X4 -' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY. ' JUNE 15, 1915. 49 rr.J nn WANTED Mamei of men. 18 or over, wmniair (ovrumeii( , juva. . am i rsy-is.l Journal. . I " 1 ' ' ' - 1 HELP , VAVTE1 FI2MALK ; 2 WANTED Ladies to demonstrate res idential work; a day up. iOa Co lumbia tIog. - . GIRL with some experience to work in confectionery and cigar store from 12:30 to 6 o'clock. 203 1st Bt. T "WAN Tl-Girl, high school ace. to - ' help in housework and care of chll t: rtren. N-471, Journal. ' I . 'WANTED Woman for general house : work, $25 per mo, Apply Clifton st , between 16th and 17th. i 3 LADIES to work at Beach for room - board and transportation. East 347a. r 1LKL1 W4JTTKI SlAXJi AJKD FEMALE 20 ' gjSBggaseaaSwsaajsjBiewsBwe- ewj"Jwi"" t MEN and women to learn the barber A- trade, wages paid -while learning; . 'tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of schools s In the world, j Bend for free catalogue. Moier Barber College. H. 48 N. 2d at. - Oregon Barber College will teach you " the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face ' massage specialty; tools free; positions .t guaranteed; pay while learning; tui--1 ion reduced this term.' 233 Madison. WAITED AGENTS 6 HELP WAKTKD MISC. " ' (Continued - - '1 NEW summer necessity, saves labor and reduces cost of living; over ; 700.000 sold lately in Chicago; creates sensation wherever shown: sells to "f every household; greatest 25c seller in i years. 200 profit Write quick for , territory. Triumph aug. CO.-, juonon .' ViM fTh1rLirn ...--.' AGENTS to sell a household article -j-,,' having a big demand.. Wholesale and H retail. Income limited only by your ... own. ability Telephones A-43a2 and .Marsnau 40 SPl;X;iAtiia gents wanted; make $18 to ?40 weekly, can- 8 to jz a. m., 11. r' 20 Macleay bid. 286 Washington nt. He Thompson. SITUATIONS 'MALE S WANTED A position as clerk by young man age 21 and willing to 'S work; - best of reference furnished; can do general office work. Telephone , Tabor 4145, address 312 70th St.. Port , land. Or. ' WANT position light delivery by week ' or mo.; have high power motorcycle and side car; can carry 800 lbs. E-S19, Journal. ' ; - ' ; WANTED By 1st class reliable con- Mar- shall 211. -i - . - 1RVINGTON LOT SACIUKICE. : Choice lot. $850. Owner must sell ' this week. X-901. Journal.- VANTED Janitor work; will care for furnace and do all repair. East , 4361, room 12. : PLACE on ranch, good home more than wages; can irrigate. N-480, Journal. ; : - FIRST class painter. ,Mv references are my guarantee. . Phone Tabor 4S83. - J Skilled : Carpenters Furnished on wl.ort notlcg. Mar. 7f.lt. WHEN you want a carpenter for any kind of work, phone East 1145. ' A-l carpenter, repair, day work or taka . full -charge of any job. Tabor 4513. AN all round handy man of good hab lts wants work. Z-418. Journal. WANTED Excavating and team work. ' Phone East 4804. C-1477. ' SITUATIONS FEMALi 4 EASTERN lady, good cook, house ' keeper, wishes position in middle aged couple's home, or widower's fam lly. Marshall 897. LADY, 30 years old. work as housed keeper in rooming house or hotel. Marshall,- 8797. DINNERS, teas, parties, weddings. planned, prepared, served, best ref erences. Sellwood 1696. A PLACE to work two hours In the y -morning and three evenings a week zor room ano qinner. journal, TABOR 6720 Wanted by experienced i woman, day work. i work by hoar or piece. Tabor 4009. ' JOB of chamber work or light bouse- Keeping. msiT, journal. LADY wishes day work, any kind. ' JJaln ,6886. : HOUSE," kitchen, chamber work, elder- ly lady; Main 7439. 811UAT10NSJ WANTED MALE AND FEALALE 23 MAN and wife want position 1anl. tor; do any kind of work. Main 9491, A-l 675. EXPERIENCED man and wife wish work on farm. N-288, Journal. DRESSMAKING 40 1 DRESSMAKING and children's sew-ir- ing done at reasonable prices. 388 S.N". 20th sjC . EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engagements; references. Phone Seil- wooq ad. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will work : by day dr sew at home. Tabor 714. DRES'iiMAKEK, AlteraUoiis. reasona ble. Tablpr 4871. bRESSMAH ING or plain sewinc Marshall 6463. Ask for apt. 1 1. NUIiSES (iO TRAINED nurse from Amsterdam. Holland, wants confinement cases at her home, $2.50 a day; everything fur- nished. Call 900 E. 15th st. N. on J. I. y earline. i MIDWIFE (graduate) and maternity ...i nurses by the hour, day or week, reasonable. Marshall 4538. 468 Taylor .PRACTICAL nurse, 20 years', experi- once, maternity cases a specialty. Tabor 2874. J MATKaS IT nurse disengaged. Mai- 3L.ONG experienced nurse wishes posl ' tlon; references. Phone Mar. 4335. FURNISHED ROOMS a ; ETHELTON HOTEL. '105H Uth.st, near Wash, clean. . ,-QUiet, modern conveniences, summer I WrM 27P; tran8it soUcited. f "VOUNG men may consult without ' ,Cvarf.e rT'18 T ,?f urhished rooms Jf ,, S1 c A, lisUng several hundred ,in ail parts f the city, also tfiose in ..jthe Association building. 4 WANTED Room mate to reduce J rooming expense. Fireprcof buUd ;lng, shower baths. -individual beds. . Call -. i w ' - - a. pusiness office. ; Buckingham Hotele-jun-1 ,S?wimA' $2.50 up. Day, 60c. 75c, $1 ' THE ALBION HOTEL. 214 3d and Salmon. Uom,8 fi5S weet op; steam" heat. Cbot and cold water, free bath. nhonV ANSON1A HOTEL. " ;124 14th st.. cor. Wash, desirable lo. iMadras Hotel g-uj. igtoa sts. ; Arminius ,; Rooms single and en suite, all rrmd- ern, $3.60 week up. 410mAV .A QUIET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE . HOTEL CUPPAnn East Morrison st, near Grand aval Cleanliness and comfort. S3 re- P. -YOU transients; Get your - peepers ' 'ocused on ; this. . 291 Morrison; corner oth. ' - C LEAN, light rooms; tree phones and .V1.- ,J P- 446 Colum- bia. Main 7410. A-3973, Nicely furnished 22814 Wash. st. ABB0n$!.WwK ROOMS ar.d apartments in modem htC , tel. $?.fiO week and -qp. 455 Alder, f 4 Mod. equipm't 29014 Morrison OCKLEYeocayup woft-i-1 2SOwc up: $2 WEEK1 ud. clean, warm, mnri.rn . ; !tons, Central. The King. 309 Jefl FlTiMSJJED ROOMS (Continued) Stop at Newly re furnished. P a d e r e d ... - 1 4Cn ana Aioer.i and reno- ... . - . lobby all modern vated- enlarged Keniiennf?.0T' VS'r? Ffl Z.uLVVf tbAvSeICKpfci?tet, Several rooms with wall beds, making them practically SUiteS. 