THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1915. FIVE OUT OF SIX ARE WON BY BEAVERS OFF BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu: UP VTAR NOV AN WANTS .TO PAV,XCVJR I LL. TVT HERE WHERE. SALT LAKE 1 mvbAFE! , fine: : Krause-and Kahler Entertain Some 6000 Fans- in First Sunday Victories, NEW 0PIJCHERjS JHERE Bobby StTli Xads in. - Onslaught on Xa ttOTt Gregory sad Pittery In : , Two Ousii for Champions. 10 .. - . ; , . -s, vorHjtht. ISIS. lateraaMcBal Kears Strrtf. , . v - ' - - - 1 j. " - '--" . "-' ; .. ..... - i. - . ' - - - . ; - - .- ' ' i . VISITORS " Portland won five out oCslx games from Salt Lake by taking yesterday's i double-header, and great Is the rejoic- tag thereat. Harry Krause hived, the ' Bees in the first gme, and big George ''Kahler, late of Cleveland, debutted in , the second, and the 6000 fans who saw w the game stamped him O. K. Look for .ithe Beavers . to -begin Xhe climb pen- . nant-ward from now on. The scores j . were to 1 and 6 to 4, La Roy .and - Fittery being charged with the defeats. '-..Krause was la fine form In the first '"game and held the Salts to four hits, ' taelr one rua being made In the fourth on Qedeon's walk and singles by Kyan and Eacher. i Portland scored three runs in the .'.'second -on Hillyard's double, Doane's i single, Krause's double, an error by c Hal li nan and Derrick's single. Bates' ' single. Fisher's single and Doane's out ' scored the fourth in the third inning. ... Davis double and Derrick's single ' added the fifth run in the fourth, and ; Davis' walk, the hitting of Derrick and .'Fisher's single gave- the sixth run in the sixth frame.' La Roy was knocked out of the box in the third. Kahler was given a big hand when he trotted out to pitch the second game, lie was a little wild to start, but later on was in grand shape. He has blind ing speed, a corking drop curve and a beautiful slow ball, and he throws t something like Rip Hagerman. - avis' Busy Bay. Davis' doubleDerrick's sacrifice and "a wild pitch gave Portland the first 'score on Fittery. The Salts took the , lead in the second on singles by Zacher and Tennant, an infield out and6 Fit tery's single. Hillyard's double and Kahler's single In the second- fied it -.up. Ryan's walk in the third and Zacher's double gave the Salts a mo- mentary lead. Three runs in the fourth put the Beaver's out of reach, Speas, Hillyard and Lober scoring on two hits, Orr's error and Davis' second double. Der rick's triple in the seventh and : Btumpfs sacrlf tcefly gave the locals their- sixth run. The fourth tally for the Bees was made by. Ryan, who cored on a sacrifice fly by Barbour, y. pinching for Hallinan. First game - SALT' LAKE ' , AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ,., Rhino, rt 3 O O 0 O - Orr. as. 4 0 0 1 4 O jeaeon, ZO 3 1 1 2 4 O - Hysn, if 4 0 1 O 1 UBT, CI. -i ....3 o i r o o inimt, 1. .... 4 0 0 12 0 O Hallinan, 3b. 4 O O 1 2 1 . Hannsti, c. 3.0 1 4 2 o Lfc Boy, p. ........... l.o 0 0 O 0 tiregorv, p. 2 0 0 1 1 0 Total ..... ttarla. . ... ' I.Vrriuk, lb. . Btumpf, 2b, . ... Bute. 3b. f Metier, e. ... Lober, if. . .. . Iltllyard. cf. ' I Dana, rf. .. Krause, p. . .......31 1 PORTLAND 4 2 4 34 13 2 2 o 2 2 O 1 2 1 0 9 1 4 5 O 2 o 3 2 0 O 0 0 o ........ 