The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1915, Page 41, Image 41

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- socnrnr, s clubs, musio
, ' ' ' " " . ' I ; ; t 4 , . PORTLAND, OREGON, SUND AY MORNING, JUNE 13. 1915.
Miss Marion Bowles, the at tractive eubdebutante daughter of Mr.-and Mrs.; J. RUBowIes.,
- New a for publication In tha :
Sunday society pages must .be
' In Tha Journal office by Friday - t
afternoon. 4t
" -'
I By Nona Lawler. v
rim Waverly Country . club
. tournament - . next week. will
- bring society : to, tha club for
many teas, luncheons and dinner
parties tui weeK. opening: to-
brrow morning: the tournament 'Will
nttnue through the week, ending Sat'
(day with a big dinner dance that eve
rig. "Wednesday too therewill be spe
ll musical entertainment, during the
ternooa.- Prom i nan t matrons will act
hostesses each afternoon at tea as
a lows: Monday, Mrs. Thomas Honey-
in; Tuesday, Mrs. C. Edward Grelle;
edneedty, Mrs. DaTW T. Honey man:
hursdayl Mrs. J. P. Farren; Friday.
jra. Victor A. Johnson, and Saturday,
n. William uacMaster. - ;
.'. -l - . - "
Mrs "Fred. R" Strong has sent out
rds foe a large reception at her
me, 46 'North Twenty-second street,
iday, June 18, from unui 6 o'clock.
Ken her niece. Miss "Patsey, Stewart,
u mutt nec iormai dow to. Portland
ksiety, ? The affair will be foremost
hong the smart events of this week.
iMiss Stewart is a. charming girl who
Stored Insured
j Temperature ta Tanlta ' "
13 Degrees Balow Pressing
Phones, Main 24, A-2440
. . Messes? Will Call
Stylish Fox Animal Scarfs
for: Dressy Wear;,, . 1
Fur Remodeling and
Repairing at
t Summer Schedule
J. O. Plagemann, Mgr.
233 UorrUon U bet. 4th k sth
is Just being welcomed back ; to the
city, as her. school work, has taken
her away for several years. She fin'
lshed this year at Miss Ransom's
school In. Piedmont, California, prior
at Greenwich, Conn. She graduated
In Portland from the St. 'Helen's ha!L
Miss Ruth i Teal, the attractive
daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph Na
than Teal, who is now visiting at Bryn
Mawt. will- return- to the - city about
the .-first .--of,, July, bringing with her
Miss "Virginia. Scully of New Tork. also
s debutante - of 1 the - past -season, who
will pass the remainder of the summer
as her 1 house guest. ; Miss Teal has
been extensively entertained - while in
the east. The first" part of June , she
was bridesmaid at . a prominent socie
ty wedding and June ?. 19 she will be
one of the bridal party at the wedding
of Miss Elisabeth Elklns OUphant,
granddaughter ; of the . late Senator
Elklns of West Virginia and to Frank
Hunter of Pittsburg who is a nephew
of Henry Phipps. Mrs. Oliphant and
Miss Teal's? mother. . were school girl
friends. The wedding will be a smart
society event to take place at the coun
try home. of, the Ollphaots between
Princeton and Trenton. N. J. . "
rSn' -v' "--'. ' ."-",
Mr. and Mra Ernest Webb and-their
little son of Medford are' Portland
visitors, having come up for the Rose
Festival to pass two weeks here. The
baby . was christened at .Trinity parish
house Wednesday afternoon, the Rev.
Ki. A. Morrison officiating, . and has
been named William . Albert Bridges
Webb. -,. .. . , - .
Miss Ruth Zeile. a popular belle of
San Francisco - society, arrived Thurs
day to .pass several weeks at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles, B. Carey with
their ' daughter. Miss Evelyn Carey.
Miss Zeile visited here during last sea
son and her stay in the city was filled
with pleasant 4 entertaining.' She ' is
now being-welcomed by many friends.
