THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY. JUNE 17, 1915. BRIEF INFORMATION (lSts DAY or 1919.) AMLSE3LENTS RSIUO Brest a at Taylor. Curtain S:1S ad 4:15. Mario Wednesday and Satur day. Elsie Ferfaaoa is "Outcast." 8AKEB Broadway-r and Sixth at Morrison. ' Lyman U. Hewo's "V. S. Navy of 115." - Curtains 2:15 and S:15. Daily matin. PA N TAUKS Broadway at Alder. Vaudsvill. 8:ao, 7;0 and :10. -EMPRESS Broadway At Yamhill. Vaede- vllle. Cootiouoo 1:80 t 6;3U; 7:80 4 . week csjr. CooUnuoo 1 t 11 Soa '. day.- ----- ...... LlKlO rowts a Stark. Vaudeville. Co. tlnooua I to 11 n. m. 0&i'HKUs--Brosway at Stark. ' atotio pie- - turas. 11 s. m. to 11 u. m. TBat OA h.8 Anaaie&t ut. IKOPLK Wt Park and Alder. Motion plctoree, 11 . st. to 11 p. m. A 1 ION AL Para sod Wast Park At Stark. Motion pictures, 13 D. to 11 p. n). HAJtJiXIC Waalilnitton at Park. aietiaa pio tur, 11 a. m. to. 11 p. in. ' 8U8KT WaaJaiajton and Broadway. Motto V pltara, U a. m. to 11 p. m. 11 AH WbtjDtorj cud Park. aistlo pie Cures, 11 a. m. to 11 . m. COIAMBIA fcixtn, between Washington and Stark. Motto pWtuxa. ila.rn.toll p. m. AKT MUtUM Klftn and Taylor. - Hour to . 6 weak days.' 2 to S Saaday. Ft after . noon of Tuesday. , Thursday, Friday. Satur day and Sunday. Today's Events. Kaonloa of former ouulla oC old Coses cDoul at old school bouse, Jan 17. Orexon cltlo laagua nppac at aColtsomah kotel Juu 17... - ' Coming Kventa. : - Realty board luncheon af Commercial elab building Jane lk. Urauxportatioa club' -jacneos at ataltaoaaa bctrl June is. . . . Kcbout vlcviina. Jane Id. - Kest Mil rtu)ns Mas' luncheon, Jane 21. Rotary cluub luncaeoa at Benson hotel June -i. uraduaiiou eaerelae. Christian Brother tcbuoi, June ZX Oraduatloo eserciee. Unco in bigfc ecbool, 'June 2a. : - Ad club lancheota at Uoltnomab hotel June 2X - -- . . Graduation cim-lsts. Washington " high school. Jan 24. - Annual -convention Oregon Women' a Ula utonary society -at Centenary church. June 24. t'orty-thlrd annual reunion of Oregon Pla sters' asaoclatlmi June 84. Li terary exercises 8:30 p. m. at Masonic temple; Ui-ju mnck-a-muck 4:30 a. so, at Armory; buslnesa mat ing at Maaunlo Temple at 7:30 p. tu.; ramp fire at Alasonia Temple -it SXt'eiock. tiradnatiott eserclaea.' Jefferaoa blgh achool, June 2U. liberty BeU will arriTe bere July 16 at a. m. - Xunlelpal Band Oonoerta. Municipal park band, W. K. IdcElroy, director. Huaday, June 3i, . Waihlngton park, 3 p. na. . Uonday, June 21, Joutb Parkway, k p. m. - Tuesday, June 'ii. Kenllworth, 8 p. m. ' - Wedneeday; June HZ, Uolladay.' I p. to. :' Tburaday. June 24? Laurelburst, 8 p. m. Friday, June 25. FeniuaaU. 6 p. m. . - Concepts postponed on account of rain, ex eept at Washington jid South Parkway, wii: b gireu after August 23. V- . Central Librtry Meetings. Oregon Civic leacue lectoree'eTery Thoraday evrnuig. - faeihe aaWeraity extension toctnrea orery ; Wednesday erenlng. - Port Information Supplied. . In formation regarding this port may be k talad riom the Cortland Chamber ef tX-m-tnaroe, 0 riftk street Tkiepoona Mala BkA t A-130J. . Fir and Police. . Fir department Mala T700, A-1824 : PoUca department Mala T181. A-tfloL. Oregon Human Society, 67 Belmont at. Pbonea East 142a. A-13. Weather Conditions. ' ' Portland a'nd Ticlnlty Fair tonight and Fri day; westerly winds. -; - 4 Oregon Fair tonight and Friday; westerly -intnds. r w asnlngton Tonight and Friday reneraily fair except Bosattiea. probably showers north -ytt portion; southwesterly winds. - IdahoOenerally fair tonight and ' Friday; warmer aouthweat portion Friday. , - - Observations. An elongated low pressure jtrea, with cen ter of depreaaioa over eoutbern-Saakatcbewan anti aortiiwetitera 4ilorado,,respectiTely. over tie the Rocky . mountain and Plains atate and western Canada. A small high pressure area is off the North eiflc coast and nigh pressure covers most of the country eaat of tbe Mississippi river. Kaina, generally