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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1915)
STILL HIGHER , PRICES HAVE BEEN FORCED IN THE JOURNAL ; FORECAST OF SALMON PRICES ABOUT CONFIRMED With Exception ' of Pound Talis, Which Dropped Only 6c, the Of- ' ficlol ' Quotations - Are Named a Dime Below 1014. " Opening; prices, with tbe exception of pound ..-. UIU, mera goads at the Astoria meeting- of 'salmon canning interests it tkt values fore caat by The Journal for over a month. There ' rat a compromise regarding pound talla -for eblnoonks, tbe cut being 6e below a rear ago Instead of 10c, a previously forecast. Other . packs or ceiDooka ware - lowered IQe In price with the exception of balf pound flat, wbfck were unchanged. The official opening price now. per uoxen: . ttand una .....S1.90 $1.06 Pound ruts' i 2.w S Half pound flats ............. 1.23 1.25 " round ovals ................. 2.fi6 2.S3 Half pound ovals ............ 1.05 1.75 Aomlaala 2.75 . 2.KJ " It developed at tba meeting of the Colombia river salmon esnnlng interest that the pack to date tela spring his been practically 83 1-3 ' per cent greater ' than at the same time a year ago. The percentage of large flab has been - uuoanally heavy; some of the canners v reporting that their hauls of - large sizes . which uniallj go to freesera were from CO ' to 80 per ceut of the total. However, It la now stated that the percentage of Urge flab la decreasing. .- At the lowered price of Columbia river sal. - men the movement -eastward will start in - earnest. ; Buyer wers awaiting definite an . ; ncUDcement, regarding : the price before order lng shipments forward. There will be a drop ot 10c in the price of freight between the "Faclfic coast and the Mississippi vslejr July ' II and some shipments will be held back until then. The new rat will be Mc instead of . 70c a .st present. If is stated tbt In prob 1 ably 60 days 'lower rites will also be an ' nounced to the Atlantic coast in competition with the. steamship lines. OLD- POTATOES ARE HIGHER - Sales of ' old potatoes sre reported gener ally at $2.25 a cental along Front street for - best quality. Ordinary stock is selling at $2 : &2.10. While there la weakness in the trade for new crop, old crop la firmer. f ; r ; MANILA ROPE IS ADVANCED rrlee continue to reflect strength and shortage1 in tfae rope market bere. Local man ufacturers were today quoting an advance of - le a pound on all grades or 'Manila rope today in addition to . recent advances in the same line. PEACE WOULD BE BIG AID TO PRICE OF WHEAT HERE - CABGO MARKET STEADIES Liverpool, June '17. Wheat cargoes steadier. ' NORTHWEST OKA1H RECEIPTS -tara- Wheat.Barley.rir. Portland today. i-' 11 Year ago. ..... 2 Reason to date. .18.450 1908 Year ago ..15,992 : 2759 Tacoma Wed... ,1', - -Year ago....... ' 7 2 8eaaon to date. 8,100 615 Year ago...... 6,188 843 Seattle. Wed... ' 7 .. ... Teat ago....... 6 Season to date. 7.845 1121 Year ago...... 6.358 1162 2 2 1888 2844 8 ' "7 2386 2103 Oats. 6 2 2000 lWSt '3 073 ' 499 1 J233 1331 lUy. 3 2092 2749 3 6 3183 2594 2 2 5747 5141 LEAD PRICES ARE, HIGHER Still another advance of lc a pound has been - forced In the. price of white and red lead, aa well as litharge. Local wholesale paint inter . ests are today quoting tbe higher figures with : the market stronger. - REVIEW OP BERRY MARKETS Bales of strawberries were made on the East 8lde Farmers' market today at $1.23, with Front street $1.40 for beat. Raspberries were sold by farmers at $1.00 and Front street $l-10t1.13. Loganberries went at 75e generally In the farmers' market. Front street 7 5c 4f 1.00. Cnrrsnts went at 65c 00 the farm ers' market and $1 generally on Front street. Blackcaps are slow sale on the street st $1.13 123. . '- VEAL MARKET IS BROKEN ' Market for veal calves Is sgain broken in the Front street trade. Sales of tops are today " reported around 1010c a pound with re- - taller reporting ,a surplus. While the glut Is not a complete as a short time ago, the si t- nation. U extremely Weak. BRIEF NOTES OP THE TRADE . - ' Dressed hogs firm st extreme prices for . quality. - Egg market Is neglected with prices weaker. Butter trade la generally reported steady. . Hide market , la steady with full prices maintained. Peach market 1 weaker. First arrivals from Happy Valley, Cal., sold at $1.75 for extreme quality. Other going at $1.25J1.0. Market for green jcorn U very quiet with quality poor. String beans are holding steady with slight Increase la offerings. SHIPPERS' - WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau sends the following notice . to shippers: ; : Protect shipments as far north as Spittle against minimum temperatures of about t6 de grees ; northeast to Spokine, 82 degrees; south east to Boise, 82 degrees; south to Ashland. ' 84 degree. Maximum temperature at Portland tomorrow about 70 degrees. JOBBING PRICES OF PORTLAND These pricea are those tat which wholesalers sell to retailer except as otherwise stated. They are corrected up to noon each day: Dairy Produo. BUTTER ..omlSal. WUUmette valley creamery cubes, selling price. 23 He; state prlnta, 25H27J4c; ranch batter, ltffcc; city f " creamery, cae ata, 27 fee. ' : MUT1ERFAT l.o. 1. ortUnd delivery. 26c. KGtiS Selling price by dealers. ' Nearby freshly gathered, candled, 21c; baying price. ' candled No. 1, lttc. LIVE POULTRY - Hens, Plymouth Rock, , - llViil3e; ordinary chickens, 11c; broilers, lfe to 2Y lbs., lS2ac; turkeys, 1820c; dreasjb , 2S$2Sc; pigeons, $1.0til.25: aquaba I ) .""eosen; geese, live. bU3c; Pekln ducks, old, . - MS loc ; young, 17618c CHEESE Fresh Oregon fancy full cream twins and triplets, 14315Vic; Young America l&ii 411614c; storage .o.t, 14c. ' ' ' Fruits tnd Vere tables. - - FRESH FRUIT Oranges, navel. $2.5033.25, tangerines, ,$1J2C;' bananas, 4c lb.; lemons, $3.2Cj5.0O limes. Sl.uu per luO; grape fruit. $2.CMj4.ttO per case; :ineapplea, 7c lb.; pears, - - $2JK; straw berries. local, S15il.4); goose berries. 