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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1915)
Tin: dnZGOII DAILY J0UI3IAL, PORTLAITO, TIIXTTISDAY, JUNE 17. 1915. GUAilDSf.iEH IN CAMP, t FORT STEVENS, HAVE BUSY TIMES. AHEAD Citizen-Soldiers Get Down to - Business for 12-Day Pro ' gram of Drill. COL HAMMOND. AT HEAD I?-"" rred Hearty on Time, l s4viug wiiimij rimnon of the Work. ' 1 ' Astoria. Or, ' June IT. Arriving at Fort Stevens yesterday afternoon, 600 members of the Oregon coast artillery reserve, comamndcd by ColonelCreed C Hammond - of Eugene, direct into camp Immediately. . Fifty 'commissioned officers, melud iog company. commanders and staff of ficers, accompanied the - troops, - Alter detraining, troops were marched to batteries - acinar Columbia river, and each company and detach ment was ' assigned to tents, .which were erected. in advance by Lieutenant Williams and 12 men from Eugene. - Stations Ax Drawn. ' Katlons were drawn immediately for the first half of the camp, period, and work of erecting field ranges and other cooking paraphernalia - accomplished Details Were made out "and posted on bulletin -j boards and camp completed. No delay was experienced by the citi zen soldiers, and the evening xners was served nearly on time. . 1 Lieutenant VInoell of Roseburg and a detachment of sanitary troops' are in "attendance at tbe camp, and . will minister to the sick and Injured. Chaplaln'Elklns of Lebanon is with soldiers, and expects to conduct relig ious services on Sundays. Captain Collins Inspector. Captain,. Robert W, Collins, U. S. A Inspector Instructor of Oregon Coast Artillery reserve assisted by other regular army officers and noncom missioned officers, will have charge of instructing the militiamen during the 13 days that they are in camp. Starting - early this morning, the state troops are being put through a strenuous program of artillery and in fantry drills and maneuvers, with lit tle time for idleness. The companies in camp are: First company, Ashland; Second and Third companies, Eugene; I Fourth company. Roseburg; .Fifth company. Albany: Sixth company. Cottage Grove; - Sev enth company, Medfiord, and Eighth company, Portland, r j Dally drills will be held at the bat teries and instruction given on all phases of artillery coast defense, while company, battalion, ; regimental and, guard! mounting exercises will -be hefd. i'"1'-" r "T 11 1 r: ' Dr. Sargenticb Writes" Local Man Dr. Spiro Sargentlch, formerly of Portland, but recently reported dead fin the' Red Cross service in Serbia, is 'probably still alive. A letter from him asttvearSBterdaTyAttoi4 tney johAc. hUlo.uc. ,lt,was . dated ZNish, Serbia, May 12. , - -According to a dispatch receiveii pere ; May 25' from Tacoma. informs jtlon has been received there of his geath while at work stamping out the la rue that was claiming thousands of , victims. . The report, however, was not confirmed. " ' .In his letter- to Mr. hillock, - Dr. Sargentlch states that he was prepar ing to join a Russian , mission in Bosnia, Hungary, - at a place called jCaJvJce, near Sarajevo, with full (equipment for a portable surjrica.1 leld hospital of l&e beds. -"I do not know how long I shall e there, as : the' offensive may start i any moment, he writes. war is certainly neii,". he cont ents. "and God knows when the end It ia nothing more or less ban wholesale murder or the first legree, I am most assuredly doing a harttable work, and helping sot Only inndreda, but thousands. -It is and 1 m mm w lAfal T W i s ssssas ss " mm ((Or inrMi ) Columbia Hierhwav .Exhibit Wins a ; y :. Medal of Honor . San Francisco, June 17. -The Columbia Highway ""Exhibit la the transportation palace wu . - awarded a 'medal of. honor to- it day. Thla 1 the next thins to a grand prize and higher than a gold medal. This award in- 46 - cludea the engineering- features - 4 of the highway end la a tribute to the. work and tbe road - as well as the exhibit. Blythe H. Henderson, head of the depart- ; ment, ia Jubilant. The city of .j . Portland health bureau's milk 4t exhibit won a cold medal and a $100 for best average and best showing. , f a i - - i i Governor of North Dakota En JRoute . Governor Hanoa .. of North Dakota Is expected to arrive here Friday night over the Spokane, Portland & Seattle railway from the north. 4 He will re main until Saturday afternoon, when he will start for San Francisco on the Shasta Limited. The Chamber of -Commerce expects to extend the usual cour tesies. ' Southern Pacific : Cleans Up Tracks Through the' state railroad commis sion. South Portland has cause to be nr Th. th. '.TJi ago, tor tne Boutnera Paclile riMi cleined up its tracks - from- the Jef f er- son street depot to the city limits. The i.u. w.v I called to the attention of Examiner F. A. Reach of the commission about two weeks ago, and he at once took the matter up with ' the company, Four men were put to work and for 10 days they cleaned and burned rubbish, and when Rasch traveled over the route this morning It was spick and span, - MM r im luui-. r an IflB Dyck Cigar the dinner ends still more pleasantly than it began.