The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 17, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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BY 652 V0TES
Final Figures Likely to Show
Baker Won on First Choice
Votes; .Was "High Man,
iweumw Xm work Will B Finished
r TUf Afternoon BetaOsd Tot
oa rtrst Sight Candidates,
C. A." Blelow, commUiaion.r of fi
nance, wa reelected commissioner by
152 votes over ; hut nearest opponent
wiiuam Adams, according to the off!
cU.1, count being compiled by deputies
In City Auditor ' Bar bur's . office.
George L. Baker easily won first place
and woen the. lull vote is tabulated it
Is believed that It will be found that
h received a majority of first choice
vote alone.
' The 652 votes majority riven Com
missioner Bi srelow la figuring all three
choices as he did not have a major
Uy, on either first ;ar second choices.
He received, a total, of 17,76? votes
while Adams received -a total of 1T-;
115. 'counting all choices.
While' tbe votes .for all candidates
and most of tbe measures have been
counted they yet have to be tabu
lated and it is expected that this win
be- finished this afternoon. The offl-
cial count on tbe first eight candidates
only Has, been tabulated -ror the three
choices. It follows;
First. Second.
Cof)Der .
Adams ,
Parrish ,
1406 .
2432 .
11.841 :
... 3.1 13
. .. 9,553
. . . 2.93S
Notices Are Being Sent Out to
Theatre Owners.
." Notice is being sent out today to all
theatre owners that no new theatres
are to be erected or alterations mads
-without the sanction of Fire Marshal
t Stevens. The notices are being sent
out by License Inspector 'Hutchinson,
and he says that, under the law. be
will Issue no licensed permits for the
atres unless the buildings have first
been approved, by the fire, marshal. .
While ; this law; has been - In effect
for several years, this is the first con
certed effort to enforce It. With Fire
it will be possible to prevent the erec
tion of any theatre building which does
- not conform to the standard, of the fire
y bureau in safety regulations,
-Pi;6mmeiit Meiitb
Ife mvited to speak
Chamber ef Commerce Kas Already
sion.r of MUt Standards. -,
Directors of the ; membership', coun-
. ctl of the Portland . Chambef jOf jCok
merce are endeavoring to secure ss
i speakers before tbe- weekly- lunoheons
some of the. men of .prominence who
, are expected to visit .Portland during
the. summer. The first of these s
Dr. C. E. North, t commissioner' of
mirk standards for New York city,
, who will be here June '28.rr,Horth
-wiu b a guest, of JPrai. BJiarcaUHa
Later In the summer are expected
Marcus M.- Marks, president of - the
rv.wueu WIIIWUU1, Ukf VI XNew
York, who r will ( be here August ; 23.
On the same date ex-President Wil
liam H. Taft Is to bo here to address
the bar association convention. Ef
forts will be made by the chamber of
' commerce-to Induce both these men to
make talks. r-.
Lockwood Makes k
.at Arleta
Samuel p. Lockwood. candidate for
school ; director, addressed a meeting
at the Arleta. school this afternoon,
and at 6 o'clock tonight he and Urv
Sommer, who is -seeking reelection
n the board, will sneak jt a mirm.r
being given at the - Haselwood by
the educational department of the
Oregon Civic league. At t o'clock
tonight Mr. Lockwood will address
the Parent-Teacher association at the
Suckman. school.
Man Struck bjh Auto
Is Steadily Failing
Small ; hope for - the recovery of
George Burns, vendor, aged 62 years,
r who was struck by. an automobile at
Second and Jefferson streets the nigbt
of June 10. Is held by physicians who
are attending him at 6ft Vincent's
hospital. Burns' - skull was fractured.
placed in it in an operation Sunday.
He has been steadily falling since the
operation. Two sons of the automo.
"- bile Victim live Jin the city. .
Young f.Woman Is -Ordered
to Jail for
Saucing the Court
.When Misa Alice If. Davis, a
bookkeeper., 23 .-. - years, old.
"sassed Jhdgs Stevenson la
the municipal court this morn-
ing when . he asked her about
nw proiner. jsck lavis,;aged
4 1 years, being intoxicated last
4 night la' the Qayosa hotel, the
4K Court timmnil. .1,..
