1G THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, , THURSDAY. JUNE 17,- 1D15. . Biovcr ro uoxs - CHATTELS. SALARIES (Contitintdl IMJ1ED1AT.15 LOAN9 ON DIAMONDS ' AND JEWELRT . AT EASTERN UATKS. We hava one of tbe finest retail Jewelry store in the city. A loan de ' pertinent ftf conducted in connection with, same.; making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAI Absolutely no signs designating loan business dls ' played in front of our store. All mer Viandiee' pledged la Held for a period ' of twelve months, whether or not In '' terest Is paid when due. We are 11. censed and nave been established since 1899. N6 connection with any other loan establishment in Ahla city. - A. - M. DELOVAOeT JEWEIiERS, . - i . J24 Washington st. SALARY JUO AN dSALiAitV LOANS. ly. we are enabled: to assure satisfac tion and Slve the culckeat possible . service. . ., . " , Business strictly confidential, - ; .. " REMEMBER, . We are licensed, and therefore -. ; ,- . REL.IA-BL.K. . - STATE SECURITY CO, 809 Failing bldg. - ' MONEY AT ONCSi Diamond!, Watches. Musical Instrum'ts . Separate dept. for ladles. I2LBY CO. (Ucensed.) ,- 880 tumber Ex. bldg.. 2d and Stark LOANS WANTED AO WANTED $10,000 from private party at the going rate of interest i per- feet my invention: will give first tnort- gage, on farm and city property satis factory .to parties concerned. E-821, ' Jurna - ' . WANT $1600 on modern 1 room resi dence.' E. 39th at, owner, D-469. WAITED From private party, $100 for 4 months, at reasonable Interest. Chattel mortgage. TRX-611. Journal. WANTED $250 for one year, good se curlty. Seilwood 499.- ', FINANCIAL ,1 a f "I RST ' and 1 second mortgages, aJ so sei lers interest tn contracts, purchased. Oregon and Washington. U. E. Nobla T.umhermens bldg. 8190 monthly payment mortgage, well secured, for $160. 411 Henry bldg. HEIJ WANTED MALE 1 WANTEDA good honest and reliable happily- married man between so ana 40 to -take position on fruit ranch lo cated in White Salmon valley. For nature of work and terms write C H. JOX. V. O, box 747, WANTK -Tea and coffee solicitors. Call before 9. 209 Salmon. v EMPLOYMENT department Y. M. C. A Service free to members. UELP WANTED MISC. 49 Y. M, C, A. Autcmobilu School Day and night instruction in repair ing, driving Belling and machine work. Including forge, lathe, ehaper, drill . press, etc. Moderate charges. Fair dealing and expert training. Time un limited. C Before enrolling elsewhere call at educational office. Y. M. C A. bldg., and secure pass entitling you to la epect our shops and methods. - WB have several openings for eatab lishment of Independent mail order "business. Energy, good habits and sound Judgment more Important than capital. Spare time at first. Particu lars free. Opportunities 'Exchange, Buffalo. N. Y. MARSHALL'S Auto and Gas Tractor School Up-to-date methods, practi cal instruction, day and evening class es; we guarantee results. 871 Haw-, thorae ave. . , , WANTED At once. 2 men to learn automobile repairing and 'driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage. 445 Haw t home ave. . . . WANTED Men, women; government wants clerks; $75 month. Write for list positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 8 49-E. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names of men wanting to - be railway mail clerks; $75 month. RX-614, Journal. .-: - COOK headquarters California Wine ' T-pot. 94 Yamhill. Near 5th. . UNCALLED for tailor made suits $S.6 - ; up. Taylor, the Tailor. 28H Burnstd. . . HELP WA N'i'ED FE5IALE 2 WANTED Sensible motherly - lady to j board ajid care for 3-year-bld healthy ' boy. - Mother must work, pay $15 mo. to right party. No other children. N 871, Journal. WOMAN cook, country, 4 to cook for: $35 per month. Broadway 2339. LADY to work at beach for room, board and transportation. East 847b. -HELP U AJTTED MALE Ml) - FEMALE . , 29 MEN and women to learn the barber . trade, . wages paid while learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of schools In the world. Send for free catalogue. Moler Barber svnco. xx. . o r. .a Bu Oregon Barber College will teach you . the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face , Uassage specialty; tools free; positions ruaranteed; pay while learning; tui , tlon reduced this term. 233 Madison. v WAITED AGENTS 6 NEW summer .necessity, saves labor la" i reduces cost of living: over 700.000 sold lately In Chicago; creates sensation whereVer shown; sells to every household; greatest 25c seller in years. 200 profit. Write quick for ?5rUo3. Triumph Mfg. Cc- Monoa " nicago. AGENTS to seU a household article faying a big demand. Wholesale and retail. Income limited only by your Ml?sl5. T- A-43ra yand SITUATIONS MALE 3 WANTED A position, as clerk by , young man age 21 and willing to work; best of -references furnished: Sawdo.??nera,Imc rk. Telephone . Tabor 4146, address 6312 70th sCport- land, Or. - . , - IF you need an experienced, honest - and reliable janitor or porter, with best of references, write P. Pasteur. Hervland hotel, 306 1st bC city. WANT position light delivery by week .or nan,; have high power motorcycle and side car; can carry 300 lbs. E-819. Journal. - YOUNG man, bookkeeper, cashier; much experience; weighty references ; -general office work accepted. Family YOUNG man, 18 years old, experienced in farm , work, wants job. H-816. WANTED By 1st clasa reliable con - tractor, new or . repair work Mar shall 2747. - Skilled Carpenters Furnished on rirt notice. Mar. 7C8. FOR all around painter, day or con . tract, reasonable, call Tabor 2859. WANTED Excavating and team work. Phone East 4804. C-1477. SITUATIONS FEMALE, 4 EXPERIENCED stenographer, general office work, wants position.- Phone Tabor 1276. . . WOMAN wants to . work for 33L Kl rooms. , Phone ' Marshall 6883. Reborn- 23, WOODLAWN -1998 Middl aged lady - wants to take care t of. children LADY wishes sewing by day; dress- inaninir or plain. Alain viuk COMPETENT stenographer desires mj uvur nr. piece, igpor 4W9 LADY wishes day work, sy iJnd. LADY wishes wwrk by hour or day. Maitt-6106. . 