3gg3ft; currants, Sl.OU; Taapberriea $i.iM)il.l&; cantaloupes, $1.60ar3.50; logan berries. 75c$l.O0. APPLKiv Local, $lo2.50 box, according , ' to quality. ' , ONIONS Local No. 1, $104iL75; new Cal- TRANSPORTATION San Francisco Los Angeles . CWltbont dtaasrsj a Kcnta) . Clajsus, Oomf ortals. ' ; Elga,aUy Appointed, Ssa-OoixiaT Stsiamalilp BEAVER - Sana Tzom Jklssworta Ooek 9 A. M., JUNE 21 100 Ooldss kuisb em Oolombl SItw. , - An Bse Xoclad ' j-, Bertb. and MosOa. i Tables and Bsxtlosh Tb.a Ban Ttaaeinco $s Portland Co Talrd mad waahiartoat s (wits O-W. B. Jr. Oo.) Tel Bxod. way 4500. A-131. COOS BAY f ' AITO STJBBKA . I ' ' S. S. Santa Clara BAILS. BATV&SAY, TOE 19, C P. at. ' " rOKTB FACIFIO . BTZAJCEHXP - CO. . .Ticket Offle . ' rrslgkt Otfln 1211A Sd At. I Foot Nortaran fft MAIN 1314 A-131 Main 603t A44AS Wheat Interests mcahy nave been too bear ish in tnetr views regarding the future crop. Leading Interests today acknowledge that It peace waa today declared in Europe, the price ot wheat here would be even higher than if warfare continued. The difference between, the price of new cron 'wheat here and in the east is far too great. ; Crop condltkma la the east are said to J ba mneh laaa favorable than anticipated S. short time ago. t Iamage reports are coming from various sections. Pacific northwest con ditions are usually considered A-l. Grata bag speculative Interests are" still try ing to force prices higher. They are using the probable late arrival of some of the bags as a basU to force the farmer to pay more for his requirements. In some quarters there Is doubt about the wisdom of tola coarse. High pre for bag would hasten the day when sacking will no longer be necessary. . " J, rXOTJR Selling price: , Patent, $6.20; WU lametta valley, $6.20; local straight. $5.80; baker- local. $d-20; Montana spring wheat, $7.20; exports, $4.50; whole wheat, $5.00. graham, fj.flo per bushel. HAY Buying priee: Willamette valley tlm etby, fancy, $13.00; eaatern Oreiran-ldaho fancy Umotby, $16.00- alfalfa, $13.0013.60; vetch and oats, $11.00; clover, $8.009.oo per ton. - GRAIN SACKS 1915. nominal; No. 1 Cal cutta. tH0e. MILLSTUFFS Selling price: Bran, $27.00 27.60; aborts, $Z.0O4l 20.00. ROLLED BARLEY Selling price: $25.00 26.50. - " CORN White, $35.00(635.50; crecked, $3C 037.00. Spot wheat situation is stronger here. On the Portland Merchsnts exchsnge today sell ers were unwilling to offer anything except bluestem and fortyfold. Bids were 1 to 2c better than vesterdav with no sale. Spot oaU bids were SOe a ton higher and barley 25c a ton up, with no sales. Merchants exchange spot prices: WHEAT . Thursday. Wed. Tues. Mon. Editfed by RrmaLB H. Cohen. WOOL SALES MADE AT HIGH PRICES, WHILE SOME ARE OFFERING All Through Xorthwest Situation Is Extremely Strong, Fully Con finning the Forecasts in , This Paper Boston Stronger. f v Bid. Bluestem .02 Fortyfold .81 Club 00 R. Klfe. .87 R. Ituss.. .67 Ask. .94 .01 Feed .24.00 Feed ...22.23 Bran Shorts. 24.50 24.00 .91 .90 . .88 .85 ... ' .85 OATS' 25.00 23.60 BARLEY 23.00 22.00 -MILLSTUFFS 20.00 24.50 2tt.5o 24.50 Bid .SM .01 .so .00 .88 .88 .8-" .86 Jo .85 24.00 23.75 22.06 22.00 Futures were quoted: WHEAT July blustem ............ August bluestem July fortyfold August forty told .... July club Angust club jujy rue . . Au&URt fife July Knsslan . . August Russian 24.50 23.00 July ... August July ... August July ... August Jr ly - August OATS BARLEY BRAN SHORTS Bid. .. .2t4 . , .83 .. .01 . . , .85 . . . -88 . . .83 .. -83 .. .81 .. .83 .. .SO ..24.00 ..23.00 . .22.00 . .20.00 . .25.00 . .24.50 ...24.50 ...24.50 24.00 24.00 Ask. .94 .94 25.25 20.00 23.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.50 San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco, June 17. Barley calls: June 17 June 16. Open. Close. Close. December HOB 112A 110 Spot quotations: Wheat Walla Walla, $1.671.70: red Russian.' $1.651.67; Turkey red, $1.70 1.75; bluestem, $1.701.72. Barley Feed, $1.024 1.05. Oats Wlilte. $1.42Hl-45. . Bran $26.5027.00; middlings, $32.00Q 33.00; shorts, $29,00129.50. . New York Metal Market. New York. June 16. Commercial bar silver unchanged at 49c. , Copper Electrolytic, 2020ic; Lake, 22 27c. Lead 25. Tin $49.25. Casting $19 19.25. New York Sugar and Coffee. New York, June 17. Sugar Centrifugal, tpot, $4.89; futures, $5.02. Coffee Spot New: York No. 7 Rio, 7Vic; No. 4 Santos, c. Ifornia, 11.25Q1.75 crate; red. $1.75 sack; garlic, 17V4c. POTATOES Selling .-tce: Extra choice ta ble stock. $2.00ftj2-10 per cental; new crop, $1.852.50; awecta, $3.25. VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.75; beets, $1.73 sack; carrots, new, $1.75ig2.0O sack; parsnips. $1.001.25 per sack; cabbage, local. $1.50; green onions, 12e doavn bunches; peppers, bells, 2830c; head lettuce, local, 30c dozen; celery, per crate. $4 505.00; rhubarb, lfe 2e; cauliflower, fi.15 ir doaen; French ar tichokes, 85c per dosen; s tries v-eana, 67c; cranberries, eaateru. (9.00 per barrel ; peas, 3 fe4c per lb.; asparagus, local, 85c$1.23 per dozen; radishes,, 20c per dosen bunches. Meata. Flab and Provisions. DRESSED MEATS Selling - price Country killed; Fancy bog. 10c; rough and heavy, 89c; fancy, veals,' 10llc; ordinary, 9c; poor, 8c; goat. 3&4c; ariring lambs, 13 S15c; heavy mutton, 6c. HAMS, BACON. KTC - Hams, 1819c; breakfaat bacon. 17&20c: boiled hama, 27c; picnics, 12V4c; cottage roll, 16c OYSTERS - OlFUjpla, per gallon, $3.60; canned eaatern. 