; r -. w.w.qu Mc Iff
4 committed to jail and placed '
m against her a charge of giving
liquor- to rminors. Jack Davis, K
w airs, win ; tticjcman. another
. sister of Davis, and H. a
Pstsrsoii were arrested in the
hotel, which is located on
; Grand avenue, by Police Ser-
4 geant Oelsner . and Patrolman 4r
m jjay. Alias Alice Davlg ap- m
feared as a spectator- at th f
4 j trial. Jack Davis- 'testified.
4r that he had been made intoxi- 'm
tated by liquor furnished b 4ji
4 his.; sister. Miss Davis Was
4 , espied ;on , for an' vesplanaUotWf
, which she refused to give sat- js
Isfactorlly. " Judge , Stevenson '
became impatient ad drdsre ?d
4-v hei- oommltment. She is being
48-.: tried this aftefnoon '
Non:Fire' Alarm. V
Eecord Is Made
In Local Bureau
- U
4 Siaos o'clock Sunday nigbt m
there has not been a fire or a 4k
fire alarm - sounded in Port-
4fr land.. This is the longest period 4r
sines . Portland- fire, bureau be- 1 t
cams a full fledged department : He
st that no alarms have been re---'
0 ceived. It la-believed that this .
si establishes a" new to-fire rec- Jf
. ord among th cities of Port-
4k -land's visa. ' -
- This ' means that there has
not bee a a fire of any kind re-
m ported in PprUand in the, last f
90 hours and the firs bureau
has been idle. "Up to this time
there have been from one to 24 '
4ft alarms a day and as many as -st
-295 alarms in one month. v v s
Kt It' is believed that this rec- 4K
4t ord is. the result of the. work. .40
of the--fire prevention - bureau. ' 4fe
.headed by Fire Marshal Stev-
4kV ens. f
Italian Grand Opera
Company Returns
SVolgl OeoehstU. XHvsetor, Will Or
gaaise Chorus Kara 2uxiag Bumnier
for Vsxt Season. '
: Headed by Luigi Cecchetti. ' musical
director and Impresario 'of the Italian
Grand Oper company, formerly the
Lambardt Opera company, returned to
Portland today from a tour of the Pa-'
clfic northwest "that took tham to
8eAttla. i Tacoma. BeUingham, I North
Jjafcirfljt aud . WaHa .Walia :ut .for
the lateness .of the season and the
warm weather, they would have gone
Into eastern Oregon, Idaho and Utah.
Portland 1 now- th headquarters
of tbe company, and Director Cecchetti
will make this t city his . home after
going to San Francisco to close up his
affairs there. - : Accompanied by Mrs.
Cecchetti,' be 'will leave for the Bay
City in a few days with the intention
or returning to this city in a month
or so. j i-.w- . . . .
. Immediately, upon his return, Mr.
Cecchetti. will organize a large chorus
to prepare for the - coming season of
grand opera-. The principals will also
Assemble 1 here, so that Portland will
be . the permanent home of the com
pakiy, which will count . the Paclflo
coast as Its field. - -.yv . ,
Miss Katherine Lynbroolf. soprano.
left the' company upon the close of the
tour at Walla walla, and went to
Minnesota, ' where -wedding ' bells wHI
ring -for her .some time during tbe sum
mer. A : ? ; ' .' . ,.
Three :new principals, G. Oppezo,
dramatlo ': tenor; . Signor Galaxai, bari
tone, and Bigator srtfitLZXX, Dasso, came
here with the company, in addition to
the principals who were with the com
pany when it started on the tour about
five weeks ago. , ?
Tbe chorus members left ror Ban
Francisco this morning.
Six Youiig Women
h: Nurse's to Graduate
SUereises Wtll Bet Held Toaight la
Oonjrthonsei Kualcal yrogram. ; o Be
Bendered. -
Six young women who have com
pleted training at the Multnomah
hospital ' training school wjU gradu
ate tonight at exercises to De held
in a courtroom en the third floor ot
the -courthouse. The graduates are:
Rose M. Bauke. Muriel . Elizabeth
Broadfoot," Fannie I."" Graham, Letha
and Christina Larenze.