1 ,...-. - .. , Hotel Everett Broadway 1 at Everett. Everything new. Well furnished, hot and cold wa- Rooms $2 60 per week and up. and $10 per month and un. Srine? this ad to apply tt on first month's rent. ... PLEASANT.' comfortable rooms with kitchenette if desired, modern, walk ing distance, very reaspnable. - 370 6th. FURXISHKU BOOMS - PBIVATB FAMILY J 70 ONE week f ree rent to permanent roomer, beautiful furnished room, windows, electricity, phone, bath, hot water, $10 and $12 month. 123 N. 23d. TWO pleasant single rooms, to gentle men onlyi on 16th bet. Morrison and Yamhill; rent 12.50 and 3 per .week. inquire ii Yi jviorrigon st, SICE furnished room in private fam ily, for lady or gentleman; $6 mo. 389 Haticoek st. Phone East 3455, ROOM in elegant.- exclusive hom. ideal surroundings, $15. Marshall FB4S. $6 month, nice, large room; phone and modern conveniences. 12 E. 11th st.j bet. Ankeny and Ash. - - NICE front parlor suits. . also single rooms; $8 to $16 per month. 655 Flanders st. UNFUltN'ISIIEO ROOMS IO 2 NEW rooms, sink, gas, $5; single $3.50. 1884 Market St. ROOMS AND BOAIUJ 15 THE VERANDA, room and board, in - beautiful borne, music, pool and billiard rooms.- also shower baths, $4.60 per week ? and up. 654 East Madison. PARKVIEW HOTEL, 386 Montgomery st. at West Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences; rates for regular and transient guests." THE HAZEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms r.nd board, $5 up: steam heat, hot baths: free phone. CASA ROSA, 300 JEFFERSON. - BOARD ANO ROOM, $25 UP. Room and board, young women $4 wk un: ' Anna Lewis" Hall. 510 Flanders. FIRST class board and roojo, best ruuKuiK. a up. an uoiiese t ROOMS AXly BOAliD PBIVATB FABnXT 72 BEAUTIFUL large front room with alcove and porch, suitable for two gentlemen, or man and wife. Board if desired. All modern -; conveniences. Marshall 278. 564 Glisan st. COUPLE with comfortable home would like to board young child, one desir ing permanent home preferred. Will give best of care and do child's sewing for $15 per mo, Tabor 6358. GOOD board on a farm in the moun tains, $5 per week; fishing and hunt ing; near postoffico; references. Mrs. L Freudenburg, Dole. Wash. ROOM and board, 243 E. 52d st, near cheap. " Sellwood ear. ' BEST board, clean rooms, walking dis tance. $5 up. 655 Washington. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ONE room with, kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running bot and - cold , water,. phoDe In every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. 291 Columbia St.. comer 6th st. $1 to, $2.50 week, furnish IL iC rooms; gas. iree neat, laundry bath. Phr.ne East 6039; 203 Stanton, U car, SUiTEs and single H. K rooms, $1.50 week up. Also modern rooms. Mer cedes. 20th and Morrison. FURNISHED rooms for light H. K.; hot water, cheap rent. 4104 Mor rison St. VERY choice and classic front rooms. All modern conveniences, 291 Mor rison, cor. 6 th. COZY little room $1.75 week;.- vacant Friday; large H. K. room $3, near T. M. C. A. 207 6 th st. GEM APTS.l, 2, 3 room suites, free oain. pnoni; WK. up. mi'ISt.St. G1LMAN hotel. 1st and Alder. Fur nlshed H. K. rms cheap. $1.50 wk. up. Cambridge bldg furnished H. K rooms, central, cheap; 1656 3d. cor. Mor n. GOOD clean rooms for nice clean Ieo ple. Main 7916. 247H 5th St. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 PBrVATE PAMXLT SPLENDID newly furnished sleeping or housekeeping rooms suitable for bachelor apartments, $1.50. $3 and $5 week; rates by month. 229 5th st., opp. courthouse. FURNISHED h. k. rooms in private t mimijr , o lurnuuieQ n. k. rooms, everything furnished except gas to cook. 294 Eugene st. Phone E. 2515. $ 7.50 MONTH 3 rooms furnished, range, gas plate, sink . and water. i ifti.it May urAtijge. frfro lien lori. SINGLE H. K- apartment, walking dis tance, $8 per mo. 187 17th, near Yamhill. LARGE rooms, kitchenette, piano, cheap; nice room, $5 month; close in iv lata near wasnington. 3 ROOMS and kitchenette, ground fir., well furnished, clean; good location close in; reasonable. 314 Columbia st NICE clean housekeemne rooms, iritoh. enette, $6 to $8 per month; outsids sleeping room; $5 per mo. 175 14th st. $6 BASEMENT H. K. room, pleasant - for gentleman. 594 Everett. Main $1.60 PER week. 1 H. IC-suite. also 1 ntccpuiK I wm. gu v.iay St. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, nicely furnished at 381 Yamhill. FOR RENT Three , furnished hous keeping rooms. 1098 E. 27th st., N. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, single or in pune. u su. xxtn Bt. xn. jfnone B-3075. $9 -4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, close in. adults. East 963. FURNISHED housekeeping . rooms x5 oms. East HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely fur nished. 149 13th st. and Morrison. 1 : j FOR RENTHOUSES 1 3 FOR RENT 5 room cottage, all mod--sfU1 mP.I?vemnts. Address 176 East DESIRABLE modern 6 room' cottage. eglcM1 idC walkla" dUtance. MaLu FS. RENT 7 room modern" house! jg62 Commercial st. TeL Marshall ,46 FOUBroom house, 1038 E. 26th" St., N Near Alberta. Inquire 2876 v ash, st. . -. ' . 1?I5 jOOM modern house, lOOx : 100. fruit. 845 Union ave.. S PaVviIss room 15. :Wood: ?h-5roi,IrlJ,cLusev,?18 Pr mo. Haw- u"uhu i-none- iJ-i4ao. BOO"; bouse, with jlleeping porcbj NmL htS8e- Sunnyside; 1133 E. Main; $12. Tabor 4316. & ThM lerayungalow; Waverly Heights. Phone Sellwood 93. 12TLrRO?af. bouse $25, - furniture $50. ........ oai. uroiMiway. t MODERN 7. room house, $16. 935 Wood - ward ave. - Phone t&lWonri '4 RrV. $10 Desirable lawn, snade. Woodstock. Sell. 1335. V. e Br rent rre 8 foonis, bath. $12.50; 5 rooms, . bath. $10. E. S41L ,1,, ,J L J It . ! Al aJ M 7rl i sir w jtw m jmfMM 12 METER Jfe FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AINU 1 "N fXJJ ' "rt A i iV-TM uux--e.au. ';. Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex. - Complete and reliable list ef all va cant houses, flats, apartments and cli v: make use or f this - service when you desire;? this idoeti tint nhitsrtA vou in any manner to this store.. Yoj will find us willing - nj ,.H n oelo you in 'locating. Newcorrers In Portland will t ij . - mhu i Heal e8tite mn and owners of private Property are invited to list their un- J Meier iFrsnk', free rental bureau. .'..,-. HOUSES FOR KENT. ' 2 room houBe, $5.50. including- water, 4 room house, $10.50, Including water. 4 room house, $8.50, Including water. 4 room modern house, -; $12, lncidinjg See'Austin, at 72d sfnd Sandy blvd. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. HOUSES FOR RENT. 2 ROOM house, $5.50 including water. 4 room house, $10.50, Including water. 4 room house, $1050. Including water. 4 room modern bouse, . $12. including wster. . ' . . 1 See Austin, at 72d and Sandy blvd. GRKGORY INVESTMENT CO. 6 ROOM house, . big atUc, gas, elec tricity; bath and toilet. 564 Gan ten bine, ,1 block from Russell and 2 blocks from Williams ave. Inquire on prem ises from 9. a: m: to -3 p. m? $10 MONTH, for 4 room furnished house, piano, garden. Evergreen sta tion, 4 blocks west on Oregon ; City earline. J. Hoover, '-. - .- I'OR RENT 4 room bouse, with sleep ting, porch and' bath, $8. 4 room house, 1 block from Mt. Scott car, $4. Phone Tabor 5443. ' ' FOR RENT Strictly modern high . class 1 -room . house and enclosed sleeping porch, Laurelhnrst. ; $25 per month. Phone-Tabor 2181. SIX room modern cottage, fireplace. heater, basement, cement floor, wash trays, gas and electricity. - 722 Mult nomah. Phone East 3233. ' - MODERN. 6 room house with sleeping porch, fruit -and garden.. $15. M-V. earline. Inquire 1620 East Davis, cor ner 62d St. H KooM modern house. 19th and Marshall st-, for rent reasonable, ap ply 581 Marshall st. Main or A-2474. 5 ROOM modern flats, walkings dis tance, on east and west sides; cheap. A J. Farmer, 407 Stock 'Exchange. FOR RENT, new modern 6 room house, 825 Weidler St., $20.- Phone Owner, Main 7273. COTTAGEl : - rooms; very convenient; yard, fruit, flowers; reasonable rent; walking distance. 630 E. Madison. ROSE CITY car to 40th st- 1 block south. 7 room house." 1183 Halsey St.- Phone Tabor 3825. ! -- SEVEN room house with bath and large back yard. Call 610 E. Ash st. or phone- East 69S9. FOR RENT-1 4 room house, cor. 14th st. South ave.; plenty fruit, rent cheap. Sellwood car. 6 ROOM modern house. Wdln. 3526 FURNITURE FOS SALE - 32 HOUSES FOR RENT . ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Goods classi fication when house Is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES SO LADY, employed, will rent modern home, furnished complete, for room and board; piano; 2 adults; references. Call Sunday after 2, evenings, after 6:30. 321 Holladay, corner 1st. U. or I-J car. BEAUTIFUL 6-room Laurelburst resi dence finished and furnished In ma hogany. Piano, rent $4. References required. - Otis C Beck. 301-2 Railway Exchange building. Main 2113. BUNGALOW 1 room, and kitchenette, well furnished. Gas and water, $7. Woodlawn 209. '.- $20. COMPLETELY furnished modern 4 room bungalow; rose, trees, lawn. 248 E. 31st. Tabor 3586. $45 PER month, furnished modern 8 room house, lrvington, choice loca tion. Phore East 3872. $12.50 FOR 4 room furnished cottage. 472 E. Pine. East 1192. NICELY furnished 7 room house, class district. East 6270. first APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. : BALBOA APARTMENTS. 429 'Harrison, near 12th st. Extra large 2 room furnished apts., 1 unfurnished, modern, reasonable rent; phone; good - service. Marshall 2900. References. The Parkhurst Best 3 and 4 room furnished apts.' in the city for the least money. 20th. and Northrup. ' THE CODY. - cor. E. 7th and Taylor sts.. has been remodeled with private bathe, new : furniture and carpets. 2 and 3. rooms; light and phone free; rent very reasonable. Call East 44. THE IRIS ; APTS. 3d and Mill St. JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgom ery. Modern 2,-3 and 4 room apts furnished or unfurnished. $17 month up. No charge for cooking gas. - MONTGOMERY Apts.. cor. 3d-Mont- gomery. Strictly mod., all outside fur. 2 ' rm. apts., elect, ele., best service, close in. $18 to $25. Free lights. M. 946S. THE MORTON, cor. King and Wash., new man'g.; 3 and 4 rooms, fur. and unfur. apts., reasonable rent. Pacific phone In apts. Main 1082. A-5749. BROADWAY CENTRAL BLOCK Rooms and apartments, modern, new, up-to-date furn. elaborately, 3 blks. a Bdwy. bridge. Summer rates. E. 6663. ' THE DEZENDORF. -208 16TH ST. Marshall 231S Nice 5 room furn.-and unf urn. apts.; also 3 and 4 room furn. apartments. LUCILLE COURT, 20TH & LOVEJOY Strictly modern, newly tinted fur nished 3 and? 4 apts. Large private gTounas. jzo up. Marshall 20?1. THE SHEFFIELD 270 B Midway. south. 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very rea sonable rent: best of service. M. 2506. BUCK HARTFORD, 107 N. 21st. ; fur nished and unfurnished and 4 room apartments; walking distance; with or witnout sleeping porches. AMEKIiJAN-llAKLBOHOrtfiH. " Highest class apts. '-in the city. 4. 5 and 6 rooms, walking1 distance, reason able. Mar.' 3360. Main 7616. A-2676. ROSENFELD (brick), 14th & E. Stark. Modern 3 and '4 r furnished or un fur. Private phones, reasonable rates. TWO room apts.. newly furnished; modern. Sawyer Apta, S2 - N. 10th St. Phone A-2238. " PENINSU.LA APTS, concrete bids., and 3 rooms, hof and cold water, baths, st.' heat. phone. $12 up. ' C-1170. 3 ROOM apartments all outside rooms, private Datn, raciiic pnone, $17 up. Tabor 6065. B-1035. T ' WINSTON. 2 and a rooms, private .-bath, modern brick; special rates' $16 and up: 14th and Market. Main 1739. DOWN town, modern apts.. $1S month up, including heat, light, etc. Royal Annex. 350 Morrison. .-JEFFERSON I AN APARTMENTS , ' 16th and ' Jefferson, 3 room . fur nished apartments; 2 beds; $16. DR1CKSTON 448 11th St.; modern 2, 3 room fur. apts.. $20 to $30; walking distance; excellent- service. Mar. - 67.