55c can.; $6.50 dosen; eaatern ha shell, $1.85 per 100; rasor clams, $2.50 -box; eastern oysters, per gallon, aolid pack, $3.00. FISH- Dreued flounders, 7c; teelbead aal mon ; Royal Chinook. 11c; Puget aound salmon, 910c; perch, 68c; lobsters, 25c lb.; allver smelt. 8c; - salmon trout,' 18c lb.; halibut. 6 8c; shad, dressed. 3c; shad roe. 15c; roe ahad, 6c lb. LARD Tierces, kettle rendered. 14c; standard, 12c. CRABS Large, $1.75; medium, $1.25 dosen. Hope, Wool and Hides., HOPS Buying price, ehoice, 10e; prime, 10c; medium to prime, (tftc; medium, - 10c: 1915 cjontracts. lOfcc "v WOOL Nominal. 1915 clip: Willamette val ley, coarse Cotswold, 25c: medium Shropshire. 26c; choice fancy lota, 26c; eastern Oregon, 14 ft 23c. . HIDES Salted bides. 25 lbs. and up, 14e; salted stags, 50 lbs. and up, 10c: salted kip. 15 lbs. to 29 lbs., 15e; salted calf, up to 15 lbs., 18c; green hides, 26 lis. and up. 13c; green stags, 60 lbs. and np, 8 He; green kip. 15 lbs. to 25 lbs-. 16c; green calf, op to 15 lbs., 18c; dry flint hides, 24c; dry flint calf, up to 7 lb-. 26c; dry salt hides. 20c; dry horsehldes, each. 60c to $1.00; salt boraehldes. each, $2.00 to $3.00: horsehair, 25e; dry long wool pelts. 15c; dry short wool pelts, 11 c, dry sheep shearlings, each, 10c to 15c; salted beep shearings, each, 15c to 25c. - TALLOW 5.. 1.; No. X 5e; grease, 3Qc. . . MOHAIK 1915 31c - CU1TTIM OR CASCARA BARK Buying price, car lota. 44c; less than car lota. 40. Groceries. ' - - SUGAR -On be, $7.40i powdered. $7.20; fruit 21 berr7- $6-90; beety $6.70? dry graauUted. $6.90; D yellow. $6.80. (Above aaotatioaa are 30 daya net cash.) ' m RICE Japan style No. 2, 4a5c: New Or leans, bead, tii4a.6c; bin rose. 6c; Creole SALT Coarse, half grounds. 100s, $9.75 per ton; 60s, $10JiO; tawS dairy 50s? $i; 10a. $17.50: bales, $2.25; lump rock. $20. OO p ton! HONEY New, $3.25i3.60 per caaeV --BEANS Small white. $6.00; large White, $.OU; pink, 5J; ilmaa, Sd.00; bayen, $i.00; aaiota and Oils...,.,... ; .." " . U.NEFDuulIBw bbu- gallon; ket Ue boiled, bbla., 79c; raw. eases. S2c; boiled, eaaea, S4e gaL; loU of 250 gallons, lc teas; U cake meaL $44 per ton. - ' " COAL OIL Water white in drums and troa barn-ltt, 10c.- ' . : - i. ; '. TriiPENTINE-Jraaka 1; cases Sc raQon. ; WHITE LEAD Ton lots.. 9 He lb.l S00 11 loU. 10c lb.; less lota. lOe per lb. -OIL MEAL Carload Jou, $34. . Sales of wool at Willamette valley points and lu eastern Oregon, as Well as In Idaho, fully confirm the forecasts of strength la this paper during the last few months. : Sales of wool were made at Selo yesterday sfternoon st 31 c a pound: 2500 fleeces going at the extreme msrk. . The . regular sales at Echo, the second of the series at that place, snowed the buying interests to be - rather : anxious to take - bold. The American Wookn company, the " concern that has received milliona of dollars' worth of urders tor foreign delivery, and the French Worsted company were the buyers. Sales at .Echo were r.m fallows; ; s "' r B. P. Doberty, fine wool clip, 37,000 pound. 17f4 -eenta. J - s ' ; j. C. Cox, fine wool clip, 10.O0O ponnds, 18H cents. ... W. W. Howard, fine wool clip, 9000 pounds, 18 eents. . B. P. Doherty, coarse, 14,000 pounds, 22 cents. - - U. F. Wiglesworth and sons, fine wool clip. 40,000 pounds, st 18 1-8 cents. ' The great strength of the wool market is In dicated by the following late mall advice from Boston: - - ; The wool market "eoatlnues ; active and strong,' buyers eagerly picking up .foreign wools and showing a good deal of Interest In domestic clips. There has been a really big business In fine Australian aad Cape wools. One house alone reports a transfer of 600,000 pounds of South American quarter-bloods. witch leavea the market rather bare. ' Increased ; Interest has been shown in the new territory wools, the best B super-pulled wools, commanding more money than the next higher grade, while the clean ap ot old fleece wools la still In progress.'.: New Missouri clips coming in are finding a prompt- sale. - Save for palled wools and ; the old fleece wools, the prices : paid have been the highest of the year. Superior warp Australian 64s hsve brought 6870e clean, while nothing ex cept very short wools of this grade have sold below a clean cost of 66c. la the grease, these wools range from 84336c, and abow sell ers a handsome profit. The range on fine Cape wools la 6865c clean, which Is a rise of 3c per pound on the lower sorts over recent prices. South American quarter-blood wools have sold at 39c for low snd 41c for high, easily the highest pricea of the year, while 40c has been obtained for Montevideo 58s. Very little South American wool, particularly of the me dlnm grades, , is left In dealers' hands. New territory wools, especially the three-eighths and half-blood, have stood buyers at least 65c clean, a price also quoted for new fine wools. More than lOO.OOO pounds of old Ohio de laines bave changed bands at 28c tor un washed and 83e for washed, a few eenta be-, low the last previous sales; but holders were anxious to clean up at a good profit, and new clips aer beins offered here on a basis of about 2Uc. New Missouri -quarter and three eighths bloods mixed have sold at 35c Com mon and braid wools from that state are rated at 82e, slightly burry clips at 29c, B super pulled wools '65c. . The new movement of wool is explained by the war and the practical elimination of for eign competition.. Many expect more foreign orders for American mills. MUTTON, LAMBS . AEE DOWN WITH MOEE, ARRIVING .After the initial sajes there waa a slightly better 1 eeliag in. taa swina trade, with latex improvement ia soma at th eastern saaxaveta, aad open sales wers mads again at $a Xlay leedai Tuesday PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN : Hoe-a. Cattle. Calves. Thorsda Wednesday ..... 