THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, -SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 13. 1915. REALTY AND BUILDING NEWS OF THE WEEK IN AND NEAR PORTLAND SALES AND HAPPENINGS IN THE " REALTY WORLD IS Polities as represented by the city election and the good time offered by Portland's annual frolic, the - Rose Festival, served to- drive - business cares to the winds last week and while ; the week in realty was not sub-normal neither was it one that could be char acterized as up to standard. Things moved along much as usual with re ports of ordinary trades, but taken all in all the- market was featureless. . -In building lines the biggest bit of construction in Portland was seen in the begisning of operations on the new Mason Khrman warehouse, a three story structure that will cost $35,000. There is nevertheless considerable building-going on and more in sight. On Thursday the- much mooted question of building code revision came to . the ; official notice of the council when; an ? ordinance allowing, among other things, the erection of mill con structed buildings up to a height of two stories in the Inner district was presented by Commissioner Dieck.: The ordinance was taken under considera tion in view of the fact that a num ber of leading property owners have come out in open opposition. They already filed a protest . with the council against that part of the ordi nance permitting mill construction. ' Everyone apparently favors revision as regards the kind and character of . materials for repairs, partitions, gal leries, etc. Under the present ordi nance only fireproof materials can be used and there has-been much com plaint on this score. In some. caees fireproof galleries have been built In wooden buildings because the code de mands it and the same applies to the installation 01 partitions. Under the present circumstances -it Is then deemed certain that at least this part of the code will be revised. Whether the present "fireproof ordi nance for the inner district will be changed as requested is another mat ter and one that will not be settled without a hard fight. Both sides are collecting all available data from, other : large cities and when the ordinance comes up for a vote the council will bk in possession of full information in support of both aides, it is antici pated. ' Preparing Plans for Viaduct. - The city engineer's office is prepar ing plans for a fill and viaduct over the O.-W. & N. tracts on Union av enue between Bryant street and the Columbia boulevard. The work will be started as soon as possible as the the thoroughfare is the approach to the Interstate bridge now under, con struction. ; The cost is estimated at IC0.000 -and will bo assessed iver a large district extending alons Union LATE RURAL REALTY TRANSFERS AND SALES t band Sale Successful. ' The state land sale held at Idaho Kails by State Land Commissioner George A. Day last week was one of the most successful, all of the ' land possible to be old under the law hav ing been disposed of with, a demand for more after it was gone It includes orae of ? the. best dry" farm lands In that section of the state. In less than two hours 2800 acres, all that was available, was disposed of. It went at the values fixed by the ap praisers with protection to the rights of those at present holding state leases on them., To Bepair Buildings. ' Extensive repairs are to be made to five buildings In Vancouver barracks-immediately. The work is to be let by contract and it wilt require a number of men working for a period of over 30 days bexore it can be com pleted. The specifications are avail able at the quartermaster's of flee : in the barracks.- Bids for the work will be opened there Tuesday.; ' The buildings which are to be re paired are the Post . hospital, the hos pital, cow barn, the dental surgeon's office, and the two buildings used as the steward's quarters. ; Valuable Perm Bought. Mrs. Esther : Simpson .