4 5 5 ........ 5 4 ....... 4 ....... 3 ....... 4 TU1 38 S 14 27 7 ,0 - SCORE BY INNINGS 8"JI. tk 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Ht U ...1 002100004 tVrtland 0 3 1 1 O 1 0 0 6 B1U 2 4 2 3 0 1 1 1 14 SUMMARY 8tru outBy. Kranae 3, by La Roy 1, by Gregory 4. Bases on balls Off Kranee 4 off Gregory 2. Two base hita Gedeoo. HiUyard 'Krause. Davis, Hannah. Stolen bases Der rick. Hit by pitched ball Derrick by Oreg- ' P7' PaM1 ball Hannah. Wild pitches La Bpy, Gregory. Innings . pitched Br Ls , Jtoy 2, takea cot in third with one On base b J. runs 3. Runs responsible for La ; 2fy OreRorr 2. Charne defeat to Ln Roy. Time of game 1:58. Umpires Held and Gntbrie. Second game 1 SALT LAKE AB. R. H- PO. A. E. . 5 0 2 2 0 0 5 O 12 6 t 4 O 1 2 4 0 .3 2 0 0(10 41 3 4 0 0 31 1 12 1 0 . 2s 0 0 o 2-0 4, 0 O 2 0 0 .3 0 1 O 1 o . 0 0 0 n o 0 .1 0 0 O O O .34 S 24 14 J LAND AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 4 1 2 2 2 O 3 1 18 o O .3 0 0 3 5 1 . 4 0 2 0 0 . 4 r0 0 4 1 0 .4 1 3 O O . 4 2 2 7 O O - 1 O 3 O o .2 0 1 0 0 O .33 11 27 1 1 Rhinn. rf. ....... - Orr. as tied eon. 2b. ....... Ryan. If. ..Zacher, cf. Tennsjit, lb. I Hallinan, 2b. . . . . - Meek, c. . Fittery, - p. , Barbour, 3b. ...... Faye ' Total ....... Davis, aa Ijerrlck, lb. ....... Stumpt, 2b. Bates, 3b. tLriscb, e. .r. Sreas, rf. HiUyard. cf Ixber, If. Total - ' "Batted for Fitter- in-ntajth. SCORE I INNINGS -Bait Lake 0 2 1 O 0 0 0 1 O 4 H1,U - 3201001 19 ; Portland ...1 1 0 O 3 0 1 O 6 Hits .i... 2 2 1 1 3 t I 1 11 SUMMARY . ' Struck ent By Kahler .4, Fittery t. Bas on balls Off Kahler 3, off Kltterr 1. Two '.lie iiti Davis 2, Bates, Hillyard. Zacher. bpeas. Three base hits Derrick. Double ply ,. btumpf to Davis t Derrick: Orr to Gedeon to Tennant. Sacrifice hits Derrick Kahler J- Sacrifice flies fttumpf, Harbour. Hit by pitched . Iwll Tennant. Wild pitch Fittery. Runs re Vj sponsible for Kahler 4, Fittery 5. Time of t Eme. 1 -JO. Umpl.-es Held aad Guthrie. v Discovery that the American, navy needs greater speed need cause no alarm, and the solution is easy. Just , equip the battleships , with the kind -i. of engines that motor cars use. Greatest 4 GlGAUETTE I.- - 111 Is I MOEELAND HAS 1 TO 0 VICTORY; MONAROHS WIN Piedmont Pitcher and Red Lund Engage in Terrific Battle. Another victory was chalked up for big Jude Moreland and the Piedmont Maroons yesterday, when they won a 1 to 0 game from the East Side Red men, Red Lund pitching. (Two hits were all the Reds got off Moreland and they were made by L-uckey and Baird. Lund pitched four hit baseball and it was the best battle of the year that the two clubs put up. -The: lone score s was made on Doty's triple and a passed ball. However, a score would have been made1 without a passed ball, for a fol lowing batter hit the. ball. ' Manager Jack Randall of the East Siders has gathered together a corking ball club and if the season was just