- RENT BARGAINS. ' 3 and -4 mis., sleeping porcheshard wood firs., refs. Portnomah, 200 E. 13th THE LAURETTE J room , furnished apts.; private bath, phone 229 11th, Ardma v Terrace. 395 12th st. LarKe 2 room fur, ants. Mrs John Cran. mgr. LUXOR APTS 324 13th. neatly f ur ; nished apts day, -week or month. , MEREDITH 3 & 4 nn. apts., reason able. 712 Washington. opp.22d. M.7134 PAGE APTS.--Exeellent outside apts. Rates very reasonable. ' East 3566. KEELKR APTS, 14th and Clay 3 an i 4 room unf i:rnist:ed: references. - THE LUZERNE ; 2 room fur. apts.. mdrn brick. 120 m. n. Mar. 4il. THE New Westminster, 2 and 3 room apts. Corner 6th and Madison, . FOIl KENT HOUSES (Conttoned) . APARTMENTS" 43 " - vr v- TT'. r - - ' -: Wellesley Courts , EAST 15TH AND BELMONT ST3. Furnished, and unfurnished. ' Mgr. East $469. References. - VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance.- -References. ALBERMARLE Apts modern, neatly furnished apts. Summer rates. East 4193. 383 William ave.. near Broadway. FOB KMfT FLATS 13 DANDY new 4. room upper flat, out side rooms, hardwood floors, white enamel finish, front porch, sleeping porch, fine location, 150 feet fron car; no. children; $20; close in; Wood lawn car. - 360 Monroe. - - CHOICE 6 room lower corner- flat, '-walking . distance;" newly . tinted, cor. E. r 14th , and Madison, v Phone East 7066. MODERN 5 and 6 room flats; .very - reasonable. 529 Everett st. $15 -NICE 4 room flat, nice yard, good location, close in. East 2409. itUiAlji'iFuL 3 room flat. 706 Vancou ver avg. Woodlawn 1953. - lOJRNISHED EIiATS 50 S s ROOM: well ' furnished flat, clean. healthy, light all around; gas, bath; desirable. Walking distance to 2 car lines and best jitney service. : 772 E. Taylor. East S260. ,--' UP TO DATE, walking distance, fur i nished and unfurnished, . sleeping porch. Phone E. 3737. Main 7157. TWO 3 room Hats, furnished and un furnished. Adults.'. 504 E. 22d st. S. STOKES Ar;i OFFICES "11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light- and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway end Yamhill. $7 -Includes-water, fine store for cash KiiiihAi ha.hoi. - olin. ct,rk .,oq rumer ruau. cor, pta 490 T. . . - l , SHOr', zll Hawthorne ave.. east end m oriuBe. n. fy. Burpee, ivi. gaau. SUaiMER RESORTS 56 FOR RENT For the season, near ocean, at Seaside, well furnished house, new, modern, 6 large rooms and bath, electric lights, etc. East 6160. FURNISHED housekeeping cottage and tents: rates reasonable. Peter Scnantz, RocRaway, Oregon, SEASIDE 2 cottages near beach for rent. $45 and $90. Phone E. 6799. SEASIDE cottage for rent. Main 4191. WANTED Room, bath handy.. In pri vate family, permanent, by-two men, must be within 15 blocks of public li brary. Give full particulars. W-931, Journal. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 TEAM of- heavy delivery mules, 5 years old, are fat, sound and ready for delivery or any kind of work; at low price $176. Mares Team of mares, 2400 lbs., are true to pull and suitable for any work; set good heavy ' harness, all 'like new, at low price of $150. Mares Team mares, 2550 lbs.,' are good honest workers and fat, not lame or sore, gentle for boy or lady to ride or drive; set good harness; $165. Draft team, 3000 lbs., true to pull and will do for farm work; set good heavy harness; all at low price of $225. - UNION TRANSFER CO.. lltb at Hoyt. MULES Team of black mules, 1100 each, are fat and handsome and are true to pull and will do any kind of work and keep fat on almost nothing; set good harness, all like new, at $225. Also team brown mules, 2800 lbs., suit able for heavy hauling, young -and sound; price very low.. -Two teams of blackf mules, 2400 and 2600 lbs., suit able for farm or heavy, work. All the above must be sold at low prices. Un Ion Transfer Stables. 11th at Hoyt st. HEAVY horses and dairy stock want ed. Will -exchange my modern 5 room cottage all furnished for same, clear of incumbrance. See owner, J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Office phone Main 5 129; residence phone Tabor 336. BROWN gelding, sound and true, work single or double, weighing' 1100 lbs., $50.- Black- mare, free of blemishes, good worker, weighing 1350 lbs., $40. Also brown mare, 4 years old, well broken, weighing 1250 lbs, $160. 295 Davis st. Commission Auction Of borses, vehicles, harness, wag ons, every Monday and Thursday, at 2 p. m. Columbia Stables. 302 Front st. A BARGAIN My splendidly matched work team, 2300 lbs., new Studebaker wagon and harness. 295 14th st. Phone Main 7337. Mrs. Abbott. PORTLAND i. Transfer are selling, borses, wagons and harness, at a sacrifice. Replacing with autos. Call at once. Main 3855. First and Taylor. CARLOAD MULES, suitable for farm, grading or street work; sell cheap. Call or address Frazler & McLean, 5th and Taylor sts. - - " SEVEN-YEAR-OLD bay, weight 1150, $65. 9-year-old sorrel, weight 1175, $75. Pair young: ponies, $70. Max shall 1338. 228 N. 14th st. GOOD work team, mares, breeching harness, wagon,' saddle, buggy, $500. 1561 East Ash. DEAD borses and animals - hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 80. Portland Rendering Cn. 1000 -LB. horse, your own price; also 3 in. wagon, wide tire. $25. 1067 E.' HtarK st. WILL sell my good work team, weight 2900. at the low price of $226. 787 MUST sell farm team,-horse, and mare , in foal, harness and farm wagon. cheap. 1967 E. Stark st. Trial allowed. BAY team, 2500 - lbs.; true -workers; harness and farm wagon., .1208 E. Stark st. FOR SALE 3 wagon, 2 ton gooa : neck truck, double harness; will sell separate; make offer; 511 N. 21st st. - GOOD horse and wagon for sale cheap. Gary Ice Co. stables, between 3 4 tlx and, 35th sts., on E. Yamhill st. - FOR SALE Bay mare, 1500 lbs., 10 years, good worker, and double har ness; $100 takes it; 511 N. 21st St. HORSE for sale at 226 Halleck St., Kenton. DEAD horses and -cattle ; taken free. Tabor 4203. v - STALL rent to exchange for wood or 'coal. ''East 5844. v. - ; : CHESTNUT pony. 320; Tabor 6028. TWO steel tired bucgies. 233- N. 14th. LIVESTOCK 33 TWO fresh cows. 1 grade Guernsey. 