- of Portland, ' has purchased the Fred Naroitx place six miles southeast from McMlnnville. ; paid ; 9iO,VVV - iur- ,; piKlircn. which comprises 100 acres. Her son will manage the farm. The Andrews farm six miles northwest of McMlnn ville has been sold to Mrs. Susie M. ; Smith. The tract contains 114 acres and the purchase price was $11,000. Personal property and crops went with both deals. Albany College llay Bnlld. - Although the report is not verified officially, it is rumored- that the Al- bany . college will soon - begin work on the new, campus and erect a hall to cost 965,000. The .plan then calls for Se building of a woman's dormi tory to coat $35,000 and a men's dor. mitory to cost 330,000 and a library to cost . 320,000. ; The - project construc tion would extend, over a . period of 1 several years. ',..-!, ' Keattag Is Postponed. For the. reason that some opposition has sprung up the proposed meeting at MUwaukle scheduled for discussion of the proposition of erecting a union Ugh school building has been post poned tmtil June 21. There are seven school - districts concerned and - it is - understood that two of them have taken & stand against construction at the present time. WW Xet School Contract. Contract will be awarded within a couple of weeks for the erection of the ; proposed ' school at Cathlamet. 'Wash. The lowest bidder for the gen eral contract was B. O. Staein of As- :. toria. whose proposal - was la ' the ; neighborhood of - $6300.' Plnnegan ' Bros, of Portland were the lowest for plumbing on a bid of $2027. Baaca Veer Stanfleld Sold. - E. A. Baldwin of Portland has pur chased the Watts ranch near Stan field front, A. H.-Hlnkson for $58,000. The ranch is one of the largest alfalfa properties " on the irrigation project and contains 160 . acres. There are several hundred young pigs and brood sows which - were Included In the transfer. Bestdanee Cost 915,000. . Permit for the construction of a two story residence. building in the Boss mere addition at 1157 East Broad way, has been issued to E. A. Rankin, builder and owner. , The structure will cost $15,000. It Will occupy a two lot site. Warehouse About Completed. , V . The warehouse for Buchanan &' Co, at Hlllsboro, the largest in - Washing ton county. Is virtually completed and machinery wilt be installed in time to handle the coming crops.' :Th main building Is 50 by 120 feet and the bin room will contauv 65,000 . bushels of avenue as far south as Broadway. The plans may be 'filed ; with the council this week. :: , - 4 Andi.toxtn.rn . to Seat 3500. - At a conference held early las; week between . Whltebouse & Fouilhoux, lo cal architects representing - Freed lander A - Seymour, and the member9 of the city council, it was tentatively agreed that the main auditorium of the public auditorium should have a seating capacity of 3500 and a large stage 1 The stage will be- so con structed that . the largest operatic or theatrical, productions can be handled. The stage will be of such dimensions that 1500 people can be seated on it. Weed Catting Campaign.' . . . The annual - weed cutting campaign on the part of the city is on , but a system different from the one which obtained last year is bing followed. Instead of the city having vacant and unlovely - lots cleared of weeds and the cost - assessed to lot owners. Com missioner Dieck has two inspectors looking up the worst appearing prop erties in the . city. TEe owners In turn will be notified to clean UP,. If they fail to do bo their arrest for maintaining a nuisance will follow. Will Improve Beauty - Spot. Benson Park, which was given as a gift to the city last week by I Ben son, will be cleared of underbrush end arranged to care for visitors as soon as possible : according to plans out lined by Commissioner Brewster. Tables 'and benches will - be install! and a place to park automobiles con structed. In ; addition, trails .will be built and every step taken to make the beauty spots 'in the tract easy of access. -. ,. r. ..; :' - v'" -T: . newspapers 'Are Best. Hl Daily newspapers u for, real j estate advertising show - much better results than trade Journals, according to find ings of the New TorX Building Man agers association.' ;At a recent meetr ing of the organization- the anerttsf various advertising mediums, came up for discussion and the 5 general opinion was? expressed that the news papers were ; the , . best mediums In every way. Will Extend Water ataia. The extension of an eight inch water main to the Gregory Heights district is planned by Commissioner Daly . to replace the old four inch wooden main that was laid several years go by the company that promoted the settle ment of the addition. It purposes to start work in the near future. grain. One section of the building Is frost proof for tne storage of pota toes" and onions. It is situated near the depot. .;,.'