light-, have fallen on the North Pacific cuast, in western Canada. - the - Plain states, central Mississippi Taller. Illinois, the North Atlantic State and Florida: Tb weather is 10 degree or mere cooler iiV southern British Columbia, and Iowa; it is corresponding j warmer in Montana, Wyoming, nortoern Colorado, western North Dakota, Sas katchewan and western PennsylTania. Tbe conditions are favorable for generally fair weather In this district tonight and Fri day, except in northwestern Washington, where unsettled condition will probably cause show er. It will t warmer Friday In southwest ern Idaho. Generally westerly winds will ob tain. - THKODOliE F. DRAKE, - Acting District Forecaster. Daily- River Readings. . ' i TeiniKTatore . . ' - s . : 2 RATIONS - 3j J' !l SS Si JSI r 5 koston. Mass.. . HJ O ia 60 4 Chicago, 1 1L..... 80 - 4 78 68 8 .61 Denver, Colo... . 70 18 84 2 1 i Ded Moines, I. 62 12 74 4 .01 lXKifre. Kan.... . 6H 8 80 68 12 0 Dcluth, Minn... 48 4. 38 4 O tteiveston. Texas 82 1 , M 80 8 4) Havre, Mont.... 52 19 74 62 12 O Jacksonville, Fla. SO j- 2 to 71 6 0 Kansas City, Mo. 64 2 SO 62 12 .01 Knoxviile, Tenn, 10 ! M t 4 0 Ixa Angeles, Cal. 64 8 84 63 4 0 Aiarahf leld, Or. . 52 0 64 62 6 O Montreal. , Que.. tl l O 78 60 12 O New Orleans.La. SO 0 S2 76 4 O - New York, N- X- 64 7 2 lO .02 N. Head, Wash. 54 0 56 52 12 .04 N. Vaklms. Wn. 50 So 60 rortUad, Or..... t4 - 1 M 55 8 0 aoseburg. Or.... 5 2 68 6d 4 0 Sacramento, Cal. 56 4 8 56 . 6 0 St. Louis, Mo. . .68 O 82 60 4 .84 Salt Lake. Utah 5d 6 86 54 4 O &. Francis... CaL 50 2 68 60 8 O atUa. Wash.. 62 0 62. 52 IS O Sitka. Alaska.. 54. 4 48 .... 0 Spokane, Wash. 52 0 76 63 16 0 Tacoina. Wash.. 52 0 64 62 8 0 Tatoosh I., Wn. 62 56 60 26 O Valde. Alaska. ......... .... .... Walla Walla-Wn. 66 4 80 66 8 WaabiBgtonTl). C. 70 2 84 68 6 O Winnipeg, Man. 48 8 60 43 8 0 Afternoon report ot precediug day. What Can Be Seen Around Portland Council Crest (1100 'feet) View nnaqualled, Columbia ana Willamette rivers, Tualatin val ley, Willamette valley. Cascade ' and Coast range. Uv auw-capid icountalna (north to east aa clear days). .Mt. Kainlsr, 14.408: Ml. bu Haieos, Wt7; Mt. Adams. 007: MU Uood, UXi Mt, Jefiefon. 10.522. -: -; Washington Park, at head of Washington struct. ' lowers, ah rube and trees. Chlldrea'a model clay grounds. Noteworthy piece of sculp ture: '-Coming of th Wblt Man,": by Her man Atkins McNeill, presented by heirs at O. t Tbompsotn; "Sacajawea" (Indian girl, guids of Lewis & Vlmrk expoaitloa by Alice Cooper. nrkented by'Sacaiawea Statae aeocltloa and Benry Altaian. Ten minutes' walk. . Huukea rose gardens in Penlnaula Park, con taining mora than 700 varieties of rose. Macieay, left antouoad in wild natural bean-ty.- Big tree. Just toe woods "waere roll Uir Oregon." - - ' ' -- rorestry building Lewis a Clark axpoattleai rronnds, west, llonrs S a. m. as. Built of a pecimea irammoth Oregow Or htgs. Contains 1.000.UOO (eet lambeE. - Attractive view from King" a and Willam ette Heights and Waatover Xerxacaa. ' TerwimgtaT boolevard. south of tty, abo) Wlllametui, on wst aide, . Skyline, west from Cooncll Crest. - Road a man d spur between Council Craat and WlUam tt river otfar fin view. Columbia ad WUlamett Kneircla Penla Mla district and St. Johns, affording excellent view of dry, industries and harbor, . Typical homo eetion Portland Heights, NcH Hill, lrvjng ton., Mt. Tabor. Harbor featuras West side ptiblle dock, foot Does Your Correspond ence Worry You? Lit iik" writ your notes of acknowl-crfreme-nt. - oondolene or - con rra,t illa tion and. -your troublesome) business and personal letters. - For intsrvlsw address P. Q. Box 45 S. ; teventeenth atreet. ? X if feld pa bile dock, foot ef test Stark. Pablle saotor bt land ing, toot of Stark street (launches eaU her fur river tours. Boat booses aw Morrison and Bawthorao bridges.) shipping. Modern bridge --Broadway, Bs timed, Uesnaerae. . . PubMg fhrtltutteos aty