40 EXPERIENCED dressmaker will work br dav or sew at home. Tabor 714.. DRESSMAKER, Alterations. reaaona i ble. Tabor 4871. CO TRAINED nurse - from - Amsterdam. Holland, wants confinement cases at her home. 82.60 a day; everything fur nished. . Call 900 k asth at. N. on J. Z. carllne. ...! - . ' :; LADY wishes care of sick person in - her ' home; lady preferred. - Phone Columbia 10. ' Address Mrs. Wets, 820 Ivanhoe St., Ht. Johns neignta. M ATKRN1T f nurse disengaged.. Mar snail 4038 LONG experienced nurse wishes poai- tlon: references. Phone Mar. 4835. FURNISHED ROOMS 9 Stop at Newly refurnished-papered 4th and Alder ana - reno- vated enlarged lobby- all modern conveniences, - Rooms, with jriva bath. 81 txsr day ud: without, .be no. Because the rates are low don't thuuc the service Is poor. Special rates by week or month. 'Several rooms with wall beda. making them practically suites. - i ' - - Hntpl -Ftmro'fBroadwy Everett. I IUIOI CVUl t?uEverytnlnsnew , Weu furnished, hot and cold water, modern, fireproof building. Rooms' $2.60 per week and up, and $10 per month and up. Bring this ad to apply $1 on first month's rent ? ' HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 662 Wash ington St., aew fireproof brick, all outside rooms, running hot and cold water,- private or public baths, quiet and home like. $10 month up. ETHELTON HOTEL. 105 12th st- near Wash., clean, quiet, modern conveniences, summer rates; $3 week uo; transient solicited. Marshall 2790, YOUNG men may consult, without charge register of furnished rooms at Y. M. C. A- listing several hundred in ail parts -of the city, also those in me Asaociauon puuaing. WANTED Room mate to reduce rooming expense. Flreprcof build, lng, shower baths. Individual beds. Call or address Y. M. C A. buslnesB office. THE ALBION HOTEL, 212 M 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 - week op; steam heat, pot and eold water. Tree bath.- phone. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 I4th st. cor. Wasb desirable lo cation, i strictly modern, private bath. phone, $3 up. Rates to tourists. M? 1443 Madras Hotel Jf tt rooms, $2.60 up. By day 6k, 76c, $1; cor, tun ana wagnington 8ta. Well furnished outside, airy rooma. wr inuuauuian ciuu; prices reason able. 647 Yamhill. PLEASANT, comfortable rooms with kitchenette if desired, modern, -nnlk. lng distance, very reasonable. 370 6th. CLEAN, light rooms: Jtree pnonea and bath, steam heat.-$2 up. 445 Colum bln. Main -7410. - A-3973 i Nicely furnlsntd A DDrTT 25c day up. 228 Wash. st. AD tU I I $1.50 wk. up ROOMS and apartments in modern ho tel. 82.50 week and un. 4SB Alr1r. Mod. equipm't. npil p 50c day up. 890 Morrison w-r(ii i j2.50 wk. up. $2 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rooms. centraL The King. 309 Jef. FURNISHED ROOMS 70 PMTATE FAMILY Kl CEL. Y furnished rooms and break fast. In private home for young men, home comforts, close in. Phone East 8f80. NICE furnished room in private fam--Oi?yi,for ady or genUeman; $6 mo. 389 Hancock st Phone East 3455. ROOM In elegant, exclusive hom, ideal surroundings, $15. Marshall EK48. $8.00 MONTH, nice, large front room; phone; modern conveniencee. 12 E, 11th at., T)et. Ankeny and Ash. t FOUR unfurnished rooms, upstairs. rent iu. Main 4frz. 503 Jefterson. LARGE well furnished room $9 month; ruum opp iisia st. LARGE sleeping room, French win dows. East 2188. UNFURNISHED ROOMS lO $9 UNFURNISHED housekeeping ,fjooms. . 508 E. Clay; adults. East ROOMS "AND BOARD 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL, 386 Montgomery st. at West Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences; rates for regular nq irenBieni guests. THE HAZEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. . Fine furnished rooms r.nd board. $5 up: steam heat, hot baths: free phone. CAS A ROSA. 300 JEFFERSON. WMKU AINU KUOM, 825 UP. Room nd board, young women $4 wk. . iina ijewia nan. &m i ianqera. FIRST class board and rooai, best cooking. $5 np. 346 College t. ROOMS Af."L BOARD 72 PBIVATB FAttHY COUPLE with oomtorta'ole home would like to board young child, one desir ing permanent home preferred. Will give best of care and do child's sewing jwjia per mo. uaoor aoa, GOOD board on a farm in. the moun tains, $5 per week;-fishing and hunt lug; near postoff ice; references. Mrs. ROOM and board.- 243 E. 62d st, near BEST board, cleaa rooms, walking dis . tance. $5 up. 658 Washington. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS s ONE room with kitchenette, compiete- ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. ZU Columbia st corner 6th st. , NICE, fdrnished 2 and 4 room boose Keeping suites at 244 Killings worth ave. s low rent. Pnone Wood lawn 680. C-1387. ' ' Jl (o $2.60 week, furnished U. IC rooms; gas, free neat, laundry, bath. Phf.ne East 039; 203 Stanton. U car bU.'lcis and single tl. K. rooms, $1.50 week up. Also modern rooms. Mer- CASV.W littl- rrmrr. II IE -!.. . vFSK iar room . near . a, om js w KOYCREST 176 12UU CooU com- w tawic DU too ttUU BU1K19 t. K- vwaxp, an ; vvuvgmciicea. KOOMS 51.25 per week and up; also housekeeping rooms, 123 12th, ,cor- a Tl .o-imSbUl GEM APTS, 1, Ji, 3 room suites, free yuvuvsj wa. op. 1U1 iai St. OILMAN hotel. 1st and Alder. For- """w rms.t cneap. l.5Q wk. up. Cambridge bldg., furnished H. K rooms. " ' jo a a. cor, morn. GOOD clean rooms for nice clean peo ple. ' Main 7816. 247 H Sth st. HOUSEKEEPING- KOOMa 73 FURNISHED room, kitchenette, hot. cold water In kitchenette, electric ity, laundry, first floor; alstT two housekeeping rooms, every fcdnven- Cftsihl i. anil turn kAi.aAlr.A'J:.- .... " - - viuitn.OT;pAUir BUI Lea. reasonable; clean, close lnl WO.extraordlnarily fine front rooms run all modern conveniences. 