. Activity at Arlington; Realty has been' moving well at Ar lington during the. last few weeks, and several bungalows will be built in the near future. - A Wheelhouse, is 'having ground broken for a $2500 bungalow; William Head is considering building a $2000 dwelling; N. U Nott has lum ber on the ground for his Washing ton street home; J.-Montague Is hav ing plans drawn for a house; J. Arn statt ia preparing to erect a cottage and Ralph and Dayton Lamoreaux will soon build a bungalow. The county Is soon to build a county exhibit build ing on the O-W. K, & N . depot grounds. . Deal at Vancouver. ; Among the large deals recorded at Vancouver during the spring is num bered a " trade between A.' B. Hatha way - and G. j H.; Kelleway,- involving property in tewis county, Washington, and Unn county, Oregon, valued at $35,000. Kelleway purchased Hatha way's 298 aero stock farm, at Crabtree. near Albany, and In return Hathaway accepted an 0 . acre Improved farm north of Vancouver, all stock and Im provements - and a ' cash - consideration, the amount of which was not divulged. Improvements along construction lines are' marked- at - Klamath Falls. The - foundation for, the $50,000 Elks temple is being laid and workmen soon will be at work on the superstructure. The county court bouse is being reno vated and reshingied. At Keno a two room ' school " house of the bungalow type is being erected and a new hotel is going up at Bonanza; : C T. Darley is owner of the building. In addition to its accommodations for guests the structure - will accommodate : the Odd Fellows lodge and a motion picture theatre. . VaiTendty Bunding-. : In another week the administration building of the University -of Oregon will be completed. .- The concrete .work is - already : finished. plasterers are putting on finishing touches and the marble walls, " hail and staircases are in place. Painters are now having their in nings - and when they and the floor layers finish t work the $90,000 build ing will have been complete. .- ' - ' Pumping Plant Planned. . Additional , Klamath oonnty acreage is to be brought under Irrigation this season. R. - Em mitt is installing a pumping outfit to Irrigate 1200 acres of land on the Keno road.' Pipes are now being laid and the .pumps will be electrically operated on power fur nished from Keno. Howard Boggs will put $0 choice acres under irrigation in the-lAngeU Valley.. 1 "Piret Class Sospital riannad. '.. The law appropriating $25,000 for the purchase of the Salem hospital buildings and part of the - site as an annex to the receiving building- of the state hospital for the insane, is now in effect. The hospital association plans to secure additional funds and erect a first class hospital. To Open School Bids. -." - . . . . . ' Bids for the erection of the Tiwaco school building will be opened by the school directors Wednesday. The structure will be two stories In height and will be of hollow tile construction. TourtelIotte-& Hummel, of Portland, are the architects. , - Wm BnCd ' Cottage. v ' ; T. .B. Winship has taken out a per mit for the construction of a cottage in Merlow's addition at 494 East Fifty second street north. - The estimated cost is placed at $2500. DillATd Bench Bold, " An- important' real : estate deal was completed at Roseburg when Mrs. SL M. Parker.f of Dillard, sold her - 320 acre ranch to , F. ; K. , Dodge, also of Dillard.-,-The ;ranch is adapted to gen eral farming and : fruit growing. The consideration was not made public. i-, 't i I r-' I Construction. Is tnow well ; advanced glish domestic design. 'The exterior any. The rooms of the .'second floor ; ' ",. r ti)J.,:H-. ,'v-.,v - on the $15,000 residence that is .being will be finished In; shakes and plaster, will be in white enamel. .The second V" ' .