5 gals. 1 Hoi stein Jersey, 3 gals. Extra rich milkers. - Will trade for beef. 1480 Macadam st Fulton car toe Idaho st .. . ; - . FIVE fresh milch cows for sale very reasonable. L. A. Peterson, Mlsh. Or. .-' - ' FOR SALE Cow 4 Jersey, hi. Guern sey, coming 3 year oidr gives 4 gals, milk per day. 1617 Hassalo st. . FRESH cow, young and gentle, tuber. culosis tested, i Heavy, rich milkee Price right 619 E. John st.. St Johns. WANTED First class- young, - fresh milk cow. Louise Home office, 195 Burnside ' st - CHOICE fresh Jersey cow and calf. 1731 Division st FOUR, choice yearling Jersey heifers. ti. urene, -x lgarq. or. FOR SALE Holsteln heifer calf call Tabor 1014. - POULTRY AXI) TIGiEOXS 37 CHICKS, 1000 - S.C White Leghorns v 10e from my great laying .strain. land. Phone C-3 133. - C- FINE laying hens, large chicks, cheap. wo nu bu ju-v car. DOGS AND TIOUSEnobD PETS 40 I'luuKuuuHKKtu pointer bitch. I yr, old; partially broken Phone Tabor 867. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES -44 . IBuick ' v ' i V , Flanders Electric Chalmers Coupe . - ; Stearns Knight r ( ' PiercerArro w . -: Studebaker- 'j .'Stoddard-Day tori'- , rStevens-Duryea " ' ; Winton Sixes,' 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, -1913, 1914. , ' NOTE " OUR LARGE ADVERTISE MENT ON PAGE 11.' , 23rd and Washington Sts. Open Sunday evenings - GUARANTEED USED CARS ON EASY PAYMENTS f ' OVERLAND, 1914, 6 pass., electric lights, $600. - OVERLAND, 1913. E pass., mechan ically perfect. $450. OVERLAND, light S pass., new tires all round, $350. AMERICAN Scout roadster, de mountable rims, etc.. $350. COLE, 1913, Deloo electric equip ment. $800. r MAXWELL delivery, $375. OVERLAND delivery, $550. SEVERAL OTHERS. . ' J. W. Leavitt & Co. 627 WASHINGTON ST. NEW LOCATION AFTER JULY 1ST. COR. BROADWAY. AND DAVIS STS. Used . Auto Snaps LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. CHALMERS. 5 pass.. 3 0 h. p $375 COLE 5 pass., 30 h. p $375 INTERSTATE 4 pass., 40 h. p $375 REO5 pass., 30 b. p., late model.. $650 MICHIGAN 4 pass, 30 h. p $450 REO truck, 2 tons, auto body $1250 SEVERAL, OTHERS TO SELECT . FROM. ? Northwest Auto Co. "' BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. Main 887. A -4959. PORTABLE GARAGES 1 A.ND -HOUSES Bnflt of best materials, ar tistic designs. Erected complete, loek and key. w $32 up. Portable bouses. $125 up. Immediate delivery. v TAKE DOWN MFG. CO.. 548 Water st. nr. Harrison. Main 1167. Best Values : Used Cars, WB HAVE A NUMBER OF USED CARS IN A-l CONDITION. THE BEST, VALUES WHICH CAN'rOSSI- TION IS INVITED? W , Covey Motor Car Co, Twenty-first and Washington Sts. Ford! Fordi! Fordlll We have several bargains in nsed FORD runabouts and tourine cars. CASH OR TERMS., . Benj. E. Boone & Co. . i Forfl Agents. 614 Alder st. - Portland. Or. ' TTYPf BAt.vn Packard motor truck, 3 ton; More land, 2 ton; Oakland delivery auto 1 ton; Oakland runabout, express wagon and . dray. Office desks, chairs and other equipment. Inquire Pacific Hdw. & Steel Co., P. O. Box 738. Portland. Phone Main 5600. ' SIX cylinder, large 5 passenger auto; .. only run 2200 miles, runs and looks like new, extra tire, In perfect condi tion every way, a. swell looker, sell for half what it cost; consider part in gwQ fifst mortgage paper. Owner. G. L. Webb. 414 E. Stark st OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "Th8 TiFeShop." 550 Washington st.. at IStb. Marshall 379. -BEST TIRE REPAIRING. TIRES Trade new tires for old ones. ro nErl Auto UUUlUllluVU rrir.ro carried in stock. Robertson Hdw. & steei to., 85J-84 za st RARflA IKS IN tIBPn Piua Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker bldg. Corner Chapman and -Alder V GENERAL auto and truck renulring. Reo truck sprockets a specialty. Forging. Good work, square prices. Try us. E. L. Taylor & Co.. 71 1st st a Written mr. an tee , with every; springr 26 N. 15th st RECOVERING auto tops, 118.50 up. Auto painting. J 20 up; cJl work guar anteed. United Pain tin sr. & Autn Ton Co 15th and Washington. Mars 945. r WHY pay garage rent when you can own- a garage xor erected on your lot-; Call Wdln. 3616, A. Malot, 95-"EmrsOn st " .; 1X3RD runabout, like new, cash or dia monds. Solitaire preferred. Owner, E-820, Journal. - . - FORD- 1914 runabout, good condition; - will1 sell for $330. cash. W-932 Jour nal.: ' r SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock in Portland. $3 to 315. Pine repair Ing. The Supply Co.. 207 Madison. ROADSTER, foredoor, 4 cylinder, --terms, part trade. Main 8385. EXPERT j- auto v repairing, reesonablo cnarges. j. j. dimmer. iz3 r. fitn st FIVE pass, auto for sale or trade for smaller car; 1280 E. Salmon - st. HIGHEST ; prices paid for old rubber, metals. 'J. Leve, 186 Columbia. M- 5193 AUTOS FOR HIRE 1915 FORD for hire. $1 per hour, nay or night East 4755. v . - AJDTMOBtl TWIN Excelsior motorcycle like new, Presto ight tandem, tail light Trade for Ford, auto, -t Will assume. - - 249 Stark st. - -" , WANTED t or 5 pass. auto. Must be -in good order. No junk. Sell. 1555. FOUR room cottage, close in, for auto; 311 Aliskv bide. HAVE clear lot exchange for auto; Ford chassis preferred. Wood. 3768j IF your auto is worth $lv00 call 311 Allsky Dlds. . ., v.. -. ,,','.-..- 1ITI1 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 4Contlnn-a ' j-48 ACRES close to Sommerville. Col. Will trade for- good auto. Stephen Society - Land Dept.. 1031 Chamber of commerce. WANT 5 pass, auto, late model: have $1500 equity 6 rm. house and lot, or 40 -acres timber or 10 acres clear, or horses, j-shi, Journal. CASH, real estate and monthly pay ments for good automobile up to $2000. F-673. Journal. : aiOTOROlfCEES BICYCLES 153 TWIN EXCELSIOR motorcycle, fully equipped. Presto head and tail lights, speedometer, whistle, air cushion tandem and new tires. In first class condition. For sale cheap, or will trade on light roadster. 1694 Division St.. near 60th. " . - Pope motorcycles-and bi cycles cash or terms. New and used. Supplies, etc. F. P. Keenan Co.. 190 4th, SACRIFICE '- 1 .h. - p. INDIAN, fully equipped with speedometer, perfect condition. $100. Call week nights. 