- - '-' i ', . " P ' r - t- . - " -
Complimenting' Miss Catherine, Rus
sell. Miss Margaret .Mears entertained
most delightfully Thursday evening at
her" grandmother's, Mrs. Henry E.
Jones residence on' Portland Heighta
The . guests , included the younger de
butante set. The.- room were abloom
with lovely, roses and garden flowers.
Mrs. Samuel M. - Mears assisted ' her
daughter in receiving. . -
Miss Leslie Snapp of , Seattle" was
the honored guest at a luncheon riven
Wednesday by Miss Alice Gilman at
ner nome . m irvtngton at I2ast Flf-
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Alva "Jacobs, fori Thursday evening,
complimenting Miss 'Catherine Russell,
the daughter -of Mrs. ' Louis Russell,
teenth and Wasco, streets.- - Miss Snapp
her house guest, during the fes
tival, and was much entertained in 'an
Informal . manner. : Miss Dorothy ' Hall
of Omaha.. Neb., shared ' honors at the
luncheon; - which . was uniquely ar
ranged. It -was served in baskot fash
ion, each ot the 20 guests receiving a
dainty rose handled basket daintily
filled. ' The guests included- besides
Miss .Snapp and Miss Hall, Mia " Isa
bella Gauld, Miss Macleay, Miss Rhoda
Rumelin. Miss Malsie and Miss" Ailsa
MacMaster, Miss Jean" Morrison, Miss
Evelyn Carey, Mias Cornelia Cook, Miss
Mariorie Hoffman,, Miss Mary Frown
lie, Miss Jean and- Miss Barbara Mac
Kenzie, Miss . Shannah " Gumming, Miss
Katharine Hoi brook, Miss Nan Russell,
Miss Clementine . Lambert and : Mrs.
Kurt Kohler. - .. ;
-" '
'Miss '"Elizabeth Jacobs Is planning
an informal dancing party at the homed Lawler, Miss Dagmar Kelly and Miss
whose recent 'return to- the dty has
occasioned much entertaining. ' .'
, -;t, 'r. -' :f
Mr.! and Mrs. James Tl" Barron ar
rived from the east Tuesday night ac
companied by their. ' daughter, - Mrs.
Thomas Martin Fitspatrlck (Anna Bar
ron), their , niece. Miss Anna Munly.
and Mrs. Barron's, mother, Mra, Nixon.
: - " ' r u .
Mr.T and Mrs. Lelgb Hackley Smith
(Jeanette , Thomas) , made their de
parture Tuesday evening for Muskegon,
Mich., where they will visit : -Mr"-Smith's
relatives before" going" -ow- to
New tTortii ldar MrnaM
Spencer gave prettUy. appointed tea
for Mrs, Smith, when a dosen or so
of the most intimate friends of the
honor guest called - to- bid her adiaeu
. - . w
Mr and I Mrs. O. M. Clark were
honor guests at a large reception Mon
day nigbt at the Oregon, building at the
exposition in San Francisco.- Mr. Clark
Is president of the Oregon commission
at the fair, and with his wife, returned
home the latter part of - last week,
after passing six weeks there. The
Oregon Agricultural college bead,
composed of 85 students, furnished the
music at the reception." ' "
: -.---J. " -' "
Mr, and' Mrs. Frederick Alva Jacobs
hove 'as their house guest Mra John
Cochran, of Kansas City, cousin of
Mr. Jacobs. She will pass a month or
six weeks at the Jacobs home and will
doubtless be the inspiration for much
entertaining, v - ;
- . ' mm--
Miss Imogens Carraher. ot Seattle, in
the bouse guest of Miss Irene Daly
and .plans to .visit -several weeks in
Portland. . She is en route home from
Calif ornia,' where she has been visiting
friends at San Francisco. rV;-
l t to-' "- '-St:- - ' -' '
: Mrs.iO. ' F. Paxton of v New York.-a
former Portlander who is passing the J
summer nere & guest at. me uemra
Court, was the honored guest Monday
evening to see Pavlowa at the Baker
theatre "when' Miss Genevieve Thomp
son, gave a box party with a supper
party 1 following. Miss Thompson's
guests were: Mrs. Paxton, Miss Malsie
Mae Master, Miss Isabella Gauld, H.