- Havana aU Havana Spanish made Two for a quarter and up . M. A. Gun st & Co., Inc., Distributors ' m veryone Should Visit one of the greatest of Nature's a special inducement is provided 1BMC LoW:Fare Excursions : l - , ' TO . ;; New If ork and IBoston ariU all other Eastern Points .' including Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, St Lawrence River, Adiron ' dack Mountains,. New England, White MounUlOA Canadian Resorts, . Atlantic Seashord and Jersey Coast Points. tickets on tale daily to September 30tn y l Ydu can obtain an tmsnrpflfld view of Niagara Falls front tho train or stop over ' there and at all other Interesting points without additional cnanre. These tickets also provide option of water tripe between Detroit and Buffalo on Lake Erie, and between Albany and New York down the historic Hudson River. - r - . Michigan Cmtrat'Tke Nitgart Falls Route" , : FW TmIs every dr frasa Cbicetw, inchidteg the Michigan Central Limited and , , a If C iraioa the Wolverine, render unexcelled service.- Comfortable tourist Sleeping cars daily-via Niagara Falls to Boston and intermediate points provide eminently aatia- ( factory scoewimodatione t pumifi tadyios economy is trareL . f , . . Apply to your local ssent for tickets and steeping cai ii'neu1 rations, of for deaci'luBit beoklats . and complete information as to fazes, routes and delightful places to KO call ea or address . - 'y . - Portland Office, 109 Hard Street - Wi C SeesheeM, Gaaeral Asent Pa PROHIBITION LAW IS : BEING FOUGHT: OUT IN OtYf.lPlA COURT Champions of Measu reargue : Opposition! Is- Based on ; Thin Technicalities. v. Olympia, Weslu, June IT. (TJ.' P. That the contentions of the attorneys opposing the prohibition law are based on thin, hair splitting technicalities was the substance of the arguments presented today before judge Wright, of the Thurston county superior court, by State Attorney General Tanner , and John H. Powell, of Seattle.- who are defending tbe constitutionality of the prohibition law adopted by the people isst averaner.-;w:-s., - i v-; . j. ;: Former Federal Judge Donworth and Dudly G- Wooteni both of Seattle, -yes terday followed Harold Preston In at tacking the validity of the law. -Judge Donworth pointed Out that the pampniets, - containing the arguments for' and against the law, which should have been sent to the voters not later tnan 10 days before election,- had not been sent out. many of them more than zo or so days before election. He de ctared thla failure la ftifal tr th. liw as constitutional provision . must be strictly construed as mandatory, ' and not . merely directory. Wooten argued that the prohibition, law violated inter state commerce regulations. Meeting the argument of Harold Preston and Judge Donworth, that the initiative and -referendum amendment oonsUtution, in the first, place, . iQ( .nki!,iM 7? J gf "fiS; ffiftw, fLlt publication, the prohibition advocates pointed out that the vote on prohibi tion was tne biggest ever east In the state. ?-v;-'i ii. It was contended -the voters got actual, instead of technical notice. - Badly Burt by Auto. Pasad.ena. CaL June 17 U. P. your- Van Niagara Falls wonders.' It is easilv reached to go now by the Albert a., Lelclt and W. s7 Thatcher -of ,-IjO t Ang-eles were Injured Leick probably fatally," today when their automobile was struck by the car of John Partridge at San Gabriel boule vard and San Bernardino road. The7 injured men were In a. oar driven; by C , F. Borsten of Los Anreles. At the same spot last Thursday tn an ex-1 actly similar manner three Alhambra women were painfully injured., ' Woman Charged With; Forgery. - lso Angeles; Cal4 June 17. (P, N. S.) Arrested on a charsre of orrery, Mrs. A. H. Louis a . handsome matron about 35 years old, mother of two sons and a daughter, was lodgred in the county Jail here toiday. The woman, af ter Jeter arrest, confessed ; that her .. - name, was Mrs. A. H. Loots and wept as she spoke of her children. She was arrested after she had cashed alleged fictitious checks for .$35. ; ... , " ; AVeddlng at MarehfleM. " Marshf leld, Or4 June 17. Orover A. Williamson, operator of the wireless station at Coos Bay; was married last night to Miss Edna Mcintosh of this city. - The wedding occurred at - the Episcopal church," ReV. Wm. Brown ing officiating- " - : YrTiy StSzr Frca Sore Feet ? I aoUaf, Burning," weaty " reet, .' Coras. Callenses and. Bore " Bunions. - " Thousands , of - people dally suffer Intense tor ture from sore feet will welcome the information that a dulck, easy, posi tive remedy is now ob tainable,, "Two spoon fuls of Calocide com pound In warm - foot bath; soak the feet in this, gently rubbing sore partsj'- - Relief- ia in utnnt for tired, aching. burning and sweaty feet.1 Corns ana csuiouae am be peeled right off., Cal ocide penetrates ana re moves the cause. Oet a twenty-five cent package or Calocide from any drag