149 M. aza.; Tapor g54Q. SINGLE or" twin motorcycle wanted lor cash. n-ti. Journal. FOR SALE, cheapl 9 i 4. 2 speed" I n i dian. fully equipped, condition guar anteed. Phone East 6193. -" ; HA R LEY DAVIDSON motorcycle; irtt class condition. Price $85. 453 Marguerite ave, city. EAUNC11ES AXI) BOATS 64 T"" 1J""MU8TL'pl3 SOJJX I 1 i Owner leaving town. Motor beat, 32x5 ft, 6 cylinder; complete. ; with boat house; newly painted ana over hauled, with all government equipment, auto steering wheel, electric horn. Will sell for $650. Will consider a city lot or terms to a responsible party. Can be seen at Von der Werth's, rfoot of E. Morrison. Call owner. Tabor-659, or Main 5047. t-- EVINRUDE :Motor Co now located i Front snd Morrison; 100 EvJnrude rbwboat and ' nanoe - motors In ; stock; $58 to $83. Gasoline engines, motor boat equipment paddles, cushions, sporting goods, rowboats and canoes.. FOR SALE 26 ft launch. 12 h. Pi cylinder 4 cycle, . fully - equipped. Phone Sellwood 314."" PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 FOR SALE Upright - piano cheap; must be sold; party leaving city. 706 Vancouver ave. Phone Woodlawn 1953. WANTED Use of piano for storage. Own nice borne. No children. - F 744, Journal. ' ''---'" VICTROLA for summer to reponsible I party. -Give references, N-478, Jour nal. .-'.... ... .'' WILL store piano f or usc if suitable i would buy after trial. 52-201, Jour nal. ' ' ' - .TYPEWRITERS 77 O ILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. ! Underwoods, Remingtons. I C Sfmith. Oliver, Smith-Premier, Royal, etc., $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Typewriter-desks, tables and chairs. ..The J. K. Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send -for cor illustrated folder; retail depart ment WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Cd 321 Washington st TYPEWRITERS for rent 3 months i for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price Remington Typewriter Co.. 86 Broadway. NEV; rebuilt. 2d band, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 HIGHGRADE furniture for sale (oak). Must be taken at once; cheap. Own er gointf east. 506 E. 39th- Bt K. CASH. CASH. CASH. Paid "for good used furniture, carpets and stoves. Call Gevurts, Marshall 587. CALL Bell, Auction Co. and get-, good price for your furniture Mar." 4783. FURNITURE of 7 rooms. $100. 468 Taylor st - -- -. - '- FOU SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 SEWING machine. Em porium sells for less;' no agents employed, all makes of new and second hand machines. , Sold on terms. Machines guar anteed and rented. $2 per month. 199 d. near Taylor, faln 9431. A-326. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired.' .Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside, ... cor. ICth. Main or A-6674. fMUSlCAL - INSTRUMENTS." . "Type I writers' and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. : All adver tisements of these goods are published under their: respective classifications. Look them over. BILLIARDS New and second- band carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling - alleys ' and accessories, easy payments. Tables for residences. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co 46-4 6th st Phone Main 4970 FOR borses and vehicles, dogs snd household nets or Doultry. read the ads., under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums In .these classifications. FOR SALE 'Power batch .. concrete a mixer and hoist Steel hoppers, wheelbarrows, shovels. . all complete. For particulars address V. x L. Irish. Bos 607, Lents.; CCt.T. a U a ,.11 vn nr;-- or store equipment; large line gen eral store and office fixtures,, new and second hand. 65 First st AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these dltrerent headings. COBB1N Brown motorcycle speedome ter and fres to-light, & each. Tabor 3540. fe'OR SAXiE Fine second hand scales. Repairing and reehar ting. 265 .Sal mon. - A 75 CRATE raspberry and -. currant patch for sale cheap. . P. 1. Newell, Jennings Lodge. - - MIMKOtlKAFHo. Auppliea, circular let ters, Elliott addressing machines and guppllea. W. E. . Finzer & Co , 2tfS Stark. FOR SALE Stove, beda. dreaaefs. or. - gan, cooking utensils, cheap; leaving city. 365 E. aith at. South. - - DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon, 1.65 gallou. Port land Paint Co.. 230 Front. Mar. ieo. FOR SALE Ideal incubator, used once. 70S Vancouver ave.: Woodlawn $12.60 DROPHEAD sewing machine PLTTMEUNG supplies, wholesale prices. C3 t. Tl.,,1. QI,'4J K f n T.1 WE buy - and - sell -used machinery. Northwest Lead & Machy. Co. CALL Tabor ' 2795 for all kinds of berries. 165 91st st. N. v ROTAL Anne cherries, 630 E. 44th, S. E. Sellwood 1335. SWAP COU3W 25 $65 COMBINATION card and dining table, removable top. solid oak, early English finish. new. c ? Have no use for this luxury. -., What- have, you to trade ? T-6 la. Journal. :- - RESIDENCE property valued $120, rents $19 to $12 month. Unincum bered. Trade for 5 pass.- Ford and soma cash. Address P, O. box 12. Tumalo, Central Oregon 320 ACRE homestead relinquishment to trade for typewriter, phonograph Or what have you? Johnson, 309 iClay st. Marshall 2175. , , , $ C00 EQUITY in Alberta bungalow for lot. piano, or beach, property. - 674 Dekum ave. - TO TRADE. . '- Good horse .and waaon, : for 826 E. 60th N. Tabor 70. cow. V.OOi or coal rauge to exchange for good gas range. , East -S844, , E-822, Journal. - ' : , - 20 YOUNG Belgian hares $5. or swap . for bicycle. 247 B. 35th. B-1440. SMALL, platform scales for toy's ti - cycle. Tabor 1S39. - V V4 WATED-MISCELIiANEOUS - 5 "WE WANT THE GOODS." WANTED; ranges. - stoves, rugs, rockers, dreesera, tables, couches, chairs Davenport We pay the price Try us. W ANTErt The people of Portland to know I pay highest cash prlc. for household goods. Prompt attention. WANTED Best 2d-hand drop i head ewingrmaciune. , will buy. D 454, Journal. ' ; - gr t J. MEYER, the tailor, pays highest prices for 2d hand clothing, shoes. OWL, FURN.. CO. cye best prices tor lUiKlllin. Zi ISl. Main 4S27. - SECOND hand clothing and everything. "'""i prices; ftiain 2UHO. Z6 1st. WANTED To buy woodsaw. , Call PHONOGRAPH and records, bought sold, rented and exchanged. 