29114 Morrison, rnnwr Kfh , lii&J H- ...rooms: f ... .j mJircy. tt Main. 208 13tbrstfrOI,t hOUaelWePin Ule- DRESSMAKING sir r irw rf HOUSEKT.DTING ROOJIS 73 PJUTATB PAMX&T SPLND1L newly furnished sleeping bachelor apartments, $1.60. S3 and-85 week; rates by month. 229 6th .st. NICE clean housekeeping rooms., kiteh- ileeplng room; 85 per mo. 175 14th . at. TWO nicely furnished . housekeeping - rooms, first floor, . close in; : bath, phone, gas 628 Conch, near 15th at. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 MEIER PRANK'S FREE RENTAL . : AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list of all va cant houses, - flats, apartments and bungalows in - the clvy ; make use ' of this service when you : desire: this does not obligate you in any manner to this store. Yoj will find us willing and ready at all times to help you in locating. Newcomers In Portland will find this feervlce - especially .valuable. Real estate men, and owners of private property are invited to list their un occupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier & Frank' free rental bureau. HOUSES FOR RENT, v 2 room house, $5.50. Including water, 4 room house, $10.50, including water. 4 room house, $8. 60, Including water. 4 room modern house, . $12,- including water. ; .' See Austin, at 72d and Sandy blvd. -GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. FOR RENT & room bungdlow, 1047 Tillamook, $18; -6 room bungalow, Altamead, $12.50. Dorr E. Keaseyj & Co.. Chamber of Commerce bldg. - FOR - RENT -Strictly modern -high class 7-room v bouse and enclosed sleeping porch, Laurelhurst. $25 per month. Phone Tabor 2181. ' SIX room modern cottage, fireplace, heater, basement,7 cement floor, wash trays, gas and eleetricityi. 722 Mult- noman. fnone Kast 3ZS3 KOOU - modem '.- house. 19th and Marshall st., for rent reasonable, ap- piy dpi lviargna.n si. iviatii uv j&t. COTTAGE, 6 rooms; very convenient; yard, fruit, flowers; reasonable rent; walking distance. 630 E. Madison. SEVEN room house ' with bath and - large back yard. Call 610 E, Ash st. br phone East 6989. - - 6 ROOM modern house, one block to car in Monta villa; rent; $1L Call wooaiawn u. FOR RENT 4 room cottage, electric lights, gas, newly tinted: $8 per month. 1037 34 E. 12th gt. N. ' FOR RENT 5 room cottage, all mod - ern improvements. Address 176 East 75th st. N. -: -! - ' DESIRABLE modern room cottage, west side, walking distance. Main ! 6820. ' - , - BEAUTIFUL 5 and " 8 room modern cottage, cheap by owner. Main 6976, A-4361. v v 5 ROOM bungalow, furnished or un furnlshed, with garage.- Tabor 19 0. GOOD 6 room bouse, $10; house stands on back of lot,447 S. Broadway. $10 Desirable -- modern bungalow, lawn, shade. Woodstock. Sell. 1335. FURNITURE FOU SALE f 32 OUSES VOR RENT i . ADS of - furniture for sale are pub lished lrt the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent. 12 ROOM house $25, furniture $50. Marshall 4534. 327 Broadway. FURNISHED HOUSES SO MODERN coxy borne, garden, piano, to rent during: July and August; 1 bL .from "I" car, reasonable, 932 E. 14th st K. COMPLETELY - furnished 6 room bun galow ; clean and cozy. Phone Wood lawn ?783. --r $45 PER month, furnished modern 8 room house, Irvington, r choice loca tion. Phone East 3872. NICELY furnished 7 room house. close to Rose City Park car, $30 per month. Phone Main 5456. N5 ROOM house on 30tn and Tlbbett sts., furnished. Phone East 848. -' $184 room house, piano, sewing ma- chine, gaa range. Woodlawn 3161. . APARTMENTS .. , 43 Wellesley . Court EAST HTH AND BELMONT STS, Furnished and unfurnished. Mgr. East 3469. References. ; VILLA ST. CLARA, 12tb and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apta. Walking distance. References. The Parkhurst Best 3 and 4 room furnished apts. in the city for the least money. 20th and THE CODY. cor. E. 7th and Taylor sts. has been remodeled with private baths, new furniture ! and carpets. 2 and 3 rooms; light and phone free; rent very reasonable. rCalI East 44. THE IRIS APTS. 3d and Mill St. JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgom ery. Modern 2. 3 and 4 room apts.. furnished or unfurnished. $17 month up. No charge for cooking gaa 4 ROOM unfurnished apartment in new brick building; private bath; Dutch kitchen -and all modern conven iences. Rent 316. 46th and Haw thorne ave. "! - MONTGOMERY Apts., cor. 3d-Mont-gomery. Strictly mod, all outside fur. 2 rm. apts., elect, ele., best service, close In. 818 to $25. Free lights. M. 946S. RENT BARGAINS. , -- -. Four: rooms, unfurnished, 2 rooms furnished, hardwood floorsi references. Portnomah, 200 E. 13th. st. - THE MORTON, cor. King and Wash., i new man'g.; 3 and 4 rooms, fur. and unfur. apts., -reasonable rest.; Pacific phone in apts. Main 1088. A-5749. BROADWAY CENTRAL . BLOCKr Rooms .and apartments, modern, new, np-to-date f urn. elaborately. 3 blks, e. Bdwy. bridge. Summer rates." E. 6663. THH DEZKNtiflffP 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. - Nice 5 room f urn. and unf urn. apts.-; g ana room rurn. . apartments. THE SHEFFIELD 216 Broadway. south, 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance. at Very rea sonable rent: best of service. M. 850. Highest class apts. in the city. 4, 5 and 6 rooms, walking distance, reason- kl. n . X ; . . . t ROSENFELD brick, 14th & E. Stark. Modern 3 and 4 re furnished or iut rnr. Privater phones, reasonable' rates. TWft nwim nt. n.vl . fnpi:.h.. modern. Sawyer Apta, , 82 N. 10th PENINSULA APTS., concrete bldg., 2 and i rooms, hot and cold a water, baths, St. heat, phone, 312 up. C-1170. 3 ROOM apartments all outside rooms, , private bath. Pacific phone, $17 up. Tabor 6065. B-1035. ' ..',-.-.-.- T WINSTON. 2 i and a . room private bath, modern brick; special rates 315 ana up; Attn ana AiarKet. Main 1739. DOWN town, modern apts., 315 month up, Including heat, light, ate. Royal Annex. 350 Morrison. ''-' AiibKHaA K LfcO Ajits.. - modern, neatly furnished apts. Summer rates. East 4193. 383 -William ave.. near Broadway. D RICKS TON 148 llth t.: modem 2, 3 room fur. aptsw 329 to $30: walking distance; excellent service. - Mar. 57. Ardmay Terrace. 