County Physician K. - P, Geary will
deliver the' charge tt the , graduates
and present the- diplomas, and ad
dresses will be given by Attorney
D. Soils Cohen and Dr. Calvin s.
White. A violin solo by Marie Chap-;
man a "vocal solo by Elfrtda Schroe-
derr a trie number by Misses Annie
May Longnecker, Ada Longnecksr,
and Helen Maylen, Juniors, and the
class song, written by Dean Collins
and sung by the members of the
class, will be the program.
Ed Copp Given.
:Enson Sentence
Edwin V. Copp, representative of the
moving ; picture company that exhib
ited tbe film play "Cabiria," at a local
theatre last winter, and who was ar
rested while, here, charged with big
amy, has been sentenced to from three
to five years tar the 'penitentiary at
Rawlins, Wyo., according to a letter
received by Deputy District Attorney
T.,Gk Ryan today Copp-was takeit lt
custody : by Deputy ' Constable Druhot
and made a confession of plural mar
riagesf to Me. Ryan. In Wyoming tbe
case Was taken to the state supreme
court, and the eonvlotloa was affirmed
Pennsylvania Lines
Take Highest Honor
J. S. CamnbelL' agent of th Penn
sylvania lines. received advices this
morning from H. A, Buck, Paclflo coast
geperal agent of the passenger depart
ment at Ban Francisco, that the Penn
sylvania had been awarded the grand
prize by the international Jury of award
lor its exhibit at tbe Panama-Pacific
exposition. :: :
This prize is the highest honor with-
inthe grant of the .jury. It covered
the general excellence of the transpor
tation display, safety devices and mod
ern features exemplified la the trans
portation building. ,
; s :' ' - --.'v '- rj-
. , t ' - - '
- Reunion, of the graduates ' and fori,
mer .pupils of Couch school is being
held at, the old Couch building this
afternoon,-It is ' an ocasiott5 of
remlnlacenses. . The committee in
charge consists of Hopkin Jenkins.
Da i 'u? Burnh and Emily
that Indorsements changing insurance
policies covering county ferries to
rover equipment only while on board
the boats be attached to six polioie.
and that similar .indorsements be sc
oured to attach to all policies protect
ing the ferries.- - , , ,
1 A letter from the Warren vt
company urging concrete - under a 10
year a." cy as pavement for the Co
lumbia river htrhvav mXU
out action. ; . - '.r--.'J-
Philip J, Harris, ; Aged; 22,
N Faces' 1 Long Sentence, as
Result of. Verdict,
Tire Marshal jmy Stevens Bebiad. Xa
, vsstlgatloa, -Assisted by Deputy
Xrtstrlct Attorneys.
Philip J. Harris, 28 years "bid, was
convicted this morning of burning a
stock of groceries and '"fixtures of a
store belonging to his sister, Miss Rose
Harris, at 68 ' Killings worth' a Venue
May 3. to injure the insurer,-the West
ern Assurance company of Toronto.
The jury recommended leniency be
cause of Harris' age. ' Judge Gatens
will sentence Harris Monday, The pen
alty ia tbre to 10 years in the oenl-
tentiary. The stock and fixtures were
Insured for JldOO.
Fire ' Marshal Jay Stevens was be
hind the Investigation, of the fire, and
was assisted In making the investiga
tion by Deputy District Attorney Rob
lson. . Robison and Deputy John X
Collier prosecuted the charges. Attor
ney ', John Jettery represented Harris.
The Jury spent but-two hour in delib
eration, retiring about 10 o'clock and
reporting Just before noon. .
Ordinance T Sustained by Circuit
'.-u. Judge Davis,
The ordinance providing j?or a cen
sorship board for motion pictures dis
played in Portland and requiring ap
proval, of all pictures by the, board be
fore the pictures are exhibited was de
clared valid; by Circuit Judge Dayis.
The decision was given : in a i suit
brought by the James Amusement
company to enjoin the city 'from en
forcing the ordinance. Edwin F.James
is manager of the company which con
trols the Majestic theatre. ' Judge 'Da
vis made his decision by sustaining a
demurrer Interposed by City Attorney
La Roche to the complaint. Chamber
lain, Thomas & Kraemer and Lester
Wi Humphreys-were attorneys for Mr.
James. - . - i- -:: .