starting instead of being well along, would wake quite an argument for any club. . The West Side Monarchal took a fall out of the Sell wood team, which is not uncommon. However, Manager Wayne Lewis has set about strength ening his club and it should begin to win soon. The score was 8 to 3, Os bore pitching. BEDMKN AB. R. H. PO. A. K. Edwards, rf.. 2 0 0 0 0 0 Luekey, rf 2 0 1 0 0 0 Brown, 2b. .. ..4 o O 2 O 6 Hinkle. If. 4 0 0 0 O A McKeen, lb 3 0 0 S O O Baird, 3b 3 O O 0 1 O Hughes, cf. 3 0 0 1 O 0 Pritchard, ss. 3 O 0 O - 2 O Shea, c. ' .a..... ?. 0 o 13 O 0 Lund, p 3 0 0 0 4' 0 Total 28 0 2 24 0 MAROONS AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Stepp, rf 4 O O O 0 0 Sigsbee. 2b. 2 O 0 O 1 0 Doty, lb 3 1 1 2 0 Bogart, 3b 3 O 1 1 5 0 Kennedy, If. 3 0 1 O 0 0 Hargreavefl, cf, 2 0 0 1 0 0 Yen, ss. 3 0 0 1 1 1 Bartbolemy, c 3 0 1 13 0 0 Moreland. p. 3 O O 2 0 0 Total 27 1 4 27 9 S SCORB BY INNINGS East Side 0 0 O O 0 0 O 0 0 0 Hits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 Piedmont 0 0O10O00 1 Hits ..1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 4 SUMMARY Three base ait Doty. Bate on balls Off Land 1. Struck out By Lund 13, by Moreland 12. Double play Browa to McKeen. Parsed bull Shea. Umpire Rankin. ilONARCHS AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Llnd, If 3 10 1 . 0 O t tllders, 3b. 4 1 1 I 1 1 Wolfer, 2b. 4 3 1 2 2 0 Bleeg. c . O 0 9 O 1 Watts, cf O 0 0 0 O 0 Murray, cf. 4 1' 2 0 0 0 Briggs. rf 2 0 1 0 0 O Ripple? sa. 3' O 1 1 LodelL lb 4 2 2 11 0 0 Of borne, p 2 O 1 2 6 0 Total 11' 8 S 27 10 2 8ELIAVOOD AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Wilson, 2b 5 O 1 2.60 logics, ss 4 2 5 1 1 Cohen, 8b. 3 0 0 2 1 n Aiken, lb 4 o 0 11' 0 0 Newman, c .....1 0 1 3 1 0 ' Smith, rf , . 3 1 1' O O JJeveny. cf. ........... z i a o Nellson, U 4 O 1 O 0 O Marshall, rf. 1 0 0 O 0 SiUiults, c. i 1 0 1 O 2 Wootoey, p ...3 0 6 2 Heimaa, p v. ..... I 0 1 0 0 Total ...1.... ...... ..S2 3 7 27 13 & 8CO&B BY INNINGS West Side.'.,,.,... 0 O'l 1 O 2 4 O O S Hits ....0 4 2 1 0 2 3 0 08 Eellwood 0 8 0 0 O 0 O 0 '1 Hita TO 3 0 0 1 1 2 0 0--7 SUMMARY S-ertflce hits Childer. Osborne. Cohen, Ai ken. Marshall.' Two oase Lit Wilson. Three base bit Briggs. Stolen bases Wolfer 2. Mnrrav. RIddIc. Smith. . Deveny. Struck out By Osborne 10, Heimau 3. innings pltcoed By wooisey , oy xxeiman a. vuarge oenai t 'woobiey. Double plays Cohen to Wilson t- Aiken; Ingles to Wilson to Aiken. Hit by pitched ball Deveny 2, by Osborne; Briggs by Wootoey. Bases) on tails Off Woolsey 3, oif Heiman 1,- Osborne 3. Wild pitch Wool sey. Time 1 :B0. Umpire Cbeyene. FEDERAL LEAGUE GAMES At St. Louis, first game ' R. H. E3. Pittsburg . . .............. .5 9 2 St Louis . L... ............... 6 9 2 Batteries Knetzer, Allen and O' Con ner, Berry; Groom, Davenport. Cran dall and Hartley. (Ten innings). Second game R. H. E. Pittsburg . . .........16 0 St. Louis . i ... ......... 2 1 Batteries Hearne, Rogge and Ber ry; Cranda.ll and Hartley. At Kansas City, first game: R. H. E. Chicago i i. ....4 14 2 Kansas City ... .. ........ .6 11 0 Batteries Black, M. Brown.' and Fischer; Main, Johnson, CtiUop, Pack ard and D- T-i - . l-i, Second game: R. H.' E. Chicago . ........ ....... .3 10 2 Kansas! City i.. ......... 2 5 1 Batteries McConnell and Wilson, Hennlng and Easterly. - At Newark, first game: R. IT. E. Buffalo 0 5 I Newark . i '. .... 10 1 Batteries Ford; Bedient and Blair; Mosely and Rariden. Second game: v ' R. H. E. Buffalo ......4 8 2 Newark1! 3 4 4 Batteries Schula and Allen; Kaiser, ling. Brad dom and Rairden. - , ; TIGERS AND ANGELS SPLIT Los Angeles. June 14. Venice and Los Angeles divided' yesterday's double header, each winning by a run. The series ended with the Venetians taking, the series, four games to three. Score:- Morning, game LOS ANGELES ! AB. R. H. PO. A. Maggert. If. ... Beatty, lb Wolter. rf McMullen, 2b. .. Ellis. If. ....... Terry, sa. ...... Brooks, c. . . . j-. . Metsger, 3b. .7.. Burns, p. ....... Boles Love, p. Total ........ 4 : 4 1 o 1 0 1 O O o o o . o o o' 3 2 2 O 1 o o 1 11. 3 2 O 2- O 3 2 O 0 2 1 3 1 2 4 3 0 3 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 , 4 . 2 , 1 ..0 34 2 9 21 16 0 VENICE AB. B. H. PO. A. E. Carlisle, If i 1 ,12 O 0 Berger, ss. 3 1 2 2 8 0 Kane, cf. 2 1 1 3 O O Bayless, rf 4 0 2 1 O 0 PurteU, 3b. , . 4 1 1 2 0 Risberg,- 2b 4 0 1 1 1 0 Giei8ChmjWB,'lb. ..... 3 0 1 13 0 0 Mitze, c 3 0 14 1 0 Hltt, p. 3 O'l 0 2 0 Total ....... .28 3 11 27 12 Batted for Bams ln eighth. SCORE BY INNINGS Los Angeles 0 00000020 2 Hita : 1 102O2O3O 9 Venice ...2 1O0OO0 3 Hita 1 3 2 0 1 1 2 1 11 SUMMARY Three base bit Bayless. Two base hits Pnrteli. Beatty. Sacrifice hits Kane. Car lisle, Wolter. Struck out By Burns ,1, Hltt 4. Bases on balls Off Burns 1, Love 1. Runs resDonsible for Burns 3. Hltt 2. Ten hita. 3 rune, 25 at bat off 3 urns ln 7 innings. Charge oereat to uurns. uouDie ptays Hearty to Burns to Metsger; Wolter to Metsger; McMul len t Terry to Beatty. Hit by pitched ball Berger by Burns. Stolen bases Maggert. Kane. Wild pitch Burns. Time of game 1:29. Um pires Williams and Finney. Afternoon game LOS ANGELES AB. B. H. PO. A. E. Maggert, . et. 3 O 0 S O 1 Beatty, lb. 1 0 O 4 O Wolter, rf. 4 0 1 4 0 McMullen, 2b. t. ..... 6 O 1 2 0 Ellis, If. 5 11 2 0 0 Terry, ss 5 1 0 1 10 1 Boles, c. 5 0 O 1 0 Metager, 3b i 4 2 1 8 2 O Perritt, p 1 0 10 1 P Dillon, lb 2 0 13 1 0 Buemiller, cf. 2 O 0 O O Ryan, p. 2 0 2 1 O 0 Total .....40 4 7 39 21 2 VENICE AB. R. H. Pa A. R. Carlisle, If.... 1 1 1 1 0 Berger, se. 6 O .1 2 4 0 Wilhoit, rf. ...6 1 3 2 Bcylees, cf. :.... O 4 O Purtell, 3b. i S 1 1 3 3 Gleischtnann, lb 5 O 2 14 0 0 Risberg, 2b. 5 0 1 4 4 o Spencer, c. 4 0 O 9 1 1 Johnsou, p 0 0 0 4 1 Henley, p. 2 0 0 1 0 Total , 4S S 39 18 2 SCORE BY INNINGS Los Angeles O0, 20000100 11 Hita ...0 S 2 1 0 O 0 0 27 Venice O00O030O000O 0 3 Hits . . . . ; 0 10 1 0 S 1 0 O O 0 0 19 ' SUMMARY Three base hit Carlisle. Two base hit Ber. er. Sacrifice hits Perritt, Terry, Buemiller 2, Ullon. Struck out By Johnson 6. by Perritt Sv by Ryan 3, by Henley 2. Bases on balls Off Johnson o, Perritt 1, Henley 4. --Runs re sponsible for Johnson 2, Perritt 8; 3 runs, 0 hits. 23 at bat off Perritt in 5 2-3 Innings: 3 runs, 5 hits, 28 st bat off Johnson ln S innings, taken out In ninth, 1 on, none out. Charge defeat ' to Henley. Credit victory to Kyan. '.Stolen bates Ellis, Terry. Hit by pitched ball Beatty by Johnson. Time 2:43. Umpires Finney and Williams. STANDING OF THE TEAMS Facifio Coast Zarve. San Francisco Salt Lake .. . . Los Angelea .. Portland . . . . . Oakland ...... Venice ....... 