kslj and HUtorlcal exhibit. Fifth aad Madison. County boOdlng. Fourth and Salmon. Art mttseusa. Fifth ant VssabiU. - Central library. Testa aad Ysiklll Custom koaso, Bcoadway aad laTta. Worth g soac--kidsoT4 fountain. FIrat and Ankeny by Oils U .Wanes, presented by Steven bkldmorej Thcmpsoa fountain, Pia tt block. Fourth sad AalaMiav Modern high and grade schools, school gardens sad rose hedges. China lews, a i ortk . A our tk aad Ssw ad trta, . ; . , . .. -Celanble river highway Aaerioa' aaest wonderful enie read for vehicle. Akms tt so e ma ay waterfaiia. the gorge of tbe Columbia. . Oneoeta gorg. Sb3herd' dall. mountains, including Hbod, 1 Urad , does sot exceed 6 per centum, - - , information s to "what to a 1 Is Port lend s envtronsieat from Uotvl Portlsnd. Inv perial, Oregon, Multnomah aad f"m The Joor. aal't Tourist Travel bareao. Pheae A-S061. Mala Tl7; or frost Twor-st Agency and Travel Bareaa, Viarshall 1970. For Information regardiag recreatkHi er tesltb resorts e page 2 TseodaVa and Tbsrs 6i y 'a Journal tod section of the Sunday Journal. , , TOWN TOPICS JCrs. VoOaUey mssses Awsy Mra Lillle McCaUey,. Who died suddenly of apoplexy yesterday aftsraoort at ber notne," 171 Klag- street, .this city, was born st Caples' LAndlnr. Wash., March 29, 1854. Her father was the iats Judffe Henry Lc Csples of Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. McCa.ll ey was tbe nleca' of the late Judge John F. Capias of Portland. Her first husband was. Charles T. Stiles. In 1890 she married W W. Mo Caller. All ber life has been spent in wasruns-ton and Oregon. The family moved to Portland in 302. The sla surviving; children of Mrs. MeCaUsy are Henry C and Charles T. Stiles of Pbmeroy, Wash,; r Roderick M. McCal ley. Mrs. John B. MlUer, AlVa and Ethel M. Btiles of Portland. , Before her marriaRe to Charles T. Stiles, lira. McCalley taught , school . la Clark county, Washington. In 1178, with hef husband, she moved to Pataha City, Washington, and with hep husband and father, went through some stirring acenea during the Net Perce Indian war.- In I89d, she became th wife of W. ; W. McCalley. How dead. After coming to Portland she took an aatlve part In social and literary work. Her two. grandchildren are Merle - B. and Vera- Mar Stiles of Portland. Four brothers also survive hers II. R. Doug lass, Charles and Philip Caples of Van couver, and one sister, Mrs. H. T. Spedden of Chewelah, Wash, Orads Teachers Keet The regular monthly business .meeting of the Port land Grade Teachers' association ' was held in Central library ball. Communi cations from r. Springer, secretary of the National Educational association, explaining rates of transportation for delegate to "the National Educational aesociatlon,io be held st Oakland from August 14 to 26, were received. Miss Hallie Thomas,, the stats director for Oregon, announced " the arrangement for headquarters for the Oregon dele gates and Teachers' league at tbe Oak land hotel. . Following the meeting over 200 teacher dined at the Benson hotel. Members of the board of edu cation responded to toasts. Miss Grace D Graff, who recently returrfed from The Hague, extended greetings from the Teachers league of .Holland and Norway, and expressed tbe belief that th next year would possibly herald an . International Teachers' league. After luncheon Miss De Graff - spoke in Library ball in the Interests of peace, and John Claire Monteith fa vored the audience with a " baritone SOlO. - .