Malicions Prosecution : Alleged by
Janiea H. Vmn Zandt.. " -James
H. Van andt, arrested May
19 on a charge of obtaining money by
false pretenses and freed from the
charge May 25 by District Judge Day
ton, yesterday filed suit against Her
man Hirshberg, an Independence bank
er, and Charles P. Anderson, a Polk
county farmer, for 850,000 damages for
alleged 'malicious prosecution. Van
Zandt : leased .Ills farm to Anderson,
and Anderson -charged him with leas
ing property " he did ; not t own. - .Van
Zandt brought witnesses at the hear
ing on the criminal, charge who testi
fied that he owned the land, and gave
Hirshberg title in trust to guarantee
payment of money, and that Hirshberg
had no interest In the. property.
H. O. Hickock. Snes H. M. Fancher
and C ,Aiwlerson.'
; Recovery of 8350 and' dissolution of
the partnership known as "the Invest
ment Securities company are asked in
a suit filed' yesterday by H. O. Hickok
against H. M. Fancher and H. C. An
derson, In which fraud ia alleged.
Hickok charges that he was induced to
buy a third. Interest In the company on
promise of large returns and a salary,
of .1100 a month, neither of which were
forthcoming later. He said he was
new in the city, and that the defend
ants rushed him into the bargain with
out giving him opportunity to investi
gate. - The . company, ' he said, built
bungalows and other buildings and Is
sued aungalow book.
Estate Valoed at $80,000. A
"An estate valued at $80,000 was left
by George W. Marshall, who died June
14, according to the petition of his
brother, William H. " Marshall, of
Laurel, s for. appointment as ' adminis
trator which was filed yesterday. Tbe
heirs are the brother, three sisters in
New fork -city and a nephew and a
niece, in Portland. Real ' property is
estimated to be worth 846,745 with an
income of 82640 and personal property
at 833,255. r
Jitney Drivers Walt for Answer.
- Adherents of the ltney bus who are
fightirTg the operation of the jitney
ordinance, passed at the last election.
are waiting an answer to their peti
tion Saturday lor an injunction setting
aside ; tbe ordinance. ' Suit ; was filed
June 9 and the case has been assigned
to Circuit Jadge-Gantenbein for trial.
Attorneys for the Jitney people will
ask for a hearing early next week. :
Monianye f Waives 1 Examination.
John H, Montanye, who confessed to
holding tip C B. Brasswell hear Jenne
Station shortly after midnight Satur
day morning and shooting Brasswell's
17-year-old son. Boyd, waived exami
nation yesterday on - a charge of as
sault with a dangerous : weapon and
was bound over to the grand Jury by
District Judge BelL .
Kitchen , Utensils Needed. s
Dishes, : cooking utensils and - a cook
tove are needed , for a woman ' with
Sine children, who is drawing a. wid
ow's pension. Anyone; desiring; to do
nate these 'necessities may secure more
Information by calling the .widows'
pension department of 'the ' juvehil
court, Marshall 0r i765.: i
. Employe Sues' for; Daitiages.' ty
,Ante Beclc yesterday sued the East
ern & Western Lumber company for
$10.40 damages, alleging .failure on
the part of the company . to furnish
him with proper medical attention as
agreed when he was employed by the
company, r -
' Two Divorces Granted.
- Divorces were granted this morning
by JudfTe Gatens to A. W. Foster from
Fern M, Foster on grounds of deser
tion, and by Judge McGinn to F. O.
Brown from - Myrtle M. Brown 1 on
grounds of cruelty. ;
Two Divorce Suits Filed.
. . Divorce suits " filed: this morning
were: ' I""G. Fosdick egainsf Lou Fos
dick. cruelty, .and William W llamll
toh against Kathryn Hamilton Cruelty.
Workman Buried v
Twenty ;Minutes
Injuries Are Slight
m - Although, buried for 20- mln-,
4 . utes under several tons f ;
Sf earth when a trench In which
4 he was working at Oregon and
Occident streets caved in this
morning, George Harding, 33 ..
4 f years - old, laborer, - escaped 4K
4t . with nothing more than a
; sprained back. He is at tbe
Good Samaritan hospital where'
he - was taken by - the Ambu,.
-'. lance Service company, i: ?: T '
..Harding was working-at the
bottom of the trench shortly . 4K
before noon when, . without.