38 ... 34 , 39 30 .34 31 National League. -Won. 2tt ..v 2 m i 23 23 22 , 1 ...v.......... 18 -j Federal League. , 31 ..: ...27 28 82 87 82 . S9 .576 .515 .513 .4S4 .466 .449 Lost. Pet. Philadelphia Chicago - .... St. Louis . Boston . ; .- Brooklyn- ... Pittsburg -.... 20 .505 20 23 2:1 24 23 24 24 21 22 -It 23 25 25 SO 23 16 23 23 24 24 25 27 31 16 17 la. 20' 21. 24 25. 23 22 24 26 27 32 31 .19 21 18 :2t - 23 2fl 2S 13 65 .631 .500 .48! .489 .442 ,429 .596 .551 .532 .531 .610 .4!)0 .412 ,404 .680 .54 .540 .520 .489 .457 .437 .326 .610 .553 .r.ns .624 .523 .400 .300 .378 .595 .528 ' .509 ,5J0 .4 ,415 Cincinnati , . New York .. Kansas City Brooklyn .... Pittsburg: St Louis ... Newark ... . 25 2 2J ...24 ...21 ..i...... i 10 American Associstion. Chicago .... Buffalo .... Baltimore . . Indiannpolis 34 Louisville 27 Kansas City .-. . ... .. . ... Milwaukee ......... . . . ..27 .. 26" St. Paul Cleveland , Columbus . , . .... ........... . zi ................. 21 . 15 . W astern Lea-rua. i . . 23 . i.- 21 21 22 23 16 .. 16 14 Minneapolis Des Moines Denvct . . . . Lincoln Omaha . . Topeka .... St. Joeeph . Sious ' City Wichita ..; Hartkwestorn LufMi Spokane .11,, Tacoma 28 , Victoria ' . . 27 Vancouver ................. i 2S ' Aberdeen ................... 25 Seattle , 22 . .. ' AnMricma Lsagne. '". Chicago ...... ......... 31 Detroit 31 Boston- .i. ............ ...,, 24 Washington ...22, New York . 22 Cleveland ......... 2 - St. Louis .......... .......... 19 Philadelphia 17- .620 .596 .571 .612 .489 .433 .404 ..362 . ' Western league Results. ,-At Denver Denver, i; 'Sioux City, 2. At Uncoln Lincoln, 6$ Omaha, 5. " ,At Topeka Topeka. 5; i St Joseph, 7. I - At 'Wichita Wichita. . 4:'' Uea I Moines, J- . , ' Batting Averages Of Beaver Players A.B. ( H. Pet. Davis . . 230 i 56 .246 . m Derrick . 243 ; 69 .284 & Stumpf ...... 244 j76 .311 Bates 138 48 .348 Hillyard 103 29 ,282 Fisher . . ,... 138 46 .333 4r Carisch 108 27 .250 Lober 199 53 :266 Doane ...... 200 42 .210 Speaa . . 186 68 12 Reed . , ...... : 2 ,0 .000 Lush ........ 35 9 .257 Keef e . 4 0 .000 Evans , 26 5 ,192 Krause . . .. . . 42 9 .209 jr Coveleskie . ..-31 2 .065 . Higginbotham , 46 8 .174- Kahler 2 1 .500 - , .jjf. Team total!:. 2128 569 .267 SEALS TAKE BOTH GAMES San Francisco, June 14. San Fran cisco took both games from Oakland yesterday - arid In doing so biffed Dutch Klawitter for eight runs in the fifth inning of the afternoon game, making eight hits. That was all the run getting the "Seals did, but it was easily enough. . Killllay won a 3 to 0 game ln the morning. The Oaks took the series. Score: Morning game SAN FRANCISCO " AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Meloan. rf 4 0 1 O Sclaller, If. ...... 