- ,-: : Senator Oliver Entart4udU . -Senator George T. Oliver, of Pennsylvania, who was a Portland visitor yesterday, was entertained at noon luncheon in the Commercial club by the Pennsyl vania Society of Oregon. Among those present were - Senator Lane of Oregon, Sara B. Martin. Charles J. Schnabel, Wallace McCamant, City Commissioners Brewster and Dieck, C. R. Moloney, Dr. E. A. Karle, George H. Himes, J. A. Currey, Dr. G. W. Earle, George W. Baaen, J. H. Joyce. J. How ard Haak, B. B. Clarke, Samuel C. Kerr. J. W, Patterson and J. C. Hetlig. Senator Olivir and his party, consist ing of Mrs. Oliver and his son-in-law Johni PJ Toung, of Youngstown, Ohio, The Ever Popular Cabaret at "Ye Busy Men aryd Women Should Try Our Noon : , . Lunch Unexcelled at 40c :h "YE OREGON GRILLE Hotel Oreson. ft . Broadway at Stark. .When In Seattle Stop at t3 D p o odd a na rl BE GONSISTENT-Wear KRYPTOK GLASSES TKZ OHXT vwwxSTBXS , - . BXTOCAI. LEIS. The most tasteful costume may be spoiled by just one item in vonr attire. Tour glasses ar th -final touch which - enhances or -msrs your appearance. - "We also have a complete line ! of ordinary lenses and mountings . , at prices most reasonable, i " eesb ah eoacrg or HT ', 1 PSICESt Lenses Sphere 'la your own ' frame .......... . ... .... ... .81.09 Lenses Sphero . la Aluminum frame ......v. ........31.50 STAPLES, The Jeweler Optician IS iFir j tstj-a and Mrs. Toung, were- shown over the ColumbU Highway In the afternoon. They left for Seattle in the private ear Tyrona last night, v ,;; tifS-'M: : rsstlval Coopsratlon Asxad-Repre- ssntatlvesi f rom 11 xraternal erganlza- tions present at the final meeting of th Rose Festival auxiliary held ia the Multnomah hotel last nigh adopted a resolution- asking - -tha Rose Festival board to invits all civic and fraternal organiaations of the city to partici pate la. the election . of - next "year's board of governor. Greater interest could bs aroused in the festival, it wn urged, if ; such organizations had a voice in the choice of governor. Re ports, of subcommittees of-- tb. aux iliary wers read -and the business of the body-as affecting th 1915 Rose Festival was ' concluded, v Dr. A. " K. Hlggs wsa chairman and Mrs. Harriet Band secretary. sa:tlasr at Thirl Chnrch Toaight- Congregations of th Third and Haw thorn park Presbyterian churches will hold a union meeting In the. Third church. Bast Thirteenth and East Pine, streets, tonight; luly to consUtut the proposed Central Presbyterian church by. merger. Trustees and elders will b sleeted from th membership, i and a committee from the Portland presby tery;' will., represent the Presbyterian church as a wbola Th Central church will nave a' membership of about 700 as a result of the merger. Separate tneetinge were held of the two "merging congregation last night to effect the transfer of propsrty to the new church. Saoaped Touth Cnrh.t--Iavid Mill wood, aged 19 years, who On April 28 escaped from his fathex and a poliee man who wer bringing blra to pollc station from a river boat, to answer to a charg of automobil theft.1 was rearrested last night by , Detectives HaUyer and Tackabery and turned pver to th sheriff's office. Millwood waa implicated in the theft Of Dr. H. A. Harfs automobile, ; and waa arrested last night on a grand Jury bench war rant, that body s having ' indicted him. He Is already on parole after being convicted of butglary last winter. To Attand OoafTortn. - Dr. E. B. McDanlal left Wednesday for San Francisco where he will attend the Pan-American Medical Association meeting. He will read a paper before the body Friday en titled ' " The Open Treatment of Fractures." Fol lowing this he will attend , the Ameri can : Medical association : and the American College of Surgeons, which associations are meeting In succes sion. Dr. i McDaniel 1 will be f home June 27 or 28; ,; .- s rrlnds of 'Bonool XavltsrfLr All friends of th Lew ell yn school at East Fourteenth and Henry streets, ax In vited to bring their lunches and spend th afternoon and evening tomorrow at the rate to be given by the Parent Taaeher association., The school glee club and th orchestra will give musi cal numbers, and th members of the association wtli serv ice cream and coffee. 