St ' warning,' one , side .caved In,
k - bringing down several tons of f
.earth and covering ' him with
dirt several feet deep. It took
S , fellow workmen 20 minutes to 4K
dig- him out. . He live, at Al- -
loha, Or. ' y. - -Kl
Election .- of Officers Creates
Dissension Among ;DeIe
; gates at Convention,,
SeatUe, Wash.. June 17. (P. N..
S.) After several hours of discus
sion and debate' ."which included the
first dissension, That has ever devel
oped in the association over the elec
tion of officers, the National Asso
ciation for tbe Study and Prevention
of Tuberculosis ended Its convention
here late : yesterday by ' naming di
rectors and executive officers for en
suing year. .
Today the delegates' to the conven
tion, for the most part; are enjoying
a trip to the foot of Mount Rainier,
Tbe directors chosen are John M.
Glenn, director of the- Russell . Sage
Foundation, New Yprk city; .Dr.' H. T.
Dearholt. Milwaukee; Dr. Christen
Quevll, Tacoma; Sherman C. Kings
ley, Chicago; Dr. G. T. Palmer. SDrini.
field. 111.; -Dr. " O. O. " McMlchael,- Chi
cago; Wm. H. Baldwin, Washington;
Dr. Edward R. Baldwin, Saranac Lake,
N; Y-; Dr. L.'L. Peters. Albuquerque.
N. M.; Miss Maude Van Syckle, De-
uvui ana ur. xa. m. yanaersuce, Kear.
ney, Neb. .
J.U9 exetmuve oincers enosen are
Dr. Theodore B. Sachs, Chicago, presi
dent r DVE. E, Baldwin, first vice
president; ir,. Christen , Quevll. Ta
coma. 'second vice toresldnt - '
-The: executive committee consists of
W. H." Baldwin, : Washington: Homer
Folks.' New YOrkr John M. Glenn. New
York; David R. Lyman and Dr. O. O.
McMienaei, Chicago, and Seymour H.
Stone and Dr. William Charles White,
of Pittsburg. Dr. Henry Jacobs Bur
ton, or .Baltimore, was made secretary,
and Wr H.. Baldwin, treasurer, of the
executive committee. -,,
sicians Meet
sfltdinal Oongress Ooaveaes Im
Tranoiseo for SevamtlL Time ta B3
6 Tears acany Voted Men Attend. '
" San Francisco, June 17. P. N. S.)
For the seventh .time .in 22 years.
the., Pan-American Medical ; congress
convened today here, with representa
tive physicians and surgeons from
many countries In attendance. .
Dr. J. Mendea Capate, chief of the
public health service of the Cuban re
public, was one of the distinguished
delegates. ; .v'-V-
The congress was called to order by
Dr. A. L. , Reed of : Cincinnati.' , The
United States government 19 spending
910,000 in the entertainment of the
delegates, who will be taken - to the
Tosemlte, the San . Diego exposition,
the Grand Canyon and other points of
Great Interest centers 4n the ad
dress to be delivered by Dr. Victor C
Vaughn, president of - the American
Medical association, and the report of
the secretary. Dr. Ramon Guiteraa of
New York.
Father, in Jail,
Fights for Baby
A. B. Xhox, Arretted en White Slave
Charge, Opposed Attempt of Wifo
Ost possession of Their CbUd.
Butte. MonU 'June 17. (V. P.)
With A. B. Knox, representative of the
United Film company, la jail here on
a white j slavery charge, a big legal
fight is promised today between the
accused ni&n and his wife for peases
slon of their 2-year-old child, now, with
Knox parents in Los Angeles. '
v Mrs. Knex caused the arrest of her
husband, together with . Mra. Alice
Brayley, 4 with ' wham h was living
here. Beth Knox -and Mrs, Brayley
are in jail, unable to procure bonds.
When arraigned today both entered
pleas of not guilty - to the charges
against them. Knox says he will con
test anv attempt of his Wife to take
the child. , .
Vancouy er Marriage Til rentes.
' Vancouver, Wash, - June , 17. Mar
riage license Were issued yestsrday
by the county auditor to the follow
ing persons: Joseph Klwstwetwer, of
Portland, and Miss Louise Helen Kuhn,
Of Glendale, Or.; Charles N. Morris, of
Vancouver Barracks, and Miss Mary
12. Knox, of Portland; WIlKam' Bauer
and Miss Bertha Rosenan. . both' pt
Lents, ' Or.; Harold Hunt. - and Miss
Rachel Cook, both of Portland; Caro
lus F. Strobel, of Los Angeles and
Miss Norine Rfke. of Portland; John
Bchwartzenback' and' Mrs. Hermine
Roepke. both at Portland, ...