212 1st LOST AND FOUND ax FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of - the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., and owners thereoi may claim same at the First and Alder H110" June 12. Broadway 5100, A-6131 : One valise, i hat, 1 box, in umbrellas, 1 pr. shoes, 1 pr. spectacles, 1 level; 2 PAirses, 1 suitcase, 1 grip. 2 prs. gloves,- 1 go-cart (Oriole), 6 pkgs.. 1 sack, I raincoat, 1 book, 1 bonnet, 1 pot of flowers.1 suit box. 1 pr; gloves, 1 roll music, 2 purses. ($6.81) and noth ing in other one; June 13th, 1 parasoL 2 umbrellas. 1 purse ($1.21), -2 ((loves, 1 kodak, l basket and contents. 1 film. 1 pr. roller skates, 1 bottle liquor. 1 overcoat ''- .v...,r.. LOST Friday, night, lady's gold wrist watch, gold face, key wind. Return to county auditor's office, courthouse, and . receive reward." - Keepsake LOST On Broadway or Portland Heights , car, an oval turquoise pen, silver, setting, a . keepsake. Reward. Main 7294. . - LOSTT-Scotc h colli e, blr ck, I I white feet, - collar and chain on dog, An swers to. name of Teddy. Dr-. i J. W. Layman; Sellwood. Reward. LOST White cameo, red background, ' from 12th and Harrison down town. Please leave at Journal office ' PERSONAI. LADIES only. HairdressVog, manicur ing, shampooing, facial massage 25c. Summer rate. 605 Columbia bldg. MRS : HAMOT, medinm and bealer. " 17014 2d., cor. YamhilL 4th floor, apt- 9. Marshall 2497. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last Sanitary Beauty ranorn. ih) n-inim. Marshall 1702 SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles, Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. m. Readings daily. 603 6th st Mar. 8960. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, ; warts. ewj., aesiroyea rorever; cure guaran teed. Mile. De Long, 604 Swetland bid LESSONS in' phrenology and card read Ings. 2.f 6th st. Phone Main 7548. I niAvPr Consultation free. Main l-M II J VI -4993. 708 Selling bldg. CHIROPRACTIC doctor. Painless ad justmenta; 31 treatments $16. 121 4th. HARTNESS, leading feather workers, wholesale, retail. Cor. Park. Yamhill. BALM of Figs, remedy tor disease of women. 604 Davis st Main 2393. ZELLEH ABSTRACT CO.. prompt aervlce. 4US Ablngton, llldg. J. A. sna v. w. aveiwr. ACOORDIOW PLEATIHO ACCOKOION. KNIFE AN,- BOX Ft, k ATI NO, PICOT1NO, BEMSTIXCHING. BKAiniNO. EMBBOIDEBINO. B A. S V K R W NOVELTX WirM. nu uts o A.t rsim K KTEfHAN Hemstiteliiuff -iecordlot W A .lull, a KrftAnS MnVaVMafl. aVWWtSl MKO. CO.. 86 6th ST.. WEAR OA a. rponged. ? Bealloplns. 33 Alder. M-83Ta. Attohhtetb HAIi, Sc. FLlEUNhit, lawyers; eonaul tattoo free. 0s-9 Flledner bldg. Mar. S5Q7. BLAKK BOOK MAKERJ DAV13 HULJdAN, inc lutf 2d st Blank book manufacturer; -agents for Joiaaa Io proved. Uw Leaf Ladaara. Saa the mw Bn- reka Leaf. . A -81 83. MaTo 18S. t BSAS3 AND MACHINE WOKKg HARFEK 8 Brass Worka Brass caatiujra snd machine worka. 106 5th at Bdway 2342. carpet cxzAiraro 30XCB BROS. 1.1 ec trie Cleaning Worka, carpel cieauea ana tun, mnwi . 440. B-1PB3. 204 & 19tB at. W. CARPET 'WEAVING NORXiiWUiT U. U. CO., ruga from old car 'peta, rag; rugs, carpet cleaning. 1 K. Bta, Work called for. F.aat 85gQ, B-lSO. CHIHOFBACTIC rHTSICIAM I11. McaiAliON. ' m 4tb st Coronie dlaeaaea reoiilrlng extended tlnf l treairoeoia DB, FOULSON. aneciaUat In paxalyaia. narvou . chronic diaeaaea. &SO Pittock Wk. B'way ana. CraCTTLATING LIBRARIES Metaphyalcal circulating. Broadway and Main COAL AND WOOD NEER & FARR aad lnaida block wood, 4 foot or aawed to orde. Talapboo POAI Main 459. A -4547. - ': WnU ALL A-t fir wood. tJM per cord. C. O. D., distaooe limited. All otUer kinds of wood in a took. Seghera Wood Co., IStb and Vaughn. Main tKE, A-gJQ. - - n-t, DUaIxioacJ counwooD DalA-rruiuifxVvuuu BOX WOOD M. 8118. A-7001, Portland Slab wood Co. jilCR dry box wood and cjrdwood, 4 feat ot aawed. Bummer uricaa. BtaaiUrd Wood Oav. East 231 rl. B-1IW5. . . BEST cordwood," 4.6 "per cord; block wood. Central Fuel Co. We dell vex gmall order. Msin-ieoe, A-1106. ' ; "U I-"-' EVEBT8. MAIN 8767. L-na.rC0al too t or CURBV STREET. CLTO WOOD CO.. 120 Macadam. alabwood. Bo wood 42.25 load. M. TWQ. ?0LLE0TIO AOBRCIEU 1 BUY acconnta, bliia, totea aad JudgiaenU of every name and Datura anywhera. For antcfc reenlta gnawer M-(W8, Joornal. ELECTRIC MOTORS AMP DYaTAM OS " HVIOHS. generatora bought, aoid. rratad and repaired. Wa do-all sinds of repairing and rewinding.. All work guaranteed. H. - M. H. Electric Co.. 81 N. 1st at. Pbone Broadway 93. Wii buy. ae.ll. rent and exchange sew and 'M - band motor; repair work a apeclalty. WEST ERN ELKCTBIC WKS.i 2 th at. Mae. SUS. ELECTRO PHYBICIAaT PR, COKINNK. JOHNSTONE New 00 a and , rbeematle dUoaaae; , electro-magna tie nu eare. 715 Deknm. - r . EVERYTHUfO EXECTRICAX. 8TTTBBS Electrical Co., 6 Lb and fine ata. Professional and Business Directory Manufacturers --Xo""" DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. rARM rMPLEHrgirrs Airp vxtrrcxES j B. M. WABB tt CO 8a2-ae Hawtborne ave. LEAD riME. WOOL," "KACHllTER Y NORTHWEST 39-311 Front. LEAD MACUINKKV CO, - - Main 643 LEATHERS AND FTaTD UTOb CHAS. L. MASTICK CO..' 74 Front. Leataet of every- deacrtptioe: flndlnga. - . Vr INFORMATION COUPON '.' It you want the name of a reliable business house dealing In any line of ! merchandise, or information regarding resorts, hotels, railroads, steain shlp lines, etc address Oregoo Journal Information iiureau. Information desired: ; ; '...-"'".'. :". .; ;- Nune.t... Address . . . . . i .V PERSONAL (Continued) A FIGHT on hlv f prices. Why ray J' to 11(1 tar claMMe. When' 1 can fit vour eves with flrsf QVallty lenses in a gold-filled frame, "A law as $1.60? C, W. Uoodman, 0 Morrison st. Main 2124. Mail orders. promptly filled. Write for particular . . L'UUISE NET Si EL, trained nurse anJ mattsm, lumbago, neuralgia, etc., tub; baths, massage and electric blanket;' invalid work a specialty. 256 11th ,(. Marshall 6033. Open Sundavs. - i ATlnRMpyQ fee reasonable. Cases rti iviiliLlO settled without noto riety. All- rases treated with courtesy. 