store. TVm't b nerauaded to take something else Instead, for there is nothing even similar. Oet the renu- lii. PolnMo irn,rintllH bv Madical Formula laboratories. Dayton, onio. Ad. EPILEPSY The Kosine IfMtniHit - all sear or the dreadful at tacks - which are so f recpient ; to the sufferers of EdU epsy. Ko- sine has - been .. ; used with, re markable ' success for fifteen years. Buy a bottle of Koslne for Sl.St. If, arter nsing, you are not entirely satis fied, your money- will be ' refunded. Ask 'tis for booklet. The Owl Drug Co.. Broadway and Waah. Sta. (Adv.) new; today FOR SALE Two Very Attractive Houses 9 and T rooms, including sleeolng porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, built-in bookeajiM ni huff Dutch kltchan. . hraaJrf Mt mahi a nil outside pantry; til bathrooms; cement garas-e azxztf witn eacn nouse; tineat view in Laurelhurst. farina- PTaa GUssn st. in the block east of office: these are two of the best built houses in Iaurelhurst; built -by.- day work, i'or further informaUon phpne East 332. Holmes & Menefee 80S atailway Exchange BIdg, . J. HAUSA, formerly with - - Ju O. r. BtTBEBCASOT, now with Ruenitz Florist m WaeMngtoa St, Phoas Mar g33a. Artistic floral a. : aesagas sag asoosatuma. WANT AD RATES vi'- Is effect Oetobaf 1, 1914, Ali. PBKV10C3 KATES CANCELLED .,. CHAUGKD ABVKBTISKMfUNXS . '. 4 - Iall a &Un,la,. .lU eeats pet wore pa laaertloa, . Tbia charaa If for an rl,n.trnMon. , eepetng 'w Bent tn Prlrats Fimlli." "boo and Board in Prirate Fasiuy," , "Sltoatloa Wanted," and "Wasted to Bell" ada,. whlS no aa cnarssa zer ms tsas is eeats. ' CASH ADVaBTISKMENXS -IH cent Per , WOrd tor all olaaalrWHrm. excepting "for---Seat? la frirate Family." "Hoob and Board la Pr.Yale raciilr 'Kitaa. tion Wanted" asd "Wasted to Hnt" .,m waleh are 1)4 eaats per word. Oeoaeeadve inaarmwa ox eaao want aoa: ; ,.. fioseraoae xor the prtee of m, ' I naartWna for tae price ( 9. t . ' MKioTiNo Notices 41 , OREGON Commandsry, K.T. . a Ayi - -Special today ; (Thurs-Vf- day), June 17. at 4 o'olocie VlJ p. nx. Red Cross. La rare class r at 1:10 d. m." RJsht Eminent Grand COmmandar D. B. Orant and his officers will eonrer the order of the Temple upon the largest class ever Con ferred in Oregon.- Your atteadanee and assistance! Will be l.nnrl,tn1 Hn. journing Sir Knights requested to at tena, jfariors open rrom and after 1:S9 OSVWim AND, Recorder. Wi&BFOOT CAMP No. 96, Woodmen of the World, r: meets every Friday night; in W. O. W. temple, 128 Elev enth street. All " mem bets requested to be nresent. VI at tore come. GEO. ROB8MAN. Q. C., A. 1 BARBURi Clerk. B. P. O, fil-KS; No. 143. Regular IViti Irder of h TP.. M. K. SPAl INO, . Secretary. mount 1166b JLqduij ko'; 147, A. F. A A. M-Spe-clal communication tomor row ; (Friday) evening at L:.3.Work V CV-leVee. 'Visitors welcome. - Order ,KDd! OEIK. Secretary. W. M.- Wtol Statistics marrl3c3,Dlrtts. Deaths. MAlUttACa B LICKJT8E9 Herbert Artaar Basmnssea. Horse Mreat, Sir aad Fraaces Elisabeth yield,-15oB Seat Kisrh street oth. 19. v - : - Frsak Gracubeen, 681 Fourth street, 80. ad Camilla Volte, .33 Pat ton aTeaae, S3. Artaur Liana- weiBO, sro siaat. First street, aai, ana Klaaaer M. Taylor, lit Onk i line, leaaL ' ' - - ArUar Mallet Cnttnaiond, NamM, IdaB, 41, and Iilliaa Mary Yasser, Peiane Hotel, 3S. (loMwla Tudor Smith, - ISO West Killing. mrth at-enne. UtSal. SnoAiunal If. WaUnua. BCA Mill ktreet. ieraL utiatav rants, rot savier ..street. 24, sad Amelia Setteher, 417 Rossell street, 17. 'I. Snvarman. Stil North Mlktnatk. .!H,t. legs!, tad BeS AsniraaStt JJoeola street, legal. r-----'-w;- . -v W1U1SM ' etttenS Moon. 4 an Cast ktaAili street, lagal, aad Ktta Maada Oweaa, SO Bast Biprentn atreT. tegai. - Jt. US WW, Vlfcltlnat cirit Third floor. Morrin bW. DRESS suits for rent, ail siseav Udique Tailoring Co.. SC9 Stark at. 0 f, w meeting tnis 11 nursdayi even--ttJ'ltig. Biksj building, g 'o'olock. ) f - followed by social session, Vle .lJ. ltlns brother invltarl tr lt-nf JjByX iSk. MACRIAGIS L3CEXSEi , " ., - Cctlneed Martle O. teller. Orcson City, Or.. M, and Lena E. Emfr. 172 Nortb nrtmmth street: S3. W. M, Uary. 8ettU, AVaaS fefal. b4 Eleanor Uu barr. 454 Bast Tweutr-firmt I ir. iooru, legal. Herbert . H. Kktnrvr. Winmoih Firm. Wasn.. 21. -and Lilly Booth. 831 Went Sevea- tfeats tr t. is. - onsgTTO To Mr. and Mrs. Cersfrhie Gln- yyo, Baae Lisa road. Ituw 11, a dangbtr. KOICBXo Mr., and Mrs.-Joaa Koica, U45 C. frUi t Jnae T. s aoa. BLOCK Ta Mr. and Mrs. Heary Block, 689 Borthwlra. Jane T, son. JACKMAN To Ur. and Ura. Orlla C Jack man, 453 E. Jennp, Jod II. a son. SHAFFORD To Mr. and Mra. lloy M. Shf- ford. 2720 K. 4Stii t. J tin S. a dauxhter. JAEKJETT To Mr. - and Mra. G. M. Jtmtt TTt sandy oouivara. 