A Single Application Will.
Banish Objectionable Hairs
; (Aids to Beauty) -
- Here is a home treatment ' for re
moving hairs that is quick, painless
and ' inexpensive: - With some powd
ered delatone and water make enough
paste to ; thickly cover the objection
able ; hairs, apply and after S or S
minutes rub off,' wash the Skin and Jt
will be left soft, clear .and hairless.
This treatment will not mar the skin,
but to avoid disappointment, be care
ful' to get real 2laloiie. (Adv.)
Canvass, Made Shows;Oppo
;:sition to Government Own
r ership of Merchant Marine.
- j. '-'Ajjt-V'.y.v.; a--
Directors of the Portland Chamber
of . Commerce yesterday canvassed the
vote' of the membership on the Inquiry
being made by the Chamber ; of v Com
merce of the United States relative
te the upbuilding of the merchant ma
rins. ; While tbe majority was opposed
to the ownership and operation of mer
chantmen by. the government and the
OWner shin bv th a ., rAvnnMn i v
operation under lease to private indi
viduals, it aid favor a form of subsidy
that will equalize the difference in cost
of operating ships under American
and t orelgn . flags.
The chamber favored also the estab
lishment of a federal shipping board
to Investigate navigation laws and
make recommendations to congress for
changes that would benefit American
shipping. It also went. on record ta
favor of the purchase by the govern
ment of 139,000.000 of stock in a ma
rine development ' company f which
would have the authority to loan funds
to build up shipping , for a period of
seven years, the loans o be secured
by first mortgages at, fair interest
rates. : ' j -. -' v : "'' Sv.--'"- ':- - -The
"chamber opposes,- however, the
recommendation of the national cham
ber - that federal licenses should be
taken out by steamship lines engaged
in commerce between tbe United States
and .foreign ports.'.:':. '-'. ':rr
Portland DhtributoTsforVlNOL.RED FEATHER
M '3 i' Un'
mi L I
'Friday .Specials
Reg. flJS alse Swift's Q1 rl V
Specific (SSS)
3 Regular 50c size Glover's 0"
Mange Remedy at . . .. .. wlv
Regular SOc size Burton's
Scalp Tonic , 28c
Regular 25c size Ar-1-.V "I
mour's Grape Juice at. ...J-y y
Regular $1 size Mayfs'
Stomach Remedy at, . 1 . . OOy
; Regular 50c sise Abbott's QQ-
Saline Laxative t....:. v OOy
Regular ise size Spiro "fCkgi
Powder at .j . . . . Vi
Regular $1 sias Sloan's V Q
Liniment at yfC
Regular 50c size ' QQ
Camellins at . OOL
-XX '- - - i :-:ft-:' '-; -
. Peroxide r.
full pint of . this well
known house , i ."I Ag
hold necessity
Indispensable for cuts
and wounds.
Regular 25c sise Carter's -
K. & B. Tea at . . i -Mil-
Regular 50c size D. D. D, 99
Ecsema Remedy at '.v.'-OtJl.
Regular 256 size Apenta Of
r ri'Water : ,.vw
(IU4 Regular 10c sis Outing
r-gj Package Ot
Reg; 25c istze Owl Corn
ffl Paint . Wil4c
Regular $1 sise T GQn
fffl Herpicldeat ... pOC
SkssaaKSS " '
v r -r Household
tij.- Thermometers
frr rl ; Discontinued -l!--)
'- ff umbers .
25e values . . 16c
S0o7Sc values 29c
25c sise Mum",
for - perspiration
svsa - . ..... . . ksh eV -
-'4 1 Massacre Cream
Massage - Cream
Regular 50c size Sal
: Hepatica at -..;...
Regular 25c size
LZ3l Blanco at
- 4 S - . ...- X
For. Friday
39c lb.1
Hail Insurance
Companies May-
Operate in State
Salem.' Or..9 June 17. Inaur-
S ,anoe Commissioner .'Wells an- i
nounced today . that no objec-
' tlon would be offered to the 4
transaction - of hail Insurance -
business In Oregon, through
their duly authorised licensed
agents, by fire Insurance com-
panies having authority under -
their charter to - transact such
business. - .
