nrc , onzGOii suiiday jotmiiAL FOirrLAiro, stnroAY .tiownwa juiiz' 12, mi ROSE FESTIVAL DAYS WERE OROWDFD WITH BRI I I.IANT PAGEANTRY' . . f I . ., If '0--"; ' ' ll ' f " --'1 . ... .1 r; . . ' -' j- I 't ! ' ir Z' 1 yWJ 'U" - i-bservioncar float, one of the features f theextensive participation in the military, fraternal and industrial parade by the O-W. R. &. -N.; company. In the foreground is the automobile carrying President J. D. Farrell and other officials of the railroad bybil, president Ornery , Olnuad ortheRose Testtval association and a group of the Elackfoot Indians from Montana, irhowere S'speeUl- fetival'attraction;'-:3 A few of the mail carriers whose flower and flag decked mail bags constituted a' striking 4 bcene at the coronauoof Queen Sybil; 5 Little girls, 250 strong, who participated in the festival as human-rosebuds and who were drilled by Professor Robert Krohn; 6 Decorated car entered in the floral parade by Mrs. Guy W. Talbot and winner - Mr. and Mrs. .WiUum O.'iVaa Sckyref in- dtWKted ranabout, awarde4 fint priz ia kj dasr: g-Tciric cr-cf Ms Hesxhlti TilUrr, isar cf second r"ze-(riot02ra:h ty Dcdiari). ' . - (Photograph by Weistcr); 2 feature of Friday morning's of third prize in touring car -0-. far;