1 : Salvation Army Auctloiu There will be an auction sale of goods at the Scandinavian Salvation Army, located at 430 Burnsid street, on Thursday and Saturday evenings. - These goods are made by the sewing society of the corps. There is one table filled with beautiful needlework: by the Band of Love, which is composed of little Sirls, from -to 12 years of age. - , . 4aaaBaBBas- f Aikchison WU1 Bpeasv- Stat Rail road Commlsioner C. B. Aitchlson will address the 'Oregon Society of Engi neers this evening" in th Central Li brary on problems of th commission of interest to engineers. .Tonight's meeting will b th last to b held until next September. It will begin at 8 o'clock. It Max a Man feel good to find that he can pay for his suit 810 down, and the balance $5 a month. Tb pay ments are so easy that you never feel them. Have. us make your next suit 19 years in business. Unique Tail oring - Co.. 509 Stark, between Fifth and Sixth. r i (Adv.) ' XTorses : Cradnat Tonight- Gradua tion exercises , for the nurses training class of the St. Vincent s hospital will Oregon Grille" 1B now has New Faces, New Fea-; tures and Costumes. Led by Miss Anuta Osgood, "The yital Spark,! Ye Oregon Grilled superior enter tainment adds a, finishing touch to the pleasures of dining. Signor Pietro Marino and 1 his orchestra' in classic and popular selections. 99 Chas. SWrignt.' Pres. M.C Dickinson. Manager. Hotel SeatUe, rib Lenses Sphero in Gold-Filled frame .. . . . . . .. , .8 .50 Lenses Sphero (curved) in G. - - E. Glsss Mtg. 85.00 Kryptok Xenaes. . . - -SS.0O to 805.00 b held In the hospital auditorium at 8 o'clock tonigntj when to young wow en will receive diplomas. Archbishop Christie will deliver the charge to the class and prssent the diplomas while 1 Dr. J. K. Kane will : give the address of the evening. Following the gradus i Uob exercises a banquet will be- glvea In the nurses' dining room. Jovian Xisagu Xrunchyn-- The Jo vian league luncheon will be held to morrow at 12:15 at the Benson Hotel v Crystal room. The speaker of th day is - United States . Senator George- K. Chamberlain. - His subject will b. ; "Oregon and Its PosslblUtlea." The Fhlllips children " will entertain with (their Chinese dance. A handsome, ser j viceabie prize will awarded tb Who ; Owns ZaathT Belting .The police are searching for the owner of four pieces of leather belting found in the possession of Karl Richmond, recently arrested for vagrancy The pieces are 30 to eft feet, long and three to elx Inches wide. . a- "Tsr Xkay to Aid ChurlVe-A tag day" is to b held: Saturday, June 19, by the Rev. J. LOgan Craw, pastor of Bethel A. M. E. church; situated at th corner of Lairrabee and - - McMllln streets. The proceeds go to th church building fund. Steamer Joss sXarkSna for Camaa Washougal and way latMlings. daily ex cept Sunday. I oaves Washington stroot dock st n. m. - . (Adv.) Sr. J. D. xyabaok, eyesight special ist, sixth floor Selling building. Adv. Physician or Specialist wanted to occupy rooms in Morgan building With prominent dentist. Room 459. (Adv.) Crawfish to the Qnens Taste, Sny der's, 1st and Madison; special Thurs. and Friday. 35c dos. Main 6783. (Adv.) MoCroskoy-Monnt Kood auto stage, daily service. East 833. 446 Haw thorn ave. . (Adv.) 23zonrsiott Columbia City next Son day. Myrtle Rose club, str, Kellogg. Main 4508. (Adv.) , Delightful 'Week-end Trip Shep herd's springs, Carson, Wash. (Adv.) ' Dr. 23. ft Brown, Xye, 33ar. Mohawk bldg. - XAAv.y X. Jfc. Tea. optician, journal bldg. Ad. Balpn snaenJi BslTnsv--Ralph J. Steahli. who has been employed as a lecturer by th Oregon commission to Lunch 110 to 2 40c and 50c Dinner SXQ to 9 50c and 75c ! 