4aoe lv- a eansa ! kknwohtiiyT ur. aad Mr. Amos TTT Ssndy boulvard. . Juua JO, a Sansater. S Seaworthy, 8ts sve. and 82ad t., Jane 12, daasater. . NOUHHK To Mr. aad Mrs. Walter H. Nonrae, 87 Kearney, Jaso 14,- a son, GIKTEH To Mr. aad Otrs. Wendells Oiattr. eSO B. lZtk at- Juncf lO. a UaKhtT. KlTraau-To Mr. and Mra. Jolja Klttrell, uobuiu ivbu, af at lag m uamjuwa, DKATMS AXD FUNERALS 73 M CALLKT At her residence 171 King street. at 12:80 p. B-. June Id, 1915, Mrs. UUia McCalley. - The dacaaaod waa tae dangater of tn late Judce Henry L- .Ca plea.. She la aar Tived by Mrs. 1. K. UUler, H. A. HtUtw. Etbel M. Stilea and R. M. MeCaOey, ef i'ortlaml, Ur., and H. C 8 1 ilea and C. I. Stiles, of Pom roy, Waah. Friends Invited to attend funeral serrloes, which will be held at Holman'a as-dertaaing- par tors at X P. si. tomorrowyri day). Jnne 18. Is torment at VanemTer, waah, iLk XBV kfi Tha funeral aertlce of Lavora M. ' Kaytmra, aged 14 yeara,. will be acid at P. I Lereh, Bast 11th aad. day, Friday at t p. ar Frteeda isvlted. " ' LSHEBWOOD f KUiatMrth Caaarwood, 7 GIbba. June II, -TO years; raneer. THOMPSON Jeeae Mattia Thonipaun, TT23 64th are. e. June 11, SO yeara; apoplexy. MAD1GAN Jehn Cornellua Madigao tt. Vin cent's sanatorinm. Juno 8, as yeara: tuber etloala.v -.' - - DE WITT Edward DeWitt,- Jennings tdget May 22. 19 years; accidental drowning. ZAUONISKY tabe Eadonisky. St. Vincents, June iaf 50 yeara; hemorrhagic sephritls. ACKLKY Hiram Bales Aekley, Good Saaoirl. - tan, June 11. 0ft years: arterto scloreaia. STAYTUN WiBlaaa Lao Suytoa, lt Cherry St., June 11. & yeara; tubercular meningltia. JOHNSON Amy Elisabeth Johnson, Good Samaritan, June 11. yeara, cerebral hemorphsee. - WBTXUCB-Gharlss Wetslar. S4SH Proat st . . .1 n . Talvalar aearc diaease. CIATTINO Mary ClatUco. Good SaBiarttae, Jiitm 13. SS raara earelnoaaa. BLK.T Jessie Bortos Bart, US1 E. Couch, Jnne 13. S3 years; eelastpela, BAUER Hose Block Bauer, ISO N. ISth, Jnne 14, 43 year; eareJaomatsls. YIKO Ie Ying. 8t. Vincent's, Jane 14, S3 1 1 yeara; pnesmoiila, ,4 KING George M. Klna. 380 E. WaKhlngtoa, Jane 14, ol years; Ttlrnitr lnsetftciaacy. K1CHTEB Flora A. Bichter, Maltoomah hoa - plui, Jane 13. 69 years;- cerebral aenjor rhssa. - : MARTIN A rOHRBa CO, tlortsta. 4f waan, aaata A-io. iowera gar r at occasion a arwaiicauy armngeq. CIARK BROU florists, 287 Morrison st. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers snd floral designs. . No branch stores. FXIKERAt DIRECTORS A splendid residence unaer taking es tablishment, with private driveway, J. P. FINLEY 4 SON, , . Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading zunersi airector, sao sa st... corner Ojumon, lAoy assutanu rneneg r , F. Sr Dunning, Inc. - Kast Side Funsrsi Directors, 414 rast Aioer st. rjast z, tl-zaza, nunninrr JP. MnCninn Undertakers. wruiuimg M e d e r n in every detail. Broadway 'and Pine ats. Broadway 480, A-4&89. Lady assistant. Chambers Co.11 lawn. 3809. C-1188. Lady embalmer, A ft dollar r 68 WilUame ave. rt i u -wiivi wwi Kat 1998, 01988. Lady attendant Day and night serrloe. MILLER & TRACY, independent fu- neral dlreetors. Prices low as 40, 840, 8o wain, ana juia. aa. aosi. A-7i. CaH promptly answered in all parts tiarrja of city, i. u. u. Diag, Lents. Tabor 6167. Walter Ct-; Kenworthy 1688-1884 K-ltth. SeUwood Tl, B-1188. Uorviilin SS. 80tb and aliaaa. Fu- I ICAllllltUll neral services. Tabor 4918. R. T, Byrne Williams and Knott. East 1118. C-1948. DC A ROAM Undertakers.' iiast lvatt,' rtAnOUIl 889-871 Russell st. - . tniOOUlY MJ8188.A-883B. 418 Mor. ClCUpO iJndsr taking Co. Main 4161 orCV L.Q a-2321. Cor. 8d and Clay. BRfiiiiE & Snook. B-1252. T. tits. 102 Belmont, at S4tn. Lady attendant., P. L. LERCH, leading -east side under. taker, b. lithACiay. B-18S8, el 781 MOXTTMKl'rrs y Schanen-Blalr, Co. ; MARBLE AND .. GRANITE? ' WORKS. 'Lartfest atock of flit marHI mil granite in Portland. Beautiful granite from our - Oregon ov tiarry. 187 Haw theme eve. East 6598. BE PORTLAND MARBLB WKS., ' .29429 4th it. Opp, -city hall. M. SB44. A1619 FOB SALEHOUSES 61 4 ROOMS AND -A- OARAGE, i - -Neat little 4 room modern bunralnw with fireplace. Wee garage, price 418J0. saw wwniu montniy, trtltilf - UtAilAN CO., - 914. Chamber of Commerce. " HAWTHORNSr BtTNOALOW, 15160. New 6 rooms, full basemen f ahaA and fixtures.- A-real bargain, E. 8th, corner near Hawthorne ave. John L. ivarnopp, yy, CJtcn. plQg. DON'T BliY THAT HOME Build one , of your own Well finance it on your lot or ours, v Rental terms. The Oregon Home Builders, 12 tb floor. EASY H. A. W 1AMS. 4Q;mckay BLDG. SACRXFiCE-500ohome lor' $3500: If . . rooms, garage, on good car line, hard surfaeev good district, walking dis tance; must nave some caeh. Owner; 419, Joarnal. ODERN room house in du nhii distriot: must sell--my sauitv at a sacrifice I a real bargain, Sanders, qamina i low. S10SO. ' 4 room' house, 76x109 ft. lot, See Austin at 72d and Sandy blvd. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. - CLASSY new modern 6 room bunira- ' low ehean: ; cash or terms, $1460. TDOT HM. $1260 EQUiTY iin mode galow in Laurelhurst efn fi room hnr- urelhorst fbr $475 ?ah ' Owner, 1200 . E. Grant st. Tabor 4269. lS00 Irvington new home, oak floors fireplace; $600 loes; terms coafideh, tlal. . T-920. Journat - SMALL house, two lots. gas. rity wa tar. tfood ararden: mitht nnt H. 87th N, - FOR SALE New 6 room W. . house. 