' Companies desiring to trans-
act bail Insurance business -
may also qualify under the law :
relating to . miscellaneous
- classes of Insurance, according
to Wells. .
The fee for fire Insurance 4k
companies Is II B0. and for mis- - 4k
41 cellaneous companies S1O0.
'' '
Reclamation Board ;
Will Arrive Monday
Will B. Jdag Bays Jrasty Zs'esr Tour
' Viswtag Vrojecta te Slffereat Parts
of the.Coustzy. ' -4
WIU R. King is In town. ' -
Sana the mustache he wore on the
occasion of ', his last visit some 18
months ago ho is spending a few hours
in old Oregon, while members of the
bouse committee on appropriations and
the reclamation board with whom , be
is traveling viewing irrigation projects
in all corners of the country, "take in"
tbe Panama-Pacific exposition.
v" Mr. King's visit is purely official
ia nature, and' be will go directly from
here te Klamath Falls U join the party
there.' They, will pass through -Portland
Monday hJgnt on their way to
. Read
you need.
Friday Specials
Regular 50c size Syrup
of Figs .
Regular 25c size Pack-: "I A
ers Tar Soap .... ... . . . . . AtcI
Combs in a
splendid - assortment and
styles Jo select from ,39c
50c size Lavoris r '
25c size Sanitol Tooth
25c size . rViccrt Hazel
-Cream for. sunburn and
- tan . . ..'... . . . . . .15c
75c size Pinaud's -Kdg
LiUc Vegetal at . . . ..... OlJ y
$1.00 size Brownatone
at v.i, . . . . . .'... . . . -.
Elastic Goods 'Et Friday
Elastic Hosiery made to
S2.00 Anklets. spfl S1.63
$2.00 Knee Caps.$l.3
25c size Tiz for sore p
25c size'Panderine :. - ; "I Qp
at ,. .
25c size Gl0versDog JQ(
SOc size Auto Sponges 33c
SOc size S tinman's
Freckle Cream . .... tr V
$1.00 sizs Ayert Hair fifip
Vigor .uut
50c sizeSynol
25c size Ispey's Cream Jgr
50c Drinking Cups, Friday
at.... ...33c
JQ0. size' Goldman's yjQgi
Hair Restorer ,:. 7. ; v
25c size Corylopsis . : - n
Talcum .'.....i..Wt
j ' I
" "S&tisraciion in Every Transaction'' ". I
view the North Yakima and Harm is ton
projects.:-..' . ...-: ' ' - v.
-I think President Wilson is tho
logical candidate for the Democratic
nomination, said . Mr. King, "and as
for the - Republicans, ' they - don't seem
to nave any. candidate... .: ; . v
"The party left Chicago June V he
said, referring, to the tour of tho ap
propriations r committee - and reclama
tion board "Members of the commit
tee are being -given an opaortunlty to
see " tbe . county's vast projects witb
their, own eyes and win appreciate as
never before the importance of irriga
tion 'work.- '
Mr. King is a former member of the
Oregon supreme bench, c . -r .
v vyj . j-J -- 'Z'-tk
Death at Seattle -Beine
SeatUe, Wash.; JuneiX7. (TJ. P.)
Circumstantial evidence points so
strongly to the theory that Miss Violet
Messner,' who' died mysteriously in her
room at th Emll apartments, early
last Thursday, was poisoned, that Cor
oner J. Tate Mason, ordered a second
chemical r examination of the , girl's
stomach. It may be several days be
fore a result of o the examination is
Tuesday v afternoon the' coroner
caused the arrest ot Harry Mack, 4S.
a painter., and Mrs.. Myrtle WUliams,
24, in oonnectlon with the case. They
are ; being held pending the exa.mtna.
tion. ; . ' . '
; Boy Accused of Burglary,
Climbing out Of the basement win
dow! of tho Gunther & Guntfaer gro
cery store at : Twentieth street and
Hawthorne avenue early this morning,
Harry Elgin Chipman, . newsboy, aged
IB years, was arrested by Patrolman B.