51 12 0 0 Bodle, cf. 3 1 . I s S O Heilmann. lb ..... 3 1 2 9 0 0 Downs, 2b 2 O 1 1 3 O Jones 3b. 2 O 1 3 5 0 Leard, ss. 4 O 2 3 3 1 Block, e 3 O O KilliLay, p. 3 O 1 0 1 0 Total 29 3 9 27 12 1 ' ' . OAKLAND AB. 15- II. PO. A. E. Marcan, Eb 4 0 O 1 2 Middle ton, cf. .....4 O O 0 0 Johnston. If. ...... 4 0 0 1 1 0 Ness, lb. 4 . 0 2 16 0 Girdner, rf. 4.0 2 1 0 3 Elliott, e. 3 fl 0 5 4 0 Guest, ss. ........... 3 0 1 0 2 C Lltschl, 3b. 2 O 3 2 0 Abies, p. . ..... 1 0 0 Qt 6 Boyd. p. 1 O 0 O 4 0 Knhn 10 0 p 0 0 Total 0 1 21 20 -1 ' 4 - Kohn batted for Abies in fifth. SCORB BY INNINGS San Francisco.... ........0 1 O 0 0 0 2 3 Hits ............0 2 0 2 2 0 0 3 09 Oakland , . . .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hita '. . 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 05 SUMMARY One ran. 6 hita. 16 at bat off Abies in 3 irnings. Charge defeat to Abies. Two base hits Downs, Heilmann, Scballer. Sacrifice hits Downs 2. Heilmann, KCiott. First base oa called balls Off Killllay 1, Abies 2. Struck out By Killllay 2, Abies 3. Boyd 2. Hit by R It cher Meloaa by Abies. Stolen bases Jones , Nets. Left on bases San Francisco 9, Oak land 5. Runs responsible for Abies 1, Boyd 2. Time of game 1:55. Umpires Phyle and To man. Afternoon game SAN FRaN CISCO All. R. H. PO. A. 1 O 0 1 - 2 1 3 3 Meloan. rf. 5 1 16 Schaller, If "4 Bodle; cf. ....... ........ 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 Heilmann, lb 4 Downs, 2b. 5 Jones. 3b. ............ 5 Leard. ss. 4 JScpalveda. c. ......... 3 fanning, p. - 4 Total ...... .47 8 OAKLAND AB. R. 11 27 11 2 E. 0 0 . o 1 1 1 H. PO. A. Marcan, 2b 4 . O Middleton. cf. ........ 4 1 0 3 .2 2 1 1 1 1 0. 1 0 o 0 o 3 4 10 Johnston, If............ 4 1. Ness, id. ............. u Gardner, rf- 4 O Kuub, c' 4 Guest, ss. 4"0 Littchi, 3b. - 3 0 Klawitter, p 1 Pruiett. p. 1 O Mundorff 1 Martlnonl. p. ......... O O 4 2 0 O o Totsl ...34 2 7 2T. 13 ' 'Mundorff batted for Prniett i eighth. ' SCO RE BY INNINGS r. San Francisco,....... ..0 O 0 8 O 0 S Hits i.l 0 O O 8 O 1 11 1 Oakland 0 O 0 O 0 O 2 2 Hits 1 2 0 00 1 0 3 1 SUMMARY : Eight runs, 8 bits off Klawitter. 21 at bat in 4 1-3 innings. Out la fifth, 2 on, 1 00 C No runs, 2 bits off Pruiett, 15 at bat in 3 2-3 innings. Charge defeat to Klawitter. Home run Meloan. Two base hit Johnston, first base ou called balls Off Klawitter 3, off Pru iett 1, Martlnonl 1. Struck out By Fanning 4. Klawitter S, Martlnonl 2. Stolen: base Scballer. Leard. Runs responsible for Fanning 2 Klawitter 8. Left on bases San Fraucisco 7, Oakland 4. Time of game 1 :C6. Umpires 1'uyie and Toman. - NATIONAL LEAGUE GAINES " At Chicago:' . ' . . R. H. E. Boston .. 8 0 Chicago i. 6 12 1 " Batteries Rudolph, Hess and ,Gow dy ; "Vaughn, Lavender and ' Archer. At St Louis- R. H. E. Brooklyn ............... . ; 2 S 4 St. Loui ..9 7 2 ; Batteries Pfef f er, . Cadore and Mc Carty; M. AvTieat; Robinson and Sny der. . - ' ". - mm NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE Tacoma, Wash., June 14. Mails pitched both games yesterday for Se attle and got an even break. Score: First game ' H. H. E. Seattle . 