57 Sumner. ?v- -: FOR SALH UOCSCS 61 Cotl-aiS : - For Sale ; ' . Summer-Residence w . "'tV:fT Newportr Oregon house, plate rlaas win dows in front, with magnificent view of beach, ocean and bay. Ideally lo cated. Will be sold very reasonably. Address " . . - - -Valley I Real Estate Co. , , I CARLTON. OREGON. ' ARB TOU IOOKINQ FOR A SNAP 1 $1850 Easy Terms-$1 850 i HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. . .c - 427 4jd aT. Brand new 6 room bungalow, . hard wood, floors, sleeping, porch, attic, beamed celling, double constructed. 7 i foot concrete basement, cement floor. electrio fixtures, built in effects, eas front lot. best' built tad best buy li i in Portland today, near 8 car lines Take Hawthorne car to 43d st. Owner, A. uoDner. jLtiaat1 546b. PROPERTY SHOWN IS TO PAILT. - STRAWBERRY PICNIO V I - SUNDAY. JUNE Z0TH At Stanley, free to all that wish to come. 1 Acre of. berries to pick from and picnic grounds.? Bring your luncn and spend the day. We want you to get acquainted with Stanley and see what opportunities we have to offer for a suburban home. " All cars On Estacada line stop at Stanley, only 19 minutes 'ride from 1st and, Aider sta; Ifto fare or is c by " book. Will - bo some one at station to direct you to fitcnio grounds and berry patch, which s wear by. -' : Big Snap 'Only $909: must have $600 cash, baL terms: no mortgages; -a neat cottage, furnished complete; no trade; no agents. - C. A, Austin, 71d and Sandy road, or Phone C-1414. r LAIIRLKURST EeepUonally charming room bun- rooms finished in hardwood; hardwood floor throughout;. a distinct departure from the ordinary home; workman ship of the highest order. - 1929 Ore gon st. pnone owner, woooiawn iisi, BARGAIN New bungalow, piedmont, 1 block Union ave., 2 carlines. a blks. school, near Peninsula park and Jef ferson high school, has all modern con venience? and ia , well built. Owner will sell for less than cost. C. . De Young, 614 Chamber of Commerce. 60x121 LOT and 'partly finished 4 room bouse, water In, young fruit trees, berries, chicken run and bouse, will sell my. equity, for 4300 cash,, balance (199, i per cent- Maplewood, - Or., on urtjjon electric. nowe. WHY pay rent when we will build you a 8 room bungalow, 75xl0o lot, for only 560; 8100 down, 910 a month; best home value irr the city. This is on the west side, li mln. ride, 60 fare. city water. m. Lee. ova corDett oiag. FOXl SALE LOTS 16 STRAWBERRY PICNIO SUNDAY.- JUNK . 80TH At Stanley, free to all that wish to come. Acre of berries to pick from and plenio grounds. Bring your Junch and spend the day. , We want you to get' acquainted with Stanley and see what opportunities wa have to offer for suburban, home. -All care oa Estacada line stop at Stanley, only SO minutes 'ride from. 1st and Aider sta.; 10c ! fare or 6 V4C by book. Will bo some one at station to direct you to plcnis grounds and berry patch, which lx near by. - FOR SALE Cheap. 8 lots, 8450. One - tract of 28 lots, $1200; good garden land, mostly clear, 4 blocks from Ore onity car, s mues to Oregon city. oa care. Lumt quick, as this won't last long. .Will sell on time. Call be tween 9 a, m. and 8. p. m. 899H Front pUi eor Clay. Room 88 J. Rivett. QUARTER acre, tract for 1350: 910 down. $5 a month. Best value in the city. This property is located on west waier. an. tn. jjee, oV6 Joroett Oiag. Choice lot. $850, Owner, must sell ACREAGE at S ACRES. 9250 ' $10 down and $5, a rnoAtn buys 8 acres logged off land, between Port- iana ana centralis, on main line or 3 railroads. 1L miles' from town of 800 population; sawmills, shingle mills and othai lnduaitriea. . Hum, of thau trant are partly cleared . and ha ve a spring or running stream . on them. " Price rrom sss to $75 per acre. Many tracts of different sixes to choose from Good soil, lies well. . fine . location, perfect title. :--" BBLL RBAL ESTATE CO- . ' 819 Railway Exchange. , , STRAWBERRY PICNIC SUNDAY. JUNES SOTH . At Stanley, free to all. that wish to come. Acre Of berries to pick from ana picnio grounas. pnng your tunc a end spend the day. We 'Want you to get aoquaJnted with Stanley and see wna opportunities we nave to ozzer ror s.-suburban home. All ears on Estacada line stoo at Stanlar. onlv so minutes 'ride from 1st and Alder sts.; 10c fare or 6o by book. Will be some one at station to direct you to juswo grounas ana perry, paton, wmoa T . SEE i BkiAVERTpf.RViiEsT" . inAEinm ... And von will uv wlik n, (t I. best about Portland: onlv SO mlnutaa wuw z trains aaiiy pass tnrougn it tne uia" tea Hteei irsina. Kaiaau, hnna. nlohs, vegetables, anything. One our chaser gets about $80 per month-now for eggs sold; $100 When at niahest price, xias tnren aorci. buv n. trm.c.t. auy sue, win or easy payments. fine SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, iva 4in st. CHICKEN ' - land; On and fruit ranches near Port. and: Greaham district, aleotria'eta. iien miie. mow subdivision. ; Bun shins valley orchara tracts; best soiL fre wood; element location. Prices at. -V m- &a T . eniy to 160 per acre 1ft small tracts; easy terms. Frank MeFarland j-teny co iiOH Teonriar.. fortuna, or, -1- ON THE CAR LINE."" "' 8 acre . tract, nearly all in cultiva tion, just east oz Lents junction. 