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. House, g rooms, on W-W carl Inn. fruit and shade trees, chicken house and yards, H -block of land for im- S roved ranch- Oregon or Calif ornla. wners only. See owner at 4111 66th ave S. E., Portland. Or. - HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, $2150. -New 6 rooms, full basement, shades and fixtures. A real bargain. B. 3 9 th, corner near -Hawthorne ave. John J jKarnopp, ty, isxen. bldg, WHY pay rent when we will build you a $ room bungalow on a 76x100 lot, for only $560; $100 down, 310 a month; best home value in the city. This is on the west-side, 16 ml n. ride. 6c fare, city water. M. E.' Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. rose city Park. Southeast corner 45th Sandy boule vard, brand new, a rooms; go see this; it's a bararain and easy terms; eee thin before you buy for price and ; terms. Phone Tabor 54g3. - y - ... -v.,. iJltA tor AJr - , . 5 room, modern -house. 33 1-3x100 ft. lot.! Street improvements in and paid. Total price $1350, $300 cash, bat. - at $15 ner month. Includlnr Interest. No trade, no agent.- U-013. Journal. E LANS $6 . PLANS) $3 ET US PLAN YOUR BUNGALOW- LET US BUILO YOU A BUNGALOW, EASY TERMS. PAY LIKE KENT. M. A. WILLIAMS, 600 McKaY BLDG, - - .rfSALE OR RENT, , House. 7 rooms and sleepina oorch. all- modern. Cor, 60x100, one block west of W-Wcr, eor.;E. 39th St. and 49th ave. S. B. - SACRIilCfi $5000 borne for $3500; 7 rooms, garage, on good car line, hard surface, good ; district. walking dis tance; must have some cash. owner. Z-419, Journal FOR SALE 1 6-room bungalow, 14 room house, M block of ground, in Albany, Or., price $2800. Write a G. Molt Rrlarhton. Colo. MODERN a . room house in , desirable J-la)4e4At. wkglsifr" an a1 1 tnw anilltv. aa e m UtDVUVal" aaeww svs W4a : a a, est sacrifice; a real r bargain. - - Sanders, Main 7760. a-"" ; . - -a;-, . ... 6 ROOM modem house, with or with- ' out furniture, frut trees, also small fruits and garden, ' $8000, email pay ment down,- 760 Borthwick et. - CLASSY- new modern 5 room bunga low cheap; cash or .terms, $1650. Tabor no. $1260 EQUITY in modern 6 room bun galow in Laurel burst for $47$ cash. Owner, lap? i. urani w. xaoor- 436. $lg04Irvington new home, oak floors. fireplace; $00 loss; terms confiden tial. Y-680. Journal. ' FOR v SALE New - room ' modern house. S7 Sumner. W. FOIV AXE LOTS 10 STRAWBERRY PICNIC ; , a ? ' SUNDAY, v JUNE 20TH At' Stanley, free .to aU that wish to come. Acre of berries to pick from and picnic grounds. Bring your lunch and spend the. day. We want you to get . acquainted with Stanley and see what opportunities we have to off tr fop a- suburban borne. All carp m Katacaoa lino stop i oiantey, onty v minutes 'ride from 1st and Alder eta! 10c fare- or; 5c by book. Will be some one at station to direct you to plcnie grounds n berry patch, which i -near by. -" ,.---. - - TWO lots on Oregon City carline; Jen nings Lodee etation. ." 31-5 each; your own terms. Owner.' Tabor 1618. 16 QUARTER acre tract for 3350 110 down. 33 a month. Best value-In the city.- This property is located on west side. IS ' roin. car ride. 6eLfare. city water, M: bl. 606 Corbett bldg. ' ACftKAOE a? STKAWBKKRY" PICNIC SUNDAY, JUNE 20TH At 8taaiey, free to all that wish to come. Acre of berries to pick from and picnio ground, Bring your lunch and spend tne day. We want you to get acquainted with Stanley and see what opportunities we have . to ezfer for a suburban home. All . care on Kstacada line stop. at Stanley, only 30 minutes .'ride from 1st and Alder eta.; 10e -fare or 6o by book. - Will be some one' at station to direct you to picnic s rounds and -berry patch, which is near by. 4 acres., l mile from end of car- line,' 1 mile -from good school, on good county road, 6 W acres .cleared and In. fruits and erops; about 1 acre seeded to clover, reat all slashed and good -pasture; 3 houses, 1 fruit, houtm with cellar,- email ehlcken house with parks, two woodsheds, good barn and food well; 3 plows and email tools, 1 ack, 1 milk .cow. fresh last month. Price $1500; will take good team aa part payment. Addison liash, owner. Bifton. - Wash. -- . , . --: CH1CKKN and fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district, electric sta tion mile. New subdivision. Bun shine valley Orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elecant location. iPriees only 876 to $160 per acre In small tracts: easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 30 Yeon bldg.. PortUnd, Or. Gibson Half. Acres. ;... : Good soil.