1 srvfvOL 'IW i jam 3 I TaaTs S, Instrumental Music Xjj During Dinner Hours XX New Direct, Entrance to; Grill From Broadway. r,n.,.,,,.....i.iia...ia.Mikiii inn ViatiMt Friday and Saturday Specif SHOP OF HONEST COFFEE: THE D. C" BLEND THE IMPERIAL, quality delicious; fragrance of the Straits; blended from Old Plantation Coffee; grown iKrt' the East Indies. Special price per lb. .......,.......,.. Jw: JUNO BLEND Is a coffee of rich body to meet the tastes of those who preper a heavy blended coffee. It has decided character and strength of body, making a cup of coffee of QK-" Q Ihs. J" fifl fullnessVif flavor and aroma. Special, perlb.OeJC O for vi-vU MULTNOMAH BLEND Decidedly heavy body with pro- OC. nounced individuality.. Special price, per lb... CARNATION MILK : : - - ' 4 dozen in case Special, OO OA Special, QA A Special, 7- per case vO4iU dozen.. PUC each... I C HOLLY MILK :. V y-rA 4 dozen in case Special, dQ OA Special, Q A n Special, rT per case eDOs-.U dozen. . OUL. each... I C OLIVES Ripe Syltnar, select large fruit, regular price per 1" fff gallon tin $2.00 Special price per gallon tin ... tJAOll TEA, GLASCO BLEND Icing Tea, delightful and cooling. HK Special per lb. V 4 OC PIN MONEY" PICKLES Mrs. camping. Melon Mangoes, Mixed, and Chow Chow 16 bottles Special price Special price Saturaay. only i . siruisi r , i i Goods Delirered to Ycmr Smumer Home FREE OF CHARGE FREIGHT AND EXPRESS charges f $10.00 or more to all railroad stations and boat , landings in Oregon and Waxbington within 100 miles of Portland, ' . In the free deliveries of small assorted orders, WE DO NOT iTK-lnde sugar and flour in sacks or any other goods of heavy weight and small value. The eTm" "Assorted Order literally means a variety of goods. Sugar and other items can be Included in broken orders and large assorted orders for all classes of goods, without re striction, ' are divided within the radius given, freight and charges prepaid. , The selection of freight route or express company must be left to our decision on all prepaid deliveries, but we will meet custom er's pre"f exence whenever possible. - ' D. C. BURNS COMPANY A 208-210 THIRD ST BET. TAYLOR AND SALMON STS; , iTUUlwOOwVAa W a k4 PiMS Special liall Order Service rti akasakaaasi iisji Hawthorne and Vv, Laurelhurst Will . : Eacli Get S100 4ir The long drawn out 'tie be- ,J 4l tweea Laurelhurst and Haw- thome districts for first place in the community roe exhibit", competition of the Festival . center waa decided, this mom- ing by th award of prises of 4f '8100 to each community. Norn- ' prises in the combe- tition were listed as 1100 for first place and 275 for second place, but in nettling the tie it was decided to- give each 8100. , m ' John F. Carroll. -Rose' Fes-: ttval director la charge of the : festival center, announced the final awards for the other - 4 v contestants as follows: Third ' prise, Sell wood. 250; fourth e1 prrs. Pertiand Heights, 845: m ffth prize. Peninsula, 35; sixth - - prise, cornau-weetover, 4t savon th prise, South Portland, 828 ; eighth - prize, Rose City 4jr - Park,- $2.50; ninth prise. Men- ' tavtlla, 320; tenth prise. Mount m Tabor, 31750; eleventh prise, Irvington, 815T twelfth - prise, East and Westmoreland, 212.50 thirteenth, prig, Kenton, 810. - 1 V. 4 Germans on Offensive. Berlin; JTun IT. 1. N. S.) Bat tling alonr the entire Poland, Oalician and Buekowlna front 'waa being waged today with the utmost -fury, according to an Oversea dispatch from the front. : and decisive result are ex pected.'" ) ll::-:- - v-;' f- r fr .'.'-. Th German; lines extend for a dts tance "of 882 miles. In Poland, west of Warsaw, th Teutons ar again on the offensive, Russian positions along h Rawka river being the main point of attack. - ' . th Panama-Pacific exposition, has tendered hia resignation to take affect July; 1. X) Card of Thanks. - - ; We wish to extend our most sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbor for 'their helo, aid and sympathy during the sickness and burial of our husband and father. H. O. Etites. (Signed.) -j MRS. H. O. STITKS, i , MRS. ADArZ, STITKS, C. M. STITES. (Adv.) ..htt- " ""nfiriji You Enjoy a Good Meal and o does. every one; that is. why so many discriminating ' diners choose the Imperial Hotel Grill as a place .to please their pal ates and satisfy tbeir appetites. Come today and let us serve you. i -. .... siaXI K, Kidds Just the thing for picnic and Peppers, Burr Gherkins, Martynia, - oz. I Picnic size bottle, "I Special price ..... J.5C FLOUR SUPERIOR Regular price $&20 per bbL Special price per bbl for Friday and Qfc A A Saturday only .:...i;.ivii.;.V.;,.vOOsUll FLOUR SUPERIOR Special price per Ct'KA - sack for Friday and Saturday orUy.... VXeJll FLOUR WHITE ROSE Good Fancy Flour ; Regular price per bbl. $6.00. Special OA j price for Friday and Saturday only ... tptJeOU FLOUR WHITE . . ROSE Good . Fancy Flour per sack for Friday and ?'A JT . . . . 