-.!.- .. - built for IX R. Monroe on Buena Vista The living room on the first floor .will floor-will-contain five large. bedrooms, ; Drive, on plans drawn by Jacobberger be 20 by . 28 feet In dimensions and two baths and a sleeping porch. The - i and Smith. The budding i will be 2 will be finished in white enameL The attic will : be made Into a large play- ' ) stories in height and of modern En-J dining hall will be finished. In -mahog- room; - . , , .V . j building: code revision meets Much opposition The campaign inaugurated by the ftre committee, of the Builders; exchange to secure revision of the building code to allow the erection of mill constructed buildings to the height of two stories in the inner' district Is meeting with more - determined opposition.: ' as ' the time approaches . for consideration by the council. r "', r -Xt-f the adjourned : meeting ; of the council Thursday the proposed changes were taken; up - by . the council and a number of code revielonists ..were-; on hand to argue for the changes request ed. The Ordinance was presented by Commissioner Dieck t and after: listen ing to the speakers .was taken . under advisement. It may come - up , again Wednesday. - - - - - ' t - - J. 'Ai Fouilhoux, xf the architectural firm of Whitehouse &. Fouilhoux as serted that there could be no objection to the proposed revision, from , the viewpoint of added fire hazard.: C. J. Hogue declared that buildings of the mill construction type can be built at a cost of anywhere from 16 to SO per cent less than fireproof structures of the same site. ; " ' Tand Owners Object. '- J E. B. MacNaughton went further and asserted, that property owners at pres ent are in many cases unable to , pay for fireproof buildings as demanded by the enforced code and argued' that there are vacant lots and dilapidated shacks in the . business section where with the code as suggested in force there would be new structures. Others who urged revision were Building Inspector Flum mer, Robert Strong and John F. Daly of the Title & Trust company. : : - In the meantime opponents to re vision, which include : some ef r the heaviest, property owners In the Inner district, have not4 been Idle. ' C. Lewis Mead, who represents them,' circulated a protest - which was i largely signed against adoption of , that part of the code . allowing .erection of : mill , con structed buildings. As a reason the protest says in part: 'f'-;;-.; "This revision would tend to advance the rate of ' insurance on structures that have been erected in keeping to a city beautiful, besides: many more objectionable features, and a restricted building district seems essential for BUNGALOW Another beautiful summer homo has been added to the steadily ' growing list of those owned .by well, known Portlanders in -the .surrounding coun try side,-places 'where one can enjoy the quiet: and pleasures of out of town life: and -still be within easy 4 riding distance 'of the city" and business. f. ' 'The ; latest addition to--the' summer home colony Is C. EL Bolds, of this city, who has just completed the erec tion of an attractive : log bungalow Which is tucked - away -en the -banks of the picturesque Tualatin ."where it Is crossed by- the ; Wilsonville ' bridge. The site is considered one of the mo at beautiful of the close, in locations and ls-lesshan half an hour's run by auto from the heart of iPortland.H:isf V-" Mr. Bolds secured the tract,! which comprises v0 acres, ; several years- ago and. since then ? has spent several thousand dollars improving it. .He has, however, taken - pains t not .to spoil the beauties of . its natural - state. - The property --has a frontage of .virtually half a mile along- one of the prettiest reaches of -the Tualatin. From the stream it stretches- back In to a solid mass of forest which hides , several ravines of rare scenic beautyii Sur rounding . the cottage ' are - a number of gigaa tie maple trees mingling with tall firs , and -hemlocks. There are several springs of. pure mountain wa ter ' on the property. -.; :--' ' -f - ' - Mr. Bolds has already cut a number of "trails through the tract and has parked -a couple of acres near the cot tagei Iater he plans to build a flsn pond in a ravine immediately back of r; rrz Sr.'