31 0 044 , ......... Monday ... 2rtfn ' Saturday 51 Friday ......... 479 Week ago..... 290 Year ago : 112 1 Two-years ago..-' 295 Three years ago. ill :'- 75 74 177 1207 3 30 113 ! 246 1 2 - 4 18 2 3 -118 8 .35 SheerJu 1345 - 266 - 317 -:143 125 1774 1074 631 2rr 408 AMERICAN liTVESTOCK PRICES Denvar Hogs Higher. Denver, Colo.. June 17. Cattle, 2300; steady. Beef steers, $7.50(8.50; cows and heifers, $5.50&7.25: calves, -8.00Q11.00. Hogs 2000: 5c higher; top, $7.25; bulk. $7.1Oft7.20. k Sheep 100: unsettled. Chicago Hogs. Higher. Chicago. Jane 17. (I. N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts, 13,000; strong to 5c above yesterday's average; bulk. $7.257.55; light; $7.40 7.70; mixed. $7.15617.65; heavy. $6.8575; rough, $57.00; pigs, $6.007.35. Cattle Receipta, 3000; strong; native beef steers, $0.oOU.5O; western steers, $6.80 8.10; cows and -'heifers, $3.259.00; calves, $7.25310.25., Sheep Receipts, 9000; weak; sheep, $5.50 es. 40; lambs, $6.75(9.25; springs, $6.25 4t9.SK'. . St. Louis Hogs Higher. St. Louis, Mo., June 17. (L N. S.) Hogs Receipts, G000; higher; pigs snd lights, $0.25(37.80; mixed and botchers, $7.557.80; good heavy. $7.6t7.70. ' Cattle Receipts, 3200; stesdy; native beef steers, $7.507,95; yesrling steers and belters, $S.OO(g9.30; cows. $6.00(7.50; stockers and feeders, $6.008.25; souihera steers. $5.25 8.65; cows snd heifers. $4.006.50; native calves, $6.0010.50. Sheep Reeclpts, 1500; slow; clipped native muttons, $5.255.55; cUpped lambs, $8.60j 9.50; spring lambs, .$7.50010.00. , Kinfit City Cattle Btrong. Kansas City. June 17. (1. N. 8.) Hogs Receipts. 4UU0; strong; balk, $7-25a7.45; heavy,. $7.207.45; packers' and bvtchera', $7.25J7.45; light. $7.3070; pigs, $6.00 75. - Cattle Receipts, 3000; steady; prime fed steers, $g.659.30; dressed beet steers, $8,000! 9.00; western steers, $7.508.80; stackers and feeders, $6. 00 8.00; bulla, $6.25437.00; calves, $5.7510.26. - Sheep Receipts, 6000; weak; lambs, $6.753 7.95; yearUngs, $6.658.50; wethers, $5.75 C.25; ewes. $4.25415.50. . Omaha Sheep Lower. South Omaha, Neb.. June 17. (L N. S.) Hogs Receipts, S400; higher; beavy. $7,009 7.25; light. $7.1567.40; pigs, $5.507.0U; bulk. $7.15t7.25. ' Cattle Receipts, 3200; strong; native steers. $7.25(9.15; cows and heifers. $5.867.85; western ateera.; $6,4058.40; Texas steera, $6.00 (f7.t0: cows and heifers,, $5.7675; calves, $8,004(10.25. . . Sheep Receipts, 5500; lower; shorn lambs, $7.008.50; wethers, $7. 05 7. IS; spring lambs. $8.009.50. - . - DAIRY PRODUCTS ON COAST ' i SeatUe Market. Seattle. June 17. Butter Native Waahlng ton creamery brick. 27c; ditto solid pack. 26c. Cheese Oregon triplets, 16Hei Wlsconsla triplets, 17c; Washington twins, 16c; Young America, 18c . . Eggs Select ranch, 23c. ' Saa Fransiaoo Market. San Francisco, Cel.. June 17. U. P.) Egg Extrae. 21 e; Orsta. 19fpulW.ta. 19c Butter Extras, 25c; prime firsts. 24Hc Cheeae California, fancy lie: firsts, 10c; seconds, ,8c : ":. '. 1 i - - u i . Los Angeles Market. " Los Angeles. Jane 17 (P. M. 8.) Egg Case count, 20c. 1 - -; vButter Extra fresh, 26c. Jobbers prices. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Seattle ' Market. Seattle, Wash..; June 17. (XL P.) Onion. Austrslisn browns, 4(84&c; Bermuda, $1.00(3 1.50. ; . - ' I'otatoes Yakima Gems. $40; Idaho and Montana. $3S37. , ; . . - . : Saa Fraaeiaoa Market.. San Francisco, CaW June 1T. Potatoes, new, $1.253l.50 per ceataL . ...... ; . 1 T Foreign - Exchange' Rate.. Merchants', National bank qaotea foreign ex change: - . London Sterling. $4.&L - 1 - Berlin Msrks. 20.97. parli Francs, 18-7t. .Vienna 15.73. ; . :rl t ri? t ... rfs,v Athens 19.2. : ' ' r-i '? - Hongkong Currency, 43.85. ' . : n . - v...; .4-. 1 ' m i.'f..-- " - ' U. S. Government Bonds. New York Jane 17. Ooverament bonds: - - - - , . , . v - ..- . 'j-- Bid. , Ask. Twos,';'; -registered - .. ... ...... . i 97 l ... . 98 . do, : coupon '- i. v. . i . 97 . Threea,. registered i ............... 100 A do..;coupon ..-... .--. w Fows, reglsterea do, coupon r Twos Panama . 1938s ......,.. . . . ' .:- . ' , ..v.. ...vs. ..... i..s 7 91 . Depression has hit the mutton - and lamb trade at North Portland. : Killers have bought so much stuff in the country recently that they - are using these as a weapon, with which ' to force down offerings in tba yards. General top- for spring lambs at this time is $7.2537.60. and It takes exceptional quality to bring the higher price. . V - Z Mutton market was steady to weak In the east today, with South Omaba showing severe depression. Tbe declines here are , therefor seasonable." -;: General shorn mutton market:'; Choice spring lambs- .$7. 257.50 Common spring lamba ............ .006t.50 Choice yearling wethers ,,. 6.505.75 Good yearlings ................... B.zs'jiCO.33 Old wethers . . . 6.254H5.35 Choice light ewea ,i. 4.75Q5.0O Good ewes ...... . ............... 4.50 Common-beavy ewes.............. 4.O04.23 1 Cattl Market Quiet. With practically no change la the general situation, market for tattle waa quiet at North Portland today with' only a small ran re ported In " over night. Tops are generally quoted at the aame figures aa at. the atart ot the week. Cattle market conditions in the east today were stesdy to strong with little change In "loep- . .. uenerai cattle market range; Select - steers Beat hay fed steers .......... Uood to choice . Ordinary to lair Best cow .... Good to prime . Select calves .. Fancy bulls .... Ordinary bulls PACK OF SHAD IS 50 ' PER CENT SMALLER THAN ONE YEAR AGO Ontpnt to Date 'Along Columbia Is Much Below 1014, - While Sales ' of Canned Product Are Heary 75c Official Price. FOR WOOL MARKET! CRUISER SAILS WEST MEXICO COAST TO MAINTAIN ORDER ,...