895 12th st. Large 2 - room fur. sots. Mrs John Cran. mgr. LUXOR APTSl. 324 -13th. neatly fur- nisneq apts.. gay, week or montn. MEREDITH 3 & 4 rm. apts., reason able. 712 Washington. opp.22d. M.7134 PAGE APTS. Excellent outside apts. . rcates -very reasonapie. ist ases. tfg.Rr.VR APTS., Uth and OAa.y a mi 4 room unfurnished: -refereneea THE LUZERNE 2 room fur. apta. mdm brick. 820 tn. . u. Mar. ' 4ti37. THE LAURETTE 1 room furnished apta; private bath, phone. 229 llth. APARTMENTS 43 FURNTSI1ED AND UXFURXISIIED : f costumed! ' " TIIE BELLE COCBT. ' ' r.. Trinity Place, Near Washington. ' 4 room apartment with sleeping porch; hardwood floors, beautifully papered walls, conveniences up-to-the-minute. Refinement and comfort in all its appointments. , - "- "THE HANOVER. ' v .. King st., near Washington and 22d. . 2 and 8 room apartments with sleep ing porch; fireproof building, large, light, rooms. Ail -modern conveniences. THE BERYL, - 695 Lovejoy St.. near 21st. -2 and 3 room apartments: all large, light rooms. Modern conveniences. -Refined - neighborhood; large ' summer porches. - It ulll pay youto see these 'beauti ful apartments, - priced to . suit . your pocket book. s - Call at building or. phone. . THE . FRED a' JACOBS COO . - Managers). ' A-1777, 269 Washington st. Main 6869. . : BALBOA APARTMENTS, -. 429 Harrison, near 12th st. Extra large 3 room furnished apts., 1 unfurnished, modern reasonable rent; good service. Marshall 2900. References. ' ----- FOR RiryT FLATS r 13 THREE new, large, modern rooms, In cluding disappearing - bed, furnished FOR RENT, modern upper flat, 8 rooms and sleeping porcn; Close m. East 2188. - : 4 AND 5 room flats, walking distance, $7.60. 10 rooms. $15. 422 1st at. FURNISHED FLATS 50 $18 3 rooms, $23 ' 5 rooms, strictly -modern, sleeping porch, new. com pletely furnished; seeing means rent- mg. 57g M11L. Main 6447. UP TO DATE, walking distance, fur nished - and unfurnished, sleeping porch. Phone E. 3737. Main 7157. STORES Arm OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse m South Portland for rent, trackage, light ana airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal ruDimninK vo., Broaaway ana laimiui, SHOP. 271 Hawthorne ave, east end or prioge. ti. in. Burpee, jvi. aaau. SUMMER RESORTS SO FOR RENT For the season, near ocean, at Seaside, well furnished house, new, modern, 6 large rooms and bath, electric lights, efc East 6160. SUNSHINE VILLA. Rooms, cottages and tents to rent. Write for prices. Mrs. E.. Emett Cobb, bong jaeacn, wasn. FURNISHED cottage at Bay Ocean. by month or season. Woodlawn 2007, or call 222 W. Sumner. GEAR HART 5 room cottage for rent, nicely situated. -Well furnished. SEASIDE 5 room furnished cottage. 350 season. Wdhu 2123 mornings. WANTED TO RENT WANT to rent by July 1 a small fur nished or partly -furnished cottage with yard, by responsible party; must be reasonable rent -for careful, steady tenant; state price and location in first letter. R-615, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. A8 1 HANDSOME dapple gray saddle horse. years old. quiet for -a lady or elderly person to ride, and city broke, full guarantee. Can be seen and tried at 292 Union ave.. off Hawthorne ave-, 2 blocks from bridge.- Commission Auction Of horses, "vehicles, harness," wag ons, every Monday and Tnursday, at 2 p. m. Columbia staoics. aus f ront st. SEVEN-YEAR-OLD bay, weight 1150. 365. 9-year-old sorrel, weight 1175. $75. Pair young -ponies, 370. Mar shall 1338. 228 N. 14th st. TEAM miiles. 5 and 6 years old. good workers, very fast and city broke, j guaranteed sound, free trial; price 3175. 292 Union ave. HANDSOME dark gray gelding. 5 years ' old, perfectly sound; broken single ' and double: open to veterinary inspection, 292 Union ave. J DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 2L Portland Rendering un. 1000 LB. horse, your own price; also 2 in. wagon, wide tire. $25. 1967 MUST sell farm team, horse, and mare in foal, harness and farm wagon. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. STALL rent to exchange for wood or coal. East 5844. WANTED; -Milk wagon. R-613. Jour nal. 4- - - - . . LIVESTOCK 35 15 HEAD of high ; grade -dairy - cows, Jersey. Guernsey' and Durham, fresh from on to four weeks, giving-4 to 6 gals, per day, extra high testers-. - All first class - young cowa Take Wood stock car to 59th ave. .Walk 3 blocks west. j. Aj. jwayoerry. ' FOR' SALE Fresh eow, 5 gallons per day.- 2044 Hawthorne. Take Mt. Tabor car. - - ' - --. "' -.-..-.... FRESH cow for sale. Park Rose car, end of . line, 4 blocks east. tent. panflyanauarnie. FIVE fresh milch cows for sale very reasonable. L. A. Peterson. Mish. WANTED- First class young, fresh mil lr mw; TiiI.qa Hnnu ntfia los purnsiae -st. FKESH dairy cows for sale. Brace, union BtBCAyaros. .- FOUR choice yearling Jersey heifers. -H. Grebe, Tlgard, Or. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 a , QtTITTHCO THIS 'RrT.CIisixraa '18 selected, direct Imported Mam mouth Pekin duoks and. ducklings; Plymouth Rock hens, ockeral and chicks. ? white LnehnrriK ; ttrui - also game chicks, cockerel and six hens; two incubators. 793 E Main.' near Hawthorne: ave; ; v -:- CHICKS, 1000- S. C. White ikghorns auc, rrom my- .p-eai . laying - strain. Jubilee Hatchery, 415 Jessup st Port land. Phone C-8133. - B. R. j and -R. f I. R., , year old laying hens. 65c hd 75c -:- East 6210. DOGS A3D HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 FLEMISH ; and - Belgian" rabbits - for sale cheap. Call Marshall 1343. . AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES j 44 GENERAL auto . and truck reaairing. - Reo truck sprockets a - specialty. Forging. Good work, square prices. Try us. E. L. Taylor & Co- 71 1st st. Written guar antee with every ; rprlng. 26 N. 15 th st. RECOVERING auto tops, $18.50 up. - Auto painting, $20 up; cJl work guar anteed. United Painting A Auto Top vj.. Aem nu yy a.