M. Montgomery, R. H. Crosier, Seaton
Taylor and Leland Smith.
.". "
Mrs. George T. Wlllett gave a large
reception at her home in Overton street
Tuesday afternoon when several hun
dred : guests called. The -affair was
elaborately appointed,. the rooms being
redolent with beautiful flowers. Mrs!
JX A. Shlndler, Mrs. Joseph N. Teal,
Mrs. James D. Honeyman - and Mrs.
Oscar R.' Menefee presided at the 'tea
table. At the punch bowl Mr..- Gordon
Voorhies and Mrs. - Ernest - Tucker
served and Mrs. Mark Gill assisted the
hostess about the rooms.
. . -
Mrs. Johnson Porter, who with her
son Lawrence will leave this week for
Nova ScJotla, was the honored" guest at
a large reception last Tuesday .given
by Mrs. C. C Newcastle. Pink roses,
the Testouts and Dorothy Perkins
rambler, decked the house in charming
profusion filling all the rooms but the
dining room which was quaintly ar
ranged with the vivid hued, old fash
ioned. Sweet William.
- Pouring-were: Mrs. J. C. Mann, Mrs.
L. E. Kern,. Mrs. J. Randall, and Mrs.
Wells. Mrs. Andrew Porter received
with, the , hostess and ' honor-: guest.
The, rooms were thronged with guests
throughout the afternoon." Mrs.-Porter
will make her home at Halifax for
the next two years., (
'-. - W " "
Miss Cora Ztasmusen - of - Everett,
Waslu, who passed several weeks in
the city last year, the guest of her
cousin. Miss Rebekah van Waters.
is again a Portland visitor as guest
of Mrs. G. P. ; Keller at ; the . tatter's
home, 6I Marshall street. .Miss Ras
musen has, been passing the. last if our
montlus- In :, California Trislting -friends
and relatives and .is now V ea f route
home. ,f ec- ' t . t .
. M3sa-. Bess : Lloyd. bride of Charles
Robbins; , ; Mrs. Frederick Burrows
and Miss -.Stone- of-' Chicago shared
honors Saturday when Mrs. K. J. Leon-,
ard entertained with a matinee to see
Miss BUlie Burke. Other guests were
Mrs. : J. H. Robbins -of Pendleton, Mrsr
W. . G.: Lloyd, Mrs. E. a Veasey. Mrs.
C. C. Colt, Mrs. K J-. Wolff, Mrs. . E.
H. Keller, : Mrs. Percy1 Allen, Mrs.: C
M. Lacey,? Mrs.; R. M. "-G Whittaker,
Mrs., B.f:Ct ' Haines (Geraldine Whitta
ker, Mrs. Walter Dickey, Mrs.'; C.
Darnall, .Mrs. - G.'-Jennings 'and Miss
Vermillion. Tea :. followed at the Sen-.
SOn. . i ';; . '.' v ' '
.;, The Catholic Women's league will
Rive a -garden, party at . the ; home of
Mrs. Felix Isherwood j next '.Wednes
day afternoon and evening.. , h.iC
The program -is under the" direction
of Miss: Katherine Kern. and. will be a
varied one. string trio composed of
Miss Marie Chapman, violinist; . Miss
Josephine i Wagnen Cellist, and Miss
Kern, pianist, will! play. MlssNona
Hams. - The primary music education
class of Miss- Kern's consisting of
children : from : five to . eight ' years " of
age- will give a deUgstf ol program.-
"' , i ' . ' s ?' i ",v
Miss Grace Josephine Brown is the
fortunate possessor of & "contract, that
calls for her presence in New .Tork
later jlhis ' summer to begin rehearsals
for the; leading Ingenue with the mu
sical comedy, "Bringing W Father."
built on : the famous George McManue
cartoons.' i--vJ:-S.-.i:!,;i';;.