3K1 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 4368. MRS. STEVENS. 21 years - Portland's renowned palmist end clairvoyant, has her book. "PiUrnlstrv Mad Easy," on sale. Removed U 376 Ts 'lor t. SPIRITUALISM Medium. Rev. Vlr ginia Rowe. licaolngs, hi'altnKs dully , circles Tuesday and Friday evening. 8 o'clock. 231 tith st. - Phone A-7116. DR. O. V. KETCH UM Woinen'i niala dles.and Urut. dts.nit-. 'mri Wash, hid . 4th Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. iiANICUIUNG and scalp treatnieuu: ; 353V4 Yamhill st, room 15, second! floor. Open .Sundays 10:30 to 8 p. m. USE JBatisett's Native tiertm ror rheu matism; b!) tahletx 2r.e. All drtiirRlstn. NOTICE3 Uti 8ICAI.KI) pruiKWaU will l.e rx-rlved st the nf.l flee of tba mnlertiliriied, -tol oiirth'um. uu-i ll l'-ru . t 1 , .... ..... ...J Reneral work .i Fratiklla hlttb t.-bool. r.iiH. will ! opened t 4:H) p. in. Tbut.la.. July I 1. 1I11S, Jn mira 3t4, Marthoue. l'lnn tj.l specif ten t l.n tuny be obtained at the of fire of V. A. Nararnnre. Snpt. of lrpertle,( 3fva rurt booae. l)epilt ut la lequired fir plaua and speclfit'atlona. ferlilled rherk for 1") ier: rent pf tbe amount if the propwa t. payabln to R. It. Tboinaa, aebool iderk. mtut acrom psny ea h projwwal. Hoarifof direrim-a reer tbe right to reject any mid all rnnoala. ' K. 11. THOMAS, tcbfol Clerk. I fhitfrl June 14. lftl.i. " . FHOfOHAI.S fr muli-rinl: yuart.-iiunM.T ' office, I'lirtlunil llr. rSenled priMals in trlpltcatA t!l be recpired here until jrt a. m.. July 2t. HU5. and. then opened J it the pro eoee uf biddt-ra, for lurtil.hluc and dt'tWertm; t either New York, li.wton, I'hUadelpbU. M. Loo I a. Ban KraneUeo, or- -Purtlanil, Cr., rlnth, blaek Italian, V. I), cotton. O. D. melton, dark blue and faetnfr; drilling!, O. T. duk, khaki and shelter tent; flannel, ablrtlne. Rrxy and olive drab. . Further luf or dim tlon on i rdieatioa, Lieut Colonel V. r. Laatman, y. NOTICE standard 1 from buainewa and 1 Mn Offtif la rettrtnu ho followiiig unredeenuMi plrdgea will be aold a t auction, hale to takn place Monday at i p. (ieo. Baker Co., A m.. Juno 11115. at nrtlon llmiae. 1Xi I'nrk street, INn-tland, Or.: i'ledjres Noa. 4912. IHU2, f052. B102, 511,1, 5154 r,2.'W, 527a. 52HH, f.Mi 53.'i4. 54a. 5'Sfio. 5:173 . 5KI7, 511M. 521, B'.".'4. 54, 5:ti. o.fji, r.i:i. 5.174, x.W!, r.MKi, r::. 5424. f4:i1.' 5414. MiH. (141. 54ia, n41rt. MM, 5465. 6403, 5507, , 5&OS, 6513, 0572, 507U. C682. U. 8. ENG1 NKEIt'.S OFr'ICH. Mi2 Cotirh Hlds.. , Portlands Or.lSealed proiwaula will be re reived here until 11 a. m.. July 12. ini5. and then oined, for eolarslnts and repairing re celTtng wharvea and tramwaya ai. extnd1ni; North and South Jet t lea at month of Hh)lw ; river, ' Oregon. Further lnformutlou ou appll- I cation. j I'KOl'OSALS for hnrtes, IJ. 8. engineer of flee. Seeond District, Portland. Or. ,ealil rrr.poaala ill be received her until II a. ro.. nly 15. li'lft, and -then opened, for eon stiuetlnfr two woodelj, fuel barges. Further Informntion on apnlleatton. WILL not be r?iouallil0 for any debts cui traded by On Carman- after date. JEFF UABMAN. EYE. EAR. KOBE, IHHOaT, I.TJWOS j bpecUllat. Moderate pricea. Glc fitted. tr. S frleea. r. V. CaaedD 61 nt blii..a1 V'h. EDtlCATICSaX DANCINO Hfc-ATH'S SC HOOL tefaona dally, clfl. Frl. i ve.. 8 to 1 Allakv bldir.. 2d and Mon-lsun ata. Leaaona 2.V. Main fculS. MTJBIO SCHOOLS AND TEACHER8 LCUIS A. CUKITZ i curlier or violin, ill . Sherman, corner Flrar. Marahnll taiiS. j k. l HiELIluliN, violin tt acaer. pupil he.-.a, i 807 Fleidner bldg. A-IHO. Mr-hll m'.t POPULAR JiUSlC UAUT1UK oa piano guaranlced tieirluoera m 10 leaaona. I'lcture playing. . Free- drwoa t ratten. Free booklet. 6ol Filer bldir. INSURANCE FACIF1U SlATtK fc'Rt 1N6URAM CO. -only Oregon fire Inauranc company. VATUR0PATH1C PHYSICIANS ER. PHILLIPS FaralyaU narvoua and cbron. le diaeaaea. 504-6 Oreirofilan blda-. M. HM'J PAINTLNO. PAPrRHANOtNO AMD TINTlKli kAlS'HSii. kaiauiiillili-g, ImpurtiauHlug, aii work guaranteed. I'hune Woodlawu 'Hint. kC'ICLll'Fa, r liLIr:t. beat work lu p.iullu, papering. M.,; 1H7U. AKo. VA Ilth f. FA1N11NU. tlutiug. ii.eriiuiigiiig. Crane. 170 loth et. Mnln -2J2H. k. I. PAVINO COMPANIES lUk BARBkR AAFUALX 1'AVIAii LAJ twii- lano orrice m eaerl.K-k bldg. RUBBER STAMFB AND PF.AL8 AXAU atehclla, ' trade cbecka, brae PACIFIC" COAbX 8TAWF WOHKS 131 Waahlngtun Ht. alUn 710, A-2710 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES BEHNK.E-WA LKltlt 'Ii.i.KGUAi-11 bCUOWt, 4tb ST., NEAU'MOUHISON SPECIAL BATES IO THOSE ENUuLLI.SU UKFOKE KMi 15TO FUONH: MAIN bint OK A-15M SHEET METAL WORKb AIMS 4i, tio aud gravel roof a. Jicvt Loall KIO Flrat at. i'hone Mnln 1424. TRANSFER AND STORAGE C O. PlCb. Trauafer Storage Co. oima and commodious 4 atory brwk wanbouae With separate iron rooma and fireproof vault for valuablea, N. W, corner 24 and lJlna i. Pianoa and furritoxe moved and packed for atipplug. Special rate wade on gooiie le tbrougb ears to all domestic aud foreign pulou. Main OiMl. A-1W0. Oregon Transfer Co. EatabUabid IS7J ' . Tranafer and forwarding ageata. Storage, Free T'vackata. Office and Storage 474 Uliaan St IStb and Ollaan. Main S. A1ttft. OUiEN-KOE TUAN'ti Eli CO. New fireproof wsrebouaa wttb aeparate rooms, fw more and pack bouaebold goon a and piaJ i and ablp at reduced ratea. Auto vena auar? teams for moving, forwarding and distributing agenta. Free truckage. Offie and warehouse 15tb and H.iyt. Main 547. A-4. liAoUAGK lHA.S.-kli,K bLUV Id- CO.. H7 UNfS HT. MAIN l. A-IVK'n. WALL I'APER MOUUA.M WALL 1'Al'kU Vii XYi 2d at., uc.r Salmon. WINDOW CLEANING KXI'EUT WINDOW CLKANfcLUJ A-4(i. Main :t27. 212 Henr? bldgi ' WHEN yotk anawer tbeae WanLa Ada. uiwulou 'ilia JouroaL -Wkolcialers , ' PAINT. Oil, AND GLASS . BARMt'SSEN tt CO., "iiTgb Htaudrd" paint. X. K. Cot. 21 and Taylor. M. 1771. A- i PIPE WOOD PIT1T PORTLAND WfKI VIVV. CO Factory a-.-l oftce near g4tb and York ata. Main 84- PLTMBINO PIFE STEAM BTTPPLIT S M. L. KLINE ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. ...............