$7.30T.85 .... i.zu'Mi.zo .... 7.O0a7-15 .... U.OOW8.75 . . . . 6.50 .... 6.256.40 .... TOOr7.75 .... 5 255.50 .... 4.OO5.O0 Hog Market Steady. At $7.90 for the best quality open market offerings, trade la the swine division Is show ing no change at North Portland overnight. While $8 continues to be paid oa contract for awlne ot Inferior quality, beat open market tuff is not commanding more than $7.90. Hog market conditions were higher to lower at eastern points today, the trade being di vided in it opinions. General hog market range: Beat light $7.908.00 Medium light ., , 7.80 Good to heavy 7 60Q7.S5 Rough and beavy 6.50fa!7.50 Today's livestock Shipper. Hogs J. Lw Coleman, : Boosevelt, Wash., 1 load. - , Cattle Walla Walla Meat Co., Walla Walla, Wash., 1 load. . . Sheep Union Meat Co., Ellensberg, Wash.',;, 3 load;,. Patton, - Overton & Falk, Hslsey, - 2 loads; A. H. JBoyes, Broadacrea, 1 load; Smith Bros., 1 mad. Mixed staff J. M. Misbler, Hubbard. 1 load cattle and hogs; W. H. McMshan, Halsey, 1 load cattle and hogs; W. B.i Wheeler, Leb anon, 1 load hogs : and sheep; - J. S. ; Flint, Junction' City. 1 load cattle, calves and hogs; Patton A Overton, Halsey, 1 load cattle, calves and bogs. - Comparative . statement, of North Portland livestock run: . Cattle. Calves. Hogs. Sheep. Month to date.. 2,184 . 276 9,780 13,518 Same, 1914.-; . . , 3,421 154 6,881 18,453 Gala for month 122 Loss for month. 1,337 Year to date... 82,121 900 St me, 1914 35,243 914 2,839 4,935 104,471 98,614 108,052 135.673 Loss for year 3.122 14 3,581 87.059 Wednesday Morning Bales. STEERS Section. No. Ave. Ibe. Prices. Washington 710 $5.00 COWS. Washington 3". . 997 6.25 Washington .. j ... 2 '885 0.50 HEIFEBS. Washington .......... 1 108O 6.T5 Waahlagtou 1 780 r .- 6.50 CALTES. . ' Waahington 1 .220 7.00 BULLS. Washington 5 918 4.00 Washington 2 - 930 3.50 . MIXED CATTLE. Washington 17 920 5.50 Thursday Morning Sales. STEERS. - - Section." ' No. Ave. lbs. Price. Oregon 1 930 $6.25 Oregonr ............... 2 975 6.70 Oregon 7 840 6.75 COWS. Oregon Oregon Oregon . . . Oregon ... Oregon Oregon ... Oregon . . Oregon . . Oregon . . . Oregon . . . Oregon Oregon . . . Oregon Oregon ... Oregon . . . Oregon Oregon . . . Oregon . . . Oregon . Oregon Oregon ADD EWES. 3 4 , 1 1 1 6 HEIFEBS. 2- MIXED CATTLE. imnrirn is 9. CALVES. 4 4 3 '. 1 LAMBS. TS M i..... ...... SO 8 EWES" . 1 YEARLING SHEEP 9 810 955 800 7 SO 1230 1020 880 812 781 840 192 175 253 350 63 71 72 . 76 110 100 90 v Oregon .............. Oregon .............. Or Koa Oregon .............. Oregon Oregoa .............. Oregon .............. Oregon ........ ....... Washington Washington ......... Washington .......... Oregon .............. Oregon .............. Oregon .............. Oregon .. Oregon . . Oregon .. Oregon .. Sregoa .. Oregon . . Oregon . . Oregon . . HOGS. 6 17 1 12 5. 10 1 82 54 7 8 2 68 20 7 8 8 1 12 3 11 4 190 190 JflO 1W 186 137 490 182 226 J67 270 295 200 185 264 320 100 370 140 277 131 65 5.75 6.75 4.25 3.00 6.00 6.25 5.50 6.25 5.75 7.23 7.50 6.75 6.00 .7.35 7.30 7.50 6.00 5.00 S.73 5.60 8.00 8.00 7.90 7.90 7.25 6.75 3.50 8.00 . 8.00 7.90 7.O0 8-00 8.00 8.00 7J 7.00 i.cio 7.0V 7.00 T.00 6.35 6.25 - The 'opening price of canned shad hss been officially placed at 75c per doaen. aa forecast recently ia these columns. Action in this re gard has been taken by various Columbia river packers. , "Not only were tbe pricea advanced 10315 above ' tbe ' figures of a year ago, but the n.arket for canned shad waa considered ; very firm at. the higher figures; : - - " - -With tbe present iack of shad In the Co lumbia about 50 per cent less than, a year ago- and the outlook dubious for the output during the remainder . of the season,' leading packing interests hsve already oversold their probable output. Sales were generally made subject to pack and unlets more fish sr caught pro.-rata delivery will be made. Vigorous protest wss made by shad pack ing interests against the action of a big tim ber company in dumping Its log chips in th Willamette slough at Soap noose Landfng. This has toe years been the natural spawning ground for the shad. Owing to the hugs piles ot these chips in the slough the spawning grounds have been practically ruined. v ' ' Quick action la' this matter wW be taken at once by Frank Warren, a member of the fish commission. It Is understood that be will be' given full power to act tor the state in this matter.- Colorado Carries 300 " Ma rines From, San Diego to Protect Americans, GENERAL BUSINESS NEW; BOSTON COPPER Boston, June 17. Copper bids: Adventure ...... Vf Abmeek ...... ..390 Alloues . ........ 56 Arcadian ........ 10 Alaska .......... 37V, Baltic .v 34 Belmont 4V4 Black Mtn. ..... 32 Vj Bohemia ........ 3 Coston Ely ...... 80 ' Bntte aBsl....... 3 Butte Coalition... 70W CaL A Aria.....'. 66 Cal. nee.......xu Centennial 19i Chief Cons....... 1 Cods. Cop. Mines. 2 Copper Kange. ... 66 Daly West...... 3 Davia-TJal ......138 East Butte 13 First Nat l. Franklin ........ 10 Goldfleld Cess... 1 Greene-Canaaea.. 40 Graaby , ........ ."88 Hancock 39 Helvetia ........ 60 Hon gb toa ....... f 4 4 Indiana' ......... T New Insolration.. 32 ISle Royale . .... 29 La SaOe ........ MARKET Miami .. Michigan . . Mohawk ....... ... Nevada Con Nipissing - North Butte North Lake ...... Old Colony Jid Dominion.1... Osceola' : vuincy 87 bbannon shattuck Superior .... Sup. A Boston Swift Packing Tamarack Trinity 28JS 78 ' 15 55 Lake Copper... MaJesUc Mason Valley... Mass. Gas..... Mass. Mining. Mayflower .... Mexico Cons,. . 8 aw t 29 . 3?i llO 37 2 'Tuolumne 52? u.. Shoe Msch.... 62 U. Shoe M r, pf. 2s United Zlac. 61 2 U. S. 8melter... 