-Miss Brown is wefl-kmown soloist
in Portland;, where sheT hss fined- Un
portant xharch positions among them
the First Consrregatlonal, First Metbo.
diet and Ffrat Church of Christ, Sci
entist. She left Tuesday for her
home In Medford. where she--will-pass
the remainder of the- summer until
called east for- rehearsals. ;
J "-
. Mrs- H.' S.- Wilson entertained at an
elaborate luncheon for Mrs. F. I
Houghton of The Dalles at the Nor-1
tonia hotel Friday. The guests were
Mrs. Dr. Ferguson, - Mra. E. K; Lytle.
Mrs. George Blakley. Mrs. Hugh Logan,
Mrs.-J.-T. Peters, Mrs. T. J. Seufurt,
Mra. A. Bennett. Miss Bennett: and
Mrm." J. T. Lighter. -
-. On last - Monday : evening, . Mrii and
Mrs. W. M. Kapus entertained -at din
ner '-to their Irvlngtott home. Mr. - and
Mrs. Edward S. Dlckeyi Miss -Dickey
and i Mr. Dickey's sister, - Miss . Hen
rietta Dickey, of Baltimore, .who were
returning from- the Panama-Pacific
exposition, where they- were present as
members of ttu, present governor's
party- In- the formal opening of the
Maryland state building. Covers were
laid , for 10, additional gnests being.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Boas and Mr.
and Mra. s. C. Bratton.
- .' ' 3 ; a . v . ..
The women's department of - the
Rose City Park erub, Mrs. O. Q. Bngh
son presldenit. Is closing' Its year with
an elaborate luncheon oa Friday, June
18. The ballroom of the clabbouse
will be used tor - the occasion. . the
guests being seated: st small tables.
There will , be beautiful decorations,
an excellent menu, and a fine musical
program In : charge of . Mrs. Percy W.
Lewis. Those who ; remember the
luncheon oflast-year will be glad of
the opportunity to again avail them
selves of "the hospitality of these la
dies this year.' Any. women Interested
are welcome. - The eommltte in charge,
with whom reservations may be made,
are Mrs. PhHo E. Jones, Mrs. E. H.
Carlton and Mrs. W. L. Johnston, .
Miss Edith. Fullerton of fian Mates,
who arrived Tuesday to visit at the
home . of Miss Helen Mlnslnger, . was
tbs -honor guest Friday : afternoon at
a pretty Informal tea given by Miss
Mlnslnger, A ' dosen ..r ao girls,
school friends of the hostess, were
bidden to meet the visitor. : Miss
Helen Page ;and Miss . Katherine
Echnabel asasawad In aervlng.
New- York, June IX, 0L N. aj The
wedding of Mlsa Dorothy Fay, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mra John P. Fay of
Seattle, and Carl Krellnghuyacn GouUi,
son of Mr. and Mra Charles J. Gould i
of this lty, whose engagement was .
announced last February, wil! take;
place on June 22 at Trlntiy churcli,
jMiss Fay is a graduate of Bryn '
Mawr. and Vassar colleges. Mr, Gould
la an architect' In Seattle, and presi
dent Of the Seattle Fine Arts society.