-tjity Awater; ; close to ear line, easv terms: -will build to Suit purchaser - Phone Marshall 1335. - or Kenwood 47. jonn ii. uipson, owner, 40 acres stump land on good county road, adjoining highly improved farms, "2 miles rrom Boring or ' Bar ton. 330 per; acra., A. J. Dwj;er, 417 Yeon bldg. a-v -----.. - ; - - t 10 ACRES at bargain, close in, near - Mt Hood electric and Base Line ; high and- sightly; small house, well, fruit trees, etc Owner. Y-034, Journal, FOR RENT Acre on west side, easy Kalk.inr diatancei. 3 houses, barn. fruit galore, suitable for truck, garden' ing, only 16 per. oa 17a W1IKN ycu answer these .Want .Ada, mention Tha Journal. ' ' - . SUBURBAN ACBISAGlfl RIVER frontage acre tract, improved: 6 room modern house, garden and fruit; price 83000. Phone 8-K. Oak grove,! or write W. A Copleu, Oea grove. - - . - - - For. sajLEpj nMs STOCK BUSINESS. Ala the best oavlnsr business that you can possibly invest your' money in, pays the largest returns on the invest ment, the aaf eat. and will always be the safest Investment a man can place his- monev in. I nave two or tne zin est, oompletely equipped stock ranches in central Oregon, . has alfalfa land and' lots of pasture land. On account of other business the owner lias in structed me to sell at a sacrifice for cash or- one-third cash, balance. 6 in teresc i If you are looking tor a high class stock ranch at a low price, it will, pay you to see me at once. J. L. ROBINSON, BC5 Corbett bldg. : - 1 40 Bushels Per Acre If yo"u can raise 40 bushels of wheat per acre and can buy the land for $30 per acre-, wouldn't it be a good invest ment Can you do -this in the Willam ette valley T Ton will have to show me. I am from Kansas. I can sell 160 acres or more at $20 per acre. C 6o ACRES; do not claim, best, next oest, in crop, new nouse. Darn, norses, new wagon, harness, cow, 120 chick ens, household goods if wanted; cen ter ot Pollc county, macadam roads. Write 1 for description. Price conv plete, J $8600. r KX-461. Journal. ONE of the finest farms' in the valley on . the Willamette river, highly Ira- ? roved, for sale, at a very low price, or cash only. If you are looking for a well Improved, completely stocked. ana equipped piace, come ami see me,. j,-! HUBiwsuw, bua jorpeti piag. SALE, rent- or trade, S acres, all in crop, with cow and 30 cords of-wood, near Vancouver carline. See Route 2, POX: BJ, vaireouver. yvaan. IF you ar looking for good ouye or ex changes of eastern Ore. wheat land do not fau: to see Keller Deal. Suits 314. Lumber Ex. bldg .Portland. Or. STOCK ranch for sale or exchange. cheep, by owner.. -Owners answer. Phone Tabor 1641.- FOn RENT FARMH 14 Eatacada, 10 acres, in city limits, E acres garden, 4 acres stock; range, 1 acre park, running water; also city water ;in house,- free; 6 room cottage, barn, chicken house, . electric- carline, rent $10 month. - - . . -; 11 Main 6129. 723 Cham, of Com. FOR RENT Dairy farm, 311 acres, on Columbia river; no stock on place, 8 room house, running water, 3 barns, milkhoose. 43 2d at. B. - - FAltMS WAKT1CD REiM Pit BUY 38 WAJiamaii improved "farm. Have 5 room modern cottage, clear of Incumbrances.