. f-r"'v ,; ' ' ! ' ' ... Ufa , - - t , - -. . j the completion " of , any,' progressive city. " It is signed by ' the -following: C.' Lewis Mead,",' John E. Iwiv A. ;B. 8teinbach- H. tt. Plttock; 8. Benson, Theodore B. Wilcox, Ben Selling, Jour nal Building company, Gus Rosenblatt the Spauldlng company, ,U. M. C. Sllva of the Chamber -of Commerce building, F. Q. Downing,' the Multnomah : hotel, C "W. Cornelius an4 0Shea :Broa.' tjs In addition the protestants are mak ing inquiries: from other cities, con-: cernlng the success or non-success of the mill construction in business dis tricts' of other- cities. " Several letters have been received already from other communities, air unfavoarble to the plan. Including one from T. Josenhans, superintendent of buildings for - Seat tle. .Josenhans says in part: ; i I consider it an? injustice to the people' living in any established build ing district to change -the-requirements from time to time unless such changes are advocated and requested .by those who have already complied with OEdi- " MHUmilftU ... DUOII UWV AVI,- ''." ''Zphtag If Allowed. " "J ' Tfn our "city, about two years ago. a slight change was allowed in regard to buildings in the fire district. An ordinance was passed allowing buiidV ings not over- two stories in height to be .constructed - of mill or, semi-fire proof construction, in which all . floors! and 'partitions were to be laminated jor solid wood construction,' plastered upon the woodwork by means of metal lathe,' so as to avoid all spaces bv which fire could obtain a hold. This change, how-H ever, I reel to have been unnecessary, as it was taken advantage of by own ers ;of property who were abundantly able to build . according to the previous requirements In this district. , As -a matter of fact,' the buildings- were not constructed by owners, but. by ' lessees who had no' permanent tenance. on the ground, and the buildings were con structed at the expense of the tenant and not of the landlord. iT should advise going Tery slowly in regard to. lowering the requirements of welt established districts. -as in my opinion it is an Injustice: to those who have already conformed' to -the build ing ordinances."' ' v ; HASl Fl N E SITE the cottage and build some rustle seats among the' trees that shore ' the river. ' The bungalow ' Is ' built on lines for comfort. A long . veranda . la ' built along its- en tire jfront and a prgola porch; on i the west exposure ; adds k to BUILDING PERMITS -Kettle' Rankin Erect '2 story frame dwell ins, Broadway between SOth and Otb; builder E. A. Rankin, 313,000. . - - City of . Portland Beoair "' 4 atory - fireproof tee! frame - build isg, city ball. 4th, 6th, Jef ferson - and t Madisoa-. sU. ; builder, EdwK , X Barrett. - $40.----.v-v''.. v.t- -: .;'''--'; Cloaaet Realty Co Repair 2 atory brlek or dlnary trallding, Morrison betweaa. 2d aod lat; boilder, F. X. IDonx. $4000. : - - ? -. - Henry Waldo OoeKract 1 atory frame, gar. age. Royal Court, between B. . Everett aad Oliaaa; builder, tame, $150. 1 j Dr. J. , A. : roltoa Repair 2' atory frame dwelling N.-. 19th between Sarier aad Thar man: builder. 8. - B. Lewia. 360. . W. H.. CbrisfJana Krect 1 atory frame gar. age, B. 3d between Scnuyler and Uaacock; builder, tame, $iqo. : ..... .i. . , : Miss Zlgler-4-Krect temporary grandstand. N, W. corner-17th and Morriaoa sta.; ballder, H B. Klbler, 350. -; R. P. Lyttle Bepeir 4. atory brick ordinary apartmenta, Ixyrejoy between ISta . and i&U ; builder,. MeHolland Bros.. $150. ..... . T. B. Wlnnbip Erect 1 atory frame dwell ing,. G. B2d between Sacramento and Tbomp aon; ballder ,vaame, 32500. - - , - T. . Tbompaon Repair 1 atorr frame dwelluis, ' E. Taylor between 22d and 23d; builder, aanac, 35uO. - . . A. C. Miller Krect 1 story - frame chicken bouae, Miasisaippl between Farracut and Ter ry; -. builder,, same. 3100. , ' A. H. Brown Erect 1 atory frame- garage. Flake between. Oberlln, aad Lombard; builder, day work. 350- - , v.,.;.