8609 per acre; surrounding- land .held at iwuu per acre, .win divide to suit; easy terms. Fred W. German Co- sis Chamber of Commerce. , Gifeson Half Acres ; Good soil, eitv water, closa to -ear line, easy - terms; will build to suit urcnaaer. pnone Marshall 1695, of ell wood 471. jonn h. oibson, owner. 10 ACRES or more, rich soil, Tualai tin valley, 90 miles out, half telle to car, big snap for quick sale, $109 to $128.. Write owner, X-903, , Jour- 40 acres stump land on good coutUy road, adloirrlng hlhlv lmnrovod .farms. 2 miles r from .Boring or Bar ton., $30 per acre, - a. j pwyer, 417 s eon mag. A BARGAIN on 24 acres Within one tmie or college town; a sacrifice for B-608. Journal. 8UBUR11AN ' ACREAGE " tfj RIVER frontage acre tract. Improved; 6 room modem . house, garden and fruit; price $2000. phone a-H. Oak grove, or write W,,A, -Coplen, Oa greve. - ;v- . -: v' t7 ONE of the finest farms tn the valley on the Willamette-River, highly im Ftroved, for sale, at a -very low pries, or cash only. If you are looking for a well improved, completely stocked, and equipped place, come. and see me, J. IROBlNSQNt 506 Corbett Bldg, Sor. ACJRt.a; do - not claim . best. - next best, in eror t, in crop, bew house, barn, horses. ens,; household goods if wan tad; een- modern I write for description. Price com Iplete, $8500. KJC-481. Journal. 17 STOCK BUSINESS. Is the best paying business that you can possibly invest your money in, pays the largest returns on the inveai ment, the safest, and will always be the safest investment a man can plaoe bis money in. I have two of the finest,-: completely equipped, stock ranches in central Oregon, has alfalfa land and lots of paature land. On ac count of other business the owner has instructed me to sell at a sacrifice for cash or one-third cash, balance. 4 per cent Interest. If you are looking for a high class stock ranch at a low price. It will pay. you to see me at once. J. L. ROBINSON. 60S Corbett bldg. - Gov. Withycombe Says In a recent trip to" eastern Oregon he saw i thousands of -acres of wheat that should toake 60 bushels per acre. I can sell you - 160 acres or more of this land at 230 per acre, rent you 1(0 acres and. furnish you horses and ma chinery to put in crop; land plowed ready for seeding. Seeing is believing, I. have got the goods. u. wus, conaon, or.1 IF you ar looking for good buys or es cbanges of eastern Ore, wheat land do not fail to see Keller & Deal. 8ulte 814. Lumber Ex. bids.. Portland. Or, FOR RKNT FARM 14 - ' FOR RENT. ; . -2 Estacada, 10 acres. In city limits, 8 acres - garden, 4 acres - stock range, 1 acre park, running r water; also city water in house, free; 4 room cottage, barn, chicken nouse, electrio carltne, rent $10 month. T ; - - STOUT INVESTMENT CO- f Main 9129. 728 Cham, of Com. FOR RENT Dairy farm, all acres, on Columbia? river; , no stock on place, room house, running water, J barns, mllkhoune. 49 td st. 8. - - - . HO.MESriOD9 t 47 . Canadian Homesteads J. N. 'Grieve, Canadian Immigration agent for this ; state, will be at the Hotel Seward on Saturdsy this week to meet people interested if weatecu Canada. . ,. . .- EIX CHANGE liKAL. ESTATES 24 SIX acres. all good rich land and under cultivation, comfortable bldgs, running water, 9 miles out. Price $3500; mtg. $1000. Want house and lot in Portland.. - ' . . 19 acres, .7 under oultivation, part genuine beaverdam, good buildings, running water, 3 miles from good R. R. town; all rural advantages, 2 cows, team, chickens and all farm-Implements; $8000, no incumbrance, , Will take $1009 cash and exchange or good clear heme in Portland or Vancouver. . 13 acres, 10 under cultivation, bal ance easily cleared, spring water, good house. new barn, ete 1 and 8 miles country towns, all rural advantages; 83200, $1000 mtgr per cent interest. Will - take: good home , in Portland up to $3000 Of $3500. 40 acres, 9 miles out,' 28 under oul tivation, good buildings, running wa ter; $8600. Will take city property. 820 acres, 180 under cultivation, more easily cleared, 70 acres green timber; 10 room house, barn, etc, running wa ter, 12 miles out. Fine to subdivide, on auto road year around. Price $160 per acre. Will take good income prop erty or wheat ranch. . . THOMPSON A SWAN, . --.:v? i Vanoouver, Wash. . i -8th and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. CALIFORNIA, Our new subdivision in Xuha county,' Sacramento valley, HAS A : FREE WATH RIGHT. Orow alfalfa and hogs, a sdre winner in California; a nice, easy, way to- earn big- money. Price $125 te $160 per acre. Vlll take in clear property and soma "cash as first payment, baiaaos. 1 to I years, 6 per cent. '...- :.- . .. . CiLlFORNIAr land department. 1 1 JJorr h. Keaaey & co, ' 278 Stark Stroet. STOCK RANGE EXCHANGE!. 