- Might assume some. ; O' car Aioercon, tne n. win v WANTED Small dairy, farm. 4 to 6 cows, with milk route. X-658. Jour nal. " - ' ' A A - ' - -- ' -- ' HOMESTEADS 47 ; Canadian Homesteads , J. N. -Grieve, Canadian Immigration agent : for this - state, will be at the Hotel Seward on Saturdsy-- this weet to meet people interested in western Canada. ' " KXCHANGK JUAX ESTATE 24 MY up-to-date room house on 100x100 , corner la -Portland, 1 9 k acres, mile from Clatskanie, value tor both $4000; mortgage $1600. Trade equity for improved farm not less than 2(1 acres, on county road. If real value, will itssume some. - Q-179, Journal. - FOR SALE or trade for large cows, an ideal 1 acre chicken ranch; build ings; all. fenced, fruit trees, etc., at Lebanon, Or.; blocks from P. O. For particulars address, R. Bottenberg. westport. Wash. - - WANT HOUSE. $2500 TO $3o(.0. ' $500 cash and 6 acres land on Oregon City line, fine soil, level, almost ready to plow. -Includes 3 heifers, fresh in September; will not - assume large mortgage. : naoor neiiwnw jvae, ACREAGE, improved and unimproved near Beaverton. to exchange for Port land property. Oregon Investment Cow 403 Rotncmiq oiag. TO TRADE House and lot in Port. land for. good lease and dairy outfit. Phone Woodlawn 1S6, or 108 E. 19th St. N. " - , 1 ROOMS nicely furnished for house keeping. for lots, auto, diamonds or anything of value." Owner -leaving lown, ' ii b r, fin i20 ACRE coast stock ranch with stock and tools, will exchange for. farm Missouri . or Arkansas. Chance. 142 V 2d st. FIVE room bouse with bath, closet and pantry; improvements In; toexwliange for -acreage or- grocery store; $2760. Y-giat journal; WILL exchange good property la-Van. . couver. ,B. C, for good ranch in Oregon. lAddress, Vernon Broa, eJO Granville st, Vancouver. B. C. i. EXCHANGE a good lot. valued at is 00, my equity $400, for a Ford car., 913 E. 18th N.--Call Woodlawn 9t9. ; THRKH , lota at Hill man. ba.nka.blo note, for $110 and some cash, tor m room t n g nouee. jau aiain 3i. fczo ACHtH Kansas wheat land; will exchange for city or valley prpperty. Chance, 142 a st. VH A T have you to trade for two 7 room nouiM-Bi rigr.-- itn-oTtit a Tg, POU SALE LOTS ii... i FOR M.VL1C 40 acre- tract cleared, on county road i t school, 3 miles from Mit In h. t Nehaiem valiev. s mile!, from r . lost building: price $1500, $.-' t balance Portland property. 1 or i ther information call r wrtto ov i, Dave McMnllen. Mtft. Or.' ALFALFA LAN WANTi.D For 10 acre orchard; 8 room mo home; S room modern home: 1 vu lot; well located; all Jn Caldwell, 1 ho. Will trade all or part for Washington or Oregon a r it Price $17,600. Will not assume run, Lueddemann Co.. '913 Cham, of I '. CANADIAN pateut wortti $7uu; l- for city property worth tifcot. . take auto pxt payment. Box ia. tavlila. Or. . wanted tu:al lstat:: WANT HOUSE. $S500 TO $3n a0. $500 cash and 6 acres land on Cr City line, fine soil, level, almost r to plow, includes 3 heifers, r,-rii September: will - not tutxumt i-r tnortgare. Tehor 657g, hellwno-l l - WANTED Bungalow or email 1 "as investment. Owner answer. ; Phone." - This Is" no agent. Y-. Journal. - WANT to buy lot 50x100. ' l.-iyo . ttate price. Q-4 43. Jourriw I. '4 KOOMiftci noi:st:s ROOMING' house, t-emraly KmhIi Price. $300; only $100 tash; I.hI h to suit. Clears $60 per mouth, c 619 Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2nd a Stark gta. 6 k60M 'rooming houte, rl.lit 1. tlon, low rent. Price $lut(t. C be bevt for the money. Call 519 l.i ber Exchange Bldg., 2nd and ytarV WANTED Furniture for II. K, ro ing Leuse. 10-15 rooms. V-6 Journal. ,.it !. 1 It -l- 38 ROOMS, clears $l.S, moy term. 43 traHnalent. clears t.uo; small iay ment will handle. 14 rooms, rent 30, clears $75; ,$3u0 will handle.- Bakery' shop, well equipped, stcnk worth $200, fixtures $35o, nvtrneo re ceipts $19 per day, clearing fjJ icc month;.. price $$60 if taken at oiue. A man with $50 to finance a payir. Investment, : " MtLLEltSUIP, 601 Tourney bldg. Main MUSI sacrifice new ton and half i- i ' era! -truck, used only one laoniit. complete with body, top and r talnet will taae down and tnlii in - monthly lmsLalluiento. Lit v i months guarantee on truck stands. If interested get bucV I am forced to quick action. AJiuu owner, v-t0, Journal. BAEER- snap, dandy east aoe U- tion. all nxtures m and rJy lor business. Tne place wnere you i-u make good, Adjustment Bureau, Port land Ass'n. of Credit Men. too Cc:.i l. block. . A PAINTING and decorating con. t ing establishment wanu an -ii-r-getlo man to take intraat in t -itess. 