47 T. 8. 8meltera. nf a.1 , lOtah Apex. .... . . 47vt uwa wu, ...:.; id vietnri ( Winona Wolverine ..i Wyandot .... I Yukon Gold... 14 79 if 134 . 17 . Crowa Kerr Lake. ... Canada Verde Exta... McKinley .... 3 ... 4 624 . y i 4 Foreign' Wheat Markets. Liverpool Spot wheat, Id higher to Id tower. - - - r ' Paris Cash wbef unchanged. Uncertainty Marks Trading in Stocks; Sentiment Divided . ' New York, June 17. (I. N. S.) Uncertainty accompanied tbe opening of today's stock mar ket. Declines and advances were divided. Th rails appeared strong in the.early trading. In dustrials tended downward, while in tbe cop pers the tone was barely . steady. Steel common stock avaa the feature.' The Issue opened strong, slightly above last night's closing price. Midway in the forenoon the stock sold at 61. i A dividend declaration In Weatinghouse failed to strengthen the Industrials. Westing, house stock opened at 99 and sold down to 08 early ia the day. Bethlehem Steel was inactive. In the rails whst little activity prevailed was centered in Reading, .Union Pacific and Pennsylvania. " Union Pacific opened higher, but aold down later. Reading started with aa advance, but shaded In the later trading. . Coppers sold off before noon. Opening val ues, in the copper list were soft, with the demand lights Amalgamated copper held around 66. ; American Can was slightly - higher at th outset, later declining below laat might's close. Mexican Petroleum was lightly, lower. Last sales In the market were recorded at prices slightly below the opening. Coppers aaggea auoui ui ..v, uw prices. Steel common, closed at 60. Indus, trials- weakened. The market doaed steady. Range of New York prices furnl'hed by Overbeck A Cooke company,. 216-217 Board of jraae ouuajug DESCRH,TION tOpen 1 High! Low Cloa ....I 76 cr e I 55 A m.l PratMP (la. A m fmv JL. VnntiilrT American Can. c. ....146 American Cotton uu, c American loco. tx. . . . American Sugar, c... Am. Smelt., c........ Am Tel Tel. -, Anaconda Mining Co ,. Am. woolen, c ...... Atchison, common .... Beet Sugar Bethlehem Steel, e . . Brooklyn Bap. Tran. . . Can. Pacific, C Central Leather, c .... ChL A Great Western. C. M. A St. P. ..... China Comer ......... Chea. A Ohio CoL Fuel iron, e . . . Colorado coo., c Cora Products, c . ..T.-L 15 I 15 Denv. A Bio Grande, c.f 6 J e 57 J109 81 & i234 37 28 101 52 162 89 163 40 92": 46 39 33 Pressed Steel aCr. com. 48 Kay Cons. Copper 25 Reading, common .... 146 Reading, 1st preferred 85 Rennh. Iron A Steel. C. 30 Rock Island, common. j 19 St. L. A S. F, 2d pfd.j 5! South. Pacific common .88 South. By.,- common.. 1 Tenn. Copper , -.1 38 Union Pacmc, com Ui-i Union Pacific, pf d. . ... I .... . U. S. Rubber, common 66 U. S. Steel Co., com. .1 60 U. S. Steel Co., pfd... 109 Utah Copper ......... 69 Virginia Chemical 33 XX7u ...H Mimmmr .... L West. Union Telegraph 68 Wesringh. Electric. . . . 99 Stiidehaker -.. ..i-.j 76 27 I 27 171 118 81? r.ny, ......... Erie, nrst pra j ''7 uenerai aaecinc ...... Great Northern, pfd. . Ice Securities Illinois . Central ...... Interurban Met., c ... Lehigh Vslley Kanxaa City Southern Goodrich Alanka Gold Louiav. A Nash Miss.. Kan. lex., c. Missouri Pacific ..(... National I -end ........ Nevada Consolidated . . New Haven N. Y. Central N. Y.. Ont. A Wet... Norf . A West., com... North American ....... North. Pacific, com... Pennsylvania Ry . . . peo. i. U. jO..: 23 52 37 U7 11 68 15 63 88 107 1064 1711 118 81 24 11 75 65 46 I "50 109 80 123 36' 28 101 60. 162 . 89 152 il 46, 38 82 15- 8-; 26 41 171 118 31 "23 51 37 117 ii m 15 63 88 106 105 48 24 144 85 30 18 -6 87 18 87 128 64 60 109 67 33 8 97 75 65 45 47 50 109 80 123 36 28 100 60 162 88K 152 39 11 91 46 88 82 29 1S 6 26 41 173 118 30J4. 106 23 144 25 61 87 116 11 11 66 15 63 88 28 103 72 10 114 49 24 144 S3 30 18 5 87 16 37 128 80 64 60 100 77 Total sales.. 347,600 shares. COAST : Clearings Monday Tuesday -. , Wednesday Thursday . Clearings Balancea Clearings Balances BANK STATEMENTS Portland Banks. ? This week.. Year ago. ......$2,288,836.04 $214,600.18 ..... 2,000,121.04 ; 2.176,730.1 1.739,536.74 1,683.3719 1,752,528.03 1.774,089.06 San Diego, Cal,, June 17. Tl N. S.) With 300 marines. field artillery, machine sun a on board. In addition to the regular crew, the armored cruiser Colorado, flag-ship of the Pacific fleet, sailed for the west coast of Mexico at 9:30 o'clock; today, t It Ms expected the cruiser, whose operations will be di rected by "Admiral T. B.; Howard, will land the marines at the point most needed on thd Mexican coast to protect Americans and their property. Admiral Howard, just prior to sail ins, aaid he could not predict how long he, would keep his ship In the south on I this trip. The Colorado will so straight to Tobari Bay, near Ouaymas, 1065 miles from here, and may land marines for an expedition. It Is ex pected the troubles between the Amer icans and Yaqui Indians in that sec tion will be fully iniestisated by -Admiral Howard while on this trip, prior to : whatever action is taken, by the United States " government, . - Awaiting the flagship's arrival at Guaymas are the protected" cruisers Cleveland and New Orleans. The sup ply ship Glacier, in port, leaves here to join the Colorado In a ' few days, The protected cruiser Denver is at Mazatlan and the gunboat Annapolis is at Corinto. , Of ficers to '" Visit District. Washington, June 17. (I. N. S.) Rear Admiral - Howard, commanding the Pacific fleet, may send a ' relief expedition of marines and blue jackets inland to bring out Americans endan gered by Indians in the Y-aqul valley country, Mexico, but will not evea temporarily land a force until he hag received the report of an officer to be sent on a .visit to the settlement to ascertain just-what conditions; now obtain. Announcement to this effect was made today, by Secretary of Navy Daniels and Secretory of War Gar rison. ; Seattle Banks. .