- . . W. 8. WyraoTe Repair 2 atory frame dwell ing. W. Jeaaup between Campbell aod Concord; builder, aame, 3400. . Max Fielachner Erect grandstand. S. W. earner. Balmon . and . Park . at. ; builder,- Wn. K. Moore. $30... ; .. - ,:--. -:-:,: .-,. WILL ENTERTAIN VISITORS . Seattle realty men, as well as those of Portland,- are hard at work prepar ing to receive - and entertain visiting realty men from the east who will visit' the northwest after July 1 en route to their, homes after attending the annual convention oft the national association at:Xxs Angeles.', -' v-' -.-..-..r-V.- . Among : the delegations 'which : will visit here and at Seattle are those of Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis and Bos ton. At Thursday's meeting here Presi dent Taylor announced the personnel of committees which will 'have charge of the entertainment of the i various vis itors here and the same was done at Seattle. . . .' - . :x Two Houses 'Under . Ckxnstructlon. A $2504 residence is being built for the' Metropolitan Investment -company at 439 jsast nrty-eigntn street nortn, ana anotner at 433 in -tne same-block. Both structures will be a story and s naif -In height.; ON TUALATI N its '- attractiveness, i 7 Window ; V boxes filled with fjowers add their touch te the general . effect outside, while the interior. Is graced with a-huge country fireplace. In addition - to f a sitting room and dining room there are two bedrooms' a: bath and kitchen, : 'j- The new -' $100,000- i administration building for the University of Oregon, which, will , be completed by- 'July, 1, will - not- be - dedicated until - early Jn the fall after college has begun. This Is the first definite.: statement slnco the construction was begun more than seven i months ago. f However, . the building probably will be open for in spection during the flatter part --of commencement week. ' '. , CONTRACTS LET , AND Will Can for Bids. , ' ' . Bids will be called for very soon -for the construction" of : a story, brick and .1 mill constructed ; building which will' go up at the southeast -corner of Davis and ; Broadway for "W. H. 'Wal lace, ' The structure will be occupied by the local branch of the Fisk :;:Tire company, and-will -cost. $6000.;, A few months ago - the Fisk people contem plated a - long -. term lease on a struc ture that was to be built on Burnside street, but the deal fell ' through. Building V Construction of -the Mason Khrrnan warehouse ' at," Fifteenth: and Overton streets '.'soon, will be actually under way. The -excavations have been made and foundations, are being placed pre paratory to the erection of the super structure; - The cost of the building is estimated at $35,000. James P. Taylor has the-- " general contract and the plans and specifications were made by Doyle & Patterson. The building will be three-stories high. to Bnfld SohooL 'Bids are now being received by the Hwaco school board for the construc tion ' of the proposed : $25,000 school building for 'which plans were; drawn by . Tourtellotte & Hummel ; of this city. Bids will be reecived until 1:30 of the afternoon of June 17. : : The structure will ber two stories in height of hollow, tile, construction and cement stucco exterior finish.?. It will be 143 by Tt feet in dimensions and will con tain 12 rooms In addition to an as sembly nail. . , r t wortland Ttem. Gets - Contraet. " W. a. Kraner Co, of this city, has been awarded the contract for. the con structlon of the "proposed municipal electric lighting , plant at Kllensburg, Wash, on a bid of $58,500. The con tract calls for the erection of a single story reinforced concete power house among other., things.. Kraner & Cos pi-9Poeal also-Includes the Installation oi equipment. . .. :. - ; ':; Alteration Contract Xet. ' Contracts for ' making ; extensive - al terations In ' the two -story building at the northeast corner f Sixth and Alder- streets ? preparatory : to occupancy by the : Wonder MiUlnery company has been let to A. W Kutsche. Plans were prepared by MacNaughton Jk Ray. mond. -j The proposed changes call for replacement of the ground floor-wall by plate glass windows -among other things. .v: - s.-?;t.