7 4Xfi:U vwy wwew mawtSiaKaWHa Write for Catalog i TP i 1 LEilBERG'S FATE IN v BALANCE VHIlf TWO GREAT ARMIES FIGHT Struggle oh San Undecided, Claims Petrograd, Though ' Increasing in . Fiercehess. Petrograd. Jon IT. (I. N. B.) In creasing fierceness marks th mighty engagement eaat of the San river, upon which hangs the fate of Lmberg, the front Oalician fortress, according to aa official statement issued from the ; war ef flea today f The Oermans ar using their mightiest shells in a fierce cannonade at many points in Po land. Oasowleo, on the Bobr river, is again being subjected to a heavy bom bardment. -f -In th region of IColtyjany , ays today's ofidal statement, "th Rue sians have crossed th Venta river and ar pursuing the Oermana Hundreds of Teutons hav been sabred by the Russians. . - :;v .. "Gorman attacks' for three days on the village Of Latskow were unsuo cessfttl. On Tuesday the fighting closed in our favor., - Fighting near ShavU conttrmes with varying fortune. Bom villages hav fallen into the hands of the nanay. : "Along the Dublssa river artillery duels are in progress. -? "On the Nlemen- river Monday - and Tuesday the enemy sustained heavy losses in a futile attempt to resume the offensive. -X- "Along the Orzee riVer the enemy at night opened- a bombardment against our positions in the villages of Job nerow and Jetse, throwing thousands of sproJotileaJ,'i: .r. , A DISC RECORD FOR W have one for ffti,jltIMSIfl8 I lillivutfiiiirttlii ' Changes in t ; . and Inauguration of , y Clatsop Beach Summer Schedule Saturday, June 19 " No.- 2t. local for Scappoose, Rainier, Astoria and .Clatsop Beach, daily; leave 7:15 A. M. Instead of 8:10 : A. M, ; arrive Astoria 11:06 A. M.T arrive Heaeldel 3 :V , P. M. No. 22, Portland-bound, leaves Seaside 7:25 A. M Astoria 8:20 A, At.; arrive Portland 12:06 P. M. - No. 2S. SEASHORE LIMITED. DAILTt leave 8:30 . A. M, leave Astoria 11:40 A. M. : arrive Seaside 12:30 .P. M. ' No. Z2. PORTLAND 'LiIMITD;-"leave- Seaside 6:20 P. M - Astoria 7 :20 p. . M. j - -Arrive; , Portland 10:20 .P.: M. - v - ; t- " No. 83. CALIFORNIA STEAMER TRAIN' j leave S:S0 A. M Astoria 12:35 A. Mj arrive Vla-vel 12:55 P. M, sailing days. No, 34 STEAMKR TRAIN for, Port land; leave Klavei I P. M Astoria 1 P. M.; arriv Portland 4:25 P. M.. steamer days. : No. 21. WEEK-END SPECIAL, Saturdays, only, for . .- Astoria, Cearhart and Seaside; leave 3 P. C- Astoria i 5 P. M.: arrive Seaside S:6 P. M. No. 30. PORT I. AN O LIMITED. Monday only; leave Seaside :80 A. M, Astoria :20 A. M.l arrive Portland 12:80 JP, M. , OTEZS CBAsOSS ArfXOT MCAZi T2SAXJTS HTTVmtH AST03tXa IDS STEW: T33CB NORTH BATsIC: i"Twilight Slep" ; : Sapped by Doctors 14 !y. . 11 ;v M'v-w"':: BIegats to Medical. Convention ia Bam Tranotsco Say X Xs Xik Hffect -: IfredaeeA Toy Medlcla SO Tears Ago. ' San Franclseo. June 17 (P. N. S- On record todsy with emphatic disap proval of the 'twilight sleep- method of childbirth, delegates ef the National Kcloctla Medical association, which, to gether with several other medical soci eties, is in convention here this week, yesterday thoroughly discussed ; 'he subject from all angles.'