Delta Gamma held initiation Friday
night. June 12, for the following rtrl,
who are fresnmen at tha tmivermty,
of Oregon: " Lucile Huggins, Aileen
Townsend and Marian Neil, of Port
land, and Margaret Cornwall of Berke
ley, CaU An elaborate banquet fol
lowed at the Hotel Osburne, which in
cluded these Delta Gammas: Mli s
Amy Dunn. Mra" Margaret Guthrie
Hewitt, Mra Frederic Dunn. Mrs. Cllf-1
ford Sims, Luclle Yoran, listen AVer
lain. Cecils - Sawyer, Aldous Ober-
j (Continued on Following Page)
Mabel RIggs will render vocal selec
tions. and Miriam Schiller and Helen
Dietrich , will appear In dances under
the direction of - MUs Hartense Wil-
, Offers Unusually Fine Opportunities for
; '' APPROPRIATE ': ' J "
' . y t j Interfsting' ? Varieties and Prices:-."';;
Corner Washington and ' Park - Streets
- a SV sr , e . . , w
p $1:9.85 Buys a Fiirne 9x1 2 mimisteir
This Weekj t 'Powers'' f
M 1 1 ' - ' - - ssP arrr-si, r JST . .rV-r LV. f -,. ;VT, . . ftr-- " . .mm -ill 1 I
rf77r-j 7' "l"T7rT' i : mmmtt " mmmm'alr -mtm-munrm- i i I'll i
j...;. -' :ir : -"s-i JSm- ZQ. -. --s & -T ' 'l V
mmmmm if im mmmm i m i i 1 1 tr . ; . w r ' r r - ft
, ., ' rrog . use i our reau
Anyone can now af
ford to have a good
Axminster : Rug in
their living: room or
dining room. The
low credit terms and
the special one week
price puts it in reach
of every one with a
Rug want The patterns are very desirable, there being unusually pleasing effects in the floral, oriental and small set patterns. The Rugs
are made' with long, deep nap and heavy, woven back, insuring long -wear. In the 9x12 room size only and colorings , to please every taste.
SOc Printed Linoleum
( $! Weekly
Some dozen patterns of brlgnt new printed Lino
leum have Just been-received and marked at once
at this special price. The designs and colors are
suitable for kitchen, dining . room or bath. - Good
heavy printed linoleum that sells ' regularly .at SO'
cents-, special per yara on syour iioor. . .
' $ 1.50 Heavy Quality Inlaid
- xnis excellent extra neavy lniaia unoieum comes
m a variety of very desirable colors and is shown
in parquet, wood floor and small effects. Patterns
suitable for. most any purpose and specially, priced
for this week. -laid on your floor at, yard ...........
0A 9 Piece Dining Room Outfit
Ka $ll.UUnUsh SjZJS. Weeldy:iJlJi:
Complete Bedroom Outfit
In Mahogany Post Colonial Style (J
$15.00 Cash Then $2.50 Weeldy
-The Illustration shows a very pleasing suite in the Pont Colonial pattern,' con
sisting of five pieces,-Bed, Dresser, Chiffonier, Toilet Table and - Desk, A full
size bed being substituted instead or tbe twin style as shown. The suite Is beau
tifully finished in Mahogany, is of high character, end substantially and thoroughly
made. At the special price of $167.75 the wutte la unusual value and when t-oupll
with the low credit terms as mentioned above, most anyone can afford to own
one. Bee the suite as shown on our sample floor, you will be greatly impressed
with its beauty and realise how fairly it is priced.
I The price is" very "low Indeed' for-such' a ; splendid 'suite. The pieces all
I. -Tnatcn-" perrecuy ano. come m that new light : fumed finish which is so
r popular, t The 1 Serving Table Is not Included In the suite price, but can be
aaaiuonai expense. Xfie suite throughout is- built or
selected quartered oak and the pieces '- are all generous in sise
outfits we have to show you
Six slip
ne china
It : Is Just t one, of the many fine dining- room
seat dining chairs, one pedestal dining table, one large buffet a.nd one china
ciosec comprise tne suite.