D. ; Parle The boy -was charged with
horglary - and turned over to the
juvenile court. - He had $4.35. which
he took ; from the ' cash, : register . and
a carton of chewing gum. The boy
was . remanded to the Juvenile court,
where be la now In. custody.: .
' 'M ; 2m
Friday is always a big day at the "OWL." It is
one of the money-saving events of each week.
"OWL" customers know that "OWL" prices are
right. :'. That is why they remain our customers.
every item. You are sure to find something
Friday S pecials
$1 Fountain Syringes, i 79c
1.00 size Peruna- 68C
35c size Castoria
50c size Cuticura Q7
Ointment . : Uiy
10c size 2-in-l Shoe
50c size Odorono 33C
50c size Malvina'
75c - size Lennox Hair
Tonic , i. 49c
35c box Tanglefoot Fly 29c
- r
10c Stick Cooanut j
I e
Have you a weakened limb, a
bad knee or ankle that turns?
Silk, clastic supports ars effsc
tive helps. " ; . - -
. $2.00 Legging ', sp'l $1.63
$3.00 Hose, special $223
50c Rubber Gloves
all sizes, at ...
10c Skat
25c size Magic In.
rrr:; ...16c
I Tooth Brash, ...
' 15c Lesley's
: Tooth Paste
j,..", Both 29c r
50e size Eau OAn t
r1 Ouinlne.. 0l
." -
$L00 Gem Razors ; ' igyj
$1.00 size Delatoos
(depilatory) at . .
2Sc size Frostilla . 'i ; -,
off '
; gl ft
To Stimulate Children of Im
; migrants With Fact That
' America Comes First,
.Portland, with oilier cities cftbe
country, will celebrate AmericanleaU in
day, July 4 or 6.
j The Chamber ef Commerce hag de
cided to get behind a movement for a
fitting observance of an occasiou when
Citizens who were born in other lands
or who are of foreign -4lecet win
show their affection end loyalty to bo
United States.
The day is planned to stimulate pa
triotism and to impress-upon tne
dren of immigrants that America
comes first of all.
. All nationalities will be Invited to
participate In a great demonstration
under the Stars and Stripes.-
To arrange for the event the Cham
ber of Commerce has Invited tbe na
tional societies of all races In Port
land to send representatives tonight to
a big meeting to be held at 8 o'clock
in the green room of the Commercial
club.. - .
" The several national societies of
Portland will be asked to cooperate in
the observance of the day and to Join
hands in making it a suocess.
Bakers Bury Hatchet,
The difficulties existing heretofore
between the Bakers' Union No. 114 of
thi city, and the Zton bakery of South
Portland, have been arranged to the
mutual satisfaction of all parties.
Friday Specials
10c size Jergen's Violet H g
Soap t
$1.00 size Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound...
50c. size Stuart's Dys- QQ
jepsia Tablets ........ U" V
75c Bath ; Brush, special
at . . . . . . . . . . ... .47c
Detachable curved handle
real bristles. ;
25c size Eyersweet 14 C
50c size Murine - QQ
Eye Remedy at . . . . .... . OOt
50c size Owl Alkaline An
tiseptic Solution. . . .39c
25c Orangeine Headache Ctn
Powders lUt
25c Energene 18C
10c Sewing Machine
oa .v. DC
Class, tout - inch
mirror, ; ring or
for .y. . . ; ;.. 29c :: .:Jg
$1X0 size Liquid. (IQn
Arvon .... ....... Ui7U
50c size Pure Cod Liver QQ rrr
Oil (Owi) v;..07C h
$1.00 size Nau Dyspepsia tQn
Remedy . ..... .. . . . . . ... DO C
SOc Cretonne Roll-Up -a
large variety of these
' , handy tourists' needs 39c
2Sc size Mentholatine .6C
50c size St Jacob's
$1 JO size Arseno Q" f Q I' - j
ferratos Oi-sJ. LiiJ
SOc size Carmen Face QQ
Powder . ..... ..... . ... . OO U
$1X0 size Pierce's Fa. (Gr
vorite Prescription . . . . U V
$1.00 size Sargol rJQ
sTI ASftt.e 14 A aS
50c Exceda Cream
25c Exceda Soap
Rose orviolet odor
OR. Roth SOc
.4 -