--' . - Scores of eminent physicians voiced their antagonism, Claim was made that the method, recently Introduced to the medical world as a discovery of German scientists, was ' identical In virtually all respects with th "twi light sleep" drug prepared by Dr. Ira H. Wheeler of Healdsburg i 20 years aaro. And th sam objections against Wheeler's preparation, principal of which was the reduction of circulation and respiration to such a low point ' that both mother and child, were sen 'ously endangered, could be urged with ; equal jasUce against tb present twi light- sleep." according to u general verdict of- the doctors. .. . : Want Sweunn4 Back. Salm; Or.,. June -17. Toc" Bwet land, who Utf Willamette University a year ago after several years' success a football coach, is being boosted to day for a return here. Sweetland went from her to Hobart college, NeW Tork state, at an increased salary. Coach Thompson . has been given 'the ax , by the Willamette ; trustees. ,i h m -ii - .I..,.,. - Win fitrGBgCticin Academy. fts1. or, June 1? After consider ing a proposition to abolish : the acad emy, Willamette University trustees here decided to not only continue it, but to make ' it stronger than ever. The faculty committee was authorised to select a principal for the - depart ment. , " - in the event of aa extra session of congress it will likely convene under - On on sideabean- Hi ; Uful t a owr sola, on th other side a abort mesas g some rousing music which you find i entertaining and instructive. you. X7s your ootmoo. Ill FOURTH STV - Near WsahinoTton A Suggestion-- BUILD UP YOUR CREDIT by beconiintr a depositor in this strong; state bank. When it is known that you carry an ac count here, your .credit and general business prestige will be greatly . enhanced; ' it is a financial leverage to be seri ously considered. ' Commercial and Savings Accounts Four Per Cent Interest Paid on - Time Deposits : L ADD & ; TILTON - BANK Oldost ia th woxtbwest, SScooanoss Ovwr Toutas aad One-Half XaUUloa nollars. Washington and Third Train Timer-Astoria Division No. win leave Wllkesboro 3:35 V. 1:21 P. M and 4:22 P. M. : CAMXJtM. -70S TXTXJa 933TA2X8I TO Ticket OfficeFifth aad Eiarlr. Station Tenth and Iloyt r th head of new bualncsa rather t: unflnislied business. Daylight Servie: between .Portland , ana : - I tftrf k in connection, with ths Shasta Limited NO EXTRA FAUC Leave Union Depot 2 1 10 p.m. I a,va t7siMfva1!a Ri?fln r vrnve Aoeraeen . :sj n.ri. Arrive Hoquiam. . . . S CD p.trt. Leave'Moquiam . .' . . 9:00 euro. Leave Aberdeen . .9:15 a.n Arrive Portland . . . 3 30 p.rr.. Tickets and information at A I 1 CITY TICKET OFFICE Washington at Third Street . m ssf sks ssa - . - - -'a mm m m - IfStAa saloisSaa. sasf sSKIIll ri. W UttU VWBLJ , fv-tH-VftA auditorium! - . '.. . . aTZZaavZIZZZZZBla I Z IZZZZ 3 Fine Concerto j next Saturday, June 19 at 8 P. M. Sunday. June 20 , .at 3 P. M, and 8 P. M. College concept 63 PERFORMERS AND CHORA UNION 44 VOICES A Musical Opportunity , of a Lifetime. Tickets 50c ChUdren 25c Including admission to The Oaks. . Tickets How Oa Sds ci Sherman, Clay & Co., 315 Mor rison. ' ; Eilers Piano House, Alder and Broadway. -', . . Wiley B. Allen, Broadway and Morrison. Tonseth Floral Co, 133 Sixth. Langoe Publishing Co, 213 Washington, and at The Oaks Office. - V TO A TvTlTh " afm a-1 VsjfcNv No. 28. local for Astoria and Clatsop Reach points, -daily: leave 880 P. M. same ss nt present, but will run throush to Seaside DAILY; arrive Astoria 10 P. Mv arriv Seaside 10:60 P M. 'No. 24, local for Portland: leave Seaside 4 P. M-. .tear Astoria 5 P. II.; arriv Portland 8:40 P. M. RAINIEB IXX5ALLavinr tlm of No. 25 and 27 tmchanged. No. 17 arrives Rainier 7:30 P. M. No. 28, saru as at present. No. 28. leave Rainier ,3:0 P. M. instead of 3 P. M-j arriv Portland P. M. Account CONNECTIONS s t Linnton with ITNITTTD RAILWAYS, th followine; chanaes will b ffecUv on ' United Railways: , - :.,-r;. No. '";-4 "will i leave Wllkesboro 10:20 A. M. Inwtend of 10:40 A. M and arrive at Linnton 11:35 A. M. in stead of U:i A. M. . . . M.intrad of M. instead of arriv Linnton 4:32 P. TOST BTXVXjrS . A2TS CXATZ: 8B ZSSTJTES ntlDAT. Droadway CT3 it !