Learn to EconomizeLook for Powers' Drapery
a r- ew or
New 20c Scrims Scrims with- double hems'titched - , '
i ? effect 'borders, - in white, . ivory - and : ecru,' full . 36 ". A
35c Cretonnes and Taffetas Cretonnes and Taff
fetas in lieht eround with floral designs in'nink. "
inches wide, special, per yard at.;........., 'AC blue or yellow, full 36 inches wide. Special 1 Art
JThree Fold Burlap Screens Three Fold Bur- ' : -' per yard at.'. . ..... i .. ..... v. . . . .. . . ....... ... i X
lap. Screens filled with brown-or green burlap y $2.75 White Cotton Comforts White cotton I j
r of ,t extra " weight,, all ' oak .frames,,: fioishtd QQ QK: filled comfotts covered wilh - floral . design Q" QQ
;fume(i or weathered. , Special at....?. vOe7eJ silkoline, light or dark grounds each J)XeOl7
.New Bungalow Nets New arrivals in Bungalow
Nets from 45 to 50 inches wide, any wanted oclor, OA '
specially priced at yard35c and. ... ... OUC
$15 - Feather Pillows t Guaranteed i Emmerich '
cfeather 1 pillows, -full size, covered in ' striped QK
tick,'each ; .". ;...:.. . . . .-. . :. r OC
A Great ' Reduction on
All Pieces That Have
Been Used: as Samples
137.50 Bird seye
Manle Dresser.
with large Mirror
swell front . draw-
126.7S Bird s eye,
Maplelresser, Col-.
onlal pattern. with
oval ' mirror and
large ' base - . . . . . .
$510 BlrdseyeMa- ,
'pie Dresser lh' the - X -Adamstdesign,
ex- ' ;
tra .irge-Bise ; caneQ y g
$56". White En- .- "
amel : Dreeser in ' . ; j
Colonial style with v-
spool standard, cut 35
$29.75 ' White En- i''
amel Dresser, -Post " . ?
Colonial - style," oval CliJ Ce
mirror, now ... . . . IViUw
I1S.50 White En- -
amel Dresser, built ' i , v
on . straight lines, (11 1 ff
generous , size . . . . V a X O Oak" -Dresser
.with ;. shaped - mirror
and .four drawer
base now . -. ......... .
J28.50 Oak Dresser.:
Adams style, five-
drawers .in base Ci
now - .- . - -. . . .
3 3 V3fo Discount on Some
70 Mahogany Pieces
We have assembled on our third floor a, number of mahogany pieces
for the. living room, dining room and chamber. uThese will be marked
for a great one week sale at a third Jess than the regular selling price.
The time is opportune to choose the odd piece you have been wanting
and the variety is large enough to provide the style and piece you
have hi mind. - , " - - ,
$ LO Worth of Furniture $'L00 Cash $1.00 Week
S 75 Worth of Fornitnro $7JM Cash$L50 Week
$100 Worth of Furnitore $10.00 Cash Week
$123 Worth of Furniture $rT50 Cash $2.25 Week
$150 Worth of Fumitura $15jOO 'Cash $2-50 Week
$200 Worth of Furniture $20.00 Casfv$3.00 Week.
Tab I
; ' ..:" i "a-- . ' -
Sixty Pieces to
Sell Far Below
112:50 Dining Tsble
in quartered oak ef- CO ACL
jfect round barrel.. yOt'id
118.50 Dining Table w . .
with-- 45-inch quar-
tered top, heavy '3 QJ
f 19.95 Dining Table.
heavy plank topl 1C
round base V
$29-00 Dining Table
full quartered oaic, CIO fltt
seats ;;ten , persons v vJ
126.50 Dining Table. 1
octagon base, quai- fjl 7 CitZ
terel plank top ... V JJ
$41.60 Dining Table, '
48-inch ; top, scroll COQ Cf
base, heavy design ysSO.Uy
139.50 Dining -'Tsble,'-.' -
larre Ilunn top. Col
onial style.
$6f.7S 5-inch Din
ng Table.j Colonial
reet :, . . . . .
design, extends to g fA O 1 F
( :
V. .
... A