&niiii.ori. ma m. . af . WHY pay. garage rent when you can -own a, garage lor 3tf, erected on your lot Call Wdln. 3615, A. Malot. 95 Emerson st. - ' - SLIGHTLY used tires, , largest . stock in Portland. $3 to 316. Fine repair lng. The' Supply Co.. 207 Madison. ' EXPERT auto . repairing, reasonable charges. J. J. Zimroer. 123 N. -6th st. 1S15 STUDEBAKER for sal cheap, V i, juurnau, AUTOMOniLES-ACCESSORLES 44 (Continued! . Bulck- fc : Flanders Electric z Chalmers Coupe - Stearns Knight Pierce-Arrow , Studebaker. Stoddard-Dayton .Stevens-Duryeav 1 -: Winton Sixes,! 1909, 1910, 191 1; 1912, 1913, 1914. . NOTE ' OUR LARGB ADVERTISE MENTON PAGE 8. 23rd and Washington Sts, OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:30. " i GUARANTEED USED CARS ON EASY PAYMENTS OVERLAND, 1914. 5 pass electric lights, 3600. OVERLAND, 1913, 5 pass., mechan ically perfect, $450. OVERLAND, light 5 pass new tires all round. 3350. AMERICAN - Scout roadster, de mountable rims, etc. $350. COLE, 1913, Delco electric equip- - MAXWELL delivery. 1375. ' j o v JiUuAiND oeuvery. jboo. ? SEVERAL OTHERS. - " J. W. Leavitt & Co. ' . 627 WASHINGTON ST. v NEW LOCATION AFTER JULY 1ST, COK BROADWAY AND DAVIS STS. Best Values in ; Used Cars. WE HAVE A NUMBER-OF USED CARS IN A-l CONDITION. THE BEST VALUES "WHICH CAN POSSI BLY BE SECURED. YOUR INSPEC TION IS INVITED. Covey Motor Car Co. Twenty-first and Washington ' Sts. Used Auto Snaps LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. CHALMERS, 5 sa. 20 h. b. 8375 uoua & pass., h. p. ..,3375 INTERSTATE 4 pass- 40 h. p.... .8375 REO 5 pass, 30 h. p., late model.. 3650 MICHIGAN 4 pass., 30 h.p.. .... .3450 SEVERAL OTHERS TC. SELECT FROM. - - - Northwest Auto Co. BROADWAY AND COUCH STSL" Main 887. , A-4959. PORTABLE GARAGES AND HOUSES Built of best tistlc designs. Erected complete, lock t?dkey- 'J32 UP- Portable houses. 3125 up. Immediate delivery. - TAKE DOWN MFG. CO., 548 Water st. nr. Harrison. Main 1187. CADILLAC, 1912. - Repainted and in excellent mechan ical condition; a bargain; seat covers and bumper. ' . , t . I Covey j Motorcar .Co. .' 21st and Washington. Truck Snap Reo 2 ton, with van body. In ' first class condition. Will take; in one or two teams of horses as part payment. H iNprth west Auto Co. - . Broadway and Cbuch sts. Main S87. . A-4959. MUST sacrifice new ton and half Fed eral truck; used only one month; : '. . ; v" . ouu cur tains. - Will take $ 1 2 9 down and bal- in wiwuuir lugiaumenc nueven months guarantee on truck still stands. If interested get busy as I am-forced to quick action. Address tjwncr, v-gup. journal. OREGON VU tCANUiUNG CO. 550 Washington st.. at lSth. TIR-ES jnttlBlUUl 9 19, BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Araae new tires ror oij ones. MflJimntPAfl AutO ! u,w.wvm Springs vol i imi xu biuvb. iuucriaua now, r' n e A. -v HA w .1ST RAROAINS TN Iisnn Pise Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, --.-i Studebaker bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder.' HAVE 1 ton Monitor truck , to trade for a larger truck or good passenger car., Will pay some cash difference. Van Dellen Lbr. y Co., The Dalles, Or. SEVEN passenger Garf ord in good running condition; good tires, $350. John Deere Garage, 346 E. Alder. HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 5198 AUTOS "FOR HIRE 1915 FORD for nire. $1 pen hour, day or' night. East 4755. v FOR hire cheap new Hudson car, care-' fuL competent df Jver. - Main 6378. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 REAL estate outfit of - furniture, in - eluding - safe, typewriter and large city map, 3 full lots at Tillamook beach, to exchange for Ford car. Mar shall 721.- ' - A WEBER pianola, piano, Themodlst- Metroatyle, s dull - mahogany ' case, $1000 instrument; will, exchange for auto. - X-380. Journal. . . 40. ACRES close to Sommervllle, Or. Will trade for good auto. Stephen Society Land Dept ,1031 , Chamber of commerce. WANT. 5 pass, auto, late model; have $1600 equity 6 rm. house and lot. or 40 acres Umber or 10 acres, clear, or horses. J-8 81, Journal. a .. MOTORClfCLES BICYCLES 55 Pope - motorcycles and bl eycles cash or terms. New and used KunnllM- tv F. P. Keenan Co.. 190 4th SINGLE or twin motorcycle wanted for cash, H-65, JournaL WE .... .'X L.CNCTIES AXD DOATS 4 EVINRUI3K Motor Co. now located Front and Morrison; 100 EvJarude rowboat and canoe - motora la stock; $58 to $83. Gasoline engines, motor, boat equipment, paddles, cushions, porting goods, rowboat and canoea. FOR SALE 2 6. ft. launch. 12 h. p 4 cylinder 4 cycle, x fully , eauippea. Phone Sellwood S14. "J - - " " PIANOS. ORGANS AND " S4 I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - FOR $285 CASH, Security Storage Co. will close out $600 , player piano, metal tubing. 88 notes all latest im provements. This Includes 55 player rous. (.ait u tn i. . K 4 C II . . 1. 1 .-l : .lit buys new 8150 piano at $265, .$7.50 monthly without Interest charged else where; makes total saving $145.29 to you, tsenwan r tano Co.. m fourth st. FOR SALE 88 note player piano and music, practically new. - No reasoiw- aoie caso oner reiuseo. inona wooa lawn 3811. $1 MONTHLY atorea your piano. Se curity Storage Co., 109 4th st. Phone xnain ojzj. " - - - . VICTROLA for summer to responsibla party, iriva references. N-478, jour nal. ' ;- - - ' --" - i - - $50 BUYS $300 Marshall &. WendeU piano. Security , Storage Co., 109 4th St,-. COUCh bldg. $145 CASH today will buy 3375 Davis & Sons piano, . Security Storage Co.. m tin Bi. FIRST class grafonola - and records. cneap ror caan. I'none na.st 718. ' TYPEWRITERS 77 GILL'S - REBUILT " TYPEWRITERS - Underwoods,-; Remingtons;- L - C. tfmun. Oliver. Smith-Premier. . RovaL etc 315 and up- terms. Agents for me -corona' folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and -Chairs. The j. iv. mu ;o.. aq anq Aiaer sts. WE save you from 50 to 75 oer cent on all makes of - typewriters. Send for our illustrated roiaer; j retail depart ment. - WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co.. 3Z1 Washington st. - TYPEWRITERS for rent: 3 months for 95 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purcnase price. Remington typewriter co-. ttroaqway. NEV, rebuilt. 