700 una In P.ilk Co.. I mllaa from railroad, 8 houses, $ barns, line trout stream, family orchard. SO head stock, 4 horses. 20 plga, 60 chlakena, cream separator, hay forks aad ropes, two wagons, binder, mower, rake and full line of farm Implements. Prloe $18,000; will take, ell In good income property. JtlAJUPH AUKliZi x JUAHil CU z r-auing xiiog. FOR SALE 40 acre tract easily - cleared, on county road . mile to school, 3 miles from Mist in heart of Nehalem valley, 9 miles from railroad just Duiiaing; price iiouu, ovi caan, balance Portland property. For fur ther information call or write- owner. uave MCMuiien. Mist, ur. MY up-to-date room Bouse on 100x100 corner in - Portland. 19 acres, mile from Clatskanle. value foe both 89009;- rrMrtgage 91600. Trade equity zor improvea xarm noc less tnan zo sores, 1 on -county road. If real value. win 'assume some. 0-17V. journal. FOR SALE or trade for large cows, an -i deal, l -r sore chicken ranch: build Ines: all. fenced, fruit trees, etc- at Lebanon. Or.; 9 blocks from P. O. For particulars aaoi-esa, u -BOtteAberg. wtsipon, tt anil. SEATTLB LiH property worth $100,000, $27,000 at $, leased for 1 t $875 per . month, . trade for mtg. years at Portland nrooetty. Stephen society. Land i Pepw 1031 ; Chamber . oX : Com merce. HA Rose City Park and Clarke ton, . Wash., lots. Improved acreage join ing K. C.. Mo., rooming house. all clear of incumbrance, trade all or part for ciear suburban noma nun 44, ACREAGE, improved and unimproved, ' near Beaverton, to exchange for Port land property. 1 Oregon Investment Cou, 409 iiotncniJqoia is. WILL trads my ll600 'equity In new' $6000 Laurslhurst home for Unin- cumbered city lots or farm iana. 383.- journal. CANADIAN patent worm $700; trade for city property worth $1109. Will take auto part payment, . Box $ Hon ltuii jrf ' 1 1 19 ROOMS nicely furnished for house- tavuia, urt acovuifi ivr as visa mvm wa aa ssasssi vgAasg war anything of valuer Owner leaviaaT town.- Mar, $747, - ' - WILL exchange good property In Van. couver, . u. o., f zor gooa rancn in Oregon, Address, Vernon Brer 79 oranvine et., vanoouver, . c tHBEE, To i lota at Hillman, bankable for $110 aad some cash for a r house, Call Main ;$ 877. '. not f VUUtlll t".""" .u iip 1 TT " iffliruaaj 1 .ii.iLL IF you have any gooa property to trade. . . x . r "i e . f-n 'r" ini wonnwen piog. 1 wain tzbs. Cll6lCfi beach lots, . clear, for f urni- ture. auto or piano. N-479, Journal. WANTED KKAL ESTATE st Jwiiif H0U8H eoot"1 Have 20 acres 12 miles from Port land, on Oregon City carline, 8 almost ready for plow, some timber, good sou, J helftrs will be fftsh in fioptem Der. xaoor dovi WANTED Bungalow of small 1 house as investment, owner answer. Give Phone., atia is no . agent, - Y-43a, JournaL - " ' . - WANT to buy lot 60x100. Bay ocean; sitej prica (u-tia, yowrriai. ; ItOOMINO IOU8ES i 5.1 RWMIHO house, mogtly housekeeping rooms, very little work - to run It. Making good money on the investment: This will please you. only $65 terms to the. right party. 8999 caah, bal. 816 mohtb, . Call 619 Lumber Exchange piag.. ia ana ?ta" B- 1 24 Rooms, $260 Ohe block from P. O.. some H. K.; an on one floor, cheap rent, well worth ss9a. rce toaay xor au 9zsu, terms. r e 1 jraujtinii. 1196 a ; month profit contents of ' 94 rosmH ant, house. evervthinar neat class; house . full, best location,- west tiida. 82600: terms or trade. rfohH A wnite, i.eKurn pigg. $350 takes nest little corner rooming house In the right location. See thla Call. 619 Lumber , Exchange bldg4 $d ana Kirc siw. ROOMING house (downtown!, 10 rooms, full, cheap rent, 3100 oaah buys thin Balance. $250, terms. ,419 liumwr r.xcnange. - SEVEN room flat - Wure a bartrain, itenc 92w. income aiain 44S5. von bali: lioo.'.n.NG norsi::v IComtf'Biie(I 60 ROOM APT. HOUKK. ' All In 3 room apta. New bUs. I: t only $160 per month. OaK furmiun. Aaminster, carpets, modern in every wsy. Located li very easy walkm, distance. $ GOO cash, $1000 irads, l.i. ance time. - 75 ROOM HOTF-U No money required. Will take f I estate in exchange for all or part. Lo cated on Washington st, close in. I. $260 per month. - Clears J2oo ret. 42 ROOM ROOMING "HOUSE. Only $660.' Part time. Clear tl'.; per month. Big: snap. Hurry. RITTER. LOWE & DE FOUKST, 205-207. Board of Trade t.l-i r. . WANTED Furniture for 11. K. room. ing ' house. 10-15 rooius. . Y-iL Journal. BVSINT:SS OFFOnTUMTIKS I ) $450 CASH MEAT MARKET.. Salea $36 per day. Rent $17.50. Uig snap. $760 GROCERY; -CASH SALES $25 to $35 per day. Living rooms la connection. $3000 NOTION STORE. Will exchange for clear property. Sales $9000. Last year's profits, oi'.o . . . $9000 GENERAL STORK. Some cash, balance trade. Estab lished business, rood point. . $26,000 MFG. BUSINESS. 