--. : - - Starts) la - en Woxk.' ' ' ; ;-"' i f fe;- ' J. A Backstrand, : who was Swarde4 the contract by Tourtellotte & .Hum mel,' has started to .-Install concrete footings and., foundation work for the Sunday school annex ' . to the - First Methodist church at Twelfth and Tay lor streets. . Plans for .the three story structure will be completed in about two weeics when-bids will be called for the j $40,000 structure. .. . Contract Xor Changes Xet. - " - Contract for making changes and repairs-, te the two story building at First and Morrison streets has been let to LeDoux A .IeDonx. The work will Include the eosstmetkm of a new roof' and: installation of a store front and the estlniated cost Is $3500. "-: tmdes .. ConstxaatSon. :-" A story end a half dwelling house which . will cost $3200, Is being built at 420 Ains worth avenue. E. F. Balge man has the contract. The structure is being erected for A Albrecbt. REALTY TRANSFERS : F. W. Watera amid wlfa to KiDe Bnrk- -. ltt, U. U CoooeU.Creat Park$ ;.10 C. A. Taylor and wife to C. W. Kllppei, U 8, B. 145 Bona City Park 4 10 Geo. B. Jacobs and wife te Joaenb E. yorestet. U ft, 10, B. 2.. W. J. Pat- ' ton'a Bub B. "1." M. Patton tract. . f JO Mlaa Clara V.' Fleming to Mr, dariaa .. . v D. Clark, 1. 6i B. 0,'Park ad. to aW bine ' 10 Baae Line Iand Co. to Elizabetb Ue-J aarvey. Nly 120 feet fc. 6. B. , Weat ' ever Terracea .... . 10 B. 3. Hart to Nancy Hart Uebe, N. - 25 feet 3. B. 3, VaU; atoo tract in s ' ' I. D. Pretty man, D. It. C. in See. B, . :. T. I S.. 8. S B. 10 J. E. Bates- and wife to Robert H. . SnarinKbooaea, 24,'- B. 10, Arte t a Park No. 3 ....... i. '-, 10 J. K. Bi tea and wife, to Robert U. . . Sbartngnoosea, t 7, B. 3, Weat Pied-" ' moot .....i.....;. i : 10 Title c Trvt Oo. to Wellesley Lend Co., U , B. 11. Wellesley; U 25, B. ' 18, Argyla Park 10 The Weat St Johns Lead Co. to So- - phi 8rtmltbeis-May. JU. 12, 13, B.- ,-. ' ' 10. Whf twood Court '10 T. M. -Hnrlbwrt, aherlff, to A. John- - atoo, Im 1, w. 4. UMneyrie ao.. ...... . i,a BelTa t. Kinporta to Jobs P. Wrlsbt.. Lb 15, B. 12. Piedmont 10 Mary E. Elder and - howband to JnMa, : Noon. U 30, B. 122. CnJeraify Park 300 Leo Swett and wife to Krits Bitte et i ; al, V. 15. B. "A." pvaiwaya Una. . ; ef Bierriew ad... ....... i 1,700 P. P. Uaboey and wife to Cbriatiaa H. H. Cook, L, 6, T, 8. B. , tioodtell ' ad.' . . . ....... i. .x. . -.. . ........,. . ... 10 Proldent Tmrt Co.. to H. H. Bbodea, ; L. , B. 128, Boee-wty Park 10 As yetTlt fie 'Botz known' to whom the building will be dedicated. The structure, 75x105 feet, consists or two stories and a basement con structed of ; red brick , and terra cotta with a granite base. s. The framework is - reinforced . concrete. The building is situated on Thirteenth' street oppo site the library. Six massive Ionic pillars support the structure in the front. :-v:-.; , , , .... i" BUILDINGS PLANNED Warren ton School Building. 0 Contract for the construction of the proposed school building at Warren ton was awarded to the Alameda Con struction 1 company of this city on a bid of $11,400. The plumbing contract went to M..N. Sadler. Plans for the structure i were prepared by Tourtel lotte Hummel , of this city: and the bids were opened June 10. The struc ture : will be two stories high, , r - . .- Win Build One Btory Souse, ' , Benedict ; Brothers have a contract to,, build for ' the Tabor Investment company ' a single . story - residence ; at 2612 East Forty-seventh: street The esUmated. cost, is $1500. - - Building for 'Own TTse. ; . W;- O. Munson has started ' the con structlon of a $2000 residence for his own use at 437 East Forty-fifth street. - The structure will be of bun-, galow design and of frame construc tion, ' ; ,y- . -, . Win Build 96S0O Twetllng. O. Eastman : has started the con structlon of a $3504 dwelling bouse I at 624 , XAurel avenue. ' ' Tbe structure will be two stories high and of frame construction.