2d .hand, rentals, cut rates. Jf. D. C Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407 HOUSEHOLD GOODS tor SALE 63 I have 7 rooms of good clean fur niture. Am leaving city and will sac rifice tor 8Z; rent azz.aw. itooms now rented to pay . rent ; large yaro. om terms, call at &iu JViarKet st. FURNITURE of 10 room house cheap, Marshall 6570. Paid for good used furniture, carpets anq Btovea. -bji uevuru, giaraiian dpi CALL Bell Auction Co. and get good price Tor your rurmture. Mar. 47a. FURNITURE of 7 rooms. $ 100. 463 rayior st, - - - - - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ' 10 SEWING MACHINES. 50 slightly used machines. Singer, dropheads .........310 and up Wheeler & Wilson d'pheads $15 and up New Home dropheads..... 3 15 and up Domestic, dropheads ......315 and up New Royal, dropheads,.... 310 and up Willamette, dropheads. .... 310 and up Some - Stencil . machines, -dropheads ..............37 and up Box top ,.i......,....,.,.f J and up All makes of machines for rent,. 4 per noontb. - . . Two Stores: ' THE WHITE SEWING MACHINES, 3S3 Alder st. --- 243 Alder st. Phone Main 2183, A-4599, Main 2978, I S. S. Sigel. Agent. ' '" ; ' . FOR SALE! On account retiring from business in roruana we nave xor sale at at tractive nricea a Quantity of desks. cnairs ana miscellaneous orrice equip ment, also secona, nana toots, nana irucKs, BCBies, etc - PACIFIC HARDW. & STEEL CO f -- 22d and Nicolai. JEW1NG machine. Em porium sells for less: nc agents employed, - all makes of new and second nana macnines. - sold on terms. Machines guar ameed ttiid rented. $2 per month. 190 ao, near Taylor. Main 43i, A-3626. Electric Motors Bought, sold. rented and repaired. Walker Electric . Works. 413 Burnside, cor. 10th. Main or A-6674. -MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," - Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published unoer tceir respective ciaasuicauona. Look them over. ' - BILLIARDS New and second hand . carom, and pocket billiard tables. bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tables for residences. iThe Brunswick-Balke-CoUender Co, 46-4 ttn st- rnone aiain 4 u. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads, under tnese respective heading. The Journal leads all other, mediums in ' these classifications. - . FOR v SALE Power batch concrete mixer ana , noist. - teei noppers, wheelbarrows, shovels, all . complete. For particulars address , V. L. Irish, Box 607, Lents. " - SELL, us or let us sell you your office or store equipment; large "line gen eral store and office fixtures, new and second hand. ' 66 First st. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications A large listing can - be found under these different - headings. - - , ? Mi AUTOGRAPHS, supplies, circular let i ters, Elliott addressing machines and supalles. W. E. Finaer & Co , 2ti8 Stark. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; land Paint Co.. 230 Front. Mar. 100. $12.60 DROPHKAD sewing machine witn attacnmenis. .ioa urana ave. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. i Stark-pavis jo., zia aa. Aiain 797. WE buy and sell used n-achlnery. Northwest Lead & Machy. Co. CALL Tabor 2795 for all kinds of berries. 165 91nt st. N. ' CHKKRlE4i.-for sale. ... . 1074 Holgate st. FOR- SALE Steward range, slightly used. East 3228. 502 E. 33d N. . - - ROYAL Anne . cherries, . 5680 E. 44th. --- B. E- Sellwood 1335. - swap eoLuMiv 23 $65 COMBINATION card and dining - table, removable top. solid oak, early English ' finish.- new. Have no use for this luxury; What, have - you , to trade? - Y-615, Journal. - . - - - "WE WANT THE GOODS." v " WANTED: ranges. stoves,"" ruga rockers, dressers, tables, couches, ehalrs. Davenport. We iy the price Try us. Northwest JFurn. FJxcbanee. ICast 36. WANTED Th people of Portland to ' know I - pay highest cash pric for household goods. Prompt --attention. East 707. N. M. Seater. 143 Ray 11 st. TO TRADE. ' - Good horse t. and - wagon 820 E. 60th N. Tabor. 870. for COW. WOOD or coal rauge ' to exchange for good cas - range. East : 6844. . E-8 2 2, Journal. J. MEYER, th tailor, pays highest prices for1 2d hand clothing, shoes. We call promptly. M. 7573. 229 Mad ison. OWL FURK. CO. ic.ys best prices tor - furniture. 231 1st. Main 4637. UP-TO-DATE threehiDK machine for beef cattle Or auto. R-618, Journal. SECOND band clothing; and evorvthiag. HlgheBt prices. Main 20S0. ?f: lat. HOST AXI POVI LOST White cameo, red background, from 12th and Harrison down town. Please leave at Journal office. PARTY who took . suitcase off car at 30th and I law thorn e. Initial 1. A. H, Reward $5. Return Journal office. LOST AXD POUND , , f Continued FOLLOWING articles were found on -the ;r of - the Portland Railway. Light & Power company, and owners Uiereof ;may claim same at 1st and Alder st. station: June 15--Broadway 5160, A-13j: 4 tunbrellaaI knife, 4 packages.! 1 grip, L,Fit'phot08rraPs 2 spears, 1 square, 1 level. 2 gloves. 1 pair gloves, -i 1 Pair glasses. 2 books, 1 sledge hammer. 1 box flowers. 1 pair riaViV 1 Pur' letters. 1 package v. ..rmig, i pacKage snoes. LIBERAL reward will bo paid for re i iur3 diamond ring taken from ladles' toilet. 6 th floor courthous. XT-til7;? "ernpon. Call Terminal Market. 148 2d St. - PERSONAL '2 A FIQHT - on high prices. Why pay $5 T wV .cn 111 your ys with first quality: lenses in a gold-filled frame as law $i.5o t c. W. Goodman. 208 Morrison at. Main 2124. Mail orders Diompuysmiea, write for partlculara. LOUISE NETZEL, trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc, tub baths, .massage and electric blankets; invalidwork a, specialty.' 