2 6 6 Tacoma . 4 5 1 Batteries Mails and Cadman? Mc Ginnity and Stevens. Second game R. H. E. Seattle . 6 4 2 Tacoma 2 9 2 Batteries Mails and Cadman; Peter son, House and Stevens. Spokane. Wash., June 14. Spokane .won yesterday's double header and took six out of seven' games with . the Victoria club. Scores: , First game , R. H. E. Victoria . ' 0 5 2 Spokane 3 6 1 Batteries McKenry'.and Hoffman; Callahan and Brennegan. Second game R. H. E. Victoria - 411 1 Spokane . .... 911 3 Batteries Bonner, Smith and Hoff man; Wicker, Fisk and Altman. , Everett. Wash, June 14. Aberdeen and "Vancouver played here yesterday before a large crowd, Aberdeen win ning with ease. Score: R. H. E. Aberdeen 5 9 1 Vancouver 162 Batteries Hughes and Vance; Brandt and Cheek. American Association Results. Columbus, 4; Minneapolis, 2. Kansas City. 3-8; Cleveland, 2-5. Louisville, 2; St. Paul, 1. , . s Indianapolis, 4; Milwaukee, 1. ' You'll'sure I' get by the beat-'emto-it division if youll stand pat just about long enough to buy some IPrince Albert tobacco. Then the cards read: Jam your old jirnmy pipe brimful to.the spilling-spot, Or roll a makin's cigarette, strike fire with a match and go oh I For you've got a through ticket. That's all there is to it this dig ging fun out of a pipe or aj ciga rette if you follow suit and play the game via P. A., because then you've switched to thej right track I And your tongue will be fine-likesilkwhether you smoke one load or a hundred! ! ' For Prince Albert is made by a . patented process that cuff out tongue-bite and throat-parch ! Now, you just let it sift in that no tobacco ever was, or can be, made . like. Prince Albert, the i! ! national joy smoke. ' Cut-loose with a pipe or rette and a tidy red tin and swing open your some genuine smoke-sunshine. For thenfyoull qualify toj be a , real and true pipe-r on the P. A. band wagon, which means 33d degree tobacco happiness- and a guarantee that you'll be jimmy pipejoy'us and cigarette cheerful ! R, J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. . Wmaton-Saleia, N. C ! " IM1 r k .. v.'. yttt. Tf-" v. s . ML ill! .id ii PrinemAtbmrt mmokmrm mvywhr arm mnthmmtaatie ssf thm cioasy pnmmd 2rytal-g la karrmdor mrith tk irrigi imWsfsiisi top which kp thm tobacco im fimm fetttm mqi. - It' a thin of Scar for 9 s i j a tsiom er rmtlm hi and half -Bound tin hantjdora. Coprrtclit IMS? B. PORTLAND GOLF GLTJB DEFEATS EUGENE, 30 TO-8 Driving ls,Best Witnessed on ! Portland Course This ' t ' Season. Scoring 30 points to their opponents' 8. the Portland Golf club'' team tri umphed over the Eugene Country club players in the return .match Between the two clubs. The ( local golfers also had I revenge f or t the .drubbing . they received at the hands of the Eugene club in April. -" - .