'Will take real estate for the full amount. , RITTER, LOWE & DE FOREST, . a 25-207 Board of Trade bide;. MUHT sacrifice new ton ami half ! .. eral .truck, used only one montn. complete with body, top and cur tains; will take $12! down and bnlam e in monthly Installments. Liev months guarantee on truck etiil stands. If interested get busy m I am forced to quick action. Aaauii owner, V-808. Journal. - PARTNER for business having tt. only article of the kind for sale la United Ststes. .Manufactured ou tliu Yamhill puUlc market and a b!,' seller. Business for Investigation. Deal With the owner. Small cap Ha I required.. No trades wanted. iit ramrtin NOTifiE." If you are looking for a small, well secured Investment that carries a good steady position with it. we have it fur you. DO IT NOW. 419 Lumber U charge blag. A FIRST-CLASS grocery, doioc mivi ly cash business, close in. cheap rent, clean stock and nice fixtut't-.s; will make price wortfe while If taken Immediately. Call at 85 Grand ave. two agents wan tea.) AN energetlo man to take a iuteirew la an establlsbsd growing buaicwf which has more contracts on handl ta fill than can be handled alone. A email secured investment required. 619 Luiu- ber Exchange. BAKERY snap, dandy east side lv tion, siK fixtures in and ready fur business. The place where you caa Sake good. Adjustment Bureau, Pon nd Asa'n. of Credit Men. u0 Cow l. DIOCK. ESTABLISHED undertakiiK' bualuecia close to Portlsnd, well settled com munity, must sell; can be bought far less -than half Value. Call 10$ 1 Cham ber of Commerce. GROCERY and confectionery doing $ti dally cash business. Owner wants partner to work in store; pay salary and share of profits: $600 require 1; fully secured. Call 817 Railway CONFECTIONERY, one of the beat m the eity. Fine location and busi ness. 'Snap at $700. Also one on term. El Lumper r.xcnange. CONFECTIONERY invoiciug at. t $400; rent $12.60. Lady fell et Store now closed. Make cash olier. East 7B6. GROCERY; all cash business; rea.i able rent. Good location- $500. An other fine little grocery at $400. 61 Lumber Exchange. . -$100 caah and $50 out of the buBliiec-i will secure you 4 interest in a we I established cash business which wtil rnake you $160 mo. 619 Lumber I x. INB hydraulic placer g round. 645 aoraa, near railroad ready for i"r dlate developmant; all reuulaiie la-.:- ities. R-612, Journal. .. - SOLID business have opening for a , steady man satisfied to make $18 t $26 weak. Requires a very small In vestment. ' Call room 329 Moreen Hi?. . SMALL cash . grocery with llvin i rooms,-clears over. $125 month: vlii Invoice. Call room 326 Morgan bldsr. BARBER shop for sale cheap; nm leave on account of slcknesa. Sii ', 14th st. w. Cards - . ; ww 4 VI Rose City Prlntery. 8d st Tevlo-, 1000 Business Cards 75c Ryder ptg. Co., 8.W. cor. 8d ft Morrlii SAVE money ou barber supplies, fun. Cut. & Barb. Btip Co.. a stri. - WANTED r l JWLH wants location tn towu of from 600 to 9000 population. A Mi thorough, bavs had 20 years' experi ence, have had the watch inspection for the C Ja N. W. Railroad Co. lr. ties knowing of a location pleas ad dress R. It. Horner, Townsend, Mont., giving what information possible ia sgisse io, .. . .' WANTED A legitimate buine showing fair returns; can handle "Y slse up to $0,0iO; will pay some ca- balance clear Portland property. 'La Forest, t07 Board of Trade-H'. first tetter. AIOAKV TO LOAN HEAL USTATI3 LOANS on, improve! city property or - for building purposes; advance i -4 as building progreaaee; liberal rt . a ment privlieges: no oommisalun. J, i: llpsconiby 242gtsrk sulMsli ' Mortgage Loans I. .L. W1UTE, 791 Setllng bldg. BUILDING loana oa city end auuur bft - property; money advanced tt Work progresses, W. G. Back, 316 xii- ing mae, Main W7, WE have money to loan on your ri estate l tlrst mortssaaa) only. HAMMOND HOHTOAOhi COMPANY. 423 Chsmber of Commerce. CASH paid to." morigages, notes, t .' tract; mortgage tuaiui ranaoni '-j fates. F. li. Lewis ft Co., 9 lawia l i $10o.ou on mortgages, city nri i ,t , , property, fire insurance. MeKenzU Kc CO., iernn;er ti"ir.t an a ir? MONEY to loan in amouuta k Iiuj io S600J oa citv property. A. li. Lei, yqi ;riipirer rtqr. WlLL luaa. you money to bwia lut nome, it you own your own lot, fi er cent. - tr-t i . journal. OAKY to loan, $60 to $60'i. Ixw i-- ... terest, prompt action, li. W. iiagaoU, - ill journal tiag. MORTGAGE loans at current i- . Steal eatate security. Apply roni 'ni Stock Exshange, 3d and Yamhia. a 4 a a nn ia.iA t Lr. n" a i KK T f t . . 7. i. . W. oerman t'n , I4 t:nam. r i t . $41,000 OK LEriri. t'AKitlNUlUi',. 80 4th at, Board of Trad hh1. MONEY to loan 8 to Vv'. ii. beiu n 00 tO.titti0 PRlVAii atUil.l', c sal, journal, MOKTGAUE LOANn, 4 and iwU. Salomon ec c Q.,.atua it 14 r f a rjk 250. $500. $1000. $2000. .7 . nud a. WARD, 407 Spalding bAt. $100, $250, $350. $1200, $ov oa i eBta t e. Bo 1 d Realty Co., .I.ew HJh j $300, $00, 100 to loan, easy .toruia," tuvans. es vjeriinger viaif. BlOXEr TO LOAN . CIIATTKLaS, riALAltiri Loans at Legal Rates Wa loan money on dixmont), tf livestock, storage receipts, plain t on furniture, or snytning or vatua. - (ou cajisat it WU17. . Portland Loan Co,, Lice r,: Ltrenited by Ftte. " 311 LeKum Lid Third and Wahi"-""' Continued oa lieat i y000 4 t