256 11th st. Marshall 6033? Open Sundays ATI OR N FYS reasonable. Cases ry i l Ullti L 0 settled without noto "et' iail cases treated with courtesy. -j -'lanaii uiuk. - maranait n MRS.; STEVENS. 21- years Portland s renowned - palmist and clairvoyant, has her, book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on saley Removed to S7 T"lor st. SPIRITUALISM Medium. Rev. Vlf- ginia Rowe. Headings, healings dally; circles j Tuesday - and . Friday evenings. o uraren. ai otn st. rnone A-7 118. DR. G- V.f KETCHUM Women' mala- - dies i ind flut. : laiiu. Wawh. hid.. 4th AAvash. Rm. 41. Ml. 488 MRSJ HAMOT. I'L cor. YamhiU. : 4th floor) apt. 9. i Marshall 2497. Uii?VN9:SLni ealp treatments: 353Hyamhill st, room 15. second tiwr.. vpw Bunaayi iv:v to B p. m. LADIES Oniv. HairdrMalnsr ingi shampooing, facial massage 25c. oummer rate. ooi Columbia bldg. HAVE your -hair permanently waved. uwMiiow to last. - sanitary ueauty . m.tn. tvv j'cuum. juarsnaii iuz. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, dr- cles. Tues 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. in. nCTuuina oauy. oua otn St. Mar. 860, SUPERFLUOUS hair, . moles. wartsT w wv AvaT?ay ui sj UoTsmI" teed. Mile. De Long. 504 SweUand bid. M A rA MM . M I ; v; v.ir i t 1 , lstry and card reading. 422 Va Mor rison, office 2. : LESSONS in phrenology and card read- iiiKB-. otn st. Fhont Main 7548. I flWVPr Consultation free. -Main CHIROPRACTIC aoctor. Painless ad JugtmTits: 31 treatments 16. 1214th. HARTNESS,- leadinir feather workers. wnmtBaie, reiau. jor. rarit. Tamnm, BALM of Figs, remedy tor disease of women, i 604 Davis et. Main 2398, USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu matism: oO tablets 25c All dr uftalat. Professional and ABSTRACTS- ZELLEK ABtiTEACT CO., prompt errice, 400 Ablngton Bldg. J. A. and C. W. Zeller. AOCOKDION PLEATINO ACtXtKDION. KNlrK AN.. BOX PLBATINO. PICOT1NG, HKilSTIlCHING. " BBAIDINO, EMBROIDERING. EASTERN NOT&IiTX MFQ. CO.,' 85 6th ST.. NEAR OAK. K. BTKPHAN . HemstltchlDg, accordion, aide and sunburst pleating: ucttoua covered, goad sponged. tcalltplpg. 383 Alder. M-937S. - ' ' 'ATTORHEYS UALL -!& t LIKUNt.it, . lawyers; consultation free. 2064) Fltedaer Md. Mar. 8.V17. BLANK BOOK HAKERJ ' DAVIS liOLMAN, lnc ICO VA mu Blanh vmjm - sAJaautAavaas. vws7a safj na-av w wa proved Loose Xeat Ledgers. See the saw Ba reka Leaf. A-S18H. Main 183. BRASS AND MA CHUTE WORKS HAKfEK S bras Work. Brass caatlnra si machine works. 106 Sta St. Bdway 234X nd CARPET CLEAVDia JOlCB Bltoa. Klectrlc Cleaulug Work, earpete - cleaned and laia. retitung our specuuty. aasi 440. B-1963. 204 IBtb t. N. -- CARPET WEATIHO NOaXilWKteX It, ti. CO.. rugs frosa ld car ' pets, rag ruga, carpet cleaiacg. 19 B. sta. Work called for. East 8680, B-1280. CHIROPRACTIC? tHTSICIAJf It U, alcUAUON. 121 4ta at. Curuuic diaeasea reqnlrlug extended time. 81 treat men ta git. DU. POOLISON , specialist lu paralyala, nervous, tses. 850 Ptttock bllt. B'way 63. chroDie diseases. CIRCrDXATINQ LIBRARIES Metaphysical circulating. Broadway and Main COAX AND "WOOD - i NEER &. FARR Inalde Mock wood. 4 foot or sawed to order. Telephone Pf) A I Bark Blockwood PorQand Slabwood Co. H. 811i A-7Qtt, KICK dry boa wood and card wood, 4 feat e -sawed. Bummer price. Standard Wood 0w Et 2315. B-KW8. HBHT cord wood, 84.DA per cord; block wood. ueniri ruci ixk we aeuver imui oraers. Main 1H06, A-110S. , . Charcoal Y. . KVERTS. MAIN XI 67. POOT Or CURRY STREET X'LTOm WCM1 CO., 12O0 Macadaoi. Iwaler alabwood. Hoi woon .a loan. ' m. iw, 1 -COIXEOTIOK AGENCIES BUY accuuuta. bills,. Lotaa and ludgaMnta t everr name and Qatar anywhere. Par quick remits rnawer; M-6HS. Journal. ELECTRIC MOTORg AND DTMAM08 UtyiOliA, generator bought, sold, . tented and repaired. We -do all Bind of repairing and rewinding.- ; All work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric CO.. 31 N. lat at, ynone uroaaway aw. WK buy, aeu, rent and exchange new and 24 band motors; repair work a specialty. WEST ERN ELECTRIC WKS.. 2-8 Cth t. Mar. 89. ELECTRO PHTSICIAJT DR. CO It INN K JOHNSTON B Nervoua rbaomstw aieeasec, , fiactro-magnau agf.' 7i ueknm. , .- ; i ETERTTHINO ELECTRICAL STBBS Electrleal Co.. etb and Pine eta. EYE. EAR. 1T08E, 13:ROT. LT?NOS tsjiecialiat. Moderate prices. Olssae fitted. Dr. r. . usseaay. 017 wwn iat..w a wm, EDUCATIONAL DANCING HliATH 8 SCHOOL Lessons daily, class FTi. eve 8 to lo, Allaky bldg., a. -Lessona liic . Main &01S. Sd and Morrisea ata. 'Manufacturers- DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. jTARK rWPLEKEirTS AND TEHICLES It. If. WADE A- CO., 322-326 Hawthorn see. LEAD PIPE. WOOL. MACTHrNEHY KBTH W EST . LEAD - MACHINERY CO. i-mi rout. Main R492 LEATHERS AND TIVTTXQ CHAS. L. MASTICK tc CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every dexrlptloa: findings. . T - ; INFORMATION COUPON ! If. you want the name of a reliable business bouse dealin; In anr line of merchandise, or information refrardlns resort, hotels, railroads, iletflf ahlp lines, etc-, address Oi-esron Journal Information Bureau. 444f4 4"t a aVaV 1 4 41 gj ' 4 a 4 ' ) af44t 4 4 4) Name., i V Address.'. ... PEIWONAL f Contltinill MANICURE, ahampoo, 35c. 7t7 liolii- cnuq Ding . 