$1,843,887.00 . 182.698.00 TjtM A fl aMalgkiS RsATrlBTSBV $3,473.915.00 a ? ( Clearings Clearings Balances Saa Fraaoiaea S04.951.O0 ..$8,613,175 .......$ 315,723.00 . ' Z6,WO.UU New York Cotton Market. Open. High. Low. . Close. January ...1026 1U2S 1024 1025 Mar.-b .105(1 r 1060 lf4S ' lO-lX JolT ............... 954 965 . 953 953 October ............ 99.T - 993 09O 991 December ...... ...102O 10Z1, 1017 1017 4 No Inrasion Planned. Washington, June 17 (U. P.) In vasion or intervention In Mexico Is not contemplated and such action can not be construed as being imminent because Of the cruiser Colorado being ordered to Guaymas. officials stated here today, . , Although tne Colorado carries 600; marines and bluejackets the com mander is. under orders not to make a landing except In case of emergency. No territory must be -occupied.. The Villista faction today asserted that General Carranza has "now ig nored three separate peace offers. Carranza' s efforts to convince the ad ministration that he controls Mexico remain unsupported, and victories are claimed for General Villa at Monterey. Saltillo and Ion. " General -Gonzales. .. the ; Carranrlsta commander, is preparing to attack Mexico City, according to advices here today. Will Eeopen ;the 4 . Public Market Oregon City, Or June 1T After be. ing closed duringthe winter months. the public market will again be opened on fixtn street, between Main street and. Railroad avenue, next Friday morning.- For the first few .weeks of the season it is planned to hold 7 it only one' day a week, but later on two days a week and possibly-more will be market days. The Oregon City public market was opened for the first time last summer under the control of the Board ot Trade. . Its success was marked, and this spring a number of farmers and producers who used ' the market last year petitioned the Board of Trade to reopen it. July Wheat Alone : Is Showing a Loss , At Chicago Close Chicago, Jnne 17. (I. N. S. Wheat closed "c off for July and c up for the ethers. Following sn advance in grain values at the opening today, a reaction set in early In tbe trading, and all grains fell below laat nights closing price. : ' . , At the outset wbest was np to lc, while corn opened with an advance of ' e to e. - . Heavy selling in the early trading bad depressing effect oa tbe whole market. Ar mour was a heavy seller,. aad waa followed by the pit crowd. - ' - ' ; It was said that the- selling was Induced by a report that all of tfae Dardanelles forts had been reduced This report was not confirmed. One of the leading traders was of th belief that the real reason for the decline in wheat was the reported cancellation of new crop con tracts. There waa considerable selling in corn, doe to sympathy with the break in wheat. Oats was stronger at tbe outset, and pro visions were his her. - ' - -: Further selling near the close- resulted In another decline. September, wheat dropped within- half of the low price for the crop. Tbe report that foreigners were selling Sep tember wheat, waa the important - factor aid ing the decline. Armour conttnnoedV to be a heavy seller.,,. ' Corn closed e off. to e higher. -! The In fluence holding back a drop In corn values waa the weather. More rain la predicted In the soothwest. Oats were irregular at the finish and provisions were down. . - ' i " Range of Chicago prices rbrnlsbed by Over beck A Cooke company, 216-217 Board of Trade State May l-nrniah XJmsrfrtone. - The Oregon Agricultural college has recommended that : the state purchase limestone 'bearing land In Polk eounty, near Dallas, and build a lime fertilis ing factory for. the benefit of the farmers1 of the WUUmette valley. Rep resentatives; of the institution have visited property deemed practical and their tests have- shown the materials excellent for the purpose. The initia tive in the matter was ; taken by the Monmouth' grange. ' Itaj members be lieved that the addition of lime to the soil .would result in better production, and took fhe question. up with the Q. AvvC... D--y:AAi: ', -It is estimated that lime fertiliser can be furnished to valley consumers at $2.50 per ton, as against $5 cnarged for the Imported article. The grange backed by the college la urging that the . state take immediate action, and the members hope to see a state- op erated factory in operation. Proposed Ordlnaaee Opposed. Moving picture exchange men are organising to oppose the proposed ordi nance . prescribing conditions under which films may be manufactured and stored in the city. The ordinance wan submitted to the council yeeterdry and action was deferred until a week from Friday. Astoria, Car xdne Extended. The car line extension' into Taylor's Astoria from Astoria is complete and It Is now possible for people to enjoy a car rid around the point and "view the lower harbor. . Ballasting the track was finished this week. FRENCH OFFENSIVE IN ALSACE IS RENEWED; - HEIGHTS ARE TAKEN French Now Control All Emi- - nences Along Valley;6f the Fecht River. Imparls.; June 17. (T, N. S.) A tre mendous offensive movement has been inaugurated in Alsace by the French. An Important victory In the Fecht valley. ; In the Vosges mountains, also is announced In today's communique. The French" says the statement, "are now, masters of all the Important and dominating heights along the Fecht river.-; ' . ., :,. The Fecht river lfes west of Col mar, and is an important link in the Rhine defenses. . .