- The feature of the day was the play ing of the R.Wilhelm-Carskadden and J. Wilhelm-Stralght foursome. The driv ing of 'these .players was the best wit. nessed on the Portland course this season, and the approach shots Y-y the various players were very good. - J. Wilhelm made a freak play on the twelfth hole of the . match, when, he stymied four feet from the bole. He used his maahle and holed out. J.i C. Ayer was the only Eugea player to win three points from . a Portlander. H. E, Van Ness 'captured two i points. Mrs. Pratt, one of the women who accompanied the Eugene , players to Portland, in a four ball foursome made the scores of 52 and 53, which are -very good. : . .. , . The Eugene players . were , . much ' i a of aga P. A. chest" to - J HyffliUPfAl : t the nation i ii i i . mmm. im amn cirarmtt. nlils T c. pleased with the entertainment and luncheon provided for ' them by the local club. !- i j ; The results of 'the "match and the medal scores of the players:--. PORTLAND. i . , Points. MedaL ! . -.. r .:. Score. R. Wilhelm ... 3 76 J..R. Straight 2 r . 7 G. B. Lynn!....,.. 0 91 A. Dlcksori . .......... . 2 ' i- 81 J. M, Angus . ... 3 - 90 V. S. Gray ......... ... . 3 92 H. H. Pearce . . . ., ... . . 93 J. A. Dick i 3 83 C? C. Gross. ............ 1 " 99 G. V. Anderson. 0 98 H. Meier . i ; 2 v97 W. I. North up 3 93 J. T. Hotchklss ........ :3, 100 R. H. Baldwin 3 91 Total 30 EUGENE. Points. Medal . Score. . 1 ,' ' 60 87 . 8 100 94 96 100 97 5 106 - 100 114 i ,137 C S. Carskadden.,. , . . .. M. J. : Wilhelm . . F, C, 'Ayer I.........;;; A. Rorer . .......'.. ... L. M.' Lewis ......... ,'. H. A. Dunbar . .'. E. O. I mm el Harry Powell.......... C, A. Burden . . H. E. Van i Ness C, N. Sampson, v. . . O. Gllstrap Dean Hayea .......... . L.(Travls 0 ! 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 ' 0 0 .Total - As , Much Chance. From the Dallas News. ' He Why are you, women always go ing to bargain sales ' in the hope of getting something - for nothing ? , ' She For the same" reason yoii men are always going to' your poker clubs. 111 S i ill 11 Iijl r Officers Best Shots v At Local Gun Club Officers of the Portland Gun club concluded to carry off the honors yes terday at the Portland Gun club, and Vice President A.- W. Strowger piled up a score of 90 out of 100, while President H. R. Everdlng mad one leas. , James K.. Simpson was down from 'Stevenson, ' Wash., and shot 75, it being his. first, shooting day after a month's illness. . The scores: . A; W. Strowger 90, H. R, Everdlng 89r Tom Barkley 87, W. B. Honeyman 77, J. K." Simpson 75, A. E. Allen .72, J. C. Morris 64, and R. Spooner.60, , Yacht Club Takes . ' .' Cruise Down Rivers ' A party ,of-.22 members of the Ore gon Yacht club, had a great time on a week-end crulae on the cruisers Hal cyon, Columbian 'and. Wauna down the Willamette and Columbia rivers. The boats went down the . river: ss far as St. Helens and on the way back Cap tains Wyiie of the Halcyon, Dodge of the Wauna and Shqlln of the Colum bian participated in a, race, which was very close, ' the Halcyon winning and the Columbian coming in second. . -Next Sunday there will be a cruise of the Yacht club to Cedar island. Let's be - thankful,'. ' anyhow, ' that Mexico is only Mexico. , A -1'. 5,