27 N aphlngton. NOTICES IN the Circuit Court of tn Stnte of tireunn, in end for the ConstT of ilultDoiunli. ai Keier, 1'laintlff. Marimrrt V. Jeniiliijt and P. J. JeuuliiRs, hfr bu.b.ud. tnd lira. A. O. Stalford, iH-ft-ndanta Summons. To Uaricaret V. Jeuulusrs irnd P. J. JenDlng. her hucbtuul, abure Darned tlefeodauta: la tha Daa of toe Stata of Orrgoa jrm. and etch of you, are berebv required, to ap pear and anawcr the complaint ltltd agatiwt you In the above entitled euit. oa or bttr the esDiratloa of Mx wepka from the -Tta yJofMay, 1U15, blng the date of tho flrat public ttnn of thla aummooa, ,to-it, tlia Sth day of July. 1015, and If too fall ao to appear or answer aald romplalut, for want thereof, plaintiff will take JuUyaivnt and d ere agaluat you, and each of joa, aa fuUowt: 1) For the um of $7,000. tugelher wlUi lotereat thereon at the rate or aeven per cut tec auimm from and aftr January 1, lui:: and the further aula of 8l5oS.ua for taxea paUl by plaintiff upon the premleea deacTlbvd In the mortgage mentioned and deacrlbed In plain, tlft'a flrat eauae of ault In hie roniplaint herein, together with lntereat thereon at tt rate of aeren per cent per annum from ail after March 81, 1915; aud the further aum of 84SS.71 for etreet anaeaamenta paid br Utla plaintiff and which were a lien agatnat tba prcpetty deaerlbed In tb monKaKe menilooed and deerrlbed la i-lalntlff'a flrat eanae of euit In ble complaint nerln; and auch further auin the court may alow aa attorney'a feea her ln for forecioeing the mortfaite aet out In plalntlff'a flrat cauae of auit In aald complaint, (2) l"or the further aum of 8artSZ40, uijettier with lntervat thereon at the rate of aeven m-r cent .pe annual from and after, January I. 1U13, and aacb further aura aa Uie court maf allow aa attorney' feee for foreckmiiif the mortgage described in platoUff'a aei-ond cauae of auit In aald complaint, and for hle.coeta and dlaburae men La Incurred herein. (3) And will take decree again you and' each of yoa, forecloalug each of plaintiff aid mortgage described la aald complaint, and direct lug the aal the murtfraited prem ie? deacrlbed aa: Lot 1, Block lfeU, la the City of I'ortland, Or., according to the duly recorded plat of laid City of Portland on file la the office of the county clerk of Maltno vah county, Oregon, In the manner prortded by law; nd for the . application or the pro ceeds' of each aale to the payment of tun' coata and diaburaenieiita of thla ault. to the payment of tuch aunia aa may be decreed to be due to plaintiff herein aa principal. Inter-eat,- money advanced, and attorney' fees, and barring and forecloalna you and each of yoa, . and aU person claiming undur yon or either of yon, from all right, title, lntereat and claim In and to said mortgaged premlaea. Thla anmmona 1 sirred npon you by pob 11 cation thereof for atz consecutive weeks. In The Oregon Journal, puraaant to an order of Honorable Henry K. IlrClnn, a Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered bereLo. on the 2ttU day of May. 1013. JOSKl'Il St nANXT. Attorney for Plaintiff. 6U-12 CorbeU bldg.. t Portland. Or. Date of first publication May 27, 19rt. Date of last publication July S. 1815. NOTICE standard Loan Office I rettr1n front business and the following unredeemed pledges will be eold at auction. Rale to take place Monday at It p. m., June 21, 1915, at Geo. liakrr & Co., Auction llonn, 1 Park street, I'ortland, Or.: Pledge Noa. 4912, C052, 5102, 6113, 6154. 617, 6194, 6218, 62VM. r.21S, 6272, 52S6, 61W), 6294, 631ft, M24, 6 t5, 6334, 6343, 63S0, 6378, 6374. 6r.H5, 6310, 6otM. 6404, 6410, 6412, 6410, 6424, 64211, 6431, 6444, 6451. 6455, 54&1, 6u07. 65oS, 6515, 6572. bb?, t&82. PROPOSALS for bargea. TJ. B., engineer of fice, Second Dlstrk-t. I'ortland, Or. healed prcposal will be received here- nntll IV a. m.. -illy 16, 1913, aud then opened. - for con structing two wooden fuel barge. Further information on application. Business Directory 1CTJ8I0 8CHOOL8 AND TEACTTEtm Lt'UlS A. CHtaiZ leacner of vl-iin. kit - Bherman. corner flrat. Marshnll 22H3. TUIELUottN' violin teacher, pupil nevcla." 207 yieldner bldg. A-4HC. Marahall !'.. POPtTLAS KTJBIC If1!11"5 l1'no guurauteed beginner iT 10 leawn. Picture playing. re uemo tratloi. Free booklet. 6l Kllen bldg. - UbPaAjCE - . PAClJTiU BlA'likS fc'blii l.NSLaAACS tn," only Oregon fir luauiance company. , - : MATTRESSES HY61KNIU MATTBKSS CO.. old ..LMttZZ .made new with our Hygl-nlc proceaa. Rqaaell, cor. Union. Hunt OHHd. MATTJRQPATHIC PHYBICIAWS tic I'UlLUfo tajaly.U. nervoua and cbron. le dlaeaae. 604-5 OieyimlaiiM-lg. M. H142. PAOrTINO, pAPKRHAHOiNg AND TIMTINO (Ainii.tu, sawutuisii.g, pupruai.glug, ma work guaranteed, fbutie VV i 'w(llw o .'IHOft . Bb'iCLlai ft. ItLlkD, beat wortf lu pau.tw. papering. M. loia. A I2S llth at. PAlis'il&U, tluuiig. ui-ei uaiiginA, -Crane, 170 loth rt. M&1d' li-irt. '1. PAVrHQ COMPANIES tllli HA&atuU AM'il4L 1 fAVtiNU U ttil ; Isdd office 223 ihrlk bldg. R00EINO Old Roofs ALL KINDS WATKRPUOOFBD AND MAT) !t EQUAL TO NEW. PA V&HBAUXlhM, IXclULX BLIKi. MARSH AJ.L JiJO. RTTBBER STAMPS AND PEALS lenciis, trsds checks, bra. s 231 Washington Ht. jd..ln 710, A-2714 SCHOOLS AND COL.Lk.Ql3 BBHNKB-WALKUit TKLbliUAPll bCiiOOL. 4U b'l' NEAR MOKUisiuN " - SPECIAL UA'ltS TO 'iuoaa ENUOLL1NU BtrOltK JLMi 15 TU PUOSlJ: MAIN b t)K A-11W RH F.EX aCfciAI. WOHhLa UK P Al UlKU. a and aravul roofs. Losit BIO flrat at. f liune Msto 144. TRANSFER AND STORiUlE C. U. Pica, 'lraitaler A Slorag Co. oila and eooimodloua 4 atuxy btnk warenouae with sepaxata Iron roouia nd tirsptuof vaait for valuables, N. W. eurner 2d and Pla ata. Pianos aud lurnitura savsd aud packed tue Bhlppiug. Speulat tUn made - on goods 1q Uuvugb ear to aU Uuwuatlc aud foreign poUHa. Usui tnm, a-iww. Oregon Transfer Co. Establlaatd 1879 Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage, Pre Trackage. , Office and Storage 474 Ullsan St, 13tB and QUssn. Main 69. A-llrn. OLbEN-UOlS TltANbskvtt CO. New xireproot warenona wttn te rooms. Wo move and pack bousebold gowia and piano and ship at reduced rates. A a to van -ana teams for moving, surwarding aud distributing agent. sre trackage. Office and warehoos 15 til and Hoyt. Main 647, A -224. BAUUAUK 'lRANiSk'a,H bi-UViCK Co. PIN!i ST. MAIN 120. A-iJOa. WALL PAPER MUUUAN WALa. t'Al'KU VO 21 3 ad S4.,'be Salmon. WINDOW CLEANING EX PERT WINDOW CLKANERa A-?w. Main aXn. 212 Henry bldg. WHEN roe answer the Wauta Ada. mention Tba Journal. -rVk0le3alera ers" PAINT. OIL AND GLASS RA8ML'b.SKN A CO 'Hiah Standard" Dimi. N. E. Cor. 2d aud Taylor. M. 1771. A- I PIPE WOOD PIPE POUTLANO WOOD PIPK CO factory e4 oflee near 24tb and York ata. Main JU- -PLtrMBING PIPE STEAK SUPPLIfS M. L. KLINE FRONT UTfcErr ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co, 4 ) .... , v