- . North f Tpres the - French have gained J another line of trenches, but they -were unable to bold trenches taken west of La Bassee. I Germans Admit Defeat. Berlin, June 17 -L, N. S.) Admis sion of ; defeats at tbe hands of the French: north of Arras is contained in an : official statement issued by - the German I general staff today. It is freely stated that the German troops are unable to stem the French assaults. Various) losses are admitted,' but the recapture of some of the positions are claimed.' ! . ; j - On Tuesday, the . report says,' the Germans' abandoned ' a trench in - the hills near Lorette. South of Souches, the French are admitted to have pene trated the German positions a distance of BOO meters, and to have obtained a foothold i In ; some of the ; German trenches." -'; t:' :x The official statement clained that in the Vosges, except for tbe small loss of territory near MetseraL the Germans had maintained all their posi tions irt the Fecht and Lauch valleys. The Russians east of the San river are officially reported as fleeing to ward Tarnograd, - Poland, hotly par sued , by v General Von Mackensen's army, which has-stormed and taken the towns of Dachnow and L.udacs. Press! dispatches . report that . the Germans evidently are preparing an other drive against Warsaw. They have assumed the offensive along the Bsura and Kawka river fronts and are subjecting .the Russians to a ter rific fire along the' Bolimow and Ikierniewice front. v "The French assertion," continued the statement, "that the cathedral at Rheims had been bombarded, is un true. Our artillery .was directed at a French position north of Rheims. . "The, situation in Qalicla remains unchanged." Baseball Feature Of Chautauqua Oregon City, Or., June 17. One of the best drawing cards of the "Willam ette valley Chautauqua has always been the baseball games which are held each afternoon excepting Sundays during the. annual two weeks' session. Care is taken each year to choose good amateur teams and the interest run high in - deciding the 'championship of ths series. The winning team of last year, Macksburg, will also enter this year. The other teams are Molalia, Clacka mas, Barton and the Moose team of Oregon City. The schedule of gamoj is as follows: July 6 Molalia vs. Clackamas; July 7 Moose vs. Barton; July 8 Marks burg vs. Clackamas; July 9 Barton vs. Molalia; July 10 Moose vs. Macka bvrrg; July 12 Clackamas vs. Barton; July 13 Molalia vs. Moose; July 14 Macksburg vs. Barton; July 16 Moose vs. Clackamas; July 16 Molalia vs. Macksburg, July 7 championship " game between two highest teams. , Newlywed Asks Divorce. Oregon City, -Or., June 17. Max It. Hofer, a Clerk in the C. C store in this city, filed divorce proceedings against his ; wife, Jessie L. Hofer, Wednesday. They have been married five weeks. - They were married at Vancouver, Wash. . Anna M. Young filed divorce pro ceedings against Robert M. Young, alleging- cruelty. They were married August 30, 1911. , u PORTLAND FIRE RECORD No fires. No fires. Wednesday, Thursday. Wool to Boston. Oakland. Or.. June 17. E. O. Young A Co.. of Oakland, shipped .'10.000 pounds of wool to day to Crimmena A Pierce, of Boston, Mxs. Oakland Muttost Shipments. Oakland, Or.,' Jane 17. Eight ' csrlosds of eueep and lambs were shipped from this city today, consigned to Stanf leld A Lace jr. of Ban Francisco. .,,, Tbe quality . of sheep ' wss excellent, and bulk of - shipment was supplied by Charles Beckley, of North Vmpqua. and B. U. Youag A Co.. of Oakland. L. E. West, of this city, ahlpped two ear loads of lambs . to tbe Carstea Packing oosa pany , of Tacoma. - .. ' . - t!" K ' ' -; " ' "'"","'"; . i 'Oregon fclty ' Licenses. Oregon - City, Or.,' June '17. Faxon Hayford. aged 72 years, a veteran of the Civil, war. and Mrs. M. L. Evans, aged 54, were granted a. license to wed toy County- Clerk Harrington Wednes day. Mr.- Hayford lives at Gladstone and Mrs. Evans in - this city. Ralph Miller swore to the . affidavit. '' Other licenses were issued to the following. Wednesday r Edward Ben edick Smith, of Gervals, and Miss Lmln M. Congdon; Harry Avery, of Wichita, and Miss Dixie Jean CaffaU. , . ' -J WHEAT ri t ' Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Jnljr : .....11.08 , $1. $1.024 1. 0348 Bept.' ..... 1.03 1.03U WS', 1.02 Dec. 1.04 1.03 1051a I ., '.. - : COBK July ; .7SH .754 .7 - .75B Sept.. 74i .7H .73 .75 A Dec. .64 ' '.63v !. .5B !- :. OATS ,:- July; ...i. .45 , .4liV J .45 8epC 40 .40 J9 -30A - V" PORK ' - Jaly 17.0B 17.0T la. 75 , A Kept, 17.45 17.50 17.20 17.80 A LABD July ' 8.BO . 9.N) .40 . ft. 45 . Bept ..... tt.77 ' .77 . .5 S.72 . RIBS - Jaly .....10.27 . . 10.30 10.77 10.SO. . Sept. 10.65 ' 10.67 10.80 4 10.62 B Overbeck & Cooke Co. ' ' Stocks. Sonds. Ootto. Oral a. Stev I 18-ai7 Board of Trade Bolldlag. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES ' Members Chicago Board ot Trade, Correspondents of Lgas: Bryan, -Chicago. New Yerk , CONFIDENCE Positive confidence in this insti tution is -demonstrated by the fact that the United Stales Gov ernment, the State of Oregon, the County of Multnomah and the City of Portland are depos itors here. We also care for the accounts of hundreds of corpora . tions, firms and individuals, and should like to have your account, too.! Capital anH Surplus $1,200,000 -TV : UUMDERMCNG Nationai. Bank Fifth and Stark SEMI-ANNUAL INTEREST - ; - DENOMINATION Ji$ 1 OQ $200 $SOO C5 1 OO O G INCOME TAX EXEMPT Lumbermens Trust Company FIFTH AND STARK STREETS 111 ' - ' " " ' ''" ' - The First National EM Fifth an3 Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $3,500,000 A Savings Account is the wisest way to get some thing aheadi. A 'Savings Account may. be opened in this Bank with a deposit of One Dollar.