-- WSX Zreet -H. E, Miller' has the contract for the erection: of a $1500 residence ! at 36C-Lombard street for F. H. Hoeneu The bungalow design will be followed, Besldenoe to Cost 9X500. $1500 is the estimated cost of a res idence that - Is being erected - by El. Lindqulst for H. 1. Bayle at 985 ast Eighteenth street north. - Tbe build ing will be one story high. . j. Starts ' Work on Bungalow. . -. : J. a. Gross has started the erection of : a bungalow at 307 Bast Fifty-first street, which will cost $1500. . Asylum Contract St. - F. TV Crowe & Co of -this city, have been awarded the -contract for fur nishing all reinforcing -steel tor tbe tore story reinforced concrete wiing to tbe eastern Oregon branch asylum Practical Information HK" Ir Home Owner arid Beaver Board TIMMS CRESS & CO. ' X84- 3MCOJa r, POBTIATO , ' ghenes Main B083 ' A'8033 J. C. English Co. Lighting Fixtures . ' zv Irving aad TXxden Ave; : raetory to Oonsumer . SHOPE BRICK CO. 303"XA8T KOBJUSOV : ST. , .-. Will build you a beautiful brick homo at the cost of a wooden one. CAW AHB lit tjs now, tot. General .Insurance BONDS McCar&ar, Bates c Lively Yeon Bulldine Main 158. A-2694 Union Abstract Co. EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT "- EFFICIENT CLERICAL FORCB PRICES REASONABLE. 411-413-413 COBBZTT BXJ90. V Phones Mala and A-3817 Your Home should be built by a reliable buHdtr. H. R. ICIBLER ! 1104 E. TattUUU St. moss, B-rt1 .; The first floor contains eight class rooms and offices for four, administra tive officers. The lecture room is said to be one of -the most unique on the coast," accommodating 190 people, and furnished ; With; a' full else stage. 22x 23 feet. The. second floor in furnished with the administrative offices. 1 The Boyajohn,- Arnold and company have been in charge of construction. at Pendleton." ' The contraet wai awarded by Olsen & Johnson, the gen eral contractors, who are now erecting the $100,000 structure. TACOMA RENTALS HIGHEST Not so . many . weeks ago it was charged -that-Portland "enjoyed" high business store rentals the, highest on the coast, so some , sald- but . now ccmes -along' Tacoma with the asser tion that business store rentals there are ' approximately 1 6-7 per cent higher than other cities of the coun try of larger population and trade radius, which of course includes Port land. Tacoma's findings are based on first reports of a schedule of compari sons being prepared by Secretary George Woodbridge of the Rotary club of Tacoma. The question was taken up to ascer tain on Just what sort of a foundation the highest rent charge as applied to the . Queen City was based. Letters were forwarded to 30 cities of popula tions ranging from 100,000 to 1 50,000 and to New York and Phlledelphla. The method of determining the ren tal . charge percentage was based on the - rental of three of the choicest business locations in Tacoma, the property sise being figured at 20x100 feet. The Tacoma average rental for 20 feet frontage In these choice sites was $500 a month, which, with- the population placed at 100,000 and a trade radius of the city estimated at 20 miles, gave a 3 per cent rental charge there. , The average rental charge.for sim ilar choice corner locations ' of the same frontage In the seven' cities of, Pittsburgh, Syracuse, Cedar Rapids,! Hartford. Philadelphia, Akron, Ohio! and Duluth, has been found to be 4 2-7 per cent. - Philadelphia's per cent ia 1.2 for 2,000,000 population, a trad? radius of 25 miles and an outside population pf another 2,000,000. ' Ranch Changes Hands. . William A. Adams of this city has just completed the purchase of a 423 acre ranch six miles east of Sutherlin, for-wbich he paid $14,800. . The prop erty was owned by Kd McCallum. ' Adams will take Immediate possession : of his place and plans to make exten elve Improvements. ( u Pacific IronVorl: rOBTXAJtrX, OBZOOK, Structural Steel Plant 'FOUNDRY ' Mar. 3713, A-:9L Jhe QregcnHcz3n:!::3 O. K. JEFFERTJ Pres. ' Build you a home on terms Xike-reaU Any .part of the city. , 1330 Borthwestern Bank rij. Rector Sysfeii: A Perfect House-Heariner Svatem Economical to Operate Portland Gaa c CcLs Cc. SUPERIOR SERVICE BEST QUALITY IVL L. lOLir JE Wbolesaler, TaulUaaa Flnmt Izg aa : Ssatinr usterlal. 84-8-87-89 FRONT STHECT Zfnene SOaJa 160S TITS Morgan Vallpapcr Cc. WALLPAPER 330 Seeond St Bat. Salmon and I:". ICalaznine Iron Doers c : HcIIov Uztzl A'in'-Jav." Uaanfactnrad Yy J " P TT 4 ? ...- . Tt - ' ZZX&