600 required. Tola- win rn.. rou $li!5 per mo, now. Invent o u his. It is O. K, 619 Lumber l.- ... G.rttls,iSiOcfei and llower itjm blned; clears aoove aloe per mon'i; V ac. land aijoiujux: a room inuti.iu house; . rentf for all. $40. l-iu.-e $300 if taken at once. MlUerahip. fcui Tournwy ; bldg. Main 184 . YOUNG man wanted as partner i established buainesa that, wilt cirr you better tnan liuu per month; of ay small capital required. Call 11 Lum ber Exch. bldg., 2l end Blark. - ACTIVE young man wauled for i -side wora; anust give reference; t - .i make $130 per .moaih. btnali Invest ment, secured. Call 619 Lumber i-x- c h ange bldg., 2d and Stark win. LIGHT manufacturing- bunlii. part ner wanted to attend store room, etc. Only $250 neeaed, $125 per mount for active man. Call 6l Lumber :U change bldg., 2d and fitark ESTABLlbHED undertaaicg b'.. - close to Portland, well eettleti com munity,, must sell; can be bought tor less than half value. - Call 1031 Cham ber of commerce. FINE hydraulic . placer ground. iii acres, near railroad, ready for imme diate development; ail requisite Ulu- ltles. journal. AM leaving town; must eaorUice Kii- s Heights waiting room cigar and run. fectionery. Price $500. 771 Wah- ington; ,A-7869, CORNER grocery, cheap rent; discount fixtures 60 per cent and stork 5 i'r cent if .taken Monday. , 873 4th. A 1513. - - - ' ' ' ' ' GROCERY; ail cash bus-inesN; reason able rent. Good location. . $5f0. An other fine little grocery at $4oO. la Lumber Kachange OWNER Zt cash business; leavi- city. Make you -$li& per monm. Sacrifice at $150, A, Terms. P-all, journal. IF YOU want a good- paying ca.- i business and can pay $76 cash nI L75 later out of the business, call iJ fumber Eachange. NICELY furnished office suite; i -typewriter and-all necessary oln-.e fixtures, cheap rent. 619 Lumber J - BARBER sho'p for sale oheap; i t leave on account of sickness. -.. U 14th st. N. JGLzfOUV CARD .iflvT Rose City Prlntery. 3d et Tf i 1 000 Business Cards 7 60 Ryder Ptg. Co S.W. cor. 3d Se Mnrr t - n SAVE money ou bsrber uppne. iuru Cut. Barb, gup Co.. th. UtblNHS OPPOIIXUN1AXLJ WANTED ri JEWELER wants location in town if from aUU 10 2UO0 popuuuon. 1 thorough, bave bad 20 years' exr-ti-nce have had. the watch In-pefi l.-i for the C. U N. W. Railroad Co. i r ties knowing of-er location ple-a?- a 1 dress R. R. Horner, Towuaend, .Mont, giving what information posUie in first better. FOR HALE or trade. 10 a:re- i.r.r rhandise up to $1650, time on balance J. W. Chaffln, Cornelius, Or. GENERAL merchandise store wuii-. will exchange 60 acres, 6 miles we-t of Portland, price $160 acre, 10 acres cleared. K-460, Journal. ; ' MONET TO LOiUI REAL. U3TATI2 BUILDING loan on city and fcuour ban property; money advufiei Work progresses. W. G. Beck, 315 t i-i-Ing bldg. Main 8407. .- wk. have money to lutta on your te estate: viret moriwr oniy. HAUAIOND MOKl'GAOK COMPA:. 7 423 lltimoer or U"irinerce CAtiH paid for tnonaagea, oe. c -tracts; mor'ftajt loans; re'up- rates. F. H. Lewis Co., 3 tM 1 $10O.J0O on mortaagea, city aud i property, jire iuiuiug, um- ft Co.. Gerllnyer bid?.. 2d '"-I A' MONEY to luiUt la aintunu ot t. to $6040 on city property. A. ii. X. .. 701 oernntrer otog. WILL loan you tuoaey to buiiJ 1 . home, -if you own your wa let. er cent. F-7, journal. MONE1T to loan, $500 to $0001. v terest, prompt action. R. W. l. . : , 811 Journal bldg. MORTGAGE loan at current Real estate security. Aprly r Stock Exchange, 3d snd Vt jQlE you going, to borrow i. 1 - 1 if J build a Dome! - Any arauum own yovir own lot, ir-n. J"" . 1 $iv, $i0, $600. $S0, $iiiv), n. W Oermsn Co. 914 V 1 41,000 Ot4 Lfcas. Ail Hi I O 4tn St. tnnrn ct r- MON'iii" to loan 6 t'j S'7. V . j. - ; Co.. 819 Htmlding $500 t'j JttUOO 1'UlVAiL 831, jotirr" t liOiiiOAl.', l.uAAo. ti ft--i 1 f-Jonir.n , i t , 8"') f -r , $100, lij, ui0. t-'J, ' esuto. f-'-vi't Heii i( y 1 EXCHANGE RLL I